yourecitten · 3 days
focus on the 4d
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All is already existing in the present, now moment we call 4D. It's just that your 3D physical mind and ego can't process, grasp, or understand that you have it in that moment. That's all the "delay" is. Because once it appears in your 4D consciousness, your 3D experience will have to conform. So yes once you claim it in the 4D, it is already yours in that moment.
I know that it can be hard for our minds to understand that nothing matters in the 3d but it's the truth. you can experience anything right now, in this moment in the 4d and the 3d has no choice but to reflect it.
identify yourself as the person who has it because you are and just know that it comes to the 3d. it doesn't matter anyway right? you don't want that thing, you don't need it because you can give it yourself at any given moment but yea, it's gonna come to the 3d at any given moment.
and remember, it's oke to have doubts you just need to learn how to get back to the state. take a deep breath, don't be hard on yourself, and remember who tf you are :)
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dollfaceirene · 2 months
"but it's not here yet :("
What if i told you that your imagination (a.k.a your 4D) dominant thoughts = your reality and should be your source of validation, not the 3D.
Now i understand that you've been used to the 3D being your whole life, heck, we were told that circumstances were out of our control. I understand how changing your belief of the 3D being your main source of validation to your thoughts can be odd and confusing.
But now that you know about the law of assumption, you now know that your 4D dominant thoughts = materialises your 3D, not the other way so absolutely nothing can stop you from getting what you want (because how can anything take away what's already yours?)
Now lets talk about persisting, what is persisting you may ask?
Persisting: continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition (stolen from the google definition)
The act of persisting, in terms of manifestation, is staying true to your desires and acknowledging/affirming that you have whatever you want.
So let's connect all the dots from this post. Since the 4D is your source of validation (not your 3D) and you should persist & stay consistent to whatever your manifesting, why are you seeking validation from your 3D?
It can be hard to stop seeking validation & evidence of your desires from your 3D so think of it this way, (the classic mirror anaology by riyaama on desired reality cherry amino)
Clothes = your desires/thoughts Mirror = 3D (a.k.a a reflection) You changing your clothes = 4D
Whatever you change your outfit to, your outfit will always be reflected NO MATTER WHAT. Notice how it's not your reflection influencing you to chose your outfit. The mirror didn't decide it, it was YOU who decided it and it was reflected in the mirror.
The 3D practically conforms to you like an obedient child, you are in control, it was neverrr the 3D.
Okay so this is the end of the post and what i want you to get from this post is that you are always in control and you should start seeking validation from your 4D.
Finding it hard? Here's some tips
⋆ work on your self concept
⋆ affirm on you seeking validation from your 4D (e.g. affirming you only seek validation from your inner reality)
⋆ keep persisting! remind yourself it's all worth it and that if other people can manifest whatever, than so can you. You are not an anomaly
⋆ you will still be manifesting regardless so wouldn't you rather persist in thoughts that will actually benefit you and manifest your desire?
stay limitless yall! xoxo, irene
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cairoswrld · 2 months
yap session except i’m passionate and i want you to live your dream life bc i can’t promise you a second chance at this life thing!! mwah
how many times are you going to consume loa content, get yourself excited all to procrastinate, deny yourself your desires, place everything else on a pedestal and waste another year wishing things were different?
no your dreams aren’t "too much", "too ambitious" "to unrealistic" when they are people that blow up and their whole lives change, people become overnight billionaires, globally recognised artists, randomly recruited models. – half of the people you sit there and admire, started with a desire or a hope just like you. the difference between you and them, is that they surrendered to that hope, to things working out for them.
"idk how i’m going to get there but i will" and they do. - no circumstance is to big because there are people all around you to prove otherwise. no circumstance is to big and you know that because you sit there reading about others getting their desires, wishing that it were you.
where is thinking about things not working out going to get you? is it fun to think that things won’t work out? who cares if it didn’t in the past, are we in the past ? keep the past where it is, bc the only thing that keeps you reliving your past is you thinking about it. notice how you suffer more in your head than irl? dead the old story. does it contribute to your happiness? abundance? dreams? no? then it’s not your business.
there’s so much information out there on the law, it is a promise to you that you are guaranteed what you want, all you have to is THINK in your favour.
in a world where the sky turns yellow, government officials confirm extraterrestrial life on earth, a whole bunch of individuals are said to be billionaires, people are becoming millionaires solely off their social media accounts, so much - you’re telling me you can’t get your sp? you can’t join that group of billionaires? you can’t manifest your desired appearance? there are aliens on earth and you’re telling me you can’t manifest your desired appearance? 😭
honestly the same way you can ignore the good things in your life, now do the same with your current 3D circumstances. it’s not your business.
and then decide today, what you want and decide that it’s yours, will be yours whatever. - time isn’t even real.
and then you live your life, and if you get a thought against your desire, cool it has nothing to do with you. you see negative circumstances pop up? great circumstances change all the time what does it matter to you? feeling anxious or doubtful? that’s fine bc as long as you can remind yourself it’s yours, go lay down and self soothe. - what you think a feeling that will fade away eventually is going to stop you from getting your desire? crazy.
the law of assumption is a pinky promise to you that all you have to do to achieve a life you love to live, is think and assume and expect everything in your favour. that’s it. and stay there. know it’s your. - what’s the harm in thinking otherwise? exactly.
@cairoswrld - anyways i need to make my blog look more pretty, the venusian in me is unsatisfied 🙁
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ssirenah · 4 months
Reason and Logic are a limit, you are limitLESS.
Stop using logic. Stop making reasons why things are the way they are, because they will just limit you, especially when you want to change your assumptions or declare a new reality.
What I mean is, instead of going;
"Why don't they invite me with them? They must not like me, maybe I should wear more makeup and eat ninety-nine carrots per day like they do and I can fit into their group! I hope they like me!!"
Try going;
"They don't like me? Lol. Now they do."
See how much simpler the second example was? No overcomplicating, no making yourself confused because you're trying to make it make sense, no limiting. It just IS what it IS. There is no actual reason for ANYTHING, reason and logic are illusions, and it's just as easy to toss them out the door instead of trying to justify everything. No. You have what you want. That's it. No "because XYZ," no "how can I have it all if...." no reason. You just have what you want.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 3 months
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💋Being me , it's pretty sweet
👝I am a true beauty , A TRUE GODDESS ! I am a universally recognized GODDESS !!
💋I am the popular pretty girl. I live the life of a popular pretty girl on a daily basis.
👝I am popular in both real life ( school , university etc) & social media for my looks, personality and godess aura !
💋I have healthy thick soft and silky hair. Everyone wants hair like me.
👝My skin is always glowing.
💋I am surrounded by friends who always support and uplift me My life is better than a kdrama.
👝If I were a true beauty character , I would obviously be the prettiest and most gorgeous out of them all. ( credits to baejincafe )
💋I am the proof that pretty privilege exists and I am enjoying it
👝My beauty is reminiscent of true beauty's art style coming true.
💋Everyone says that I look exactly like a true beauty character
👝My fashion is elegant . Everyone admires my style.
💋I radiate goddess vibes . Everyone treats me like a goddess
👝I am everyone's crush at first sight.
💋I found my own Seojun / Suho
👝I have people who love me for me
.💋I have the brightest teeth and cutest laugh.
👝Both my face and body are gorgeous!!
💋I go to cute restaurants , cafes , trips , shopping , arcades and other hangout spots with my friends.
👝I am popular on both social media and real life !
💋I experience soft kdrama / Mahwa moments in real life
👝I am talented in make up.
💋I have a softie it girl aura.
👝I always look put together.
💋I love life and life loves me back.
👝My face is ethereal and feminine.
💋My make up skills are top tier
.👝I am extremely photogenic and videogenic.
💋I am kind of used to people being friendly or receiving princess treatment or you could say I am used to being popular.
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lunarmystic · 4 months
A quick message…
Manifesting is easy! You don’t need to do any special method or be in a certain state all the time.
All you got to do is let go!
The 3D circumstances are temporary, events always change, and if you trust the change is there, then it will be there.
So don’t think about how, when and all that… just assume it will come!
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venusvxen · 10 months
So i think I truly understand what “walk around as if you have it means”…
My biggest thing w the law is making the 3D an 4D align harmoniously bc i’ve deff had times when i would ignore the 3d or be scared of what it would show me.. but after this post i had a little epiphany. I started thinking about how the 3d is truly old news just like i kept dwelling on in my meditation and how i should not walk around desiring in a shadow world bc it’s (1) old and (2) not my (inner man’s) world.
however, that doesn’t mean ignore all my responsibilities it just comes with a newer and more refined sense of self. think ab it. if i know who i am… i won’t be actively avoiding my responsibilities and the world bc i won’t care what i see.. it can’t knock me off my horse bc (1) it’s not my world [the inner man’s world ((inner man resides in the 4d))] and (2) nothing i see can take away from the fact that I am who i claim to be in the real world… within the world of imagination…
let’s say you’re manifesting a dream job but have a shit job you hate in the 3d. you wouldn’t actively dread going to work or stop going to work completely or fear any news that comes up ab your dream job bc you know the 3d isn’t the end all be all.. you know it isn’t your world.. you know it isn’t where things happen…. you do know however that you HAVE that job in imagination meaning there’s nothing more for you to do. everything else in the 3d is old news.. it’s already been taken care of. you won’t walk around fearful or constantly anticipating bad news bc you’ve appropriated the mindset of this new person who truly has what they want.. the circumstances don’t exist to them.. but even if they persist in the 3d you’re indifferent and not spiraling bc the whole point is acknowledging that the 3d is not your world.. the real world.. and so anything you see in here should not be throwing you off your game.. bc it’s not the real world.. it’s the past and imagination is the present.
Obviously when i speak of “you” here i speak of the inner man. the one who appropriates all states anyway
practicing this mentality has helped me detach from desires just a bit and go about my day… i talked about it a bit more in this post but lmk what y’all think
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crows-spells · 2 years
Manifesting prompt:
If i woke up tomorrow and everything was perfect, what would my life look like?
For this exercise, you will need your notes app on your phone, a pencil and paper or whatever writing method you like best
You are to forget all circumstances and situations. What would tomorrow be like if it could be completely and fully ideal? Time, money, the past are not factors. Just write about your day, it can be from whatever perspective (first/second/third person) or tense (past tense future tense present tense) you prefer and it can be long or short.
I suggest that you kinda “live in that feeling” for a bit but just writing it down in order to really get a picture of what it is you want is the main purpose and that’s what is going to help you because now you know exactly what to imagine, assume, and live by.
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nailisaa · 4 months
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! its finally 2024 for me as of 46 minutes ago lmao. i wish all of you the very best!!🤍🤍
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loa-lightt · 7 months
The world is feeling clothed in symbolic form. I’ve never really understood what that meant, until just the other day I was thinking, if this is all reflecting me then that means everything I see, every interaction, every day is all just reflecting my inner world. Yesterday I was feeling miserable and enslaved by my senses. And what do you know, things kept happening that made me feel powerless. Why? Because the world was just showing me the state of my “I” the real me. Everything is caused by you. You are cause Itself. Give yourself the freedom to express what you desire in imagination and watch the world show you the wonderful things you are doing within yourself. Do not be afraid of the 3D, for shadows cannot move on there own.
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yosoyiconic · 1 year
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got bored and asked chatgpt about loa
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yourecitten · 2 days
You only need yourself
You don't need anything from the 3d because everything is within you.
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You need nothing else other than what is already in you. The 3D simply shows what you give relevance to because everything is consciousness. The 3D is simply a reflection of what you focus your attention on. So do not worry about 3D. Your desire exists in your consciousness and that is enough to bring it to 'physical' fruition. Our imagination is the only thing that matters. What you focus your attention on, you will manifest. However this manifestation could happen quickly and smoothly, or it could happen through a series of events in the 3D, but it will happen nevertheless. So you don't need to focus on the 'time' that it may take in the 3D because your consciousness is the only cause and the only creation. So trust the process, trust the imagination, and trust the result. It is not 'maybe', it is 'surely'.
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ant111fragile · 1 year
hi! i'm a new blog. i'm new to the community. i really wanna help people.
i know it can be tiring to answer loads of questions, especially repetitive ones.
if you want encouragement and in-depth answers, shoot me an anon! i'd be happy to help. ask me anything, the void, methods, etc!
do you mind posting this ask? thank you so much! i hope to become friends in the near future. ;]
np dear ;) I hope you have a good time here<3
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cairoswrld · 2 months
you’ll notice that the key to manifestation is always along the lines of "detachment", "wish fulfilled", "living in the end" etc. - and you’ll also notice that they all come down to the feeling of knowing. knowing that its yours, that its coming whatever tense you wanna use. THATS ALL YOU NEED TO DO.
i guess finally implementing the law has made me feel so silly for all those times i spent over consuming content that was saying the same thing over and over again, because it’s so easy.
when they say your desires want you back, they mean it. you wouldn’t want it if it wasn’t meant for you. there is nothing, absolutely nothing you have to do other than decide, trust and move on and live your life.
decide. trust and know that it is yours. live your life. that’s all. and it will fall in place perfectly. i pinky promise.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
Hey, just wanted to check in and see if you're okay! 🙂
Omg Hi 💖! Ty for asking , so sweet of you@magic-irl 🎀💗I'm okay. I took a break from tumblr , I will be inactive till March I will come back in April - June 💫💖
Take care 💖
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positivitycity · 9 years
Hi! Just stumbled on your blog and I love it already! When can we expect your post/thoughts about "attracting specifics"? Can't wait!
Thanks for the love, love! I’m working on it now, so it will probably be done by days end.
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