#love how danceracha is in the center
mysteriousz · 1 month
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74/∞ SKZ | Lose My Breath - choreography teaser
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maximumkillshot · 5 months
You Earned It!
Warnings: Fluff, of the tooth rotting variety
Pairing: None
Characters: Chan, Felix, Kate, Minho, Yeji
I Can't Lose You Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
A/N: idklols asked:
Hey so my best friends bday is tmrw (Jan 17th) and so I don’t have any money so I’ve resorted to this (no offense I’ve read a story from u and it’s rlly amazing) but my bsf is in love with bang Chan (she also likes Felix) so i was wondering if you could make bangchan give her a surprised bday? (Also her name is Kate!! Tysm ig you get around to it!!)
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Chan POV:
I have been trying to set this up for weeks and finally it’s happening. I hear my phone ring and I answer, balloons in hand. 
“Hey, have you heard from Kate yet?” I heard Felix ask. I could hear the background filled with activity as I loaded the car.
“Nothing aside from a good morning text, Yeji said that they were going on a shopping spree for her birthday, the others in Kate’s group are with them too. All Kate knows is that you, I and the boys are going to have a birthday dinner for her.”
I could hear the smile on his face as he said, “She has no clue this is going to be great,” I laughed with him as he said, “I just called to say the cake and brownies are almost done and Minho is getting started on prepping for dinner. So we are all on track over here.” 
I breathed a sigh of relief as I said, “Ok thanks Lix. I still have a few things to do. Then I’ll head over to decorate with Hannie and Hyunjin.” After I hung up I started the car and went on my way to grab some party favors. Kate has known us for a while. She was very young when we met, Barely past 10 years old. She was an aspiring idol. Just after we debuted, Kate came up to me in the practice room one day and introduced herself. I remember thinking how mature she was. 
She spoke with authority and confidence. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to learn, mature, adapt, and make it in this industry. I have always loved cultivating and teaching idols to do what they love, so when she asked me to mentor her, I was more than eager to help out. I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years. Now she has her own group that she leads. Their group is honestly astounding. The music is positive and uplifting, the moves are addicting, and much like my group, 98% of it is done by the members.
 After I pick up the favors I head to the DanceRacha house. The minute I park I am met with the members opening doors and grabbing items. I make my way in to find the space transformed into party central. The music is on low and Felix is filling a little table to the side with the sweets, including a cake that looked amazing, done by him, of course. Off to the other side of the living room are the beverages, and dead center is the dining table decorated in Kate’s favorite color. 
We also had a giant present pile over to the side. I made sure to put mine a little more forward in the pile. 
After I helped with the balloons I sent out the text to remind everyone that they had to park a little farther away to keep it a surprise. I had no clue why I was nervous. Maybe it had to do with the present. So many gifts were lavish, Louis Viton and Givenchy being bigger names in the pile. I don’t know if what I got was enough. 
Finally, once everyone was in it was time to have Yeji bring Kate back to the dorm. At the five minute mark we all took our positions, hiding well out of the way. The anticipation ramped up, to the point of us giggling every time we heard a car pull up. We get a knock at the door and Minho goes to open it non-chalantly. As soon as Kate walks in everyone pops up yelling “Surprise!!” That part took Kate off guard but she was tearing up and thanking everyone as she walked in. I was so excited for the presents. I really think that she’ll like it. 
After a few hours of food, dancing, and chatting, we got to blowing out the candles on the cake. After everyone got a slice she started opening presents. Some of them were amazing, designer purses, wallets, and glasses to match (Obviously Felix’s), all the way to designer belts, dresses, red bottom heels. The more of these I saw the more I wanted to just put my little envelope of a present back into my pocket and hide in the back. 
Before I could, she opened it. Minho demanded that she read it out loud. She started.. “Happy Birthday Kate!, I remember when I met you 5 years ago. You were a 10 year old promising talent. I remember you asking me if you had what it took to do what I do. I could see immediately that you had it. You work hard, you strive for perfection, and most of all, you always are willing to learn. I am so proud of you. You are a fantastic leader..” At that point I saw tears forming in her eyes as I smiled. 
She kept going, “You have an amazing heart, eye for talent, and not not mention you always are focused. You told me at that time, you wanted to be mentored by me. That you wanted to know if you made it or not from me only…” She looked up at me and I was fighting tears myself.
“That’s why I am happy to tell you that come your legal age, your group will be signed under our label. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Congratulations Kate! You made it! Happy Birthday!-Chan” She started sobbing along with her group. She didn’t know but I saw every move she made, and she’s ready, all of them are. That’s why I was rushing today. I went to my manager yesterday and we found the perfect manager for her group. We drew up the contracts today, which left me not a lot of time to finish the decoration hunt. 
A few seconds later I was taken out of my reminiscing by Kate thumping into my body, wrapping her arms around me as she said thank you… All I could say was “For what? You earned it!” 
It was true, she did earn it. The hours of practice, the drive to succeed. That was all her. Now comes the hard part, I know she’ll be fine though. I’ll always be here for her, I know she’ll be okay. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what you see? TELL ME SO
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still-astray · 2 years
Sophie meets Chan and is invited to join Stray Kids
(November 2021)
genre: fluff
word count: 644
warnings: none!
At two in the morning, the practice room should have been deserted. But someone was still there.
A very aggravated someone, from the sounds reaching Bang Chan’s ears as he passed the room.
Curious, he stopped and stood by the open door. Recognizing the young girl’s voice as Sophie Caldwell, a talented trainee he’d heard about through the JYP grapevine, he decided to see what was going on.
“No!” Sophie huffed at her mirror reflection in frustration, reverting to English. “You stupid arm, you’re supposed to go this way! Not that way!”
Crossing the room, she paused the music- which Chan recognized as their song Levanter- and came back to the center of the mirror to redo the choreography. But apparently she messed up again, because she swung a wild punch at the air and plopped down on the floor in momentary defeat.
Chan stayed there, thoughts spinning round and round. He’d heard Sophie sing several times before, just in passing her practice room, which was right on the way to his studio. Her dance was obviously suffering, but that was nothing DanceRacha couldn’t fix, with some time. And her singing more than made up for lack of dancing skills.
Sophie still hadn’t seen him standing there, and Chan made up his mind. It was two am, he was tired, and maybe this wouldn’t seem like such a great idea in the morning. But something told him that Stray Kids needed Sophie in their group.
“Hey, Sophie,” he said in English, hoping he wouldn’t startle her.
Sophie jumped, looking up at him in first confusion, then sudden recognition. She scrambled to her feet, automatically bowing in polite greeting. “Oh- uh, hello!” she replied in English, obviously flustered. “I- I- uh-“ She reached behind her to hang her hand on her neck, seeming nervous.
Chan smiled. “I’m going to guess you recognized me, based off that reaction?”
She nodded, words apparently failing her for the moment.
“Good, then there’s no need for a formal introduction.” Chan wondered how he was going to bring this up without sounding absolutely insane, and in the end he decided to just go for it. “I- I’ve heard your singing several times, and when I passed by you practicing tonight I thought I’d better say this now: I’m convinced that Stray Kids needs you.”
She stared at him blankly for a second, and Chan hoped that he hadn’t jumped into it too quickly. But then her face transformed into an expression of radiance. “You mean it?” she breathed, looking thrilled.
Chan nodded, beyond happy that she seemed so excited about the prospect. “I need to convince JYP that a co-ed group will work, but since he knows how talented you are I don’t think it’ll be too-“
He was abruptly cut off by Sophie suddenly running to him in an impulsive hug. “Oh, thank you!” she exclaimed, sounding almost on the verge of tears. “Thank you!” Then she realized what she was doing, and looked up at him, a hint of horror written in her eyes. “I- I’m sorry, I should’ve asked-“
Chan shook his head, his smile just getting bigger. “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly fine. I mean, if I can convince JYP to allow it, we’ll be in the same group soon. I’m not worried about a hug.”
Her face relaxed into a smile, and Chan knew he had to do everything he could to bring Sophie into Stray Kids. Just from this small interaction, he could tell that she was a loving soul, and despite the unavoidable dance difficulties, he knew that Stray Kids would change for the better if she joined them.
Later, as Sophie was taking her makeup off at the dorm, she thought back to her conversation with Chan. “I hope he can convince JYP,” she couldn’t help whispering, another smile breaking through her weariness.
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minbinchan · 2 years
I saw that you are feeling sick :((. Time to use my luck charm power again! Sending you all the best energies and wishing that you feel better soon!!!
I never watched animes 🫣 I think I would like it, but I never know how or where to start mdhsmdh if you have a any tips/recs I’m all ears haha Also another big Disney fan spotted haha me and my sister used to watch Disney movies every night when we were little and we know all their songs! I also grew to become a big Disney Channel fan and HSM is definitely my comfort franchise haha!
I don’t have much patience to watch stuff either but I’m still more of a series person than a movie person haha a few years back I would binge watch k-dramas (16/20 episodes, +1 hour each) but now days I can’t see myself doing that anymore kdhsjdh I recently binge watched Wednesday tho and it was really good! I really recommend! Also my other guilt pleasure/comfort movies are the Step Up franchise jdhsmdh is not a GOOD movie but I’m a sucker for dance movies as bad as they may be kdhsndhsn also going to another side of series I’ve been watching an RPG series streamed for about 3 years now so I’m mostly watching that now kdhsnhd
Going back a lil to the skz question what is your fav mvs? What you like about it? - 🎁
Hey friend!! Please send your good energy bc I'm feeling miserable 😖 it sucks being sick in the summer 😭😭
For animes I just stick to the most popular ones tbh if I see it looks interesting I watch a couple episodes and decide if I wanna keep watching 😂 I would so recommend to watch cardcaptor Sakura! It's my all time favorite since I was a kid and it's very entertaining! And another classic is Digimon Adventure (the 2000 one) man what a great anime! Other I would recommend is spy x family! I've been watching it since it first started airing and it's one of my favorites<3 and Haikyuu!! I love hk!! My little volleyball bois <3
HSM is a good tier movie, the first 2? Cinematic masterpieces, Mr Kenny Ortega I owe you my childhood, I'm not the greatest fan of the third but the songs slap ngl
Ooo I've been meaning to watch Wednesday, I love the Addams family movies and I wanna see what's up with this series. My dad already watched it all and he said it was good so Its been in my top list since then! A friend recommended me to watch the "Dark" series so I also have that, hopefully my brain can get around to do it 😂
My fav MV is Scars! Even with the very little lino moments I think it's still one of my most favorite skz mvs, the aesthetic is really cool I really loved the 'its the end of the world' concept they had in there, and the dancing!!!!! The danceracha center part almost at the end? Nothing compares to that!
Other MVs I love are thunderous, gone days (both official and muply ver.) SURFIN' !!! Im a really big fan of surfin, maknae on top <3 they always have really nice storylines or just really good concepts for their videos, they never look like they are over the top you know? The videos fit the music vibes really well, I like that about them
I hope you're doing well!! Are you already on your break or it's still a few days to go?
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bubblelixie · 3 years
So dispite that the fact that i cant dance, that doesnt stop my brain from imagining what slow dancing with danceracha would be like, like you went to watch them practice, they maybe try to show off in front of you, then they try to teach you how to dance, which turns into slow dancing.
Like i imagine lee know would be the only one to actually teach you to dance. And everytime you get something right, you get kiss as a reward.
Hyunjin would start out actually teaching you, but somehow, someway, it ends up with you, sat on his lap either cuddling or making out its one or the other.
Felix would just use it as an excuse to hold you close (not that he needs an excuse) In the end, no dance was learnt, but if someone were to walk in, theyed see you two swaying side to side,eyes closed as you both hold each other to a slow song in the back ground
But thats just my two cents -🍯
and hey hey hey,, ofc you can dance <333
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lee know
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you stood up jumping up and down clapping, proud of your boyfriend, as the music ended and minho was in his finishing pose. he walked over to you and befor you could say anything he grabbed your hands and brought you to the center of the dance practice room.
“min what are you doing?”
“well you’re always saying how amazing of a dancer i am, which is not wrong, but i wanna teach you how to dance”
“i don’t think that’s a good ide-“
“everytime you do a move right, you’ll get a kiss, how does that sound baby”
“mm okay, but go easy on me alright”
minho chuckled as he mumbled an ‘alright’ as he walked over to the computer to go through songs that you could learn to dance to, leaving you vulnerable in the middle of the room staring at yourself in the mirror(s).
“mm how about we do god’s menu chorus, you’ve seen us do it multiple times”
“uh, that seems kind of hard but alright”
“you’ll do fine”
he started off by showing what he would be teaching you, you already regretting everything.
“okay ready, stand right there next to me, your gonna throw your hands in the air facing up left to right and then bring them down like you’re chopping on a cutting board, the movements should be sharp as well”
you copied them moves of your boyfriend and he smiled at you, cupping your face and giving you a kiss on the lips
“just like that y/n see you’re doing so good”
honestly seeing how seriously he took dance amazed you and made you wanna learn on your own, although some of the movements you did that night were not as precise as your boyfriend’s you did still get your kisses, and he was still so very proud of you.
and let’s just say, almost every time you went to practice with him, you would come out knowing a new type of choreography.
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hwang hyunjin
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you were watching your boyfriend hyunjin dancing to mmmh by kai,, amazed at how your boyfriend moved his body and knew just the right isolations between moves, he noticed you looking at him through the mirror and made him way over to you, the once loud music being drowned out from the gaze you had on each other.
hyunjin reached his hand out for you to grab, you stood up locking eyes with him.
“you’re such a good dancer you know that”
he hummed in response as he wrapped his arms around your waist as your face was buried into his damp shirt that covered his chest.
“what if i teach you to slow dance”
“i might break something”
he cocked his head at you then shook it in response.
“cmon it’ll be fun”
“okay okay fine, you win i’ll do it”
“yay, alright so you just have to follow me, drape your hands around my shoulders like this”
he said as he put your hands where they needed to be.
“and i’ll put my hands around your waist, and put your head where it was before, against my chest alright”
you put your face forward into his chest causing your boyfriend to giggle at how cute you looked
“y/n ,, baby you can breathe, just face the left”
“oh okay”
“now just follow my lead”
hyunjin began swaying the two of you and you weren’t looking down at you feet and this being the first time you’ve tried slowdancing, you stepped on his foot, he let out a little ow.
“hyun i’m sorry i knew this was a bad idea”
“no it wasn’t, let’s just take a break”
the two of you walked over to the couch in the room, hyunjin sat down first and patted his lap for you to si on, you sat facing him as he looked into your eyes. you blushed and he kissed your lips.
“you know i’m proud of you right”
you shrugged your shoulders and he giggled once again before kissing you, the two of you ended up laying on the couch and sweetly making out, you don’t know how this happened but you were definitely glad that it did.
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lee felix
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“hey baby come here stand next to me”
your boyfriend felix said to you as he looked at you through the mirror, motioning for you to stand next to him. you stood up from the couch and let your arms make their way around your boyfriends shoulders, your fingers intertwined with each other. felix had wrapped his hands around your waist gently and the mood was sweet.
the next song that began to play was the only exception by paramore, you and felix smiled sweetly to yourselves since this was the song that you two would call ‘your song’ you and felix had began to slowly just sway to the music and everything was sweet, it was just the two of you.
the both of you felt so in love, you lifted your head from his chest and the two of you locked eyes. he placed a kiss on your lips and whispered softly
“i love you”
“i love you too”
you said before returning to resting your head on his chest. everything was perfect, you could hear his breathing and how fast his heart was beating, it made you giggle to yourself knowing you had such an effect on him and honestly he had the same one on you. the both of you both had your eyes closed now as felix hummed to the beat of the song. the door had opened but neither of you seemed to notice. chan had walked in, not saying anything since he didn’t want to interrupt the sweet moment that you and your boyfriend were now sharing.
besides, chan could go over lyrics with felix anytime, he could ask any member about it for now and discuss with felix later in the night. chan watched the two of you for a second, smiling, then closing the door behind him as he exited the dance practice room.
felix placed a kiss on your forehead, and began rubbing and scratching your back softly, and even when the song finished, the two of you continued slow dancing with each other.
☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.✧ ☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.✧ ☆゚.*・。゚☁︎︎ ♡ *.
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Could I request . . . best friend!chan + boys' night out, some platonic banter and wholesome drunk escapades?
Okay ngl Javi I have never gotten drunk or anything so like.... I’m so sorry I don’t know how to write this smdkgshg but I wanted to write platonic banter and I started this like texting series in my last drabble game so.... I kinda continued it here but with a reader too?? I hope that’s okay I’m so sorry kjfskdjhguh
(Read the original text aus here: danceracha | 3racha | vocalracha | the boyz | both groups aka a nightmare)
Stray Kids drabble game: send me a Stray Kids member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Cafe Shenanigans 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pairing: none (all platonic), reader is gender neutral
Word count: 1.3k
Triggers: cursing
quick clarification:
better than tony: chan
chingban: changbin
gremlin: jisung
y/n/wow: y/n
better than tony: we have a new worker joining today please for the love of god do Not scare them off
better than tony has added y/n to the group chat!
y/n: chan why is this your nickname
chingban: and why did you talk about a new worker all serious n shit we literally know y/n
gremlin: probably better than we know chan tbh
y/n: what’s my favorite color
chingban: ...
gremlin: ...
y/n: that’s what I thought
better than tony: I'm regretting everything rn 
chingban: ???? nothing has happened ????????
better than tony: something is going to happen I know it is
better than tony: it’s only a matter of time
y/n: chan you still haven’t answered my question
y/n: why is this your nickname
better than tony: I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you
gremlin: I'm gonna do it
chingban: I'm torn between wanting to cease existence
chingban: and wanting to see chan melt into the ground out of embarrassment
better than tony: I swear to fucking god you assholes IF YOU DO IT
gremlin: [ sent 1 audio attachment wow.mp3 ]
y/n: oh my what’s this ??
better than tony: y/n go to work
y/n: I'm taking my break now <3
better than tony: I'm revoking best friend privileges
y/n: that’s fine I can make two whole other best friends right here 
gremlin: :D
chingban: :D
better than tony: I knew this was a mistake
y/n: I think my twenty minute break is long enough to listen to a three minute song! 
y/n: bye whores
better than tony: jisung say your prayers
gremlin: I'm willing to take one for the team
gremlin: it was only a matter of time before they found out anyway
chingban: you can’t argue with that
gremlin: are those choking noises from the back
better than tony: this was a mistake this was a mistake this was a fucking mistake
chingban: dw I'll go check on them
chingban: make sure y/n isn’t dead on their first day on the job
better than tony: I honestly hope they choke
chingban: update all is well
better than tony: damn
gremlin: that?? is??? your???? best????? friend??????
better than tony: not anymore
better than tony: anyone who knows about wow must be put to death
chingban: so our entire friend group should be put to death?????
better than tony: are you arguing with that
gremlin: you know what I can’t argue
gremlin: I'm surprised the fbi hasn’t shot us down yet
y/n has changed their name to wow!
better than tony: ok you know what fuck you
wow: what the fuck are you doing to get the fbi to shoot you down
gremlin: IT’S ALIVE
better than tony: unfortunately
wow: it ??????????????????????????????????
chingban: idk about them but I've never done anything that merits being shot down yb the fbi
gremlin: wow is an offense punishable by death
chingban: I agree it’s an offense but death ???????
better than tony: stop texting and go back to work I'm tired of you all
wow: I'm still on my break
better than tony: everyone except y/n stop texting and go back to work
chingban: the favoritism is real
better than tony: y/n is my best friend suck it up
gremlin: I thought you disowned them from that position ???
better than tony: unfortunately they’re still more tolerable than you two combined
wow: I'm still reeling over being called ‘it’
wow: bitch ass han jisung you think I'm Frankenstein’s monster or some shit? or the clown from that movie???
gremlin: do you want me to answer that question
wow: say your prayers
better than tony: I regret everything
wow: hey I didn’t know hyunjin/minho/Felix worked at the build a bear at this mall
chingban: literally where have you been
chingban: they’ve been there for at least six months
gremlin: why is only felix’s name capitalized
wow: 1. bitch do you think I come to the mall to go to build a bear?
wow: 2. autocorrect
wow: wow jisung your autocorrect is shit if it isn’t capitalizing Felix
gremlin: what do you come to the mall for
gremlin: also what of it
wow: to bother chan
wow: and mooch off the wifi because the connection at home is shit
wow: oh and work now ig
better than tony: nice to see your priorities
wow: <3
wow: actually jisung. don’t tell me you fucking actually go back and make Felix uncapitalized 
gremlin: caught
gremlin: and wait till they find out where seungmin/jeongin work at 
chingban: what the fuck why wouldn’t you just let autocorrect do its shit
better than tony: he’s jisung do you really need another reason
chingban: fair enough
gremlin: fair enough
wow: also I've known where the fuck seungmin/jeongin work I used to work at the tutoring center too dumbasses
better than tony: isn’t the pay better there? I still don’t know why you quit
wow: if you mean better by like fifty cents then yeah
gremlin: I-
chingban: I thought tutoring would pay a lot more than working at a shitty cafe???????????????????????????????
wow: yeah that’s what I thought too
wow: and then I found out how much chan was getting paid and I was like what the fuck I'd have so much fun working here even with slightly lower pay 
wow: so I quit
gremlin: respect
wow: wasn’t a hard decision
wow: the kids are horrible
better than tony: I thought you liked some of them
wow: “some” is the key word
chingban: ouch
wow: at least I get to fuck around here without getting in too much trouble
better than tony: isn’t sangyeon chill??
wow: Ella isn’t
gremlin: oh I've heard horror stories from seungin
wow: they’re all true
wow: honestly wish you’d burned down the tutoring center when you set fire to the refrigerator jisung
better than tony: HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT
chingban: more like who DOESN’T know about that
wow: seungmin sent me pics
better than tony: betrayed by my own children
wow: he’s more my child than yours and you know it
chingban: does that mean y/n and chan are our parents????
wow: no
better than tony: no
gremlin: oh my god I have more parents now !!!!!
wow: suddenly I feel Regret
better than tony: welcome to my world
gremlin: I'll set fire to the refrigerator again if you don’t say you’re my parents
better than tony: isn't this how you bribed Jacob into giving you hugs instead of giving me hugs
wow: Jacob?
chingban: other worker along with chanhee they’re on vacation for the week
wow: o
better than tony: also please don't set fire to the refrigerator
better than tony: or even try to
gremlin: have my conditions been met
wow: fucking gremlin bitch ass child
wow: fine I'm one of your parents
gremlin: 1/2
better than tony: fine
gremlin: 2/2 :D
wow: let the record say I only ever wanted seungmin and jeongin
wow: and Felix
gremlin: ouch
chingban: ouch
wow: you force me to be your parent you suffer the consequences
better than tony: Felix is MY SON
better than tony: I’LL FIGHT YOU
chingban: jisung did you predict this
gremlin: in reality no but for the clout yes
chingban: ...
gremlin: I am Agent of Chaos(TM)
chingban: that I can see
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still-astray · 2 years
Sophie meets Chan and is invited to join Stray Kids
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 644
Warnings: none
(November 2021)
(A/N: sorry it’s so short! I couldn’t really think of anything else to put in there since this scene isn’t from Sophie’s POV for the most part)
Sophie’s Masterlist
At two in the morning, the practice room should have been deserted. But someone was still there.
A very aggravated someone, from the sounds reaching Bang Chan’s ears as he passed the room.
Curious, he stopped and stood by the open door. Recognizing the young girl’s voice as Sophie Caldwell, a talented trainee he’d heard about through the JYP grapevine, he decided to see what was going on.
“No!” Sophie huffed at her mirror reflection in frustration, reverting to English. “You stupid arm, you’re supposed to go this way! Not that way!”
Crossing the room, she paused the music- which Chan recognized as their song Levanter- and came back to the center of the mirror to redo the choreography. But apparently she messed up again, because she swung a wild punch at the air and plopped down on the floor in momentary defeat.
Chan stayed there, thoughts spinning round and round. He’d heard Sophie sing several times before, just in passing her practice room, which was right on the way to his studio. Her dance was obviously suffering, but that was nothing DanceRacha couldn’t fix, with some time. And her singing more than made up for lack of dancing skills.
Sophie still hadn’t seen him standing there, and Chan made up his mind. It was two am, he was tired, and maybe this wouldn’t seem like such a great idea in the morning. But something told him that Stray Kids needed Sophie in their group.
“Hey, Sophie,” he said in English, hoping he wouldn’t startle her.
Sophie jumped, looking up at him in first confusion, then sudden recognition. She scrambled to her feet, automatically bowing in polite greeting. “Oh- uh, hello!” she replied in English, obviously flustered. “I- I- uh-“ She reached behind her to hang her hand on her neck, seeming nervous.
Chan smiled. “I’m going to guess you recognized me, based off that reaction?”
She nodded, words apparently failing her for the moment.
“Good, then there’s no need for a formal introduction.” Chan wondered how he was going to bring this up without sounding absolutely insane, and in the end he decided to just go for it. “I- I’ve heard your singing several times, and when I passed by you practicing tonight I thought I’d better say this now: I’m convinced that Stray Kids needs you.”
She stared at him blankly for a second, and Chan hoped that he hadn’t jumped into it too quickly. But then her face transformed into an expression of radiance. “You mean it?” she breathed, looking thrilled.
Chan nodded, beyond happy that she seemed so excited about the prospect. “I need to convince JYP that a co-ed group will work, but since he knows how talented you are I don’t think it’ll be too-“
He was abruptly cut off by Sophie suddenly running to him in an impulsive hug. “Oh, thank you!” she exclaimed, sounding almost on the verge of tears. “Thank you!” Then she realized what she was doing, and looked up at him, a hint of horror written in her eyes. “I- I’m sorry, I should’ve asked-“
Chan shook his head, his smile just getting bigger. “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly fine. I mean, if I can convince JYP to allow it, we’ll be in the same group soon. I’m not worried about a hug.”
Her face relaxed into a smile, and Chan knew he had to do everything he could to bring Sophie into Stray Kids. Just from this small interaction, he could tell that she was a loving soul, and despite the unavoidable dance difficulties, he knew that Stray Kids would change for the better if she joined them.
Later, as Sophie was taking her makeup off at the dorm, she thought back to her conversation with Chan. “I hope he can convince JYP,” she couldn’t help whispering, another smile breaking through her weariness.
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
the danceracha and 3racha working aus were so funny i wanted to request a vocalracha one but i have no idea where they could work 😭
God damn you guys really enjoy my lukewarm sense of humor??? Well I just pictured vocalracha working at a tutoring center and bitching about it so here we are! Hope you enjoy <3
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and  I’ll write a drabble for you!
Half of this is based off of real experiences from when I used to tutor math god that was a TIME
Title: Tutoring Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just vocalracha being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing
quick clarification:
seungman: seungmin
watch your foxing mouth: jeongin
watch your foxing mouth: seungmin
watch your foxing mouth: can you please take my shift this Saturday
seungman: no
seungman: the one time I get the weekend off in ages? I'm not going to bother teaching little gremlins math who the fuck do you think I am
watch your foxing mouth: I think you’re a little asshole who’s going to spend the entire weekend just working on homework like the nerd you are
seungman: see I'd say you were right
seungman: but I don’t have homework this weekend
seungman: I actually had other plans
watch your foxing mouth: like what
watch your foxing mouth: no one’s going to ask you on a date lmao
seungman: first of all fuck you
seungman: second of all I was going to drop by at work and maybe bring you a coffee because I'm nice
seungman: but not anymore
watch your foxing mouth: bullshit you never would’ve done that in the first place
seungman: you’re absolutely right but I'm also offended that you doubted me so quickly
watch your foxing mouth: when I asked you to get me water from chan’s cafe
watch your foxing mouth: you specifically asked changbin to fill the cup with ice
watch your foxing mouth: and then you brought the cup back
watch your foxing mouth: and told me to wait
watch your foxing mouth: what the fuck kind of impression do you think that makes?
seungman: that’s fair
seungman: but I'm still offended
watch your foxing mouth: feeling offended is part of your personality
seungman: you know me so well
watch your foxing mouth: which is how I know you’ll take my shift this weekend :)
seungman: you’re funny
watch your foxing mouth: SEUNGMIN PLEASE
watch your foxing mouth: SHE NEVER WORKS
seungman: suck it <3
watch your foxing mouth: I hate you
seungman: love you too <3
seungman: this small girl
seungman: walked into the center
seungman: and told me
seungman: tennis is not a fucking sport
watch your foxing mouth: I can’t believe I was getting drinks and missed that
watch your foxing mouth: what was her reasoning
seungman: ‘you don’t run in tennis’
seungman: huH?????????????????????
watch your foxing mouth: well we’ve established that these kids are rich little assholes
watch your foxing mouth: and have no brains 99% of the time
seungman: you’re right I should expect this
seungman: why do we work here again
watch your foxing mouth: rich kids = rich parents
watch your foxing mouth: rich parents = rich establishment
watch your foxing mouth: rich establishment = slightly higher than minimum wage pay
seungman: fuck you’re right
seungman: idk I feel like I'd be having more fun working at the cafe even if the pay’s worse
watch your foxing mouth: money or fun?
seungman: the ultimate question of life
watch your foxing mouth: fuck capitalism
seungman: you say that yet you’re slaving your ass off teaching basic math to kids who don’t want to learn for a salary that’s a third of what you could be earning as a private tutor
watch your foxing mouth: WELL IF I HAD A FUCKING CAR
seungman: you’d drive it into another tree
watch your foxing mouth: honestly fuck you I'm dumping your shitty americano into the storm drain
seungman: look you hit the tree not me
seungman: allow me to repeat
seungman: you
seungman: hit
seungman: a
watch your foxing mouth: SHUT U P
seungman: fucking
watch your foxing mouth: QUIT 
seungman: t r e e 
seungman: IN A PARKING LOT
watch your foxing mouth: just dumped out your drink <3
seungman: you better be kidding me
seungman: you better be fucking kidding me
seungman: YANG JEONGIN
read by one at 4:49 pm
seungman: I'm transferring that bitch ashley to your table fuck you
watch your foxing mouth: why are you the one who always controls the music player
watch your foxing mouth: I want to play my tunes too asshole
seungman: no one can concentrate with your fucking trot shit playing in the background
watch your foxing mouth: and we can deal with your shitty ‘lo-fi comfortable beats’ or whatever the fuck is in your YouTube playlist?
seungman: if the parents are happy with it then we’re like. legally obligated to keep doing it
seungman: kevin would play strictly beyonce if he was in charge of the music
seungman: you would play shitty trot
watch your foxing mouth: my taste in music is not shitty thank you very very much
seungman: sangyeon would play like. classical music idk he’s an old man like that
seungman: and if we left it up to the kids wap would be playing all day every day
watch your foxing mouth: I hate it when you make sense
watch your foxing mouth: god damn just noticed all of the people working here are male
seungman: except yeji 
watch your foxing mouth: oh right except her
watch your foxing mouth: but also where is the female representation???????
seungman: they’re smarter than us
seungman: they’re either out of state for college
seungman: or they can actually drive
seungman: meaning they can afford to tutor privately
watch your foxing mouth: this is why men suck
watch your foxing mouth: we’re not smart enough to turn shit around
seungman: and we end up stuck catering to the whims of rich little assholes who aren’t going to learn jack shit anyway
watch your foxing mouth: sigh
seungman: sigh
watch your foxing mouth: suffer
seungman: my existence is pain
seungman: suddenly I have the burning desire to learn to drive
seungman: at least I wouldn’t hit trees in the parking lot 
watch your foxing mouth: see I know you’re trying to provoke me but I'm not going to give in because watching you deal with ashley is satisfying enough
watch your foxing mouth: my brain is fried
seungman: is this supposed to be news
watch your foxing mouth: honestly I'd be offended but I'm too tired to express it
watch your foxing mouth: I never knew teaching basic addition could be so tiring
seungman: why do tutors exist
seungman: why don’t teachers do their jobs
watch your foxing mouth: idk 
watch your foxing mouth: why do we have to do their jobs for them for far less pay
seungman: throwback to the time the owners kept forgetting to give us a raise even though we were the longest standing employees at this shitty center
watch your foxing mouth: don't fucking remind me
watch your foxing mouth: I'm just sitting in the cafe trying to erase all thoughts of ashley from my head
watch your foxing mouth: I wish sangyeon was here today
seungman: god yes that bitch ella is awful
seungman: why does she walk around like she owns the fucking place
watch your foxing mouth: bright ass lipstick and shit
watch your foxing mouth: like no bitch
watch your foxing mouth: I understand you do our schedules but I also understand you’re an asshole
seungman: sometimes I want to set this center on fire
watch your foxing mouth: afuckingmen
watch your foxing mouth: oh hey
watch your foxing mouth: oh fuck
seungman: ?
seungman: why do I hear sirens
seungman: and see smoke
seungman: jeongin
watch your foxing mouth: calm your tits
watch your foxing mouth: didn’t know you cared that much about me
seungman: I don’t
seungman: who would I bitch about work to if you died
watch your foxing mouth: honestly fuck you
seungman: anyway what happened
watch your foxing mouth: jisung set the refrigerator on fire
watch your foxing mouth: it was glorious
seungman: you’re telling me jisung almost burnt this center down
seungman: b u t d i d n t ?
watch your foxing mouth: sadly
seungman: shame
seungman: would’ve loved to see that bitch ella burn
watch your foxing mouth: can’t all have what we want ig
seungman: wait give me a sec I'm clocking out I want to see this mess
watch your foxing mouth: come out quick chan looks like he’s going to cry
watch your foxing mouth: it’s hilarious
seungman: doesn’t he refer to you as his child?
watch your foxing mouth: what of it
seungman: idk
seungman: just if I talked about my parents like that I'd be six feet under by now
watch your foxing mouth: chan’s too soft for that
watch your foxing mouth: bet you he won’t even fire jisung after this
seungman: I know better than to take you up on that 
seungman: anyway where is he I want to take a picture
watch your foxing mouth: doesn’t he refer to you as one of his children too?
seungman: what of it?
watch your foxing mouth: you’re right you’re right let’s go watch him suffer
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