nuwunsewu · 8 months
"Tidak ada yang tidak memilih dalam kehidupan ini. Hanya perlu dipilih dan bukan untuk dihindari. Pilih, hadapi dan nikmati."
Pernahkah merasakan bimbang dalam menentukan pilihan dalam hidup? Pilihan pekerjaan, pilihan pasangan hidup, pilihan tempat tinggal, dan pilihan-pilihan lainnya. Pasti pernah. Dan aku yakin setiap manusia memiliki cerita luar biasa tentang penentuan pilihannya. Kebimbangan yang muncul adalah kewajaran. Selain bimbang, muncul ketakutan akan hasil setelah memilih penentuannya itu. Ketakutan akan resiko atau konsekuansi yang akan dihadapi.
Tidak sekali dua kali dalam penentuan pilihan terjadi dalam hidup manusia. Sudah beberapakali mengalami kadang masih bimbang dan ragu. Namun setiap pilihan memiliki kualitas dan kuantitas tersendiri dan harus dicari pertimbangan dari segala hal. Tak cukup hanya menguras pikiran dan tenaga bahkan waktu. Pengorbanan pula sangat perlu. Tak luput juga menurunkan kadar kesehatan. Jatuh sakit.
Apakah sesulit dan serumit itu dalam menentukan sebuah pilihan? Jawabannya tergantung bobot hal yang harus dilakukan untuk memilih. Memutuskan suatu hal besar untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Meminimalkan resiko yang akan dihadapi, bukan tanpa resiko pilihan itu. Tetap ada harga yang harus dibayar.
Namun, semua itu mau tidak mau tetap harus dipilih. Dan ternyata memilih tetap harus dihadapi dengan ilmu dan keberanian.It’s ok jika hasilnya kurang memuaskan, tapi setidaknya kamu sudah berani mengambil langkah dan memutuskan.
Pilihan-pilihan yang telah dihadapkan dalam kehidupan kita, semoga mampu mendewasakan pemikiran kita, menjadikan kita lebih bijak dan berwawasan. Setiap kesuksesan ada keberanian dalam menentukan mana yang harus dipilih dan siap dengan konsekuensinya. Dan libatkan Tuhan disetiap langkahmu.
Semangat menghadapi masa depan!
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planet-gay-comic · 3 months
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The Remorseful Lover
Valentine's Day, as we know it today, has a long and complex history that encompasses both ancient traditions and Christian martyr legends. The origins of this day can be traced back to ancient Rome and have evolved over the centuries.
Ancient Origins One theory about the origins of Valentine's Day refers to the Roman festival of Lupercalia, celebrated from February 13th to 15th. During this festival, various rituals were performed that were supposed to promote cleansing and fertility. Priests of Luperci, an order of Roman priests, conducted rituals where they ran through the city and struck citizens with leather thongs, which was considered a fertility rite. Although Lupercalia has clear pagan origins, the direct connection to modern Valentine's Day is disputed.
Christian Martyrs Valentine's Day on February 14th is often associated with one or more Christian martyrs named Valentinus. There are various legends about Saint Valentines linked to the day. One of the most famous stories tells of a priest named Valentine who secretly married Christian couples to spare men from conscription at a time when Christianity was prohibited in the Roman Empire. Valentine was eventually caught, imprisoned, and executed.
Evolution to a Festival of Love The romantic connotation of Valentine's Day seems to be a development of the Middle Ages. In the 14th and 15th centuries, poets in Europe, like Geoffrey Chaucer, began to associate the day with romantic love. This tradition continued and led to Valentine's Day increasingly being linked with the exchange of love letters and gifts between partners.
Today, Valentine's Day is marked by commercial traditions, including the exchange of gifts like cards, flowers, and sweets. Yet, beyond its commercial aspects, Valentine's Day also carries deeper meanings of love and forgiveness, as expressed in the motif of a remorseful, returning lover. This image, symbolizing the desire for forgiveness and the hope for renewal in relationships, seamlessly integrates into the broader palette of Valentine's Day traditions. It emphasizes that true love is expressed not only through gifts but also through understanding, healing, and the willingness to reconcile.
The development of Valentine's Day from an ancient fertility festival through Christian martyr legends to a day dedicated to romantic love shows how traditions can change and adapt over time.
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relationshipg2uide · 2 months
My Husband Locked His Phone From Me: Can Love Survive?
Is your marriage feeling distant? It's time to take action! Strengthen your marriage now! Discover how to communicate effectively, restore trust, and navigate privacy. Learn how to overcome challenges and create a happy & healthy relationship! These practical tips can help you overcome obstacles and signs of cheating, leading to a happier, healthier marriage. There is hope for your relationship, but starting now is important.
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moonlitvixen09 · 3 months
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melvin1507 · 6 months
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highvibes365 · 1 year
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Forgiveness is a powerful act that can have significant positive effects on both the person forgiving and the person being forgiven. Here are some ways in which the power of forgiveness can be beneficial: Healing: Forgiveness can help heal emotional wounds and promote physical health. Holding onto anger and resentment can lead to stress and negative health outcomes such as high blood pressure, insomnia, and anxiety. Forgiveness can help reduce stress and promote feelings of inner peace and well-being. Personal Growth: Forgiveness can help you grow as a person by allowing you to let go of negative emotions and move forward in life. When you forgive someone, you are taking control of your own life and choosing to focus on positive feelings and experiences. Improved Relationships: Forgiveness can improve relationships by promoting empathy, understanding, and compassion. When you forgive someone, you are showing that you value the relationship and are willing to work towards making it better. This can lead to stronger, more fulfilling relationships with the people in your life. Spiritual Benefits: Forgiveness can have spiritual benefits as well, as many religions and belief systems encourage forgiveness as a means of achieving inner peace and spiritual growth. Breaking the Cycle: Forgiveness can break the cycle of negativity and revenge. When someone wrongs us, our first instinct may be to seek revenge or hold onto anger and resentment. But forgiving the person who wronged us can help break this cycle and promote a more positive and peaceful world. Overall, forgiveness can be a powerful tool for promoting healing, personal growth, and positive relationships. While it can be difficult to forgive someone who has wronged us, the benefits are worth the effort. Like ❤️ Comment 💬 Tag 👍🏻 Save 💎 Share 🌍 Follow @highvibes365 💯 #ForgiveAndForget #LetGoAndForgive #ForgivenessIsKey #ForgivenessHeals #LoveAndForgiveness #ForgiveYourself #ForgiveOthers #ForgivenessMatters #ForgivenessIsFreedom #ThePowerOfForgiveness #ForgivenessBringsPeace #ForgivenessIsLove #ForgivenessIsStrength #ForgivenessIsTheWay #ForgivenessIsPower #ForgivenessIsHealing #ForgiveToLive https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaA9-YMlyn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#getyourvibeon #increaseyourfrequency #mukti #doingthedirtydishespodcast #lifeisenergy #japa #jnanadrishti #earthisvibration #cosmicwaves #heartliving #heartmath #wayofthesilentwarrior #loveandforgiveness #unbreakablemindbook Doing The Dirty Dishes Instagram link: www.instagram.com/doingthedirtydishesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQQB-uubbI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A song from the heart
(Speaking about The Song of Songs of King Solomon) The topic I’ve been pondering upon includes different phases and meanings about that four letter word many of us share, question, emphasize or dread to think or even mention. It might be strange to many while a surprise or confusion to others. I’ve read this book of The Song of Songs in the Bible before and noticed it’s a beautiful yet unique…
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aweissweiler · 5 months
What is the Main Message of "A Course in Miracles"?Holy Spirit and His G...
What is the Main Message of "A Course in Miracles"?Holy Spirit and His Guidance-T-14.XI.5.:1-6#acim CHAPTER 14 TEACHING FOR TRUTH XI.THE TEST OF TRUTH 5:1-6 PUBLISHED BY GREUTHOFVERLAG PUBLISHED BY THE FOUNDATION FOR INNER PEACE READ AND EXPLAINED BY ANDREAS WEISSWEILER What is the main message of A Course in Miracles? How can I apply the teachings of A Course in Miracles to my daily life? Where can I find a community or support group for A Course in Miracles? What are the key lessons or principles in A Course in Miracles? How does A Course in Miracles differ from other spiritual teachings? Why is forgiveness emphasized in A Course in Miracles? Where can I find reliable resources for studying A Course in Miracles? A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Holy Spirit Guidance Dark Lessons vs. Bright Lessons Willingness and Joy Meditation and Mind Purification Surrendering to the Holy Spirit Unity and Oneness Undoing and Purification Process Gratitude 🔗 Links & Resources: A Course in Miracles Foundation https://acim.org/ Welcome to my channel, where we embark on a journey of spiritual awakening! Explore the wisdom of #ACourseInMiracles (#ACIM) and deepen your spiritual journey with #MiraclesCourse and #LessonExplanation In my videos, you'll delve into #TextbookAnalysis and receive #SpiritualGuidance to enhance your understanding of #MetaphysicalTeachings. Together, we strive for #InnerPeace and refine our #ForgivenessPractice Immerse yourself in #SpiritualInsight and adopt a #MiracleMindset as we explore the power of #LoveAndForgiveness. Join me on my #AwakeningJourney and discover truth through #TruthPerception and intense #MindTraining. Learn how #Healing is possible through ACIM and gain insights into the #WisdomOfACIM. Let yourself be guided by #DivineGuidance and attain spiritual enlightenment through the unfolding of #UniversalTruth. Stay informed about the #Consciousness Shift and let's explore #SpiritualityExplained together. Become part of the growing #ACIMCommunity and find your own direction on the path of #Enlightenment. Are you ready to see the spiritual dimension? Join me as we explore the essence of The Holy Spirit and His Guidance Outline with Timings: I. Introduction A. Greeting and Seminar Theme (00:08-00:46) B. Main Question: What is the main message of "A Course in Miracles"? (00:47-01:22) II. Explanation of the Chapter and Current Discussion A. Chapter 14: Teaching for Truth, Section 5 (01:23-02:34) B. Current Progress in Explaining the Text (02:35-03:44) III. Reading and Interpretation of the Section A. Introduction of the Reader (Andreas Vier) (03:45-05:00) B. Reading and Explanation of the Paragraph (05:01-14:17) IV. Reflection and Feedback A. Exercises for Inner Peace and Connection with the Holy Spirit (14:18-21:06) B. Participant Feedback and Expression of Feelings (21:07-29:11) V. Deepening into the Text A. Analysis of Key Sentences (29:12-40:45) VI. Conclusion A. Summary of Key Insights (40:46-41:55) B. Emphasis on the Importance of Inner Peace and Acceptance (41:56-47:32) VII. Closing and Outlook A. Participant Feedback at the End of the Session (47:33-54:38) B. Announcement of Upcoming Events and Topics (54:39-End) I. Introduction A. Introduction to the theme of "Peace" (54:38) B. Emphasis on the significance of peace C. Reference to the point that peace is already present II. The absence of perfect peace A. Explanation of the meaning of perfect peace B. Quote: "The absence of perfect peace means but one thing" (55:47) C. Analysis of the quote and emphasis on the idea that we often do not will for God's peace III. Identity in relation to God and His Son A. Introduction of the three main characters: God, His Son, and the individual (56:53) B. Quote: "You think you do not will for God's Son what his Father wills for him" C. Attempt to apply the quote to one's own identity and recognize the unwillingness for God's peace IV. Conflicts as an expression of unwillingness A. Consideration of conflicts with others as conflicts with oneself (1:00:26) B. Connection of conflicts with the unwillingness to accept God's peace C. Emphasis that every conflict indicates unwillingness, although peace is already present V. Lessons from darkness and light A. Recognition of different forms of dark lessons (conflicts) (1:03:49) B. Explanation of how the Holy Spirit replaces dark lessons with bright lessons C. Acceptance of one's own dark lessons and the significance of accepting bright lessons VI. Refusal to accept one's own dark lessons A. Emphasis on not accepting one's own conflicts (1:06:05) B. Reference to the fact that accepting darkness connects the will with the Father and His Son C. Emphasis on self-deception, where one believes they are cut off from peace, though it is already present VII. Conclusion and Reflection A. Summary of key points (1:09:28) B. Emphasis on the relief and peace gained through insights C. Invitation to open the heart and farewell
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With the first full moon of the New Year (6th January 2023 - Wolf Moon 🐺) in the next day we are using Rhodochrosite crystal 🌸 A great crystal to use with this Full moon in Cancer, as it allows us to create our New Year resolutions with love and compassion 💖
Living with an open heart is essential as it creates so much more vitality and inspiration in our lives 💖
Rhodochrosite - 'The Compassionate Cheerleader'
Rhodochrosite is one of the best healing medicine crystals. It radiates at a powerful frequency that allows your mind to expand to a higher consciousness, encouraging feelings of love.
It practices on healing, forgiving, compassion and deep sense of self worth. Usually a lot of our self love comes to our relationships around us when we are young.
Rhodochrosite reminds us of what's important by highlightening love into the situation and enables us to let go of things that are not meant for us.
🌸 Compassion
🌸 Love
🌸 Comfort
🌸 Forgiving
🌸 Healing
🌸 Worthiness
🌸 Inner child
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Kindness
Chakras: Heart Chakra
Zodiac: Leo, Cancer & Scorpio
Element: Earth
Numerology: Number 4
Available on our website, our Rhodochrosite is ethnically sourced from Argentina ✨
#love2023 #rhodochrosite #compassion #healing #love #selflove #crystals #fullmoon #fullmoonincancer #wolffullmoon #wolfmoon #moon #mooncycle #sendlove #openheart #graditude #loveandforgiveness #forgiveness #heartchakra #2023 #newyear #newyeargoals #journal #writeitdown #feelings #loveyou #loveislove #energyiseverything #crystallove #crystalshop
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~~~ The Long Road Home ~~~ The Archangel at the 5D Diamond Stargate welcomes you. He knows of your diamond God core, essence of your sacred heart. Roses preserve every souls natural perfumed aroma. They are Heavens beauty. In the matrix, they have thorns. May the thorns of your journey be tender and sweet so they don't hurt you and allow you to love and cherish all the roses who are your glorious brethrens. Note: Recently, I listened to one of my favorite Spiritual mentors give a beautiful example of the long and arduous road that has nothing beside it we all take. I fell in love with it and telepathically asked if I may write it in my style and share it. I was awakened at 3:10am and what echoed in my heart is, "The Long Road Home." I instinctively knew, this was to be the title to the road we all take that has nothing beside it. This particular Spiritual mentor said that you would end up in a field of pink roses. However, I want to end up in a meadow of gold roses because gold has been in my spiritual journey since awakening in the year 2001. I included purple roses in the piece because it is also a color of royalty and every single one of you are royalty. You can choose to write what color of roses you want to greet when you enter the Diamond portal for your eternal future. I pick gold along with a diamond kingdom, in which I wrote for my eternal future. You can write what you want your eternal future to be because you create your own reality. You also create your reality in the matrix. If you do not like the way your life is going in the matrix reality, you can rewrite it and create a better life that brings you joy. No matter what, the main thing is to love and forgive. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 #thelongroadhome #5dconsciousness #diamondstargate #diamondstargate5d #theportaltohome #theportaltotruelove #diamondkingdom #theportaltounconditionallove #unconditionallove #spiritualmentors #spiritualchannel #spiritualchanneling #heavenandroses #goldroses #purpleroses #pinkroses🌷 #heavensrainbow #allcolors❤️💛💚💙💜❤️️ #areglorious #writeyourstory #writeyoureternalfuture #youcrreateyourreality #loveandforgive https://www.instagram.com/p/CjBwYo1vhct/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nuwunsewu · 11 months
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Sejak kapan kau mencintainya?
Sejak saat itulah aku membencinya.
Itu karena takaran.
Kalkulasi mungkin.
Cinta tidak mengajarkan benci.
Tapi nyatanya saling berebut dan bersaing.
Cinta bukan untuk diperebutkan.
Pernahkah kau merasakan diposisi mencintai?
Bahkan sampai dengan hari ini.
Aku hanya ingin mencintai sebanyaknya. Haruskah butuh satu dua alasan untuk mencintai?
Begitu juga dengan benci.
Jika ada benci kenapa harus cinta?
Dan kenapa harus membenci?
Alasan ada hanya untuk memperkuat.
Atau pembenaran saja.
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idealihsm · 3 years
how beautiful it is to have come so far and yet still hope for more progress. to grow, to change, to live and to love in ways more powerful than i ever have. i'll continue to reach.
 source: @haleyincarnate
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metalthread · 5 years
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#findoutwhoyouare #forgiveyourself #forgiveyourselffirst #forgiveyourpast #forgiveyourselfdaily #youareloved #youarelove #acceptdiversity #accepttheothers #compassionworks #allkindsofpeople #carboncommentary #loveandforgive #denisecarbonell https://www.instagram.com/p/BtRBreKBi_M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1epgriemroc9k
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wakingeve · 5 years
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❤️💙💛 Couldn’t agree more! @judyhehr ・・・ 𝑾𝒊𝒔𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝑾𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚'𝒔 Don’t settle You deserve better..💕💕 Looking back I realize that I was so willing to settle for so much less than what God wanted to give me. He is a mighty God and today I ask for mighty things, not because of who I am but because of who He is. Today I pray🙏 that you do not settle because God wants to give better. 𝑬𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔 3:20 . . . #godismycoach #preach🙌🏼🙌🏼 #godisgooddaily #speakingtogod #talkingtogod #setapartgirl #forgivenandfree #christianspeaker #godisgood🙌🏼 #loveandforgive #letgotogrow #christiancoaching #speakeroftruth #neurofeedbacktraining #bestmeicanbe #shatteredheart #transformedlife #bestlifeever💕 #catholicspeaker #journeynotadestination #unconditionallove💞 #learntolead #godisfaithfultohispromises #changemelord #youarepowerfulbeyondmeasure #spiritliving https://www.instagram.com/p/BsivaELHpcA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tdqcyaajp40w
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thilleshiem · 4 years
❣️❣️❣️ . . Without forgiveness and love, you will live with resentment, bitterness, malice and strife which result in more pain. You can never love without forgiving. Forgiveness deepens your ability to love and frees you from pain. Kemi Sogunle . . #clairefraser #caitrionabalfe #outlander #samheughan #jamiefraser #outlanderseason1 #dianagabaldon #outlanderlovers #loveandforgiveness Credit to @maaarv_queen_of_scots (at Richland Center, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XzbYDBIhx/?igshid=1k334yag36s0u
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