francebonapartiste · 2 months
Le Maréchal Berthier : Pilier de l'Empire Napoléonien
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Né le 20 novembre 1753 à Versailles, Louis Alexandre Berthier est bien plus qu'un simple militaire. Sa destinée est intimement liée à celle de Napoléon Bonaparte, forgeant ainsi une alliance indéfectible au service de la France.
Dès son jeune âge, Berthier se distingue par son esprit vif et son dévouement à la patrie. Son ascension fulgurante au sein de l'armée française le mène rapidement à croiser la route du futur Empereur des Français.
Berthier participe sous les ordres de Bonaparte aux campagnes d'Italie puis d'Égypte et soutient le coup d'État du 18 Brumaire.
En tant que chef d'état-major de Napoléon, Berthier joue un rôle crucial dans la planification et l'exécution des campagnes militaires qui ont marqué l'histoire. Sa rigueur tactique et son génie organisationnel contribuent grandement aux victoires éclatantes de l'Empire, malgré son incapacité à diriger lui-même une armée.
La mort tragique de Berthier en 1815, suite à une chute mystérieuse d'une fenêtre de l'hôtel de son épouse à Bamberg, laisse un vide profond dans l'entourage de Napoléon.
Son décès précède en effet de quelques jours la bataille de Waterloo, où l'absence de cet excellent chef d'état-major se fait cruellement sentir pour l'Empereur qui dira de lui : "Nul autre n'eût pu le remplacer"
Berthier décide pourtant de suivre Louis XVIII lors de la Restauration, et adhére même au décret du Sénat qui exclut Napoléon du trône.
L'héritage du maréchal Berthier perdure à travers les pages de l'histoire. Son influence indélébile sur la stratégie militaire et l'administration de l'Empire demeure incontestée, faisant de lui l'un des piliers incontournables de l'épopée napoléonienne.
Marshal Berthier: Pillar of the Napoleonic Empire
Born on November 20, 1753, in Versailles, Louis Alexandre Berthier is much more than a mere military figure. His destiny is intimately intertwined with that of Napoleon Bonaparte, thus forging an unbreakable alliance in service to France.
From a young age, Berthier distinguished himself with his sharp intellect and dedication to his homeland. His rapid ascent within the French army quickly led him to cross paths with the future Emperor of the French.
Berthier participated under Bonaparte's command in the campaigns in Italy and Egypt, and supported the coup d'état of the 18th Brumaire.As Napoleon's chief of staff, Berthier played a crucial role in the planning and execution of military campaigns that have left an indelible mark on history. His tactical rigor and organizational genius greatly contributed to the Empire's resounding victories, despite his own inability to lead an army himself.
The tragic death of Berthier in 1815, following a mysterious fall from a window of his wife's hotel in Bamberg, left a profound void in Napoleon's inner circle.Indeed, his death preceded by a few days the Battle of Waterloo, where the absence of this excellent chief of staff was keenly felt by the Emperor who said of him: "No other could have replaced him."
However, Berthier decided to follow Louis XVIII during the Restoration, and even adhered to the Senate decree which excluded Napoleon from the throne.
The legacy of Marshal Berthier endures through the pages of history. His indelible influence on military strategy and the administration of the Empire remains unquestioned, making him one of the indispensable pillars of the Napoleonic epic.
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francepittoresque · 5 months
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14 décembre 1649 : naissance officielle de la "prasline", bonbon aux amandes ➽ http://bit.ly/Prasline Ce jour-là, lors d’un festin qu’il offre aux jurats de Bordeaux, le maréchal du Plessis-Praslin sert une friandise aux amandes et au sucre dont il se déclare l’inventeur
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vincentreproches · 6 days
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illustratus · 2 years
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Marshal Masséna at the Battle of Essling by Édouard Detaille
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libriaco · 2 years
Il terribile pericolo della lettura
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Da quando, in ogni professione, ci s'imbatte in donne che sanno leggere, la nutrice riduce il poppante alla fame; la commerciante trascura il negozio e la cuoca la cucina; l'operaia incomincia più tardi e finisce prima la giornata; la parrucchiera distratta brucia le bionde chiome della cliente; l'infermiera e la farmacista, per un equivoco, ammazzano i malati; e la fanciulla, divenuta un essere pensante, dice che la sua mamma dà di matto, e tratta suo papà da deficiente.
S. Maréchal, [Projet d'une loi portant défense d'apprendre à lire aux femmes, 1801], Progetto di legge per vietare alle donne di imparare a leggere, Milano, Archinto, 2007 [Trad. E. Badellino]
Immagine: Woman Reading by a Paper-Bell Shade, di H. R. Morland (1766)
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edgarmoser · 2 years
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anna thibaud et maréchal - le curé et sa servante
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dcvina-claires · 6 months
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i am a tragedy enjoyer before i am human
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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François Maréchal - La Basilique (1910)
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nobrashfestivity · 11 months
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François Maréchal Nude with ornamental framing with butterflies and insects. (La Toilette. Encadrement orné de papillons et d’insects), 1915
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josephponiatowski · 3 months
Everyone keeps saying my Pepi drawings are adorable, but they don’t know I can make Pepi EVEN MORE adorable >:)))
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Goddamit I can’t draw weapons :((
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That’s it. Pa paaa~ (It means bye bye in Polish)
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A short woman practically buried in a gray coat approaches. She has a cute enough face bug her body is a stick. She is trying to sound intimidating but with her squeaky voice it’s nearly impossible
Greetings Marshal
- @alexanderfanboy (Napoleon)
Your Majesty.
*Ney bowed in the male way. Although Ney was never significantly taller than the emperor, now it feels she is towering over the petite woman Napoleon became. She is feeling on edge, as this is the second time she is facing the Emperor… uh, Empress and going against her. And this time, she won’t fuck up*
Please, take a seat. We have a lot to discuss.
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deceptigoons-attack · 3 months
Bernadotte, Minister of War
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"While Napoleon was campaigning in Egypt, in July 1799 Bernadotte was appointed Minister of the War with the support of Joseph and Lucien Bonaparte. His abrasive style meant he didn’t last for long. When informed there was no money in the treasury, he sent orders to stir up the men at the front, and before long the necessary supplies were furnished. After the incident Directory was alarmed at Bernadotte’s popularity and dismissed him from office in September. When Napoleon returned to France from Egypt, Bernadotte unsuccessfully attempted to have him arrested for desertion and breaking the quarantine that applied to ships returning from Egypt. When asked by his brother-in-law whether he would support the coup of 18 Brumaire, Bernadotte remained neutral."
(Debutify. “Jean Baptiste Bernadotte - Part 1: French Soldier to Swedish King.” Napoleonic Impressions, 15 Jan. 2021, napoleonicimpressions.com/blogs/napoleonic-impressions/jean-baptiste-bernadotte-part-1-french-soldier-to-swedish-king.)
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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14 décembre 1649 : naissance officielle de la "prasline", bonbon aux amandes ➽ https://bit.ly/3Wwhy8y Ce jour-là, lors d’un festin qu’il offre aux jurats de Bordeaux, le maréchal du Plessis-Praslin sert une friandise aux amandes et au sucre dont il se déclare l’inventeur
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vincentreproches · 7 days
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Zone d’affrontements.
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empirearchives · 2 months
So I was giggling at Napoleon’s signature here and how odd his handwriting is.
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The content of letter was less funny. It was a condolence letter from Napoleon to Berthier:
“My cousin, I share in your pain. The loss of a father is always sensitive. I know you and I understand your sorrows […]”
"Mon cousin je prends part à votre douleur. la perte d'un pere est toujours sensible. je vous connais et je comprends vos peines (...)" Saint-Cloud, 3 prairial an XII (23 mai 1804).
Source: Sotheby’s — Une famille et Napoléon, Collections du Maréchal Berthier, Prince de Wagram
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armagnac-army · 6 days
Lannes ! Psssst
A short woman dressed in an oversized gray coat approaches her. She is now slightly shorter than Lannes.
I really need your help i-It happened to me too now and I there is no way in hell im retiring but I’ve already told everyone else too do it .
And I also feel weird doing my usual stuff now . . . I don’t know what to do , what should i do?
- @Alexanderfanboy (Napoleon)
Fem!Lannes has a wicked grin on her face. She looks pretty much the same as regular Lannes. She tried a dress on and it was fun but she thought she looked better in her usual uniform.
Youre much shorter than me mon ami ha!
Biiiig hug as Lannes lords over her slight height advantage.
What the fuck are you on about why the devil would any of us retire??? were all goddamn dead! doesnt matter if were men or women or horses were still ourselves and were still doing our shit
just do your shit! try out a dress or something why is being a woman stopping you???
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