#martial arts knowledge
genyukandojo · 7 months
The Surge of Martial Arts Among Kids: Fostering Discipline, Confidence, and Physical Fitness
In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the popularity of martial arts among children. This trend reflects a shift in parental preferences towards activities that not only keep kids physically active but also contribute to their holistic development. From traditional disciplines like karate and taekwondo to more contemporary forms like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the rise of Martial Arts NYC Adults among kids is transforming the landscape of youth sports and extracurricular activities.
Physical Fitness and Well-being:
Martial arts offer a comprehensive approach to physical fitness, encompassing strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. The structured training sessions involve a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, contributing to the overall well-being of children. Engaging in martial arts from a young age establishes a foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.
Discipline and Focus:
Central to the practice of martial arts is the cultivation of discipline and focus. Kids participating in martial arts programs learn the importance of following instructions, adhering to a set curriculum, and practicing techniques consistently. These lessons extend beyond the dojo or training facility, positively influencing behavior, academic performance, and everyday tasks.
Building Confidence and Self-esteem:
Martial arts instill a sense of confidence and self-esteem in children as they progress through their training. Achieving belts or ranks, mastering new techniques, and participating in competitions contribute to a child's sense of accomplishment. This newfound confidence often transcends into other aspects of their lives, fostering a positive self-image and resilience.
Respect and Courtesy:
Traditional martial arts emphasize respect and courtesy as integral components of training. Children learn to show respect to their instructors, fellow students, and the art itself. The structured hierarchy within martial arts schools promotes a culture of mutual respect, teaching kids the value of treating others with courtesy and consideration.
Conflict Resolution and Self-control:
Martial arts emphasize the importance of self-control and conflict resolution. Through controlled sparring and simulated combat scenarios, children learn how to manage their emotions, make strategic decisions under pressure, and resolve conflicts peacefully. These skills have practical applications in school, social interactions, and later in life.
Cultural Appreciation:
Many forms of martial arts have deep cultural roots, originating from various regions around the world. Participation in martial arts introduces children to different cultures and traditions, fostering a sense of global awareness and appreciation. This exposure broadens their perspectives and encourages cultural sensitivity.
Anti-bullying and Self-defense Skills:
Martial arts equip children with practical self-defense skills, empowering them to protect themselves if the need arises. Additionally, the values instilled in martial arts training often include a strong stance against bullying. Many programs emphasize the responsible use of martial arts knowledge, promoting a culture of non-violence and empathy.
Social Interaction and Teamwork:
Martial arts classes provide a unique social setting where children interact with peers who share similar interests. Working together in drills, sparring, and team activities fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. These social interactions contribute to the development of valuable interpersonal skills.
Adaptability and Perseverance:
Learning martial arts requires adaptability and perseverance. Children encounter challenges, setbacks, and the need to learn new techniques. Facing and overcoming these obstacles instills a sense of resilience and perseverance, traits that are beneficial not only in martial arts but also in various aspects of life.
Fun and Enjoyment:
Perhaps one of the most significant reasons for the increase in martial arts participation among kids is the element of fun. Many martial arts programs incorporate engaging and enjoyable activities, making the learning process exciting for children. The combination of physical activity, skill development, and enjoyment makes martial arts a compelling choice for parents and kids alike.
The surge of martial arts among kids signifies a shift in the way parents approach the extracurricular activities of their children. Beyond the physical benefits, martial arts contribute to the holistic development of children, fostering qualities such as discipline, confidence, respect, and teamwork. As more parents recognize the profound impact of martial arts on their children's lives, the trend is likely to continue, shaping a generation that embodies the principles of martial arts both inside and outside the dojo.
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woe mundane monopoly headcanons be upon ye
follow for more of modern au hua cheng’s outfits
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muninnhuginn · 3 months
Thinking about "your weakness is how you always want to be the hero" and how the series returns to this at the end
Li Lianhua hated how he acted as Li Xiangyi and spent years trying to distance himself from it, but ultimately he still fell back into the similar patterns, for all his added experience
His main priority was always to "do the right thing" regardless of how that would impact on those around him. And it *did* impact those around him. From Qiao Wanmian and Shan Gudao as Li Xiangyi to Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng as Li Lianhua
Giving the Styx flower to the emperor so he could use it as leverage to guarantee Fang Duobing and his family's safety. Using the last of his power to save Yun Biqiu. Constantly putting others above himself whilst actively refusing to recognise that his self-sacrificial nature would hurt those he cared about most
And sure, he thinks he's going to die anyway. They're going to be hurt regardless and he can't do anything about that. His odds are low of the Styx flower even working. But ultimately, he refuses to even consider trying. Li Xiangyi has been dead a long time and Li Lianhua is just there to tide things over. What value is the life of a ghost
To the end, he lives and dies a hero. To the end, he refuses to live for himself.
#sth about how he almost managed to live for himself but his past and need to do right doomed him.#those missing years before canon starts were probably the closest he got but even then the knowledge he couldn't use martial arts#must have killed him (no pun intended). because he'd put so much stock in his identity as sigu sect leader + hero + prodigy#so to have such a massive part of his identity stripped from him... honestly it doesn't seem that he ever fully comes to terms with it#but he makes progress and he tries to do better. + that leads to him becoming a different type of 'hero' than the symbol he was originally#deep down he wants to help people with all he has but his capacity isn't infinite + at some point can only be taken from himself#mysterious lotus casebook#mlc spoilers#also to be clear I mention shan gudao not to say lxy should have realised earlier bc for a lot of the time he was too young to notice#and later on sgd did better at hiding his intentions. but more for how lxy tunnel visioned towards his idea of righteousness#and steamrolled over everyone else. both sgd and qwm were placed far below the importance of the sigu sect#and lxy's arrogance made it such that sigu became reliant on him alone as he shut others out (hence domino fall once he went).#idk if he could ever have 'fixed' what was btwn him and sgd bc it was so deep rooted but I do think that his actions#helped convince sgd that sgd was entirely in the right to choose his path#mlc#edit: just went and checked the exact wording of the TL and it's actually 'you like being a hero' rather than 'you want to be the hero'#which is different but still close enough in implications for my point to stand (I think)
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exausta-verytired · 2 months
I'm bringing all of you to the capoeira practice
#also wondering how many of you are only siblings because I'm pretty sure the first place I learnt to throw a punch was at home#I also got in a lot of physical fights because I took no shit with homophobic bullying and cat calling#but but. both football and capoeira in my neighbourhood were important to me growing up because it gave me the knowledge that I could in#fact beat up a man because physical strength isn't the only thing at play#and I do think the fact most boys grow up having very physical games while girls don't plays a huge factor in women being conditioning to#not react#genuinely think the most important thing when you're in a real fight. is how many real fights you've been on before#a lot of men are very weak for pain. you can beat them in endurance. like I understand there's disadvantage but I hate the DOOMY way some#women talk about men being larger/stronger as someone who's successfully fought off many situations#but this is also why I hate most self defense. like regularly practicing martial arts does help. but a 10 hours course will not kick in a#desperate situation where you need muscle memory. my best advice is if you don't know how to throw a punch just DON'T you can do more with#your elbows or slapping. just. a lot of fights it's being willing to let the desperation kick in and go for the throat yk#honestly I KNOW how to throw a punch and even I tend to go for elbows because I'm 160cm and not that strong lol#anyways my worst opinion as someone who works with teens is that I think sometimes we should let kids solve some problems with their hands#will always pretend I don't see gay students or women who get harassed throwing punches#some of you truly should've caused more chaos in your school years#also it's really sad that women were banned from capoeira for a long time some 'tradicionalists' still complain#it's all about being nimble and smarter in order to beat an opponent you ASSUME it's stronger than you. it just feels great#gave me a lot of confidence when I really needed ot
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friendofthecrows · 2 months
they gotta make nap-length sleep mediations. Also ones where the speaker doesn't sound like the world's most annoying yoga intructer or perhaps therapist.
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thexgrayxlady · 11 months
I am firmly of the belief that if Jack met Chase at a similar age, they would be at each other's throats, having the biggest nerd fight of all time, in minutes.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
what are SK Sun and Moon's opinions on taekwondo? Have they met children who go to classes?
I think they find martial arts in general interesting! Almost an artistic way of moving one's body while also used as a line of defense. And they have both met plenty of kids who take classes. Both Sun and Moon have had many come up to them and try moves on them.
Of course they go along with it to make the kid happy. Sun will pretend to go down when kicked or karate chopped, and Moon will allow himself to be "flipped" and pinned. (i haven't done taekwondo in years so i have no idea if they do those moves ;w;)
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girlscience · 3 months
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projectbatman193 · 2 years
I've been trying to learn math and coding for a while now (both are weak points of mine and lye waaay out of my comfort zone), the basic stuff always seem pretty basic, but the more advanced is way too out there for me to grasp, so I very much enjoy the idea of being able to get all from one source.
I've been trying other methods, but felt that a book would be more helpful for me, I took the oportunity to order another book from the same collection but about computer science and coding.
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Let's see how this goes, but I feel way more comfortable with books.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Hey I remember you gave Marcus his status as a pro boxer could you also gave him an AU version as a MMA’st include Stan too…
P.S I also remember an MMA movie of two brother fight each other if they the two ever face other out for some reason in the ring who would win
🏆 🥊🔥🦍🆚🦍
Thanks so much for the ask! I tried to answer it to the best of my ability, sorry if it's not really what you were asking for. I hope you enjoy anyway! - <3 Gooseless
Disclaimer: my boxing knowledge is from google searches and my one friend who did box (who might have been fucking with me with the answers to my questions but oh well). I did martial arts and martial arts sparring soooooo.... yeah this is not my area of expertise.
If they were actual professional boxers/MMA fighters:
If they were actual professional boxers, I think they would do a lot of doubles fights together and would be a pretty big force to be reckoned with. Barry would probably be their marketing agent in this case and they would have a lot more counted for wins.
Their first meeting would be different, with them probably meeting during a match when they were younger and becoming friends from that (it would also mean that Stan and Barry got to meet Johnny's mum so there's that).
But the conflict in Sing 1 would be the most different. Instead of training him to be a robber, Marcus is trying to get Johnny to become a boxer. He doesn't skip out on a heist, instead he misses a match, pretty much ruining his record which is what annoys Marcus. The same fight would occur, but both his dad and uncles would be at the performance to support him and apologize.
And instead of Marcus and the other's doing community service in Sing 2, it would have been them getting ready for a match when Johnny calls and them choosing to go help anyways, no questions asked.
Currently in the canon universe:
Marcus's Stats (In a Fight Club)
Total Fights: 67
Fight Record (Wins, Losses, Knock-Outs): 34, 14, 19
Weight Class: Super Middleweight
Title Shots: None (They didn't have titles)
Earliest Knock-Out: 2:39
Win Streak: 15
Total Strikes Landed: 1697
Average Strikes Landed per Minute: 7.41
Stan's Stats (Actually in a Ring)
Total Fights: 54
Fight Record (Wins, Losses, Knock-Outs): 26, 13, 15
Weight Class: Super Middleweight
Title Shots: Essex Junior Middleweight Champion 1993
Earliest Knock-Out: 2:43
Win Streak: 14
Total Strikes Landed: 1797
Average Strikes Landed per Minute: 8.24
As for in a match... I think it would be close tbh. I'm not sure who would win, I think it would depend on the day. Marcus is overall stronger but Stan is slightly faster.
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
Someone on private message said thankful to me for posting the “EA Misinterpretation of China and Chinese Culture in Shang Simla World” that my post was informative and felt sorry for Chinese simmers for bad representation.
I'm sorry too for very late publishing the post to spread the information. It was actually critics I was supposed to complain to EA from year 2015, I did not make my Sim visiting Shang Simla afterwards due to disappointment and forgetting that world. When in 2020 pandemic, I decided write on tumblr. Writing in English language was quite difficult that was why it was long time to write and revise a lot in year 2021, then "forgotten", due to CC publications and uncomfortable incidents happened on my blog. Decided to publish on public to share knowledge to Simming community who are not familiar with Chinese culture. 
I decided to not mention who the person is to protect the person's identity. Glad that to hear the person (from U.K. and said has no Asian ancestry) said already realized the Shang Simla icon is Japanese gate from beginning playing TS3 World Adventures, wondered from long time ago why EA made that mistake.
I tag @yorithesims​ What’s your opinion as Japanese seeing your country’s building icon Torii Gate as icon symbol for Chinese country. Weird, right?  
The person asked again whether the clothing is accurate or not.
For clothing... I do wear Tang suit on Spring Festival or Chinese New Year in real life. Tang suit is for men and although it was from Qing dynasty it's also applicable for usage in modern time with more modernized design.
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I use EA's Tang suit for dressing my Sim, Ridwan (he is Indonesian, ethnically Han Chinese descended from Hokkien speaking ancestors from Fujian, China). EA-made Tang suit with short sleeve here is modernized. Traditional Tang suit has long sleeves. 
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And for traditional Tang suit with long sleeves converted for child version is HERE.
I have no problem so far with the clothing because TS3 style is cartoony, low poly, yeah I kind of understand the clothing don’t have too much detail with wrinkles. I don’t expect EA TS3 team too much for clothing because I know the employees were too overworked with tight deadlines, working other 2 worlds as well. If it's historically accurate or not, I will say the hanfu is.. too ordinary because its worn by poor peasant in ancient dynasty time but the sleeves are not long enough to cover wrist. 
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EA employees must be getting the design from Hong Kong movies they had watched which showing scene of ordinary peasants. If you need more accurate ancient Chinese clothing, better download from actual Chinese CC creators. Hanfu differs in every dynasty, elegant, has complex design and patterns, definitely not resembling simple kimono robe after taking bath. 
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Better ask to Simmers from China, Taiwan, Hongkong if you want to know more about hanfu and more traditional Chinese clothing. @pitheinfinite​​ Just in case you come back again to Sims community, please help explaining about traditional Chinese clothing, as you are woman who knows more about female clothing and Chinese history. Thank you in advance. 
As you know, Cheongsam (Cantonese language) or Qipao (Mandarin Chinese language) tight dress showing curvy body you Westerners see actually is modernized/Westernized version. The original Qipao is from Qing dynasty is HERE.
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Made by Taiwanese creator, Paulean-R. 
I notified Western CC creator  @murfeelee​ because I've seen her made compilation of TS3 Qipao. Just in case if she needed more information about traditional Chinese clothing, I gave the explanation here.  
Qipao made by EA (No sleeve, long skirt) is too outdated to be honest. I've seen the most popular Qipao among girls has sleeve and short skirt.
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Martial arts clothing made by EA is quite alright, that is wushu clothing. Unlike Japanese & Korean martial arts, wushu does not have standard uniform. Usually wushu clothing does not have sash, some have sash on waist. Colors are variable. Japanese & Korean martial arts do have strict discipline policy, must wear white uniform, belt must be worn properly and must obey the teacher. If do not, you will get punishment from the teacher.  
Wushu vs Karate 
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Just for your info, Chinese martial arts (wushu) do not implement belt colour system for ranking levels. It's Japanese and Korean martial arts that have white, yellow, green, blue, red, black belt colour. I'm former Taekwondo practitioner. Sash on wushu clothing is just a sash, not belt with ranking levels. 
As bonus here are Misua (Fujian-style wheat vermicelli), Sichuan-style noodles and oolong tea from Fujian I recently bought, they are imported straight from China. 
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Real Shang Simla foods are supposed to look like this. I bought product from Taiwan too but because Shang Simla is supposed to depict Mainland China, Taiwanese product is excluded. Hehe. Peace, no war.   ✌️
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robotsprinkles · 1 year
okay I've not actually watched the video yet
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but based off the comments this guy's video is basically ripping into shad's stupid shapiro and carl benjamin loving ass for stupid "anti-sjw" comments he made about the mario movie
very glad to see people outside the hema/historical arms and armour community becoming aware of shad's bs
maybe one of these days I'll check whether jazza's fallen into a similar hole of crap. (I mean he's apparently gotten into ai art so that's. yeah). did a quick google, according to reddit Jazza's apparently cool about queer people so that's nice at least.
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 10 months
hiiii really enjoyed your chenglingposting i was thinking about how sometimes the kids in adult stories function as a sort of barometer for optimism about the future in their views and options in life... obviously the alliance wants to continue the cycle of antagonizing and vengeance and conflict with the veneer of "honor" but. zcl gets to choose not to. its been a while since I either read or watched, do you know if zcl was ever onboard with actually wanting vengeance or if that was just being pushed on him? Obv its not super in line w his personality but grief could be a factor. i just thought it'd make a lot of sense if he changed his mind on that due to the influence of wenzhou and how they prioritize enjoying life w your people and following your own path over expectations. priest really took one more chance to emphasize breaking cycles/"if it sucks hit the bricks"
hi!! omg!!! thank you and im glad you enjoyed it! honestly this is a question i have been thinking about since at least two rereads ago. the show and the novel are handling this issue of zcl picking up his legacy / giving in to external expectations / finding out what he really wants in life a little differently, i think, as befitting of what they both focus on. ive said in my chenglingpost that the show is about legacy and inheritance in my eyes, while the novel is about martial arts and freedom of choice. obvs freedom of choice is a high priority in word of honor as well, but word of honor seems to have an overarching look, kind of focusing on the big picture and what a generation / a community needs rather than a few individuals, while the novel focuses exclusively on wenzhou and their little group and seems to handle the rest of the themes in priest's usual style. the show is about something "grand", the novel is about the mundane, almost boring human experience. martial arts play a bigger role in the latter too because they are a stand-in for many things that are hard to grasp, like autonomy. in chengling's context, martial arts are irrevocably linked with seeking revenge. i think that is specifically in the novel the case, not so much in the show. in the show seeking revenge is pushed onto him by others as well as inheriting his sect's legacy and becoming worthy of being his father's son. in the novel, the idea of seeking revenge is first presented to him by gu xiang, and it is actually this huge contrast to how others treat him because others "generously" offer to take revenge for him, while gu xiang tells him he can do that himself. we see with wen kexing that getting revenge does not make u happy. it gives u closure but it does not make u happy. i think that is something chengling learns during the novel. he gets closure in the end but it does not look the way he had imagined it would. i think he imagined himself to get super strong and then single-handedly slay his foes. yknow, as u often see in wuxia and as wen kexing literally does. then he starts learning martial arts and realizes getting super strong is actually not that easy, and this chasm between what he expects of himself and what he is able to achieve gets wider and wider and he falls into depression spirals, because to chengling, seeking revenge was taking ownership of his life and his trauma, and what use does he have when he cant even do that? that is the path wen kexing walks and it hollowed him out and it would have him kill himself if he hadnt met zhou zishu; wen kexing viewed himself as an instrument for a very long time rather than as someone deserving of having his own life. so obvs, that path is rubbish by itself (wkx gets his revenge and his closure and his life, good for him!) and its far too much for a kid. and i think, that is what chengling learns here: he only needs to do as much as he can, only bite off what he can chew, and the rest should not be his concern. and there really turns out to be a way to get everything he needs without walking the same path as wen kexing, as the novel proves, because wen kexing had nobody when he was in the same situation while trying to survive the valley, while chengling has wenzhou who guide him and shield him and love him. (crying myself into a huddle over wen kexing and chengling and them being foils of each other.) so in that sense youre already putting it into words. chengling seems to have changed his mind over the course of the novel, he doesnt have that same outlook on vengeance as he as in the start. i think thats different for the show. in the show, there is this weighing of the concept of revenge against the concept of getting justice, and what both these things do and require of a person and what they can offer u as an individual, but also u as a collective, in the long run. they are seen as two different things and are explored and qestioned individually. i think that can be seen in the conflict with chengling and all these expectations everyone has of him and how he handles that.
#i cant say much more regarding the show rn. but i think it does something very similar to the novel#re: wen kexing and chengling getting their closure parallel to each other and being foils of each other#one walking a path the other doesnt have to or doesnt get to#chengling is kinda symbolically getting the kind of justice wkx would have deserved to and gets now through chengling#but for the show#their closure is not just holding the big bad accountable. its also the community effort of forging a better future together#aa this went off track. but i cant get into more detail re: chengling and vengeance for the show. still in my rewatch!#i hope this answers your question anyway!!!!#thank you for sending it to me i had a lot of fun!#i have a lot more to say but tumblr seems to impose a word limit on answering asks! >:(#something something martial arts are zzs's way of communication and he uses that rather than his words to give chengling what he needs#something something practising martial arts helps chengling discover the boundaries of his own body and reverts him back into a child#rather than the orphaned failure of a son who needs revenge to give himself meaning. like a tool.#something something martial arts is both chengling's cause of suffering and his tool of freeing himself#something something zzs knows for pretty much most of the novel that zcl has this grand potential inside him and simply ignores it#something something chengling's shifu (he has a shifu in the novel before zzs!) is an idiot who doesnt even see his disciple's potential#who blames chengling instead of reflecting upon himself (and how thats kinda like schools blaming neurodivergent and other kids for failing#and how zzs notices chengling's inert dormant potential / difficulty practically immediately and is probs uniquely qualified to teach him#drawing from his own experience with harsh teaching methods and surviving impossible tasks and breaking through body limits and difficultie#paired with being bamf at martial arts and probs having this vast pool of knowledge#something something zzs acting nasty but doing good (and nobody knows) and chengling turning out happier and more stable in the end#inbox#geneticcatalyst#tian ya ke#faraway wanderers#word of honor#meta#zhang chengling#zhou zishu#wen kexing
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morayofsunshine · 11 months
now sparring is mainly sporting and practice and fun but someone at a recent fansign asked San who out of ateez he could beat in a fight and he said none of them bc he fights to kill, and a lot of peeps were shocked but it's like, yeah dude. he has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. when it comes to martial arts, when you're not holding yourself back for practice with another person, you're only using it for self defense because in that case you're doing whatever you can to make sure that person can't hurt you. and that can mean killing them. which is why so many forms of martial arts have a strict code of discipline, and humility, and pacifism-except-when-necessary to go with them, because having these skills is a huge responsibility.
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alectoperdita · 2 years
WIP Snippet Sunday
More from What you can’t bury.
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Immediately, Tachibana adopted the standard upright stance, leading with his left foot as all orthodox boxers did. Jounouchi mirrored him, spreading his feet shoulder-width apart and taking the weight off his heels to increase his mobility. Hands up, chin tucked, squarely facing his opponent. Tachibana flashed another mouthy grin, his feet doing a dance before he darted forward to close the gap and directed a jab at Jounouchi’s left shoulder.
His back leg retreated a step on the canvas before his front foot followed, pushing him out of the range of the hit.
Step. Jab. Cross. Step. Hook.
After dodging three blows in a row, Jounouchi barely threw up his arm and blocked the last blow with his forearm. He couldn’t play defense forever. The next blow he took, grunting through the force rattling down his side to land a hit squarely in Tachibana’s shoulder. Take a blow to land a blow as Doumeki taught him. That finally forced the man to back off, giving Jounouchi precious seconds to consider his next move.
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brainwavesechoes · 2 years
Si può spiegare l'acqua, ma la bocca non si bagnerà, si può spiegare tutto sulla natura del fuoco, ma la bocca non si scalderà.
Conosci l'acqua e il fuoco solo se li tocchi.
Bushido, la Via del guerriero
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