#me actaully using my degree
emberfrostlovesloki · 6 months
Aaron Fanfiction Analysis [an essay]
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Photo credits: Left (Google) Center (@themoontaxi) Right (@citronplume)
A/N: I don’t know how many of you followed my page to read some academic work, but here we are, and I’d love it if you stick around to give this a read if you are so inclined. I recently read Rome’s @criminalskies story about a BAU reader who is feeling dysphoric due to being on their period during a long case. Aaron provides them comfort, and they come out to him. The link to that story can be found here (link). While I was reading it, I was so enamored that I started taking notes. If I like something, I take notes. After finishing it, I simply had to think about the literary devices being used, and this essay was born. I asked Rome if they were okay with this, and they agreed (thank you!). Then I finished the essay, and I asked if I could share it here too. Again, Rome agreed. Obviously, after Roland Barthes and The Death of the Author and all that. We understand that reading is subjective. This is just my little take on their story. Everyone reads and understands things differently. I thought I’d just share my thoughts with you. If nothing else, please check out Rome’s page and this story. They are a joy to know and be friends with. I'm currently working on an Emily fic and and an Aaron fic, so those will be out soon too. I hope you all have a lovely end of your weekend, and I’ll see you soon  - Levi. 
You can read the essay below the cut
Word Count: 3.1K 
Content Warnings: Dysphoria and body image issues
List with all stories
P.S. I did the ungodly thing, and I printed this fanfiction on paper for the sake of annotations and in-text citations. 
Fanfiction is a Gift 
When someone who is not very familiar with the concept of fanfiction hears the term fanfiction brought up in conversation,  there is a knee-jerk reaction to assume that this type of writing is not very good writing and that those writing it are teenagers. Both of those things may be true of some fanfiction writers. However, to address the quality of writing, if something is being written, no matter what skill level it is at, that is practice. Practice makes us better writers of all of us. So there will be no complaint about quality from me on that count. But there are other types of fanfiction writers as well. There are adults who consume content and adore it so much that they want to add their voice to the narrative. They bring themselves open and willingly to the space. They share their stories with others to read and enjoy. Often, these writers are more inclusive than the content of the original material. After all, books, T.V. shows, movies, and all other entertainment media are made by the studios for one purpose -- money. The top executives of networks and streaming services are happy to discontinue a beloved show if it is not making a profit. Now some shows are disappearing entirely for tax write-off purposes. The mainstream shows that stay ongoing for years must appeal to the everyman. This often means inclusivity is not a top goal of the creators. This leaves many marginalized groups out. These often include LGBTQIA+, minorities, those who are disabled, and those with non-thin body types. It might come as a surprise to David Saslav or Sam Levinson, but not everybody looks like the characters on their platforms and shows. There has been a push for media to be more inclusive, and we see this in shows like Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, and What We Do In The Shadows, but the number of these shows pales in comparison to the mainstream media. Serial shows like Criminal Minds is one of those shows. The F.B.I. drama hosts a cast that is not very diverse, and topics of sexuality, racism, police brutality, and other pressing issues are addressed only briefly during the show’s sixteen-season run. This is where fanfiction writers bridge the gap. Writers allow themselves and others to be included in that world, with those characters. This writing is cathartic to many. It is healing what the mainstream refused to address. This is why fanfiction is a gift. To highlight how strong some fanfiction writers are, and the power they have over language, a literary analysis will be done on a recent story published on Tumblr. The author, Rome, was completing a request for a story involving the BAU team leader, Aaron Hotchner, and a non-binary member of the team who is feeling dysphoric during their period. Rome responded to that request with a masterpiece. The untitled story uses diction and tone to demonstrate how the reader feels embarrassed and frustrated by the situation they are placed in, pacing and juxtaposition are employed to highlight how time in the show and on a personal level seem to warp and change given the circumstances, lastly, characterization is used for the reader and Aaron to display how their dynamic changes by the end of the story. 
The story starts in medias res, with the team attempting to solve a slew of murders in Louisiana. The team is stumped and tired. An argument breaks out between the reader and Dr. Reid. Here a variety of loaded words are brought up, including, “irritable,” “overdrive,” “annoyingly,” “hope,” and “exhausted” (Rome, 1). The use of these emotions sets the tone early on for the piece. This is not a fun or happy situation. The argument that takes place in the precinct highlights this, as the reader says, “‘Reid. Correct me based off something you read in the textbook I wrote one more goddamn time and I will see how far that giant brain of yours really is from your skull.’” (Rome, 2). The violent nature of the statement and the use of an expletive evince the tension in the room. Derek Morgan’s attempt to comfort adds no help, as he calls the reader “Mama” twice (Rome, 2). Morgan’s use of gendered terms only makes the reader more angry as they identify as non-binary but has not told the team yet. It is only Aaron who helps them calm down and moves them out of the room. The tone shifts from one of anger from the reader to concern from Aaron. As it turns out, not only is the reader exhausted, but has also started their period; thus the excess of emotions. Embarrassed, they move to the restroom and begin sobbing in pain from the cramps and identity crisis. Aaron moves into the space and immediately he becomes concerned as he hears his, seasoned, agent crying out in pain. He enters the bathroom stall and attempts to understand what’s happened. As he asks questions, the reader notes that his tone is “delicate” and “so laced with concern” (Rome, 7). Aaron embraces the reader to offer physical comfort in a situation that is clearly distressing to both of them. After a few moments, Aaron notices that the reader is holding the crumpled plastic of a pad. The realization hits him and “the penny finally drops, and he can understand why you were so volatile earlier” (Rome, 8). He still does not understand why the reader is so upset but true to his character on the show, he does not try and guess at an answer. He is compassionate at this moment. There is another tonal shift from care and concern to humor as the story lightens its tone. 
The reader has asked Aaron to go back to the hotel, and he readily agrees. The reader asks Aaron, who is driving,  to stop at a convenience store to get some needed supplies for their menstruation. They arrive at a store and the reader attempts to go in themself, but Aaron has none of it. He is told what the reader needs and moves into the store himself. While Aaron is very good at meeting the needs of the team, when he is faced with the choice of period products, he is suddenly at a loss. His experiences with his ex-wife does not help him much, and seeing him flustered like this brings a lightness to the story. As he faces down the tampons, he speaks aloud, “‘Light, ultra light, regular, overnight, sport, active, everyday, heavy, ultra max… shit’” (Rome, 12). Without wanting to disturb the reader, he gets one of every kind along with some comfort snacks. When the manly cashier makes a comment about women and “‘shark week’” Aaron responds, “Funny, sharks rather like eating invertebrates,” as he walks out the door (Rome, 14). There is one last major shift from humor to an understanding of passion and joy. The start of this shift is when, at the hotel, Aaron attempts a joke, saying, “‘I feel like it might be a human rights violation to deny a menstruating woman her sleep’” (Rome, 16). The use of gendered language, especially from Aaron, makes the reader uncomfortable in their body again. Aaron notices the shift and checks in to see if the reader is okay. He ends up joining them in their room. After the reader is changed, he perceptively states, “‘I can tell one moment you’re completely fine and the next it’s like you’re forty feet from your own body” (Rome, 19). By saying this, the reader reveals how they have been feeling over the past few months. That they feel their body and gender are not aligned. They note that they had hesitated to say anything for fear of being viewed differently and making work for Aaron. Aaron could care less. He is overjoyed that the reader is revealing their true self to him. Aaron states, “I am so, so happy, that I’m someone you’re comfortable to talk about this with’” (Rome, 21). The conversation continues for a while longer and there is an understanding between Aaron and the reader and real delight from Aaron in being pulled into the loop. The story finishes with a moment of intimacy and self-reflection from Aaron as he holds the reader tight to his body. 
Criminal Minds normally follows a villain, or Unknown Subject [heretofore unsub] of the week. This provides a steady narrative arc for each of the episodes: a case is announced, the team debriefs, arrives at the location of the crimes, the team creates a profile, the team investigates, another murder or crime happens, the profile changes, the climax, and then the resolution, and closing monolog, as the team returns home on the jet. This structure is endemic in most police procedural shows and it provides a consistency to the narrative. Rome’s use of pacing is more dynamic and more personal. There is clearly a timeline for the team. They need to solve these cases as quickly as possible so less people die. There is an urgency in that. It pushes the team to the height of their emotions. This is mentioned early in the story as the case “stretched on for five days” with no leads (Rome, 1). In fact, time is often mentioned either in minutes or hours. As the fight breaks out between the reader and Derek the time is “1:15 in the morning.” This is one possible justification for the reader's outburst, but not the real one. Pace is brought up again as Aaron tries to understand what has happened. The reader realizes that their period coming has made them more emotional and they attempt to soothe Aaron. They realize, “[they’ve] gone from screaming to crying to comforting him in all under four minutes” (Rome, 3). The juxtaposition of emotions in such a short time frame has the audience focus on time. On the awkward encounter that has just happened. Pacing is also used to demonstrate Aaron’s care and devotion (even if he isn’t willing to admit to it) to the reader. As he kneels in a puddle on the bathroom floor, holding the reader, we are told, “He’s desperate to know what’s happened with you, but he will kneel here until his knees lock if it means you’ll tell him when you’re comfortable’” (Rome, 8). Aaron is such a stoic character and to see him acting so tenderly, going as far as getting his expensive suit dirty, and his willingness to be in pain shows the audience how much he cares about the reader. The fact that he is willing to be in pain, while the reader is in agony demonstrates his commitment to them. Aaron is one of the oldest members of the team, thus, his kneeling on, cold, hard, tile is not great for his joints. The lowered body position does end up affecting him when he does get up, we are told he  “[lets] out a tiny groan as he stands up” (Rome, 9). The fact that they are both in pain ties the two together in an unspoken way. Aaron both in voice and action going forward, reassures the reader that he is thinking of them. Trying to get them to the hotel and comfort as quickly as possible. He makes statements like, “I won’t be a moment” to let the reader know he is cognizant of time and their discomfort. He drives efficiently, walks with determination, and does his best to be quick at finding the right tampon for the reader. The pacing takes a final turn as they enter the hotel. The times of events have slowly been shortening. These time frames move from days at the beginning of the narrative, to the possibility of hours on bent knees at the middle, and close with small moments. The reader tells Aaron, “Just one second,” as they prepare to change (Rome, 19). When the reader's real identity is revealed to Aaron, in an instant, moves, “[a] large pair of hands flys across the space between you on the bed” (Rome, 20). At the end, in their moment of intimacy, Aaron reflects on his admiration, and love, as the reader takes “short breaths” on his upper arm (Rome,  22). The juxtaposition of these time frames and pacing paired with the emotions of anger, then humor, and finally love leaves the audience feeling comfort and peace with Aaron. 
The main crux of this story is the fact that the reader is feeling heightened dysphoria due to their period and hiding this fact about them from the team and more importantly, from Aaron. Thus the characterization of both the reader and Aaron changes and develops a good deal over the twenty-two pages of text. The reader starts out unsure of why they are so angry. Why has this case been so trying on them that night? The reader is at this point unaware of the unwanted, excruciating bleeding that will start soon. The reader is observed with “eyes welling up seemingly out of nowhere as you note that you are definitely not okay, You just don’t know why” (Rome, 3). Once they are aware of their period coming, the reader is not comforted by the fact. The bodily bloodshed only emphasizes that they do not belong in the body they inhabit. The reader notes, 
The anticipation, your monthly [a] reminder of who you are forced to be, looming right in front of you. When you can feel your grasp on emotions slip just a little bit and those little voices in your head gain a little too much power. The thoughts of how your body doesn’t look anything close to who you feel you are. Rome 5
These painful external reminds pushes the reader to do things they don’t enjoy. To try and conform to some gender norm that does not align with them. The reader has gone as far as wearing makeup to appear more feminine, but all that accomplished was to make them feel like they were “playing a part… wearing a mask,” and “keeping up a facade with the team” (Rome 6). This discomfort continues but is slightly alleviated when Aaron comes to understand that they are on their period, and he reacts with care and compassion instead of a reprimand. At the hotel, the reader is upset again by Aaron's unintentional gendered words. In the bathroom of their hotel room. The shape and feel of their body bothers them, as they look in the mirror and think, “how miserable the stranger in the mirror looks” (Rome, 17). Not even putting on more comfortable clothes is helping, as their thighs appear more womanly in the stretchy fabric. It is not until the revelation is made that the reader’s gender identity lies between the male-female binary, that they fully relax. When they notice the “genuine joy radiating from Aaron,” they know they can fully be themself around him (Rome, 18). And still, the pain persists, but in Aaron’s gentle embrace, they can finally rest. Aaron goes through a similar character transformation. Even at the beginning of the story, it is never stated that he is mad at the reader. He is just very concerned. He is as baffled as the reader as to why they are acting as they are. His thoughts mimic the readers as he thinks, “You're clearly very volatile and on edge. He just can’t figure out why?” (Rome, 3). The parallel in emotions is a foreshadowing of the feelings that Aaron will have at the end of the text. The sound of the reader crying intensifies those latent emotions. As Aaron holds the reader close to him for the first time that night, he thinks that “he couldn’t care less about the surroundings, his hand finding the back of your head to hold you close to his aching heart” (Rome, 4). He continues to be concerned and his emotions are pulled, as he only wants to bring the reader some relief. He is eager to help monetarily by buying an array of period products and painkillers. This is a help, but Aaron wants to physically comfort his agent. His distress over the reader even finds voice in anger, as he insults a burly man unwilling to interact with his partner during her time of the month. At the hotel, there is more comfort for the reader, but he can still see pain in them. This pain is less associated with their period. When he asks for clarity for his own sake, he grows nervous: “He silently prays you aren’t about to begin an interrogation” (Rome, 18).
When all is finally made known, he is ecstatic. As the reader states that they fear their new identity might be a burden to him and the team, he is quick to say, “I want to make you feel as comfortable as I am able to accommodate” (Rome, 18). And in the end, Aaron is able to provide that physical comfort again as he acts as a living heating pad. He envelopes the reader in his body, his warmth. And as he begins to drift off to sleep, he questions his emotions once more, asking the rhetorical question, “Right?” as he sleeps (Rome, 22). Aaron’s character arc is centered around his care of the reader and his feelings for them. There is no dramatic “I love you” but the outpouring of small gestures and care given by Aaron to the reader clearly displays his love of them in all their complexity. 
There are so many other literary devices that are used here such as simile, personification, descriptive language, and imagery. However, the elements examined here felt the most weighty. Held the attention longer. When reading and rereading this work, many times I thought, “God, I wish I was the reader!” And here is the great delight in fanfiction -- you are the reader! Inclusive fanfiction belongs to everyone who wants to be involved. Not all fanfiction attempts this. Not all fanfiction is a reader insert or “x reader” as it is often seen on Tumblr, but to live in a time where such care is given to those often standing on the outside is amazing. It is kindness and care just like Aaron comforting and accepting the reader is kindness and care. I do not mean to say that all media, be it books, movies, or TV shows is not inclusive. Some of it is, and I’m glad for that, but much of the time diversity is added as a bonus, so the creators can pat themselves on the back and say, “We’ve got that group covered at least.” I will continue to give praise to those who give so much of themselves for everyone else. Fanfiction really is a beautiful thing.
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shelsgovroomvroom · 3 years
Can you please write a story where the reader (female) isn't a youtuber or plays Among us with the crew? Preferably, angst and meeting him through social media as a fan. The last sentence is not a requirement, I would like to read a story where the reader is not a youtuber at all. You know, just a regular person who interacts with corpse outside of his internet persona.
I don’t really like the whole “met because they’re a fan through social media” thing so I decided to cut that part out. But I do love the idea of corpse being with someone who’s not a streamer, so I just wrote a way I could see that happening!
Personally, I’d love to make this a series so let me know if you have my more ideas or if you even think this could work as series 🖤🖤
Corpse had always said he wasn’t gonna go back to school and graduate. But as time went on, he found himself actaully wanting that. A lot of things he wanted to do required it and he didn’t know if he liked the idea of being a 50 year old who never graduated high school.
So, he decided to go to one of those private places that help you get your diploma. As expected, he was way behind and he was gonna need a tutor. He didn’t have the money to pay for a full time tutor on top of the part time school, but one of the teachers was also a lecturer at a nearby university who knew of a student there who tutored people trying to get their diploma for free.
And that’s how he met you. He was honestly amazed by you. Not only did you have the complete opposite outlook on academics that he did, but you were willing to help people like him for free? He had always saw those people that go to universities and get multiple degrees and masters degrees as stuck up and snobbish. Yet there you were, busy getting a masters degree but helping people graduate high school and not even charging them.
You guys got along really well cause you just seemed to understand how his mind worked. Which meant that you could explain things to him in a way that actaully made sense. Pretty soon you guys were hanging out outside of just you tutoring him and then you pretty much became inseparable.
You did know him from YouTube, but you only asked him about after knowing for a few months. He says yes and expects you treat him differently but you just go “cool” and then keep on teaching him like it’s no big deal.
You’re so different to him but pretty soon, he couldn’t imagine life without you. Oh and you help him get his diploma so there’s that.
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abombihoney · 3 years
i hope you're happy, because you managed to make EVERYONE cry
that is such a sad idea! like, knowing how the only cordy that has the memories of the host still has some gaps there and there means that vi may end up forgetting things. what would be worse is that she may forget some things she did together with the team. even worse: maybe the cordy will also forget things which, you know, is BAD in a way. like, it may end up forgetting more important things.
tho, this really shows how she's also kind. like yeah, she uses bravado and anger to deal with her emotions, but that doesn't mean she's completely bad! she's just a teen after all (which also makes the situation sadder, since of course everyone would assume that she is lying; she's just a child! no one really believes a child, they are easy to manipulate. like, she is NOT lying but nobody believes her. the fact that she ends up in such a bad situation is horrible, since no child should fear the people that were close to her. of course she can't see the queen like a kind being anymore; she doesn't understand that she KNOWS. she KNOWS what she's saying, so of course vi would feel betrayed; no one takes her seriously)
tbh i also really like how you made crow be the one who helps them in escaping. it's a nice touch, considering that the team comments on how she seems to be overworked. she could have easily overheard the discussion (since it's a tattle) which was a sign for her that hey, someone cares a little for her.
(btw, you're working on a fic? that's awesome! also sorry for this whole dump! i'm very interested) - mothposts (i'm on mobile so i can't send an ask from my account)
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Good! If I had to cry so did everyone else!!!!
on the memory thing: :)
Yeah nobody ever believes kids or teenagers about anything, I remember how much that pissed me off as a kid. I never could understand why I would have to explain myself about w/e, if the adult in question had already made up their mind, but was just hearing me out "to be fair" or some bs.
which as an adult now, there is a degree of "oh this is teenage emotions/oh yeah they're a teen. teens just be like that." Teenagers are very emotional, they lash out A Lot.
The teenage years are when you start learning all sorts of shit. You learn that adults don't actaully know everything, they probably don't know much more than you. Teenagers are really getting into the concept their own personal morals and ethics, every single small issue seems huge to them! This is the first time they're dealing with stuff in a context more complex than "following the rules is good, otherwise is bad."
anyway, kids aren't stupid. adults just tend to get up their own asses so much that they forget kids are just inexperienced people. Have you ever heard of baby powder effect? i think its called?
it's the concept that someone who changed your diapers is never going to take you seriously. anyone who knew you when you were just a baby are never going to see you as fully functioning adult, and worse, as an adult of equal standing. I'm sure that when you are the mother of your entire kingdom, you might have a problem with listening to your subjects.
Yes with crow it's also that she is the assistant to the head scientist. you don't see someone you know play card with occasionally get vivisected and just, go on with your day.
i have Thoughts on Kabbu and Jaune :)
Yes! the fic i'm working on is actually just fleshing out these concepts! I'm just adding narration, concrete series of events, and slighter better drawings. I already have seven chapters outlined lol.
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
enamel pins, school dances and summer movie nights
or: alternatively, i hate everybody but you
pairing: kiara carrera x rafe cameron (platonic)
warning: cursing, underage drinking, some fighting, rafe cameron being sappy because that deserves a tw of its own
word count: 7.2k words
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"I’m so glad that they’re still doing this. Keep calm. Carry on," Kiara said to the boys as she stuffed the change from their tickets back into her wallet.
It would have been an understatement to say that JJ and Pope hadn’t been eager to attend the outdoor movie night hosted by the Island Club. In fact, they'd spend thirty minutes listing all the things they would rather do when Kiara proposed the idea. She'd let them grumble about going for the better part of an hour since she knew there was no way the pogues would let her go to something on Figure Eight alone. Pogues always had each other's backs, always. Kiara figured the least she could do was pay their entry fee. Plus, she knew JJ and Pope didn't exactly have extra cash laying around for movie nights.
She would have dragged all three of the boys with her but John B hadn't been back to the chateau all day. Since the cell towers were still down thanks to the hurricane, she could only guess where he was.
"Welcome to the summer movie series. All proceeds go to...." The announcer's voice boomed over the loudspeakers as Kiara lead the boys to an empty space in the middle of the crowd.
"Back to OBX life. You know? Aren’t you guys glad that I made you come?" She really didn't have to ask, she was already sure of their answer.
"Ecstatic," Pope responded, his tone clearly lacking enthusiasm.
"My couch was pretty comfy, I’ll be honest," JJ echoed.
"We’re out of the green zone, man," Pope leaned over, commenting to JJ, out of earshot of Kiara. She didn't know about Topper's boat and Pope wasn't really interesting in bringing her in as another accessory to the crime.
"Dude, tranquilo, okay?" JJ whispered back.
"We're in the middle of Kooklandia. This is the last place I wanted to be."
"Shut up, Pope," JJ snapped, his wide eyes with warning. This was Kiara's thing, they weren't gonna let the Shakespearesque fued between Kooks and Pogues ruin her fun.
"Hey, uh…can I get two Pepsis, pleases?" Kiara asked the employee currently manning the snack bar.
"Sure," he replied.
Kiara slide the money for the sodas across the counter and took the cold drinks, watching Rafe slowly approaching from out of the corner of her eye.
"Hey, Kie," Rafe said. Kie felt her pulse spike at a nickname he'd originally given her. "Hey, what’s up? How are you?"
"I’m fine," she replied, intentionally angling her body away from him, her gaze resting anywhere but on him. For someone whose presence she uses to be able to relax in, now the sight of Rafe put her on edge.
"Good, good. Um...Tell your boy that we know what he did." Rafe held her stare and Kiara couldn't stop her lip from curling up in contempt.
"Sorry, what boy are you talking about?"
"Uh, he’ll know." Rafe smiled as if this conversation was bringing him some wicked sense of pleasure.
Rafe opened his mouth as to say something else but Kiara turned away from him. "Bye," he called to her as she walked away.
"Douche," Kiara said, loud enough that she was sure he would still hear her. She threw a glance over her shoulder, feeling Rafe's eyes still watching her.
Kiara handed Pope a Pepsi. "Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, 'Tell your boy that we know what he did.' What is that?" She finished, handing JJ the second soda.
"Um...Where is he?" JJ asked back.
"Right there." Pope and JJ's heads turned around to look with her.
"Great the whole death squad," Pope said.
JJ grabbed the top of Pope's head, knocking his snapback off as he forced it forward. "Don’t stare, bro," JJ paused. "Just warning you, bro. If they corner me, I’m coming out swinging, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," Pope agreed.
"Slice and dicin’. I’m on edge right now, okay? If that doesn’t work, I got this right here." JJ held up his worn backpack.
Fucking hell, Kiara thought. He brought the gun.
"Yeah, yeah. So, we just gotta stay in the group. They can’t come get us if we’re in the group," Pope remarked.
"Like a school of fish.”
"Stay in the school. Can’t leave the school. Stay in school," Pope repeated to himself.
"I’m sorry JJ…" Kiara interrupted. "Please tell me that you did not bring a gun here. JJ, there are kids."
"No Kie! I didn’t bring the gun. Everything’s fine, okay?" JJ assured, his frantic tone betraying him.
"Oh wow, thank you. That’s really convincing. I love that JJ." Kiara looked from JJ to Pope, trying to assess what kind of trouble they’d caused now. "Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues. What is Rafe talking about?"
Pope leaned it, bringing his face closer to Kiara's. "Kie, it might go down tonight."
"What does that mean?" Their vagueness was making Kiara extra suspicious. "'Might go down tonight.' What did y’all do?"
The boys look at each other, neither of supplying any answers to Kiara's questioning.
"Deny, deny, deny," JJ said quietly to Pope under his breath.
The opening score of The Addams Family cracked through the weathered speakers forcing an end to the conversation. A memory popped into Kiara’s head before she had time to stop it. This was Sarah Cameron’s favorite movie. Sarah used to mouth the lines along with the actors every time they watched it together.
There were a lot of glamorous parts of being best friends with the Kook-queen Sarah Cameron. When they walked down the shiny hallways of the Kook Academy literally arm-in-arm peoples' heads turned and watched them go by. All the mean girls with their once snarky remarks were suddenly complimenting Kiara's "unique style," begging her to tell them where she bought her clothes. (In truth, most of it was actaully thrifted since that was much more eco-friendly.) Plus there was the way Sarah swiped her Daddy's black card without a second thought. Kiara’s family lived on Figure Eight, they were a part of the Island Club but they would never have the kind of east coast old money the Cameron's had.
It wasn’t something Kiara usually minded. The whole money thing. Kiara never saw herself as less than because she didn’t wear a watch that cost as much as college tuition on her wrist. But it was more than that: Kiara never really saw herself as much of a Kook to begin. She didn’t want that lifestyle. She never had. It was her parents who pushed it on her. Her mom had grown up under the crystal chandeliers and ever-watchful eyes. She’d debuted into Outer Banks high society at the age of seventeen like every Kook at that age still did. An action which Kiara scoffed at. Her mom was fully prepared to be another success story of the ring-before-spring pipeline, returning to the Outer Banks after four years of college with an MRS degree and a husband who would be balding by his early forties.
But in a Hollywood-worthy meet-cute that involved one drunk sorority girl and her vodka-induced need for pancakes, Mike Carrera stumbled into Anna's life.
Mike Carrera was the opposite of Anna in every way that counted. His whole life had been hard work and grit, fighting for the things that were rightfully his and taking them when people still refused to hand them over. He had a pipe dream of owning his own restaurant, a borderline fantasy that he was dead-set on making sure came true. Anna loved him and he loved her right back. They eloped to Vegas the week after graduation even though own Anna’s mother was halfway through planning the wedding. They bought cheap rings and a second-hand dress since they were still living paycheck to paycheck. Though the bright lights of Vegas had made the impromptu wedding seem a bit more glamorous than it really was, they both knew deep down their love was the real thing. They promised each other till death do us part and meant it.
When Anna found out she was pregnant, she talked Mike into going back to the Outer Bank. Anna swore up and down the move was only so her parents could help with the baby. They'd live on the cut, work for what they deserved and be happy. Then Anna's parents bought them a house on Figure Eight as a wedding gift and Sunday dinners at the Island club became protocol. Anna slipped back into her life as a Kook and brought Mike with her. When the restaurant turned into the tourist hot spot, the zeros in their bank accounts started growing. The Carrera's got rich but their money could never compete with the trust-fond generational wealth of their fellow Kooks.
The Outer Banks only had one elementary school. All the kids on the island were thrown together at an age where no one yet realized the lines between the haves and have nots. Fifth grade was when it got messy. Every fall the class size heading to the Kildare County Middle School dropped by half when all the Kooks transferred to St. Andrews “Kook” Academy. A breeding ground for Ivy-league-bound eighteen-year-olds who lived with the cushions of their parents' bank accounts.
Kiara begged her parents not to make her go to the Kook Academy. She would have rather died than leave her best friends, Bea and Joey, who were both Pogues and staying at KDMS. She didn't realize that middle school would rip the three of them apart. By eighth grade, Kiara had her new friends. Pope Heyward, John B. and JJ Maybank, but he still went by Junior back then. Even if they were bothered by Kiara's status as half-Kook, in the same way Bea and Joey had been, they never showed it.
Mike and Anna didn't see the need to send Kiara to St. Andrews if she didn't want to go but as high school inched closed with every year, the whispers about the Kook in public school grew louder. The summer before freshman year, her parents offered her a deal - though it was hardly a fair one in Kiara's mind. She could either stay at Kildare County High School but she'd have to work in the restaurant in her free time or she could go to St. Andrews with complete freedom for a year. Kiara knew her parents wanted her to transfer so she caved and agreed to a year at St. Andrews to make them happy. Anna prayed her daughter would find her people at St. Andrews and that one year would turn into four but Kiara knew she had already found her people and was counting down the days till she could go back to them. It was only when Sarah Cameron decided the new girl might be cool that Kiara stopped marking each passing day with a big red x.
There was less than a week left in their Christmas break and Kiara was seated across from Sarah at the Cameron's dining room table bent over her practice problems for Mr. Harrings' freshman science. He infamously gave out the hardest pop quiz of the year the first day back after break and Kiara's grade couldn't take her failing it.
"What’s avocado’s number?” Sarah asked, looking up from her paper, her pen frozen in midair.
“What’s what?” said Kiara, thoroughly confused at Sarah’s question.
“You know,” Sarah paused, scanning Kiara’s face for any sign of understanding. “Avogadro’s number. Some kid in my class thought the dude’s name was avocado so we’ve been calling it avocado’s number since.”
“Ah, Avogadro’s number,” Kiara repeated, shifting her papers around until she found the one with all the formulas and constants written on it. “Six point zero two two one four zero seven six times ten to the twenty-second power.”
Sarah punched the numbers into her calculator. “Thanks, babes.”
“Of course.”
Rafe’s heavy footsteps carried through the Cameron’s massive house announcing his arrival home. He strolled into the room, a thick stack of papers in one hand and a garment bag draped over the opposite arm.
“Hey loser,” Sarah said, not inspired enough by her brother's presence to look up from her work.
“Hi Rafe,” Kiara echoed. "Where you been?"
"Being Ward's errand boy. I forgot the key to his office where I was supposed to drop off this contract so he's gonna kill me for that. But," Rafe paused digging into his pocket and pulling out a small velvet pouch. "Merry late Christmas," he finished, handing the bag to Kie. "I saw it and I thought you'd like it."
Kiara reached into the pouch pulling out a small enamel pin of the earth, shaped into a heart with the word "love" in silver written over it. Kie smoothed her thumb over the cold metal.
"You know since you're gonna save the planet and everything," Rafe added.
"Thank you. I love it!" Kiara jumped up from her chair, throwing her arms around his waist wrapping him a hug.
"No problem, Kie." Rafe said.
"Hey, I'm trying to save our planet too." Sarah pipped up.
"Shut up, Sarah," Rafe cracked. "I gave you your Christmas present last week."
Sarah stuck her tongue out at him, Rafe doing the same in return.
"What are you guys working on?" Rafe asked.
"Science," Kiara replied, reaching down to grab her backpack from underneath the table.
"Is that for Mr. Harrings' class?"
"Yeah. Yeah, it is," Kie said, half distracting by trying to decide which spot to put her new pin in.
"I think I might still have my old test from that class if you want them.”
Sarah's head snapped up at the offer. "No way."
"Sound any more surprised, Sarah. I was offering them to Kiara anyway, snob," Rafe shot back.
"I'll share," Kie assured her best friend.
Kiara followed Rafe up the grand staircase, flopping on Rafe's bed while he searched for his old work.
"Henry Spiegel was talking about taking you to a he formal in the locker room before we left for break," Rade relied from inside his closet.
"Isn't he the freshman who made varsity lacrosse?" Kiara asked back. She contemplated the idea of going to St. Andrews' Winter Formal with him. Henry was nice enough, plus he was pretty good-looking. She could stand going with him.
"I told him if I found out he'd asked you, I'd make sure he missed the next three games because of a black eye."
"What? Do you really think I'm gonna let some dweeb with half a brain who only wants to get in your pants take my little sisters to formal?"
"Who am I supposed to take?” She shot back.
“I don’t know. Not him,” Rafe said, emerging, a small stack of papers in hand.
“You know Denny asked Sarah last week.”
“I know.”
Kiara paused, “You will you take?”
Rafe shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Maybe Ashely M. Seniors don’t really go to the actual dance.”
Kie took the pages of old test for Rafe’s outstretched arm and riffled through them. His name was scribbled on the top of each one in his messy handwriting.
Her eyes drifted up to the Duke basketball poster in the corner of Rafe’s room.
“When do you hear from them?” Kie asked.
“March,” said Rafe, his voice void of emotion.
“I know you’ll get in.”
"My dad'll make sure of it.” Rafe sat down on the bed next to Kiara.
“You don’t know that.”
“I found a card addressed to Ward from the Dean of Student last week thanking him for 'the generous donation from such a valued alumni.'”
Kie's head dropped to rest on Rafe’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, well he’s a dick.” Rafe’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket, reading the text on the screen. “I gotta go. I told the boys we’d go hit at the Club tonight.”
“Thanks again for these.” Kie held up the papers. “And for the pin," she added.
“Mr. Harrings always includes the names of the scientists from the unit as bonus questions. Don’t forget to look those up,” Rafe said as he stood up from the bed. "See you around, Kie." He placed a small protective kiss on her forehead before he headed back downstairs.
"JJ?" Pope slapped JJ's shin to get his attention.
"What?" JJ whispered back over the sounds of the movie.
"I gotta take a piss.”
"Hold it."
"I can’t hold it. I drank too much soda."
"It’s too exposed. They’ll totally see us."
"I gotta go," Pope pleaded. He peered behind him to see Rafe, Topper, and Kelce still parked in the same spots at the back of the crowd. "They’re blocking the bathrooms," Pope added.
JJ looked around, thinking up a Plan B. "Alright. Come here. I know where.”
"Hey, where y’all going?" Kiara asked, turning her attention away from the movie.
"We gotta wring it out," JJ responded deadpan.
"What? You gonna hold it for each other," Kiara questioned, disgusted at the thought.
JJ shrugged off the comment and lead Pope through the crowd, the two of them ducking behind a large oak tree.
Kiara turned back to the movie playing on the giant screen, leaving the boys to their own devices. Besides, they wouldn't dare start something with all the people around. They were idiots but they knew better than that.
"Crap," Kiara cursed under her breath when Rafe trailed by Topper and Kelce brushed by her, heading in the same direction Pope and JJ had went. She watched their figures disappear behind the screen before she jumped up from her seat.
JJ's gun, the thought flew her mind.
She picked up his backpack with no intention to use it but better safe than sorry. Especially when it came to those Kooks in particular.
"Hey, kick his ass, Top!" Kiara heard Rafe yell as she rounded the corner.
Kiara felt a full-fledged panic run through her body as she took in the sight. Kelce had pinned JJ's arm behind his back and was Rafe pounded his fist into JJ’s face. A foot away, Pope was barely holding off Topper. Whatever Pope and JJ had done had obviously crossed a line.
Kiara ran in without another thought, swinging JJ's backpack in front of her. "Let go of him, Topper! Fascist asshole!" She screamed at him.
Topper grabbed the bag from her, ripping it out of Kiara's hand and throwing it aside. Kiara jumped on Topper's back, desperate to distract him.
"Hey listen, Pope," Topper yelled over the sounds of the movie. "All you gotta do is accept a little personal responsibility."
"Screw you, kook," Pope spit back.
Kiara felt arms wrap around her waist, yanking her off of Topper. The too-familiar scents of Rafe's cologne filled her nose and his breath was hot on her cheek.
She kicked her legs struggling against him, "Let go of me, Rafe."
"Stay out of this, Kiara," he warned, tossing her onto the ground. His gaze fixed on her for a second before turning away. Kiara swore she saw a look of guilt flash across Rafe's face, wordlessly apologizing for tossing her away so harshly but she didn’t have time to think about that while her boys were still in trouble.
"Kie! You okay?" Pope yelled, struggling against Topper who had wrapped his arm around Pope's neck.
"Come on, man. Just admit it," Topper shouted. "Admit you did it, bitch!"
JJ's backpack had conveniently landed close to where Kiara lay. She rolled over, pushing herself onto her knees and crawling over to the backpack. She riffled through it, her hand landing on the cold mental of the gun.
"You don't mess with me, Pogue! You hear me?" Topper continued. Kiara looked up at Topper's face which showed no signs of mercy. Meanwhile, Rafe's fist smashed into JJ's face again and again. The situation was getting worse by the second. “I'm gonna give you one chance. One chance, Pope. One chance. Come on! One!"
Kiara dropped the gun back into the backpack pulling out JJ's lighter instead, two Js craved onto the surface. She had to go big to stop Rafe, Topper and Kelce. Kiara crawled over to the edge of the sheet the movie was being projected off. Fuck, this has to work.
"Finish him off, Top!" Rafe directed.
Kie flicked on the lighter, the wind blowing out the flame the first few times. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed the edge of the sheet and held the blue flame up to it. The fire lit up her face as it took hold, spreading faster than she had expected. The crowd yelped, scrambling away as the orange flames climbed toward the sky.
"Guys! Fire!" Rafe yelled, taking in the sight.
"Get off of him!" Kie pushed Topper away from Pope who fell to the ground gasping for air. "Kelce, let go of JJ!"
"Let's get out of here," Rafe started, fleeing the scene. The other Kooks not far behind him.
"You good?" Kiara asked Pope helping him off the ground. "We're okay." She assured. Her heart was racing, her hands still shaking.
"You're a freakin' idiot," Pope responded.
"I saved your ass. Come on." Kiara threw her arm around Pope's shoulder, leading him away.
The sounds of the film continued to echo over the speakers as the sheet burned to ash behind them.
Kiara sat slumped against the wall of the St. Andrews hallway that lead into the cafeteria. The frill of her $200 dress fanned out around her. The dress, in her opinion, had been a colossal waste of money but had Sarah actually squealed when Kiara walked out of the fitting room in it. Kiara had tugged at the awkward way the skirt st on her hips but Sarah wouldn’t shut up about how perfectly the blue color fit the Winter Wonderland theme so Kiara bought it. Now, the sequins itching against her collarbone were just annoying her and Kiara couldn’t help scratching at them, making the already red marks on her skin even angrier. She was so fucked. Denny had pulled out a flash during pictures and somehow it kept ending up in Kiara's hands. The whole dance thing had Kiara incredibly anxious so she kept taking sips of the flash to keep her self busy. First during pictures, then during dinner, and in the limo on the way to the school. Now the flask was lying empty on the floor next to her and her nerves were no less settled.
She longed for her pogues so much the pain of missing them made her stomach hurt. Well, that or the alcohol. At that moment, she would have given anything to be back with them. Back with Pope and his overly nervous tendencies, back with John B. and his ideas that usually lead them into trouble, back with JJ and his flirtatious banter that left her blushing a lot more than she cared to admit. They were her family, where she belonged. Not in the gated communities of Figure Eight with mansions so big they had rooms no one entered for weeks. This whole year had been a mistake. She couldn't stand the fakeness of everybody and everything that came as a side effect to bank accounts with the kind of zeros that could seriously help if the 1% gave up being so selfish. Even Sarah's save-the-sea-turtles-with-men façade was fading away revealing another rich kid who didn’t give a shit about who she hurt. 
The doors of the cafeteria swung open, the bass of the DJ's music filling the previously silent hallway. Kiara looked up to find Rafe jogging down the hall to her.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked, sliding down the way to sit next to her.
"The room kept spinning and...uh...I thought I might throw up so I went to find a bathroom," Kiara answered.
"You know the bathrooms are on the other side of the school?"
Kiara giggled which turned into a little burb which made her giggle even more.
"Jesus, Kiara. How drunk are you?" Rafe picked up the flask from the ground. He could smell the alcohol on her breath without even getting closer over. “Who's is this?"
Kiara paused for a moment, trying to remember. "Denny's."
"Sarah's date, Denny?"
Kiara nodded her head.
"Fuck," Rafe muttered. "Okay, let's get you out of here before any of the chaperons see and write you up." He stood up and held out both hands to held Kiara to her feet too.
Kiara pulled herself, leaning against Rafe for stability. The doors swung open again and Rafe's date marched into the hallway.
"Ugh, thank God. There you are. This dance is so lame. C'mon, we're all going to Joey's."
"I'm not coming. I have to take my sister home. She's totally trashed."
The girl's eyes moved over Rafe's face, landing on Kiara. "No," she corrected. "You're my date. You have to come with me."
"Did you not just hear me? I'm taking my sister home," Rafe replied.
"Are you kidding me? She's not even your real sister. She's hardly even a real Kook. I bet she's just using Sarah and you for your family's money. Just look at her dress. It's the same one every other wannabe trying-to-hard freshman has on. Pathetic."
Rafe pulled Kiara closer into him, wrapping an arm around her shoulder protectively. "You can fucking leave," Rafe spit back. "I don't wanna hear you ever talk about my family like that again."
The girl rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I was gonna hook up with Brandan tonight anyway. He's way hotter than you." She spun on her, stalking off in the same direction she had come.
Kiara looked up at Rafe, her bottom lip shaking as tears welled in her eyes. "Are you mad at me?" She asked.
Rafe laughed. "Of course not, Kie. Ashley can go fuck herself. Or she can go fuck Brandan. I don't really care." He wiped away the tear that had slide down Kiara's cheek. "Let's go find Sarah so I can take you both home."
Sarah was sitting on her date's lap back inside the cafeteria turned South Pole for the night, laughing loud enough at Denny’s shitty jokes that it was throughly annoying everyone around her.
"Get up Sarah," Rafe commanded.
Sarah surprised at Rafe's sudden presence scrambled off her date's lap. Rafe reached down and grabbed a fistful of Denny's shirt. He cocked his arm back and swung his fist straight into Denny's nose which gave a definitive crack on impact. Sarah let out a gasp and rushed forward.
"What the fuck?" She screamed at Rafe, shoving him off her date.
"You're date's an ass. Kie's completed wasted thanks to him" he said to Sarah. "Let's go. I'm taking you both home."
Sarah glanced at Kiara, who was standing slightly behind Rafe feeling both embarrassed at how much she had drank and grateful for Rafe's protectiveness.
"But I wanna go to the afterparty," Sarah protested. "She has you." Sarah's eyes locked with Kiara and Kiara's heart sank. She could tell her "best friend" wasn't about to give up the rest of her night just because she was nervous and had drunk too much.
Kiara shifted awkwardly on her feet. Sarah could have a least pretended to be conflicted, considered missing the party for a second. God, Kiara missed the unwavering faithfulness of her pogues.
Kiara tugged on Rafe's hand and he glanced over his shoulder at her. "It's fine," she slurred. She really needed out of this itchy disaster of dress as soon as possible.
"You're a really great friend," Rafe said to Sarah.
"Whatever," Sarah replied, her voice almost mimicking the way Rafe's date had said the same words. "Let's go find some ice for your nose, Denny."
They had found the gold. It was fifty feet down a well under an ax-murders house no less but they'd fucking found it. John B's crazy plan had worked and all they needed to do was get the gold out, a job which had effectively been delegated to Pope. Of course, first they had to wait for John B to get back from his fishing trip with Ward Cameron, some twisted form of pseudo father-son bonding. What was it with men and finishing? Couldn’t they pick a sport that didn’t actively destroy the environment?
Pope sat atop the kitchen counter, a pencil tucked behind his ear, his mouth moving as he made silent calculations. JJ stood in the doorway of the chateau, dripping water from the hot tub onto the floor. Kiara had thrown off the couch cushions and was rifling through the desk draws, slamming each one with frustration when they didn't hold what she was looking for. Kiara noticed this morning that a pin was missing from her backpack. It didn’t seem like a big deal but with every passing second her panic escalated.
“What are you looking for, bro? I swear this house is like one of those Where’s Waldo? books.” JJ asked Kiara.
“Did you just make a reference to a book, JJ?” Pope chimed in from across the room.
“Just because I chose not to read, doesn’t mean I can’t Pope,” JJ replied.
“Both of you are idiots. It’s a picture book anyway, you don't read it. Can you help me find my pin, please? It's the one I've always had on my backpack. The earth, shaped like a heart," Kie explained.
"Right," Pope replied, sliding off the counter where he was sitting. “Why do you care about it so much anyway?”
“It was a gift."
“From who?”
“From someone at the Kook Academy.”
“You had other friends there?” JJ mocked.
Kie hesitated. “Fine, it was actually from Rafe as a Christmas present.”
JJ and Pope automatically stopped and looked up at each other.
“Bro, please tell me this isn’t the same Rafe who almost beat Pope’s face in last week."
“It’s not about Rafe. It’s about the pin,” Kie said.
“That’s from Rafe,” Pope finished.
“You guys weren’t there. You don’t get it. Whatever," she huffed. “Don’t help me find it then.”
“No, please Kie. Enlighten us," the sarcasm dripped off JJ's voice.
“I said you don’t have to help,” Kie repeated.
“Hey Kiara,” Pope said, grabbing her wrist. He was always the first to tell when something was off with her.
Kiara shrugged him off, wiping away her tears with her tshirt hem before the other pogues saw them.
“There was just this time,” she started, still overturning books like the pin might have been under there. “At a dance. This senior called me a fake Kook. She said my dress looked tacky like I was trying way too hard to fit but I would never fit in because I’d always be a fucking Pogue. Which of course I don’t wanna be a Kook, I was just playing dress-up for the year to please my parents and it’s like she saw straight through. Rafe was there. Like an older brother. Told her to go fuck herself. That if she ever talked about me like that again, he’d tell the whole she had an std.” Kie paused to wipe her runny nose. “He was basically my family so when Sarah dropped me like I was nothing I was sure that meant Rafe didn’t think I was worth his time anymore too. I never reached out to him again and now he just looks at me the same way he looks at every other Pogue.”
Pope cleared his throat, clearly mildly uncomfortable with Kiara’s sudden expression of emotion. It was an almost unspoken rule among the four of them that they didn’t talk about Kie’s kook year. It had sucked, bottom line. She’d shown back up the summer after ninth grade and it was the four of them again just like middle school. No one had the guts to ask about anything that had happened that year so it never got brought up.
JJ couldn't stop himself from remembering what Rafe had said at Midsummers. Tell Kiara she looks pretty hot for a Pogue. Fucking jackass. If he'd been like a brother to Kie, of course he'd know just how to hit her where it hurt.
JJ clinched his fist, wishing security hadn't pulled him away before he'd gotten a chance to swing at Rafe that night. “I still hate him,” JJ announced. “The entire Cameron family thinks they're the shit because they eat from golden spoons or something."
"The expression is born with a silver spoon in their mouth but JJ's right. All Kook’s suck," Pope added.
Rafe had wrestled off Kiara's heels after she almost face-planted in the school parking lot on the way to Rafe's truck thanks to them. He'd gotten up her all the back to the Cameron's house and in the front door successfully without her throwing up. Rafe tried to get Kiara to walk up the stairs but she'd sat down on the bottom declaring she would just sleep there so Rafe had delicately thrown her over his shoulder and didn't put her down until he dropped her on Sarah's bed.
Kiara closed her eye instantly and hummed softly, pleased with the comfortable spot she'd landed.
"No sleeping yet. You gotta drink some water first. Hold on."
Rafe dashed across the hall to his own room and grabbed the bottle of ibuprofen from his bathroom for Kiara in the morning. He also snatched the half-drunk water off his nightstand. It wasn't the best option but it was something.
"Okay, okay. Sit up," he said to Kiara, setting the water and medicine down on the bedside table.
Kiara grumbled but pushed herself upright until her back was against the headboard.
"I'm so happy you're my big bro," she said, reaching out her hand to tousle Rafe's hair. "It's always just been my mom and dad and me. And my turtle, Leo, before I lost him." Kiara felt tears wetting her cheeks again at the thought of her lost pet. "I just thought he might wanna play in the yard but then he ran off." The crying made Kiara hiccup which made her cry even more. "He ran off, Rafe. Turles aren't supposed to be fast.”
Rafe couldn't stop himself from laughing. "I didn't peg you as a sad drunk," he said, putting a hand on Kiara's shoulder to calm her down. "It's okay, Kie. I'm sure Leo is just fine."
Her sniffles stopped momentarily and she looked up at Rafe through her tear-soaked eyelashes. “You know no one ever called me Kie before you did. Now everyone does."
Rafe chuckled. "Alright, drink some water and you can sleep."
Kiara accepted the water bottle and pressed it to her lips, taking a swig. "You promise you're not mad at me? About Ashely and the dance?"
"I promise, Kie. I'd much rather make you sure you're okay."
"You're getting soft, Rafe," Kiara teased as she snuggled herself under the sheets.
"Never," he replied, reaching over and clicking off the lamp on the bedside table before he stood up. "Hollar if you think you're gonna throw up."
"Never," Kie repeated, giggling to herself as Rafe left the room, pulling the door closed behind him.
John B's face was plastered on wanted posters up and down the island. The entire county was looking for him, desperate to be the first to claim the twenty-five thousand dollar reward. The wholesome treasure hunt John B. has advertised to the Pogues at the beginning of the summer had gone way south, like equator-level south. None of them had eaten a decent meals in days, much less slept more than few hours. The whole thing was taking its toll but the stacks were too high for them to slip up now. They all knew the odds. John B's word would never stand against Ward's. They had to get him off the island.
JJ and Kiara pulled up the boatyard, the keys to the Phantom clutched so tightly in JJ's palm that they left little indentions. He'd emerged from his house, his jaw set and only held up the keys in response to Kiara asking how it went so she decided not to push him on it.
JJ shoved open the rusty metal door of the garage. "There she be. Hey, girl," he remarked. "1983 formula four-oh-two SR1." JJ pulled the sheet covering the boat off, the sunlight streaming in through the windows making the dust lingering in the air visible. "The Phantom," JJ announced proudly.
"Mmhm," Kie hummed.
"First boat to make the run to Bermuda in under sixteen hours, Kie," JJ paused. "Forty years old! Forty. And it's still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."
"It's kind of a junker."
"Really?" JJ turned to her. "She's right there, Kie. She can hear you. Let's just put it this way. You would not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"
"I just hope it runs," Kie replied.
"Oh, no, she'll run alright. She's faster than any of the cutters the boy in blue got."
The sounds of motorcycle engines roared from outside the garage.
"Pope. Finally," Kie exclaimed, jogging to meet him. Hopefully, the Outer Banks sun had burned off any weirdness still lingering from this morning, she prayed.
Rafe appeared from behind the boat and Kiara stopped suddenly, not expecting the sight of him.
"Hey, there. What's goin' on? JJ?" Rafe said and JJ also froze at the sound of the eldest Cameron's voice. "How you guys doin'?”
Barry whistled, announcing his own arrival. "Well, well...." The sounds of a gun cocking send the blood rushing to Kie's ears. JJ raised his hands in the air, backing up as Barry pushed the gun to his chest. "See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I'm here because I want my motheruckin' money."
Barry grabbed the side of JJ's face, shoving him to the ground. "JJ! JJ!" Kie screamed as Rafe pulled her back from the scene. "Rafe!" Kiara struggled against Rafe’s taller and stronger physique.
"That's what I'm here for, ain't it," Barry shouted lifting JJ's head up by his hair.
"It's not you we want, Kie. Alright, Where's John B?" Rafe asked.
"I don't know," she screamed back, her hand slapping Rafe's face on instinct.
"I really wish you didn't do that.”
"Look, I know what you did.” Kie’s voice wavered.
"What? What'd I do?" Rafe's face inched closer to hers.
"You murdered Peterkin."
Rafe's hand flew up to Kiara's throat, wrapping his fingers tight around it. Kiara's mouth fell open in a silent scream as she clawed at his hand. "Don't you ever say those fucking words again," Rafe warned.
"Rafe," Kiara pleaded. Eighteen months later and Kiara could tell Rafe didn’t have a single ounce of warmth left for her. The Rafe that had protected her from handsy freshman boys and made her drink water so her hangover wasn't as bad, the Rafe that had once held a deep sibling-like affection for her was gone, replaced by someone with pure blinding disdain for pogues of any kind.
"Understood? Do you understand? Where's John B? Where's John B?" Rafe asked again, his tone growing impatient
"I don't know," Kie yelled. Rafe’s hand was growing tighter around her throat with every word, forcing tears to her eyes. Fuck this. Rafe Cameron wasn’t about to be the thing that killed her. This rich, white asshole couldn’t get away with two murders.
"Where's John B? Huh?"
"I don't know! I don't know!"
Rafe's hand fell away from her throat suddenly. "Don't touch her," Kiara heard Pope screamed, his voice full of rage as he swung a metal pole into Rafe's back. The look on his face was something Kiara had never seen before from Pope. It sent a chill down her spine.
"Hey!" Barry yelled as he attempted to throw his gun to Rafe but it landed on the ground a few feet short.
"Kie! Kick it!" JJ hollered and the gun disappeared under the boat out of reach.
JJ picked up Barry slamming him into the boat. Pope's fist continued to connect with Rafe’s face. Again and again. Crap, he wasn’t stopping.
"Pope," Kie said. "Okay, Pope. Pope! Pope, that's good! Stop!"
JJ, having thrown Barry aside, moved to pull Pope off Rafe. "Hey, Pope! He's had enough, dude."
"He's good." Kie pleaded as Pope reached for a piece of plastic tubing, pulling it tight around Rafe's neck.
"Snap out of it, man. Snap out of it, dude!" JJ said.
"Pope!" Kie yelled again. "Pope, that's too much!"
"Stop, dude," JJ added. "Dude, cmon! Stop! Stop, dude!"
"Pope! Get off!" Kie desperately tried to make eye contact with him
"Let go! Come on!"
"Look at me!" Kie screamed in one final attempt to stop Pope from going to far. Rafe's face was already turning a concerning shade of red. If Pope crossed this line, Kiara feared there would be no coming back. She already had one fugitive to deal with, she didn’t want another.
Pope dropped the tubing, eyes wide with fear.
"Shit. Oh, shit." JJ said.
Rafe coughed from the floor, blood smeared down his chin.
"Okay, we gotta go. We gotta go." Kiara announced, hustling back the car. They had to get the boat ready for John B. They had to get him off the island. Her Pope-like organizational instincts kicked in protecting her from processing anything that had just happened. Letting her forget the look in Rafe’s eyes as his hand closed around her throat. Three o’clock at the dump. They had to stay on schedule. Three o’clock. Three o’clock. Three o’clock.
The single yellow heart Sarah had responded to Kiara's ‘Happy Birthday!’ text with stared back at her mockingly. She closed out of her messages, opening Instagram instead. Story after story showed the party she hadn't been invited to. A shaky video of everyone singing to Sarah, her face lit up by the glow of the candles. A bathroom selfie of all the girls who Kiara had through became her closest friends, their faces flushed red with joy. She clicked the side button of her iphone making the screen going black. Kiara couldn't stand to look at it all happening for another minute. She flopped backward on her bed opting to stare at the plain, white ceilings of her bedroom instead.
She should have been, standing by Sarah's side, smiling along with everyone in a tipsy haze of happiness, not watching it happen via Instagram. Kiara knew she wasn't doing anything productive by throwing herself a pity party but God, she was pissed. She wanted Sarah to know it too. She picked up her phone from where she'd dropped it next to her on the comforter.
The line rang twice before a voice answered the call.
“Kildare County Police, what’s the emergency?”
Kiara hesitated. Sarah was sure to figure out it was her who had ratted on the party and that would be social suicide enough. But Sarah really had brought this on herself. She should have invited to Kie to her fucking birthday.
“Hello? Anyone there?” The operator asked.
Kiara brought the phone back up to her ear. “Hi, I’d like to file a noise complaint, please. Two six six St. Margaret Street.”
“Yes, the Cameron’s house,” Kiara confirmed, wiping at her tear-stained cheeks and steading her voice as she relied the rest of the information to the operator.
Happy birthday to you, Sarah Cameron.
taglist! @surferkie
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steviemae · 5 years
happy accident // fp
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requested by anonymous: Can I get a FP Jones imagine where the reader is Fred Andrews daughter and Archie’s sister and during the time FP goes to jail she falls pregnant with his baby and Fred finds out cause he found the positive pregnancy test in the bathroom. She told FP she was pregnant before he went to jail. Also could Archie and the core four find out about her pregnancy and if you want add a part where they’re both raising their daughter? Please
You looked at the stick in your hand letting out a deep breath you were holding. Positive.
“Okay.” you breathed. You wrapped the test in toilet paper and put it in the trash can hoping your dad or Archie wouldn’t find it. You grabbed your phone off the counter and text FP asking if you could come over for a few. You needed to tell him. If there’s anyone you need to talk to right now that could possibly calm your nerves, it’s FP.
He text back immediately saying to come on over. Thankfully, all of the younger Serpents were still in school so you wouldn't have to worry about Jughead listening in, which he tends to do because that kid does not know how to keep his nose out of other people’s business. You grabbed your keys off the counter and walked down the stair, calling to your dad who sat at the kitchen island that you would be back in a few.
You and FP had been a thing for almost a year now. It started at the beginning of summer last year when you came to visit your dad and Archie after being away at college. You opted for living with your mother because the education system where she was going was much better than that of Riverdale High and you cared a lot about your grades and getting into the best colleges. You had just graduated and wanted to have a summer of fun before you started a job working with your degree. You met FP while helping your dad out at the construction site with balancing the books and what not. You had helped him get his paperwork in order to start working and you clicked instantly. He shared stories about him and your dad during high school and even stories about when Archie was a kid, which you had missed out on. He was only a baby when you moved with your mom, but you visited frequently and made sure you texted every day and called at least once a week.
After he invited you to join him at Pop’s during his lunch break, everything between you and FP had just happened. Though there was a short break between the two of you when you thought it wasn’t a good idea to be fooling around with your brother’s best friends dad AND your dad’s best friend, you called it quits. That’s when he went after Alice Cooper. That didn’t last long seeing as FP had called and practically begged you to come back. You helped him through his alcohol dependency and ever since then you’ve been his rock.
You had decided to just stay in Riverdale, using your degree here and found a job rather quickly. You stayed with your dad until you could save enough for a nice apartment or house even and you and FP kept seeing each other. Now you were pregnant and scared about how you could possibly tell anyone about you and FP.
“Hey, babe.” he greeted when you walked through the door. He stood up from the couch to walk over and give you a kiss.
“I have something to tell you.” you said rubbing your palms together out of nervousness. You grabbed one of your hands and lead you over to the couch, sitting you down as he took a seat on the coffee table in front of you.
“What’s up?” he asked rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand that he held.
“I don’t really know how to say this so i’m just gonna spit it out. Like a bandaid.” you took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself, “i’m pregnant.” you watched FP’s eyes get wide and his jaw drop making you chuckle. Not because of the situation but because his face was actaully hilarious.
“How far along?” he asked squeezing your hand.
“I don’t know, i have to make an appointment to get an ultrasound and they can tell me. I literally took the test less than an hour ago.”
“Well let’s make one. Call the hospital now.” he said grabbing your phone hurriedly from it’s spot on the couch cushion and shoving it into your hand.
“I can’t tell if your happy about this or not.” you furrowed your eyebrows as FP stood up and started pacing the floor.
“Oh my god, i’m gonna have a baby.” he breathed out. He stopped pacing and ran his hands through his hair before turning to look at you. A smile spread across his face and he rushed over to you, grabbing your face and kissing you passionately. When he pulled away, he still had a giant grin on his face.
“We’re having a baby.” he whispered. You laughed a little and nodded your head, grabbing his wrist with your hand, letting your thumb brush over the skin on the back of his hand. FP moved to sit next to you as you looked up the phone number for the doctor, making an appointment for as soon as possible.
“Okay, thank you. See you Friday.” you hung up the phone and looked at FP, “friday at noon. Think you can make that?” you asked.
“I’ll be there, baby.” he leaned over and kissed you.
“Okay, i have to go. Archie and i promised dad a family dinner.” FP walked you out to your car, kissing you before he closed the door and watched as you pulled away.
At the house, you walked in to find your dad sitting at the island with his head in his hands.
“Hey, pops. What’s wrong?” you asked walking in and sitting across from him. He slid over the poorly wrapped pregnancy test across the island and let his arms fall and rest on the counter.
“Is this yours? Please say yes, because if Archie got -”
“Yeah, dad. It’s mine. Archie didn’t get anyone pregnant.” you cut him off not wanting your dad to stress about Archie. You watched as he let out a sigh of relief.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were with someone? You’ve been living here for almost a year, and you never once brought up a boy.” he asked.
“I don’t think you’ll approve of him.” you dropped your eyes to the counter, not wanting to look your dad in the face. Your dad had this intense stare and if he looked once into your eyes, you’d most likely spill everything.
“Well, i’d love to meet him sometime. Maybe invite him over for dinner soon.” he suggested.
“Can we figure out what’s going on first? I don’t even know how far along i am. I promise i’ll tell you soon, i just want to make sure everything’s going to work out first.” you said. Your dad nodded in understanding as he stood up and motioned you in for a hug. You smiled and stood up, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“Can we keep this between the two of us? Like i said, i want to make sure everything is fine before i tell anyone. I just found out today.” you asked.
“Sure thing, kid.” he kissed your forehead and let you go, walking over to finish dinner.
Over the next couple of days, you began to grow excited. Your appointment was tomorrow and you couldn’t be more nervous, but excited at the same time. Well, until you got the call.
“Riverdale County Jail, call coming from inmate FP Jones. Do you accept the charges?” an automated voice said when you answered.
“Yes.” you said simply. You were scared, worried, sad and slightly hurt.
“Y/n?” he said the second the call went through.
“FP, what the hell is going on?” you asked panic ridden.
“Look, i’ve been arrested for connections to the murder of the Blossom boy. I need you to not stress out, okay. I promise you, i will get out soon and we’re going to have this baby.” he spoke. As the words left his mouth, tears began to fall from your eyes.
“How am i supposed to do this without you? I don’t even know what i’m doing.” you sobbed into the phone.
“Sh, baby. It’s okay. I’ll figure it out, okay.” you trusted FP. You knew that he would figure everything out. You let out a small, broken okay and the call ended. You collapsed on the couch in the living room letting out a dramatic sob. Your dad and Archie came running in, both of them sitting beside you and wrapping their arms around you without hesitation.
“What’s wrong?” Archie asked rubbing your back.
“FP’s in jail.” you managed to spit out.
“Okay, so why are you crying?” Archie asked confused.
“Because i’m pregnant with his baby and he’s in jail for some murder and i don’t know what the hell i’m going to do.” both Archie and your dad’s eyes widened in shock as you continued to sob into your hands.
“Wait. FP is the guy you’ve been seeing this last year? He’s the father of your baby?” you dad questioned.
“Yes, and i really don’t want to be lectured right now because i have to figure out how to get through this without him and i’m scared and i don’t know how long he’s going to be in the there.” you cried.
“We’ll figure it out, sweetheart. Just calm down, okay.” you dad shushed you, bringing you back into his arms to calm you down.
“You can’t tell anyone, Archie. I don’t want anyone to know yet.” you said after you’ve calmed down a bit.
“No worries. I won’t say a word. This is your news to tell, but i’m happy for you.” he said giving you a genuine smile.
Months had past, you had told everyone you and FP were expecting. Jughead was the most excited and the most shocked. Everyone else was very mellow as far as reactions. Jughead refused to let you go to any of your appointments alone until his dad got out of jail. He even invited you to stay at the trailer so he could watch over you and make sure nothing happened, but you declined saying that your bed at your house was much more comfortable than the mattress at the trailer, especially for a pregnant woman.
You had a baby shower and everything, though you were sad FP couldn’t be here to celebrate with all of you. You were opening the last gift at the baby shower, pulling out the tiny leather jacket.
“Who could this be from?” you asked looking around. You hadn’t invited any of the Serpent’s because you weren’t close with them and FP wasn’t around. You looked around the room until your eyes landed on FP who stood in the back, leaning against a wall with a giant smile on his face.
“Oh my god.” you said, dropping everything you had in your hands and lap, trying your best to get up from the chairs as fast as you could. Jughead rushed over and helped you.
“Careful, y/n.” he laughed. You pushed him out of the way and waddled your way over to FP, immediately wrapping your arms around his neck and planting a long awaited kiss on his lips.
“God i missed you.” he whispered against your lips when you pulled away.
“We missed you too.” you whispered back. FP’s hands found their way to your bulging stomach, letting them rub across it earning a kick from your little one in the process.
“I can’t believe i missed so much.” his eyes began to fill with tears.
“That doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you’re here now and you won’t miss the birth.” you said brushing away a stray tear.
“Let’s get a picture of the parent’s to be.” Betty said with a giant smile on her face motioning for you and FP to turn around so she could get the picture. You and FP stood side by side, one of your hands on your stomach and one of FP’s right next to yours, giant smiles on both of your faces as the flash went off.
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imagine-your-kh · 6 years
Holy damn it really has been a long time since I last checked your blog! I actaully have a question for you and one for the blog: Question for you: How have you been lately? owo I hope it doesn't sound too random if I'm asking you this out of the blue ^^" I can see that you're doing pretty well with the blog and I'm happy to see you improving, since you were so insecure at the beginning. And now my question for the blog: Which Oragnisation members would be into (hardcore) videogaming? :)
Ok,I’ll answer the one for the blog first and put the rest under a cut for people who doesn’t care *fart noise*
Which Oragnisation members would be into (hardcore) videogaming? :
Luxord, obviously. The challenge, dissect the game to understand how to beat them, the pride to finish the game…
He’s the one.
That’s really nice of you to ask??? You deserve a big hug!
I’m actually still insecure about my english’s level. Really. I wrote two days ago a oneshot (lemon, threesome, OC x Canon) that I still hesitate to post on my nsfw blog *snort*
But, surely, my english improve! This blog help me as much as the Discord I created a moment ago (link on the top of the blog, on computer) where we’re talking about our OCs (mostly) and self-insert (mostly me). I met some people there I really like and learn about many great OCs…! At least for the most active on this, we’re like a big familly already, that’s great.
Now in my personal life, this isn’t that great.
The last school year, I was attempting to have my degree/diplom (I’m supposed to have already, but depressions and health problems took my chance away to have it in a normal way)… Which one is a obligation to go in University (I think this is the right word?) or simply do some random and the majority of jobs later. I started to do Photography (because I needed a Qualification I didn’t have too) which was for 2 years. I had some lessons in addition to have the whished degree/diplom.
But I failed.
Because of my dyscalculia that we (my parents who doesn’t believe I have it and myself) doesn’t anything to work with, I failed everything that included numbers. And what I didn’t expect is that there is a LOT of numbers in photography. And my so tender teacher told me that if it was difficult for me this year, it will be worse next year. That and the fact that I had science, which I didn’t have for years and discovers stuff that others already learn in the normal run. The teacher simplified the calculs… and sssoooo when I was looking for tuto online, I understood nothing at all. And math next years. Which I don’t have for years too.I can’t do it. I can’t.
I realised that enough is enough.
I’m 28 years old, 29 in two months, I never worked in my life (depressions, living with my parents, agoraphobia and such)… It’s time to bury some dream like be a psychologist.
In the same time, I noticed that I don’t evolued in photography, be with people who started the last year and become better than me when I do photo for years make me realise that my old friend who throwed at me in her final goodbye that I should take lessons because I’m doing shit wasn’t maybe wrong after all. I hesitate to sell my old ooolllddd reflex.I still have drawing on my side and I always was more into that, so even if I’m sad, I still have something.
Like if it wasn’t enough, I’d do something with the admistration, like, the last year for how much months passed aannnddd… We recieved a call from it to told us something was wrong and we need to do it again. And wait 6 months again. My papers are actually… wrong? If something happen to me, I’m in a deep shit because somebody didn’t do their job and told us too late.Plus that, I need a surgery (more comfort than something else, don’t worry, but it make my life difficult) and we don’t know when it will be.
So yeah. I’m supposed to search a job but it’s actually not a good idea at the moment and we don’t know how long it will be like that when my father will took his pension in not that much time.
I think to open Commissions, drawing and even maybe some Edit Render, I still have one to do, but not that much people follow me on my personal blog, I’m still insecure and my focus change easely so… I never took the courage to do it.
Life is a bitch
But I have friends, familly and the people on the Discord. Beside, some people have worst than that.
Not really a happy post hu? Sorry Sweetie. I hope it’s better for you! LOve on you!!
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aut-of-space · 6 years
She told me the same thing about self-diagnosing too--she was like, "Don't make other people's lives your reality," and "Don't call that stuff on yourself" and "Stop trying to make your brain think that something's wrong with you" (yes, she ACTUALLY said that *rolls eyes*) but honestly, I went to Google and my friends that were in the same position as me because I desperately needed answers and I knew I wasn't gonna get them from where I needed to so thank you for validating my mental state
Hi there!! If it's not okay that I posted this, let me know! :) I can't count how often people who know about my ACTUAL DIAGNOSIS invalidate me and my struggles by using these exact sentences. Whenever I mention that I actaully struggle with something due to my ACTUAL disability, everyone is always like "don't stand in your own way, duh!!". It's good, old and classic ableism at its finest. People have their own opinions about how somone with a mental condition/disability/illness should be. They like to assume that neurodivergent people are SO DIFFERENT(TM) that they'd recognize them instantly even though they don't have a degree in psych. The reason is simple - they don't know or understand how exactly nd people are different and that's like... really scary to them. So accepting that a person you like and know closely is actually neurodivergent is always a great shock. Because suddenly, this unknown phenomenon of neurodivergency is in your life! It has been there for years! And you didn't know!! It's easier for other people to dismiss something they don't know nor understand as not true than to accept that it is, in fact, true. And it's easier to accept the label others put in themselves and dismissing their struggles than actually accepting them. In order to accept the struggles of autistic individuals, allistics need to reevaluate their view on many many things. For example in order to accept low spoons in autistic individuals, they need to accept that everything they thought to be true about lazy individuals is actually wrong. But it's so much easier to hate on "lazy" people who can't get shit done when you're not one of them and can lift yourself up by putting them down!! How will they keep up their self-esteem if suddenly their achievements aren't achievements anymore but instead abilities they were born with? (These are actual struggles people face subconsciously in situations like these. They aren't even aware that they used putting others down to lift themselves up. But if you take it away from them, it's damn scary and creates a subconscious fight in the individual. ) Basically, good old ableism and dismissing struggles is nothing but fear of the unknown mixed with fear that a person's believes about themselves and their environments are false. Coping with this needs a lot of mental capacity which needs to be given in order to reevaluate. However, many people would rather not do that and instead hold on to their ableism. Don't let yourself get discouraged by people like that! You know yourself best. You know about the topic at hand. They don't. So how and why should they have the right to dismiss you? Keep on being awesome and autistic!!
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lauraexplorer · 7 years
I am fucking done with tumblr. I have become addicted to using this hellsite and it’s interfering with my real life. Most of what I see on here is discourse, discourse, discourse. Bicker on here all you fucking want about equality and war and politics on here but it really ISN’T GOING TO CHANGE SHIT. Recently in one of my college lectures my teacher asked our class - a class of 36 16 - 17 year old students of mixed gender and race what social media they use. I said tumblr, the teacher who was in his 20s and the rest of the class had honest to god never heard of it, not one person. I was shocked! Everyone on here seems so wrapped up in this place, which honestly causes more harm than good and certainly has in multiple ways to me. It’s not just the discourse, tumblr engourages so many bad attitudes and ideas and actaully causes me a lot of stress. Don’t get me wrong I love a lot of the people on here and genuinely care about you a lot. However, I am juggling jobs, am starting a hard course next year and am going to do a degree after that. I will deactivate or leave soon and If I haven’t by the end of August fucking make me.
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goals for the new decade
- learning a new language: either French (for cool points), Japanese (cuz im a weeb), or Arabic (for practical reasons)
- get muscles. I wanna be swole and get all them peeps looking like whooo boy I like those muscles .3.
- date someone for more than a month (but ACTAULLY date someone this time, so friends with benefits, no hook ups, getting lead on, and no dating the heartbroken)
- finish all the animes ive started but decided to quit on since they weren't my taste. it’s good to expand my taste and try new things, especially when it comes to anime!!! d(^-^)b
- get cool outfits that I've been dying to have. A nice suit and new collared shirts would be really nice to have instead of yard sale t-shirts. Or maybe some sweet boots with nice stockings to match. And some shorts that I would like to wear, not what they think looks good on me.
- get a job. ive been jobless for too long and I needa get some cash
- take more life notes, my notebooks have been getting so lonely they tried to run away from home T-T.
- let’s not forget draw more. I've been getting better at drawing since ive started, didn’t realize how bad my art work used to be.
- commit first degree murder. Ya know, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to block some people irl. jk jk... unless (//.//)
- read more. ive got so many books and the ability to read rlly fast. I needa hit them books so that I can be swole and smart. *instert anime eye shine*
- and other goals that I cannot think of rn but im sure are important
0 notes
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
"Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Car insurance for me is too expensive in the UK, can I buy it abroad?""
I'm 18 and recently passed my test. For a basic 1L car the cheapest insurance I can find is 3000. I've been looking for 3 weeks and it's the best quote I could find. I cannot afford this so would it be possible to buy insurance from another country in the EU, since i've heard insurance is cheaper over there? I know insurance for teens is very expensive, but that sum is a ridiculous amount to pay for a car worth half the insurance value. I realise it might sound like a stupid question but I have exhausted all my other options and this is the only thing left I could think of that would be a possibility. Any useful information would be helpful, thanks.""
Health insurance please help?
When you roll over, job wise, when does your health insurance usually start?""
""What is the best health care plan for student while attending medical school, like nursing?""
I'm a student nursing and ASAP need some health insurance, including Emergency Room coverage. Does anyone know any type of Health Insurance for medical student like that, ...show more""
Does anyone know what people are getting on insurance costs for a b7 audi rs4?
just some average price so i could get an idea of how much it might cost....thanks.
Is there a life insurance company that insures the mentally handicapped?
Is there a life insurance company that sells coverage for a man with learning disabilities? Thanks so much.
Can you get free health insurance?
I am not referring to Obamacare. I am referring to free health insurance in general.
Teenage Car insurance Impossible?
For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect""
Home and contents insurance?
which company has the best home and contents insurance and contents inside sheds
If the policy holder on car insurance crashes does it affect the named drivers?
I am wanting to get a car and been 19 it will cost a lot , my insurance drops below 1000, if i put my parents as named drivers. I was wondering if the policy holder (me) had a crash would it affect their insurance or is it just the other way around, if they crash as named drivers it will affect the policy holder? As they have no claims discount and i have none , so i can not apply NCD protection ? Thank you :)""
Car insurance for the clueless 19 year old :/?
I'm nervous about getting car insurance but I honestly need to get my foot in the door. Now give it to me straight guys, how high can it go if I'm nineteen years old, male, never been in an accident, had my licence since may, plan on getting a 90s car or EARLY 2000, and only plan to use it for really just going to work and such. :/ I feel like its going to skyrocket...just because I have a penis. Man when they told me that I thought about being arrested for being black on a friday afternoon on a wednsday :/ So how low can car insurance get?""
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
Who are the best and worst car insurance companies?
I'm looking for a new car insurance company and would like to hear other peoples experiences to help me choose. Thanks!
Car insurance help plz?
my housemate wants a golf gti and got a quote for 1600 but i can get it for 600 for me as the main driver and him as second.would this affect my insurance on my car that i have or not. he would just pay the money and he would use it most of the time would this be ok or not?
""What type of motorcycles should I get, to have some what cheap insurance and price of bike?""
Im 23 years old live in southern Ontario. Looking into getting my first bike, I currently have my M2 with a safety course. What type of bike should i look at to have the cheapest insurance rates/ price of the bike? Thanks. Appreciate any comments!""
Lowest possible car insurance?
I am going on a trip out of the country for 4 months, and my car will be parked in my parent's driveway with a cover over it the entire time. How can I find the LOWEST possible car insurance for these months? I called Progressive and the guy was a total salesman with me, saying, Oh you need vandalism insurance, oh and you can't have vandalism insurance without collision insurance, so before I knew it, my quote was up to $120 a month. That's barely lower than the insurance I have now! How can I just get the bare minimum, state-required insurance? I live in Nevada, by the way, if that helps.""
""If I have no car or house, do i still have to pay taxes and insurance?""
When I'm 18, i will use the bus and an apartment in Miami do i sitll have to pay any type of taxes? (besides the money taken from my paycheck at work) Also, is the only insurance i have to pay is life insurance and health insurance? How much will those cost me?""
Whats the best California insurance ?
I want full coverage what's the best company
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
Should I report my car accident to my insurance company?
It was actaully me rear ending her car on my motorcycle. We exchanged insurance info so I know whe is going to report, but do I have to report it also? My bike was just scratched on the cheap plastic part and I only have liability. I know my insurance will go up either way""
What is the average limits that you have on you auto full-coverage insurance?
I live in Chicago Illinois. The lowest limits are 20/40/15.
Insurance and car accident.?
I was involved in an accident in which I struck a vehicle in the rear on 11/15/2004. It was not a bad collision and I was starting to walk-up to ask the driver of the other vehicle if he was okay, when a car rear-ended me and then two more cars hit that vehicle pushing my jeep under the vehicle which I had hit causing severe damage in excess of $3500. My insurnce payed the driver I hit, but I have not received a dime from farmers insurance. I placed a call to the insured vehicle that strcuk me and they told me to use my insurance company to hash-out all the details and to collect funds for repair my vehicle. I told this to my insurance agent (Progressive) and they said they would do that but I didn't have full coverage so that will not happen, I need to deal with the other partie's insurance companies. I have no Idea where to go from here. If I had the money, I would get a lawyer and I am sure that I would have this resolved right now. Does anyone have an idea for me? peace""
Which is the best insurance company for motorcycle insurance?
I have honda aero motorcycle 750 cc.. may i know which is the best company to go with????? Thanks
What is the cheapest auto insurance place in Houston that I can get without a license?
My problem is , i lost my wallet and it had my social securtity card in it, so i have to wait 2 weeks to get it in the mail. I was gonig to get my license because i just bought a car but now i cannot get the reguistration and title without insurance under my name. I put my car under my dad's name only and now the courthouse says that i must have it under my name so that is already 65.00 down the drain, next i call up more insurance places and they are charging me 125.00 down then 65-70 a month. This is crazy ......i need a cheap 1 month car insurance place asap!!""
How much does Car insurance cost?
I am 17 and a half about to get a license. I want to know an estimate on how much car insurance will cost for me alone. The car I'ma use is an 1990 Acura Integra. I really don't want a it depends answer haha. Just want a best guess? What's the best type of car insurance and is recommended? And is there any discounts that can help me?
Health insurance in NY state for pregnant women?
I just graduated with a bachelors degree, and my student health insurance runs out in August. The health insurance offered by my husbands job (which won't open up to me until Jan.1 anyway) considers pregnancy a pre existing condition, and won't cover it. We have been searching for affordable plans, but the only ones we have found that will cover pregnancy aren't accepted in New York state. For all the plans offered in NY that we've been able to find, none cover pregnancies in progress. I would hate to have to use the state provided health care plan for pregnant mothers (mostly because I feel like there is no reason for me to be part of a government program when we are capable of paying for our own insurance, but also because it means we have to go to specific clinics and I won't be able to keep my doctor), but there is no way we will be able to cover all the costs of a birth, especially if for some reason I need a C-Section or the like. Can anyone give me some advice, especially as it relates to the NY state health plan for pregnant women?""
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I'm a 17 year old female that will drive a Vauxhall Corsa but it's kind of old like this one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount of lessons/make of car/pass score change the price of insurance? All the insurance sites want me to enter my details, which I don't want to do. Is there a big difference between cost when I'm 17 compared with 18? Sorry for all the questions but thanks (:""
Is it illegal to not have car insurance?
and if it's not illegal, what am i getting confused with?! i always thought it was illegal....? my friend is getting his car and he said it's a crappy car so there isn't any need to insure it. ???""
Police get cheaper car insurance?
I went on a compare site and the only thing i change was the job to police officer and the insurance was cheaper? This may be due to the fact that they are less likely to commit crime.
Will Fred loyas liability auto insurance policy cover a person driving your car if they have any or all of the?
My romate is from out of state so she doesnt have a texas drivers licensae! She has a out of state license but it may be expired - I have liability insurance in texas from fred loya insurance-Will any of these factors keep her from being covered while she is driving my car?
Wow does anybody else have insurance this cheap?!?!?!?!?
I just bought a2005 Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike ( high powered). I got my insurance and They quted me $7.65 every 6 months for liability and 75.68 for fukll coverage, which I got. I know some people that are paying 800.00 every six months for this bike. I have been with the company (State Farm) since I was 16 and have nothing on my record. I am 25 now. Anybody getting this good of a deal???""
Can I get renter's insurance without a deductible?
Yesterday I got a quote from Geico on renters insurance. They said that I would have $6,000 personal belongings protection, $100,000 personal liability, with a $500 deductible. This would cost me $142 a year. I'm okay with the coverage amounts and the cost of the policy but I would like to get a smaller or zero deductible. Is this possible with renters insurance? Also Geico doesn't write the policy they use someone else but didn't want to what company it is. Can I get a zero deductible? What insurance company should I go with?""
Do I need insurance to drive with an instruction permit?
I am 19 years old in California. I tried looking at the CA DMV website, but it does not specify anywhere whether I need insurance in order to drive with an instruction permit...""
Is it possible to obtain a learner's permit without having my parents' insurance rates go up?
I am a 16 year old in NY and my parents do not want me to obtain a learner's permit because they are afraid that their insurance rates will go up and they cannot afford it now. Now, a friend told me that I could go to the NY DMV without my parents and get a learner's permit. Is this possible? I would like a learner's permit not only for the ability to drive, but also as a solid form of photo ID (like, instead of a passport). What should I do about this? PS. My parents won't be convinced.""
How to bring Car Insurance down?
Here's the lowdown: Been driving for over 20 years on a Full UK Licence, apart from a few prangs 20 years ago have been driving without incident. Was a chauffeur for a few years, no traffic accidents. Was a delivery driver for a few years with no traffic accidents (the only one in the firm) Have also been driving a motorbike which 2 years ago I had to re-take my tests for. I scored 100% in all areas, theory, the section I called 'stunt' driving and road test. I have kind of got fed up with using company cars, hire vehicles and the motorbike to get everywhere, so decided to purchase a cheap Audi A3 (I'm talking an ancient one here). 3PFT insurance works out at over 1000 per year...about the same as the car is worth. This is too expensive for me (considering my bike insurance is 150 a year) how can I bring it down?""
Affordable Car insurance for an 18 year old male?
So I did a quote on several sites (Progressive, Esurance etc) and the quote comes up to about $2,000 a month, $8000 for a 6 month policy!! This is crazy, it is twice as much as the value of my car!! Where can I find a quote for a lot less maybe $100 a month or something? My mother does not drive and I am the only driver in the house so I can't use her. Mazda 6i 2004 6Cylinder I am a full time student and worker""
What is the most popular and cost effective family medical insurance in California?
We are a family of 3 (me 45 my spouse 44 and my daughter 10) and we are moving to live with green cards in Los angeles, January 2011. We are trying to get an idea of what is the most popular Medical insurance is in Los Angeles and how much we would expecting to pay for this Medical insurance?""
What cars have the best insurance rates?
What cars have the best insurance rates?
Failed to prove car insurance at a traffic stop.?
I was pulled over for my license plate not being visible, and I did not have my insurance slip on me. The police officer wrote me up for the license plate not being visible and failed to prove insurance . Can somebody please tell me how much will these tickets cost me and how can I go about fixing them?""
Do you need car insurance to drive with a permit?
Do I need car insurance with my drivers permit? I'm 17 and doing have my license yet but I have my permit. I don't know what the law is for Wisconsin. Am I covered as long as the owner of the vehicle is in passenger seat?
I hit someone car's door when I was parking. How much it will cost?
When I parking. I hit someone's car then she was opening the door. How much should I pay? I have a learner permit and I was practice parking with my friend who is over 21 with drive license. When I practice parking. It was clear on my back but the last time I practice. There is a car just parked back me and I did not notice it. When she open the door. I accidently hit on her door. It is not too bad. A little bit dent. And she said she is going to call the insurance. If it is not too expensive. I will pay. So. I just wonder how much it will cost me. Thanks
Will Insurance goes up when I change my car motor?
i am trying to buy a car. but some cars are cheap when they changed out their motors. how much will the insurance go up if the motor is changed. and how much will the insurance go up if the car is modified?
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Cheapest SR22 car insurance?
Can anyone recommend which auto place (ex: safe auto, geico, etc) has the cheapest SR22 insurance. I already know there's alot of different variables/situations but i just need an idea. I've only had 1 dui and it was 5yrs ago.""
Provide proof of insurance online for Florida?
My previous insurance got canceled and i need to provide my new insurance to the state of Florida so my license doesn't get expired... can i do this online?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I do not have regular health Insurance?
I regularly go for activities like white water rafting. Is it possible to buy cover for injuries from such activities on per event basis?
When will my car insurance go down?
About 2 years ago, I was in one heck of an accident. Everyone in my car passed out, and the other car was basically fine, so police only went off their story. And they're not going to say it was their fault I assume. Police report says it was my fault, but i don't know. Stuck me in a coma for a while :P I had a severe traumatic brain injury too. So all in all, I don't drive because my mom doesn't want me to pay much for car insurance. I've heard different numbers, but the cheapest quote I've heard is $300 a month! I'm actually going on an LDS mission for two years, and won't be driving until it's done. So about March of 2016. Will my car insurance go down at all in that time? I will turn 21 in June of 2016 too
Would insurance be greatly different for a grand am gt and a grand prix GTP?
Im thinking about getting either a grand am gt or (preferably) a grand prix GTP. Would the insurance for those two cars be greatly different in cost if all the other things like coveerage, driver, etc is the same for both? thanks!""
How do i fight GAP insurance?
hello.... so i purchased a vehicle in 2006..... didn't like it too much so i took it back to dealership and traded it for a different vehicle and bought full warranty on it. dealership said the warranty was good for 50000 miles or 4 years. the vehicle was totaled just recently and i owed about 7500 dollars on it. my insurance paid 6100 dollars for it and i was thinking ok no problem the gap will cover the rest , but the gap insurance is only paying 212 dollars on it. they said there was some left over loan on my old car which they will not cover... i don't know much this insurance crap but its really breaking my balls that i will have to paying almost a 1000 dollars out of my own pocket. is there any i can fight gap insurance and have them pay the entire left over loan??""
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
i need an affordable family health insurance
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
What are some affordable health insurance in the NJ area?
I am 25 years old and currently unemployed. I will be a student in the health care field and I'm required to purchase health insurance. I also have to get a physical exam along with vaccinations. I looked online for some insurance and I have to pay at least $250 a month which is too much for me. Are there any affordable health insurance?
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
Why does anyone not complain to insurance companies ?
people have auto insurance because of the fear of accidents. but when accidents occur, why does insurance companies increase their prices ridiculously? insurance are for the case of accidents. when accidents happen, we already have given them so much money. why do they need double the money from us after accidents ? were we just giving them money in free before ? i understand that auto insurance must be required but there should be some rules set by government so that they could not rob people so easily. it is like it is legal for them to rob people. i feel we should complain against it. any supporters ????""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
Georgia Car Insurance?
If i'm moving to Georgia it states that I have 30 days to register my car and I need to get car insurance within those 30 days. If i'm looking around for insurance am I allowed to drive with an out of state insurance during those 30 days? Please give a absolute answer not something that you are guessing.
Test drive a car? no insurance..?
I've found a car i wish to test drive. As it's my first car, I am currently not insured. How would i go about getting temporary insurance in order to drive this car for about 15-30 minutes? thanks.""
""Health insurance, pre existing condition?""
what is the difference between a pre existing condition in health insurance and pre existing condition exclusion period. im reading from howstuffworks, health insurance but still confuse. i understand employer waiting period. here is the link for pre existing condition http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance12.htm here is the link for pre existing condition exclusion period http://health.howstuffworks.com/health-insurance13.htm""
Visitors in USA - no medical insurance?
I have my parents visiting me from abroad and my father needs to go see a Doctor immediately for Heart Condition. He does not have any insurance in US. What can we do? Are the hospitals OBLIGED to see any patient, regardless of coverage? Will I get roped into the whole process? Please guide.""
How much would AAA car insurance cost?
I tried calling but their lines are always busy lol.. so I'm gonna try my luck here. My friend is 25 and getting his license first time driver. (he lives in a poor family so yes it took him that long) He wants AAA because since he has a clunker he doesn't want to keep calling for a tow everytime it breaks down and pays a fee. He has a 2001 plymouth neon and lives in Southern California. Any ideas how much his monthly insurance might cost?
Car Insurance for teen?
I was wondering how much my car insurance would be... I am 18 and just about to get my license and am buying an old nissan. I live in west virginia. any ideas?
""How much does tornado insurance cost? (to cover only my house, but not what is inside the house)?""
i have car insurance right now with allstate where i pay 50 $ every month, how much would it be if i add tornado insurance to cover only my house but not what is inside the house? I know you dont know, but i just want you to tell me approximatley how much please.""
How can we find a reliable car insurance on the internet?
How can we find a reliable car insurance on the internet?
What to know about cars and car insurance?
okay so i will go out to look for a car in a couple of months and i would like to know what look for when buying a car to make sure i will make a good buy, also i would like to find which car insurance would be a good one to get, my mother told me something about paying once a year or every 6 months and i would like to know which are the insurance that offer that type of paying plan and please do tell me if your insurance is good or bad ... we had an issue with allstate when my brother got hit by someone so, allstate is out for me""
Why do people think I haven't looked hard enough for affordable health insurance?
On a political blog I mentioned that as an equity partner in a law firm I paid Aetna $12,000/yr for parent-child coverage because law firms require the partners that own it to purchase their own coverage. We received the rates that companies with approx 100 employees are charged. I also paid a share of what the firm contributed to employee coverage, which came out of profits Conservatives jumped all over me for failing to shop around. I had failed to mention that we switched from Blue Cross to Aetna for cheaper rates in exchange for greater rationing, i.e., less participating doctors, higher co-pays, etc. Can somebody recommend a reliable insurer with lower rates that Aetna?""
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
Where can I buy afforadbale individual dental insurance?
Where and how much? For one.
Car hit by uninsured driver - how to recover the costs?
My stationary car was hit by an uninsured driver in March 09. The insurance company made me pay 500 excess and said that this will be fully recoverable as the other driver was at fault. The car was then written off and I was paid the value of the car. In December the other driver was found guilty of driving without insurance, fined and given penalty points. Even though my policy gives me legal cover, it has now been 11 months since the incident and they do not seem to be very active. Also, my policy expires next month and as the claim is still open, the insurers assume that I lost my no claim bonus and quoted me twice as much for the renewal. I'm confused now, is there anything I can do to get my 500 back? I hope you can give me any ideas on what to do. Thanks""
How much does renter's insurance cost?
How much does renter's insurance cost?
Do libs honestly believe that car insurance is analogous to health insurance?
Beware of these guys; they are dangerous... In my state alone you don't have to buy car insurance if you can post a bond or if you have a fleet of cars i.e. if you can SHOW YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO PAY FOR any damage you cause with your car. If I can pay for my own health care, why would I buy health insurance?""
Car Insurance pay out when vehicle written off?
My car has been written off and my insurance have offered my 1,250 for it. They said they use some Glass Vehicle Valuation thing so I went on it's website n had the car valued myself n there's 5 categories for pricing the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent condition - 1,376 Trade-in Average condition - 1,210 Trade-in below average condition - 1,066 Dealer sale price - 2,640 Private seller price - 2,221 Which is the price I should get for my car? It was an 02 plate Renault Megane Coupe Privilege + in excellent condition! I found the same car in a different colour on Auto Trader for 2,000. I think I should get the private seller price as I am effectively selling them my car and not trading it in!? My car was set on fire btw! Awoke at 3am to the thing in flames just a few feet away from my house! ='(""
How much would it cost to import this motorcycle from the U.S to Canada?
this bike costs $ 6000 U.S. How much would it cost to import this bike back to canada. I am looking for all the fees, taxes insurance(if it needs it) every single dollar i would have to spend to bring the bike from u.s to canada. Also if you could list the exact steps that i would have to go through how many days it would take to do everything. I will bring the bike back on a trailer. I have never done this and know nothing about how this works so detail is a must and all the costs are a must to i am looking for dollar amounts. thanks a lot""
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
What is the best and cheap health insurance
Why does car insurance suck for a 19 year old guy in Ny.?
Anyone think its ridiculous I had to pay like 430 for car insurance this month. I've been driving for over a year and I know it doesn't lower till your like mid TWENTIES! But it's bullshit , my car is old and I haven't gotten a ticket or gotten into an accident so I don't understand. What the f**k is a renewal anyway! And I hear it's more for guys my age even though it's pretty much a joke and a fact that girls are shittier drivers though you get the pinky dick guys with the supposedly fast cars that crash them trying to be a badass. Car Insurance is ran by the rich who can care less about people's safety and they are able to bend the laws to they're benefit so they make more profit. Revolting isn't it?""
Insurance for a 22 year old driving a new Z06 or a new viper?
I don't have one and i'm not 22, but i was just wondering how much do u think insurance would be if i get a z06 or a viper when i'm 22 and before you say anything negative, its because i hope to do really really well in school and make at least 65g a year out of college in finance. . . . . Also. why dont 22 yr olds drive around in realy nice cars like that out of college if theyre making 60-70g a yr??""
""I was hit by an uninsured motorist, and I have an uninsured clause in my car insurance.?""
My car was totaled out, and since my car insurance had a non insured motorist clause then I just have to pay the deductible, and they will cut me a check. I was hurt in the accident, and I wanted to know if my car insurance (Progressive) will also pay out pain and suffering. I am considering taking this guy to small claims court, but if I do then I have no idea what the outcome would be. IF my insurance offers me a pain and suffering settlement then should I take it? can I negoiate for a higher settlement? Everyone is telling me to take whatever is offered to me because the guy that hit my car didn't have insurance, and could possibly claim indigentcy in which case I would most likely never see the money. I can get a pain and suffering settlement from my own insurance, but I believe that the person that hit me should have to pay it, and I am also assuming that I would get more money out of him directly than letting my insurance cover the pain and suffering. This is my first wreck that I have gotten into, in which, I was the party that was damaged (almost died), and the other guy only received a ticket. I know that life is not fair, but like I said before, this is my first car wreck where I was owed money and the other person did not have insurance. Any information will be much appreciated. Thank You Very Much.""
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
Insurance Rates tied to credit score?
I just read the front page of our local newspaper regarding homeowners and auto insurance rates will be tied to ones credit score, making those with lower incomes, or problematic credit to pay even more for the home or auto insurances. The main question I have is...do you think that if ones credit improves, that the insurance companies have an adjustable rate that will decrease when ones credit score increases? I know this isn't the way it's going to happen, but what are your feelings on this plan?""
How do I show proof of car insurance from USAA?
I'm new to buying a car and everything. I'm 19 and a soldier in the US Army. I started an account online with USAA, but have no physical documents. I plan on buying a car in a few weeks. When I go to the dealer and they ask me for proof of insurance. I haven't actually bought a policy from USAA yet. I only got a quote online and I was planning on calling USAA at the dealership and purchasing a policy over the phone. But how do I actually show the dealer my proof of insurance? Can I call USAA and buy a policy over the phone and then have them verify to the dealer that I have insurance? Can all this be done the way I'm planning to do it? Thanks!""
Can i register a car thats being finance in new york under florida insurance.?
the bill of sale is in my name but the insurance is my girlfriend and its florida insurance can i register car in new york.
How much does a Triple AAA insurance agent make on average?
How does Triple AAA pay their agents? Their agents don't sell Life Insurance right? What all do they sell? How does this job compare to...say a State Farm agent?
What's the best health insurance company for a self employed family?
Self Employed. In Georgia. What's the most cost effective company that pays great? Thanks
Where to go for cheap car insurance for a young driver?
I am 16 yr old and passed my test 1 month ago! I have done my pass plus too! The best quote i have found is $1200 and that is without telling them i have done my pass plus! It was also for third party fire and theft! Can someone recommend a cheap insurance company. Thanks!
How much should I insure a 2 bedroom condo for?
I want to buy insurance for a 2 bedroom, 1150 square foot condo in Orange County, California. I am interested in knowing how much coverage to buy to cover inside damage due to a catastrophe like a fire for example. I don't care about coverage for personal belongings or outside of the building. I just need to know what it costs to restore the inside walls, floors, etc. in case they are ever destroyed.""
Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?
I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?""
Home insurance automatically renewed can I get my money back?
Firstly, yes I am an idiot and should read my post more carefully.... I have just realised that I have been paying two sets of home insurance for a year because my previous years had been automatically renewed.....can I get my money back?""
Can i sorn my car and keep paying insurance?
can I sorn my car for a couple of weeks as its run out of mot and tax. I want to sorn it for a couple of weeks while i sort out a couple of problems then put it through its mot and tax it again. In the meantime while its sorn can i continue to pay my insurance as I dont want to lose my no claims for the year or will my insurance company know its been sorned?
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
American car insurance while living in canada?
i am an american citizen, living in toronto............can i have american auto insurance while living in canada?......... i have an ontario drivers license and ontario auto plates........... help me please........these canadian rates are outrageous""
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
Is there an insurance that gives the same benifits as AAA at a lower price?
AAA is awsome but expenisve is there any other car insurance that offers the same benifits at a lower price
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance and only 3rd party i am aged 18?
Auto Insurance Questions?
In the household there are 3 cars, but 18 driver is only listed under 1 car,(mom) If the other 2 cars are on the same house (but different names auto insurance) he can drive those car with no insurance coverage problem right?""
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
Does anyone have term life insurance with primerica? Are rates with another company better?
""Chrysler 300c, tax and insurance?
how much would it cost to insure and tax the 300c for a year and do they drink on petrol cheers
Can I take a Medical insurance policy now and use it?
I recently came to know that I need a small operation to my Nose which costs around 50000 INR. Doctor advised me to make it through Insurance. However I do not have any medical insurance yet. So Can I purchase a Medical Insurance now and get it operated in a few months?? Please let me know the best procedure. Here the Operation is not an emergency, but it is needed at a stage. Please suggest me.""
Co-Buyer Auto Insurance?
All, I helped ex GF to buy a car. I thought I was co signing for loan but apparantly I am a co buyer of car. The registration is her or me . I dont mind being responsible for loan. If she messes up loan I will make payments. She tells me she has car properly insured etc. What worries me is if she lets insurance lapse or cause a major accident could I end up in trouble. Can I insure myself against her letting insurance lapse or causing major injury/damage? I currently have no personal auto insurance (have company vehicle). Is there anything else I can do to protect myself? Im very worried about this. Do I need to be or am i overreacting? Pat""
What do you pay for auto insurance?
Do you consider it reasonable or not? thanks for answering. Please let me know where you are from. just looking at the statewide quotes.
Does not having license on you affect insurance?
My brother was returning home one evening last week and thought that the speed limit increased before it did, so he was pulled over for speeding. He was let off for that, but given a ticket because he didn't have his license on his person. He has one, but he left his wallet at home. Now he is worried this will affect his insurance. Does anyone know? Does he have a rap sheet or anything now? This is his first ticket. I have no experience with this now.""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ? (UK)?
I am 19 with a VW polo 1.4 payin 140 a month
Do i need insurance to be under my name when taking my drivers test?
so im taking my drivers test soon and i need to know if i have to get insurance under my name on the car..my mom does have insurance on the car i will be using but only under her name..so will i have to add my name to the insurance just to take the drivers test? i live in california
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
Can you borrow against Term life insurance policies?
0 notes