ptitsa-poh · 3 years
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I accidently deleted a message in which someone asked about Jack`s biograpfy in Mass Effect: Turian Edition. Well, she is a kindergarten teacher for turian kids with unstable biotics. Her tattoos are made with permanent markers, and she can throw a singularity in your face for a swear word. Probably that`s why she ended up in a nuthouse. People just have no manners!
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birds-of-the-sur · 3 years
muse survey: battle edition. : bold what consistently applies, italicize situational, not always.
( repost, don’t reblog! )
Tagged by: @tomahawk-swing​ thanks (^<>^) /)
Tagging: @ anyone who hasn’t done this:0
fight honorably  /  fight dirty  / prefer close-quarters /  prefer range /  chat during  /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill  /  aim to disarm /  fight defensively  /  strike first  / provoked easily  /  provoke their opponent  / tease  / get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  /  rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly  /  fight calmly and,  or apathetically  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement / fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  / prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength /  proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength / avoid civilians /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style  / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork  / messy fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements  ( flips,  twirls )  / move efficiently  /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block  / defend their blindside /  has no blindside  / use all available advantages  ( ex :  use a gun but also throw punches,  kick out while blades clash,  etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  /  strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain  / fear killing /  has PTSD  /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill  / want to die standing / would succumb slowly.
fight honorably  /  fight dirty  / prefer close-quarters /  prefer range /  chat during  /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill  /  aim to disarm /  fight defensively  /  strike first  / provoked easily  /  provoke their opponent  / tease  / get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  /  rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly  /  fight calmly and,  or apathetically  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement / fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  / prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength /  proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength / avoid civilians /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style  / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork  / messy fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements  ( flips,  twirls )  / move efficiently  /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block  / defend their blindside /  has no blindside  / use all available advantages  ( ex :  use a gun but also throw punches,  kick out while blades clash,  etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  /  strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain  / fear killing /  has PTSD  /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill  / want to die standing / would succumb slowly.
fight honorably  /  fight dirty  / prefer close-quarters /  prefer range /  chat during  /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill  /  aim to disarm /  fight defensively  /  strike first  / provoked easily  /  provoke their opponent  / tease  / get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  /  rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly  /  fight calmly and,  or apathetically  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement / fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  / prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength /  proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength / avoid civilians /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style  / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork  / messy fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements  ( flips,  twirls )  / move efficiently  /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block  / defend their blindside /  has no blindside  / use all available advantages  ( ex :  use a gun but also throw punches,  kick out while blades clash,  etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  /  strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain  / fear killing /  has PTSD  /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill  / want to die standing / would succumb slowly.
fight honorably  /  fight dirty  / prefer close-quarters /  prefer range /  chat during  /  go silent  /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts /  attack steadily  /  go for the kill  /  aim to disarm /  fight defensively  /  strike first  / provoked easily  /  provoke their opponent  / tease  / get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  /  rush in recklessly  / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly  /  fight calmly and,  or apathetically  /  fight with anger  /  fight with excitement / fight because they have to  /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer to use their ability  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a pole arm  / prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells  / prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  / high stamina  /  doubt their strength /  proceed with caution  / behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength / avoid civilians /  strike down civilians  /  damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style  / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork  / messy fighter  /  elegant fighter  /  accept defeat / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  / insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements  ( flips,  twirls )  / move efficiently  /  barely move  / prefer to dodge / prefer to block  / defend their blindside /  has no blindside  / use all available advantages  ( ex :  use a gun but also throw punches,  kick out while blades clash,  etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back  /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  /  strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain  / fear killing /  has PTSD  /  avoid fighting  / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill  / want to die standing / would succumb slowly. 
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moondrop-cove · 4 years
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List first, description after:
1. Siara Tanaka } Lego Ninjago OC } Aries
2. Midnight Watcher } Creepypasta OC } Gemini
3. Victoria Wild } The Walking Dead OC } Cusp of the Enlightened (Cancer-Gemini)
4. Kage Satana } Fantasy Sona } Cancer
5. Amaria Cadensa Vidal } Mass Effect: Andromeda OC } Leo
6. Ashley - RK960 } Detroit Becomes Human OC } Virgo
7. Alexis Jane Shepard } Mass Effect Trilogy OC } Libra
8. Lena Rogers Stark [Avengers Assemble] } Sagittarius
9. Lena Rogers Star [Cinematic Universe] } Capricorn  ((Yes, their the same characters in different universes who have different birthdays. It was an accident))
10. Marce Willa Fisshback } Youtube Sona } Aquarius
I spent two days making this and love how it turned out!   It was an off the hand sketch idea at first - a warm-up for the most part - and it turned into this! And I actually had a small comic/story idea or an addition to the original story I was going to put these lot in. Also, not all of my OC's are there, these 10 Lassies are the ones I use most often, and have I have a special attachment to, I didn't add a few more. Also, not all of these are full OC's - Only Kage, Lena Amaria, and Alexis are. The others were made for fun and I fell in love with them!   It is also my first YT video in 7 months and a way for me to see how my style has changed and improved over the time of me making the characters vs now.   Anyhow! Supper gun to make and I had a blast designing everyone! I hope you'll like the video!! Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NKZ-cnSsHo
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shellibisshe · 2 years
—meiker tag
tagged by @scungilliwoman @indorilnerevarine and @loriane-elmuerto to make some clowns in this picrew!
not sure who to tag, I think this one made its rounds pretty quick! but if you see this and wanna do it, tag me!
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hanan shepard (me:t) || elle parker (fc5/cp2077)
(beginning) vanessa || (endgame) vanessa
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togetherhearted · 2 years
Me:I'm going to take a small hiatus from posting,maybe relax,not drawing
Also me:T H E M
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Xy:Másnem bemászok hozzád, és alszunk egy jót
Me:Te alvásnak becézed?
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valkyrieofsmut · 3 years
Me: ah! Valkyrie updated for Halloween! Thats great! You: Updates again Me:T W O O O O O CHAPTERS!? HOT DOG!! I'm real excited for life with the bone brigade
🤣 This makes me laugh (at myself) so much! 🤣 I'm very glad you're so happy that I updated twice for Halloween! I hope you enjoyed the spookiness! For real! I just... You said hot dog, and... all I can think is; did you sing the hot dog song?!
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Yeah, ok... But listen! My clients had the shittiest cable ever, and the only channels they had were like, Disney, animal planet... A&E... Maybe a couple more...? But I had the early morning (6am) shift on Sunday... So the only one that wasn't infomercials was Disney... And they played toddler shows...
It'll come in handy if I ever have kids, or nieces and nephews, right, at least, right? Lol.
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grilled777cheese · 4 years
Rebecca Sugar : Mr. Universe
Me: Oh golly gee, hopefully my boy steven can rekindle with his pops about his internal conflicts through father son bonding
Greg: Breaks into a fucking house
Me:T-thats fine. Oh, it's his old house.Ok I gotchu.
Steven:Starts realizing he could of had a better life and Greg was projecting his prolonged family issues onto him
Me: umm... Greg, please explain why to steven in better depth
Greg : Greg plays their universe David Bowie and tells that their last names come from the song and Steven :gets pissed out of a missed understanding and crashes the fucking van.
Steven: Cuts mental ties with his father bc of realizing how he's just like his mother
Me, mentally sobbing: B-but, father son bonding !
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rochelledraws · 3 years
You:You know,I've been thinking....
Me:T-Thinking about what...?
You:I thought you were the one....
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egyemberavilagban · 5 years
X:Az öngyilkosság olyan gyáva dolog.
Me:Te meg mernéd tenni?
Me:Akkor miért lenne gyávaság?
X itt faképnél hagyott ha valakit érdekel a történet vége..
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ptitsa-poh · 4 years
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Mordin is a doctor. And a krogan.
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cryingformypacifier · 4 years
Daddy in public with baby girl...
Me:*giggles running around the store*
Daddy:Baby girl stop it
Me:*continues running and giggling*
Daddy:*picks you up*
Me:*looks at daddy pouting*
Daddy:You've been very naughty would you like daddy to punish you in front of everyone one here?
Me:*tears up trying to get down*
Daddy:*reaches in your diaper and rubs your clit* what did I tell you?
Me:*blushes and gasps softly looking around* bu-but
Daddy:No buts what did I say *continues to tease your clit with your wetness*
Me:T-to stop running *moans loudly as I blush*
Everyone:*side looks and whispers about the two of them*
Daddy:*pulls out wiping his hand with a napkin* what are we going to do next time daddy tells you to stop
Me:we're going to stop *pants softly*
Daddy:yes or next time it's the vibrator
Me:I'm sorry daddy
Daddy:I know *pats your head*
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coaet-malia · 5 years
Me:Saytan, Ven te voy a tomar una foto!!
Saytan:Esta bien..
Me:Pon tu mejor cara!
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(Saytan es un demonio de piel roja con muchos años de edad tiene un ojo tapado con una flor y...es sexy xd)
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Saytan:Que harás con la foto?..
Me:Te convertire en husbando!!!
(Ese es mi plan maquiavélico (?)
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shellibisshe · 2 years
— meiker tag
tagged by @honeysides @scungilliwoman @preachercuster @johnnycranes @florbelles @gamer-purgatory @adelaidedrubman and @jackiesarch to make some clowns in this meiker!
head a little empty so if you see this I’m tagging u
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hanan shepard (me:t) || kennedy ryder (me:a)
emily parker (fc5/nd) || margo seed (fc5/nd)
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yourcovergurl-blog · 6 years
Who life's going:
Me:Te amo
Me:Que te amo
Me:I love you
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tipsfedora05-blog · 6 years
social anxiety: everyone cares about what youre doing and looks at you
me:oh no.
depression:actuallyyy nobody cares about you and doesnt even care if youre around them or not.
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