#meliorn hc
cuubism · 2 years
something that is so so fun to me is that i hc both alc and izzy as greyromantic and i think it's actually pretty easy to read in canon. siblings that have a complex relationship with romantic attraction together win together ig
yeah for sure those can both be supported by canon. it's in the way alec seems pretty uncaring about relationships and dating prior to meeting magnus, and is totally perplexed why jace would be turning their lives upside down because of his attraction to clary. (though alec turns his own life upside down later on because of magnus hahaha). up to that point alec thought he had feelings for jace, which makes more sense if he had never had actual romantic feelings for someone before magnus - he had nothing to compare his feelings for jace to, so he was like 'strong platonic feelings must equal romantic feelings'. which feeds back into his annoyance about clary and confusion over jace's behavior, he's like 'sure i would do irrational things for jace because we've cared about eachother for years but how on earth does he have those feelings about this random girl.' then he meets magnus and he's like 'ah i understand. now it's my turn to go insane.' and he suddenly changes course completely from just staying closeted and achieving his career goals versus pursuing what he wants from a relationship. before it wasn't worth the risk. before, when it was just sex (maybe) that he was interested in, he could have probably managed that (secretly) while married to lydia and being hoti. not sure if it's in alec's character to do that, but it would have been possible. dating in secret is a lot harder.
alec before magnus versus alec suddenly faced with the violent unquenchable desire to give magnus a hug:
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and izzy doesn't seem to hold her relationships particularly close in a romantic sense. like her relationship with meliorn is mostly physical, sure they like eachother well enough but they're not dating. i think raphael might be the first one (in the show) she had some romantic feelings for? esp. since she still wanted to be with him after sex was off the table - if she had no romantic feelings she'd probably have been like 'let's be friends.' (though their relationship was also complicated by addiction). (one could probably read some romantic attraction for clary as well? though the show doesn't go there). i'm trying to decide if i think she was attracted to simon initially - maybe, since she seemed pretty fascinated by him? i'm not sure. i think you could probably read izzy as demiromantic too - it seems to be physical for her first, and romantic interest comes later. idk. i don't have quite as good a read on her as alec as i haven't spent 3 years and 500 thousand words of fanfiction thinking about it 😂 alas
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dailydownworlders · 7 years
Some Meliorn/Raphael headcanons because I am On Board with this. 
They spend a lot of time together, between one thing and another, and they find they both like it. They have similar senses of humour, underneath it all, and similar senses of honour. 
Bonding over Getting Rudely Broken Up With By Isabelle Sophia Lightwood. 
Meliorn comes to hang over at the DuMort a few times, brings pretty art pieces as peace offerings, and he and Raphael chill and try to negotiate a casual sort of alliance. They end up talking a lot about their pasts, Meliorn can’t help but make jabs at Raphael’s sudden rise to power, Raphael hits back with a mention of the time his clan helped save Meliorn from getting tortured. Meliorn talks about his scars, Raphael mentions in passing his sister. 
Raphael realized too late that he accidentally got involved with one of Camille’s former regular hookups and his sheer outrage nearly split them up, but he was in too deep. When Raphael Santiago falls, he falls hard and he’s definitely a little bit in love with this man who showed up to meet Rosa with armfuls of flowers enchanted to live forever. 
Meliorn appreciates not being a casual fling for once. Spending so much of his life on the edges of Shadowhunter society or dealing with other Downworlder factions, sex has always been easier than emotional intimacy, and anyways, no one takes Seelie very seriously. The Fair Folk are strange and hard to understand, most people don’t bother with attachment. It’s a new and interesting relationship paradigm and one that he kind of likes. He accepts the asexuality purely on the grounds that it’s novel, and then does some inquiring and learns it’s not unheard of for humans or the Fair Folk. Cool beans. He can ride out this... whatever they have. They’re both immortal, a spell of celibacy isn’t going to kill him. 
It’s definitely nice to have someone on his side. After his falling out with the queen, an ally is always appreciable, and Raphael likes having that extra edge on the Seelie Queen. Their relationship is functional both politically, practically, and in matters of the heart. 
When they fight they do it through either Isabelle (because they do still get along with her, sort of) or official diplomatic channels. Both ways are bad. Isabelle is tired. Luke and Magnus are tired. Just make up already, both of you. 
Meliorn hates that Raphael can’t go out in sunlight and has offered more than once to corner Simon in an alley and shake him down until he fesses up his secret. Raphael regretfully declines. As nice as that sounds, he really doesn’t need anymore chaos in his life right now and frankly letting the Secret of Daylighters out is a recipe for disaster. Plus, probably don’t want to upset the ickle Shadowhunters. 
(Meliorn just really wants to take long daytime walks in the park with his boyfriend, or do anything. You can only spend so many evenings drinking pomegranate juice while hypocritcally whining about Magnus Bane’s Shadowhunter boyfriend.)
Sometimes they do go out, but it’s always some place quiet. Rooftop gardens at midnight. Closed museums where Meliorn can complain about historical bias to a rapt audience. Raphael’s apartment. 
The rest of Raphael’s clan think they’re adorable. Just very cute. The only downside is that Raphael is more than a little distracted now and that’s not super great when you’re in the middle of a crisis, but at least his boyfriend is badass? They make Meliorn show off his fighting skills in the main hall at least a dozen times. For people who were mostly civilians and then learned to fight with fangs and hands, that level of professionalism is fascinating. He actually uses weapons!
Meliorn for sure gives Raphael a knife and in return Raphael gives him an antique pair of cuff links and then a suit because really, viejo, you have to have a suit. You might be over a hundred years old but that’s no excuse to fall behind on the current fashions. 
The fact that they’re both very grumpy old men, both literally and spiritually, who just so happen to be trapped in the bodies of hip and hot twenty somethings amuses everyone around them. No one ever thought Raphael “Kids These Days” Santiago would meet his match, but it turns out all he needed was someone who still thinks Shakespeare is new and exciting literature. 
Maybe that’s why they fit in so well with Rosa’s friends. Everyone there loves Nice Raphael’s very sweet boyfriend with the exciting hair and the facial tattoos who always makes the tasteful dirty jokes. Raphael hates it, he’s never taking him out anywhere again. Meliorn is the undisputed darling of over twenty old ladies now and the number keeps growing. 
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raphaeliorndaily · 6 years
Raphael and Meliorn are wishing everyone a fantastic 2018. They’re having a private little date in one Meliorn’s favorite places, everything is beautifully decorated with fairy lights and they’re having a good time and hope you have a great time as well whenever you’re going out for the night or staying in. 
Happy New Year and a beautiful year ahead of you !!
- Kya :)
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Okay I have this hc abt Simon that at a certain point after he starts dating Raphael, he gets it into his head that he needs—not Magnus’ approval, exactly—but to make a good impression. Raphael’s other partners, Maia and Meliorn, already have a pretty good relationship with Magnus. And maybe Simon’s apologized for some of the shit from early in the series, but he’s on nowhere near as good terms as them! Magnus isn’t the type to give a shovel talk, but he IS protective (with good reason), so he already mostly approves of Simon (anyone who can make his son happy is good in his book, and Simon DID apologize). But Simon, after some deep reflection, manages to decide that the best course of action is a 50-slide long PowerPoint titled “I just want you to know that I promise I’ll treat Raphael really well”. Magnus is mostly just amused, but touched as well. Raphael is also touched, but mostly dying of embarrassment. Maia and Meliorn think it’s adorable but also are laughing their asses off. The rest of the Polycule start wondering if they need to make PowerPoints for each other’s respective (chosen and otherwise) families.
i love everything about this ask. simon going to Magnus' for some sort of family dinner and he's like *ahem*. id like to thank magnus for this lovely event, and if allowed.... id like to say a few words *the lights dim, a powerpoint presentation begins, he has a laser pointer*
he got alec's help to set everything up in the living room so all he had to do was turn on the tv and his presentation would be there. alec only agreed because he thought itd be hilarious. he was right
the presentation is very sweet and fun tho and simon definitely fumbles a bit even tho he's Rehearsed and it features some really cute stuff like pictures of them together that simon uses to make commentary to Prove that raphael makes him happy and he'll do everything to give it back. and raphael kinda wants the earth to swallow him whole but he also kinda wants to cry. mostly to cry. wouldnt say no to being swallowed whole tho
and magnus is just like "simon i know you, i trust you with my boy" and simon is like "no, magnus, i'm making a statement here, by the time this is over i'll be your favorite of rapha's partners" and maia and mel are like "hey!!" but simon just keeps going
it lowkey starts an unofficial competition to be Magnus' Favorite even tho magnus has no favorites and he loves all of rapha's partners as long as they make rapha happy - and they do, thank you very much. but still every time they do anything for rapha theyre like "make sure to mention this to magnus :)" and rapha is all "you're insufferable. i swear you only spoil me because of him" which earns indignant splutters and a lot of cheek kisses until he takes it back
in short theyre soft and i love this
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campgender · 7 years
if anyone wants to talk Raphael x Meliorn headcanons hit me the heck up, I'm halfway through brainstorming a fic and am running out of ways for Seelies to flirt
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amaiswatte · 4 years
Headcons o różnych shipach.
Gdzie Ron Weasley jest agentem FBI, a Blaise groźnym przestępcą. Ron musi złapać Zabiniego, ale jak zauważa Blaise, Ron ma do niego słabość, co Zabini wykorzystuje, by uciec z kraju.
Gdzie Sam Wilson jest aniołem, a T'Challa człowiekiem, który je (anioły) widzi. T'Challa zakochuje się w nim, jednak wie, że nie mogą być razem, więc znajduje sobie żonę. Gdy umiera, Sam odprowadza jego duszę do Czyśca i tak panowie się poznają.
Gdzie Dean Thomas jest mordercą i opowiada jak zabił swojego męża, Seamusa Finnigana. Wyjawia dlaczego to zrobił
Gdzie Leo pośmiertnie opowiada o zasadach w jego świecie (tj. choroba kwiecistych płuc i system bratnich dusz) z perspektywy osoby aseksualnej (tu też warto wcisnąć to, że tylko osoby zakochane widzą kolory)
Gdzie Pietro Maximoff jest nocnym łowcą, a Clint Barton faerie. Pietro próbuje pokazać, że nie każdy faerie jest zły tak jak Meliorn
Gdzie Hercules Mulligan jest super bohaterem, a Lafayette zwykłym informatykiem. Mężczyźni zaczynają badać sprawę tajemniczej śmierci Jamesa Madisona.
Gdzie James Syriusz Potter i Teddy Lupin są elfami i muszą pomóc Lokiemu przejąć Midgard, Wallhallę i Asgard.
Gdzie Syriusz Black jest łowcą, a Remus Lupin upadłym aniołem, który uczy się życia w ludzkim świecie.
Gdzie John Watson jest w Ravenclaw, a Sherlock w Slitherinie. Panowie dostają razem szlaban, ale gubią się w Zakazanym Lesie, toteż zdziwiony Sherlock musi uspokajać spanikowanego Johna.
Gdzie Sam Winchester opowiada o swoim życiu w Piekle, zanim poznał innego demona, Gabriela.
Gdzie Oryński (z książek R. Mroza) razem z Chyłką są wampirami - wegatarnianinami i próbują przekonać innych, że nie trzeba pić ludzkiej krwi, co kończy się śmiercią jednego z nich.
(wzorowane na arcie!!) gdzie Castiel Novak jest policjantem, a Dean miejscowym złodziejaszkiem, który nałogowo chce być wsadzany do więzienia przez Casa.
Gdzie Castiel Novak jest synem Demeter, Dean Afrodyty, Gabriel Hermesa, a Sam Winchester Ateny. Cała czwórka jest następcami wielkich Herosów, tj. Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson itd. Cas, Dean, Sam i Gabe muszą pokonać zbuntowanego Boga i go zniszczyć. Misja jest od początku skazana na niepowodzenie, ale herosi uparcie chcą ją skończyć. W tle jest depresja Sama, Destiel i zmartwiony Gabriel.
Gdzie Seamus pracuje w warsztacie samochodowym Deana Winchestera razem z Magnusem Bane'm i podrywa klientów, do czasu, gdy poznaje Deana, świeżo upieczonego studenta malarstwa.
Will Treaty jest Avengersem, a Gilan jest sekretarzem samego Tony'ego Starka. Panowie poznają się, gdy wściekły Gilan rzuca obelgami na biednego Willa, bo ten zalał mu kawą dokumenty.
Może druga część??
Jeśli ktos chce użyć jednego z hc to proszę o wzmiankę o mnie jako autorze. Miłego pisania!
"jak już mówiłem, zbrodnia często jest osobistym dziełem. Nic więc dziwnego, że jest pełna symboli." - cyt. z Śpiew Skrzypiec, autorstwa @Cloumeritum
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half-bakedboy · 5 years
I’d love to hear about your fic New York Pride (I fucking love pride fics and yours has a special place in my heart)
Read Here!
1. HC: Jace and Simon absolutely dress as Pan Man and Bi Boy for Halloween that year. The pan cape easily became Simon’s favorite accessories on stage, too. 
2. HC: Izzy has her insecurities about being part of a polyamorous relationship but on those days, she cuddles up in between Clary and Maia and remembers that they all have enough love to go around. 
3. HC: Aline doesn’t like pet names so Helen uses them whenever she can, obviously. 
4. HC: Raphael reaches out to Meliorn the night after Pride and thanks him for everything. They don’t end up together, but they truly love and respect each other. They also love talking shit together. 
5. HC: Andrew proposed to Lorenzo that night. After seeing the commitment and passion in Lorenzo and experiencing Pride with him, he can’t help but drop down on one knee the minute they have a moment alone. 
6. HC: Alec may have put on a good show in drag, but he much prefers watching Magnus on stage. But there are moments when Alec will sneak into Magnus’ makeup bag and throw on the most glitter-filled eyeshadow and darkest eyeliner just for his husband. 
Send me a name of a fanfic I wrote and I’ll give you five facts/headcanons about it!
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terriblygrimm · 4 years
top 5 bi characters for bi day??? :)
ohhhhh YESSSSSS ok im gonna do canon bisexuals in honor of bi day instead of hc’s.
(i’ll give you 7 in no particular order🤫)
santanico pandemonium
magnus bane
korra & asami from lok
tyrell wellick
jackson whittemore
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dailydownworlders · 7 years
Melizzy as jaded adult friends, once the dust has settled and their hearts and heads are a little cooler. There is still affection there, born of long summer nights together, but years of war have changed them both. They have both been hurt so much. 
But sometimes Isabelle will stop by Central Park with a gift in hand (usually of the wine persuasion) and they’ll sit and talk through into the evening. Her and Simon’s relationship is very open, they are all a tangle of love and want and platonic trust, and once in a while they’ll take advantage on it. She’ll touch the new markings winding down his temple gingerly, he’ll brush her hair, and they’ll act like young people again. They never apologize for what they did but faeries value actions over words anyways. 
In Idris they are a little less guarded around each other; they team up to fight the Clave when they can, argue when they can’t, all sharp words and accusations and old wounds. 
Isabelle brings her children to meet him and he bemoans how short mortal lives are, that she is already growing away from him. He adores them all the same. He asks her to run errands for him in the city, it can be tiring to go out among all that iron too often. She usually acquiesces, because she tries very hard not to be a Camille about their relationship. She wants them to be friends, she wants this to be right. It works out for the most part. When they start getting drunk and complaining about their bosses and family members, their shaky relationship is more or less cemented. 
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dailydownworlders · 7 years
Raphael gets Meliorn one of those phones made specifically for old people (extra large text, simple instructions) so they can stay in touch. Rosa has the exact same model. Meliorn isn’t sure whether he should be offended or flattered, so he doesn’t mention that he knows how to use most mundane technology. He’s actually better at emojis then Raphael is, even if he only uses the leaf one. 
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dailydownworlders · 7 years
Meliorn and Raphael like long baths with herbs, perusing magazines of very nice clothing (All organic because apparently Meliorn can’t wear synthetic fabric without feeling “weird”. Raphael is just in awe of how pretentious he is. My heart, it’s super cute when you make fun of humans like that, you know that right?) meeting up at Magnus’ apartment for dinner and refusing to refer to Alec as anything other than “the boyfriend”, or if they’re feeling nice, “our third favorite Shadowhunter”, and board games. That’s right, they’re the board game couple. Raphael destroys everyone at Monopoly and Meliorn swears he knows the real rules to senet. They hate playing against people they can’t beat, which is why despite Magnus and Alec also being a board game couple they refuse to play with them. Instead they devastate most of Raphael’s fledglings (Raphael insists it’s strategic training and good for them) and sometimes Simon and Isabelle. They do go a little easier on the latter, if only because Izzy and Simon have such sweet faces, and they have weak hearts.
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how many languages do you think magnus can speak? (and cat and ragnor and even raphael)
great question!!!! id like to preface this by saying "a lot" cuz tbh i think magnus is the kind of guy who likes to learn languages and who can learn them with relative ease (like seeing the way he pronounced "lorenzo rey" so perfectly i think it indicates to someone having ease with languages you know what i mean? he switched from english to spanish super quick and effortlessly) but the ones i think he definitely speaks:
obviously "indonesian" (indonesian didn't exist at the time he was born but malay, which indonesian derived from, was the universal language in indonesia so ya know)
i like to think he'd speak javanese as well but i think that's kind of unlikely considering how he always implied indonesian/malay to be his first language :/ and if that were his first language then he probably wouldn't have a need to speak javanese. i think it might have been because his stepfather wouldn't want him to be taught javanese, and at the time the dutch colonizers spoke malay with the natives at home and all according to what i've read. but there's also the possibility that he'd learn it later because he'd want to learn his mother's native tongue you know, even if he could no longer speak it with her. maybe sometimes he kind of "prays" to her in javanese. haha im fine
he probably speaks or used to speak (cuz i think after a while it would become rusty esp since he probably only associates it with bad moments/things) dutch even if only a little (again according to my research most mixed families in indonesia in the 17th century spoke malay at home, so) 
he DEFINITELY speaks spanish, and pretty well if the way he pronounced lorenzo rey was any indication (again not only the perfect pronunciation but the very easy switch that would indicate he was very familiar with the language). not to mention it makes sense since he dated imasu (who was peruvian) for quite a while and also raised raphael
obviously he speaks english udhaiudhsa both US american and british english since it was (implied? said?) that he used to live in england before he went to the US
he probably speaks french as it used to be the lingua franca (in the western world) up until 1919
he probably speaks whatever asmodeus' language is? probably some demonic language other than french i mean or whatever. of course asmodeus is probably omnilingual or something of the sort if he can go around having kids with ppl from all around the world in so many different times daiohdajosi but i think he would want magnus to speak... edomese? or something since his plan was always that magnus would rule edom by his side anyway
he probably speaks the seelie language (or at least one of the seelie languages if they have multiple)! whatever that is. i totally think he would want to learn it just because it would make him able to communicate with such a huge amount of people and also would probably make it easier to read some untranslated books on magic, you know, stuff like that. so i can definitely see that being a thing
i like to think he learns quechua for imasu uwu 
i like to think he learnt catarina's native tongue! and that she also learnt malay/indonesian you know daijdaosi because they are soft bitches and they know how lonely it is to not ever be able to speak your native tongue (both due to separation from your land and just the fact that language evolved with time so no one alive REALLY speaks their language you know). they might not be fluent but they know it well enough to hold a conversation or to use pet names and stuff like that
and that's the specifics i have! but again i do believe magnus would like to learn a lot of languages, sometimes just for the shits (hyperfocusing on languages anyone??) esp because he has, you know, infinite time daohdsaoij and i think he would like to learn new languages and speak as many as he could. so yeah i definitely think there are more. he would probably speak most languages that have a lot of speakers like arabic (at least standart arabic), mandarin/chinese, hindi/urdu, bengali, etc. just found out portuguese is the 7th most spoken language in the world so i'm gonna go ahead and hc that he speaks brazilian portuguese (the most common branch) because i: can. and then some just for the shits because he wanted to and/or found them beautiful like swahili, yoruba, guaraní, etc 
i think ragnor only speaks english tbh dajdsaodijaoidsja he seems very Monolingual but maybe it's just the White Anglo vibes that ooze that kind of entitlement doaijdosaj either way i think he would know at least pet names in indonesian/malay, whatever catarina's first language is, and spanish, for his friends. possibly also french because again it used to be the lingua franca up until very recently
catarina i think is definitely like magnus in the sense that she loves learning and speaking new languages! i like to hc her as native african but i haven't really decided on which ethnicity she would be so idk what language that would be. then obviously there is whichever language the colonizers imposed on the country she lived in. then: probably arabic (particularly if she's from north africa), english, indonesian for magnus, spanish for raphael, probably french because lingua franca, and i hc she just likes learning languages from the other native groups near where she's from? i also like to think she likes to learn languages that are at risk of extinction because she thinks it would be such a shame to actually let them die and she knows the pain of seeing ur language be smothered like that. so she speaks a lot of languages with few native speakers and she loves it. she also uses that to learn more about their medicinal practices because you know, she IS a nurse AND a warlock and there's so much to learn you know. also good opportunity to use her knowledge :) so yeah
as for raphael i think he only speaks english and spanish, as well as indonesian and cat's native tongue. he hasn't lived as long as they have and he's been busy and struggling(tm) for a lot of his life so he hasn't had the time to learn as many languages as they do. i think over time he would also want to learn yiddish for simon and meliorn's language because i can and will shove the polycule wherever i can lmao. and yeah that's what i have :) thanks for asking, i had fun with this
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what kind of music do you think raphael enjoys? i have a feeling he might have a soft spot for old mexican love songs, like 'all recordings of this classic are scratchy and weird' old. also any other headcanons are welcome as well because i love raphael
me, has just finished listening to limón y sal and thinking about raphael and getting emo: hm
DON'T @ ME OK yes it's a more recent song and i don't think he would actually know it but it's totally the kind of song that i feel if someone sang to raphael would make him cry. especially cuz it's kind of an autistic mood i think ask me about it and just hhhhhhhh. while i think that raphael wouldn't really know more recent/modern music, i feel like it Vibes with the kind of music he would like to listen to, ya feel? i think raphael likes that kind of soothing, but still overall happy/sweet music
i don't have any particular artists or songs in mind but i totally agree that raphael loves himself some old mexican love songs and old latin american love songs in general. also he's totally the kind of ass who listens to That And Only That and refuses to listen to anything in any other style because it's not authentic or somethin. also it's just like. soothing, you know? something from his time and that he knows and in his language. he keeps it as close to his chest as possible. when he had just been Turned and couldn't see his family, couldn't eat, couldn't go out in the light... he listened to those. haha i'm fine
and you know with him being autistic he'd need something like... steady/repetitive to keep himself tethered even more than usual, with all the change, singing and listening to the songs he likes is a way to keep himself steady..... aaa
but ALSO he's not really a snob i don't think, he's just like, uninterested in other kinds ya feel dajdsoaijda he's very Loyal to his music. other than his "samesongs" he basically listens to everything simon has ever written, and everything simon, maia, meliorn, and magnus ever showed him. they are not his favorite kinds but he listens to them and it feels like them, you know? so he likes it cuz my boy is soft as shit
but also i'm cracking up because he likes those soothing soft songs... and maia listens to a lot of punk diahdsaidhsa. i mean i think she's pretty eclectic and will listen to any genre but she IS a punk fan (and also metal to some degree, i like to hc) and the first time he listens to it he's like ???????? but he likes it
thinking about maia showing him against me!..... true trans soul rebel.... hhhh
also it's cute cuz then you will catch raphael listening to someone screaming about overthrowing the government or whatever and he's got that big sappy smile on his face cuz he's thinking about maia. but overall he doesn't listen to it a lot cuz ouchie many noise
ALSO he memorizes lyrics pretty easy so you can catch him singing to any song he's ever been shown in its entirety under his breath sometimes. sometimes simon will show him a song that's still in the works and he'll hear raphael singing it softly to himself as he does Everything He Needs To Do and it's sweet and makes his chest flutter and shit but also he's kinda embarrassed like "it's on the works!!! these are unfinished lyrics! they don't sound good" but raphael refuses to stop both because he's an ass and because he just really likes it when simon shows him his stuff
ALSO magnus ends up knowing a lot of sappy old mexican songs because of him. he fucking sucks at lyrics but he'll hum them from time to time and smile to himself cuz it reminds him of his boy. and whenever raphael hears it he feels so... at home. sometimes he'll sing while magnus hums the tune and it's like an impromptu music session. sometimes they'll dance. sometimes just do their thing while "singing" together. it's sweet
ALSO he really likes seelie songs. he was definitely the first partner meliorn ever brought to the seelie realm (izzy's a shadowhunter, simon and maia have bad history with the place and also they get with them later) and he sometimes participates in festivals and dances and the sort, and he loves it a lot, even if he can't fully participate cuz of limitations and the fact that he doesn't have magic (which is def a part of their customs since you know, all seelies have it) and akk
in short i am soft
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Ohh angsty Camille headcanon, Camille hated it when Magnus danced (cause she sucks) so she slowly belittled him and made fun of him for it till he lost passion for it and just Magnus healing and finding his love for dancing again, maybe with the help of his family and Alec and just him doing goofy little dances in the kitchen, obviously the trauma will still be there but just him being happy and dancing
ok tw for abuse and racist/queerphobic rethoric
love the "cause she sucks" it's the best and most correct assessment of camille's reasoning for anything. really tho yeah i have the hc that as the Shitty Straight Girl™ that she is, she was probably all up magnus' ass for being gnc, and that probably included how he dance
not all kinds of dances obviously because when they met men dancing, particularly waltz, was still a somewhat desirable skill. but basically she thought that he should waltz and that's it. and there's of course always that sweet racism laced in since dancing is important in- well, any culture, including the javanese. so of course she deeply despises how much it means to magnus, even when he's not doing traditional dances, because you know. do you want to look like a savage? and other fun stuff to hear
even with the waltz she'd get all over his ass too like only respectable slow proper dancing allowed, no dips, no dramatics, no nothing. you are such an attention seeker. what the hell do you need all those eyes on you for?
so yeah slowly he stopped to dance, at least when he wasn't completely 100% alone, because it was just. not worth it, and he started to feel bad about it, and it just sucked
obviously that started to change with dot, who loves to dance and particularly enjoys dancing in fun, dramatic ways, as we've seen in their dancing scenes together. i also like to think that raphael dances, because like, come on. stoic vampire or not (and that is mostly a defensive facade he puts up anyway), dancing is important. there's no way that raphael didn't use to dance a lot in méxico, and then in the US with his sister, and you can't tell me that it isn't a way for him to feel closer to his family and culture, especially after he could no longer eat. fuck you
so like raphael teaching magnus his own traditional dances and the two of them clapping and trying out a few steps here and there? and it's a little awkward as they're both hesitant because raphael can't control his body very well yet and he feels a little stupid and magnus is dealing with, well, his baggage. but they still try and end up smiling, at the very least? yes. and magnus hadn't even realized how much he missed it until he started doing it again
and then he had his thing with dot and she enjoyed dancing so soon he was dancing with her, too. and it was fun and crazy and everything he loved and missed, jumping on couches, throwing pillows out of the way, you know? that whole mess. and laughing and kissing by the time it was over, and feeling so much better and like he could burst and embrace the whole world? yes
but also he always ended up pulling away and kind of pretending it didn't happen because the whole thing felt so vulnerable and magnus wasn't ready for that, and he still kept it to closed doors. you know? and maybe a part of him thought that this was a dot thing, that she was different. but slowly he started to dance more, with dot and cat and sometimes raphael, and even roping ragnor in just to embarrass the old man, and overall he feels like it's something he manages to reconnect it. of course, there's also pandemonium, but in there it's different cuz whenever magnus dances he's putting on a show, not letting go
still, this is mostly something that he gets back to doing, one way or another
but then with alec he's hesitant because alec is so... stoic. he clearly hasn't danced a day in his life other than their wedding, it's not very important to him, it's not something he even knows how to do. and a part of magnus fears that he will see it the same way camille did. maybe even that he will see magnus as less of a man, which goes into his fear that alec will leave him for transphobia and etc etc
and just... that dream, man. like magnus really just wants to dance with alec so bad, he's dreaming about it, he wants to be courted and spoiled and then to have some good, goofy dancing. i mean in the dream it was all very suave cuz... well, it was a dream, but their dance wasn't super serious, they were lowkey bantering and goofing around and the dance looked fun, especially the part where they were hand in hand and just moving their feet? that step is called contratempo in portuguese but idk about english
just like...... he wants to have fun impromptu dances and be silly with alec, okay. and maybe be romanced a little bit and dipped. and then dip back, because they're equals and he wants to be able to pull off some dramatics without camille's voice telling him that he's such an attention seeker and keeps throwing her around. he just wants to have fun with him
and it probably first comes up on accident, like.... alec catches him dancing to something..... lmao he's dancing to I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) just for maximum unsubtlety in this narrative. yes i'm bringing up whitney houston again. look there's no way magnus doesn't love her
and alec has no plans of joining in but he smiles at the sight of his goofy boyfriend doing some dramatic dances (dipping himself because he can magically keep his balance, generally being happy and silly) and magnus kinda stops and is embarrassed and alec is like "no, don't stop, wtf" and magnus is like uh. and alec is like "it looked like you were having fun" and magnus is like "well, care to join, then?" and alec is like....... you know what, okay. because he's curious, and alec likes learning new things, especially things he would have probably grimaced at when he was trying oh so desperately to be the perfect shadowhunter
and it's very different from what it was with dot because dot was a good dancer, and there's no way alec doesn't suck. but it's fun in its own way, trying to get alec to learn the steps and alec just making a mess of himself with his huge limbs and taking the whole thing way too seriously and concentrating super hard on emulating the movements perfectly? the complete lack of ginga, man. i'm losing it a little bit
but it's what makes it fun because alec is trying and magnus can't keep a straight face and he's laughing nonstop. and alec gets competitive and mock offended like "how dare you" and of course he greatly enjoys dipping magnus (i feel like not so much being dipped, especially initially, because he already feels like he doesn't have a lot of control, but also he'll do it for magnus) and it's just silly and lighthearted? aaaa
and of course moments of him dancing with his family :') just him and the immortal squad and alec and maia and meliorn and simon because i said so and also polycule rights???? and just aaaaa having fun and everyone roasting the shit out of alec and ragnor and magnus is so happy and home :)))
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Isabella, meeting Meliorn for the first time and flirting bc they’re cute: I’m bisexual, by the way:) Mel (who for the purposes of this hc hasn’t interacted with non-Seelies for a while and doesn’t remember much abt them): oh, what’s that? Isabelle: oh you know, I like people who have the same gender as me AND different genders than me. Mel: oh nice Mel, internally: what the FUCK is a gender
izzy: yeah so basically people with all kinds of genders :)
meliorn, looking at their inventory: im sorry i dont think i have any
izzy: that... also works..?
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Want a show about downworlders where the only somewhat important shadowhunter is Alec and he only shows up to 1. Be domestic and adorably sweet with Magnus, and 2. Get the other characters out of being arrested for trying to do good things. The clave is the villain and so many shadowhunters get roasted and punched. Raphael and Maia are main characters because they deserve it. Magnus gets some peace as a treat. And the outfits. Are. Amazing.
things i demand
one hell of a lot more details on warlock political organization. warlocks are anarchists and you can pry that away from my cold dead hands. not just political but since warlocks are the only downworlders who are not either born mundane or raised in a completely different culture, how warlock society organization works. id love to see more on how they help each other, build community, mutual aid, what their culture is like (considering its a mix from all kinds of cultures from all kinds of countries from all kinds of times. it would be lit to see how that played out, what a unique take it would have on diversity, stuff like that. really im so emo for warlocks dont @ me)
seelies are not villainized and treated as nothing but tricksters. the whole "the seelie queen sucks" thing can still be a thing, but rather than it being used to villainize them, seelies themselves are shown as being the greatest victims of that government, and work towards building a better one. the fact that seelies becoming a closed off society is directly attributed to shadowhunter oppression and further discussed
still on the topic of seelies, there are explorations on what their culture is like (since theyre the only downworlders not raised mundane) and how cultural differences play out between downworlders. there is mutual respect between them and the differences are way bigger than what we've seen, shadowhunters simply dont know that because theyre ethnocentric bastards
the historical association between autistic ppl and faeries (in Europe) is brought up and brings good social commentary on what is considered "normal" in each society
the dumbass "vampires and werewolves hate each other" plot exists only because Raphael and Maia are constantly working to build that bridge. further backstory is pulled out to show that the feud between the two species is a direct result of shadowhunter interference, colonizer style. as clan and pack leader, Raphael and Maia work together to build, more than just an alliance, a real community between the two groups, based on solidarity and mutual aid
the union between all downworlder "species" (based on mutual respect and help, as well as horizontal decision making and transparency) is the key to destroy shadowhunter supremacy
Magnus doesnt have to sacrifice himself all the time because the stronger downworlder community means no one needs to give more than they can. he is still however a prominent figure, having raised lots of other downworlders and also being a powerful leader who's ultimately kind and wants to help his people always
Alec is essentially a clave traitor/spy for downworlders and brings them inside information from clave business. also hes there to Love Magnus and Provide Emotional Support
Seelies dont have a gender system
warlocks acknowledge literally every culturally specific gender ever
Maia, Raphael and Meliorn fall in love as a treat to me
they bring the clave down
jace is punched multiple times
so far thats what I've got but hooo boy i have a LOT of feelings and hcs about downworlder political/cultural organization so like..... hmm hmu with those sweet ideas yall
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