#mgg x gn!reader
spencersawkward · 2 years
potential//spencer reid blurb
summary: gn!reader works late with Spencer and begins to question their feelings about him.
pairing: gn!reader x baby!Spencer
word count: 1.1k
content warnings: literally just fluff!
a/n: hi guys!! sorry it’s been so long i’ve had a long spring. but i’m with Pri rn in Europe and i’ll be writing nonstop for a program so i’m getting back into cm rn. i miss being on here and i’m so excited to share more. anyway enjoy this fluff!
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you slip a headache pill into your mouth before taking the first sip of your coffee, looking up at the mostly empty bull pen. you probably should have switched over to chamomile tea or something, but you're not sure when you'll get to go home. there's been a bunch of paperwork today, and you're determined to finish it. something about a stack of disorganized and empty sheets on your desk gives you anxiety.
from here, you can see Hotch sitting in his office, the lamp casting a warm glow over his scowling face. JJ has just gone home, but the floral scent of her perfume still lingers in the kitchen area. you lean against the counter and try not to watch the clock.
just as you're about to return to your desk, the shuffling sound of footsteps in the hallway startles you. there aren't usually many people around this late. you set the mug down gingerly and listen. the footsteps stop for a moment, then start again, sounding closer.
you try to think of who else might be here late and come up empty. everyone seemed like they had plans for whatever free time they were given here. it wasn't helping that someone had snuck into the building not too long ago. they didn't try to reach the BAU's floor, but it shook you regardless. such a fortress-like workplace was incredibly difficult to get into without proper identification.
you shake your head at your own paranoia. the chances of it happening again are a sliver at best, and even then you know Hotch is here. it's not like you'd be alone.
still, you find yourself moving slowly through the kitchen area, holding your breath as the footsteps stop and start again.
you're about to turn the corner to see the elevators when you run right into someone. you know it's Spencer before you even have the chance to look up. you know his wrinkled button-up and his thin frame and his coffee-grounds-and-ink scent. and you especially know the uncomfortable sound he lets out when the collision startles him.
"oh god." you shake your head, your hand instinctually resting on Spencer's arm. you straighten to look up at him, his expression slightly flustered.
"sorry." he glances down at himself as though worried you've put yet another wrinkle in his shirt, then at your hand. you drop it.
"I didn't know you were working late." you can feel your lips turning up in a grin as you say it.
you and Spencer have gotten close since you started working with the BAU— or as close as Spencer really lets the people he hasn't known long. you like the earnestness and honesty of his disposition. it makes you feel safe.
"I just wanted to pick up some food." he lifts one of his hands to show a takeout bag with the receipt still stuck on front. Chinese food.
"I was worried you were another intruder." you set a hand on your chest, heart rate dropping to a healthier level. Spencer just frowns.
"the likelihood of that happening again is nearly infinitesimal. they've practically doubled security since the last time." he finishes the statement with a smile, like he's trying to assure you.
"ah, well that's good." you nod slowly. the delicious smells wafting from the takeout bag make your stomach growl. to your horror, Spencer notices it.
"I got too many egg rolls, if you'd like to have some." he offers. you know he doesn't usually share food, so the genuine kindness in his eyes softens you up even more. he seems like he's been having a long night too.
"sure. thanks." you turn to head back into the office, Reid at your heels. quickly, you turn around and whisper in his ear. "you should bring some to Hotch."
your friend practically shudders at the idea. "no way."
you laugh and head to the kitchen to get some plates for the food while Spencer unpacks everything with care. there's the box of egg rolls, but also tons of noodles, rice, and delicious-smelling chicken that make your mouth water.
"I was hungry." Spencer seems like he's trying to defend himself with the way you're staring at the spread of food. his brow is furrowed as he watches you get utensils from the kitchen drawers.
"I didn't say anything." you laugh.
"you were thinking it."
"just put some egg rolls on a plate for me, would you?" you roll your eyes playfully as he does what you say.
before long, the two of you are eating in silence together, your feet resting on the edge of an empty chair.
"how's your mom?" he asks as you polish off a box of dumplings.
"good. she really liked meeting you guys last week," you smile. your mother had come to visit and gone out to dinner with the team for about half an hour, when you were all called onto a new case. she knows your job is demanding, though; she just wanted to put some faces to names. especially Spencer, who she thought was God's gift to earth. "she loved you."
"really?" he lights up at this.
"yeah. you remind her of someone from her childhood, I guess."
"they must be really funny and smart." he smirks down at his plate, but the joking tone still lands and brings a smile to your face.
"did you just make a joke, Dr. Reid?" you look at him with surprise.
"wow," you shake your head and pop open another takeout box. "you are not the man I thought you were."
"and what man was that?" he raises an eyebrow, the smile still in his voice. you can tell he's genuinely curious, though.
"serious all the time, hates fun."
"I don't hate fun."
"sure." you wink at him over the food. just before you look back down, you notice the blush creeping up his neck and over his cheeks. it's subtle. you find your heart beating a bit quicker. you like the effect you have on him. it spreads a warmth through your stomach, the kind of blush he wouldn't be able to see.
you watch him for a moment, struggling with his chopsticks and finally getting it right, his focused expression melting into one of quiet triumph. there's something about him that reminds you of home. whatever your mom saw, some glimmer of nostalgic affection, you see it too. it's the kind of feeling that makes you want to grab his hand; but that would be unprofessional, of course.
instead, you look back at your food and try to push the thought away.
taglist (add yourself here!):
@katexrichardson @ashcakes1918 @xoxospencerreid @willowrose99 @lelifesaver @dr-spencerr-reid @spenxerslut @gingeraleluke @satanxklaus @chasemoonlight @spencerreid9 @deansdoll @sydeekomspacekru @go2sleepducky @queenofthepouges @wheelsupscenehater @vladsgirlxx @velociraptor8 @bottomoftheketchylisy @totallyclearwitch @megsradiosilence @gublerscherry @muffin-cup @rougewamchop @mmotionlessgirl12 @mochionly @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @honeyboysteezy @zooaliaa @spencer-reid-am-i-right @spencerscumrag @mystical-and-modern-marauder @strawberrycherrykisses
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cumulo-stratus · 2 months
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taglist- @spencers1wifey | @mvndfvelds | @mindfullycriminal | @luce-reid I @ferrjulie | @khxna | @ilovebeingdelulu | @lover-of-books-and-tea I@jaden-reid | @eli-chris | @multifandomsimp69 | @multiversejumper | @shadoesx
join my taglist here
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fliesforeyes · 3 months
spencer that has the weakest pullout game and can’t help but cum inside reader cos she feels so good
it was the first time you and spencer reid had fucked without a condom. he didn't expect it to feel so different, so good, with you wrapped around him, nothing there to seperate the two of you.
he was deep inside you, hips pushing up against the backs of your thighs as he thrusts inside of you, the sound of skin hitting skin and your sopping pussy filled the room. but of course, that was drowned out by spencers moans, his whine, his curses, his whispers. his small,
"oh my god, you feel so good"
"youre so perfect like this"
"making me feel so good sweetheart"
"fuck, i love you so much,"
his voice cracked between words. you heard him so perfectly, with his head buried in your shoulder. your skin was wet with his spit, a result from the wet, sloppy kisses he'd place in the curve of your neck on a particularly good thrust, or after his quiet praises.
your fingers buried in his hair, the other holding onto the smooth of his back. one of spencers hands held him up, his other palm rested on your waist. his voice raised in pitch, moans breaking with desperate pleas.
"baby, please, please can i cum? can i cum inside you? oh my- fuck please let me cum in you please," he rambled almost senselessly, drunk on the feeling of you.
an excited, erratic nod of your head and your whispered, "yes, please yes spencer, please cum in me," were enough to set him over the edge.
spencer came hard, legs shaking as his hips stalled pressing against your own, breathing labored and heavy. he was sure to kiss 'thank yous' into your soft skin. it felt so dirty, but so good, it would be such a shame if this happened again.
and again, and again, and again.
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godsfavdarling · 25 days
Do you want me to take care of you?
my masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
words: 1.3k
summary: Spencer and reader love some morning love.
warnings: handjob, soft!dom!gn!reader, soft!sub!spence, no use of y/n (tell me if I forgot something) praise kink? 🤭😝
a/n: i was feeling a bit inspired. maybe i'll come back to my spencelle fic soon but for now hope yall enjoy this!
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You woke up to find Spencer nestled against you, his head resting on your chest as you both lay on your sides, facing each other. 
His messy curls tickled your face, and you could feel his steady breathing against your skin, the soft exhales warming you. Your leg was draped over his hip, drawing you two as close as possible.
He had returned late, long after you had drifted off to sleep. Despite your efforts to stay awake to greet him, exhaustion had won out.
Sometime during the night, you felt the mattress dip as he settled beside you, seeking comfort in your presence. Though you briefly stirred, sleep quickly reclaimed you, leaving you both to enjoy the peaceful intimacy of the moment.
He had been gone for over a week, and the lack of communication had made you miss him even more. Especially during the quiet moments of the night. Falling asleep and waking up next to him was your favorite part of the day, and now that it was happening again, it felt almost surreal.
You ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his head as you savored his scent, careful not to disturb his slumber. It was his favorite shampoo, the same one you used. He had a habit of using your cosmetics, often remarking how they smelled like you and how comforting it was to him."
Suddenly, he shifted slightly, and you felt it—him, pressed against you, his hard length stirring an immediate arousal within you. 
There was an undeniable allure to morning intimacy, especially with Spencer. It seemed almost routine that he would wake up already excited, and you found it exhilarating.
Part of you couldn't help but hope that you were the cause of his arousal. While he may have just been the type of guy to experience morning wood, you preferred to believe it was your presence beside him that elicited such a response. 
Sleeping next to you seemed to consistently awaken him with desire, a notion that thrilled you. Initially, when you first started dating, he had been embarrassed and tried to conceal it from you. However, it didn't take long for you to reassure him that you had no issue with it. In fact, you welcomed morning intimacy eagerly, willing to sacrifice a few extra minutes of sleep if it meant indulging in each other's desires."
And now, you found yourself in the place you loved most: cuddled up to your boyfriend on a peaceful morning. His hard cock pressed into you.
You began to stroke his hair with a bit more bravery, aiming to gently rouse him from his slumber.
"Spence...? Baby..." you murmured, your voice soft against the morning quiet.
"Mhm...." he responded, shutting his eyes tighter as he hugged you closer.
"Are you waking up?" you whispered into his tousled hair, your fingers trailing gently along his scalp.
"Mhm..." he replied, his voice still heavy with sleep.
You traced soothing circles on his back with your other hand, allowing him to gradually emerge from his dreams. After a while, you started to slowly grind against him, earning a soft whimper that escaped his lips, betraying his arousal.
Pressing a tender kiss to his forehead, you teased, "Someone's excited?"
"Mhm..." he murmured again, his desire evident in his response.
"Do you want me to take care of you?" you whispered, your lips brushing against his skin.
"Yeah? I need words, Spence..." you teased playfully, seeking verbal confirmation.
"Please," he finally managed to articulate, his voice tinged with need.
"Okay," you chuckled softly, feeling a surge of affection for him as you reached your hand between your bodies, gently caressing the skin above his boxers.
"Mhm... please," he pleaded once more, his eagerness evident in his tone.
"Someone's needy, huh?" you teased, your voice filled with warmth and affection.
Since you hadn't seen him or felt him in too long, you decided to forgo the teasing and get down to business. He deserved to have everything he wanted, to feel everything he wanted. No more teasing or playing around for now.
You dipped your hand under the waistband, firmly grasping his hard cock, eliciting a breathy exclamation from him.
"Oh god," he gasped, his voice muffled against your chest.
"That feels good?" you inquired softly, seeking confirmation.
"Very good," he murmured in response, his breath warm against your skin.
As you continued to stroke him, you reached for his hair, gently playing and pulling, adding another layer of sensation to the intimate moment.
Placing tender kisses on his forehead, you felt your hips instinctively beginning to move, responding to the rhythm of your shared desire. 
It was irresistible, especially with Spencer softly moaning and whimpering against your hot skin, his lips brushing against you, and the warm breath escaping his lungs tickling your skin, intensifying the intimacy of the moment.
His velvet skin felt like a dream, large, hot, tip leaking profusely, your hand slid easily. With your fingers tracing along the veins and around the pink head, Spencer's hand slid around your back, pulling you closer.
"Spencer, honey, you're holding me too tightly. I'm trying to make you feel good," you gently reminded him.
"Sorry," he whispered, loosening his grip.
"It's okay," you assured him, continuing to massage the swollen, taut flesh as Spencer trembled beneath your touch.
You reveled in the feel of his length in your hand, delicate yet powerful. "You're doing so well, my pretty boy," you encouraged him softly, watching as his lips parted, barely glistening with saliva, and his whimpering grew louder.
Starting with your thumb against his slit, you applied pressure, eliciting a moan from his lips, before moving to the pre-cum pooling on the tip. Smearing it along the bottom vein, you used it as a guide as your hand began to move up and down, utilizing the small amount of lubrication present.
His nose scrunched as you picked up the pace, his body responding eagerly to your touch. You twisted your hand, using your nails to tease the head of his manhood, causing him to tense uncontrollably.
"Look at you, Spence. You want it so bad it hurts?" you teased, your tongue between your teeth.
"Please..." he pleaded, his eyes shut tightly as your hand continued its relentless motion.
His head turned to nuzzle into the pillow, his moans muffled as he neared his peak.
"Come on, baby, finish for me," you urged, and Spencer complied, his loud groans filling the room as his release coated your hand, warm and sticky.
He went limp against you, his hands bringing you closer as if he couldn't bear to be apart from you. You softened, stroking his hair with your free hand after helping him come down from his high.
"That's it. You did so well," you praised him, giving him a few more gentle pumps before kissing him tenderly on the lips.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice still trembling with the remnants of pleasure.
"You're welcome," you replied, your tone tender and filled with affection as you looked into his eyes.
"I love you," he confessed, his gaze filled with adoration as he searched your face for reassurance, sweat glistening on his forehead and his curls tousled from the intensity of the moment.
"I love you too," you responded, your heart swelling with warmth at his words, feeling the depth of your love in every syllable.
"Let me take care of you now," Spencer murmured softly, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he shifted his focus to you. He was ready to reciprocate the love and attention you had just bestowed upon him.
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reidsqlick · 4 months
You’ll be back, right? || (S.R)
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pairing(s): Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
summary: Spencer and you had been close friends, but due to an unexpected, sudden reason that friendship had fallen through, and led to what seems to be a rivalry.. what happens when you confront him of this?
warning(s): (MDNI 18+), softdom!spencer, unprotected sex, p in v, swearing, I don’t believe there’s any more but if there is please enlighten me 💔💔.
word count: 3,7k
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Working for the FBI was a challenge, everyone who looked into the FBI, or had been an agent would tell you the same. As an agent, you’ve definitely come close to death many times throughout your career, you had known that’s what came with the job, and you more than ready for that. You were quite honestly ready for whatever this job could bring your way. Ready to tackle each obstacle with such ease, so much to the point you didn’t even care what could be thrown your way.
That’s what you thought until you had met Dr. Spencer Reid. Being transferred to this unit of yours was something you had no issue doing. Ready for whatever it brought you, whatever new challenges this career brought you. Nothing, and I mean nothing was going to get in the way of that mindset of yours you were so, ultimately set on.
Unfortunately, that mindset hadn’t met Spencer Walter Reid. The genius of the BAU. Mr. “187 IQ”. Once a twenty-four year old kid prodigy who knew more than most at that age. Now, obviously not twenty-four, and not quite a ‘kid prodigy’ anymore.
The man had gotten on your nerves since the day he chose his ego over you. Not cause he was necessarily a bad guy, he was actually friends with you. However, the shit that got on your nerves was the fact he was open about disliking you, his ego slowly becoming more important than your friendship sometime during your duration of working there.
Forever you thought about what you had done. At first, you two were oh so close, as close as one can get with Reid, at the time he at least could have tolerate saying more than at minimum, five word sentences to you in passing, or because Hotch had asked you two to pair up to go check things out.
He always teased you at work. Either making some snide comment about your intelligence, or critiquing the way you had gotten your part of the job done. God, it was aggravating to say the least. With each snide comment that was said in passing, the more he pissed you off.
You really hadn’t hated him. You had hated the way he was so rude towards you. You truly never got it, never understood how he could be so nice to you when you had joined, talking to you more than a friend should, but, hey.. he probably talked to everyone like that, right?
One day it snapped. He just… started being an absolute piss poor son of a bitch who couldn’t get enough of himself. Wafting in every comment of some girl on a case in passing, it stroking his ego. God, the man was so aggravating in every way possible. You just couldn’t understand what changed with him.
Yeah, okay. If we’re being honest with one another, I liked him, okay? I more than liked him. I kind of slightly loved him. When I first joined the unit, I had clicked with him the most. It was almost instant. Your shared love for ‘Doctor who’, and books. Most of all, you listened to him ramble. Not many do that, and when they do they always tease him for it.
Now he’s teasing you? Jesus, you couldn’t get over it. The man you once let into your heart, expressed your interests to him, let you be yourself around him, becoming such an asshat. That was beyond what you could’ve expected. Especially since it was so out of the blue.
Life is very against you as of late. You and the team are out on a case in Boston, where you’ll have to be staying in one of the “lovely” hotels there. The issue is that the team actually had gotten done with the case early. The hotel had been booked for a whole extra day.
So, due to Penelope Nagging Hotch so much to the point he actually gave in, you’re all going drinking. The hotel bar, obviously. Can’t stray too far from one another, yes we’re all FBI agents, but… safety first, always.
You weren’t one for drinking if you were honest, but it was a team thing, so you’d go. This case had ended up being much more stressful than it let off, and you kind of needed to cool off, and with the people you considered family.
You hadn’t dressed up, Jesus, no. Never. You aren’t one for dressing up. Yeah, you’re feminine.. just, sometimes dresses aren’t the comfiest, that’s one. Two, for fucks sake.. this is a hotel bar. It’s truly not serious enough to dress up for.
Just your leisure wear you brought, jeans, and a t-shirt. Don’t even get me started on the “Pick me” or “You’re so basic” shit, it’s just leisure wear, at a hotel bar. Fuck if I care, I’ll dress how I please.
Leaving your hotel room, you walk up to the elevator, pressing the ‘down’ arrow. Awaiting the elevator, to your surprise the one and only Spencer Walter Reid decided to waltz to catch it as well. Jesus Christ. He’s really not one for drinking. I know I’m not one for drinking, but he isn’t last time I checked.
The elevator dung open, and you stepped in, Spencer walking in behind you. You click the ‘one’, and wait for this ride to be over. You look around, trying to ignore the fact he was here. You look over at him for, what? A split second, and he catches your eyes.
Fuck. That was accidental… oh, what? He’s still wearing his suit. Jesus, you’d think the man would get into something more comfortable, yet… he’s Spencer Reid. He’s not getting more comfy than this.
Shit, this elevator ride is longer than you remembered it being. Yeah, you were on the twelveth floor, but why is it taking so long. You speak up, hating the silence. Might as well embarrass yourself more than you already had, mhm. Great fucking idea!
“Didn’t take you as much of a drinker, Boygenius.” You said, loud enough for him to hear you, but not quite loud at all. “You don’t know me, (Y/LN). You can’t ‘take’ me as much of anything.” He said, obviously annoyed. Shit.. why’d he have to be such an asswipe about everything he did. Jesus Christ you can’t say anything anymore, can you?
“Actually I do-“ he cut you off, “You do not know me. You think you know me, and I hate to break it to you, but you don’t know me. Don’t know why you somehow think cause we were close years ago when you first started working here, that you know anything. You don’t know me enough to classify me as a drinker, that’s one. Even if I wasn’t before, people change (Y/LN).”
Before you could even add, you were disrupted by the ding of the elevator. Thank god. But, seriously? Where does he think he gets off? You both leave the elevator, him in-front of you now. Walking to the bar, you were greeted by the rest of your team. Penelope enveloping you in one of her hugs.
Chatter between the team had went on for an hour or two, you hadn’t gotten drunk, but you were… tipsy to say the least. You really, seriously weren’t one for drinking, but Spencer being there, and his snarky ass comments from earlier truly set you off. You decide it’s better to go to your room before you get shit-faced drunk, so you say your ‘goodbyes’ to the rest of the team.
Pen pulled you aside, “Hun.. what’s up? You’ve barely spoken a word tonight. You’re just away from us, the group. Did we.. do something on the case that we missed? I can make someone apologize, cause (Y/LN)… I’m not gonna let stuff like that slide-“ you just sit silent. Giving her that look.
She looked confused. “(Y/N).. who,” you cut her off “Spencer. It’s nothing. Just.. we got on the elevator together and it got awkward again. Pen, you’re so lucky I love the rest of you cause I’d have already left cause of Spencer ‘I’ve got a stick in my ass’ Reid.” She and I chuckled.
She nodded, waving you goodbye. Telling the rest of the team about your departure for the night. You left the bar, walking towards the elevator, and clicking the ‘up’ arrow. It dinged not too long after, you entered, and clicked number twelve. As the doors were close to shutting, a hand came between them, forcing them to open back up.
Cause life hates me, who else could it possibly be except Spencer goddamn Reid? Jesus. Why’d we have to leave at the same time, why’d we have to get stuck in the same elevator again!? The ride was silent, well… for a while it was, until he decided it was just lovely to open his mouth, yeah this is just what you needed right now after your previous six drinks.
“Didn’t take you for much of a drinker, either (Y/L/N).” He chuckled, opening up the topic of conversation started just hours ago. “Hah, very funny Reid, I’m really not one.” He shrugged. “No? You didn’t sit at the bar and consume six too many drinks? That wasn’t you? Guess I’m imagining someone else as you.”
You sighed, staying silent. Not wanting to speak to him anymore than you already have tonight. You’re intoxicated, scratch that, you were more than intoxicated, and this really is NOT the proper setting for this. “Don’t wanna talk? Oh, wait.. you don’t want to speak to my face? That’s right. Okay, (Y/LN). I see, you can easily just tell people I have a “stick in my ass” and yet, won’t respond to me? That’s fine with me..”
Those words lingered.. oh they’re pissing you off. You looked at him, he was already looking down at you with the most aggravating smirk on his face. “You do have a stick up your ass. There? What do you want me to tell you!? What can I tell you? Last I remember I ‘don’t know you’ so how will I speak to you if I don’t even know you. Oh, and what can I say? Hmmm? Enlighten me, Spencer. Every time I do something you don’t like, you start running your mouth. Last time I checked, that’s the only time I’ve spoken about you behind your back, so you obviously need to get a grip, Reid.”
“You need me to enlighten you, do you?” He began, “Let me enlighten you, (Y/LN). You can say whatever you want, that’s fine with me, you simply just don’t bring me into it. We got that clear? I don’t need my coworkers thinking im some sort of dick cause you’re butthurt,” he looked at your eyes carefully “and intoxicated.”
“Why don’t you like me anymore,” I let out quietly. “Hm?” He said, clearing his throat. “Why. Don’t. You. Like. Me. Anymore!?” I said, louder. Tears violently threatening to spill. “What’re you talking about?” A tear rolled down your face “What am I talking about!? Jesus, how many times do I have to say it. We were friends, Reid. I liked you,” he was taken aback “I loved you. Jesus, did you forget about our friendship? I know it’s been a while.. but how many girls have to flirt with you to forget your friend? God, Spencer.”
He didn’t even say anything. You stood there, unaware of what was happening, obviously intoxicated. Tears spilling out of your eyes slowly. He looked over at you, looking at you, reading your expressions. He took two steps, making you two mere inches apart. He then leaned down, putting his forehead on yours.
You sniffled, “Reid, what’re you doing-“ “Can I kiss you, (Y/N)? Please say yes..” you nodded. “I need you to tell me I can kiss you, need you to tell me you want me to kiss you.” “Yes, Reid,” before you could even finish he grabbed the sides of your face, pushing his lips onto yours.
You kissed him back, with just as much eagerness as confusion. Don’t you hate him? What’s happening? Before you could even think properly the elevator dinged, you’ve made it to your floor.
He then moved his hands to your waist, leading you out of the elevator, lips still on yours, you pulled away. “Reid. What’re you doing?” Then, it came out. The years you wanted to know what happened, and he’s about to tell you. “I love you, too.” Your response? You pulled his lips back onto yours, walking backwards, finding your room.
You broke the kiss for a second, turning around to unlock the door, reaching for the keycard in your pocket, as Spencer wrapped his hands around your waist. When the door unlocked you basically ran into the room, closing the door behind you two. Once you turned around, your lips were already back on his.
You might be asking, why aren’t you talking this out? Why aren’t you asking what this is? His lips are telling you all you need to know, and you weren’t mad at all. Stumbling around the room, you made it to the bedroom and closed that door, as well. His hands still firm on your waist, he then pushed you against the bedroom door.
His mouth moved from your lips to peppering kisses on your jaw, to then sucking down onto your neck. You were letting out small whimpers, nothing too loud, but it was making him absolutely crazy. As he was marking your neck with visible bruises that weren’t going to be gone anytime soon, he moved his knee between your legs.
You began to grind down on this knee to create some form of friction. Fuck, you were getting louder. Seriously, (Y/N). I mean… seriously? You hate him. You hate how snarky he gets, hate how he makes snide comments, hate how good his lips feel traveling down your neck, hate how good his knee feels against your already aching cunt.
He then started to move his leg with the movements of your hips against him. Jesus. You’re putty in his hands, aren’t you? You’re done for. He then moved his hands under your shirt, starting to ride it up, asking you a question “Can I take it off,” he asked, all you could do was let out sorry whimpers as you were essentially getting yourself off on him, he stopped the movements of his leg, his grip on your hips tightening again “Hm?” All you did was nod, giving him your approval.
Once that was gone, he went back to working on your neck, sucking small bruises, moving down to your collarbone, receiving whimpers and low moans from you. He then moved his hands to the buttons of your jeans. “Can I?” He asked, you nodded again. “Can I?” He repeated. You speak up, “Mhm-“ he nodded, beginning to unbutton your jeans, and then unzipping the zip on them, causing them to fall to the floor.
There wasn’t much light in the room, only a lamp in the corner illuminating the dark room. Enough light for him to be able to see the wet spot in your underwear. He smiled, “You’re already so wet.” He said, circling small circles on your clothed clit, making whimpers fall from your mouth so desperately.
“You know,” he said, pushing your panties to the side, gathering up your arousal on two of his fingers “I love you. It’s why I ignored you so much,” he said, bringing his fingers up and down your slit, “too distracted to do my job sometimes, you know.” He said, inserting one finger into you, causing a breathily gasp leaving your mouth with such ease.
“Just thought if I ignored you, it’d help me from getting distracted with my job.” He said, moving his finger at a slower pace, curling it so every so often to get a reaction out of you. “It didn’t help much, though-“ he said, “I was still getting distracted, all the time. Couldn’t even focus on work, princess.” He added another finger, stretching you out even more. “You know what happens when I can’t focus on work? I get upset, love. Wasn’t even you I was mad at, I was mad at myself, for getting so fucking pent up over you.” He said as he continued his pace, curling his fingers every so often.
He then pulled them out, a soft, disappointing whimper leaving your lips. “Shh, I know. Let’s get you comfy, yeah?” He said, moving you onto the bed, beginning to fully undress you, leaving you exposed. “What about you…” you chimed in nervously. He chuckled. “Oh, right. Sorry, princess. Let me just,” he said as he begun to rid himself of his own garments.
When he rid himself of his prior clothing, all but his boxers, he then hovered over top of you, beginning to gather up more of your slick, rubbing your clit in small, tight circles leaving you an absolute mess. You then began to grip the hand he was using to prop himself up with, needy with greed, your eyes practically begging.
“You close already, princess?” He asked in that cocky tone of his, smirking. If he hadn’t been making you feel this good, bringing you this close to release, making you feel better than you could ever do yourself, you would’ve already hit him upside the head. You then nodded, moans leaving your mouth the easiest they ever had. He had then removed himself of his boxers, his cock springing up and hitting his chest, glistening with all his pre-cum.
Your mouth all but fell to the ground in shock, it was so pretty, he was so pretty. Looking down at you, he had begun alligning himself with your glistening cunt, gathering your slick, finally positioning himself at your entrance, “You ready for me, princess?” You bucked your hips, nodding quickly, “Are you ready?” He asked again, the need to be in you was strong, but the need for your consent was stronger. “Yes, please Spencer—“ He smiled, “Good,” he said, slowly sinking into you, disappearing into you inch, by inch.
He fully sunk into you with a low groan, and slowly begun thrusting into you, warming you up for him, he had then moved his hand between your bodies, and began rubbing your clit in painfully slow circles, watching your face contort with a dumbfound smile on his face. He had then began to move faster, causing you to get even louder than before, and then he finally found his pace, the perfect pace, the pace that hit that spot of yours so well, the spot you were sure never existed, as the men before him were never able to find it, let alone you.
But, fuck. You had to admit, it felt so good. “Spencer— fuck… keep, keep going,” you were putty in his hands, you were his to mold, “yes— like that! Fuck…” he couldn’t help but let out small grunts, and groans. He never knew he could have such an effect on you, he had played this moment so many times in his head, but he’s so, so thankful for his eidetic memory so he can actually remember this moment exactly.
“Feel good doesn’t it, Angel?” He groaned, “Hits where it’s supposed to,” your whimpers got needier, his thrusts got sloppier, “ts’ like this cock was made just for you.” that was it, that was truly it, drunk off his words, his every moment, “Spencer, I’m—“ he got even sloppier, faster, rubbing your clit with such speed you could explode right then and there, your legs began to shake around him.
“Let go, princess. I know you can, ‘know you want to, let it all out for me,” he said, groans getting louder, getting close to his own release himself, two more strokes and you were a dead woman, your orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave, head thrown back, moans louder than ever.
“Fuck, Angel..” he said, pulling out, stroking himself fast, needing his own release, and seeing you like this, cum dripping out of you, it’s just what he needed, it’s the prettiest thing he had ever seen, and now it was ingrained in his mind forever. “Where do you want me, I—“ you whimpered, he was so pretty like this, fucking his hand, head cocked back, groans leaving him.. “T-tummy’s fine—“ and there it was, leaving his cock just seconds later.
His body plopped next to you, hand finding your cheek, caressing it softly. “You did so good for me, Angel..” he smiled softly, you giggled at his compliment, words more innocent than the action you had shared just moments earlier. “Hey, hey let’s get you cleaned up, don’t need you a mess, now do we?” He chucked, leaving the room to grab a washcloth, and coming back with it, wiping his cum off your stomach.
Once you were cleaned up, he had grabbed clothes from your go bag, dressing you slowly, not wanting to overworked your already tired self, “Thank you, Spencer—“ you said softly, almost a whisper, he smiled with pride, “No need to thank me, princess. It wasn’t a favor.” You couldn’t help but giggle, “Mhm, I know— just thought I should thank you, mm never felt that good before, thought that was worth a thanks.”
Once you were in comfy clothes, he had lied next to you, caressing your face, “Angel..” he started, “I’ve gotta go back to my room..” he trailed off, not wanting to leave you like this, sleepy, and alone..
Before he could even finish what he wanted to say, you interrupted him “Don’t—!” He chuckled softly, “I don’t want to, I promise you.. I just need to grab something, okay?” You nodded, but a low groan left your tired lips.
He had gotten up from the mattress, it springing up due to the loss of his weight. Once he reached the handle of the door you yelled out to him, “You’ll be back, right?” your voice drowsy, dripping with tiredness.
He looked back for a moment, smiling softly, “Right.”
A/N: oh my god this is my first published smut my teeth are jittering, hands shaking… please please PLEASE tell me how I did if you could cause I actually can’t tell how bad or good this is. but yeah, I tried. P.S: this smut has been sitting in my drafts for over a MONTH.
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rynwritesreid · 5 months
You & Me| Spencer Reid
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Request: I would love to have a fluffy smut about Spencer's and my first Anniversary together.
Summary: It’s yours and Spencer’s first anniversary, and you spend the whole day celebrating.
Content: GN (not mentioned gender) but AFAB reader. Tooth rooting fluff. Smut. Oral (reader receiving). P in V. No contraception mentioned. 18+
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The soft morning sunlight streamed through the curtains casting a warm glow over the room where you and Spencer lay entwined in each other’s arms. Spencer, like always, had found it difficult to fall and then stay asleep, but today it was for an entirely different reason than just his usual his insomnia. He was excited, he felt like a kid on Christmas eve.
As you started to wake up, you were greeted with the inviting aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you turned to find Spencer, dressed in his signature cardigan and a hint of a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Spencer greeted, his voice carrying a tender warmth.
You couldn’t help but smile in return, “Good morning, Spencer. What’s all of this.”
Spencer motioned toward the tray he had set up on the bedside table. “Happy anniversary,” he said, his eyes sparkling with affection.
“Spencer, you didn’t have to do all of this,” your heart swelling with love for this thoughtful gesture.
"But I wanted to," Spencer replied, his smile widening. "It's our special day, and I wanted to make it memorable."
You sat up in bed, the covers pooling around your waist, and admired the spread before you. The tray was adorned with an assortment of freshly baked pastries, a steaming pot of coffee, and a vase filled with your favourite flowers. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes about the love and care Spencer had for you.
"I can't believe it's been a year already," you murmured, feeling a rush of emotions welling up inside you. Memories of laughter, shared dreams, and countless stolen kisses flooded your mind. Time had flown by so quickly, yet every moment had been etched into your heart.
Spencer moved closer; his warm gaze fixed on you as he reached for your hand. "This year has been the best of my life," he confessed softly. "You've brought so much joy and light into my world, and I can't imagine my life without you."
Tears welled in your eyes as his words washed over you, filling you with a profound sense of warmth and contentment. You squeezed his hand gently, feeling the weight of your love for him in that simple gesture.
"And you've done the same for me," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion. "You've shown me what it means to be truly loved, and I am grateful every single day for you."
Spencer leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss, sealing the silent promises that lingered between you both.
The kiss spoke volumes, conveying all the unspoken emotions and desires that had built up over the past year. It was a culmination of love, trust, and shared experiences. As the warm embrace deepened, you could feel your heart race, matching the rhythm of Spencer's breath against your lips.
“Spencer, I was going to wait till this evening to show my gift, but I can’t now.”
Spencer pulled away slightly, his eyes filled with curiosity. "What is it? I can't wait to see," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.
With a mischievous grin, you reached under the bed and retrieved a small, wrapped box. Handing it to Spencer, you watched as he eagerly tore through the paper, uncovering a beautifully crafted leather-bound journal.
Spencer's eyes widened in surprise and awe as he ran his fingers over the intricate detailing on the cover. "Oh wow, it's stunning," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "But why couldn't you wait?"
You chuckled softly, tracing circles on his arm with your fingertips. "Because, handsome, inside that journal are pages filled with all the words I could never say out loud. It's a collection of letters, thoughts, and memories that I've been writing to you throughout the year."
Spencer's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "You mean... you've been writing to me this whole time?"
You nodded, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Yes, every time something significant happened, every time I wanted to express my love or share my thoughts with you, I wrote it down in that journal. It's a way for me to show you just how deeply I feel for you, even when I struggle to find the right words."
Spencer's gaze never left the journal, his fingers tracing the embossed designs on the cover. "I can't believe you've done this," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
You leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Spencer's cheek. "It's just a small token of my love for you," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. "I hope it brings you as much joy as you bring me every single day."
Spencer turned to you, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Thank you," he breathed, his voice catching with emotion. "This is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received."
You smiled, feeling a surge of happiness wash over you. Seeing Spencer's reaction filled your heart with a sense of fulfilment and reassurance. It was moments like these that reinforced the deep connection you shared, reminding you of the strength and beauty of your love.
The rest of day you spent cuddled up with Spencer, watching your favourite films, eating the rest of the food he had cooked, and just basking in the love you both had for each other. You couldn’t believe that you had been dating this man for a year, he was truly and utterly perfect in every way.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow through the curtains, you found yourself lost in thoughts of how fortunate you were to have Spencer by your side. The year had been filled with countless moments of joy, laughter, and growth, all woven together by the threads of your love.
You leaned into Spencer's side, his arm instinctively wrapping around your shoulders as you both watched the colours dance across the sky. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, a testament to the deep connection you shared. Words seemed unnecessary in moments like these, where every touch and glance spoke volumes.
"I can't believe how lucky I am," Spencer murmured, breaking the silence. "To have found someone who understands me so completely."
He turned towards, his free arm lifting up your chin lightly as he looked into your eyes. His gaze held a mixture of adoration and vulnerability, baring his soul to you in that very moment. You felt your heart skip a beat as his thumb brushed gently against your cheek.
You didn’t have a chance to speak before Spencer’s lips met yours in a tender and passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you in that moment. His lips moved against yours with a delicate fervour, conveying all the love and intensity that words could never capture.
You didn’t want this kiss to end, you wanted to savour every second, every touch, every taste. As the kiss deepened, your hands instinctively reached up to cradle Spencer's face, pulling him closer and losing yourself in the intoxicating passion that surged between you.
The room around you vanished, replaced by a realm where only the two of you existed. It was a world where time ceased to exist, and everything was distilled into this singular moment of pure connection and love. The outside world could wait – there was nothing more important than the embrace you shared.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” Spencer's voice was barely a whisper against your lips, his words sending shivers down your spine. The intensity of his gaze made your heart flutter, as if you were the only person in the universe deserving of such adoration.
You smiled, feeling a surge of warmth and love wash over you. "And you, Spencer, are the most incredible person I've ever known," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. "You bring so much light into my life, and I am forever grateful for you."
Spencer's eyes shimmered with emotion as he held you closer, his touch grounding you in the present moment. "I will spend the rest of my life cherishing and loving you," he vowed softly, his words laced with determination.
His lips once again met yours in a gentle, reassuring kiss. The taste of his love lingered on your lips, as if imprinting itself in your very soul.
Spencer’s hands started roaming your body, tracing the curves and lines that he knew so well. He felt the familiar warmth and comfort that came with being close to you, with knowing that you loved him just as deeply as he loved you.
You leaned back slightly, your eyes locking with his as he continued to explore your body with gentle touches.
As his lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses in their wake, you let out a small gasp, your fingers tangling in his hair.
"Spencer," you breathed, the desire to return his affection growing stronger with every passing moment.
With a wicked grin, Spencer lowered his gaze to your lips once more. "Don't worry, Y/N. I've got all night," he promised, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine.
You returned his grin, your eyes locked with his as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the toned chest that you've grown to adore. Your fingers traced the lines of his abs, feeling the muscles flex under your touch.
He removed your shirt as well, revealing your own toned body to him. His eyes raked over your form, drinking in every detail, sending a jolt of desire coursing through you.
He lowered his head to your neck, his tongue tracing the line of your jaw, down to your collarbone. Your breath hitched as he continued his path, his lips moving to your chest.
You arched your back, your fingers threading through his hair as he continued his exploration. He kissed below your breasts, his hand wandering down your stomach and pausing just above your waistband. You could feel his touch through the fabric, and your heart raced with anticipation.
His fingers brushed against the sensitive skin just below your waistband, causing a shiver to run down your spine. He hooked his fingers into your pants, slowly pulling them down your slender hips, revealing your skin to him.
His eyes widened, taking in your bare skin, the sight of your desire for him evident. Your breath hitched as he continued to look at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and awe. His lips met the bare skin of your stomach, a soft kiss leaving a trail of warmth on your skin.
You let out a soft sigh, your eyes never leaving his as he continued his journey down your body, his touch sending shivers of desire coursing through you. His slow, deliberate movements spoke volumes about the intimacy and care he had for you.
You could feel every part of your body coming alive, your skin tingling with anticipation as his lips trailed further down, his fingers leaving your waistband and exploring the sensitive skin just above your waistband.
Your breath hitched as he slowly pulled down your pants, revealing your most intimate parts to him. You felt a mixture of vulnerability and excitement, knowing that he would be discovering the most intimate part of you.
He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and reverence. You could see the love and care he had for you reflected in his gaze, making your heart skip a beat.
"I can't believe how much I want you right now," you breathed, your eyes locked with his as he continued to explore your body with gentle touches.
His eyes met yours, filled with a hunger and desire that mirrored your own. "I am yours, and you are mine, Y/N. There's nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with you."
He lowered his lips to your stomach, his tongue tracing the line of your hip bone. You arched your back, your fingers threading through his hair as you let out a soft moan.
His lips continued down, kissing, and nibbling at your inner thighs, causing your breath to hitch in anticipation.  Your heart raced with anticipation as his lips brushed against your inner thigh, his tongue tracing the soft skin there.
As his lips continued to move lower, your breath hitched, and your fingers tightening in his hair. His touch was gentle yet insistent, leaving no denial for the surging desire growing in you.
Your heart raced as his lips finally brushed against your clit, and you felt a rush of warmth between your legs. You cried out softly, your body arching into his embrace.
"Oh, Spencer," you gasped, your head falling back in pleasure as his tongue skilfully explored your most sensitive spots. His fingers moved in rhythm with his lips, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
You could feel your arousal building, your breath catching in your throat as the intensity of the sensations increased. Your fingers clenched in Spencer's hair, pulling him closer, urging him on, wanting him to continue.
Spencer's tongue danced across your clit, the intensity of his touch sending shivers up your spine. Your body trembled, your breathing shallow and ragged, as you felt yourself slowly sliding towards the edge.
You could feel the pleasure building within you, an electric current that started in your core and spread throughout your entire being. Your body shook, writhing beneath his touch, as the anticipation of your climax grew stronger with each passing second.
Spencer's fingers continued their rhythmic dance, his tongue working in harmony with his fingers, as if they were a perfectly synchronised duo crafted to bring you to the highest of heights. Your cries of pleasure filled the room, ringing out in the air like a song only the two of you could sing together.
He pulled away though, “I don’t think you know how badly I want to be inside you right now Y/N.” His voice was a low growl in your ear, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel the desire pulsating through you, matching his every move. You whimpered softly, feeling your need for him grow stronger with every passing moment.
"I don't want you to wait any longer, Spencer," you whispered, your voice trembling with need. You could feel your body pulsating with anticipation, aching to be filled by him.
His gaze locked with yours, his eyes filled with a burning desire that mirrored your own. "Then let me give you what you want, Y/N," he promised, his voice a low rumble that made your skin tingle.
He positioned himself over you, his eyes never leaving yours as he guided himself inside your body. Your breath hitched, feeling the pressure building up, the anticipation of the moment causing your heart to race. He entered you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours as he filled you completely. You gasped, your body trembling with pleasure, your heart pounding with excitement.
"Spencer," you whispered, your breath catching as he began to move inside you. His movements were slow and deliberate, his body pressing against yours, his hips moving in perfect rhythm. You could feel his desire for you in every thrust, every touch, every kiss.
He deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours, his hands running over your body, leaving trails of fire in their wake. Your heart raced with passion, your body responding to his every touch, every movement.
"I love you, Y/N," he whispered, his eyes filled with a love and desire that couldn't be denied. You felt it too, the love you had for him, the need to be with him, the need to be one with him.
"I love you too, Spencer," you murmured, your voice catching in your throat as he began to move faster, his rhythm increasing, his body pressing against yours, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your veins.
Your breath hitched, your body arching into his, responding to his every touch, every movement, matching his every thrust, his every kiss. The pleasure built, the anticipation grew, the desire intensified, and you could feel yourself sliding towards a peak that would leave you breathless.
You felt as though you were flying, as if you were in another world completely. Every touch, every kiss, every movement felt like a new discovery, a new adventure. It was as if you were experiencing a new kind of love, a new kind of connection, that you'd never felt before.
As his thrusts grew more frenzied, so did your breaths, growing shallow and quick. You could feel the pleasure building within you, an electric current that started in your core and spread throughout your entire being. Your body shook, writhing beneath his touch, as the anticipation of your climax grew stronger with each passing second.
And then it hit you. It was like a tidal wave of pleasure, crashing over you like the ocean waves at the shore. Your body trembled, your breathing shallow and ragged, as you felt the pleasure building within you.
He increased his tempo, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. His hands gripped your waist, pulling you closer, his lips never leaving yours. You felt as though you were floating, every touch, every movement, every kiss sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins.
And then you felt it. Your body shuddered, and your breath hitched, as you were swept up in an orgasm that seemed to go on forever. Your cries of pleasure filled the room, and you could feel your body spasming, shaking in the aftermath of the most intense orgasm you had ever experienced.
Spencer's body trembled alongside yours, his eyes locked on yours, as he groaned out his own pleasure. His thrusts slowed, and he pulled away, collapsing onto your chest, his heart pounding in sync with yours.
You lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, your bodies still shaking with the remnants of your orgasm. You could feel the love and care he had for you, reflected in his eyes and in the way he held you.
"I love you so much," you whispered, your voice soft and filled with emotion.
"I love you more," he whispered back, his voice hoarse from the passion of the moment.
~join the taglist~
@iluvreid @nomajdetective @drspencieee@katieeeee314@evvy96 @oliviah-25 @starkid024 @emalynvtgtgfhvgg @krokietino @xohoneybun @spencerreidwifeee @purplepistachi0 @pleasantwitchgarden @bitchassbecky691 @piperb400@queermaxwooo @gemofthenight @topguncultleader @luvpiercethekaty@anna-belle-xd @catsareawesomek @drreidsfavwhxre @oureternalbond@beth-gallagher22 @keiva1000 @k3nzxx@lookingforgodintheclouds @firstunmannedflyingdeskset @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @r-3dlips @keiva1000 @peppersapro @just-a-harmless-patato @spenxerslut @skulliecadaver-blog
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astrophileous · 7 months
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need anything fluffy (and I mean the most stomach churning, toe curling, quiet screaming fluff please 🥴🩷) for professor!spencer because I am actually frothing at the mouth DO YOU FEEL ME🗣️‼️ (mwah ily kith kith)
I might have written two blurbs for this request and I might have driven myself crazy trying to determine which one I should post so here's to wishing I didn't make the wrong choice 🤞 this one is special for you avis I hope you enjoy it MWAH 💖
Warning(s): gn!reader, I imagine reader being in grad school but you can imagine reader in college as well--that just means there's gonna be an age gap in there, if professor-student romantic dynamics isn't your thing you shouldn't be reading this, profanities(?), established relationship
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
Have a good day, my love.
You grinned giddily at the text message popping up on the screen of your phone. Without wasting another second, your thumbs moved swiftly over the keypad as you typed in a response.
You too, honey. See you tonight at dinner <3
"What are you so smiley about?"
You quickly shoved your phone into the pocket of your pants before looking up towards the owner of the voice. Gladys stood to your left with a quizzical tilt to her eyebrows. Her eyes assessed you from head to toe before they landed back on your face.
"I'm not smiley. Who's smiley?"
"You are." Her eyes squinted. "Something smells fishy."
"You should check your bag. Maybe you accidentally threw your cat's wet food in there again."
"That was one time!"
Gladys scampered after you as you made your way into the lecture hall. Akbar was sitting on the third row when you walked in, immediately scooting over to make room for both Gladys and you to slip into your respective seats.
"Hey, did you guys hear?" Akbar asked as soon as you and Gladys plopped down next to him.
"Hear what?" Gladys asked.
"Apparently, some people are saying that Professor Chuckie is hitched."
Gladys' eyes grew comically wide. "He's what?"
Your brain was working in overdrive, trying to decipher whom exactly Akbar had meant by Professor Chuckie. Between him and Gladys, the two of them had a tendency of coming up with dozens of ridiculous code names for every single person they ever encountered in life, to the point where you were constantly struggling to keep up with them all.
"Who's Professor Chuckie again?" you eventually asked.
"Chuckie? From Rugrats?" Gladys hinted.
Your frown deepened. "Who?"
"Oh my God, (Y/N)." Akbar sighed. "You know the man. Fluffy curly hair like Chuckie from Rugrats."
After swimming in a pool of confusion for the next few minutes, Gladys eventually took pity on you and blurted out, "It's Professor Reid, (Y/N). Professor Spencer Reid from Criminology department?"
Your stomach dropped to the floor.
How did they—
"A buddy of mine was at the criminology lab today and told me that everyone was talking about it," Akbar explained. "The Spencer Reid is married. It's a huge news."
"Damn right, it is." Gladys scoffed. "Why are all the fine men in my life already taken? I hate it here."
Akbar rolled his eyes. "Right. As if you ever had a chance with him anyway."
As your two friends proceeded to bicker with one another, you felt yourself sinking deeper into a temporal abyss as your brain tried to process what Akbar had just said.
Spencer Reid is married.
Everyone was talking about it.
A lump formed at the base of your throat as you faced Akbar again, "Hey, how did they—how did your friend find out that Professor Reid was married?"
"He showed up to work with a ring this morning."
Your heart was racing inside your chest. "That's it? Not a very conclusive evidence, isn't it? Maybe the man just likes his jewelry."
"Nah, I'd bet my money that he's hitched," Akbar said. "My buddy told me one of the students tried to ask him about it and he just kinda smiled and nodded. Never really answered the question, though."
"That does sound kinda sus," Gladys opined. "Makes me wonder what kind of person managed to bag a specimen like that."
You hummed distractedly in reply, too busy mulling over everything to actively participate in the conversation your friends were having. Your professor strode into the hall barely five minutes later, and before long, the class officially began, forcing you to shake off any irrelevant thoughts about Professor Chuckie and his ring from the deepest corners of your mind.
Today was the day every group in class had to present their last progress report before finals rolled around. As soon as the fifth group finished their presentation, you walked to the front of the class with Akbar and Gladys following closely behind.
Akbar stepped towards the desk, trying to connect his PC with the class projector. He fumbled with the cable for a few minutes before he sheepishly glanced at you and Gladys. "I don't think it's gonna work. Either of you brought a laptop today?"
"I brought mine," you announced. "Wait here."
You ran back towards your table to grab your laptop before connecting the device to the projector. As soon as the desktop of your laptop appeared on the big screen, the entire lecture hall suddenly erupted in a round of synchronized gasps.
Gladys was staring at you, a clear sign of shock on her countenance. "(Y/N)?"
"Dude," Akbar muttered breathlessly. "What the hell?"
You swept your gaze repeatedly between the two of them and the rest of the class, confusion dawning inch by inch with every second that ticked by. "What? What's going on?"
Akbar nudged your shoulder, gesturing you to look behind towards where the projected screen of your laptop was being shown to everyone in the room. Your mouth instantly ran dry when you realized what had the whole lecture hall so stunned for the past few minutes.
It was a picture—the one you had set up last week as the wallpaper of your PC desktop but somehow had managed to completely forget about—of you and Spencer lounging on the living room couch of your shared apartment, holding up your hands to show off the identical bands encircling your ring fingers. Spencer was smiling big towards the camera with a protective arm wrapped around your shoulders while you peeked behind his neck with a portion of your face concealed behind his untamed curls.
It was a sweet photo to commemorate the most important day of both of your lives, taken merely hours after you exchanged vows at the city hall and entrusted each of your own hearts towards the other person to keep, nurture, and love.
And now, that same photo was up on the wall of Room 2404 as an impromptu spectacle for your entire Data Analytics class to see.
From behind the desk, Professor Clegg cleared his throat. "So, (Y/N). You and Dr. Reid, huh?" He peered at you from behind his glasses, not the slightest hint of a smile on his lips, but a brightly twinkling mirth in his eyes. "I guess congratulations are in order."
You exhaled a tired breath and replied, "Thank you, Professor."
Once your presentation was over, you retired back to your seat and discreetly typed in a message as another group came forward to present their work. You threw your phone into your bag after hitting send, trying to ignore the whispered demands of your two friends as they badgered you for answers.
Across the campus, Spencer's phone dinged with an incoming text.
He pulled out the device promptly, failing to contain his smile as he read the message you had just delivered to him.
Thanks a lot for the heads up 👎 Looks like there's no need for me to keep my own ring hidden in the wallet anymore >:(
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sreidisms · 1 month
Stress Release
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Sub!Spencer Reid x Dom!GN!Reader
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Summary: Spencer needs you to take care of him after a rough couple of days at his new job.
Genre: smut
Word Count: 861
Warnings: pegging, reader is GN but uses a strap-on so?? afab implied, slight cum play, slight overstimulation if you squint, many many pet names (sweet boy, love, sweetheart, darling, baby).
A/N: I needed something to get my creative juices going because I've been in the worst writing slump of my life, so enjoy this quick little blurb of the cutest, subbiest Spence <3
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Spencer was splayed out on your shared bed, his previously-gelled hair tousled and spread out on the fresh sheets like a halo around his head, however juxtaposing the current situation he was in - it was far from holy as your strap-on was gliding in and out of him with lewd ease.
The excuse from your boyfriend was that he needed the stress fucked out of him - maybe not put as crudely as that, but you knew what words were floating through his head. Paperwork, cases, and meeting people had been too much for the new agent, and he just wanted you to fuck him dumb for a while, for positive psychological purposes only obviously.
“How’s that feeling, sweet boy?” you cooed, pressing his knees further back to get the right angle to hit that lovely spot deep inside his abdomen.
“Mmm … g-great,” he mumbled, licking his lips and letting his mouth fall open once again.
“That’s good, Spence. Keep your legs like this, please, love.” Your hands moved to hold his slender and naked waist, thus providing you with the perfect leverage to smoothly thrust the thick dildo into his tight hole.
Pegging had been a recent addition to your sex life and you had been surprised when Spencer brought it up one day, timidly explaining how he had stumbled upon it online and wanted to try it out; little did he know, you had been dreaming about that scenario for months. With gentle steps and a good amount of research, it soon became a favourite activity for the both of you.
Spencer didn’t know why he liked it so much. It was probably a mix of being able to let go for once in his life and let someone else do the taking care of, he reflected. And besides, it was nice to not have to think about the logistics of something for a change.
For you? Oh, you loved watching your bright and loquacious genius be reduced to whines and pants every once in a while. It wasn’t a secret that he overworked himself and so you wanted to allow him the space to lay back when needed.
Now, one of your hands had found its way to your boyfriend’s throbbing cock, setting a relentless pace, up and down to give him more relief.
“O-Oh fuck,” he whined as he grasped your arm with a tight grip. “Don’t … stop, d-don’t …” His sentence was cut off when your thumb stroked the underside of his tip, forcing out a guttural moan and a harsh thud as his head hit the mattress again.
You hushed him. “You don’t have to worry, darling. Just relax, I’m here to make you feel good.” He nodded frantically, sucking his lower lip with his teeth to stifle the noises that were begging to escape his mouth.
As much as it was embarrassing, you were sure that your neighbours on the floor beneath your apartment could hear the never-ending squeak of the bed frame grinding against the linoleum, but you couldn’t care less in that moment. Your mind was set on bringing the highest of pleasures to your boyfriend as you skilfully hit his prostate over and over, each push of your hips punctuated with a moan from Spencer.
“P-Please …”
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” you asked worriedly, quickly cupping his cheek with the hand that was resting on his waist. “Are you close?”
“Uh huh … please, please l-let me …” The sentence died at the back of his throat.
“Go ahead, you’ve been such a good boy, you deserve this.”
You stopped your actions for a second and swiftly pulled him closer to you from his legs, accidentally ramming the tip of your strap-on painfully hard against his sweet spot. It wasn’t your intention but cum gently dribbled down his flushed dick as he panted.
In an effort to not leave him with a ruined orgasm, you planted your fists on the bed, Spencer’s angelic face between them, and you hiked your knees up onto the edge of the bed before picking up the pace once more and driving the fake cock deep inside him.
“O-Oh …” The man was too far gone drowning in pleasure to have the energy to make noise, eyes screwed shut and fingers fisting the sheets.
“There we go,” you purred. The feeling of more cum being fucked out of him spread across both of your stomachs, creating the most delicious mess you could imagine.
You eventually took pity on him and slowed down your hips and teasingly pressed on his legs to spread them further, pulling back to see his weeping length softening against his porcelain skin.
“You did so well, Spence.” You took your pointer finger and spread the viscous liquid across his tummy, and then slowly traced it to the head of his cock. His hips bucked forward and he hissed.
“D-Don’t … sensitive.”
You giggled and leaned down to give him a soft kiss. “Sorry, baby, you’re so easy to tease.”
Spencer’s eyes opened to meet your loving expression and he smiled in return. “I love you.”
“I love you too, always.”
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I hope you enjoyed this! I promise I'll get to writing all the suggestions in my inbox eventually, it means so much to me that people show interest :) thank you
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litteralyjustawriter · 2 months
"Could you hold me for a bit?"
Spencer Reid x GN!Reader angst to fluff
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! Set after Season 2 EP 15 !
angst to fluff, no pronouns used, Criminal minds spoilers
You weren't the type to go to bed very early, contrasting your coworkers, most specifically Dr. Spencer Reid. Spencer went to sleep early on the rare occasions he didn't have work, even then sleeping on the plane rides back no matter the length. Point is, Spencer was not one to interrupt his quote-on-quote "beauty sleep", as Derek liked calling it, so seeing him on your doorstep late at night was certainly a surprise.
"Hey I'm really sorry-" Spencer whispered, red in the face from both tears and anxiety, with his hands fidgeting close to his torso "I just needed to be with someone and I just figured- I mean I guess you were the first person that came to mind"
You moved aside from the door, a hint Spencer immediately took by walking into the house.
"Thank you, I know it's late but-" he paused, being met with the confusion on your face he continued, "It's kind of a stupid reason."
"I'm sure it's not as stupid as you make it out to be." You assured him as you locked the door and led him to your living room couch. "What's bothering you Spence?" You ask as you sit, patting the spot to your right, gesturing him to sit down, of which he does.
"It was a nightmare, most likely trauma induced, it's weird we see all sorts of horrible things at the BAU but this one thing- I don't know- it just kinda stuck." Spencer's eyes were fixed on his hands twisting and turning into each other on his lap.
"What was it?"
"You remember when I was kidnapped? With Tobias, his dad, and Raphael? I don't know- I just can't get that stuff out of my head- no matter how hard I try it just keeps coming back." He paused, "It was so real, like I was back in that chair- back in that shed- back in that graveyard-"
"Hey-" you cut him off, "you don't need to think about that now ok? You're here and you are safe, that's all that matters."
Spencer met you with silence, poorly hiding his appreciative smile. "I know this might seem weird but could you hold me for a bit? Just till I go back to sleep?"
You immediately followed his request, laying down on the couch with him soon after, placing his head on your chest and curling into a loose ball. Rubbing your hand in circles on his back you watch as the serious doctor unravels into your touch, slowly drifting to sleep.
(sorry if this kinda sucks I'm on the aromantic spectrum and have never written anything like this :p)
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mggsv · 11 months
Tag, You’re It
gn!reader x spencer reid x derek morgan
summary: Morgan takes Spencer to his getaway spot after a case.
warnings: split roasted again babe <3, dom!morgan, sub!reid, praise kink spencer, rough fucking, throat fucking, daddy kink
finally posting this draft after like two weeks :(
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“..Am..Am i doing this right?” Spencer’s voice came out in a straggled moan. His trembling hands held onto your hips while you stared right into his pretty eyes. His mouth was open, his face red and flushed. It wasn’t his first time, but man did it seem like it. “Yes-“ you moan, “I promise baby you’re doing really good, so good Spencer”
“Absolutely fine baby.”Morgan’s voice called. He stroked his cock while he watched the both of you. Spencer’s grip on your hips loosen, your legs suddenly upon his shoulders while he sped up. “Fuck- Fuck fuck you feel good..” His whimpers sped up as well, he was a mess. You found it cute. You turned your head to the side to look at Morgan’s hard leaking cock. “Daddy’s very proud of you Spencer..” you coo, sticking your tongue out for Morgan’s cock.
“Mmm..” you moan, eyes fluttering shut while he fucked your throat best he could. Your sex leaked at how filled you were- How Spencer’s cock hit that spot deep inside of you. He wasn’t very good at it, his rhythm was sloppy as he neared his orgasm, but he felt good. “Fuck that feels good..” Morgan groans, throwing his head back. Your eyes looked over his toned body, down to the thick veins lining his cock. Your sex throbbed.
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum. May I cum sir please?” Reid whimpers out. His thrusts slow down, you felt his hands shake while trying to keep up. You glance at his pretty pink lips as they parted, “Daddy-“
“Hold it.” Morgan says, his face concentrated as he sped up in your mouth. You choked, trying to let up at the pre cum slipping down your throat, but he held you down. “Take it baby i know you can.” his hand crept up to your throat, grasping it immediately. “Mpf-“ your eyes flutter shut, body feeling overstimulated. You focused on Spencer’s breathy moans while his sloppy thrusts got harder. You knew he was probably biting his lip trying to keep it in.
“Daddy I-“ His movements halt, moaning out loudly. Spencer’s voice broke out into a cry as he cums inside of you. Your body shuddering in reaction to the hot cum. Morgan let’s put a low moan himself, the cum hitting the back of your throat.
They both pulled out, Morgan shooting the rest of his cum on your face while Reid pumped his cock to cum on your stomach.
“You..you did good Spence.” You murmur, licking your lips. He blushed and looked at Morgan, who gave his ass a small slap afterwards.
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bowwow189 · 7 months
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Santa Claws 🐈
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (kinda more gn)
Warnings: Fluff, Spence being anti-cats
Word count: a lot of them.
Living with Spencer was easy. He loved you, and you loved him. There were hardly any fights between the two of you despite how irritated he may have been after hard cases. You lived by "absence makes the heart grow fonder," so you managed to deal with him being gone so often, though it still hurt.
The only thing the two of you couldn't seem to agree on is Sweetpea, your very lovable, very charming Scottish fold. You absolutely adored Sweetpea. She was always there for you when Spencer couldn't be. Her fur and cuddle bug personality let your mind ease to rest when your anxious thoughts led you to believe the worst. She was very well mannered and you took good care of her: brushing her, bathing her weekly, feeding her some of the best food, and gladly showering her with affection whenever she craved it. Sometimes almost too much.
Spencer couldn't despise the cat more. Sometimes Sweetpea would hog your attention almost too much. Not only that, but he didn't have much of a liking for cats in the first place. He believed them to be infested with all sorts of picked up germs, and he stood by that no matter how much you assured she was clean. He only put up with the feline because she was practically the love of your life, and you couldn't give her up.
You loved her so much so that you wanted another one of her. You worked from home when you could, but when the time came to be called into work, the thought of leaving your baby all by herself stung. Your mind was set on believing Sweetpea needed a friend. Spencer did not like that idea, but you were determined to change his mind.
You often tried your best to convince him another cat was for the best, which only led to petty arguments, and in your anger, it always ended with you throwing a tiny cat toy at him.
You'd show him photos of cats and sneak in a tiny "look how adorable" to each one. Spencer tried his best to ignore when you'd use such a weak tactic. He'd place a kiss on your lips to shut you up, which often worked because no matter how inlove you were with Sweetpea, you still loved Spencer a bit more. You'd melt instantly and you knew your time of persuasion was up.
You woke to the soft sound of purring cuddled in your arms. She was one of those cats that loved being absolutely wrapped in their owner's embrace, and her purrs happened to be a bit louder than most. Your eyes stayed closed while you adjusted to the sweet noise. One arm movement and you'd wake the precious being, which was something that wasn't needed right then.
It took a moment for you to settle awake before you realized Spencer hadn't been next to you. Not only was he gone, but he was gone on Christmas. Your eyes fluttered open and you turned enough to make sure he wasn't just further away than usual. To your dismay, your fear was confirmed. You huffed out a sigh and turned back to Sweetpea, petting her away before carefully moving out of bed.
A sense of dread filled you, which was shown on your face with a frown and a droop in all of your features. You ventured out to the living room, a slight trudge in your step. It was Christmas, you should've been excited! But, you weren't. Your mood only dampened when you looked around to find out Spencer was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't on the couch, nor in the kitchen brewing his needed coffee. Your apartment was suddenly feeling a bit too empty despite being covered in christmas decor.
You suddenly felt a warmth at your ankle: A knowing Sweetpea. It was as if she knew whenever you were missing Spencer, always there when your heart was missing a piece of yourself. A smile found it's way back onto your face and you bent over to pick up the creature for some much needed snuggles. Making your way to the couch, you held her in your arms and pet her rather roughly, just how she liked.
Whenever Sweetpea was too excited, she'd drool at the mouth a bit, a feature you found endearing. Spencer only found it gross. You continued to snuggle her until you heard the familiar sound of your front doorknob clicking. You immediately perked up, your gaze shifting towards the door just before a snow covered Spencer trudged in.
When he spotted you, a smile grew on his face. He had been carrying a suspiciously large present in his grasp. He was quick to move inside the apartment and set the box down on the counter. Sweetpea was rather intrigued, hopping out of your arms and strutting over to the box with small sniffs.
In the moment, you could care less for the gift, as Spencer was back. You squealed and hopped up yourself, running over to Spencer and nearly making him tumble.
"Hey, hey! Careful y/n, I'm all wet." He warns, unable to resist wrapping his arms around you.
"I thought you had a case or something!" You squeeked in response, ignoring his warning and jumping into his arms.
His hands moved to hold your rear as you nuzzled into his neck, pecking sweet butterfly kisses to the flesh. He chuckled and rocked you around before setting you down and tearing his coat off.
"Sorry, I had to go get your present. I had Penelope hold onto it for me so you wouldn't be spoiled too soon." He mumbled as he shuffled out of his converse and moved to hug back onto you. You instantly melted back into his actual warmth, your arms tugging him as close as humanly possible. You didn't think to much about his gift as his reasoning behind it seemed sensible enough.
"Hey, you wanna open presents now? I think you'll really like what I got you." He spoke sweetly to you, his hands moving to tug you off and instead rest at your hips. You nodded a response and ran to get your gift for him. You had it tucked away underneath the bed, knowing he wouldn't ever check there. You had him convinced that 'under the bed germs' were just as bad as 'handshake germs.' You shuffled back out into the living room, box in hand as you made your way to the couch beside him. His gift was neatly placed on the ground by his feet. You could've sworn you heard a slight shuffle from inside the box, but you concluded it was just your mind testing you.
You were quick to shove your gift into Spencer's hands, an eager smile plastered on your face. He grinned and teared away at the snowflake patterned wrapping paper. His delicate hands lifted it open to reveal a very purple, very obviously handmade sweater vest. His eyes widened at the sight before him, but you couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not, which had you overthinking yourself.
"I uh, I made it. It's okay if you don't like it, it is kinda-"
"I love it." Spencer cut you off quickly, his gaze tearing away from the poorly made vest and looking to you. His words seemed genuine, his gaze showing just the same feeling. Your heart nearly fluttered. You watched as he took the fabric out of the box, which was carefully set on the ground as he rid himself of the vest he already had on. He was quick to replace the once worn vest with his brand new one, looking like a kid in a candy store with the way he seemed so enamored by it. Your cheeks flushed lightly out of embarrassment, wanting nothing more than to rip it off and throw it away.
When Spencer looked at you again, you nearly fainted. You couldn't help it when your hands reached to hold his own before you were quickly tackled back into the couch and peppered with kisses.
"I love it, I love it. It's so perfect, and it's so purple! You're amazing, y/n!" He calmed your worries with his lips touch and sweet words of praise. You giggled at the soft tickling feeling of slightly wet kisses to your face. You shoved him off playfully and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips in hopes to calm him. He smiled into your kiss before pulling away and brushing your hair behind your ears.
"Are you ready to see what I got you?" He questioned you with a small eyebrow raise.
You glanced to your present on the floor before nodding, "Yeah."
His grin grew and he picked up the present with a gentleness you admired. "Be careful, it's fragile." He whispered, which caused your own eyebrow raise. The box had a few large holes in the side of it, but they weren't exactly big enough for you to see what exactly was inside. You took a second to ponder before quickly taking the top off to find a tiny, sleeping beauty.
A baby cat, an adorable and very gorgeous kitten. Your eyes widened in shock. It was a surprise considering how insistent Spencer was being about not getting a cat. You held back another squeal as you carefully picked up the sleeping kitten. Your mouth propped open unconsciously as you held the baby close. You pet it with your thumb, looking back from the animal to Spencer with a huge smile. You nuzzled into the baby as Sweetpea rushed over to sniff the sweet thing. She patted at it with her claw lightly, earning a small laugh from both you and Spencer.
"So.. Does this mean you're a cat man?" You tease, your gaze shifting to Spencer.
"Mm, maybe." He shrugs and leans forward to pet the new kitten. You check for its gender before handing the animal to Spencer. He, to your surprise, takes her with no hesitation. You move the box off of your lap and snuggle close to Spencer, who's holding the kitty as if it's a newborn child. You don't want Sweetpea to be left out, so you pull her into your lap and begin to pet her.
"Our family is complete. Thank you, Santa Claws." You scrunch your nose to Spencer and flash him your nails before moving in to kiss his cheek.
"Anything for you, Mrs. Claws."
a/n: Hi! This is my first ever fanfic, and I haven't really finished criminal minds nor am I a very professional writer. Sorry if I'm repetitive or boring with this, I'm just trying this out! Let me know how I can do better, any improvement advice is greatly appreciated. Love you goofy gublers!
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cumulo-stratus · 5 months
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Look at this little cutie pie wearing his watch over his sweater 😋😋
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fliesforeyes · 17 days
spencer seeing reader in a fancy dress for an event, he would struggle so much until reader decides to pull him into the nearest storage room to relieve some pressure
babes im so sorry this took me so long to get to omg... i got a lil carried away
spencer reid would be waiting for you at the banquet, hips resting against the refreshment table as his fingers played with the plastic lip of his cup. you'd asked him to just meet you there despite his insistent offers to pick you up, so he'd picked up a plate of your favorite dessert as he waited.
it was when you walked in that the room felt stuffy, his collar felt too tight, he unbuttoned his blazer, his sweater vest was suddenly too warm, his belt needed to be loosened, he needed you to do it for him.
you walked in wearing a simple dress, but the light reflecting on the black satin complimented your perfect body, your belly, your hips, the shift of your thighs as you approached. he felt dirty seeing the innocent smile on your face, excited to spend a night with him as his colleagues, and all he could think of was your pretty legs wrapped around him-
he let you drag him person to person for greetings, the small talk felt like ages to him. spencers hand was practically glued to your waist, and you felt every twitch of his fingers, every small squeeze. he seemed startled when others spoke to him, not scared, but like he was snapping out of a daydream.
"spence, are you okay?" you'd dragged him to a wall away from the other guests, hands rubbing his tense shoulders.
"what do you mean?" spencer responded, barely able to keep his eyes locked on yours when you looked like that right in front of him.
"you're so distracted, is it a case or something?" you watched as his eyes not-so-subtly traced down your dress, the little peek of his tongue in the corner of his mouth, you realized it wasn't a case.
"do you need some help with something?" you asked, pressing a little closer. his impatient nod was enough to get you drenched, the small, "please," he let out urged you to pull him away and somewhere private.
it wasn't ideal- spencer liked to take his time with you- but the storage closet at the edge of the room would have to do.
spencer kissed you like he was starving once the door clicked shut, his large hands grasping at your hair and waist and hips- he was everywhere once you two were alone. your left arm wrapped around his shoulders as your right hand quickly planted itself on his growing bulge, his moan drowned in your lips.
you made quick work of his belt and zipper, moving to lower to your knees but spencer quickly picked you back up again.
"can you please turn around? i- god i wanna be inside you so bad, please?"
how could you say no?
you turned around, pressing your hands into the wall in front of you, face turned to the side to get a glimpse of spencer in your periphery. his curls fell into his face perfectly, his lips parted as he pushed your dress up to bunch around your waist. long fingers pushed your underwear to the side, middle and ring tracing their way from your clit to your hole.
"you're so wet baby, such a pretty pussy, wish i could see you better," spencer whispered, eyes glancing between your pussy and your face, fingers dipping in.
he pumped his fingers slowly, curled to brush your g-spot, his other hand held your dress up. he stopped once your legs began to shake, once his hand was soaked and your fingers clawed the wall, only to push his cock in soon after.
your mouth fell open, silent gasps and quiet moans falling from your lips, desperate to keep quiet as spencer fucked you slow and deep, only feet from the event crowd. dirty praises fell from his lips, his hand grasping the plush skin of your hip, the other wrapped around you to rub your clit.
the sounds of your shared whimpers mingled with the subtle noise of his hips pressing against the backs of your thighs with every thrust. spencer knew to stay gentle, he wanted to be nice to you, to make you feel good, but also to avoid getting caught.
his rhythm only faltered as the both of you came, his hips jutting against your own as his body curled over against you, moans quiet for only you to hear.
when spencer pulled out his fingers quickly pushed back in, shoving his cum deeper into your pussy. he cleaned you up as much as he could, licking his fingers clean before bringing them back to your pussy, only to clean them off again.
the two of you quickly left the event after exiting the closet, your legs too shaky and his face too red to hide what had just happened. it's a good thing you walked, it gave him a reason to drive you home, an invitation to ask to come inside, to ask to stay the night.
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godsfavdarling · 3 months
How could you?
my masterlist, part 2
pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader (established relationship)
words: 2,3k
summary: You go to Spencer's apartment, only to witness a shocking betrayal that shatters your world.
warnings: angst, hurt, spoilers for season 15!
a/n: this was one of the ideas for the later chapters of my full story 'Keep Holding On' (completed and available here), but there wasn't really a place for it. so, I decided to just make it into a one-shot with a gender-neutral reader!
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You and Spencer have been together for a few years now, your relationship a patchwork of late-night conversations, lazy weekends spent on a couch with books, and long nights in each other's arms.
Although his job isn't easy and you don't get him to yourself as much as you'd like to, you wouldn't change a thing. He and the love you share mean everything to you.
In the quiet moments when you're alone, you find yourself marveling at how unexpected and yet perfectly fitting your love story is. You never thought this could happen to you. 
You never let yourself believe that there would be a man like Spencer loving you and accepting every fiber of your being.
Spencer's presence in your life is like a gentle breeze on a hot summer's day, soothing and comforting. His unwavering support and understanding make even the toughest days bearable. And when he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, you feel a sense of belonging that you've never known before.
You cherish the simple moments shared over cups of coffee in the morning or stolen kisses in the middle of the day. In Spencer's eyes, you see a reflection of your own hopes and dreams, and in his laughter, you find the melody of your heart's desires.
As you drift off to sleep each night, nestled in Spencer's embrace, you offer a silent prayer of gratitude for the love that fills your days and the warmth that fills your heart. 
In him, you've found not just a partner, but a kindred spirit, a soulmate who completes you in ways you never knew were possible. And for that, you will always be thankful.
There's an unspoken language that exists only between you and Spencer. It's a language of love, trust, and understanding that transcends words.
You marvel at how effortlessly Spencer seems to know what you need, even before you do. His intuition is uncanny, his gestures of affection tender and sincere. 
Whether it's a simple touch on the small of your back as he passes by or a reassuring squeeze of your hand when you're feeling uncertain, Spencer has an innate ability to make everything feel right.
You trust him with your deepest fears, your wildest dreams, and every fragile piece of your heart.
In his arms, you find sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world, a safe harbor where you can be your truest self without fear of judgment or rejection.
And as you navigate the challenges of life together, you're constantly reminded of just how perfect Spencer is in your eyes. His kindness knows no bounds, his patience infinite. 
But it's not just his virtues that make him perfect; it's the way he loves you, wholly and unconditionally. In Spencer, you've found a partner who sees you for who you truly are, flaws and all, and loves you all the more fiercely because of them.
Now as you climb the stairs to Spencer's apartment, your heart flutters. Spencer has just started his 30 days of obligatory sabbatical, and you're looking forward to spending more time together now that his only obligation is his teaching job. You've picked up takeout on the way, eager to share a quiet evening together.
But as you open the door, your excitement turns to shock and disbelief.
There, before you, is Spencer, locked in a passionate embrace with JJ. Her hands are cupping his cheeks, their lips pressed together in a kiss that sends a jolt of pain through your chest.
Time seems to stand still as the bags of food slip from your fingers, crashing to the floor with a dull thud. You can't tear your eyes away from the scene before you, the weight of betrayal crushing down on you like a ton of bricks.
A thousand thoughts race through your mind, each one more painful than the last.
How could Spencer do this to you? How long has this been going on? And most importantly, how could you have been so blind to the truth?
Your heart feels like it's been ripped from your chest, shattered into a million pieces by the revelation before you. The love and trust you once shared with Spencer now lay in ruins at your feet, leaving you feeling empty and alone in a world that suddenly seems cold and indifferent.
As Spencer and JJ finally break apart, their eyes widening in shock at your sudden appearance, you feel a surge of anger rising within you. But beneath the anger lies a deep well of hurt and sadness, a pain that cuts to the very core of your being.
Without a word, you turn on your heel and flee from the apartment, tears streaming down your cheeks as you struggle to make sense of the betrayal that has shattered your world.
Everything spins around you in a blur of tears and confusion, you turn and run down the stairs, desperate to escape the pain and betrayal that threaten to consume you.
Each step feels like a marathon, your legs heavy with the weight of sorrow and disbelief.
But just as you reach the bottom of the stairs, your vision swimming with tears, you stumble, your foot catching on the edge of a step. You plummet forward, the ground rushing up to meet you with terrifying speed.
In that split second before impact, a pair of strong arms wraps around you, pulling you back from the brink of disaster. You gasp in shock and relief as Spencer catches you, his grip firm and steady.
For a moment, you cling to him like a lifeline, your body trembling with the force of your emotions.
You can't breathe, can't think, can't comprehend the enormity of what has just happened.
As you collapse onto the stairs, your sobs echoing in the empty stairwell, Spencer kneels beside you, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration.
He reaches out to touch you, but you flinch away, unable to bear the thought of his hands on your skin.
"Please," he pleads, his voice cracking with emotion. "Let me explain. It wasn't what you think. I didn't...I didn't do anything."
But his words fall on deaf ears as you struggle to make sense of the chaos swirling inside your head.
How could Spencer betray you like this? How could he let someone else touch him in that way?
As the truth begins to dawn on you, a wave of anger washes over you, hot and relentless. You push yourself away from Spencer, your chest heaving with the effort to draw breath.
"Don't," you choke out, your voice barely a whisper. "Don't touch me."
But Spencer refuses to give up, his eyes burning with determination as he reaches for you once more. "Please," he begs, his voice raw with emotion. "Let me explain. It wasn't me. It was her."
You place a trembling hand on your chest, trying to steady your racing heart as you struggle to catch your breath.
"How could you?" you utter, your voice barely above a whisper, the words heavy with accusation and pain.
Spencer's eyes are full of anguish as tears well up in his eyes. He reaches out to you, his hand hovering in the air between you, a silent plea for forgiveness that you're not sure you're ready to grant.
But before you can respond, JJ appears at the top of the stairs, her mouth open as if she's about to say something. But then, with a quick shake of her head, she closes her mouth and walks past the two of you without a word.
You stare after her in disbelief, your mind reeling with confusion and hurt.
You struggle to make sense of the situation. You knew of the hostage situation with JJ and how she had professed her love for Spencer. But you also remember how Spencer immediately came to you, confessing everything and reassuring you of his love for you.
He spent the whole night telling you every detail of what happened, assuring you that his heart belonged to you and you alone. He made it clear that you were the one he loved, not JJ.
So what happened? How could he be kissing her now, after everything he said and everything you've been through together?
With a shaky breath, you push yourself up from the stairs, your muscles tense with the effort to contain the storm raging within you. You want to flee, to distance yourself from him and the shattered remnants of your trust.
But before you can take a single step, Spencer's voice cuts through the tumultuous haze of your thoughts, pleading with you to stay. His words are a desperate plea for understanding, for a chance to explain the inexplicable.
"Please," he implores, his voice cracking with emotion. "Don't leave. I need to explain. I swear, it wasn't what it looked like. You have to believe me."
You hesitate, torn between the desire to escape and the need for answers. Despite the overwhelming pain coursing through your veins, there's a part of you that still craves the truth, no matter how agonizing it may be.
You groan loudly, the weight of the situation bearing down on you like a leaden blanket. Your mind races with a million questions, each one more painful than the last.
But for now, you're too overwhelmed to process anything.
With another loud groan, you turn and begin to make your way back upstairs, your steps heavy with exhaustion and despair.
You can feel Spencer's eyes boring into your back, his silent plea for you to stay echoing in the empty stairwell.
As you reach the top of the stairs, you don't look back, you enter the apartment and your only thought is to find a moment of solace in the solitude of the bathroom.
With trembling hands, you shut the door behind you, the click of the lock a final barrier between you and the chaos that threatens to consume you.
And as you sit there, trembling and broken, you realize that there's something about Spencer, something in the depths of his eyes that compelled you to stay, to hear him out.
It's a trust that runs deeper than words.
As you emerge from the bathroom after a few minutes, the weight of the silence between you and Spencer hangs heavy in the air.
You find him on the couch, his leg shaking uncontrollably, his fingers fidgeting nervously. His face is etched with worry and pain, mirroring the tumult of emotions raging inside you both.
He gave you space, just as he always did. It's one of the things you've always admired about him, his ability to recognize when you needed time to process and heal.
But now, as you sit in the armchair nearby, staring at him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, you can't help but feel the need for answers, for some semblance of understanding in the chaos that surrounds you.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Spencer speaks. His voice is hoarse with emotion, the words tumbling out in a rush as if he's been holding them back for far too long.
"She just showed up," he begins, his voice barely above a whisper. "Out of nowhere, she started talking about how she loves me and how she was stupid for ignoring it for so long. She said she couldn't pretend anymore..."
You listen in stunned silence, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. So it wasn't Spencer who initiated the kiss, it was JJ.
But why?
As Spencer continues to speak, his words are a desperate attempt to make sense of the madness that has engulfed your lives, you find yourself drawn to him, to the vulnerability etched into every line of his face.
Despite the pain and betrayal that still lingers between you, there's a part of you that can't help but empathize with his plight.
As Spencer falls silent, his eyes searching yours for some sign of forgiveness or understanding, you find yourself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.
Hurt, betrayal, and confusion war with a lingering sense of empathy and love for the man sitting before you.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart and collect your thoughts. "Spencer," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper, "I... I don't know what to say."
His eyes widen in anticipation, his expression a mixture of hope and fear. "I understand," he murmurs, his voice laced with regret. "I know I've hurt you, and I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."
"I need time," you finally say, your voice trembling with emotion. "I need time to process everything, to figure out where we go from here."
Spencer nods solemnly, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I understand," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting for you."
With a heavy sigh, you push yourself up from the armchair, your limbs feeling like lead. "I'm going to go," you say, your voice barely a whisper. "I just... I need some space."
Spencer nods, his gaze following you as you make your way to the door. "I'll be here," he repeats, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love you."
You pause in the doorway, the weight of his words hanging in the air between you. "I love you too," you murmur, your voice choked with emotion.
And with that, you step out into the cool night air, the weight of the world heavy on your shoulders.
As you make your way home, you can't help but wonder will it ever be the same between the two of you?
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reidsqlick · 6 months
That Damn Book. || (S.R)
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pairing: Spencer!Reid x GN!reader
summary: You’re Garcias friend, and she had lent you a book mere weeks ago, not aware of her intentions for this just yet, you were soon to find out..
warning(s?): Swearing. No clue if that’s actually classified as a warning, but if it is, there we go..
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Penelope Garcia. A hardworking, smart, sickeningly sweet woman. A woman you were more than happy to call your friend, nay, your best friend. You and Penelope had met, and instantly bonded over your shared fascination for cats.
Penelope Garcia was your dearest friend. Something else that you found out about her almost immediately was that she works for the FBI, and is a part of the BAU, aka ‘The Behavioral Analysis Unit’. She’s their Tech Analyst, and you’d be surprised, even though she has to go through seeing all of the absolutely gruesome things on those screens, she’s always walking around with her sweet, sweet smile.
That’s another thing that drew you to her even more. Being able to do the things she does, and still walk around with a smile? It’s absolutely bewildering, not even you can, and you work with animals. Soft, cuddly animals. Not even you can go around smiling like that, but her? She does it so swiftly, with such glee. It’s absolutely fascinating.
About two and a half weeks ago Penelope had lent you a book. Normally, you would’ve already read the book, since she’s always trying to find new books for you to read every now and then, but you’ve already read them. This time, although. You haven’t even seen this book before. This was all new to you, Garcia giving you a book you haven’t read was very, and I mean, very rare.
Usually she picks up really well known classics. Or, well- in your opinion they’re classics. Books like “The Fisher King”, and “The Collector”. Books you grew up to love, as your father apparently had owned a bookstore before he had passed. He passed a month before your birth, and you felt the need to read every book on that man’s bookshelf. You barely got halfway, but that’s beside the point.
The point is that you’ve read many good, classic books in your lifetime. Yet, you haven’t even read this one. She seemed more than excited when she had found out that you hadn’t read it before. “What!? You’re serious? I- now you gotta read the book!!!” She was more than just happy to give this to you, even though it seemed like it was her favorite book by the way she had acted over this topic.
Then again, this surprised you. Garcia definitely was just picking books before, classics. One’s displayed as classics in your local bookstore, but this, this one was different. This one seemed like it had come from a reader, like it wasn’t Garcia at all. But, after all, she is your best friend! Might as well just give it a read, what harm will it do you anyway?
A week had passed, you’d been swamped with work, and with your personal life, but also you’d been swamped with this book. Lord, has it taken up your time. Well, as much free time as you had, and if you’re being honest, you hadn’t had much of any.
This book would’ve been done by now, and added to your bookshelf, it was a short book, only a hundred and thirty-eight pages in length. On the shorter side, but- work had been kicking your ass, so it’s not you to blame, but your boss.
Eventually, the long week had come to a halting, crashing, very tiring end. You’d finally gotten a day off, and this was finally the time you could sit down and read this book that you’d just been longing to read for the entirety of the week. You had been in comfy clothes, reclining on the couch. Your face finally in this very beautifully written book, until you were sorely interrupted by a knock at your apartment door.
You groaned, saved your place in the book, and gotten up off of your couch, walking over to the door to see who could possibly show up at your apartment at 9 o ‘clock on a Saturday night. You peeped through the teeny, tiny peephole of your apartment door to see Garcia standing there eagerly, with a great big Garcia smile plastered on her face.
You sigh softly, and opened the door. Garcia stood there in a bright pink dress with an enormous smile on her face, although the moment she saw you, she frowned, “Honey!! Why aren’t you dressed up? It’s a Saturday!!” She had looked genuinely distraught. “Hm? Oh, today’s my day off,” I said softly “this is the one day I figured I could get to actually reading this book you had lent me!” I said with a smile.
The frown hadn’t left her face, “No, hun. You’re getting ready , cmon. Me and my coworkers are going out for drinks tonight!! You’re not going to stay in on a Saturday, nope, nada. Not on my watch. Cmon, get ready!! We’ve gotta be there in twenty minutes. Chip chop!!”
Twenty minutes!? Never mind twenty minutes, her coworkers? You haven’t met her coworkers in your almost two years of friendship. Usually you would care, you’d have a grudge. But it was Penelope, she works for the FBI. Of course there’s a reason behind her not wanting you to meet her friends, of course there was.
You couldn’t have just gone all these years cause she thought they wouldn’t like you, no, of course not. It’s cause of her job description. She’s a straightforward type of gal. Work stays at work, home stays at home. You never had issues with that, until now.
Now you’re thinking about it, you can stop thinking about it and you have to get ready!? Shit. You don’t own anything business casual, yes it’s drinks, but you’re also meeting your best friend in the whole world’s coworkers. Oh my god. You’re pacing nervously, but just end up going with jeans, a t shirt and a hoodie.
It’s cold in Virginia in this type of weather, or course. You don’t bother to do anything with your makeup, as you only own mascara, but you brush through your hair, spray on perfume, and walk out of your bedroom door. That’s when she shrieked.
She was in disbelief almost, “What!? Jeans and a T shirt? Y/n, I mean... You can pull it off better than anyone I’ve ever seen try to. Eh, it’s good enough!!! Cmon let’s go, get your shoes on cmon!!” She was absolutely ecstatic. For more than one reason, too. She was more than happy to go out and see her coworkers, but also happy for them to finally meet you, as she’s always talking about you
She eventually drags you out of your apartment and into her car, and drives you both to the bar that her coworkers were meeting. You had gotten out of the car, and grabbed your bag. Why bring your bag? Don’t you only need your phone!? Yeah. Usually, you’d only bring your phone, but you’re definitely not overly social, you’re in your mid twenties, you had to bring that book. This isn’t really your thing.
You walked with Garcia into the bar, and she gravitated towards the smallish group in the back, there was about five of them sitting at a larger table, the minute they had seen Garcia, they all waved, inviting her over to the table.
Then for just a second you forgot you were with her. “Okay, guys!! This is my friend who I’ve been telling you guys about for what is it, two years now? Yeah! Two years,” she smiled “their names y/n,” she pointed at you, and then the team “y/n, team, team, y/n!!”
They all had waved, and smiled at you, they all introduced themselves to you. Their names were Morgan, which you already had known who he was, Garcia always talks about her team, but him mostly. There was also Rossi, Hotchner, Prentiss, and JJ. They were all very kind, and welcoming. More welcoming than you would’ve thought.
Something was off, though. She said including her, the team was seven members, and you had only met seven. You shrugged it off until you had seen a taller, lengthy man in a cardigan roll out of the bathroom and walk over to the teams table. Garcia smirked, “Oh! Yes, y/n this is boy genius, Reid. Reid, this is Y/n.”
He then smiled, “Ah. Yes, the infamous Y/n. Nice to meet you, Y/n, as Garcia already had stated I’m Reid, Doctor Reid. Doctor Spencer Reid.” He had smiled, obviously proud of the amount of PhD’s he’d received . You had reached your hand out to shake his, as a friendly gesture.
He has immediately shrieked when you tried to reach for his hand, “Yeah, sorry I don’t shake hands. The amount of pathogens shared in a handshake is more than shared in a kiss, so- I’m not all for handshakes, sorry.” You smiled, turning a light pink.
“Oh, that’s my bad. Well, as Penelope had told you, and apparently the rest of the team, I’m Y/n. Y/n Y/ln. Nice to meet you, Dr. Reid.” You said with a smile. He had then nodded and then schooched his way into the booth, as had you. You were seated next to Penelope.
She had smiled and then whispered something to you, “He’s a germaphobe. Don’t worry too much about the man. He’s all smarts, no risk of infection.” She chuckled, and so did you. He seemed nice, though, and so did the rest of the team. They truly seemed like sweet people.
An hour or so had passed, and the team were all talking to each other while you had told Penelope you went to get a drink, you just needed to get fresh air from the new people. Not that the team was bad, no. They were sweet as can be. Just, people aren’t the thing you’re best at.
You were sat at the bar, reading the book your dear friend had lent you just mere weeks ago, it’s not normal for a book this short to last you this long, if you’re being honest. You were so deep into the book, you didn’t quite really feel or hear much going on around you, until you were snapped out of it, someone had tapped you on the shoulder.
You immediately had turned around, surprised. To your shock it was the one, and only ‘Doctor Spencer Reid’. “Good book.” he had said, just two mere words. “Hm?” you had said, confused, wondering why he’d come over here to comment on the book you were trying to read. “Oh, I was just saying. Lovely book, is it not?” you nodded. “First time read?” you nodded again, “Classic.”, you’d looked at him like he had two heads.
“Classic- Like it’s a classic, you know? It’s quite the good book, if you weren’t reading it as of now, I would’ve recommended it to you if I had known you were a reader, yourself.” he said, now sitting next to you. “Oh, yeah. It’s pretty good.” you smiled. “Why’d you decide to read it? I, personally just really like books so I read about every piece of literature I can get my hands on-“ you cut him off, pointing in the general direction of Penelope.
He cocked his head to the side, confused. “Garcia? Penelope Garcia? Recommending ‘The narrative of John Smith’? There’s no way-“ you shrugged, “She’s always giving me books, she does it, and often. Usually, I’ve read the book, but this time I hadn’t.” he nodded, and then asked a rather odd question. “When did she… recommend it to you?”
It was silent for a moment, until you had finally remembered the answer to his question just seconds later. “About.. a little over a week I’d say. Why?” he sighed. “I showed it to her a week ago. She’s always asking what I’m reading- so I show her.” your eyes widened. “You!? This is why she recommends me books? You’re serious?”
He shrugged. “I’m almost certain it’s me. I’m a reader, and by the way you act when you’re in the general vicinity of a book, so are you.” you nodded in agreement, “Yeah, but, but, why? I mean what’s the reasoning? She could look up classic books. Why do they have to come from you?”
If he was honest, he didn’t know. He had a general idea, but you didn’t. He didn’t want to weird you out when you barely even knew the man. Although, he did feel as though he should mention his thoughts to you, as it could lead to more insight on this topic. “I think I just may know why she’s doing this. Don’t you?” you shook your head no.
He sighed. “She’s setting us up. I’m almost certain. You’ve seen her do it with other people, right?” you nodded, smiling, “Yeah! Yeah,” you chuckled “she’s been doing it with others for as long as I can remember, just never with me. She knows I’ll be upset if she even were to try to set something like this up. Why would she do this all of a sudden?”
“All of a sudden?” Reid asks, you nod. “No, no” he says “not ‘all of a sudden’ she’s been giving you recommendations for what, months?” you nod again. “Sounds like her,” you say in a lower tone “can’t even be mad, though.” you add.
He looks at you like you’ve got two heads. “Can’t even be mad? You just went on about how you’ve warned the woman if she’d try to set you up. Why the sudden change, Y/n?” you chuckle, smiling softly.
“I don’t know, boy genius. Wanna tell me?”
A/N: spoilers for later seasons: anyways ignore the fact that this is the book that maeve gave reid…. UHHHH. no, but i suck at writing leaving that at that.
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mvndfvelds · 4 months
HELLO !! i've not written any fanfiction in like 3 years so excuse how awful this is, but the spencer reid obsession is just too strong to resist. also there are a serious lack of gn!reader and especially male!reader fics, so if i ever write it'll be for those pairings :))
here's a cringey little valentine's day drabble x
☆ pairing: gn!reader × spencer reid (no use of 'y/n')
Valentine's day is overrated anyway, right? At least that's what you've been telling yourself all day whilst being silently bitter about the fact Spencer, your roommate, probably already has a date.
It had hit around 6pm, and you had yet to hear Spencer move from his room - in all honesty, he probably had a date with about 10 books this evening anyway. The romance films all seemed a little too much today, so you ended up laying there staring out the window with a takeaway pizza box laying across your stomach.
Giving up on sitting alone, you swung your legs off the sofa and onto the floor, padding up to Spencer's door and raising a tentative hand to knock.
"Come in!"
You poked your head around the door, still not wanting to intrude fully. You opened your mouth to speak, but he butted in already, "look. If you're gonna comment on the fact I'm alone today, I'd like to remind you that you are too."
"I- wow, you think so lowly of me!" You snarked, "I was going to ask if you wanted to watch something with me seeing as we're both alone?"
"Statistically, there's still 30% of Americans who spend their Valentine's day alone or with friends anyway. Besides, it's all developed into feeding into capitalism now. Oh, and yes, I'd like to watch something!" He rambled whilst you smiled fondly and turned to leave, assuming he was trailing near behind you.
Both of you flopped to the sofa again, the soft lighting in the living room was almost romantic when you looked to Spencer. You tore your eyes away and trailed through the romcoms - Spencer would never admit it, but his guilty pleasure film is '10 Things I Hate About You'.
Halfway through the film you draped a blanket over yourself, revelling in the fact Spencer had moved his feet into your lap afterwards. It wasn't out of the ordinary to be subtly affectionate with Spencer anymore, you'd both taken a fair while to settle into a domestic life, but it was second nature now. Though that didn’t mean your heart didn’t stutter a little at every touch.
"I don't really understand high-school hierarchies," he said absent-mindedly, referring to the film.
"Me neither, though I don't either of us need high-school hierarchies to be considered 'nerds', do we?"
He chuckled lightly before deciding to reposition himself on the sofa entirely, turning the other way and asking, "can I lay my head on you?" You nodded, slightly bemused by his wriggling, focusing on the TV.
One of his lanky arms had made its way to drape over your lap, and one of your hands had settled on playing with his hair. Nearing the end of the film, during Kat's monologue, Spencer sniffled lightly.
"Spence... are you crying?"
He shook his head defiantly, "no? It's just a film."
You held his chin gently and turned his head so he was looking up at you from your lap with teary eyes. You cooed teasingly making his face heat up, "see, you're just a little crybaby. No shame in it, man, we've all been there."
You ran a thumb over his cheekbone, catching a stray tear and wiping it away. "If you weren't a pretty crier I'd take the piss out of you right now, y'know?" You said, sounding far too fond when it was only supposed to be a joking comment.
Evidently this wasn't going to slip past Mr. BAU, so he grinned up at you shyly and muttered, "you think I'm pretty?"
You nodded, face pink, you'd fallen into your own failed sarcasm and there was no way out at this point. Ah, fuck it, you may as well take your chances. You leant down slowly, your intention clear, waiting for a sign that he was happy with this. It soon came as he lifted his head slightly to meet your lips in a gentle kiss. You let out a small whine when he flopped back down with a satisfied grin, finding one of your hands and playing with your fingers gently.
"I guess we don't fit into that 30% anymore, right?"
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