#milk writes about:
milkbvne · 30 days
Guys….. guys sunday/robin/reader triad….. is this anything
(Gn reader, sfw, also it’s not outright but I believe sunday and robin are kissing too so, tw incest)
(Also I’m including some hcs about halovians, cope/lh)
Listen I’m just thinking about human family member reader (idk which family tho, I’m not sure I care yk) meeting and working with Robin until they become friends, and then robin confesses that she likes the reader and would love to go on a date and she’s so sweet and cute but there’s just something… off about the vibe. This little gut feeling that she’s leaving something out.
But you ignore it and go on your date and it’s private and lovely and there’s a big long conversation about needing to present as single bc she’s a pop idol so you both will need to be careful in public.
So you end up seeing her out and around less and more just laying around with her in her home. She’s so soft and comfortable and cuddly, the textbook definition of a cinnamon roll.
You don’t really notice how she slowly migrates you both to laying in a cozy little pile on her couch to doing the same at Sundays home. Until you have the realization one day that you’ve been spending more time in his home than your own and you’ve somehow never met the man.
You mention it to Robin and she’s all sweet and a little nervous when she tells you that she’s been meaning to introduce you both but has been hesitant bc he’s… unsettling to a lot of humans. From a distance it’s fine but in private when he lets himself relax he feels far less human, and you understand immediately when you meet him.
He’s beautiful and terrifying. Calling him the most handsome man in penacony is an incredible understatement. The wings behind his ears flutter loosely as do the wings on his hips and back that usually stay tucked under his coat, his eyes are so bright and clear you’d swear they’re glowing. And he never seems to blink, it’s like staring down a predator, you feel like you’re being hunted every second you’re in his eyeline.
But that’s unreasonable, he’s not hunting you. His voice is smooth and even. His smile doesn’t quite feel genuine but it manages to soothe your nerves anyway. Then before you’re even fully aware of it he’s joined you both when he has the time to sit still. Your head in his lap and Robin laying on your chest, his wings sprawled out over you three and robins tucked against her back. You notice at some point that she only has two sets of wings, while he has three. You consider asking but the thought slips your mind when sunday, ever so casually places a chaste kiss on your forehead. When you look up his head wings are flicking around like they want to cover his face, but he isn’t letting them, and his face is brushed with the sweetest little blush.
It’s never formally talked about but you all migrate to Sundays room after that, the space is modest and small but his bed is comfortable enough for dozing and reading together. Putting a movie on one of your phones and just laying in his nest, as you’ve come to call it. Slipping into a routine of going home long enough to shower and change into comfy clothes before making your way there. Robin returning first and you both chattering about your day while she wraps you in her wings while you hold her. Then later sunday joins you, gently head butting you both like a content cat before laying down.
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thegreatcrowdragon · 3 months
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No heterosexual explanation for this
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
I’m literally drooling over the thought of sensitive Bucky whimpering and whining while fucking your tits and thighs he’s so pathetic and needy all he wants is to make you feel good and to fill you with his cum even if it overstimulates him
Okay, tit fucking is great and all but thigh fucking is SO underrated in my humble opinion. Could just be the fact I've got a small chest though lmao
It's so fun when you're already really into it and the insides of your thighs are all slick. I feel like Bucky would lose it, getting to see your face and look in your eyes and enjoy your body.
It's a nice one to do while laid on your side, facing each other. Although the angle isn't quite right for him to slip inside you, it's fun to explore the other ways your bodies can steal pleasure from one another.
"This isn't going to work, sweetheart." You can't help but laugh, having already tried everything you can think of to make the height difference work. There's no way to keep this romantic and intimate in that position because there's just no chance of aligning your bodies properly to allow him to press inside you.
"Maybe not. But it feels nice anyway." His eyes flutter shut, gliding his dick over the smooth, soft, warm insides of your thighs, encouraged by how slick and easy your arousal makes the movement.
You adjust yourself to bring your other thigh on top of his length, closing him in on both sides.
You're wet enough that friction doesn't impede his movement too much and there's something oddly romantic about it. Maybe it's his hand smoothing the back of your head or his other hand up your back, pulling your body closer to his.
It's so intimate, watching his face as he whines your name, rutting senselessly against your thighs. The little flush to his cheeks is beautiful and you can't resist kissing the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead. The thick duvet on top of you both, coupled with your combined body heat means the room is far hotter than you'd planned.
You take a second to reach between your bodies, spreading your wet folds and readjusting his length, letting him drag his cock against your neglected clit with each stroke and oh, that's pretty mind-blowing.
"O-oh my God." He whines, desperately fucking himself against your wet cunt, rather than into it. It's a different kind of pleasure to being inside you and while they're not comparable sensations, it doesn't stop this from feeling fantastic.
"Fuck, that's good." You groan, rolling your hips to meet his. Your fingers dip between you once more, gathering some of your slick arousal, using it to glide your fingertips over the underside of his shaft and over his balls.
"Holy shit, that's - fuck." Bucky's hardly got a coherent thought left in his head. He's closed in on both sides by your wet, soft thighs and now your fingers are giving him a different sensation underneath while pressing him against your soaked sex.
"I know, baby. Feels good, doesn't it?" Your fingertips trail lightly back and forth over the underside of his shaft, focusing on the inch or so beneath the tip.
"I can't... I need to cum." He groans, thrusting frantically, clinging to your body to keep you close. Within a few seconds, you feel his dick pulse under your fingertips, his cum coating the inside of your thighs in hot, thick, messy spurts.
He doesn't waste a second, kissing your forehead before kissing your neck and whispering "Good girl. Now let me watch you get yourself off with my cum on your fingertips."
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thebiscuitlabryinth · 3 months
Nowadays, Pure Vanilla has gotten used to his sleep fluctuating wildly between turbulent dreams and sleep like the void itself has swallowed him whole. It seems like a game of chance whenever he rests his head down, and neither option leaves him any less tired the next morning.
Today, his dreams are absurd, swirling and spilling into each other, and vividly upsetting in a way he can't identify. He shut his eyes tight, but that doesn't block out the rest of his senses. He can hear begging, crying, shouting, and the scent of something burning and wilted lilies clashes in the air, creating a suffocating smell that winds around him slow. It is awful, but it is slightly less so, now that he knows how to recognise when he is in a dream. More importantly, he has a question, and he is more than aware of Shadow Milk's lingering presence.
"You founded the study of Dark Moon Magic, didn't you?"
It is a soft question, but one that is sure of itself. Instantly, the sounds and smells and sensations that had been plaguing Pure Vanilla disappear. Pure Vanilla keeps both his eyes closed for the time being, just in case. Tonight, his staff is absent like a missing leg, and he misses the added security of being able to look through it.
"Oh, come on! Don't interrupt the scene, we were just getting to the good part!" Shadow Milk's voice responds with frustration, the sound coming from all sides. It is precisely because it comes from all sides that Pure Vanilla keeps his eyes closed, not quite trusting that the shards of his nightmares have been fully swept away. He doesn't want to find out what Shadow Milk could possibly consider to be 'the good part' amidst the sounds of suffering and anguish.
Instead, Pure Vanilla sighs. "It was your choice to stop everything when I asked that, wasn't it? You can't blame me for that."
"Bzzt! Wrong! I can blame you because you did interrupt. It doesn't matter what I did in response, a disruption is a disruption." Shadow Milk declares loudly, voice a little rougher, as if he was daring Pure Vanilla to argue back. But his voice is now only coming from one source, right in front of him, so Pure Vanilla cautiously opens his eyes to check the surroundings.
He finds himself in the library of Blueberry Yogurt Academy, and nostalgia eagerly rears its head within him, somewhat surprised. He's stood beside a littered table, surrounded by the deep blue bookshelves of his youth and the comforting smell of aged paper. The details blur a little past that, some of the shelves lighter, more like the bookshelves in his chambers in the Vanilla Kingdom, leaving it less like a perfect replica and more like a collage made out of bits and pieces of his lifetimes' worth of memories, but it is mostly the Blueberry Yogurt library.
Shadow Milk is across the table from him, tutting when Pure Vanilla takes too long to reply. He leans his elbows on the table, propping his chin on the bridge of his linked fingers. "Sneaky, silly-Vanilly, trying to use me to get out of your funny little nightmares. Very, very sneaky."
"It worked, didn't it?" Pure Vanilla says, a bit stiffly, because that had never been his main intention, mostly because Shadow Milk isn't nice enough for him to think it would work. No, his main intention is genuine curiosity, and that is exactly why he continues to prod. "...You didn't answer my question."
"Because it's a stupid one." Shadow Milk hums back, tilting his head to the side. He tilts it far enough that his cheek is now resting against his hands instead of his chin. "You should be able to figure that out yourself. Didn't I already tell you where my home is?"
Pure Vanilla doesn't answer for a moment, laying a tentative hand on the edge of the table as he tries to squint at the papers across its surface in the dim lamplight. It takes him a second to realise that they're all forbidden texts on Dark Moon Magic, and when he does, he murmurs back. "It's better to clarify than assume, isn't it?"
This time, Shadow Milk is the one who doesn't answer for a moment, instead staring at him with those piercing eyes. Pure Vanilla can feel more around him, behind him, lurking in the shadows pooling in the nooks and crevices and he can't help it – he shivers slightly.
That reaction must be enough for Shadow Milk, because he snorts, and pushes off the table to lean back, kicking his feet up onto the table and right on top of texts, which is already enough to make Pure Vanilla wince. Poor library etiquette aside, the movement is horribly uncanny to watch, partly because he is leaning back onto thin air instead of a chair, partly because he moves so quickly it's like his limbs snap into place, and partly because his smile is stretched far too thin as he does so.
"Of course I did. I'm very talented, you know." Shadow Milk announces smugly, his eyes never leaving him. They narrow slightly, all of them in suspicious synchronisation, and he raises his eyebrows expectantly. "But I must admit, I am crumbling to know why you brought it up."
Whys are always difficult to answer, especially for something as difficult as motives, which can morph and change over time. Pure Vanilla hates lying, but he hates lying in front of Shadow Milk even more, because he seems to recognise every single one and Pure Vanilla doesn't want to give him the satisfaction.
But he really can't admit the core of the matter to his face. He can't admit that ever since he glimpsed the ghost of Shadow Milk's past, he hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. He can't admit that he is actively trying to glimpse it again, and what better way to try and draw it out than with any scholar's pride and joy – their work?
"It's impressive. I, myself, have mastered White Magic over the years, and I certainly contributed to its development, but I cannot claim that I created it as a school of magic." Pure Vanilla explains instead, and it isn't a lie either, just lacking all the details. He fidgets a bit, tugging at his own sleeves, adding quieter. "Dark Moon Magic is forbidden too, so there aren't many detailed sources left on it. I want to know more about its founding."
I want to know more about you.
There is another lapse of silence, and Pure Vanilla is tense with tentative hope. After all, if Shadow Milk was really against the topic altogether, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of plucking him out of his nightmares.
Shadow Milk's smile is sharp like a knife, clashing with the casual way he folds his arms behind his head, almost languid as he finally muses. "Oh, really? That doesn't sound right. I'm sure there's enough details lying around to get the gist of it. After all, you've used Dark Moon Magic before, so you must know something about it already."
Pure Vanilla flinches back, and it isn't a surprise that he knows about that too, not anymore, but it still leaves him with unstable footing. Regardless, he doesn't let that scare him off the topic, which he suspects is exactly why Shadow Milk said it. "...I've only really used it once, and I don't remember much about what happened. So I may know something, but that something is rather little."
It's a confession, and the truth. His brief tangle with Dark Moon Magic is a complete blur in his own mind, watered down to blinding sensations and a heartache so intense he had felt like he was crumbling. Theoretically, he knows enough about Dark Moon Magic to hold a conversation, but he remembers nothing about it in practise.
"You know who could help you with that?" Shadow Milk asks, seemingly unbothered, but the words curl with open mockery and a smirk. He tilts his head back slightly so he can look down on Pure Vanilla and throws his arms out dramatically. "Our beloved, newly coronated Guardian! She has plenty of experience with–"
Pure Vanilla's heart lurches painfully.
"Don't talk about her!" He interrupts, voice bursting out louder than he expected and panic fluttery in his chest. He doesn't want to hear him tear at her old wounds, even if she can't hear it herself. He knows how vulnerable that cry makes him seem though, and he fumbles to lower his voice to something softer, less shaky. "Don't– please, I'm asking you for a reason."
Shadow Milk giggles, a strange grating sound that climbs higher with each breath, until he is laughing in earnest. He curls into himself, arms wrapped around his middle, and the position looks painful with his feet still planted on the table. Pure Vanilla watches him warily, a little shaken by the mention of White Lily, and wonders if maybe, he was wrong about what he thought he saw in Shadow Milk. He has been seeing more things that aren't there, recently.
His laughter stops abruptly. The stillness that follows is jarring, but doesn't last long.
Slowly – so slowly that it is unnerving, for someone who typically moves as erratically as him – Shadow Milk reaches forward with one hand and plucks a scroll up from the table. He unrolls it with a lazy flick of his wrist, the other end tumbling away over the edge of the table and across the floor. It is a smooth movement, Pure Vanilla notes through the pounding of his heart and his scrambled nerves, a practised motion that speaks of thousands of opened scrolls.
Shadow Milk peers over at the contents of the scroll with an empty, disinterested expression, his legs melting through the table until he appears to be sitting somewhat politely again. The sudden switch to this from his near hysterical laughter leaves Pure Vanilla disturbed, unsure if this is progress or not.
"I wanted to strike a balance between Black and White Magic." Shadow Milk says, his voice a disconcertingly low murmur, almost monotone. While his main eyes remain steadily on the scroll, the rest are eagerly burrowing into Pure Vanilla from all sides. "Black Magic draws from the void, making it unpredictable and destructive by nature, but full of potential. White Magic draws from the moon, primarily, and other celestial sources, making it safer and easier to use, but limited in its purity. If I could find the middle ground, I could harness magic with more flexibility and power but less unpredictability."
Shadow Milk pauses then, his eyes sliding up to stare right at Pure Vanilla, and his lips quirk upwards. When he speaks again, his voice gains a little more character but remains mainly flat, like a poorly-delivered theatrical monologue. "The dark side of the moon was the obvious choice for a source of that kind of power, because it's the natural overlap between the moon and the void. Once you figure out a source for magic, it's simple to find a way to draw from it, and to make it simpler, I had access to the knowledge of the Witches at my fingertips. All I had to do was write everything down, and the school of Dark Moon Magic was born. Easy-peasy!"
Shadow Milk throws the scroll to the side with little fanfare, not even sparing a glance at those ancient texts as they land in a heap of old paper on the floor, uncaring of if they damage or rip. And why would he? They both know this is a dream, and even if it wasn't, he had written that scroll himself.
Pure Vanilla would have cared, dream or not, if he wasn't wholly distracted, reduced to only a wide-eyed blink.
Because Shadow Milk may feign a bored face and voice, as if reading off a report or a particularly uninspiring script, but when their gazes meet, his eyes glitter like shooting stars, sparking with pride and passion and something else.
It captivates Pure Vanilla, the very same shine that comes with a breakthrough for every researcher. It is exactly what he had been hoping to see again, but the sight still leaves him feeling unmoored, even if pleasantly. Intruige and hope swirl within him, and he suddenly finds himself desperate to hold onto this ghost of the past, to make it stay longer and help it spill into the present.
"What does it feel like?" The question comes out before Pure Vanilla can think it through, focused on continuing the conversation before Shadow Milk can pick up his showmanship again in full. "Dark Moon Magic, I mean."
Shadow Milk huffs, a playful grin settling on his face again, and a sickening mix of dread and disappointment trickles through Pure Vanilla as he watches him lean over, crushing more texts beneath his palms. For a scary moment, he expects him to make another quip towards his previous use of the magic, or worse, bring up White Lily again.
He doesn't. Shadow Milk kicks his legs up behind him, so that he is laying on his stomach in mid-air, and cheerfully asks, "How about I show you?"
He doesn't wait for Pure Vanilla to process what he said, let alone reply. He reaches out and ensnares Pure Vanilla's hand, the one normally occupied with his staff, and laces their fingers together. Pure Vanilla doesn't reciprocate the hold, surprised, but only tries a small unsuccessful tug in response.
Shadow Milk's grip is an oppressive pressure, tight but not quite painful. He presses their palms together firmly, and Pure Vanilla gasps.
Magic bursts through the contact, rushing through his jam in a dizzying, warm flood. It is thicker, heavier than the magic Pure Vanilla is used to, thrumming and twisting as if it has a mind of its own, almost scratching at his dough as if trying to consume him, and he can't even concentrate on it because– because–
He can see everything.
Pure Vanilla really, truly can. He can see Shadow Milk's curling smile in front of him, he can see the Faeries having a feast, he can see Black Raisin greeting the moon from one of the Vanilla Castle's towers, he can see Dark Cacao striding through the citadel, he can see White Lily going through her morning routine, he can see his own sleeping body, and places and Cookies he doesn't have the presence of mind to recognise, all simultaneously. He doesn't know what to focus on, doesn't even know how to focus on anything, and his head hurts like it is falling apart.
This is how Shadow Milk has been watching me, he thinks deliriously, the only thought he can manage as he drowns in his sights.
And then, in a snap, he is back in the library with only one scene to see. His vision swims a little at the edges as if it didn't get the message, and he wobbles in place.
Shadow Milk is still holding his hand, but the grip is slightly looser, and the stream of his Dark Moon Magic is gone like a whisper. His grin is sinister and too big for his face, but his eyes still burn like stars.
"Fun, isn't it?" Shadow Milk coos, giddy like it is a shared secret, lifting Pure Vanilla's trembling hand and brushing a kiss to the back that buzzes with Dark Moon Magic. "My very first masterpiece."
Pure Vanilla wakes up disoriented, with a ringing headache and an itch in the back of his hand. White Lily notices his poor state almost immediately when she sees him – wonderful as she is – and she asks if he had a nightmare with that gentle, concerned slope to her brows.
Pure Vanilla adjusts his grip on his staff, leaning against it more than usual.
"No." He assures her lightly, not quite the truth and not quite a lie.
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
How do you think homelander would be with an s/o that casually likes to share food and drinks? Like they offer him a sip of their drink or are always trying to get him to try their food but on the other hand they also casually will take his drink (probably a glass of milk) and take a sip before handing it back
Also I feel like homie would be a huge crybaby with anything that’s too sour or spicy food/drink wise.
"Try a sip?" You offer, holding your strawberry lemonade out to Homelander.
He's taken aback. "Uh... sure." He moves to take the drink, but you beat him by simply bringing the straw closer to his lips. He feels a little silly—like a kid being spoon fed—but he obligingly takes a sip. He can't stop himself before he makes a face: it's much too sweet, and the sour doesn't help it any.
You laugh. He bristles initially, but you're not laughing at him, he realizes. You look sympathetic as you pull the drink away. "Not a fan?"
"No," he says flatly, wiping his lips.
"Maybe next time."
Sure enough, there are many, many next time's. Whenever you're eating or drinking something new, you've stopped asking before putting it in front of his mouth, and he's stopped questioning it. He's come to love the way you always feed it to him yourself.
He rarely ever likes what you have him sample, but it's not about the food, really. It's about the hundreds of tiny things you do each day to make him feel like a part of your life. It's about how eagerly you share your every little experience with him.
It's as if somehow you know just how much he's missed out on.
"Is this just milk?" You ask one day, pointing to his glass.
A small part of him braces. Will you think that's strange? "Yes." He watches you lift it without a thought and take a little sip of it. You wrinkle your nose, and he smiles, that flash of tension easing from his body. "Not a fan?"
"Not really," you admit, setting it back down.
"Maybe next time," he says fondly, taking a hefty swig of his own.
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wlw-cryptid · 11 months
I am once again thinking about having a big strong butch lay back in my lap to nurse after a long day
Telling them that I want to make Daddy feel better and pulling their hands to my chest, helping them pull my shirt away. They'd hum and humor me because not even whatever cool-headed calm exterior they put on will stop them from having their princess's heavy tits in their mouth, and I'd eagerly pull them closer. Once their mouth was full, I'd start start talking them through it. Telling them how good it feels in my soft, warm voice, telling them how much I love them. What a good daddy they are, what a good butch they are, how they take care of me like a good husband should. My body's here to take care of all their needs.
I'd go from holding their hand to rubbing their forearm to massaging over their hips, and their eyes would get heavy as they relaxed more and more into me. Sure I'd sigh and whimper and love how it felt, but my voice would begin taking on that other tone; the one that reaches into their mind and soothes all their thoughts down until they can only wait for what I tell them. Before they even realized it, they're preening at being called a good boy and I'm undoing their belt, slipping my hands under their pants and palming at their bulge. I coo about how hard they are, how sweet they are to me, asking them little things like "do I taste good, sweetheart? does that feel good?" just to make them nod and listen and obey more than anything else. When I stroke their cock through their nice black boxers, I want them to moan into my breast and whine out "more" and "please" until they can't take it anymore n remind me whose in charge
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milkqueerer · 2 months
Radstrange is a blankqueer identity, essentially radqueer but with a few tweaks.
Radstrange is to be radically inclusive of every freak, weirdo and lunatic, especially trans-identities, LGBTQ+ identities and paraphilias.
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& heres the flag to go with it :3
emoji code: 🍓😛
Dni: none, please be respectful.
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milkywaydrabbles · 9 months
• Nanami Kento, that will come home from a long day of work into your waiting arms. •Nanami Kento, who will give you light kisses over your face while you hold him. •Nanami Kento, who dotes on you even though you want him to rest after working so hard. •Nanami Kento, that whispers against your skin how grateful he is to have you in his life. •Nanami Kento, who will cherish you until the ends of the Earth. •Nanami Kento, who will call you his spouse even though you're not married and it's completely illogical but he doesn't care because one day you will be. •Nanami Kento ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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milfygerard · 3 months
but fr outside of my contracted madness i absolutely refuse to give joe alwyn gold rush like how is that song at all related to their relationship the lyrics clearly spell out a relationship that either never existed or only existed in implication and fantasies and maybe-maybe nots and its so bitter and yet desperately soft in the bridge where it almost projects a sense of envy, of wanting to be them as much as you want them. It continues an interesting oft ignored lyrical trend of taylor wanting just as much to be her lover as to have them, envying their easy charisma (you were flush with the currency of cool/i was always turning out my pockets) or quiet dignity (your integrity makes me seem small) dating back to her earliest songs (the kind of flawless i wish i could be). Theres a projected self hatred and yearning to be better that twists itself into both romantic and sexual lust for her partners thats so fascinating and speaks to how all of her songs regardless of who theyre about are also an act of self reflection on who she is and who she wishes to be.
#barry.txt#taylor swift#putting this in the tags as a form of self protection but make no mistake this is a gay thing to do especially in gold rush#which through simple context clues is Obviously About A Woman or maybe even women in general#whivh is a totally seperate post on how taylor constructs and uses gender identity in her music#her girlhood and femininity are earnest but also so carefully constructed and so high effort and kind of desperate#shes a deeply self concious and obsessive person who never looks comfortable in anything ever unless shes#onstage or like. by herself in loose jeans and a tshirt#i think thats one of the things that subconsciously irritate ppl when it comes to her shes constantly and clearly putting in effort#to appear As The Celebrity Taylor Swift and struggles not to self censor or overperform in interviews (when she gives them)#especially present in pre 1989 interviews where the interviewers really didnt have to respect her or worry abt how they frame her#if they didnt want to. Like the fearless era rolling stone interview where she almost has a meltdown over her mom buying eggnog instead of#milk. That whole interview is strange looking back not just bc of the weird misogyny but also because of what it does share#taylor is....weird. She has a strange and desperate vibe and always reacts slightly too much and uses slang poorly#shes media trained and has learned how to socialize but you can feel her discomfort whenever she doesnt have a guitar in her hand#idk these tags have once again gotten so unweildy. i just find it interesting that she finally feels some level of comfortable#in sharing that construction w us in songs like mirrorball and mastermind and imo gold rush#and scene#should i write this up and put it in the swiftieism zine#i should write something and put it in the swiftieism zine
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waitmyturtles · 1 month
Emotionally, 23.5 (episode 10) is like a cheaply made puzzle, where like, the edges are cut roughly, so like, you THINK that you have the right pieces next to each other, but when you smush them in, and they don't fit QUITE smoothly enough, you're like, oh maybe there's another piece, but like, you CAN'T find another piece that works, because like, the piece you have in your hand IS the piece that is the right one for the picture you're making, or like, you THINK it is, so like, you keep smushing the pieces together, and you THINK the puzzle makes sense, but you kinda feel like you have the wrong piece, or worse, you're MISSING A BETTER PIECE, because everything's NOT QUITE JIVING.
I hope this post made as much sense as the emotional journey we attempted to take with the script in this last episode. What the FUCK is this script doing to Ongsa? A little more context, some smoother edges, would be really helpful here!
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
'And something shifts in Shadow Milk's gaze, a sort of vindictive delight drawing that confident smirk into a vicious grin. "Well now, Pure Vanilla Cookie," he says, the amusement and anticipation dripping from his voice palpable. Pure Vanilla can't quite hide the way he tries to recoil, but the vice-like grip upon his wrist remains terrifyingly unrelenting. "This certainly changes the script up a little, doesn't it?"
The question is too light, too cheerful, too casual for what this truly means. For right there on Shadow Milk's face, painted in damningly permanent blue hues, is the unmistakable mark of a four-point crown. Pure Vanilla's forearm burns where his own identical mark has been exposed for all the world to see, Shadow Milk peering at it with a sense of sickening awe that's impossible to miss. Because there it is, imprinted on his skin and written in the stars: undeniable proof that they've been predestined to meet since the start.
Shadow Milk Cookie is his soulmate. And Pure Vanilla has never been more afraid.'
(Vanilla Milkshake fans, when I tell you I am COOKING-)
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milkbvne · 3 months
agegap + Zevlor
Oh my fucking god okay we all. We all love Zevlor being super fucking sweet under all that self hatred but I think he deserves to be weird and creepy but he’s so charming and pathetic (16 chr iirc, same as Wyll) that no one sees it as creepy.
He feels so bad about it too, late at night laying in his bedroll he feels ridiculously fucking guilty while he shoves his hand into his breeches and gets himself off to the thought of your hands on his cock or his horns or in his fucking mouth even- and it’s made worse by how much younger you are. He’s old enough to be your father and he has made himself cum to that though more times than he will ever admit.
And if you show even a fucking shred of interest in him it’s fucking joever. Bc suddenly all his awful thoughts about wanting to fuck and or be fucked by you are possible. The man practically hides from you bc the guilt is eating him inside out. He should not want to fuck someone young enough to be his child. What the fuck is wrong with him. (A whole lot)
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snail-noodle · 3 months
thinking about how my oc and shadow milk cookie (before his fall) would first end up meeting.
this ended up turning out as a small fic??? Oh! And shadow milk cookie will be called light milk cookie in this :)
Also here's how I see Shadow Milk Cookie's design! Follow this artist, I'm begging ya'll 🙏💖
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Clam Cookie fell sick to a mysterious illness in her early adult years. Her parents called for the best doctors/healers near them, but no one could figure out a cure. Both being desperate, not wanting their only beloved daughter to die, eventually sought the help of one of the five great cookies, the virtue of knowledge, Light Milk Cookie.
Light Milk Cookie agreed to find a cure, feeling compassion for her parents and for her. Sadly, with how far away his kingdom was from her home, he had to take her with him. So, with hushed goodbyes and tears in their eyes, the two parents watched as the carriage carried their daughter to a faraway kingdom.
And so, the great hero worked day and night to find a cure for the young lady. Thanks to her parents, he found out about the herbs and medicines the other doctors had tried on using. With this information, he would mix or replace specific ingredients for each medicine he would make. One particular medicine he made ended up showing some effect, but it still wasn't enough to cure her fully.
Then he had an idea. An absolute ambitious idea.
Perhaps, with some of his soul jam's essence and a mixture of the medicine, perhaps that could be the cure to her illness? Wasting no time, he hurried on making the new version. Once finished and given to her, he waited to see any changes.
As days went by, signs of the medicine healing her gained his attention. The new version was fully curing her! Relief and fatigue filled his entire body. He had gone a few nights and days without sleeping. At last, all his hard work had come to fruition.
Opening her eyes for the first time, Clam Cookie weakly sat up from bed. Groaning at the uncomfortable feeling of her dry throat, she looked around and noticed a glass of water on the desk next to her. Quickly taking it and gulping the refreshing liquid down, she took in her surroundings.
The colors of purple, blue, and white filled the room she was in. Shelves filled to the brim with books, tapestries dedicated to five certain cookies hung on the walls, and the desk near her had a few scrolls laying upon it.
She jumped at the sound of the door opening. She felt her heart race and her face turning warm as the most beautiful cookie she's ever seen in her life walked into the room. His entire look screamed of a sophisticated scholar. However, she knew he was far more than that as she took in more of his features. What took her attention the most was his hair. It flowed constantly, like that of an endless stream.
Next were his eyes. The dark bags underneath them from the lack of sleep were noticeable to her, but even so, they shined like that of two beautiful sapphires being held up in the sunlight.
Light Milk Cookie stood frozen in place. The look of surprise was written all over his face. This was the first time he had seen her eyes, and by the witches, they were absolutely mesmerizing!
Her eyes were the darkest blue, like that of the deep blue ocean. Her long, unkempt hair, which hung loosely behind her back in waves, only made her even more beautiful.
Both were at a loss of words. Neither one of them was able to speak as they studied each other. Clearing her throat, she finally spoke, "W-who are you? Where am I?" Snapping out of his trance, Light Milk Cookie gave her a gentle smile before closing the door.
"Please, have no fear, Clam Cookie. I only came in to check on you." He proceeded to walk closer to her, but stopped once he noticed her flinch. He raised up both his hands, signaling to her that he meant no harm.
"I only want to check if you still have a fever," he spoke softly at her. His tone easily taking away any tension she may have had of him.
"You've been sick for many weeks. This is the first time I've seen you fully awake." Now standing next to her, he gently placed a cool hand on her forehead. He paid no mind to her gasp, only taking note of her fever no longer there.
Humming in approval, he took his hand off and stepped back. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a scroll and a feathered quill pen, jotting down notes of her improved condition.
Clam Cookie looked at the display of magic in awe, her eyes shining as she watched the handsome scholar write.
"I will have to inform your parents about this, but you'll have to stay with me for just a few more days. I need to make sure the symptoms don't return." Looking back at her, he covered his mouth, chuckling at her reaction.
"I'm going to assume you've never seen magic before, yes?"
Clam Cookie shook her head, confirming his question. "I-I've only heard tales and stories of cookies being able to wield magic. I knew they were true, but to actually see it happen in front of me…" Light Milk Cookie couldn't help but blush as her eyes sparkled up at him with absolute admiration.
".. It's absolutely breathtaking."
One would assume her words were aimed directly at his display of magic, but with the way she gazed at him with those eyes, he knew those words were meant for him.
Clearing his throat, he set the scroll and quill down on the desk before turning his attention back to her. He gave her a bow, surprising her from the action.
"Forgive me, Clam Cookie. I haven't fully introduced myself. My name is Light Milk Cookie." he raised his head, gracing her with a charming smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"Though, you may also know me as one of the Five Great Heroes. The Virtue of Knowledge himself."
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
One of my absolute favorite “cliche” tropes is amnesia fics where reader has been dating character for years, but they forget and then they can only remember dating their ex. So it’s like they go back to the ex because it’s all they’ve ever known, and their current love has to cope with seeing the love of their life in the arms of another guy.
I could read that trope a million times over and never get bored or think it’s too repetitive.
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thebiscuitlabryinth · 4 months
Cookiekind, in general, seems to hold the strange belief that Shadow Milk Cookie, as the Beast of Deceit, does not understand truth. This is because they have burnt ash for brains, and cannot comprehend that a change in superficial title does not mean that Shadow Milk Cookie is no longer the Master of Knowledge. Even if it did, a deciever can only be effective by understanding the nuance of truth, for the greatest lies are created through its flexibility.
So despite popular opinion, Shadow Milk does recognise, understand and know truth. Well, he knows everything, but especially something as fundamental as that.
Look, here's a truth, right now; Shadow Milk Cookie quite likes Pure Vanilla Cookie, in spite of everything.
Not in the soft, fluffy cotton candy way, of course. Shadow Milk likes Pure Vanilla in the same way a cat likes a mouse, or a researcher likes a test subject, or a puppeteer has a favourite puppet. He likes him because he is a source of entertainment – having such a soft, simple heart makes him fun to watch struggle with silly emotions, and easy to taunt and frazzle. That's all, really. Shadow Milk can't even say he likes him to the point of wanting to crack him open and see what makes him tick, because he doesn't need to. He already knows everything about Pure Vanilla, right down to the composition of the yeast in his body, because he has constantly kept his eyes on him since the start.
It must be said though, if we are to talk in truths, that Shadow Milk may have some biases that make him more invested in Pure Vanilla's continued existence. Namely, the fact that he holds his Soul Jam.
Now, obviously he doesn't like that this little half-cookie, this unworthy, flimsy vessel, holds half his power. On the contrary, it is nothing but an insult to watch him clumsily flaunt it around while Shadow Milk stays unjustly shackled. It is the only transgression Pure Vanilla has ever committed against him, but it is a blasphemous one.
And yet, even with his bubbling rage at the disrespectful theft of his rightful power, Shadow Milk sometimes likes to toy with the idea that he is a gift, a plea for forgiveness from the Witches that he can righteously ignore. After all, Pure Vanilla has his Soul Jam – his, not theirs – and does that not make Pure Vanilla his too?
Naturally, Shadow Milk knows that the Witches are horrible, selfish old tyrants and would not grant him that grace, but that does not change the fact that Pure Vanilla is, for all intents and purposes, his other half. There is something powerful in that knowledge, especially since he knows it would tear Pure Vanilla apart.
So Shadow Milk does like Pure Vanilla quite a lot, even with the full knowledge that he's a dirty little thief, because he is entertaining and, most importantly, he is his.
Now, here is another truth, since we're already on a roll; Shadow Milk Cookie will escape the Seal and get his Soul Jam back.
It's an inevitability, really. Even if Shadow Milk feels like he is absolutely crumbling of boredom stuck in this stupid tree, especially since the rest of the Beasts have one by one drifted into a bitterly restless slumber, they are all far too strong to be contained by a single measly seal forever. The day will come when it gives way beneath the probing of his hands, and with the cracks in the tree nearly large enough for him to stick his fingers through, he knows that day will come much, much sooner than later.
As for what comes after he escapes? Well, Shadow Milk has no concerns there.
The Faerie Cookies may have longer lifespans than average, but sadly that doesn't make them any smarter. It'll be a piece of cake to knead their doughy brains into doing what he wants them to, even with half his power missing. The Guardian is the only one who poses any real threat, and even that has a laughably easy solution, because he certainly isn't immune to crumbling.
Shadow Milk picks at the slim seam of the cracks with hands that are not his own, encouraging them to grow as he takes a moment to fantasise standing over the Guardian's pathetic crumbs.
Speaking of laughably easy solutions, Pure Vanilla is awfully kind to come to Beast-Yeast, right on the cusp of Shadow Milk's escape! Really, Shadow Milk was estatic when he overheard him discussing those travel plans. It saves him the trouble of having to track him down once he's finished freeing his friends and razing the Faeriewoods to the ground.
Even better, having Pure Vanilla around to welcome him back to the free air could prove to be useful. It would be so deliciously poetic, for Pure Vanilla to cut down the tree with his stolen power and set Shadow Milk free with his own hands, offering himself up in a syrupy spotlight to reunite the two lost halves of Knowledge to its true owner.
Shadow Milk could push him into it, he thinks confidently as he twists his claws into the fracture, grappling at the edges to force them wider. He knows Pure Vanilla better than Pure Vanilla knows himself, he is sure. It wouldn't even be hard.
Now, let's review! Shadow Milk Cookie quite likes Pure Vanilla Cookie, that is the first truth. And he will escape the Seal and get his Soul Jam back, that is the second.
These truths coexist, and because they do, Shadow Milk has long decided he won't immediately crumble Pure Vanilla into fine dust when he takes his Soul Jam back.
Oh, he could, and so easily too. Shadow Milk has held Pure Vanilla's hunched form in his palms dozens of times, in the pit of the abyss, has felt how fragile and weak it is – not that Pure Vanilla ever notices, the silly, blind thing. He has curled his claws around his silhouette like a cage countless times, and entertained and irritated himself with how easy it would be to crush him in one fell swoop.
Yes, he could crumble him without a second thought, but that wouldn't be much fun, would it? It's not like he needs to destroy him to be able to retrieve his Soul Jam, and really, it would be a bit of a waste. He's been waiting to meet him – really, truly meet him – for oh so long, to get rid of him immediately would just be anticlimatic. Nobody likes a boring ending, least of all Shadow Milk.
There is a sudden, audible crack, and Shadow Milk's hands finally breach the containment of the bark, fingers quickly scrambling to anchor themselves on the edges of the open wound. An uncontrollable, wild grin splits across Shadow Milk's face, or whatever is currently left of it, wide and eager.
He lurches forward, all of his eyes narrowing in on the wispy traces of light outside, with the exception of the one that always follows Pure Vanilla like a curse, currently watching him settle into an airship with some teeny, insignificant Cookies. Anticipation begins to simmer the endless darkness around him, finally, finally, finally making him feel alive for the first time in far too long.
Somewhere nearby, Silent Salt is slowly beginning to rouse, and Shadow Milk's grin stretches even wider. They don't make a sound and hardly move, but Shadow Milk knew they would be the first to wake. They always are.
Finally, a third truth, to neatly complete the rule of threes; Shadow Milk Cookie is looking forward to properly introducing himself and the other Beasts to Pure Vanilla Cookie.
This one doesn't need any further explanation. After all, there is nothing more thrilling than a good reveal.
The wood groans pitifully beneath his harsh grip, the noise mingling with the distant thrum of an airship in motion, and Shadow Milk's quiet but sharp giggling.
Ah, he can't wait to see Pure Vanilla's face when he realises the true identity of his precious Light of Truth.
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