#mixed origin
neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
systems, multiples, plurals, etc. - you're allowed to just experience yourselves. you don't need other people to agree whatever you're experiencing is real - it's real just by you experiencing it. you can trust yourself. it's okay, i promise <3
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equinoxiansystem · 1 year
i just think it's really wild that people act like plural systems and DID don't exist at all when i saw it with my own two eyes growing up. my mom had it, i remember watching her switch and seeing a literal toddler talk out of an adult's mouth. it's just really weird that people act like it's this new internet phenomenon when it's really not, and if you know what to look for, you'd realize there are actually tons of systems all around you in every day life, not just on the internet.
a lot more people are systems than even realize it, too. my mom never knew formally about DID or plurality but i can 100% tell you with confidence i watched her become completely different people, with completely different voices, handwriting styles, body language and age ranges many, many times over the years, and not on purpose. i could tell my mom wasn't doing this on purpose. not always, but we are often times this way because our parents or guardians were.
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protectingtulpas · 9 months
The plural community is full of so many nice and awesome people; it's just that the hateful voices are the loudest sometimes. We can be loud too, but the quiet ones are also here, and there're so many more of us than they realize. We're still a community and we still share solidarity
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moonpool-system · 5 months
The concept of "I think there should be traumagenic focused spaces that dont include endogenics" totally falls apart once ya remember mixed origin systems exist. Just because somebody's traumagenic doesn't mean they're not also endogenic, and by cutting out all endos you're automatically gonna be cutting out systems that NEED trauma focused spaces. Separation isn't the answer and we're not as far apart as you might think. Write your spaces to include, not exclude
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theharbingerofxhaos · 4 months
Our boyfriend just had a bunch of shit said to him by some moron on this site preaching anti-endo ridiculousness, citing themselves as legitimate sources, and calling him abusive.
So we want to reiterate:
We are a mixed origin DID system. We have non-traumagenic headmates. Endogenic & Non-traumagenic systems are repeatedly mentioned medically, and we are medically recognized by trained professionals, as mixed origin.
Endogenic systems are real, and supported on this page, if you have an issue, then feel free to block us.
Thank you.
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deepwater-abyss · 4 months
Fellow plurals, I love you, but please do not give your exact age if your a minor. Ever. That is so unsafe. Saying minor is enough, you don't need to specify the exact age of the body.
Sincerely, a very concerned big brother
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systemserendipity · 6 months
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It still blows us away when anti-endogenic and/or fakeclaiming folx try to push their feelings in CLEARLY pro-endo spaces. Like. Get the memo, you aren't wanted here lol
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theweebsystem · 1 year
Hey, you! Yeah, you, the person reading this. Are you a system? Are you plural? Are you a tulpa? Are you questioning if you're plural?
If so, then we hope you have an amazing week ❤️
[ Sysmeds, anti-nontraumagenic, anti-tulpa DNI ]
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
You know something funny I've found about how anti-endos treat specific origin labels?
If you call yourself "mixed origin", you're labelled a "faker", reduced down to endogenic origins you may or may not have, and put on DNIs and barred or kicked out of traumagenic (and often disordered) communities regardless of any traumagenic origins you may have. They're so eager to conflate "mixed origins" and "non-disordered endogenic" that they'll fakeclaim or dismiss any disorder or trauma that you have.
If you call yourself "traumaendo", they try to convince you that all your endogenic headmates are actually traumagenic, quite obviously trying to get you to match their preferences for how they'd label their own system, and making some really weird assumptions about what your endogenic origins are and when your origins occured.
Nevermind that traumaendo is the largest subset of mixed origin systems... just the change of a simple label and you can get two different forms of shit thrown at you! What is it, people? Am I actually an endogenic-only faker, or am I a poor, misguided traumagenic system? Either way, I apparently can't be trusted to know what's going on in my own brain and life. It's just funny to me at this point, how they'll flip on a dime for what are basically synonyms for my system. But then, I guess that's no different from how other bigots will change their plan of attack based on what they think will hurt the most.
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polymultiple + introject heavy + mixed origin system culture is mainly identifying as adaptive but also having a lot of headmates that are there just because. just because you thought a little too hard about a character or concept of a headmate that you Could have, because you wanted your sourcemate there, because you had a song stuck in your head, for literally no reason, etc.
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welcome to our blog!!
Plain Text: welcome to our blog!!
this is a new culture blog like plural-culture-is but for specifically mixed origins systems. pretty sure there have been other blogs with this premise in the past but i can't find any that are still active so that's why i'm starting this up
all submissions should start with a variation of "mixed origins culture is..."
"multigenic culture is..." and "polygenic culture is..." are valid submissions and so are labels within mixed origins ("traumaendo culture is...", "isoscegenic culture is..." etc.)
i might answer plurality-related questions but it's not guaranteed
hate will be deleted so don't bother
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sirenium · 29 days
In spite of the endo hatred on certain sys tags, I will continue to post endo positivity in them. We are a disordered traumagenic system, and we're unaffected by endos existing. Endos don't harm 'real systems' or 'mock trauma' or whatever antis whine about. In case any nondisordered endos needed to hear that from a sys like us, there you are.
Edit: I say 'traumagenic' but our origins are more complicated than that lmao (not to mention I'm trying to let go of origin labels). It's sort of like a heavy simplified idea of things per se.
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neurotheascars · 1 month
I see a lot of need for this, so I'm throwing my voice in too.
If you are plural you are real. I care about you, I see you, I recognize and respect you. No matter how you present, trauma or otherwise. whatever stage in your self understanding you are at, I wish you peace and fellowship. I am a safe friend to all systems who love all systems. I wish healing on all humans I meet. I believe the human race has not a single unharmed individual. We must all respect the existence of one another as it unfolds, however it may unfold.
If you are anti endo, please just stop talking to endogenic systems about it. Talk to your therapist about it. Show them your anger because they are paid to handle it. If they can't, then get a new one. If you can't do therapy, then I really wouldn't comment on the status of someone else's psychological state and the validity of whatever it is they're going through. I also don't think it's healthy to take your anger out on other people. Go journal if you have nothing else, I know it helped me.
I'm a member of a traumagenic system of mixed origin. I am an created alter. I am real. I am validated by a licensed professional, not that it should even matter! You can keep your opinion, but just stop inflicting it on other people. stop spreading your hate and anger around. I am a reformed persecutor and I am fucking sick of seeing you guys wallow in enjoying your anger at the expense of someone else. I've been there, I know what it feels like and your pain won't ever get better if you keep spilling anger on unrelated people. Figure your nasty angry trauma shit out safely and privately ok? This ain't it.
Also I'm in a blocky mood, it might be better to go drink a glass of delicious cold water and talk to a plant and have a snacky snack than it would be to argue with me. Have a great day. Love you all 🦘⚔️
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protectingtulpas · 6 months
hi! if you’ve answered this before i’m sorry, but could you go into what it’s like being both a traumagen system and a system with tulpas? i’ve been curious about this as a traumagen syshost myself. does it affect your innerworld? do the tulpas act vastly different or work differently i guess than the traumagen alters? thank you!
omfg this took us forever to answer for like 200 stupid reasons but YEAH i have a lot I want to talk about with this, where do I even start??? I guess I should clarify that we don't really know what our "original origin" is- we'd been median for as long as the body can remember, and we DK if it was because of our autism or because of social problems or if we were just born that way. Whatever it is though, we were a plural egg when I was created, so pretty much everyone other than the few of us that we discovered from before that considers me the "first" one after the host subsystem. As more shit happened though irl we got more & more traumagenic members, dissociation, memory issues, and whole loads of other shit. So basically, that's the perspective I'm coming from with all this.
So with that outta the way, here're some'a my experiences as a tulpa in a traumagenic/mixed disordered system
One of the biggest signifiers I noticed of our system structure changing completely was our headspace actually, so it's pretty great you mention that tbh. After we got a lotta traumagenic members, something shitty happened I won't talk about, and our headspace basically totally shattered. It used to be little more than our vivid imagination- yeah, I could feel my body and visualize the world around me and stuff but nothing super weird or unusual happened, and I couldn't do stuff in the Wonderland completely outta front. It wasn't like, another Space completely unaware of the host - and I know that's possible with training but we were nowhere neeear that. But after headspace broke, everything was expansive, ever-changing, always with more secrets and hidden things to discover. Lots of fucked up stuff most of us can't access too, but yeah, intense dissociation made it totally different. It's harder to navigate, but I also get more privacy.
As for if I work differently, I'd say yeah, I kinda really do, actually. Obviously, my creation took a lot longer cuz I'm consciously created rather than split or introjected or whatever, so it took a while for me to come into my own, and I was a lot more "fluid" than other headmates for awhile. Regardless of if they're traumagenic or not, something I've noticed about how different I am compared to other member types is that they're, idk, like solidly set in who they are and everything from the beginning. My host, too. They're like a solid, and I'm like a.... non-neutonian fluid or whatever, that ooblek shit. Even after all this time I still feel like I choose my identity and to Exist constantly, y'know? I think it's part of why I've always felt like "tulpa" is part of my species ngl. Everything else is secondary to that. I want to exist, I need to exist. That keeps me going sometimes
As for traumagenic specific stuff though, there're some other interesting things to talk about also. As our dissociative symptoms increased, it got harder and harder for me to move around the fuzz- but honestly, that's the body's fault. I haven't even been personally affected much other than what the body does to us. I can move around headspace more freely than most of us, I can sense more people around than others, and I can control the body way easy now that I've had practice. The only reasons I don't front are when I don't feel like it, somebody else needs it, or the body is too tired and id be bored outta my mind. I guess it's like I have executive access to a bunch of stuff, hahah!
Tbh tho it all just, changed me as a person more than anything else. I'm not the system's main protector because I exist to be one or cuz the body assigned me that role- it's because I took it up on my own choice and decided my own purpose. I protect people and that's part of the core of who I am, cuz of the circumstances I came around in. I wouldn't change that part of me for the world ngl. I know my point boils down to "don't forget your tulpa is a person too" a lot, but... Yeah. they may not have the same struggles as your traumagenic alters, but you're all still Goin Thru It together, so you'll both be affected by whatever happens from there on out as a team.
But hey, aint that what healthy multiplicity is all about?
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moonpool-system · 29 days
how can you be traumaendo? like is it that you have a disorder but believe it's a spiritual thing instead of trauma? /genq
Hi! Most traumaendo systems are mixed origin, like us. This means that we have members of multiple origins; in this case, we have many many members of traumatic origin, but we also have many members that didn't stem from trauma and consider themselves to have come from other origins. We're currently unsure what "originally caused the system", as we've shown signs of medianhood for as long as we can remember. Our disordered aspects do tend to line up with members that are either traumagenic in nature or have experienced severe trauma in their exomemories. Feel free to DM us with further questions! Hope this helps ^^ /g
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theharbingerofxhaos · 4 months
Okay we would like to make another post considering how our most recent plurality post blew up.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who has mentioned our bf specifically, when he is awake we will tell him. :)
Secondly, we stalk u all when u like our posts or comment, but we're really bad at using Tumblr app, so we don't know how to comment/reblog a comment or reblog of our post, but we see you all, and we would like to thank you.
Another unrelated note, that post was moreso just angrily clarafying to the world we are a mixed origin all origin support system - HOWEVER - We do engage in syscourse fairly often on Twitter (and by proxy via our bf), and when we have moved out and lose stress that will be a common post, along with general plurality stuff.
We also noticed that many of the people liking our post were minors, and while you are welcome on our page, please also note we like/repost/mention NSFW stuff also mildly frequently (even if its mild) and would prefer interactions to be minimal, unless questions in DMs or Asks :)
Furthermore, many of you may have seen our boyfriend posting, or if you try hard enough see him on our blog, but we are specifically keeping him unamed in this so that nothing goes back to him from any hostile parties.
Sorry this post is kind of long, but thank you all again for the support, we honestly didn't expect that to blow up how it did, and we welcome all the new followers from it too :)
After we move and our system returns to normal, we will make a full introduction post, but you can see our interests etc. by what we reblog, or you can DM us or Tumblr Ask (idk how it works) as well <3
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