#mod lyon
adachimerica · 2 days
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so uh.... @moombastation and I have been talking a lot about backstories and whatnot for our ffxiv chars, and i kinda got the idea to... go into the game and try to make early Csej? so here she is, in both her normal clothes and her work uniform.
this is her about a year before The Calamity (tm); she and a handful of her cousins had just moved to Limsa from Thavnair, tho she is originally from Dalmasca personally. she had a rough time initially - she worked bartending at a few different bars and pubs across La Noscea, which is how she met a young marauder Wyzneyha! and... then right before The Calamity (tm) she actually left due to the escalating violence in Eorzea, and went to Radz-at-Han, hoping to make her fortunes there? which she, uh, remarkably did Not lol
eventually one of her cousins would hit her up and be like, 'ok listen Eorzea DOES have money opportunities, you just gotta be an adventurer' and she finally decided to give it another shot....
yee haw.
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tainoodles · 1 year
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Do you think it worked? I don’t know. 
Time to speed run pregnancy in less than a day.
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fairytail-writing · 2 years
The sky burns red with flames, and Gray nearly chokes on the smoke and dust, stumbling over rubble. The town. It’s all destroyed, torn apart and falling - everyone is screaming, running, and a few nearly trip over the child walking by. Still, he hurries, ignoring the regret consuming him whole as he stares up at Deliora. Deliora; his monster, his demon, the creature that stole his home and family... Gray hopes, for a minute, that Lyon and Ur don’t reach him. That they won’t have to see what he’s planning. After all, he learned from the best, didn’t he?
He lets out a shaky sigh, frozen in fear, but- he pulls his arms back, thinking over that spell he’d read about. Iced Shell. Hopefully, if it all goes right, Deliora would be frozen with him soon.
“Gray!” There’s Ur’s voice already, two pairs of footsteps hurrying towards him. “Gray, stop!” She screams, but he tries to ignore it, thrusting his arms forward into an X shape. The flames around him stop, the air suddenly colder, ice and frost spreading around him, and Ur slides to a stop, standing in front of him suddenly, blocking his view of Deliora.
“Hey,” She weakly laughs, panting, “What do you think you’re doing? You have a whole future, don’t you?” His spell breaks as she pushes him back, and he stumbles into Lyon’s arms. “Besides,” Ur breathes slow, turning towards Deliora, pulling her arms back in a similar formation, but - the ice, it’s different this time. “I’m going to be the one to seal your demon.”
The ground freezes much faster and, no matter how much Lyon or Gray yell, she doesn’t stop. They stumble away from the ice, afraid, both consumed by fear and regret and guilt, unable to do anything except watch Ur’s hands freeze over.
“I don’t know where you learned such a thing, but... well, I guess I’ll be glad you didn’t read it all the way. After all, I’m sealing it forever.”
Lost Iced Shell.
It seals Deliora and, with it, the casters existence. Their body, any memories of them... all of it would be gone, replaced with ice that would seal the demon. And when Gray and Lyon wake up on the ground, hand-in-hand, neither can explain what happened. The demon is stopped, frozen in a deep blue ice, but neither knows who casted it. There was someone with them, someone who chased after them, someone who taught them the magic, but...
The two go home in silence, feeling guilt, and not understanding why. And, when they get inside, it suddenly feels wrong. Too empty, too quiet. Two kids in this house, all alone? There was surely something else-- someone else, someone else had lived here. Someone else had visited the town with them, buying them different fruits to try, but- it’s empty. The house, the memories, it’s all wrong.
And, Lyon tries to accept it. Neither of them could defeat Deliora, and neither is sure who did. There’s no one to compete with, no one to beat. So, him and Gray decide to keep training together, having... nobody else, now.
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fe-aesthetics · 1 year
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All my walls are built, and on display
I drown in guilt, due to dismay
Maybe someday I can see how this has shaped me.
Lyon and Vigarde, No Control
*requested by anonymous*
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manamothnoamie · 2 years
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*Shows you my WoL’s*
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lyonface · 9 months
RIP BG3 Patch 3 and Separate Ways broke my mods lmao
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plasmapie · 2 years
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The next day Aster nabs some tickets to a music fest and of course invites his besties Lyon and Envy
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silumeo · 8 months
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2 maxis-matchy sims up for download! Fyi they come with only basegame undies. Live in-game shots on my Patreon. Hope you like them! :)
Defaults/Overrides Used (optional): Better In-Game Lighting Mod (bright saturated ver.) / Feet 7V remaster / Default Male Body V7
Felix (Blond)
Felix's CC: Faceskin N03 / Lipstick N9 HQ / M Liner CC4 / Nostrils / Nose Bridge / Contacts N15 / Eyebrows N17 / Jen Hair / Head Shape Preset N9 / Mouth Preset N1 / Uncurled 3D Lashes
Bastian's CC: Faceskin N03 / Eyebag N03 (Freckles) / Lyon Lip Color / M Liner CC4 / Nostrils / Nose Bridge / Eyes N27 Extra Colors / Eyebrows N4 / Kent Hair (with strands) / Head Shape Preset N12 / Lip Preset N1 / Uncurled 3D Lashes / Bare Skintones (genetic ver. merged)
→ Download at Patreon for free.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 3 months
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Lynx Lyons
Lynx (they/them) debuted in my story "Cut Your Hair", a short bit of fluff that's part of Into My Arms, the series based on Val and Mitch. Lynx is one of the first people to befriend Val after she joins the Aldecaldos, but as a scout they're not always around. While they love the family and don't mind staying at camp on occasion, Lynx much prefers being on their own. Cruising the highway and listening to the radio at full blast is where they love to be.
I'd had an idea of what Lynx looked like for a long time, but it wasn't until I played with the tunnel earrings mod that everything finally came together. I'll probably give them some cyberware but I haven't decided what yet. They're also my first time using the heterochromia mod, which gave me the idea for that eye being a replacement from the accident that caused their scar. What was the accident? No clue. We'll find out later, I suppose! 😅
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simplegenius042 · 3 months
Fallout Casting for Megumi Fushiguccicakes for Jujutsu Kaisen Abridged react fic
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"I like gigantic, heaving sophistication. Sopping wet tenderness! And a big! Fat!! Gaping sense of compassion!!!" - Megumi Fushiguro, Episode 5 JJK Abridged (by The Schmuck Squad).
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Reasons To Why I Believe These Characters Should Be Casted listed below the cut:
Katja (a scavenger who joins Elrand on his journey in Fallout simply because he asked, leaving the Followers of the Apocalypse which she had tagged along with, is enthusiastic with her blades) -> She's got the sarcasm. I feel it in my bones.
Finidy Mona (my Fallout 2 Chosen One OC, faceclaim Jessica Alba) -> She looks for personality in a relationship and not to mention got skills that make her one of the strongest characters (if only she applied those skills though).
Alph Dolen (my Fallout 3 Lone Wanderer OC, faceclaim Sam Blackensee) -> He's got daddy issues.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy/"Cass" (a caravan owner from Fallout New Vegas before the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan worked together to destroy it, Cass drunk her sorrows away at an NCR Mojave outpost, until Ryder showed up to get her contract, though managed to barter her way into getting Cass to give up her caravan name but ensuring she still gets the opportunity to start again. Impressed, Cass journeys with Ryder to New Vegas to find Benny, and Ryder helps her find justice and learn to live. Has a heart condition inherited by her father, John Cassidy) -> Cass has a father who abandoned her, like Toji did to Megumi, and her sarcasm bites.
Danse (from Fallout 4, a loyal Paladin in Maxson's chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, helps Nate get onboard the Prydwen and meet Maxson, a capable ally who warms up to Nate, despite his xenophobic beliefs, has a crisis after finding out his entire life has been a lie when discovering he was a synth the whole time and the group who gave him purpose have turned their back on him. Nate though doesn't give up on him and gets him out of the BoS without being killed, and gives him a place amongst the Minutemen, which Danse was greatly appreciative and grateful for. It's a long journey, but he is letting go of the hatred he had towards others and himself) -> Danse's sarcasm would probably be confusing. Also man understands the importance of BROtherhood, coming from the Brotherhood of Steel. Spends more time getting stronger to avenge his teammates than looking to get hitched.
Miria (from Fallout 2, Finidy's wife after both were caught in the act by Miria's father, Grisham, causing a shotgun wedding, and throughout their journey together they become closer and Miria becomes a rather cool fighter, unlike in canon but the mods are impressive) -> Perhaps the least "Megumi" like person here, but she would call someone out for being stupid probably (she's had to deal with Davin after all).
Sarah Lyons (from Fallout 3, the daughter of Elder Owyn Lyons, she leads the Lyons' Pride out into the ruins of DC to fight against the Super Mutant threat. There she happens upon Alph and Amata while they're pinned down by Super Mutant forces, and bring them both to the GNR station. Alph and Sarah get close and become good friends with each other, and supports him both when the Enclave take over Project Purity and during his ghoulification (especially when he's hunting down the Enclave remnants) -> She's badass and understands the "bro" in "Brotherhood of Steel". She also has a dad, so she's "daughter material".
Bitter-Root (from Fallout New Vegas, he was adopted by Major Dhatri after the massacre of the Great Khans at Bitter Springs, became an NCR First Recon Sergeant. Has negative views of the Great Khans) -> Not only is he "son material" as Dhatri has proven, but like how Megumi doesn't like the Zen'in Clan, Bitter-Root doesn't like the Great Khans (though he should really tone it down). His biological parents also weren't great according to him.
Kasumi Nakano (a girl who ran away from home in the Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC after believing that she may be a synth, she makes her way to Acadia where DiMA took her in, and is the reason Nate and Nick go to the island in the first place. By helping Kasumi come to terms with her assumed synthhood, this is in turn helps him with his own struggles of humanity and synthhood) -> Kasumi's origins are unknown to herself as Megumi's is to him. Both I guess want to reject that side of themselves (Kasumi and her possible synth origins and Megumi's ties to the Zen'in clan)?
Davin (from Fallout 2, the son of Grisham and brother to Miria, after the latter joins Finidy on her journey after marriage, Grisham forces Davin to do something useful with his life, and Davin joins the Enclave going about. Eventually, he helps Finidy and her entourage get inside the oilrig base and guide them through it as well) -> Talented but lazy with his full potential.
Follows-Chalk (a Dead Horses' scout-in-training from the Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC, Follows-Chalk accompanies Ryder through the Zion valley and helps her meet Joshua Graham) -> Has a reluctant role model in Joshua Graham (just like Megumi kind of has a reluctant role model in Gojo though from different POV).
Remember, for the alternative option, REBLOG and put in the tags WHO else from the Fallout franchise should be Abridged!Megumi and WHY you think they'd better suit the role.
I've also created and will continue to update (until the polling is done) a Master List for the poll results of the casted winners. You can find it right here.
You can find my Fallout OC profiles Master List right here, which also includes a link to the original post where I pitched my react fic idea. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, chow!
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tainoodles · 1 year
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Katrina rolled a want to study couple’s counseling and honestly it’s probably a good idea. I don’t know how long these two will be able to do their romance sim stuff behind each other’s backs. 
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two and a half years ago (👀) I posted a list of headcanons right around when I started playing around with the ideas in my fallout WIP
I've decided they ( 1 + 2 ) need to be updated and added to especially after Death Shroud gave me so many great ideas/things I want to steal. Added break to save you dash my loves <3
I will keep adding to this lmao
Post #1 Revisions
Post #2 Revisions
Death Shroud Stuff I'm Kidnapping
Misc Stuff From Asks, Mods, and My Brain (AKA THE LONGEST SECTION)
From #1 (Link Here)
We are keeping chair bound Murphy
I may or may not be recanting my gangly tall 'n thin Hancock HC. I oscillate wildly between wanting him to be Eldritch God™ tall and "gimme uppies! :3" short. He may end up being both. His height will be whatever is funniest for the bit.
oh yeah Sarah Lyons got merc-ed B)
We are still kicking with Kellogg in Nicky's skull but with the added angsty-ness brought in by Death Shroud. Oh the plot! Oh how it hurts so good! Kellogg wanting to find someway to punish the SoleSu(s) and Nick for picking through his memories? Ugh! Give me it all.
We are cutting Billy and the Fridge. I don't want to deal with the nightmare plot holes it will bring up and Quincy will already have enough BS. Plus the more I think about it the less I like the whole quest and its placement. Fuck! Maybe he'll be referenced in Publick Occurrences? I don't care! We're loosey goosey bay-be!
- 10. can stay. I have no issues with them and nothing funny to add
From #2 (Link Here)
Now I can bring up my beloved Vault-Tec Rep. Him in the Death Shroud? Perfect. Beautiful. Stunning. I no longer have to call him Paul Eiding as a very direct nod to his VO. Our Beloved David Dwecker is married to Sheffield and they have a house in Sanctuary filled with Nuka-Cola memorabilia (for Sheffield) and collectable plates (the kind grandmothers display for our lovely Rep). They have a little sitting area set up in the carport where they hangout, smoke, and dance together to Diamond City Radio. I need this for my mental health okay?
Shaun being Autistic is something I really want to explore. I truly forget who I first saw say this but it is not an original idea by any means. I also think the poor thing would have some level of trauma from everything so exploring that is gonna be fun! (no it will not oh my god I'm going to dredge up all my childhood issues.)
OHHHH CHRISTMAS. YULETIDE. FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS. I find the "Seth Patrick" bit SO funny in Death Shroud so that is staying but also I feel like the feast of St. Nicholas got jokingly flipped into a celebration of Nick Valentine (Same with Valentine's Day) and people are beginning to forget the correct version. Nick tolerates it with an eye roll and a wry joke about people needing to read their history books but secretly finds the whole thing funny. Ellie has a santa suit for Nick to don during "his" holiday. Also the school children in Diamond City send Nick "Valentines" on valentines day and he displays them on his corkboard.
Music. My god the Johnny Guitar bit had me by the throat during Death Shroud. Expand those music libraries! Before you know it I'm gonna give Travis a rolling ladder attached to bookcases upon bookcases of records and holotapes. I want to hear people complain about how many Andrews Sisters records survived and God why won't Travis stop playing them!
The Flavor of Goodneighbor needs to be so complex. Like a good pasta sauce. I better be so overcome by the layers and smells and textures. Better Goodneighbor and Better Third Rail are really good starts but I'm expanding the shit out of both of them I think. I want to feel like Goodneighbor truly is dangerous to be in. Being able to cross most of the town in one sprint burst isn't cutting it Bethany Esda! Make it truly baffling how Hancock knows so much about the happenings in his town.
- 8. are about the BoS and I stand by them. You will get to meet my Lone Wanderer and learn about the hierarchies a little better. I redesigned the Orders and added one I think? I have to re-sort those notes lmao. Also the piloting thing is like MAJORLY important to me because the frequency of vertibird crashes in game pissed me off to no end.
From Death Shroud (@chadfallout76podcast THANK YOU)
Danse is just... Like That now. I can't wait to explore his character before and after Blind Betrayal especially because he will not be leaving the Brotherhood and he will still be Like That. [spoiler warning ;) for my story lol] I can't wait for the beautiful moments that will be born of it.
I actually kind of love some of the plot points in Death Shroud like the Mob Family wars? Staying 100%. Same with Ma and Boss Lombardo and some of the other families.
As is Charlie but I refuse to let him die. I got very attached to Charlie and his death was so perfect but this time he gets to stay alive dammit.
Magnolia sending Magnolia flowers with her letters? Genius
Vault-Tec Rep (David my beloved) being the saddest, wettest cat of a man imaginable when he's in Goodneighbor? Also fucking genius.
"Fish-lips" Malone being part of the same family as Skinny has me so excited for more mob family bullshit.
Ruffino's and the Black Rose is being transplanted somewhere and maybe might be near the Combat Zone. New den of sin anyone?
Obviously I'm not going to attempt to pull apart the fabric of reality in-canon but my god Death Shroud was fun <3
Some new Misc HCs
Diamond City is bigger and more populated, kind of in the same vein as the Goodneighbor HC. I haven't found a mod layout I like so I might end up redesigning it (Please kill me)
This is an old one from an ask! Hancock will help work the bar at the Third Rail occasionally. He's a notorious show off and his cocktails are mainly just straight liquor but he entertains the hell out of people when he dives over the bar to take orders and bother Whitechapel Charlie. There are major losses on nights he bartends due to the fact he forgets (sometimes purposefully) to take payment. Regulars know to put the cash in the tip jar so Whitechapel can collect it at the end of the night.
Another thing I'm keeping from an ancient ask, Danse wants kids. Badly. And the crushing blow of being sterile really fucks with him for a while. but he eventually comes to terms with it. He's also still touchy (as in he's always touching his partner) per that ask because I think that's cute.
I'm just going through old asks now lmao. Nick and Ellie dance together like the true father-daughter pair they are
I forgot who drew this but I once saw someone pair Sturges and Ellie together and that is the cutest damn thing so it stays.
MacReady got the Lone Wanderer's Grognak magazine as a gift for letting them into Little Lamplight and it's one of his prized possessions.
Macready and the Lone Wanderer's reunion is very cute my dudes.
More general slice of life stuff like fishing on the mainland and boats, more things to do in general, transportation, cool amputees, and other shit listed in this post I reblogged YEARS ago
OH Travis and Scarlett get married <3
Danny Sullivan skips town after taking the fun way down from the mayor's office and travels with some cross country caravans before coming back to work in Diamond City. YES HE LIVES!
Holy fuck i forgot I had this mod but the Institute projects the sky up on their ugly concrete dome because this mod fucks hard
Just the general vibe of raiders employing children and stringing more dead mutilated bodies about. There are mods for that and let me tell you they make the raider camps horrifying. No I will not be linking them. But they are available on Nexus should you want them.
Okay I'm changing the layout of everything apparently: Including but not limited to the Railroad HQ, The Prydwen, Vault 111, etc. Fuck game design I guess lmao. I like XFreakish's Railroad Redone and NordKitten's A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul for in game and basically plan to build off of them.
The asks: Hancock bartending, Danse wanting kids and being into physical affection, Nick and Ellie Dancing + MacReady and the LW's Grognak (same ask)
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eternal-eclipsehq · 3 months
Welcome, travellers, to Eternal Eclipse!
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We now exist within a world of chaos, and darkness. A world perpetually shrouded in darkness and plagued by the absent nature of fate and destiny. A world which is on the precipice of tearing itself apart, or building a new future that not even the most powerful Oracles could have seen. Our world has not always been this way, however. Once, chaos did not rule, and the sun still rose and set in the sky. Once we did not have to live in fear of Nightmares and their commanders, and once we had hope for what the next day would bring.
Yet one would be fool indeed to believe that there was not more. None wish to admit it, yet far more builds on the horizon than simply The Triad. Will it be discovered before it is too late?
That choice is yours. Take your story into your own hands, and forge your new destiny in a world ripe with opportunity. Will you take up arms, or will you live simply? Will you love, or hate? All of this and more is your choice, and yours alone.
We are a literate (250+ words) English RP server, set in a near-future version of the real world with heavy supernatural and fantasy elements.
Timeline: 2056.
Main Location: The primary locations are Lyon (France), Camelot (Wales), Hamburg (Germany), and Berlin (Germany), but we have locations from all over the world - both of our own creation and those that exist IRL.
Genre: Modern Supernatural / Modern Fantasy with light Sci-Fi elements.
What we offer... .ᐟ
✘ ❛ Literate roleplay, with a 250 word minimum! ❜
✘ ❛ A plethora of factions for your OC to join, including the Dragon Riders! ❜
✘ ❛ Evolving plots that react to OC choices! ❜
✘ ❛ Extensive lore, with experienced mods to guide you through it all! ❜
✘ ❛ LGBTQIA+ friendly & inclusive community, owned and ran by LGBTQIA+ people! ❜
✘ ❛ Playable species such as Fae, Orcs, Elves, and Vampires! ❜
✘ ❛ Our own in-universe language that some OCs can speak, with our own homebrewed, hand-made translator available in-server! ❜
✘ ❛ ... and so much more! ❜
[We are 18+ due to the fact that 18+ scenes of a gruesome and adult nature have the potential to take place. We are NOT an ERP server.]
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vntagetee · 5 months
starter call ―﹙ tv show muses. ﹚ / please specify the muse !!
brooke thompson. ╱ ahs ( 1984 )
cordelia chase. ╱ angel
lady belle fox. ╱ the artful dodger
anya jenkins. ╱ btvs
willow rosenberg. ╱ btvs
jen lindley. ╱ dawson's creek
dana tan. ╱ dc ( batman beyond )
dorothy 'dot' lyon ╱ fargo
fish mooney ╱ gotham
gilda gold (dent)  ╱  gotham
kristen kringle  ╱  gotham
scottie mullen  ╱  gotham
julie barnes. ╱ the mod squad
angela moss. ╱ mr. robot
darlene alderson. ╱ mr. robot
constance d'artagnan. ╱ the musketeers
queen anne of austria. ╱ the musketeers
ada thorne. ╱ peaky blinders
lizzie stark. ╱ peaky blinders
kimberly hart. ╱ power rangers
frances neagley. ╱ reacher
karla dixon. ╱ reacher
princess eleanor henstridge. ╱ the royals
daphne blake. ╱ scooby doo
jess jordan. ╱ succession
rava roy. ╱ succession
sarah miller. ╱ the last of us
alex hunter. ╱ white collar
elizabeth burke. ╱ white collar
sara ellis. ╱ white collar
daphne sullivan. ╱ the white lotus
portia. ╱ the white lotus
tanya mcquoid. ╱ the white lotus
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Character information under the cut:
Lyon (@a-gay-gremlin):
Lyon is a male octoling with light pink tentacles (with pale yellow accents), the raspberry eyes, and the slit eyebrow. Taller than average, he's punk, has ear piercings.
He fled from Octo Valley to pursue sweet sweet rock music, stayed in Inkopolis but left again, wandered the desert for a while and ended up in Splatsville where he's now a guitarist, drummer and singer. People tend to be afraid of him and think he's quick to fight, but while he takes no shit from anyone he's usually nice and he's very loyal to his friends.
Link (@tristringerloveblog):
Link is a part of a TRON crossover I wrote during April Camp NaNoWriMo 2022. He's a Splatoon 2 player character whose real-life player is a dataminer. So Link, who has no idea he's in a videogame, has to venture out of Inkopolis, where he's always lived, into the code of the game itself. He's a B-rank N-Zap '89 main who has to fight against programs with discs! There's a lot of themes about identity, reality, and, although I didn't quite get far enough in the fic to carry out this theme, losing your childhood. Very strong "we have the right to mod our own hardware/software" energy, though. Outside of being a hacker against his will, Link likes ranked battles, gaming/building his PC, and a good hot meal after a day of hard work. He's aromantic and asexual.
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Welcome, travellers, to Eternal Eclipse!
We now exist within a world of chaos, and darkness. A world perpetually shrouded in darkness and plagued by the absent nature of fate and destiny. A world which is on the precipice of tearing itself apart, or building a new future that not even the most powerful Oracles could have seen. Our world has not always been this way, however. Once, chaos did not rule, and the sun still rose and set in the sky. Once we did not have to live in fear of Nightmares and their commanders, and once we had hope for what the next day would bring.
Yet one would be fool indeed to believe that there was not more. None wish to admit it, yet far more builds on the horizon than simply The Triad. Will it be discovered before it is too late?
That choice is yours. Take your story into your own hands, and forge your new destiny in a world ripe with opportunity. Will you take up arms, or will you live simply? Will you love, or hate? All of this and more is your choice, and yours alone.
We are a literate (250+ words) English RP server, set in a near-future version of the real world with heavy supernatural and fantasy elements.
Timeline: 2056.
Main Location: The primary locations are Lyon (France), Camelot (Wales), Hamburg (Germany), and Berlin (Germany), but we have locations from all over the world - both of our own creation and those that exist IRL.
Genre: Modern Supernatural / Modern Fantasy with light Sci-Fi elements.
What we offer... .ᐟ
✘ ❛ Literate roleplay, with a 250 word minimum! ❜
✘ ❛ A plethora of factions for your OC to join, including the Dragon Riders! ❜
✘ ❛ Evolving plots that react to OC choices! ❜
✘ ❛ Extensive lore, with experienced mods to guide you through it all! ❜
✘ ❛ LGBTQIA+ friendly & inclusive community, owned and ran by LGBTQIA+ people! ❜
✘ ❛ Playable species such as Fae, Orcs, Elves, and Vampires! ❜
✘ ❛ Our own in-universe language that some OCs can speak, with our own homebrewed, hand-made translator available in-server! ❜
✘ ❛ ... and so much more! ❜
[We are 18+ due to the fact that 18+ scenes of a gruesome and adult nature have the potential to take place. We are NOT an ERP server.]
Our invite link can be found at our tumblr page: eternal-eclipsehq
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