#mokutone writing
mokutone · 2 years
—denied bodily autonomy from childhood —denied basic self identification from childhood —infantilization apparently occurring well into adulthood —possibly a complicated relationship with hair —EXTREMELY COMPLICATED RELATIONSHIP W/ HIS OWN NAME... —possibly regards himself as somebody who is not meant to have Normal Relationships or be a part of Normal Life —MUST CREATE HIS IDENTITY WHOLECLOTH W/ THE SUPPORT OF HIS FRIENDS, HAVING TO DESTROY THE ONE HE WAS ASSIGNED BY HIS CARETAKERS.....................
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domoz · 2 months
I'm calling this one, "Intro to an AU that, if/when I actually write it, will take place much further in the future than this, and also possibly be from another POV"
When Hashirama comes of age, they throw a party.
He's thirteen, so much younger than civilian families do it, and despite that he's already been running missions and fighting in battles for years now. Already killed men more than twice his age, though he'd cried about it for weeks afterwards.
He sits rosy cheeked and smiling through the first hour, so pleased to have everyone's attention on him and the blessing that is his mokuton. He's fidgeting by the end of the second, and to all of his son's surprise, Butsuma dismisses them all to go enjoy themselves at the feast rather than have them sit there and endure a tea ceremony.
Back then, Hashirama had been much more obvious with his scheming and had leaned in and whispered about how he bet he could get them to throw him another party when he turned twenty. Kawarama and Itama had nodded in eager agreement, and Tobirama hadn't said anything which meant he did too. They'd ducked between legs and under tables and huddled up together under lantern light to share soft buns swiped from their baskets.
When Tobirama comes of age, he dies.
They weren't any talks of planning a party, and asking for one wasn't even the beginning of a thought on his mind. Itama's funeral was two months ago and even if someone had asked, Tobirama would have refused one.
He wakes up on his birthday to a strange half light outside, and he peers out a crack in the door to find that a thick fog has formed some time during the night, obscuring everything more than a few meters away and casting everything in a monochrome blue-grey. The whole world feels muffled, like this, and Tobirama finds it at once eerie and oddly peaceful.
But he can't let himself indulge in it for too long. The sun is up, which means chichi-ue will be up, and breakfast will be soon. So he dresses himself and goes to the kitchen and… It's empty. Untouched, even. No sign of father, nor of the auntie that normally would have come and gone with food by now.
Chichi-ue would only break his usual routine for an emergency, but it must not have been one bad enough to wake his sons for. Or at least not him, but he might have brought Hashirama, depending… Tobirama experimentally stretches out his chakra to see if his brother is still asleep, but what he finds only makes him frown deeper. Hashirama's chakra feels as muffled as everything else does, not in the way it curls in on itself with sleep, but like there's something blocking him off from feeling it fully. A layer of cloth that keeps him from finding the edges.
Tobirama doesn't pause for even a moment before turning around and marching right back the way he came, until he's at the door to his brother's room. Chichi-ue would expect them to handle their own affairs, even without him there, so it's best if he doesn't let Hashirama sleep in, anyways. Refusing to acknowledge the way his heart is pounding, he slides the door open.
It's not Hashirama's room. Or, it is his room, everything is arranged in the way he likes to keep it, only it's like it's suffered years worth of neglect in a single night. Tree roots have broken in from the ceiling, the door frame, from cracks in the wall, and around them other wild growth has sprouted making the room look more like the forest than even the garden around the house.
Despite his chakra sense insisting that Hashirama is in his futon, to his eyes his brother is not there. Instead there is a white shape, maybe the size of a cat, but it lifts and turns to look at Tobirama when he opens the door. Its face is blank and smooth, except for two empty holes where eyes should be. 
Tobirama slams the door closed. So it's a dream, then. He thinks hysterically, or a genjutsu. But when he flares his chakra as strongly as he can, nothing changes, and when he pinches himself all that results in is a red welt rising on his pale skin.
If it's not either of those then… Then Tobirama really needs to find someone and figure out what this emergency is about.
Forcing himself to breathe steady, he slowly stretches out his chakra sense again, ignoring the way it insists that Hashirama is still asleep in his room. Probably, he needs to find someone who feels real to his senses -- which happens so immediately that Tobirama snaps his chakra back hard enough to make him wheeze.
It’s in the next room down, the room he's only been in once since the funeral. His senses must be broken, he thinks, because they've just told him that Itama is inside, delicate flower-bud new-growth chakra the same as the day he died.
Like he's compelled, Tobirama pads down the hallway to Itama's room. His hands don't tremble as he reaches out to open the door, but his stomach lurches despite his best efforts.
This room isn't as overgrown as Hashirama's was, and there are chimes and charms hanging from the ceiling that Tobirama doesn’t remember being there, but he doesn't have eyes for that. Because sprawled out on his futon, the way he had in life, the way that always made Chichie-ue scowl and reprimand their youngest brother like it was something he could control, is Itama.
Tobirama swallows hard. He doesn't dare move and break the moment. If this is a dream, it's an unexpectedly kind one.
Yet moments stretch on into minutes and nothing shatters. Itama remains right where he is as Tobirama carefully crosses the room to kneel down next to him.
His younger brother snuffles and rolls over onto his side, able to sense a presence nearby, but not yet paranoid enough to wake because of it. Tobirama reaches out a hand -- it still does not tremble, but his throat feels suspiciously tight, and his eyes are burning -- and drops it onto Itama's head.
Itama grumbles, but that is enough to wake him, albeit slowly. When he squints open his eyes and sees Tobirama, though, he sits up all at once.
"Nii-san! Oh!" He exclaims, and then he lurches forward and hugs him. Tobirama hugs back, tight, of course he does but-- He hadn't noticed it before, but like this it's strikingly obvious that Itama is cold to the touch. He can feel no pulse or breath, even though he continues to ramble on.
"I meant to be awake to greet you, but I didn't think you'd started getting up even earlier! Sorry, that must have been pretty freaky." His words pass through Tobirama's ears like water. Itama died, and now Tobirama is here, able to speak with him and hold him again. Does that mean he's died as well? An assassin slipped into his room and killed him before he could even wake?
Itama pushes out of Tobirama's arms and onto his feet, but he stays close, frowning down at him. He's so small, still so small. Two months might have made a world of difference for a child his age.
"I died." He chokes out, because he can't think of anything else over the tide of shock. I'm dead, I've died, I've left Hashirama alone.
"Eh, uh. Not exactly. This is something else." Itama says. He reaches out with tiny cold fingers to tug at Tobirama's arm.
Tobirama blinks. Swallows hard.
"But, you--" Died. He chokes. Is this, then, some kind of retribution Itama's ghost is seeking on him, for failing to get to him in time to save him? Tobirama will admit that he's deserving of it. And so he lets Itama frown and pull him to his feet, out of his room, out of the house entirely, into the fog covered Senju compound. Though, he talks the whole time
"Shigure-sama says I'm supposed to help you. I mean, I was always supposed to. I guess it's pretty lucky that I can, still." Itama chatters, heedless of the way Tobirama is fighting not to break out into shivers.
He tries to focus on the words, but he can't. So he looks at the buildings, but they're not where they should be, and when they pass by them close enough to get a look at them through the fog, they're all wrong; older, and where some are missing additions that they have in life, others have rooms, even entire stories that they didn’t have yesterday.
Distantly, Tobirama can't help but note that Itama is leading him to the graveyard.
"It's normally more lively around here, but I think everyone's staying inside, since Shigure-sama is being dramatic." Itama turns at him, and smiles and waves a hand around to stir up the fog. Tobirama… Grips his hand tighter. He doesn't know what else to do.
He missed that smile.
Itama squeezes back and keeps pulling him along. "Also it still is really early, so there's that, too. Hopefully I can introduce you to everyone later? I mean, no one will actually be mad at you for going to see Shigure-sama first."
Tobirama has stopped trying to make sense of his words, but the wash of them is comforting, in a way. Maybe that's even what Itama is trying to do, but it can only help so much. They're in the graveyard now, and there are shapes in the mist that look more like humans than grave-markers.
One of them bends close enough for him to get a good look at them. It's Hinoki-san, who died last fall, and as pale as the mist around them. She smiles at him.
Head swimming, Tobirama fully expects Itama to lead him to his grave, or maybe Tobirama's own, but instead he walks straight past all of them, and onto the path into the woods behind.
Tobirama doesn't visit the shrine often, but the path is longer than he remembered, and the trees are taller.
"Itama." He says, so quiet that it's almost lost even in the near silence of the woods, "Who is Shigure-sama?"
"Oh! Uhh…" Itama rolls his lips between his teeth, and Tobirama very nearly tells him to stop, because it's a bad habit for a shinobi to have. But that -- doesn't matter any more, does it? The admonishment sinks into his stomach instead. "He's like the boss around here, I guess? Definitely the oldest and strongest, so."
"Okay." Tobirama says softly, and Itama nods and keeps pulling him along. It's not much longer before the shrine looms out of the fog. Tobirama mechanically follows Itama's actions as they stop at the fountain to wash themselves -- it's a bit redundant now, isn't it? -- and then to the haiden, where he claps and bows and shouts "Presenting Tobirama-Senju to Shigure-sama."
Woodenly, Tobirama bows with him, but he can't help a sideways glance at his little brother. No one ever taught him to announce someone like this, he's sure, and he spoke far more confidently than he would have if he'd been made to do such a thing in life.
For a moment, there is nothing, and then reverberating in his bones, "Ah. Well at least he knows his manners even if he knows not his purpose."
Tobirama looks up -- and up -- and up. He had been half expecting --insofar as he could think enough to expect anything -- Shigure to be the ghost of some monk. A shrine keeper from ages past who's duty had kept them here past their own life. What he sees is not a human, but a long whiskered snout, mother-of pearl scales, silt pupils, antlers, a serpentine body that stretches back into the mist that is expelled with each breath.
That -- is a dragon.
Tobirama should kowtow or something, shouldn't he? But he freezes, for once deeply resenting that he has only ever been trained to react to surprises with violence.
There is a rumbling sound. Tobirama isn't sure if it's a growl or not, and all he can really do is force himself not to respond with a panicked noise of his own.
"You are too early." The dragon says, impassively, "You will come back here after you have your human understanding of things first, as it should be."
And then the dragon is suddenly there, in front of him, faster than its size should possibly allow, and its claw is pushing into Tobirama's chest, and it should hurt, but it doesn't. He squeezes his eyes shut on reflex and the only thing that pierces him is bone-deep cold.
When he blinks his eyes open again, he's in his room. The light is warm -- normal morning sunlight, much later than Tobirama would ever usually wake and --
He can't help it, he gasps, entire body wracked with shivers so bad he can't control them. And he's -- at an odd angle. Propped up on something that's not his pillow and being dragged even higher even now.
"Oh, Tobi, are you awake? Are you okay? What happened? Ah, you're so cold." …That's Hashirama holding him together. but he really shouldn't be, because Chichi-ue is here too, watching it happen, arms crossed. Though, he doesn't look particularly angry or even disapproving. Mostly, he just looks… Resigned.
"I--" he tries, but his whole body spasms with another round of shivers, and Hashirama pulls him closer, like it will help.
…It doesn't hurt, though.
He wishes he could relax into it, but he can't with father watching. But with Hashirama rubbing at his back, it's easier to take measured breaths. Enough to help his body relax a bit, even if it doesn't actually make him feel any warmer.
"Had a dream." he gets out, voice still shaking with cold.
Tobirama thinks he should explain more, except chichi-ue closes his eyes and says, "I figured as much." And then, "Pull yourself together and get to the shrine. You'll have new lessons there starting today."
He turns and leaves without saying anything else, even though Hashirama says, "Huh?"
It explains nothing. Tobirama is starting to think he understands, regardless.
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kegareki · 1 year
"rei," you might ask, "why the fuck are you making genin teams for the parents in naruto? why are you giving them jounin-senseis and intended specialties?"
my answer is "i cannot fucking tell you. to torture myself i guess"
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
dog enthusiast anon here! it's true that harnesses can mess up a dogs shoulders, and if dogs are stepping stiffly in their boots i'm sure that could cause eventual pain or undue stress on joints or muscles too, but so can injured paws— a well fit harness, well suited to it's purpose, can distribute stress from a line or leash across the body (like harnesses used by dogs in weight-pulling competitions, or sled racing, which pull across the body when they're hitched to sleds or weights) similarly, well fit dog boots can protect dogs feet while still allowing them enough movement and traction that the dog doesn't feel like they have to step carefully. I'm in a similar position to you, I don't want to put my dog in boots, because I know getting my dog used to them will be a whole ordeal of "look at this new object! treat. sniff the object! treat. touch the object! treat. object touches your foot! treat—" etc where it may be a while before my dog is O.K. with them, if not ever 100% comfortable, ...but at the same time, shitheads keep breaking glass all over all of my favorite hiking trails :( which mean cut pads or no hiking. :(
at some point it becomes "are repeated injuries worse for her paws, or are boots worse for her paws?" and as time goes on, and at the moment I'm leaning a little bit more towards injuries being worse, because at least the boots I can take off at home, and there are some sports that mandate boots to protect dogs feet? mostly races in tough climates like sled racing, but if dogs that do these sports are mandated to wear them for running over such long periods...they must not be the worst thing, or at least, not worse than the snow.
anyway, I've been looking at "Canine Equipment Ultimate Trail Dog Boots" because they're kind of like a sock in design, with good treads on the bottom, and most people report that as long as you use the velcro strap to fit it around the dogs ankle properly, they won't fall off
but i hope that either they dump some dirt over the gravel, or that u find another good place for running though, bc I can absolutely understand not wanting to do boots
Yeah we have a sleepypod harness for the car and a much lighter harness for regular walking that fits pretty well. Probably could stand to be a little tighter around her chest so it doesn't move as much but it's high enough on her shoulders that it works for walking.
Tbh we only leave her collar on at the dog park so we can have a handle to grab if needed. Yaknow x_x
But we've actually had snow boots on her before. they velcroed but they still came off with activity. Just havent had good luck with shoes and Leia but like look at this:
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Ugh x_x i knew something like this was gonna happen when they said they're gonna cover the grass 😒 other dog owners were complaining about mud but there's a dog bath right outside the dog park 🙄
But yeah we're gonna ask our vet for recommendations on Wednesday and I'll check out the boots u mentioned as well
I just worry about dog's gates bc my childhood dog had a lot of problems in her later years from an injury she hid and it wasn't a good situation 😔
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ponderingpathways · 2 years
So, I was listening to "What Else Can I Do?" from Encanto and I had the sudden thought of what would happen if Isabela found herself dropped into the Naruto universe. Now....listen, I have been reading some VERY ODD cross overs lately, but ones that are really well done. So my brain was already in that headspace.
But think about it. She has power over plants. Mostly she uses into grow flowers, but during that song she grows a cactus, vines and most importantly, a palm tree! She 100% could be viewed as having Senju type Mokuton/wood release...and she requires no hand signs to do it! Plus, she is very good at masking her true feelings and portraying a perfect facade. It would make Kohona pretty happy/nervous. Plus plus, she could likely make poison plants just as easy! She doesn't require seeds, plants just bloom at her will!
I just think that could make for a super interesting fish out of water/dropped in another dimension fics.
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kalira · 2 years
The Earth Weeps
Originally written on the Three Sentence Ficathon, only slightly edited/expanded here, but I was really fond of it, so to AO3 it comes as a wee oneshot. . .
T; 192 words Hashirama & Tobirama
The very earth echoes the silent screams of Hashirama's heart as he mourns.
Unsurprisingly angsty. *gestures at title and summary*
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moumouton4 · 4 months
Maybe orochimaru for the self love prompt? Since I don't see anyone requesting that one. Maybe they get all hot and bothered after y/n lands on top of them during training and he has to go jack off lol.
Self Love || Orochimaru x reader
A/n : Okay now that was a hot thing to write ! Thank you so much my dear for the prompt !
A/n 2 : The other self-love prompt was for Shoto Todoroki during the Smutember 2023
Warnings : no mention of gender for reader, mention of erection, masturbation, almost getting caught, mention of humping, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Summary : You fell on top of him during on of your training. Now he has you under his skin and he needs to cum
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1391
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Today was like any other day, he called you off for your daily training, nothing more was supposed to happen. Training you hard now and then go back to his laboratory to continue his research on the Sharingan and the Mokuton. Training together wasn’t something new for either of you. It’s been at least 2 years since you’ve joined his team, and been his spy in hidden villages he didn’t have the time to go by himself. And as a pay back he accepted to train you.
His mind wasn’t supposed to be distracted by such futile things as lust and love. Though after so much time training with you. Seeing your muscles flex, your body sweat, your breath ragging, things started to get a little jumbled up in his genius head. For the first time in a while his thoughts wandered away from what he was doing and he didn't see anything.
He didn’t see you launching forward and attacking him. Well he did, but only at the last second, and when he turned to block your blow, he had lost so much time that his defense was poorly effective. That’s how you ended up, bumping into him with the force you had put in your attack, finished straight on top of him.
His eyes widened in bewilderment as he gazed down at you, both bodies hot and shuddering with each breath you took, the thin layer of sweat covering you mingling as you remained for a solid 10 secondes on top of him, gazing into his mesmerizing reptilian eyes. You didn’t even have time to feel it - this thing nestled in his clothes that was getting warmer with each second you spent on top of him - that he snapped out of his daze and threw you away from him.
As you rolled on the floor, you didn’t even have time to look up that Orochimaru-sama, as you used to call him, was already out of sight. Little did you know that this little action was going to get his devoted attention for a moment. One that would leave him breathless.
As he hurried in the corridors of his hideout, he hoped not to stumble on anyone. Anyone that would be able to see the growing erection that was throbbing in his attire since your body landed on him. He grumbled inaudible words under his breath as he picked up his pace to the nearest empty room.
He opened the door in a hurry, his eyes scanning the place to make sure no one was there. Yes he might have ended up in a storage room, but he couldn't care any less, he had much more important business to attend to. Seeing a nearby chair he eagerly sat on it, as his hands worked effectively to unfasten his attire and free his needy member.
Yeah being hard wasn’t new to him, of course not. As a dick owner, he has often woken up with a morning wood. But this wasn’t just some natural reaction to a random blood flow. This was the natural reaction to a heightened state of arousal, a state that you and you alone triggered. As he finally got his cold and pale hand wrapped around his length, he couldn't help but shiver at the difference of temperature, his eyes also widened seeing a bead of precum escaping the tip of his cock, and this without any previous friction.
He pushed his back against the wall of the chair, making himself comfortable, knowing he was about to indulge in those very very rare moments of self pleasure. His hand that was already wrapped around his cock started to pump slowly. He needed this slowness to begin as he rarely attuned to such needs, making his cock increasingly sensitive to the slight touches.
With the pump of his hand, more pre gathered at the tip before leaking on the shaft where his hand was diligently working, giving it more fluidity. He clenched his jaw as he felt his hand moving faster. Gosh it felt so good, so good that he wondered why he didn’t do it more often.
His other hand, that was twitching at his side with each throb of his cock, joined the other on his length and with his palm he started to rub the head of his length with little circles. His other hand stopped at the base, where he held tight, he could almost feel the blood running down it with each beat of his heart.
Suddenly a knock was heard at the door, Orochimaru’s head snapped towards it when he recognised your chakra. Of course he had forgotten to close the door in his heightened state. You were worried you had crossed a line earlier when you fell on top of him and following his chakra you found your way back to him.
“Don’t you dare opening the door” he stated, and gosh knows how he struggled to kiss his voice steady albeit low “What do you want ?”
You froze at the door thinking that he really was angry about what had happened. Your voice died in your throat but eventually you managed to mutter “I wanted to inform you that I'll be putting an end to today's training and going to help Kabuto with the rest of the tasks"
But suddenly the thought of having you and Kabuto in the same room didn’t sit well with him, he felt some sort of possessiveness towards you now that you were the main thought in his head as he was jerking his cock off “No you will be going to the laboratory and wait for me. I will be there as soon as I finish here”
His voice almost betrayed his actions as he started to move his hand even faster on his shaft, since he heard your voice even more pre gathered there, giving him the perfect amount of lubricant to stroke it more firmly. He waited, hoping silently you’d speak again so that he would jerk hearing your beautiful voice.
And you did “Alright I’ll be there Orochimaru-sama” his hand squeezed his cock even tighter when he heard you pronounce his name. Okay he was getting close now. If he had answered he would have surely groaned.
His mouth opened slightly and his head lolled back against the chair as he increased his pace. His hips even started to subtly roll upwards in tandem with his hand. His breath got heavy, his cock flushed with a pink hue.
He synched his pumping with the last throbs of his cock, feeling the last bits of ecstasy before the culmination. The wet noises that once filled the room decreased significantly, before getting replaced with a low guttural groan, as his cock tensed and pulsed. A jet of cum escaped the head, soon followed by more spurts of sticky white fluid - that he wished he had shot inside you instead.
After giving it a little more attention, squeezing and milking the last remnants of cum out of him, he let his spent cock rest back against his clothes. Cleaning his hands in a nearby tissue, he then wiped the slickness out of his member before tucking it back into his clothes. He looked at the mess he had just made on the floor and cleaned it with the help of a rag that was on the floor - with his foot, he didn’t bend to do that - we wouldn’t want anyone messing around with his seed ( isn’t it his job ahah )
As he got out of the storage room he looked forward, now he was going to share the rest of the day with you working in the lab, but what he didn't anticipate was that that afternoon, nothing would divert his attention from you, and having you this close to him again would only flood his thoughts with lewd thoughts of you till the evening. An evening when, once he's in bed, he'll pull his cock out of his clothes once more and jerk it at the thought of you. Be ready, because he will almost always have an erection in your presence from now on, and he will even try to get you back on top of him during training. And who knows, he'll hump you discreetly if you stay a little longer.
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obihoe · 27 days
anyway madara was SO happy when he found out that in godmode only taijutsu will work on him ... literally finally forcing his enemies to just beat the absolute fuck out of him. physically. no big mokuton dragon vs. susanoo or smth anymore, just bare-fisted combat. kuro zetsu included this in the writing. its the main thing that convinced him
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hellcifrogs · 6 months
It's kinda fucked up how they didn't give Sakura, like, a special clan along with Naruto and Sasuke. I guess they were trying to go for the prodigy with great chakra control and high potential for genjutsu for being a regular Kunoichi, but the way Kishimoto shafted her in favor of the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans just kinda makes her fall to the wayside.
All that to say is, if you were to write the Haruno Clan yourself, how would you make them relevant to the story/what powers would you give them? Thanks in advance if you do answer this ask!
Oh man there are so many options... Have them (or at least Sakura) use mokuton (Senju or not, and give her the job Yamato had, also give her a more direct relation to Tsunade), make them all great at genjutsu (there aren't enough relevant genjutsu users besides those with sharingans), that one beautiful cursed inner Harunos idea, some flower related kekkei genkai (add Ino friendship), make them famous medic nins for their great chakra control (direct relation to Tsunade again and good reason for her to become her apprentice)... Just so many...
I do like Sakura being from a "normal" clan, and I wish her hard work to be on the same level as "monster chakra" Naruto and "god's little favorite eye magic" Sasuke had more impact on the story, but OF COURSE I would've loved if she, Lee and Tenten had their own special thing too ; u;) and even more if they had gotten the attention for it
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mixelation · 14 days
Made-up fic title meme: Coniferous Abnormalities
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write to go along with it
"mokuton gone wrong" seems too easy so just for you i'll try a star wars one.
in the vastness of the universe, there remain many mysteries, myths and legends. some are miraculous, some are bone-chilling horror. one is the Quiet Planet. the Quiet Planet is not quiet because it lacks life. far from it-- measurements taken from orbit indicate an impressive amount of biomass. the planet's surface is one large, continuous forest. every tree is, as far as orbital observation can tell, the same species. there is no other life. there will be no other life. any living creature that has been planet-side has disappeared, and nonliving droids are quickly destroyed. the empire's official statement is that the planet's conditions are too hostile for any sapient being, that droid exploration has been canceled to preserve the forest and because the planet offers no value. the legends about the quiet planet vary: the trees themselves will eat you alive; there is a civilization living under the forest in the planet's core; there are monsters hiding; the planet turns you, too, into a tree.
visiting the planet is highly illegal. just visiting the system requires special permits. there are collectors out there drooling for specimens from the Quiet Planet.
han solo has stolen a tree and he is having SUCH a bad time
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mokutone · 10 months
your art makes me wanna start testosterone
i can't read tone well, so this is either an incredibly touching ask, or an extremely funny one, and in the absence of confirmation: both!
i'm in a chatty mood, so i'll share some thoughts about testosterone and my art.
i liked being on testosterone a lot. i had an IM injection every two weeks (on tuesdays!) and because that's a sizeable dose every 14 days that slowly disperses, it can cause some mood fluctuations (every other friday i would have a crisis about not feeling like the world had a place for me in it) but even those were far more manageable than the ones that would come with my previous and current monthly hormone cycle (every month i spend a solid week thinking the world will never have a place for me in it)
It gave me a patchy little bit of scruff on my chin and a whispy mustache under my nose that still struggles on, despite adversity!
It redistributed my fat a little bit, but that's long since gone back to pre-T shape.
it lowered my voice! that hasn't changed :^)! even if i never go back on t, that won't change. it was the thing i most wanted, and its the one i'm most grateful for. Pre-T, I didn't speak much. I'm getting better and better at talking and getting more and more comfortable communicating with people because of it.
having been off t now for 3 years, i don't pass anymore—not as a cis man, or a cis woman, certainly not as anything approximating straight. if people look at me and see anything, i'd hazard a guess that they see me as A Queer (the noun—for all it's complicated connotations).
i'm not surprised that my art might make somebody want to start testosterone! a lot of my art was made out of the aching grief that came with being kicked off of testosterone, and how neatly that loss of autonomy over my own body knits in with yamato's loss of autonomy over his own.
how my body started doing things i disliked, how i didn't have the support necessary to access the healthcare i needed—how my inability to give myself what i needed made me feel as though i were trapped inside of myself and abandoned (by both myself and the world at large)
when i write comics about yamato as a trans man, i don't take away his testosterone, because that hits a little too close to home for me. for Ninja War Town Reasons, he has plenty of access to all the HRT he could ever need and nobody questions his need for it—instead, i project my own horrors onto the way Danzō defined his identity for him as a child, the way that Kabuto and Obito dehumanize him as an adult in their war efforts, and reduce him to the thing his body holds (the Mokuton). I give him a kneejerk compulsion to dehumanize himself (out of a feeling that he has a duty to his community to do so) and I give him a slow-growing resistance to that impulse (which comes out of a feeling that the people he loves would frown upon seeing him reduce himself like that)
it's dysphoria! it's not gender dysphoria, but it's a loss of self, and a need to reclaim it. it's a war between the hollow shell of a thing he thinks he has to be, and the vibrant and messy person beneath it that he is. it's a desperate need to say "this is who i am—only i can say it"
I enjoyed HRT a lot. it was a really useful tool in helping me feel like my body was my own, that i didn't have to fight it, that we were the same entity. It's not the only tool, but it was a really good one, and one day I hope to use it again.
(as for the being off of it—it's unpleasant, but i'm enduring! being somebody who now doesn't really pass as anything has put me in a weird and interesting position, where I'm constantly having to declare myself to people, because nobody knows what to make of me on any front. they don't know if i'm a man, a woman, nonbinary, nor even what age i am (Augh!!!!) it forces me to be brave and vulnerable more than I'm comfortable with—if I tell somebody I'm a man, there's no way that they will believe I'm cis, but I'm not about to recloset myself—and I don't think I could at this point anyway.)
(there's something fascinating about the position i find myself in, and while i'd leap back on t the moment that an opportunity presented itself to do so, i do feel like i'm experiencing something interesting and important in this weird zone i find myself in)
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I've noticed you're happy when people share snippets of things they're writing, so today I want to share with you one of the scenes I'm the most proud to have ever written
To give you a bit of context so it makes sense: Time travel fuckery happens when Naruto uses almost all of Kurama's power to get back in time. What little power was left of the Bijuu merges with his body and gives him orangy-red hair the same color of Kurama's fur so he makes himself pass as Kushina's younger brother when he appears in Konoha around the time young Naruto is 5/6 y/o, going by the name of Uzumaki Kurama to avoid raising any suspicious about two Narutos. Shit happens, he and Kakashi fall in love but are idiots who don't communicate. The scene takes place after Pain's attack and Kakashi dying and coming back to life.
The dust has long settled on the destroyed village, and now the moon was high in the sky, watching over Her people in silence.
Tenzō had done an amazing job, Kakashi has to admit. It's thanks to his Mokuton that the people of Konoha have a place to sleep at until the village is properly re-built.
Not him, though. He couldn't fall asleep.
He's not too surprised by the fact that he's awake in the middle of the night. He's used to it. Usually he can fall asleep for an hour or two at some point, but this time is different. He guesses dying and coming back to life will do that to you.
He's not the only one awake. ANBU are patrolling the village. Some of them nod their head at him when passing by, but no one stops to bother him as he stands on top of a mostly destroyed building, away from where the rest of the village is resting.
Kakashi is not on duty. He hasn't been since the day the Sandaime had told him that he was to become a Jōnin Sensei. Yet, tonight he misses the mask. He feels like his head is too full of thoughts, and he needs to put on his ANBU uniform and let that part of him take the lead. The youngest ANBU to have ever been made. The only ANBU with a perfect mission score. He misses not thinking about anything but a mission, his body moving mechanically as his mind takes a step back and rests.
Alas, he can't. He had to give his mask and uniform back all those years ago, leave them in the hands of the Hokage and never take them back.
It's barely past 0300 when someone joins him. Kakashi doesn't hear their footsteps but he does feel their familiar chakra, as bright as the sun and as scalding hot and dangerous as a forest fire.
Kurama doesn't say anything as he sits beside him, and it's in that moment that Kakashi realizes he hasn't seen the man all day, not even when the fight ended and everything went quiet.
Kakashi looks at him, but Kurama isn't looking back. No. He's looking at the village with an expression that Kakashi can't decipher. Oh, but how he wishes that he could. He would give anything to be able to read this man like one of his beloved books.
"I died today," Kakashi finds himself saying, unable, for once, to stand the silence.
"I know."
"I saw my father."
Kurama finally looks at him, and Kakashi can finally see. There's a deep grief in his blue eyes, a grief that looks as old as the man himself.
"How was it?" Kurama asks. He sounds tired, even more than Kakashi feels.
"Meeting him?"
The question hangs heavy in the air, and after a while Kurama looks back towards the village.
"All my life I've seen people either die or leave without me being able to do anything to prevent it. While I was here, I almost forgot how terrible war was for those who survive it," he sighs, then shakes his head. "I know we didn't lose anyone today thanks to Naruto, but..."
But we could have, he doesn't say. But we did, even if only for a short while.
Kakashi finally sits down, and it hits him suddenly that Kurama was probably already around when Uzushio was attacked and destroyed. That he had to witness his home be razed to the ground. His clan, his family, his friends, forever lost. And who knows where those who were able to run away ended up. Did Kurama escape with his parents? With a friend? And where are they, now?
Kakashi already knows the answer to that particular question for sure.
"But we're still here," Kakashi says, a gentleness in his voice he didn't think he was even capable of having. "And, you know, talking with my father made me realize something important."
Kurama looks at him so intently with those deep blue eyes of his, and Kakashi wonders, not for the first time, what is it about this man that makes him want to open up. Hatake Kakashi hates being vulnerable, so why does he want Kurama to know his every secret?
"While I was with him, we talked about a lot of things. I told him about my old team, my students, my mistakes and failures over the years, and," he stops for a moment. Has to look away from Kurama's blue eyes, "I talked about you, too."
There's a surprised sound from beside him, but Kakashi lets his eye rest on the sleeping village stretching in front of them.
"And I realized that, for you, I'd-"
A hand shots out, pressing against Kakashi's lips to silence him. The way Kurama is looking at him now is pained.
"If you're about to tell me that you'd die for me, don't," he sounds even more tired, and Kakashi can see it in the way his body is positioned that he's tense, so much that Kakshi almost fears it might hurt.
Gently, Kakashi grabs Kurama's wrist to pull his hand away from his lips, but instead of pushing it away he keeps it in his.
"I would have, before," he admits. Kurama's hand is warm in his, as he presses it over his heart. He can almost sense its warmth all the way under his jōnin uniform. "But that's not what I was about to say."
He looks at him again, and for the first time in forever Kakashi feels like everything is right in this shitty world they had been thrown in. That everything will be okay, no matter what the world throws at them. And a smile, gentle and small, pulls softly at his lips, hidden under his trusted mask.
For the first time, the little wrinkles forming around his eye are genuine
"I would live for you, Kurama."
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jiangyanlissidepiece · 8 months
Their daughter is born with Madara’s dark, spiky hair and Hashirama’s complexion. She is born with fight in her body and a strong pair of lungs.
She grows quickly, it seems. She’s a smart child and learns to read and write early. She reads. Kami, all she ever does is read, hungry for knowledge; eager to understand why she’s here.
She learns her father’s Mokuton just as much as it comes to her unasked.
She is, to Madara’s chagrin, quite close to her uncle Tobirama, who lets her get away with everything and anything short of treason.
She has a new appreciation for Uchihas, as one of their own.
Haruno Sakura is now Uchiha Mizuki. She is trying to make the most of it.
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justsomeoneunordinary · 9 months
Actually, while I’m already on the “Mito doesn’t have a canonical personality, I can write her however I please, and if I wanna make her a barn girl I fucking can” topic:
Hashirama meets Mito in the hustle and bustle of Uzushio’s market while he’s on a diplomatic mission and Mito draws his attention by being the loudest of all, currently arguing with a trader over his prices for the textiles, so close to starting a fist fight with a civilian. This scoundrel, does he think her dumb?! Does he think she doesn’t know the quality ain’t worth shit?! She’s going to bring these textiles she could use to wipe her ass with at most over to his mother and tell her the outrageous prices he tries to sell them, let’s see what his mommy would think when she finds out what a swindler her son in truth is!
Hashirama falls in love immediately. Has the wedding already planned out. It’s going to be a spring wedding, because of course it is. He only needs to talk to her now—which he does. He walks over, hearts in his eyes, and makes a bouquet for her with his mokuton.
Unfortunately for him, she doesn’t realize that’s the Hokage, so she just gives him a lookover once before calling him a fuckin’ hippie and walking away. Hashirama is even more smitten. Luckily, he’s staying for a whole week and Mito just happens to be one of Uzushio’s greatest seal masters, so he gets to see her at the main estate anyway.  
Ultimately, he wins her over by showing her the cool poisonous shit he can create. The Forest of Death in Konoha might or might be a (failed) experiment of Hashirama’s mokuton mixed with Mito’s seals trying to see if she can enhance the effects but that’s a story for another time.
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domoz · 1 year
Founders have me writing like crazy it seems. Another fic, cw for child abuse in this one. It gets nasty.
It's a beautiful spring evening when Hashirama decides that he needs to kill his father.
When his legs give out for the fifth time, Hashirama isn't able to force himself up again.
To say chichiue had been unhappy with what had happened at the Naka River would be an understatement. Hashirama had kept his head bowed through a long, long lecture, insisted over and over that he hadn't known because ignorance might be the only thing that could save him.
Punishment has been brutal, regardless. He's been taking his smaller than usual meals alone in his room, and even those have been more sparse than usual, because every waking has been consumed with ceaseless training.
"When you see that boy on the battlefield, you'll kill him."
Hashirama shudders and turns his face into the dirt. He won't, and that will probably end up worse for him than this, but that still isn't enough to make him willing to do it.
(Madara was like him. Madara wanted peace. Peace could mean that no one would be forced to do something like this ever again).
For the moment, though, Hashirama can't get his legs to cooperate. Today he'd been training his mokuton ('until you have enough wood to rebuild the whole compound twice over'), and he'd tried, he always tries, but he's never, not in his life, been this low on chakra before. The lack of it makes him feel dizzy and nauseous and cold, seems to amplify all the aches and pains of the last few days. He'd pulled a splinter out of his hand earlier and the spot has been aching and stinging for hours when normally he would have forgotten about it minutes after it happened.
He's exhausted and miserable, and his eyes are burning with unshed tears because letting them fall will mean he probably doesn’t even get to eat tonight. He's already going to be in trouble enough for falling again--
"Boy, you better not be taking a break." Butsuma's voice calls, far away as first but getting louder, "You're not even halfway done."
Hashirama's voice catches in his parched throat -- he's got no idea whether it'll be safer for him to admit the truth or make an excuse. Before he can decide, his brother's voice chimes in, and oh he hadn't even known Tobirama was here.
"Chichiue, he's low on chakra." It's said so matter-of-fact that Hashirama can't tell if he's being judged for it or not. But he's really not the happiest with Tobirama right now and in a poor mood anyways so all he feels at the comment Is a spike of anger harsh enough to send the tears he's been hold back spilling down his cheeks.
Why did you have to tell him that? Why do you keep ruining things?
Butsuma clicks his tongue.
"Shameful. But low chakra is not a reason for him to be on his back. Or crying."
Hashirama can only see the purpling sky, but he can hear the sneer in his father's voice.
"I just don't know what to do with you, boy. Maybe a real punishment is in order. To start with, no meals until you're done with this."
Hashirama stifles a sob. Fuck, but he's hungry. There's a heavy sigh from his father, but it's Tobirama's voice he hears next.
"Chichiue, is that… Wise?"
There is a heavy pause; Hashirama musters the strength to lift his head and is treated to a sight he wishes wasn't familiar. Tobirama's thin back is between him and Butsuma. His arms are crossed this time, but Hashirama knows his intent. His little brother trying to protect him, again.
This is your fault in the first place! A wounded part of his heart screams, but already he feels guilty for the thought.
(How was Tobirama to know who he'd been meeting? How was he to do anything but worry when his brother kept disappearing so soon after their last one had died? How was he to say no to an order?)
"It's just --" Tobirama's voice is uncharacteristically hesitant, "Harsh training is well and good, but if he's not able to recover his strength then he won't be able to act should an emergency happen. Right now, he'd be useless in a battle."
There is a weighty silence, one that stretches on long enough that it makes Hashirama's heart flutter with hope -- maybe Tobirama's words have managed to convince him, again.
"I have no intention of letting him go to battle until I'm sure he's learned his lesson." Another pause, and then "…You're more troublesome than you let on, boy."
Those words aren't meant for Hashirama. Tobirama stiffens just enough to be perceptible, and if Hashirama can see it in the state that he's in, there's no way that Butsuma missed it.
"That's what I thought. Tobirama, on your knees. I think you both need to understand something."
Tobirama hesitates for the barest moment before sinking down. He knows better than to protest in this situation. Hashirama struggles to roll over enough to see what is happening. To see how Butsuma has knelt down across from Tobirama to grab his chin in a bruising grip, how Tobirama's hands are fisted tight in the fabric of his pants.
"When I teach you that shinobi aren't to show emotions, what I mean is that they can't let their feelings affect their decisions." He forces Tobirama's face to turn, to meet Hashirama's wide eyes with his own, "But if you had taken that lesson to heart you would have seen how much better off your brother would be if he understood. You may hide what you feel, but I can see now how much you let those feelings rule you. You'd rather spare your brother pain than have him grow stronger and survive."
Butsuma reaches for a pouch and, and with his other hand he draws out a kunai. Tobirama doesn't struggle as it's pushed to his cheek, but instead goes very, very still. Hashirama's stomach swoops -- he wouldn't, he wouldn't--
"And you, Hashirama… I don't know what to do about that bleeding heart of yours. But you need to understand, if you're going to open yourself up to whatever poor kid with a sob story you meet in the woods you need to be strong enough to make certain that it can't hurt you."
He squeezes Tobirama's face, applies pressure. The kunai bites deep into his brother's cheek. Tobirama jerks in his hold and lets out an awful, warbled whine before cutting himself off.
"Stop." Begs Hashirama, voice breaking, He tries to push himself up only for his arms to give out from under him, "Stop it. Stop it!"
"If you want it to stop --" Says Butsuma, forcing Tobirama's face to turn the other direction and digging the kunai in to the other side, perfectly matching the first cut. "-- Then stop me. Get strong enough to stop me."
But Hashirama can't stand up. There's no sudden burst of strength -- he used that up ages ago. All he can manage is to drag himself a few inches forward through the dirt, fingers just able to reach where a spot of blood (his brother's blood!) has been flung to the ground.
"Please." His voice is hoarse, "Please, I understand. Please stop."
The look Butsuma levels at him is cold, a frown that says he doesn't believe him.
He tilts up Tobirama's head, cuts a final slash into his chin, before letting go. Standing up, stepping back, uncaring of the way his son has dropped to the ground like a puppet with it's strings cut.
"Guard your heart or grow strong enough to keep it safe, Hashirama. Those are your options."
He turns, leaves them alone on the training field under a rapidly darkening sky. It's only when he's out of sight that Hashirama feels sensation return to his limbs, feels just how hard his heart is pounding. Hears the near silent drip of blood onto the ground from Tobirama --
His breath hitches but he can't lose his head yet, his brother, his last baby brother, still hasn't moved.
"Tobi." He calls roughly, but there's still no reaction, "Tobi. Tobirama!"
When he finally pulls himself close enough, he reaches for his brother's hand, ignores the way it's trembling and sticky with blood (so much blood but it's fine, Tobirama has to be fine, head wounds just bleed more than most--). Only when he touches Tobirama does his brother react. Jerks away from him -- finally looks at him, but it's with eyes that are completely empty.
"We can't." Tobirama's voice is quiet. It cracks, but his little brother does not cry, even now, "He's waiting to see what we'll do."
Waiting to see if they'll turn to each other, he means.
"Tobi…" He calls, as Tobirama mechanically pushes himself to his feet, pulls his hand away. He wants to do something, needs to do something, to make this even a little okay, but he knows Tobirama is right, that if they try to help each other now the lesson will only repeat itself.
Tobirama shakes his head, walks towards the main house with his head ducked low, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
And Hashirama still can't force himself onto his feet to follow.
He falls back onto the dirt, throat tight. A few more tears spill out, but not many. He doesn't have anything left in him to cry.
He feels -- empty. He thinks he should be feeling more but all that's left behind his breastbone is hollow. And if he feels like this, than Tobirama must be…
He broke something, Hashirama thinks hysterically, He broke something in me and I think he might have broken Tobirama, too.
There's a bile building in the back of his throat as the realizations hit him. He can't let that happen again, won't survive if it does.
If you want to stop me, then stop me. Get strong enough to stop me.
That had been the lesson. Maybe Hashirama can finally learn this one.
The determination to build peace and a village had made him feel warm. The determination to do this settles like lead in his guts.
If any of his dreams are going to happen, he needs to get strong enough to stop his father.
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tired-reader-writer · 1 month
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A birthday gift for my dear friend @akatsukitrash , a fanart of his OC Senju Akemi with her cousin Tsunade, based on the eighth chapter of their fic Far Beyond The Woods of Dawn. It is a beautifully written fic with exceptional characterization, fascinating worldbuilding, and immersive writing. I absolutely adore it.
The chapter depicts a ceremony to bond a Mokuton wielder to their guardian. There's a lot of symbolism in the chapter itself, but I ended up adding my own in this fanart 👀
The descriptions of their ceremonial clothing in the fic is as follows:
“Tsunade looks at herself in the mirror, fixing invisible wrinkles in her simple, light green kimono.”
“Akemi enters and is guided by a nun to the pillow in front of Tsunade. She’s paler than normal, wearing a pure white kimono. Their clothes have to match their chakra colours. It’s tradition.”
“Kiyomi kneels beside [Akemi] and caresses her hair, nicely done into a bun held by an ornamental hairpin.”
I first decided to give Akemi a hairpin adorned with ginkgo leaves, as its name in my native tongue, “tree from the dawn of the world”, immediately reminded me of Akemi as a character.
As for the other reasons I have chosen ginkgo:
“In Asia, the ginkgo is considered a holy tree and is often found near temples and other places of worship. In Buddhism, Taoism and in the teachings of Confucius, the tree has acquired great symbolic significance, representing long life, vitality, and hope. In China, the ginkgo tree is also called "Buddha's fingernail".”
“Ginkgos, like cedars, are resilient survivors. They have deep roots and can tolerate adverse conditions, including wind, pollution, and fire. Notably, these trees withstood the 1923 Kanto earthquake and even survived an atomic blast, the 1945 atomic bomb on Hiroshima, even when located less than 1½ miles from the epicenter. Despite scorched bark, stripped branches, and the destruction of a nearby temple, the ginkgo trees remarkably survived and leafed out the following spring.”
“For centuries the ginkgo tree and leaves have been seen as a symbol of peace and hope, aiding to its continued presence throughout human history.”
“Another powerful example of the importance of the ginkgo tree as a symbol for hope, is the survival of the gingko tree, known as the "bearer of hope" that survived the bombing in Hiroshima. This tree is regarded as a symbol of hope, and prayers for peace and healthfulness have been engraved into its bark.”
The Senju are Buddhist in the fic, drawing from the Buddhist imagery surrounding them in canon, and ginkgo leaves just felt appropriate for that. I shan't talk much of Akemi herself since I don't want to spoil the future arcs and chapters Idir has planned, but in my opinion... yeah. The ginkgo is very suited for Akemi in particular.
I will get to the camellia in her hair, in both their hair, later.
I also decided to give Akemi a chihaya to wear over her kimono— chihaya tend to be worn by Shinto priestesses during religious ceremonies— and in Japan there is much incorporation and syncretism between Buddhism and the Shinto faith. A variant of chihaya (or perhaps chihaya is a variant of it) was apparently worn in the Heian court by nobility, and was called “kariginu”.
And then there is the wisteria ornament in Tsunade's hair.
“The wisteria is associated with youth, love, perseverance, immortality. The Japanese name for wisteria, "fuji" can also mean "immortality" [fu: no, lacking + ji/shi: death] and Mt. Fuji's name is also tied to immortality.”
“The wisteria also features a lot on Japanese family crests too, and the "Fujiwara" were a very prominent and powerful family in the history of Japan who kept marrying their daughters into the imperial family.”
Considering Tsunade's prowess with healing, her youth and vitality, the wisteria seemed like a good fit to her. The wisteria hair ornaments I've seen typically have two colours, purple and white, but I decided to just keep it white because it's like Tsunade has a piece of Akemi in her hair, and Akemi has a piece of Tsunade in her hair, and they both have matching camellias in their hair.
It's very neat, imo.
And then! We get to the camellias.
The tsubaki/camellia symbolize gods and the divine, and apparently used in religious rituals though I don't know how. They are offerings to the gods, they're sacred, they also symbolize faithfulness and longevity though they also symbolize a noble death (associated w the samurai) because rather than losing petals apparently the entire blossom just falls off the stem, and which is why it's a terrible idea to give a sick person a camellia as a gift because the flower beheads itself, essentially.
Those who awaken the Mokuton among the Senju are thought to be sacred, closer to Buddha and the gods, and the camellias felt like a good way to pay homage to that.
Anyways, Idir, I hope you like my gift!
Some close-ups:
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