#mom found my blog after i told her about me and joker
Sad Endings, New Beginnings ~Batfamily Imagine~
Summary: Bruce, Alfred, and Dick comfort you after losing Jason to Joker.
Author’s Note: Angsty imagine because I'm in an angsty mood.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: mentions of character death, depression, angst, lots of angst, happy ending
BatFamily Masterlist
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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You sat in Jason’s room as you stared blankly at the wall. Your hands clutched onto Jason’s favorite hoodie in your hands as you sat on his bed. Bruce stood by the door frame with Alfred as the two watched you. This was the fifth day in the row that they found you sitting in Jason's old room, staring at nothing. But waiting for him to come back.
“How is she?” Dick asked as he walked over to the two. Bruce called Dick when he noticed that you weren't getting better.
Ever since Bruce told you about Jason’s death, you haven’t been the same. You stayed quiet and coped up in Jason’s room ever since the news. You cried every night, hoping for some kind of miracle that would bring him back to you.
“Not so well. Why don’t you go talk to her?” Bruce tells him. Dick nodded before walking inside the room. 
“Hey mom. It’s me. Dick.”
You looked over at your oldest before wrapping your arms around his neck. You sobbed silently in his shoulder as he hugged you back.
“Stay for a while, Dick. Please,” you asked.
“Of course mom. Are you hungry? Alfred's making your favorite food. I'll sit next to you if you'd like at dinner," Dick offered.
"Okay," you whispered softly.
Bruce sat across the table as he watched Dick talk to you. You stayed quiet but at least you were finally eating a full meal. Alfred had joined them as well to make sure you ate.
"I need to go patrolling but we can have a mother and son day soon if you like," Dick offered.
"That sounds nice," you nodded.
That night, you fell asleep on Jason’s bed. Bruce walked into the room before picking you up from the bed. You woke up quickly in a panic as you looked around.
“Jason!?” You called out.
“Darling, it’s me. It’s me,” Bruce tells you. You looked around at the dark room before crying again.
“I miss him so much,” you cried.
“I know. I know,” Bruce said as he carried you back to your room.
You cuddled close to Jason’s hoodie as you lay in bed. Bruce lay next to you, holding you in his arms. You had fallen back to sleep quickly due to your crying. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Bruce said as he held you tighter. 
For the next few weeks, Dick and Alfred were doing their best to help distract you from the pain again. Alfred had made you a healthy breakfast while Dick talked to you about the plans he had today with you. 
“We’re gonna have fun together mom. I promise,” Dick tells you.
“I’m looking forward to it,” you tell him. 
Dick took you over to a carnival that was in town. After going on a few rides and having some junk food, Dick decided to try to win you a stuffed toy that was on a game booth.
“I enjoyed this. Thank you Dick,” you smiled softly at your son.
“You know I’m here for you mom. I’ll come visit more. I promise,” Dick tells you.
“Thank you sweetie. Let’s go home now. I’m feeling tired,” you tell him.
“Okay. Yeah. Let’s go.”
When the two of you got home, you found Bruce over in the Batcave. You walked over to him as he stared at Jason’s Robin costume. 
“Did you have a good time with Dick?” Bruce asked, not looking over at you.
Bruce knew that Jason's death was his fault. If he had been more careful, more protective, Jason's death would have never happened.
“I did. Bruce, I can’t handle any more heartbreak. Can you promise me something?” You asked him. Bruce looked over at you as you got closer.
“Of course.”
“Please protect any other child we may have with everything you have. I can’t bare to lose another one,” you tell him. 
“I promise,” Bruce said as he kissed your head. He wrapped his arms around you before holding you closer to him.
“I’ll do better for not only us but for any more children we may have,” Bruce tells you.
"It hurts so much," you sobbed a little.
"I know. I know."
It had been a couple of months but you were slowly getting back to your normal self. Your smile came back a little more but you still missed your son's presence around.
"Miss Y/n. Master Bruce has come back. He is requesting to see you," Alfred said as he found you in the living room.
You headed down to the Batcave where you saw Bruce with a young tween standing next to him. You looked over at the tween before looking over at your husband.
"Who's this?" You asked.
"You're Y/n Wayne! Or formally, Y/n L/n. You're Bruce's wife huh? You're prettier in person you know," the tween said happily.
"This is Tim Drake. He wants to become the new Robin," Bruce explained to you. You looked down at Tim with a small smile.
"Are you sure you want to become Robin?"
"Yeah. Bruce looks like he needs the help," Tim tells you. You let out a small laugh before nodding in agreement.
"He needs the help doesn't he?" You agreed. Bruce smiled softly at you.
"Why don't you help show Tim around the manor and I'll join you both for dinner soon?" Bruce offered.
"Okay. Come on Tim. Tell me about yourself," you tell him as you walked him out of the Batcave.
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thejokerismybf · 2 years
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delusionland · 3 years
How did they first meet?
here is my personal hc. tim told cass about a girl. he didn’t tell her anything about the girl, just that she was woefully unprepared to be a crimefighter... but also she was kinda cute, in a totally naive way (90s tim was kind of an asshole, never forget). cass couldn’t quite understand what he was saying while he showed her the batfile on her---the picture of the spoiler, etc. but she got his general tone and body language. cass then sought steph out. for nights. nights looking for the spoiler. when she found her---she tackled her, immediately engaged her in a fight. she went so, so easy on her. she just wanted to see what a cute girl was. and steph... was definitely a cute girl. at the time, cass couldn’t talk, couldn’t communicate with her. but she left her a gift. a nice knife that she had throw at her head---deliberately missing it, that was... especially ornate, and seemed shiny and valuable, and most of all purple to match her costume. pretty purple girls like pretty purple things, right?
What was their first impression of each other?
steph probably did not think well of cass, at first. after that first outing---the batfamily got involved. cass was to help steph with her fighting. steph was to help cass with her speech. without the mask on---steph could see how much cass enjoyed her company. it was hard not to realize she had a sense of humor about everything. the laughter she had exhibited on a still-baby-at-the-time spoiler screaming her head off about what she thought was some kind of demon-ninja batgirl was... genuine, and not malicious in the slightest. she seemed to want to be friends, and every time steph frowned at her, or was a sore loser, cass simply smiled and laughed harder, finding everything steph did perfectly amusing. as they got to know each other---cass got better at talking, and steph got better at fighting, and they kind of, met somewhere on the outer edges of the middle for a while. there was always something standing between them--though. a resentment, not between them, but a misunderstanding. that cass belonged to bruce and the bat. and steph belonged to tim.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
i feel like conner kent at the very least shipped it. alfred really thought there was a spark between them, and during their brief frenemy stage---alfred made sure steph knew cass genuinely cared for her. bruce did NOT want them to get together at all, though. neither did tim, for obvious reasons.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
cass. it was love the first time steph managed to punch herin the face. did she win? no. but she GOT her. and through that tenacity, cass realized that her friend was so much more than a silly, pretty girl. she was a fighter. she was a champion. and more than anything, she was brave, and determined, and they had practiced a thousand times for just this moment. and afterwards, steph was just so proud of her overall failure instead of being herr typical loser.... cass couldnt help but know steph was always going to be the love of her life.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
they both did! didn’t want to ruin the friendship!
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
cass would get a curious look, steph wouldn’t believe you!
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
they would be a lot worse, a lot lonelier. steph never would’ve become batgirl, that’s for sure, and cass would’ve learned to speak---but in a way entirely removed from her own personality and love of herself & life.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
it was a mutual thing in ocean city, maryland. they were in a photo booth, sitting in eachother’s laps, leg over leg, they did a silly face, and then another silly face, and then their faces were so close---and then SMOOCH CITY, and they WOULD NOT LEAVE THE BOOTH lol.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
they considered ocean city their first date. but they’re not really the ‘dating’ types. they both LOVE to fight. they both LOVE to crime fight. they both LOVE spending time together doing NOTHING. if anything, the first time cass had to go to a gala with her was the first time they realized---ugh, do we REALLY have to be WAYNES? do we really have to have REAL LIVES? why can’t we stay in our cuddle - asskicking bubble forever?
What was their first kiss like?
it was the most natural possible thing, and it was something they had both almost had so many times before that it was like drowning in sensation after you had subsisted off of gerbil-cage drips of water for years. they couldn’t stop! they were consumed with want, and they only stopped when they started to get a little TOO frisky and somebody moved the curtain of the booth because they wanted to get their own picture taken and they were like ‘fuck! okay lets get french fries!’ lol
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
steph is cass’s first gf, and vice versa.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
cass is 5′7″ JUST tall enough to be taller than her gf >: )
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
cass will kill the puzzler or whatever the fuck his name is. he sucks. steph’s mom loves her tho :’ ) and well. the less said about bruce and steph the better, but like. your whole blog is proof of how much the rest of the batfam loves steph!
Who takes the lead in social situations?
they both are the ‘HAHA! THE ECONOMY!’ gif tbh.
Who gets jealous easier?
cass. steph is special cargo, the first girl / person she ever loved romantically, the first friend she ever had. however, cass has made it very publically known she wants threesomes with other hotties of multiple genders.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
steph, and she agonized over it, only for cass to say it so easily in a way cass didn’t think it would ever be easy for her to say. like steph is some magical fairy tale princess that lifts the curse on cass to never be able to express love the way love is supposed to be expressed. steph just makes things easy. she makes everything easy.
What are their primary love languages?
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
they both do they’re TERRIBLE.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
batgirl and the black bat are forced on seperate patrols bc they do this so much and they HATE it and SNEAK OUT and kiss ANYWAY!
Who initiates kisses?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
cass is big spoon!
What are their favorite things to do together?
they really like watching wrestling and kung fu movies together i think. steph also likes girly movies, but cass gets bored after a while and just starts wrestling with her over the popcorn and then wrestling leads to hankypanky. most of all they love fighting and dancing AND PLAYING PRANKS on the bat boys.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
cass is.
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
physical affection.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
jenny - studio killers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they both call each other batgirl affectionately, cass also learns new words to say girlfriend and sweetie all the time and uses those.
Who remembers the little things?
If they get married, who proposes?
they COMPETE to see who will do it first. they use the batcave to make sure the other isnt going to look for rings. and when they find the other one shopping for rings. its fucking GO-TIME BITCH. you’re not going to propose to me, i’m going to propose to you! when they pop out the boxes at the exact same time, cass steals the ring from steph’s hands and holds it up over her head and throws hers at steph’s head like ‘YOU HAVE TO MARRY ME FIRST. NO TAKEBACKSIES.’
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
it’s a big wedding. cass loves, loves people. it’s a whos-who, especially since cass is gonna be batman and she has all the justice league contacts now. cass turns a bit into a bridezila, but like, as a joke, mostly, and she calms down when steph is like ‘i thought we could be more intimate...’ lol
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
they adopt some bratty street kids that are tangentially related to joker / black mask / puzzler / lady shiva as a fuck you. they love their kids so much.
Do they have any pets?
so many cats. a million cats.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
they go to concerts!!!! big loud concerts where they can mosh!!!
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
cass! no school! just cuddles!
Who’s the better cook?
steph. cass doesn’t know how to, and also refuses to, fry an egg.
Who likes to dance?
cass most of all!
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lilspice05 · 3 years
It’s Superhero Time !
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Hey, Hey favorite people in the whole wide world and my amazing lil Spicers It’s been a whole week since we last talked and it kinda a sad day as this is my last blog of this season. But, don't you worry my little nutmegs and cinnonmoms, I will be back after a short break. Sit back and relax, cozy by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa while I am away for me! I decided that for this week's blog and to leave all you guys off with an amazing ending till i'm back. I’m going to be creating my very own superhero for you guys and gals and bring back some joy to this crazy year. Now we all know or have an idea what a superhero looks, sounds, and acts like right? Today I plan on switching things up a bit and showing you all something different. Adding my own bit of spice into the mix! Well hopefully this will be like no other hero you've ever seen before and will enjoy what i'm about to bring to life. 
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Now my lovelies let's take a full dive right in, like when the Joker and Harley Quinn did into the water while Batman was chasing them in Sucide Squad. This is no regular superhero, this is WolfGirl. WolfGirl is a different kind of story as she is a Marvel Superhero and is not quite an Avenger yet as she didn't start out as the best person or even a hero. It all started back in 1943 at this mansion like home in Wallkill NY, a small town where everyone knows each other and being different is frowned upon especially since she was on the weather side of society. That’s when everything started to change for this 5 year old hero. Amanda Zale was the child of Colleen and Lance Zale. Life was not easy for her as she was the youngest of five with a very abusive mom who was so concerned about what society thought of her and a hard working, wealthy dad that was hardly around. Which is why she only got along with her older brother as he was the only one too seem to care about or for her. It was supposed to be them against the world for life no matter what. Unless it was to give her parents or siblings something they wanted as their intentions were to use her to get them ahead in life. She was a shy, cute,  strong, and independent child. Who sometimes gets in trouble for her curiosity. She had learned that she is not like all the other children in the world. Especially when it came to her four siblings Victoria, Edward, Elizabeth, and James who is the oldest and the many children in her town. She noticed she was different because her nails would grow when thought about, her eyes could change colors even helping her see at night , she could shift into any animal but her favorite was a wolf, and was able to look into people's minds showing them a different reality. She even learned how to show them their worst nightmare. You see Amanda abbitlies came not only from natural ability from a special gene inside of her but were enhanced after she was sold to a scientist called Dr. Flint. A very evil man that was working for Hydra and some to this day says he still does because of the chemicals he used. He discovered that the cells that are rare and doubled  in certain children react differently and poor little Amanda discovered that at a young age. After she was sold to this horrible man by her parents. They had no problem in making the decision since she was a burden to them. It was then, without warning, when she was taken out of Wallkill and taken to this weird base or abandoned homes in the middle of nowhere with children running around. Only a few and even then they were not like her. She met a young boy named Jacob which happened to be the doctor's son in this awful and scary place. They thought they were inseparable as he was really her first and only friend. Quickly they became best friends, but she grew up faster than other children that have bought here before. Her maturity stemmed from everything she was put through, growing up dealing with so much, she had no other option rather than to grow up and face reality. This pleased the doctor and she quickly became his favorite and eventually the only child as she was forced to stay away from everyone else. She even had to sleep in a different building in this concrete room like a prisoner. Being alone caused her to stick to her studies learning how to fight, run fast, control people's minds, and getting chemicals pumped through her body to enhance her abilities the way the doctor wanted. This caused her to have a few scars on her back, arms, and chest as some of the experiments backfired. She did all of this till she hit the age of 16 at only five and  half years later being brought to this horrible place. This was possible because she froze at this age due to the fact her genes and cells would regenerate everyday to help her heal and become the strongest. She then continued these studies and tests for the next few years becoming one the best killer in her generation. She then became a secret weapon for Hydra. She then was sent on many missions for most of her life to try to kill many members of Shield and was very successful killing many agents and leaving many others in mental trauma. She even killed one of the original leaders of Shield in hopes of finding the original serum that made Captain America who he is. Slowly after a decade of doing this for Hydra she started getting pretty well known for her work and was hunted especially by shield and many government officials. Which led Hydra to leave her on her own and abandoned the project she was involved in tossing her into the streets.
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After being on the run for so long and being alone for so many decades thinking of her family, mistakes, and wishing she could see her brother again. She started using her powers for common crimes like stealing, cheating, and fighting to survive the harsh streets of New York City. It was these city streets that made her who she really was. It was this environment that made her want to be a part of it all. Seeing all of the corruption and madness tear her society apart, she figured why try and fight it all when I can just join them and be a part of all the madness. Taking action, she told herself was the only way to survive. One day though she ended up picking the wrong person's pocket. That person was no other than Tony Stark himself and she ended up stealing one of his bands that has his next prototype for his big suit and also some secret files showing many heroes around the world. Not knowing she started to walk away and Tony saw her with it and started chasing her. She quickly thought on her feet and used her powers to show Tony a reality that the bracelet was still in his hand. While she slipped away going back to her home, a beat up old warehouse. Slowly after that she is found by not only Tony but also Steve Rogers aka Captain America and they were not happy. She tried using her many tricks and she was almost successful in escaping but they caught up to her and asked where her parents were, where she lived, and did she know what she stole. Naturally she lied as she was trained to. However they caught onto her lies as she looked beat up and lost. They decided to take her back to the Avengers building and give her food, clothes, and shower. When she came out she looked around in amazement but with her guard up. As she was used to everything being so dark, scary and she didn't trust them. This is the part of her story that she has a change of heart, but it's not the reason you think. As she walked those halls she stumbled upon a picture she knew. One familiar face she knew from her days in Hydra. Someone she looked up to as he became like a brother to her when she was training for missions. That person was Bucky Barnes, a soldier brought in after falling off a train. She stood there frozen starting at this picture and this is when Tony and Cap realized why she was able to do what she could. They asked her to stay with them and not wanting to go back to that warehouse she decided to stay and overtime she started to really trust them especially Cap. He told her all the stories about Bucky and she told him what Hydra did to them. She started to really trust again and even would go on missions with them. Wearing her brand new suit that Steve helped her design because her old ripped up clothes didn't keep her safe. It was all black with red lines going through to help her control her transformations. She also wears a necklace with a shape like a bullet charm at the end holding a piece of rock in it. Her brother James gave it to her before she was taken away. She also has these gloves with special made nails to fit over her anytime they grow. All of this helped her realise that life can be rough but if you keep on fighting everything will eventually be ok. This is why she always makes sure all the kids around the world know this message and that they will always have someone to protect them. That is why to this day she has taken Morgan Stark and Peter Parker under her watch after Tony gave himself to save the world. She feels responsible to make sure they are always protected since the two men that gave her a better life are now gone. They become the siblings she never had. Knowing that if she ever would die that she would leave behind a legacy of it is your choice whether to be good or bad in the end. So don't let others push you to the wrong decision, always listen to your gut,  Even if it means leaving all that you know behind. 
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With that being said this is where I end this story about my superhero and pick up another one somewhere else after my break or even in my life. As life is really an open book and we can only take it one chapter at a time so be your own hero. I hope this gives you guys and gals the entertainment, joy, and we'll need distraction as it has for me to write it for you lovies. As I also hope that maybe this blog post or the few others I have written help you discover your own talents or maybe even help you write your story. In real life or imagination and remember you can do anything if you put your mind too. Nothing is impossible and like Stan lee said “ If you are interested in what you do, that keeps you going.” Also please my lil Spicers don't forget to take care of yourself. You can't be a hero for others if you are a hero for yourself first. Always eat, drink, sleep, stay safe and smile. These are important things especially this time of year and in this year that we all sadly call 2020. So please mask up because even heroes wear them. Better safe than sorry! I love you all and will see you when I get back. 
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I Was Back At Arkham Asylum (part 3) - Jokers Daughter & Jerome
Joker x daughter!reader Jerome x reader Warnings: none a/n: Ok so in this Jerome's face never got cut off. this is part 3, there will be 10. i hope you guys enjoy, if you want to be tagged on the tag list for this story just message or ask me.and if you guys have any ideas for more then 1 part stories or imagines that you want me to write go ahead and request. if you want to request a one-shot then go to @chloe-skywalker it my other blog and that one i do alot more different things then just stories and imagines, NSFW, headcanons, dating would include. etc etc 
parts: part 1 - part 2 - 
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It's been a week since I saw my dad, he apparently thought I was joking when I said be good so I can visit him again, well he wasn't. Now he can't even call me.
 I have been however getting a lot of calls from Jerome. The first time I answered an Arkham number I naturally thought it would have been my dad but no it was Jerome. I was shocked but in a way, I felt happy. Jerome gave me this feeling I had only felt it when crushing on celebrity. So I guess I'm crushing on him but how many times he's called me I kinda have the right to.
 Mom always told me if I feel that feeling but intensified is called love, and when you feel this feeling then you have found your very own puddin.
 I don't know if Jerome is my puddin. But when we talk on the phone it's like have been super close for years.
 Since the time I saw my dad last I had been keepin low but when I found out I couldn't see my dad because of him beating up guards got himself into solitary. So just to spite him I robbed small things and caused chaos at shops by the GCPD. They never caught me but I knew my dad would hear about it and he would be mad but he should know me better than that and he shouldn't have gotten himself in trouble where I couldn't visit him.
 Joker's p.o.v.
  I had to spend a week in solitary. Which blowed and I am also pissed that my daughter has been causing chaos. I wanted her to stay low and not give them the chance to arrest her. But I overheard some guards talkin and not only was she causing chaos but she was doing it all by the GCPD. which made me growl every time I heard she did something and it was there. They wouldn't let me call her at all and no visits. I know that's what set her off. I was proud of her for what she was doing, but not where she was doing it.
 Since I was in solitary I didn't know if Jerome and my princess had had contact.
 They told me today I get to make a call, jet out of solitary and I am allowed to mingle with the other prisoners. And let me tell you if I see that kid and he has plans for my princess that could get her hurt, he's gonna wish that he never laid his psycho eyes on her.
As they escorted me out of my cell and down they hall and took the cuffs off of me and putting me into the basically giant cage. I looked around for the red-headed psycho. As I sat down at a table I noticed that many people recognized me and moved to the other side of the room. I sat at a table and I noticed the redhead sitting at a table on the way other side of the room he saw me and swung his legs other the bench and made his way towards me and sat down and swung his legs inward and sat in front of me.
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 “Joker- or J- what do you want to be called?” he asked excitedly.
 “It's Joker to you Psych” I growled in return.
 He crackled like a maniac “I get it short for psycho. That's a good one Mr.Joker”
 I glared and growled this time showing teeth at him. “Fine if we are gonna talk why don’t you tell me what you want with my daughter” I said aggressively.
 “Your daughter and I have only met once, trust me I'll see her soon. Plus I’ve been calling her all week.” he said smiling like he knew he shouldn’t have said the last part.
 I reached across the table and grabbed him by those annoying black and white shirts. “Listen here Psych, if you told her to cause all that chaos right by the GCPD then so help me, I will rip out your throat” I growled in his ear.
 “She chose doing all the chaos and where she caused it on her own. Me, myself, and I had no part in that, what's so ever. Plus when I asked her why she was doing it so close she said to spite you.” Jerome said the first part all serious then he decided to use hand movements.
 “Thank for confirming that” I said sarcastically.
 “No problem” he said back smiling because he knew it was sarcasm.
 “So Psych you ended up here after everything you caused” I asked deciding to get to know him a bit.
 “For the most part yeah, that and cop’s don't like me very much-” I cut him off.
 “Got it- got it- got it” I said motioning with my hand to stop.
 “So! How’d did they get you in here, hm?” he said generally curious.
 “Me and my princess were pulling off a heist and I made sure she got out of there when the police came in and a very pissed of Bat, cops shot me with tranks and the Bat brought me here.” I told him gesturing around with my hands to the room.
 “Well sucks that you got taken here, but I would have done the same thing for her” Jerome said.
 “You just met my daughter and you would if it meant saving her you would come back to, here” I said more as a statement then a question to myself.
 “Yes, I've have met her once in person I've been talking to her on the phone. Liberating.” he said.I had to smirk at that because she was.
After talking to Jerome for a while the kid started to grow on me and dare I say might start liken the kid.  I don't like the idea of her being by herself but I can't get out of here yet but. . .  maybe he can. Get y/n to break him out. Then she won’t be with just Frost she’ll have a friend. And if he likes her as much as it sounds like he does then she’ll be protected.
 “Why don’t ya say we get my princess to come down here and make a plan you break you out?” I said to him, and winked.
 “Are you serious?you just met me and a few minutes ago you were threatening me. Now you want her to get me out of here?” he said shocked.
 “You clearly have some feelings towards my princess, and I might not like it that much but she needs a friend, especially now and I can't be there but you can they are expecting me to break out any minute but you they won't. Plus my daughter will probably want to break you out sometime so why not now.” I told him. 
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(pretend hes sitting down and in arkham asylum outfit and there arent people around him)
“I'm in! let's call your daughter” he said agreeing with me. “I'm growing on you aren't I”
 “Kid, shut up before I change my mind” I wasn't about to tell him he was right.
 part 4
tag list:@insanityismysanity12345@colagirl5 @theminicupcakeofficial @thegingerthatwaited @gloriaherbs@pupl618-blog  @ ohlookitsabi @ redheadedkillerprincess @ thekathyneformer @aqswdefrgthzjukilop  
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“You’re mister J’s new obsession, Sugar”3/3 - Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary : Thanks to a very jealous Harley Quinn, Batman is finally able to find his wife’s whereabouts. Kidnapped by the Joker since over a week, he’s afraid of what he’ll find when he finally reaches her...
Last part. I hope you enjoyed this little series, don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought of it :). WARNING FOR A LOT OF VIOLENCE YOW !! 
my master list blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Bruce was never going to come rescue you. You tried to stay hopeful, it wasn’t in your nature to give up , but you couldn’t handle it anymore. 
His disgusting touch, the torture, both physical and mental...You just couldn’t handle the Joker’s abuse anymore. But he wouldn’t let you die. He’d bring you to the verge of death, just to take you back again. You were stuck in a loop of pain and agony. 
And Bruce was never going to come rescue you. You just knew it. It had been too long. What happened ? Was he also hurt during the attack ? Was he dead ? Oh god that would be the worst...he couldn’t be dead, he was the goddamn Batman. But...The goddamn Batman, the greatest detective in the World, always found a way, and fast, it had now been almost two weeks...
Was the Joker right ? Was he telling the truth ? Bruce forgot about you ? He couldn’t have...could he ? The clown kept telling you how Bruce kept going on with his life, not caring at all that his wife disappeared. He kept telling you that he, the Joker, would never do that to you...Yes he was a psycho, but when someone was his, he never let them go. 
“Your Bruce” was letting you go. Not even trying. And you started to believe the clown, because...Two weeks. It was a long time. And Batman knew everything, you had no doubt that if he really wanted to find you, he would have used all of his ressources to do so. He would have already find you. Besides, he should have the help of your sons...Did they forget about you too ?
Your family certainly didn’t forget about you, in fact, they were closer than you thought. 
A few days ago, Harley Quinn came to Robin to tell him she had informations about your whereabouts. She requested to speak only to the Batman, and after a small conversation, they followed her. 
The thing was, they were starting to think she was messing with them, and their patience was reaching a critical limit. Especially Jason’s and Damian’s.
She first took them to the Narrows, the poorest and most dangerous place in Gotham, and to an old and beat down warehouse full of rats and filth. She went threw the back door of the building, and kept going, taking them threw most of Gotham’s worst places...That was the first night, as the sun rose, Harley just sat on the ground and refused to move until the end of the day. 
No matter how many threats she’d receive, she knew she had them in her pockets, they needed her. They were desperate to find their wife, their mom. So they didn’t do anything, and waited.  
While Harley was sleeping, Tim worked on his computer to try and pinpoint the places they’d been to, thinking there was maybe a  pattern to the ex-shrink’s walk they took with her...but he didn’t find anything. Dick went back to the bat cave to take some food and more supplies. Damian roamed the nearby neighborhood, unable to stay there, not doing anything. Quickly, Jason followed. Bruce sat in front of Harley, and stayed there until she woke up. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t move, not even batting an eye, and when she stood up, he just started to follow her once more. 
Again, Harley Quinn took them threw multiples places, and slowly but surely, they were getting out of Gotham. Damian was about to say something, but Bruce stopped him. For some reason, he felt like all of this meant something, and he was desperate to find you. For the first time in his life, he didn’t find even one little lead to where someone could be. There was just no trace of you, as if you never existed...His heart tightened at the thought. He had to find you.
And so he just followed Harley Quinn, hoping with all his heart she wasn’t trying to mess with them just for the sake of it...He was almost sure she wasn’t though. Because when she came to him, jealousy written all over her face, she just seemed sincere...He was almost sure she was leading them to the right way, but the small percentage of hesitation that remained scared him to death. Because if she wasn't taking them to you, then they were wasting precious time. 
The third night, he ordered Dick and Tim to go back to the cave to do research on their own. Of course, they protested. But Bruce knew they would do as he asked. Damian and Jason would never, and so he chose his eldest and wisest son, and his smartest one to go look for you...
When they left, Harley laughed, and Bruce had to grab Jason with all his strength to stop him from jumping on her. Which made the clown’s ex-girlfriend laughed a bit more.
-Why do you resist me darling ? 
You were a fighter, and even if your family forgot about you, you weren’t going to give the Joker the satisfaction to do what he wanted. You were going to resist, no matter what. Of course, as the days went by, you lost more and more the will to resist him...But today, when he spoke about how he satisfying it was to kill Jason, it awoke something in you, and you spat in his face, blood mixing with your spit, spreading around his scarred and scary clown face. 
He laughed. Of this laughed you hated so much. When he finally calmed down, he slapped you with all his might, and it almost knocked you down. 
-Why do you resist me darling ? 
You just smiled provocatively at him, and he lost his awful grin. He hated being provoked. But at the same time, he loved it. It was thrilling. Before you, he only had Harley, and that girl just couldn't resist him at all. While you...you were so difficult. It was perfect. 
You held your breath as his face approached yours, and stopped just an inch away. You knew what was going to happen, and automatically, you tried to get away, but you were bound tightly on the chair you were sitting on. There was no escape. There was never any escape. 
He smiled, of this horrible smile you hated so much. And his lips connected to yours, forcing for the thousands time his tongue in your mouth. 
You repressed yet another gag, and tried to bit his tongue like you did the first time...but he knew how to handle you now, and he took his tongue out before you could do anything. He pulled away, and his cold eyes filled with only hate stared at you. 
-Do you know why I took you here ? 
Yes. You knew. He told you the story a thousand time. 
One day, he saw you on TV while in the Arkham Asylum, and he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. You had an “amazing aura”, everyone around you just had to look at you, and the best of it all, is that you didn't even know that. Stupid Brucie Wayney had his arm around your waist, and he knew in an instant that man was not worthy of you. That man couldn't treat you like a woman like you should be treated. 
-You mean, tortured and abused all day ? Is that how I should be treated ? 
You managed to say, your voice weak and raspy. He looked at you, tilting his head on the side slightly, and gave you a smile that was almost sympathetic. Almost, because his eyes didn’t move at all, proving the smile to be fake, and because it was the Joker, sympathy was a foreign concept to him. 
-Not exactly. What is happening now is to...train you. Once you understand we’re made for each other, it’ll be different. Promise. 
-Your promises don’t mean anything, you freak. 
Talking hurt your throat, as water was sparse and when he tortured you, holding your screams in was putting a strain on it. But you were determined to show him he’ll never be able to convince you of anything. Well, except maybe that your family forgot about you...but...did they really ? You hoped that...The Joker took you away from your thoughts :
-Oh but you should trust me a bit more little lady, I’m much more that you think I am.
-Much more psychotic, much crazier, much...
-Shut up ! Shut up ! 
You bit your lips. You had done it again. You made him mad. And now, you were going to regret it dearly...But to your astonishment, he immediately calmed down and turn his head to you. He cupped one of your cheek, and liked your lips. You winced at the feeling, disgusted with all your being by him. 
-You don’t get it. Let me help you get it. 
You were ready. Ready for yet another one of his torture session. But to your surprise, he untied you, and you fell in his arms. You didn’t want to be in his arms, but you were too weak to be able to move...He took you up bridal style, your head fell back, as you didn’t have the strength to hold it up, and your arms went limp on your sides. 
Your heart started to beat faster with fear. He was taking you toward the bed. He was taking you toward to bed !! 
He threw you on it, and you tried to crawl away from him, without much success. You were just too weak...Maybe a week ago you would have find the strength to fight back, but no, you had no chance. You couldn’t even lift your head to see what he was doing. 
His hands on your body made you shiver in disgust and fear. He was taking the remnant of ruined clothes you still had off. You tried to kick him off, but your attempt resulted in a slight twitch of your legs. 
You closed your eyes as his filthy fingers roamed your body, letting go of everything. Your heart slowed more and more and...
The noise of an explosion near by made your eyes shot open. You turned your head slightly, and saw that one of the concrete wall just bursted into bits. The Joker left you, getting quickly to his feet. 
The last thing you saw before loosing consciousness, was him. Finally. Your Bruce. Your Bruce looking at you quickly, his eyes full of fear and relief. And your children, staring at you, in pain for you...
Harley Quinn didn’t mess around with them. Turned out, there was a pattern to her little walk around Gotham. 
At each place they stopped, while the boys weren’t looking, she picked a key up. And on the fourth day, finally, she took them to a place way out of Gotham. 
As Bruce looked at her opening a door that was in the ground, using one of the keys to do so, he thought that there was indeed no way he could’ve found you by himself. This place was far from the Joker’s usual turf. And even if he looked, he could have never found a lone door in the forrest, in a place that seemed to be chosen at random...He shivered as he thought about how well thought the Joker’s plan was. But it made him hopeful. If he went threw all of this trouble, then it meant there was a chance you were still alive...
They went threw corridors and corridors, Harley sometimes opening a door with one of the keys to go threw it, and walk threw other corridors. It was a true labyrinth. There was no way they’d ever find their way...This place was a gigantic underground building.
Bruce wondered what it used to be, and how the Joker found it. But he quickly dismissed those thoughts, only focus on getting you back. He looked at his boys, and the look of determination on their face made his heart swelled. They were going to get you back, no matter what. 
Finally, they came to a humongous room, and in the middle of this room, was a concrete box with no doors. Looking around, Bruce noticed multiple torture object that made his heartbeat faster. 
Harley Quinn stopped in front of a control panel next to the concrete box. 
-She’s inside there. There’s a code to open a wall. I don’t know it though, he wouldn’t trust me with it...
She bent her head down, sadness on her face, and Bruce turned away from her. He didn’t have time to cheer her up. He nodded to Jason, and the boy immediately understood. He took a bomb out of his belt, and put it on the wall. They all got away from it, and waited. 
The wall bursted into bits, and they jumped in. Harley stayed behind. 
The first thing Bruce saw, was your  beaten body, naked, on a bed that looked exactly like the one you and him had back home. He only looked at you for a fraction of second, turning the anger and fear he felt inside him toward one person...The clown. 
Damian and Jason were unable to move to go fight the Joker, and stared at you. Tears were welling up in your youngest’s eyes. No matter what he’d like to think, you knew he was a sensitive boy, and seing you there, on the verge of death, clearly abused more than any human could handle, he just couldn’t help his tears...
Jason finally moved to you, and wrapped you in the sheets, covering your body that he just couldn’t stand looking at. 
All the while, Bruce was loosing it. It reminded him of the time the Joker killed his son, killed his Jason...He wanted to go out and kill him, he wanted to destroy the clown, but you convinced him otherwise. Because it would ruin everything he stood for, and because it would never bring Jay back. This time, as he punched the Joker again and again, stopping any laugh from coming out, it was Jason’s turn to save him from doing something he’d forever regret. 
As Damian was sitting next to you, holding your hand tightly against his heart and brushing a shaking hand on your hair, Jason calmly walked to Bruce, and with all of the strength in his body, tried to restrain him. He spoke soothing words in his father’s ears, he didn’t let go of him until the bat calmed down, and slumped weakly in his son’s arms. 
This time, Jason was there for him, filling in for you as best he could. He succeeded, even though his entire being was screaming at him to kill the Joker, he didn’t do it, and stopped his dad from doing it. He couldn’t let him do it, not after all the things you all went threw. 
Bruce finally regain his senses and, tears in his eyes, ran to you. You were unconscious, but your heart was still beating, thank God ! Jason helped him lifting you in his arms as delicately as possible, while Damian refused to let go of your hand. 
When they turned around, The Joker and Harley Quinn were gone. But they didn’t care, they had to get you to safety, they had to get you to a hospital. 
They made a quick call to the bat cave to tell Dick, Tim and Alfred they found you, and all reunited in the hospital, out of costume. 
You woke up after two days in a coma that scared the shit out of your boys. When you opened your eyes, Damian’s head was on your belly, and he had tangle one of your hands in his hair, just like you did to soothe him back to sleep. Dick and Jason were both holding your other hand, while Tim’s head was resting on one of your thigh. Bruce’s face was in the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling you, as he was sitting next to you. 
They were all asleep, but when they felt you move, they stired up instantly. 
Relief and love were on all their faces. You took away your hand from his hair and brushed your thumb on Damian’s cheek, proceeding then to ruffle Tim’s hair. You squeezed Dick and Jason’s hands, and gave a look at Bruce that meant : “Yes, you can kiss me”. 
His lips were soft against your chapped ones. His lips on yours were the best things you felt, ever, as the memory of the Joker’s disgusting lips faded away.
You stayed a long time in the hospital, and they took turn in looking after you, staying with you. They made sure you knew how much they loved you, and how your death would have destroyed them. You made sure to show them that you weren’t going anywhere, and that you felt better every day. 
You were heavily scarred, but alive. More alive than ever actually. 
Forever, the scars that the Joker left reminded you those weeks of agony. But your Bruce made sure to also remind you that he’d never let you go again, that he would always be there to protect you, as he covered those damned scars with his infamous love bites. 
The scars reminded you that you could be strong, that you could fight, that if your will was made of iron. It made Bruce realize that you were stronger than he thought, and that you really were a special one. His special one. 
The scars reminded you how much you loved your family, and how much they loved you. Bruce almost killed the Joker for you. Jason didn’t kill him for you. Damian and Tim were wrecked at the simple thought of loosing you, and Dick...Well, Dick was the most optimistic of them all, so the way he did not smile once during the time you were in the hospital, his face filled with worries, was enough for you to know how much he cared about you. 
In the end, these scars became some sort of a blessing, making your family stronger than before. 
Somewhere around the Gotham’s area, a few days later : 
The Joker and Harley were in hiding, in an abandoned building. She was in a pretty bad shape, after the Joker unleashed his wrath on her, even though she saved him, patched him up...
Because of her, you slipped threw his fingers. His plan was perfect, but she had to come in and ruin everything, as always. 
He was sitting in an old and rotten armchair, as she was rubbing herself on his legs, like a dog. She was so pathetic. It calmed him down a bit to see her like that, at least she was at his mercy. She would accept anything. Not like you...
But in his head, you were the only one. He had to take you back. 
-Puddin’, please...
He looked down on her, eyes full of disdain, and, raising an eye brow, he said : 
-Shut up. I’ll properly deal with you later. Right now, I have to think...
-You’re not thinking about her again are you ? She doesn’t love you like I do ! I would have let you do all of those things to me, without resisting like she did ! 
-I know you would, that’s why you’re so boring. No, I don’t need you. She...She’s the one. I won’t rest until she’s mine again...
Harley refrained herself from telling him that you were never his anyway, and continue to rub herself on him. She was going to get him back. Somehow. But she knew it was going to take a long time, as his thoughts were only for you...Maybe...Maybe the only solution was to get rid of you ? 
As the Joker kicked her and stood up, going to stare out of the window, Harley Quinn smiled to herself. Yes. That was it. That was the perfect plan. 
She was going to get rid of you someday. 
The end ?
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iv-kplpt · 7 years
on being in love
so i’m now a part of a group dc rp, about batman villains escaping from arkham asylum. i rp as penguin and i got GM’s permission to put charlie in the universe, so... this happened, between playing ovw, cooking rice and having depression. a short vignette about oswald and charlie and promises and doubts.
the original in polish can also be found on this blog.
Oswald had been in Arkham for six long, tiring months. He shouldn't be there - he should be in Blackgate; but there he was, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, in this one part of Gotham he hated.
(His mother walked those corridors once. Sometimes he could hear her voice, sometimes he could feel the tender touch of her fingers on his cheek.)
He spent six months waiting for his chance to escape. Six months of loneliness, because he firmly refused to integrate with other "patients". Especially with the Joker. Especially with Dent, whom he created.
(Harvey Dent, Two Face, his opus magnum. Their cells were exactly across each other... Every day Oswald was standing face to face with the consequences of his decisionsand every day he wasn't able to force himself to feel even the faintest sting of remorse or regret. He destroyed this man's life - so what? It was meant to be...)
His biggest problem during those one hundred and eighty days was not Dent's presence; nor it was his lack of empathy and his slowly dying humanity. No, his biggest problem was absence. The lack of another person at his side - or him not being present at her side.
Her name was Charlotte, Charlotte Schiller-Aberdeen - but she demanded to be called just Charlie. She was a young widow; she had hair red like blood on their hands and eyes blue like forget-me-nots he was trying to grow for her. They met shortly before he started to bring his half-baked plans to life; they met in Peperoncino, a bar belonging to Carmine Falcone. Oswald had a free pass there, due to being a protégé of Salvatore Maroni, gangster's close friend; but Charlie wasn't supposed to be there. That night he saved her life, lead by impulse and a sting of sympathy for the resolute young woman. That night he stole a first kiss from her; as well as many others. That night he left a mark of his teeth on her neck, for which she repaid him by scratching his back with her fingernails, drawing blood in the process. The next morning Charlie snuck out when he was still asleep, his heart in her pocket, and hers on a pillow next to his face - but tey only realized it one month later, when she returned to Gotham in search of a new start and him, him, him.
They fell madly, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly for each other - he fell in love with the softness of her hair and gentleness of her smile and the light way she spoke of matters terrible and dark; she fell in love with blood on his hands and the darkness in his heart and a scar running through the bridge of his nose. Nobody knew, except for them; they had to hide, because he was a criminal, and she was a young millionnaire, looking for her place among the members of Gotham social elite. Charlie was emanating a mysterious aura - she wouldn't let anyone into her life, she never gave out any details. Her gaze didn't carry a promise, and her smile wasn't an invitation to ask questions. She was kind, charming and funny; and it was enough for keeping people from asking questions. For keeping them from pushing any further.
In whole Gotham only Oswald knew that Charlie killed her husband. She took his life with her cool, pale hands, with which she'd stroke Oswald on his scruffy chin; in whole Gotham only Oswald knew what does Charlie look like without makeup and high heels, how she looks like when she wakes up in the morning, how she tilts her head when his teeth - like fairytale vampire's fangs - find her neck. In whole Gotham only Oswald knew; and in whole Gotham only she knew a handful of his own secrets. In whole Gotham only they knew; and they liked it that way.
And it was her absence that had been causing Oswald the most pain during those six months. Nobody knew about their relationship; nobody knew about the woman who stole Penguin's heart. That was the ultimatum he gave her one night, before everything went to hell - "I will not drag you down. Nobody will know about us. If this fails, if they catch me... I won't as much as mention you."
"If this happens, Oz..." she then whispered back, sliding something into his hand and looking him in the eye. "If this happens... I'll be waiting for you. Here, in this house. There will always be a place for you here, and I will always love you."
(Later, when he was left alone, he finally looked at what she gave him; a pebble. An ordinary - though very blue - pebble. Only after a long while he realized the full symbolism. He did the same in return - his pebble was yellow.)
He missed her every day and every night; and she couldn't even visit him, because that would make the meticulously built facade to fall. She couldn't visit - and he didn't want her to. There were people he was willing to drag down with him, but she was never on that list.
(Lying on his uncomfortable bed - that was nothing compared to a luxurious water bed in the bedroom of her home in Crest Hill - and throwing and catching the cool, smooth pebble she gave him he wondered if he's on her mind half as often as she was on his.)
He desired very few things more, than to show up on her doorstep, take her in his arms and shower her face with kisses, one for each freckle; to feel her hands on his shoulders, close his eyes and let her place a thousand of kisses soft like butterfly wings on his narrow, cruel lips.
Yes, Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, Penguin, monster, terrorist, thief and a con artist - was in love. He found someone who looked at the blood on his hands and a promises of murder in his words and burning hatred in his eyes - and then said "you're awful, I adore you".
(They were saying "I love you" in so many different ways. "Kiss me", "I bought you camembert", "come to bed", "be safe", "I missed you", "I want to raise a dog with you", "I want to conquer Gotham and destroy Bruce Wayne with you", "I put some flowers at your father's bust today", "let me know if one of those elite schmucks disrespects you, I'll cut them into pieces".)
Six months with no contact, six months without her warm body at her side, six months without her soft hair between his fingers, six months without her fingers on his cheek. Six months without love.
Sometimes he'd find himself in doubt. Was there still someone waiting for him out there? Maybe Charlie changed her opinion on him, maybe she changed the locks, maybe she abandoned Gotham same way she abandoned so many other places, so many other hearts? Maybe there was no "us" anymore, maybe there was nothing for him to come back to?
Usually simply putting a hand in his pocket and squeezing the cool, smooth pebble she gave him was enough. A symbol of promise, a symbol of loyalty. Penguins mate for life.
He missed her presence. He missed her gaze and playful cynicism with which she was taking his needlessly complicated, painstakingly eloquent confessions and declarations.
("You have my heart in your hands... And it's more fragile than it seems. Be gentle with it." "I like solving puzzles, Oz. If it breaks - we'll piece it back together, it'll look brand new. You know, the Japanese turned fixing broken pots into art...")
Oswald spent long six months on longing, daydreaming and muffling his own fears. When the grand night came, the night of judgement, the night to remember - he hesitated for only the briefest of moments.
(The pebble felt heavy in his pocket, giving him courage with its dead presence. For a moment Oswald felt like he's at her side again.)
He made his decision, putting his doubts off. The potential heartbreak and resulting dilemmas could wait; Oswald had a plan to realize. It wasn't his plan, and Penguin kind of felt like he wasn't even a part of it - but he wasn't going to complain.
In the company of the Joker, Harley Quinn, Two Face, Scarecrow, Deadshot and Poison Ivy Penguin started his tenacious endeavors, meant to take him to Asylum's exit. They spilt a river of blood in the process; but it didn't matter. Penguin knew Charlie doesn't mind the blood on his hands and face. The moment when he'd be able to finally take his beloved into his arms, to hear her voice was only a few hours away.
(I'm coming, my love, I will burn Gotham down if anyone tries to stop me; and then I'll kiss you among the ashes.)
In another, better, quieter part of Gotham Charlie Schiller-Aberdeen was watching the news with bated breath. Jack Ryder was reporting on events in Arkham, his voice shaking; a group of prisoners (oh I'm sorry, patients) took the matters in their own hands - among them her beloved.
(Mom, dad... I met somebody. His name is Oswald and he has nothing to his name, nothing but old shame and spilled blood...)
Every day for the past six months Charlie had been beginning her morning with tears, when after opening her eyes she couldn't see her lover next to her. Every day would begin with tears, which Pingu - a Shiba Inu they adopted - would at first try to lick up, doing whatever he could in order to cheer his mom up.
(The dog missed Oswald as well; he was mopish and was spending a lot of time staring at the garage door, as if he was expecting he'll manage to get his second own home by sheer willpower.)
At first they weren't planning to get a dog; they never planned anything. The dog showed up in their life because of Bruce Wayne - a man Oswald hated more than anything was very persistent in his attempts to befriend Charlie, blissfully unaware of who stole her heart. One day she told him that no, he can't come over for tea, because her domesticated penguin won't like her.
"Domesticated penguin?" he repeated, visibly surprised.
"I have a puppy, named Pingu." she improvised quickly. "He hates strangers... Especially men."
Charlie loved Oswald - and she knew he loves her back. She knew that Oswald - a hardened criminal, a boxer, an arms dealer, con artist and a killer - is nothing like her well-behaved husband, whom she killed; Harry had been lying to her for months, hiding his treachery behind a mask of a poor boy with heart of gold. After finding out about her doubts regarding him, Oswald - who wanted to get his fortune back and was prepared to do everything in order to achieve it - almost robbed a bank, just to prove her that no, he's not using her for her fortune, that he wants her, and not her money.
She fell for this monster... Maybe not at a first sight; but for sure at a first "you alright?" when they were in bed for the first time, and he just bit her just a tad too hard and her blood was on his lips, and she winced in pain, and he - still holding her hands above her head, just the way she liked it, just the way he liked it - got up a little and looked her in the eye.)
(When is monster not a monster? Oh... When you love it.)
"Monster", people were calling him when he got arrested; "my beloved" she'd call him in hushed whispers, when nobody could hear her. This murderer was kissing her in the morning and was making her scrambled eggs and was arguing about the second season of Twin Peaks with her and was listening to her emotional thouths on House of Cards. She loved Oswald and all his baggage - all the darkness, all the sins, the past, the future, the present. Maybe he was a monster - but he was her monster. And she knew this beast is not going to hurt her.
(Oswald was proudly parading around with his sins and his darkness exposed; and she preferred it over people who were hiding their demons. She preferred Oswald and his honest "yes, I killed the mayor and I enjoyed every single moment" over Harry Spencer, whose honeyed smile and warm eyes were hiding cold, venomous indifference and greed.)
So when it became clear that Penguin is escaping from Arkham Asylum - that he's coming home (his arms wrapped around her feel like home, his presence fills her with familiar warmth) - Charlie first danced a triumphant dance around her living room, wearing only Oswald's shirt and boxers, slightly confused Pingu jumping and barking around her.
"Oz is coming home, Pingu!" she informed the dog joyfully, to which he tilted his head and wagged his tail. "You hear? Oz is coming back!"
In response, the dog barked.
Next Charlie did some laundry - just in case - and went to the grocery store, where she bought out their entire supply of camembert. Oswald loved camembert; she never understood this love, but something was telling her Arkham never gave him a chance to indulge in his favorite culinary disaster.
(She also bought champagne, strawberries, peanut butter cookies and a whole lot of other things he liked.)
And then... She waited. She waited for the moment when Oz would barge into her home, bringing the smell of danger and death and blood of the innocent with him. She waited to hear his voice and his awful cockney, here and there sprinkled with Polish.
("I grew up among the Poles! They took me in... Apparently by their standards I'm a delight."
"Mmm. Not only by their standards.")
*** Finally the moment came. Oswald - with his heart in his mouth and and his mask under his shoulder and some blood smeared on his face - put his hand on the doorknob and pushed.
The door weren't closed; why would it be? Charlie stopped locking the door the moment she heard about the events at Arkham Asylum.
Pingu grew during those six months; but he still had that familiar spark in his eye and still very obviously loved Oswald a lot, considering how he started to instantly and adamantly demand love and attention from him.
All the lights were turned off in Charlie's home in Crest Hill when Oswald showed up for the first time in six months. He put his mask down on a kitchen table and turned around, to go up the stairs, where he was sure his beloved is, fast asleep-
Charlie was standing at the top of the stairs, staring at Oswald downstairs. Her sight stole the air out of his lungs; she was more beautiful than he remembered, with her hair messy and her eyes sleepy and the skin of her cheek slightly red and her night gown sliding off her right shoulder.
(Oswald Cobblepot was standing downstairs and he was staring at her without a word, blood smudged on his face. He looked almost as beautiful as he did when they first met; moonlight was luminating his face and even from the distance Charlie could see his stubble he loved to tease her skin with and a scar on his nose she loved to kiss and his eyes, focused and serious.)
"Hey, darling." he finally softly said and Charlie ran down the stairs crying and threw herself into his arms, tightly wrapping her arms around his neck and desperately kissed him, not minding the blood and ash he was covered with.
All of Oswald's doubts vanished without a trace when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.
Gotham City was in a state of red alert and the flames were still dancing in Arkham Asylum and Batman was carefully listening to Jim Gordon's every word on the roof of the police station and Joker and Two Face started to argue over leadership in their group of runaways, but none of this mattered, everything could wait till dawn.
"Did you miss me?" Oswald whispered between kisses, to which Charlie scoffed.
"Every day." she whispered back eventually and Penguin smiled with poorly hidden satisfaction.
They were together again, they were still in love and that was all that mattered to them, on their tiny island among the crashing waves.
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luckyventblog · 5 years
Starting off strong
If you are reading this and somehow find interest in this blog, please read the description on my page and follow the rules. I will take no hesitation to block anyone who feels like this is a place they can just dick around and be hazardous to my health.
I prefer if people don't ask for any information that might help someone identify me or people in my life. I will be using false names for recurring "characters," but otherwise, please don't request that information. If I someday feel the need or want to identify myself, then I will do so on my own accord, not per request.
Moving on...
I created this blog to help with some stress that I have been accumulating over the past years, and more specifically, the past months because of work stress and general life stuff. I am horrible at managing my own stress to the point that my physical health is taking the toll. To give some context, I currently experience cold symptoms 24/7 unless I magically have a good day where my nose isn't fucked (I can't even blow my nose without sneezing roughly 10 times) and my head clear. I rarely get more than 8 hours sleep, even on my days off (which mind you are few and far between given I have 2 full time jobs.) For even more context, I used to be someone who was active in being outdoors (not like hiking mountains, just walks, camping and fishing and such) without allergies or health problems. I also ate a great deal and would cook often. This is all stuff about my general well being so far and if I miss stuff, I will probably fill it in eventually... When I remember.
Now, I rarely have time to go on walks, I haven't been camping or fishing in almost 5 years, and I rarely cook. These things may not seem like a big deal to miss out on, but to me, these things were what made my life happier and healthier. Again, this is my vent blog, so fuck off if you think my problems are miniscule. Write your own blog if you think it's a competition and I'll gladly never see it.
On the topic of memory, I have days where I can remember the color of someone's eyes that I made less than a seconds eye contact with at the retail store I work at and can later recall every detail about them from skin color to clothing to, if I got close enough, what perfume/cologne they wore. Other days, I can barely retain a short thought that I had literally moments before. I've been told by customers and co-workers that I had said things before or asked them a question already and not have a single memory of doing so. I repeat myself often because I can't remember what I already said, but also because of emotional trauma that caused me to have a habit of repeating myself to get my point across and my words heard.
Now we get into the gritty shit.
Currently, I am 22 and am working 2 full time jobs to help support my teenage sister who is still in school and my alcoholic mother. We, my sisters and I, have been dealing with our mothers addiction since before we realized what alcoholism even was. My parents were divorced when I was young, but not too young to where I don't remember how things were like. My father was abusive and dangerous, my mom often describing him as the Joker from Batman. I have heard a multitude of stories of how many vehicles he has ruined and how many times he has either been in jail, fought someone, or done anything remotely violent or crazy. Lo and behold, he also was an alcoholic.
My mom, after divorcing my dad, took to drinking wine or vodka to cope with raising 3 kids on her own and dealing with the possibility of him coming back. Through the years as we got older, her condition deteriorated to the point where now she binges every month or so for about a week or two. When she is sober, she is honestly one of the best people I know, hence why I have stuck it out this long taking care of everything for her. Fast forward a decade or so with many traumatic and emotionality manipulative events later, my sisters and I found ourselves with a bum mom who had lost her job due to a DUI and was relying on her kids to take care of her. My first job had been gotten in order to keep the lights on in the house, but as a few months rolled by, we found that it wasn't enough and we were going to be forced to foreclose. Quick sold our house, stayed with relatives for a summer and into fall so we could continue to go to school before my mom got us kicked out and we had to find a place in the spring of my senior year in highschool. Since then, I have attempted to go to college in the hopes of getting a bachelor's degree and making money, but quickly got burnt out working and trying pursue a degree I had no passion for other than money. I fortunately was able to get an associate's degree so that I wouldn't waste my scholarships that I had worked so hard for in highschool and now I am working 2 jobs to support one of my sisters and my bum mom.
There are things I'm sure I've missed (or repeated) or just didn't go into detail on, but this is a "brief" summary of how my life got to where it is today. Fortunately, I have a loving boyfriend who honestly has kept me alive throughout the years cuz I surely would have committed suicide long ago without him. I also have wonderful friends who, although few, have also kept me alive these past years.
Not everything is rock bottom, but again, this blog is going to exist to help me cope with some of the bad and awful so I can move towards the good and great.
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myapogee · 7 years
I saw Lego Batman yesterday and really loved it but also parts of it kinda got me melancholic so here’s me saying dumb things about myself as well as some movie spoilers so dont read more if you havent seen it yet and care
they did a good job with the character development / theme of batman being afraid of starting a new family bc he’s scared of losing them. and that hit me fairly hard. him eating alone, watching tv alone, working alone etc. i could relate.
and it just made me face my ever present version of his fear. batman’s afraid he’ll lose important ppl by them dying. which makes sense even more with him as batman than as a child bc his allies become a target, they go into battles where they arent guaranteed to come out alive. needless to say, the ppl around me aren’t anywhere near as likely to die out of the blue. but even if they were. thats not what im afraid of.
when someone dies it is generally not their fault. they dont mean to hurt you, it wasnt their choice or your choice and theres usually nothing you could have done to change it. but ppl can leave your life in other ways than dying. constantly, people choose to leave others behind. they mean to hurt you, someone is to blame, and there are things that could have been done to change it. when someone dies, yeah, it’s sad. but death is a necessary part of the universe, it has to happen to everyone and for myself its not exactly as if i’m all that opposed to dying anyways. point is, losing someone in any way is sad. but losing them when youve hurt each other. losing them even though theyre still alive and well somewhere you could just drive to. you could walk right up to them and see how happy they are without you, happier without you. 
i have my family downstairs. my parents and my sister. and i see them a few times a week, esp on weekends since i have nothing at all to do. and the way our family is, its unthinkable any member(s) could really abandon any other(s). even if i did come out of the closet to my parents, they wouldnt kick me out im sure. im sure theyd say theyre fine and encourage me or whatever. but id still know. id know they dont mean. id know i disappointed both of them. i know bc my dad has specifically told my sister and i “of course we’d be fine if either of you were gay... we’d just prefer it if you were straight, haha”. i know bc my mom has specifically shed be uncomfortable at a gay wedding, and when my sister and i tried to call her out on it, saying “that line of thought is just like ppl who used to be ‘uncomfortable’ with a white person and a black person getting married” and she scoffed and said it “wasn’t the same thing” and i insisted it was. you dont just forget that and move on. you dont just bring it up and have them say theyve changed or that they didnt mean it or anything like that bc how, how can you believe them? how can you trust them after that??? how could i be myself around them when in college my mom went through a list of the girls i knew trying to figure out if i was interested in any of them. who told me she wasnt worried about the possibility of me being gay bc she knew i had crushes on girls in elementary/middle school.  and you know what my sister’s pretty great. but now i have to be fucking wary of her bc she looked through my blog (before my name change, HENCE MY NAME CHANGE) without my permission but more specifically WHEN I TOLD HER NOT TO FOLLOW IT and then found on my art blog a self portrait of myself in more feminine clothing (hardly, even? a floral shirt. like. they make that for men! i saw them while working at sears! i would love to wear why more feminine shit than that, but man even just this one thing-) and asked if i was gender fluid. and you know what? i denied it bc maybe i am a little though id like to support the notion that clothing shouldnt be so gender biased BUT IF I WANT TO TELL YOU I AM GENDER FLUID or nonbinary or ANYTHIGN like that, i will TELL YOU IN PERSON. you are NOT to find out by SKULKING my BLOG.
i have a friend who lives p close and a friend who lives way far and i appreciate them so much i really do (though distance is always really tough for me). but im not... great... at being a friend. bc i grew up so ingrained with the knowledge that all friends always leave. and when that happens its going to hurt. and the number of days spent hurting after they leave will be much more the number of days spent smiling while they were there. mathematically, its no contest. friends arent worth having. and family? im scared. i cant be... who i am... with them here. and i cant leave them either. id have no one. bc theyre the only ones who cant leave me just like i cant leave them. we wont. and at the point where i am now its too late anyways. its not like i can suddenly learn to trust someone. to love someone or support them. im selfish and scared and i stayed holed up and im not going to just... change. i wont. ive known that. for a long time. 
anyways zach galifinakskys has a shitty normie voice and shouldnt have voiced the joker. like if hes going to voice the joker he can at least TRY to sound more eccentric, it is way too bizarre hearing that bland voice coming from that particular villain
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lostinneedofhope · 7 years
It was my day off and i was still trying to get mom to let me go with when Andrew went trick or treating. At first she said yes but after talking to david changed her mind. I had waited hours all day to hear from her and ended up sitting in my apartment with a broken heart.
Mom had texted me asking if i want to get Mcdonald’s with her and Andrew for breakfast. I said of course and finished getting dressed. She paid and even slipped me a $50 since I was broke. She only texted me because David had gone to his wife’s house to fix something. So he wasn’t around to yell about it. I got to spend about an hour with him before he went to daycare and I wish it was longer. And like every time i leave him he wants me to stay with him.
A few days before i had to take Roger (Merrecede and Ashley’s dad) to the ER since his car wasn’t running and he ended up going to Rochester to be checked out. Well i had to get him that day from Rochester i took Amanda (his girlfriend) with so it wouldn’t be such a boring drive.
It was odd driving back with both if them, i wouldn’t want to do it again. At least he filled my gas tank afterwards
I found out from my brothers (Shawn) girlfriend (laura), that mom (Andrew and David) was going out of town for thanksgiving. Mom didn’t even tell me herself. Before that we were talking about having it at my apartment (even though im broker than a joker at this point).
I spent some time with grandma and watched netflix with her before going over to Merrecede and Ashley’s house for dinner. Their dad was kind enough to invite me over for dinner. I ended up taking the girls to walmart after that for black friday shopping. It might not have been the worse thanksgiving I’ve had but it wasn’t what i had hoped.
I kept getting bit was was actually finding bed bugs from having Merrecede over. Ashley (her sister) was with me that day and was there when i cought 2 of them. I had picked up Alex and after we all went to walmart we went to my moms to get my dads old carpet cleaner so i could try and get rid of the bugs myself. That was the first time I saw Andrew in a month. He was so happy to see me, I wish I could have spent more time with him. Of course when i first walked up to the door before even going inside i could smell weed, that pissed me off. David was the first one to say something about the hickey that Alex gave me weeks before. Of course mom had to start joking about birth control.
I finally got to cleaning my carpets and it took pretty much all day. The carpet cleaner made the whole apartment so hot all my windows were fogged up and it was like a 20 degree difference just between my apartment and the hallway.
Ashley got her own apartment in the sky rise in town. I helped her move, seeing as I was the only one she knew with a van. It took a few loads and we ended up getting ber sister from work and she helped during the last load we did. It was the coldest day of the year and by the end of the night it was snowing.
Mom went in for surgery in the morning. They had found precancerous polyps when doing a yearly check up. I had to work on the register that morning but kept a close eye on my phone just in case. Well David had started texting me and of course before i open it im thinking what happened. Nothing happened to mom, he was harassing me while mom was in surgery so she couldn’t stop him.
While David was messaging me Alex’s baby mama (Corwin) and her girlfriend (Brook) came into the store. They were shopping for Paul (Alex and Corwin’s son) and Corwin told me that paul was diagnosed with autism. Just like Andrew. Naturally i texted Alex right away asking if he knew, because he never mentioned it to me, and he wasn’t told that. She has no idea Alex and I have been hanging out so when she told me before telling him it completely threw me off and pissed him off.
Later when I was on my lunch break mom had woken up and was fine. Doctor actually said it was better than what they thought. I sent her screenshots of the whole conversation from david, she never said much after that. I can’t blame her she just woke up, but after saying she would talk to me later never did and is now ignoring me.
Alex, Merrecede, Ashley and myself went shopping in the morning. Then we ate subway at my apartment and the girls watched Avatar while i dyed Alex’s hair and him and i took a nap. After dropping the girls off that evening, Alex came back home with me for a bit. That night we actually had sex for the first time. I won’t go into details, that’s not what this blog is for.
We had a rain storm for Christmas so instead of bringing grandma over I just brought the food i made over and ate there. I spent most of the afternoon there watching Netflix with grandma. When i went back home i did laundry and watched a Christmas movie. I texted mom that night and she never replied back.
I had the day off since Christmas landed on a Sunday this year. I spent the morning cleaning up my apartment and when i got done went to walmart to get pop. I headed to the library only to find out that they too were closed.
I ended up going to Mcdonald’s and got lunch for Alex and I, and brought it to his work. He mom and another coworker were asking if it was for them then asked why Alex got lunch and not them. He had called me his girlfriend.. We never really labeled our relationship until then. I ended up staying there until Alex got off and while i was there some baby mama drama was going on. So we ended back up at his place first before my place so him and his mom could get a game plan going.
Before I even got to work the social worker who i asked for help from when mom kicked me out messaged me asking if josh was davids son. He had been arrested for domestic violence with his girlfriend and he had even pushed one of her kids. She told me that she was going to flag my moms house (since josh oftens stays there) as her being worried for Andrew.
At this point, I have no idea what this may mean for myself or my family. Still havent heard anything from my mother, probably won’t. Im sure this will start some drama, but with everything I’ve been through this past year this might be the end of it.
I had to work and since Louise was fired about a month back I’ve been filling in a lot on the register. The day went fast at work, i gone through linen and worked the register in the afternoon. After work i picked up Alex and we watched movies waiting for midnight to come. I can finally say i got a new years kiss!
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