#motivation faded in and out
oneriderratbug101 · 1 month
Alright so, in part because I see my tempest post gaining some traction, I want to talk for a second about Wizard101's aoe meta.
Nono come back, I see you walking away already, this isn't just going to be a rah aoe bad aoe meta bad post. There are way too many pieces of content about this issue that don't actually make any points and just say the issue is there. We know the issue is there, we all feel it, that's why a shitpost where I spent 5 minutes manually typing out the word tempest (that's right, not a single word was copy pasted) is doing so well right now.
Part 1 - Why hasn't anything been done?
I'm going to say it right off the bat, I don't think a lot of us really tend to think about how much of a nightmare aoe must be to balance. In the current state of the game, aoe is basically necessary for quality of life. This raises what seems like one of the biggest dilemmas in balancing history though- there is no middle ground for these spells. The only point in which these spells would be nerfed enough for the community to not spam is if these spells were made practically unusable. Because of the unique amount of time battles take in a turn based mmo vs literally any other mmo, using single target spells can feel like it takes forever, and is wildly inefficient. Other games with more traditional gameplay loops can make up for aoe's effeciency by having it in a middle ground, but because we have long turn based instances rather than open world quick fights as our main battles, if the aoe is in a "middle ground" we will still spam it as if it's op. There isn't a pure balancing fix to the aoe problem. In order to fix the aoe spells from a game design perspective, a system is going have to be added, changed, or the entire gameplay loop get reworked. Needless to say, that's probably not happening, and I can't really blame KI on that one.
Part 2 - What's the problem?
Alright, so we've established that, for the forseeable future, an aoe dominated metagame is here to stay. However, aoe makes up an incredibly small portion of the vast array of spells we can obtain. Not even just wiping off single target spells from the table, for efficiency's sake, the main aoe spells used are ones we obtain relatively early on in the game. This branches into two very heavily interwoven problems I've seen a lot of people reblogging the original tempest spam bring up.
This aoe domination greatly thwarts gameplay diversity. That's the main appeal of the post that started this all, really. It becomes a chore to play the game after a while when all it boils down to is the same exact gameplay loop you have been using for years, with no change despite the addition of more and more spells into your repetoire. It becomes tiring, and it makes the obtainment of new spells lose a lot of excitement, getting not only in the way of fun gameplay but also in the way of core progession mechanics. Other games can avoid this issue becoming too large, as the traditional MMO combat style puts you in more control of your character and adds another layer of enjoyment to be had through that. In Wizard101 I have to take drawn out turns to do combat, where in traditional MMOs you have a chance at getting a bit of a rush from the more involved, faster paced button spams. Now, from here, you can bring up the fact that card games have been around for ages and have been able to avoid gameplay loop issues like this for a good chunk of that time, and I will meet you with a
????? Card games have had balancing issues for ages and many people struggle to get into and stay in the hobby, they've got their own thing going on
But yes, I will agree that despite having their own problems, card games can generally avoid the issue of gameplay loop growing too large through being PVP. That's right, all of you Wizard101 PVP mains out there, congratulations, you've managed to avoid this problem! I'm sure Wizard101 PVP has its own problems though. Regardless, let's get into what PVP brings to the gameplay loop table. As opposed to PVE where you face a semi-predictable AI, in PVP you will be put against another real person, formulating new strategies, using a deck you might not know about, and using spells in a more random/unpredictable pattern. PVP has the benefit of novelty, forcing you to strategize differently across your battles, and to think hard about your opponent's next move every time.
I'm not claiming PVE doesn't have anything like this! Just that in the core gameplay of an MMO, which typically consists of a lot of general mob battles, this battle novelty typically isn't all too present.
We're missing out on a lot of cool spells! Animations, art, sound design, game design, etc, all of that work poured into these spells and we're just tossing them on the ground like that scene from Toy Story! This sentiment was lost in reblogs as I put it in the tags of the tempest post, but I LOVE storm! The ocean themes, general water themes, and of course actual storm themes hit their mark incredibly well for me! And I feel the same about every other school, as well! Tempest was merely an easy vessel for this message, as it's the most stereotypically spammed aoe. As I said before though, when all you're using is the same spell, a certain excitement surrounding the game leaves. I feel we have gone from seeing new spells and going "That's so cool, I can't wait to use it!" to seeing them and going "That's so cool, I wish I had a chance to use it!".
Part 3 - Why is this a problem? (E.g. why not just use whatever spell you want?)
You, balance wizard reading this: when's the last time you've heard something to the tune of "just blade me"? How did that make you feel? Did that extend to other parts of your gameplay? To expand on this, anyone who isn't fire or storm, has Wolf Stormblade ever told you that you can't hit? That you deal no damage? Told to just support or pass? Even fire wizards are sometimes subject to this!
The chances are, a lot of people don't realize how much of an effect the community has on their gameplay. I've even encountered this as early as Unicorn Way, but people care about the meta. You're going to play with people, and a lot of this playerbase can tend to treat their own word as law, and so you will have the meta drilled into you. Hell, sometimes their "meta" is less efficient or just straight up worse than your plan. Putting that aside though, opinions turn into "facts", they then circulate, and then you have been pressured to play a specific way. Before I continue, I'd like us to remind ourselves that this is NOT League of Legends, and that at its core this is an all-ages game in a humorous fantasy setting, and that some of us might be taking PVE gameplay a little too seriously. That being said, I get it though! Circling back to an earlier point, this gameplay loop can be absolutely numbing! Of course after 80 battles against Malistaire just trying to get that one drop you want everyone around you to play with maximum efficiency! It's impossible to always keep in mind that some people might be trying to experience these parts of the game you might have already experienced as much as you can! And in a way, it makes sense, why would we roughly double our already extended battle times through not playing aoe? Metas get popular because they work. They work extremely well. Under Wizard101's current combat system, which is a large part of why I love Wizard101, single target spells are rarely a better option, and instead cost me multiple more minutes in my day.
The next suggestion would usually be to solo, however:
A: Not all content can be soloed, you WILL have to encounter another player at some point, and it will usually be in a setting where these types of players congregate most.
B: Even if more challenging content CAN be soloed, you have to play extremely to the meta, defeating the point of soloing here.
C: This is an MMO. A core part of it is inherently community and other players. Why am I only allowed to have fun while lonely?
Unless you come upon a rare chance and find the perfect group of people, you can't consistently play Wizard101 the way you want. And the problem is much larger than the aoe spells.
So, we have acknowledged we all understand the problem and have feelings one way or another about it. We have described why nothing has been done about it, and what the problem really is. We've gone into the community pressures, incentive to self, and damage to gameplay options regarding aoe and a greater meta. I've also done my best to show that this problem runs deeper and is harder to avoid than you may think. So, what's my big suggested change for Wizard101 and KI to fix this problem?
Nothing. That's right, all this for me to suggest nothing. Unless a lot of random reworks somehow magically make things better, this isn't changing. I don't even necessarily want the reworks, either. This problem is just here. I guess the only actually meaningful call to action would be please, regardless of whether it's Wizard101, some other game, or even just life in general, be mindful of the experiences of others. You may be beating that boss for the 80th time today, but this might be a teammate's first encounter with it. You may be jaded and want to do things as fast as possible, but try your best to remind yourself not to take the sparkle out of the eyes of someone enjoying themselves. Remember- you always matter, and whether or not that's going to be positive or negative is in your hands.
Maybe our game gets better, maybe we get better, or maybe some secret third option happens. It doesn't even matter too much to me, despite this lengthy post. I just wanted to get my thoughts on this issue out there.
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toadboat · 7 months
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When they do, I'll be right behind you.
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chipjrwibignaturals · 4 months
you see i love to watch jrwi but i fucking hate starting an episode of jrwi
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My entry for @sketchbookweek Day 3 for the prompt - Sun & Moon 💫🪐
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beeapocalypse · 7 months
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^ GAH !
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^ GAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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louisdelac · 5 months
WELL i drew my first charoum, but he has no shading because. i don't want to. that's something for the me who's practiced in the future to tackle. the me who didn't have to google "how do you erase in procreate". the me who didn't spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to move layers around. etc.
okay things that i learned during this exercise: 1. i hate the brush that i used. pick a better brush. this matters. 2. better to have 8000 layers than to fuck yourself by wanting to change your character's skin color, only to realize you also drew his hair outline on that layer. 3. you can't just draw a bunch of lines for hair. you actually need to lineart that. i didn't do that here. which is why it. uh. looks like that. hehe <3
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okay that's it <3 he's watching gorty (currently on hour 34 of no sleep) almost blow his hand up because he fucked up one of the arcane components of a steel watch prototype. yes charoum knows healing word. no he has never once used it on anyone.
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orcelito · 9 months
Ykno, I think this is my first ITNL reread since things got... really bad for me
I've gotten to the parts I was working on during All Of That, and it's kind of distracting... 10 through 13 especially was......... rough.
I'm always gonna be remembering what my life was when I read these chapters, huh? It's just never gonna go away.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#i posted chapter 11 right before my uncle's health took a turn for the worst#so i remember being in the hospital room & rereading it#then i posted chapter 12 before visiting him in the little home setup he had#so i remember researching the effects of electrocution while sitting in the room with him & planning out chapter 13#(which ended up being chapters 13 and 14. since it ended up Long.)#and chapter 13. i finished that chapter literally the day before i last saw him.#so i was reading and replying to comments while sitting by his side.#i was so preoccupied with poking on my phone i hadnt registered how much more subdued he was than the week before#barely talking. it was mostly an extended house visit. & i did what i always do and faded to the background.#i said goodbye to him. and the next day he was dead.#and im just... always going to remember these things. im always going to remember where i was when writing these.#chapter 14 took so damn long because i was so... depressed. oscillating wildly between manic and depressed#no real writing motivation...#and now here i am. fixing up a bunch of little mistakes throughout the whole fic. and taking a while because of it.#working on picking myself off the floor. regaining my motivation for the fic. fixing the things i didnt do so well on#because of the Everything that my life was...#15 and on will hopefully be a new period of my life. something hopeful. something engaging.#i want to stop being so... desolate. im really trying.#so. enthusiasm! yay! im working on it.#in the meantime im gonna be walking down memory lane. and so it goes.#negative/#death ment/#yyyeah#side effect of putting so much heart into my writing. it's inevitably going to leave markers of where i was at every point.#this can be a good thing and a bad thing. for This... it's... maybe not bad exactly. but difficult.#oh well. im just going to try my best...
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rotblume · 7 months
Why the heck keeps my line fade-in/fade-out and pen pressure-sensitivity shutting off?
My drawing tablet and software are fine, just yesterday everything was working perfectly. Then in the evening I got the BSOD for no discernible reasons and did everything necessary to get my PC running again for Uni, including restart, newest updates, virus & storage check etc pp and everything was good again - apart from me starting to hate Windows yet a little bit more for failing me once again - and now I wanted to sketch something and BAM - gone.
When I dug out my tablet and downloaded new software a couple months ago after several years of no digital (and barely any traditional) art, it took me 3 hours to get those functions set up, because even then Windows was fucking with me and I had to try every possible solution on the Internet to activate them, so now I have no idea what combination actually worked and did it the last time. What the hell Windows, are you not making enough problems for me as is?
I finally had some motivation and energy to create art. I do not have the motivation or time to deal with this shit. I'm really starting to think about switching away from Windows. And thinking about replacing my 10 year old beginner's tablet for a more professional one, preferably with display, but perhaps now even completely stand-alone.
Maybe I can at least get my frustration out, by writing a couple hundred words that is, cause at the moment I simply don't have the space to work on some traditional art piece. After all, I have to make full use of any painless day I get and the motivation to create something - even if it was visual art I had in mind, not writing some complex story and thinking about character development and where to go from that scene I've been stuck at, but unless someone on here knows what the matter is, I will have to deal with the art issue another time.
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beccabear93 · 1 year
Started bullet journaling just for the hell of it. Figured I’d give it a shot, like I have a dozen other forms of journaling that all got dropped sooner or later and usually just made me feel more depressed. Was not expecting the impact that it’s had on me in less than two weeks: I’m recognizing all the little accomplishments that I manage on a daily basis, feeling more focused and getting more done, and actually feeling more motivated to start working toward goals that I’ve spent years saying, “It’d be nice if that happened someday...” about. Things like applying to grad school and writing a novel. Turns out, it’s a lot less intimidating to get started when you break things into small chunks... and then figure out how to break those chunks into even smaller chunks that you can start on right away.
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applsidra · 8 days
Utapriiiiii utapriii UTAPRIII oooooughhhhg utapri... me gatchas.....
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mstopportunity · 16 days
Very frustrating: An otherwise good fic grossly misunderstands the canon motivation of the character it's trying to fix.
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ranger-kellyn · 20 days
gonna make myself absolutely garf from having to write a new script section for getaway car for the first time in yEARS.. .
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beeftaquito · 24 days
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oceanxveiined · 9 months
Her obsession with the sea an all things related all stemmed from her mother. On her kinder days, Morjena would constantly reminisce about her youth in Natlan, talking about her homeland near crystalline, azure waters. Of how much she missed the place itself, even while hating everyone she knew, and her lack of success and status there. The longing in her mother’s voice and, later on, the more Danae herself saw out pictures of that place, the more enraptured by the idea of it Danae became. She absorbed her mother’s love for the sea and to this day, will go out of her way to see it if given the right opportunity.
#hc#//Straight up centered her Whole personality & goals around her mama’s longing as a kid; out of love#//Then slowly weaned off it when her brother came into the picture & became her new motivation; faded near fully in Akademiya days then BAM#//Returned full force before mellowing out Just a bit in the present—she’s still v partial and themed to it though; by choice#v; intertwined fates (genshin verse)#//It’s particularly why she loved Inazuma the most of all the places she’s been to#//Then becomes very partial to Fontaine when she gets there#//As a child; her big dream had been to see the sea with Morjena—maybe her mom would be happy and change to her old self again if they did#//Then it had been to see it with her brother; bc that meant they were far away from her mother; and thus FREE#//Then she completely forgot about that dream when her obsession/Akademiya days happened; much too busy to indulge in that#//She only remembered it when she was stationed in Inazuma during her time with the Fatui#//Bc she got SO childishly happy and obsessed anew with the idea of the sea; of BEING so close to it; actually SEEING it; at long last#//That she nearly forgot her whole purpose in even being sent over in the first place#//Still; she kept going back to it during carefully allotted free time she would give herself#//Treats for good progress and morale#//Then began to save it for when she could sneak her test subject (read: her then best friend) out for Enrichment#//And fun times#//This is a good way to ensure she gets a break—suggest a beach day#//Won’t work 100% of the time; but IS at least enough to make her Consider a break#//Then either HAULS ASS to advance her work/research or declines; depending#//Secretly dreams of retiring to a seaside home at the very end of her life#//Though she knows it’s more likely she’ll end up dying in battle or otherwise mid-search than ever reaching that#//Lil lore tidbits bc there’s no room in her condensed bio to explain why she is Themed like that
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slvttyplum · 26 days
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having sex with toji made you shy, to the point where you were covering up your face and moans, trying not to embarrass yourself, and clenching up from his every touch. toji didn't like that; he liked when you got out of control, where you were clinging onto him and telling him what pace to go, how to do something, and where to touch you, your loud moans slipping through the cracks of your bedroom door.
he wanted that and more. he didn't want you to cover your beautiful face and try to suppress your moans; it made him feel weird, like he was having sex with the mattress beneath him. he wanted you to be loud and tell him what to do, so in order for you to do that, he would put you on top so that you had no choice but to take control and not cover up your face. 
as much as he wanted to take control and slam his hips into you and push into your sweet spot to the point you're clinging and squirting on his dick, he just couldn't bear to be shy while he was beating your pussy in; it wasn't ideal for him, so this is all he could do: have you take control.
it obviously worked because once your hips got rolling and your hands were sat on top of his chest, there was no stopping you; all you needed was a little bit of motivation and his dick poking your sweet spot repeatedly for you to finally give up the shy girl act.
he knew that once you got on top, there was no stopping you, your ass bouncing on top of him while you moaned in his ear and blabbered in his ear about how good you felt. you would get so high on pleasure that drool was falling out, and you were saying all kinds of shit and didn't recall anything the next day. 
he saw the potential you had whenever you were on top of him, bouncing on his dick with no plans of stopping, so he wanted you to keep going so that you wouldn't be covering up your face while he dug you out. taking your hands and putting them above you as he kissed you, his tongue filling your mouth, low moans sliding into his mouth making him smile, only making his dick fill out your pussy more. 
"keep going, baby; there you go." watching how you slid up and down on his dick while your head was hanging back and one of your hands on his chest lightly pressing down as you lifted your hips and the other rubbing over your breast lightly grazing over your nipples. the pleasure was so overwhelming that covering your face or suppressing your moans were out of the question; you had no choice but to moan and throw your head back. 
once toji realized just what he had to do to make you not cover up your face or hold in your moans, he would just turn around and put you on top of him and push his hips into you, so that he would get control again while there was no place for you to run or cover your face up. when you were on top, it was easier for his dick to poke your sweet spot back and forth with no breaks, so the pleasure was more overwhelming.
as much as you wanted to freeze up and hide your face, you just couldn't; the overall hold his dick had on you was too much for you to ignore or try to push off. your body knew what you really wanted, what you craved and ached for, and what had your pussy clenching around him to orgasm.
both your body and toji worked together to betray you, but god, did you thank them for this? when you were covering up your face and moaning, you couldn't focus on the pleasure. you were so worried about covering up everything that you didn't have time to submerge yourself in the pleasure toji was giving you, and he couldn't have that.
once he started having you on top of him, the habit of covering yourself up along with your moans faded away. he could flip you in all kinds of positions and have you begging for more. toji made sure he saw your every expression when he was inside of you.
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yawnderu · 6 months
''It doesn't mean anything.'' He says, as if waiting to come back home to you isn't what he holds onto like a lifeline during missions, using it as his motivation to stay alive and be careful, as you always sternly tell him to whenever he has to leave for deployments.
It doesn't mean anything, yet he's holding onto the small letter you gave him the first time you confessed, bloodied hands grasping at the paper so hard it feels like it'll merge with his skin.
It doesn't mean anything, yet you're the only thing in his mind when he starts to fade fast. Who's gonna take care of you? Who'll hold you the same way he does? Who's gonna have late night conversations with you? Who's gonna love you the same way he does? He forces himself to stay with it no matter how much blood he's losing, barely managing to grumble out something on comms, allowing Johnny to drag him out of the gunfire by the vest.
It doesn't mean anything, yet once he wakes up and realizes he's awake, he finds the letter clutched tightly in his hand, not even the medics being able to take it from him.
It doesn't mean anything, yet as soon as he's given the green light to leave and recovery time by Price, he's knocking on your door, shaky hands fidgeting with the flowers he bought for the first time. Simon doesn't shake.
It doesn't mean anything, yet he spends hours holding you close to him, whispering sweet nothings and promises of the future for so long that you think he's about to drop dead at any moment.
It doesn't mean anything, yet he's fully naked, balaclava taken off as well as he thrusts into you slowly, making sure you can feel every single inch of him, one of his hands cupping your cheek while the other one is cradling the back of your head, making sure you're not getting hurt.
''That's it, love...'' He whispers into your ear, planting gentle kisses over your face as he thrusts deeper and faster into you, dark pubes pressing onto your clit as he makes love to you, feeling connected to you in a way he never felt before.
''My pretty girl.'' He praises as he looks down at you, brown eyes holding nothing short of pure adoration, praises slipping out of his lips like a prayer that has been passed down for thousands of years, forcing his eyes to stay open as you come undone, cunt tightening up around his fat cock and face contorting in pure bliss. He cums soon after, burying himself to the hilt as he shoots ropes into you, low groans coming out of his lips before he presses them on yours, holding you as close as possible even minutes after your orgasms.
It means everything to him, the way you look at him like he's worth something, how you take care of him despite knowing he's capable of taking care of himself, the surprise and happiness in your face when he drops to one knee, asking you to be his wife.
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