#naruto x reader imagines
forthereaderinserts · 2 months
Naruto: So, Kakashi-sensei, how did you fall in love with Y/n-sensei?
Kakashi: Our eyes met…and everything else was fleeting.
Sakura: Y/n-sensei, how did you meet Kakashi-sensei?
You: oh, we were kids and I punched him. He looked at me weird.
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uchiha-archives · 5 months
Eternal Love
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Summary: Nobody loves as intensely as an Uchiha, and no Uchiha loves as intensely as Uchiha Madara. He will bring this world to its knees just to avenge her and to be reunited with her again, and as far as he’s concerned, he will succeed. Damn anyone who dares to get in his way.
Genre: Marriage!AU, Established Relationship!AU, Uchiha Couple!AU, Reanimation Jutsu!AU, Fluff!AU, Fluff-Smut!AU, Angst!AU (Barely Any Angst, Just Some Sprinkles - Happy Endings All Around)
Pairings: Uchiha Madara x Wife! Reader, Uchiha Madara x Uchiha! Reader
Warnings: Possessiveness/Protectiveness (Very Mild), Death and Mentions of Death (Mainly Flashbacks), Reanimation of the Dead, War/Conflict (No Matter the Era), Fighting/Mild Violence
Word Count: 8,303
Written: October 27th, 2023, Posted: November 30th, 2023
When you opened your eyes, you weren’t expecting to be greeted by a boy you didn’t recognize with red eyes that you just knew were the Sharingan.
You instinctively raised your guard and as soon as you could feel yourself get in full control of your body you activated your own Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and took a step back, ready to counter if necessary. You had to be prepared, - your vision was still blurry from being woken up and everything was still slightly disorienting even with the Sharingan but you couldn’t let your opponent see that.
Once your vision started to come back into focus you took a quick look around your surroundings and saw Hashirama and Tobirama, standing alongside who you knew to be Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, and a blonde man you didn’t recognize. A little further behind were a few more people you also didn’t recognize, but the hand sign that the pale one held in place let you know that they were one to reanimate you.
You let go of the annoyance you felt at someone using that Jutsu and refocused, looking until your gaze found the boy from earlier whose red eyes you woke to. What you saw made you let out a small gasp. “… Izuna…? Is that you, Izuna?” You took a small step further, your brows furrowing, before you paused. “No, your Chakra is different. But there’s no denying, you look just like him.” You spoke with a small smile on your face, stepping a little closer. You knew it was mostly impossible to see Izuna in the world of the living again but this boy’s face gave you a large burst of optimism.
“Just as smart as I’ve read you to be, the great Uchiha Y/N. You’ve already read everyone’s Chakra signatures beforehand to be prepared in case of battle. What a brilliantly tactical move, as expected from your caliber.” You looked back towards the pale man with the long black hair, your anger growing again before you narrowed your eyes at the younger Senju brother.
“Tobirama,” your voice was calm but extremely firm, “I thought I told you never to use this Jutsu. I also recall telling you that this should never be documented. For this exact reason,” you emphasized. You created the Reanimation Jutsu. It was something you made in a dark time of your life that still hurt you to think about.
It was lovely in your ancestral Uchiha home, passed down from your family for as long as they could remember. It was the same house you lived in with your husband. You enjoyed the happiness that you felt every day, until it felt like it just started to go down from there. Your clan always at war with the Senju clan, the death of your brother-in-law that started your husband’s spiral, your husband’s defection from the village, and ultimately, his death. It broke you in more ways than you could explain.
When the Senju brothers came to your home to tell you of your husband’s death, you almost collapsed on the spot in grief and rage. The younger brother starts your husband’s path of revenge by killing your brother-in-law, and the older brother ends it along with your beloved husband’s life. They had officially taken everything from you.
It took a lot of time, and a lot of understanding, but you learned not to blame the Senju brothers for what had happened to Izuna and Madara. It hurt you every single day, but you just learned to live with it, burying yourself in your work and missions to compensate. It was on one of these days where you were working on a new Jutsu that you invented when Tobirama offered to join and help if you taught it to him. You allowed him as he did not ask you any questions, simply offering his presence in your mourning, never questioning your judgement or your decisions.
When you believed the Jutsu to be complete, you could tell immediately that it was not something that should be used. It was cruel in nature and you ultimately felt that it went against your morals and also the way of an honorable Kunoichi. It was a Jutsu that would not let the dead lay in final rest, instead waking them up in a cold and shrewd manner, letting the caster control the freedom of those that have crossed over to another world. It was unnatural, wrong.
You were desperate to bring back your husband, and you were willing to try anything. But this, you remember thinking as you saw your Jutsu at work, this is not how I want him back. And so, you made Tobirama swear to never record it and let this die with the both of you. Nobody needed to know that something like this was ever possible in this world. Clearly, he didn’t listen.
“I told you that that was a bad idea, Tobirama. Although, it is very good to see you, Y/N.” Hashirama let out a laugh as he patted your shoulder, letting Tobirama continue to sulk behind him as he tried to duck away from your glare, - just as intimidating as the rest of your clan, Tobirama rubbed at his neck.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t write down all of it, I made sure I kept it recorded as an incomplete Jutsu just for good measure. I completely removed a few of the sections that took me weeks to figure out. With what was left in the scrolls, nobody should’ve been able to correctly perform it.” Tobirama tried to alleviate his mistake but the pale one spoke again, drawing your eyes to him.
“It was not a hard Jutsu to make sense of, Lord Second.” He smiled in a way that put you on edge, like he was someone to always be wary of. You let it go for now, knowing you couldn’t do anything about it at this moment, and instead embraced Hashirama.
“No point dwelling on it now. It is good to see you, old friend. You as well, Tobirama,” you called out to the younger Senju who gave you a small smile. “Hiruzen, you’ve aged,” you jested as the man you knew to be the admirable Third Hokage let out a laugh.
“And you are just as beautiful as ever, Lady Y/N.” You gave him a gentle smile before turning to regard the man with the blonde hair and the blue eyes. He was new, a man you did not recognize, and yet you could see the trustworthiness in his eyes. He was a good man, you could tell. Not an ounce of malevolence in his Chakra at all.
“I apologize, but I do not recognize you.” You gave him the room to introduce himself.
“Ah!” The man exclaimed before turning around and pointing to the letters on his coat, “I am the Fourth Hokage, Lady Y/N. My name is Namikaze Minato, an honor to meet the Queen of the Uchiha clan in person.” He was a gentle soul. You smiled at him, giving him a gentle bow of your head to show you respected him. He seems like he made an honorable Hokage.
“Eh?!” You all turned your head to see a woman with bright red hair looking at you in shock. A woman of the Uzumaki clan, you assumed from her red-hot hair and her large levels of Chakra. “What do you mean the ‘Queen of the Uchiha clan’?!”
“She’s the legendary Kunoichi, Uchiha Y/N! How can you not tell, Karin?” It was another boy with white hair and sharp teeth that spoke. From Kirigakure, you could tell by his unique features.
“Suigestu is correct, Karin. And another very important fact: She is Uchiha Madara’s wife. Hence the title of Queen.” The Uchiha boy spoke.
“Wait, if you’re the Fourth,” Hashirama started, “then who’s the Fifth Hokage?”
“It’s your granddaughter, Princess Tsunade,” the pale one replied, making you huff out a laugh as Hashirama started sweating. You had good memories of that sweet girl. She was still extremely young at the time of yours and Tobirama’s passing, - far too young to probably have any recollection of you. However, you still appreciated the Senju brothers for treating you like family, and you’ve never forgotten the first moment you held Tsunade as Hashirama asked you to be her godmother. It was a title you took great pride in.
“Tsuna, huh?” Hashirama looked at you sheepishly as you chuckled. “She was my first grandchild, and she was Y/N’s goddaughter. So we both spoiled her rotten. She even picked up my gambling habit, hahahahaha!” You and Tobirama shook your head at the older Senju.
“Alright,” you called out, “enough for now. I have only two things to ask of you.” You took another step forward before pointing to the Uchiha in front of you. “Firstly, who is this boy?” You then dropped your hand back down before addressing everyone. “And secondly, why have you resurrected us?”
“I am Orochimaru, I am the one who resurrected all of you. This boy,” the pale one spoke as he referred to the Uchiha in front of you, “is Uchiha Sasuke. And he has a few questions for all of you.”
“Is that you, Sasuke?” Hiruzen took a step forward. So he’s from Hiruzen’s time, you figured it was during his second time as Hokage as he had quickly filled you in. He seemed extremely young, this Sasuke. You didn’t dwell on it too long when the boy started to ask you and the others questions about being a Shinobi, about being a part of a clan, a part of a village.
You narrowed your eyes at him. He’s seen a lot, and he’s been troubled by a lot. It’s obvious in not only the exhaustion in his eyes but also in the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan you see glowing, - this boy has suffered his whole life. You knew he wanted answers from not just the Hokages but also from you, because as he spoke he maintained clear eye contact with you the entire time. His gaze pleaded for reason, something to hear that would just make sense. For now though, you would let the past leaders of Konoha speak their pieces, - nobody can doubt their experience in these matters.
“Can we please hurry this up? The Fourth Shinobi War is going on and we do not have a lot of time. The sooner you answer Sasuke’s questions the sooner we can be on the move,” Orochimaru stepped up, making Tobirama lose his calm. As quick as always to anger…
“Why are we here answering meaningless questions when we are needed on the battlefield?!” He always needed Hashirama to keep him in check. And he still does, you mused as you watched him finally step away from the wall after a word from his older brother.
“Always conflict no matter what the era,” Hashirama sighed as you gave him an understanding smile. You gave a look back to the group.
“Which nations are fighting this war?” Everyone knew that you and Tobirama perished in the First Shinobi War, and while you were still reeling from the fact that three more happened after it, you also wanted to know the seriousness of it as well as its threat to the Land of Fire and Konohagakure.
“Actually, Lady Y/N…” Orochimaru seemed to hesitate, and he absolutely refused to look you in the eyes. You narrowed your eyes at him before moving them to the young Uchiha who held your gaze instead of cowering.
“Sasuke, tell me what is going on. Now,” you demanded. Sasuke let out a sigh before staring at you for a moment. He spoke calmly, but the news that he delivered was enough to make anyone cower in fear. Not you, though.
“Uchiha Madara,” Sasuke started, “has been revived by the Reanimation Jutsu, and he is currently trying to place the entire world under a Genjutsu of unimaginable magnitude.”
“Why?” Your question was a simple one. “Why is he trying to do this?”
“Uchiha Madara did not, in fact, die during his battle with Lord First.” Orochimaru spoke again. “Instead, he was seriously injured, and lived till the end of his days in hiding. He has had years to plan this battle.”
You looked at him in shock. All this time, he had been alive? Living in hiding? He was alone all this time. You looked down in sadness. We were supposed to grow old and grey together, and yet I die soon and he spends all his years by himself. All your time alive you were grieving what you thought to be the loss of your husband, lashing out and destroying, when instead you could have spent your time with him had you known.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, it was Hiruzen, a man who knew how your mind worked. “There was no way you could have known, my Lady.”
“He has waged a war against all five of the nations. They have come together to form the Shinobi Alliance and now try to fight together against Madara as we speak. He does all of this, for you, my Lady.” You looked at Orochimaru again before looking to Sasuke as if asking if it was true. Sasuke gave you a nod.
“Madara says that he wants to end all wars and all bloodshed. He calls his Genjutsu the Infinite Tsukuyomi, - to put the entire world in a permanent dream state. He is a man that grows angrier and more desperate. He misses you,” Orochimaru said. “And he’s willing to destroy the world for it.”
“His rage is from Y/N’s death in the First Shinobi War,” Hashirama figured out. “Since then, there have been two more that he has observed and so, this fourth one will be Madara’s supposed war to end all wars.”
“The Infinite Tsukuyomi is Madara’s plan to create a world of his own with only love and peace and happiness, as he explained it. He feels rage at the thought of a war being the reason that he lost his brother and then his wife. He believes he can create a better world this way, where everybody can have their own world within consisting of what makes them happiest.” Orochimaru’s explanation was brief and to the point. “His turning point was hearing of your death while he was in hiding, my Lady.”
You put a hand on each of the Senju brothers’ shoulders as you looked back at the boy you’ve come to know as Sasuke. “Alright, let’s tell him what he wants to know. I believe the sooner we explain, the sooner we can help in the frontlines,” you urged the Hokages to sit down beside you. “And the sooner I can see my husband,” you finished off with a smile, making everyone give you an exhausted look. You and Madara were always a love-sick couple, known by those who lived in your time and those who read about you in scrolls and records.
“Alright, we understand what it is you ask us of, young one.” Hashirama always made people feel open to speak their mind. “You want to know about what it means to be a Shinobi? A part of a clan? A part of a village? We’ll tell you.”
You listened quietly as Hiruzen and the two Senjus explained the village’s history to Sasuke, and you watched the changes in Sasuke’s expressions. It also gave you a chance to listen to what has happened since your own passing as well. The stories you heard made you sad. Uchiha Itachi, the man who sacrificed his family and his life for Konohagakure. For Konohagakure and for his little brother. An admirable Shinobi, you agreed. As was the Fourth Hokage and his own wife, giving their lives for the village.
It hurt to know that the boy you saw in front of you was the last of your clan, - an entire bloodline just wiped out. But you respected Itachi for doing the work nobody else was willing to do. He took the fall for the Elders of the village that were too cowardly to even admit to their own actions and decisions. In a way, Itachi reminded you of Madara, willing to sacrifice for his younger brother. Always protecting him, making sure he was safe within the village, helping him grow stronger, trying to lead him on the right path.
You continued to simply listen as Hashirama and Tobirama told Sasuke of the history between the Uchiha and the Senju. He spoke of your husband with the same fondness in his heart that he held for him all those years ago. But when the Hokages were finished, Sasuke sat in silence. He then slowly stood, letting out a sigh before looking at you.
“And what of you, Lady Y/N? You are the only one who has not yet spoken a word to me. I want to hear your opinion.” Sasuke spoke plainly.
“I have seen you listen intently to the opinions of honorable Hokages through the generations.” You spoke as you also started to stand, “What would you do with mine? I was a Kunoichi of Konoha, and I was a wife to a loving man,” you stated with pride making the two you now knew by the names of Karin and Suigetsu in the back of the room look at you with shock. “My experiences are limited to my life, not to the ones of others. I do not see what you would benefit from hearing my thoughts in this situation.”
“You are an Uchiha from legend, from stories that I would hear from my brother very often. You understand love, happiness, the feeling of contentment. You understand desperation, anger, grief, the loss of a loved one. You must have felt pain like mine when you heard of your husband’s death, especially when it came at the hands of Lord First. I want to know what made you stay. Like my brother, you’ve given for the village in blood, and yet you stayed loyal to the very same village until your dying breath. You are drastically stronger than me. You could beat me even without using either of your hands, which means you had the ability to bring the village down if you really wanted to, but you didn’t do it.” You looked at him with a gentle smile before walking up to him and placing a hand on his cheek. He simply stayed staring into your eyes, now black as his without the Sharingan.
“My husband is angry, - broken, hurt. He has lost much in his life. This village has brought me happiness. Hashirama and Tobirama are people I consider my closest friends, and Sarutobi was a brilliant student. All of these make up a village and a Shinobi. Love, bonds, sacrifice, dedication. My husband felt all of these up until he felt like he was cast away by them.” You gently spoke. “I felt the support of my bonds when I was at my lowest, grieving and in rage at Madara being gone.” You turned to look at your friends. “Hashirama and Tobirama may have fought against my husband, but they stood by me when I was alone. I have fought for this village and given it everything that I have. I am nothing without it. But even if I could go back, I would not change that. I found the love of my life in Konoha, and I was able to marry him and lead a happy life until his death. Or rather, what I thought to be his death. I also remember thinking about how I was protecting him with every mission I would take on, no matter how little. Madara has always watched over me, always kept me safe, and it made me happy that by keeping Konoha safe, I was keeping my beloved safe as well, whether or not he ever really needed my protection,” you finished off with a nostalgic laugh.
Sasuke stared at you for a few moments, before suddenly, for the first time since seeing him a couple of hours ago, you saw him give you a small smile. It was heartwarming to see, especially when he looked like the kind of person who rarely smiles. It showed you he understood your words. He could relate. He understood keeping someone’s legacy alive in your heart. He could see it. You knew he could.
“I won’t let what Itachi stood for go to waste. I won’t let Konoha waste away. We’re going to the battlefield.” Sasuke’s eyes shone with determination. A determined and motivated Uchiha is as dangerous to his opponent as he is unstoppable, you knew, and you were proud of this young boy who has learned to work through his conflicts. Your clan was known for burying their emotions deep down as an act of what they thought to be concealing their weaknesses. However in reality, they only make themselves weaker, instead. They forget that their Sharingans are a window into their heart. It reflects the soul and that is how it is not only awakened, but also grown into higher levels, - even the Eternal Mangekyou. They forget what their eyes represent once they awaken their full potential.
“Now we’re talking!” Hashirama was excited. And as you all jumped through the air, you heard him again. “It may sound odd, but I am excited to see my old friend!” Tobirama sighed at his older brothers words while you smiled back at him.
“I understand. It has been decades since I’ve seen my love. I miss him,” you said with a fond smile while the one you’ve come to know as Suigetsu looked at you like you were crazy.
“Forgive me, Lady Y/N, but you talk about him like you guys are love-sick puppies at the Ninja Academy!” Suigetsu let out a breath in absolute disbelief while Tobirama chuckled.
“Madara may be dangerous, and he may be frightening to most. However, seeing him interact with Y/N puts him in a rare perspective that not many have witnessed first hand. This is something even I cannot deny.” Suigetsu shook his head at the Second Hokage’s words and decided that he wouldn’t get it, ever.
Meanwhile, Naruto was letting Sakura heal him when he saw two people land right in front of him. He let out a gasp as he saw his father and a woman. He couldn’t help but stare at her. She was gorgeous, - black hair, black eyes, dressed like a true warrior, proudly wearing the Uchiha symbol- wait what?
He stared in shock as she shared a laugh with his father. “Not bad, Lord Fourth, but I think I beat you by just that little second!” And he couldn’t believe his eyes at his father poking fun back at her.
“Ah, I must be getting old, my Lady.” What?! ‘My Lady?!’ Naruto stayed looking back and forth at the two interacting until his father turned around to regard him. “Naruto! Hope we’re not too late!”
“Nevermind that, Dad! Who is this? Why is she wearing the Uchiha symbol? Is there another Uchiha person alive?! Again?! Why’re you being so formal with her!?!” Naruto’s mind was going faster than his mouth could keep up and it took Sakura giving him a solid knock on the head to make him stop.
“Geez, Naruto! That’s Uchiha Y/N,” she explained as she continued healing him. “She’s known as the Queen of the Uchiha clan, she’s from way before your dad was Hokage. She’s Uchiha Madara’s wife!” That made Naruto freak out again. Why was Sakura so calm about this? Wasn’t Madara’s wife a bad factor to add to this war? Madara was bad enough as it is, and he didn’t want to know what fighting the woman called the Queen of the Uchiha clan would also entail.
“This is why you pay attention during Iruka Sensei’s lectures,” Sakura sighed out before explaining yours and Madara’s past to Naruto as quickly as she could.
As Naruto listened to the end of Sakura’s explanation, he saw the Third Hokage land carefully on his feet. “You’re both as fast as ever, Minato, Lady Y/N.” He then saw who he knew to be the Senju brothers Hashirama and Tobirama also land.
“We never could beat you, Y/N!” Hashirama laughed out as he stood next to his younger brother. Naruto then froze as Y/N turned to regard him, giving him one of the kindest smiles he’s ever seen directed at him in his life, and he knew that that kind of genuineness cannot be faked. You were trustworthy.
“Don’t worry,” you spoke, “your friend is also on his way.” And Naruto closed his eyes. Sasuke. He must have something to do with your reanimation, he knew.
“Hey, um, big sister Y/N?” Naruto called out, making you look at him in shock, a familiar warmth curling into your chest. Nobody had called you that since Izuna, and it brought an involuntary smile to your lips. You gave a nod to encourage him to continue. “Not that I’m doubting you or anything, big sister, but uh, how exactly do you plan on stopping your extremely crazy and concerningly bloodthirsty husband?” You let out a loud laugh at his words while his father panicked at the way he was addressing Madara in front of you. This kid has no filter - doesn’t even know what a filter is - , and you absolutely loved it. He spoke to you as honestly as if you were really his big sister and it made you adore him. If this was Sasuke’s closest friend, then he has chosen well, they are both perfectly balanced halves, like Yin and Yang.
“You have a lovely son, Lord Fourth.” You told a worried Minato before turning back to the blond kid in front of you. “And Naruto, your father told me you wanted to become Hokage. I think- No, I know you will succeed. You have good friends,” you said as you looked around, “and you have a good heart. Not even the sky is your limit, Ninja of Konoha.”
You can tell this kid wears his heart on his sleeve, and so you could have anticipated the hug. What you couldn’t have anticipated was for him to run forward and squeeze whatever temporary life was flowing through you out of your lungs in his hug. Now this was one life-changing hug.
“What on earth did I miss?” You turned to see Sasuke staring at you in amazement. It seems you were a bit of a crowd favourite already, - all of his past comrades from Konoha were gathered around you, looking at you in awe or wonder, sometimes both. He assumes someone, most probably Sakura, must have explained your past and your goals. The initial reaction to hearing your lengthy title and name is always fear, until they have a conversation with you.
“Sasuke!” Sakura shouting out his name had you a little surprised, but as you watched their exchange you could see that the Kunoichi was enamored with him. You left Sasuke and Naruto to their conversation with their friends while you walked over to your own, quickly gauging the battlefield and all of the warriors, - it was an absolute mess. A man by the name of Hatake Kakashi was quick to bring you and the Hokages up to speed on everything that’s happened, including the involvement of another Uchiha by the name of Obito, Lord Fourth’s student.
“As far as I know, however, Obito’s actions are influenced by Madara,” Kakashi explained as he recalled to you and the others what Obito had told him of his survival in a past accident.
“I’m going to go towards the back, I want a larger view of this mess. Just give me a few moments,” you said as you jumped away. Hashirama gave you a quick thumbs up to acknowledge your words as they continued to listen to Kakashi’s information, - the Senju brothers have seen you do this often.
You could see well from your initial spot, but the terrain was uneven and you always worked better once you got a full view of your surroundings with your Sharingan. It gave you better mobility and helped you avoid any hesitation during combat. If you always knew where to step and what direction to move in, you didn’t even have to take your eyes off of the enemy.
This was actually a tactic that you also showed your husband during one of your sparring sessions together. You both would always choose new locations and alternate in memorizing the location. If it was Madara’s turn, you wouldn’t memorize that day’s terrain choice, and vice versa. This helped you both see the difference in combat efficiency. Perhaps that has been far too effective against the Shinobi Alliance, you thought sheepishly as you recalled Kakashi’s words of always seeing Madara have the higher ground in confrontations, looking down on everyone.
As you were letting your eyes memorize the terrain, your heart stopped at a yell you heard. It’s been decades since you’ve heard that voice. And to hear it again in person instead of in your dreams was a breathtaking feeling that you simply could not define, even if it wasn’t directed at you, specifically.
“I’ve been waiting for you, Hashirama!” He called out, and you heard the excitement in his voice. It brought a smile to your face, - those two were always inseparable, it’s nice to see even that cannot change.
Meanwhile, Hashirama looked up to see Madara staring down at him with anticipation. He let out a sigh, is this the time she chooses to disappear? Tobirama, as if reading his brother’s mind, also sighed out. Your timing is impeccable, Y/N.
Where is that woman when you need her? The Senju brothers were really trying to avoid a full out battle with Madara at this point when it was so unnecessary.
Hashirama pointed his finger at Madara as he called out, “I’ll deal with you later!” And the older Senju brother watched as Madara visibly deflated a little in disappointment before patiently sitting down, shaking his head as he did. Some things never change. Hashirama then turned around, pointing his finger at the Ten-Tailed Beast, “First, I have to stop the Ten-Tails, because it’s charging right at us!”
“Where the hell did big sister go?!” Naruto was absolutely stressed knowing the one person who could help stop this now was not here for some godforsaken reason. “She’s the only person who’s going to have any actual effect on Uchiha Madara and she’s just gone?!”
“Stay calm, Naruto,” Minato spoke calmly, “we just have to keep the Ten-Tails occupied. Once she returns we’ll have the extra power and also the weapon to reason with Madara.” He then turned and gave a smile to his son and his son’s friends. “Don’t worry. If she is anything like what I’ve read about her, then Uchiha Madara will listen. So far, she has more than proven herself, and I have faith that she can help. I have also heard from the First and Second Hokages that she is the only human whose opinion and emotions Madara genuinely values.”
“Now, everyone!” Tobirama spoke, “Just hold off until she returns! Keep the Ten-Tails at bay, and do not risk yourself in attempting to counter any of its moves. We simply hold it off for as long as needed!”
Sasuke and Naruto were already off atop their summonings as Sakura stayed behind with her own summoning to heal those that were injured in the area. The rest of their comrades also dispersed to help contain the situation while Madara simply sat atop the cliff, observing their movements. He didn’t bother listening to whatever they discussed, dismissing it as futile attempts to strategize. Naturally, it would fail against me, Madara scoffed out a quiet laugh.
Hashirama thought this would be a good time for him and his fellow Hokages to go and have some semblance of a civil conversation with his old friend while they kept the situation at bay. “Madara!” He called out as him and his comrades landed on the cliff top behind the seated Uchiha.
“Oh? Ready to face me now, Hashirama?” Madara could feel his blood pumping. He’s been dying for a rematch with the Senju man.
“Actually, I wanted to talk. My friend, there is nothing to gain from this.” Hashirama hoped he’d see reason.
“There is everything to gain from this.” Madara countered his friend easily. “In the Infinite Tsukuyomi, there will be happiness. There will be peace. Everyone can love and be loved. How is this reality better than what I am offering?” Madara’s mind was clear.
“It would all still be a fake reality, Madara. None of your experiences would be real. The peace wouldn’t be real. The love wouldn’t be genuine. The happiness? It would be fake!” Hashirama wanted to get through somehow.
Madara was getting frustrated. “At least there would be happiness! At least there would be something worth living for within the Tsukuyomi.”
“There are reasons worth living for in the real world. You fight for them, and you hold on to it. That’s what makes it worth the suffering. There is happiness and love awaiting everyone in this world, Madara, and I thought you would understand that better than anyone else! Everyone that has walked this earth was given something worth living for, and it kept them going till the end of their days. Everyone deserves to experience the real world as it is with all of its ups and downs. That’s what makes it genuine. That’s what gives life value.” Hashirama hoped his friend would understand.
“I had a reason. I had love, happiness. I had it…” Madara looked down for a moment before looking back up again, eyes full of red-hot rage. “And she was taken from me!” He began shouting. “You took her from me! All of you!” He pointed at them, “You took my one happiness and my one love! First, I was separated from her and then you made sure she wasn’t even in the same plane of existence as me! She died fighting for these real experiences of yours. Anything in this world, including these values you preach about, Hashirama, are absolutely worthless without her. She was my only reason. The only one!” The Uchiha took a deep breath, “I refuse to live in any world or any reality without my wife, never again. And any world that has hurt my wife should simply not exist.��� He activated his Susano’o, getting ready to fight, - he wouldn’t hear another word of this. He would not listen to another word defending this monstrosity of a world that took his beloved wife from him. His soulmate.
“Are you happy, elder brother?” Tobirama took a few steps back, “Now you’ve made him angry. The whole point of this was to stall him!”
“I know, Tobirama!” Hashirama let out a quiet curse as he prepared his hands for a countering Jutsu.
“Clearly you don’t know. He doesn’t seem to be very stalled from your tactics, elder brother!” Tobirama couldn’t stop the sarcasm that came flying out of his mouth in his current stress.
“Tobirama, now is absolutely not the time for this!” Hashirama backed away some more as Madara’s Susano’o pulled its sword out of the sheath and got into an offensive stance.
They didn’t think a conversation about love and happiness could go so bad so quickly. But then again, they should have anticipated it considering who it was they were having this conversation with.
Nobody loves as intensely as an Uchiha, Hashirama remembered saying to Sasuke. And no Uchiha has loved or will love as intensely as Uchiha Madara loves his wife. He’ll burn the world and bring her the ashes.
The Hokages braced themselves as Madara’s Susano’o charged forward, sword raised and about to come down for the strike, when suddenly, their surroundings went deathly quiet.
The Hokages breathed out a sigh of quick relief. Tobirama huffed, “By the Gods, Y/N! You couldn’t have cut it any closer if you tried!”
You don’t spare a glance back at the Hokages, though, simply keeping your eyes in front of you. You couldn’t help the smile building on your lips as you saw your husband. He was just as handsome as the last day you saw him, - with his Sharingan and his long hair and his eyes full of love for you. He always managed to make you feel loved. He was doing all of this, for you. Of course, it was questionable, but he was doing it for you. “My love,” you started, hearing yourself choking up. You couldn’t finish your sentence as you saw the shock finally leave your husband.
Madara couldn’t believe his eyes. His wife was here, in front of him, reanimated. He never thought he would see her again, and if he was ever reunited with her in the afterlife, it’s not like they would have any recollection of that in the present living moment, either. And so to see her now, he could do nothing but thank every entity he could think of that she created this Jutsu, regardless of the circumstances in which she did. He was not by her side in her dying breath and she wasn’t there with him as he grew old and frail, - the biggest regrets that Madara can think of from his time alive. “Y/N.” He released his Susano’o, taking long strides towards his wife.
You simply stood in place, still taking him in. You watched his large frame as he walked towards you, and you felt your breath leave you at the intensity with which he grabbed you. He held you close, a hand around your shoulders and another over the back of your head, as if trying to make sure you couldn’t go anywhere. You reached and wrapped arms around his neck, burying your face in his chest and letting a sob finally wrack through your body, finally feeling safe and like you belonged. You finally felt like you could let go and the one person your trusted would be there to catch you, - the only person you’ve ever trusted with your soul, and the only person you will ever trust.
“Y/N,” you closed your eyes as you heard your name fall from his lips, “my Y/N.” His words felt like velvet on your skin and like a melody through your ears.
“Madara,” you breathed out, making the Uchiha man let out a hum. He had been aching to hear your voice for decades. It had been so long since he’d heard you call out his name and to hear it again made him want to break down right there. “You left me,” he heard you whisper. You sounded so upset, and he felt his heart ache and fall apart all over again. Such simple words, but so strong in their meaning. “You left me alone.”
“My darling wife,” he gripped you tighter. “I am so, so sorry. I have no excuse for my actions. I was blind and a fool to have ever thought to leave you, because that is all one must be to ever think to let go of you,” he stated honestly. These were words from his core, ones he has never spoken aloud until now but has always had running in his head. He meant every bit of it. “I was… blinded. Blinded by the hate I felt, the need to avenge Izuna… All of it came to head at some point that I struggle to even remember now. And when I heard of your death, I lost all reason. All I could think of was the ways in which I could’ve kept you safe. I thought the only way to do so now would be to create a new world. A world in which we could be together again, a world in which you couldn’t get hurt. And you would never be hurt because this world would be ours to command as we so wished.” You sighed out gently before pulling away to cup his face in your hands. You gave your husband a smile, leaning to kiss his lips for a moment before resting your forehead against his.
“You never let your soul rest, even in death.” You sighed and you pressed your lips to his cheek. “My husband, my love.” You heard him hum gently. “All I ever needed was you. I don’t need the world because that is what you are to me. You are my world- No, my universe.”
Madara pulled away to look into your eyes, and you saw a vulnerable man right then, - the same one that had always bore his emotions freely to you and only you. He always let you see into his heart. And now, you saw a man who had mourned for his wife for decades. “You never did find peace, even in death. And it was my fault. If it weren’t for that, we could’ve been together all this time. I’m so sorry,” you said softly as you planted another kiss on his lips, “I’m so sorry for causing you so much pain,” you continued apologizing as Madara shook his head at you, a tear of his own falling.
“No,” he stopped you, grabbing your head with both hands to place a kiss on your forehead. “Never tell me it is your fault. I will not accept it. I chose this path, Y/N. I chose to stay in this world. I was blinded by rage and did not see what could have been - you and me, finally together, in eternity. Without restraints.” He held you close again, wrapping his arms around you as he tight as he could, and you did the same.
Naruto watched from a little further away, jaw on the floor, - not too different from the rest of the Shinobi that were present. He turned to Sasuke who was also unable to look away from the scene that seemed to come straight from a fever dream.
“Oi, Sasuke,” he nudged his friend, “Is this all we needed to do? We assembled the entire Shinobi world, formed an alliance, and suffered an unimaginable amount of casualties. All we needed to do,” he paused again, “this whole time, was get her?!” Sasuke’s eyes flashed at his extremely oblivious and extremely loud friend at both the noise level of his sentence and his way of addressing the Queen of the Uchiha clan. He tried to get him to stop when he saw Madara’s head whip around to regard the person who had addressed his wife so brazenly. Too late, Sasuke clenched his jaw.
It took Sasuke every bit of Chakra, - and the full extent of his Sharingan’s abilities, - to move as fast as he did in that moment, stepping in front of Naruto and summoning an arm of his Susano’o to block Madara’s fast approach towards the Uzumaki boy. Naruto let out a small scream as he stumbled back a bit, watching with fear in his eyes as Madara’s raging Sharingan stared into his very soul.
“Idiot,” Sasuke quietly bit out, “is there a single day where you paid attention at the Academy?”
“H-huh?” Naruto turned his head towards Sasuke but his eyes stayed watching the past head of the Uchiha clan that hasn’t backed down just yet. Or gotten far enough away for me to feel comfortable, Naruto thought to himself as he watched warily.
“You will address her, with the amount of respect that she deserves,” Madara ground out. “That woman is Uchiha Y/N. She is Queen of the Uchiha Clan, the Strongest Kunoichi in the Land of Fire, and my wife.”
“He did not know,” Sasuke ground out. The young Uchiha was at his wit’s end. Uchiha Madara was strict when it came to people respecting the Queen of the Uchiha clan. He demanded respect of everyone whether they were directly or indirectly addressing or mentioning her. It irked him that even Tobirama was as casual as he was with her. As far as Madara was concerned, the only person who could address Uchiha Y/N lovingly and without titles was him. “Everyone else would slander her name for they do not understand her worth,” Madara had once said. “They do not see the diamond that she is and I will make sure that they at least recognize that she is a treasure.”
“Madara,” you chastised as you walked towards him. “He’s a sweet boy, he means no harm. He doesn’t need to call me by my title because of who I once was. There are only two titles that have come with me past my life - Kunoichi of Konohagakure, and wife to an honorable man. That is all. Just a Kunoichi, and just a wife.” You spoke as wrapped your arms around his waist and placed your head on his chest. You felt your husband wrap his arms around you again and felt as he began to slowly relax. “There will be those stronger than me.”
“Not in my heart. I know you are the strongest there will ever be.” You let out a little laugh as you heard the stubbornness in your husband’s voice.
“I adore you,” you spoke to him with a smile, “But I am not too upset by what future awaits our clan.” You placed a hand on his cheek before turning to look at Sasuke. “He is a strong boy, with an honorable heart. Named after Hiruzen’s father. And while I believe you to always be the head of the clan in my heart,” you heard your husband let out a light laugh, “Sasuke will be a good leader.” The young boy gently bowed his head at you. “And I believe it will not be long before there are new heirs to the Uchiha clan, and the bloodline is restored,” you spoke with a grin.
Sasuke’s eyes slightly widened at you, before he quickly turned his head away and to the side. “Hn.” The noise he made caused you to let out a small laugh. A typical response from an Uchiha in a moment of speechlessness. And no matter how hard he tried, Sasuke would never be able to hide the pink in his cheeks from you.
“The clan is in capable hands,” you spoke as you turned and found Tsunade standing next to her grandfather and great uncle, “and so is the village, it seems.” Tsunade smiled at you, and you saw vague recognition in her eyes.
“I don’t remember you well, but I grew up hearing stories of you and how you were always by my side while you were alive. I’m proud to have such an amazing Kunoichi as my godmother.” You smiled at her and laid your head on your husband’s chest, feeling him bring a hand up to hold the back of your neck.
“Indeed, I must admit that the village is in respectable hands. She is… a strong woman.” Tsunade seemed shocked to hear words of praise coming from Madara’s mouth, but she was happy to hear it, regardless. She has certainly inherited Hashirama’s Will of Fire, Madara has only seen it so strong in his wife’s eyes until now. And she probably did inherit it from her godmother, Madara’s pride would not allow him to give Hashirama credit for something over his beloved.
You turned back to your husband, taking in a deep breath. “Well, my love? Shall we?” You saw Madara let out a long sigh before tightening his arms around you.
“Perhaps we are done here. I trust you lot can handle Obito?” Hatake Kakashi and his team nodded at Madara’s question. “Good,” your husband hummed. “I think I have some catching up to do with my wife. So much time lost… ” He ran a hand across your cheek.
You smiled, “Luckily, we have eternity to make it up.” You reached up and he met you halfway as he bent his neck, both of you joining your lips together in a kiss. The Senju brothers looked over at Orochimaru and gave him a nod to go ahead with releasing the Reanimation, and he did so quietly.
You could vaguely hear Naruto saying goodbye to his father. You could also make out the voices of the other Hokages talking to their own loved ones, giving them parting words of advice, confidence, pride, and love, - all of which you let fade into the background, focusing solely on your husband in front of you. You had him now, and you absolutely will not let go. You pressed your lips harder against his and felt as he let out a small moan, gripping you tighter to him. You would make sure that this next time you woke again in the after-life, he would be right beside you. You both can finally move on, together and in peace, having nothing to concern yourself with except each other. No war, no conflict, no clans, no rivalry, just a husband and wife finally being able to reach paradise together.
“Together, this time,” you spoke against his lips, feeling your body starting to fade.
“Together,” Madara whispered back to you.
And when you both opened your eyes again in the afterlife, you were still holding on to each other. Nothing would separate you two anymore, you wouldn’t let the forces of the universe get between the two of you anymore. Never again…
Hello and welcome to my blog, everyone! I’m so excited to finally get this first post out. I can’t wait to get more stories out, and I hope you guys enjoy this and any more that’ll come in the future! Thank you guys for reading all of it!
Any similarities to any other posts are purely coincidental and not intentional. Thank you all so very much~
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lale-txt · 6 months
what gets their heart pounding... ♡ [partly ns.fw] ↳ w/ Kakashi, Obito, Madara & Tobirama
a/n: reader is gn! Lale, you can't write those hcs for every series you enjoy—I CAN AND I WILL. i got positively possessed while writing these and now i'm thinking about turning each of them into a oneshot. picked my two favorite Uchihas and my two fav white haired men for this round, but i have other chars for this in the drafts already >:3c
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the subtle touches when you’re together; hands brushing, pinkies almost interlocking, your fingers tapping his arm to get his attention, his hand on the small of your back for a brief second when you move through a crowd; as if your bodies are simply drawn to each other
the urge to adjust your headband or to brush a strand of hair behind your ear when you’re too lost in thought to notice, only to snap out of it and look at him with those curious doe eyes, so full of life
the way your tongue pokes out between your lips when you patch up his wounds after a mission together; you’re so focused on his well-being that it makes Kakashi’s heart melt
your mumbled “you’re too reckless, i worry about you” that reveals just how deep that love for him runs, making it impossible for him to shove his own feelings aside any longer
the small gasp you let out when he pulls down his mask to kiss you with hunger and an unknown softness, as if he was afraid of waking up from the sweetest dream
realizing he’s not dreaming at all when you’re lying tangled in the soaked sheets together and try to catch your breaths, skin on skin, sparking little fires everywhere
your hand on his chest, feeling his fluttering heartbeat, eyes glued on your fingers as they wander down lower his stomach, until his cock is twitching in your fist and shortly after inside of you again
everything, anything you do. this man’s heart falters the moment he feels your presence nearby.
hearing his name roll off your pretty tongue, a sound like velvet, catching him off guard whenever you call out for him, your face lightening up when he turns towards you (not knowing you’re his whole sun)
your fingertips tracing the scars on his face; a thing he has never allowed anyone before to do so, but with you… it’s different. you’re being so gentle, it makes him want to place his bare heart into your open palms 
feeling your soft skin for the first time when his hands wander underneath your clothes, exploring every inch of you paired with the sweet sounds you make, his breath hitching in his throat
your pleading eyes when you tug on the hem of his shirt, silently asking for it to come off, as if he could ever resist you. as if the essence of his soul wasn’t already stained in your colors.
the way your eyes flutter wide open when he reveals this scarred body of his and how warm your lips feel on his skin when you kiss and lick and suck from the side of his neck down to his hip bones 
now it’s your name falling out of his mouth, between broken moans, when that pretty mouth of yours wraps around his throbbing cock, lapping up everything he has to offer you and you’re doing it oh so willingly 
the sound of your laughter coming through the open window with the warm summer breeze. you’re his sweet new neighbor and he’s been smitten with you ever since you showed up on his doorstep, a plate of inarizushi in your hands to introduce yourself
seeing you reading in a corner the backyard, that little frown on your face while the tip of your nose almost touches the scrolls; you’re so eager for knowledge and he can’t help but admire this
the complete shift in your expression when you notice his presence (barely anyone does, at least not like you do), your whole face brightening up as you wave at him
hearing you late at night, when you don’t realize just how thin these walls are, the sweet sounds of your moans when you touch yourself. Marada can’t help but wonder, are you thinking about him? you couldn’t possibly… right?
feeling how hard he is when he finally gives in to the temptation, palming himself to the muffled sounds of yours, only a thin wall between the two of you, you so blissfully unaware of the mess you’ve made out of him when he spills himself in his hollow fist
seeing you again in the backyard a few days later, except that this time your kimono is hiked up to your hips, your legs spread wide, giving him a good visual on what happened on the other side of the wall
his sharingan ablaze, taking in the view of you, until you gesture him to come closer, closer, till he’s on his knees in front of you, showing you just how much he adores you…
the way you lean over him when he’s sitting at his desk in the hokage office, pointing out something on the scroll in front of him, but you’re making it so hard for him to focus with your chest pressing against his shoulder and that sweet smell of yours entangling him
the startled sounds you make when he wraps a blanket around your shoulders after you’ve fallen asleep in your office once again, and the way you drift back into sleep when you notice it’s him and that you can feel safe here
your apologetic smile when he’s scolding you the next day for working too much; as if he wasn’t missing out on sleep for the sake of the village and doesn’t secretly admire your passion and drive (being oblivious that maybe, maybe, you just want an excuse to spend more time by his side) 
the small “oh” coming out of your mouth one night, when you’re in the archive together, searching for one specific scroll, but instead his lips finds yours and suddenly your fingers are in his hair and his are pulling you closer by the hips and that scroll is completely forgotten (it was never about the scroll)
the tension between you unloading when you straddle his lap and all the useless fabric between you is shoved aside hastily so you can sink yourself fully onto his thick length
feeling you tremble on top of him until he wraps his arms around you, holding you so close to him while he slowly works you open, his lips on your neck, his dark, calm voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear while you clench around him 
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miris-secret-files · 3 months
brother kakashi sounds hot
I'll Always Be There For You || brother!Kakashi Hatake x sister!reader
A/n : Okay I would have preferred a more precise request lol because I struggled to get my mind on only on thing so I tried to get as much stuff as I possibly could
Warnings : Dark content, incest, grooming, morning wood, grinding, exhibitionism if you squint, breeding kink, pregnancy, mention of Uchihas and Hyugas' incest, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 743
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brother!Kakashi who is 10 years your senior and who had to take care of you when you were younger
brother!Kakashi who saw your body in its most humble state before he even had time to develop these kinds of unholy thoughts
brother!Kakashi who has always slept with you in his bed and as you've grown and your body has changed, he's subtly gotten closer to you. Waking up with his erection pressing behind you is a regular occurrence
brother!Kakashi who also managed to make showering together and scrubbing each other’s body a regular occurrence
brother!Kakashi who trains you to be sure you can handle yourself, but it always ends up in naked wrestling and him grinding against you
brother!Kakashi who knows everyone you speak to and make sure everyone boys and girls know you’re both very close
brother!Kakashi who is aware that a lot of elders of the village, and probably Uchihas, Hyugas, and other great clans are aware of the nature of your relationship
brother!Kakashi who kisses you on the lips as he has you on his lap while he is speaking with Itachi because he knows the Uchiha doesn’t care about this and surely does the same
brother!Kakashi who even if he tells you he’d be fine if you found yourself a partner, starts to feel more and more territorial with you
brother!Kakashi who insists on you putting a bit of his Cologne behind your ear and on your wrists, so the people around you will smell a man’s perfume on you and they won't dare approach you to try to make out with you
brother!Kakashi who once was jealous because you told him a boy told you you were pretty and spent the whole night worshiping your body to make sure you only remember his praising
brother!Kakashi who when he leaves for a mission fills you with his seed and asks you to wear cum filled panties for a few hours after he left so that he would still be with you a little bit more “Hey Babygirl wouldn’t you mind keeping my cum with you a little longer ?”
brother!Kakashi who of course had to teach you everything he knows about sex, starting with reading the Icha Icha. He is so proud of the woman who’ve become and how well you take his cock “It’s as if you were made to fit on him” he’d whisper in your ear as he thrusts once again
brother!Kakashi who obviously has you cockwarming him when he is reading, filling papers, writing reports
brother!Kakashi who has his fingers threading in your hair as you suckle on his cock while he’s chilling in a park at midnight during summer. He’s taught you well and now you can take it all without gagging
brother!Kakashi who takes you on vacation in countries so far away from the Land of Fire that he can hold hands with you on a daily basis outside, do as much pda and get an hotel room with only one bed ( hehehe )
brother!Kakashi who as time passes can’t imagine his life without you
brother!Kakashi who now starts to think that to be happy he needs you to wear his name, but not as his sister anymore but as his lover and wife. He has connexion in the village things should go as he planned
brother!Kakashi who smirks when he looks at the family record book and sees “Hatake Kakashi married to Y/n Hatake”
brother!Kakashi who now wants to fill this record book with new names aka some offspring. He wants to breed you but he is scared things might not go as expected
brother!Kakashi who speaks to you about either him impregnating another woman or you getting it from another man he’d choose - surely an Uchiha - but you look at him with teary eyes and grab his hand telling him you want his child not anyone else’s
brother!Kakashi who fucks you for full days and nights to make sure his seed has taken root in you
brother!Kakashi who is even more protective now that you’re pregnant with his child. It’s an Uchiha doctor who follows the pregnancy because well they know everything about incest
brother!Kakashi who decides to leave the Land of Fire for good a little before your stomach starts to swell with your growing baby, because he doesn’t you or them to be bothered by anyone
brother!Kakashi who is so kinky he keeps pumping you full of cum even though this new house is full of life, he just craves the sight of your pregnant body. Divine !
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krewekreep · 7 months
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When he grabs your neck while drilling in you from behind. Curving you into a messy kiss. For a moment he releases his tight grip on your hips and softens his thrust the slightest bit. He deepens the kiss wrestling your tongue with his as he moves his hands to massage your breasts. You were overstimulated, no longer able to kiss him back you open your mouth for him and he growls moving one hand to choke you as the other fixates on your nipples. He’s giving his all to you and you receive it gratefully. It’s not usual for him to treat you with so much attention, so much neediness. You watched him with Fuck drunk eyes as his were closed intensely, his brow furrowed so deeply it looked as if he were scowling. His mouth rabid and unfocused against yours while plunging in you from behind. The slightest glimpse of a moan escapes him before reeling himself back in. To not lose to you in a battle only he had in his mind, he pulled you away by the hair pushing you into the mattress. He was never incredibly gentle with you but you felt as if this time he had to remind himself to remain dominant. Since you’d been under his care (kinda held hostage) he eased you into the idea of him ravishing you with sexual flirtations and promised that succumbing to him wouldn’t be all that bad. He enjoyed toying with you gradually increasing physical intimacy until you were a crumbling mess fighting against the pleasure escaping your throat as his fingers explored your warm hole. He took extra pleasure in making you fall for him and would never admit his amusement was laced in a desire to genuinely keep you.
As he continued to thrust into you he raised one leg up firmly planting it on the bed creating a deep impression that showed all he had to hold back when dealing with you. He knew his world crushing strength and unlike what anyone would think, took consideration of its usage. Yet, there were times like now as he’s almost struggling to pull out given the hot squeeze of your walls on his dick. He knew he was nearing his edge, having made you cum 3 times already. This last go round was for him. Your face and body blush, shivering as you hear him grunting ever so quietly. It turned you on to no end and began, with what little you had to give, throwing your ass back to meet his thrusts in a loud slick clapping. His moans grew louder as he quickly apprehended your arms holding them behind your back. This image of submission almost made him lose it. His thrust became punishing and you gave up just allowing him to slide you mercilessly up and down his dick. He forgot himself completely. “Ah- you’re so obedient Y/N.” You moan in wanting more praise. Knowing that you’ve grown fond of that he continues, “Mmm my little captured one.” His pace almost brutal as your eyes are falling to the back of your head and drool has slipped out of your mouth onto the bed and your torso.
You can feel how he spreads you with every hit to your core. His pace was becoming sloppier and you knew he was about to cum and fill you as much as he could. He grabs at your hair again pulling back up into a kiss. Your belly tightens and in an instance you push yourself flush on his dick cumming so hard your entire body shakes. His pace has stopped and still holding you by the hair he chuckles and without a word shoots his load into you. He watched you with a certain amusement as he feels his own fluid coating your walls and him. He pumps into you about four times. You were his official cum bucket and he wouldn’t admit how much he loved watching it leak out of you. He kisses you again, more than ever before especially during sex. But he’s still himself as he pulls out with no regard, a loud suction-esque sound that sends a shiver of pain through you. You were spent of all energy barely able to keep your eyes open hanging helplessly onto him. He brushed a finger over your forehead lightly, again amused at how easy for him it is to forget humans are fragile and weak. Not when you take him like a demon yourself. While he has the mind to fill you up some more he decided wearing you out too bad would mean a longer recovery time later. Although called many things in that respect he couldn’t be that cruel, not to you. It is only ever worth while when you practically are begging on hands and knees for him to fuck you. But your tear stricken, snot nosed, drooled covered face, the red marks on you of him forgetting himself too many times, and the sleep (by the deep rise and cave of your chest) meant it was much needed. Much deserved. He relaxed into a position where you were cradled in his lap and watched you thinking over all the presents and gifts he would collect for you. Or whether you’d need a slave assistant. Or the heart of your enemies. And you relaxed into his embrace easily unaware of your capter’s growing obsession and dire need to keep you all to himself.
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Who: Sukuna, Madara, Dracula, Alucard (Hellsing), Sephiroth, Aizen, Kenpachi + any other mean fucks
Requests Open
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moumouton4 · 11 months
What Reboots Their Systems Right Away || Naruto characters x reader 2
A/n : Had this idea a while ago. Thanks to Sasuke ✨
Naruto Headcanons series : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Warnings : Contains both fluff and NSFW ( under the cut )
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1691
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Sasuke Uchiha : He just forgets everything that is going on when he's having a hard time and you kiss his forehead. After the reboot he is right away able to think and analyze what is happening properly around him. You just got this power to soothe him and help him get out of these negative thoughts. And he knows how to return the favor in his own way when you're the one stuggling
Shikamaru Nara : Being an adult is such a drag. Work is such a drag too. So when he finally has time to have time for himself and chill under the clouds he can't help but keep thinking about other matters. So when you join him and put his head on your thighs and untie his hair before ruffling his hair. In an instant he feels his brain pause, unable to think anymore, his eyes just looking at the shapes of the clouds in the sky above you, enjoying his day off, occasionally looking your way to make sure he isn't dreaming. He's just so thankfull to have a little marvel like you in his life
Naruto Uzumaki : He is a simple man so just seeing you wearing his iconic black and orange jacket make butterflies erupt and happily fly in his stomach while he can't help but freeze in his action. You just look so small in this jacket it makes him want to carry you around on his back like a little backpack so bad - yes if he ever catch you he'd walk around the village with you like that. So you better try to avert other people's gaze because you ain't gettting down anytime soon
Iruka Umino : You're his first so when you bury your face in his neck or chest he needs a little minute or two to process that you're touching him. Willingly and physically - oof O.O But he loves it so much because like this he feels like he can protect you from everything the world send your way
Sai : He always takes such a great intake of air when he feels your hand press on his naked lower back and caress his pale skin. Of course he knows it's affectionate but he still feels like he needs to hold his breath. Sometimes you have to remind him to breath because he starts turning blue and that's actually never good
Hidan : The sight before him that always leave him breathless is when he sees your necklace dangling from your robe when your fiercly fighting your opponent. Should he add, his necklace that he gave you shortly after your meeting to the glory of Jashin. Once he took a hit in the jaw because of how entranced by you he was. He knows you may not approach this god the same way as him but he can't help but find you so sexy fighting with him for his believes. And should I add how strong you look when you're getting those corps ready for his ritual
Sasori : He always think about work so if you wanna make him aware of your existence you better be speak his language... and not make him wait. So everytime you come up with another corpse of a powerfull being for his puppets, he can't help but look at you with stars in the eyes as his brains fuel with all the ideas that come to him and… he doesn't work anymore and he stays fixed in the void. You know he is kinda happy when let's go of his tool and motion for you to sit on his lap while he works. And oddly having you here with him doesn't make him think one scond that he is losing his time
Itachi Uchiha : He's just on autopilot when you lift his shirt from behind and put your hands on his shoulders before massaging his aching muscles gently. Like he leaves you in charge of him and the rest he can't handle, not that he cares when your hands are just literally easing his pain like this. You've always been with him from what he recalls and he never manages to keep a conversation with you while your hands work on his shoulders and back. It just puts him to sleep right away, and that's good because he deserves it
Gaara : The wheels in his brain just stop when he hears you say the words "Dance with me" just after you put on some music and pulled pulls him flush against your body and asked him for a slow dance. His brain gets surrounded by so much questions like "Is he worthy of your time ?", "Will he disappoint you ?", "Will you hate him after you discover he CAN'T dance ?" that his brain overheats and he stands there motionless while you try to dance with him. Fortunately a kiss on the cheek and it's good he works again, but he is as red as his hair
Hashirama Senju : You tell him so much that he is strong that he sometimes forgets how strong you actually are. So when he sees you fighting an opponent fiercely, he can't help but look at you in awe as if you were Madara himself the strongest kunoichi he has ever seen. He just 🤩 and shower you with praises
Tobirama Senju : He may be really gifted to hide his feelings but gosh he can't help his face from showing how stuned he is when he sees you acting possessive towards him. Like the glare you send those people who dares to get to close to him. Like he could just ask them to leave him the fuck off but he just loves to see you this mad... it's kinda hot you know... but this he won't tell you
NSFW starts here :
Kakashi Hatake : He always freezes and stares at you as if he was trying to bore holes into the top of your head when he sees you get on your knees in front of him at unexpected times. Like literally everywhere you know no one will walk in on you, on a hill, in the forest, on the training grounds, in the Hokage office... but it doesn't mean you're going to actually do something. You just love to see him all hot and botherd like this. But don't you worry he's going to get back at you sooner than you expected
Orochimaru : Really very little can get to him but when he sees you acting so cold and violent, he can't help but have his piercing eyes widen or his head wipe in your direction if he hears you cursing at someone. Like wow, you're clearly not the one to get walked on. It's lowkey such a turn on a right now he just wants to throw you over his shoulder like a potato sack and take you to your room to ravish you
Yamato : His brain really needs time to process when you go to him and ask him to zip up the back of your dress. Like bro is so flustered, but you're not helping either because you enjoy seeing squirm while trying to avert his eyes from your ass when you're wiggling it at him. After this he has to try so bad to stay cool and not have a hard on just before you guys leave your house. Don't worry he'll keep this in mind for when you get bad though
Deidara : You love the high pitched screams that come out of his mouth when you do that. Sometimes he doesn't know what gets into you for doing this and frankly you neither. But you just take his hand and lick his palm where one of his other mouths is and well he can't say it's not turning him on but still he's an artist his mind shouldn't get clouded with those thoughts... "Fine just this time" he always says that
Neji Hyuga : He is so pure and he is always flabbergasted when you tell dirty jokes about his Byakugan and the fact that he can at any given moment look through your clothes "Hey Love are you enjoying the view" and he's like ". . . . . . . . . Y/n my eye are always this colour" "Then how can I know you're not perving all the time ?" you always end up laughing your ass off when he becomes red as a tomato and just stares anywhere but at you. He knows you're joking but if you only knew what he was thinking about "A little look wouldn't hurt right ?"
Rock Lee : Okay so hear me out everytime he says he's going to go around the village 500 times on his hands if he doesn't do somethig else before you always add playfully "and if you can't do it either you're going to make me cum 20 times tonight" Of course each single time he gets red and starts stuttering... but be careful because one day he'll fail his task on purpose just to make your fiction a reality and the only think you're going to be able to utter will be his name
Madara Uchiha : He is also a simple man in his own way. All he needs to mentally disconnect from this planet is for you to grab his neck with your hand when when you guys are kissing. Like you just look so hot and sexy when you're on top of him taking control like this. But don't play your luck to much because he's going to fold you in half next time he fucks you
Genma : His brain shuts straight when you leans into him and and take the senbon that he holds in his mouth with your teeth. Your lips are so close to yours and he wants to kiss you so badly that it's the only thing he can think of, to undress you in the middle of the street and fuck you for being so cocky. That's his job not yours
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🍋🍽 Again my requests are open 🔥💚
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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pfpanimes · 7 months
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like or reblog if you save/use.
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iambilliejeanok · 5 months
Itachi x reader
Warnings: 18+, somno, dry humping
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You’ve been super horny as of late, to a point where your daily dreams end with you having super intense orgasms. He notices it though, even though you think it’s your own little secret. He notices it when you fall asleep sitting on his lap, your dreams forcing you to move your hips in circles or when he wakes up first in the morning, seeing you squirm against him in your sleep, scooting your butt further into him. Luckily for you though, he won’t mention it, to save you the embarrassment of course. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the way you unconsciously grind yourself against him everytime you fall asleep cuddling him, He’d most certainly be lying if he said he didn’t try to help, carefully shifting himself into position to help you get a better angle, placing his hands on your hips to help you grind against him a bit more accurately. Sometimes you’ll wake up from the intensity of your dream orgasm and realize you’re humping him, but he will pretend that he noticed no such activity and you sigh in relief, trying to go back to sleep in the comfort of his arms. Sweet dreams my love, he thinks to himself, shutting his eyes in bliss, afterall, this is what friends are for.
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marvelmymarvel · 8 months
Stupid Plushy
Kakashi x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Synopsis: When Kakashi comes back from a tough mission, all he wants to do is snuggle into you and fall asleep, but a certain training dummy is in his spot, and he is not happy about it.
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Kakashi sighed as he pushed open the door to the bedroom, happy to see that you were fast asleep in the king-sized bed. The mission was more complicated than they anticipated and all he wanted to do was come back home to you and pass out in your embrace, but his eyes narrowed when he got closer to you. In your arms, you were hugging a plushy close to your body. The plushy looked just like Kakashi and he wondered where you had gotten it from and, more importantly, how long you had it. 
The sleepiness started to fill his veins and all of his questions left his mind as he reached down to pull the plush from your arms, but you moaned in distress and tightened your grip on it. Kakashi groaned quietly as he once again tried to wrestle the comforting item from you, hoping that if he could replace it with himself, you would calm down again. 
“Y/n, baby come on-”
Your eyes flicked open as he managed to get the toy from you, “No” you huffed as you ripped the toy back. His eyes widened at your grumpy face and tired eyes, maybe you were still half asleep and didn't realize it was him. “I want to hold you” Kakashi whined as he reached for the plush item that looked like him, but you shook your head no once more. “You’ll have to spoon me, I’m comfy…” 
Kakashi’s jaw dropped as you rolled over onto your other side, leaving him standing there in both disbelief and slight jealousy that you chose a look-alike of him over the real thing. The fight though wasn't worth it, he decided, as he slid off his clothes and climbed in behind you. His arm wrapped around your middle before he hauled you back into his chest, “Where did you even get that thing???” Kakashi breathed out as he nuzzled his nose into your neck. You leaned back into his embrace, “It’s Narutos” 
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion but realization dawned on him. This was Naruto’s training dummy. When he first saw it in Naruto’s room some years ago, he was concerned as to why out of all of the people, Naruto chose him to be his training dummy, but it made sense now as to why you suddenly had a look-alike in your grasps. “How long ago did you steal it from him?” Kakashi mused as he pressed a kiss against your skin.
“When I found it under his bed while cleaning his room… Maybe 2 years ago?” 
Kakashi chuckled before squeezing your side, “Despite him not being your real kid, I see where he gets his weirdness from- OW”
Your hand slapped his before grumbling out threats, making him squeeze harder in response. “Don't be a jerk… I don't cuddle with it often…”
Kakashi paused at that, racking his brain to find a proper way to ask how often you did cuddle it, considering most nights he stayed with you. He opened his mouth to blurt out the question but your soft snores cut him off, leaving him with more questions than he had answers for. His eyes lowered to the plush in your hands, its face was pressed firmly in your chest, the best place to lay for a good night's rest. The jealousy once more filled him as he pulled you closer to him. 
“Stupid plushy.”
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animexts · 10 months
For her | Naruto Uzumaki
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Naruto Uzumaki X Fem!Reader
Naruto will protect you at all costs.
"You will be the first one I kill."
Naruto swears he saw red after hearing that phrase come out of Sasuke's mouth to his beloved Y/n.
See, Naruto is there for Sasuke, to bring him back, but no one, and I repeat, NO ONE, hurts his Y/N.
Even if she doesn't know it, Y/n was the love of his life he.
He finds his legs moving on their own when he sees Sasuke approach Y/n.
"Naruto!" Kakashi tries to hold him back, but no one can hold Naruto Uzumaki.
"what did you say to her?" Naruto says with all his fury.
"That I'm going to kill her."
"If you touch her I swear I'll kill you." He says pulling Y/n's wrist, coming face to face with Sasuke.
"You can try" Sasuke says.
"I've already taken enough of your shit Sasuke, but that I will NEVER accept, not from you, not from anyone else, I will walk over anyone who wants to touch her." Naruto pushes Sasuke's chest.
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Sasuke says with a smile. "
If it's to protect her, I will, and you can bet me I'll kill without a second thought."
I love this kid
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mushies-stories · 8 months
Naruto boys
The first time cockwarming them
Naruto, Shikamaru, Gaara, Kankuro X GNReader
Warnings: SMUT 18+! cock waming, pet names, no use of Y/N
The first time Cock warming them
Naruto Uzumaki: sweet and loving S/O
Naruto wouldn't have thought of the idea himself but you, after a night out with some friends and while gossiping, you were introduced to a new idea. So a few nights later while naruto was late coming home you went to seek him out, not wanting to fall asleep without him.
You walked into his office late at night, the room lit only by the desk lamp. He was hunched over his paperwork, eyes tired but face smoothing when he sees it's you. He gives you an apologetic look as you approach his chair. “Sorry sweety, late night. I promise I'll be home soon.” he said.
You shook your head and smiled sweetly, you slid your pants and underwear down and kicked them aside. You brought a leg to slide across his lap so you could straddle him. “No need, ill by just a second.” you as you undid his pants and slid your hand into his boxers and slowly started to pump his cock tell you felt it begin to harden.
His body tensed as he watched you. “Baby, wait a minute I gotta finish these papers.” he said. 
You leaned down and kissed his jaw. “I know.” you said, finally pulling him out so his cock could stand erect. You adjust to you hovering over him with the tip pressed against your entrance and slowly sank down. 
You both let out  gaspy moans as he filled your tight hole. When his cock was fully nestled in you he let out a shaky breath. “So tight, how am I supposed to focus?” he chuckled, feeling your walls flutter around him. 
You yawned and leaned into his chest. Closing your eyes you snuggle into him. “I'll relax in a moment.” you said with content sigh. “Take your time.” you whispered, already dozing off into his warm heat surrounding you. 
He smiled down at you as you were breathing steadily and you finally relaxed around him. In all honesty it took him longer to get his work done, having to take a few breaks to just feel you pulse around him. You got a nice nap in until he was finally done, and finally ready to fuck you properly.
Shikamaru Nara: bratty and needy S/O
He was trying to nap, laying on back with one arm behind his head and the other resting on his stomach when you creeped into the room. You hadn't gotten to spend much time together lately and you were starting to feel lonely. He heard you approaching and opened one eye to look up at you as you stood above him. “Shikamaru, you've been busy all week.” you said with a pout. 
He hummed and closed his eyes again. “Just a little nap.” He said.
You huffed and went to straddle his lap, he didn't even react. You leaned over his body, pressing yourself against him and littering gentle kisses to his neck and jawline. He sighs and opens his eyes, narrowing them down at you. “Cant even wait thirty minutes?” he said with a yawn. 
You shook your head and sucked the skin below his ear while grinding down against his now semi-hard cock. “I’ve been waiting, I cant anymore Shika.” you whined. 
He let out a soft sigh and rolled his eyes. “Aright alright, take your pants off brat.” he said.
You complied and stood to take your pants and underwear off while Shikamaru shimmed his pants down enough to let his cock spring free. You smiled and went back to stadling him, looking down at him with a happy smile. He chuckled and nodded his head once. “Go on.” He said.
You wasted no time in lining up with your entrance and sliding the tip in with a content sigh. Your eyes closed as you slowly sank down on him. Before you could bring yourself back up him his hands were on your hips, slamming you down so his cock was filling you completely. “Shika!” you whined at the sudden harsh movement. 
He just smirked and brought a hand up to the back of your neck and pulled you down to lay your head on his chest. “Nap first, then ill fuck you how you want.” he stated, holding you firm and close. Both hands came to wrap around your back as you sank into him with a drafted grumble. 
He might be a brat himself, but he kept his word and when he woke to find you fast sleep on his chest he couldn't help but hold you sweety against him as his cock slowly started to fuck you awake. 
Gaara: sweet and loving S/O
It was early, much earlier than anyone else would be awake and gaara was sitting in his office, head leaned back and eyes closed. He looked tired and really you couldn't tell if he ever even came to bed since he had a tendency to sneak in late, normally after you fell asleep.
He didn’t notice you standing in the doorway until he heard the click of it shutting and saw you walking over to him with a small smile and tired eyes. “Been here all night?” you ask, coming to stand next to his chair and immediately he pulls you between his legs and hugs your waist so his face is hidden in the fabric of your shirt. 
He nods. “There was just so much paperwork and planning.” he mumbles against you. 
Your hands rake through his hair. “Maybe… I can help you alleviate some stress while you finish up?” you offered, voice hushed and a little uncertain. Gaara was still tricky when it came to intimacy and you didn't want to push him. So you thought you'd at least offer. He looked up at you, waiting to hear what you had to offer. “Sit back for a moment, okay?” you said and he complied, leaning back so you had room to undress your lower half. 
“Darling…” it almost sounded like a warning but even he didn't seem sure of it. You continued and moved to grab the waistband of his pants. You looked up at him with reassuring eyes and he shifted so you could guide his cock free. A small huff ame from him when you sat back in his lap and pushed the tip to your tight hole. “I have work my love.” he stated, holding your hips still above his already hard cock.
You smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek. “I know, let me help?” you said, trying your best at puppy eyes. He chuckled softly and allowed you to sink down on him. He closed his eyes briefly as he felt his cock sink into your tight hole but held his sounds in while you let out breath gasps when you felt he was fully in. Once you were comfortable in his lap you brought your arms up to wrap around his shoulders and leaned into him. “I'll be right here waiting for you to be done.” you said, kissing the side of his neck. 
You waited so patiently for him to finish his work and when he was finally done he made sure to thank you. 
Kankuro: sweet and needy S/O
He was working on a puppet late at night, repairing it in time for a mission coming up. You had woken in the middle of the night feeling particularly needy only to find your bed empty and your heart feeling similar. your fingers grasped for Kankuro but found nothing. You knew where he probably was and rushed down the stairs to his workshop. All you wore was his shirt and a pair of underwear as you bare feet hit the cold ground.
His head snapped up when he heard the door creek open. You stood peering your head to see where he was. you looked so sweet and tired and his heart leaped when you finally followed the dim light to his work space in the corner of the room and your eyes finally found him. “It's late.” He said. 
You smiled sheepishly and stepped into the room and closed the door behind you. You padded over to stand opposite him on the other side of his work table where puppet pisces and bits were all strung about. “I know, I just… I wanted to see you.” you practically whispered. 
The faint blush creeping on your cheeks told him you wanted something more than just to see him. He smiled sweetly and set the part he was working on down. “That so sweetheart? You just wanted to see me in the middle of the night?” 
You looked away for a moment before looking back to Kankuro. You knew that wasn't the only reason but you didn't want to bother him while he was working. “Mhhmm” you hummed. 
He nodded with a small smirk. “Would you like to help me while I work baby?” he asked.
Your eyes gleamed at his words. “Can i?” 
He smiled and leaned back. Your eyes followed his movement as he slid a hand down the front of his pants and started to pump his cock as he looked at you with soft eyes. “Take those off and come here?” he asked, motioning to your pants with his free hand.
He freed his cock as he watched you discard your pants and underwear and came around to stand between his legs. He guided your hips with both hands to straddle his thighs while his cock pushed into your little hole. You whimpered softly into his neck while you clung to his chest. “sshh, relax for me.” he soothed, finally bottoming out in you. “Now, you keep me nice and warm while I work okay?” he said, picking his part and tools back up. 
You let out a soft sigh and nuzzle yourself into him, perfectly content and stuffed.
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cannellee · 3 months
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୨୧ alpha! naruto au x omega! reader (f)
— what they would give you as a courting gift (pairing : naruto, shikamaru, sasuke, itachi, rock lee, neji)
my masterlist : ☆
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naruto is a joyous and energetic person, his gift are as vibrant as him. in order to court you, he would definitely take you out on some dates. ichiraku ramen sounds like the perfect place to begin his courting! it's a place which holds countless of precious memories for him and he wants you to get to know him better. he's someone who speaks his mind, so I think he'll really talk openly about his desires and interests in you, it's one of the rare times he's being serious and it's truly a sight to see.
onto a more materialistic approach, naruto will 100% gifts you plushies. he thinks it's an adorable way to connect the both of you. extra points if the plushie is the effigy of kurama! he will sometimes scent it, sometimes not. it all depends on how you react to them, he'll pay attention to your reactions and decides if that was the right move.
I also think naruto will choose a more natural and spontaneous courting, surprising you with cute and funny outings. helping you escape at night so you can both see the stars together. he'll throw cute notes at you to cheer you up during class...
overall, naruto just wishes to spend more time with you, make you laugh and smile. he really considers your happy face as a reward, it literally makes his day. he wants the both of you to know each other and grow closer.
now sasuke is definitely more reserved in his approach and less explicit about his feelings for you. nonetheless, he won't stay on the sidelines and let other alphas steal you from him. I don't think he'll give you gifts at the very beginning, he's prudent and will first and foremost test the waters by subtly scenting you at times and assess your reaction. if he considers it a green light, he'll start acting more assertive. probably a few stargazing sessions to begin with and when you start to get closer, he'll be more possessive about his courting.
I think he would give an item related to his clan. it could be a luxurious silk robe with the uchiha crest at its back. he would love to see you wear it, in his mind, it serves as a symbol of unity and pride, having his omega wear that would reinforce the seriousness of your relationship along with solidifying his potential claim on you.
in the same spirit, later into the courting, sasuke would gift you a uchiha clan heirloom. that way, he puts you under his protection and his claim on you is now strong and clear, serving as a warning to all alphas that you're his. its strengthens your bond as it's a deep acknowledgment of the importance your hold in his life.
and in fact, sasuke's gift serves as a proof of his commitment to you and your relationship and it feels reassuring to know that he considers you as a member of his clan.
as expected of shikamaru, he has a pretty good understanding of omegas' nature and will therefore, make pretty good gifts. he has a pretty laidback behaviour, this is why I think he wouldn't want to make courting seems too ceremonial and will adopt a more casual approach. oh you're cold ? here's his jacket, scented. you don't even have to ask, shikamaru is just great at making things seem so normal. you mentioned you liked soft items ? here's a cute blanket he bought today, no it's not really a gift, just a thanks for spending the day with him. and it's just that. of course if you're careful you'll catch him blushing if he sees you snuggling his scarf, it's redolent with his pheromones and he's pleased to see you look so safe.
other than that, it's mainly lazy indoor dates. just you taking a few naps, progressively getting closer to each other until you eventually fall asleep on his chest.
overall, shikamaru likes to do things according to your tastes and doesn't want his courting to seem unnatural and bizarre. he tries his best to be his usual self while also trying not to get too shy, surprisingly.
lee is a great alpha, always cheering you on. he's very open about his love for you and he just needs you to give in. of course he knows you're more reserved and needs more time to get to know him before you can make a decision. that's why he's so patient and devoted to you during the courting process. flowers, cheesy love notes, wood sculptures with your initials... with lee it's never ending and you're always surprised with what he was able to come up with.
he will give you gifts, but he'll also often take you out on dates for fun adventures, at least that's what he calls them. genuinely thinks rock climbing & hiking are the best ideas. if he discovers you're not sporty at all, don't worry! lee is more than happy to carry you around, take your hands to help you walk through a particularly tricky path and asks you if you need a break every five minutes. he takes it as his chance to prove to you how alpha, how reliable he is. how much his unwavering determination and passion are yours only.
probably will try cooking snacks, like cookies or brownies but I don't think he's that much of a cook so it'll end up messy. you'll have to console him about this fail attempt and reassure him that you can be the one cooking for him instead!
neji is a great observer, he has your tastes and hobbies all figured out and he knows how to choose the perfect gifts. he is very gentle with the omega he is trying to court and his gifts are as thoughtful as you can imagine. small accessories! after assessing what you like, he'll settle on a small hairpin with soft colours, which compliment your eyes. jewelry as well! a subtle bracelet, a ring or anything, just to remind you that he thinks about you all the time. it's a way to show people that you too are connected and that neji is already pursuing you, the others can back off.
he knows you're sensitive to smells, so probably a few candles with sweet fragrant and cute designs. perfumes? (or insence burner) as long as he likes the smell, he's buying. he loves to know you're wearing the scent he has chosen for you, it's like a pre-mark. it's not his scent yet but it's only a matter of time.
however, neiji will not force things, you'll wear his pheromones yes, but only when you feel ready and you have completely accepted him.
a delicately sewed kimono, or an item you'll be able to wear more easily, like a scarf, gloves... but! his favourite courting gift and the gift which really sealed your relationship is the cute pendant around your neck, carrying a piece of his cloth so that you always smell like him. it's subtle, but enough for the time being, he'll have plenty more time later to scent you profusely!
to. provide.
this man's main goal is to provide for you and to show you he can do it. he's reliable and he's desperate to have a chance with you. please notice him.
while getting to know him, you'll get plenty of nest items, scented of course. a lot of blankets, a few pillows and some of his clothes, he'll give it all to you. he'll even help you build your nest if you let him, he's not so sure about what he's doing but he's attentive and learns fast so you can count on him!
he'll get you food as well. you'll never be hungry with itachi. when you meet up, if he didn't already brought snacks with him, you can be sure he'll buy some later just for you. you paying isn't even a option.
just like his brother, he'll give you clothes you can wear on a daily basis with the uchiha clan crest on them. all that to assure your protection and to claim you, nobody wants to meet a jealous uchiha anyways.
he's a bit quiet at times so he'll use notes to share his feelings. it's always really touching and delicate, you know he means it.
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suguru-getos · 6 months
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ Kinktober Day 26﹕✦﹕┈・୧
-> Event Masterlist
Yandere Itachi Uchiha x F!Reader -> Breeding
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Warnings: Dub!con, yandere themes, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of baby trapping, Stockholm syndrome, manipulative Itachi, pregnancy of breeding!kink. Itachi is still soft because yeah >\\< and fluffy if you squint
It's the ridiculously delectable way, her doe-eyed self cowers down beneath him whenever she loomed in his presence. He adores her, watching her fidget every time Itachi says something, every time he glances at her unmomentarily. She is akin to a deer, and Itachi- a lion, a ruthless, sadistic lion wanting nothing more but to tame his prey, but no- he doesn't just want to prey on her, he wants to love her. He wants her to love him, to subdue everything she can for him.
It's the way he always excuses his behavior with the sentence that chains her neck, boiling down her very core. "It's all to protect you, to keep you safe." When he addresses her as an 'Angel' she loses a little faith in god, because no angel's wings should be pinned down as hers, the way Itachi does it.
No, he does not hurt her, but he does make sure she doesn't hurt herself, sometimes confinement and solitude is the most amicable way to stem down the essence of a punishment and a lesson. Treason, if you will.
He still feels insanity grip the very nerves of his self when she approaches him, slouching as if she'd break if she stood tall. He would break her for standing tall & sniveling at him to let her go. "Hmm, maybe bestowing you with some responsibility will help, you've become quite air-headed, dear Y/N."
Oh, it desolates his perfect, controlled mind when he imagines her tiny self inflated with his seed, having trouble pacing around, needing Itachi with every little beck and call, the vulnerability which will come with her last semester, how she will struggle to hold her urine when the little Uchiha would kick and eagerly wait to see Mother and Father... how adoring.
It starts slow, after months of living together with Itachi, she knows how to read him, how Itachi's eyes glint towards the impending, she wouldn't be unjust, Itachi treats her kindly when he demands something, especially when it needs his fragile, male ego stroked and petted.
So she complies, as he spreads her apart naked, pupils visibly dilated as his gaze turns tender, more subtle. As if she'd break under him, a vile part of him wants to break her instantly. Itachi is a paradox, after all. "It's okay, my angelic little thing." You're doing so well for me. His luscious, long hair tickles her tender breasts as Itachi leans in, kissing her neck, scraping at the sensitive, irritated skin & deviously marking her up. "Oh no, don't cry, I'm going to be gentler." He dotes on her being a sensitive crybaby, can't handle his length, can't handle him.
Oh but the little being Itachi owns, is ferocious on her own, knowing most ardently she has him in her grip, "Wa-ant to go out after this." She manages to barely choke out when Itachi's member ravishes her cunt, thrusting, rutting his hips inside, churning them up to his shape. Itachi couldn't say no to that face, the future mother of his kids. "Anything... Angel."
"Will you let me fill you up?" Itachi asks though she doesn't have any choice but to, Itachi is a master, a sorcerer of illusions and to earn her goodness, to pretend she owns the decision of freedom, ever so fleeting choices that are nothing but a mirage; Itachi loves that.
She nods, biting her lip like an anxious child, the background thoughts all super setting the imagery of her being pregnant, she's too far gone now though. Stockholm Syndrome hugs her every night along with the slender arms of her lover. She wants to please him, simultaneously hating herself for the same as she nods, feeling the thrusts slow down, sloppy and then the warmth of his seed deep inside her gummy walls.
"Nothing, Angel, without you... I'm nothing."
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angelltheninth · 1 month
Words can't describe my happiness when your requests open. Your writings bring me so much joy after a long day at work. Could you write prompt 1/w Kakashi from that kiss prompt list?
It's very important to relax after work. If my stories can do that for you I'm very glad for it.
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Tags: fluff, established relationship, kiss over the mask, teasing, flirty!Kakashi
A/N: I got through most of my old requests then saw the kiss prompts and opened them again.
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1. Whispering "Kiss me." to your lover
A really irritating thing about your boyfriend is that he always had his nose in a book. A trashy smuty one. And not even the good kind! When he could be spending that time with you instead. Technecally he was. He was holding your hand while sitting under this tree, in a nice cozy shade from the Sun.
When you decided you've had it with being ignored you leaned over to him. "Kiss me."
You whispered and instead of the soft feeling of his lips on your cheek you felt the fabric of his mask. That wouldn't do!
Kakashi turned back to his book, an obvious smile playing on his lips. "You look like there's something you want."
"How would you know, you haven't even looked at me properly." You puffed out your cheeks, a childish display of jealousy not suited for a shinobi of your status. "All you look at is that book. What's so great about it anyway? Not like we haven't done everything in there together."
Chuckling at your statement he glanced over at you, finally paying attention. He inched closer and pulled his mask down, making your eyes widen as he hid your faces from view with the aforementioned book.
Your face turned hot when you sneaked a peak at the page he was currently on.
"Looks like we haven't done everything." He smirked, put his mask back on and pulled back to resume his reading.
Alright, now you were curious too.
You leaned your head against his shoulder and read the pages, "So what's the book about?"
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moumouton4 · 8 months
Messy || Sasuke Uchiha x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 7 of the Smutember 2023 ( Here I used a little headcanon I created on Sasuke and Uchihas in general, so it's not something you could have seen before. You may think unusual, I call it kinky 😩 )
The list of promps is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ��
Warnings : penetrative sex, lots of cum, grahic scenes, mention of pregnacy, shower sex implied, Sasuke is 25-ish here, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1301
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Sex with Sasuke was always well… sex… but with Sasuke. His behavior never really changed - in the beginning - from how he acted in the middle of the streets or how he acted when he was buried deep inside you. He always managed to keep his stoic and focused expression, almost as if his face was trying to deny that he was actually fucking you. He also denied being quirky in bed. Don’t worry he levels up in this field with time and it doesn’t mean he isn’t skilled at making you feel good.
With time eventually he managed to feel comfortable and let go of any worries that might have affected his behavior. It was soft touches, sweet pecks and loving nuzzles that made you acknowledge his increasing love for you. But being the last Uchiha, brought his fair share of embarrassing drawbacks. And when it happened it actually surprised both you and him by the meaning of it all.
Actually, you were going at it when it happened. You usually weren't that much of a squirter, so you guys never thought about using some special sheet or a towel to prevent any leaks on the mattress. His cock was sliding at a rapid pace in and out of you, both your breaths were heavy as you felt the pleasure plummet inside your bodies. You were feeling extremely good, not caring a minute for the life that continued going on past these walls. It was just him, his love and the pleasure he made you feel.
Though, relaxed wasn't what one would describe Sasuke as just now. His face - though buried against your neck - wore an expression of discomfort. He could feel he was close to coming. But that wasn't the real problem, he'd made you come twice before and even if a moment ago he'd found it hard to cum in front of you, now he was comfortable with the idea of letting you see him so vulnerable. The real problem was the great heat he felt in his belly. It was almost uncomfortable, as if this discomfort was pushing him to cum quickly to free himself from it. His balls felt heavy and loaded as they pounded against your soft skin.
But before he could even prevent anything from happening, and before he could tell you he groaned against the shell of your ear. His Sharingan briefly activated as something he only read in secret scrolls happened. His balls tighten and you certainly felt him throb heavily inside your cunt.
“Y-Y/n…” you heard him stutter as if he was trying to call for help. His length then started to pump white spurts that shooted deep inside you. But it didn’t stop after a few seconds, it seemed as if Sasuke was pouring himself inside you. As his member kept filling you, you couldn’t help but come once more, at the load of seed he offered you.
Despite this you still looked calm. The same, again, couldn’t be said for him. As his breath came in sharp intakes, his hips aleatory bucking against you as if trying to push even more of his seed inside. His grip on you tightened as he tried to ground himself in the present. He wanted to stop the flow of cum that was threatening to spill from you, but his dick seemed to be stubborn today. And it was in all powerlessness that he saw his cum dripping out of you to the sheets.
“Sasuke are you-”
“P-please don’t... just w-wait a minute” he stuttered trying his hardest to take the control he usually has on his body back. But this seemed beyond control.
Then as the last tremors shook his body, he gradually felt himself relax as his member stopped pulsing its warmth. His eyes were wide open as he clung to your smaller body, seeking that comfort and security only you can provide.
He was still struggling to come to terms with what had really happened. Even though in the back of his mind he understood. Understood that his body, feeling in perfect harmony with yours, had taken the initiative to try to inseminate you. Even Sasuke hadn't asked himself that question before. He knew he loved you and wanted to share his life with you, whatever the cost. But he was light years away from thinking that his genes would take over his body in an attempt to take such a step. But after all, he was a young Uchiha man, and even you knew that the Uchihas had a certain relationship with large families. The fact that he was the last of them had undoubtedly only reinforced a reaction that would have seemed normal to his young body.
Your hand gently reached for his raven hair, you knew he always liked getting soothed this way
“Are you okay my Love ?” you asked, this time wanting him to answer better than making you wait.
You felt him nod weakly against you, his voice was hoarse as he spoke “Y-yeah…I’m fine”
“Wanna talk about it or ?” you tried again, you didn’t want him to keep something for himself if speaking about it might alleviate some of the tension.
“It’s just… ugh something t-that happens” he struggled to answer, his face a bright shade of red - just like the tomatoes he loved so much. But the reality is that he felt bad for what had happened, he didn’t want you to feel pressured because of the unexpected response of his body “I don't want you to feel forced into anything… I’m sorry” he muttered, his lips merely brushing against the side of your neck.
You frowned at his apology, you stopped playing with his hair as you pulled him up to look at you. His onyx eyes seemed to hold a genuine worry for you as if he was already cursing himself for what had happened “I don’t want you to apologize for loving someone Sasuke. Yes it can seem unusual but it’s a natural body response for you, and I love all of you not only the fierce ninja but also the vulnerable lover. So please instead of apologizing just ask me if I’m ready to take that step with you you might get surprised”
As soon as the words left your lips, his eyes seemed to widen even more if that was possible “Are you serious ?” his voice held a deep and genuine care for you “Y/n this is not something to take lightly. There will be no going backs if you-” though you shut him up with a languid kiss.
“If you’re okay with it I won’t take my pill tonight. Maybe we could start more seriously from now on if that’s what we both want ?”
As you spoke a rare and genuine small smile appeared on his face “That would be wonderful" he spoke as if he was contemplating a dream. Though the whiteness that started to trickle down from your joined bodies snapped you both back to reality “But factually you really made a mess” you couldn’t help but tease.
He felt a shiver from embarrassment run down his spine “Come on” he huffed, even if he himself knew that his mess would need some time to clean up “Hang on tight I’m going to take us back to the bathroom” his lips left a tender kiss on your forehead.
You felt his arms wrap around your back as he effortlessly carried you away from the bed who witnessed your heated encounter. From there two things that were on his mind needed to be said : cleaning up your bed was going to take at least 10 minutes and he really wanted to take you for a second round.
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forthereaderinserts · 2 months
You: why can’t I come with you? It’s just a c rank mission.
Kakashi: you’re injured and as your husband you need to stay home.
You: I’ve decided you’re mean. And I will not stand for this.
Kakashi: Well…you can’t stand.
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