#nebulous canon of S7
aloysiavirgata · 13 days
prompt: t-shirt, i adore you, knock three times
They run into one another at the ice machine on the third floor. She’s wearing her Stanford t-shirt and pajama pants, having planned a quiet night of Diet Coke and document review before Mulder drags her out into the marshes in the early morning.
“Your room is on the second floor,” he observes. “You staking me out? Christ Scully, this has to stop.”
She narrows her eyes. “You’re awfully presumptuous.”
“You got it baaaad,” he says, whapping on his ice bucket like a bongo.
“Oh, Fox,” she says flatly, filling her own bucket. “I cannot contain myself. I adore you.”
“I checked the fire evacuation map and your room is right under mine,” he notes. Whistles a few bars of Knock Three Times, leering. Winks.
They part ways at the stairwell door. “You think Skinner knows?” Mulder asks, thumbing her lips.
She snorts. “Mulder, at this point I’m pretty sure Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, and every covert employee at Area 51 knows. I assume it’s in the Bureau’s new hire packet.”
He looks thoughtful. “Well,” he says. “Fuck it, then.” Mulder scoops her up, ice bucket and all, and carries her down the hall to his room.
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
Rise of the Beasts is almost here, and the movie is getting pretty glowing early reviews similar to Bumblebee showing signs we have good talent behind it again. The toys however seem to be sitting on shelves mostly, though that might be due to price primarily as I have seen evidence of people looking at the toys and buying some. I’ve had an eye on the two pack Spark Armor style toys and two pack Autobot/Maximal/Terrorcon with animal weapons, but those are the most expensive toys of interest and not in my price range atm. One older collector I bumped into bought most of the Beast weapon toys so he could display them in Beast Mode and Gun Mode. So there is at least some demand for the toys.
I do have some quibbles due to recent interviews. Ol’ Lorenzo keeps insisting the film doesn’t break canon and is part of the Bay films, but the director and early audiences have all pointed to the film being treated as a reboot but still having nods to the older movies, like most franchise stuff are want to do. Lorenzo won’t let it go, but as far as I’m concerned, Beasts is part of a reboot era, and unless Paramount finds a way to shove the square peg into the Star shaped hole, I’m disregarding anything Lorenzo says. And it appears other officials are doing the same, as it has been officially declared RotB is a reboot, with a new trailer also calling the movie the start of a new era to solidify the deal further.
Steven on the other hand seems interested in seeing more movies that utilize other planets and other kinds of Transformers since they spend too much time on Earth. As much as I’d be open to fiddling with this, I’m not sure if they’ll actually do that. At best you get Nebulous, since it’s populated by human like beings, and you get more Scorponok for whoever keeps putting Scorponok in the films. I’m not sure how a Velocitron movie would work, is it Fast & Furious with the villains being the Stunticons? In any event, for context and mild spoilers, a post credits scene involves GI Joe recruiting Noah. If I had to guess, besides the usual Joe/Autobot team up, if this gets properly followed through, the Joes are likely meant to be NEST in this universe. Not sure atm what this means for Sector 7, which exists still via the Bee movie. Perhaps GI Joe is an extension of S7, as the Joe rep talking to Noah is fully aware of the Transformers. It’s worth mentioning it was recently revealed a Transformers and GI Joe crossover movie is in development, so the scene with Noah is clearly meant to build towards this. I suspect this may be how we get Megatron as well, with Cobra, like in past comic adaptions, discovering the stasis locked Megatron and seeking to utilize him as a weapon, also potentially explaining his inevitable (HISS?) tank mode, unless they decide to make Megs a helicopter like his Animated and EarthSpark selves. In any event, it doesn’t seem like Hasbro wants the Autobots to leave Earth any time soon, and it might depend on if the Transwarp Keys survive intact if they CAN get off world on the future.
Steven’s similar interest in wanting to show threats beyond the Decepticons feeds into my earlier concerns Hasbro doesn’t seem to want to use the Decepticons as major villains anymore. I mean let’s be honest, we all thought a possible Bee 2 was going to involve more Decepticons on a larger scale having picked up Shatter’s transmission because Soundwave detected it, none of us expected Terrorcons or Maximals. It makes me wonder if Horrorcons will be in the sequel: guys like Apeface and Snapdragon would lend themselves well as Unicron agents. With Unicron, at least at the moment, intended to be the trilogy’s main antagonist, I don’t really see any other evil Transformers beyond the Terrorcons right now anyway. Even Beast Machines felt it was less complicated not to involve Predacons so the Vehicons could shine as the main enemy. That being said, when there’s Maximals, usually there’s Predacons, so the Preds might have a shot at becoming antagonists. It’s not clear who else survived Unicron eating the Maximal planet, but they clearly had better luck than the Lithones did. Megatron’s Predacons surviving seems like a safe bet going by advertisements that feature reliefs of Terrorsaur, BlackArachnia, Waspinator and the like. That said, Scorponok was part of it, but he appears to be allied with the Terrorcons and is a mass produced drone despite being labeled a Predacon in toys, so… -big shrugs- I could see Megatron’s goal being similar to RiD Steeljaw in that he wants to create a Predacon homeworld and chooses Earth for his purposes, intending to wipe out all humans, Autobots and of course Optimus Primal to claim his prize. I’m sure they’ll eventually bring in Decepticons later on, but the fact we abruptly jump from the Great War to whatever the deal is with Terrorcons doesn’t inspire confidence there. I do hope though that since we have Scourge, the next leader of the Terrorcons is Cyclonus. Still has the Acolyte of Unicron mask, but he is helicopter patterned after Armada Cyclonus, lol. I mean if this Scourge is a homage to RiD Scourge, I don’t see why we can’t get this.
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Ship Promotional Post: Harry/Tom/B'Elanna (Star Trek: Voyager)
Fandom: Voyager is a 90s Star Trek series about a ship that gets lost in the Delta Quadrant. It’s typical episode-of-the-week Star Trek, though there is an overarching plot (returning home) that gets stronger over the last few seasons. It has a super diverse cast, lots of kickass women, and pathetic miserable men, so naturally, it’s like catnip for me. Ship: I really only ship this as a v-configuration poly ship with Tom at the center (mostly because I read Harry as gay and B'Elanna as not into him anyway), though I'm just as happy with just Harry/Tom or Tom/B'Elanna without the other.
I adore Tom. He is such a fucking nerd and his daddy issues are next level (and he has mommy issues, too, but they don’t come up as much). Like, he’s the 24th century equivalent of a guy who gets really into the ren faire and jane austen weekends and does historical site tours. I also honestly loved him from the beginning (my friends say this is what they expected but shh), but I do love how he develops as a character. I can take either miserable man S1 Tom or competent charming malewife S7 Tom.
Harry/Tom: honestly, like, it didn’t take me long to decide that Harry is in love with Tom. I don't know that Tom feels the same way, but Tom is def bi, so it could happen, right? Harry does kind of strike me as “I’m straight!! I’m straight!!” protests too much while he has nightmares about Seven kissing him and then seeks out Tom at every available opportunity. Happy with requited or unrequited pining or weird nebulous stuff!
B'Elanna/Tom: girlboss/malewife otp. I love them. like yes, Tom does fall into some of the annoying Trek Man In A Relationship Things, but ultimately I think they’re one of the better canon ships in the franchise! I really do like how they reach out and try to do things for each other. They also both have similar baggage with family/parents and feeling abandoned, which I love. I can take them during canon or post-canon or in an AU. we can have one het ship as a treat.
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impostoradult · 3 years
This is time that was allotted to these storylines by canon, offering an expectation of meaning and importance, offering what results in a promise—not time the fans imagined or made up, not something they feel nebulously entitled to, but time they spent on plots the canon gave to them. (Cas means something to Dean after all these years and a love confession. Bucky means something to Steve after all these years and a snap. Jaime’s project of growth and his meaningful relationship with Brienne is something worth investing in.) But instead of saying, yes, you spent all this time watching these scenes, feeling these moments, taking this in—you grew with this character, with these relationships (grew in many cases away from the set starting point)—here is your promised meaning, again and again, these properties snatch the rug away and then pretend blithely they cannot understand why “entitled fans” are so upset.
I’ve been meaning to write my version of this argument for a while now, and I suppose this article is just as good a reason as any.
My thesis, in short, is that lack of queer representation actually isn’t what is creating ~the problem~ here. What’s creating the problem is the overriding power of heteronormativity as a kind of ‘trump’ story logic that is allowed to steamroller everything else into oblivion. (And yes, there actually is a substantial difference between those two things)
Sub-thesis 1: Representation Actually Isn’t A Strong Argument for Destiel (or any particular ship/character)
Controversial, I know.  The representation argument (while an extremely valid argument as applies to popular culture in general) is actually not a very good argument when it comes to why Dean should be explicitly queer and Destiel should have been consummated. 
For one, there’s no reason -- exclusively from the standpoint that it is a moral imperative that queer people are represented in media -- why any particular character or set of characters should be that representation. The ethical cultural mandate to represent marginalized groups does not mandate that any one character or set of characters in any particular given story be that representation*. Yes, even if you as a member of that marginalized group happen to identify with that character. Even then, it isn’t OWED to you. (I think writers should take those trends of identification seriously, and think about what it means to marginalized groups, and act accordingly. But I don’t think it creates an OBLIGATION)
*I’d argue the primary caveat to this would be in stories where the character’s situation or arc is directly related to struggles experienced by that marginalized group (i.e., casting mostly white actors in stories where those characters are experiencing racial oppression)
For another, if representation of queer characters were primarily dictated by fandoms, 90% of queer characters in media would be white, conventionally attractive men. (That might be overstating it a bit, but fandoms have serious biases when it comes to shipping and what kind of characters they latch onto for queer interpretation, and that’s one of the reasons I’m grateful queer representation is not primarily linked to our tastes/preferences). 
The representation argument is a very valid argument when examining popular culture as whole, and when looking at broader trends for example, within a genre, or a whole network. But no particular TV show is obligated to make particular characters within it queer just because representation is a moral imperative as a broader cultural issue. 
Sub-Thesis 2: Heteronormativity Creates Stupid/Badly Constructed Stories
The actual problem here is how heteronormativity creates a kind of trump logic that overrides coherent storytelling. 
I’m not upset about what happened on Supernatural because I think we missed out on representation. There is actually plenty of ~better~ representation elsewhere, and there will continue to be more as time goes on. The representation issue is peripheral at best when it comes to analyzing what went ‘wrong’ with Supernatural. 
The key issue here is that stories need to make sense, not just in terms of plot (although that matters), but in terms of character growth, emotional arcs, etc. The ending of Supernatural is bad because it treated massive pieces of character growth and one of the most significant emotional arcs of the whole show as if it was ultimately inconsequential -- which is bad storytelling and doesn’t make sense. 
And YES, we are ‘owed’ stories that make sense. It’s not entitled to want a story to be coherent, because coherence is what makes a story a story, and not just a series of random meaninglessly assembled plot points/fictional anecdotes. 
The problem is, Hollywood writers keep writing themselves into situations where emotional coherence basically requires an explicitly queer dynamic (or at least a strongly subtextual one), and then just being like...but these characters aren’t queer so we can’t do that. Instead, let’s end Steve’s arc by sending him back in time to live a heterosexual life with Peggy, disregarding the HUGELY significant plot points related to Steve/Bucky which grounded multiple entire movies within the MCU (Winter Solider, Civil War). Let’s end Sherlock by inventing a random, long-lost Holmes sister never remotely hinted at or foreshadowed and make that incomprehensible plot point the finale, when the entire series has been grounded in John and Sherlock’s relationship. 
Let’s make it canonically clear Cas’s love for Dean is the one single act of pure free will in a world with a malevolent God trying to manipulate everyone’s lives for his own amusement, and that Cas’s love for Dean is the only thing keeping the primary story-universe of Supernatural intact, because every other version of Sam and Dean in every other universe kill each other as God intended. Let’s make it clear that Cas’s betrayal of heaven due to his love for Dean is literally propping up their entire universe, but then end the story by pretending like it’s not that important after all. Castiel who?
And it’s just like...THAT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! It doesn’t make fucking sense. It’s bad writing. So why would you do it? (I mean, I being a bit facetious here. I know exactly why. Because the precious feelings of homophobes will be hurt, and companies don’t want to lose out on their money) 
It’s not entitled to want a story to make sense. It’s not entitled to want major plot points and character arcs and emotional dynamics to have resolutions that follow from what came before in the story. 
And I’m sorry, but you are a ridiculous person if you watched Dean grieve Castiel’s ostensible deaths in s7 and s13 (both times becoming nearly catatonic, nihilistic, more self-destructive than usual, and borderline suicidal over losing Cas) and try to argue to me that his shrug-it-off attitude towards Cas’s death/loss in the finale makes any goddamn sense at all. 
It is utterly inconsistent with everything that has happened before in Supernatural regarding Dean and Castiel’s relationship. It’s incomprehensibly incoherent and just stupid. (And that is just the absolute tip of the incoherence iceberg because to fully explain why the ending of Supernatural re: Destiel doesn’t make sense we’d have to review over 300 episode’s worth of content, and there isn’t time for that) 
I’m just so sick and so tired of being asked to pretend to be stupid because you know, man, heterosexuality. They’re not gay!!1! 
The exhaustion I feel, as a queer viewer, in fact is not borne out of lack of representation. The representation issue is very much on an upward trajectory and I’m not worried about the future of TV not being queer enough. I’m not. 
The exhaustion and frustration and anger I feel as a queer viewer is borne of having to repeatedly watch stupid endings to good stories because the story can only make sense if you make it queer (you cowards). I’m tired of being asked to develop dumb amnesia disease in order to consume endings to stories that had to blow everything up at the end to (re)enforce a heterosexuality that can only stand on a foundation of utter incoherence and contradiction to monumental things that came before it.
I am JUST SO TIRED of being asked to sacrifice my intelligence, my basic logic and critical thinking skills, and my ability to remember basic narrative beats at the alter of almighty Heterosexuality, supreme ruler of all cultural output and destroyer of good queer things. 
Heterosexuality isn’t owed my stupidity, and I’m not entitled for wanting stories to make sense. YOU are entitled for demanding my stupidity when you wrote that dumb shit and expected me to act like it wasn’t dumb simply because it was heterosexual. 
No, the heterosexuality is exactly the reason it IS dumb. 
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herinsectreflection · 3 years
Hello :) i love hearing your thoughts on Buffy. Your analyses are always on point and just so good, like well-articulated. Really a pleasure to read too. So sorry if you already talked about this and i missed it somehow. What do you think of Faith and Robin? And do you consider the comics canon? If yes, same question but including the comics too. Thank you. Have a great day/night/all ^^’
First of all, thanks so much. 😊
I used to have a real problem with Faith/Robin. It felt very much like a lazy pair-the-spares ending, and it was disappointing to Faith landed in scenes with a character she didn't have much of a history with as opposed to exploring her dynamic with Xander/Willow/Dawn/etc. This was yet another symptom of S7's Too Many Characters disease - they had to pair up some of them to make sure everyone still had something to do.
I like it a bit more these days. I think it makes sense for Faith to at least try to have some kind of relationship that lasts longer than a shower. I think that would be good for her, and Robin is a babe. I don't see it working out for them at all though - not least because I favour the interpretation of Faith as a lesbian experiencing comphet.
I find the idea of "canon" to be a pretty nebulous thing in all honesty. Expanded universe material is always going to be in a Shroedinger state - it's canon until it's not. This is probably a side effect of me coming originally from Doctor Who fandom, where the very idea of a consistent and strict canon between mediums is a cruel joke.
And honestly, what does canon even mean? "Here is everything that legally happened", like it's a historical record? None of it actually happened. It just feels very meaningless to insist on anything either way. The way I prefer to talk about it is that the show is the show, and that is the thing I care about. Everything else is everything else, but I am here to talk about a television show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer and anything that isn't a television show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not a relevant topic.
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betweenlands · 3 years
jungle!bdubs is at least borderline canon to s8, just to throw that out there. in one of his early eps he makes a trek out to the jungle, makes some quip about living there, and then breaks into something very similar to the s5 bdubs voice like "nope! never doing that again! we are never. coming. back. here!" or something to that effect.
obvs. could just be ccbdubs remembering how frustrating the jungle was to build/work in, but it's also easily interpreted as cbdubs remembering and rejecting the notion.
oh!!! good to know actually. i haven't been watching his s8 but i know there's no canon acknowledgement of the jungle in s6-s7 so that's mostly what i was going off of there when bringing it up. figured it was only fair to also mention a fanon thing i Like so it didn't just come off as me bashing a fanon interpretation i dislike
definitely keeping that in mind as like. nebulous canon? teased semicanon? something like that
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laufire · 4 years
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@thepawnhits​ asked: I was wondering if you could go into further detail about your comment under the murphystartedthefire about murphy stans who hate emori?
(I hope you don’t mind that I answered over here; it’s just that this post got long enough to merit a read more and I’ve seen tumblr mess up with those in ask posts as of late smh ¬¬)
I know this might come across in ways I don’t intend to-- I’m not here to tell anyone how they define their fan experience; this is specifically about how I see the fandom spectrum. If someone wants to call themselves a Murphy stan and hate on Emori I’ll simply assume we have a different definition of the term and that they have remarkably bad taste xD and move on.
On that vein: according to my vision of what a stan is, I would never see someone that hates Emori as a Murphy stan.
There are wildly different ways to love a character, and stanning is only one of them, and the rarest one at that, IMO. Sometimes we think we love a character (or like them, or have “come around” to them), to discover later that it wasn’t so. I know it’s happened to me a few times (and I take pride in knowing myself quite well, overall, lol), that looking back I ended up thinking, well --in hindsight, I didn’t love them that much. For example, I would’ve count Daenerys as one of my favourites in the ASOIAF books, maybe even number one at some points, and I did like her on the show whenever I tuned in (not that often). However, I’m not enraged about her ending, and in fact I appreciate quite a lot of what the GOT finale did. Because though I like Daenerys, I was willing to trade her for other characters and other developments that mattered more to me when it counted --at the very end. Because I liked Daenerys, maybe loved her even, but I did not stan Daenerys (that I reserved for Cersei lmao).
Stanning, to me, is something quite unique and nebulous to define, but it more or less comes down to this: you nterpret the story through that character, other characters & how they affect them included (you will ship different ships if you stan a character vs. if you merely like them, IMO); they’re your number one priority to the point you’d “betray” your loyalties to other characters you like (if you’re capable to even like them in the first place, if they’re in the way of your fave. I happen to be, which creates a lot of conflict in my fannish life until the endgame comes and all bets are off lmao, but not everyone is and they probably have an easier time of it xD); and you want them to have the BEST, richest storyline, to get everything they say they want and more (and the keyword here is “say”, because if you stan a character you will take what they say at face value; you won’t doubt their POV, you won’t think they’re ~misguided and need to be “taught a lesson”, that they need to fundamentally change who they are at their core. You’d love them as they are because stanning is a fucking ridiculous state of being), even when it looks like it’s way beyond their reach.
Stanning is also very self-centered of us fans. All fannish love is, I guess. We don’t love characters the way we love people (not the ones we love genuinely, beyond ourselves, at least). It goes through a filter of what WE think and want too, because characters aren’t real people and their well-being only matters in-so-far as we’ve latched onto them. Fannish love is different from person to person, but one thing that’s true for my type of stanning is that “happiness”, as in the character being easily “content” matters a lot less to me than them winning. So whether or not a most interesting ship from them happens to bring them heartbreak once in a while... so what, as long as it brings real, tangible benefits to their storyline? With second-rate characters I like I might say “oh, that ship is nice, it makes them happy, it’s convenient for them”, etc. With my OTPs and my faves that’s not even in my radar. I want victory, not contentment, ffs.
Another thing it’s important to take into account and that I rarely if ever see fandom mentioning is that where a character is positioned in the narrative conditions how you love them. It’s not the same to start out the show with Clarke as your number one fave (even if boy, did she took a few hits in the meantime), or even Octavia and Bellamy (... same with him), than if you latch onto Raven, Murphy, etc. They weren’t quite at the bottom of the barrel, there were always characters way below them, but they were positioned explicitly below other characters in their introductions.
Fans adjust their expectations when they love secondary characters like that, whether they’re able to admit it or even realize it. We expect them to get less than the leads, because that’s how hierarchies work. Most of the time we’re right, but sometimes there are ~shakeups, and The 100 is one of those times, IMO. Because of that, Murphy got a lot more of what would’ve been expected in s1. Faced with that, fans need to reajust, but some can’t. Depending on how risk-averse they are, they might fear that their fave is getting something that’s not their “due” according to the initial structure, and that means they’ll be “punished” for it and have it, at the very least, taken away. The bigger they are, the harder the fall, etc. Personally I happen to like the risk --no risk, no reward--, and this ~timid way of loving your number one doesn’t align with my view of stanning characters at all *shrug*. Like, what the fuck is the point if you’re gonna settle for mediocrity xD
Now, wrt Memori specifically.
I have alluded to this in several post in the past; here I talk a little bit about Memori as a narrative that uplifts Murphy, for example. That, to me, it’s the gist of it. Memori is AMAZING for Murphy’s storyline. AMAZING. It’s THE romance of the show, period. It does wonders for his character, it’s made him The Romantic Hero (which is the most flattering way a male character can ever come across IMO), it’s made him pull outstanding stunts. Memori brings the most of Murphy, and as someone that loves Murphy, I love Memori for it (among other many reasons, like the fact that it’s very much My Type of ship).
Somehow people claim that because she was “mean” (...) to him in s5 that’s a bad relationship for him and... lmfao. EVEN if I thought they said that in good faith (ha!); EVEN if I agreed with them in their reading of the ship (ha!)... MEMORI IS NOT A REAL RELATIONSHIP.
MEMORI IS A FICTIONAL PAIRING. I don’t give a fuck about “healthy”, and I don’t see the vast majority of fans do either; not when push comes to shove, not about the ships that truly matter to them, their OTPs, and not just their ~casual pairings. I don’t want Memori to be a conflict-free storyline, because I think it would be an objectively worse ship if it was. Sometimes the conflict will be Memori vs. the world. Sometimes it’ll be Emori vs. Murphy. I think both have merit and both had done a lot of good for the ship.
So then, I question: why would people who love Murphy (or claim to, or genuinely think they do but), hate on Emori and think she’s the worst thing that’s happen to him, in the face of the overwhelming proof of the contrary?
One option is that, like I say, they find Memori to risky, to beyond Murphy as he was introduced in s1 (this fandom is even more stuck in s1 mentality than most I’ve encountered, and that’s saying something). It could be, though I haven’t seen clear examples of it.
What I have seen are examples of people that, for a variety of reasons, aren’t being quite truthful about their priorities, tbh. This will sound presumptous on my part but I can’t bring myself to care because I’m quite tired of this fandom; it’s repetitive af, even if I weren’t to take into account that I have been in several fandoms, even if often as a mere lurker, and I’ve seen all of this before, over and over again. I’m TIRED people xD
I’ll be blunt: this attitude, comes from CLARKE’s stans, not Murphy’s. People whose priority is Clarke, and that think she should be centered in the show (usually with Bellamy/Clarke as the ship they use to channel it --the ones that go for Lexa don’t seem as keen on invading Emori and Memori’s tags but they might be out there too). Potentially I could see it from Bellamy stans too (though frankly, on the vein of this post, my definition of a stan wouldn’t ship Bellamy with Clarke lol); so far Memori and Bellamy aligned quite well in canon, but all the s7 could change that and turn into resentment.
Because that’s what I think it is in a lot of cases: resentment. Resentment that Murphy and Emori get a Romance, capital letters, while their own ship is... well. While their ship isn’t. I’ve seen this happen in other fandoms and that’s all there is: petty jealousy. Why can’t my fave enjoy this?? Which, btw, is a sentiment I can sympathy with? It’s the way they try to pass it for something more that annoys me LOL.
And tbh I think that’s what a lot of Murven “shipping” comes from (and even that short moment of Murphy/Echo shipping I remember from s5 lol): it’s not genuine, passionate shipping; it’s convenience shipping that doesn’t own up to it. Now, I think there are Murven shippers out there that are passionate about it; I myself like it a little, even if only in a fanon context (and preferably in a thruple lol), but a.) I’ve happened to see those more often than not multiship Memori too either way, and b.) you can tell a lot of those shippers aren’t genuine by their reactions to the Murven scene in late s6 IMO: they HATED it, not because of the admittedly cringy dialogue lol, but because they were there for each other in a way that didn’t account for Clarke. That scene, which by all accounts should’ve been shipping fodder, was derided and hated on, because to a lot of Clarke stans the ship is just a way to get Murphy into a less potent ship, with the added benefit of keeping those women they feel threatened by away from Bellamy. Win-win.
This is a tangent, but hell, if anything I think having getting canonically paired with Raven would’ve been potentially terrible for Murphy’s narrative. Remember when I say stans take their fave at their word? It’s similar for writers: when writers truly respect a character, they take them at their word. In male characters especially, there’s one way this manifests, and it’s in their romantic storylines: the lead guy (or any guy with real narrative capital) loves One Girl, and One Girl only (if he hesitates between more he’s a no good wishy-washy and weak-willed jerk and the writers can even come to dislike him for it). There’s no version of his story that can look truly victorious if she doesn’t love him back and they don’t get their endgame, period. So when writers “stan” that character, in the particular way writers do, they give him just that: Peak Romance.
If the writers had pulled from Memori to write him with Raven, two things could’ve happen: either it’d happen humiliating Raven for Emori, or the other way around (yes, as fandom we can imagine other scenarios. In actual canon F/M/F triangles almost invariably go like that, sadly). If it’d happened before s6, I would’ve said Emori getting the short end of the stick was a more likely option, though now I’m not so sure. Either way, both scenarios would make Murphy Look Bad for hurting a girl’s feelings (yes, Murphy has killed people. But like I’ve said, Romantic Hero is what looks best and you CAN’T be a romantic hero if you seriously spurn a girl, even if it’s not your #1 girl. Writers are ridiculous but this pattern holds over and over smh). It would’ve been even WORSE if said girl was Emori, because it means the writers no longer respected Murphy’s POV and his priorities. It would change the core of Murphy’s character because Memori was written into his DNA, no turn backs, the way Bellamy as Octavia’s Big Brother was on his, for example.
Aaaaaanyway. I hope this has shined some light on what I meant lol. But I guess it can be summarized with: in terms of pure narrative, Emori has been consistently great for Murphy’s character. Why would you hate her if you love him, in the way a stan loves?
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bicon-korra · 6 years
us versus the world
[Allurance, Allura-centric, 1,217 words, Voltron S7, canon-compliantish]
Summary: Allura and her Blue Lion plunge into the ocean after the paladins’ battle with the Altean-powered mecha. Death beckons her, and of course, Lance comes to save the day. The lion propelled into the water, the impact striking a deafening blow. She descended deeper and deeper, the sun’s light fading to nothing. Her emergency lights were working, which Allura took as a sliver of hope. She heard a loud pop and desperately grabbed the oxygen mask that fell from the vent and held it to her mouth, taking in a large gasp. She filled her lungs with air and fought hard to keep her breaths steady. Fear, however, proved a more formidable foe, and she felt paralyzed as her lion sunk further down. 
The lights flickered and her breaths quickened to where she was practically heaving. She remembered Lance explaining the deepest part of the ocean to her, where only glowing creatures and microorganisms invisible to the human eye lived. He spoke with a childlike fascination, but Allura felt like he was telling her a dark fable about Earth, a giant leviathan that consumed humans and animals to hoard them in its black underbelly. She didn’t know what these creatures looked like, but she knew that not even an alien belonged here. 
Naturally, her mind settled on Lance again, on his love and reverence toward this nebulous body. She felt sad that she couldn’t share in his love—the ocean was not her friend. Her thoughts then wandered to all her friends, and not knowing their fates after the explosion, she began to cry, each drop to be lost away in the noiseless waters. 
She cried till she felt dried out, as if she’d already reached the surface and joined the warm rocks and shifting sand. Her head ached and she assumed the fetal position in her chair.
It’s been an honor to fly with you all. A goodbye. All of them knew it at the time, but Allura refused to accept it. Maybe it was her father’s stubbornness that she carried. They had just saved countless lives: Why couldn’t their lives be spared as well? She looked to Lance after their battle with Sendak because maybe, just maybe they’d have a chance to talk, address the palpable energy that drew them to each other.
Her breaths settled to a slower cadence. She let her puffy eyelids drop and begged silently: Please let him be okay. 
There was so much she wanted to say to him. 
Ancients know how long had passed until darkness began to consume her heart. If this was the bourne of her paladin’s journey, she should accept it, embrace it as Mother Earth embraced her. She’d challenged death countless times before and emerged a hardened victor. Now, she’d taste the salty flavor of defeat. She removed her oxygen mask, flinging it aside.
Quiznak, Allura, that’s dark. Lance would reproach her. C’mon, get up. You’re not going to die, okay? 
Allura opened her eyes, but he wasn’t there. 
Helplessness sunk in further, and she wanted to fall asleep forever, unmoving and accepting of her fate. 
Allura, keep fighting. Someone will come to save you. You can’t give up now. We need you. The universe needs you.
I need you, she wished she could say to him now. 
Tears streamed down her parched face. We need you. The universe needs you. He said these words to her before, and even now they managed to stir something inside her. She wiped her tears and felt a seed of hope form in her chest. She decided the best thing to do now was wait for Coran or Shiro or anyone else who remained safe on Earth to rescue her. 
She snapped her oxygen mask on. Lance always managed to burrow through even her most stubborn sentiments.
Vargas passed, maybe a quintant. She couldn’t tell. She’d meticulously portioned her rations and water supply to satiate only her intense hunger pangs. She fiddled with the lion’s mechanics to try to revive it to no avail. She carefully timed her oxygen intake. All things she’d learned on their last slow expedition in space. Just get through the next quintant, she reminded herself. All the while, she meditated occasionally to flex her alchemic muscles, reflecting on Oriande and her father’s teachings before. 
As she was sleeping one night, or what she considered nighttime, she felt something stir around her. She jumped up to meet the window, shocked that she could see particles floating by. Light! There was light! Something mechanical approached her lion, and Allura pounded on the glass as if they could hear her.
“Help!” she cried. “I’m here! I’m alive!”
The glow of the Red Lion’s eyes blinded her and she shaded her eyes with her hand. She blinked several times and let a loud sob of relief escape her. The lion’s jaws clamped around her ship and she felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins as it lifted her up. 
Her emergency lights went out.
The lions reached the surface of the beach. They had to use jaws of life to open Blue’s hatch. Allura came stumbling out, completely disoriented by the blinding sun and the thick humid air that intrusively filled her lungs.
Lance ran toward her, Pidge and Shiro trailing behind. She reached out, crying his name, and fell into his arms, her head hitting his shoulder blade. Lance lifted up her face and planted a kiss on her forehead.
“Allura, you’re safe now,” he soothed, his thumbs rubbing the sides of her face. He looked at once concerned and euphoric as he scanned her face. His eyebrows knotted in deep sorrow. “I’m so sorry,” he choked.
“Thank you for finding me,” she said in a hoarse whisper. 
He held her tighter and she felt his body shake as he began to cry. They crumpled to the sand. Pidge and Shiro joined them on the ground, expressing their relief that she was safe and apologizing profusely for taking so long to find her.
“I’m so glad you’re all okay,” Allura said and wanted to stay here a while longer, enveloped in their warmth and love. 
They put Allura on a stretcher and carried her to Red for immediate medical attention. She held Lance’s hand the entire time.
When they settled her on the exam bed, she couldn’t let go of his hand. 
“Allura, they’re going to have to run some tests, but I promise I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Lance, don’t leave me,” she pleaded. She couldn’t recognize her own voice.
“I won’t,” he promised, clutching her hand with both of his. “I’ll see you soon.” 
“Lance, wait,“ she said urgently.
“I’m here.” His eyes were steeped with worry.
“I think I’ll want to stay away from the ocean for a while,” she confessed, a smile teasing at her chapped lips.
Lance laughed and kissed her forehead again, his fingers lingering on her cheek.
“I completely get that,” he said. He squeezed her hand again and let go. They didn’t take their eyes off each other as he slowly walked backwards, allowing the medical team to rush in and examine her vitals while hooking her up to a respirator. 
She looked up to the white ceiling lights and closed her eyes again, peace finally settling in. One day she’d see the ocean again with him, maybe even enter the water. It was them versus the world.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Wayward: Supernatural in Parallels (and a parallel universe as well)
aka I have spent the last four hours typing again, so here you go. :P
(at least I managed to keep it under 6k words this time!)
(shut up that’s kinda brief for me... now if only I could write 6k of fic in 4 hours I’d really be on to something...)
Wayward Sisters set itself up admirably as a spinoff, if for no other reason than it’s so deeply rooted in the original series without actually being that series. We already know all six of the main characters (some of them for nearly a decade, like Claire and Jody), and we know at least a little bit about about how they came to be where they are at the start of 13.10. But even more than that, this episode served so many parallels to the entirety of Supernatural’s past canon, but did so in ways that take all of those themes and wove something entirely new out of them.
All the seeds for the spinoff grew from the original, but they’ve been sown in a new field.
I needed to record as many of these as possible for future reference.
(under a cut because as I said, it’s like 5900 words deep and it’s 2:23 am and I am so not up to editing this tonight.)
The little girl Claire saves from the two werewolves in the cold open looked so familiar to me-- because she reminded me of the ghost girl in 2.11 Playthings. Not technically a parallel, but even from the promo clip with her in it my brain insisted that I’d seen her somewhere before.
Mr. Werewolf and his terrible knock knock joke was such a dark mirror to Kate the werewolf in 8.04. If she was the noble version, he’s the grotesque, right down to the way he uses almost the exact same movements to terrify an innocent as Kate used to get revenge on the guy who’d turned her against her will and murdered her boyfriend. The Winchesters rightly let Kate go (TWICE!) but Claire rightly kills this jerk.
Not to mention Claire’s very personal history with werewolves (and being one bite of a heart away from becoming one herself) in 12.16. This case, and rescuing a little curly-haired blonde girl from werewolves is a tidy metaphor for how Claire has developed as a hunter since we’ve seen her last. And she absolutely PROVES that she’s learned. She doesn’t hunt dumb like she did back in 11.12. She does her homework, and knew exactly what she was doing when she approached Mr. Werewolf’s lair. She knew exactly who she was there to save, how to approach the werewolf lair most effectively (DELIVERY! LAND SHARK!), and she kept her cool throughout the entire fight-- for the sake of the little girl.
This entire fight is also reminiscent of 11.17, just for the fact that she’s physically proving herself as capable as Sam and Dean are in a werewolf fight.
Her rescue of Amanda Fitzmartin from werewolves was a direct parallel of 12.06, and Mary Winchester’s rescue of Asa Fox from… you guessed it, a werewolf! Right down to the mother/child reunion scene on the front porch. I can only imagine that Amanda Fitzmartin may be a future generation hunter now, too… Then again, Asa took up hunting because Mary told him she was “retiring,” and he felt obligated to fill her shoes so that someone would be out there saving people. Claire told Amanda that everything would be okay, and then went right on hunting. Claire’s in a very different place than Mary was, despite the similarities.
Jody’s call to Claire-- “It’s Sam and Dean. They’re missing. They were on a hunting trip, and I haven’t heard from them for a few days.” Well, isn’t that just THE iconic line of the entire series? 1.01, top of the script, hello Dean Winchester. Not to mention 12.20 and how Alicia used the same line about her mother to get Sam and Dean’s help in finding her.
What’s DIFFERENT in Jody’s plea to Claire is, “It’s time to come home.” Home has always been such a nebulous concept for the Winchesters. For the longest time, the only home they knew was Baby. Their “apple pie life” was a pipe dream that they wavered on ever really believing they could have it, or if they even really wanted it the few times it seemed like it could be within their reach (Dean with Lisa after s5, Sam with Jess pre-series, Sam with Amelia after s7). It took a while, but they both now identify the Bunker as “home,” despite it not being a home in the traditional sense. And after Dean’s words to Cas in 13.06-- “Welcome home” as he hugged him at some alley payphone-- I believe their concept of “home” is more “the people we care about” rather than a fixed physical point on a map, you know? And after watching Wayward, and oopsie here jumping to the end for just a second, Claire says, “I'm staying because I need them, my family.” In both series, home is where the heart is, if you will.
Of all the hunters Alex could’ve mentioned that she’d tried calling while looking for Sam and Dean, she mentions Donna (who we’ll see in a bit here), and WALT. Aka one of the guys who killed Sam and Dean way back in 5.16, and who returned in 12.22 to help take down the BMoL.
Claire and Alex’s gentle teasing of each other is just… so dang sisterly. In the same way that Sam and Dean’s teasing of each other is just so dang brotherly, you know? “Did you miss me?” “No, not really.” Lines delivered deadpan followed up with the knowing little smiles.
Claire pointing to her cut lip and telling Jody, “It’s just a werewolf, no big deal.” Well, isn’t that exactly what Dean told Sonny in 9.07 when Sonny questioned him on how his wrists were injured? And heck, how many times has Dean diminished the seriousness of an injury with an “I’m fine” or a “no big deal.” To the point where in 12.23 when he meets up with Cas again, Cas doesn’t even bother asking if he’s okay, just rolls his eyes and heals Dean with a lil boop.
“When did we become huggers?” Well, Sam, Dean, and Cas seem to ask this of themselves every time they find themselves hugging… at least they used to. They’ve since become acclimated to the fact that yes, they are huggers.
Claire’s discovered that Jody let patience move into her room, borrow her sweatshirt, while she was away. But she takes the blame for leaving on herself. This calls back to a lot of the emotional baggage between Sam and Dean over the years in a far less toxic fashion (You chose a demon over your own brother? You didn’t look for me in Purgatory? Who are you gonna replace me with next? There’s a lot of that between the brothers.) But Claire lets it go. And they have Business to attend to…
Alex tends Claire’s wounds during their meeting to share what they’ve gathered so far about Sam and Dean’s disappearance, and then Alex gets up to leave for work. She has a job-- a real, regular job as a nurse (how respectable! In Dean’s words from 2.20). Claire is upset, because finding Sam and Dean should come first, but Alex doesn’t even argue about it. The entire dynamic is similar to Sam and Dean’s motivations in 1.01. Sam had a law school interview that he didn’t want to miss (which Dean initially assumed was a job interview), and described as his whole future on a plate. But Dean insisted they already had “the family business.” Just as Claire insisted her own job is hunting. Unlike Sam and Dean, Alex and Claire work this out in their own way, and Alex DOES go off to work. Her job is just as important as hunting to her, and she doesn’t compromise on that.
Patience’s visions in this context are so reminiscent of Sam’s visions back in the early days. She’s still trying to figure out exactly how they work, and exactly what they mean. And in a lot of ways what Clare seems to be feeling is a reflection of Dean in 2.05 when Andy mind-controls him into telling the truth, “He's psychic. Kind of like you. Well, not really like you, but see, he thinks you're a murderer, and he's afraid that he's going to become one himself, 'cause you're all part of something that's terrible. And, I hope to hell that he's wrong, but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right.”
It’s not an exact parallel, but the same sort of disbelief and maybe even a little bit (or a lot) of fear over what those visions might mean. And Claire addresses this later in this episode when she’s talking to Kaia while Jody and Donna are investigating the ship. So I’ll get back to that later… I’m finding it’s really difficult to take this scene by scene…
Claire’s difficulty with Jody “smothering” her while hunting reminds me A LOT of both Dean’s difficulty with John (when Dean first began to break away from blind obedience to John’s every order toward the end of s1), as well as Sam’s difficulty with Dean. How many times has Sam pulled the “I’m not a little kid anymore, I can do this” card on Dean? Exactly. This growth process hurts, and it’s terrifying, but it’s a give and take on both sides, and Claire and Jody both grow a lot by it. Because it’s not just Claire wanting to prove she’s capable, it’s also Jody’s abject fear of losing ANOTHER CHILD to the Supernatural. She would give anything not to have to relive what she went through with her son in 5.15. And Claire does begin to understand Jody’s point of view, as Jody begins to understand Claire’s. And after Dean admitted to Mary in 12.22 that he’s been both mother and father to Sam most of his life, this exact same dynamic can be applied to his over-protectiveness of Sam. There’s a balance to be found between Claire’s “run in head first” and Jody’s “find the perfect plan.”
Speaking of balance, Alex seems to have found a balance that works for her. It’s been a long time since 9.19 when Jody gave her a foundation to build a new life on, and as Jody said in 10.08 and we saw first-hand in 11.12, it wasn’t always easy. But Alex found a career that makes her happy, and in return she’s happy to help Jody with whatever she needs, be it housekeeping or monsters. She seems… settled. And she confirms to Claire that Jody (and by extension Alex herself) never stopped worrying (or thinking) about Claire even when she wasn’t around. It was a solid confirmation to Claire that yes, she’s still part of their family, regardless. And wow, how many times has this sentiment been expressed in Supernatural? Too many to count.
And Claire and Alex get their emotional baggage handled and properly stowed, and it’s right back to the Big Issue at hand. Where we discover that despite all their differences, they’re both on exactly the same page. Claire suggests searching the hospital database for “rock star aliases” in case Sam and Dean have been injured, and Alex confirms she already searched for practically every rock musician she could think of, “From metal gods to obscure hair bands.” And of course “obscure hair bands” makes me think of poor old Vince Vincente and Ladyheart back in s12. Their third album wasn’t terrible… :P
Incredibly enough, a new search for Jane Doe leads Claire to find Kaia in that very hospital (and heck, is it Sioux Falls General? Aka where Dr. Monsterface worked back in 7.02?) Claire finds Kaia and confronts her about Sam and Dean, and instead of needing to be broken out of “child prison” (10.09 for Claire) or rehab (13.09 for Kaia), they both walk out of the hospital. Except oops… there’s some Bad Things waiting for Kaia outside. She freezes in fear and Claire comes to the rescue… but Jody also came to the rescue, and only working together did they kill the Bad Thing.
Warning that here the Destiel Parallels become impossible to ignore or avoid. They’re just blatantly there, so freaking deal with it.
In the hospital, the first time Claire and Kaia see on another we get increasing close-ups of their eyes. Like… welcome to intense eye contact city. The scene is punctuated with an eerie swooshing sound effect to make it impossible to ignore as A Significant Thing.
Back at Jody’s while Alex goes from Nurse Mode into Monster Autopsy mode (snapping that glove on like a regular Dana Scully), Claire and Kaia have a Bonding Moment outside-- comparing scars. As we pointed out back in 11.15, Dean did this exact same thing while bonding with his childhood idol Gunner Lawless (and yes, not Destiel per se here, but definitely a queercoding of Dean and the exact nature of his youthful infatuation with this wrestler). And the trope started with a scene from Lethal Weapon 3, where Riggs bonded with his wife-to-be in the exact same fashion. And Claire and Kaia’s bonding over this is again shown to us through significant eye contact and smiles, and then beginning to open up about themselves in ways we’ve been told that Kaia never opens up to anyone. At least based off what we know of her from 13.09. This is Significant for both her and Claire, who’s been hunting alone for at least a year now. (like… all the Destiel parallels intended)
Back to the Monster Autopsy… this is so reminiscent of 7.09 for me, as a lot of this episode is. I was half waiting for the monster to sit up and start fighting again just like the monster formerly known as Gerald Browder did in 7.09. But unlike Gerald who’d been human until the “creatures from another dimension” got hold of him and fed him grey goop and turned him into a monster, the thing on the table in 13.10 is… really not even remotely human (and it wore a strange mask anyway, in a season of “masked things” and misidentified things). I even tweeted at one point while watching the first time that the monster’s blood was even visually reminiscent of the TDK Slammer goo. Which is interesting because in 13.03 when we first met Patience, there was a billboard announcing that the TDK Slammer was back at Biggerson’s for a limited time. And isn’t that just entirely amusing.
(also a depressing but necessary side note about 7.09-- the episode ends with Bobby shot through the head by Dick Roman. Dick was a thing that looked like another thing, a thing from “another reality” aka Purgatory in his case. But something that absolutely was not supposed to be on Earth. And of course 13.10 uses a LOT of parallels between Purgatory and The Bad Place. I’ll get to those soon.)
Claire convinces Kaia to open up about what she knows of this strange monster and where it came from, and therefore what happened to Sam and Dean. Kaia was convinced that if Sam and Dean are in the Bad Place, then they’re already dead. Much like Dean was convinced that Mary must already be dead in 13.01 when she was trapped in the War World. And much like Sam was convinced that Dean was already dead when he was trapped in Purgatory back in 8.01. And yet…
Sam and Dean are just having a lil camping trip. Well, Dean’s adjusted SCARY FAST to the Bad Place. I suppose that compared to Purgatory it’s kind of a garden spot. They say they’ve been there for two days already, and they haven’t seemed to have run into anything that’s threatened them. It’s not the sort of 360 degree combat we saw Dean endure in Purgatory anyway. He’s even bothered to stop for barbecue. Well, he’s bothered to trap a lizard and roast it over a fire he managed to build.
Poor Sam, meanwhile, looks disgusted at the mere thought of eating the monster land lizard, and rather uncomfortable in general. In the face of Sam’s uneasiness and insistence that they continue to look for the door back to their universe, Dean maintains his exceedingly practical outlook. “Eat up.” They’ve been there two days, they have no reason to believe the door is even still open, and nobody knows where to look for them. He’s been in this exact same spot before, in Purgatory, and learned very quickly there that you do or your die. There’s no point wasting energy fretting about it. I think it must be a switch he can just flip at will at this point, into Purgatory!Dean. We saw it in 12.15. We’ve seen it a few times since s8, actually. It’s unsettling, but it’s practical. It’s how you survive.
When the monster closes in on their little campsite, Dean takes his roast lizard on a stick to go. Unbeknownst to Sam and Dean, something human-shaped has been following them. They’ve seen nothing to raise their suspicions that it might even be a possibility that anything human-ish lives in that world, or that anything might pose a threat to them aside from the giant monster they keep hearing. They’ve been there just long enough to shift their priorities on what to keep their attention focused on that just by waiting them out, Darth Kaia is able to sneak right up to these two men who at ANY other time would’ve been on high alert about being followed. Like in 8.13 Dean had his “gay thing” with Aaron following him around, and Sam had “something stuck to my shoe,” aka their code word for “I’m being followed.” They have a LONG history of being hyperaware of their surroundings, so it took some kind of patience for Darth Kaia to wait them out like that.
Patience has a crisis of normality after watching the monster autopsy. She’s not sure she can handle the hunting life, and it’s Alex who convinces her to stay. Which is incredible because this was Alex’s crisis back in 11.12 when her own history caught up with her at a time when all she wanted was to be normal, to go to school and have a boyfriend and maybe go to nursing school. She didn’t want anything to do with monsters or hunting, as she and Claire talked about earlier at the hospital, but she’s found a balance that she can live with. She knows she can truly help Jody by helping with the hunting stuff when she can, and that it doesn’t have to be her entire life like it is for Claire. She can do both! And she also knows her limits. Alex isn’t a fighter for the most part, and Patience doesn’t have to be either. They can each have an important place there, though. “We help in other ways.”
As Patience is packing her car to leave, she has another vision of Jody’s house being overrun by monsters. Claire wants to stay and fight, but Patience argues back that they can’t win. And hooboy this is a fascinating parallel to 3.12, in about six different ways. RIP Victor Henriksen. Patience laying down the truth to Claire, and then using an interesting bit of technology to demonstrate the truth of the situation, much as Dean laid the truth out for Victor and Sam used an interesting bit of technology to trap and exorcise a gaggle of demons all at once.
For Sam and Dean, 3.12 also marked one of the points in the show where they were officially declared legally “dead.” It was a turning point for them, which in a strange way freed them up to do their jobs more effectively with far less concern over interference from human authorities, so they could focus on the monsters. In a way, this moment functions in a similar fashion for Patience, not that she’s going to be cut off from society as drastically as Dean and Sam were, but as a liberation of sorts, and an affirmation to herself that her visions are as important to the group as Claire’s fighting skills or Alex’s nursing skills. They all have a role to play. This just helps her find her way to it.
In some ways it’s also reminiscent of 3.15, and the trap Dean left for Bela at their motel, similar to the trap Aragorn helps the hobbits lay for the Ringwraiths in Bree. These monsters aren’t so much fooled by a trap, or decoy bodies left in beds, but they do arrive to an empty house while their quarry has managed to flee. I think this tactic has been used elsewhere in Supernatural, but since I’m just about at the halfway point of the episode and this essay is already nearing 3500 words, I figure I should probably try to be more concise...
Me… more concise. Talk about your freaky AU scenarios…
Whatever. Claire watches the monsters tear up Jody’s house via webcam, and she gets a sudden, shocking, undeniable lesson in the reliability of Patience’s visions, which brings to bear the full weight of the vision that brought her home in the first place, and the reasons that Jody was so terrified for Claire’s safety. For the first time all day, Claire is rattled. It’s one thing to go through life as a hunter knowing how hunters typically end up (and hello all 39 iterations of Dean’s “point of a blade or barrel of a gun” speech), but to know specifically how you’re going to die is entirely different. This was s3 Dean with the ticking clock to Hellhound Day. This was Sam during the Hell Trials.
And enter the D-Train. The ray of sunshine so chill that butter doesn’t melt in her mouth. And like the monster that signalled her first REAL introduction to the supernatural back in 10.08, Jody introduces her as someone who’s killed a lot of vampires. To think Claire wondered when they all became huggers before… “You too, Rainbow Brite. Come on, bring it in.” Donna brought the hugs. And the angel wing imagery behind her in this scene, combined with her nice tan coat. She’s our angel; our sunshine, as it were. And armed to the teeth (just the basics, because she’s from Minnesota).
Alex proves yet again that she’s an excellent Sam parallel, using the phone and Kaia’s vague clues to find the exact location where the rift opened. Please oh please let Alex have the same sort of Magical Wifi that Sam does. :P
When Jody and Donna leave to investigate the shipyard, Jody has Claire stay behind to protect the other girls, much like John used to do with Dean, ordering him to protect Sam. I mean, it has nowhere NEAR the sort of ick factor to John doing that in the flashback scenes in 1.18, for example, but there has been a consistent implication throughout the series that it was a constant state for Dean, and thank HECK this dynamic between Jody and Claire is shattered by the end of this episode.
Jody’s actually surprised when Claire agrees to stay and protect the other girls without much of a fight, because of what Patience’s vision might mean for her, as I mentioned above.
Donna asking who knows how to use a flamethrower… honestly Dean would be jealous. He and Sam have always had their jury-rigged camping fuel flamethrowers when they’ve needed literal firepower like in 3.02 and 4.05 among others.
Speaking of Sam and Dean, back in the Bad Place, Sam’s finally figuring out that they’re in an entirely different universe, and Dean’s annoyed by how muddy it is. Which was a rather hilarious reversal of Sam’s reaction to stepping in horse poop the moment they landed in Sunrise, Wyoming in 1861 way back in 6.18. Sam complained about the state of his boot, and Dean was all excited because AUTHENTICITY! But he’d been wearing his lil cowboy costume at the time, and we know how much Dean loves cowboys, despite the fact that he was far less enamored with “authenticity” and how much germier it was than he’d been expecting… but once he adapted his expectations back in 6.18, he kinda stepped right into the role of sheriff, just like he’s able to adapt to Purgatory and to eating monster lizard despite the germiness factor. He’s a delightful but thoroughly consistent bundle of contradictions, and I love him.
Enter Darth Kaia, who catches them entirely unaware and off guard. They were entirely convinced that the only potential danger to them in this world was whatever huge thing they kept hearing in the distance. They hadn’t run into any of the creepy Monster Autopsy critters that constantly plagued Kaia in The Bad Place, and after two days, it’s entirely understandable that they would begin to let their guard down at least a little bit. Heck, it’s like Westley and Buttercup in the Fire Swamp, except nobody ever told them about the ROUS’s. When Darth Kaia sprang out of nowhere at them in full-on kung fu attack mode with a spear, they were honestly lucky to survive. They’d been flung as far from the portal into that world as Kaia was flung out to that abandoned roadside where the ambulance found her and had picked a random direction to wander in search of a portal the size of a party streamer in an entirely foreign universe. A portal they weren’t entirely sure was still there to find in the first place. Everything about their situation had them on their heels for once, even more so than Purgatory did for Dean (where he was at least expecting to be attacked from the moment he landed, by a pack of red-eyed monsters he later referred to as “gorilla wolves” in 8.02). And funny that the Big Monster in the Bad Place has a skull that vaguely resembles a gorilla, and the smaller red-eyed monsters were scripted as “Canids,” aka “dog-like monsters.” Again, in so many ways, The Bad Place is similar in design and function to Purgatory.
Back at the abandoned shipyard, Jody and Donna find the Impala and know they’ve found the right place. They find the melted angel blade and scorched angel wings from 13.09, as well as the portal, but encounter a very large pack of the “Canids.”
Claire and Kaia have another heart to heart reminiscent of some of Dean and Cas’s conversations. Claire expresses some of the same sorts of self-doubt and fear that Dean did at the end of 4.16 while lying in the hospital bed, telling Cas it’s too big, and he can’t do it. But Claire feels she can’t stand back and let others handle this alone. Kaia encourages her with, “If you go, I’ll go with you.” And how many times have we heard Dean and Cas offer this to each other? Very recently in Dean’s offer to accompany Cas to his angel meeting in 13.07. But also highly notably in 11.23 when Cas offered to go with Dean to face Amara. In situations large and small, they have offered to go with each other. But unlike the majority of Dean and Cas’s I’ll go with you’s, Claire accepts Kaia’s offer. They DO stand together. They ACCEPT the help and support. (Can we please have this gradually begin to happen with Cas and Dean? I mean, even something small like Dean running out to pick up pizza or something, and Cas offers to go with him, and Dean’s like YES GOOD I WOULD LIKE THAT.)
“Maybe together we can save them.”
Meanwhile at the rift, Donna wants to go back and tell the girls they found it, but Jody is ready to go into the rift alone. “If I don’t, she will.” She knows Claire would run into danger to do what she believed was right. That’s how you save people, after all. But here we see into what’s motivating Jody to protect Claire from danger-- “I can’t lose another child.” And I know I mentioned this about 3k words ago, but the Canids pose an immediate threat and Jody is forced to turn back from running headlong into the rift the way she was trying to prevent Claire from doing. This motivation to self-sacrifice to save someone else-- a child-- is what motivated John’s deal with Azazel in 2.01 in exchange for Dean’s life, and what motivated Dean to sell his own soul in 2.22 in exchange for Sam’s life. Jody’s only saved by circumstance, but it gives her a chance to step back and reevaluate that choice, and to see Claire clearly, to let go of her need to protect Claire at all cost.
Back in the Bad Place, Sam and Dean come to tied to a couple of trees in a foggy forest. I feel like yelling, “I hope your apple pie is freaking worth it!” because this feels just like 1.11. Instead of being sacrificed to the scarecrow, they’re being sacrificed to the Kaiju.
Meanwhile Claire has tried to call Jody, but when Jody doesn’t answer, Claire goes immediately into Concerned Mode. All four girls unite immediately into “Together we can save them” mode. And it’s beautiful.
Donna and Jody take refuge in an abandoned car aboard the ship, lying across the front and back seats in a configuration identical to the way Sam and Dean slept in 11.04-- the Winchester Motel. But instead of a cooler full of beer, Jody and Donna have a swarm of Canids trying to figure out how to get at them.
(wherein we discover that Canids are really not the smartest monsters…)
If they make a run for it, they’re dead, but if they stay put they’re dead too. Kinda feels like a situation typical of Supernatural, yes? What they need is a miraculous intervention.
*enter the flamethrower*
And Claire is so chill and competent with her flamethrower that it brings a smile to Jody’s face. And in that moment she might still hate the whole idea of it, but she knows she’s gonna let Claire go through that portal without too much fuss… especially after she realizes that the portal is shrinking. Claire tries to run through it and Jody holds her back, though not to stop her. To tell her she knows. Jody understands. As much as Claire needed to save Sam and Dean, Jody needed her to know that she understood.
Donna, ray of sunshine and weapons training officer. OKIE DOKE, HERE YA GO. and then “Oh there he is! Hiya, buddy!” When there was just ONE Canid, but Donna absolutely does not lose her cool when she sees it’s a veritable swarm of the things coming at them. Bless. “Okie doke” reminded me so much of that security guard in 2.12 that Dean liked because he said “okie dokie.”
Kaia knows right where Sam and Dean probably are in the Bad Place, just from the sound of the Kaiju monster. Claire shows up and cuts Sam and Dean free in a circumstance reminiscent of Sam showing up to cut Dean and Emily free in 1.11.
At the portal, Kaia shoves Claire out of the way just in time to save her from Darth Kaia’s spear, and instead she takes the spear wound to her own side. Need I even bring up all the Fisher King symbolism here that was so incredibly prominent in s12 surrounding Cas? The comparison has already been made to Ramiel stabbing Cas with the Lance of Michael, but it wasn’t just that one episode that draped Cas in Fisher King/Wounded King parallels. I believe many of those also apply to Kaia…
As she lay there dying, she reaches out and grabs hold of Claire’s hand while Sam and Dean have drawn their angel blades to stand off against the now apparently disarmed Darth Kaia. Except that’s when the Kaiju shows up…
Claire ignores her own safety in the face of that much larger threat, and charges at Darth Kaia in a fit of rage/grief over Kaia’s apparent death, and Dean has to grab her and pull her through the portal just as it snaps closed. Cue the parallel to Dean dragging Sam away from Jess’s burning bedroom ceiling in 1.01, and Sam pulling Dean through this exact same sort of portal in 12.23 when he was struggling to run after Cas.
Meanwhile Patience struggles to understand the vision that brought her to Jody’s in the first place-- Claire’s “death.” The editing of this scene is spectacular-- cuts between Kaia’s body in the Bad Place, Claire in Jody’s arms both in Patience’s vision and in reality, and Patience herself putting all of these pieces together. Death, life, and what she believed was a death was actually profound grief… and again this has been a theme of s13 through Sam refusing to grieve for Mary and his belief that she was not only alive but that they could save her, Dean’s grief over Cas’s death that he believed was permanent, to the point he’d lost all hope for anything and was ready to die in 13.05 until Death herself told him he still had work to do.
Whatever the truth of what’s happened to Kaia, there is absolutely work to do here, as well.
Dean says “I tried talking to her.” Not “we” but “I.” He’s beginning to use the proper words here. This issue has been going on for a loooong time, where Dean phrases things in terms of “we,” such as in 11.23 during the infamous Beer Run, telling Cas he’s like “our brother,” and always couching his feelings as inclusive of Sam as well. This was nicely lampshaded in 12.20 by Max Banes calling Alicia out on her attempt to do the same thing, and in 13.07 Dean FINALLY told Cas “I’ll go with you,” instead of “we’ll go with you.” The fact that Dean is talking about himself like this regarding anything even in the same arena as emotional issues is just… fantastic all around.
Claire feels responsible for Kaia’s death, after promising to protect her. She feels she failed, and that that was the reason Kaia was killed. Jody doesn’t dismiss any of Claire’s feelings or try to talk her out of them (the way Sam and Dean have done for, like, ever), only offers her unconditional support whenever Claire’s ready to accept it.
Cleaning up after the Canids tore up the house, Patience has a lil moment of shock over the fact she killed a monster. Donna smiles knowingly and Alex chuckles and says, “Welcome to the family.” Like Claire said in the cold open, “I kill monsters, that’s who the hell I am.” Well, that’s what this whole family is. They save people and they kill monsters.
Darth Kaia has opened a rift to our world, in the middle of a park reminiscent to the place where Mary turned up in 12.01… opening about a million other mysteries along with that rift.
I know I didn’t cover all the parallels. That probably wouldn’t be possible considering how many times the show has looped back around on itself thematically and narratively, but I think I hit all the big ones here. Now how the hell do I even begin tagging this?
‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
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aloysiavirgata · 1 month
Prompt: candlelight concert, jealousy, ust to msr. Thanks so much, big fan here😊.
It was the kind of hotel where you could have set The Shining if it had any charm or ambiance. It had only desolation to recommend it to Kubrick and storm-downed trees across the lonely highway to recommend it to the X-Files division.
It was the kind of hotel you wouldn’t even have an affair at because it was too depressing to be salacious.
It was the kind of hotel where the homeless lived by the week, where alcoholics were subsumed, where mid-level corporate managers in short-sleeved button downs killed themselves. There was cheap wood paneling, shag carpet, and a desk clerk named Rabbit.
Rabbit smelled of Marlboros and Olde English 800. Mulder bet there was an El Camino, lovingly cared for, under a tarp next to a double-wide.
Mulder was a snob at times.
“We got a room each for you and your pretty niece,” Rabbit said, winking at Scully like he was Tom Jones in Vegas. “Unless….?”
Scully slapped down her badge like a royal flush, also in Vegas.
“Room each,” she said, tight-lipped and terse.
Rabbit folded.
Mulder found the piano when they were hunting for a laundry room. It was in a forlorn, moth-eaten event hall with swags of sun-faded velour curtains; cobwebs frosted with neglected dust.
He sat down at the decrepit thing, white keys like a smoker’s teeth, and he limbered his fingers. There was a candelabra on the top, a sad object filled with half-melted candles the color of old bones.
Scully lit the candles with the Zippo she’d carried since the Apalachicola National Forest. “You don’t play, Mulder.” She paused, cocked her head. “Or do you? Fox Mulder, do you play the piano too?”
He had the stab of jealousy that he always had about Ed Jerse. Ed got her to ink her body after a few hours, and she didn’t know he’d taken fucking piano lessons from 4 to 17.
He played her Clara Schumann’s Piano Concerto even though he knew she wouldn’t recognize it. He played it because Scully and Clara might have been friends.
Scully’s mouth was a blooming peony as she watched him, eyes the Star of Bethlehem. Scully watched him like oysters watch the tide.
“Agent Scully is already in love,” he heard again, and played as though he were auditioning for Julliard.
Scully went to the hallway in the thundering dark. The storm gods had been aroused and the night was such a lonely place, especially by flashlight. A cold Coke would be something to do, at least. Something to roll between her palms.
He thought the same - a Lipton iced tea in hand.
“Hi,” she said, looking abashed. “The thunder was -“
“The storm,” he said, at the same time.
They smiled. They looked away.
There was nothing else, there was nothing, just the shapeless silken lines of her pajamas and the foxy silk of her hair and the smiling Cheshire Cat slice of a waxing moon.
The moon was so bright and the universe was so big and forever is a long, long time to be alive and alone.
She followed him so she could leave later, he knew that. He’d learned her the way he learned everything - intensely and entirely and in a way that consumed him, piece by piece.
He made love to her like an acolyte at a shrine. He made love to her the way flowers make love to the sun.
Fish do not know they are in water.
He felt her stir at 3 AM. “Scully,” he breathed, a prayer hastily invoked.
“I didn’t mean to wake you, I-“
He heard her blushing, somehow, in the dark. He heard the blood rush to her good cheekbones, to her beautiful, lopsided mouth. Her capillaries plumped, lush with hot blood. Everywhere, everywhere.
“Please,” he said. “Scully don’t.”
Scully froze, her shoulder blades tensed, ready to unfurl. Ready to let her fly. “It wasn’t-“
He touched her spine like the Western Wall. He touched her spine like a rosary.
She never unmade her hotel bed and she didn’t care who knew it and she knew he was jealous of Ed or maybe Padgett and she was jealous of Diana and possibly Phoebe but Fox Mulder had a mouth like the last ripe plum in October. Fox Mulder kissed her throat like a man in the desert kisses an oasis.
They stayed three nights, for the storm and then the pancakes and then the burnt-orange solitude.
Mulder’s fingers were restless and searching and eternally wanting someplace firm to settle. He kissed her by Bolero and he made love to her by Giazotro and he fucked her to Bizet.
Scully had learned Hot Cross Buns on a keyboard, Scully had learned the recorder in 4th grade. She had learned from Mulder that money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy opportunities and access and mitigate risk.
She started dressing like she’d been raised with it - silk lingerie and a good stylist and Chanel Brown Sugar lipstick. She saw the way society responded and doubled down. Her heels were high and thin and clicked like distant gunshots.
She cupped her hand over his at the steering wheel. He had beautiful hands, the color of graham crackers, with bones from an anatomy text. If she could draw she would draw them, and then his strange mossy eyes and the way his lips kissed themselves.
She would draw his back and she would laugh and say “Fox Mulder, you vain thing.”
And then, because she could, she would drag him on top of her. His body was hot and heavy and dangerous and safe.
Her hand cupped his and it was an eggshell, so tiny and pale and fragile. He wanted to kiss her little white knuckles and say I love you, I love you.
He wanted to crush her house-sparrow bones into a powder and drink them.
They drove into the east, into the east, and they were tenderly, tremulously, alive
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
Your idea of Sam researching how to repair the colt reminded me that there never seemed to be any explanation as to what happened to Samuel's library. His trove held Colt's journal so it must have had other fascinating and useful information. It would be interesting to help learn more about their family history and augment the MoL archives too. Did I miss what Show said happened to it?
The show never specifically stated what happened to it, no. We can sort of infer that Sam and Dean probably locked it all down for safekeeping, being the only ones left who even know about it. We’ve had other instances of Lore Stashes on the show over the years:
John’s storage unit first mentioned in 3.03, again in 5.01, and again in 9.11
Rufus’s cabin in Whitefish, where they spent a lot of time in s7 and s8 before they found the bunker
Bobby mentioned after his house burned down that he had copies of a lot of his books stashed elsewhere because he was paranoid :)
Jody brought a truckload of Bobby’s stuff to Sam in 7.12 to research how to save Dean from Chronos
We’re left to assume that these other caches of books and artifacts are either still out there in their secure locations, or to assume that Sam and Dean have shifted quantities of these books around over the years as needed. Since they settled into the bunker, it makes sense that they could’ve been bringing these sorts of things back there for safekeeping over the years, but it’s never explicitly said that they have.
It’s been four and a half years though, so it’s probably a safe assumption that they could’ve, and I wouldn’t be surprised to discover at some point that they had. A quick little hand-wavey explanation like, “Hey, remember that weekend we were clearing out Samuel’s old compound…” and they’d have it plausibly covered if they needed it for plot reasons. Otherwise, “Hey, we should go back to Samuel’s compound to fetch xyz lore books for this case…” and they suddenly have a reason to return there, which may further the plot just as easily.
I assume that’s why they’ve never confirmed nor denied that they’ve raided any of those particular lore libraries again, because as soon as they do make a textual statement one way or the other, it’s set in canon. This way those sources all still exist in a nebulous state of narrative potential if they ever feel the need to revisit them again.
As soon as someone says something in canon, it locks down and closes off potential narrative use.
So yeah, it could potentially unlock more of their family history, or become useful in other ways in the future. Not sure if it ever will, but it’s good to remember it’s a possibility.
(during my massive retag project of this entire blog, I also found this post: 
from March 2015 which is full of lols because they closed some of those narrative gaps in the interim...)
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