#next best thing to beating these feelings to a pulp with a muddy brick
josie-cd · 2 years
Depression has been kicking my ass lately, and while I know I'll pull through and I’m going to be okay, god do I wish I wasn’t going through this again.
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iwillbeinmynest · 7 years
An Owed Debt- Bucky x May(oc)   Chapter 13
Authors Notes: Okay I know I left y’all hanging last time so I tried to get this out as soon as I could.
Notes/Warnings:  Violence, blood, death, explosions, arson
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 The grass hadn’t even grown around the sides of the building where there had been construction not too long ago. The whole of this Hydra facility looked fresh and crisp, a stark contrast to the horrors they were capable of.
 Bucky, followed by Steve and Wanda, ran towards the building in the rain. Their clothes getting soaked in the down pour, clung to their muscles. Bucky held up a fist and stopped just inside the tree line that hid them in the dark of the storm. He surveyed the building with scrutiny, counting the guards, memorizing the weapons they carried.
 Hydra was arrogant. They only posted three guards outside, trusting that the newness of the building made up most of their security, since no one was supposed to know about it. The guards looked tired, worn down and sleepy from a long nights shift.
 “We need to go now, before they change guards.” Steve suggested.
 Bucky nodded, and on cue of a roll of thunder, he bolted for the guard closest to the door, leaving the others to his friends. Bucky tackled the guard, who was mid yawn and didn’t even see it coming, and beat him to a pulp in the muddy ground, deciding to just leave him with a broken nose and unconscious.
 He kicked in the door and took out the next two guards who had been stationed inside. In the midst of the short brawl, one of the guards managed to cut Bucky’s bicep, which only served as fuel for the beating he received in return.
 Bucky’s wet hair whipped back from the speed at which he ran through the long hallway, then, jolted forward when Bucky came to a sudden stop. Seven Guards rounded a corner, rifles at the ready, and opened fire on the Winter Soldier.
 The hallway turned red as Wanda shielded Bucky and Steve from behind. Bucky raised his AR-15 and while the guards sprayed Wanda’s shield with bullets, Bucky picked them off one by one, with a single shot to the head. When the last guard fell, only one man stood in the hallway.
 “Travis.” Bucky growled.
 “Soldat.” Travis grinned with arms behind his back. “I didn’t expect to see you again, this is awkward.”
 Bucky lurched forward but fell straight to the ground like a ton of bricks. He let out a mangled scream and struggled to get at Travis but his brute strength was nothing against the loss of feeling in his legs and upper arms. Steve drew his arm back to throw his shield, only to have it fall to the ground with a thud when his hands went limp.
 Travis chuckled and stared at Wanda. “Would you like to give it a go?” He asked her, arrogantly. Wanda lowered her hands and the red screen in front of the trio faded. “Smart girl. I’d hate to turn something like you into a vegetable.” Wanda clenched her jaw at being objectified but stayed silent.
 The hallways were flooded with screams and Travis grinned at the reaction of the group. Wanda jerked her head and her eyes widened as she tried to find the source of the shrill sound. Steve, who’s feet seemed glued to the floor, started breathing rapidly for fear of who’s voice he was hearing. And Bucky, he lay on the floor struggling and screaming.
 “No!” He shouted so loud that it almost drowned out the screaming. Almost. He clawed at the ground, his short nails scraping against the painted concrete floors. A strained growl erupted from his throat as he finally identified the voice that pierced his ears.
 “May!” He screamed her name so loud that he could feel his vocal chords ripping.
 “What are you doing to her?” Steve demanded from his fixed place in the hall. His voice was panicked, covered with a fading veil of authority.
 Travis smiled. “We’re fixing her, cleansing her of her troubles, if you will.”
 “They’re wiping her!” Bucky screamed and his fingers twitched to grab at Travis. Bucky resembled a bug pinned down for display, only he wasn’t granted the decency of death first.
 “Why?” Wanda asked. “What purpose will she serve you?”
 “She’ll be mine.” Travis replied as if he had just been asked if he had the time. “Together we will serve Hydra and be the best assets that have ever been. Even better than you, Soldat.” He said smugly.
 Bucky continued to squirm and scream, refusing to give up on May. He knew the word, asset, knew its true meaning. To Hydra, assets were tools, things to be used and thrown away when they no longer served them the way they wanted. He knew what she was feeling right now. He knew the pain she was going through and he felt his insides being shredded at the knowledge that his torture was now hers.
 “Wanda!” Bucky begged. “Please!”
 In a flash, Wanda threw a red ball of light at Travis’ chest, sending him flying backwards and crashing into the wall. Travis’ head cracked against the cinder block wall and he winced. Bucky was finally freed and he peeled himself off the floor and charged at the boy who hurt May. Bucky landed on top of Travis, who was trying to crawl away for a respite, and he wailed on him. He landed punch after punch to Travis’ face and ribs only to ripped away by Steve before he could finish the job of beating him to a pulp.
 Bucky fought against Steve to escape the Captain’s arms. Steve fought back just enough to get Bucky’s attention and pushed him away. “Hey, Hey! Buck, stop!” Steve hit Bucky in the chest, with an open palm when he tried to go back at Travis, who’s head was shrouded in Wanda’s haze. “Hey! He is not your focus right now! You said you could handle this, now, go find May!”
 Bucky glared at the now incapacitated Travis and flared his nostrils with a heavy exhale. His red world faded back into its normal shades. The ringing in his ears dissipated and May’s screams snapped him into reality. He ran past Steve and Wanda and headed for the source of the sound and with every turn of a corner her pain and agony grew louder.
 He knew, even as he ran to save her, that this sound would haunt him. He had told himself he would be there for her, that he would protect her and because he failed, Hydra was inflicting the exact same torture on her. This was his fault.
 Bucky burst through a final door to behold the horror he had only seen in his head. May was locked in his chair, metal plates on either side of her skull, arms clamped down, that metal ring spinning above her. He took a step forward and was met with a blow to the jaw. His head whipped sideways but he recovered quickly to see a terrified guard winding up for another punch.
 Bucky was over this. He was tired of people getting in his way.
 He punched the guard so hard that the man toppled backwards to the ground. The guard braced himself against the floor and spit blood and two teeth onto the stones beneath him. The guard struggled, but faced Bucky again. Bucky wasted no time, and swung his leg, kicking the guard in the chin, forcing loose three more teeth.
 “Did you do this?” Bucky demanded. He didn’t need to explain himself, the guard knew he was talking about May.
 The guard, bloody and sprawled out across the floor, chuckled. “Hail-” Bucky pulled his pistol from his thigh and shot him twice in the chest and once in the head.
 Bucky ran to the control panels and eyed the knobs and switches. He had no clue what to do. Touching anything might make things worse for May. He ran his fingers through his still damp hair and grunted in frustration.
 May jerked in the chair and somehow managed to scream louder. Her eyes were screwed shut and tears and sweat coated her face and skin. Her fists were clenched and her jaw was going to be sore from how tight her grip on the mouth guard was.
 Bucky couldn’t see her like that anymore. He didn’t know what damage this would or wouldn’t do, but he saw no other option. He grabbed the spinning ring and ripped it from the chair. He quickly, but carefully, ripped each of the metal plates from the side of May’s head.
 She finally stopped screaming and her body went limp. Bucky broke open the metal cuffs that held her to the chair and unbuckled the strap across her head. May’s body twitched with each jerk Bucky made against the chair but she never woke up.
 Bucky almost had to pry May’s mouth open to remove the rubber guard. As he lifted her from the chair he could feel just how tense her muscles still were. He cradled her against him and swallowed a sob at finally having her back.
 A small man burst through the doors to the chamber. He was old and sporting a lab coat. Bucky didn’t know him by face but he had seen many of his kind before.
 “No!” The man pleaded, his eyes glued to May. “Please don’t take her. She’s the only compete success my labs have seen in decades.” The doctor reached his arms out towards May and he whimpered like a child yearning for his favorite toy.
 Bucky stiffened, tempted to let anger drown him again and rip out this man’s throat but May exhaled against his chest and calmed the storm inside him. He had her now, that’s what was important. He marched towards the doctor, who shrunk to the side with each step Bucky took. By the time Bucky reached the door, the doctor was no longer a barrier to freedom but an annoyance that cried for a belonging.
 “Please.” The man begged again. “She’s all I have.”
 Bucky ignored him and pushed the door open. The doctor reacted in desperation and lunged for May. Bucky held May with one arm and smacked the doctor with the back of his metal hand, sending the doctor flying back and knocking him out.
 Bucky marched through the hallways, May in tow, with no resistance, there was no one left to disrupt his silent walk. He locked eyes with Steve, who hauled an incapacitated and bound Travis over his shoulder, and they nodded as they walked side by side behind Wanda out of the building. When they approached the final door, the door that would lead them out side and away from all of this, Bucky tossed three bombs down the steep hallway, letting them roll deeper into the building.
 They team had just enough time to walk into the tree line before the first explosion and Bucky reveled in the following chaos. He knew the building would burn, he knew who was alive inside it but he didn’t care. That scientist deserved his fate. He was just happy to be the one to deliver him his end.
Forever Tags:
@heismyhunter @beccaanne814-blog @tatortot2701 @pickledmoon@whimsicalrebirth @marvel-lucy @thisisthelilith @james-bionic-barnes@thedreamingowl @poemwriter98 @kimistry27 @annie-lujan @buckyandsebsinbin @lilasiannerd @gypsy-storm-15 @cassiopeiassky @earinafae @the-stuttering-kiwi @obsessedwithatwell @shortiiqt16 @shifutheshihtzu @elaacreditava @nikkitia7
An Owed Debt Tags:
@17sullivan @themistsofmyavalon @chipilerendi @lostinspace33 @buckyappreciationsociety
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