#nova (that's me) is very curious and would like to hear from you
grian-updates · 1 year
Grian is being suspiciously quiet again and I don't trust it-
This one's been on my mind since I joined but-
What is it about update blogs that you follow for? Do tell me. Comment or tags, Idm, I'm just curious.
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Talk Too Much
The Bad Batch. Tech/Reader. | writing-positivelyexisting🫧
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He could be defined as a… chatterbox. Someone who talks… on and on and on… it definitely could be seen as annoying, but to you? No way.
You loved hearing that man talk. It brought a sense of tranquility to you. From talking about the differences in droids and ships to simple astronomy — how stars can collapse and become novas.
And Tech? Oh, how he loved to talk with you! You were one of the few who could actually keep up with what he was saying. Before meeting you, he’d keep his words concise so that any one of his brothers could understand him, and normally he wouldn’t be able to talk about what interested him to his brothers because at some point their minds would wander away. (Except for maybe Echo and Omega).
Now that you were a part of his life, it’s like everything he’d been wanting to say is finally being spoken. And comprehended! That’s the best quality about you for him. You care to understand what he’s talking about, asking questions and putting your own opinions in and even correcting him!
Never in his life would he find being corrected a turn on. It is now.
And in the back of his constantly thinking mind, he wondered if you too would grow bored of his voice and his wonder. He hoped not. That would quite literally be the death of him.
Perhaps you already had and have been playing an act? Pretending to be interested in what he was saying? If you were, you were an incredible actress.
No, that couldn’t be possible… could it? An… experiment would be able to give him the answer.
While Tech enjoyed the occasional experiment, he wasn’t so sure about this one. What if he finds out what he doesn’t want to believe is true? His too curious mind drives him forward, no matter the result.
“The biggest difference between the TIE fighters and the first order SF TIE fighters are—,” he stopped himself, looking at you and seeing your eyes, waiting for him to continue, “well, I’m sure you already know this.”
It was strange for Tech to suddenly stop talking, but you did know the difference. “Yes, I do, but—,”
“Apologies for over explaining. If you’ll excuse me, I have some ship repairs still to do.”
He left the bar and you watched him leave with confusion. He’d never done anything like that before, so what was up?
Over the course of the next few rotations, Tech has been slowly limiting his time speaking with you. Stopping himself just before he got too invested in the conversation and leaving to work on the ship or head into town for rations. He also started interrupting you more which was strange.
It was beginning to piss you off.
You wanted to know why he was being such a jerk, but you were also stubborn. You started avoiding Tech, refusing to be interrupted or have the conversation be cut short with some stupid excuse.
You weren’t subtle about it either, not that you really could be. You lived in Cid’s parlor which they frequented very often because they work for her. You’d talk more with his brothers instead, refusing eye contact if Tech was with them.
He noticed your change in attitude and it definitely hurt more than he expected. You didn’t even glance at him while he couldn’t take his eyes off you. He noticed that your smile would fade when he joined the conversation or completely disappear when he got a minute alone with you.
This situation made everything tense and uncomfortable. Even for Wrecker, who’s usually pretty good at lifting the mood. Everyone grew a little worried about the two of you.
While working on his holopad, giving instruction to Echo, the former reg clone asked, “So… what’s been going on with you and YN?”
Tech’s eyes peered over the holopad quickly, seeing Echo’s quizzical expression. “I believe she’s no longer enthusiastic to talk with me.”
“Why’s that?”
“Judging on her behavior of avoiding me, I can only guess that she thinks I’m boring.”
Echo sat up and looked up at the intelligent man. “Seriously? You ‘guess’?”
“Well, I did a small experiment where I tried to limit myself to see if she was pretending to be interested.”
The look on Echo’s face made Tech feel… embarrassed. Another first.
“Go apologize. Right now.”
Echo stood up and grabbed the holopad from Tech, “You’re honestly so dumb for someone with enhanced intelligence. Apologize and tell her the truth. YN loves talking with you, no wonder she’s in a bad mood!”
“I still don’t understand—,”
Echo shoved Tech out of the Marauder and shouted he couldn’t be let in until he’s explained everything to you.
Knowing he’s left with no choice, Tech went to find you.
You were sat at the bar, chatting idly with Omega and Hunter.
“I don’t get why he would stop talking to me… I don’t think I said something wrong, did I?”
Omega frowned, “No, I’m sure he’s just…” Omega looked to Hunter for help, not sure how to explain her brother to you.
“He’s very smart, but he is still human. He makes mistakes, rarely, but they happen.” Hunter offered you a kind smile and you sighed, deciding that their words were the best hope you had.
You felt a presence behind you and you looked back to see Tech walking towards you. Hunter took Omega and left the two of you alone.
“YN, I want to apologize. I’ve experimented on you without your knowledge. You’ve noticed I’ve distanced myself from you and stopped our lengthy conversations because I feared you were pretending to be interested.”
Woah. That’s a lot. You opened your mouth to speak but was cut off.
“I really enjoy your attention, not just to details of our discussions, but on me. I find your company to be special because you always soak in the knowledge I explain and you don’t seem bored of me ever. You even correct me and I never realized how admiring it is to be corrected. It means you were paying attention and to me that’s extremely important. I don’t want to lose that, I don’t want to lose you or your attention or —,”
At some point you realized you weren’t ever going to get a word in. So, you kissed him. Simple problems require simple solutions.
The kiss was meant to be short, but Tech instinctively held you close to him. Your hands cupped his face, thumbs softly touching his cheekbones.
When you pulled back to breathe, you chuckled. “You talk too much.” His eyes blinked with such innocent curiosity it made your cheeks burn. “I enjoy all that you have to say. Don’t ever stop, Tech.”
“Once again, you’ve proven me wrong.” He smiled as he kissed you once more, both of you quietly laughing in between kisses.
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word count: 1,158
p.s. I love this intelligent man so much, I honestly could listen to him talk forever. This was heavily inspired by the song Talk Too Much by COIN. Me and my boyfriend have caught up to the newest episode of season 2 and agghhh 🥺 I felt so bad for him when his leg got crushed but he was so badass!
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Wicked Ones | ES Skywarp x Nova Storm x f!human reader | NSFW 18+
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Word count: 1500+
Warnings: Smut ( Spark merging, touching, licking, fingering and oral ) and robots on human. NSFW 18+.
Notes: Something new and different. I really enjoyed working with these seeker femmes. Thanks for sending in your request @badkarma-900 hope you like it. 🥰
Title of this story was inspired by this song. ❤️
Conjunx Endura - Significant Other Amica Endura - Long-term Best Friend
☕ Coffee
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The high you get when playing music is an addiction you craved each time you and your band would perform. You're the lead drummer, and pretty damn good at it. On stag you were swimming through the loud music and the cheers of the crowds with a wide beaming smile, loving every moment of it as the performance went on. People loved you and you admired your fans, but there are two who were your biggest fans that no one else knew about, and with good reason.
Who would've thought two giant alien robots from another planet would come into your life?
"Hey ladies!" You cheer outloud to the seekers at their little bunker they had settled. You've just come from a long performance, the adrenalin still kicking through your heart.
"There's our rockstar!" Skywarp giggles as she comes down to help you up onto the platform to stand in their view.
"We loved the performance!" Nova Storm adds through pumped enthusiasm. "Hope you didn't mind Skywarp and I adding in that little jet performance nearing the end?"
You grin wildly. "Are you kidding? It was fucking amazing! The crowds loved it too, which added more thrill for everyone."
"I don't understand why you two waste your time doing silly stunts for the humans." You hear Starscream say from across the room. "Entertaining them for a short moment like trained pets."
"You make it sound so much worse." You shake your head holding a small smirk. "If you join them you might feel the thrill."
"I'll pass." Starscream wasn't one for a lot of fun you think to yourself.
"In that case, shoo." Skywarp suddenly says to the red and blue seeker catching him off guard slightly.
"You're kicking me out?"
"It's ladies night!" Nova Storm giggles with her wings flickering.
Starscream lets out a wounded groan before he starts heading out. "Fine. But I'll be having my own fun tomorrow and you two will need to shoo then." He's out of the bunker before any of you could question.
"What kind of fun is he into?" You ask through a curious smile.
"Starscream's fun? Could be anything, but most likely his fun is peace and quiet by himself." Skywarp shrugs as you all make your way further into the bunker.
"Well that's sad." A part of you feels sorry for him. "Perhaps next time I do a show you two should drag him along, force him to have your kind of fun, he might like it."
Suddenly you feel yourself being picked up by Skywarp and held closely up at her face. You feel the heat radiating from her warm face plating adding blush against your skin. Right to it then. You're not complaining in the slightest, as this is what you came here for.
"And let him steal our fun? Steal you from us? Nah." Skywarp lets out a vibrating purr that gently shakes through your body and causes a low delightful hum to leave you.
"Besides, don't you want us all for yourself?" Nova Storm is already sitting in their little area before Skywarp brings you over to join.
"Never knew you two were the jealous types."
You remove your top casually and wiggle out from your shorts, leaving you in your lace bra and thin thong clinging against your sweaty skin, mostly from the concert, but you feel yourself beading with sweat and heat once again due to the growing arousal.
"You're ours, y/n." Skywarp watches you, ruby optics eternalling, the very lingering stare they both give that makes you ache and so wet. "And all you need is us."
Nova Storm shifts closer and gently takes Skywarp's chin between her digits, tugging her closer and sharing a kiss with her conjunx. You bite your lips softly at the sight of them, watching your seeker lovers kissing gives you such a surprising thrill. While seated in Skywarp's servo you toss the rest of your undergarments aside, leaving you bare and naked for them to do with as they please.
"Is someone missing out?" Nova Storm asks through a silky tone before leaning closer over you, nuzzling against your breasts before nudging your legs apart, her thick glossa darting out and swiping across your very core.
The very action causes your back to arch up under her warm glossa, letting out a soft shrill and gripping your hands against Skywarp's digits. It was such an erotic feeling having them do this to you, and so much more has happened already. You three simply are in it for fun.
Nova Storm lets out a muted moan against your tingling core and clit, Skywarp watching through lustful optics while you wiggle yourself against the wet warmth gliding across you. Suddenly you feel the tip of her glossa press against you, entering, stretching your depths as you clench down, moaning loudly out for your biggest fans.
You were already so worked up from the concert, so it doesn't take long for you to orgasim and you don't hold back, arching your ass up as you tremble with your juices soaking out and dripping.
"Oh my, was it that good?" Skywarp can't help but giggle and bit her lips at the way you came so quick and hard. Nova Storm laps everything you give, her frame quivering at your taste.
"Like sweet energon." She purrs as she moves away and kisses Skywarp to share your sweet nectar. You have no idea what that is, but you can guess it must taste pretty good to them.
"So good..." You manage to sigh between heated breaths, laying there and gazing up at them, craving for more. They seem to pick up on this and both smirk down at you.
Both their chassis open up and you're faced with the illuminating blue light of their sparks. It's such a gorgeous sight. You know what they wanted. It's been done before between you three and you're very turned on and fascinated by what happens.
Sitting naked between them you sit on the inside edge of Nova Storm's spark chamber, gently touching the glowing orb and smiling to yourself when you hear her gasp out. You know to be gentle, to take care of their sparks and enjoy yourself. After all, you're pretty much in contact with, as the humans say, their hearts.
Gazing down you notice Skywarp has started to finger Nova Storm, servo pumping away at her endura while listening to the music they played, and you start to caress both their sparks as they close and join together in front of you.
It's been explained to you what spark merging is. It's a ritual that joins two or more sparks together of friendship or romantic love, so they can combine into one. How detailed that bond is, from the mental link to a physical need to be together, to full out emotional and mental mind reading to one another.
Skywarp and Nova Storm were conjunx endura, in human terms, married. Starscream was also part of this bond but he is only an amica endura, a close friend.
As you caress the blue orbs under your hands you tilt you head and lick along the outside, feeling a gentle electric buzz rushing through you as you taste it, moaning lowly, mixing in with your seekers' own sounds. You hear them speak your name, praise you and one another, some other words you think is their own language as you take care of their sparks and help build up their pleasure.
The only way you could describe the taste of their sparks is that it's almost like dragon fruit, mildly sweet, a blend of pear and kiwi. It might sound weird but that's how it did taste to you.
Moving your hand down you start to rub your clit in circular motions, sucking and licking at the joining orbs as you let out a moan as you feel another orgasim suddenly build in you. Doesn't take much at all.
Their sparks glow more intense, glittering around you, and this is your only warning that your seekers were closing in to their overload, and so you work your fingers quicker against yourself, continuing to touch and drag your tongue against their sparks. It honestly felt like an honour to be able to touch such an intimate place to them. They chose you, they wanted you. You love spending every moment with them.
Skywarp passionately kisses Nova Storm as they both pump their digits into her valves together, glossas coiling with her mates while their human friend stimulates their sparks perfectly. It won't be long now.
Then it happens. Their sparks glow brightly in a burst of light as both seekers came to their overload and you came hand a second time under your working fingers. Watching their sparks sizzle together was such a beautiful sight. You'll never tire of it.
When it's over you're carefully brought up and set against Skywarp's shoulder where you lay down to get comfortable.
"Best ladies night ever." You grin softly before kissing her cheek.
"Damn right." Noza Storm joins and you three let yourselves calm down from your arousals, knowing very well that you'll probably be at it again soon enough.
"Night is still young..." You tease lightly, making them both snicker.
"Oh y/n, we're never letting you go."
Fine by you.
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murkystarlight · 25 days
Screw it.
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt.1
(And my personal comments)
Alright. Starting from episode 1
I didn't realize that Cooper having a sudden interest in chips would be a hint to something later(it probably isn't but it seems like it to me). Cooper apperantly had a full list of things to fix and make... also the Night Bureau really can't do their job done properly can they. How does Cooper go to school? And study? And get good grades?? Also love how everyone names their cars
It was cool seeing Sneak working with them. And Nova, too bad they... uh- dissapear after like... episode 4? I think
Mateo trying to find a way to get z-blob back, and the Nightmare king... why is he such an icon all of a sudden?? Like-
Also, I like that how Mateo got the kid show treatment. Might as well sing 'we're all in this together'
And Dallas joining the knitting club!!
It was pretty nice. Just a simple small detail, but I like stuff like that so... Looks like he's not going to be bullying anyone now
It was very fun watching the crows(ravens? Don't remember) snatch their memories. When I saw what the memories that was stolen were about I started screaming like-
I actually think they all have a good reasoning. Logan always loved his music(would've been better if he forgot how to sing entirely) , Cooper... well he's the tech guy, and for Izzie, she was the who accepted the dream world the fastest. Who liked it the most in the first season right? There are more cool and amazing reasons than this but my stupid brain can't think of anything else right now
Episode 2
Apperantly there's a lava realm? Cool
Mr. Oz being angry, Logan being.. well, Logan. And Cooper is just adorable. He's having so much trouble. His purpose in life kinda snap
And when everyone else just jumps into the castle, Izzie takes her time to take the stairs
And Izzie having trouble with "dont open your mouth" she's so funnn
I had trouble understanding Astrid-
Royce guy has a weird whistle.
Cooper looks so happy until his mind went blank and his face is just- 'dude wait, what was I doing?' I thought he lost his tech skills?? Why did he become... dumber? It's cute though
"Sorry-" _ Izzie
Also, Logan said a lot of smart stuff in this episode. One of my favorites was
"If I forgot it, how would I know?"
Mr. Oz trying SO hard not to swear. I could see the struggle-
And the flash cards 😭 when did they get a rule book?!!(first ep)
Also, how many eggs do you think Cooper cracked. How does he not remember how to not but a bolt and screw together?? Just- stick it in! Learn to do it again? Poor thing
And the Night Hunter! +Susan and Snivel. They're a bunch of sillies
Cooper getting pressured by his family again- (is it just me or does he get his character development after like... two episodes and be the one stable guy holding the team together? He's useful. Like actually useful) Cooper's voice also wouldn't stop cracking
"Do you ever get sand in your eyes? Or your shorts?" (The Sandman had legs?? Yes, had. He... he gone now.)
Also kinda funny how all of Mateo's dreamcrafting gets blob-ified
"The one time! I actually want to hear your beats, and you forget?!"
Zoey! Why would you randomly jump into a cauldron!! (Also, the Night Hunters memory being Zoey- I already had a feel)
Mrs Castillo is the best
I'm also very curious of... what or who the Never Witch is??
There is a lot of pushing and shoving people. And it's only the second episode
"So you're not the tech genius you used to be. You still got- ....uh.... what other talents do you have?"
Oh godddd noooooooooooo he said it- Oh god........
"I'm gonna go drown my troubles in the candy realm" (kids. Too much sugar isn't good for you)
(He can't even figure out how to put his phone on silent anymore) he got an A+ in a science project, by cooking?? I thought it was a SCIENCE PROGECT??
Imagine a kid suddenly pulling out an apron and asking for a kitchen to work in. During a science project (he's a chef now), he also just... kept the flan? Thing, in his locker-.... is that... okay?
I mean... I did watch this science show on Netflix about these super smart girls and their names being mc². And one of them bakes. Using science. I mean... science works in everything... and I guess if the teachers said okay then its.. okay?
Sandman and Never Witch fighting, he will be remembered. It was pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have any history
Next part
Bonus(also the reason of why I said screw it)
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aimmyarrowshigh · 9 months
Hello! Dropping into your inbox to ask you about your research for
"Lent From Tomorrow (today was too small for us)." You must have done a ton of historical research for it to get so many of those details. I think that sort of thing is a lot of fun, and I'm very curious to know if you came across anything especially cool/fascinating/weird during your writing research.
Ooh, thank you for the ask! How fun!
There's SO MUCH research in this fic, from the codebreaking to the science of how to defrost a supersoldier to what was on the radio on specific days in 1943. I've got a whole folder of just Lent From Tomorrow research, and the back half of my WIP document is just copy-pastes of quotes from soldiers, scientists, codebreakers, radio hosts, etc.
But, to be fair, I've been reading nonfiction about WWII codebreakers for like 20 years. It's one of my special interests~ and something that I just love learning about. WWII *battles*, I don't care about at all, but everything else about the time period is fascinating to me -- probably because of Molly McIntire, haha.
My FAVORITE little tidbit actually comes up in this coming week's chapter, so I'm not going to spoil it, but it's my favorite recollection in Code Girls by Liza Mundy. That was definitely the book that I used the most for this fic, since the main characters are basically all "code girls," or code omegas, whatever. I also used a lot from PBS Nova's The Mind of a Codebreaker, which I watched when it first came out in 1999 and it rewired my entire brain. I immediately did a report on the women of Bletchley Park in 7th grade (and another on the WASP/WAVE/WAC pilots, so I was really excited to be able to have Carol Danvers make a cameo in Lent!).
But I also looked up specifics for just about every scene -- the snippet of Quiz Kids that's on the wireless radio when Steve and the Asset are listening to the wireless is a quote and actually aired that day. The Torah portion that Steve hears when he goes to shul with the gals and Scott is the Torah portion from that particular Shabbat service in December 1942. The movie scene is the actual movie, newsreel, and cartoon that were shown together at a theater in Washington, DC, on that Friday in March 1943.
I leaned on a former-scientist friend of mine to point me in the right direction to find out how they would have frozen and defrosted the Asset, and also how The Arm might work in a way that isn't just "::shrug:: it's Superhero Science." Her husband is a mathematician, and she suggested some avenues that Steve might have written his big 1929 math paper about, too. And then I read a bunch of math papers from the 1920s and tried to understand them and it was. a lot.
I also did a lot of research into Steve's various disabilities and ailments and the treatments available by the early 1940s, particularly asthma and his childhood polio. (I'm forgetting whether the backstory of his polio experience has actually shown up in the fic yet or if it's coming up soon in a chapter? If it hasn't been posted yet, then spoiler, I guess, Steve had polio as a kid [although I *think* that's canon?]). Steve's experience of being disabled is really important to me, and I wanted it to matter and be a part of his life in this story (and any story I write about Steve).
There's a lot more specific stuff coming up in the back half of the fic, now that we've reached the midway point... Bucky's backstory requires a lot of research into things that I don't know as much about, just because I don't tend to look into actual battle/military histories, and because [redacted for spoilers].
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slexenskee · 6 months
Hey :)
I like your playlists and I found lots of new songs that way. Would you mind posting your spotify wrapped? I'm curious 👀
This just... made my year??? Omg thank you???!
Ok plot twist I don't actually use spotify 😅 I must be the only person on planet earth that switched back to an iPhone so I could use my iTunes again... but yeah I don't use a streaming service, but I do have my most played for the year! I uploaded it here - its on my instagram as a highlight reel!
For people who don't / can't access gram:
Most Played Songs by Month:
January: Mob by Eve
Shockingly my only Eve song for the year?? Last year I had like 3. Fight Song by Eve, one the CSM EDs, was my second most played Eve song but wasn't quite in my January Top 10
February: Shiki no Real by Chanceデラソウル
Suuuper groovy future funk remix of Shiki no Uta, the Samurai Champloo ED and one of my all time favorite/most played songs in my life lol
March: You Know How We Do It by Ice Cube
I go through a huge Dr. Dre/Ice Cube/Snoop phase every year and I'm not embarrassed to say it lol (also yes these are color coded by seasons bc my iTunes top playlists are separated by seasons idk why and yes that I am embarrassed about)
April: When Your Ex Says He Wants You Back by LTB Remix
I have no idea what the real name of this remix is?? I know it's a remix of When Your Ex Says He Wants You Back by Surface, but idk which one. On a related note no idea how I managed to get a full version, the only one I've found online is this version at the very beginning of this big mix
May: Deep Down by Neverdull
I will never pass up a song that samples Crystal Water's Gypsy Woman, and I am also a massive fan of everything Neverdull has put out, so it was no surprise this was my most played song when I discovered it and was in the Top 10 for several months after
June: Blame Brett by The Beaches
Omg man did I get obsessed with this band after this song. Also a huge fan of their other single Me & Me.
July: Disco by Surf Curse
I don't dislike Surf Curse but I don't listen to much else from them but this song, that always ends up on my Top 10 lists during summer. idk what it is but it's such a great beachy vibe for me. I genuinely cannot go to the beach without listening to it several times
August: Slingshot by Good Kid
Good Kid is actually my top artist of the year, and I'm thrilled to see it. It's really rare that I like so many songs off of a band's discography, and I think I have every single one of theirs. Also in my Top 10 for August was Alchemist, Osmosis, Tell me You Know, and No Time to Explain from them.
September: Honey by ID Chief
My favorite kind of future funk is when the original song isn't so spliced you can barely hear it, but there's still enough remix involved to really modernize the disco.
October: North Wind by Six Lounge
Shockingly enough I didn't actually listen to Ao no Sumika - arguably 'The' J-rock song of 2023 - very much even though I like that song a lot. I think I just can't handle my own feels, and tbh, as far as J-rock for this year goes I liked this ED from MHA more? I think the hook is just a little smoother and catchier imo.
November: From the Start by Good Kid
While I also love the bossa nova vibes of the original Laufey version, this cover is soooo freaking good. It definitely has summer anime OP vibes and there's actually an AMV using the first JJK S2 opening that gives me so many feels.
December: Standing Next to You by Jungkook
Ooof ok I'll come clean here I used to love k-pop back in 2014 and kind of got sick of the genre after EXO and F(x) broke up and was never into BTS or any of the new K-pop acts. But man this song slaps. I'm obviously a disco fan and there's some major disco grooves in this song
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Has anybody ever pointed out that "Kirby's Triumphant Return," the song that, from what I can tell, was originally composed FOR Marx's defeat, plays towards the end of CROWNED? And the Wiki even points out that it's "notably played in its original key like in its Kirby Super Star incarnation?"
Not to me, at least! I’m fascinated though! (Especially as a huge fan of the "not-really-a-true-trio-but-I-get-happy-brain-when-the-three-of-them-interact-in-fan-material" trio of Kirby, Marx, and Magolor.)
Because while it has been tied more into moments of Kirby's heroism (and some stuff w/ Meta Knight) and is basically a leitmotif FOR "Kirby the Hero" it's just interesting to me that it ties back to Marx.
You can say that Nightmare was Kirby's first big world saving Adventure (ba-dump tish) but then, Marx's defeat sort of eclipses (ba-dump tish) that.
But now...
I'm very curious about the origins of its composition! Especially since Sakurai's lore drop about Kagero Mansion made me increasingly sure that Galactic Nova, at least, was originally designed for that sub-game! (Marx COULD have been designed for something else, or even a placeholder boss when they decided to cut the Nova boss fight, but he’s rife w/ horror elements and Kagero was going to be a horror-themed sub-game....) Basically, was there a chance that piece was originally composed for Kagero Mansion as well?
And then, to hear that it's used in its original key for CROWNED (even though it has been used in many other places) makes this fan of the trickster-y duo's heart sing!!  (Brief Aside: I wish we had an easy word like "Donozura"(1) for them in English that’s not their pairing name. < Speaking as someone who loves the pairing too.)
...Until Marx makes any sort of canon return outside the specious circumstances of Star Allies, it's hard to defend this theory, but I really believe that there is SOMETHING important tying Marx and Magolor to Kirby lore. The clockwork star stuff. Ancients. Their connections to Elfilis and Void...
Anyway, I fear that to connect the use of the leitmotif to any deeper associations involved with fighting the two of them steers straight into HC/wishful thinking territory, but I have seen a couple of doujinshi/fan comics that have portrayed Kirby making that internal comparison themself, and I love it. That something about fighting Magolor resembles having to fight Marx. (And it's not just the betrayal. I, personally, think there's a note of tragedy behind them both being warped physically by their own twisted desires. (2))
But yeah! More connections! (...Should I add it to The List...?)
(1) "Donozura" is short for (loose EN translation) "What makes you think YOU think you can waltz back in here and call yourself a (Dream) ‘Friend’?!" and is used generally to refer to Marx & Magolor, and sometimes Marx, Magolor, and DMK in the JP fandom.
(2) I've seen the "true form" discussion (aka, that little Marx always looked like Boss Marx that and he was just hiding) and I still lean toward Marx's boss form being somehow related to the power of the Nova. Maybe he could spawn little claw-wings, and the Nova just boosted his power? But I feel like if he were always capable of doing THAT why even get Kirby involved in the first place? You could say he was just lazy, but that feels like an out-of-story excuse.
And there’s also the fact that his most recent appearance, by his own creator, Sakurai, in Smash Bros Ultimate, has him lose the wings and shrink back down to size when he is defeated. If the hell-bat was his default form, why in the world would he transform back into the “illusion” after defeat?
...But I feel the same way about Magolor and "If he were always capable of that kind of magic, why not just take on Landia himself?!" Of course, the novel - which I think is the main source of him always having magic - doesn't confirm he has POWERFUL magic, just that he has a little bit of magic. I mean, all he ever does pre-Crown is a very basic light spell.
(And it's the novel, which is still it's own thing. I think the Star Allies guide, if I recall, supports the "he kept some remnants of the Master Crown's power and that's why he's able to do all this" theory for SA Magolor. Which makes a lot more sense than him always being able to rip holes in the fabric of space.)
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thedemonicpup · 2 months
      Toxic Breathing
By Ripley Salem
                           Chapter 6: Firecracker
   Addie looks toward the door when she hears the voice. She knows that voice all too well. She looks up at Royal, with tears streaming down her face, laughing. “Speak of the fucking devil!” Addie wiggles out of Royal’s arms and runs to the door. She gently moves Milah out of the way and opens the door. Addie finds Nova in the hands of some guy. “Nova!” Royal swiftly follows Addie’s tracks and his eyes smile largely seeing Nova unhurt and in the arms of some random tall dude with white hair “Uh..who is this Nova?” Royal quizzically asks. Nova laughs and smirks at Addie’s reaction “Well shit Addie thanks for reminding me of my name, not that I've fucking forgotten it or something!” Nova looks over at Royal “Hey dickhead, this is Blade the asshat that just picked my ass up from my brother” Blade chuckles “I figured that you wouldn’t want your ringleader to die, I was watching, pretty selfless for this pretty little thing to let you all go on ahead” Addie laughs at Nova’s sass. She looks at Blade. “Thank you for saving Nova.” Addie had happy tears falling down her face as she looked at Nova. She had thought she had lost her best friend. Nova scowls and playfully narrows her eyes at Blade, she kicks Blade lightly in the balls as a warning “Hey! I might be small but shit I can fucking bite back!” Blade groans and drops the small girl onto the floor to clutch his special region, Nova cackles and lands on her feet almost feline like in nature “why did you do that?!” Blade groans, Royal winces as he sees Nova even though it was light the pain he could see in Blade's face sent a sympathy pain into his groin. Addie sniffles and laughs at her best friend's antics “Y..you're still here! And you're still you!” Nova rolls her eyes in a playful manner at Addie as she was stating the literal obvious “well duh! I'm still me, who else would I be? The freaking president or some shit?” Nova giggles sarcastically. Milah and Aether were both very happy to see the return of the scary but nice small girl, Aether gets up from the floor and does a cute little jog over to the others, he was starting to feel like he belonged. This was a first for him, Aether once reaching the rest of the party smiles happily at Nova “I'm so happy to see you alive” Aether glances back towards his sister whom was in complete shock in Nova's return and how gentle Addie was in moving her aside, conflicting feelings were coursing through Milah's system. 
   As Blade recovers from the light attack from Nova a loud crash is heard that catches the attention of everyone else, looking over with wide and fearful eyes Nova, Addie, Royal, Blade and Aether's eyes fall upon one of these creatures but this creature appeared more advanced, the growths on its face had elongated and curved almost creating petal like shaped appendages, Aether was curious he wanted a closer look at this thing. “Yeah, it's time to you know…lock up shop” Nova suggests to which Blade agrees, Royal notices something about Blade that no one else had picked up, Royal observes that Blade hasn't once looked in the direction of this more advanced creature but rather he had kept his eyes down and on Nova for some reason. “Yes, everyone inside now!” Blade instructs. Addie knew the dangers and so did Royal, there was no telling them twice as they hastily make their way back into their now base camp, Blade ushers Nova inside to which she flips him off and shoves Blade into the door of the grocery store, “Oof! Ok, ok I'm going.” Blade mutters as he rubs his nose on his entrance into base camp. The only people left outside now was Nova and Aether, Aether starts taking steps closer to the advanced creature which Nova grabs him “Hey! Listen to me, you really don't want to find out what that thing does. Get your ass into the store right now Aether” Aether though wanting to approach this thing he knew if he didn't want his ass handed to him, face certain death and lose friends all at the same time. 
   Reluctantly Aether makes it look like he was going to buck it into the grocery store but instead runs towards the creature, to Nova's annoyance “fucking kids” She grumbles as she chases after Aether. Aether gets closer to this creature which was coming closer and closer to him, its petal like features seemed a little familiar to Nova, she remembered something that her brother was talking about in one of his hellfire club's campaigns, a creature called the Demogorgon, upon the realisation that this once human was now turning into a Demogorgon her blood runs cold. “Aether, I'm not kidding you need to come back here right now” Nova warns the rebellious youngster, the creature roars out as its petal like appendages were growing something like razor sharp teeth, Aether sees this which immediately frightens him turning back and running behind Nova “get your ass back inside right now Aether, we will be having words” Nova through her gritted teeth mutters to Aether. Making a quick dash back into the safety of the grocery store Aether reunites with his sister who was still standing, completely shocked, Blade looks at Aether “OK, squirt where is Nova now?” Addie nods worriedly looking at the door whilst remaining close by to Royal, Aether looks completely shaken as he glances over to Blade, his naturally fair skin had turned Porcelain white. Nova comes back into the grocery store backwards and shuts the door “Barricade that bitch right now” She instructs to which Royal and Blade rush to put anything and everything in front of the door, once satisfied that they were safe for now Nova looks at Aether “I really don't know what your plan was there, but it was a fucking stupid one. Don't ever defy me again, got it?” Aether looks Nova in the eyes, he could see she was dead serious he meekly nods and mutters an apology to her before hiding behind his sister. “What was that, Novs?” Addie asks her best friend, Nova looks at Addie who she knew had been a part of her brother's campaigns “Remember the Demogorgons?” Addie thinks on this for a brief moment before her eyes widen “y..yeah? Why?” Nova takes a breath before telling her best friend what she had just witnessed “The creatures are evolving, those growths they had around their faces well, they've turned into petal like appendages with teeth. They are turning into Demogorgons.” Addie's jaw drops and her heart sinks.
(( Special Thanks to @hellfirekitten86 for the grammatical stuffs!))
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medusanova · 1 year
nova, hear me out. Sambea, but its Bea in her late night (cheeky) pjs walking on Sam vandalizing the school and just standing there smoking and watching him, very amused, thus giving Sam the fright of his life (and his eyes do not wander bc o.O why are those pjs like that!!!)
Goosebumps rise along her arms and legs as she steps into the cool autumn air outside the Fairy Hall. The wind snuffs her lighter twice before she’s able to light the blunt with trembling fingers.
Inhale one. To pull the rest of her mind out of the nightmare that woke her. Inhale two. To breathe the first full breath of air into her lungs since she’d gotten out of bed. Inhale three. The one that finally steadies the shaking of her hands, if only for the moment.
Her eyes are trailing the cloudy wisps of her fourth exhale when she catches the sound of rustling leaves, followed by a muttered curse. Curious to see who else is haunted (or deranged) enough to be awake at four in the morning, she tip-toes a few steps forward, enough so she can peek around the corner without being seen.
It’s Harvey — the tall third-year not the idiotic father or insufferable sister. Surrounded by vials and vines in the darkness, he’s concentrating on the side of the building, eyes two brilliant green stars that shine against the indigo sky as he channels his magic.
Raising a brow in suspicion, she rounds the corner, ignoring the brush of leaves against her ankles as she shamelessly studies him like an insect under a microscope.
His brows are furrowed over his shining eyes, his legs pace around the vines, like a caged animal ready to be let out, and his arms — his surprisingly muscular and… defined arms — swell with exertion as he cultivates the jungle before him.
It’s not like she’s never seen an earth fairy use magic before, that’s not what warms a small ember of heat in her stomach, it’s just that, well, she’s never seen an earth fairy (any fairy) use it with as much feeling or passion or anger as herself. It’s completely unexpected of a professor’s son and that makes him.. intriguing.
It’s another inhale and exhale later when she realizes the guy must either have such a single-minded focus on his mission that he’s not paying attention, or he’s just really that dense. Which would be a pity since trying to tolerate Callum had proved Bea was awful at caring about stupid people.
She smirks to herself, deciding to test the theory. “So you’re the one I have to thank for the headmistress cancelling our meetings every morning this week.”
He doesn’t even glance her way. Just continues wrapping the building in vines, and Bea ignores the flicker of interest at what else he might bury his entire focus into that intently.
It takes her short-circuiting the lamp above their heads with a flick of a finger to break his concentration. Only, instead of running or backing away or slipping back into his good boy persona like she expects, he startles, growls a surprised “shit- fuck,” and suddenly Bea finds her feet, legs, and hips bound by vines.
Putting the blunt back to her lips, Bea crosses an arm over her chest, which currently pounds in surprise at being subdued so swiftly, and shoots an unamused glance between her plant-covered legs and his now-amber eyes. “Suspicious much?”
“Fuck I- sorry. Thought you were someone- well, scarier, I guess,” he says with a breathless sort of half laugh.
Dropping her finished blunt to the ground, Bea shoots him her most devious smile. “And here I thought I was the scariest person on campus. I’m wounded, truly.”
“Don’t get me wrong, you’re definitely your own brand of spooky. Just, not someone I’m scared of when it comes to things like, you know, vandalism.” He scratches the back of his head, bouncing his eyes from her, to the building, to the ground. Bea’s completely lost as to why he’s acting so shifty when she catches his gaze linger on her bare thighs, framed by the black lace of her night dress.. and encompassed new, leafy garters.
He’s too easy, she thinks, already wondering what kind of leverage she can get as she deliberately rubs her thighs together. His eyes dart toward the crunch of leaves between them. “And how do you know that? I’m literally her right-hand woman.”
“Uh, well.. you look at her the same way I do, I suppose. And somehow— I feel like you’d rather be helping me here than turning me in,” his voice stays remarkably steady even though he speaks his entire sentence to her thighs.
And, she knows she’d wondered about the intensity of that focus just moments ago, but the heady feeling of it pinpointed onto her catches her completely off guard. She smothers it with a question. “And how, exactly, do I look at her?”
“Like you want to get rid of her. Like.. you want her to die,” he says in a low voice, jaw clenched. Idly, she wonders when he got close enough to block the wind that was causing her goosebumps.
She looks up at him, studies the brewing tempest in his eyes, and answers with her own storm: a flex of her hand that bursts the entire row of lamps on this side of the Fairy Hall, leaving them silhouetted in the dark.
“Knew it,” he murmurs, biting his lip as the corners curve up in respect and… admiration. Bea turns both hot and cold at the pleasure that blooms in her chest, taking it as her cue to free herself and get out of here before anything else out-of-character happens to her.
She’s about to snidely suggest he unwrap the weeds from her legs before she incinerates them when she hears the sound of footsteps and voices approaching. Shit, if she got caught, the bitch wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of her. No matter how innocent she was here.
Beatrix only has time to see her panic mirrored in Harvey’s eyes when his arm hooks around her waist, her legs are freed, and she’s pulled back around the corner and into a broad chest.
Her posture stiffens when his fast-paced breaths stir her hair against her neck and she quickly moves her hands to her sides when she realizes they’re grasping his forearm. They stay so silent as the footsteps crescendo, pausing just around the corner from them, that even their heartbeats seem to sync together.
They both let out a breath when the steps finally pass, distancing themselves from the Fairy Hall once more.
“Gods, that was close,” he rumbles against her shoulder.
A shoulder she shrugs as she moves away to face him once more with raised eyebrows. “Yeah, it was. Next time, you can spare me the flimsy earth fairy bindings and maybe we can have a civilized conversation, hm?”
“Right,” he huffs out a self-deprecating laugh, slowly backing up toward the vials and other evidence he’d sealed into the ground. “Right. ‘Course. Sorry again. Truly, Beatrix. That was- it was just an instinct. Didn’t want to get caught. Either of us.”
Bea could find fault with a lot of things. Lack of self-preservation, lack of intelligence, and overconfidence being a few. But she can’t find it in herself to hate the honesty in Sam’s voice. In his apology. The sound of her name coming from his voice.
She can’t remember the last time someone had found fault within themselves over her. Hadn’t automatically dismissed her, or avoided her, or ratted her out. It made her step closer as he backed away, purposely adding a swish to her hips when she said, “Tomorrow night? You bring your vine, I bring my weed? And maybe I can teach you the art of stealth while we’re at it.”
“Sure, uh. Yeah, I mean- yeah, I’ll be at the library tomorrow,” he pauses, staring at her in shock and something that might look like excitement. He leans an elbow against the wall in what would be a casual move — if his entire arm didn’t suddenly disappear into it and he didn’t exclaim a startled, “Fucking Christ.”
Pulling it from the wall, he shakes it out before trying again.
“Well. Thanks for an.. entertaining smoke.” Bea’s lips quirk, using that as her cue to end this moment that has turned downright Shakespearean. “Night, Harvey. See you tomorrow?”
His honey-brown eyes shine with intrigue and promise. “Night, Beatrix. I- yeah. Same time tomorrow.”
Bea floated back into her room reeling over three things: the first, she’d been done with her smoke for almost a half hour and her hands haven’t resumed trembling once. The second, she doesn’t find Harvey a nuisance, in fact she’d tolerated his company so much she’d made plans to see him again. And third, why’d he go to the trouble of hiding her, hiding with her, when he could’ve just disappeared and left her there without a trace?
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ask-the-praetors · 2 years
In two letters, one to each of them:
To Urabrask,
While I am willing to receive the gifts of Phyrexia, I wouldn't trust my mind to the touch of Jin-Gitaxias, as brilliant as he seems. Do you or any among those who ally themselves with you possess the skills to properly compleat a planeswalker, specifically one who desires compatibility with multiple colors of mana? I have some rather strong ideas about how I'd want my compleated form, and while I could improve it after the initial process, the problem involving the spark and soul remains.
To that end, what are your opinions on Tamiyo? She seems to be nearing the level of being taught the compleation process, and of all of the others mentioned through this communication, she seems the most willing to at the very least hear out your side. If possible, she might make for a wonderful ally, especially for requests like this one.
To Tamiyo,
From one planeswalker to another, how are things in New Phyrexia? I am highly intrigued by Phyrexian technology, and augmentations, biological or mechanical, have fascinated me for a long time. As someone interested in possible compleation, has anything significant changed since your own transformation that you would be interested in mentioning? Have you made any modifications to yourself since the initial compleation process?
In addition, what do you think of Urabrask? I channel red mana myself, among other colors, and am curious as to possibly having him involved in my own compleation, despite how the other praetors may have disdain for him.
You are wise to desire reforging and wiser still to avoid it by Jin's hands. The problem is that planeswalker compleation involves specialized components in Jin's possession, which my rebels do not yet have. I do hope to replicate or steal one soon, at which time you are welcome if you pledge yourself to freedom.
Tamiyo, and Jin's access to the technology that created her, is cause for concern. If she can be made to see reason, it must be while separated from her captor--which Jin knows, so he keeps her under close watch.
Ah, another explorer! Well met, Nova. I am, of course, grateful for how my new family has reshaped me. My favorite, which could be of interest to you, is my vastly expanded information storage capacity--I carry story-scrolls still, of course, but I also contain vast libraries of history within my oil. No new modifications yet. I am not sufficiently trained for that, and I trust Jin-Gitaxias's judgement.
Urabrask worries me. He is tearing our family apart with his defiance. Please, do not let him lead you astray. I promise that you can have both your mana affinity and our love. We have a place for you, always; just come to us.
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Bossa Nova (Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x f!reader) - Three
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Two | Four
Summary: Kojak the fish, not the guy from TV. 
Word count: 2.455
Warnings: Bad words, mentions of death, violence, blood, a hint of gore but very subtle (got a little descriptive), crime scenes, slight mention of drinking alcohol, Nick being the fucking bitch he is, references of Kojak (the TV show), references of Hollywood artists and... Yeah, that’s it, I guess.  
Author’s Note: Took me a lot of time to write this, my mind was like sboidbIOFNkd but I think it’s a good chapter. I've never watched Kojak carefully, but he's a classic for those who enjoy these type of TV shows like me.
Oh, and... People talk with their pets a lot, okay?
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
“Is that a fish?”
The question caught you by surprise. Hell, the lab was really badly designed – you never see who’s coming when you’re working with video processing, because the editing room made you have your back to the door. Benny had one hand on the desk, his body tilted to see Kojak's photo up close, and you almost hit him with your arm.
He almost opened his mouth to apologize, but your eyes gazed at the picture and then at him again.
“... Yeah. Kojak.”
“The fish. I bought it at a fair a few months ago, he's one of those guppys, you know?” By the look on his face, he didn’t. Of course he didn’t. You arched an eyebrow before turning your eyes to the computer screen again. “His name is Kojak.”
“Like the TV show?” You could sense the humored curious tone in his voice. “He seems like a nice guy.”
“I'd say he's more of a high maintenance guy.”
Benny was quiet for a moment, looking at the photo a little longer before letting out a brief 'humpf'. He didn't move away, however, so you could deduce that he didn't specifically went there to hear you talking about your pet fish.
“... I’ve been working on the security footage,” You said after a long beat of silence. “Thought Nick would want to see.”
“Anything new?”
“Kind of. The equipment is quite old, the image is kind of... Rubbish, but I managed to adapt it to clean up the video a little and I think we have a face.”
He became quiet again, although he leaned over again to be at the same level as the screen, which interfered a little with your personal space. You side-eyed him, but blinked a few times and decided not to say anything.
“There we go.”
The guy was blond, hair down to his shoulders, and there was a vote of confidence in the fact that the weapon used matched the bullets found in the body. You hadn't even told Gina or Emma yet, but since he was around...
Benny squeezed a little tighter to see the image clearly, his arm curling around the back of your chair as the two of you stood practically face to face. It was a little embarrassing, sure, but you didn't complain; besides, he actually smelled really good.
“... I still need to check with Emma but I gave myself the freedom to look up the guy in the database. His name is…” You grabbed the profile sheet, which have you some space with excuse. He just turned his head at you. “Travis Brown.”
Look, from what you knew of him, he always had been on the quiet side, which could explain why you could let some stuff pass. Still, when he took hold of the paper, you considered whether you should really do that or set the same boundaries you created with everyone else. There's bureaucracy this, I'll be that person that, that kind of thing.
In fact, you were already ready to take his role and say the almost rehearsed speech that this was unprocessed information, but he spoke before you could.
“Makes me wonder if there’s something you can’t do,” His voice came out more like a smiling murmur.
You stared at him dumbly without an answer, and when he raised his eyes at you again, your face was a mix of confusion and acceptance.
"Well, I... can think of a few things."
"Really?" There was a smile dancing on his lips.
“Eh," You shrugged.
“It’s my job.”
“Humble…” Benny pondered more to himself, looking between the paper and you with a smile. “That’s why Big Nick likes you.”
There were three reasons why you were ‘Nick’s favorite’.
1. Nick was inclined to be a pretty pain in the ass and few people knew how to handle it properly. Tell him to fuck himself once and you fall on his graces. Kick his balls and he asks your hand in marriage.
2. He had little connection with the bureaucratic side, so he needed someone who knew when to put him in line. It wasn't your responsibility, of course, and sometimes you gave in, but he appreciated the idea of ​​having those reins when they saved his ass from doing something stupid. He loved pseudo-mothers. Freud would adore him.
3. Your price was low, because even though it was your job, it could (and would) get you into trouble. He owed you favors and, being honest, it was great to have a guy like him owe you favors. But you were a saint compared to the things he could demand, so when the favors didn't include getting someone out of jail or dealing drugs... Good for him.
It was like a honeymoon phase marriage with a mixed couple therapy phase. You wouldn't hesitate to set boundaries, he wouldn't hesitate to do his best to respect that and not miss a good addition in his complicated investigations.
But in the middle of it all, between small arguments and moments of stress, you could add a new reason.
4. You always accepted.
There was something about the challenge, perhaps. You always liked things that distracted you as much as possible from your personal issues that existed due to your commitment with work – if everyone would put a finger in it and say you were some kind of workaholic, then be it.
“I don't think that's why he likes me.”
“What would be the reason then?”
“I tell him to fuck off pretty easily?”
“No,” He shook his head with a laugh. “Don’t worry about it, ma. You can say shit to him as much as you do, but in the end… You’re a good girl.”
Benny touched you – on the shoulder.
Benny looked at you with a warm expression – straight into your eyes.
Benny squeezed the same shoulder affectionately – just to slide lightly through your arm before standing up fully with a that same smile.
And that should pass because he was just being nice, but you couldn’t remember the last time someone acted like that with you, at least not at work and at least none of the others. Of course, there was also the factor that you'd never really realized how good-looking he really was.
And that should pass because he was just being nice, but he stood there, in silence, making it a staring contest, and you would notice things you didn't before because he usually wasn't one to be overly friendly like the others. It was as if before you only saw him out of necessity, and at that moment you didn't have much reason to observe him, so you did.
"Not always," You said lightly, a hint of humor in your tone. "I try to maintain balance, especially with the baggy ones."
"You think Nick is baggy?"
"Not just baggy but an idiot."
He laughed lowly, shaking his head a little and waving with the paper in his hands.
“... It's good to know you at least like one cop.”
“Theo Kojak? Yeah, I like him,” Your smile was genuine, just like his.
“Let's hope you extend this sympathy to other colleagues. Not all of us are badass lieutenants but we make an effort.”
“I might consider it, but don't promise Nick anything.”
“So you can do it for me?”
You hesitated a little, pursing your lips to prevent more of those stupid smiles of yours.
“I was never nice to you?”
“Well, we never talk. At least not a lot. We could work something out,” He started to walk out of the lab nonchalantly. “We already have the same taste for food.”
“That's just one thing in common. It doesn't impress me much," You said in time for him to look at you over his shoulder.
“Tweet, tweet, baby. I'm a cop in a cage,” He talked with a weird imitation of Telly Savalas. “Now that's two.”
Absentmindedly, you watched him with the same silly face until he turned the hall out of your reach with the glass doors. Took you a time to catch yourself together – after a few blinks and a sigh, you turned to the table with your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
Kojak references, you thought, he never seemed like the type.
Maybe you were just really distracted. Heavens, it wouldn't be the first time this had happened in a day. When Emma woke you up from a staring contest with the M&M almost falling off the vending machine, you gasped loud enough to scare her too.
“Jeez! Are you okay?” She frowned.
“Yeah, yeah! Sorry. What’s up?”
She explained on the way, which took longer than expected since she was a way-too-good-driver, but it all ended up with the two of you standing in a dilapidated house in South LA that smelled like mothballs. If there was a single ray of natural light slithering through the wood covering the windows, it wasn't enough to give the place any air of home.
“Drug spot,” She murmured while pointing her fleshlight to the small living room in front of you.
“Charming,” The collar of your shirt masked that terrible odor, so your voice was muffled.
“We'll start from here to the back. I want you to take pictures of the kitchen and the back porch, then go to the hospital with the victim. The rest we can work through.”
“Got you.”
To say that things had more than complicated twists in a police case of this magnitude was an understatement. It was like you'd opened your mouth about Travis Brown and hours later the guy had been shot at in what was supposed to be a junkie fight at a drug stop. Coincidence or not, you saw the glint of relief on Connors and Zapata's faces as you passed them in the driveway – you couldn't imagine how Nick was with the whole situation.
You spoke to Emma in your own way on the subject: the Kubrick method. Could also be called the Tarantino method, but it would depend on how the scene was filled with blood. Jets of blood on the wall and furniture? Tarantino. The floor as dirty as the hallway in that scene from The Shining? Kubrick. It always made her sigh, but you never knew if she was just stressed or annoyed by your words.
Huh. The place looked like a butcher shop. Add in a Danny Boyle and you've got the perfect place, with blood, drugs and added doses of whatever tried to make it look like a functional kitchen. After the photos, you walked out of there with the same feeling of disgust as when you watched Ewan McGregor emerge from a filthy vase in Trainspotting.
And, curiously or not, you knew that any shit Nick got involved in would surprise you even when you expected it.
“Is this guy still alive?” You asked as low as you could, looking between O’Brien and Travis, who was sleeping (or in coma) in a hospital bed with a disfigured face.
“For our luck,” He sighed. “Though I'd rather handle it without Walsh.”
“He’s here?”
“Not yet. Told the guys to keep him at the crime scene for a while.”
"Smart. That place is a mess,” It was almost ten, your work was nowhere near finished. “Really, working with you is always a traumatic experience.”
“Weren't you the one who had the thousand-resilience-methods of whatever teacher you had?” This time he was teasing, but you brushed him off with an eye roll.
“Let me work here, will you?"
He left the room with both hands raised in surrender, taking long steps into the hallway and giving you the first moment of absolute silence you needed. Travis was motionless, in pain, visibly attacked and not just eliminated. It wasn't really your place to speculate, but it was clear that the reason for Nick's good mood had more to do with the fact that the guy had suffered rather than just been shot.
"Where's Nick?" You asked as soon as you left the room, finding no one but Benny waiting in the corridor.
"Getting some coffee. You good?"
"Yeah, just tired 's all. Still getting used to the fieldwork again," He didn't say anything about it, so you scratched the back of your neck in discomfort. "Tell him it's all set here. I also took evidence from the body, you know, in case you want to know who did it."
"... Right."
With that, you turned to walk away, but Benny caught your attention before you could get far.
"I meant it. You know, about working something out."
"I'm good," You shook your head. "There's some wine waiting for me at home."
He just grinned.
"Sounds like a big night for you, then."
"Without Walsh sniffing all over me? Yeah, it'll be a blast."
You sighed a little before faking smile at him before taking some back steps to leave.
"I will process the photos and send them to Emma. She'll tell you about anything new."
That night, Kojak was still awake when you got back home. There was no wine, no chance of you turning off your phone, but you took a bottle of water to take that dose of pills you forgot to take at the right time.
“What are you still doing up, huh? Waiting for me?” He followed the tip of your finger touching the glass and gave his body a little spin before swimming unassumingly away.
Your back wouldn't allow you to lie on your carpet; still, after a good shower, you curled up in the comfort of your bed and faced the ceiling again. This wasn't exactly the way you wanted to end your day, dwelling on something that, like it or not, was routine, but the days weren't exactly the best and you thought about all the choices you had made. Career, friends, family, marriage…
Good things. Think about good things, you forced yourself to remember.
Then you remembered. A fragment of the things that had happened that day, in the pros that came from the morning until the moment you laid down in bed again.
Tweet, tweet, baby.
When you closed your eyes, you knew you would be in disbelief that Benny was the last thing you thought about before falling asleep.
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dapperbasil · 1 year
⌛💉 Marcus, 🌃🖤 Alistair, 🌹🤝 Tammy
⌛ When and how were they turned?
"Starting off dangerously, are we? I suppose talking about my past wouldn't hurt too terribly bad. If you know my dear Lilliana's story, then you know mine as well. We were both young nobles in late 18th century France. Most people with eyes to read a book and ears to hear the tales of historians know what happened to nobles during that time period. My wife's family was no different. When she disappeared that night I thought I had lost her, the person I was closest to in the entire world. I was lost in my way, and my family -try as they may to urge me to consider another suitor- was unable to console me.
Enter my sire, Elise. A beautiful british woman, tall with flowing blonde hair. She convinced my family that I was better off getting treatment for my broken heart, and once the papers were signed she dominated them and altered their memories. Marcus wasn't just standing in the foyer hours ago, Marcus died of typhoid a few months before the Sylvestres were executed. Their beloved son was long since buried in the family crypt.
Elise offered me the chance to see Lilliana again, to which I accepted without yet knowing the terms. A bit foolish of me, but given that we have been reunited for over 200 years now I do not begrudge my young self. Under the light of the full moon in the garden of my family's estate, Marcus Beaumont died his mortal death. My blood decorated the poppies growing from the earth and I awoke as a kindred."
💉 Have they sired anyone? If so - why, how and did they claim their childe?
"Is it strange to hear a sabbat bishop admit he has only sired once? The act of mass embrace is archaic, and unnecessary in these times. I never participated in one myself, and have only given my blood outside of vaulderie to a single kindred.
It was a chance encounter, a time I decided to hunt for myself to feed rather than partake of one of my ghouls. Due to my feeding restriction I tend to not overly hunt or drain the kine too much. If I run out of places to feed, then it starts to get very not pretty very fast.
Met a young man at one of the drinking establishments in the city, offered to take him to get some actual food. I learned a bit about him as we chatted. He was young, he was bold, he was stupid. His father had apparently thought so too, as he had just signed up to join the war effort. I eventually asked his name and was floored when I heard the last name.
Turns out he was my sister's great grand. My own blood, running off to join one of the wars of the kine, one that would surely get him killed. If it was a war he wanted to fight, it would be one worth the fight.
His embrace, it went wrong. I did everything correct, but still it went wrong. His body seemed to reject my vitae, I often wonder if it was because he was my own kin. It was a miracle of Caine he even awoke, a lost and fragmented soul. He no longer recalled anything from before he awakened, and none of it ever returned.
Lilliana and I treat him as our own of course, he is the son we never had the chance to have."
🌃 Where are they from and where do they live now?
"You're asking where I'm from? Why bother? What difference does it make if I was born in West Virginia or New Mexico? You're that curious? Would Nova Scotia surprise you? Of course the accent isn't just for show, you fool!
Toronto is where I make my home now, after radiovangelist Alistair Seth Allan tragically passed away from a lung infection. It's a bit close to that Camarilla cesspool than I would like, but given the opportunities it presents me I don't see much reason to complain about it too much."
🖤 How do they feel about being turned? (How did they adjust? Do they feel differently now than they did when they were first turned?)
"My feelings about the embrace? Hate to say it but its not like I had much of a choice in the matter. I dunno if you've got cotton in your fucking ears or what, but I wasn't joking about the lung infection. I was fully set on passing on peacefully, my work for the lord done good and well. That is until a certain blasted tremere regent with true faith decided to save me by damning me eternally!
I hated being a kindred, I hated being a tremere. I hated the camarilla and all its frills and fallacies and I hated everything and everyone my first few years. First chance I had, I ran. The chantry didn't take it seriously. I was blood bonded, so of course I'd come crawling back sooner or later. But I didn't. I defected. The bonds eventually broke.
I found Caine soon after I joined the sabbat, and though the journey's been rough, I am grateful to have this second chance at life and a second gospel to spread. Our father's words guide our actions each night, and it is my eternal duty to do the same."
🌹 What clan do they belong to and how do they feel about them?
"Ventrue, blue bloods, the clan of kings. Ironic isn't it, my name being Tammy King and being one of them? I'm sure that was on purpose, a constant reminder of what I was and what my sire expected of me. A clan of leaders, of the proud, of the strong willed. All words I don't really know fit me very well.
As a group, ventrue are an interesting topic. Our sires are picky and selective, and after embrace it's not uncommon for them to stow us away until we're smart enough, talented enough, polite enough to not embarrass them. As such, I haven't met overly many. Younger ventrue aren't allowed at clan meetings, and if your sire is particularly eccentric or distrustful you might not see your first elysium for decades. Oh and don't get me even started on feeding preference, the night you learn that is arguably more important than your embrace. Sires put so much pressure on their childer to learn theirs, don't take almost a year to find yours like I did. Just trust me on that.
There's so much to learn as a ventrue, so much you're expected to know and do. And even after all that you're still not a full member of clan ventrue until you prove yourself to the board. They make it sound easier than it is, just pull off some incredible accomplishment and you're in. I'm not sure how long I'm gonna be working on mine, just gotta hope I'm done with it by the time my second decade rolls around.
I say this all like its bad, but in honesty its not. Sure its a lot all at once, and its really rough if you're like me and feel totally unprepared for everything. But its also pretty nice, ventrue have a sense of community, what's good for the clan is often good for the individual as well. We help one another, no excuses, no exceptions. Knowing that can really give you reassurance, you know?"
🤝 What is their relationship with their sire like?
"Ah... I did mention him in passing earlier. Do you promise to not tell him what I say here? You do? Okay, if I can be honest, its much better than it used to be. Neither of us really seemed ready for my embrace. I was scared, confused and most of all, bitter. I lost the only thing I had achieved in my mortal life with the embrace, and I was mad at him for taking it from me. He was cold, distant and wasn't really the best teacher early on. Looking back I can't really blame him, he was as new to this as I was.
Over time we became more accustomed to one another, or at least it feels like it. As time passed I opened up my heart to him, and he tried his best to watch over me and help when I needed it. It took about five years, but we got there in the end.
He's never been fully honest with me about many things, but Zacharias has been there for me for over ten years now. I like to think we've gotten closer in that time, but it always feels like there's a chasm between us. Maybe one day I can cross that chasm and tell him how I truly- apologies, I really shouldn't say more."
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onewingedsparrow · 9 months
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
Feel free to answer privately instead, if you wish :)
For this ask game
Hi, Nova! 💜 Ooh, these are very fun choices ✨ @novafire-is-thinking This took me a while to answer, but I finally got it done, lol.
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does? This is way too broad a question 😂 I get inspired all the time from literally...anything. How do I know what inspires me the "most"? I guess I'll just answer for each? Place: Driving!!! I get truckloads of Transformers ideas as I drive. I spot vehicles and envision whose alt mode that is. I eye road signs and think of metaphors for storyboarding. I listen to the symphony of the road and imagine sound design to fit an action movie. I spy the real actual Bumblebee and shoot him a wink because I know it's him. I get so much inspiration from driving. I chose the alt modes for my Shockwave and Soundwave because of real cars I saw beside me on the road :D Thing: Honestly anything in nature. A leaf. A bug. A crack in the sidewalk where plants grow through. The shape of a cloud. Distant birdsong. Sunlight hitting the ground just right. Raindrops. A bunny. A spiderweb. Etc. Activity: Listening to music or going on a walk! (Those are mutually exclusive btw.) How I express myself when I get inspired: anything from writing to daydreaming to dancing to singing to composing to...well. Anything, really.
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you? It's a long story. <3 Too long to fit into one ask answer 😂 I don't name things lightly. Sometimes, I stumble upon a name very quickly, but more often than not, I will ponder and puzzle and scheme and muse until I find the perfect name...especially when it is meant to be one of my own. That's what happened with my url. To keep it simple though, the short answer is: "One Winged Angel," Robin from Batman, and Owl City. It is so much deeper than what those three ideas convey, but those are the pillars for certain. If you are curious and wish to hear the long story, Nova, I would be happy to DM it. ❤️
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? So many things! What matters the most to me is how well the giftee knows me, because their gift will reflect that. Is it Nerdy and / or relevant to my interests? Do the colors catch my eye with their beauty? Will it be useful to my Nerd work? Is it some reference to an inside joke between us? (Shoutout to my brother for the one time he gave me the Christmas gift of a generic blue wooden cube covered with inspirational sayings...simply because it reminded him of an Energon Cube, which was a tribute to our time watching TFP, RiD and Cyberverse together, beginning to end. That Cube sits near my desk, and I deliberately position my Transformers figures beside the sayings "It's gonna BE okay" and "BElieve in yourself" because, you know, 'Bee! ✨It's a gift that no one else would ever give me, especially for that specific reason, and that's why it's one of my most precious belongings. It's also great because no one would ever make the connection between that Cube and Transformers just by looking at it. A sweet inside joke indeed.) But if I have to pick specific items, I like DVD's and CD's and video games, cookies, fantasy books, good-quality electronics (for music and gaming), fanart prints / merch / etc., posters, keychains, Transformers and horse figures...yeah I'm very easy to shop for, lol. What can I say, I like art that brings me joy every time I look at / listen to it :D I also love Nerdy T-shirts but no one can ever get my size right so that one's hit or miss. (EVERYONE thinks I'm so much smaller than I actually am. Smh. I like giant T-shirts anyway but no one remembers that, haha. Once in a blue moon, when someone gets me a Nerdy T-shirt and the color actually works with my skin tone and the size actually fits or is beautifully oversized, it's amazing.)
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about? Hmm it would really depend on who was calling. I would shift the conversation topic depending on the person. But if it was one of my amica endurae.... If he called me, I would tell him all about where I've gone in life since we last saw each other, and how pumped I am about Transformers (that's a recent development he never knew about, which is a shame because he is literally the 'Bee to my 'Cee), and about the conventions and concerts I got to go to and the writing I got to put out there...and I'd tell him how much I miss him. <3
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minilpark · 2 years
Hellooo, this such a fun idea and tbh I’ll be happy to be matched with anyone from the squad, they’re all my babies at this point.
Anyways, I’m Olly (she/her), currently in uni. Right of the bat, I am definitely on the shyer side when meeting new people just to know which side of me would be more compatible to show. But eventually, you’ll see that I am very open person, playful, adventurous, curious, great sense of humor, great listener and honest, at the same time I could be blunt, overly accommodating, disorganized, and stubborn, none of which I’m proud of but it’s a part of who I am. I love singing and sports, I played softball and volleyball and occasionally make cover videos. In terms of music genres, I like a bit of everything, but have a soft spot for jazz and bossa nova. I love traveling, beaches and summer. Oh! I lovee Christmas and everything that surrounds it (snow, hot coco, decors, and eventually new years). On my free time I read, do some arts and crafts, workout or explore the city sometimes. No. 1 pet peeve would be being rude to customer services and (constantly) being late. An ideal date for me would be going to a cafe, aimless strolls, parks, museums, or even just staying home, order take outs, and watch a movie or two. Deep talks are also something I enjoy. Lastly, I like it when someone is attentive.
hey olly! thank you for making a request and waiting so patiently!
i would ship you with rooster
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i'd like to think you and rooster would be introduced by mutual friends and get to know each other that way. friends to lovers if you will lmao. anyways, he would totally fall for you once you open up to him. he loves how playful and blunt you can be and despite it pissing him off at times, he likes you even when you're a bit stubborn. i also think he would love to listen to you sing and would even ask if he could join you at times. music is a great way to connect with another person and he'd totally vibe with you. as for dates, i imagine the two of you sitting on a picnic blanket in his backyard under the stars with a white sheet hanging on the fence projecting a movie you like. its like a drive in, but at home. lastly, i think you and him would have great deep conversations, some of which occur at night before bed (whether you two are on the phone or physically together doesn't matter, he just loves to hear you talk).
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
These two want to sit here no matter what so we got to break them out of here and yeah they're pigs they need to leave and I started working this morning we need more people on it right now and I'm sending the order out
-we have a few more things to say when is I say that I'm sending the order out I'm sending it internally and I am and people should check yes we have a few more things happening this town is coming apart these people are following these warlock these households are very weak like I said there's like 35% of the $120 left that are in and out and the rest are kind of staying here off and on 4 days a week at least and they're terrible people they need to leave they're a bunch of homos and losers and know nothing and they suck his leaders I don't want them near our son they're recent performances proving that they have to get out and we don't want to spend any more time and then they're complete failures right now we started and we're going to juice them and juice them and take their territory right now I started taking all sorts of bases that are near them and we can hear them cackling and same dumb s*** and they're going to attack and we're going to wipe them out and take their territory right on top of them I'm going to put a wall there like a half mile high and just keep rolling it in so sick of them dumb assholes and really so angry with them it's the way to do it we're moving out pretty soon to do these things we can take our son and daughter because they gave us the go ahead and the gumption on this line item and we needed it badly it says you we shouldn't take it from these people at all and we need to do that hopscotch stuff.
-some projects are actually coming to fruition and took a long time to prep them in a long time to get them there and a lot of design work and we should be appreciated for it but it's not happening yet and we do need soldiers and troops and spies infiltrators and more and we need kju and the key thing it has not happened yet the keys are being fought over in the United Kingdom and pretty hard but they have not gotten in there and have not taken them out and he suggesting that maybe the submarine came over and took the keys maybe that's what the movie is all about Greyhound and we're going to look into that because the keys come out they go to Korea and they go underwater and then come back out and they go to Russia you think because of Red October and it goes up to me area in Nova Scotia and that's where that submarine is under the sheet it's nearby so it makes a lot of sense and it makes sense that submarines are fighting and they eliminate a force that would have messed them up and they go over to the UK we think they get the keys I'm not sure what they do with them you know what the key is operated once a base to Italy they get stuck there but the king puts it in his crown and that's how the ultimately get to Italy from where and how they do that is not well known but we do have part of it but the part that's curious is if Greyhound gets the keys what do they bring them to and she says they somehow go to Korea and probably a board the very summary that they modify which is in Korea can actually leave there and I started laughing and said I wonder what the deal is so he might get the keys and they might be showing him on the return trip and he gets held up for the keys and he has to hand them over and the movie might start from there and this is greatness what's what's happening here and that starts with the rivers and the bones and the crabs so we're going to watch the crap and the two rivers and he wants me to get that s*** out of there and clean my room but he's trying to push for it but I kind of screwed around with him about their stuff this morning cuz it's just sitting on it and that's what's needed with them
Thor Freya
Yeah just roll out of bed and make it happen well using Fame and other stuff and it works and we do need to line it up and it does work and some people think it makes safe but I think it makes it annoying but this is great I've never seen anything worthless slick and he's right it kind of started with Barbie and we were getting these kids out and I have a kid now has all the accessories for the Barbie cars each one and it also you can buy the paint and you can buy the clothing and three different things and if you can lump them together and we can ship them at a reduced cost or no cost if you order all three it's no cost but the kit has a lot of stuff in it it has emblems for Barbie that are on the actual Barbie car and it has stuff that you have to do to the car to make it look the same and I'm putting it online and we have a whole bunch of other things too but we are selling a Rolls-Royce kit car and it's going to go on a couple different chassis we sell the chassis as well and a lot of people buy it because there's no chance he's out there but with rolls Royce some people might use a different chassis even Rolls-Royce chassis we're selling them now they were using cover and a lot of people other than us were selling them and that's the cover it's going great
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Halifax organization helps people who choose not to drink navigate the holiday season
The holiday season can be an overwhelming time for people who are newly sober or sober-curious.
For people in the Halifax area who aren’t sure where to turn for support, an online platform called Sober City can be a helpful resource.
Founder Lee-Anne Richardson says she felt “completely alone” while getting sober almost nine years ago. While there were traditional 12-step groups available to her in Nova Scotia, she says there were not a lot of other resources for people who were newly sober.
“For a few years I was thinking, ‘What can I do to bring community together, to bring other people who are thinking about sobriety, or who are maybe brand new sober, how can I get people to come together?’ And then in 2020 was when I started Sober City.”
Every Sunday, Richardson hosts online meetups that are open to anybody over Zoom.
“We talk about our struggles, what’s going on in our lives, hear other people’s stories and basically stay on the right track around accountability and things like that,” she says.
Richardson also provides a bar and restaurant guide on her website.
“I looked at close to 400 bars and restaurants around HRM and I analyzed their menus to see who offers a good mocktail menu, who offers non-alcoholic beer, things like that,” she says. “If you’re about to head out somewhere check and see what they have available for you if you’re newly sober or even if you just dabble in the alcohol-free life.”
Richardson says the guide can be especially helpful this month, when many people are getting together with family, friends and co-workers for the holidays.
She adds that people who are newly sober, and people who have been for years, are “bracing themselves” for this time of year, especially when it comes to receiving gifts.
“People assume if you’re over 19, well, a bottle of wine would be perfect! It’s the easy gift. But I think more people should give themselves a little more credit and be more creative in their gift-giving because, honestly, you might not know who is trying to take a break from alcohol, or trying to cut back or who has abstained completely. So giving gifts of alcohol can be very detrimental.”
Richardson says she has found more people are looking to live an alcohol-free life since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
“I think a lot of people, with the boredom of staying inside over the past few years, and no one could really see what they were doing at home, so people wanted to maybe drink a little bit more, to cope too. I’ve see a big influx around that.”
She says, at this point in the pandemic, more people are questioning their relationship with alcohol.
“They’re reaching out to organizations like me and others around the city and reaching out and thinking, ‘Maybe I should cut back.’”
Richardson says it’s a great time for people to consider going alcohol-free because there are more non-alcoholic drinks available now.
“Restaurants are thinking more about us, rather than just offering pop and milk. They are giving us more options.”
Sober City is hosting a “Sober Holiday Party” with two other local organizations this Saturday at the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning in Dartmouth, N.S.
“We’re hoping for a really good crowd. It’s just going to be mingling, free food, it’s free, everything’s free,” Richardson says. “It’s going to be an amazing way to kick off the season and be around other people who understand what it’s like to live completely alcohol-free in this city.” 
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/nVC3B0A
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