#now i can enjoy spotify and not give them any money
clowningaroundmars · 5 months
december is the MONTH where i finally put my foot down and start downloading modded apps bc these ads are KILLING ME yall
so far ive completely wiped ads off of youtube, tumblr, spotify, and instagram teehee
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sixthwater · 5 months
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Back with another yearly review! This time it's just seeing how the beginning of your year went vs where you are now. This is mainly for those who aren't sure if they've made any progress, or to see what lessons you've learned. Maybe to check what the theme of this year was? Either way, it's difficult to see where your tracks begin and end when you're the one walking the path, right?
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Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: Archetype Cards, Animal Spirits, Rider Waite, Sacred Creators Oracle, Fairies Oracle Deck
Disclaimer | Pinned | Tip Jar | Paid Readings
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Pile One
Beginning of Year
Cards: Virgin, Zebra, IV of Swords Rx, Shift, Sacred Treasure
Very straight-forward! In the beginning of the year there was a lot of external energy present; you had a new beginning or you were very open to a lot of new experiences. I’m not getting a change in mindset because this feels more action oriented, but it’s like being very excited and rejuvenated to try new things and get back into a groove after a period of rest. Before this you might have been questioning a path or why you were doing certain things, because some cards are asking you to keep reminders of your goals or your inner child with you if you start to doubt yourself again. Also Virgin speaks to someone who keeps their innocence with them regardless of what happens, as well as a new beginning. Overall, I see you being very excited and somewhat giddy about the new opportunities around you and I keep hearing ‘getting back into it’, so a return to the external world basically! For some it could’ve been an external block but I also sense just trying out new activities and experiences (food, cultures, friends, etc).
End of Year
Cards: Queen Rx, Fox, VIII of Cups Rx, Spark of Hustle, Divine Hustle
I figured something like this would happen. I wanted to pull up a playlist of a group I can’t fully listen to on spotify, and their discography is going backwards in this video. This is what your energy feels like somewhat. I also want to note that your first pile was very earthy and there were a lot of blue-greens, meanwhile this pile is red-yellow, but feels stiff and cold. Right now it feels like that energetic and passionate energy has turned into a survivalist one. It reminds me of an earth mindset where money and finances are the driving point — which in these times I’m not too surprised. Instead of passion being a driving force, it’s about what can keep you stable and what gets people interested instead of what you enjoy doing. There’s still external activity, but it’s like clocking in/out of a job. This can also extend a bit to relationships. For some, molding parts of your personality so they enjoy your company. The other group needs to reach out and spend time with loved ones and also listen to their advice/opinion if you vent to them about your stress regarding the first portion of this reading. A piece of you is testing out things, understanding they don’t work, and trying something else out but you’re not actually processing the lesson. It’s just go go go. You need to take care of yourself as much as you can and get back in touch with things like spa days. There’s a difference between reaching deadlines and pumping out content; so which one are you doing? Come to that understanding and make sure you rest your body appropriately. Also someone needs to hear this because it keeps popping up: you are not using all the skills that you have, but are still holding onto the possibility that it’ll work out. If you work at it, there’s a higher chance it’ll work out, but simply dabbling in it won’t give you the results you’re seeking. Don’t obsess over the results if it is a hobby (they should make you happy), but if you want it to work out, you have to try harder.
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Pile Two
Beginning of Year
Cards: Priest Rx (Light Attributes), Unicorn, VIII of Pentacles, Divine Masculine, Joke’s on You
You are new here or you discovered a new system. I also Never take the empty cards from the Archetype deck but it wanted to come out, so I don’t believe you did anything I’m about to explain with ill intent. It could lean to just friendships for some but it’s definitely spiritual for most of you.
There’s a feeling of superiority here. Equating it to material goods, let’s say someone got into an AP class or has a higher degree. A few percentage of them will subconsciously have a tendency to exhibit some classism (ex; this person didn’t go to college therefore they aren’t as smart as me). So specifically, it can feel like the usual case of finding this new world and realizing that some people just ‘don’t get it’. So there can be some cases of trying to explain/share this newly found knowledge but being a bit intense, or distancing from old connections in favor of those who are closer to these subjects. I see someone taking in a lot of these topics and wanting to find out as much as they can immediately which is why it feels like something is new here, because that’s usually what happens. However there’s a misleading energy so it’s like...so I wanted to have TMG on in the background for whatever reason before I pulled cards and I understand why now. Some songs are poking fun at people; usually from the pov of someone who’s a disaster talking shit about other people (ex; deadbeat, no flex, clout, etc) and that’s immediately what clicked in my mind. So it generally feels like the energy of someone at a podium shouting about the good word but they barely know it themselves? That’s the general energy I have here. As I said, for some it could be about relationships and a betrayal of some sort, possibly regarding that, but that was a flicker of a message — it’s not that strong.
End of Year
Cards: Angel, Hummingbird, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Living Poetry, Gold at the end of the rainbow
Oh this is cute! I knew it’d go this way but this is more adorable than I expected haha.There is some control on the previous energy from before. You’re still expressing yourself and communicating with others, but it’s more organized? It’s when people come to you instead of you going to them, or you post stuff online. Perhaps you have a separate account to help mitigate those urges to express all the ideas in your head! So you can still share how you feel, but it’s not gaining the previous reaction mentioned before. As I said, there was never ill intent and you do want to legitimately help people. It feels like you found solace in whatever practice it was and you just want others to be able to feel the same, thus you’re trying to find the best way to do so. The Gold card mentions that you should stay focused, as you will soon reach your goal. I don’t believe it’s monetary. I’d be shocked if you weren’t new because you have the same progress that most of us have haha. When you start off, you want to express these feelings to people, you make a lot of connections and you just say them, and sometimes people just find it annoying if it’s the wrong crowd. Eventually you will find a good balance, and usually you want to start off doing it for free and to help people because it makes you happy! That’s what I’m seeing here. There’s a sweet energy coming from this section and I can see you trying to reject people’s offers to pay you for something. I’d be a bit surprised if you weren’t active in the community somewhere (whether that’s in a discord server or actively posting).
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Pile Three
Beginning of Year
Cards: Victim, Beaver, King of Cups Rx, Fearless Expression, Time to tinker
Shadow work. Definitely going through negative traits you have, and confronting any past demons that have been holding you back. Enforcing boundaries, standing up for yourself, and doing your best to try and put yourself first. I don’t see you closing yourself off or becoming more cold, but it’s more like wanting a better life. You have a future that you want, and you know the steps you need to take in order to achieve it. It’s like the order of the cards; The Star comes after The Tower — that’s what I feel like happened to you but more like internally/emotionally before you started enforcing it. There’s a possibility that a few of you might be going to therapy considering some sort of expression is here, but for a majority of you it’s just placing boundaries down for what you will and will not accept into your lives.
End of Year
Cards: Hermit, Beaver, Knight of Pentacles Rx, Bliss, Sacred Treasure
Special Note: Hermit wanted to come out from the tarot but it flipped back in
Veerrryy slowed down. Focusing on yourself, your loved ones, and what’s important to you. Self-care is super prominent here. There’s a pinch of health issues for someone (you being the care-taker?) but that’s a very specific message. The point however is that you’ve basically gone into the woods to do some rebuilding from the ground up. To find your inner child, see what’s upset them and make them happy again. You want to feel peace purely from within, and you’re trying to create healthier habits around your spiritual practice or your mindset. I can see meditation, however there is also a big piece of re-framing how you see yourself and talk to yourself. Instead of negative talk it’s being more patient and reaffirming your positive qualities. I feel very calm and it’s a beautiful energy here, so if you feel like you’re not making progress don’t be fooled, you are. There’s a lot of realigning with yourself until you can head back into the over-stimulation of what society can bring. I think it’s important to note that I wanted to watch a supernatural ghost hunting youtube channel while doing this, and they have a halloween special which is heavily edited and has clips of ‘high activity’ — I can see this connected to doing shadow work when you think about it. If the caretaker message resonated with you, I can see that this time to focus on others might make you rethink your path or what you want in life (usually seeing someone run into health issues can make you think about your own life). Ah...I think also with the current transits going on (Saturn), you might be wondering what you’re even doing here. That can explain why your energy feels so intense. Please be patient with yourself, things like this are a lifelong journey. There is a chance you could get things wrong, because it’s more rare to get things right the first time around. Take time to understand what you want to do, what gives you happiness, and go for it. Just recently Andre 3000 said that a friend had told him that it’d be over if he released ‘Hey Ya’, and that most of his friends don’t like his music. He makes things that he likes and you should follow that same mindset. Yes, outside feedback is helpful but not if it imprisons you.
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Pile Four
Beginning of Year
Cards: Addict, Owl, The Moon, You are light, Showing up
Interesting...in the beginning of the year there was a lot of reflective energy going on. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but it’s similar to how sometimes we can attract those that show us what we need to work on within ourselves? You were that person for others for some time. It might have been that you were outgrowing a few people in your life as well and that’s how this is showing up. It isn’t coming off as doing work on yourself, it’s more like you’re telling others about things they need to work on for themselves. Maybe some of you are tarot readers/astrologers lol. I don’t think many remarkable things happened for the first quarter of this year for you (at least not for it to show up), but you showed up for others. As I said, people probably sought you out for advice, or you subconsciously were highlighting a lot of people’s insecurities. This can sometimes make people act out, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a little animosity during this time due to this.
End of Year
Cards: Destroyer, Panther, The Lovers Rx, Fierce Serenity, Wayward Paths
Ah, the relationships probably started gaining traction during the middle of the year? Your energy still seems peaceful? Usually with these cards it seems a bit thrown off or frustrated but I’m getting the image of someone dusting or cleaning. You’re just simply sorting out what should or should not be in your life. The main theme is relationships, but I think it causes you to sometimes think about jobs, hobbies — what your energy is going towards. Is it worth your attention and love. You give off fixed sign energy. You have an idea of what you don’t want in your life. I don’t think you’re set on what you allow in, but once people/things cross boundaries then they have to go. You have a set of standards and right now you’re doing a spring cleaning of sorts. As I said, I don’t see it as being aggressive — I don’t see any door slamming. It’s just like...distancing? Or prioritizing different people and things that give you more happiness. I think in the beginning there was a bit of confusion or you were giving some extra chances but you realized it was throwing you off kilter which you didn’t appreciate. You’ll be entering a ‘new’ stage of your life come next spring? At the latest.
Ahaaaa, looking back at both of these piles, there was a high chance you were pulling in a lot of relationships to teach you lessons. Let’s say you had 3 friends back to back and they had varying ways of abusing your kindness. That was happening until you realized something needed to change and that’s where you are now. That’s where the subtly and slight animosity was coming from.
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moregraceful · 1 year
Sugar High
There was a prompt on @theresonly1u fest for “Thomas Bordeleau/Tristen Robins - watermelon” and I immediately thought of the transgirl Thom fic that Ko and Sierra have been teasing for months and NOT posting. Made my OWN transgirl Thom narrative while I wait impatiently for them to drop the bass…except then went to check with Ko that it was them or Sierra who posted the prompt and it wasn’t either of them. I was like, well I’m not posting transgirl Thom in full view of someone who might not have the gift of sight. So I’m posting it here instead! Playlist + cover + lyrics under the cut.
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(i bring a real "everything on one layer so i cannot redraw easily if i decide i don't like something" vibe to procreate that many artists do not enjoy)
Spotify // YouTube
betterman - Virginia to Vegas
I want to be a better me / a better man / a better lover, better brother, better friend / Put myself back together again ‘cause I still got a couple of sins / And I got pretty lucky, made a whole bunch of money but I don’t feel any better yet / So I’m trying to do the best I can / to be better me / a better man.
Spaceship - Kesha
I know from the start I don’t belong in these parts / There’s too much hate, there’s too much hurt for this heart / Lord knows this planet feels like a hopeless place / Thank God I’m going back to outerspace.
Straight Jacket - Bay Ledges
I try but I never get past it / Fake smile and I want to unmask it / Got me tied up / Unwrap this straight jacket / straight jacket / Everybody knows.
I’m not a rebel or a king / Not sure they’ve got a name for me / Since we all die eventually / Tonight, I’m a radical.
Take Me Home (Folktales) - BUNT. (feat Alexander Tidebrink)
I’m never coming back to the place I once knew / If I do, I’m gonna drown in the blue / Said I’m never coming back to the lies and the rules / if I do, I’ll put all faith in you / Take me home / Home / Home, my love.
SUPERBLOOM (stripped) - MisterWives [live from the bloom version]
Resilient little thing, just like mama raised you / Wildflower in the spring, they can’t contain you / through the cracks you break through.
Shut Off The Lights - Bastille
No talk of the future now / Dark thoughts / You’re shaking ‘em, taking ‘em out / This rhythm we create sets me straight.
Tender - Blur
Tender is the night, lying by your side / Tender is the touch of someone that you love too much / Tender is the day the demons go away / Lord, I need to find someone who can heal my mind.
Love Is Mystical - Cold War Kids [Los Feliz Blvd version]
Living life with no need for the breaks / Something happens when I lean on my mistakes / If the words are true and the words reveal the same / I come alive when I don’t even think / Love is mystical / Love will break the chains / You might be invincible and you might be afraid.
Seventeen - Sjowgren
If you want a second to breathe / Give you all of my love, give you all need / Don’t worry, I’m not in a hurry / I’m not going nowhere / I’m not going nowhere.
Call If You Need Me - Vance Joy
Ask me to go faster, put my foot on the floor / Standing on the edge, I feel like I’ve been here before / Loved you in the darkness and I loved you in fluorescent lights / If it don’t feel right, babe / You can run and hide, babe.
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Songs I Think Stranger Things Characters Would Listen To (The Party + Erica: Edition)
Note: For these lists, I tried to include songs that we haven't really seen in canon for the characters. We know that Max likes "Running Up That Hill", we know Mike likes "Small Town Boy", and we know Will likes "Boys Don't Cry". I love those songs and they are included in these playlists but I'm more interested in using music as a way to expand on and flesh out these characters.
I have also linked to Spotify playlists for each character. If you agree or disagree with any of my picks, please let me know!
Will Byers
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Will has inherited a lot of his music taste from Jonathan but it's evolved in a way that's distinctly his own. Unlike his brother, Will's music tends to be more pop-focused. He likes new wave, post-punk, and moody songs that he can listen to while he paints. I think Will really pays attention to the lyrics of the music he listens to and it serves as a kind of therapy for him.
In Between Days by The Cure
Elegia by New Order
Mad World by Tears For Fears
Lost in the Supermarket by The Clash
It's A Sin by Pet Shop Boys
Major Tom (Coming Home) by Peter Schilling
Without You by David Bowie
This Charming Man by The Smiths
Mike Wheeler
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Mike is always trying to appear slightly cooler than he is. He likes classic rock in a very Eric Forman way (if that makes any sense). By the time he joins Hellfire Club, he's trying to emulate Eddie's style and music taste because he just thinks Eddie's that cool. At his core, Mike enjoys sappy songs about love, life, and heartbreak because he's a dork who likes to jam out in his room.
Never Surrender by Corey Hart
Dream On by Aerosmith
Suburbia by Pet Shop Boys
Punishment For Love by Bronski Beat
Hold Me Now by Thompson Twins
Hells Bells by AC/DC
Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams
Eighteen by Alice Cooper
El "Jane" Hopper
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El is just finding her own music taste. She’s only been shown music by her friends or Hopper so she picks and chooses what she likes. Mostly that’s a lot of pop music and ballads. She also watches a lot of MTV so her taste tends to skew pretty mainstream. When Max teaches her how to put together mixtapes her’s tend to be pretty upbeat or dramatic depending on her mood. While she’s contemplating her relationship with Mike she listens to a lot of gaudy break-up ballads. 
Hey Mickey by Toni Basil
She Bop by Cyndi Lauper
The Promise by When In Rome
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Talk Talk by Talk Talk
Could've Been by Tiffany
Destination Unkown by Missing Persons
Two of Hearts by Stacey Q
Max Mayfield
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Max’s music taste is kind of hard to pinpoint. It’s really a grab bag of pop, rock, experimental, and softer punk. The only way I can describe it is like “spunky”. There are also moments when the music she listens to becomes more introspective and brooding. In “Runaway Max” she mentions liking The Go-Go’s and The Beach Boys. 
Dreaming by Blondie 
We Got The Beat by The Go-Go’s 
Kids In America by Kim Wilde 
The Girl U Want by DEVO
Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes 
Hounds of Love by Kate Bush 
California Dreamin by The Beach Boys 
White Wedding - Pt.1 by Billy Idol 
Dustin Henderson
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Dustin is the nerdiest of nerdiest teenage boys (we wore a "Weird Al" t-shirt on his first day of high school I mean come on). He thinks that "Weird Al" is a genius for his use of parody and critique of pop culture (which, he's not wrong). He's always liked metal but it's only become more prominent for him since hanging out with Eddie so much. Being in Hellfire though has caused him to be more stealthy about his love for novelty records and one-hit wonders. He makes mixtapes full of love songs and saves up his money to send them to Suzie in Utah.
She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby 
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen 
The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats 
Weird Science by Oingo Boingo 
I’m Gonna Be by The Proclaimers 
As The World Falls Down by David Bowie 
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley 
I Lost On Jeopardy by “Weird Al” Yankovic
Lucas Sinclair
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Lucas’ music taste is pretty diverse. He likes rock music but not as hard as Mike and Dustin’s taste. I imagine he’s picked up a lot of soul and r&b music from his parents, specifically his mom. In “Lucas On The Line” Lucas is introduced to Run-D.M.C. and really takes a shine to it so I imagine he’d be listening to some rap and hip hop. My qualifications for my picks were “would Lucas sing this infront of his bedroom mirror while using a hairbrush as a microphone?”. 
Another One Bites the Dust by Queen 
Walk This Way by Run-D.M.C. 
Dirty Diana by Micheal Jackson
Juke Box Hero by Foreigner 
Easy Lover by Philip Bailey & Phil Collins 
Everything She Wants by Wham!
You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine by Lou Rawls 
Never Too Much by Luther Vandross
Erica Sinclair
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Erica is eleven so she tends to gravitate towards music that's popular or that she hears on the radio. Pop and R&B make up most of her cassette collection. The music she likes tends to be very upbeat and kick-ass (these songs are all bangers so she has amazing taste). Like Lucas, she also does dorky lipsyncing in her bedroom but unlike him, she's never been caught.
Head to Toe by Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam 
I Feel For You by Chaka Khan 
What Have You Done For Me Lately by Janet Jackson 
Got to Be Real by Cheryl Lynn 
Let’s Hear It For the Boy by Denise Williams
Rhythm of The Night by DeBarge 
Cool It Now by New Edition 
Swept Away by Diana Ross 
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animalinvestigator · 10 months
weird question, but do you have a venmo? i actually listen to that one digimon fansong you have on youtube so much im sure u would have at least a dollar from it by now if u had it on spotify. if ur not comfortable giving it out publically i can dm you, and if ur not comfortable at all its fine.
wow, really?!??! im so honored haha ^_^ it makes me so happy youve enjoyed my song that much! unfortunately i don't really have any pay apps like that, but i really really appreciate the sentiment, it made my day so i hope you can consider that adequate repayment :3
ideally eventually if i ever get feeling confident enough about the songs i make, i'd set up a place where people can download them and if that's like, bandcamp, i'd probably leave it as pwyw so it could be like a tip jar, but for now i don't really feel comfortable accepting money for it even if i could. maybe the day will come that i do and maybe it wont. but im very touched that you would find it that valuable despite my own feelings on the subject, youre so kind, thank you dearly :3
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Fic Recs - 💕Sharing is Caring 💕
Have you ever wanted to share without having to give away any of your own possessions? Have you ever wanted to feel generous and charitable but fear that the world will take advantage of your kindness? 
There’s a solution for that! 
What if you could share something more valuable than money, more meaningful than love and more thoughtful than wisdom? That would be incredible right? 
Well, let us know when you figure out how to make it happen. In the meantime, here are some fics you can share, along with suggested audiences to share them with. Enjoy! 🥰
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Fic: In the Pines - by @the-iceni-bitch
Pairing: Curtis Everett x fem!Reader, past Bryce Langley x fem!reader
Who to share with: Church goers (or other attendees of a  spiritual/religious congregation) 
Throw a deadbolt on those doors, swallow the key, and start reading this fic. Let your audience truly experience god (or other spiritual/religious being) for the first time in their lives. 😵
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Fic: His New Obsession - by @luxeavenger​
Pairing: Dark!Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x reader
Who to share with: Your job interviewer
Not only is this a sneaky share they will never expect, it’s also one that helps you! Why? Because now, you can finally give an honest answer when they ask “what is your biggest weakness?”. Look them dead in the eyes, whisper “This fic is my Achilles heel, I would die for this fic”, and then start reading.  You might not get the job, but at least you shared. 🙃
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Fic: The Things You Do  - by @traitorjoelite​
Pairing:  fwb!steve rogers x fem!reader
Who to share with: Millions of listeners on Spotify
So you’re In the studio, and Selena Gomez has invited you to be the guest rapper on her new single. You want to bring your A-game right? Once she finishes her verse, go ahead and start reading this aloud. It doesn’t rhyme, and will definitely make the song way too long to be radio friendly, but no one will care when you and Selena sweep all the awards for this years Grammys. 🥳
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Fic: Just Like Love (ongoing series) - by @fortheloveoffanfic​
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Who to share with: Your fellow commuters
Are you a people person? Do you think that sharing requires a certain amount of physical intimacy? Have you ever wanted to have a literal captive audience without actually taking hostages? If any of these apply to you, the packed subway car is the perfect setting to share this fic with others! Please let the passengers know ahead of time that you will not be responsible for any missed stops. 😬
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Fic: Breach (completed series) by - @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
Pairing: dark!Winter Soldier x Reader 
Who to share with: A select group of people who want to read but either can’t read, dislike the physical sensation of reading, or don’t have the time to sit down and read 
You’re back in the studio! Except this time you’ve been hired as an Audiobook narrator. I don’t have any advice on how to get this job, but once you have it, read this right into the mic because I guarantee you it’s better than the material you were given. 🤭
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Fic: What I Hate About You - by @sidepartskinnyjeans​
Pairing: Steve x Reader/OC - but from Bucky’s POV
Who to share with: Your therapist 
Do you have trouble articulating your feelings? Do you struggle when talking about your experiences because it’s one of those things where “you had to be there”? Is it hard to describe your emotions because language is a construct that cannot convey our deepest personal thoughts? Your solution is right here! Share this fic with your therapist and maybe, just maybe they will understand your rollercoaster of emotions. 🥲
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Fic: Scream (and pt 2 here) - by @st3rgirl
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader (with steve rogers, natasha romanoff, johnny storm, jake jensen, and brief mentions of andy barber & robert pronge)
Who to share with: The armed intruder who has just entered your home
Do you hate the panic and anxiety you feel when someone breaks into your home? Are you sick of hiding in the closet from violent criminals? Why don’t you give them a taste of their own medicine and let THEM feel the fear for once. The hunter becomes the hunted. 👹
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Fic: Shame On You (Blame On Me) - by @lilbabycee​
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
Who to share with: Everyone within earshot at karaoke night
Are you tired of Melissa always stealing the spotlight with her Ariana Grande vocals? Do people keep “forgetting” to queue up your songs and skip over your turn? Just say you’re going to perform an original piece and then start reading this sucker. Everyone will have their lighters out for encores. 🤩
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Fic: Karma (2 pt series) - by @onsunnyside​
Pairings: ghostface!boyfriends!: Ari Levinson, Steve Rogers, Curtis Everett, Ransom Drysdale x cheater!reader
Who to share with: The angels at the pearly gates of heaven (or whatever supernatural being that guards the entrance to your preferred afterlife) 
Was your lifestyle not rock ‘n roll enough to gain admittance to the sizzling hot party downstairs? Did all work and no play make you a dull, boring person? Don’t worry, just read this sinful fic and the angels will escort you straight to the eternal damnation you crave. 😈
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Fic: Of Honey and Broken Glass (ongoing series) - by @vivianandherlily
Pairing: Mafia!Lloyd Hansen x Housekeeper F!Reader
Who to share with: Your thesis defense committee 
Do you just want to get your masters degree? Are you tired of being outnumbered and overpowered by so called “intellectuals”? Hospital bills piling up because you lack the speed, strength and stamina to mount a proper offense? Can’t afford to lose another hand after your last one was very ceremoniously chopped off by an especially aggressive professor? Prepare yourself PROPERLY next time with the ultimate weapon - this fic. Because 1) let’s be real, it’s probably better than your thesis and 2) this bad boy will take out so many academics that you just might find urself the new dean of your university. 😏
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Fic: Redemption (ongoing series) - by @syntheticavenger​
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x Female Reader / Steve Rogers x Female Reader /  Andy Barber x Female Reader
Who to share with: Your fellow mourners 
You have been chosen to read the funeral eulogy, and the crowd looks pretty tough. There may even be some hecklers out there. It doesn’t matter though, because this fic is guaranteed to get those tears flowing. If it’s still not enough, then unfortunately you will have to do something more extreme. Like leave them on a cliffhanger. 😵‍💫
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And as a bonus share, this Bucky headcannon by @adrinktostopyourthirst​
Who to share with: A jury of your peers
Save money by being your own lawyer and reading this fic as your defense. Boom. Guaranteed acquittal. Then use the money you saved to help us build our adoption clinic! What adoption clinic? Read to find out! 😉
💕 That’s all folks!! 💕
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bitchin-witchin · 3 months
Was recently reminded of a fatuichi wip I had from may that's like underground crime syndicate fatui modern au or something and childe is a dancer.
The tsaritsa owns a club where they launder shit and the fatui can hang, maybe the dancers there are under her protection. Childe was taken in as an agent and moved up the ranks, but before he became a harbinger he saw the good money the dancers were making and wanted to take a shot at it, since he got into the criminal scene to get money for his family anyways. Then it turns out to be kind of fun and the fatui are always respectful bc the tsaritsa has them on a short leash and disrespect isn't tolerated. He enjoys the feeling, a different thrill from battle, but similar.
The man of the night is a gunner I named dalimil. It is his birthday! And he is at the club with his homies. He thinks they're just drinking and chillin, as most fatui in the club do tbh, but his friends (a vanguard and some sort of smalll skirmisher) get him a lap dance and it is with... childe!! WHO MAYBE IS ALSO THEIR BOSS? I haven't decided.
Now Dalimil is a fat guy. He's a gunner. And he's p chill but we all have insecurities ykno. So he's not super confident. Hes kind of body shy. But childe is like very comfortable in his body (it's a weapon, a tool that he has trained hard to be at its best so ofc he is proud. It's not even a like "I'm so attractive" it's literally just from how useful he's made himself) and he's not perfect either, like yes every playable character in genshin is pretty but flaws are fun so idk attach whatever flaws u want to childe. I like to give him discolored teeth and maybe they're crooked, has a gap. Basically I give him my teeth LOL. Some other stuff. Scars, etc.
So anyways they're in their private room and childe starts dancing for him, climbs onto his lap and he really has to like CLIMB bc this man is tall and one of his thighs is like the width of childe (pretending that the big skirmisher builds are not augmented and they're just actually that big. Some eremite enemies are v big and they don't have any visual hints of being augmented so let's say the body variety in teyvat just has an insane range LOL). Dalimil is very flustered by how small he makes the harbinger look on his leg man's is discovering his size kink. Even sitting on him childe still has to look up. And childe is tall! He's not tiny. But dalimil is also very conscious of his stomach touching the harbinger bc it comes out pretty far and he's like ahh man ykno like my friends put me up to this, does childe even like this, he's probably just acting, etc.
Childe plays eith the buttons of his top and sees dalimil kind of clamming up so he's like "wanna get comfortable and lose some layers?" And dalimil is like ahh hmm noo it's okay... and childe is like catching on now so he's like "you don't have to hide from me. I want to see. I'm here to make you feel good." But he doesn't like pressure him ykno if dalimil said no he'd be like sure its fine, but if he's open to talking about it then maybe they can work something out.
So maybe childe just opens his shirt slowly. Dancing and stuff while he does it, rubbing his hands over dalimils chest and through his hair. And honestly?? Now dalimil is getting worked up feeling childes body rub over his stomach sometimes while he dances like fucckkkk, the skinnier guys don't get that privilege you know? Ethically bypassing no touching rule. LOL. Anyways they both end up super into it and dalimil comes out of that room more assured that he is desirable now that he's gotten some proof :3.
Ofc u don't need proof to feel desirable but if you're insecure about it it is definitely helpful when it feels positive for you. Also yes, not every fat person is insecure, and not every fat character has to be written that way, but it's what I want for my fic as a fat person myself.
I also I have a playlist for this fic that I occasionally still add song to
If u don't have Spotify and want to listen let me know in replies or reblogs or tags and I will post a other source.
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baluciarz · 8 months
I have very conflicted feelings about the AI song covers because like I listen to computers singing all the time not only miku and other vocaloids I listen to absolutely any computer synthesized sounds and with shit like *insert politian/celebrity here* AI cover of popular song I kind of get it because who would want to sit there and collect the samples by hand EXCEPT that's what we did, that's exactly what we used UTAU for, all the spongebob, trump and even hetalia character covers, made in UTAU or even worse by hand in sony vegas or fl studo, are very important to me, because there is a human behind it, someone who put in the time and effort and passion to create something like this and now you open some AI and have that handed to you, I ask you where is the fun, you listen to it and it has no story to tell, no joy of creation to share with others and you may say I'm a hypocrite for enjoying shit like Jiafei (there's inherent beauty in the collective meme of floptropica, as there is in goncharov) while the hitler AI covers of barbie girl (setting the obvious problematic aspect of it aside if anyone is concerned) are just kinda not there for me because I know that there should be someone willing to deconstruct the samples by hand eventually and make it and if they didn't do it, it simply means no one needed it as much and thus it's very disposable art, disposable like a pretty shampoo package not a cherished memory encased in a piece of art and people put those covers on spotify and make money of off it while the guy who made a spongebob X squidward Magnet cover can't share the voicebank because it's "illegal" because they have more sense of humanity towards the artists that created the source material and people with no passion and understanding for the act of creation will continue to profit. I'm not saying all forms of AI are inherently bad, used for example in automation of voice synthesis can produce amazing effects, but I fear the era where people will stop creating new music and expect the computers to just give it to them, AI generated lyrics, AI generated melody, AI generated backstory too while to me the most important part is the things people want to show to other through crating something new and of their own
how many covers of barbie girl can you handle before you want something new?
would blue jeans and bloody tears give you cha cha cha?
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melancholy-marionette · 9 months
hey i love your games and the background music you make for them and here's my question - are you going to share your ost on Spotify? I know they are on YT, but I personally prefer the first platform.
Hey hey! I just saw this and also what I'm guessing is your comment on one of the YouTube videos since it's a similar topic and username :3 I figure I might as well reply in both places though just in case somebody else happens to have the same question and might see the answer. The TLDR answer is, I would love to have my stuff on Spotify, but I can't really afford to >.< The longer answer is below :3 Basically, I'd love to have my soundtracks on Spotify, but the barrier is kinda similar to the problem that I have with Steam >.< Both require payment from me to put my stuff on there and since my stuff is free, I'd essentially just be giving away money to them with no way of getting it back. Unfortunately, I don't have much money, so I can't afford to do it. :( I've heard that there are various ways of possibly getting music onto Spotify for free or for a smaller fee via various distribution companies, with the agreement that any royalties go to them and other such terms and conditions, and that might be an option for the future, but for now, it's all too complicated :( I do also have a few of my OSTs available for download though :3 Patreons and supporters on Ko-Fi get access to a page where you can download them (automatic with Patreon I think - and for Ko-Fi you just have to grab a key after a one-off donation), or anyone who donates $5 or more on the game's itch page should also get access to the download for Bitter/Sweet's OST specifically.
Right now, I only have some of the DD tracks, Limbo Line's OST, and Bitter/Sweet's OST on the supporter page, but I plan to also add A9, Dawn of the Damned, and The Graveyard Shift's OSTs there too when I get a chance :3 Thanks so much for playing my games! And I'm really glad you enjoy the music <3
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
Any recent purchases? I gave my mom some money to grab a few things I wanted from the store recently. 
Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? Yes.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? I have.
Do you still have both of your parents? Yes, and I’m so very grateful for that. 
Do you live very far away from Kansas? I mean, yeah. I’m in California, which is very far west and Kansas is in the middle. 
Do you enjoy cuddling? I honestly don’t have much cuddling experience. 
Do you play video games? Yeah, sometimes. It’s been awhile, though. 
How many colors are in your hair right now? My hair is entirely my natural hair color right now. I actually hate it, I miss my red hair so much. 
Do you have your full license yet? I don’t have my license. 
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? I do.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? I’m single. 
Do you prefer winter or summer? Winter all the way. I dread summer. 
Do you know anyone who has overdosed? Yes.
Are you a fan of PDA (public displays of affection)? I don’t mind a little PDA, but not too much.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Yeah, several times. 
Where are your siblings as of now? My younger brother is at his boyfriend’s house and I’m assuming my older brother is at home.
What color shirt are you wearing as of now? It’s light blue.
What is your favorite class? I’m not in school anymore, but I always loved English. I also liked most of my psych courses. 
Are you in love with someone right now? No.
Can you speak any other languages than the one you’re fluent in? I’m only fluent in English, but I can speak a little Spanish.
Do you take a lot of photos? No. Definitely not of myself. I take screen shots or save photos to my phone more than I take any. 
When you were little, did you think band-aids healed everything? I suppose so.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Nope. 
Where do you download music from? I haven’t downloaded music since like 2012. I just use Spotify to listen to music. 
Have you ever cheated on someone before? No.
Have you ever attempted suicide? No.
Do you know what ‘irony’ means? I do. 
How many pillows do you normally sleep with? A few. 
Do you lose your remote often? No, it’s always next to me.
Have you ever skipped class before? Yeah, I did sometimes in college. I didn’t make a habit of it or anything and I always did my work and got whatever I missed. 
Are you a regular school skipper? No, like I said I didn’t make a habit of it. I never understood how some people would only come on exam days.
Do you have any Pay-per-View channels? Is that even a thing anymore?
Who, in your life, makes you feel discouraged? Just myself. 
When was the last time you went bowling? Almost 15 years ago. 
Do you ever suspect your significant other of lying to you? --
Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? No, but I like doing the appetizers. 
Is there anything bothering you right now? There’s a few things bothering me. There always is.
Would you like to talk to someone about it? I briefly did earlier about some of it with my mom. 
Do you live by any major bodies of water? Yes, the Pacific ocean. 
Do you tend to make the first move in a relationship? No.
Do you spend a lot of time with family? I do. 
How many times have you been to Disney World, if any? Never, sadly. I’d love to go. I’ve been to Disneyland several times, though, which I love. 
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? No.
Have you ever been accused of being on drugs when you weren’t? No.
Do you have a more quiet or loud voice? I’d say I have a quiet voice. People often need me to repeat myself and speak a little louder. 
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Not that I know of.
When was the last time you got a shot? Uhhh. I don’t even remember, it’s been a long time.
Can you play any instruments? If so, what are those instruments? No. I wish I could. 
Do you have any diseases? No, but I have other health issues. Some of them are chronic. 
Have you ever been into a car accident? No, fortunately. 
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tim-official · 1 year
no more "just let people enjoy things" for the love of god
if you agree that it is a good thing to support small artists in visual media (you reblog stuff like "don't just hit like, reblog art you enjoy!" and so on and so forth), which i think most people here would agree with, then you should apply the same standard to music you listen to. if you think marvel movies have oversaturated popular cinema and you'd like to see more movies that aren't recycled IPs, reboots, sequels, etc, then you should apply the same standard to music you listen to.
i.e.: it is not a culturally neutral act to only like + enjoy + seek out + publicly talk about + promote musical acts that already have dozens of millions of fans, especially in a world where a single artist can be so much bigger than anyone else as to net the all top ten spots on the Billboard top 100 at once. this didn't use to be possible. the top few most popular songs often stay at the top of the charts for months, and this was unthinkable just ten or fifteen years ago. top songs and top artists get proportionally more airtime, more recommendations, more press than they used to. this isn't because a couple musicians and bands that exist now make "better" music than there existed in 2001 that is just naturally more deserving of this attention. the powers that shape the modern music industry have figured out, collectively, that overwhelming homogeneity is the most efficient way to extract money from an online audience.
so, without assigning a moral value to listening habits, I can still say that if you mostly listen to the work of people who are already super-star famous and have more publicity and cash than anyone could ever use in a human lifetime, then you are acting in support of this state of things. if that doesn't bug you then, like, continue on your journey and be safe out there, bud. but it is so goddamn easy nowadays to find novel, cool music, and to fall in love with the work of an artist who is desperate to be heard and will notice and actually give a shit if you listen to them, even if you never spend a cent; why wouldn't you?
and if you feel yourself getting defensive at being told you should listen to less mainstream music sometimes, as many seem to do on this website and others - for god's sake, why? imagine if people reacted the same way when asked to support small artists, or to buy from the etsy pages of small creators. yeah, you're just reblogging from smaller, niche artists to... seem cool? incoherent. "oh, you think you're better just because you listen to weird music nobody cares about?" well, i think the state of the music industry fucking sucks and if we all did this then i think it would be slightly better.
better question: have you ever given any thought to why you listen to the music you listen to, or was your taste decided for you by an industry-sized algorithm optimized to the objectives of advertisers and spotify executives? and does that bother you or doesn't it?
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prosopopeya · 1 year
2022 New Year's Meme
every year @arqueete reminds me that we do this survey that went around Livejournal in the 2010s. Anyone is welcome to do the survey!
1. What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before?
got married
quit a job
started a job as a project manager i guess
went to kansas city, mo
was a conference sponsor on a corporate work trip like, by myself
rode an overnight train! twice!! there and back!
started nail stamping
be a bridesmaid in a wedding
watched @arqueete get married :)
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? idk if i made any but i tend not to enjoy them. if i did make some it would be to use the ring fit that i got for christmas and try to be better about either keeping up with cleaning or being kind to myself when it's not spotless all the time
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? i think no
4. Did anyone close to you die? no. several plants, though, particularly in our 48 hour power outage while we were away during near-zero temperatures. rip to them and my now like 4 others who i'm noticing are showing signs of distress. my poor dracaena fragans tornado has lost so many leaves it looks naked. (though my velvet philodendron looks sadder, tbf.)
5. What countries did you visit? none but i went to kansas city and then wisconsin!
6. What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022? more like i want to prevent myself from lacking my teacher friends in 2023. i've done a very bad job of staying in touch in my whirlwind of a fall/winter and i need to get better about texting people and reaching out.
7. What date from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? june 9 aka 6/9 aka when we were first given that date as a possibility to get married i went lol. and jon was like ?? and then bc i got the joke first he decided that had to be our wedding date.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? getting the chutzpah to quit teaching and then getting a new job (and doing well? i think? maybe? i have no metric for success) by using my connections
9. What was your biggest failure? this project at work is going horribly. idk what i can do to help bc i don't code but clearly i should be doing something better. but i suppose that's what learning is for.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? i did get sick in the summer and then i spent basically the entire fall with incredible pain in my shoulder that i think ultimately was a result of stress. it's slowly getting better now that i'm not constantly traveling.
11. What was the best thing you bought? maybe the nail stamping starter kit from maniology. oh and the juvia's place rainbow palette i got bc it really opened my eyes both to eyeshadow that doesn't fall out all over my face and also pigmented eyeshadow. those beauty vloggers were onto something. this was also the year of me deciding to be into care bears again.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? @arqueete planned and executed a beautiful wedding :) :) :)
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? roughly 50% of the population of the united states and their legal machinations
14. Where did most of your money go? probably the wedding, hotels, travel, and door dash.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? my wedding but also the OVERNIGHT TRAIN spurring some new vocabulary in my husband's and my lexicon, namely whether or not you're train people and also OPULENCE. (if you get the overnight train on amtrak you get a fancy lounge to sit in at the station. opulence.)
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2022? the heartstopper soundtrack, i think. there was a lot of other stuff on my spotify list but heartstopper itself is such a big part of this year for me.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: i. Happier or sadder? happier. ii. Older or wiser? both i think iii. Thinner or fatter? fatter though i also think this should be eliminated. body positivity ok. since quitting teaching i've really been trying to embrace the shape of my body as it is. iv. Richer or poorer? richer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? talk to people, exercise.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? ordering door dash. but it's just so easy...
20. How will you be spending Christmas? we went to jon's family farm and hung out around their outdoor wood burning stove. we got a hotel and i think staying in a hotel when visiting parents is 100% an improvement on the entire situation.
21. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve? we watched glass onion and tried to time it out so that we'd be able to pause it a zillion times to talk and be done by midnight, which we succeeded at. we did also pause the movie a zillion times and i'm very pleased to report we noticed many of the clues that would later be significant (at least the ones that happened on screen).
22. Did you fall in love in 2022? with my hoya krimson queen.
23. How many one-night stands? i was trying to think of something i got into momentarily and both things i thought of occurred at just the wrong time: on dec 30 2021 i apparently bought the outer wilds, and promptly discovered that i hated it. yesterday i saw a torchwood gifset and am now down a rabbit hole of looking up fanfic and audio dramas.
24. What was your favorite TV program? heartstopper, for sure.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? i guess the supreme court
26. What was the best book you read? i'm horrible at rememering what i read. i did just finish i'm glad my mom died and it was very good. oh! oh! the dean/cas horse girl au! i read it twice. not exactly back to back but more or less. it's so good.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? maybe leith ross?
28. What did you want and get? a new job. :)
29. What did you want and not get? continuing the wedding talk is that i discovered a local place that does bouquet preservation and so i dropped it off and we've only just now heard back that the flowers finished drying. the humidity made it take a long time. at this point i can't even remember what we picked out so i suppose that'll be a fun surprise.
30. What was your favorite film of this year? defunctland's video on the disney channel theme counts as a film and i loved the shit out of that. i will also do a shout out to violent night, the first film we saw in theaters since the start of the pandemic. there was one (1) other couple in there.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i was 3......4? and it was a snow day. i sat around and put makeup on and my husband surprised me by walking up to the gas station and getting me champagne to make mimosas.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? feeling like writing more often.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022? i decided to start trying to embrace my body the way that my mom certainly did and does not embrace hers now (and we essentially have the same body type except i look more like how she feared looking like). so it's a lot to unpack! but i started wearing cropped things, not hiding in big clothing. i also played around with bold colorful eye makeup. now that i'm not a teacher i feel like i can play around a lot more without fearing running into a student.
34. What kept you sane? quitting teaching, but also embracing my rotating wheel of hobby interests. i try to pay attention to when i need to do something in a physical space vs more mental stimulation.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? bi misha collins for 48 hours.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? roe v wade and its implications are nightmare inducing. i also want my student loan forgiveness and i've lost hope that it will happen.
37. Who did you miss? my teacher friends.
38. Who was the best new person you met? i really enjoy my one coworker who i spend most of the day talking to.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022: if it sucks hit da bricks
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
the book of love is long and boring and written very long ago it's full of flowers and heart-shaped boxes and things we're all too young to know but i, i love it when you give me things and you, you ought to give me wedding rings
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princessland1411 · 10 months
I am late writing this as I was as usual busy on reddit and twitter. It's SN tv release day. I was not able to control myself. It's rollout was disappointing. Felt very shallow. I am addicted to it. Thing is that I am not addicted to the songs itself rather to seeing other's opinion, their tweets and spotify numbers. At this point I am more obseesed with other's life than my own. I dont even live in USA. Hot 100 ranking won't affect me in any way. Any artist having xyz no of #1 also isn't going to help me in any way. I have to be good in the field I am in. Studying is the only thing that will help me live my dream life. Otherwise, I'll suffer like other people. People on internet are addicted and mean, I should stay away from them. I should unfollow all the opinion accounts and should follow only facts account. Twitter is more addictive than reddit. Today was a do or die day for me, but I wasted it. My exams are going to be very bad. SN tv wont help. Neither the debut spotify or hot 100 numbers. Nor the music video. She can have amy amount of #1 on hot 100, why should I care. I should only care about her music. Everything is not about numbers. Its about enjoying the music. I don't know how would I tackle this addiction. First thing is accepting that I am addicted. Currently I am addicted to 3 things mainly 1.Phone(twitter), my insta addiction has reduced a bit, 2. Masturbation, no clean day from a long time, 3. Junk food, this is better now but I have already wasted a lot of money on it. All this along with my procrastination, leads to my failure again and again. Also my humiliation. I have to go cold turkey for masturbation. For phone, I will allot time. So I ll check after 9 only. And in morning but nothing related to TS in morning as if I search anything related to her, I will waste my whole day. Then in afternoon, here I can take a quick peek. Then maybe at night. That would be enough. Only 10 minutes for twitter and 5 for reddit. It's fixed. Today , i Skipped my exercise for this. This is getting very serious. I have to be serious its getting out of hand now. Bye.
Hope I would give better news tomorrow.
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fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
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As I’m getting started it’s a nice crisp 27F outside just before 8AM EST. The sun is out and will be all day. We’ve had a very mild winter this year, with the exception of that polar blast around Christmas, and I don’t expect us to get any snow.🌞
My coffee is in hand, time to get started. Hope you enjoy the links. ☕️
A gunman opened fire on Monday night on the main campus of Michigan State University, killing three people and injuring five, before an hours-long manhunt for the suspect ended with his death, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot, police said.
It’s the guns. I don’t know what else to say. Over and over and over again we see this and do nothing. A truly American thing and not one to be proud of. 😞
Chicago Tribune
Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl for the 2nd time in 4 years, beating the Philadelphia Eagles 38-35 on a FG with 8 seconds left
I’m happy for the Chiefs and their fans. It was a great Super Bowl, a nail biter, not a blowout. Oh, and the Mahomes to Kelce connection is without a doubt the best in football and one of the best ever. If Patrick Mahomes can stay healthy and have a 20-year run he’ll break all kinds of records and win some more rings.
Just short of the 10th anniversary of that first Mac Pro misstep, Apple is now late in concluding its processor transition by shipping the first Apple silicon-based Mac Pro. What’s worse, reports from Bloomberg suggest that the company has ditched the next Mac Pro’s highest-end processor, calling the computer’s entire purpose into question.
Given Apple’s new chip architecture with memory and processor built into the chip I have a difficult time defining what a pro machine should or would be. Maybe you have to accept a new definition? Maybe it doesn’t mean a flexible and expandable architecture?
What I’d like to see is Apple give the Professional computing world a way to use their current investment in Mac Pro a way to replace the x86 based Xeon chips with Apple Silicon. Of course Apple would never do such a thing because money. 💸
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 15, 2022 – Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: AKAM), the world’s most trusted solution to power and protect digital experiences, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Linode, one of the easiest-to-use and most trusted infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platform providers.
I follow a number of indie software developers and they tend to use Linode for their service backends. Two that come to mind are Micro.blog, the system I use for publishing my blog, and Overcast, the indie podcast app for iOS. I’m sure there are many more out there I don’t know about. I’ve never done any large scale backend work for my indie endeavors but if I did I’d most likely choose Linode because they’re inexpensive, reliable, and have great customer service.
Hopefully they don’t start hiking prices, laying off people, and becoming a terrible place to host. 🤞🏼
Spotify’s podcast push began in earnest in 2016, when Ek invited audio executives including higher ups at Gimlet to the company’s headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden to explain the emerging American podcast market.
Spotify calls their recorded audio podcasting. It’s not. Podcasting is the audio plus a delivery mechanism in the form of RSS. Yes, you can have a podcast as I’ve defined it behind a paywall. They just want to lock you into their app with their advertising and try to upsell you on other things. That’s fine. It’s their business but don’t call them podcasts. Ok, off the soap box. 📦
I was listening to the Pivot Podcast last night and Scott Galloway point out that very few podcasts make a profit. That’s true of what he defines as a podcast. Remember, this started as an open technology built by Dave Winer and Adam Curry. It was used and loved long before businessmen decided they could monetize it. Just like blogging. It’s was and still is a way for us mere mortals to communicate to the outside world, even if we’re not paid a dime to do it.
Oh, and I have a feeling some of the small podcasting shops are doing just fine, but they do things differently and have well loved shows. They’re just not exclusive to Spotify or Apple or whatever Big Co place you get your podcasts. They’re fully open and downloadable using your podcast player of choice because they’re built on top of RSS as the delivery mechanism.
The key phrase to listen for when you hear a podcast advertised is ”Download wherever you get your podcasts.” Then you know it’s a real podcast.
Crooks and Liars
The hearing got incredibly creepy when Arkansas state Sen. Matt McKee asked a trans pharmacist if she had a penis. “Do you have a penis?” he asked the woman, who seemed stunned at the question.
Unbelievable. I wish we could get past this and so many other things. So many people want to control how others behave and how they live their life. Often times based on some form of religion they’ve twisted to support their hate, disdain, or jealously of others.
Let people live their lives. Show them respect and grace as fellow human beings. It’s not our job to tell folks how they should live. That goes for women, brown skinned people, and the LBGTQ+ community. ❤️
After half a decade of sedate, steady growth, Mastodon suddenly surged, from 600,000 daily users to 2.6 million in the space of months.
Some folks are already writing off Mastodon. Silly people. If you’re looking to get a huge following and interacting with movie stars, influencers, government officials, and the rich and famous, don’t expect that from Mastodon. It’s not built for that. It’s built like your everyday neighborhood for us commoners to engage in. It’s real people carrying on real discussions. Sure, there’s gonna be some hate but there are mechanisms in place to take care of that crap. I love it and I’m excited to see it grow. There’s no algorithm to encourage you to follow people or corporate master to satisfy and no need to grow to billions of users because of it.
It’s like blogging. It’s all open and up to us, everyday people, to keep it. ✌🏼
New York Times
Lurking behind the concerns of Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, over the content of a proposed high school course in African American studies, is a long and complex series of debates about the role of slavery and race in American classrooms.
Talk about hateful, mean, and unsympathetic to fellow human beings. DeSantis is an authoritarian who wants to mold Florida into his own disgusting image. He doesn’t want you to think for yourself or question authority, no sir. He wants a bunch of dumb drones serving the rich and powerful.
Get out if you can. It’s a terrible state. If you can’t, or don’t want to, I wish you luck and hope you find a way to help change the state. 🍀
Joseph Heck
In the past couple of years, I’ve had the occasion to want to make an XCFramework – a bundle that’s used by Apple platforms to encapsulate binary frameworks or libraries – a couple of times.
I don’t know Joseph personally but I’ve interacted with him on the NetNewsWire Slack and Mastodon and he’s a really kind, thoughtful, selfless man. He’s given me feedback on Stream and Mac programming questions. All that to say he’s one of the good ones.
Anywho, this is a great piece on how he built an XCFramework with a Rust core. Rust has become the new, safe, language for creating highly performant software and being able to use it natively on iOS or Mac and integrate it right into Xcode is wonderful. 🧰
Cory Doctrow
Mobile tech is a duopoly run by two companies – Google and Apple – with a combined market cap of $3.5 trillion. Each company uses a combination of tech, law, contract and market power to force sellers to do commerce via an app, and each one extracts a massive commission on all in-app sales – 15-30%!
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Web tools continue to improve to the point that native apps may become a thing of the past for many companies. Of course folks like me will continue to do native iOS, and hopefully Mac, apps for as long as we can, but the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Native apps are becoming less and less important with each passing day. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
New York Times
Over the past year, we have seen a sweeping and ferocious attack on the rights and dignity of transgender people across the country.
A really great piece by Jamelle Bouie. Please, go read it if you can.
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x3rrorx · 3 months
This is long but I’m so tired of the fandom shitting on Noah every chance they get because they take everything he says literally and personally. He has always been blunt and says exactly what he means. I don’t know why people twist his words or project feelings onto him just because he isn’t screaming his adoration for the fans from the mountaintops every day, making himself available on social media, and putting on a big fake smile for their performances to prove he’s happy to be there. So many bands have been so problematic with scandals and have not faced half the criticism from their fan base as this band has for such small, inconsequential things like not liking merch designs, deleting social media, not posting an end of year Spotify wrapped thank you thing???
People keep saying Noah looks bored on stage or like he isn’t excited lately. I personally have only seen videos of him having fun so far, but I’d also take into consideration that even though these are the biggest shows they’ve ever played, they’re there to support one of the biggest bands in the scene. I’m sure there’s a lot of pressure to put on a good performance vocally and I’d imagine that takes a level of concentration and limits the amount of movement and running around on stage he can do.
I’m sure playing arenas for the first time also means larger crowds, more pressure, potentially more nerves. There’s jet lag, there’s exhaustion from tour in general, you never know what someone is contending with in their personal life off stage as well, etc. Not to mention, how many times have they described themselves as dark, dramatic, cinematic. Those aren’t really adjectives that translate to dancing and smiling the way Oli does on stage, for example.
Also, the band tours like CRAZY. More than any band I’ve seen in a long time. They are always on the road for just about the last 2-3 years and I don’t think they’d spend so much time out and about if they didn’t enjoy performing or weren’t excited about it. With the way their merch sells out and the money they’re now making from radio play there isn’t as much of a financial need as there was before to tour tour tour. I’m sure they could get away with performing less if that was truly the case. Noah wouldn’t have pushed himself in the fall to perform when he’s sick if he didn’t care about being there. They also wouldn’t try so hard to put on a good show, put so much time, thought, effort, money into the production of the show if they didn’t care about the experience of the fans who came there to see and support them.
If he was truly bored and didn’t give a fuck I’m sure he wouldn’t sound nearly as good, wouldn’t push himself, wouldn’t be working so hard on his physical health to keep in shape, wouldn’t try so hard on stage production. Noah would also give heartfelt speeches before, yes, but this isn’t their headlining tour. They’ve been thanking the crowd and I’m sure when it’s their UK headliner the speeches about how much it means will come back because they’ll know the crowd at those shows came for THEM.
As for the phones, everyone needs to understand that artists want to see people dancing, singing, engaging with him while he’s on stage. When everyone has their phone out the whole time, it’s harder to get that energy back from the crowd because you don’t see faces and people aren’t moving as much. It doesn’t mean they hate that you record and take photos, nor does it mean you should stop if that’s something you want and like to do. You paid to be there, you can do what you please. But let’s not spin it to sound like he hates the fans taking videos. He’s said himself they don’t mind! But try and understand where he’s coming from as a performer. If you were up on that stage I’m sure you’d rather see moshing and dancing and faces than phones and people standing around singing quietly and keeping their cameras still to get good content. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him having that preference and commenting on how the appreciates the UK being present during shows because that’s out of the norm for them, and that’s cool as a frontman to see.
Fans are meant to listen to the music, come out to the shows, have a good time, and maybe buy some merch. Please be a fan of the BAND and participate in the way that makes you happy instead of finding ways as a fan to be disgruntled because one dude says he wishes people were on their phones less, or saying the band hates their female fanbase because they don’t make feminine merch items. They give us so much—two new records coming, frequent merch drops, always touring, the comics. If you can’t appreciate all of that and feel entitled to more, I don’t know what kind of fan you are.
Perfectly said 👑
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entertainment · 3 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Tenika Davis, Jupiter's Legacy
Actress, model, and Taekwondo champion Tenika Davis stars as Petra Small in Netflix’s first original comic book series, Jupiter’s Legacy. Tenika began her career as one of the finalists on the first season of Canada’s Next Top Model before signing with Ford Models. She played a lead role in the indie hit, Jumping the Broom, with other credits including Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Lost Girl, and Skins. Tenika lives in Ontario with her two cats, Maximillian and Symeon, and loves to travel, watch movies, read, study astrology, and paddle surf in her spare time.
How did you get into the mindset to play Petra Small? How do you stay in character?
Petra fights fiercely to protect the people she loves. That is something I was able to identify with. When I was growing up, all I wanted was to make my parents proud. I knew Fitz and Petra's family story all too well; as a child, my parents got divorced because of an extramarital affair. I remember thinking that their divorce was somehow my fault, and if I could do something to make them proud, it would bring my family back together. Petra is a classic overachiever. What drives her is the need for her father's love and approval. She wants a family and is able to find that dynamic through The Sampsons, who she considers family to her and Fitz.
Can you share a memory from the set of Jupiter’s Legacy that stands out to you?
During filming the big fight Supervillian fight scene, it was 3:30 am, and we had 30mins left after a 14 hour day, and only enough time for a few takes to get the shot. Everyone was feeling the pressure. I was the last person to go, and when they called action, I felt a fire erupt in me; I screamed and ran straight for the target throwing those punches as fast as I could. I broke through mental and physical limits that day and surprised myself with what I was capable of doing.
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Your sun sign is Cancer. What's the truest meme you've ever seen about your sign?
They may forgive but never forget. Cancerians hold on to things forever.
What advice would you give to young Black talent looking to get their first break in the entertainment industry?
Everything is a process, and nothing great happens on your own. You will only be as great as your team and the people you surround yourself with. To make your dreams come true, it takes hard work, discipline, faith, and belief in yourself. These are the things that will keep you going in the face of adversity.
Without any spoilers, which of Petra Small’s scenes from Jupiter’s Legacy are you most excited for viewers to watch? Why?
There is a scene between Fitz and Petra at the Union of Justice. It's so touching because of the loving family dynamic. It's simple, a father seeing his daughter's struggle and saying exactly what she needs to hear to continue fighting. I think people will be affected by and see themselves in the beauty of that moment.
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Which representation of the Black Experience helped shape you and your career?
Bishop TD Jakes was one of the first producers I worked with within my career. While filming Jumping the Broom, he gave the cast a few of his books. I didn't even know he was a pastor at the time. I read them all. I was so inspired by his story of how he built his church from scratch with no money. I knew that if he could do that, I could do the same thing with my career. He inspired me to never give up, keep pressing forward, and to this day is still one of my greatest mentors.
Can you give us a one-sentence modeling lesson or tip?
Think the thought, and your eyes will tell the story.
Do you know your moon and rising sign? Do those vibe with how you see yourself?
My moon sign is Aquarius; I enjoy spending time with myself, building my own future, and strive to become better with the power of my own will. I've always enjoyed setting my own standards and breaking through them. My rising sign is Pisces; there is a vulnerable child-like innocence and curiosity I've learned to love and appreciate about myself. It's true I can be and do most things I put my mind to. My mother actually named me 'Tenika' because she believed I would be a perfect 10.
What are you watching and/or listening to right now?
I'm a junkie for real-life success stories. Right now, I'm tuned into The Tony Robbins Podcast on Spotify. Not only is his story inspiring, but every person he has on the podcast has achieved excellence in their respective field. I've become obsessed with learning out how. Success leaves clues.
What’s next for you?
I want to learn every aspect of producing television & film and continue to learn how to use the medium to help create meaningful and impactful stories. As well as learn how to sword fight...
Thanks for taking the time, Tenika! Jupiter's Legacy is now streaming on Netflix. Photos courtesy of Netflix.
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