#o!tommy irl
tavs-kin-korner · 9 months
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[Surprise birthday gift stimboard for @ ghommytommytime!!]
[Hope you enjoy! Woe, belated birthday stimboard upon ye! Happy birthday big man platonic brother husband!! /ij]
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rqs-arcade · 11 months
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🕹️ ⸻ o!smp tommy stimboard
ft; red feathers, flying, wings, cottagecore, nature
► 🕹️ 👾 🎮 ► 🕹️ 👾 🎮 ► 🕹️ 👾 🎮
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beekeeping-gender · 2 years
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Requested by no one :3
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Thomas hewitt with short reader who adores him!
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I got this inspired from a wattpad story 😭 please I'm gonna die, what if someone I know irl sees this.
Summary: you acted nice to Thomas and now he's glued to you.
Tw: stockholm Syndrome?
You were on your 1999's jeep on your way to Texas. You and your friends decides to move to a very hot place for what unknown reason. You were burning but the opened windows seemed to help a bit. Your two friends in the back seat were making out shamelessly while the driver of the car who was actively tying to flirt with you. It may not be the best car trip right now but you're sure it's gonna be worth it.
The town itself wasn't very loud but you just hoped the cacophony of lip smacking and annoying sounds from the radio would end.
"Hey y/n, have you ever thought about getting into relationships?" The driver friend of yours asked obnoxiously.
"Uh I don't know, I'll meet the right person I guess..." You just blandly answered hinting at your suitor that you have no interest in this conversation.
And as if God answered your prayers you spotted a gas station
"Stop the car right now there's a gast station."
and you hear faint words of aww's from your sappy friends. you got out and proceeded to vamoose into the gas station hoping to find good food to replenish your hunger.
You got distracted and bumped into a squishy big tough chest, you look up and the most cutest attractive man you've ever seen in your entire life, although his eyes were piercing through yours cautiously and with fire as to wait for you to run away but you just stood there looking at him with awe and adoration in your eyes which seemed to catch him off guard as he's never been looked at like this. A sudden voice met your attention.
"Ah it seems you've run into my son Thomas, I'm Luda Mae just call me Mae and don't fear him he isn't going to hurt you he's just a gentle giant, right Tommy?" The elderly woman said.
The man now you know as either Thomas or Tommy slightly nodded his head.
"Hi Tommy! Nice to meet you!" You chirped as if you were talking to a baby or a small animal, this unfamiliar tone of voice caught both of them off guard, Thomas flabbergasted and flustered underneath his mask and Luda with a small o on her mouth which turned into a teasing smile. But before she could say anything your friends barged inside.
"What the- Y/n stay away from that!."
You were roughly pulled away from Thomas by one of your friends, as they so rudely explained that you shouldn't be near someone as big and dangerous as tommy and ordered whatever was on their mind and dragged you away only a small 'bye!' Escaping your lips before seen out of sight from both of them.
Maybe you won't be food.
Now a few hours later and it's dark and you can barely see anything but you were bleeding and scars on your body and was running away from that house with your only remaining friend but now you have none since a chainsaw is going through their body leaving you no choice but to run away alone leaving you scared to death.
You were running as fast as you could but the killer caught up to you and you recognised those distinct eyes.
"Tommy?" You asked, fear and adrenaline leaving your body, why was it that you felt so in peace when you are with him? Before you could process anything further your vision blackened.
And now you found yourself tied to a chair in front of family of 4 Or 5 you can't tell but what you did notice that your flirty driver was hung upside down on the wall. And now you were sobbing because you were scared for your life.
Thomas wanted you to stop crying and aquiver but didn't know how so he decided to comfort you with music he gently placed his headphone over your ears hoping it'll calm you down and oddly enough it did. It calmed you knowing he didn't mean you harm. But you aren't sure that goes for the same from his family, how did you even get into this situation anyways? They all started eating what they called 'your friends' and Thomas even started to feed you. which strangely didn't seem to bother you as much as you thought it would. You started zoning out and before you knew it the tight rope from your hands started to untangle.
"Hey! What are you doing!? First you insist they be tied with rope instead of nailing them and now you're untying them?"
You had absolutely no idea what was going on so you just sat idle and Thomas stood there with his hands pointed at you as to show that you meant no harm.
"What if they run away and snitch?"
"I-i won't!" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
"Well.. It doesn't hurt to have one more family member." Luda mae implies.
"I'm watching you..." The older man snarly says to you.
Few months later you are now very much apart of their family and you help around the house, 8/10 (10 if you don't mind murder and blood and cannibalism)
Now for hc's!
Everytime you talk to him with adoration his heart explodes everywhere. ⬅➡⬆⬇↗↘↙↖
He runs by your side every chance he gets, he's a very busy man but you accompany him and he can't ask for anything more or less.
He's going to get VERY attached to you poor baby rarely ever received this kind of affection before you so DON'T break his heart. (Not like you will anyways)
Ask for anything and he'll bring it to you in 3 seconds.
Will also worry alot over the smallest things like a small cut on your finger, does it hurt!? Are you in pain!? Are you okay? Please don't bleed out!
Will die (out of cuteness) if you do the same.
Very shy about PDA but he's the most touched starved cuddly man behind close doors.
Will probably be dependant on you.
Will also be very scared when you go out alone, incase you'll decide you don't like him anymore and run away.
Also very insecure, what if you find a better man? :(
Will fall for you 100x harder if you help him with the murdering.
Loves the size difference too. You have to stand on your tippy toes smh. 😳
Pats your head, yes.
Sometimes carries you wherever you like when you two have free time.
LOVES nicknames.
"Tommy I'm fine!"
"Tommy it's okay I'm not gonna run away I'm only going on errands."
"Baby I promise I won't leave you, you are my only love."
"Muah, feel better?"
"Oh no, are you okay sweetheart?"
"You are the most handsome man I've ever seen."
"Love you, goodnight darling."
"You're so tall!"
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tmmyhug · 2 months
i was just wondering and feel free to ignore me. but do you know if tommy and ranboo are still friends? i drifted away from dsmp content and i don’t know who is still friendly with who. like i saw there was drama between dream and quackity and apparently ranboo and tubbo don’t really interact anymore?? do you know how i can find out what happened? the issue w irl fandoms are truly that it’s so difficult to keep track of what’s going on if you step away for a while.. but yes feel free to ignore this if you want! i was just wondering :) hope you’re having a great day!!
tommy and ranboo are still friends afaik. tubbo and ranboo stopped talking over a year ago and no one knows why. top ten questions science still can’t answer. dream and quackity had drama bc dream accidentally on purpose (?) stole his server idea and q ghosted dream and then dream complained about it publicly. more recently, wilbur’s been outed as an abuser by his ex shelby shubble and so has been basically ousted from the community(we’re still waiting to see if tommy says anything abt that). also george and punz are terrible people (george groped a girl w/o consent, punz was an abusive and toxic boyfriend) . dream vehemently defended george ofc. and there’s also the whole dream grooming accusations mess im not getting into all that. there’s a crash course hope this helps. yell if i missed anything
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So a few of my irls were talking about how c!dream never targetted c!tommy and or had a dependency issue and I just wanna correct that.
c!Dream at the start of the series (since now the start is considered canon) constantly went after the discs even when c!Tommy told him he wanted to have a truce and that they were allies even wanting to play them together with c!Dream. c!Dream agreed to those terms but then attacked him 5 minutes later anyway.
Not forgetting the first disc fight where c!Dream targetted c!Tommy the whole time and only gave c!Sapnap and c!Ponk and c!Alyssa a slap on the wrist.
c!Dream spent a good portion of a Tommy stream donating him msgs to play the discs.
A couple of early streams of c!Dream trying to get c!Tubbo o someone else against c!Tommy.
Not really targetting but he said "Tommy is under my protection" which is that dependency thing idk it counts.
c!Dream built a tunnel to c!Tommys base.
c!Dream during L'manberg arc seemed more against c!Tommy than c!Wilbur and the others more often than not.
c!Dream focused on getting c!Tommys friends against him, such as most notably c!Tubbo and c!Wilbur in pogtopia arc.
c!Dream betrays c!Tommy in pogtopia arc after initially helping c!Tommy out. He tells c!Tommy this is due to 'business' he also tells him, 'that he put something better over friendship' (aka the revival book he got from c!Schlatt) (either way, he still betrayed him.)
He tells c!Tommy at the end of l'manberg blowing up that 'everythings just getting started', and makes it out as if c!Tommy was in the wong.
A few weeks before exile. c!Dream and c!Puffy went around destroying everything including c!Skeppys home and then framing it on c!Tommy with signs. c!Dream in particular is excited for people to log on and for them to get mad at c!Tommy.
The above was confirmed canon when during Exile trial, c!Dream says that c!Tommy had blown up c!Skeppys house (or he infers it), showing the damage that he himself did.
In Exile trial, I'm not gonna lie c!Tommy totallyyy fucked up here by burning a little TINY tiny small tiny bit of c!Georges home and then trying to fix it. And then he lied about it. (/sarc) But, c!Dream was provoking him in the whisper chat with ":)" and "have fun on probation :)"
During exile, he focuses on putting all blame for his problems on c!Tommy. Not just saying that to c!Tommys face but on other people's streams, he was there talking about how much of a nuisance c!Tommy is and what not.
In exile, he proceeds to get c!Tommy dependent on him so c!Tommy will help with his goals later on. But the way he goes about this is to a severe extreme like how he snaps at him and hits him with an axe or arrow, he takes great enjoyment in bullying c!Tommy and getting others like c!Lazarbeam to bully him too, he makes sure c!Tommy is completely lonely even sending c!Ghostbur away who was memory loss so how could he break c!Dreams plans exactly?, he gasights c!Tommy into thinking that c!Dream didn't kill Mexican Dream, he blows up c!Tommys base despite never telling c!Tommy the rule about how he can't have chests underground.
He goes onto track c!Tommy down. And again, its more the way he goes about it.
Once c!Tommy is back in L'manberg, c!Dream blows up the community house and frames it on c!Tommy. Getting everyone against him and he tells c!Tubbo that he is affiliated to c!Tommy based on the disc that he says is 'Tommys most prized possession' which is him getting c!Tubbo to go against c!Tommy once more.
After Lmanberg gets blown up again. c!Dream tells c!Tommy "I'm not done with you. Our stories not over... Our stories not over" c!Tommy says "Our stories not over but it will be... It will be soon" and c!Dream replies "I don't think our story will ever be over, Tommy. I think that you're just too fun. I don't think It'll be over."
In disc finale, he proceeds to act like that c!Tommy is his main target, calling him the key to the server and going after him more than c!Tubbo. And puts the idea in c!Clingyduos heads that he needs all the possesions to control the server. (now even though c!Dream staged this whole thing and wasn't actually saying his motivations, c!Tommy never knows that he lied about that not at this point at least. It further riles c!Tommy up and has him believing that c!Dream really is obsessed with hurting him and since c!Dream never explains why properly, it comes off to c!Tommy that he is obsessed for no reason.) (Also possible for it to be half staged making the motivations semi-true)
Then, c!Dream causes c!Tommy to get stuck in the cell with him by controlling c!Ranboo to do that (which this is confirmed that he really did do this, confirmed in the final lore stream and in dream xds video)
The point of c!Dream allegedly lying to make c!Tommy think c!Dream was after him all the time is further solidified when in the prison arc. c!Dream refers to c!Tommy as a light, and key and keeps going on about studying death with him. I know a lot of this may very well be real and a result from him being mentally ill from isolation, but theres so many lies sprinkled in here like telling c!Tommy that he never tested out the revival book before when he had (btw correct me if Im wrong here, I could of got the dates mixed up)
c!Sam also claims that c!Dream kept going on about c!Tommy in the prison, c!Sam also says that c!Dream was practically manically laughing after he killed c!Tommy. (Obsession, putting on an act of obsession, mentally ill from the prison sure maybe all 3)
After c!Dream escapes prison, he immediately goes after c!Tommy. (Which sure is to scare c!Tommy into no longer going after him or whatever it could be an act) But he's still putting the idea in c!Tommys head that he's obsessed with hurting him, and don't say that he did this unintentionally because we already have the 'you're too fun line' and several other moments to prove otherwise. He also then puts signs around c!Tommys home saying 'watch your back' and ":) I'm watching" and he makes a trap for c!Tommy to fall into playing back a messed up disc. Don't say that this was apart of c!Tommys delusion because c!Eryn saw it too and a few others did from what I remember-unless thats retconned idunno.
In c!Wilburs finale, c!Dream can't stand the idea of the discs being burned. (The discs are affiliated with c!Tommy as c!Dream has said before, and has said that the discs are c!Tommys most prized possesion) He still cares about them even now. He also watches c!Tommy for majority of the time.
In Dreams space, he claims that his character was not solely torturing c!Tommy for the sake of it, but that he still really enjoyed hurting c!Tommy. Its to vague to tell if Dream is denouncing the 'c!Dream is obsessed with c!Tommy' theory or not. I believe he is saying that it is half true- as in that his character is, but that he has reasons to do so, and or that this wasn't his only plan.
During the final lore finale, c!Dream claims that he wasn't targeting c!Tommy and that he had left him alone however that contradicts with everything I wrote above, so 1. He thinks he left c!Tommy alone, 2. He was referring to the present where he did leave him alone and purposely/or accidentally ignoring the past, or 3. he knows he didn't and is just trying to rile c!Tommy up. Either way he goes onto admit that he did cause c!Ranboo to get c!Tommy stuck in the prison. He also confirms later on that he genuinely believes c!Tommy is the cause of the ruining of his server. "Why are you ruining everything all the time" "You deserved it (torture)" "I am (a villain), I tortured you."
And not to mention. Out of everyone on the server that gets c!Dream to give up and somewhat open up, its c!Tommy... because ofc it is. No ones surprised.
I think that's everything. as always I'm happy to debate with people and stuff preferably in dms but idm. If anything is wrong, correct it. If anything is missed, let me know. ty
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
Sippy cups
Tommyinnit x Reader
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Ok, it was a stupid idea, but so was most things you and Tommy did at 4am on a Sunday. You were both running through the isles of a 24 hour grocery store grabbing baby food and formula (let’s pretend there’s no shortage) and also some sippy cups. Yours was (favorite color) with a (second favorite color) cap and his was bright red with an off-white cap. You both were planning on doing a dumb stream where you ate baby food, one of you was going to vomit for sure but oh well. He leaned to the side and kissed your temple. “My sweet girl, thanks for doing this shit with me” his whispers made you giggle and you turned to kiss him on the nose, responding “no place I’d rather spend 4am on a Sunday”. The both of you burst out laughing and didn’t stop until you got to the self check out. You bought everything in the cart, the total was 75$, which was definitely a lot, but that’s fine, any amount of money was worth spending to have a fun experience with each other. The ride back home was full of yelling and laughter, the two of you screaming sings like Roadtrip and Your New Boyfriend , it was fun but definitely not as fun as the foolishness that was about to go down. Tommy got out his laptop and pulled up his OBS and StreamLabs, “WHATS UP CHAT! WE’RE BACK WITH MORE BULLSHIT” you lost your mind laughing at that intro, you introduced yourself to chat (not like you needed to, chat loves you and even asks for you every time Tommy does an IRL stream without you) there was lots of excitement because “OMG bestie is here!” and “yess girlfriend-innit has returned!” The two of you giggled at the chat and started mixing the formula in the sippy cups, you both took a sip, you swallowed and gagged, Tommy straight up spit it out and started dry heaving. Yea, this was not smart. You went over to him and patted his back as he finished coughing. He stopped coughing and started laughing “this was fucking stupid!” You looked at him with a quirked eye brow and remarked “ya think?” The two of you finished stream after 2 hours and sat on the couch. He posted his “had fun, thanks for the love” tweet and turned off his phone. He looked at you, basically had stars in your eyes when you looked back at him. He was so in love.
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Ok so this was fully self-indulgent because I wanna do dumb shit with my partner- * cough * @z0vamp * cough * ANYWAYS- yea I really had fun with this and hope you liked it!
Tags: @luciddreaming2 @lyssys @pebblebrainlovejoy @zooone @harbingerofheartbreak @jovielove @jubiilee13 @h-e-l-l-o-h-i @sanddaddysoot @sexsellz
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glitchylaptop · 2 years
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( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
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Tommy Coolatta
Balloons, toy store, slime, dog playing in ball pit, rainbow, paint, worms and stickers
Requested by: @ghostlyplacetobe
No tag f/o, me/id/irl and kin pls!
DNI banner by: @/ghostlyplacetobe
Icon by me! Art not mine! -Monika
❤ 🧡 💛
💚 🌈 💙
💜 🖤 🤍
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rhythmic-chaos-sys · 3 days
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Rhythmic Chaos Intro >:)
Hello! We're Rhythmic Chaos. We're a 19 y/o DID system with autism & ADHD. Feel free to just call us Rhythm.
We collectively go by he/they, and are transmasc. We identify with a lot of xenogenders per alter, though!
Our special interest is the "open world survival craft" genre of videogames, especially Minecraft.
This blog is mostly just for us to say random stuff, vibe, and occasionally complain about endogenics.
Also please feel free to send asks, we love answering questions and such.
DNI + Frequent fronters below.
Basic DNI criteria: homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc.
Anyone at or below the age (bodily) of 15.
Anyone that supports literal proven abusers <3
Harass, doxx, or threaten literally ANYONE. I don't care how problematic they are.
Endogenic Systems and Western Tulpamancers, as well as their supporters. UNLESS you want to have a friendly debate and/or ask questions.
Those that are IRLs/DAs and refuse to get treatment or recover. Fictionkins are entirely different and they are free to interact. IRLs/DAs in active recovery are free to interact, as well.
Proshippers of any kind, even as a "coping mechanism." Please get help /g
TransID identifiers/supporters (If you don't know what this is, I envy you. /lh)
Frequent Fronters
We don't have a particular host so here's some alters you might see around. We may do individual intros, or just edit this. I have no clue.
Ghost - he/they - primary front gatekeeper
Indrik - he/it - co-host + symptom/traumaholder
Jay - he/they - co-host + symptomholder
Tommy - he/him - co-host + social alter
Lynwood - he/they/it - idfk at this point
Techno - she/they - protector + traumaholder
More to be added!
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outrunningthedark · 3 months
Do you ever get tired of trying to stir up trouble ☠️ like embarrassing enough you trusted a “source” of Twitter without even confirming it was legit or not before spouting it off as fact and using it to spin theories only to have it revealed it’s just a fan who also trolled the fandom last season, once again trolling this season. For someone who complains about fans not using their brains ☠️☠️
and the reblogging of posts stating things like keep fandom separate from the actors, stop causing drama with ships, real people are off limits ( which I do agree with) however you say all of it As if you haven’t been and still are causing drama with shipping for the last week and a half, as if you weren’t dragging the R and C drama all over your blog the entire hiatus, as if you weren’t just making posts about R and O talking to Tommy’s actor about fandom and putting the idea out there about fans going and harassing him ☠️☠️ like the hypocrisy and the backtracking 🤯
You completely lost me after the "trying to stir up trouble", sorry. - It is not my problem that people who follow me or regularly check my blog to see what I'm saying (had no idea that was a thing, but okay!) took MY posts on MY blog about a hypothetical Buck story line and started spreading it around just so more people could do what you're doing right now. It's funny how I'm "one blogger with a theory" yet it's on everyone's mind. Maybe it wouldn't have caught on if y'all knew how to keep scrolling or stop looking, huh? You're still talking about me now. I know that much. - Who said I believed a twitter source? You? In your head? Those "sources" haven't said anything that I haven't already considered myself - not gonna be a good time come April? No shit. Buck and Eddie won't be any closer to canon and Eddie's probably in bed with Marisol. Both things I can figure out on my own without "insider info", thanks! - As for "real people are off limits", I think that's you twisting something you saw to fit your version of me that you've created because I obviously engage in gossip just like a lot of folks around here, but what I *don't* do is make my feelings on 9-1-1 or something IRL Ryan and Oliver's problem and tag them in shit because I think they actually care what I have to say. And as for the the exes debacle....you're actually making me look decent by admitting it was during hiatus (and more specifically, until sometime in October/November). I actually knew when to stop talking about it unlike those who question how often the woman has her kids because she doesn't post them, but then claiming she's trying to be a #mommyblogger when she does. Talk about flip-flopping. Okay. Go running back to your friends now. Bye!
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ctomzee · 5 months
"technically a bird"-Tubbo
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*:..。o○ ○o。..:*
Tommy/Tom/Tomz/Timtam/Tictac/Big Boss
they/he, but idc.. pick whatever ya want
(actually i made half of those up just now)
alter in a did system, i interact from @boosfer
minor(irl(16)and in-sys(17))
hard dni: proship, terfs, s*uth park fans, harry p*tter fans, cdream apologists, and cc🟩team fans. otherwise if i dont want ya on here ill just block ya
byf: im annoying, like genuinly. also its a requirement to follow @mysoftwings
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pfp by @ / arginnit
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IDs in order:
image one: an image of black text on a white background, reads " who playin outside tomorroe".
image two: a screenshot of squidward from spongebob with edited subtitles on the botton, subtitles, reads "we support endos and mspec queers here sir."
image three: a screenshot of the notes app, reeds"my apology, im Juts o so soorrr.. for jsaying k why ess i didn't mmean it ppleaseee oh my god i canntt breath,e r,ightn ow i. thhink i';;m gonn pass oout please forrgive me."
image three: a screenshit of a paused youtube video of text on a blue background, the text reads "THE AND"
End ID.
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mccoys-killer-queen · 9 months
Seeing REO Speedwagon and Styx ON THE SAME NIGHT- Part 2
This part is exclusively the Styx stuff. Buckle up.
forgot to mention in the last post that the merch for REO wasn't that good? I didn't buy an REO shirt bc there genuinely wasn't anything I wanted, so I bought a keychain
the styx shirts, however, were awesome and I bought one PLUS and an autographed cd of their newest greatest hits compilation
I was already at the point of passing out by the time REO was done
oH btw i forgot to mention that the ppl next to us were super nice it was a husband and wife and the husband RECOGNIZED MY ART FROM INSTAGRAM ???? BC REO SHARED IT ;O; I literally started tearing up
anyway when Styx came out all hell broke loose as far as my insanity goes
Seeing Tommy irl up close(ish) still felt like I was staring at my computer screen
((So a bit of background info before I continue: in the days and weeks prior to this, I have been texting Gowan on instagram. Just the occasional story reply and whatnot, nothing frequent or long-winded. I'd just like his responses and move on. However, I did want to let him know I'd be at the Allentown show just because, so when he was posting from Philadelphia two days ago, I bid him a bright welcome from eastern PA and said I'd see him in Allentown the next day, and that I'd be the one "near the front wearing a Gowan shirt"))
((he liked the message and responded to it with his stupid avatar as always. All systems were go. He knew I was gonna be there.))
((however my shirt was better bc it actually had his face and logo on it, whereas hers was just your typical airbrushed shirt with the word "gowan" on it (plus a cap)))
SO, with that background info:
I was basically right in front of his spinning piano/keyboard/organ, just 5 rows deep.
During the first fucking song (To Those), Gowan fucking recognized me. He fucking recognized me. He straight up pointed at me with this big smile on his face and kept doing his little hand motions in my direction and nodding- he fucking knew it was me.
this led to a relationship- a love affair, if you will- between me and our dearest Larry for about the first half of the set.
He sang Lady to me. HE SANG LADY TO ME. It was part of the second/third verse but he was SINGING LADY TO ME ASADFAKJFABSDJGBDFKJBGEAEUOGHHHHFFFFFFFFFFFF
And now I am become Lady, of the Morning
we'd sing to each other and do hand motions to each other it was magical I never wanted it to end
what i mean by that is that he fuckin leaned back as if the kiss had "hit" him and let his eyes roll back a little bit i HATE HIMMMM (affectionate)
Tommy sounds so fucking good and looks so fucking good and i feel so normal about that
Pretty sure Gowan was looking at me again during Miss America so now i am become Miss America, our Love
I think Tommy might've looked at me and nodded a few times at me after that throughout the set but I'm only half sure of that, but when he pointed at me during Lorelei was the only time i was 100% sure he acknowledged me
Rockin the Paradise had to be the height of the night i stg it goes so hard
Gowan introducing Will and saying he weighs in at 365 pounds
Gowan introducing JY and saying he weighs in at 100 pounds and stands 3'6'' or something
Gowan introducing Ricky as a member of the Babys and then saying he hit early puberty after being a Baby
When Gowan called Chuck out for Lost At Sea, Chuck just like fucking trudged across the stage like he didn't wanna be there and it made Gowan laugh in the middle of his sentence and he said "nice entrance, by the way"
I was so fucking dehydrated by the middle of their set that i swear to GOD when larry started playing Khedive it felt like it quenched my painful thirst
Tommy had 3 different outfits throughout the set. The second one was like pink and purple camo or something i love him. the third one was s l u t t y.
Can I just say I MUCH prefer the live version of Lost At Sea
Gowan called us the "Allentown choir" bc Come Sail Away was coming up
Come Sail Away is always so ethereal like holy shit "magical" doesn't begin to scrape the surface
Even Tommy was bopping otgnioerginaerg
Tommy didn't come over to stage right the entire time except for at the very end of Renegade and that's the closest I've ever been to him in my life
I THINK JY might've been looking at me at some points but again i genuinely couldn't tell
At the end of the set I held up Tommy's portrait and Gowan was trying to get a look at it but probably couldn't tell bc i was far away and there was probably a glare
only one pick during this entire night got thrown in the general area of where I was and I don't even remember who threw it tbh I don't even remember what BAND it was during
I then waited by the bus exit for like 15 minutes, peeking through the fence before a security guard asked me what I was doing. I briefly explained to him I just had prints for the bands and he told me "the first band" had already left and "the second band" was about to and that they 'don't get things'
I asked him once or twice just to confirm that there was no one I could give them to in order for them to get them, just so I knew that the Mission had come to its end.
EDIT: When tommy segued into Too Much Time he did the thing again— "try and picture yourself in the early days of MTV, just try and picture yourself there" and when the song started he froze and did these crazy eyes looking from side to side like 👀 "oh shit..."
at the line "i can solve the world's problems without even trying" he did this limp wrist type thing kfksakkfogof he also did the lil "i'd go out cruisin" hand
allegedly after their bows Todd kissed tommy on the cheek or something gnskqkofykgkd
Epilogue: I texted Gowan this morning. Will update on that later.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Track Suit
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Media IRL
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Sexy
Concept Snug Track racing Suit
I finally finished the dishes so I left the kitchen heading to the living room sitting myself in my usual side of the sofa with my pillows grabbing my tea mug from the side having a sip of the still warm tea. I smiled as I set my tea down leaning over giving his cheek a kiss 
"Hi TomTom" I smiled
"Hey buttercup" he smiled giving me a kiss too before returning his focus to the TV and the motorbike racing on it
"I miss anyone crash?" 
"No, but you did miss a guy in the stands who dropped his beer down a girls shirt"
"Awww damn it." 
"Yeah you missed out" he says having his coffee 
"Would you ever go racing?"
"I mean pretty much every time I go out with Jack we race to some extent. Last time I beat him on a race from one end of Oxford Street to the other at peak tourism season on a hot sunny day."
"Ooohh what'd win?"
"Bragging rights." He shrugs "and a slushie" 
"What colour?"
"Don't you mean flavour?"
"I mean colour Thomas" 
"Red and blue"
"Classic" I nodded "but I mean like track racing?"
"Fuck no. I don't wanna die." He says "look at that look how far they have to lean knee pads to the pavement at god knows what miles an hour. No thank you"
"That's fair. But don't you go knees to the pavement at god knows what speeds on roads where you know there are other drivers and police men? Isn't a track environment safer?"
"No it blurs the lines with track racing you end up in shit. Plus I prefer watching it. Plus track racing is a fucking expensive hobby"
"... How's the flying lessons thomas?" I asked sipping tea 
"Okay that's an investment. Four more months I get a pilots license. I'd like to see what you'll do in an potential apocalypse when you need someone to fly a plane safely and legally. Yeah. Pretty fucked then aren't you ground girl" 
"I'd fly. Just not legally. Or safely. And not sure how to land but what goes up must come down so I'll land one way or another" I laughed "but that's a pretty expensive hobby"
"Not like track racing. I'd need a new bike. Need parts for the bike to modify it. I'd need track paperwork. The bike would need paperwork. I'd need new gear. Paying for the track. Then a trailer because you can't have a road legal track bike. Then a car to pull the trailer. Not to mention hotel stays and expenses to go to track meets" he explained "see expensive"
"You thought about buying us a new house so you could have a plane at home."
".... No comment"
I sat and watched for a while eager for a crash but nothing and as I watched I felt eager to ask a question "Tommy?"
For a moment he glanced at me suspiciously "I know that tone. What do you want?" 
"You have one of those motorbike outfits right?"
"I have gear. And so do you" 
"Noo I mean the like suit"
"You mean the track suits like them?"
"I do yes. Why?"
"Could you wear it?" I suggested he gave me another look for a moment confused but then sly 
"For what?"
"For whatever" I shrug 
"Maybe later. If your good" he says kissing my head and returning his focus to the TV as did I for a while until I had another idea 
"Ummm?" He mumbled about to sip more coffee
"Can I wear it?" I asked 
Immediately he choked on his coffee "what?"
"Can I wear it?"
"My track suit?"
"... I don't think you'll fit in it buttercup"
"Why not?"
"It's snug on me"
"You calling me fat?"
"No! But you know. You have additions. In areas. I do not." He says glancing at my body 
"Can I try? Pretty pretty please Tommy?' I point 
"Fine. Cupboard under the stairs with the rest of the gear"
"Yay!" I smiled jumping up grabbing it from the rail in the cupboard and heading to the laundry room to get it on. Honestly he was right it was pretty damn snug, o mean this is basically a leather jumpsuit with some protective pads on areas, once it warmed up it was a little easier even if you could tell I was too big for it, I had to strip down to only my bra and panties to even get it on having to jump and swear a little to get into it. Once I actually got it on I tried to zip up the front zipper but I got to my waist and it would continue "ohh come on" I complained breathing in sucking my stomach in as much as possible getting it up to under my breaths no matter how much I squished the zip just would not go getting stuck on my bras bones so I removed the bra and management with some squeezing to zip it up just over my boobs I did have a fair bit of cleavage but anymore I was actually worried about busting the zip. 
"Tommy" I giggled opening the door
"I'm not looking" he sighed sipping his coffee so I went and stood by the TV trying to look as cute as I could he opened his eyes and saw me immediately doing a spot take of his coffee in shock his eyes wide looking over every inch of me "FUCK!" 
"Hi… I am genuinely surprised you got that on" 
"Yeah it's kinda tight and this as as high as the zip goes"
"Kinda tight? Buttercup you seem exposed to me and I've seen you naked" 
"How does it look?"
"How does it look? It looks like you just walked out of my nineteen year old fantasy"
"Really? Maybe I should get one for myself" I smiled doing a small spin making sure he saw me from behind
"Holy God! Did you paint that over your ass? Damn!"
"You really like it that much?" I giggled
"Y/n I am insanely hard just from the sight of you I think it's pretty damn clear I like it" he says just as the zip gave up and slid down to under my breasts leaving how I'd scooped them in the only thing now concealing them leaving my bare skin exposed
“Do you have to be so god damn sexy”
“I mean I’m not trying that hard”
“I know! God damn sexy girlfreind. I will say its not very safe. I mean you came off the bike dressed like that I don’t think its really gonna protect you that much. Mostly because I think the slightest bit of pressure anywhere the whole things gonna bust open like an overstressed dam”
“But sexy”
“Sexy does make a compelling argument” He nods 
“I think I look great” 
"I have a really strange request" he says unable to remove his eyes from me 
"Yes Thomas?"
"... Can you let me film you on my phone like that? Possibly with a helmet under your arm? And even more possibly with you saying 'you look like you need a good ride'?" He asks 
"...why?" I giggled
"To look at. When I'm working away."
"So to masturbate to?" 
"...fine, if you buy me my own little suit?"
"Done!" He agreed 
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rottentarsoul · 5 months
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Heya bitch! Welcome to my shitshow of a blog!
Okay, for some context on me~
I'm Ashley Graves (Ash works fine), a fictive from The Coffin of Andy and Leyley! I'm 21 in a 22 y/o body and a member of a system that follows from @berrisweetsiren.
Specifically, I'm Ashley from the Burial Route (Though I've had horrible dreams about the Decay Route, which yikes) And my memories mainly pertaining to my childhood and a few things before the events of the game- as well as a few from after the game.
I'm pretty new to this whole thing, so I'm just going with the flow of it yknow?
Other people from our system will probably post on occasion too, idk, ask them stuff too if you want.
Likely Members of Note
🍓: Ren, Primary Host, 22 (He/They/Bee/Dae)
🔥: Tommy, DSMP fictive, 21 (He/Him)
🍃: Elias, Fictive of Guildwars, Secondary Host, 28 (He/She/They/Sprout)
🌠 Remi, OC Fictive of Helluvaverse, Secondary Host & Boundry Enforcer, 21 (He/They/Stars)
👑 Cori, Fictive of CoTL, Religious Traumaholder & Grief Management, 19..? (She/They/He/It/Any+)
There's more deffo, but I don't talk to them much! So there's that.
What we can talk about...
Andrew & Ashley's relationship
Personal stuff & mental health!
Source memories
The Innerworld
NSFT+ Stuff
DNI if...
Racist, Pro-Israel, etc etc.
Cancel-Culture folks
Also, before yall ask- yes we're in therapy and yes the body's medicated. Fuck off. <3
Current Tags...
[ Ashley's Words ] : A normal post
[ Ashley's Dreams ] : NSFT/NSFW stuff
[ Ashley's Responses ] : Answered Asks! :3
[ Doodling with Crayons ] : Our Art!
[ Ashley's Murmurs ] : More personal, inner thoughts
[ Lemon Muffin ] : Posts abt Andrew/Talking to an Andy
[ Tar Souls ] : Doubles/Other Ashley Fictives
[ IRL stuff ] : Complaining abt IRL stuff, or IRL convos
[ Leyley Time! ] : Ren says I should add a regression tag "just in case" so this?...I guess.
[ From the Cameras ] : Things on my Dash I find funny, kek
[ Coffin of Chucklefucks ] : Detailed convos with the system!
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johnnys-breastmilk · 5 months
Wally anon: Your phone trying to sabotage you fr. 😭
Easy to do when we're both such fans, huh? 🫣 Yupppp exactly. I feel, in (some of) the Screams or otherwise, the writers completely forget that these geeks are supposed to have personalities beyond. their interests & that's what makes Kirby the ultimate one. 🙌 See, I don't think of Randy as invincible, it's just that the fandom wildly. overemphasizes his significance when A) all of his horror knowledge couldn't save him, B) he dies at the most appropriate time for the series, & C) the set-piece of his death is still one of the best executed in the entire franchise cause the day-time quality of it. ☀ Not even one. of, she's THE only death in that movie dkdhdkd soooo many irrelevant, random, no names getting offed like I can not take that seriously cause I don't knowww them. 🤡 Yuppp. And then people will bring in statistics about surviving stabbings irl like...okay? What does that have to do with this. franchise when Sidney just. being stabbed in the shoulder in the OG makes her bleed as much as she does, twice in the stomach in 4 makes her collapse, & we've had so many single stabs to the back taking people out? With 5, I gave it a pass but 6's stabbings were r i d i c u l o u s.
Yupppp. You have him pinned down, eating him out like you're starving, he's moaning loud, & then he feels the knot in his stomach, & he's struggling to tell you that it's coming, babbling & panting & whining, & then boom 💥 he shoots allllll over his chest, even hitting himself in the face & his voice sounds soooo wrecked as he rides out his orgasm. 😮‍💨
(omg I know I noticed when I started sending them in, the stars aligned perfectly 🌟)
Mhm mhm I completely getchu. It's even funnier cause you knowwww some of these people who think they're completely. straight would quickly discover they're actually bi & have just been ignoring that side of themselves. Only as long as they're not double penetrating every time cause your hole could not. withstand that kinda pounding all the time. 🥵
What'd you think? 🫣
You right, you right @ seeing it in Wally. And it makes complete sense for him + the other ghosts being more apathetic cause they have. been dead so long so it's like "Okay, girl, get it together, get with the program." Same, though @ not a villain there, but we'll just have to wait & see elsewhere. 👀 You'll have to let me know what you think. 😁 Yupppp. I wish I had looked more closely in the fandom while Tommy was still around cause reading some fics with him is like 😮‍💨 Agreed. The twist is. shocking in the moment, but it's also not...really a twist? cause it doesn't really change the way you watch the movie like II does.  😶‍🌫️ Exactly. I know it's not groundbreaking cause a LOT of people have it ranked last but there's a good reason for why cause like...just looking at it speaks for itself. 💀
Soooo real for loving Jacob. I'm partial to Dylan myself, but Jacob highly ranks for me too cause the whole weird situationship between him & Emma just makes me feel bad for him cause he's SO excited (& yes, making poor decisions), but the game never makes a good case for her behavior compared to THE UD queen herself Emily. 🤫 Another thing that seems lacking is the missing genre subversion compared to UD. It is just. werewolves &...that's it. 😶 Yes to all of that. Like, it's understandable in certain. contexts to be like, "I would like this specification, thank you," but the entire default weirdness just rubs me the wrong way. Yes, be as self-indulgent as you want to be with fics, but...your privilege is showing @ all the people who unironically fall into the default trap.
Ooh, then happy (super) early. bday! 🥰  He fr would only. have a jockstrap/athletic cup on down below dkfhdh. Ooh, I see, I see. I can see it being like the earlier discussed ~slip through the shorts idea~ where it is d i f f i c u l t for you to pay attention with him just...strolling around with all that hanging out. 😳
Thanks, I got reallyyyy carried away with them. 🫣 Luckily, you'll be thinking even more about all that with one of those requests in mind. 🎀
LMAO It really was skjdkn
Yup yup😮‍💨 Yes ugh I hate that he's treated as good as he is in the fandom. I like the guy but I did find him annoying and arrogant in the same way that Billy and Stu were, he was obsessed with movies as much, if not more, than them sooo. it's hard to really say I enjoy him as a character when he was a movie geek yet died because of his mistakes. And yeah, he dies at the right time because the next movie goes off the rails. AND YESSS I love that Scream embraces day-horror. The night is good and all to get spooky but I hate when its the only thing making it scary. Like, if your monster/killer doesnt hold up in the day, then whats the point? Yeah 5 can get a pass because different writers have their ideas of who can survive what and pain tolerance and all, but 6 was absolutely ridiculous because he was d e a d. nothing else about it.
I loveeee an orgasm that strong, like he's hitting his own face with his cumshot it's insane. (let's not get into hyperspermia because i could go into detail about a man who cums buckets) and yesss his voice straining and going higher than his register will allow🫣
Yeah like, I know I was someone's awakening LMAOOO nah jkjk But yeah I'm sure one settles to watch... eventually. whoever sits out/gets less action won't go down (haha literally) without a fight. But dp multiple times sounds like it hurts in a good way..
THE ASKS ARE SOOOO GOOD I LOVE THEM ALLLLLL!! will be writing them, and i love the RE one with Ryan🫣 I loveee me a ga(y)mer and RE is perfect because it's hard and makes the perfect sense to rage over (it took me ten hours to beat re2r and 14 for re4r ksjsd)
Yeah, and I thought it made sense since each episode switches potential suspects, and none of them are ghosts. That's why the end works soooo well because it's only then when they entertain the idea that the ghosts, who were all on Maddy's side, might actually be partially responsible for what happened to her. I love it, and it makes the whole "ghosts can't physically affect anything" rule (which is used to immediately clear them from suspicion.) I love Wally's energetic personality clashing with when he feels a little betrayed that Maddy cares more about her "old life" more than where she actually is. Perfect for villainy and tragedy (but that's just me wanting to see Milo be a villain skjdjksd) YESSS WHY IS TOMMY SO🫣 with Billy and Steve?? I hate that it was all abadoned when he was absent from s3 and 4 (and replaced by Eddie eventually.) II had the best twist because AMANDA AMANDA AMANDA (she got her rightful spot in dbd, too bad pig had been nerfed soo much😪 still a main though w/demo and tiff) her "game over" line is ringing in my ear like tinnitus all the time because its soooo good. Jigsaw is soooo bad. No OG characters, ties too much into the already convoluted of Saw 1-7, it's just... not good. At least Spiral tried something different and separated itself from Saw for it's reboot. The traps are so bad too.
Jacob gets so much hate for "not respecting boundaries" but when you see him and Emma together throughout the night... Emma also was the problem?? They make it clear that she was always changing her mind about whether or not she wanted to be with him and giving him mixed signals, and he does apologize in certain endings and she forgives him.. so I don't see the issue that he made a mistake tbh. (And sometimes characters have to make mistakes to put everyone in a bad situation, it's a human thing to do, and also he didn't know about the werewolves and hunter family.) Emily was so unproblematic I love her, and I'm glad TQ's final girl is Kaitlyn and not Emma or Abby (abby's fine, just forgettable tbh. feels like she exists solely for the straight romance w/ Nick. Her story doesn't go much of anywhere if you shoot Nick with silver in the poolhouse soooo.) Dylan is sooo adorable but I wish him and Ryan got more time together.. wasted potential tbh. I'm sayinggg with the default trap!! It's so annoying to think it's male but obviously skews to having the reader be described more feminine (which isn't a problem, just specify it ykyk)
LMAO you got it!! March 18th, lock it in😛 I was one day short of being classified as a leprachaun. Yeah maybe just a jock with the pocket space for a cup when he's on the field sljdsjdk Exactly!! Being in class and being too distracted by all that hanging out that only you get the pleasure of seeingggg
They're so amazing I love each one😮‍💨 and yes i willlll😛
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Ler Leaning Ranboo Week Masterlist
The official prompt list <3
Since it’s ler LEANING Ranboo month, I will be doing one day as lee Ranboo, the rest will be ler Ranboo, ler leaning Ranboo supremacy <3
1. Anticipation
Dream SMP - C!Ranboo/C!Tubbo
Tubbo is in a lee mood and goes to Ranboo about it, unfortunately for him, Ranboo’s in a ler mood and has decided to keep Tubbo in anticipation, but not for too long, right?
2. Inhuman Attribute
Origins SMP - O!Ranboo/O!Tommy
Ranboo is fascinated at the beautiful avian wings adorning Tommy, and he asks to touch them. Unbeknownst to both of them, Tommy’s wings are dreadfully ticklish and both will find this out very soon <3
3. Asking For It
IRL - CC!Ranboo/CC!Wilbur
Wilbur is in a lee mood so bad, that he goes to Ranboo about it. Of course Ranboo is more than happy to help out his friend, but on one condition…Wilbur must ask for it.
4. Teasing
Dream SMP - C!Ranboo/C!Technoblade
Ranboo is in a ler mood, and a teasy one at that. So he goes to Technoblade, and unbeknownst to Ranboo, Techno is is one of his very rare lee moods. How lucky for the both of them.
5. Revenge
Origins SMP - O!Tommy/O!Ranboo
So let’s just say Tommy didn’t take kindly to the wing tickles and decided to get some payback on the enderman.
6. Soft Tickles
IRL - CC!Ranboo/CC!Tommy
Tommy isn’t feeling well and first he asks for cuddles, which Ranboo happily provides. But then he asked for soft tickles, and Ranboo was even happier to provide.
7. Cuddles
IRL - CC!Ranboo/CC!Tubbo
Tubbo and Ranboo are cuddling when watching a documentary on bees, Tubbo was of course totally invested, and didn’t notice Ranboo’s growing ler mood. But this one was different, he had a craving to give soft tickles instead, cuddly soft tickles to be precise, how lucky for Tubbo.
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