#oc mirien
arianwyn-art · 11 months
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chatting with the besties but it’s about murder
hilde is enjoying her burrito
my art, don’t steal! this took me 11 hrs ack
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arofili · 3 years
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the line of elros ♚ royalty of gondor ♚ headcanon disclaimer
          Atanatar II was the only child of Hyarmendacil I. He lived in such ease and splendour that he became known as Alcarin, “the Glorious,” through no doing of his own: the wealth of his kingdom was enough. Atanatar replaced the original crown of Gondor with a jeweled helm, thinking only of his own glory and power, and not the battles his fathers had fought to achieve such magnificence. Under his reign, the watch upon Mordor was neglected, and the army his mother Rilyasicil had worked so hard to perfect fell into disrepair.           The wife of Atanatar was Míriën, daughter of the jewelsmith who crafted the new Helm of Kings. She popularized the style of facial piercings among the people of Gondor, though her own sons took no liking to this practice.           The children of Atanatar and Míriën were Narmacil and Calmacil, whose names glittered with the promise of war despite their own indolence. Narmacil inherited his father’s throne, spending most of his time absorbed in grand feasts and parties. He showed no interest in taking a spouse, and was indeed relieved when his brother Calmacil produced two sons of his own.           Narmacil named his nephew Minalcar the Regent of Gondor and sent him out to fight when the tribes of the East grew restless and thought to attack the South-kingdom while its kings neglected their borders. With the aid of the Woodsmen of Rhovanion, Minalcar defeated the invaders, and after this success he returned to Gondor having taken the name Rómendacil, after King Rómendacil I, another warrior who had defeated the Easterlings.           Worried that his nephew might seize the crown before his time, Narmacil sent him back to Rhovanion as an ambassador, using the Northmen’s history of disloyalty as an excuse for negotiation. Eventually this would lead to Rómendacil’s son marrying a princess of Rhovanion, and Narmacil achieved his purpose of occupying Rómendacil’s time so thoroughly that the thought of usurping his uncle did not even occur to him.
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datastate · 5 years
O’Chunks was cut off by another cold glare.
“My name, Chunks, is Dimentio.” The jester sneered, “Has much more of a flair to it, hm?”
“We both work for a new person, it’d be best if we forgot our past.” - characters: o'chunks and dimentio (who goes by the alias erebus for half the story!) i ended up rewriting some of these old ideas and compiling it all onto one doc? so, we got this! this is my version of canon wherein the o'chunks' traitor is dimentio. i miss writing for super paper mario, it was nice to revisit it, even if i was just reworking old ideas and premises.
bonus!! some dumb doodles of my ocs that make an appearance for two sentences. mirien and kenneth are the two top ones, and the one just beneath/beside them is kiyre!
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hiissingwastes-blog · 6 years
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hhhhhhhhh i've been basically dead of flu the last few weeks so no fic, sorry :/ but have a quick modern au mirien lavellan (they/ them). just playing around with a diff style?
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skysplinter · 7 years
Draft: Sweet Dreams
She struggles even as she sleeps. ‘Tis curious, to see how much a body knows even whilst it is not conscious. Not that there is any need for her to struggle, of course. She should know I mean her no harm. After all, we are of the same blood, her and I.
Fetcher squirms on her cheek, one of their long, probing limbs wriggling deeper into her ear canal. I can feel as they delve into her mind, and the crackling of the electrical pulses across her brain slowly become tangible to me; energy becomes a flicker of an image, a snippet of a sound.
As Fetcher’s tendrils anchor themselves to my sister’s thoughts, the images become clearer, lingering long enough in my own mind to leave imprints. Mere moments later, I find myself capable of poring through her memories almost at leisure. I learn her mind with fantastic speed.
Miri watches me from the other side of the room. I notice her only dimly, as my entire being is most preoccupied with searching through thoughts foreign to my own head. I know not if she approves, but for now, she is simply content with observing. Perhaps she is too afraid to act, I realise. After all, this is the first time she has seen Fetcher in action.
Well, there is no need to fear, little Miri. We are professionals in our field. My familiar and I have broken into many minds over my long years. True, not usually for such noble purposes as this, but it matters not. There is no need to fear.
I am searching for a memory. Romana’s mind is, of course, swamped with veritable oceans of information, fragments of her past, idle ponderings. As with all the minds I have entered, I am made abundantly aware of the monstrous wealth of Romana-ness which hides behind the facade she presents to others in her conscious state. An unprepared adventurer would risk losing themselves in the endless minutiae of her thoughts. But I am focused, and Fetcher knows what we are looking for.
A single memory, pulled from just a few hours ago. An unassuming conversation lost amongst the waves of idle chatter my dear sister has shared with countless others. I am looking for an exchange between her and myself, something I personally remember quite adequately without any aid.
Why search for something I already know? It is quite simple, really.
I am searching for the lie she fed me. And when I have found the root, I can pull the blasted weed out and start helping her with whatever she is hiding from me. I despair at how difficult siblings can be at times.
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