#ogl drama
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WotC wants the corporate speak to placate everyone into forgetting what they’re aiming for. Don’t let the outrage die.
UPDATE: These have been confirmed to be fake. Apologies for putting out fake information, that was not my intention. I’m not deleting this because a) it was my mistake and I don’t want to sweep my mistakes under the rug, and b) I want people to know it’s fake.
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ellismacvey · 1 year
Visual representation of WotC's D&D OGL 1.1
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salty-sweet-ren · 1 year
It's pretty clear that Critical Role is caught up in a bunch of legal tape and can't outright speak against WotC, but their statement is very cleverly worded to show their stance. Most notably: "That's exactly why we launched our own game publishing company a few years ago- because we believe that broadening the field of creators boosts the entire industry."
Based on a number of videos I've recently watched about the current situation and analyzing multiple documents and statements from Wizards, this is exactly what WotC doesn't want. The whole point of the updated OGL was to eliminate any competitors in the gaming industry. And Critical Role has just stated otherwise. I might even go so far as to say it's a threat- they can publish their own games now, they don't need WotC.
I've seen this said a few times and I think it applies here: DnD needed Critical Role to reach its current level of popularity. But Critical Role doesn't need DnD.
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pandacommander24a · 1 year
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Tried to explain the OGL scandal to my parents and decided to capture the feeling in a meme:
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(Picture source: Solving the Zelda Timeline in 15 Minutes, by Brian Davod Gilbert)
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parliamentofrooks · 1 year
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Likely as harsh a statement as they can make in the current legal situation.
Can't talk shit about Wizards and Hasbro but boy do we sure love all the things about the ttrpg community they are trying to destroy with greed. Also other systems exist and anyone can make a new one.
Hopefully we can hear something more substantial from them at some point after legal red tape is cleared up.
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thehomelybrewster · 1 year
An Implication from the SRD 5.1 being now under CC-BY 4.0 [NOT LEGAL ADVICE]
Thanks to WotC putting the entire SRD 5.1 under Creative Commons… They did do a slight blunder. They have surrendered certain terms that were previously deemed product identity!
beholder (listed as a typical aberration and as an example card in the Deck of Illusions)
mind flayer (also listed as a typical aberration, as well as when describing the Psychic damage type)
umber hulk (listed under the Guards and Wards spell and the Tremorsense entry)
All three were explicitly mentioned in the old SRD 5.1 that included the OGL 1.0a preamble as being part of product identity.
Arguably also included in this list are the following two entries, since they are "the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich", who is mentioned in the SRD as an example for the paladin's divine sense feature, and the slaadi, who are also included in the list of aberrations together with mind flayers and beholders.
Now what does this mean?
For one the stat blocks for any of these creatures is not available under CC-BY 4.0, and Count Strahd von Zarovich is a proper name of a developed fictional character. So, as a not-lawyer, I'd recommend you avoid using Strahd for any work derived under the CC version of the SRD 5.1 because that is not going to end well.
Now in regards to the slaadi, beholders, mind flayers, and umber hulks... You can definitely now mention these terms in your published homebrew (as long as it uses proper attribution under CC), so if you ever wanted to write a mind flayer adventure, you can now sa-fely create an encounter that includes a fight between the heroes and a group of four mind flayers led by an arcanist (with the clear implication that the DM needs to check the Monster Manual for the stat blocks) or similar. Creating custom stat blocks for these creatures, especially for commercial projects, is not advised.
Furthermore you can PROBABLY use these terms to label similar creatures in your original non-D&D works, as long as it also includes the proper attribution. Also I'd still suggest making an effort to make them distinct enough, so e.g. with beholders, yes to alien eye monsters, probably no to the typical arrogance and eye stalks.
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
People are mad on Twitter because Critical Role put out a statement that didn’t say much apart from supporting third party creators. Like what did people expect. Also some people are
Like this movement does not hinge on Critical Role. I’d love it if they said fuck WOTC but the damage has been done to WOTC regardless of Critical Role’s involvement. I don’t know if we’re safe yet regarding the OGL so either WOTC walk back the OGL changes more to nearly non existent OR creators move to a new system.
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cryoverkiltmilk · 1 year
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((credit to @thechekhov pre-edit))
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bookgirl120720 · 1 year
In Masks, a TTRPG where you play as young superheroes, you take conditions instead of damage. This reflects how decent superhero media is never really about who hits the hardest or the most. Power scaling is nonsense in capes shit, what matters is the narrative. This is a list of the conditions and how you heal them.
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You heal in this game by making poor life choices. Play it.
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Hey look, it’s the apology that should have been sent out three weeks ago. Better late than never I suppose. Give it a read. 
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uboat53 · 1 year
All right guys, far be it for me to defend a large, multibillion dollar corporation, but a thought just occurred to me that I think needs to be considered with regards to the D&D OGL situation.
What if, and bear with me here, what we're actually seeing is Hanlon's Razor. To quote:
"never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
And here's the thing, I think it may adequately be explained by stupidity.
I recently watched this video which made a point that a lot of legally minded people I'd been reading had made over the last week or so; nothing about the rules of Dungeons of Dragons can be copywrited or trademarked even if Hasbro or WotC wanted to.
All of the stuff that's grown up around D&D, the livestreamed games, the homebrew adventures, the custom monsters... none of it uses any material that WotC can actually copywrite in the first place.
And I suspect that this is what is behind the terms in the new OGL that seemed draconian. Yes, forcing Critical Role to pay 25% of all revenue over $750,000 would probably shut them down, but what if their lawyers correctly understood what they could and couldn't copywrite and didn't think about that because it wasn't an issue to begin with?
And when you understand it in those terms, the new OGL was actually shockingly generous. I mean, imagine if Disney were to say "yes, anyone can make their own material with Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck in it FOR FREE until you reach a certain amount of income after which you start paying us royalties."
Pretty much no other company in the world is that generous with their IP.
As I said, I'm not 100% sure that this is what happened, but stupidity always strikes me as more likely than pure, unadulterated evil when we're dealing with human beings so it seems likely to me that WotC/Hasbro's lawyers were simply unaware that we all thought that the OGL covered way more than it did.
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ellismacvey · 1 year
Its hilarious how Hasbro tried to make D&D players pay a 25% imagination tax and the entire community was like "no eat shit" so instead of just not doing the thing Hasbro released a bunch of statements with obvious lies and continued doing the thing
On a completely unrelated note, you should check out this weird website I found that has literally all the rules for Pathfinder 1E and 2E:
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poikilosblog · 1 year
OGL 1.0a was challenged, lay aside SRD
The unfortunate truth is that by challenging the OGL 1.0a in the OGL 1.1 leaks, the rights holders have shown they are willing to act in bad faith regardless of their weak and smarmy comments in the OGL 2.0 announcement which still has fallen short of confirming 1.0a is irrevocable. They are no longer trustworthy. I will not use SRD content anymore. The print edition of my book will be whatever seems both fitting and viable, so Pathfinder 2e seems best. The SRD 5 edition is still available here: https://zahyest.com
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
*climbs out of rabbit hole covered in dirt, spiderwebs clinging to mining helmet*
Sorry. Had a sudden thought that Predathos = OGL shit, as in "let's defeat the people who want to unleash the god-eater to destroy the foundations of our world" and now I have a headache.
I thought I saw a connection down there, but I probably didn't, and those tunnels are dark and my light went out.
I mean, if you think about it, stealing away creative agency so that players have to buy in to one specific source sounds a lot like unleashing a horror from beyond the stars to consume all divine beings and likely set off a cataclysm that could destroy the foundations of the world we've come to love.
Whew, it was dark down there. Anyone seen my cat?
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oldfatwarlock · 1 year
With the OGL kerfuffle going on, I’ve realized something as I consider the corporate greed, people cancelling D&D Beyond subs, some vowing to stop buying any D&D stuff again, etc., and even the notion of just letting D&D go: I don’t think I need any more D&D.
There’s 5 editions of the game I can play (six if you include OD&D,) as well as a number of variants (OSR, Pathfinder, 13th Age, etc.) Do I really need a 6th edition of this game?
D&D means a lot to me. I love it. It was my first TTRPG. I have so many fond memories of friends tied to us playing D&D together. But seeing the corporate greed, and the damage WOTC/Hasbro have done, maybe it is time to (as one TikToker put it,) put D&D on the shelf. Besides the many variations and editions, there’s also a LOT of other RPGs out there to experience. I think I’m going to put D&D on the shelf.
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