#old starlight theater
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I love drawing this bitch fr fr
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
More Hatchetverse Theory: Sycamore High and the Timberwolves are connected to the Hatchetmen and the Tree-People
Starkid's Hatchetverse has retriggered my hyperfixation, and by golly if you think I'm not gonna share every unhinged theory...you're wrong. I’ll tag them “#hatchetverse theory” to make it easier. So let's dive in.
One thing I haven't seen anyone talking about is the fact that, based on what we know about canon, Sycamore High School likely shouldn't exist.
Hatchetfield is a "tiny town". There doesn't seem to be a reason for them to have two high schools, especially when Sycamore seems to not even have enough staff and students for most extra curriculars and programs (in TGWDLM, Paul mentions they don't have a theater program).
So why does Sycamore High School exist? Well, one thing I noticed was that SYCAMORE High as well as its mascot, the TIMBERwolves, have tree related pun names. And what a coincidence, trees happened to be big in the hatchetfield universe, particularly when it comes to the hatchetmen and their hatred of the LIB and magic/“the gift” in general. They did plant a forest of magic tree people after all. And, since they hate the LIB so much, they likely wouldn't want their children attending high school at one of the black altar locations, which just so happens to be Hatchetfield High. That gives them a motivation to build an alternative school.
Sounds like a pretty solid theory to me, but then there's also the fact that the residents also seem to have an odd attitude towards Sycamore High. It's not hated by Hatchetfield High with the same level of hatred they give the Clivesdale Chemists, but they still don't like Sycamore, and the students hate the idea of transferring there. Which seems odd. You'd think it would be the other way around since Hatchetfield High is the school with the black altar. Unless being around a black altar makes the students hate Sycamore, and I could probably do a whole different rant on how the LIB's influence is messing with the perceptions and behavior of the people of Hatchetfield, particularly at the altar locations or when someone uses or has used the black book, but maybe I'll save that for later.
However, if you really wanted to take this theory to the extreme, it could be part of the reason why Paul "doesn't like musicals." Musicals and music are the primary way Pokey expands his influence in Hatchetfield, at least in TGWDLM. That might be one of the reasons Sycamore doesn't have a choir or theater program: not just due to lack of students, but strategically to keep Pokey's influence out. Paul went to Sycamore High, which isn't a black altar (and indeed, might even be designed to counteract or resist the LIB), therefore he's more put off by music and musical performances in Hatchetfield, though he doesn't really know why.
I also suspect this isn't the only instance where the name of locations around town have significance. This has already been seen several times, particularly with the black altar locations.
For example:
The Starlight Theater: has a star theme similar to "the Church of the Starry Children"
CCRP (COVEN Communication Research and Power): Literally has the word "Coven" in it.
Lakeside Mall: Used to be the old mill (which would be located near water, also "mall" and "mill" are one letter off).
And trust me, I have my theories about Clivesdale as well, but again, maybe that one is better for another time.
I hope you enjoy Starkid fandom!
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isa-beenme · 9 months
Solo Dad Rhys!!!! Fluff piece!!!
I'm sorry for giving a villain arc to Feyre but HEY history needs to happen okay?
Nyxie baby cutie boo making his first appearance in my blog, welcome babyyyy
My mind just went FUOOOOOON once I imagined the story, I SWEAR I was riding my bike when I thought of this and had to stop middle way to my house just to think it better
Yes I changed the lyrics of Wait For It to fit the history, and yes I invented a whole bunch of shit about velaris WHO CARES
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Wait For It
In the breathtaking realm of the Night Court, the stars gleamed like diamonds in the obsidian sky, casting their ethereal glow upon the majestic city of Velaris below. Amidst the grandeur of the court, Nyx, a cherubic young boy of ten, with unruly dark curls and captivating violet eyes, eagerly awaited his Wednesday night escapade.
Nyx's parents were once deeply in love, but Feyre, burdened by a restless heart, had returned to her once fiancee, Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court, after giving birth. In the aftermath of her choices, she had bitterly slandered Rhysand and his family, a web of lies that entangled them in trouble. Despite the turmoil, Rhysand only devoted himself to raising Nyx, juggling the responsibilities of both a powerful High Lord and a dedicated father.
But Nyx had a little secret, a sanctuary that filled his heart with joy amidst the chaos. Every Wednesday night, he would give his father an innocent lie, claiming to attend "extra classes" while secretly venturing to the grand theater of Velaris in the bursting heart of music and arts of the Rainbow.
The first time it happened was pure coincidence. The grand theater of Velaris hummed with the anticipation of the evening's performance. Nyx had just learned how to winnow and having his father's mischievous spirit, he went after the wave of emotion that spread everywhere he went, sneaking into an empty booth Nyx sat in awe, waiting to witness the lady everyone affectionately called "Starlight" take the stage once more. He wore a dashing little suit, feeling every inch a proper gentleman as he eagerly anticipated the show.
As the curtains rose, Nyx's eyes widened in wonderment as "Miss Starlight" appeared, bathed in the spotlight's embrace. Her voice, like a thousand twinkling stars, filled the theater, capturing hearts with its enchanting melody. She actually portrayed a character named Starlight, who reunited the story of Velaris and told it in a song, bringing the city to life and giving it a soul she shared with on stage.
When the final notes of the performance echoed through the theater, the audience erupted in thunderous applause. Nyx, who had been clapping with glee, could hardly contain his excitement as he jumped up from his seat. He knew that he had to speak to her, to let her know how much he adored her singing. With determination in his heart, Nyx slipped away from the public side, weaving through the crowd until he reached the backstage area. His little heart pounded with nervous excitement, but he couldn't let fear hold him back, he knew this was his chance to talk to the performer.
Peeking around the corner, he spotted her, still dressed in her celestial attire, chatting with some of the crew. Nyx took a deep breath, mustering all the bravery a seven-year-old could have, and stepped forward, clutching a small bouquet of flowers he had summoned from his auntie Elain's garden.
- Um, excuse me, miss Starlight? - He called out softly, a touch of shyness evident in his voice. The lady turned, and a radiant smile graced her features as she noticed the adorable little boy approaching her.
- Why, hello there - She said warmly, going down on her knees to meet his eyes. Her sparkling dress made a pool of diamonds shine around her, making her look even more like an angel - And who are you, young man?
- I'm a big fan - He whispered in shyness, hands sweating as he offered her the bouquet and she took it.
- Is my big fan's name Nyx, I suppose? - She asked as if it was a secret, Nyx's eyes widened in surprise.
- You know my name? - She chuckled gently and offered him a hand, one he gladly took in.
- Of course, I remember you. You've been coming here with your father to see the renewal, haven't you? - Nyx's cheeks flushed with delight, feeling like he was known and seen by someone special.
- Yes! I love music, and I loved, even more, your singing, Miss Starlight. It's like true magic! - She laughed, even then she sounded like she was made of music.
- Well, thank you, Nyx. That's such a lovely compliment - She replied, touched by his sincerity. Nyx pointed to her bouquet, a bit shy when she held it close to her heart.
- These are for you. They're from the Night Court's garden - He proudly said and she smiled even more.
- Thank you, sweetheart - She said, looking at the flowers with gratitude - They're beautiful, just like you - His heart swelled with joy at the praise, and a wide grin spread across his face.
- Can I, um, watch all your performances, Miss Starlight? - Her eyes sparkled with warmth and affection.
- Oh, absolutely! I would be delighted to have my biggest fan in the audience at every show - Nyx beamed, feeling like the luckiest boy in all of Prythian.
- Yay! Thank you! - He ran to hug her, taking care to not step in her dress or ruin her hair which had sparkles that shined like the stars he loved to see. As their conversation continued, Nyx's initial shyness faded away, replaced by a blossoming friendship. The lady shared stories of her love for music and the theater, and Nyx listened with rapt attention, hanging on to her every word.
From that day forward, Nyx became a regular presence at her performances. He would sit in the front row or in the same booth when he didn't feel like gaining attention from the citizens, his eyes alight with wonder, as "Miss Starlight" sang and danced with grace and passion. And each time the curtains fell, she would come to greet him, and they would share heartwarming conversations that left Nyx feeling like he had found a kindred spirit.
Their bond grew stronger with each passing performance, and Nyx's admiration for "Miss Starlight" only deepened as the years passed. Their friendship was a radiant star in the young boy's life, casting a luminous glow on his days in the Night Court. And every time he watched her on that mesmerizing stage, he couldn't help but feel that he was in the presence of true magic. There, he would be enchanted over and over again by a sweet and lovely lady, her voice as mellifluous as the Night Court's nocturnal symphony.
It took years for Nyx to finally come up with a good and durable excuse for his lack of presence every Wednesday night, sometimes even missing dinner with his family when his favorite singer invited him to dine with the rest of the cast that presented the show. Unknown to Nyx, in one of his hidden escapes, his father was making his way across the city. Under the veil of night, the streets of Velaris were bathed in a silvery glow. High Lord Rhysand, cloaked in shadows, followed the path toward one of his favorite restaurants.
While he passed through some of the streets he met Nyx's teacher walking next to the River. Curious as to why she was there he trailed her discreetly, observing her every move with a mixture of concern and curiosity. As the lady entered a quaint restaurant, Rhysand waited a moment before stepping inside. He chose a discreet corner, keeping his features hidden from curious gazes. The restaurant hummed with soft conversation and the clinking of glasses, creating a cozy ambiance.
After what felt like an eternity, the lady emerged from the restroom, looking elegant and serene. Rhysand steadied himself, deciding it was time to confront her.
- Excuse me, miss - As she walked past his table, he spoke in a low, steady voice. She turned, her eyes meeting Rhysand's, and for a moment, he saw a glimmer of recognition. However, she quickly masked it with a polite smile.
- Yes, can I help you, my Lord? - Her face was calm, too calm for someone that was supposed to be with somebody else's son and not at a restaurant having a date.
- I believe you've been teaching my son, Nyx, for the past few years - Rhysand began, maintaining an air of formality.
- Oh, Nyx - She replied, her eyes brightening with fondness - Such a charming and talented young boy. He's been attending my classes for a while now, yes.
- I must apologize for any misunderstanding, but I can't seem to understand why you are here if he was supposed to be in class right now - The lady's expression faltered, and she seemed to grasp the seriousness of the situation.
- I... I don't have formal classes with him on Wednesdays, per se. Nyx has been coming every Saturday afternoon for his lessons - Rhysand became desperate for a second, and his heart clenched with worry for his son's safety.
- So he's been lying to me - He said, his voice tinged with disappointment. The lady's eyes softened with understanding.
- I'm sorry if I inadvertently became part of his secret. I never knew he was hiding the truth from you - His ears pricked at her words, curious as to why she didn't seem any sort of nervous
- What do you mean by "hiding the truth from me"? Do you know where he is? - She seemed confused for a second, before a smile plastered on her face.
- Everyone in the streets of the Rainbow knows where the little prince goes on Wednesdays, we all assumed you and your family knew too. It's not uncommon to find him walking down the city with the actors that play in the theater - His eyes softened at hearing his son was safe and his citizens were somehow taking care of him - I'm sorry for not noticing your lack of knowledge on his where being.
- You have nothing to apologize for - Rhysand replied, his tone gentler now - I appreciate your honesty. I was just worried for his safety once I saw you here.
- He's safe with the crew, they are lovely people to be around, I actually befriended some of them, there's nothing to fear - the lady assured him, her sincerity evident - He's such a joy around them, and he's genuinely passionate about music and theater. You need to listen to him talk about his "Miss Starlight" and detail every new performance of hers - Rhysand couldn't help but feel a hint of gratitude toward the lady for cherishing his son's company. A smile graced the lady's lips, and a sparkle danced in her eyes - He's a remarkable young boy, and it's been so sweet to hear him talk about this lady, you should probably meet her and thank this female for making him so happy. He's always so enthusiastic.
- I'm planning to talk to him about this - Rhysand said, his voice tinged with gratitude, though - But I would like to be informed of any action by him, apparently there are a lot of things I don't know about. Thank you once again - As she nodded with a small smile Rhysand quickly winnowed to the Town House, calling an urgent meeting with his family.
The Night Court's Inner Circle gathered in a quiet corner of the luxurious house, their faces reflecting concern and curiosity. Rhysand sat at the head of the table, his heart heavy with worry for his young son, Nyx. He had discovered Nyx's secret escapades to watch "Miss Starlight," the lady whose performances had captured his son's heart, and now he needed advice on how to handle the situation. Mor leaned forward, her brows furrowed with worry.
- So, he's been going to watch performances instead of attending classes, is that what you just said? - She asked, concern lacing her voice.
- Yes, and he's been lying about it for a while now, years probably. I didn't find out until this night when I found his teacher in a restaurant, and I'm not sure how to address it without making him feel ashamed - Rhysand nodded, his voice tinged with regret.
- He's a curious child, Rhysand. He probably felt the need to hide it because he thought you'd disapprove - Amren, always the pragmatic one, spoke up.
- I can understand why he'd be drawn to her performances. She's a true star on that stage - Cassian chimed in, his face thoughtful.
- And she's been wonderful with Nyx - Azriel added quietly - I've seen her interact with him after her shows, and the way he lights up in her presence is undeniable.
- Wait, wait, wait, both knew he was going to her performances and none of you thought about telling me? - His brother's expression fell at their mistake, slowly looking at each other before looking at their High Lord again.
- Maybe? I mean, we saw him on the front row once and when we made sure he was safe we left him there - Cassian explained first, exchanging looks with the shadowsinger.
- We were waiting for him to tell you - Azriel closed the conversation, looking at the ground in shame.
- Hold on, the actress we are talking about is the one who played Edwina in "Whimsical Serenade"? - As Cassian and Azriel eagerly agreed, their faces lighting up, Morrigan laughs hard, finally understanding the whole situation - Of course! It all makes sense now! Even I lied to you once to go watch her performance with Elain. I didn't notice Nyx there, though.
- Isn't she the one who plays Rhysand in "A High Lord's Duel"? - Amren jumps in the conversation, and Nestha's eyes widened at the mention - Holy shit, she is amazing. It actually scared me how well she incorporates Rhysand in the scenes with Tamlin.
- If so she is the one who plays Eliza in "A Heartfelt Symphony" - All of them agreed to her statement, starting a discussion about her talent and performances.
- Let me get this straight, all of you watched her at least once? - As the Inner Circle discussed Nyx's infatuation with "Miss Starlight", as well as their experiences with her, unbeknownst to them, the young boy himself stood at the doorway, eavesdropping on the conversation with a mix of fear and guilt. He knew he had let his father down, and he dreaded facing the consequences of his actions.
Before Nyx could retreat, Mor's keen senses detected his presence. She glanced towards the door and smiled warmly at him.
- Nyx, come on in. We were just discussing your little adventures - His little heart pounded in his chest, but he knew he couldn't hide anymore. Nyx took a deep breath and stepped into the room, his violet eyes meeting his father's concerned gaze.
- Nyx - Rhysand began gently - We know about your visits to watch the shows at the theater. Why didn't you tell me the truth?
- I didn't want you to be angry with me, Papa. I love her singing, and I didn't think you'd let me go if you knew - Nyx's shoulders slumped, his voice small.
- Nyx, I'm not angry with you. I just want to know the truth. You don't have to hide anything from me - Rhysand softened, understanding his son's fear.
- Plus, we all know about her. You're not the only one who's watched her perform, little one - Mor grinned, her eyes twinkling mischievously. Nyx's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked around at the Inner Circle, finding nods of agreement from each of them. The knowledge that everyone knew and still supported him brought a smile to his face.
- You guys have seen her too? - Nyx asked in awe.
- Of course! We had to make sure you weren't getting into any trouble, boo - Cassian chuckled.
- Papa, please come with me to the next show. She's amazing, and I think you'll like her too - Nyx turned back to his father, his eyes earnest.
- Yes, Daddy, Miss Starlight is the best in the whole wide world - Nestha chuckled before earning a warning glare from the High Lord.
- All right, Nyx. I'll go with you, and we can enjoy her performance together - Rhysand's heart swelled with love for his son and his genuine enthusiasm.
Nyx beamed, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He knew he could trust his father, and having him there by his side meant the world to him. And so, with the support of the Inner Circle and his loving father, Nyx felt a newfound sense of confidence. He had learned that honesty and trust were the building blocks of their family, and he was eager to share the magic of "Miss Starlight" with the one person he loved most in the world – his Papa, the High Lord of the Night Court.
As fate would have it, one week later they arrived at the theater, Rhysand's heart pounding in his chest with a nervousness he hadn't felt for years. He let Nyx guide them to one of the booths that held an upper vision of the scenario, his son kept gazing at the stage with an enchantment that seemed to hold a spell over him. The performance began, and a whole bunch of songs were being presented that night. The musical was called "The Whole World of the Night Court", each actor portraying a different city of his territory, telling its story in the form of a song.
The lights turned off again, and Nyx started to shake completely in his chair with excitement. As the grand theater's velvet curtains parted, a hushed anticipation swept through the audience. A spotlight illuminated the stage, and there she stood, "Miss Starlight," bathed in a celestial aura, ready to weave her magic once more. Rhysand sat straighter in his seat, his heart fluttering with both curiosity and the enchantment that surrounded the mysterious lady, a sudden uneasiness taking his body.
As for Nyx, his wide violet eyes were shimmering with excitement, his small hands gripping the edge of the plush seat. He was eager to share this moment with his Papa, to introduce him to the magic that had captured his young heart. Her, interpreting once again her character Starlight, began to tell Velaris stories to the public as if it was her own, eyes shimmering at each word. Suddenly the orchestra began to play a mesmerizing melody, and the lady took a deep breath, her voice tinged with emotion as she began to sing. The soulful notes of the piano accompanied her melodic voice, setting the stage for the tale she was about to tell.
- Theodosia writes me a letter every day; I'm keeping the bed warm while her father is away, He's on the human side in Prythian; He's trying to keep the colonies in line; But he can keep all of Prythian; Theodosia, she's mine - She sang, making a clear reference to the firstly High Lord that idealized Velaris as a gift to his wife, Theodosia. This fact made Rhysand even more aware of the spectacle.
- Love doesn't discriminate; Between the sinners and the saints; It takes, and it takes, and it takes; And we keep loving anyway; We laugh, and we cry, and we break, and we make our mistakes; And if there's a reason I'm by her side; When so many have tried; Then I'm willing to wait for it; I'm willing to wait for it.
With a glance at Nyx, who was completely enthralled by the performance, Rhysand knew that this lady had the power to touch hearts and ignite imaginations.
- My grandfather was a fire and brimstone preacher; But there are things that the homilies and hymns won't teach ya; My mother was a genius; My father commanded respect; When they died, they left no instructions; Just a legacy to protect - At that she clearly meant the legacy every High Lord had to carry to protect the city, himself being one of the many that had to sacrifice a lot to keep the secret - Death doesn't discriminate; Between the sinners and the saints; It takes, and it takes, and it takes; And we keep living anyway; We rise, and we fall, and we break, and we make our mistakes; And if there's a reason I'm still alive; When everyone who loves me has died; I'm willing to wait for it; I'm willing to wait for it.
As the chorus echoed through the theater, Rhysand felt a connection to the song's message. He understood the yearning for something that might be just out of reach, and it resonated deep within his soul.
- Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait - The quiet intensity in her expression held the audience captive while the back vocals reached their peak, and Rhysand found himself captivated as well, unable to look away.
Her voice rose, reaching heights that seemed to touch the very stars, and as the orchestra swelled around her, Rhysand could feel the passion in every word she sang.
- I am the one thing in life I can control; I am inimitable, I am an original; I'm not falling behind or running late; I'm not standing still, I am lying in wait - He understood it as a way of saying how every city thrived and Velaris kept being a hidden city towards the other courts - Nightmare's face is an endless uphill climb; He has something to prove; He has nothing to lose; Nightmare's pace is relentless, he wastes no time; What is it like in his shoes?
Nightmare was one of the characters previously introduced in the show, representing the Hewn City and their politics of participating in every decision, especially by being the formal representation and the known image of the Night Court.
- Nightmare doesn't hesitate; He exhibits no restraint; He takes, and he takes, and he takes; And he keeps winning anyway; He changes the game; He plays and he raises the stakes; And if there's a reason he seems to thrive when so few survive; Then, goddammit, I'm willing to wait for it; I'm willing to wait for it - Her voice went to a soft breeze, tickling Rhysand's soul as she rose her voice again for the final chorus - Life doesn't discriminate; Between the sinners and the saints; It takes, and it takes, and it takes; We rise, and we fall; And if there's a reason I'm still alive; When so many have died; Then I'm willing to - Her eyes met his in the middle of the public, a sense of understanding passing through them, an unspoken love for their court and the child both of them unknowingly raised together. She was still looking him deep in his eyes as she smiled and repeated the final phrase - Wait for it.
The final verse carried an air of determination, of embracing the journey and whatever it may bring. As the last notes reverberated through the theater, the audience erupted in applause, their hearts touched by the lady's stirring performance. Rhysand glanced at Nyx, whose eyes shone with a mixture of awe and admiration.
- That was amazing, Papa! Did you like it? - Nyx asked, his voice brimming with excitement.
- Yes, my star, I loved it. And I'm glad you brought me here to experience it with you - Rhysand smiled, his heart full of love for his young son and the lady who had brought so much joy into their lives.
Amid the ending performance with a song that reunited all of the cast together, the lady glanced up and met Rhysand's intense stare once again, singing some of the parts to him, in that fleeting moment the music seemed to draw them closer, and when she smiled bright and big and bowed to him in the end, his heart skipped a beat.
The final notes of the fun goodbye to the cast proportionate filled the air as the audience erupted into thunderous applause again. Nyx's heart swelled with pride, knowing that his Papa, the High Lord of the Night Court, had enjoyed the mesmerizing magic of "Miss Starlight's" song, just as he had. He couldn't wait to introduce them properly. As the crew took their final bow and the curtain fell, Nyx tugged on his father's hand, his excitement evident in his wide, sparkling eyes.
- Papa, come on! Let's go meet her! - He exclaimed, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. Rhysand chuckled at his son's exuberance, happy to see him so thrilled.
- All right, lead the way, little star - He said, following Nyx as they made their way backstage.
Behind the curtain, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as the crew congratulated the lady on her outstanding performance. Nyx's eyes searched for her, and when he finally spotted her amidst the commotion, he pulled his father towards her.
- Miss Starlight! - Nyx called out, his voice filled with adoration. The lady turned, her eyes lighting up when she saw Nyx approaching with Rhysand in tow. She smiled warmly, her gaze moving from Nyx to Rhysand.
- Hello there, both of you - She greeted them, her voice as sweet as a lullaby. Nyx beamed, proud to have his father by his side.
- This is my Papa, the High Lord Rhysand. Papa, this is Lady Starlight, High Lady of the musical theater - he said, introducing them with a touch of pride.
- It's a pleasure to meet you, My Lord - The lady said, offering a graceful curtsy - Nyx has spoken very highly of you. I couldn't wait to finally meet the father of my biggest fan - Rhysand couldn't help but feel a hint of curiosity as he looked at the lady before him.
- Likewise - He replied with a genuine smile - Your performance was extraordinary. I've never heard such a captivating voice. And please, call me Rhysand, or Rhys - Her cheeks flushed with a blush of delight, and she bowed her head slightly
- Thank you, Rhysand. I'm honored that you enjoyed it - Before Nyx could contain his excitement, he interjected.
- Papa, you should ask her out on a date! - He shouted to his father, jumping up and down in place as he looked at both of the people he loved the most in the world (not that he would ever admit it next to the rest of his family). Rhysand blinked, surprised by Nyx's candid suggestion. He exchanged a glance with the lady, and a soft smile played on her lips.
- Is that so? - He asked, humor dancing in his eyes. Nyx nodded enthusiastically.
- Yes! She's really nice, and I know you'll like her. And I really want to call her mommy. And I'll change my name to Nyxie Starlight, and we'll be a family - Rhysand couldn't help but chuckle at his son's matchmaking efforts. Nyx, in his characteristic innocence, suggested they should marry soon so that Rhysand could be Mister Starlight, Nyx's mind forever intertwining her character's name with her true identity.
- Well, if it's alright with you, Miss Starlight, I'd love to take you out for a date - The lady's smile grew, her eyes shining with amusement.
- I'd be delighted, Rhys - The blush that covered her cheeks made Rhysand's heart flutter in a way he hadn't felt, even when he was with Feyre.
Nyx reveled in having both his beloved daddy and his adored Starlight in his life, and Rhysand found solace and bliss in a love he thought he would never experience again.
As they exchanged information and chose a day and place, Nyx couldn't contain his excitement, thrilled that his plan had worked. He knew that this lady had brought so much joy into his life, and he wanted nothing more than to see his Papa happy as well.
As they bid their farewells and left the theater, Rhysand felt a sense of warmth in his heart, grateful for the magical night he had shared with his son and the enchanting lady they now knew as "Miss Mommy Starlight." And as they looked up at the starlit sky above the Night Court, Rhysand knew that the adventure they had embarked upon was just beginning, an adventure filled with love, music, and the serendipitous magic of young hearts.
They embraced the magic of their fate, as their lives intertwined like a dance, creating a tale of love that would be whispered through the ages in the immortal lands of Prythian as the most magically musical love story that ever ran through history. Or the most disgustingly cute, as Nyx would proclaim, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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The Black Alters
Disclaimer: I have not had the chance to see Workin' Boys yet, so this post will not account for that, even though it takes place at a black alter (the Starlight theater).
From Nerdy Prudes Must Die, we learn that there are five black alters--places the Waylons built.
The Waylon House
The Starlight Theater
Hatchetfield High School
Lakeside Mall, formerly the old mill
The Gazette, currently CCRP Technical
Each black alter is featured in at least one Hatchetfield production, and many Hatchetfield productions take place at or feature a black alter.
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals features the Starlight theater, Hatchetfield high school, and CCRP Technical.
Black Friday takes place at Lakeside Mall.
Forever and Always features CCRP Technical, formerly the Gazette.
Time Bastard features CCRP Technical, formerly the Gazette (as shown in that episode).
Honey Queen takes place at the Starlight theater.
Daddy features Lakeside Mall.
Yellow Jacket features Lakeside Mall.
Nerdy Prudes Must Die takes place at the Waylon house, the Starlight theater, and Hatchetfield high school.
8/15 Hatchetfield productions either take place at or feature a black alter. If we're counting how many mention one of those five places as well, that number would be a lot higher.
Just a fun detail I noticed.
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amethystunarmed · 4 months
Old Men Should Be Allowed to Sob in Privacy
Word Count: 1,849 AO3 Link Part 1 A little less than a week after the murders at the Starlight Theater, Paul cleans out Ted's desk.
Paul didn’t think he would ever be doing this. To be fair, there were a lot of things Paul didn’t think he’d do. Skydiving, moving out of Hatchetfield, going to see any musical that happens to be playing at the Starlight. But this? This was very much not something he expected. 
On principle, he hated going into Ted’s office. Being perfectly frank, it stank. Paul didn’t know what cologne Ted used (or what smell he was trying to cover up) but the stench overwhelmed him and he got a headache just by stepping foot through the door. A chemical aftertaste settled in his mouth and stuck with him for the rest of the day. 
Even worse than the odor was the fact Ted tended to take anyone stepping foot into his office as an invitation to start a conversation. The last time Paul had taken papers to Ted in his office, Ted had trapped him in small talk for nearly an hour and a half, switching between asking invasive questions about his dates with Emma and lamenting his own troubled love life. Paul learned more about Ted and Charlotte in that time than he had ever wanted to know. After that, he had sworn off ever returning. If Ted needed something, he could get up and get it himself.
And yet, here he was, not only in Ted’s office, but going through his desk. He is sure that Ted would have choice words to say if he were here, but that’s the problem, isn’t it? 
Ted isn’t here.
The flower arrangement outside is nice. For as much as Melissa openly despised Ted, she picked a tasteful bouquet. It sits next to the office door on a side table she pulled from the break room with a picture of Ted’s work headshot. He knows she also sent out an email to the whole office to collect donations for help with the funeral arrangements, and he thinks people are actually donating to it. It is all very tasteful, and so very not Ted. Paul can practically hear him bitching about it, complaining that they didn’t use one of his thirst traps from his Tinder. The thought actually makes him choke up, so he shoves it away. 
It had taken Paul a while to enter the office. For what felt like years, he had just stood there, staring at the dead-eyed picture of Ted on the table, holding the empty box in his grasp. He was there so long, so lost in thought, that when Mr. Davidson walked up behind him, it nearly made Paul jump out of his skin. 
Mr. Davidson looked tired, worn down in a way he never does. Paul knows he normally kept a box of Red Bulls in the trunk of his car; the guy was practically synonymous with the phrase “pep in his step.” Seeing him exhausted like this makes Paul’s skin itch; it’s uncanny.
Mr. Davidson had asked about Charlotte, and Paul had said he hadn’t known where she was, like he hadn’t heard her sobbing when he’d passed the single bathrooms earlier. He had asked how Paul was doing, and if he had heard from Bill, and if he had needed anything, anything at all. It reminded Paul of that last long office conversation he’d had with Ted. Paul had wondered if Ted had actually been trying to annoy him, or if Ted had just been shooting the shit with the man he apparently considered to be his best friend. It made Paul’s head spin, and he gave Mr. Davidson single-word, emotionless answers to compensate for how his brain was reeling.
Mr. Davidson had offered to clean out Ted’s desk for him. Told Paul it isn’t his responsibility. Paul almost took him up on it, almost handed over the box so he could go and just sit with his head down on his desk for a few hours. But he remembered the look of relief on Peter’s face when Paul said he would do this, and shook his head. 
So here he is, rifling through Ted’s desk and feeling like some kind of voyeur. There aren’t too many personal items. It’s mostly files and notebooks full of snippets of code that Paul places in a stack for Mr. Davidson to sort through later. But he does find a few things. 
A little solar-powered hula dancer. A half empty bag of Twizzlers. A sticky hand Ted terrorized the office with after a trip to Pizza Pete’s last year. A mug with a picture of a unicorn that says “I’m Horny.” An orange puzzle box Paul remembers Ted cursing over when he should have been working.
A picture frame holding what Paul assumes is Peter’s most recent school photo. A candid shot of younger Ted holding a child upside down by their ankles at the beach is tucked into the corner. It is the happiest Paul thinks he’s seen Ted. Tears well in his eyes and he furiously wipes them away.
“How’s it going?” Someone asks from the doorway and Paul nearly drops the frame.
“Bill?” Bill hasn’t been back to the office, not since the... everything that went down at the Starlight. He honestly doesn’t look like he should be back now. It seems like a light breeze would knock him over. There are dark caverns under his eyes and his normally pressed shirt is rumpled. He isn’t even wearing a tie. “I feel like I should be asking you that,” Paul answers slowly. He places the frame into the box on the desk so his hands are free if he needs to catch Bill. He is not confident the man won’t drop into a dead faint at any moment. “Should you even be back?”
“I’m fine,” Bill says, obviously lying. Paul lets him. “I was going stir crazy alone at the house, figured work would give me something to focus on. But seriously, how are you doing? How’s Richie?”
Terrible, Paul thinks. He wakes up screaming most nights, and won’t calm down until he has me and Peter in his sights. Then he sobs for Ruth until he passes out. I haven’t gotten more than three hours of sleep a night since last Thursday.
Her funeral is Friday and I am not sure he is going to be able to handle it.
“He’s been struggling, but he’s a strong kid. He’ll get through.”
Bill nods and hums, but doesn’t question Paul’s lie anymore than Paul questioned his. “And Peter? Have you seen him since?”
He hasn’t left my house since that night. I mentioned going back to his apartment to him and he had a panic attack so bad we nearly had to call 911.
Paul nods. Bill hesitates. Richie had told Paul, when Peter was napping on the couch, about the confrontation outside of the Starlight, about the accusations Peter had hurled at Bill. Paul knows they aren’t true. Honestly, he is pretty sure Peter knows they aren’t true. But, considering the expression on Bill’s face, Paul isn’t sure it is something his friend has worked out for himself yet. 
“And how... how is he doing?”
Even worse than Richie, somehow. He is either fretting over what casket material Ted would prefer or staring blankly at a wall for hours while we gently try to bring him back into his body. We tried to send him to school and the school nurse called me in hysterics after it happened during class. It’s why I’m here, doing this, so that it’s one less thing he has to worry about.
Paul sighs. “He is about how you would expect. I know his girlfriend is trying to support him.”
Stephanie will sit with him and hold his hand and try not to cry as he has no reaction. I saw her on the news with her father while he talked about how the tragedy affected even his house, and the blank look on her face makes me scared to let her go home.
“It’s good the kids have a support system,” Bill says. “It sounds like you’re keeping a close eye on them.”
“Emma and I have been looking into therapists, just to give them a little more guidance. She’s been a godsend.” 
I saw the stricken look on her face when she realized it was one of her professors who had caused all of this. Her voice has been gone for days since she has had to take over as the main singer at Beanie's. She works double shifts most nights, but she still tosses and turns no matter how tired she is. She calls out for Jane in her sleep. I see the way she stares at Peter, the grief that pulses just below the surface, but she clams up when I try to help.
“Good, good,” Bill says absently. “That’s good.” His eyes have locked onto the box of Ted’s things. He swallows.
“Do you want to look through it? See if there is anything you want?” Paul asks, and Bill fervently shakes his head.
“No, I couldn’t.”
“I’m sure Peter wouldn’t mind.”
Bill chuckles wetly. “I am sure Peter already hates me enough.”
“That’s not true.”
“I killed his brother.”
Paul’s heart spasms. “Bill...”
“I didn’t even try to reach for him, after that director pulled the gun out. I just let him lie there.”
“Bill, he was shot in the head. There was nothing you could have done.”
“I went and checked on him, after... but... but there was so much blood.” Bill looks down at his hands, like he is still seeing them coated in red. “And... and his face...” Paul swallows. Ted had been shot in the back of the head, and the bullet had exited through his forehead. Peter had sobbed when the funeral home had recommended a closed casket. Paul is just happy they hadn’t given in to Peter’s demands to see him. “It... It was all my fault and I didn’t even try to save him...”
Bill’s breath hitches. Paul has never been good at dealing with crying people, but he has had a lot of practice over the last couple of days. He guides Bill to Ted’s office chair and sits him down. Bill slumps against him, and Paul places a hand on his shoulder to offer what comfort he can.
Later, Paul will go to Mr. Davidson’s office and tell him he is taking Bill home. Mr. Davidson will tell him to take the rest of the day and Paul will drive Bill home and make them both slightly burnt grilled cheeses and convince Bill to call Alice and tell her he loves her. He will drive back to his home and make sure Richie and Peter have actually eaten something and that they have started on the schoolwork that Stephanie drops off for them every evening. That night, he will collapse into Emma’s arms and finally let himself sob, because it’s not fucking fair.
But for now, he just lets Bill cry against him and tells his friend that it’s not his fault.
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bookshelf-in-progress · 4 months
A Song of Starlight: A Starfall Story
For the 2023 Inklings Christmas Challenge at @inklings-challenge, he's a story set and posted on December 28th--the Feast of the Holy Innocents.
A Song of Starlight
Johannes had once considered Oskar Abel a friend. The bright young manager who ran the theater, concert hall, and opera house funded by the Diriks starfall had secured Johannes the audition with the symphony orchestra, where he'd risen to first chair and featured violinist in this Christmas season's concerts. Now, as the slim, balding young man sat stiff and stone-faced behind the paper-strewn desk in his wood-paneled office, he looked like nothing but a toadying, soulless businessman.
Through the cracked-open window, Johannes could hear the daily rumble of the city street--the rattle of carriages, the distant chime of church bells, the shouts of girls selling stardust and boys selling newspapers. An entire world unaware that this supposed friend had just sent Johannes' world crashing down.
In a low voice, Johannes asked, "What do you mean, dismissed?"
Abel straightened a stack of papers against the top of his desk. "Lady Diriks has ordered that your employment with the Diriks Symphony Orchestra come to an end."
"Now? Three days after Christmas? In the middle of concert season?"
"Our patroness saw no other alternative." Abel pushed up his wire-rimmed spectacles. "I'm certain you're aware of the theft of one of the stars from the chandelier."
"Aware? The entire orchestra's been talking about nothing else since Christmas Eve!"
"I'm afraid suspicion has fallen on you."
Johannes' blood ran cold.
The star chandelier had been planned as the crowning glory of the Diriks family's new concert hall. Their mountain starfall was the prime landing place for solara stars--the largest and brightest stars that gave off the purest white light--and the intricate silver chandelier would hold a thousand of them. Lady Diriks' own son had supervised the construction, cutting every facet of every star himself. The day before its grand unveiling, one whole star had gone missing. Lady Diriks was out for blood.
Johannes had never dreamed it would be his blood.
After the shock passed, Johannes' temper rose. "What does that have to do with me? I've never seen the star! I barely walk past the workroom!"
The manager polished his glasses. "I'm afraid the circumstantial evidence against you is strong."
"What circumstantial evidence?"
"Several witnesses maintain that you were the last one in the building before the star was stolen."
"I stay late every night. I'm the featured violinist! This could make my career! I can't practice at home when I've got two sleeping daughters."
"You have recently purchased notably more expensive clothing."
"One suit! That I've been saving up for since July! I can't play for an audience of starfall elites in my old Sunday clothes."
"Stardust has been found in your dressing room."
"Cufflinks!" As the manager's face twisted in confusion, Johannes explained, "I can't afford real star fragments. I bought glass beads filled with stardust. They look almost like the real thing, but they shattered the first time I fastened them."
None of his explanations had any effect on the manager's placid face. "Nevertheless," Abel said, putting his glasses back on his face, "until a more thorough investigation can determine the star's whereabouts, Lady Diriks has deemed it best that you not be allowed on the premises."
"And how do they plan to give the Christmas concerts? Who else is supposed to play my solos?"
"Lars Henning is quite familiar with the music."
"Henning!" Johannes spat. "He's the one who accused me, isn't he?"
The manager blinked and did not speak.
The delay, the hesitation--he might as well have said it aloud.
Henning had hated Johannes since the day he had been given first chair. Johannes had seen the contempt and envy in his eyes every moment of every day. Henning couldn't accept that a starcatcher's son could rise above a scion of one of the city's wealthiest houses.
Johannes snarled, "And he's believed because his father owns a starfall while mine only gathered the stars that fell on it!"
Abel straightened his spectacles. "I assure you that no individual witness had any effect on our patroness' decision."
It would have made all the difference in the world. Starfall stock held fast to their own.
Johannes felt like the floor was falling out from under him. His anger turned into desperation. He leaned over the desk looked into the manager's eyes. "Oskar," he said, man to man, friend to friend, "you have to help me. I've worked for years to get here. I have a wife at home. Children. They need me to bring in--"
The manager's face softened. "A man of your talent will find employment in another company."
Johannes barked a humorless laugh. "A suspected star thief? Accused by Lady Diriks herself? They won't let me near the footlights!"
The manager sighed, and for a moment, he looked almost human. "I'm very sorry, Vinter, but the decision is out of my hands."
If he were sorry, he would have done something. Instead he'd caved to their patroness' demands without question. The odious, spineless, toadying pencil-pusher. A man of business in a house of art. If Johannes shook him, his brains would probably clink like coins.
Johannes picked up his violin and stormed toward the office door. "That'll be a comfort to me when my children are in the poorhouse, I'm sure."
Johannes refused to slink out of the theater like a disgraced criminal, so he put on his hat, overcoat, scarf, and gloves with professional precision, took up his violin case, and strode through the main lobby of the Diriks Concert Hall. The silver chandelier sprawled overhead, its million arms curling like ocean waves. In the light of day, its thousand stars were shuttered in closed lanterns that could be opened with the turning of a single lever. The masterpiece of Lord Bastiaan Diriks himself. Johannes hoped he'd go blind from it.
A single star missing out of a thousand, and Johannes' life was destroyed--his dreams, his hopes, an entire lifetime of work. Johannes' father had nurtured his talent for music, working double shifts to pay for his music lessons and later, to cover the costs that came even to students who went to the music schools on a full scholarship.
You're made for more than the starfields, his father had said. Find a job where they don't search your pockets for stars at sunrise like you're a common thief.
Now here Johannes was, a rising violinist in a prestigious symphony orchestra, cast out for the theft of a star. He could have laughed at the irony if he'd had any heart for it.
Outside, the sky was bright but overcast, sending down a light shower of snowflakes. Carriages rattled past, horses' hooves clattering on the cobblestones. The sidewalks were crowded with the skirts of window-shopping ladies, their children gazing in awe upon the the beautiful theaters. Johannes had hoped to bring his children here someday to see him play. Clara was almost old enough to come. She and Dorit would stay home this year, but his wife Agathe had tickets for the front row on New Year's Eve.
He couldn't face them yet. Couldn't come home in the afternoon when they wouldn't expect him until after midnight. He couldn't go into a tavern or cafe. He didn't dare to waste money on dining or drinking, and had no wish for company who'd know his face and want his story.
So he walked. Up and down the streets of the cruel stone city that had once been the fulfillment of all his hopes. Past markets filled with the luxuries he'd never be able to buy his children. Past houses owned by people who didn't know what it was to struggle and scrimp and have all your dreams destroyed. Past towering churches that seemed to laugh at all his prayers.
Night came early this time of year, and soon the city was darkening to match his mood. The lampkeepers emerged to uncover the streetlamps and unveil the common yellow star fragments within. High above in the clear, cold sky, a million stars, white and distant, seemed to mock him. Johannes knew the old tales of stars falling down to make the fortune of the penniless, virtuous hero who stumbled upon the treasure. If those stories had ever had any truth to them, they were only fantasy now. Should the largest, brightest star in all the heavens fall at his feet, Lady Diriks and her like would see him thrown in prison for touching it.
Ragged urchins came out of the shadows to gather stardust that had fallen from the lamps, or to offer it as heat or light to passersby. Johannes took a pinch of warming dust offered by a dirty-faced girl, placed it in his gloves, and immediately regretted the eighth-krenin he tossed her. He was like her now--always had been, he supposed--living off whatever scraps the rich saw fit to spare him, and he could spare few coins now.
Children shouted as a carriage sped through the streets--large and glossy, with gilded scrollwork and four of its very own star lamps. Through an open curtain, Johannes glimpsed a woman in a red silk gown who wore a dozen colored star fragments as jewels in her hair. Late to the theater, no doubt.
Were Johannes still with the orchestra, he'd be tuning up now. About to play one of the finest symphonies ever written for a crowd of the city's elite--people who'd paid hundreds of krenins to hear him play.
Johannes' temper rose. Lady Diriks had money enough to keep the world's finest musicians as trained pets, and keep the music they played as a luxury for the rich. All these people in the streets around him--good-hearted housewives, grocers, seamstresses, lampkeepers, even dustgirls--could not dream of such wonders.
Johannes could give them the symphony--his part of it, at least. His violin was tuned, his fingers were trained. He could give these people music that the wealthy of the city spent hundreds to hear. If Lady Diriks didn't want him, he would give her music away.
Johannes strode into the pool of yellow light cast by the nearest star lamp. With brisk motions, he set down his case, removed his gloves, picked up his violin, and began to play.
Birgit rushed toward the shining pile of stardust near the lamp post. She knelt on the frozen walkway and tried to gather the glowing treasure into Mama's little clay jar. Mama said falling stardust was the cleanest--Birgit should have been here when the lampkeeper uncovered and cleaned the lamp--but maybe Birgit could wash it in the fountain near the church. She'd watched Mama do it a hundred times. Stardust floated, and she could skim it up with her cloak. Then she could take it to the glassmaker on 42nd Street. He was kindest and gave the most coins.
Birgit had to sell all the stardust she could. Stardust meant coins, which meant clothes and bread and maybe a bed. There was no Mama to get these things. Mama was cold and white and stiff, and Birgit was too afraid to go in the room with those open, frozen eyes.
The memory of this morning put tears in Birgit's eyes. She wasn't crying. She was too big to cry--nearly six years old. But with no Mama--there was no Mama--Birgit felt very small, and the world felt very big and dark and cold. The icy wind sent cold knives through Birgit's threadbare cloak. She huddled against the lamp post and felt too sad and afraid to move.
In the light of the next lamp, a man stopped. He wore a thick brown coat and had shiny black boots. The lamplight made him glow, like the angels holding stars in the big church. Birgit sat up and watched.
The man set a case on the ground and pulled out a fiddle. Then he began to play.
Birgit had heard fiddles before, in taverns and on street corners, but this fiddle sang as those fiddles never had. Its voice was sweet and soft, rich and pure, like angels or lullabies. It sang to the stars, its voice reaching, stretching, quavering, making Birgit think of being warm in Mama's arms.
The song became louder, faster, richer, warmer. It made Birgit think of dancing, of candles, of the big church on Copper Hill. The cold, dark world fell away. Birgit forgot who and where she was. She knew only the music, beautiful and bright, so real that everything else seemed like shadows. Her spirit swam, soared, and danced, following the song high and low, happy and sad, joy and sorrow and so many feelings that Birgit thought she might burst. Stars surrounded her, all sizes and colors, coming down from heaven to hear the music with her.
After eternity had come and gone, the song slowed and faded away, and Birgit was herself again--cold and alone, but no longer afraid.
The music was a warm and glowing treasure in her heart, a bright, beautiful secret that no one could take away from her. And on the ground, in the lamplight, was money. Big silver coins and little copper ones, sitting in and around the man's black case. The stars had brought it, Birgit knew. She knew the stories, had seen it herself. They had come to the call of the music and turned into money. Money that meant clothes and fire and bread for sad and lonely girls.
Birgit forgot to be tired and rushed toward the money. It had fallen from heaven, so it was free to take, just like stardust. She gathered handfuls of coins, holding them close against her dress.
And then a shadow blocked the starlamp, and Birgit remembered to be afraid again.
Johannes saw the stars surround him as he played. At Christmastime, everyone who owned anything with the faintest claim toward being a piece of star jewelry--whether it was a fragment in a necklace, a shard in a ring, or even just some stardust on a hair comb--would wear it on the street. The people that surrounded him wore stars in all colors and sizes, but he could barely do more than glance at them, because the music had him in its thrall.
When Johannes emerged from the song, he was surprised to see the coins at his feet. At first, he was ashamed--he, classically trained, being thrown coins like a common beggar. But that was what he was now, or would be. Once the story spread, respectable people might refuse to give him even coins.
A small, ragged form darted out of the shadows started swiping coins from his case. Johannes' blood rose. The dirty little urchin! Were the creatures everywhere? A plague, an infestation on this city, stealing food from his children's mouths.
Johannes lunged for the coins, prepared to fight off the thief.
The thief looked up, and they met, face-to-face. She was young. A child. As young as his little Clara--no, younger. With sunken cheeks, unbrushed brown hair, bony hands, fingers and nails blue from the cold. Her little gray cloak was thinner than his shirt. Her shoes, scuffed and tattered, barely fit on her feet.
She had nothing, this tiny girl, fighting for her life in the cold, hard city. And he, with a thick overcoat, new shoes, a warm house, and a violin worth a small fortune, had been prepared to fight her for a handful of krenin. Johannes was ashamed of himself.
As the child stared at him, frozen with terror, Johannes gathered a handful of coins and dumped them into the girl's lap. He placed a fatherly hand on her shoulder.
"Little girl," he asked. "Do you have somewhere to get out of the cold?"
Agathe, bless her, understood everything. She gave the child--Birgit--a warm bath and a clean set of clothes--Clara's smallest were still too large on her--while Johannes told her what he had gathered of the girl's history. Her mother dead just this morning--frozen to death, by the sound of it. She had no lice, thank goodness, nor signs of any catching disease, so they gave her a cot near the kitchen stove, after feeding her what they thought she could safely stomach of thin porridge and plain bread.
As Birgit curled up beneath a pink-and-white patchwork quilt, she looked something like a kitten snuggling before a fire, not so different from Clara at that age. She clutched the cloth bag full of coins--she insisted on calling it "star money"--to her chest like a rag doll
"We could take her to the sisters in the morning," Agathe said. "They'll know what to do with her."
"She may have family still living. I could make inquiries."
He'd have time to, now that he was not needed at the concert hall.
"I should have been playing onstage just then," Johannes said. "If I hadn't been there, what would have become of her?" He had a sudden vision of that little face, white and frozen in an alleyway, unseen by dozens of comfortably prosperous people passing by.
Agathe took his hand. "You had far more important places to play tonight."
Johannes looked down upon his wife, the lamplight giving her brown hair an angelic glow. He'd been so concerned for himself--his loss of status, the death of dreams--and so afraid of disappointing his wife and children. Yet his saintly little wife saw only the good this disaster had brought.
"What about tomorrow?" Johannes asked softly. "And all the days after? The story will spread. I may not get work with another orchestra."
"People know you," Agathe said firmly. "They ought to know that the man who'd take in a starving child would never steal a star. If they don't know it, you don't want to play for them."
"Who else can I play for?" Johannes asked. "We can't raise two girls off of coins from the street. I have no other trade."
"Talent like yours will find release. On another city's stage. As a teacher. Even if you only play at home, it will do some good in the world. Whatever happens, God will provide." She squeezed his hand. "It is nice to have you home at Christmastime for a change."
In the distance, church bells chimed the hour. Snowflakes fell softly outside the window. The white walls of the kitchen were bright and clean, the room warm and cozy. This was more pleasant than a practice room.
Boards creaked heavily in the hall, and two small, bleary-eyed girls in white nightdresses peered into the kitchen.
"Girls," Agathe cried, moving toward them. "What are you doing up?"
Clara and Dorit raced past her, their faces alight with joy. "Papa!" Clara shrieked, throwing her arms around his waist. Dorit pressed her face against his legs. Johannes crouched to gather them in his arms.
"You're home early!" Clara said as Johannes pressed a kiss into her hair.
"I couldn't spend another night away from my girls," Johannes said.
Birgit started awake, sitting upright and wide-eyed as she goggled at the riotous little intruders.
Dorit tugged at Johannes' sleeve. "Who's that?"
How to explain a dustgirl--unimaginable poverty and desperation--to such innocents? "She's a little friend who needed a place to sleep. I met her when I was playing my violin on the street."
Clara seized one of her Johannes' wrists and tried to drag him toward where his violin case sat on the kitchen table. "Can you play for us, Papa? We haven't had any Christmas music yet! You give it all to everyone else."
Johannes was startled. When was the last time he'd played for the girls? He'd spent so much time practicing at the concert hall lately, living deep within the symphony, that he hadn't considered how little music they had in their lives.
On the cot, little Birgit sat with tangled hair and dark circles under her eyes. Johannes told his daughters, "Maybe tomorrow. Our guest needs to sleep."
The girls broke into an outcry of, "No!" and "Please, Papa!"
To his surprise, one of the voices was a small, raspy one from the cot.
Johannes crouched beside the little dustgirl. "Would you like to hear some music?"
The little girl's eyes glowed with wonder, as if he'd just offered to do magic. "Please," she whispered.
Johannes clapped his hands against his knees. "Very well." He sprang to his feet and removed his violin from its case with a flourish. It glowed golden-brown in the lamplight, and seemed to be quivering--almost alive--beneath his fingers. He placed the rest between his chin and held the bow over the strings.
He basked in the glow of in his warm little kitchen, with snowflakes falling outside, surrounded by the shining eyes of his wife and daughters and one adoring little dustgirl. He was home with his family instead of hidden away in a practice room. A child who might not have survived the night was now warm and safe. What were concerts, accusations, and even Lars Henning's jealousy, compared to that? All troubles could wait until morning. For now, Johannes would be grateful.
With a smile, Johannes touched his bow to the strings and played a song about a Christmas star.
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prism-stone-planet · 8 months
So a long time ago I made a list of all the Pripara arcade songs (excluding gold versions) and I decided to post it here along with updating it to add new Idol Land songs and indicating if it’s on the Switch and Idol Land.
I’m not the best at maths lol but from what I’ve counted, the OG arcade game had 102 songs. With the All Idol arcade update release, it had 121 songs.
The Switch Game had 30/102 songs (all idol came after Switch release) which is about 30% of the songs on the arcade game. (Thank You, Sorry, See You Tomorrow is not included in this count because it is not accessible through normal means) Currently, as of March 7 2024, Idol Land has 19/121 songs featured on the arcade which is about 15%.
Anyway, here is the list:
Single Player
Season 1 songs:
Pretty Prism Paradise (Switch, Idol Land)
Marble Make Up ahaha
Gogo! Pripara Life (Switch, Idol Land)
Make it! (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Toy Toy Tail (Switch, Idol Land)
Gyabupuripuri (Switch, Idol Land)
Cool Star (Sophie Version) (Switch, Idol Land)
Solar Flare Sherbet
No D&D Code
KiraKira Runway
Miracle Paradise
After School Heartful Dash (Switch, Idol Land Pripara)
Gamusharanhoi (Switch, Idol Land PriPara)
Change My World (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Happy Pa Lucky
Your 100% Life
I just wanna be with you
Love Friend Style
0 Week Old (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Season 2 Songs:
Purely Smiley
Idol Strength Lesson GO
Reversible Ring
Everybodyvil Everydayvil (Switch, Idol Land)
Heart Clenching Love Song
Solar Flare Sherbet (Sakura Version)
Come sing this song Hee Ho
Song that makes the world fall in love (Switch, Idol Land)
Panic Labyrinth
Bright Fantasy
Papipope Police
Pure Amore Ai (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Fun Fun Winter
Virtual Idol
0 Week Old (Garuru Version)
Yes Love Valentine
Season 3:
Triangle Star
Steps (Junon Version) (Switch, Idol Land)
Ready Smile (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Steps (Pinon Version)
Steps (Kanon Version)
Charismart Girl Yeah
Absolute Life of a final show girl
Run for Jumping
Plan to enjoy summer vacation (Switch)
Brand New Dreamer
0 Week Old (Falulu and Hibiki ver)
Amazing Castle (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Sugarless x Friend (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Girls Fantasy (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Shining Star
Idol Time:
Tick Tock Magical Idol Time (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Otome Puzzle (Coin Shopping)
Just be yourself
Summer Night Evolution (Coin Shopping) (Switch)
Shuttlewise Game
Ghost Coaster
Starlight Heartbeat (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Miss Prillionaire
Step Step Step (Coin Shopping)
Sunshine Bell
Believe My Dream (Switch)
Shooting Star (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Dear my Future
Starlight Carnival
Wakuwaku O’clock (Switch) (Paid)
Free Dreamin (Coin Shopping)
Tokimeki Days (Coin Shopping)
Gira Galactic Tightrope
All idol:
Get Over Dress Code
Tick Tock Magical Idol Time (WiTH ver)
Spicy Hot Cake
Gira Galactic Tightrope (My Dream ver)
Charismart Girl Yeah (Non Sugar)
Make it (Solami Dressing and Falulu ver)
Perfect with a Pri
Star a la carte
GoGo! Pripara Life Idol Time ver
Red Flash Revolution
Pure Heart Calendar
Trial Heart
Dream Theater:
Dream Parade (Switch)
Lucky Surprise Birthday
Bold Summer Adventure (Switch)
Gogo! Pripara (Dream Mix)
OmuOmu Omrice
Rainbow Melody
Hello Hello Friends (Switch)
What a WonderPri World
Around the Pripara Land
Dream Parade Medley
Chou Chou
Everyone’s Pripara Medley Ver 2
Everyone’s Pripara Medley Ver 3
Gogo Pripara Life (Nonsugar Ver)
Pripara Dancing
Mon Chouchou (Switch)
Yeah! Yeah! Idol Party (Switch)
Pripara RaRan
(All Idol):
Neo Dimension Go
GoGo! Pripara Life Idol Time ver
Secret Ratatouille
All Idol Song Precious
Zuttomo (2 Person Live):
Forever Friends (Switch)
Brand New Happiness (Switch)
Twin Mirror Compact
Marble Make Up ahaha
Come Sing This Song La-Hee (Fuwari and Hibiki ver)
Reversible Ring
SuSuSu Smile (Switch)
Clean Mind Clean Hit Clang BUDDY
Girls Fantasy (Jewlie and Janice ver)
Thanks, Sorry, See You Tomorrow
Yes Love Valentine
Ring Ring GaraFaLand
(All Idol):
Marble Make up ahaha (Non and Lala)
Go Go Gorgeous
Idol Land:
Single Player (3 Person Live):
Chaotic Hurricane
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shxwstxpper · 3 months
a boy steps into the starlight theatre. his blue eyes seem to glow through the darkness. the blue is too deep, too bright. his hands writhe uncomfortably at his sides. the darkness spills around him, seeming to swallow him up. his hair is undone, and he wears only pajama shorts with blue skulls on them and an old t-shirt. on the shirt, the words "JOIN THE BLACK PARADE" are written in black sharpie, and a baton surrounded by musical notes. he takes a deep, shaky breath in, and in a voice that sounds both rehearsed and terrifiedly unsure, he calls into the black.
"kai? i'm here."
( - @laika-at-hatchetfield )
[A chuckle. One that both sounds completely foreign and strangely familiar to Laika. A flash of peircing, sickening blue eyes shine in the darkness before retreating back into the black. The girl's voice booms in the theater. She sounds like Kai, with her pitch and influcions, but at the same time, she sounds nothing like her. The voice is far too polished and posh, carrying itself with an air of superiority that Kai never held. Her twang is gone, along with the bright and cheery human cadence Kai had.] "Hiya, Laika! You're just in time for the show!"
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I'm going to elaborate more on my "Wiatt fucking dies" AU.
Basically one day Wiatt is killed by Winnie in the dreamworld facility, he haunts the place for a few days while Starlight greaves (Star has his camera too). Then Litho discovers Wiatt was haunting the facility and proceeded to put his soul in a broken old animatronic who was in the caves under the facility.
The broken old animatronic was a sun themed animatronic named Daylight, who was supposed to be the third actor in star-act alongside Starlight and Nightlight (he represented theater as a whole and instead of a mask he was able to create a minimal selection of different lights through his upper body), but was scrapped in favor or there just being two actors and was moved into storage by Sara, and eventually into the caves by Litho. Daylights body was already pretty loose and locked up in parts by the Collector picking pieces off of him, and the building collapse had some ruble hit and crush the lower half of his body, effectively keeping Daylight in place as most of his skin/shell fall off of him (most of his upper halfs internal parts are able to partially function/work except for his voice box, right eye, and left arm), leaving him stationary with a distorted broken voice (if he was able to talk pre-possesion) and barely any signs of who he was before except for the few bits of shell still on him and his cracked faceplate sitting barely outside of his reach.
So Wiatt's stuck in the basement with the Collector, who didn't try communicating with him after they both learned his voice was barely understandable. Daylight(Wiatt) decides he really tired, and now just spends his time sleeping and showing silly broken light effects in the caves at an attempt to entertain himself.
Also Celio left the state on recommendation by Damian, Damian's dead (goddammit Winnie) and possesing a walkie talkie that Hazel has, and Oliver's in hiding planning to fucking kill Litho. Winnie also realized that Wiatt was his grandson and he killed off his only family left alive, Litho cannot care less, and Oddity is about to kill a bitch.
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musicncomics · 6 months
So I went back and rewatched all of the Hachetfield stuff, and now I have some ✨questions✨ and also possible ✨theories✨
(I don't know how much has been talked about before in theory circles, so go easy on me if these are widely accepted theories or questions that have been answered a million times before)
1- The LiB and their altars
Ok, so first off we know there are 5 black altars and 5 LiB- it only makes sense that each altar was dedicated to one LiB in particular- but can be used as a general altar if the need calls for it.
I believe we can determine which altar belongs to which LiB by where that Lord showed up first in the series.
So Pokey's altar is the Starlight Theater, Wiggly's was the old mill (now Lakeside Mall), and Tinky's was The Gazette (in Time Bastard, we learn the Gazette eventually turns into CCRP- Paul and Ted's workplace), Nibbly's is the Waylon place, and Blinky's is Hachetfield High.
I'm pretty sure Nibbly's is the Waylon place because in Honey Queen, the CotSC bring Linda to the middle of nowhere for her to be possessed by Nibbly. I'm gonna run under the assumption that the Church would almost certainly bring her to one of the altars for such an important ceremony- but none of the other altars fit such an out-of-the-way description.
I also think that Blinky would LOVE the drama that goes on behind the scenes of a Hachetfield High, and something about him having an amusement park also tells me that he may enjoy watching drama between children more than he does adults.
2- Grace Chastity may have a touch of "the gift"
My main reasons for thinking this comes from Abstinence Camp and NPMD.
First, Grace was able to get the ax-man to turn on Jerry and Jeri after a single conversation. The ax-man also gave her his ax as a symbol of passing the torch to her to protect the woods. I don't think that would have happened without a little intervention.
Secondly, after the scene with Richie's death, Grace wakes up and says she saw Max- looking angry and not hot at all- and while I do believe it was mainly played for laughs, SHE STILL SAW HIM. I don't know if it *was* just a dream, but dreams have been used as shorthand for having "the gift" before, and I don't believe in coincidence with these shows.
I don't think she has a strong version of "the gift" but I do believe that it's enough that her having the black book will end up being a problem for everyone else.
3- Was the "ghost" of Ethan really a ghost?
This one may seem strange, but Ethan died pretty violently in BF- and he was also at an altar when it happened. That vision Hannah saw of him- was it just a puppet of Wiggly, or was it a little closer to what Max is?
Is Max just more powerful because he made a more violent promise as his last words?
4- The entirety of season 2 is the same timeline
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but the main gist is that, if it happened in season 2, then it falls on one timeline in the Hachetfield saga.
Yellow Jacket is the last event in this timeline, and it starts with Perky's Buds.
Every story in this timeline mentions the Honey Festival. While at the Honey Festival, we get clear signs that things tie together.
In PB- Ziggs is making the pin-up girl specifically to be their mascot to present at the festival.
In AC- I'm pretty sure Steph says that she's going to miss the Honey Festival
HQ- this one is obvious.
Daddy- the mother says she's going to pick up a new father from the Honey Festival- she comes back with Ted.
KT- Ted and the mother flirting. Zoey's roommate asking for something that will ruin Zoey's voice.
YJ- young Sherman sitting on the counter at toy zone.
That's most of them for now- I have other thoughts, but none want to come to me rn. I may update this later with more.
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The way in "Highschool is Killing Me" we see Richie. How it sets it us up to think it's a song about him literally dying. How the first two singers are Ruth and Richie (introduced in that order) (died in that order). The whole first part of "Higschool is Killing Me" is sang by the Nerds who were killed by Max in going insane
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The Hatchetmen created the Killer Track, and it explains Paul and Emma's unique connection
When thinking about the specific places Kale brings the Killer Track to, I noticed that they tend to be affiliated with the Church of the Starry Children. The Honey Festival is of course heavily connected to the Church, and several members are in attendance, including Sheila Young. Additionally, The Slaughtered Pig's name seems to reference the ritual that the Church uses to summon Nibbly. We know that the Church are enemies of the Hatchetmen, since the Hatchetmen killed many of their members. We also know that the Hatchetmen have access to some sort of magic, because they're able to turn people with the Gift into trees. Therefore, I think the Killer Track was created by the Hatchetmen for the purpose of killing members of the Church of the Starry Children.
The Church of the Starry Children seem to be fans of music, since their founding members built the Old Starlight Theater, the Honey Queen pageant features musical acts, The Slaughtered Pig is a music venue, and they worship the Lords in Black, who each have a theme song. The Hatchetmen, however, have never had a song even associated with them, which is surprising considering Hatchetfield has featured 76 songs so far.
It is likely that each of Hatchetfield's two high schools is associated with one of the two factions. Hatchetfield High was built by the Waylons, and Sycamore's mascot is the Timberwolves, which connects to the fact that the Hatchetmen ran Hatchetfield's logging industry. Sycamore doesn't have a theatre program, which further proves that the Hatchetmen aren't fans of the arts.
You know who else Doesn't Like Musicals? Paul Matthews. And Paul went to Sycamore High School. We've never gotten to meet any other characters who attended Sycamore, but if I'm correct about the Hatchetmen having created the Killer Track, I suspect they also dislike musicals. This is because the Killer Track, the music video for which features visuals of torn up sheet music and a guitar burning, seems to satirize heavy metal/rock music. Almost as if the Track punishes people for listening to it. With this perspective, I suspect that Sycamore took their students to go see Brigadoon specifically so they would see how bad that production was and gain a hatred for musical theatre.
However, one thing separates Paul from the Hatchetmen: He has a touch of the Gift. This is something I have proven in multiple other posts where I've theorized that the opening song of TGWDLM is a vision sent to him by Pokey.
Meanwhile, Emma Perkins attended Hatchetfield High. And she likes theatre. And she cut down several acres of forest planted by the Hatchetmen in order to grow weed. Yet, we know that Emma is likely descended from Hatchetmen, since her great-grandfather was close to Bob Metzger, and owned part of the Witchwood.
Paul and Emma each have strong ties to one of Hatchetfield's main factions. Both of them, however, defy that faction's expectations. I think this is what makes their romance a constant in every timeline. Because, even subconsciously, they both know they will never fit into these expectations, they will always find each other.
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fortheloveofarchons · 1 month
Xiao comforts Aether in the Serenitea Pot
C.W. - Fluff and angst - Aether is so done - Aether needs therapy - Xiao being kind - Kiss!
Aether sighs, looking around his own serenitea pot, his feelings mixed with emotions of proudness and tiredness. It’s been a long day for the traveller, and all he’s been doing is decorating and furnishing his little teapot realm. 
Aether whips out his furnishing blueprint, which was titled as the, ‘Chorus of Desert and Wood’. 
With leaves that resemble the contours of starlights, lush and demure plants with brightly coloured flowers, some purple plants that grow in clusters like a dense bush, these components pair well with the fountain. To Aether, the fountain is made to be exactly like the one that’s in front of the Zubayr Theater in Sumeru. Its mist is able to bring a cool breeze to the audience, including himself, whose face is gently sprinkled with water. 
With these components, thus orchestrating a beautiful chorus of flowers, trees, and some wild grass. In front of the fountain, lies a dream-like aura furnishing item that’s called the, ‘Floral Swing’. The suspended chair is supported by gracefully-curved trees, the seat held by vibrant vines twisted into ropes, while the trunks and beams are dotted with clusters of blue and white flowers that exude a pervasive fragrance capable of carrying people off to a floral sea in the clouds. 
“I think I did a pretty good job!” He says, admiring his new furnishing set. Thanks to the placements, the grass also growed wonderfully, without any unnecessary weeds growing. 
“If only Paimon was here to see this…” 
Meanwhile, Paimon is snoring loudly in her little bedroom, sprawling across the bed in a messy tangle of limbs and blankets. One arm hangs off the side of the bed, while the other is tucked awkwardly beneath Paimon’s own body. Paimon’s tousled white hair sticks out in all directions, evidence of a day filled with play and adventure.
“Ehe~ eheheheh~” The emergency food’s face is relaxed in sleep, with a slight smile playing at the corners of Paimon’s mouth, perhaps dreaming of mountains of food or mora. 
 “More… more food… bring in more food… yummy…” 
Settling himself onto the floral swing, he pushes his legs from the ground, gently swaying amidst the blossoming flowers. 
“If only Lumine was here…” Aether says it to himself. Surrounded by the vibrant colours of Sumeru’s nature, the immortal traveller is lost in contemplation, the shine in his golden eyes reflecting a depth of loneliness that only eternity could bring. 
Each petal and leaves that dance in the breeze whisper tales of fleeting life, contrasting sharply with the immutability of the Fourth Descender’s existence. 
As the swing gently rocks back and forth, making a little creaking sound, reality seemed to flicker and fade in his eyes, like an old film reel skipping frames. Travelling and venturing into many worlds, he and his kin watched as the seasons changed, flowers bloomed and withered, people growing old and passing by, and life ebbed and flowed around them. Yet to him and his sister, they remained unchanged, forever separated from mortal existence, both twins burdened with the weight of endless years. 
Despite the vibrant surroundings, Aether felt an emptiness in his heart that no amount of furnishing sets and nature splendours could fill. Ever since he and his twin sister were separated, he has longed for companionship, for someone to share in anything he could ever think of. 
But he knew that such a connection was impossible no matter what. 
“If only there was someone who could see this with me…” Aether says. 
The first person that came to his mind was someone with a purple diamond marking on the forehead, and a familiar green tattoo around their right arm. 
“Don’t be ridiculous…” Aether gives himself a laugh, adjusting the white scarf on his neck. “There’s no way Xiao could even appear in this teapot realm.” 
Under his own little rambling, the golden-haired immortal didn’t hear the gust of wispy black smoke coming from behind him. 
“I mean– Xiao is always so busy extinguishing demons, he probably doesn’t even have time to deal with… What does he call them again? Oh! Right!” Aether tries to mimic Xiao’s voice, making his voice a bit more deeper. “ I have no time to deal with your mortal affairs. How absurd of you, I’d rather eat snow than stay in your company– Unless you have a plate of almond tofu, of course. ” 
That made the yaksha’s brows furrow tightly, crossing his arms.  
“If you awake to a knife at your throat!! If monsters dig their claws into you!!” Aether starts bolting out a song out of nowhere, his voice crackling and bolting with every note. A tuneless melody that’s out of sync.  “If death comes knocking at your door!!!” 
Xiao glances around the realm at nothing, as though he might see something that would explain this. 
“Call out my name!! Da dum da dum!! Adeptus Xiao!! Da dum da dum!!” Aether continues. “I will be here!!! Right when you call–” 
Squeeeezeeeee… .
Aether could feel a rough pinch on both of his cheeks, halting whatever song he was singing out loud. 
“Are you done singing?” Xiao asks near Aether’s ear, leaning in close. “Perhaps this would be enough to shut you up. By the way, why exactly did you call me?” 
“Oh, Xiao!” Aether lets out an awkward laugh, his cheeks turning to a light tint of red due to the squeeze. “I… Uh… I missed you?” 
“Hmm? Why would you miss me? I” Xiao gives a confused hum in response and lets go of Aether’s cheeks. “I mean– Why would you miss me , of all the people you’ve met?” 
Aether’s cheeks are now flushed as pink as a rainbow rose...
Full version down below!!!
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baudshaw · 6 months
Timeline of the Sky universe as presented by me (not canon, just an interpretation)
**Age of Starlight**
The stars descend and became all the light creatures we know and love, including some we don’t know. The Ancestors (living versions of the Spirits) also arrive during this age.
**Age of Exploration**
(Switch Trailer and Runaway part of Aurora Concert)
The Light Creatures roam the world, while the Ancestors seek to claim it. It is likely during this time that the Elders also arrive.
**Age of Production**
(All is Soft Inside part of Aurora Concert, Warrior part of Aurora Concert, Season of Prophecy, Season of Sanctuary, Season of Passage)
As the Ancestors settle down and form the kingdoms of Sky, they mine darkstone, a powerful mineral. This mineral can then be charged with light, forming power diamonds, which are used to open doors and power boats, along with much more. The darkstone mining is crude and ineffective, but it works for now, and the Ancestors build flying boats to easily transport through the realms.
**Age of Contrasts**
(Gratitude, Belonging, Lightseekers, Rhythm, TLP)
Years later, the realms differentiate themselves in major ways. Valley of Triumph is enjoying a golden age, with interests in the arts, music, and sports. Golden Wasteland, however, is plagued with strife, causing it to slowly decay. One thing unites the realms, however, and that is darkstone: Forest and Wasteland now become prime spots for darkstone gathering, with large mines and refineries being built. To fuel this demand for darkstone, they sacrifice light creatures to power it.
**Age of War**
(The Seed part of Aurora concert, Season of Remembrance)
This massive and complex war has two sides: the Sun Shield, and the Diamond Shield. The Diamond Shield wishes for darkstone to continue to be mined and light creatures to be used, while the Sun Shield wanted to protect the environment and light creatures that were being hurt. Eventually, the Wasteland Elder sided with the Sun Shield, and eventually won, but it was a pyrrhic victory. Valley of Triumph got involved with the war near the end, souring the relations between the two. Many citizens became refugees, fleeing to the Vault of Knowledge as their old lives got destroyed.
**Age of Rebuilding**
(Season of Assembly, Season of Enchantment, Season of Dreams)
After the war, the kingdoms were shook. They became more independent, less willing to cooperate. Inspired by the Lightseekers’ actions years prior, a group of Scouts form their own version of it as the Treehouse. A group of magicians board the Forgotten Ark to settle in the Golden Wasteland, trying to create a magical utopia. However, they fail, and the magic is scattered across the world. In Valley, however, things return to somewhat normalcy, as advanced darkstone technology improves enough to create ski lifts.
**Age of Stress**
(Season of Flight)
The Eden Elder decides they are going to make a massive darkstone contraption at the very top of Eden. The kingdoms experience more and more problems that start to pile up. Meanwhile, a group of Ancestors from the Wind Paths try to reject the horrible practices done to light creatures and make a land where Ancestors and light creatures are free to roam.
**The Shattering**
(Season of Shattering)
The Eden Diamond is built, but it explodes. The Eden Elder tries to fix it, but fails. They turn into the Void of Shattering, nothing but a husk. Meanwhile, devastating shards rain down in the Sky world, but not everyone is completely out yet.
**Age of Final Whispers**
(Season of Performance, Season of Abyss)
Although most realms are horribly damaged, the Valley of Triumph barely holds on. A group of spirits in the Village Theater still try to finish their play, but die while doing so. The darkstone mines of Wasteland flood, becoming the Treasure Reef. After a few years, it is teeming with life. A group of survivors venture into this abyss in hopes of spare darkstone. However, they die too.
**Age of Sky**
The Skykids fall, determined to save the land and prevent the darkness from ever consuming the world.
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xotrashratxo · 7 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Thoughts During the Premier last night Part 2: Everything Else
She’s so evil I love her. 
Kyle and Brenda are so adorableeeeee
AWEEEE EVERYONE’S ADORABLE!!! they’re gonna die. 
Mariah’s extensions kinda ate. 
Jason and Kyle are so in love lol. 
FUCK clivesdale. 
oh no he’s gonna die. 
Here comes the horror bro. 
Get this shit a Kill Count. 
RIP Richie. He was just starting to live. 
I hate theatre kids /j
It’s giving 80s I love it. 
And we’re all caught up. 
Fucking Clivesdale. 
oh I love fear mongering. 
Ziggy cameo!!!!! 
I love a cameo song!!!! 
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” 
Slaaaay miming Joey
The barbecue monologueessssss
What accent is that. Southern, New York, slightly British???
Oh Barbecue monologues is gonna fucking EAT. 
Fucking TREVOR. 
Thank you 10! 
Uh oh. 
OH she’s a theatre kid. Aw I’m gonna cry at her death. 
no the lighting is red. 
*Ruthy EATS* 
She just wants to be loved ☹️
Im gonna cryyyyy
Stop I’m cryingggggg
*Pets dead Ruthy’s head* 
That ATE omgggg
*Drinks hot water instead of coffee.*
Fuck Clivesdale. 
oh shit at the old Wayland place. Next to the body. Fuck. 
If they start singing Your Fault I’m gonna scream.
Speaking of, “HWHAT???” 
Love a good angry breakup sexual tension song
They’re gonna kiss. 
Grace swearing is hilarious
*whips out a Canadian accent* 
Omg she’s crazy
why is the mayor…. Kinda fineee??? 
Why is mayor lauter….. kinda fine????
It’s the lords fuck. 
Bro said fuck science. 
GASP. He’s killing his daughter. 
Her dad is a cultist omg
He already performed a ritual didn’t he
well shit there’s red lighting. 
shucks. nothing like traumatizing Corey and Mariah by killing their kid/parent
Officer Shapiro eats. But NOT. Ben. 
Couldn’t avoid the tide pods huh? 
RIP Officer Shapiro, she was a bad bitch. 
bring about the apocalypse. The apotheosis is upon us. 
I love them omggggg
why do I get Oompa Loompa vibes tho. 
Nooooooooo my boyyyyyyy
They’re fucking EATINGGGG. 
Oooooh they ate. 
Noooooooo my boyyyyyyy
I think I own that flannel. 
Grace! Distraction! Yay! oh no. 
I hate this. 
Grace is so evil I love her. 
Sexxxx with a ghostttt-
Grace, you fucking queen. *Smokes a cigarette after sex.* 
Rip Mayor Lauter, you were kinda hot. 
FUCK Clivesdale. 
oh this makes me smileeeeee
but the cliffhangers that come from Hatchetverse. What’s the twist. 
This homecoming flash mob is too good. I’m terrified. 
this is too good what’s happening. 
What’s the twist here. What is it. WHY IS THERE A BLACKOUT. 
aweeeeee this is gonna be bad. Yeah, get tricked Jason. 
She’s gonna kill him. 
Yup. the sequel: Horny Pervs Must Die. 
OH she’s a reverse succubus? 
Grace is psycho and I love her. 
Angela, my chaos hamster. 
Darkness will spare my soul! 
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louissatturi · 6 months
I will talk about my hatchetfield family oc's
Starting with the oldest one
Rosabella Butterfly ~
She is a 25 year old black woman, she is very dramatic and Bisexual and absolutely loves musicals, she works at Miss Retro (depending on the timeline she owns the thing) and she also participate in the starlight theater, sometimes acting sometimes being a voluntear, she seems to nome have a family and doses't talk much about hed past, she is dating li for some time (5 years) and loves them dearly, she also has powers, she can change her appearance and she has used it before, she also has time powers but she never uses them at least not anymore
Dean Li ~
They are a 23 year old chinese heritage non-binary lesbian that uses all pronouns, they are a bit stoic since they have social anxiety and they work as security in the lake side mall (or the ccrp depeding on the show), they are besties with ziggy and also have super powers, control of metals and super strength but she beraly uses her metal powers
Bean Li-Hwang ~
it's a 18 year old chinese-korean girl that is the younger sister/cousin of Li (it's complicated) she is very shy and quiet and kinda of a nerdy prude, she studies at hatchetfield high and likes to hang out with grace chastidy (clearly it isn't a crush or anything) and sometimes works as a nanny for Sheila young and baby-sits sherman (she is very uncomfortable with the situation but money is money and she likes to have it) she also has powers, she can control her voice and make it identical to other or super loud this is why she is super shy
Doyle Drew-
a non-binary white he/they 18 year old that loves misterys and photography, he is kinda angry and emo but is a cinnamoroll on the inside, he studies on hatchetfield high with bean (in the tgwdlm and forever and always timeline he studies in sycamore high) and likes to smoke at the old waylon's place sometimes he also has powers! He can see the future and the past when toutching objects and people, this is why he generaly uses gloves
Shelly Barros -
It's a 13 year old brazilian girl that studies and is best friends with hannah foster (at least shelly thinks they are besties) she is a "exchange student" and loves colors, rainbows and painting she also has powers but absolutely HATES them, she can manipulate, consume other people's fear, she really avoids anything scary so to not see those stuff
Mindy White-
She is a nine year old Brown girl that has intense eyes (one blue and the other being green) she is quite cynical and sarcastic to the standards of a 9 year old, she dosen't have friends her age so Rosabella forces her to hang out with Tim Houston, she also has many powers, most of them unkwon, she has the avarege mind powers and she also can see and talks with webby sometimes, she really likes webby
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