#oldseph joestar
hangingoffence · 10 months
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whats worse than one joseph? two josephs
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eyefoes · 29 days
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the egypt gang !! grown men version
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virgothozul · 9 months
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rougepancake · 10 months
marie you sharing that art of old hoeseph vs young hoeseph got me thinking of a threesome most foul.......
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FT. Oldseph and Young Joseph Joestar; (fem!reader)
WARNINGS: Minors and ageless blogs dni. Sexually explicit content under cut. Threesome, cunnilingus, oldseph is experienced and youngseph is not, let’s just say that oldseph teaches youngseph how to treat a woman, little bit o’ selfcest, mentions of oral towards the end, masturbation. NOT proofread.
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How did this happen? One moment you’re fighting a stand user alongside Mr Joestar and the next you’re helping… younger him off of the ground. The stand user was nowhere to be seen, which meant that you and Mr Joestar were now stuck with Joseph, who wouldn’t stop asking questions.
“Where am I? How did I get here? Are you… me? Damn I’m fine! Who are you? Damn you’re fine too!” Joseph rambled on nonsensically, checking himself out alongside you. “I aged like a fine wine, didn’t I?” He looked directly at you, wearing a shit eating grin.
“Mr Joestar, what do we do now?” You turned to look at the older man, who was not paying a single bit of attention to you. “Mr Joestar??” He smiled at the sight of his younger self, his eyes shining mischievously.
“Hey what’s that look for?” Joseph raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms defensively. Though, he had a point, what was that look for?
“See Y/n! I told you I was a looker when I was younger!” Mr Joestar exclaimed, shouting in glee as he ran over to Joseph. He grabbed the younger man by his shoulders and shook him silly. “You can’t even deny it! Just look at this guy!!”
“Mr Joestar.” You rolled your eyes and frowned at him. “What are we going to do about younger you? We can’t just let the others see him.”
“Hey! I have a name, you know!”
“Shut it dipshit! I’m thinking!” Your comeback immediately silenced him, and he almost looked surprised by the fact that you had such energy in you. “Mr Joestar, we should take him back to the hotel. We can get him a room and such, but we’ve gotta keep him somewhere while we figure out how to get rid of him.”
The older man nodded, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you aside. “Listen. It’s younger me we’re dealing with. And if I know myself, that little shit isn’t going to listen to us worth a damn. So he’s gonna stay in your room.” He looked over at Joseph, who was talking to himself as he observed the wall he was leaning against.
“Hard pass.”
“What?! Why not?!?” Clearly he wasn’t expecting that response, but it’s not like he could fight you on it. “Fine. He’ll stay in my room. I’ll kick out Avdol and make him sleep with Polnareff.”
Looking over at Joseph, you sighed, shaking your head. “Sure. Sounds like a plan.” You held back a chuckle as you made eye contact with Joseph, who immediately smiled. He was like a puppy.
And you’d be damned if you didn’t find him adorable.
“Just stop by my room if you need anything. It’s not like I’ll get a lot of sleep anyways.” You waved lazily and wandered off towards the hotel. And while you maintained a calm composure, you were panicking internally.
Two Josephs?!? You were so fucked.
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The sound of soft knocking at your door pulled you from your slumber, nearly scaring the shit out of you. Who could possibly up at this hour? Was it an enemy stand user?? You hopped out of your bed and stumbled towards the door, taking a defensive stance as you opened it.
And naturally, you were met with the face of Mr Joestar.
“Mr Joestar. What are you doing here?” You mumbled and stepped aside, allowing him to come into your room. Behind him followed Joseph, who looked wide awake.
“He won’t let me sleep. You watch him for a bit.” He spoke as if you were Joseph’s mother and he were his exhausted father.
“Hell no. He’s literally you,” with a huff, you plopped back down onto the bed. Who did he think he was to demand such a thing of you? Why can’t he just find a way to shut Joseph up himself?? “Just feed him or something.”
“You’re talking about me like I’m an animal.” Joseph’s voice whispered into your ear. When had he gotten so close?? And what was with that tone of voice??? “I’m not.”
“Do you not know the values of personal space?!” You kicked him away and sat up, crossing your arms. From your position you could see Mr Joestar and Joseph eyeing you, one gaze exhausted and the other bright and bubbly.
“What? Can I not appreciate your beauty?”
Oh he thought he was smooth for that one.
“Joseph, let’s not do this now.” Mr Joestar grumbled, shaking his head. “Can’t believe I’m talking to myself.”
“Neither can I.” A yawn slipped through your lips, a gasp quickly following afterwards as your back collided with the mattress. Joseph trapped you between his arms, his eyes wide as he stared down at you.
“You know, you sure are pretty.”
“Pretty?” You felt the mattress shift as Mr Joestar adjusted himself, scooting closer to you. “Joseph that’s now how you woo a woman.”
“Oh yeah?!” Joseph challenged, looking up at him with a scowl. “Since you’re so good, why don’t you show me? Just how exactly do I ‘woo a woman’ old man?”
You barely even noticed that Mr Joestar had moved to sit behind you, his chest pressing against your back. “W-Woah now- what’s this about-??” Your voice cracked as you spoke, only furthering your embarrassment. His strong arms wrapped around your waist as his head rested in the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin.
“You see Joseph, you’ve gotta treat her like a queen. If you don’t, then she’ll dip.” Mr Joestar ignored your protests and began to kiss your neck, his beard tickling you slightly. His touch was light as a feather. And it made your face flush.
“You’ve gotta be gentle,” he whispered against your skin, one of his hands slipping underneath the waistband of your shorts while the other held you in place. “Right Y/n?”
Was this a dream?? It seemed so surreal, especially since you’ve always found the man to be attractive.
“Right, Mr J-Joestar…” you were breathless, with your head rolled back and your eyes squeezed shut. Even if it is just a dream, you were willing to take advantage of it.
“I see…” Joseph’s eyes were focused on you, his gaze practically searing into your skin. The bed dipped as he leaned forward, and you felt his hand on your cheek. “Gentle, you say? What if she likes it rough?”
“Well you’ve gotta build up to that, Joseph. She’ll tell you what she wants in time.” Right as he said that, his finger rubbed against your clit, causing you to gasp. “See? She likes that.”
That bastard. He was really taking his time, wasn’t he?
Your hips bucked against his hand as he pushed your shorts down, spreading your legs so that he could give Joseph the full view. However, the brunette couldn’t have cared less about what the older man was doing to you. He was too busy working up the courage to kiss you.
Mr Joestar rubbed his finger along your folds slowly, his lips still pressed against your neck as he collected your slick. Then, right as he pushed his finger into you, Joseph smashed his lips onto yours.
Your mouth opened in a silent moan, and Joseph took that as his sign to shove his tongue into your mouth. He wasn’t a good kisser by any means, but god the feeling was sending you over the edge.
Joseph’s hands ran along the sides of your body as he kissed you. He seemed confident, just like his older counterpart, and it turned you on.
“Joseph-“ You were cut off by the loud whine that escaped you, as Mr Joestar had added another finger to the mix. You felt like you were melting, and your body leaned back into his and further away from Joseph.
“See? Take things slow and she’ll be nice and ready.”
“I get it. Let me try…” Joseph leaned forward and removed Mr Joestar’s fingers. Your reaction made him smirk, and he wasted no time slipping two fingers into your entrance. Mr Joestar took that as his sign to undress, slipping off his shirt and unbuckling his pants while Joseph fingered you.
Another moan was torn from you, as his pace much faster than the older man’s. It was starting to drive you crazy, especially since you could now feel Mr Joestar’s hardened cock against your back.
“Y/n… would you like to help me out over here..?” He asked you sweetly, taking your hand and guiding it to his dick. Once he got you situated, he smiled at Joseph, as if to brag that you were touching him first.
Joseph didn’t like that idea, and did about the only thing he could think of.
“You know, if you don’t stop being a douche then I might have to French kiss you.” Joesph’s lips formed into a smirk, satisfied by both your reaction and Mr Joestar’s. But the old man’s surprise was short lived.
“Why don’t you then?”
God they really were the same person, weren’t they?
You continued to stroke Mr Joestar’s cock, your pace quickening as Joseph hesitated, forcing the old man’s head to roll back. A low moan passed through his lips that made your stomach flip, and apparently Joseph was just as entranced.
“I’ll pass…” he mumbled and lowered himself between your legs, his nose brushing against your clit. Joseph hummed, experimentally wrapping his lips around it and sucking, chuckling as you squirmed.
Mr Joestar clamped a hand over your lips as you stroked him, his voice wavering. “Now now, remember what you said? We can’t let the others know…” He leaned into you weakly, another moan escaping him. “So keep quiet, okay y/n? Be a good girl and let me teach Joseph how to handle you.”
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kuttblueberry · 11 months
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Some quick doodles from yesterday. Trying to figure out how to draw all these characters again it's been so looong
Also I randomized a colour palette for Speedwagon, I'd like to do more eventually <3
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1ovede1uxe · 4 months
jjba • “can you get me pads” scenario
Featuring the main animated Jojos, all 3 Jotaro eras, and both main Josephs (not peepaw).
grey text is their response xx
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Some have more than one bc I’m indecisive and yes I reused some replies. thank u all for being patient w my lack of consistency in posting <3 also, I hope you all see this, I hope this doesn’t get taken down.
masterlist :)
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ghosttrea-archived · 2 years
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original idea by @kwosh1n on twitter
original post linked here
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risquefanfics457 · 5 months
Could you maybe do a stardust crusaders imagine but with a reader who starts having a sensory meltdown? i'm neurodivergent, and I sometimes get those overloads?
i put a link to what a sensory overload is. you dont have to answer, but i enjoy your wrting
I hear you. Sensory overloads can be hell. Neurodiverents unite!
You didn't specify if it was romantic or platonic so I'm going to keep it platonic.
Anyway, ENJOY!
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Joseph has gotten used to handling situations that are overwhelming. He’s grown to be more quiet overtime, but let’s be honest here, it’s still Joseph. He’s going to worry. When you begin to look uncomfortable, he’s going to ask what’s up. Don’t lie to him, he can tell something is wrong, the man is a father, and he learned the tell tale signs of discomfort with his own little family. 
When he asks and you don’t respond immediately, he’s going to pause and pull you aside to make sure you heard him. 
“Y/N, are you alright?”
“Are you feeling unwell? Sick?”
You shrug
“Okay, let’s sit down.” He puts his hand on your arm and you flinch at the contact, which makes the overstimulation flare. When you yank your arm away from him, he’s going to be suspicious that maybe there’s a much bigger issue at play but he’s going to lead you away from the crowd and get you to sit.
“Can you tell me what’s the matter?”
A panic attack seizes in your throat and he can see it, “Can you talk to me?”
Your palms sweat and shake your head with shame.
“Okay, well, can you point to anything that you need?”
You shake your head again, closing your eyes, trying to avoid the harsh light.
“Okay…” Joseph tries to problem solve, “Can you point to what is bothering you?”
You manage to your ears
“Your ears hurt?”
You shake your head
“Is something in your ear?”
You shake your head again, this time covering your ears.
“It’s too loud.” He realizes. He thinks for a moment. “Hold on.”
You notice he pulls something from his pocket, earbuds. Connected to them is a Walkman, he unplugs them and holds the cord out to you, “you can put them in, it’s not much, but they’ll make it a bit quieter until I can find some earplugs.”
It’s a few minutes before Joseph comes back and puts a pair of earplugs beside you and a pair of headphones, “Use either. They’re the highest quality, so don’t worry.”
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Jotaro can’t lose it. He’s got too much riding on him. If things go sideways, he would never forgive himself for the consequences, that is if he made it out alive. Because of this, Jotaro isn’t very in touch with his own emotions and prefers to keep them tamped down and if not in danger, he might actively ignore some signs of a sensory overload. He just doesn’t have the mental capacity to deal with it. Don’t mistake this for a lack of empathy or effort, he’s just way out of his depth here. That being said, if things really escalate, he might snap at you, thinking he can get you to act ‘reasonable’ if you take notice of how you’re feeling and pull yourself out of it on your own.
“Hey, quit muttering! It’s damn annoying.”
When you cover your ears and whimper, he feels something in his chest ache. 
He made it worse. He gets up from his hotel bed, huffs and goes to sit a bit closer to you but not too close, he gets wanting personal space, “I didn’t think you’d be that sensitive.” He pulls his hat over his eyes.
When things stay quiet, and he doesn’t really know what to say, he might ask you if you need anything. He’s frustrated. He gets when the world is just too full of pointless talking and noise, but watching you suffer, well, it was a new perspective. Jotaro wants to understand, but now he doesn’t know if it’s even his business. He’d leave you alone, but stand users lurk around every corner, and he’d be damned if he was leaving you alone in this state.
Fuck. What do you even do in this kind of situation. People don’t really cry or breakdown in front of him, not unless they were babies. You weren’t a baby. But that was the closest thing he had to what was going on. Babies get upset if they’re overwhelmed and need a nap…
Jotaro drapes the sheets of the hotel bed over you and closes the curtains, “I’ll be on the patio.” He grabs a book. He doesn’t expect an answer. If you need him, you know where he’ll be. 
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Polnareff is pretty clueless. He means well, promise, He just hasn’t been a person people look up to for guidance and support for a while. Polnareff is a funny and flirty guy a lot of the time. He understands sorrow and grief, but he also knows when he should distance himself from things if they get in the way of the objective. Well, he’s better at it now. He’s been on a long journey of suffering to get closure because of his sister’s death. This all means he’s all too familiar with personal meltdowns, but not somebody else’s. Polnareff will first start picking up on your sensory overstimulation when you start to lag behind everybody else.
“Hey, Y/N, pick up the pace. You’re going to still be in Aswan by the time we’re in Cairo.”
You didn’t reply. He notices this and hangs back while the rest of the crusaders keep moving but will slow a bit so they don’t get out of eyesight. They tell Polnareff to be quick, because they need to keep moving. 
“You’re going a bit slow, mon ami.” He remarks
You hide your face.
“Oh? Too hot? I get it, I’ve been wearing this rag. I found it at a market. When we get to Luxor, maybe you should get one for yourself.” He points at the cooling towel on his head and shoulders. You don’t respond and just try to stay quiet and breathe.
“Man, you aren’t this quiet most of the time. I mean, you talk a fair amount, but you’re acting like a recluse.” He says without much understanding.
Your shoulders haunch with shame. He doesn’t get it.
“Maybe you’re hungry, or thirsty.” He guesses, “Mr. Joestar has a canteen, but you’ll have to pick up the pace to get it.”
Still, no sign you’d even heard him.
“Y/N, are you even listening to me?”
It was then he noticed you shaking, “Hey, Y/N, are you hurt?” When you don’t say anything, but shake your head, he yells out to the group, “Hold up! Y/N might be hurt!”
You bury your face in your hands, his yelling setting you off even more. This becomes a back and forth movement to counter the overstimulation. He notices the rocking and checks you for injuries, “Where is it? Who was it? Was this the work of an enemy stand?”
You shake your head vigorously. 
“What?” His concerned look mixes with confusion, “I don’t get it, what’s going on then?”
Your hands shake as you crouch down and try to hide. 
“Polnareff, what’s going on back there?” You can hear Joseph’s gruff voice.
Avdol ends up coming and looking you over, “Stress.” He says plainly, “Or something along those lines.”
“Stress? Stress can manifest like this?” Polnareff asks
Avdol nodded, “It can even overwhelm the senses.”
“Okay, which senses are bothering you?” The silver haired man asks.
You clench your eyes closed and point to them and your ears. “Sound and sight.” He says, “What about touch? 
Your answer is a hand moving side to side, ‘a bit’. 
“What if we stopped for an hour or so, just find a place that’s cool and quiet?” He asks.
You nodded. “Okay, can you stand?” He asks. You sign back ‘a bit’ again.
He nods, “Can I take your arm and lead you?” 
You nod.
“Alright, we’re going to take care of you, Y/N, don’t you worry.” He says gently.
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Avdol picks up on this SO fast. This man is a reader, not just the book type, but he reads people as a living. He might even notice something is off before you do. Like the amount of people bustling about, the crowds and the people who accidentally bump into you. He’ll talk to Joseph and you and advise a quieter route. Unfortunately, this is the fastest way to get through. A detour would cost the group precious time. Avdol will instead hang at the back of the group with you and ask you what you need. Avdol is also much faster in places like markets because he’s grown up around them. In this case, if he’s sure you’ll be okay for a few minutes, he’ll haggle and find you something that might help.
“Where’s Avdol gone off to?” Polnareff asks Joseph
“He’s picking up a few necessities.” Joseph replies, he’ll meet back up with us in a few minutes, if he doesn’t we’ll assume he’s in danger and move quickly to a quieter location in case there’s a stand user in this crowd. I don’t want civilians involved in anything harmful.” He says gruffly
You walked behind Jotaro, his tall stature making people stare and move around him, maybe in respect or trepidation. You got bumped into less this way. “I’m back, Mr. Joestar.” Avdol seamlessly weaves his way back to the front of the group.
“Welcome back. Y/N is in the back behind Jotaro, maybe he’s good at blocking out the sun.” He grins playfully
Avdol nods in good humour and squeezes onto the back of the group. He walks beside you, giving you a foot of room on one side to ensure nobody brushes against you when you’re already overwhelmed. He holds out a small box, inside there are wax earplugs. And in one of his deep pockets he produces a beaded bracelet, “These are to cancel the noise, and if you need to keep your hands moving, you can rotate the beads in your hand.” You take the gift and look at him with surprise. “I don’t mind.” He says with a smile, “I can see that you’re struggling. We need to build each other up on this journey, so if there’s anything else you’re in need of, just communicate in anyway you find comfortable.” Your smile of gratitude is all he needs. He’ll hang back with you for as long as you need it. 
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Does this guy get neurodivergence or what? Kakyoin spent a lot of time alone. He didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. He learned to communicate in lots of ways. Verbal wasn’t always his strong suit anyway. If there is anybody who understands isolating one’s self because you are different, it’s him. Jotaro isolates, not because he’s entirely socially awkward, it’s also because he just doesn’t want to. Kakyoin wants people to know who he is, more than that, he knows being a bit different comes with its own experiences and self-honed skills. He’s going to pick up on you retreating back into yourself in the beginning, not as fast as Avdol. He’s not a people reader after all, that being said, he is a people watcher. For years, Kakyoin watched people from afar, this helped him understand other people’s friendships and relationships. He’s also learned a lot. When you’re on your own, you don’t exactly get distracted by other people asking you to join them in things. So he’s read quite a bit, even on neurodivergence. He can spot the overload in a few minutes and get into action. He gets up from the seat on the train he’s in and sits next to you.
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
No answer. “Is it stress, or maybe are you just overwhelmed?”
You looked up at him, not expecting him to understand.
You nod and stare at the ground.
“Is there anything I can do?” 
You have a moment to think, but you’ve gone nonverbal at this point, and realize you can’t really act out what you need because it’s a bit complex.
“Hmm…” Kakyoin thinks for a monent and then pulls out a notepad from his uniform
You look at him quizzically. 
“I’m a student, I always have this on me to take notes.”
You smile up at him.
“Here.” He hands it to you, along with a pen.
You jot some things down.
“Too bright, too many sounds, chairs bad texture.” 
“Yeah, I bet there’s years worth of dust in these.” He chuckles, “I have a scarf, maybe we can put that around your eyes? Or your ears like earmuffs?” 
You nod and jot something else down, “Is the scarf soft?”
“Yes, it is. My mom bought it for me when we travelled to Egypt the first time.” He smiles and goes to get the scarf. 
He comes back and sits next to you, “If you need anything else, write it down for me, and I’ll be happy to get it.” He relaxes in the seat next to you, “Promise.”
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discountskeppy · 1 month
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polnareff dont u know. all dogs go to heaven two.
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rokakakadisease · 2 years
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passioneflora · 2 years
part 4: crazy🤪noisy🤧bizarre😳town😆!! wooo morioh!!!!! Hell yeah josuke ! KOICHI<3 !! OMG Okuyasu !!!
me still trying to process the trauma of part 3: stat dus … , crysades…..
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
hi! i understand that it can be uncomfortable for u but if u don't mind can i ask the headcanons of p3 guys with dystrophic fem s/o? it would be cool if you also will make an nsfw part
i really enjoy your writing!!!🥺
Thank you so much!! It's not uncomfortable at all, don't worry! I tried to make this post very vague, as the experiences of people with dystrophy can be different, but as always, you can message me if you want me to change anything, enjoy (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Stardust Crusaders w/ a dystrophic!fem! S/O 🌸
Cw: nsfw content ahead
Jotaro Kujo
>He'd be careful with you regardless, but I think it would take some reassurance for him to express his love physically. But again, he isn't really the most affectionate, so what's the difference?
>He knows that you can handle yourself, so he is thoughtful without actually doing anything for you
>If you require any mobility aid, the Speedwagon foundation is ready to create only the finest technology for you
>If you ever feel insecure of anything regarding your disability, Jotaro is there to hold you, he may not be good with words, but he'll try to voice his feelings in order to reassure you that there isn't a single thing he would change about you
>Carries painkillers and muscle relaxers with him in case you ever need them
>Understands that sometimes the pain can be too much to even want to interact, but he will still be there in case you need anything, you don't need to talk, you can do parallel play
>Is very gentle with you, and tries to make you do as little effort as possible during your intimate times
>Eats you out with de-vo-tion 🙏
>He's inexperienced, but it's definitely a pleasurable time
>And if you ask for, you can have Star Platinum doing it, he's got that godly precision for all your good spots
>Lets you choose the position you'd like so it's always comfortable
>Wants to take care of you but you'd end up sore regardless
>His pace is slow and deep
>6/10 aftercare, he isn't awful, but he needs some practice
Noriaki Kakyoin
>He's much more open about physical affection, as he trusts you'll tell him if he hurts you
>Enjoys "house dates" that's basically you two scrolling through your phones and showing each other those cheesy cat pictures that couples share, and you clearly don't have to move around much for that
>I headcanons he suffers from migraines, so he can relate to the pain and sometimes limits on your daily life
>Offers acts of service to help you in days that are harder, so don't worry about grocery shopping or taking out the trash while he's there
>He isn't as scared to hurt you while being intimate as others are
>He's a tease, but also a gentleman, he'd like you needy and worked up from his touch so you ask him to please you
>And how can he deny you?
>Maybe gets a bit too carried away with the overstimulation and leaves you aching
>But he'll take care of you dw
>Breakfast in bed after he wrecked you kind of romantic<3
Muhammad Avdol
>Soothes your aches with natural essential oils and massages
>Tries to smooth out the ground of his farm so you can walk on it if you use any mobility aid
>He doesn't let you get insecure ever, he's a happy wife, happy life man™
>He's really supportive and thoughtful of whatever you need
>Avdol is perfect for everything tbh
>May be a bit overprotective though, is nor that he doesn't trust you, but he know how damaging is the pressure to be "functional" rather than to live a full, happy life (damn capitalism)
>He's such a spoiling sweet lover
>He'll make sure you are comfortable, and if you need to switch positions, take a break, stop, or anything, you just have to say your safe word
>He can get rougher, but he's more slow and sensual type of man
>11/10 aftercare
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
>He's so sweet, but he sometimes forgets his strength, so warn him please
>Another one that will literally worship the ground you step on
>Insecurity? We don't know her in this house
>A huge simp
>I feel like (if you don't already use one) will heavily encourage you to use a mobility aid, he doesn't think you need to force yourself, and you shouldn't feel bad for trying to make your life easier
>"It's okay to take up space, chéri
>Or you can just let him carry you and kiss the top of your head the whole day<3
>Like Avdol, he's very passionate, he makes love, he doesn't fuck
>Soooo many praises
>Knows he's big, so takes some time prepping you, it may even look like he's teasing you, but he just doesn't want to hurt you
>Your legs may end up just a bit sore, but he won't leave you as bad as the others
>He also has a voyeurism kink, so just watching you touch yourself is enough
Joseph Joestar
>"You know the Speedwagon foundati-" shut up Joseph, you can't use your nepo baby privilege to try to find a cure for it 💀
>No, but fr, he gets you all the best of everything, the best physicians, the best technology, the best specialist, just anything that can help you
>Respects you, and knows that you can handle yourself, but is also in his nature to spoil you
>He's very understanding, but sometimes you have to explain to him that pain is a part of your life, and him dating you means that he's gonna see you in pain sometimes
>He's there to gently stroke your hair and sing you praises
>Horny jail? This one scaped
>You have to tell him your legs get sore if he just pushes you against a wall and starts to get at it
>He'll be a good boy and get you to a nice comfortable bed
>And when I say nice, I mean, top tier mattress and silky sheets
>Loves when you ride him
>When he gets horny he forgets that you may need breaks, so you have to stay firm and be clear to him
>Of course won't react badly, he just gets too excited
>He's really good with his fingers, but that robotic hand has more than one perk
>Goes for quickies, usually, but always makes sure to examine you and massage your sore muscles, he also uses hamon to help you
Merli Anne [platonic]
>Anne's a bit of a pushover, but she just wants to protect you!
>You're a big sister to her, and she wants to prove to you what a useful person she can be, specially to you
>Tries to help the aches by giving you a soup recipe or something like that
>She thinks you're so strong and cool
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rougepancake · 10 months
Incubus!Joseph Joestar who doesn’t even bother waiting until you’re asleep to seduce you. He was summoned by you, so why not make the most of it?
mature content under cut. minors and ageless blogs dni.
Incubus!Joseph who ignores his ‘strict moral code’ and teases you until you’re crying. He doesn’t care that you haven’t gotten to cum yet, you will eventually.
Incubus!Joseph who repeatedly tells you that it’s a part of his contract to pleasure you, and he takes that to heart. Of course he keeps delaying your orgasm, but he’s showing you things you’ve never even been able to comprehend.
Incubus!Joseph who has you convinced that he’s secretly some sort of sex god (wait until you see caesar). It doesn’t help that he’s feeding off of your lust for him, since that means he’ll have enough stamina to keep you up all night.
Incubus!Joseph who has little to no experience giving head, but is still willing to give it a shot just for you. You can see his tail flick behind him as he lowers himself, a cheeky smirk on his lips.
Incubus!Joseph who humps the mattress while sucking on your clit, whiny moans escaping him. For an incubus, he sure is desperate.
Incubus!Joseph who uses his tail to spread your legs further apart. His eyes are on yours, silently observing you to see what you like.
Incubus!Joseph who refuses to fuck you while you’re asleep. He claims that it’s because he’s always found it to be boring, but it’s really just because he loves watching the way your eyes roll back into your head.
Incubus!Joseph who hasn’t appeared when being summoned by people other than you. There are plenty of incubi in the out there, so that means he can spend all the time in the world with you. (even though he tells you he skipped out on his job to be there with you, the lying bastard)
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kuttblueberry · 11 months
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Oldseph but with Fumi's stand because when I read that chapter I lost my shit
I've always enjoyed the idea of Hermit Purple having another form besides it's vines <3
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1ovede1uxe · 9 months
How good are the Stardust Crusaders at cooking?
irrelavant author's note: hi everyone! I've been super duper swamped recently with university just starting (and my 18th birthday), so please forgive me for inactivity! I'm having second thoughts about posting the Jotaro x Reader fic, I'm just a wee bit insecure about my romantic writing, hence the extreme lack of romantic anything that's original. I'm working on making some headings and visuals for my headcanons in the meantime. Also, I'm a decent way through SBR, so hopefully, I can start adding SBR characters into my writing. Enjoy :)
all characters are written in the time of SDC, so these do not apply to young Joseph and 4taro on
Jotaro Kujo
Okay hear me out, he's actually a pretty decent chef!
Holly helped him learn the basics when he was younger
Since he learned the basics, he cooks once a week for his mom and always will as much as he can
He's no five-star chef, but his food tastes pretty good!
He knows a lot about spice combinations for some reason
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Gyudon
Noriaki Kakyoin
He does not know a lot about cooking from scratch
Poor boy needs a recipe for things like spaghetti and instructions for mashed potatoes
He just wants to make sure he has it right!!
He cooked for the Crusaders one night with what little supplies they had and it was definitely food
He was not allowed to cook again
I feel like he likes cold/lukewarm foods rather than hot foods
he's very good at making simple foods taste great though
Oh, that instant ramen you packed? It looks and tastes like it's fresh from a restaurant once Kakyoin prepares it
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Soba (served cold)
He also definitely has a major sweet tooth
Muhammed Avdol
Now this is a five star chef
Could open a restaurant if he wanted to
He can cook any kind of cuisine, and if he's unfamiliar and it turns out wrong it still tastes delicious
He can make food out of literally anything around him
It’s everyone’s favorite when it’s his night to cook
Gets into debates/competitions with Polnareff about who the better cook is
His cooking is too spicy for Joseph sometimes (he used red pepper and garlic in a simple dish one time)
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Kofta and Kebab, or sushi
Jean Pierre Polnareff
We got another five star chef up in this bitch!!
Could also open a restaurant if he wanted to
He has a sweet tooth 100% for cakes/macarons
He’s a great chef, but has a taste and talent for French cuisine, so its rare to find him cooking during the 50 day trip
He’s not a picky eater but super critical of everything he eats (he’s whiny)
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Terrine
Joseph Joestar
He’s got it down, but like not as incredible as Polnareff or Avdol
When it’s his night to cook, he can work with what he has around him pretty well
It’s not melt-in-your-mouth delicious, but its still pretty good
He does have a few specific meals down really well though, specifically some Italian dishes because it reminds him of the past, and the heavy influence of Italian food in New York
He makes a mean sandwich, his sub sandwiches are unlike any other, and if you ask him to make a pastrami on rye or a patty melt it’ll taste like it was made at home
He also makes a god tier American Country breakfast, it’s the best eggs, bacon, and flapjacks you’ll ever have
Signature/Favorite dish to prepare - Squid Ink Spaghetti
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kalstuff · 14 days
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An oldseph daki I've been working on for quite some time!
Other sides are available on my 🔞 twitter and on sale at Cuddly Octopus soon!
I also have commissions open in this style! 💜
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