#one day I'll make my mind up
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My two fave energy mutants. Gambit and Jono. You know it’s going to be explosive with those two on the case.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Horse Yaoi trotted so Horsegirl Yuri could fly.
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hydrachea · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about Blade saying gifts are unfamiliar.
And I can't stop thinking about Kafka and Silver Wolf, hearing that, and making it a mission to bring him gifts whenever they travel somewhere for their script - even if he's there with them. About the confusion in his eyes when they steal buy something and turn right around to hand it to him.
About his room starting out completely empty except for the bare minimum necessities, a few spare clothes and what he needs to take care his Shard Sword, but filling up with little trinkets and gifts over time. Clothes and jewelry and perfume from Kafka and posters, figures and plushies from Silver Wolf. About them also bringing food back, expensive specialties swiped from a restaurant and the weirdest option they could spot in a lone vending machine, a category of gifts that doesn't leave anything behind (except the photos they both take of the three of them eating together, or of the faces he makes when Silver Wolf manages to trick him into trying a suspicious snack while he's distracted with polishing his weapon).
About Kafka spending hours finding clothes and jewelry she thinks would suit him, because that's her love language. She gets him makeup too, refusing to let his good looks go to waste. She knows he can't put it on himself, they both do, and he doesn't care for his appearance enough otherwise - but he'll let her do his makeup for him anyway, because she enjoys it, and because he finds it soothing.
About Silver Wolf also buying him clothes, but the ones she gets aren't his style at all, and just barely his size. She gets them for him, but just so she can steal them right back - her love language is quality time, and she fills Blade's room with gifts she can borrow along with a moment of his day. It still counts as a gift, she insists, practically swimming in an oversized jacket she swiped from his closet.
About how in another life, Yingxing gave gifts to the people he loved and in this one, Blade receives them from those who love him.
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angelsdean · 10 months
a silly inconsistency that drives me nuts is in after school special it's november 1997, which makes dean 18 going on 19 and he's still....in school ?? a 19 yr old wouldn't still be in high school unless he got held back (which, very likely for dean and moving around so much) except i don't believe he'd still keep bothering to go once he hit 18 and could instead be working somewhere to make money they desperately need. then there's the only-canon-when-i-feel-like-it John's Journal which says dean graduated high school at 18. and you know, i could actually see dean lying to john (who hasn't been around enough to know if dean's been going to school or not) and telling him he actually graduated but really he's been working part-time jobs this whole time. but dean actually still going to school in late-1997?? it's pushing my suspension of disbelief lol. like i could only see if really if he's like trying to keep an eye on sam and stuff. but even then i still think he'd prioritize making money over going to school esp after yrs of being made to feel like he's not smart enough
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omaano · 1 year
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The desert witch and his.... something tooths-y
A last one (for now) for my witch!Cobb AU for Monster Mash on the Dincobb server *kisses to all of you*
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merakiui · 9 months
azul has that single dad on vacation vibe nailed to a T in that new card and i’m going insane. i will be his wifey so he never again has to be a single dad on vacation
He's literally this:
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But it's okay because he makes it look so good. orz I will also be his wifey so that when he has his next vacation trip he won't be alone. <3 anything to make dilf Azul happy hehe!!! >:3c
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I will die on the hill that ford's paranoia is not a character flaw
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Birdie, I've got an idea for Valentine's Day! 🖤✨
Jack is asking his uncle Gilgamesh for an advice for Valentine's Day. So he and Gil are baking heart shaped cookies for their loved ones. On Valentine's Day Jack is giving his cookies to Thena because he loves his aunt very much and Phastos is complaining because he doesn't get a single heart shaped cookie.
Hugs and Love🖤✨
"Did you find out who it is?"
"No," Phastos huffed, watching from around the corner as Jack held up a decorated cookie for Gil to examine and certify. "He won't tell me."
"Perhaps it's best left alone," Ben posited from his chair, much more relaxed than his husband. "If he's not ready to tell us, he's not ready. He is only 11, habibi."
"Exactly, he's just a kid," Phastos hissed back at his partner. He looked back into the kitchen, where Jack was trying to sneak another taste of icing. At least Gil had taken seriously that Jack could not eat that much raw egg safely. He could like the cookie dough spoon, that was it. "He's too young for this."
Ben sighed, shutting his book and standing to join his husband. He slid his hand up his back gently, "well, some humans develop those kinds of feelings early. It's probably just a little crush."
"Little crush my ass," Phastos grumbled in response. He looked at Ben, "he's my kid too, and Eternals love...intensely."
Ben simply nodded, knowing very well that every bond the Eternals had tended to span thousands of years.
"Why are you spying on them?"
"F-!" Phastos sucked his lip between his teeth before he could let out a curse that would rattle even his superpowered glass windows. He glared at his sister, "T, I swear to god, okay?"
"What?" the Warrior Eternal merely blinked at him, still soft around the edges from her nap. She looked into the kitchen as well. "They seem to be enjoying themselves. What is the occasion?"
"Valentine's?" Phastos prompted, only to be met with Thena's 'statue face'. He rolled his eyes, "poor Gil, stuck with you for every damn one of 'em."
Thena pursed her lips at her brother before reaching up and pinching his side. "I will have you know, Gilgamesh prefers to take the lead on such occasions. I participate--that is enough for him."
"I'm sure it is," Ben assuaged, eager to get in between the two immortal beings who bickered like children. "Jack asked Gil for help making the cookies just after you went back to your room."
"Hm," Thena tilted her head at the scene. "Gil often makes something for this day; there is no secret to it."
"Well, this time, there was," Phastos muttered darkly, back to spying. He glared as Jack laughed and Gil patted his shoulder. Phastos turned back to Ben, "he knows I'm his dad, right? We can help him with this stuff!"
"Phastos," his husband chided instead of comforted, back to rubbing his back. "This is what it's like for kids to have uncles and aunts. They get to enjoy their company in a way that's different from ours."
"You go ask," Phastos prompted, shoving Thena away from him and in the direction of the kitchen. She glowered at him for it.
"Ask what?" she seethed at him, raising her fist to punch him in return.
Ben slid in between them again, again trying to mediate their typical family squabbles. "Who the cookies are for. He wouldn't tell when Phastos asked."
"Hm," Thena blinked, but accepted conditions. She turned away from Ben and lowered her fist, "Jack?"
Phastos kissed Ben's temple, "good save."
"Aunt Thena, you're up!" he turned in his chair, getting up on his knees and leaning against the back of it to beam at her. "Did you have a nice sleep?"
"It was lovely," she smiled down at her precious human nephew. She tilted her head, admiring the bounty behind him. "You have been making confections."
"Uncle Gil!"
"It's okay buddy, it wasn't like we were gonna be able to keep 'em secret for long," Gil chuckled as he stood from his chair. He wrapped his arm around Thena's waist, pressing his forehead to hers. "Get some rest?"
"I did," she promised her own partner and husband as he leaned in for a kiss.
Both Eternals parted, glaring at their agitated brother briefly. Thena looked down at Jack, who was nibbling on his little lip. "Who shall receive your hard work, Jack?"
"Well," the boy fidgeted, his expression shy. His fathers held hands behind his uncle and aunt, but Jack stood from the chair and took Thena's hand. He pulled gently, guiding her to sit where he had been. He turned the plate, on which he had arranged all the heart shaped cookies into one big heart shape. "They're for you, Aunt Thena."
Thena blinked at the platter of cookies. They were all frosted, with varying degrees of colour and skill. They were soft, white sugar cookies with red icing on them. "Me?"
"Of course," Phastos huffed behind them, but was shushed by Ben.
"Valentine's is kinda cringe, but it doesn't have to be for, like, love-stuff," Jack shrugged. "At least that's what they said at school. They said we could do something for our favourite person."
"My own son," Phastos continued to lament.
"So," Jack looked up at Gil, who nodded for him to keep going. "I asked Uncle Gil if he would help me make some cookies for you. But I cracked the eggs perfect! And I decorated all of these ones."
Thena smiled, picking up one of the more grotesque, early experiments. She took a bite, smiling as she chewed the soft, buttery cookie. "They're perfect."
"Really?" Jack lit up.
"Partake in your spoils," she said as she handed him one. "Thank you, Jack. I daresay you are my favourite as well."
"Hey Jack," Phastos inched forward as his son wolfed down one of his own cookies. "Are any of those for your old man, maybe?"
Jack just stared. "You can ask Aunt Thena."
Phastos glared at her , though. "T, remember-"
"Ben may have some."
"Oh, come on!"
Gilgamesh stood aside, laughing at Thena's innate desire to be petty with their brother. He slapped the back of Phastos' shoulder as Ben did sneak in to steal one for himself. "I mean you should've seen that coming, man."
"You guys are married," Jack gesticulated, pointing at the two couples in front of him respectively. "You got each other stuff for today, right? You don't need me to do anything."
Phastos continued to pout about how his own child made his sister cookies but none for him. But Ben smiled, "that's right, we did get each other gifts for today. It was very nice of you to make something for your Aunt Thena, Jack."
Thena moved from the chair to let Jack sit again, "but I shall need help eating all these. Jack, if you would be so kind...?"
"Sure!" It didn't take much to convince him.
Ben led Phastos into the living room to nurse his wounds, while Gil pulled Thena to his side again, further up the table. She sighed as he pressed his lips to her cheek, "is this what you did all afternoon?"
"Yep," Gil whispered. "I think he waited for you to have a nap so he could surprise you."
"It's rather sweet," she smiled at the image of her nephew enjoying a few more cookies. She looked down at this plate, decorated significantly differently. "And these?"
"For you," her lover confirmed, holding one up to display the meticulous design he'd made. "It's Australia!"
It looked like a smear of dirt in a sea of blue.
"Don't worry, I made my own preparations for today," he whispered before nipping at her ear, promising fun more than just some cookies.
"Hm," Thena purred, allowing him to kiss behind her ear and down her neck in their small window of privacy. "You do love this particular occasion."
"Damn right I do," he said against the soft skin of her shoulder, just inside the collar of her dress. "An excuse to lavish my wife with gifts and attention? And make love like wild animals-"
Gil sighed as he pulled away from her to also glare at Phastos, "what, dude?--don't you also have lavishing to do?"
"Not in the kitchen I don't," Phastos snapped with his hands on his hips. "None of us are having a romantic time until 9 o'clock anyway."
That was Jack's bed time.
"So we're gonna go out for a nice family dinner instead," he declared firmly, as if it were a mission order, and not an invitation to a nice restaurant. He slapped his coat over his arm, "and you two are gonna behave!"
"We always behave," Gil rolled his eyes, following Phastos into the living room and front hall to also retrieve his and Thena's coats.
"Nuh-uh, no, I mean it Gil," Phastos snapped in his brother's face as they both glared at each other amidst helping their partners into their own coats. "No ooey-gooey eyes, no playing footsies under the table, no sneakin' off to the bathroom."
"What if he has to go?" Jack asked much more innocently as he retrieved his own coat. He smiled as Thena held it out for him the same way Gil had done for her.
"That's not-" Phastos sighed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "Okay, never mind, family dinner, let's go."
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axewchao · 7 months
Bro, we need more Dalex and Darkrai moments, like, YESTERDAY
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In which the runaway god receives his very first gift.
"Kurai! I'm back!"
The excited voice and hurried footsteps made Darkrai turn his head away from the clouds he'd been watching for the last few hours. The little human, who called himself Dalex, was running up to him with an unusual glint in his eyes. A strange rattling could be heard, though the god couldn't tell how the boy was making such a sound.
Sitting up with a stretch, Darkrai acknowledged Dalex with a nod and leaned back against their 'special' tree. "So you are. How was 'camp' today, little human?"
"It was good! We learned about bug Pokémon today! The other kids were too scared to hold this really big Wurmple, but I wasn't!" Dalex puffed out his chest in pride, making his eldritch companion chuckle.
"Very brave of you, little human. Bugs are a common fear amongst mortals, from what I have gathered. Though, such a fear is not without reason."
"'Cause, uh..." Dalex kicked his foot as he tried to remember the camp counselor's words, "'Cause Wurmple knows Poison Sting, right?"
"That's one reason, yes."
Dalex hummed, then shrugged, "But that Wurmple wasn't scary! She was really nice! She let me pet her and walk around with her and even sat on my head for a while!" The boy giggled to himself and bounced in place, the rattling sound hitting Darkrai's ears once more.
Now the god's curiosity was piqued. "What was that?"
The boy stopped, the noise stopping along with him. He titlted his head, "Huh?"
"That sound. Were you collecting river rocks again, little human?" Mortals and their urge to collect shiny things... Darkrai doubted he would ever understand the appeal.
Dalex gasped, eyes widening. "Oh, right! I almost forgot!" The boy suddenly grinned, reaching into his pocket. "I have a surprise for you!"
Darkrai raised a brow. "A... surprise? What do you mean, little human?"
"I made you something! Hold out your hand!"
Darkrai blinked, unsure if he should humor the boy or not. Whatever it was, it rattled, was made by the child, and was most likely small enough to fit in his claws. He tried to create a mental list of what the 'surprise' could be, but said list was left empty.
...Well, if the little human made it, then surely it was harmless, right?
"...Alright, little human. Let's see this 'surprise.'" He held out a claw, which Dalex steadied with his free hand.
"Oh, and close your eyes real quick!"
What. "What."
"Please?" Dalex's eyes were pleading, with a small hint of nervousness. Was he afraid that Darkrai wouldn't like this 'surprise'...?
"...Alright." Darkrai sighed, closing his eyes.
He could hear the rattling once more, and felt a number of small, round objects wrap around his fingers. The things were pushed down to his wrist, briefly tugged upward as if testing for something, then let go.
What was...?
"Okay, open 'em!"
A set of shiny, purple beads, strung together into a bracelet. The beads reminded him of gems, but the lack of any detectable essence made it clear to the god that they either lost their power long ago or, more likely, were fakes. 
Regardless of the answer, seeing them filled Darkrai's chest with... something. He wasn't sure what it was. He was so stunned by the feeling, he couldn't look away from them if he tried.
"You... You made this for me, little human...?"
Dalex nodded, "Uh-huh! The grownups taught us how to make 'em!"
"I see... And what purpose do these beads serve?"
The boy giggled, "It's a friendship bracelet, Kurai! I wanted to make you one 'cause you're my friend! I got the prettiest beads I could!"
Friend. The word left the god speechless.
It was an absurd thought, really. The child had no idea what Darkrai was truly capable of, the terror he could and would always wreak on mortals at their most vulnerable, whether he wanted to or not. It was this fact that made Darkrai insist that Dalex never take a nap in his presence, lest the innocent child suffer.
By every stretch of the imagination, Dalex shouldn't have taken such a liking to the god, let alone offer him a gift.
And yet... he did anyway.
Darkrai recalled the Wurmple Dalex mentioned a few minutes ago. Unlike with Darkrai, the boy knew that the bug could've poisoned him at any moment, yet was still the only one amongst the children willing to reach out to the creature. He found the experience enjoyable, even, which was saying something given that humans his age were often terrified of such things. They were often terrified of a lot of things.
If... If he knew what Darkrai truly was... would he still...?
"D'ya like it, Kurai?"
Kurai nearly jumped, but managed to gather himself at the last minute. He looked up from the bracelet to Dalex, hoping his lack of a mouth didn't keep the boy from seeing his smile.
"It's... lovely, little human. Thank you."
Key Item — Friendship Bracelet A bracelet made of shiny purple beads, symbolizing the friendship between you and your little human. It's the first gift you've ever received, and you vow to take care of it.
...Okay, I confess, from the moment I decided that Dal would mistakenly call Darkrai "Kurai," I knew, I knew that eventually I'd start calling the damn guy "Lord Kurai." Kinda like how the Nobles in Legends are called "Lord" or "Lady," basically.
Don't be surprised if I start doing that the next time we see him =w=
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osoreruna · 3 months
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i even narrate all might replies differently than toshinori replies 💀
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hiphopcherrrypop · 3 months
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they are even in my subconscious… sick and tired 😭!!!
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
#random rambles#Technically I'm done with this month's header since yesterday.#Practically I've been feeling so insecure about it I've been procrastinating looking for an icon or uploading it at all#Like it *was* natural to have a downgrade in themes I've said it myself a lot of times. After 24+ themes it's understandable I'd run out–#of inspiration (or even simply material) for the very cool stuff#That said. I did very much spend the whole entire day from when I woke up to when I (started studying at past 2am) went to sleep on it#That's what I get for working with the anime tbh. Bones artstyle is ugly there's little to be done about it#While making it I also came up with other two themes concepts.#One is probably going to replace September's plan and the other idk will probably slid to the next year#Idk looking at this year's planned themes lineup it all feels full of things I'm not skilled enough to make...#On top of everything this February's theme wasn't even what I had initially planned!! The one I had initially planned was a chapter 33 pane#Idk why I didn't follow up with it. Maybe I've just grown to think manga panels are too simple (terrible choice) (rip)#I think the thing that bugs me with both the initially picked image and the anime header I made yesterday–#is that there's no smooth transition with the blog. And I know it's not a big deal but pretty much all my themes do and it's bothering me..#And it shouldn't. Like nearly everyone uses an header that is sharply separate from the blog and they make it work#Uhm..............#Idk I should be studying besides.#I think I'll either go looking for an icon and see how the overall theme looks on the blog. Maybe I'll like it better then.#Or I'll just start over and see if I can use the ch 33 panel I had in mind and see if I'll like THAT better#It'd just be a shame if after all the time I've spent on it yesterday I'd just let it lie unused on my computer#There's also the fact that black and white of the manga doesn't feel very February-esque... (Don't ask)#Ugh. I hate looking for icons it's always the worst part 😭😭😭#I was considering the last Beast Atsushi illustration (because ofc I was) but idk. Idk if I can make it work.#And part of me is also like “don't use beautiful Hoshikawa Beast Atsushi on an ugly theme” LOL#But I also suffer heavily from the lack of Beast in this year's lineup.#Okay rant over. Shutting up now#Edit: If this month's theme is ugly please be kind#Edit 2: Jk I've found like four icons. Maybe I'm just very dramatic
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camellcat · 4 months
I like how I'm all "I can't STAND river song I HATE river song get her OFF my SCREEN" and then river song is sad for 1 second and I'm in absolute shambles
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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thinking abt the agony of june still being six months away...... in the meantime, here’s a doodle of the Post-Peter-Legacy-Latinos™ hangin out
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miodiodavinci · 7 months
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anawrites3 · 1 year
Dick halted before passing the living room entrance, taken aback by the scene he witnessed. When he left - and it's worth noting, only for a minute or two - his father and his fiance sat as far away from each other as sofas and armchairs arrangement allowed it. They weren't exactly engaged in even moderately polite conversation but /at least/ they weren't arguing as well. It wasn't that bad. Now although...
To be completely honest, Dick wasn't sure what happened. They were still sitting in the same places, still not talking, and still not even looking at each other. The atmosphere shifted a little, that was one of the signs that he missed something possibly important. There were more signs, probably way more giving, such as frozen meat Bruce held to the left side of his face, or smeared blood under Slade's nose and his beard that looked like he tried to wipe it quickly.
Of course.
"The fuck?" he asked pointedly looking at Alfred, the picture of elegance and composure, standing straight in the corner of the room.
"Master Bruce and Mister Wilson had a...disagreement" butler explained throwing one of his disapproving looks their way.
Of fucking course.
"It was quickly resolved" to that, Dick noted, Alfred seemed to look a little too self-satisfied "and I proposed something cold to cool gentlemen down. And for the damage, obviously. Mister Wilson refused."
Bruce only murmured something unhappily but Slade was rather stubborn about getting on Alfred's bad side, like refusing his polite act of mercy wasn't enough. "I'll heal in an hour, no need for that sh-"
It's going to be a long evening.
Anon this is BRILLIANT!! Amazing writing too!! Ahhh its so good!!
Bruce and Slade are trying their best to not fight each other but only when Dick is in the same room 😂 They don't even mind Alfred there lmao I love it, I wonder what they were thinking when they started that fight - they had to know that Dick will be back soon 🤣 It's "We'll act like nothing happened, maybe he won't notice" kinda thing 😂💕💕 amazing
I love the idea so much, let me add a bit to that 👀
"I swear to God, you are worse than children." Dick let a sigh escape his lips as he sat down on the sofa, right in the middle of the room. That way he was sitting evenly in between both Bruce and Slade, and they both looked conflicted whether to move closer to him or stay where they are, as far away from the other man as possible.
"He started it." Bruce complained under his breath and Dick sent him a pointed look.
"I really don't care who started, Bruce. And it's not like it matters anyway, you both are way too old to act like this."
Slade crossed his arms over his chest with a mumbled complain and leaned back against the armchair he was sitting on. Dick glanced at the blood still smeared over his face and stood up again with another sigh.
"I can't believe you two, I literally left for three minutes!"
"A lot can happen in that time."
"Yeah, I can see that." Dick remarked, bitter. "Fighting, making a mess of yourselves-"
He reached for a tissue to gently clean up Slade's face. The blood stopped running already thanks to the man's healing factor but his nose still was fractured if not broken from the punch. It would take a while to heal and while Slade got way more serious injuries on daily basis, it still must've hurt like hell.
Dick looked down at the button-down shirt Slade was wearing, at a few drops of blood that got on it and let a small pout enter his face.
"My favorite shirt too..." he lamented quietly.
Bruce looked away. Slade shifted a bit in his place, uncomfortable. Good, they should feel bad about it!
"I can wash it out, it's just some blood." Slade assured him with a half-shrug. His rough fingers found Dick's wrist and squeezed gently. "Or I can buy another one like this."
"I don't want you to buy another stupid shirt, I want you both to stop fighting!"
"Little bird-"
"No! Shut up, I don't want to hear it!" Dick snapped, taking a step back to glare at both of them. "You're both important to me and I'm so fed up with all your stupid fighting! You are going to start acting like adults and learn how to live around each other without trying to kill each other!"
Bruce ran his hand down his face, suddenly looking tired.
"You know it's not that easy, chum."
"It is! You're my dad and Slade is my fiance, I'm not going to give up on either of you because you don't like each other!"
"It's Deathstroke, Dick! This has nothing to do with disliking, this man killed thousands-"
"I love it when you're calling me your fiance." Slade hummed with an easy smirk as if Bruce didn't speak at all. He sent Bruce a look over Dick's shoulder and enjoyed the way Wayne tensed. "Can't wait until we change it to 'husband' though."
Bruce clenched his jaw with so much force that Dick worried about his teeth. He hated being reminded that Deathstroke would soon become a part of his family and Slade knew it far too well.
"You're not helping, Slade!" Dick hissed.
Slade looked back to him and pressed his lips to Dick's wrist before pulling him onto his laps. Bruce leapt up from his place.
"Not really trying to."
Dick screamed.
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