#one of my favourite episodes 👍
ptr-sqloint · 1 month
Desecrated Host
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humanmorph · 4 months
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I step all around the pieces on the floor / Wires and cords, and records, and tapes
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implalazz · 2 months
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Waaaaaaaaa I’m back with more yokai fusions & also a comically small Buchikoma
L-R: Blazitina, RoboGrapenyan, Damonono, Buchikoma, Komajisan, Pandatina
Again more design thoughts under tha cut ✌️
My fingers always feel sore after typing this much….. Lots of learning about the details of traditional clothes this time. I chose these pairings cuz I felt lazy & wanted to draw the simpler ones first lol
Blazitina: Lion girl 👍 First thing I can think of in my thought process was making the belt an obi sash. Tattered at the ends to batch Blazion’s & with an obijime for fun. I didn’t super feel like giving her the same kind of Miku-esque kimono sleeves that I gave Lord Lie-In so I just made them weird kinda arm warmers. Did the same for her pants too, I’m not sure what they’re called but they’re inspired by the leg warmer kinda things in PLA on the fancy kimono. Also gave her a juban cuz idk I made her gi dip too far under her arms & yknow she’s a little lady she’s gotta stay covered up. I know all of this traditional kimono gear isn’t conductive to good karate but whatever…… She doesn’t get boots cuz I like drawing paws & her ahoge mimic Blazion’s scar (I didn’t have enough room to fit it in). I was thinking of giving her an x shaped hair clip but I thought it’d be too busy on her head. Overall despite some things I’d change (the way I shaped the obi I know realize the shape is TOO stylistic) I think this is my favourite design of the bunch
RoboGrapenyan: Very much inspired by the pkmn Violet paradox mons* (*See the bells & eyes.) Not much to say it’s a pretty straightforward fusion. The tail onibi are lightbulbs because it feels more robotic & I thought it’d be cool. The jet exhaust is grape soda……. That was a choice. LOOK I’LL EXPLAIN, uh….. grape….. grape exhaust? Grape vapor? Grape soda????? Sure. Also I think in the back of my mind I was thinking of that soda gun from that one episode of SpongeBob. Naughty Nautical Neighbors. I had to google it I had to know what episode it was….. yeah.
Damonono: YAAAAYYYYY FIRST TIME DRAWING HAKAMA THEY’RE WEIRD BUT I’LL GET BETTER AT IT!! They’re supposed to be split leg hakama but in every reference I looked up they’re so wide that they just look like the skirt kind rather than having two leg holes. I gave them hakama cuz bootleg jeans would be weird with a kimono. And I like hakama. That’s it. The sleeves….. Let’s talk about those. I didn’t wanna give them the heart guns/cannons cuz idk…. I liked the way Damona’s hands were posed & I wanted to keep that. So instead they have weird fucked up heart shaped kimono sleeves. I wanted to keep Damona’s long obi too but I thought it might mess with the silhouette already having the sleeves & also that’s just not a thing you do with hakama. So….. her sleeves are kind of like the end of her obi…….. I’m only now realizing she could’ve had them tied up normally & they could still hang that low….. whatever. In my mind they go under the obi, get tied up so they can put on the hakama, & then untie them & let them hang over the hakama. Look I don’t think of fashion in terms of is this normal? Is this practical? If it looks good I do it. Not much else to say. I had to look up a tutorial on how to put on hakama cuz I wanted them to be as accurate as possible……. And now I know how to put them on so that’s cool I guess. I LOVE LEARNING!!!!!!!!
Buchikoma: Again pretty simple. I gave him a little tuft of hair to emulate Buchinyan’s wispy hair tuft. I forgot to draw the spot of the side of the right thigh, lol. His eye spot is shaped like an onibi cuz it’s cute 👍. His haramaki has the patterning of Jibakoma’s tummy spot cuz I can’t not give him the haramaki that’d be a crime. His ears are farther apart & smaller like Jibakoma’s, & his tail onibi are shaped like that cuz idk I tried to imagine what Jibakoma’s tail looked like & I thought of that. Overall another one of my favourite yokai fusions I’ve done. That’s my son
Komajisan: SPLIT EARS!!!!! Inspired by a fandom design of a certain character from a certain comic I won’t name….. IYKYK. Split ears cuz 2. Also extra swirly bits on the swirls cuz 2. I was thinking of adding blue spots to his bindle but I didn’t like how it looked so I didn’t do it. Fun paw spots cuz it’s cute. Forehead onibi are kinda angry lookin cuz idk….. I just felt it. Also mini onibi in between the forehead ones cuz 2. Some makeup accenting cuz……. IT’S CUTE!!!!!!!! I was also thinking of making the onibi half brown & half blue but it looked bad so yeah, I didn’t do it.
Pandatina: Probably my favourite in terms of lineart. I actually got noticeably better at drawing kimono particularly the sleeves. I’m proud :]. I honestly didn’t feel like giving her a haori/cape/whatever so I didn’t (also I just forgot to lol.) So she has a good sewn into the collar of her kimono. Clover shaped obijime like Slimatina cuz it looks cool & I like it, also I needed more clover shapes lol. She’s got one in her hair because of that too, I was thinking of making it blue but I thought nahh. She’s intentionally very pale cuz I wanted her skin tone to really match the snake part of her body. And she has eyeshadow on to emulate the spots around Pandanoko’s eyes, same with her pupils. Again just a simple fusion
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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Live Title & Promo Visuals Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! The official title for the live was announced today!
Title: 『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue Advanced Ticket Lottery: March 11~March 17 General Sale: March 30~
Botanical Land Post | Instagram Post | Tweet
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2024/03/08 Instagram post by Wakana
I went to a wonderful studio the other day🌿 It was a lovely room with lush greenery and plenty of light. It was fun to fantasise about where I would place my furniture if I lived there 😌💕(Source)
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2024/03/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第7回目‼︎〜卒業とチョコチップと「The “VOICE” Stories」〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden Vol.7!! ~Graduation, Chocolate Chips, and 「The “VOICE” Stories」 ~
The 7th episode of "Wakana's Talk Garden" has been uploaded! Thank you for sending me your "graduation memories"~(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Maybe the topic was a bit tricky this time so there weren't a lot of submissions🤣 But I definitely related to a lot of your stories about things that you want to graduate from and finally leave behind 😭✨ (I certainly want to get rid of my late-night cravings for Korean food)
By the way, I was surprised that I couldn't recall which song our choir was singing at one of my graduation ceremonies even though I was sure that I would remember such a detail. I vividly remember singing at the graduation ceremony as a member of my junior high school choir. I had a pretty loud voice but most of the other members were rather quiet so I would always hide somewhere in the back because otherwise I would stand out too much with my singing😂 (Sorry teacher, please forgive the antics of an adolescent). However, back then there was a boy in our local boys' and girls' choir and he would always make sure to sing with a loud and firm voice. I looked up to him with great respect and thought he was incredibly courageous, he honestly was my hero✨😂 (I was still hiding in the back but he encouraged me to sing with all my might) All the parents mentioned that they were amazed by how well our voices could be heard (*´-`) Despite all of that, I totally forgot what song it was 🤣🤣 That's the most important part! ! *laughs* Oh well, that's how life is...(I'll ask a friend next time💌)
Before I read all of your graduation stories , I went on a tangent about Baskin-Robins ice cream. It went on for quite some time so please be prepared! ! 😂 It was about my favourite chocolate chip ice cream which I had to get as soon as it came out! ♡ it was my first time in years to eat this flavour ♡ (If you add your favourite ice cream flavour in the Baskin-Robins app, you'll receive a notification when it's released). I also tried the newly released matcha brownie flavour 🍨 It was so delicious! 😳 But for some reason...I can't really recommend this particular combination of flavours🤣 It’s better to eat them individually!!👍
Well, the next talk theme is... there will be NO talk theme! 😂 I feel like everyone was having a hard time thinking of stories for the talk themes🥺 I didn't intend to inconvenience anyone...😇Please forgive me...😇 So next time, just throw some random messages at me! Don't even think about it, no matter what it is, just submit it and let me talk about it. So if you have anything you want to ask me or want me to talk about, please don't hesitate! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Really anything is fine! 🤗💕 I’ll be waiting💕
Also, the official title for my upcoming 5th Anniversary Live has been announced✨ The full title is Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~! The title of my first tour after my solo debut was ``VOICE'', it was about having my “voice” heard and expressing my “voice”. Back then, there were so many things that felt new to me, and I'm sure it was the same for all of you. Five years have passed since then and I have come across several new "voices" within me. New thoughts and feelings were born within my heart and expressed through my "voice". And of course I've been supported by the voices of encouragement from many people throughout all these years. For these reasons, I decided to name the live The “VOICE” Stories, I want to create an environment for people to hear my new “VOICE”. I will be sharing various thoughts and sing songs from the past five years. I would be happy if you came to experience this special moment together with me. Please come to “I'M A SHOW” in Yurakucho on May 12th! ! The live promo visual has also been released🤗✨
All right, that’s it for today! Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #7
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #7 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 7 Topic “Memories of Graduation”
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on April 10th, the topic is “Something I Want to Ask Wakana/Something I Want Wakana to Talk About” The submission deadline is 03/31.
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archie-sunshine · 4 months
What got me through watching some Tfp episodes was imagining them suddenly stopping all actions to have an orgy 👍
In general i adore tfp, kinda because the old men are slutty and Starscream is a twink but it can get kinda bland, totally valid u dislike it cause yes.
Anyway, thoughts on tfa if you’ve watched it?
i know that starscream can be fun and YESS i know that ratchet is fun and YES I know that knockout is fun but GOD i can't hold on just for them. every time the music swells like theres supposed to be some grand moment i just- UGH this is NOTHING- god its just. not for me. im not. yucking anyones yum. *gritting my teeth as blood pours out of my fucking eyes*
I feel like tfp needs nostalgia and a lot of legwork from fans and fandom to work. i might just not have watched far enough but am i gonna go in for a second try?? probably not. idk. i just didn't like it. :/
ANYWAYS!!! I think tfa is WONDERFUL. I really love tfa, i think it's like one of my top 3 favourites personally. (1.Mtmte, 2. Earthspark, 3. tfa)
I think it just OOZES personality. like the whole thing feels so alive and exciting, i think it's biggest crime is not being long enough to deliver on its promise. and god do i wish it had more time. I think the main cast is all perfect and compelling, all the secondary characters are just as fun as the main cast, the plot manages to be simultaneously tense and light hearted, it strikes a perfect balance between light and dark imo.
I love tfa so much.. GOD i love tfa. argh. ARGH im NORMAL. fuck.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 4 months
Day 3 - Prompt: Smile @pandalilymicrofics
February Daily Series - 508 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Pandora whipped out her mobile to text Regulus that she was on her way, then switched to her last conversation with Sirius. He���d given her his number for Regulus-adjacent emergencies ages ago, but Pandora was too curious about him to leave it at that. Besides, he’d drunk texted her twice in the first month to inform her that she was a twat for keeping Reg in London.
🐼: Tell me about Lily.
🐾: How do you even know about her?
🐼: 3 guesses, the first 2 don’t count.
🐾: You stalked my Instagram again?
🐼: Obviously.
🐾: Apparently everyone does. 🙄
🐾: You’re really coming for winter hols?
🐼: I had enough big brother bonding for a lifetime in the first 3 days.
🐾: Can’t relate. I’m a wonderful big brother.
🐼: I’ll bet he’s sick of you.
🐾: Never!
Pandora’s smile widened. She liked Sirius, for the most part. He was clever, blunt, and completely random, just like her. It surprised her how much they had in common when she first met him, but it shouldn’t have. Regulus was a creature of habit, so it tracked that he would seek out someone like her.
Beyond those similarities, they were polar opposites. As a result, their arbitrary text conversations spiralled into heated debates over extremely niche topics, but she needed to keep this one on track.
🐼: Anywaffles, Lily? I need info.
🐾: Hold on, “anywaffles?”
🐼: You read that correctly. Well done.👍
🐾: Cunt
🐼: Prick
🐾: Great, now that greetings are out of the way, what do you want to know?
🐼: Queer?
🐾: Very
🐼: Single?
🐾: As of yesterday? Yes.
🐼: Anything else I should know?
🐾: Remus says she likes: Taylor Swift, French poetry, fat orange tabbies, and dancing.
🐼: Remus is your beau?
🐾: Don’t start.
🐼: What happened to “single until I die?”
🐾: He quoted Chandler, Pandora. I had no choice.
🐼: Fair.
When Pandora met Sirius for the first time in Heathrow Airport, he blurted, “You’re Phoebe Buffay!” before squeezing the stuffing out of her. Phoebe then became her hyperfixation for the next two weeks as she binge-watched every episode. Apparently, Friends was one of Sirius’s hyperfixations as a child.
She continued to quiz Sirius, and Remus by extension, about Lily. By the time Pandora’s train reached Cardiff, she’d learned that her full name was Lily Jane Evans, she was twenty-five, had a Botany degree, worked in a bookshop owned by Remus’s father, intended to move to London (which had to be a sign), and her favourite food was soup in any form. None of which explained why James specifically mentioned her when Regulus referred to a “group of girls.”
What am I missing? There has to be something else.
It had occurred to her that “Lily” was simply the first name to enter his mind, but she didn’t believe in coincidences. There had to be a reason that this woman was taking up a majority of her thoughts before they’d even met.
She was special, obviously, but why?
Next Part>>>
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theinsurancesketch · 19 days
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Hi! You can call me Minstrel! Or Insurance (as I realised far too late, is probably what everyone refers to me as)
I use both She/her and He/Him pronouns, and identify as Non-Binary 💛🤍💜🖤 I live in Australia, so my Timezone is probably different to yours!
-> This is my Monty Python side blog. You can find my main account @minstrel-in-the-gallery ! (I mostly hang out here, though). You are very much encouraged to send me any asks or messages. I’m too shy to say hi first lol
IMPORTANT: I can’t comment on this blog (tumblr, why) 😰😰😨, so replies will be coming from @minstrel-in-the-gallery
About Me!
-> Monty Python
This show has grabbed me in a chokehold and will NOT let go!!! 😕😕
My favourite movie is The Holy Grail, and my favourite python is Terry Gilliam! atp I have such a huge crush on him it’s not even funny ☹️
-> Music!
Music is my everything! I mainly listen from 1960s to 1980s. I’m a Prog fan at heart, but some of my other favourite genres are hard rock, glam rock and folk rock! I’m a HUGE jethro tull fan, (aka I’m very deranged about them). I play the bass and flute, though just for fun so I’m not that good or anything!
-> Movies & Shows
I really like movies from the 20th century, or ones that come from musicians. I have my favourites are on repeat all the time.
Tommy (1975), Monty Python (yes, all of them!), The Last Unicorn, Yellow Submarine, Head (1968), RRR (which actually isn’t 20th century, but man this movie blew my mind it was so good), Heaven Can Wait (1943)
A bit obvious here, but my favourite show is Flying Circus! I’ve seen it too many times. My favourite episode is probably Salad Days
-> Sports
I actually really like sports! I follow both the cricket and footy (afl, not that American one). I go for North Melbourne (AFL) and The Hurricanes (BBL). We are losing terribly 😭
-> So, yeah! Come be my friend!
Like everyone, I suck at talking to people but want friends. I’m working up the courage! I have a bad time articulating myself and probably overshare a bit (just read this intro post! Whoops!)
Btw, yes, the lil guy on the intro is what I look like! I’m all thumbs up in every photo 👍 (reminder I’m non-binary though!) update to this inspired by @whizzochocolate and @marcus-the-ant :))
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shurisu · 16 days
Hello there! 👋 Bakugan battle brawlers is my favourite series. So, a unique transporter card of Alice caught my attention. I saw Alice using the transporter card quite easily in Bakugan battle brawlers new vestoria episode 11,19,34 and 51. I heard Masquerade used this card in season 1 to transport himself in and out of the doom dimension. So, In this episode 19 of new vestoria could have Alice use it to transport with Dan, Shun, Ace, Runo and Julie to new vestroia together? Did Alice's transporter card's ability reduced? Also, when they were trpped with some sort of electric cage by Gus Grav I wondered why Alice didn't use the transporter card to teleport themselves to out of trap and to a safe zone. In new vestoria episode 32 Alice fought against shadow excellently with Alpha Hydranoid using newly acquired darkus gauntlet. After episode 32 onwards why did they left behind Alice with darkus gauntlet and alpha hydranoid from their team? I think Alice js a capable brawler as she was 2nd ranked brawler in the final stages of bakugan battle brawlers season 1. I was surprised that they left out a brawler with powerful bakugan hydranoid with darkus attribute gauntlet user Alice.
Greetings and best wishes to you! 👍
A very good question! I went and checked again before replying to you in case i'm missing something, but no. They didn't seem to touch that topic, so what I'm getting is that, the card is apparently only limited to Earth and Doom Dimension.Another excuse to excluse Alice but I understand that, if the card was limitless or at least worked for NV/Vestal , most of their problems wouldn't even exist (and the show would end in few episodes 😂) About the times like when when Gus trapped them, I just think those are just plot holes lol.There are just lots and lots of them sometimes they are very obvious but it is what it is .This is why I always say this show would bang on another level if it had proper writing.
About Alice and Hydra, I elaborated on that topic, especially on my latest asks ( like this one here ➡️) but to say it shortly, they just wanted to introduce more bakugans to sell more toys. I wish they used your logic and kept strong brawlers, there's no doubt that Alice/Masquerade is one of the best ever and Hydra is also a top tier bakugan.But from creators POV it requires a complex writing (also most likely a higher budget) and their goal was more of commercial success.So Hydra got replaced by Percival, just like how Percival is replaced by Linehalt.It would be nice to see them all coexist together though because most the characters are lovely, but I will always say that Alice and Hydra deserved better.
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bigtittiecomitte · 8 months
Anyways since I have nothing else to do so might as well post about random thoughts
I really enjoyed TADC pilot btw I really loved the characters and the whole aesthetic, animation was really good too I absolutely adore when animation is in cgi but looks 2Dish
For the characters, love Pomni, silly goober and continues the insane girl trope in Glitch’s content lmao
Not much to say about Caine tho he was pretty much who I expected him to be but he’s still silly
I never expected Purple Bitch to be THAT sassy like holy shit he literally would call you a thousand slurs and run a podcast, he’s still purple double sassy Popee The Performer to me
Uh Kinger is a silly guy I didn’t expect to like him as much as I did. That scene with him shaking violently got me cry laughing so hard 😭
That other sassy bitch was cool I really like her design
That gang ribbon one wasn’t my favourite but silly otherwise, if I had a dollar for every time a show shows a character with double masks they use as emotions and were victims of sassy rabbit dudes I’d have two dollars
I did feel like it was going a bit fast pace but it is the pilot so I’ll be waiting for any upcoming episodes
Anyways TADC is great I heavily recommend it 👍
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flock-of-cassowaries · 2 months
Five Questions for Nine People I’d like to get to know better.
@foxgloveinthesun Thank you for asking! There are friends of mine who would say you have made a grave error in extending this invitation, but I’ll do my best to not hog the microphone too much.
Last song: Dashboard by Modest Mouse, on repeat. Something about the melody really captures some of the low-level restlessness and frustration I’ve been feeling on and off since approximately 2015. And it’s a bop.
Favourite colour: Green, but like, kind of a yellow-green chartreuse situation. It evokes life and vibrancy for me. Also the colour of my sofa, which one of my long-time IRL friend hates, and which I have therefore specifically bequeathed to her in the event of my untimely death. (When I was initially sofa-shopping, my then-boyfriend confidently advised me it was “a neutral”. I now suspect he may have been colourblind.)
Honourable mentions to:
- the dark grey-blue the clouds get when it’s about to rain and everyone around me is cranky about it (because apparently, I am a troll)
- orange (my grandmother’s happy colour, and mine too; also the colour of her glorious, deep-pile shag carpets); and
- fuschia, because fuck my early-2000s-teenager NLOG internalized misogyny, I am allowed to fucking like pink.
Currently watching: Dark Shadows. I love a good campy soap opera, and oh my gosh, this one has exceeded all my expectations. So happy it’s available to stream. (For free! On Tubi.)
I’m also putting off finishing Doom Patrol. I have five episodes left, but I love the characters so much and don’t wanna let go.
Sweet / savoury / spicy: Savoury. I bow humbly at the altar of monosodium glutamate. But I also particularly love a sweet-savoury combo, like hoisin sauce.
Relationship status: Ended a long, tortured long-distance relationship with a cis man (who turned out to be a hardcore conspiracy-theory enthusiast) in January.
Trying to unburden myself of all of that baggage, and to work up the courage to put myself out there and date women, because I think that would probably work out better. I’ve never had the courage to do that before, even though I’ve always known I was attracted to women (since before I even knew I could be attracted to men), because I am, above all else, a coward 👍; and also, the above-mentioned internalized misogyny.
Buuuut last two times I’ve attempted a relationship with a man, I’ve get a lot of pressure to perform femininity in ways that didn’t feel natural to me, and gotten a lot of hostility directed at me due to my straight male partners feeling that being involved with me threatened their claim to straightness.
…and also, I really, truly no longer need to impress my dad. So, like, fuck it…?
But it’s still scary as fuck.
Current obsession: Succession; or, perhaps more accurately, my unfinished, un-posted, and perhaps excessively-ambitious Succession fanfiction, which I’ve been working on since last July.
I remember, in March 2023, hearing a local radio host talking about how excited he was to watch season four of Succession, and just thinking “That show sounds insufferable; why would I care about the power struggles of a group of ultra-rich assholes?”
Little did I know that the specific dynamics of the father-son relationship depicted therein;
…and the son (Roman)’s own relationship to his privilege (something he’s afraid to give up, but unable to fully realize because he just can’t quite pass as the cis straight man he’s supposed to be);
…and his relationship to his quasi-messianic father’s right-wing political convictions, which he has adopted as his own;
…and how this all exists in tension with his ambiguous, but undeniable, queerness (as the reason he can’t ever fully enjoy the privilege his wealth and maleness would otherwise afford - despite him never owning up to it, everyone around him reads him as gay, and reminds him of this constantly at the slightest hint of conflict);
— yeah, it just all maps so perfectly onto things I’ve struggled with myself over the past three decades; many which I have been ashamed to even acknowledge.
[Pause for breath.]
(Even though I have never been anywhere even proximate to the level of wealth depicted, I’ve had a lot of privilege from being white, comfortably-middle-class, beauty-standard attractive, and capitalism-compatible; but being an AFAB person playing the role of a cis woman (successfully, if rather uncomfortably), and not a cis or cis-passing man, has locked me out of the full exercise of the privilege that right-wing politics asserted would be mine, if only I conformed.)
(And also my dad is a self-styled philosopher king / violent lunatic who thinks Walter White, Machiavelli, and Richard Nixon are inspirational figures, and who subscribes to the right-wing daily newspaper founded by one of the men the patriarch in Succession is based on.)
So. I have a lot of ideas.
(Pictured: Me.)
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Plus, the show has plot holes big enough to drive a fleet of Lincoln Town cars through (or perhaps a mega-yacht, pursued by angry orcas 🛥️ 🐳🐳🐳); and nothing spurs my creativity quite like a plot hole, so that’s just perfect for my fanfiction-writing process.
(And it also features a very kinky quasi-sexual situationship that, uh… does things for me. So. That’s a bonus.)
Last thing you googled: The publication date of Henry Ford’s favourite work of anti-Semitic hate propaganda. I’m listening to a chapter in an audiobook (“How Fascism Works”, by Jonathan Stanley, 2018 - Random House) that discusses it.
I don’t know if anyone else likes talking about themselves as much as I very evidently do, but I would like to extend the invitation to answer these same five questions to the following esteemed hell-sitecitizens: @inkandcayenne , @theveryparanormalgabriel , @scabby-lasagne , @scabby-lasagne , @trwinsome, @rockstar-moron , @saul-okayman , @threeguesses , and @reidoxreader.
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lotsofstupidshit · 4 months
here's me ranting about music/musical artists and hazbin
Minor spoilers for the last ep of Hazbin btw lul
I cannot for the life of me stop listening to "Finale" from Hazbin😭🤌
Especially the part where Christian Borle (Vox) and Joel Perez (Valentino) sing together
We (me and some irl friends in school lul) were like throwing together what we'd find cool for a second season especially or if we just had filler episodes and it came down to me gesturing around and ranting to them why "Something rotten" is a great musical and they should listen to the music of "Falsetto" and the ham4ham with Joel Perez xD
I told them I'd die for a duet between these two and on that accord I made a 6 minute audio message when, screaming, when I watched the ep for the first time xD 👍
I didn't really know Joel Perez before Hazbin but now I love him and the moment I heard Christian Borle was gonna play Vox I immediately knew Vox was gonna be one of my favourites xD
As you can see I'm a big musical nerd xD (probably gonna post something i posted on Reddit here, in some seconds, as well)
Thank you for coming to my talk xD listen to Something rotten and Falsetto
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transmasc-rose · 1 month
Doctor Who Tierlist (as requested by @transgenderdoctorwhomst)
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Curtis has been bugging me about my placement of Eleven for weeks so here is something objectively worse: a ranking of Doctors, companions, Torchwood crew, and Jackie.
(Don't take this too seriously. I like most of these guys a lot.)
Explanations under the cut for length
Rankings are a mix between "how well do I think they're written" and "how much do I like them" based on vibes and whims, and are not consistent in how much each matters.
Rose: Placing her on the chart would throw all of the other letter rankings off. She gets her own tier.
S (Eight, Nine, Amy): Top crowd who I think about too much without prompting.
Nine is my favourite New Who Doctor, first Doctor, ninerosejack, etc. Grumpy as hell with love in his heart. Also his season is my favourite season vibe-wise.
Eight is extremely bully-able, like a sopping wet cat, while also having some screwed up aspects to him. Vampire Science is great if you want to watch him have a toxic mind-melding relationship with a vampire, and I can't put him any lower after that.
Amy. 👍
A+ (Spy, Simm, Ianto): Could fight anyone in S for a spot, but I'm unwilling to crowd a rank that thoroughly.
If I was ranking the Master as a whole and the Doctor as a whole, the Master would win, but I'm not.
Ianto is here instead of S rank because I don't think he's quite well written enough to go there. I do, however, like him immensely.
A (Jack, TARDIS): Not fighting for S rank, but still very good.
The TARDIS isn't around enough for me to put her higher than this, but she's a lovely eldritch creature.
I like Jack more than Ten.
A- (Ten, Owen, Gwen): Not quite A material, but I'm still abnormal about them.
I like Ten less than Jack.
Owen has massive amount of character development in his series and is definitely the most interesting character in Torchwood.
Gwen is kind of a bitch, and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible. She is snarky and terrible and refuses to accept anything not going her way. Good for her.
Owen and Gwen could probably sit up in A with Jack, but I won't leave Ten alone like that.
B+ (River Song): I don't know enough about her to put her in the A's, but she has potential. Made me cry once.
B (Donna, Rory, Toshiko): Fun characters doing their own thing but I'm not feral over them.
Donna was probably the best choice for a Ten companion. She's neat. 👍
Rory was a plastic soldier for 2000 years. Depending on how they handle that later he could go up in the rankings or stay at B forever.
Toshiko should have had episodes about her job. She's the resident tech specialist. Why was every Toshiko-centred episode about her love life.
C+ (Eleven, Thirteen, Jackie): Cool in theory, okay in practice (+Jackie).
Technically I talk about and draw Eleven more than anyone in B or B+, but I'm the one in charge of the list, and I thought Rory (rank B)'s plastic soldier bit was more interesting than anything Eleven did in s5. Like I said: cool in theory, okay in practice.
C (Roberts!Master, Mickey Smith, Adam Mitchell): Did their jobs perfectly acceptably. No strong feelings in any direction.
C- (Yaz): I hear she gets better.
D (Graham, Ryan): I was incapable of getting emotionally attached to any of Thirteen's companions which was disappointing. Hoping they get better in the later seasons and at least bump up to C, but I'm not holding my breath.
Complicated: Characters I can't reasonably drop into any of the rankings.
Martha was not treated well by the narrative, and I didn't enjoy a lot of her episodes in s3. BUT when she IS treated well she's great. If you're a Martha liker, watch Torchwood. She gets to actually be a doctor.
Tentoo is interesting in theory/interesting in what could be done with him, but they don't actually try to do anything with him. I also have personal distaste for the end of Journey's End, but that's not the character's fault.
Haven't met them yet: I haven't met them yet. I hear good things about... pretty much all of them though. I expect to have Twelve and Clara pretty far up the list. The others I don't hear enough about to know yet.
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spilledsinnamontea · 4 months
Hey, Ann!! Happy Valentines!!! 💚💚💚
I was wondering here: which ships are in your Top OTPs? And why you love them so much (if you want to share!)
OMG HI MONDO!!!! Happy (belated) valentine to you as well 💘💘💘 How are you?? I hope you are well!!!
Of course I want to share, I love oversharing about my ships HAHA. So here you go, a (short) list of my SNK OTPs:
(pretends to be shocked). No, but I'm not even kidding when I said that they live in my head 24/7 🤣 Everytime I do or see something, I would automatically connect it to Levihan. I just can't help it lol, I love them so much (both as a character and as a ship). Their relationship is mature and pure but fun at the same time. I mean, they embody all of my favourite tropes, so no suprise here. But idk, there are no other ships (that came before them or after them) that could alter my brain in the same way as them. They changed me fr, like something shifted inside me the moment I became a Levihan shipper. Hell, I even chose my uni major because of a Levihan fanfiction 💀 Not only that, my writings and English has improved a lot, and all of that merely because I want to write their fanfic LOL.
I've been a Levihan shipper since 2013 and I will continue to be one until I die. So yeah, expect to see more Levihan fanfiction for more decades to come 😚✌️
They don't really live in my head 24/7 but I still think of them often. Also, they hold an important place in my heart since they are my first ship in SNK. Not only that, they are also special to me because they are THE ship that went from being considered as a crack ship to a canon one. LIKE IT WAS INSANE. I mean I've been an Aruani shipper since 2013 and so I knew how small the fandom were back then. Not only that, most of the SNK fandom saw AruAni as a crack shipper, but we were like, "No! They are not! (proceed to analyse the hell out of their interaction in the female titan arc)." 😀👍
So imagine how SHOCKED and ECSTATIC I WAS when all of these analysis and headcanons CAME TRUE. It took us almost a decade, but we finally got to say, "See guys? WE ARE NOT DELUSIONAL." I never been proud as a shipper HAHA. One of my biggest flex is to say that I've been an Aruani truther since 2013 😎
Okay now that I think about it, the only ships that I deeply care about are only the two above. I do like other ships, but only in a casual way (but I still gonna defend them though LOL), and those are:
I used to be neutral with them but when that episode of Historia holding the passed out Ymir on her lap and said, "My real name is Historia", then they stared at each other eyes with such love???? BEAUTIFUL I SAY. Their dynamic and the way their characters arc intertwined with each other? Love it! I wished Isayama gave them a proper closure though :(
Oh man, I actually have a lot of things to say about them but I'm gonna keep it brief🤐 I didn't ship them at the beginning, but as I grew up and as I tried to understand their characters, I found myself falling for JeanKasa and their potential. I feel they will have a healthy, mature, and loving relationship. I also like the way Jean showed his love to Mikasa (he's not selfish and he's not blinded by his love).
Well, that's all! But, before I end this ask, here are some honourable mentions: PokkoPiku, EreHisu, EreMin, and MikeNana.
Bonus: I actually like to play with the idea of Erwin and Marie, I even tried to explore them in my fic HAHA.
OK THAT'S ALL. SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO LONG MONDO 😝 Thank you for the ask!! You made my day!!!!! I love you 💖💖💖
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ticklinglady · 1 year
The Untold Origins are finally getting to be animated and the quality so far is wonderful!!! That's something to celebrate, guys!!! 🥳🥳🥳 Man, it is sure as hell pleasant to see our favourite BSD characters back in action and the story to finally give more development and background to the guys outside of skk and sskk. (Watch me treasure Fukuzawa's screen time, like a bag of sapphires 🤲) So, go my favourite father/son duo! You're doing great, it's your time to shine! I also really liked the way the scenes were adapted, especially the one with Ranpo getting accidentally screamed at, the facial expressions were just perfect, in my opinion 👍
However, as a light novel reader, I know that not everything, unfortunately, had the possibility of being animated. In particular that one hilarious scene in the beginning of the story, where Ranpo gets on Fukuzawa's nerves at a ridiculous level 😌 It's a pity that it didn't appear in the episode, but I don't blame the anime creators, cause I understand that there was simply not enough time for this. That's why I think it would be a nice thing for anime onlys to learn of the scene too. Everyone is out there laughing about the boy being clingy and annoying to Fukuzawa in the anime, however there he's actually barely an inconvenience compared to the little menace he is in the light novel XDDD
"Pacified Ranpo, grumbling about wanting candy - three times.
Gave in and bought him candy - two times.
Was asked how airplanes work — three times.
Convinced Ranpo, whining about his legs being too tired, to keep walking-four times.
Carried him on his back-four times.
Finally, Fukuzawa and Ranpo reached their next destination.
Along the way, Ranpo continued chattering incessantly, asking Fukuzawa for his opinion on various things, and complaining. I hate walking, I'm not cut out for manual labor, moving from place to place is such a waste of time, this is why communication technology was invented in the first place, are we not there yet, I want candy, that brand hasn't been good lately, the quality went down when new management took over, the city sucks, but the countryside sucks even more, I want to go on a sightseeing cruise, I want to feed the pigeons, are we really not there yet, I want candy, why aren't we there yet, I want candy, are you sure we're not taking the long way around-
Fukuzawa did not change his expression even once.
Having trained in and mastered both, the technical and the spiritual aspects of ancient martial arts, Fukuzawa's mental concentration could not be shaken by something as trivial as the cries of a child. It was the fruit of his daily practice. Fukuzawa simply continued to cope, without changing his expression.
As he was coping, indicating that he was listening with an occasional 'mm', on the inside, he was picking up Ranpo and throwing him far, far away. But only on the inside. Tying him up, leaving him on a street corner, and going home. But only on the inside. Opening a manhole cover, making him walk toward it, and upon hearing the whoooosh... splash, closing the manhole cover. But only on the inside. Drafting up fifty plans that all concluded with leaving Ranpo and going home alone. All of this was happening, strictly on the inside.
The more he planned and planned, the more expressionless he became. This way, he was able to keep Ranpo company without flying into a rage or yelling at him.
In the end, he managed to impress Ranpo. After looking at Fukuzawa in surprise for a while, Ranpo said:
"Old man, you're really patient, aren't you?"
That was the most dangerous moment of all. Had there been any vulnerability in Fukuzawa's mental composure, Ranpo would have already been halfway down the manhole.
It was the fruit of his daily discipline.
Thus, having walked for close to two hours, right when Fukuzawa was devising his fifty-first plan (one so violent, it would be a shame to write it here,) finally they arrived at their destination".
Tumblr media
Just look at him. Look at this walking definition of "patience of a saint".
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thatswhatsushesaid · 10 months
Sangyao for the ship game?
WOW I forgot I decided to do this meme, I am so sorry for leaving you hanging, anon!! (and also to the other people who sent me asks, I will get on those now) so:
ship it 👍
but as with most of my non-xiyao ships, I don't think I sail this particular one the way lots of other sangyao shippers do, since 1) I think there is very little canon support for it, and 2) in all of my non-jgy ships, I can never divorce jgy from his feelings for lxc. so even when I ship jgy with anyone else, he still loves er-ge best, and that is bound to be something that not everyone is here for.
that said, here are my answers to the other questions:
1. what made me ship it?
it was their vibes in cql, I think! I loved how quick meng yao was to throw himself between wen chao et al. and nie huaisang during the cloud recesses reception in episode 4, and how nie huaisang immediately shrank back behind him. because he trusted meng yao to take care of him--meng yao, who may or may not even have a golden core at this point, has not been raised among cultivators, but who nevertheless on pure instinct places himself in harm's way to protect chifeng-zun's easily flustered didi. in the novel, it was all of the gifts that jgy showered on nhs after he becomes jin guangyao, and how much joy and delight nhs seems to derive from his visits, as well as receiving such thoughtful gifts from someone who seems to actually understand his interests. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't a little 👀 over the possibilities of what these two often underestimated men could accomplish if they were given the opportunities to do what they do best and support each other while doing it. (well. jgy would probably do most of the supporting, but I won't throw nhs totally under the bus in that department).
2. what are my favourite things about this ship?
this is another area where I expect my answer is not going to be super popular among some other sangyao shippers, but whatever, here goes. probably what I find most compelling about this ship is that, no matter how attentive and loving and devoted to meeting nhs's needs as jgy is, nhs will always know on some level that in jgy's heart, there can only be lan xichen. and given the darkness I think is absolutely present in nhs's heart even before nmj dies, I think there is a lot of potential for gothic horror-romance there. tl;dr this is not the ship I reach for when I want to indulge in some happily-ever-after vibes, even when I am hoping to use a romance between the two as part of a canon-divergent fix-it.
aside from that downer, I do like that nhs as a person is just extremely hands-on and tactile with how he interacts with others. in a sangyao ship, I imagine this was something that shocked jgy to start with, but I can also see it being one of the things that he comes to cherish most about their relationship. because nhs just doesn't care about the world's perception of him, and it does not occur to him to be too concerned with the world's perception of jgy either. he wants to drape himself dramatically across his san-ge and beg for help with these wretched grain tariffs, and no one is going to stop him, and as much as this probably exasperates (and frightens, on some level) jgy, I don't think he would give that up easily.
3. is there an unpopular opinion I have about this ship?
y... yeah. lol. a lot of them to be honest. I do not vibe with the idea that jgy would ever have chosen to do nhs harm prior to figuring out that nhs is behind the complete destruction of his whole life, and so when I see jgy being cruel to nhs physically or emotionally in fic, I smash that back button. I also don't think that a happy ending for jgy involves becoming nie-furen (or nie-er-furen, if nmj is still alive) anymore than I think he would be happy as lan-furen, and while there's far less fic for this than there is lan-furen, I still just sigh when I encounter even fanon speculation about it. jgy isn't a lan, and he isn't a nie--he's a jin, and I think while nhs is blind to a lot of things, he would not be blind to something like that.
wahoo, better late than never!!
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brotherdusk · 1 year
@occasionalmaven replied to your post “the dresden files tv show will have you tearing...”:
As someone who’s never read the books or seen the show… do you recommend waiting to watch the show until I’ve read some of the books? 
hi! ​as someone who was in the same boat at the start of the year, and has since watched the entire show and read two of the books: not at all, you can jump into the show straight away if you want to! Dresden took the basic premise of the books and directly adapted a couple of them into episodes, but it mostly does its own thing with the characters and world.
personally I read Storm Front, the first book in the series, in parallel with the show. imo it was valuable in terms of adding depth to the worldbuilding (especially the magic system and its limitations) that the show couldn't fully explore within its 45 minute time slot. the tv version of Storm Front is a bit weird anyway, as it was cobbled together from the pilot episode and isn't representative of the show's final direction at all. I was actually advised to skip it entirely on my first run-through of the show - it doesn't fit tonally and interferes with the flow of the overall narrative. so I was able to safely take in both the book and show in parallel as I knew that the show wouldn't spoil the book's ending for me! it was a convoluted but cool way to enter the Dresdenverse 😭👍
but it's absolutely not necessary to read the books, especially as the show alters most things and introduces new overarching plots that are really unexpectedly good. it also expands upon certain book characters so drastically and so well that it's hard to believe that the version in the show is basically a tv original. Bob the Skull is kind of Dresden tv's version of the Cleonic Dynasty haha, a lot of people who don't like the show still think tv!Bob was a great idea. honestly the whole adaptation style is similar to Foundation - it's cool to have the extra context of the book, but it veers so far from the original stories so often that it's not as much of a help as you'd expect.
but yes please give this show a try! I compare it a lot to mid-2000s Doctor Who for a reason - it can be kinda goofy in tone and the CGI was made on a budget of approximately $3, but it's got so much heart and goes from "wacky supernatural romp" to "unexpectedly emotional character study" when you least expect. it's also very pretty to look at - it's shot and lit shockingly well for the budget, and everyone involved including the set dressers and cinematographers are clearly giving it everything. it's 12 episodes in a monster-of-the-week format so it's very zippy, and the acting is also fantastic across the board. obviously I'm biased as hell and think the Paul Blackthorne - Terrence Mann shared braincell double act is the best thing ever and only gets better as the series progresses. but even the actors who show up for a single episode are excellent! the one-off characters in episodes 3, 9 and 10 are among my favourites :3
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