#or reap the consequences
txrdish · 3 months
the moment doctor who showrunners use the names theta and koschei on-screen is the day i can die peacefully. imagine an emotionally charged scene between the master and the doctor then suddenly one of them drops the academy nickname on the other. it can go 2 ways
either the other gets all "you don't get to use that name on me, they're dead." or they crumble over the name and just. Breaks Down™.
(bonus points if it's in front of a companion)
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mipexch · 10 months
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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the young princess does tend to get a bit quirky at night
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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lactose intolerance is a daily struggle
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somfte · 10 months
okay i've had quite a lot of rum and i'm truly not trying to start any shit but "Love, for flint, is inseparable from political alliance." was very confusing to me because it seemed like the opposite of my interpretation of flint and how he loves
i know the post was about eleanor but i don't see him as *loving* eleanor. he has some affection for her, and he is kind when she is in distress. but it's not LOVE. he cares about eleanor more than most random nassau people but at the end of the day... when he says "eleanor guthrie has been arrested" to silver it's just, like...facts and news of the day, he's not distraught about it. he's more focused on silver and silver being his quartermaster and that partnership, that's what that scene is about. the news about eleanor is just exposition
everyone we see him love, he does so regardless of whether they are politically aligned
miranda goes behind his back and sends that letter, and after they fight about it he comes home with an apology book because he's ride or die even if they disagree
a core part of the london flashbacks is that james and thomas have very different ways of seeing the world, different political opinions, and he falls in love with him *because* of that. "Strange pairs, Lieutenant. They can achieve the most unexpected things."
he loves silver so much he lets silver point a gun at him and tell him that what flint wants (the path to his political goals) is a nightmare, and then he lets silver [REDACTED]
the way i read it is that flint loves with his whole ass EVEN IF it's politically inconvenient for him, and it often very much is
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rius-cave · 2 months
I can see Adam in the prison au getting mouthy with an officer he never really got along with while working their.
And the guy uses a taser on him.
Later when Adam is sitting in his cell with Lucifer, who is looking smug. He's still twitching.
Lucifer: You should have kept your mouth shut, being an officer I'd think you'd know that.
Adam, twitching: Fuck yo-you
YEAHHHH there are definitely a couple of cops that didn't like him either! Oh it's not just the inmates that are happy to be able to torture Adam now, it's the other cops too LMAOOOO Adam is top bitch in prison now
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Shockwave springing an rid Starscream, Soundwave, and Makeshift out of jail to unsuccessfully kickstart the cause again
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jaegerbroshoe · 4 months
Omg it pisses me off soooo much how Rania didn’t even tell Maryam about the brother having a gun or that she knows he’s extreme to the point of committing homicide, she’s just like “oh, if you do this, it’ll be bad”. But then she told Noaf and Dina about the gun??
Like, if she really wanted Maryam to stop, why didn’t she share this detail with her too?? She wasn’t even sorry for anything they did to Maryam or empathetic, so her approach to the whole situation was honestly so pathetic.
And I hate how the audience is so stupid and doesn’t realize this. Maryam was not operating under the knowledge that the brother would literally kill Layan over this, and she is not responsible for his actions.
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wherethefoolsgather · 15 days
Brain I get it that we're blurry/co-con but can you not give us headaches over it
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sonicboomseason3 · 1 month
idk how to say this in a way that doesn't sound like i'm wagging my finger at all the people calling for sega to fire and replace mike (i swear i'm not, i think your morals are in the right place) but like… yes to be cynical but i really wouldn't expect them to do anything if i were you. much like how mike isn't your friend, neither is the massive video game company worth billions. i can GUARANTEE you that they don't care about what any of their cast members say/do on social media unless it starts impacting them financially, and quite frankly, i'm pretty certain that firing mike pollock, widely beloved voice actor of doctor eggman for 20+ years, would create a much more significant backlash from sonic fans regardless of the reasoning behind it. and yes that sucks, i hate it, and ideally mike should face some real tangible consequences for it, but sadly our society hasn't evolved to that point yet
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attleboy · 6 months
it happened.... i got jumpscared by a repost of my own art on tiktok 😔
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latibvles · 3 months
could i please request #4 "the promise" for genevieve and bucky, pls and thank you? <3 — @shoshiwrites
this one whacked me in my feelings completely on accident. the fun part about prompts is I can drop them anywhere! anyways this isn't... spicy per se, but there is definitely a lack of clothes. The inbox is open! Send me prompts!
There is the first time Bucky tells her about an impending mission, and then the first time Gen worries about him going up there.
Full disclosure isn’t a requirement of their arrangement (and she’d hardly call it an arrangement at all. It’s not a thing they really talk about. Her lips just happen to find his at the end of the night more often than not). He rarely ever talks about it when he comes down, let alone telling her when he’s going to go up. But the first time he tells her, it comes across like every other word he says: a flirt, a tease, laced with a try not to miss me and a wink.
This time, he’s sprawled out on her bed, all long legs and a pleased grin. He’s a vision, really — something straight out of a painting, down to the way her sheet drapes over him and keeps him modest. All he lacks is Cupid crowning his head with a wreath of flowers, and she thinks her lute playing would be subpar at best. He may not be Venus, but he’s pretty close to it. Even as he rises, leaning over the edge to pull his pants back on. He turns back to her for a moment, and his smile grows.
“Something on my face?” Bait.
“You stare at me all night long, I’m allowed to return the favor, am I not?” She grins as he turns further, caging her.
“Oh so that’s what this is? A favor?”
“Well then what would you call it, Major?” The hand not placed precariously by her head goes to curl around her dark tresses, slipping between his fingers.
“Well I think you just like lookin’ at me. I mean, that’s why I’m starin’,” He pauses for a moment, with her hair still coiled around his fingers, eyes tracking his own hand, then her eyes, all the way down to the column of her neck before meeting hers again, lips pressing into a line. She can feel something in the air shift. “Not a lot of pretty things up there, y’know? Unless clouds are your thing.” He tilts his head up and towards the corner of her room, with all of her drawings taped to the walls — angular figures in outfits of faded colored pencil. He already knew the answer even before he made the statement.
It almost sounds like a lament.
Genevieve reaches up, lets her hand brush up against the roughness of his cheek — curious, more than anything.
He tilts his head until his lips brush up against her palm.
“We’re going up again in a couple days.”
She feels considerably more flushed than she was moments prior. Being under him is one thing, having his kiss pressed against her hand as he tells her this is another. Intimate. Nothing about their not-quite-arrangement demanded actual intimacy. Maybe it could. Maybe he wants it to. And then, the million-dollar question of all, but what do you want?
“For how long?” Genevieve doesn’t know why she asks the question as opposed to avoiding the subject. She could’ve gotten away with any other response, really, rather than prolong this. Her hand still up against his cheek, the corner of his mouth brushing against her skin on every word. And Bucky is staring at her, and knowing that he’s taking her in makes her stomach churn, makes her lips press into a line.
“All day, not overnight, I don’t think,” he reaches up to brush some of her hair from her forehead. “Be back before you know it. Promise.”
She almost wishes he hadn’t said that word so easily. Promises, disclosure, intimacy, nothing she expected to really take center stage — and maybe he doesn’t either, because the laser-focused expression breaks in exchange for another one of his grins, and he’s reaching up to take her hand and press it above her head above the pillow. She wants to challenge the word, why he said it, in the same way he had with favor just a few moments ago, but she doesn’t.
“I’ll be here, then,” is what Genevieve offers instead, and there’s something about the way he smiles at her response that makes her want to stare at him just like he’s done to her countless times before.
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just hard pivoted to going through all my playlists for like the most desperately romantic music I've ever listened to and crying 👍
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chiropteracupola · 8 days
sure I am GOING to drag myself out of bed on five-ish hours of sleep and figure out how to go about my day but. I really really wish I had not sprained my ankle so very badly. this is INCONVENIENT.
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noecoded · 1 year
If you could have any Asmo/reader fic what would be the things you would want from it? like an ideal fic would contain what tropes or AUS or situations or whatever
uhmm anything wellwritten that characterizes asmo similar to the way i do ! i rlly like character exploration , both more serious stuff & just sillycute...anything where asmo is a little cunning and toxic and also gets railed into oblivion.anything where hes a vampire. ill write a tag essay about the specifics
#xreaders are too unrelatable for me usually .. im aroace and the only relationship dynamics that r rlly interesting to me r likee#toxic or tumultuous...i think in many asmo fics hes just very one note or like not a complex love interest .which is fine because hes like#that in the game but i am especially drawn to fics where the author has their own kind of unique take on it. nuance. etc#it's really interesting to see situations in which asmo kind of reaps the consequences of shitty behavior or struggles with parts of himsel#f he doesnt like. not just in like ohhh im insecure sobsob but like deeprooted issues & patterns thought processes that come with being a d#demon that maybe clash with human morality or ideals...like what if he sees human lives as generally more disposable because hes lived for#so long?? what would a fic be like about him wanting a fling with a human that ends up taking apart their life but to him its just a fun#little romance without any real consequences or commitment?? even if he was obsessed w them professing his undying love etc etc he could ge#t bored and drop it anytime and outlive them by millions of years and forget...& how does a human love an entity like that? how could the r#relationship look anything close to normal ever...anyway i like fics that touch on questions like this theyre kind of rare though#this all being said i def dont think asmo is completely evil💭 nuance#at work so im literally just wasting time by thinking about this rn but this was like the asmotoni dynamic its too interesting to me#asmotoni is like this in my head but on papwr i just draw them fucking witj bunny ears sorry#this doesnt even answer ur question really. if i could write a fic rn it would be like 200k word emo band au that isnt xreader or a romance#fic it would just be asmo beel belphie as humans starting a band and their rise and fall etc ive been thinking abt that plot nonstop
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lesbiancolumbo · 6 months
the person who made it that way: (insert media here) fandom is literally the most toxic fandom i have ever been a part of :(
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