enjymemink · 5 months
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Thank you Yemen 🇾🇪
Despite being one of the poorest countries in the world, they showed more empathy than those so-called civilized developed countries.
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typicalbrainchaos · 5 months
Namibia rejects Germany’s support of the Genocidal Intent of the Racist Israeli State against innocent civilians in Gaza.
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Not only did Germany commit the first genocide of the 20th century in Namibia — but the savagery they executed on the Herero & Nama (ie starvation, concentration camps, torture) were the basis of the cruelties later used in the Holocaust.
An incredible statement from Namibia.
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palipunk · 5 months
Eye on Palestine wrote a letter of gratitude to South Africa. It reads:
A letter of gratitude to South Africa
The team of Eye on Palestine wants to express gratitude and pride in South Africa's historical move of charging Israel with the crime of genocide in the International Court of Justice. Our audience has always made us feel that intersectional solidarity is the key, and today South Africa embodied this solidarity and made the world a witness to it; a nation that survived Apartheid is saving another nation that is being torn by it.
Many Palestinian activists started to lose hope in covering the daily atrocities committed by the Israeli Occupation since real actions were never taken. Today, South Africa has broken this cycle of despair. We will continue spreading the word, covering the crimes against humanity, and to keep pushing for concrete actions. We demand the world to keep an eye on this case. To conclude, Nelson Mandela once said, "Freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians".
With love,
Eve on Palestine
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thenewgothictwice · 4 months
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Quds News Network, 13 February 2024: "A talented Palestinian girl embodies the suffering of displaced people on the walls of a shelter center for the displaced in Deir al-Balah."
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artemis-pendragon · 4 months
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Contact hioo.sh on Instagram for more details as she is the gofundme organizer!
Her TikTok where she's updating on her situation is here: Haya.Orouq
She is only 18 years old doing everything she can to save her family!! Even if you can't donate pls pls pls share! We've already gotten several generous donations after people shared the post! Even the smallest donation can have the biggest difference, so if you can spare even a dollar or two that's huge! Thank you to everyone who has shared and donated so far! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skatehani · 9 days
I left Gaza for Italy due to an invitation to participate in the World Championship and represent Palestine. I was skating as a professional amateur. The World Championship organization contacted me to participate. I was supposed to get one of the winning positions, but I did not participate because of the war because my mind is scattered and I am always in a state of chaos and worried for the sake of my family and my family. Gaza, but my life is not life. I always think and do not sleep because of thinking about my family. I lost my father, but will the rest of my family live or be killed? I do not know my mind. I cannot control it, so my family must be taken out to get some comfort and safety. This is my picture when I am in Gaza. I hope you support me for the sake of my family. In order to return to life a little If you have trouble donating, there is a PayPal link in your bio
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
Had to share this video to show you how beautiful and culturally rich Palestine is. These are the cities of Palestine and their names. Despite the destruction and death, we still have hope. And we will survive this 🙏🇵🇸
It's a beautiful country full of beautiful people, and we deserve to live, frankly.
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heyimboredtalktome · 7 months
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areejabdel-muttalib · 8 months
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أطفال غزة فوق جيب عسكري إسرائيلي تم خطفه.
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winterf4iryy · 8 months
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Rest in peace to Omar and 12 members of his family, to Mayar and Ali and their dad, to Basan and her family and her cat, to Eline and her sister Celine and their dad, mom, two brothers, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, and five of their cousins, to four beautiful brothers, to Dr Omar Firwana and his family and grandchildren. Their lives will not be forgotten.
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777durt777 · 3 months
If you celebrate on St.Patricks day just keep in mind that there would probably be no global St.Patricks day celebrations if the Irish never gained their independence in the 20th century from Britain by means of violent rebellion over the course of an 800 year period of colonial settlements and brutal oppression. Ireland could've been wiped and completely taken over by Englishmen.
Those same sickening tactics of occupation/plantation, annexation of land and dehumanisation/displacement of the population are still being used to this day but just in the middle east, in Palestine..
So this St.Patricks day, if you're celebrating or having a drink, keep Palestine and it's people at the very forefront of your mind and heart, remember what they are going through and raise a drink for them in solidarity and as a show of respect for thier struggle.
The people of Ireland stand firmly with our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are suffering so greatly by the hands of the Israeli/US regime and many others in the west.
End the genocide now, give them life.
Happy Ramadan 💐 Happy Saint Patrick's day ☘️
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rafalkbircom · 3 months
Help My Family Evacuate From Gaza, Urgent
Firstly, I don't have many friends or followers to support my donation link, and I don't have the funds to advertise it. I really need your help.
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My name is Menna Musa, and I am from Gaza. Let me briefly tell you my sad story. My brothers were killed in front of our house. They attacked the neighborhood where we live, destroying our home and cars, and even killing our cat.
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I feel like I'm in a nightmare. I can't believe I will never see my house and my cat again. My life will never be as beautiful. They took from us the most precious things we had. My brothers, Abd and Ahmed, were the kindest souls. Abdullah was my best friend, and Ahmed was like a father to me. I really miss them.
After what happened to my brothers, we were forced to evacuate to the south. We were transported in an animal cart, and my family and I became homeless without any clothes or food. My surviving brother did his best to get me, my mother, and my sister out of Gaza, but he is still stuck there with his wife and children amidst bombing, hunger, and fear. My nieces, Alma and Dania, are very young. They need milk, diapers, and clothes. The weather in Gaza is very cold.
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I ask for your help to get my brother and his family out of Gaza. I really can't handle any harm happening to him, so please donate to us.
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Each person needs about 5,000 thousand dollars, and their number is about 15
The number of children is 10, and each person costs 2,500 dollars to travel. As for the adults, their number is 5, and each person costs 5,000 thousand dollars to travel. The amount will be paid as travel costs to leave Gaza.
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skatehani · 11 days
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Thank you very much, someone who shared my story and donated. Thank you to everyone who cared for me and my family, and continued your donations and continued participation. thank you thank you🫂❤️🇵🇸🚨🍉
If you have trouble donating, here is the PayPal link
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I made some art for the Palestine Strike! I’m actually really proud of these!
Just so you guys know, I 100% support Palestine, if you support Israel plz get off my blog
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fresh-snow · 5 months
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Kermit stands with Palestine too ❤️🇵🇸🍉
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