#pdx101 scenarios
eunsangst · 4 years
[ 10:43 ] {requested}
a fluffy high school au with kang minhee where minhee is just another smartass troublemaker who has an eye for art and is secretly in love with you.
prologue?? maybe??
"kang minhee! get up or i'm going to pull you out of bed!" his mother yells from the kitchen. it isn't like she's not used to it, though. it was the same every single day.
minhee would stay up until an ungodly hour, watching who knows what on his phone, and totally forget that he had a major exam the next day. it was no big deal for him, though. school is easy. everything is easy if you just get it done.
he groans, slowly sliding out of his bed. and by that, it meant he slid down until he was sitting on the floor along with his blanket.
"it's 30 minutes before my alarm!" minhee yells back. "leave me alone!"
he doesn't mean it, though. he loves his mom. but what do moms eat every day to make them yell at their kids first thing in the morning, waking them up before their own alarms?
he gets up and starts getting ready. a quick shower sounds good. it isn't like he has plans after the exam. but then, as he looked at himself in the mirror, bed hair and drool telling him good morning, he remembered you.
he cracks a small smile and hops in the shower, almost ready to burst out the front door just to see your face. it was simple. aside from the fact that he wanted to become a doctor, you motivated minhee to go to school everyday. he liked seeing the smile you display when talking to your friends, listening to your voice when you recited in class.
you were is vitamin, his motivator, and most of all, you were his crush.
but something about you two were extremely different.
he liked you.
but you didn't like him back.
in fact, you hated him. he was the guy who never studied but got the highest marks, the guy who loves making trouble but ends up okay anyway. what was with kang minhee? he's just another boy.
or is he?
hhhhhh iDK if that was good enough for a prologue but i'm gonna be doing stuff. i'll see how you guys like that hhh.
also, obv i specialize in angst so idk if i'll be good enough in writing fluff but i hope u liked that fjffh
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chocafe · 5 years
— hangyul as your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!hangyul x reader a/n: requested + tried my best to make this <somewhat> accurate and sorry if these seemed a little shorter compared to my others!
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let's start this bad boy with a backstory!
you and hangyul began dating before even knowing that you guys were officially dating
if that makes any sense?
the two of you acknowledged each others feelings
would take each other out on dates
hang out 24/7
and even kiss
but the thing was that 
you guys never had a title for one another
. . .
until dongpyo questioned you two out of pure curiosity
“are you and hangyul dating?” dongpyo’s thoughts flew right out of his mouth as he pointed his index finger at you two, who just so happened to be sitting extremely close to one another
“what do you mean?” you threw another question at dongpyo, somewhat trying to avoid this whole situation
“i mean, the two of you are always together─ you both have to be dating at this point.”
hangyul and you brushed off dongpyo’s interrogation
but you couldn’t help but to constantly think about it
what were you and hangyul?
you two sure weren’t friends
because friends simply don’t make out with each other
at the same time
you two weren’t dating because hangyul has never “officially” asked you to be his lover
“hangyul, i have something to ask you.” you pulled onto the sleeve of his shirt, forcing yourself and even hangyul to stop walking
“sure.” he turned around to fully face you. “what is it?”
you sighed heavily as you thought about it once more in your head before proceeding on. “what are we?”
hangyul was taken aback by your sudden question. “i thought you were my girlfriend/boyfriend.”
?? (⊙ヮ⊙) ??
you don’t recall hangyul ever asking you out???
similar to hangyul, you were surprised by his answer. “huh? you’ve never said anything about that, nor have you asked me out before?”
this whole entire time
hangyul thought you both silently (and naturally) came to terms with this
but you’re over here like no?? literally no?? what goes on in your head???
with that being said
hangyul walked closer to you
breaking the gap in between you two
as he reached out to hold onto your hand and asked
“i’m sorry about that. y/n, will you be mine?”
and thats how you two officially started dating ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
you made sure to call dongpyo that following night to tell him about everything that had just happened
maybe both of your guys fault because of the lack of communication
the type of person to take you to go play basketball (since that’s one of his favorite sports)
and then purposely throw the ball at the back of your head
just for some laughs
you: what the fuck?
hangyul: :’)
he is also the type of person to take you to the han river at midnight
as the two of you would just sit in the grass
talking about your worries in life 
while hangyul rests his head on your lap, using it as if it was a pillow
sometimes, when you two go on dates
he brings dohyon along without notifying you
you: hanGYULLL . . . and dohyon?
hangyul: he begged me to bring him
dohyon: hi, y/n! hangyul told me that you guys were going to watch lion king and i also wanted to watch it too so :D
you don’t really mind since dohyon is like your son
or maybe he’s that annoying little brother who says stuff like “mom said that u have to take me too”
whenever the two of you are alone and are watching a show on netflix
hangyul would take his finger and trace imaginary circles against your skin
he does this subconsciously since this is just a tiny habit of his
super clingy, but doesn’t want to admit it ! ! !
he would follow you wherever you go
you’re not allowed to leave without him attached to your hip
he makes fun of dohyon being a baby when he’s also baby #babyception
you both are super close to one another 
so close that hangyul has an extra key to your house (if you live alone)
while you have a key to his place
he always seems to walk in unexpectedly
and would shout out “hello! your boyfriend has arrived!” every single time
“hangyul, it’s one in the morning ─ whAT ARE YOU DOING HERE”
soft kisses ? ? ?
lmao u wish
his kisses are usually rough
and fast paced
he doesn’t give you enough time to breathe
yet, his kisses still makes you beg for more u____u
one of his major weaknesses is that
he has a difficult time expressing his feelings
therefore, you don’t really hear “i love you” / “i like you” / or any other similar phrases
despite being like this
you know that hangyul is deeply in love with you
and you’re in no rush to hear those short words
regrettably, hangyul wishes that he can overcome this obstacle of his
because even he 100% knows that you deserve all of the love in this world
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minheefreckles · 5 years
[6:05 pm] “(Y/N)!” You smile as you hear Husband!Seungwoo greet you. You take off your shoes and enter your shared apartment. You were immediately greeted with the sight of Seungwoo in the kitchen and the delicious smell of hot chocolate. "I made chocolate to warm you up, honey!" He beamed at you. Putting the two cups of the hot beverage on the coffee table, he walked over to you and hugged you tightly, your head on his shoulder. "Wanna watch a movie tonight?" Needless to say, you agreed and the both of you spent the night cuddling and drinking hot chocolate, your favorite movie playing in the background.
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wenkexingsfanwkx · 5 years
"The moon, heavy rain and you are my aesthetic."
Pairing: Han Seungwoo X Reader
The aroma of coffee and the clinkering of cups and glasses enveloped the interior of the cafe. The warmth of the cafe contradicted to the frosty atmosphere of the winter evening. Some people headed out to the cafes to search for warmth while some opted to stay at home. One of those outsiders was the 6-foot tall charming man.
He had headed out to have his source of warmth, coffee at the cafe of which he was a regular customer. The cafe was filled with people trying to snug into their seats as the atmosphere was filled with warmth.
After he placed his order, he took a seat at an empty table by the glass walls. He had brought a book to keep himself busy, away from the toxic social media and also brought an umbrella as the forecast predicted a 40% of rainfall.
His nose was buried in his book until a timid voice grabbed his attention.
"Can I take a seat here as there are no seats available?," a small feminine voice said.
Seungwoo only took a quick glance, nodded and went back to his story. The girl seated opposite to him was wearing a windbreaker and a hoodie with its hood covering her head. As she scrolled through her phone, the brightness of it falling on her like the moonlight, a loud voice said,
"Vienna coffee."
Startled by the voice both the customers look up and that's when Seungwoo gets a proper look at the girl as her hood fell off.
"She's pretty.", he thought and went back to finding the hidden clues left in the book. As his eyes continued to pore over the words, he felt himself thinking of the girl sitting infront of him. He felt like she was someone he knew but couldn't place a finger on it. When the girl's name appeared in his mind, it hit him like a brick. He immediately closed his book and headed outside accompanied by the tinkling sound of the bell.
The girl was muddled as to why the man seated infront of her just ran away. As she looked at the empty seat infront of her she noticed an umbrella that had been left behind by the young man. She grabs it and runs behind the man. Both of them were running in the rain, soaked, not remembering the umbrella.
"Sir! You left your umbrella.", she said countless number of times but it seemed like the man never refused to stop. She finally used all her energy and stopped the tall man in the middle of the crossroads. She taps his back panting.
"Excuse me..", she says tiredly.
The black haired man turns around and they lock eyes.
A surge of realization hits her. The man who stands infront of her is no one but her ex-boyfriend Han Seungwoo, whom she just can't get over despite not seeing him for 5 years now.
"Seung.. Woo..."
The night was ridden on by horses carrying carriages for stars. The petichor brimmed in the rainy sky. Seungwoo managed to convince her to trust him to take her to a place that was precious to him. Her lingering feelings acted on reflex even though her brain was telling not to do so. The two ex-lovers stood beside each other, hearts racing at the same pace staring at the Celuv city dinner lounge, the last place they went on a date. The rain continued to pour and the rain droplets came together to form puddles. Both stood under the umbrella, not saying a word to each other fearing, that they weren't on the same page. But neither wanted to let go of this opportunity to mend their broken hearts.
"Rain may always be representing a heartbreak but I hope this downpour will mend my broken heart."
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kpoptionate · 5 years
[14:21] a grin slides its way onto dongpyo’s face as you glance into the mirror, satisfied with the surprisingly beautiful outfit he’s picked out for you.
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seungyounloveclub · 5 years
[6.46 p.m] family friend! eunsang laughs loudly as you spill your mashed potatoes down the front of your dress during Sunday dinner
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i96yutas · 5 years
[ 7:43 pm ] : you were waiting for your boyfriend, yohan, to arrive at the restaurant he told you when you saw him with another girl, your bestfriend to be specific.
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jellyoungs · 3 years
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🎄💚  [𝟗:𝟒𝟎 𝐩𝐦] 𝐊𝐉𝐌 —  𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞.
You had just finished eating dinner with Jungmo's family and both of you are now heading towards their backyard to spend some quality time together. Before the month had started, Jungmo had already told you that he would want you to meet his family already. He was very happy when you agreed to his request and was even delighted to see you fit very well with his family a while ago during dinner with them.
Sighing contentedly, Jungmo then handed you the mug that was filled with his mother's special hot cocoa. "I'm glad you enjoyed meeting them," he said before taking a sip on his mug. Nodding softly at him, you then smiled at him. "I was actually nervous when we were in the car. My hands were sweating so much that I was worried that you might notice it" you admitted as the both of you laughed.
"It feels great meeting your family though"
Trying to hide his smile, Jungmo then lets out a fake cough. "Actually, there is a reason why I wanted you to meet them tonight" he also admitted, making you raise an eyebrow at him. Taking the mug from your hands and setting it behind him with his mug as well, he then took your hands and held it with his. "We've known each other for a long time already and I've been thinking about this for some time," he said as he took a deep breath and fished out a small velvet box on his coat.
"Will you make this the best Christmas and marry me?"
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ojoboy · 4 years
han seungwoo babyfever au
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genre: han seungwoo x reader, fluff, domestic bliss
word count: 4k
plot: Your cousin asks you to babysit his children (14 y.o. Dongpyo & 13 months old baby sister Dohye) to celebrate the anniversary with his wife. Your boyfriend volunteeringly helps you out. Oh oh looks like you two are about to catch baby fever.
a/n: I finally decided to watch Broduce during quarantine although I already knew the outcome because I was too moved by some videos of Yunseong and Jinhyuk :( Anyways when Seungwoo said that if he had a son he’d like him to be like Dongpyo, I was like: say no more! (I hope you don’t mind that I made Dongpyo younger for this)
from: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:17pm]
wanna do something later? i miss u :(
to: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:19pm]
it’s been only two days... but i miss u too :(
and i don’t know if i have time today. i’m babysitting Jaesung’s children tonight because they are celebrating their anniversary and might come back late  
from: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:19pm]
i could come by and help you out?
i’m meeting seungsik now but i definitely can come right afterwards!
to: capt. seungwoo <3 [3:20pm]
yeeess, i’d love that!
5:07pm. The streets are filled with cars rushing home and it almost looks like they are following the sun, eager to come home and finally rest. You just finished stowing away things in your small apartment that could be possibly dangerous around babies, now lazily scrolling through your Instagram feed and liking every other post. Then the doorbell finally rang and you rushed to the door to buzz them in. Almost a minute later there was a family of four standing in your living room.  
“Sorry for being late,” your cousin said as he carefully put his bag down, “traffic, you know.” “It’s fine,” you replied and crouched down and shook little Dohye’s hands, beaming at the baby in the stroller. “Well, someone’s in a good mood today, aren’t you little sunshine?” Whether she did understand you or not, the little girl simply responded with a cheerful giggle that could melt anyone’s heart.  
“She’s been energetic all day long. I hope she won’t give you a hard time,” her mother told you while undoing the buckles and taking the small child in her arms. Dongpyo was already sitting down on the couch next to the big black bag, seemingly busy on his phone.
“Everything you need for Dohye is in the bag. Diapers, baby food and even some toys to keep her entertained.” Your attention diverted back to your cousin who was going through the bag to check all items. “All right, thank you.”  
After checking the final things with you, Hyejin took your hands in hers and squeezed them tightly. “Thank you so much for doing this!” “Yes, thank you. You are the best!” Your cousin engulfed you in a hug and then walked over to his children. “Behave well and help Y/N out, okay?” he playfully ruffled Dongpyo’s hair and bent down to kiss the little girl on his lap, followed by his wife showering the two with affection. A little annoyed like most teenagers in puberty the young boy told his parents off.
Halfway through the door Hyejin turned around to say, “Call us if there are any problems!”
“Don’t worry, Seungwoo is also coming. I’m sure we’ll manage,” you reassured them while ushering them out, “Just enjoy your anniversary!” "Oh, say hello from us then, yeah?” Jaesung waved one last time before the door closed.
“Finally!” the fourteen years-old exclaimed, making you chuckle. Seeing how his sister started squirming in his lap and hitting his face, you offered to take her while Dongpyo dutifully laid out her blanket on your floor and set up a few toys. “So, your boyfriend is also coming?”
“Yup, I think you’ve only met him once. Remember when we picked you up from dance practice because your mom was in labor? He drove us to the hospital.”
“Oh yeah, but isn’t he too cool for you?”
“Hey, wouldn’t be the other way around?” You played along. “Dohye agrees with me.”
“Nah, he really looked cool driving with one hand and calming you down while you were nervous as a cat.”  
Just when you were about to retort the doorbell rang again as if your boyfriend knew you were talking about him. “Dongpyo can you get that, please?” Without further ado the boy got up from the comfy spot and buzzes Seungwoo in. A few moments later he enters, dressed in black ripped jeans and a white tee which was mainly covered by the purple The Rolling Stones hoodie (you got it for him as a birthday present and he claimed it was his favorite piece of clothing ever since).
“Hey guys, I brought some cake!” Seungwoo proudly lifts the white bag with his usual endearing smile. He fist-bumped Dongpyo and walked over to press a chaste kiss on your cheek before he set the cake down on the kitchen counter.
“You should marry him,” Dongpyo’s ogling eyes followed your boyfriend first, then his body. Eager to have some cake, his hands were already reaching out for the white bag when you stopped him. “Dongpyo stop. Let's save the cake for dessert, alright?”
With a pout, the boy looks up at the older guy in hope of him being able to convince you otherwise but the latter apologetically shook his head, “Sorry pal, you heard the boss.” He then proceeded to carefully stored the cake in your refrigerator as Dongpyo dramatically put his head between his hands.  
About half an hour into the babysitting you were sitting down on your floor, watching Dohye grabbing colorful wooden bricks and stacking them on top of each other. Sometimes she would even chuck them in your direction as if to tell you that you should do the same.
Meanwhile the two boys sat comfortably on the couch as Dongpyo showed some of his dance covers on his phone but also a few viral video clips he saw on social media, both unable to hold back their laughter. By now they have become close mentally - as well as physically. They were leaning onto each other, leaving no space between them, and Seungwoo had one of his arms draped over the boy’s narrow shoulders. It was a position you were very familiar with.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen this video of a ferret dancing? It’s soooo cute,” Dongpyo leaned down from the couch to show you his phone screen whereas Seungwoo held onto his shirt so he wouldn’t fall down. Mimicking the ferret’s movements with Dohye’s rattle in your hand, you answered, “Yes, I replayed it so, so many times and even sent it to Seungwoo.”
Enticed by the rattle, the little baby dropped the blue brick and started crawling towards you. With open arms you welcome the girl as she climbed in your lap, willingly handing the rattle over. Immediately Dohye aggressively shook the toy and filled the room not only with rhythmic rattling but also joyous laughter.  
Feeling your lower back starting to hurt from sitting on the ground, you scooted over to lean against the couch with Dohye safely pulled against your front. “Wow, this is funny haha!”  
When you craned your neck to see what Dongypo was laughing about, you realized that Seungwoo’s eyes had been set on you. It seemed like he was in a daze, the way he smiled so fondly at the sight of you holding and playing with the baby.  
The image of you and him having a baby of your own crossed his mind ever since he walked through the door today and saw you two together and truth to be told he liked it - a lot.
His hand then slowly reached out for your head and gently stroked your hair, careful not to get any strands tangled with his rings. Enjoying the calming feeling, you returned his sweet gesture with a genuine smile that made his heart flutter like the first time he met you.
This intimate moment didn’t last long, though, as Dohye suddenly began to cry. “Oh no, what’s wrong, Dohye?” You picked her tiny body up and smelled her diaper. “Well, it doesn’t seem like you need your diaper changed.”
“I bet she’s hungry, Y/N” Dongpyo said as he put his phone down. “Can you get the baby food from bag, please?” You slowly got up from your place and rocked the girl back and forth in hope of calming her down. “Shh, don’t cry. Your big brother is getting your food right.”
“I got it! It says that it needs to be heated up in the microwave for a minute to a minute and a half,” the boy read the instructions and walked over to your kitchen. However, he struggled to open the glass so Seungwoo offered to help him, “Here, let me.”
He then opened the little glass on his first try and proceeded to put it in your microwave as he already knew his way around your kitchen. “Oh, I think this might be a little too hot?” Seungwoo worried after taking the glass out and rolling it between his hands.  
“Let’s stir the heat out and wait a little then... Dongpyo, is there perhaps a baby bib in the bag too?”
All of you made your way back into the living room, you sitting down on the couch with a still crying baby and joined by Seungwoo while Dongpyo looked for the baby bib. Tying it around her neck turned out to be a bit harder than expected since she started to squirm around.
After finally succeeding, you decided to switch with Seungwoo so you could feed the little girl. You carefully blew on the small spoon as Dohye watched you with big eyes and drool coating her mouth already. Ten minutes later the glass is empty and a big content smile grazed the girl’s lips.
“Wow, you eat really well, huh?” You wiped her mouth with the bib and booped her little nose. “You come after your dad, I guess.”
“Are you sure you don’t need me to help you cook?”  
“I’ll manage. Just watch the kids, honey” You couldn’t help but giggle at your own cheesy words and squeezed his muscular arm before sending him back into the living room. As soon as you calmed Dohye down, the next kid started to complain about being hungry. This whole situation made you feel like it was your little family.  
Before you could indulge further into your imagination, you diverted your attention to the ingredients in front of you to cook pasta. While the noodles were boiling, you were busy cutting onions and carrots for the sauce when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your middle. Shortly after his head hovered next to yours, “Looks good, babe.”
“There is nothing to see yet,” you playfully nudged him, yet he pulled you closer against his body. “Wasn’t talking about the food,” Seungwoo then cheekily pressed his lips against the side of your face and proceeded to steal a few slices of carrots, running back before you could stop him.
Looking over your shoulder you saw that he was sharing the stolen goods with none other than Dongpyo, both a giggling mess. In your eyes the two were like a real father-son duo and you began to wonder what it would be like if you two were to start a family. A blush bloomed on your cheeks, yet you pushed the thought back to focus on cooking again.
As soon as you served the pasta, Dongpyo came rushing and very eager to dig in. You left the TV on and put on a children’s show to entertain Dohye while the rest of you enjoyed dinner.  
“I’m so fuuuuull! Thank you for the meal, Y/N,” Dongpyo said as he lazily rubbed his tummy and closed his eyes for moment. “Too full for the cake, though?” Seungwoo asked the boy across him, raising his eyebrow. At his words, Dongpyo’s eyes opened with a twinkle in them, “Never!”
While you put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, Seungwoo was already taking out new plates and of course: the long-anticipated cake. “I hope you like cherries, Dongpyo,” your boyfriend presented three chunky pieces of cake covered in pink and white frosting with little cherries on top. “Voila, the cake is really delicious. I tried one piece with Seungsik today,” he winked at you and forked a bite-sized piece, raising it to your mouth.  
You welcomed the sweet taste as the frosting melted on your tongue, humming in agreement. Just when the three of you sat down on the couch again, the baby started crawling towards your boyfriend and grabbed his sturdy leg to pull herself up, her eyes set on the pink and white delicacy. Seungwoo quickly put his plate on the coffee table and picked the girl easily up.
“Aigoo, do you want some?” You two only laughed when she stretched her short arms towards your plate and almost lunged at it, only to be held back by your co-babysitter. You scooped a small amount of the frosting on your pinky and placed it against her plump limps which she gladly took.  
“Oh Y/N, be careful of her-”
Dongpyo’s warning came a little too late as you massaged your poor finger, while Dohye somehow managed to giggle innocently yet diabolically at the same time (in that moment she reminded you a lot of her brother).
“Do you want to see my new dance routine?”  
“Weren’t you too full to move just now?” You questioned the young boy.  
“It’s all good now. I don’t think I will throw up.”
“Well, that’s very reassuring.”
Soon your small living room turned into a stage as Dongpyo prepared several dance covers of girl groups. His little sister started to jump up and down on the couch, with Seungwoo holding her arms, to cheer him on. He even managed to persuade Seungwoo to join him who acted hesitant at first but matched the teenager’s energy once he got up.
You and Dohye clapped as soon as the little showcase ended. The two guys plumped down on the couch, slightly out of breath. Seungwoo wasted no time to strip himself off his purple hoodie, leaving him in his loose white tee. The tattoos adorning his milky skin caught the younger one’s attention, “Wow Seungwoo, you have tattoos? Y/N, your boyfriend is soooo cool!”
He then put his index finger under his chin, “I think I’m getting tattoos, too, when I’m older. They look so cool on you.” At this you two couldn’t stifle your laughter, earning a confused look from Dongpyo. But who could blame you? It was very hard to imagine such a sweet, baby-faced boy to get tattoos inked on his skin.  
“Sure thing, buddy,” Seungwoo ruffled the boy’s hair, unable to hold back his smile.
“Oh, but it hurts a lot, right? Maybe I won’t get any after all...” Dongpyo leaned back against the couch, hugging the cushion tighter.
You didn’t know how much time had passed when you took care of the mess in your kitchen but when you returned to your living room, you discovered a sleeping baby lying on top of your boyfriend’s chest. Your heart melted at this sight and the corners of your mouth immediately tugged upwards. Wanting to capture the sweet moment, you took your phone out and wasted no time to get a few shots of the two, careful not to disturb them.
Just when you crouched down next to the couch to get an up-close shot, your knee joints betrayed you. The pop seemingly woke up your boyfriend from his slumber as his eyes slowly opened and you were met with warm, brown orbs.  
Catching you red-handed, Seungwoo cracked a smile and whispered, “What are you doing, babe?”  
“You two look so adorable, I just couldn’t resist!” You smiled sheepishly and began to stroke his hair with your free hand, pushing a few strands away from his eyes.
“Mh, as much as I’m enjoying this, I think my back might kill me soon,” he softly spoke with his eyes closed again, welcoming your gentle touch. “C’mon, let’s put her in my bed.”
Seungwoo clutched the little girl closer to his chest and slowly got up without making any noise. He pushed her a little upwards so she could rest her head on his shoulder. You walked ahead, opening the two doors for him, and pulled the blanket aside to let him put Dohye down. Then you tucked her safely in and placing your stuffed bunny, which Seungwoo had won for on your first arcade date, next to her.  
The two of you sneaked out of your bedroom, leaving the door ajar just in case she woke up. Now standing in the small hallway, Seungwoo wrapped his arms around you from behind, putting just a little bit of his weight on you. “My back still hurts from your small couch; you should carry me like this,” you could basically hear his pout above your head.
“Shut up, my couch is not that small. It’s just because you are stupidly tall!” You hushed him as you wriggled in his arms to turn around and playfully pinched his cheeks. There was a shift in his eyes; usually he would retort that you were ‘stupidly small’ but this time he just gazed at you, eyes filled with adoration.
With your chests pressing against each other, you were not quite sure whether it was your heart that was racing or his. Maybe it was both of yours but it didn’t matter, anyways.  
“What are you thinking about?” You asked in a small voice, your index finger now tracing his dimple instead.
“I was just wondering, what it would be like if we had a baby,” Seungwoo confessed and smiled innocently at you. Heart skipping a beat, you were slightly flustered by his unexpected answer and felt your ears heat up.  
“You would be a great dad.” Before he could react, you got on your tiptoes and simultaneously pulled his face a little bit down to meet him with a brief, yet sweet peck on the lips.  
Once you released his face and let your hands slide down to the juncture between his shoulders and neck, you felt his arms tighten around your body and tugging you even closer to him. Being not satisfied with the peck, he leaned in for another kiss.
His warm lips melted against yours and you felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach like it was the very first time. As your lips moved against his, you could feel him smiling into the kiss. There was still a faint taste of cherries lingering on his lips adding to the sweet and addictive kiss. For a moment you forgot about everything because being in his arms just felt right.
“Wow, it’s like my parents never left,” a sudden voice exclaimed from behind you. The two of you shyly pulled away from each other and looked at the intruder. “Don’t mind me, I’m just going to use the bathroom.”
With that being said, Dongpyo quickly disappeared into your bathroom. You were slightly embarrassed by getting caught but to make you blush even more, Seungwoo then said, “I want to have a kid like him later, haha.”
Their parents came back around 9pm. Dohye was still fast asleep in your bedroom, by now cuddling with your stuffed bunny, while the three of you watched an episode of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bokjoo.
“You guys came back early! How was your dinner?”, you asked them as you let the couple in. “Oh, it was wonderful and the food was really delicious. You two should check out the restaurant sometime,” Hyejin gushed. “Anyways, we called it a night early because I missed my babies too much.”
She wasted no time to pull her son into her side and ruffle his fluffy hair, eliciting a soft whine from him.  
“Ah, I almost forgot! We’ve got you a little gift,” the woman nudged her husband who pulled out a small white box from his paper bag. “It’s from our favorite chocolatier. But it’s only a small gift so whenever you have time, come over and we will make you a nice meal to thank you properly, yeah?”
“Alright, let’s go home now. I think we’ve bothered you enough for tonight,” your cousin chimed after putting his little girl in her carrier and giving the two of you a hug.
Once you closed the door behind them, Seungwoo pulled you into his arms again. Just before he could say anything, a yawn escaped his mouth.
“Are you tired?”
“Mhm, just a little bit.”
He rested his forehead against yours, eyes lovingly gazing into yours again like earlier.
“Do you wanna stay the night?”
“Sure, I’d love to.”
Seungwoo rummaged through your closet, looking for a comfortable shirt amidst all the t-shirts that you’ve either got or stole from him. Finally, his eyes set on a grey oversized tee which you actually could wear as a dress. Stripping off his slightly sweaty shirt, he welcomed the new soft fabric that no longer smelled like his cologne but by now had picked up your sweet scent.
When he joined you in the bathroom, you were already brushing your teeth whilst scrolling through your Instagram feed. He made his way behind you, smiling at your reflection in the mirror because the pink shirt that he’s been missing for the past week just happened to be engulfing you in that moment. But how could be upset when you looked like an angel to him?
Before you could grab your hair yourself, Seungwoo gently pushed them back and held them for you so they wouldn’t get in your way until you were finished with your routine. Once he started with his routine, you sat down on the edge of your bathtub. Waiting for him, you went through your gallery and took a look at the photos from earlier again.
“What’chu shmiling at?” He asked you with a mouth full of foam, watching through the mirror.
“Just the pics of you and Dohye sleeping together. They are really cute, I think I’m gonna post one of them!” You excitedly stood up and stayed by his side, holding your phone in front of him whilst swiping and showing him your favorite snapshots.  
After he was done with his own routine, the two of you wasted no time to snuggle up in the comfort of your bed. Like every other night you rested your head on his shoulder with his arms secured round your frame as if you could easily slip away anytime. A pleasant silence fell over you, only your shallow breaths were audible.
Your eyes were fixated on a sliver of light that shone through your blinds, unable to close your eyes and succumb to the sweet promise of sleep yet. The image of Seungwoo and the kids wouldn’t leave you alone. Sure, you’ve seen him plenty times playing with his own nephew already but today felt different.
“I was just wondering, what it would be like if we had a baby.”
His words kept repeating and repeating themselves in your head.
“What’s on your mind?” Seungwoo spoke so softly, it was barely a whisper. He started gently stroke your hair as he slightly turned his head towards you, his lips now almost brushing your temple.
“Just thinking about what you said earlier...” You tilted your head, meeting his eyes in the dark. “You know, what it’d be like if we had a baby, and I can’t stop thinking about it – but in a good way!”  
If you had looked a little bit closer, you would have seen that his gaze softened even more at you rambling about how he would spoil the baby to death or you two dressing up your child like a model, making it the most fashionable baby out there.
“The thought of a baby really doesn’t scare me anymore. Especially when I have you by my side,” you confessed. Instead of teasing you for corny confession, he pushed his body off the bed and hovered above you, his head already diving in to claim your lips.
Seungwoo didn’t say a word during your ramble but he put all his feelings into the kiss and you knew – he didn’t need to say it aloud because you knew he felt the same. His right hand caressed your face, thumb going over the apple of your cheek.
“I really like the sound of that,” his lips stretched into a smile before the landed right on your temple.  
Suddenly his smile turned smug, “We could try making one right now.”
“Oh, shut up!”
The next morning you checked your notifications only to find yourself chuckling at them.
ssunhwa: oh I didn’t know I was an aunt already
pyopyoson: huh is that black mob of hair mine? anyways, I want pics with him too
seungsmile_: just get married already
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softrenjunnie · 3 years
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- about me
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- nct masterlist
- cravity masterlist
- stray kids masterlist
- produce x 101 masterlist
- seventeen masterlist
- the boyz masterlist 
- enhypen masterlist
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jaelixs · 4 years
[1:05am] boyfriend!wooseok
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can i have a wooseok fluff where he wants to cuddle and talk about his day late at night during the winter :3 tysm aaa
hi i’d love to cuddle w/ wooseok pls :(
you’d been so tired and so close to sleep that you didn’t even realize what time it was when you could vaguely hear the sound of the door opening and closing. even wooseok’s footsteps sounded faraway in your in-between state of reality and dreamland. you’re almost there, just grasping your final state of sleep, when you feel wooseok’s arms wrap around you, his warmth enveloping your body and surprisingly awakening you, the haziness of your almost-sleep fading away.
just from the sigh - of his body finally reaching some point of relaxation - he lets out when you turn towards him, allowing him to pull you closer, you can tell he’s had a stressful day.
“hi,” he whispers softly as he smiles at you and you can help but smile back at him.
“hey,” you whisper back, leaning in to gently kiss his lips. “everything okay, baby?” you ask, reaching up and soothingly running your fingers through his hair.
“just... stressed. can we cuddle? just for a bit?” he asks and you smile softly at him.
“of course,” you smile, wrapping the blankets tightly around the two of you. “talk to me about today.”
wooseok goes on telling you about his day from how practice went to small things like the puppy he saw today. you swear you could listen to him talk about his day forever.
“thank you for always being there for me, baby,” he suddenly says quietly and you look up at him. “even if just to listen to me talk about my day, i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“of course, love. you don’t have to thank me, i’m always gonna be here for you no matter what. i love you,” you say, softly kissing his cheek and wooseok pulls you even closer, his eyes closing peacefully. 
“i love you even more. goodnight, baby.”
i started writing this long before... y’know and i miss them a bunch :(
ah, i can’t believe it’s been a whole year since x1 debuted,, i will forever cherish the time we had with them <3 i honestly forgot about this but found it deep in my drafts so here it is!
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eunsangst · 4 years
hey guys reply if i should do a fluffy high school au with minhee or a 'y/n gets comforted by wooseok after getting home from a tiring day in school!' i can't seem to decide on what to do first ,,,
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chocafe · 5 years
— yohan as your boyfriend
pairing: boyfriend!yohan x reader a/n: requested + i apologize for how messy this was, but i still hope you all could enjoy this regardless! ♡
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dating yohan is just like dating your best friend
which is absolutely wonderful ! ! !
because you get the best of both worlds ♡
to start it off
yohan is such a goofy individual
he’d literally laugh at any joke and everything you say
with yohan by your side, you feel as if you’re the top rated comedian in the whole entire nation
adding onto that, he enjoys to play little jokes on you
such as hiding your phone, scaring you at random moments, ect.
“yohan,” you continue to scavenge every inch of the living room “did you touch my phone?”
“i don’t know? did i touch your phone?” he laughs out loud while following your every step
instead of questioning him
all you need to do is tickle yohan and that would be enough to get him to start crying and laughing at the same time
you’re super close with his little sisters!
you think of them as your little sisters (and potential sister in laws 😏) 
so you treat them super well by buying them snacks and treating them out to mini-dates
these “dates” would include activities such as going out shopping or seeing a new movie you’ve all have been dying to watch
every time you all go out, yohan constantly complains because you all won’t let him join in
“can i come too?”
“hello??? this literally isn’t fair? stOP TAKING MY SISTERS OUT ON A DATE AND TAKE ME OUT ON ONE INSTEAD”
a protective ass boyfriend
if anyone messes with you
then they just need to know they’re also messing with yohan
you: *trips on a piece of wood*
yohan, speaking to the wood: bitch are you trying to fight or what?
however, at the same time
he’s the type of person to laugh at you anytime you fall / hurt yourself
and when he’s done laughing
he would then proceed to help you out & act like nothing had just happened
you: *falls down the stairs*
yohan: *laughs his ass off for one straight minute*
dang why do you keep on falling down
you both are so supportive of one another ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
you were always there to attend every one of his taekwondo competitions
and yohan is always there to support you when it comes to your sport / dance / literallyanythingyoureinterestedin competitions!!!
or he supports you when it comes to your dreams and accomplishments. feel free to replace it with whatever fits you the best!
on the days where you physically can’t be there
yohan’s sisters would facetime you during the competition
and you would watch through the screen as if you were personally there
he sends you a variety of supportive text messages to help you get through the day
[txt] yohan: you can do it!
[txt] yohan: if you’re tired of studying then just think about how you’re seeing me tomorrow :-) u gotta get through this tough day of studying before u enter a new day!!!
[txt] yohan: i’m always going to be here for you 💗💓💕
every time you guys wait in line (as in waiting in line for food or waiting for the subway)
yohan would always stand behind you
and rest his chin on your shoulder
while wrapping his arms around your waist
he’s like a giant baby because he’d be standing there like :3 with his cheeks drooping down
when it comes to kisses
you can’t really kiss his neck because he always ends up hysterically laughing like a child
“GOD how am i supposed to come off as sexy to you if you always make me laugh whenever you touch my neck?” he loudly expresses his complaint as he pouts his lips
so . . . touching his neck is sort of off limits since that’s one of his weak spots
or is it really off limits? shssskshjdk
sends you selfies of himself without you even asking for them
[txt] yohan: *sends a selfie*
[txt] you: what is this for
[txt] yohan: nothing i just want u to look at me
and also when you ask him to send you a selfie
he immediately does so without even hesitating
[txt] you: i miss you so much 😭 i wish i can see you rn can u pls send me a selfie
[txt] yohan: i’m kind of shy >___<
[txt] yohan, literally a second later: *sends you five selfies of himself*
ᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃ drinking at local bars are one of your guys favorite things to do
yohan: wanna see me chug down this bottle of soju
you: no
yohan: okay here i go
after a few bottles of soju, yohan’s cheeks would instantly turn a rosy red shade
and he becomes an utterly soft mess!
you don’t mind this tbh i wouldnt either
“y/n, you know that i like you, right?” yohan slurs his words as he takes both of his hands to cup your jawline
you chuckle lightly to yourself. “of course i know. that’s kind of why we’re dating.”
“oh? is that why?” he mimics the way you speak before pulling your face closer to his
yohan doesn’t care that the two of you are out in public
and he also could care less that strangers were surrounding you all in this little bar
with that being said, he presses his lips against yours
igniting the fire inside the two of you
in reality, this turned out to be one terrible messy kiss due to:
yohan’s drunk self who couldn’t keep his lips to himself
and your cheerful self who couldn’t stop smiling in between
once the short kiss was over
you blurt out, “god, you really taste like soju.”
that comment sure doesn’t stop yohan
he drags your hand over to face
forcing you to caress his cheek
just like a little kitten
his lips then stretches into a bright smile as he says “don’t pretend you didn’t like it!”
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captainhanseungwoo · 5 years
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#2 boyfriend material
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icnstuff · 5 years
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— ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ/ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪғ ᴜ sᴀᴠᴇ
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lublycho · 5 years
X1 reaction to hinting they like you
Request: How would x1 hint they like you?
Note: I'll be working on some scenarios from tomorrow onwards so updates might be a tad bit slow. Please don't mind. 👌
Despite how explosive Seungwoo can be on stage, he is still a bit shy in everyday life. So don’t expect any big gestures of affection from him but do look out for the small things. Like his deepening smile when you enter the room, or the way you always happen to find an empty seat next to him, unaware that he intentionally doesn't let anyone sit on it because he knows you are coming.
It's all very subtle. But Seungwoo isn't as smooth as he thinks. Because you do notice the twitch in his smile when he sees you laugh, and the blush that creeps up on his cheeks when you thank him for saving you a seat. 
Yet, you both act like oblivious fools around each other. 🤦‍♀
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Seungyoun is a lowkey flirt tbh. But it’s the kind of flirt which you can’t make sense of. Like, you’d be visiting the boys at their dorms and the moment Seungyoun sees you he’s like,
“I thought I’d never see the sun today.”
And you’d literally reply with, “Oh, do you want to go outside? It’s still a few hours till the sun sets.” 
Seungyoun would just mentally facepalm as the rest of the members struggle to conceal their sniggers.
It isn’t until you're halfway down your way back that you realize what he meant to say. The sun.
You were the sun.
It's safe to say you started regretting your life choices after that realisation.
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I feel like Wooseok would hint he likes you through constantly pretending he’s least bothered and least concerned about you. You know how some people say, ‘the more you hate, the more you love’? Well, Wooseok is the living example of the phrase. He’d argue with you about the silliest things, hating you when you win, but hating himself more when you lose. 
One moment, when he is overcome by your charm, he lets his guard down and becomes the sweetest angel, letting you hold his hands and even play with his hair. And the next, when he realizes what he’s doing, he turns away from you completely, back to his cold demeanor. He even thought of completely cutting you off from his life once, because the effect you had on him frightened him to death. 
But later, that very same night when he decided to stay home while the other boys prepared to leave for the cinema, he heard Seungwoo said,
“You should come...Y/n will be there.”
Wooseok stayed curled up on the sofa for the longest time after he heard the rest of the boys leave. 
A moment. He only gave himself a moment
...before making a run for the cinema.
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With Yohan I don’t know if the word hint would work because this boy can’t keep his mouth shut. For real. Every other chance he gets, he’s like ‘Oh, I like your dress’ or ‘Hey, I really like the sound of your voice, we should go on a date’ And it’s a big mess because you’re not sure if he is serious or joking, because Yohan seemed to like to crack some really weird jokes a lot around you. Like this one time you were fixing the cable of his TV and you heard him say,
“You look nice, I think I want to kiss you.”
Stunned, you whirled around,
See? This boy is weird.
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Ooooh. We’ve got ourselves a macho man here. 
Hangyul literally is the softest, fluffiest guy around you and you find it so freaking cute.
Oh, you want some more ice cream? Here take Hangyul’s. Tired? No problem, let Hangyul carry you. Got some food on the corner of your lips? Here let Hangyul take it off with a kiss- oh no, wait, I meant with his hands, not his lips… Yet.
With Junho, it’s very obvious he likes you. Have you ever seen this boy with more than a crooked smile? No, right? So when Junho cracks the biggest, brightest smile when he sees you, everyone knows something is wrong. 
And when that smile doesn’t come off until you’re about to leave, everyone knows something is very, very wrong. But in his heart Junho knows, everything is just so right.
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Dongpyo literally acts like your adopted child in an attempt to hint that he likes you. I mean the love and affection you give him when you see him sitting with that adorable pout is just unreal.
And his plan works at first, when you ask for him first whenever you drop by their dorms and always text him goodnight and good morning each day. But a little while later, it feels like you and Seungwoo are co-parenting, so he aborts the plan all together.
Onto plan B!
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Dohyon leaves cute, supportive sticky notes in your notebook as a show of his affection. He’d write in good luck for your exam, or an enthusiastic message about how you’re gonna push past the obvious biases of your teachers towards other students. But the funny part is, he refuses to accept he put the sticky notes in your notebook, even though you know it is his handwriting. 
“Thank you for the encouragement, it really brightened up my day.”
“What encouragement? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
"Thanks anyways."
He secretly smiles all night after he hears you say that.
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Minhee believes he doesn't like you and much like Wooseok, he's in complete denial of his infatuation with you. But when the rest of the members ask him why he bought you the plushie you said you liked and gave you his jacket when you left yours at home, he has a one lined, simple answer,
"Because we're friends. Friends look out for each other."  
But Minhee doesn't understand that a 'friend' doesn't bother himself with the thought of being able to kiss the other friend one day. 
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This baby is so flustered when you're around that he basically forgets about breathing sometimes and has to gasp for air at least a few times in a day. 
He also really likes to give you roses whenever he is able to meet you as a gesture of his affection. He literally spends an hour or two scraping the thorns away from the stem of the roses, in fear they might prick your fingers. He also makes the cutest sound when you squeeze his cheeks in gratitude of the flower he got you.
Your hands on his cheeks is all he thinks about after that. 
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Our priki boy is very keen on staring at you from afar in a totally non creepy way so please don't mind him. He's also very keen on denying he likes you so when Dongpyo catches him staring at you for the longest time he says, "Wow, you really like her, a lot!" and Eunsang is like 'pfffft, no I don't' all while looking at you first whenever someone cracked a joke just to see if you were laughing. 
Thank you for reading. No gif for a)eunsang & b) Hangyul because a)the limit is 10 images and b) i couldnt find any suitable gifs for Hangyul
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