#person next to them i can recognize any song if it’s played in a different way or style
my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Hi everyone,
I found a helpful article from ADDitude talking about ways to stop catastrophizing.
This excerpt is going to be somewhat long, so I apologize in advance:
3 Ways to Stop Catastrophizing:
To shift toxic worry into something productive, you need to first recognize that you are catastrophizing. This happens when your brain’s amygdala (the fight, flight or freeze) organ in the limbic system-the emotional region) figuratively takes over your thinking brain (your prefrontal cortex) by activating adrenaline and cortisol. Your entire being is focused on obtaining safety and feeling secure. Basically, the part of you that runs from tigers and steps aside from racing cars begins controlling all your responses.
1. Dismantle the “What-Ifs”
To regain control, turn down the volume on your catastrophic thinking by remembering past successes, tools, interventions, and statements you’ve used to overcome perceived dangers. When I’m in a “what-if” spiral, I shift my thinking to “What could go right?”
Follow your “what-ifs” to the end of the line. Ask yourself, “What if this happened? And then what? And what if that happened? And then what?” Keep going until there’s some resolution. Can you live with that resolution?
Try to consider best-case outcomes in addition to worst-case scenarios. What might happen that could be positive? Can I predict any happiness instead of pain?
2. Set Up a Buddy System
Toxic worry intensifies in isolation. So, set up a buddy system with someone you trust who can offer a different perspective. Who could you call or text if you’re in a poisonous worry spiral? Do you have a therapist, coach, or counselor? Whether you are concerned about perfectionism, personal relationships, or sociopolitical injustices, who could be your ally in these dark moments?
3. Create a Plan
Come up with a plan for escaping your next spiral. Make a list of self-soothing actions to take when worry rears its ugly head. Post it somewhere accessible, like on your phone or sticky notes at home. Your plan can include settle-me-down phrases such as “I’m afraid, and I know how to be brave” or “Things work out, keep breathing.” It can also contain a list of activities to slow your reactivity, such as drinking a glass of water, walking outside, cuddling a pet, getting a hug, etc. Here are some more ideas:
Exercise. Daily exercise pumps up your endorphins, which bathe your brain with good feelings. When I wake up feeling “ugh,” a run or bike ride gets me out of my negative headspace.
Create a playlist. Categorize songs into different playlists on your phone, label them “angry songs,” “sad songs,” “happy songs,” “how-to-stop-worrying songs,” etc.
Practice mindfulness to interrupt the pattern of negative thinking. Meditate. Do yoga. Listen to the birds. Drink a cup of tea. Do a crossword puzzle. Play Wordle.
Try triangle breathing. Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, and exhale slowly for six counts. Do several rounds of this.
As always, the full article will be linked below if anyone wants to read more. I hope many of you found this helpful.
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kaija-rayne-author · 10 months
Would you recognize an autistic or ADHD person if you saw one?
What about an autistic or ADHD fictional character?
Many of y'all will say, of course.
And you'll be wrong.
I'm not talking to hatched autistics and ADHDers. We can usually spot others like us and autistic/ADHD coded characters in fiction.
Definition: A 'hatched' autistic or ADHDer is someone who knows they're one or the other or both, AND they understand and accept that pretending to be neurotypical is bad for us.
It actually kills us, so, yeah, bad. The leading causes of death for autistics is unaliving or heart attack from the stress of living in a world that was most certainly not created for us. In some ways, this world is antithetical to us.
We also experience the stress of what's known as 'masking'.
Our average age of death is 36 years old. Think about that for a second. 36. And the rates of unaliving in autistic and ADHD kids is utterly obscene. The suicide watch for parents of autistic kids starts at 8 years old. 8.
(I don't say this for everything, but self-diagnosis is absolutely valid for autism and ADHD. In a world where people can still be institutionalized or lose their kids because of an autism diagnosis--this is fact for Britain and several US states. France is awful for autistics-- self diagnosis must be valid so we can figure ourselves out without endangerment.)
Masking is where a traumatized autistic (and I've also never met or even heard about an untraumatized autistic/ADHDer) will create a, persona, almost, that lets us function in the world.
It's rarely intentional, my youngest son started masking at 4 in pre-kindergarten because he wanted other kids to like him and want to play with him. Even though our home is very supportive of diversity, especially about autism and ADHD, y'all... he was *4*.
Being autistic and/or ADHD is so damned lonely. Especially if you don't know why you're different. So we do our best to adapt. That can cause issues.
Masking isn't meant as a lie. It's survival instinct. Because even though the world absolutely doesn't treat us like we're human beings, we still are. We want to survive and thrive as much as the next hominid. We have all the same needs and desires as any other human.
But what about the rest of all y'all? Can you recognize us?
Last week, a music teacher banned a 6 year old autistic kid from the school concert because 'they would ruin the experience for the other children' this is after making the autistic kid learn and practice the songs for weeks. 6 years old and that kid already has scars from discrimination about a genetic condition he can't help. It's cruel and so damned inhumane. At worst, the kid probably sang off key and maybe fidgetted a bit. But that would 'ruin' the concert. It's not the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, lady, it's an elementary school concert. It's absolutely not worth scarring that poor kid over. It also happened back in 2022, and again in 2017.
People will have seen 'Atypical' or 'The Good Doctor' or, gods forbid, Rainman and think they know what autistic people look like. (You should probably know that the majority of autistics loathe those shows because the rep is so bad.)
But here's the thing.
You can't see autism or ADHD. Not just by looking at us. It's purely a brain wiring difference. People don't even believe me when I tell them I am if they've seen me in person. And I'm professionally diagnosed as both autistic & ADHD.
Sometimes, there are co occurring issues, like intellectual disability, that are confused with autism, but they aren't actually the autism or ADHD part of things.
I'm an autistic and ADHD advocate. I have a consultant option on my Patreon for people who want advice either for themselves or so they do the right thing by their kids. I'm autistic/ADHD, my kids are too. I've been researching and learning about the topic for close to a decade at this point. I truly know what I'm talking about. I understand the different flavours and experiences of these two types of neurodivergency extremely well.
As an aside, while I have you here, ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is never the right thing. You know how gay conversion therapy is bad? The same person (Ivar Lovass) came up with ABA, and it's meant to do the same thing. To torture people, most often children, into pretending to be what someone else wants them to be. It doesn't support or help the autistic person.
Almost unilaterally, ABA causes a PTSD breakdown of self coming into our 30s. I say almost, but I've never even heard of an autistic person who has been tortured by ABA who hasn't developed severe PTSD.
If you tried to use the methods used in ABA on a dog, you'd be guilty of extreme animal cruelty.
Yet, because it's practiced on human children, it's fiiiiine. Big money lobbying has even made it so that ABA 'therapy' is the only one covered by a lot of insurances.
We can thank Autism $peaks for that. They are a hate group. They fit every bit of the definition of one and then some. (So please don't donate to them at the till. They love to pollute stores like Toys 'R' Us.)
Adult autistics have been speaking out against them forever. But since most autistics (80%) are under or unemployed, we don't have the kind of financial sway we'd need to get rid of them. Yes, this even counts for 'the new ABA'.
You can't save ABA. Putting a 2 year old human child through 40 hours weekly of 'training' so that they can look and act neurotypical is just flat out torture. Making a child 'extremely hungry or thirsty' so that they will do what you want is torture. There's just no other way to slice that apple. It's rotten to the core.
But back to my point.
Recently, someone disagreed with my opinion on a fictional character. I feel the character is autistic/ADHD coded, the other person disagreed.
That's cool. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And it's fiction, whatever. I'm not mad or upset. (I'm slightly insulted, because if you're not autistic/ADHD, [and a comparison they suggested made me think they definitely weren't] it's definitely not your place to disagree with one of us who says a character is autistic/ADHD coded. It's disrespectful and more than a little ableist. Simply because so many people have the completely wrong idea about both conditions.)
Regardless, the important part for a fictional character is that a person was able to see themselves in the character, to empathize with them. So it's not a big deal.
But it got me thinking about this.
Would most people recognize the subtle signs? They're almost always extremely subtle.
Ever hear of 'resting bitch face'? It's an incredibly common autistic trait because we either emote less or we emote differently than neurotypicals. In our world, it's known as 'flat face effect'. I have it, and I've been harmed many times because it looks like I'm pissed off even when I'm having a good time or I'm just deep in thought. I've got a firey temper, trust me when I say you'll know it when I'm pissed off.
So. You see a character (or even a person) who doesn't emote a lot? Or emotes extremely subtly? Wellll... that's a good clue.
So, X fictional character (or person) has odd or esoteric knowledge or hobbies. That's a good clue.
Are they nerdy or geeky in some way?
Most autistics and many ADHDers experience what's known as hyperfixation on special interests. Ever see someone get so fascinated by a topic or skill or activity that they get lost in it?
Forget to eat or drink?
Learn to do an obscure craft just because they wanted to know how it's done? That person is likely autistic or ADHD or both. It applies to fictional characters too.
Are they stand-offish? Many of us are for various reasons. One is that we're trying to figure out the 'rules' of wherever and whoever we're with.
Why all y'all insist on staring creepily at each others eyeballs is beyond me. I find it either too intimate, painfully so, or just ridiculous.
That quiet character (or person) who warms up slowly? There's a hint.
Another reason we tend to be cool with strangers is that ever present trauma thing. So many autists and ADHDers get to the point in life where we just don't have it in us anymore to keep trying to make social connections. A very common trait of both autism and ADHD is a lack of understanding of neurotypical social rules. And trust me, y'all have them.
Does the character or person fidget? Either subtly or more obviously?
It's called stimming. I had to learn to do it unobtrusively, so I'll suck air through my teeth (my dentist isn't impressed by this), circle my pointer finger around my thumb, tap the pad of each finger on my thumb in a rhythm, count silently to myself... the list is probably endless. I intentionally leave the cuticles on my thumbs rough, because I often rub the forefinger or ring finger of that hand over the rough cuticle as a stim.
Maybe they rotate their ring around a finger?
Play with their hair?
Stimming is something that calms us down and helps us regulate our emotions. (It's also one of the first things ABA robs us of. It's called 'quiet hands'.) It's really bad to deprive an autistic or ADHDer of stimming.
I used to click the button on a pen so much that I banned myself from having clicky pens because of how annoying it can be to others.
There are healthy stims and unhealthy ones. (Head banging is an example of an unhealthy stim.)
So a character or person who is just, always moving somehow? There's a hint. Or they're rhythmically moving a body part? Tapping fingers? Wiggling a foot or leg? Fussing with their clothing? Rocking?
Is the character or person 'a walking encyclopedia'? In other words, do they know a lot of information about either one or two topics or about many topics?
That character (or person) is often stereotyped as being a computer genius who can make any computer work just by looking at it for a few minutes. But it can honestly be any topic or combination of topics. That's another clue.
Many autists are almost hard wired to be painfully honest. Unless we've been traumatized into it, we tend to be shitty liars. I'm, unfortunately, a very good liar. It's not something I choose to do, because I don't want my trauma to change something so innate to me as my honesty. I had to learn to lie to survive. I don't recommend it.
Does the person or character truly believe in things like honour? Justice? Mercy? Peace? (Many neurotypical people will call these things social lies that keep the world working.) I'm talking a bone deep belief in honour etc. Are they a shitty liar?
I think I've blathered enough for now. I want to make it clear that I don't speak for all autistic and ADHD folks. I'm just one person attempting to share some of the more common traits with whoever wants to read about it.
A final thought.
Nothing can make someone autistic or ADHD. It's a genetic condition. Which is why so many parents find out they're autistic or ADHD when their kids are diagnosed. It's not more prevalent now, it's just that more people are learning about the actual parameters of it. Diagnosis is easier now than 50 years ago. It's been around since ancient Egypt and probably evolved as a way to keep the clan safe in prehistoric times.
We often have heightened senses. Sometimes we have what I call 'predator vision' which sounds awful but just means that my gaze is automatically drawn to movement. Our sleep cycles are also commonly very different than a neurotypical's. We probably ended up being people who would take night watch, stare at the stars for hours, or warn people when food has gone off so no one eats it.
I think we evolved right alongside neurotypicals because we're both needed for a successful society.
Many, many of the world's famed thinkers/creators are considered to have likely been autistic/ADHD based on records about them.
These people include:
Leonardo DaVinci
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Nikolai Tesla
Albert Einstein
Thomas Jefferson
Charles Darwin
Emily Dickinson
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
William Butler Yeats
Vincent Van Gogh
Benjamin Franklin
People who are autistic or ADHD these days that you may not expect?
Dan Ackroyd
Darryl Hannah
Anthony Hopkins
Jerry Seinfeld
Courtney Love
David Byrne
Wentworth Miller
Satoshi Tajiri (creator of Pokemon)
There are also many, many people who have shown autistic or ADHD traits and haven't confirmed or it's impossible to confirm because they're deceased and we don't have the right records.
It's considered a massive faux pas to assign a diagnosis of anything to a living human being. So everyone living I've listed has in some way confirmed it. There are many, many other people (especially in creative industries or hobbies) I believe are likely one or the other, but I wouldn't label. That's for them to do.
If you enjoyed this or learned something and you can, please consider a tip or becoming a Patron. My work of words is my only income.
Every historical person is just a 'likely' because we'll never actually know. All we can do is point at the exhibited traits via records and say, probably.
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utilitycaster · 8 months
I'm still thinking about The Rain Road from Worlds Beyond Number in like five different ways, particularly in how it relates to a bunch of other actual plays, so I'm cramming them all into one massive post:
There was a NADDPod D&D Court case in the live show they released this week in which the DM invented a language for Thieves' Cant and put it in a packet for a new player who was playing a rogue but did not make it clear this was required reading, and then in-game answered the rogue's investigation check in this language, which the player had no ability to understand, and it shut down an avenue of story. Absolutely wild case but the point here is that this sort of energy needs to be directed into writing in-world songs or poetry and not a conlang your player has to pick up in their spare time.
In the Fireside, Aabria talked about how the song was inherently political despite being religious and not having any political lyrics (comparing it to some of the spirituals of enslaved African-Americans). We do know that the people who knew the song were older; we know that Galani and Suvi felt a certain way as members of the imperium about it, and that Morrow did not recognize the greetings of Port Talon derived from the worship of Naram and Orima. It's unclear precisely what the Empire's attitude is towards religion. It does not appear to be outlawed and Steel indicates a non-religious degree of respect towards Great Spirits; it seems it's simply not respected by the Empire on the whole, perhaps broadly discouraged. Even a fairly neutral attitude of disregard could erode it culturally among younger people who are always eager to reject the older ways. A cynical person would say any of these could be the path to eventual harsher legislation; wear it down first for a few generations, then come in when the opposition is weak. What's interesting to me is this relationship between religion and Empire, especially against the backdrop of Critical Role. There, we've seen it several ways - religious institutions using the tools of empire (Othanzia), empires that blur the lines between the two (Kryn Dynasty), but also empires that outlaw it (the Dwendalian Empire going after casual worshippers of the Changebringer, leaving their children to fend for themselves). My own feeling here is that religion is conceptually neutral and can be used for either good or ill, and empire is not given that it relies on conquest, but it is interesting to see the vast differences in the fandoms for the two works - which have decent overlap - re: religion when we have mostly seen the two in opposition vs. when we we have seen many different perspectives worldwide.
To that point I'm really excited for the next arc because while I think empire is, again, always going to be about subjugation and conquering and cannot ever be a good thing, I also think that individuals within it are going to be complicated. I can't remember if it was Brennan or Aabria or both who pointed this out, and that right now we mostly just have the word "empire", but even then, we've seen people seeking the favor of the Imperium but not high up within it do terrible things, and people who are in its military and abused by those in power died to save civilians. The Empire is on the whole going to be a bad force, but I'm looking forward to seeing all the very human reasons why people might support it. (This isn't about the song but it's a natural thought from the previous one).
Back to the song, I know much of the lore of the campaign is taken from Brennan and Erika's cultural backgrounds, but a hymn for rain is something very common in Judaism - the upcoming fall holidays especially center around this. Not much to add there other than that this does feel very true to liturgy that has a basis in the natural and the agricultural; good job Brennan on that.
Bouncing back to the song as it exists as a quiet form of something that is perhaps not explicitly anti-empire, but shows a way without an empire (after all, few things are more of a quiet threat than reminding people the empire did not always exist), Ame is of course the one who makes an effort to learn and spread it; she's the one who builds a shrine during the fight and who knows how to communicate with the spirits (sidebar what the fuck is up with Suvi's necklace). It is interesting to me, among various fandoms, seeing which character is pinned as the Moral Center because it is almost always one vague description, which Ame fits (wise; provincial; vague nature vibes), but the thing is that archetype does not really have a moral code associated with it and I wonder why that's the archetype, particularly since that immediately sticks out to me as a valuable but very limited voice. (It's also interesting that when there isn't an obvious character who fits this type, the Moral Center character - and to be clear I think the idea that one character is the moral center is fallacious and simple thinking to begin with - people gravitate towards, if I can be a bit dismissive about characters I genuinely like since I'm really just dismissing the fandom perception, sob stories, more than anything else).
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imasloid · 2 months
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"I'm an idol… it feels kind of strange…"
This is a project analyzing and taking a look at the fashion design and application in the multimedia series, The IDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors. This section is about the eccentric and lively subculture girl of the series, Yuika Mitsumine! If you want to jump to a specific section, go here!
(This is a reprint of my thread on Twitter. I put it on Tumblr for easier reading and for archiving purposes. Enjoy!)
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“Yuika is a first-year college student, a subculture girl with a free-spirited, light-hearted, & somewhat elusive personality. She can talk to people that she meets for the first time easily and has a deep knowledge of idols. Sometimes she has a serious expression on her face.”
Age: 19
Birthday: January 16th
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Blood Type: O
Hometown: Fukushima
Hobbies: Watching idol lives, cameras, anime, games, reading
Special Skills: Studying & can be recognized by her oshi as quick as possible
CV: Shio Kisui
Before starting the analysis, I would suggest if you haven’t already, read her W.I.N.G. (introductory) commu (through the broswer game's English patch or on YouTube). If you don’t play the game, I would listen to her image song and read the lyrics to get a better sense of her character.
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Consisting of many different fashion elements, Yuika’s personal fashion is easily identifiable though hard to define. Labelled a “subculture girl,” her open-minded personality leads Yuika to incorporate various styles into her own while still looking unique & fashion-forward.
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Before diving into her fashion, I’ll expand on her label as a “subculture girl” using this graphic. “Sabukaru” is more of a cultural movement rather than a fashion style, with personal fashion and expression being varied amongst members dependent on their hobbies.
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Yuika’s fashion is mainly inspired from aomoji-kei or blue letter style, explaining her versatile & unique wardrobe. Formerly used as a catch-all for Harajuku fashion, it describes cute & casual fashion that doesn’t appeal to men with a motto of “wearing what you want to wear.”
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Popular aomoji-kei magazines like Zipper, FRUiTS, and KERA! covered many different styles and brands, inspired by streetsnaps in Harajuku. The insides featured many experimental and exciting coordinates as sort of a counter against mainstream fashion and the male gaze.
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Though all the magazines above have ceased production due to a change in audience and trends, the Aomoji-kei movement still lives on through brands, digital newsletters, and the thriving fashion culture of Harajuku. Also, magazines like mini and SO-EN are still around today.
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This diagram from Asahi Sato shows that Aomoji-kei is split into many styles ranging from simple & girly to individualistic & sporty. The next few tweets identify major groups that Yuika’s fashion is drawn from, but keep in mind there is heavy overlap & won't include all of them.
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Group 1 of her various styles I dub her “original style.” This style is highly featured in her default outfits and many other early cards of hers. Heavily influenced by the kawaii, amekaji, pop, & original harajuku street-style trendsetters, this style is very fun and eccentric!
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Group 2 is less showy than Group 1, with a more conventional elements that reflect modern street style, but still show Yuika’s eccentricity and skill of outfit composition. Appearing after the peak of her “kawaii pop” style, it’s a more casual and laid-back style comparably.
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Group 3 is the most mature, elegant, and “smart” pool of looks that Yuika wears. Featuring a mix of solids and simple patterns, dark and neutral colors, and elements of the mode casual and feminine styles, it’s a group that shows off a more simple but modish side to her.
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Though I categorize her styles in groups, Yuika’s style can’t really be categorized. They bleed between different groups or don’t fit into any at all. These groups were made for people to identify her weared trends, but compartmentalizing her style doesn’t really fit her at all.
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Now I would like to talk about some common elements of Yuika’s fashion that appear, regardless of style inspiration. The most famous are her trademark glasses and baseball caps, customized so they fit any look she wears.
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Two more essential elements of her personal style are her frequent & variable use of pattern & color clashing and colorblocking & color theory in outfit composition. These being mainstays in her fashion make it as versatile and interesting as it can get.
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This tweet shows four outfits and how she applies clashing, color theory, and conceptual importance to make them exciting, unique, & varied. Though a wide range of style influences and colors are used, all these outfits are “Yuika-core” connected by common styling values.
The above section was written inspired by a blog talking about Yuika’s fashion sense, so I would like to give them thanks for well-written another perspective on her style.
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No need to talk about her fashion’s color palette as she doesn’t limit her fashion to a specific group of colors, but her image color is a medium-blue like sky or rain. For such an outgoing personality, her image color has a weight to it which we will cover in the next section.
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Yuika was scouted by Producer while taking shelter from the rain, coming back from an idol-merchandise haul. Upon seeing her smile and how much she loves idols, he asks her if she wants to become an idol.
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She finds it hard to believe she actually got scouted and thinks it’s some kind of elaborate prank, but she accepts the offer and becomes an idol. It’s later revealed that she wanted to become one due to being curious about the world of idols and wanting to be admired.
To fans and the members of L’antica, Yuika acts as the moodmaker and jokester of the group, always having a huge smile on her face and constantly cracking jokes and making merry. She’s the initial glue that bonds L’Antica together and always makes sure everyone is feeling happy.
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As to why she’s so outgoing, it’s revealed that it comes from interacting with other idol otaku at live shows but she keeps this a secret from most people. She is a diehard idol fan of many female groups, collecting merch and going to handshake events.
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In fact, most people know that Yuika is a “subculture” girl and has many public interests like fashion, photography, and manga. However, she keeps her insane idol hobby under wraps, even hiding merch from the L’antica girls when they visit her place.
One special quirk of Yuika is her high degree of reading the atmosphere and sensing the mood of the room quickly. In her Landing Point, she reveals she keeps her otaku hobbies a secret because when she would talk to her friends about anime, she felt the vibe get uncomfortable.
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Yuika is really sensitive to the vibe getting rancid in fact, feeling uncomfortable if everyone isn’t feeling content. She will do anything to make everyone feel comfortable, even putting her own feelings on the back burner if she feels it would unnecessarily complicate things.
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Even with the Producer, she is known for hiding her true feelings and masking it with her outgoing personality and deflecting issues that bother her, burdening herself instead. She doesn’t like to show signs of weakness and keeps a well-hidden distance from most people.
In cards like “NOT≠EQUAL,” “Dizzy Dizzy,” and “No Life,” she is also shown to be very self-critical and barrages herself with deprecating comments. She only discloses these feelings with Producer, as she feels bad troubling anyone else with her “trivial” problems.
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Her image song, “Plastic Umbrella,” discusses her habit of hiding who she really is and keeping a boundary from most people to “protect the peace.” Not wanting to “bump into anyone” but also “wanting someone to find her,” this paradox of personality is everpresent.
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Though her personality is somewhat hard to explain, her fashion really eludicates who she is as a person. At first glance, her style is very eyecatching and eccentric, but not in an intimidating way. It’s very fun and doesn’t take itself too seriously in a way that is amiable.
However, if you look closer you’ll see that a lot of care and meticulous detail is put into her outfits. The colors, patterns, silhouette, composition, mood, atmosphere, accessories, clothes, etc. are all specifically picked to fit each other in a way that is incredibly skilled.
As said by others, Yuika has an incredible eye for detail with people, but this expands to her fashion as well. She is good at studying, remembering, and applying knowledge to situations, seen in how variable her fashion influences are but still maintaining a cohesive style.
Personally, I would describe her “fun” fashion as an mechanism of lowering others’ guard similar to her outgoing personality, masking her real feelings. Not to say that her fashion is ingenuous, but it helps make other people feel at ease regardless of intention.
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Yuika’s style evolution is hard to spot, but major style influences she wears change with time. Out of all the Shiny Colors girls, Yuika definitely has the most unique take on fashion & the fact that it’s also a commentary on herself (both shown and hidden) is the cherry on top.
This is it for Yuika Mitsumine!
If you liked this thread, check out my Twitter and give me a tip on Ko-Fi so I can do more things like this with other idol series! Thanks for reading <3
Next section: Kiriko Yukoku
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Passion Play
Jack Blades X OC
Chapter One
Summary: Ren is the bassist of rock Swedish band Savage Seduction. While on tour with Night Ranger, she catches the eye of Jack Blades and her life changes.
Reblog’s, likes and comments are really appreciated!
Summer 85’
Sometimes life feels like a blur. Like it's moving at a pace, I can't keep up with. Like it's rushing by me. Like I can't even process what just happened and something new happens. It's been especially like that recently. I went from a nobody to rocking some of the biggest stages in Europe as the bassist and co-founder of my band Savage Seduction.
The other founding member is our guitarist and vocalist Gunnar. Gunnar and I have been friends since we met as kids. We grew up next door to one another and both ended up having dreams of being rock stars. Everyone always called us crazy but that fueled us.
Now here we are on our second tour of the States with another gold album and a hit song and video that's on constant rotation. It feels pretty fucking great to be back.
This time we’re touring with Night Ranger. I've never met any of the guys before but I do really love their music. I own all their albums and the last time we played the States I actually went to see them live and it was a great show. So I'm looking forward to playing with them.
That's the most important thing really knowing the band you’re playing with is good and can hold up your standards. It makes it run a lot smoother and from what I've seen Night Ranger can do that. Even if we are the opening at. We aren't as big here as in Europe, but we are making ground. Especially since it was out the second time out.
Currently, we’re backstage before the show starts getting ready. I've got my bass in my lap and I'm warming up on it. Kelly our lead guitarist is sitting across from me doing the same thing on his guitar. Jan our keyboardist and Gunnar are chatting away as they finish up their hair. Mick our drummer is hitting his sticks on the edge of the table while also drinking a beer.
You think it would be weird to be the only girl in an all-male band but it's really not. They just see me as one of the guys. It probably helps I’m not traditionally feminine either. Sure I have my femininity, but most of my interests aren't “girly”. I'm into fast cars and motorcycles. I fix an engine better than any of them. I'm a champion Archer and I did a lot of motocross. It's actually how I met Kelly and got him in the band. So you could say I fit in well with these guys.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
“Come in” Kelly calls over in Swedish forgetting we’re in America not our homeland and most people unless on crew probably don't understand it.
“Come in,” I call after him in English playfully hitting my stupid ass guitarist.
“Oh yeah we’re in America.” he laughs.
Then the door opens and on pours the five members of Night Ranger. Who I recognize from being a fan.
“We just came to meet you wish you good.” Jack Blades my bassist counterpart and the frontman, tell us. I must say he's very cute in person and quite tiny. He's kind of like a little mouse but in a cute way.
“Thank you, I’m Ren.” I say first before anyone else in the band speaks up. We all speak English but I happen to be the best. My father is Swedish and I was born and raised in Sweden and very much view myself as Swedish, my mother was an American. So I grew up speaking both English and Swedish. She died a few ago. Unfortunately without ever coming back to her homeland, a choice she made for a reason I'll never know or understand, but I'm here now.
“I'm Jack,” he replies, then points to my bass. It's a signature I make with Hamer. Much like himself. It's a different body shape than him and mine is a deep dark purple shade. “Nice bass.”
“Thanks, it's my signature,” I informed him to play a little riff from one of our songs to show off I guess. She's a beauty and I know it.
“I figured.” he laughs, “it's nice meeting you.”
“It's nice meeting you too,” I tell him with a smile. “We’ll be seeing more of each other I'm sure.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he says with a charming smile.
Just as our tour manager comes back to tell us we've got 5 minutes till show time and Night Ranger all clear out to let us do our final preparations.
I hand my bass off to my tech and go and check myself one final time. All is looking good. I'm ready to rock these mother fuckers!
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fakesaintess · 7 months
Rose Garden Sekai
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Notes: A scrapped au where Overblot-ees were going to have Sekais populated by characters from that chapter customized to said sekai which would make them differ from canon. I dropped it due to the last fact but if enough people enjoy this I'll rework/revive it. Summary: "Looks like you're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!" Riddle jumps at that voice and turns on his heel to face where he heard it come from. There's an orange haired boy there who looks familiar, although Riddle doesn't know where he's seen him before.
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Riddle isn't one to use his cellphone. He has no apps downloaded besides the ones that came preinstalled. There's no games, social media, not even any music downloaded. He uses it to contact his mother and, very rarely, his father.
That's why when his phone displays a paused, unnamed song on his lockscreen curiosity overtakes him and he presses play. The moment he does a bright light fills his vision. When it finally clears he's in an expansive rose garden, the hedges around him in varying twist and turns like a maze. He rubs at his eyes, hoping he's just imagining this place.
When his surroundings fail to change Riddle grows agitated. Whoever is pulling this strange prank will pay for it greatly.
"Looks like you're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!" Riddle jumps at that voice and turns on his heel to face where he heard it come from. There's an orange haired boy there who looks familiar, although Riddle doesn't know where he's seen him before.
"Don't tease him, Cater. He's probably still in shock." Another person appears from behind the one Riddle now knows as Cater and rests a hand on his shoulder.
"What is this place? Who are you people?" Riddle asks, unsure if he should run from them or stay in place.
"It's your Sekai. The Rose Garden Sekai." The person besides Cater answers.
"That explains nothing to me. And you failed to tell me your name." Riddle frowns.
"I'm Cater Diamond, but you can call me Cay-Cay. This guy is Trey Clover." Cater says, pointing to the guy next to him.
Riddle recognizes why they seem familiar. A classmate of his had once shown him a video containing characters called "virtual singers." These two share the names of some he had seen, although their appearance suited the rose garden better.
Why he is in a garden with virtual singers makes no sense to him. It's not like he has any interest in those things. He's only ever heard one song created with those, shown to him by the same classmate who introduced him to the concept of virtual singers. They were hoping to get him interested in them by showing him a subgroup of them, a card themed one called Heartslabyul, designed to be mages much like Riddle is. The plan had ultimately failed, but Riddle is thankful he manages to remember what he was shown as it allows him to make some sense of who he's with.
"Isn't there supposed to be two other people with you?" Riddle asks. The subgroup had consisted of four people yet only half that amount is here with him.
"They're around…Somewhere." Trey answers, although his pause before saying somewhere has Riddle believing they're not there at all.
Cater steps in front of Trey, changing the topic from the missing people "We're here to help you find your goal. Slash wish. Slash whatevs you wanna call it. This place, a sekai, is all your's to go to whenever you need something!"
"Is there a way for me to leave?" Riddle is beyond frustrated standing in this curious place. He has work he should be tending to, not goofing around with some program. Precious time is ticking away as he stands in this garden.
"You clicked the unnamed song to be brought here. All you need to do is pause it. Likewise, playing the song will bring you here again no matter where you are." Trey replies. He then quickly adds, "But don't you want to know more about this place? Why you were chosen to have this place?" when he sees Riddle move to pause the song.
Riddle hesitates on pausing the song. He does want to know. "Sum up the scenario quickly. I cannot dilly-dally here forever."
"Like, I already told him." Cater says.
"I'm going to explain it more thoroughly." Trey says to Cater then goes on to explain things out to Riddle as promised. "This place is a sekai, a place made to help you forward in, well, something. The people here currently and anyone who arrives in the future are here to help too. At a certain point, after you discover your true goal, the unnamed song you have will get a name."
Riddle says nothing, continuing to look at Trey like he expects him to say more.
Trey takes the hint faster than most people can. "Your sekai is called the Rose Garden sekai. It's themed around you, er, your needs to get your goal, to give you the short version."
"How so?" The more that's explained the more questions Riddle has.
"We'll find out as we all get to know each other! Besties know each other best." Cater must be some sort of extrovert. Riddle doesn't have an interest in being around people like that.
"You don't have to stay here right now, but I want you to come back whenever you need something, no matter how big or small. Even if you only want to share your frustrations, we'll be here to hear you out." Trey says gently, aware that Riddle will not chose to be staying there for much longer.
As Trey thought, Riddle stops playing the unnamed song, returning to where he was beforehand without giving any sort of response.
"How preposterous. Am I truly meant to believe there's a place with virtual singer residents that exists strictly for me? Only a fool would believe that." Riddle thinks.
It has been a week since Riddle first went to the sekai. He'd sworn to never waste time going there again. But, today the teacher of his final class held every member of the class back because a few students misbehaving. The anger Riddle feels at that causes him to remember the sekai. He was promised he could share his woes there. Could that be true?
Without putting much thought into it, Riddle plays the unnamed song. Once again, light fills his vision and he's back in the rose garden.
"You came back." Trey greets him.
"It was a rash decision to do so." Riddle crosses his arms. "Where's the other one?"
"He said he wanted to take some photographs. But I'm still here to lend an ear. Is there something you'd like to talk about?" Trey says.
Riddle bites his lip. He would like to speak about today's incident, but he wonders if that's wise. Seeing how empty the place is Riddle makes up his mind on speaking. There's no one around that can overhear him so fretting would be a waste of time.
"I happen to have something I'd like to speak about." Throwing caution to the wind, albeit only slightly, Riddle decides he will talk. This would be his first and last time.
Trey smiles. "Go on. Unless you'd be more comfortable sitting down."
"I will not be getting my clothes dirty with grass." Riddle states. He does move to stand closer to Trey. "The last teacher I had for the day held my entire class due to a small handful of students creating a ruckus. Even I, a model student, was forced to stay. That caused me to arrive late to my club activities."
"That doesn't seem very fair." Trey says.
"It is not! Only rulebreakers should be punished. As someone who acts accordingly at all times, I had no reason to be grouped in with them. For causing everyone else trouble those rulebreakers deserve harsher consequences." Riddle's voice raises as he goes on.
Trey notices Riddle does not seem to defend any of the other students who were kept behind, thought he does not bring that up. He's here to help Riddle and he believes scolding Riddle for only caring about his own circumstances is a distraction from that.
Riddle goes on. "If I had the ability to I'd dish out the proper punishments to them. In fact, I should gain the ability to."
"How would you do that?" Trey asks.
"I challenge the current leader of my dorm to a duel. If I win, I take over their place. Then I can apply punishment to those who happen to be in my dorm." Riddle explains. The idea of being in charge excites him.
The idea of Riddle being in charge makes Trey somewhat hesitant. The strictness he follows could cause trouble. That idea starts and ends inside his thoughts, Trey ends up encouraging Riddle instead. "You should. You could lend a helping hand to those who are also effected by troubles."
Trey hopes that reminding Riddle of the existence of others will keep him on the right path. But, if it did not, Trey would still side with Riddle. It's what he's here for.
"It was a good thing to speak to you today. It's helped me decide on how to straighten out the behaviors of others. Mother will be proud when she hears that I've become a House Warden." Riddle grins, arrogant and sure of himself. "I'll complete this at once."
He pauses the song and then is gone, leaving Trey to wonder if he's done the right thing.
Riddle had started to come to the sekai often. From complaining to bragging about his accomplishments, Riddle saw Trey often. He spoke to Cater to a lesser extent, as the boy usually took a backseat in the conversations Riddle has with Trey and was never the one to be the first person Riddle sees when he enters the sekai.
Today is different. Riddle arrives, calling out for Trey. The one who answers is Cater, "Trey's a bit busy right now! Why don't you tell ole Cay-cay your woes?"
Speaking to only Cater isn't something Riddle ever sought out to do, but Trey is always on Riddle's side, why would Cater be any different?
"Before that, what is Trey busy with?" Riddle asks. He does want to know what Trey finds so important.
"You know how forever ago you mentioned how there's supposed to be two other boys here? He's seeing if he can find them." Cater says.
Riddle nods. It makes sense that Trey would like to round the troupe out. Satisfied with that answer, he starts telling Cater about the woes he has with his dorm underlings being unable to properly follow the rules.
It's a surprise when Cater speaks up and, unlike Trey, does not assure Riddle that he's in the right. "Ever tried, like, trying to get closer to the people in your dorm? They'll probably listen to you better if you do." Cater says, defying Riddle's expectations.
"If they would like to be my friends they should have a shred of decency. And people need not be my friend in order to do what's expected of them." Riddle responds. Really, he can't see why Cater is urging him to interact with those hooligans. He's here to help Riddle and telling him to make friends isn't helping.
"You sure? Wouldn't it be totes real nice to have some buddies irl?" Cater asks.
"I have you and Trey, do I not? I don't need more." Riddle answers, rather matter of factly. He truly believes he's sated in the friendship category, even if his friends only existed in a place no one else can get to.
"If you ever change your mind, I've got all sorts of friend making tips for you." Cater grins, although something seems off about that grin.
Riddle scoffs.
Riddle has moved up a grade when something new happens in his sekai. He still visits the place regularly, today being one of those days.
He's sitting on a picnic blanket he had left there, enjoying a conversation with Trey and Cater when Trey asks a rather odd question.
"Riddle." He starts, in an almost hesitant way, "Don't you want to find out what your goal is?"
"We've spoken about this. My goal is to surpass the expectations my mother has set for me." Riddle says.
Trey knows all about Riddle's situation with his mother, her controlling nature, helicopter parenting, and how everything has lead to the Riddle that's sitting beside him now. Trey's aware he should've been pushing Riddle to find his goal instead of indulging his skewed views. But he finds himself unable to. He doesn't give Riddle that push forward.
"Is this really the guy you're wasting time on?" A boy strolls into view, Riddle recognizing him as Ace Trappola. Or, more accurately, a version made for Riddle's world.
"Ace…" Trey starts as if he was going to scold Ace but fails to do so, finishing with, "Be nice."
"Waited forever to show up here and nothing's gotten done. What have you guys even been doing?" Ace continues on.
Ace would've gone on further but something slinks out of the shadows and moves towards Riddle rather quickly towards Riddle. It isn't until whatever it is comes to stop that Riddle can tell what, or more specifically, who it is. The final member of the Heartslabyul subgroup, Deuce Spade. He stands in front of Riddle, gazing down at Riddle and holding some sort of case that can't be seen into with strings protruding from a gap in the case that are bound to his arm.
"Do you need something?" Riddle asks, desiring to move away from the boy looming over him.
Wordlessly he leans down and bumps his forehead against Riddle's before straightening back up and walking back to Ace.
"What was that?!" Riddle is shocked at the absurd happening.
"He's saying hello. Deuce over here is a man of few words and fewer brain cells." Ace answers in place of Deuce who shoots him a glare.
"Why?" Riddle refuses to accept an answer so vague.
"What part of a man of few words doesn't click for you? How the heck do you want me to find out?" Ace says, a mix of mockery and slight agitation.
"Ask him. A few words does not mean no words. Surely he can manage to say something." Riddle glares at Ace with an expression far more intense than the one Deuce gave him earlier.
"Let's calm down. If Deuce doesn't want to say anything we shouldn't force him into it." Trey steps in before it can turn into a full blown argument.
"How is he meant to help me if he says nothing?" Riddle turns his head to face Trey. This question is less rude than his earlier ones, coming strictly from confusion instead of agitation.
"Body language." Cater pipes up. "That's what he did earlier."
"I don't want that." Riddle replies.
"Why are you so ungrateful? He's made an effort to communicate with you." It's up in the air if Ace is defending his friend or doing this to get on Riddle's nerves.
"He can find another way." Riddle crosses his arm.
"No." Ace replies.
Riddle wishes he brought his wand. It may be unfair to use magic on someone who was designed to be a newbie mage, but Ace has it coming. "What do you mean no? Are you defying me?"
"Yes." Ace's blunt one word answers frustrate Riddle more than most people manage to.
Before Ace says something else, Trey puts both his hands up in a motion meant to pacify. "We should at least try to get along."
"We can get along when he learns to behave." Riddle snaps.
"I'll behave when he puts some effort into trying to find out his goal instead of wasting our time. He's progressed as much as Deuce talks." Ace says and Deuce adjusts the case he's holding.
"I've already figured out what I want! I don't need the help of someone so defiant." Riddle replies.
Deuce grabs Ace's shoulder to draw his attention to him. He then shakes his head.
Riddle raises an eyebrow. "What's he trying to say?"
"He agrees with me." Ace fills in for Deuce.
"Maybe he's trying to tell you to calm down. It's awfully tense here." Trey says.
"Maybe we should separate for a bit. Would so help everyone calm down." Cater joins the conversation once again.
"If you guys never stop babying him he's never going to change." With that said Ace heads off into the rose maze.
Deuce lingers behind, staring at Riddle with disappointment, or perhaps pity, in his eyes before following Ace.
"Who do those two think they are, showing up so delayed and then doing nothing but try to frustrate me? They need to learn how to behave." Riddle says to Trey.
Hesitantly, Trey smiles. "Maybe they just need to settle in. Once they get comfortable they'll see things your way." Trey says, but he doesn't believe his own words. Ace is right when he says Riddle has made no progress. Since he became housewarden of his dorm Riddle's behavior has only worsened. But Trey hasn't and will not speak up about it. Riddle needs someone on his side and Trey will be that person.
It's not like Cater has mentioned Riddle's behavior, at least not to Riddle's face. The two have spoken about their concerns many times but have never done anything to address it besides Cater's light pushes to try and get Riddle to make friends.
"They better. This place is meant to be my sanctuary. If they won't listen to me they don't belong here." Riddle huffs and, once again, Trey wonders if he's doing the right thing.
Neither Ace or Deuce approach Riddle in the following days. Occasionally Riddle will catch glimpses of the two walking through the maze. He never calls out for them, still bitter over their first meeting. If they want to speak to him they need to apologize first.
The next time Riddle is forced to see them, their meeting is still unpleasant.
Trey had excused himself to go complete a some task during one of Riddle's vent session. When Trey's footsteps can no longer be heard Ace enters the part of maze Riddle has been lingering in, Deuce trailing behind him like last time.
"Still making no progress? Have you given up on even trying to do anything besides tyrannically ruling your dorm?" Ace asks, once again getting under Riddle's skin.
"Have you come to waste my time again? I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to." Riddle replies.
"You're wasting everyone here's time." Ace scoffs.
Deuce brushes by Ace and walks to stand directly in front of Riddle. The case he's normally holding gone, now replaced by some sort of doll resting on the crook of his arm the way one would hold a small child. Not, not a doll, some sort of marionette judging by the strings that are still wrapped around his arm. He leans down, brushing his cheek against Riddle's and lightly kissing Riddle's cheek twice.
Riddle jumps back. "That greeting is not appropriate for this scenario! La bise is not to be used for people who have a relationship as distant as our's!"
Deuce cocks his head to the side, his confusion clear. This was his effort to show respect towards Riddle but it seems he has failed to properly portray his feelings.
"Are you going to reject every attempt he does for saying hello?" Ace says.
Ignoring him, Riddle scolds Deuce. "We are far too distant from one another to greet each other with that. Nor are we equals."
Deuce blinks slowly at Riddle, trying another form of greeting. It's lost on Riddle as he knows little about cat behavior. He takes it as expressing confusion again.
Riddle lets that pass since Deuce's heart is in the right place, or it seems to be compared to the other half of the duo. "What has made you bring that marionette out of its case? And what's the purpose of it ?"
Deuce looks flattered that Riddle is interested in his marionette. But that only lasts a moment as Ace uses Deuce's silence to speak for him. "Ain't it obvious? It's meant to be you."
Observing the marionette, Riddle can see that it has a similar hair and eye color to him, but it's clearly modeled to be a mature woman. Riddle has no time to protest what Ace had said before he begins talking again.
"A puppet like this suits you real well. You're your mommy's puppet, too self-righteous to live life different from how you were ordered to." Ace is awfully smug as he taunts Riddle.
It is brought into question if Deuce's marionette is for that reason by the scowl he directs at Ace but Riddle is too consumed with rage to even think about anything except Ace's insults.
"Who do you think you are to insult me?! I am not self-righteous, I am right!" Riddle shouts, chest heaving with raw emotion.
Deuce puts his free hand on Riddle's chest, holding him in place so he couldn't turn the fight to something above a shouting match, knowing this will only worsen Riddle's view of him. But even with that sacrifice he can do nothing to stop the two from yelling at one another.
Trey and Cater appear as the verbal fight slowly worsens, looking as if they had run there. "What's going on?" Trey asks.
"These two cause nothing nothing but trouble! Rid them from my sight at once! I want them gone!" Riddle orders the older two. At first they don't react, but that's only for one moment before each one of them drags the duo from Riddle's sight.
Cater returns, but Trey does not. "Where's Trey?" Riddle looks around, scanning for the person he's closest to.
"He's giving the Adeuce duo a talking to. But don't worry, I'm here to keep you company." Cater forces up cheer as he talks. He's not pleased with what he's just done, but that won't erase the fact he did it. He should at least attempt to calm Riddle down.
Riddle frowns. He would prefer both of them be there, but he can wait for Trey's inevitable return. "What's the point of having those two here if they intend to do nothing but bother me? This place is here to help me pursue my goal, how am I meant to do so if they're standing in my way?!" The intensity from the earlier situation still pumping through Riddle, causing him to lack control of his volume.
"They are trying to help. They just got different ways than me and Trey. They're here 'cause you need them." Cater gently tries to explain the scenario out to Riddle. It's his sekai, they're meant to be there for him. "Maybe you should get to know them. The way you guys interact will def change if you guys get closer. Deuce-y over there is pretty affectionate with you."
"How am I meant to get to know a person who refuses to utter a word?" Riddle's disscontempt with the situation obvious.
"Ask yes or no questions and he can nod or shake his head to answer. Unless you'd rather start by getting to know Ace." Cater adds Ace as the only other option as he's aware it'll force him into talking to at least one of them.
"I will attempt to have a discussion with Deuce. I cannot promise it'll help us bond." From the way Riddle is speaking it sounds like he's being forced into solving a hostage situation, not trying to make friends.
"Atta boy! Trey's probably all done scolding them by now, why don't you go snag Deuce for some alone time." Cater gives Riddle a slight nudge, pushing him into heading off whether he wants to or not.
Riddle mutters an array of words to express his frustration under his breath. Cater can only hope some progress is made between those three.
Riddle heads through the rose maze, heading in the direction he can heard voices. Although he cannot hear Trey, Ace's shouting is enough to help Riddle find where they are. Riddle is almost rounding a corner before he can hear the conversation clearly.
"You know Riddle's situation, you can't be too upset with how he acts." Riddle hears Trey say.
"Course I know it! But just because he's been hurt doesn't mean he gets to swing around and hurt other people! Have you even thought about how the people in his dorm must feel? Have you even done anything to try and help him?" As Ace yells this, Riddle stays as still as he can so he can eavesdrop.
"I don't want to push him into something he's not ready for." Trey says.
"So you're going to coddle him forever? Are you going to pretend everything's okay so you don't make him upset? Are you even actually on his side?" Ace continues on.
"I…" Trey starts but ultimately never finishes his sentence.
"He doesn't have any friends and you're one of the causes of it! You can't even manage to count yourself as his friend, just his defender!" If Trey has a response to what Ace had just said Riddle wouldn't hear it. He'd stormed off.
Trey, who he had put his utmost faith in, has stabbed him in the back. It is not just Ace who is intent on causing him problems, all of them must be. He's digging his phone out of his pocket when he can hear footsteps heading his way.
"It must be Trey, here to explain that Ace was simply being harsh and that he is on my side." Riddle thinks. When he looks up he's greeted by Deuce with that stupid marionette still tied to him.
"Is there a reason you chose to follow me?" Riddle snaps. "Have you come to rub salt in my wounds?"
Deuce shakes his head. He hasn't stepped into Riddle's personal space as he tends to, but Riddle still has no want to see his face.
"Do you intend to comfort me to make up for the earlier trouble you've caused? How do you plan to do that if you're too stubborn to break your goal of staying silent?" The only person Riddle wants to see less than Deuce is Ace.
Even after Riddle has tutted him for his silence Deuce stays quiet. He's another thorn in Riddle's side.
"Is there a reason you've chosen to never utter a word to me? Is there some deeper meaning to your silence or are you just being spiteful?" Riddle peppers Deuce with questions he knew the other would fail to be able to properly answer.
As Deuce thinks of a way to answer Riddle can almost see the cogs turning in his head. Deuce steps closer to Riddle, close enough that he's able to brush his fingertips against Riddle's throat.
"You chose not to talk to me because I talk?" Riddle asks. Deuce shakes his head.
"Because I haven't given you permission?" Deuce shakes his head at the answer again.
He drags his fingertips up Riddle's throat to his lips. "Stop that." Riddle says, "If you intend to help me at least tell me why you won't speak to me."
Still Deuce doesn't respond. This time he points at Riddle's throat and then the marionette he's holding with his other arm.
"You're back to mocking me?!" Riddle is absolutely sick of this behavior.
Deuce shakes his head again. He must've come to some sort of realization as he writes letters out in the air.
"Mom?" Riddle repeats what Deuce has written. Deuce grins and nods enthusiastically upon finally getting his message understood.
Deuce smoothes the hair of the marionette and the pieces of the puzzle fit together in Riddle's head.
The marionette is not a representation of Riddle, it's a stand in for his mother. It is not bound to Deuce, Deuce, the true marionette in this situation, is bound to it. He doesn't speak as a reflection of how Riddle lets his mother speak for him. But Deuce's version of Riddle's mother is inanimate, leaving Deuce unable to say a word.
Riddle is nauseous at confronting a representation of him and his mother on another person. Ace's insults are preferable to the good natured Deuce being a humanization of something he's refused fo acknowledge.
He reaches for Deuce's throat, unsure if he's going to squeeze the life out of it or attempt to provide some comfort. Deuce must assume the best of Riddle, letting him wrap his hand around his throat. Riddle lets his hand linger there before he realizes something is horribly wrong and pulls his hand away like he's been burned.
Deuce is not a representation of Riddle's life now, but what it would become if things do not change. A point past where Riddle let his mother speak for him, he's the point where Riddle would lose his ability to ever speak for himself. A time where he could never express what he truly wants because the problem has deepened to such a degree that he couldn't escape.
Deuce's vocal chords were severed. Even if he wants to, he can never speak for himself. Deuce exists in Riddle's sekai to show him the unfortunate future he may stumble into, the lack of free will.
It's no surprise why Ace lashes out at Riddle. He idolizes the person who, deep down Riddle has known for a while, is an abuser. He's lived in such deep denial of the situation that in order to force him to acknowledge it his sekai created a version of Ace's friend who has had his vocal chords mutilated. And Ace constantly heard Riddle praise such a woman.
But if his mother is not right, what is Riddle? He's been raised by his mother's view of the world and has since pushed that world view on others. Is Riddle in the wrong? He couldn't be.
Shoving his doubts deep down, he willing chooses to drown himself in denial. He does not want to find himself guilty so he'll find everyone else guilty. Riddle lets out an ear piercing scream.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Ace appears at the scene, running up to where Riddle and Deuce are standing.
"You are! You're all against me! You've brought me here to ruin my life! This entire place was created to lure me into feeling safe so you could break me down!" Riddle's frantic, chest heaving not with anger but this time despair. He's aware Trey and Cater arrived soon after Ace and declares them equally as guilty as the rest.
"Riddle…" Trey tries to head towards Riddle, to comfort him.
Riddle rejects this. "Don't you come near me! You've turned against me just as they have!" What Riddle thinks is bile rises in his throat, bubbling in his throat.
Although Trey is not able to approach Riddle, Ace is close enough to grab Riddle by the collar. "Stop it with your hissy fit! Everything that happens here is cause of you and your inability to take responsibility for your own actions!"
"I don't need to take responsibility! My actions are just!" Riddle shouts back equally as loud as Ace had shouted at him.
Ace slams his fist into Riddle's jaw, sending him careening to the ground. Riddle's head spins. He can hear the voices of everyone else, but can't make out their shouts and gasps. He's pulled into sitting position, coming face to face with a concerned looking Trey.
Riddle feels the bile rise higher in his throat, coughing it up in Trey's face. It's not bile he coughs up, but a inky black goo. Riddle is aware what that is. He's heard about it in classes.
It's blot. But Riddle can't overblot. He's not at fault so why must he feel bad? Why must it hurt?
It's a swirling blaze of emotions as he blots, all far more intense than anything he's felt before.
"You!" He howls at Ace. "You'll regret the day you ever crossed paths with me! All of you will!"
"I think," Ace says pensively, "We're in danger." Deuce nods solemnly in agreement.
"I'm not going down until this brat finds out what his goal is." Ace says. "And you two better take responsibility and step in."
Without mentioning names it's clear Ace is speaking to the residents who had been in the sekai far longer than he had. The regret the two had been facing, the questioning of all their actions, the wondering if what they had been doing is right, they're given a chance to make it all wash away. To show they actually do want to help Riddle.
Steeling himself Trey answers Ace's call to action by stepping forward and readying himself.
"Really? We're just going to join in and go for it?" Cater looks around but moves to join Trey.
Deuce nudges Cater as if to reassure or convince him. Deuce doesn't seem particularly nervous. One could say he looking antsy to get into the fight. This doesn't reassure Cater.
Not that there is any choice to not fight. Even if Ace and Deuce are unexperienced they have Trey and Cater backing them up. All four of them have a chance at stopping Riddle.
Riddle lunges forward and Ace dodges out of the way. But it's not Ace Riddle was reaching for, it's the marionette. Riddle had grabbed the imitation of his mother, wanting an answer for her. He wails and shouts to his mother, the strong emotions Riddle feels prevalent in his expression as he attempts to pull the marionette into his arms, uncaring if Deuce's arm comes with it.
With Riddle trying to wrestle the marionette away from Deuce, Ace takes this as a chance to strike the finishing blow. "Hey! Make sure to duck at the right time!" He yells over to Deuce. Ace has enough faith in Deuce to believe he'll be able to time it right.
Ace's belief is in the right place as Deuce manages to duck, the connecting strings tearing as Riddle is thrown backwards onto the ground. Trey sprints to where Riddle is, holding him tightly in his arms.
"Mother," Riddle thinks with his eyes shut tight, "What am I meant to believe about you?" He clutches the marionette as bits and pieces fall off it.
"Riddle!" Trey calls out. Riddle opens his eyes and Trey brings him into a tight hug causing the what remains of the marionette to crumble away. Riddle leans into Trey's hug as the lingering blot fades away.
"You better have learned your lesson or else we nearly died so you could have a good time." Ace says, looking down at Riddle from a standing position. "You even broke Deuce's toy."
Riddle looks at Deuce standing besides Ace, unraveling the strings that hadn't been pulled away. Riddle opens his arms up, letting the parts of the marionette that had landed in his arms land on the ground. Before what had just happened Riddle would've frantically tried to stick the pieces together. But now his idolization of his mother's teaching has fallen apart like the marionette.
"I don't think I ever truly idolized her. I think I clung to what I had been taught because it was the only thing I had. I didn't want to let go because I would've had to acknowledge what she had done and what I have done to others." Riddle begins tearing up. His phone lights up as the formerly unnamed song gains a title.
"That's not good enough." Ace says.
"Take it easy." Cater nudges Ace. "We've made totes good progress."
"We haven't made any progress if he hasn't figured out what he wants." Ace looks from Cater to Riddle. "So, what is it?"
Riddle dissects all that happened in his mind, what each member of the sekai had given him advice on. "I want to be my own person. I don't want to live my entire life the way my mother wants me to."
Ace gives a satisfied, and slightly smug smile. "That's good enough for now."
Trey helps Riddle stand, bringing him up to be included where everyone else stood. It feels nice to not be distant from everyone else.
"Now," Ace continues, "Next time you come bring apology gifts for everyone. It's the least you can do to make up for what we just went through. And it's weird to see Deuce's arm in full view. Cover it again."
Deuce shrugs. He doesn't seem to be demanding anything, but he does shift his arm some in order to show he isn't thrilled to have nothing there.
Riddle relents to Ace's wishes. He feels he needs to take steps forward when it comes to understanding other people and seeking forgiveness is one step he can take.
He hands out each box, looking everyone over to see if they enjoyed the items he got them. Deuce is the final one to open his box, revealing a marionette that is not a recreation of his old one, but a brand new design. Something that meant as much to Riddle as it does to Deuce. It's a sign Riddle is becoming his own person.
Deuce grins then presses a quick kiss to Riddle's lips.
"What was that?" Riddle is reeling by how easily Deuce shares physical affection. He wishes Deuce would put some thought into any of his actions.
"A thank you, duh." Ace replies. "You grow used to his way of showing how he's feeling."
"He does this to everyone?" Riddle asks.
"You can't prove he doesn't. 'Sides did you think he just never communicated with us? You haven't even seen half of how he does things." Ace says. "Wait, don't tell me, was that your first kiss?"
"So what if it was?" Riddle answers and Ace resists the urge.
"Congrats man! This sekai is really moving you forward in life already!" Ace mockingly congratulates.
Riddle huffs at him. "Preach to me from your corner of no relationships!"
"Let's not fight. Aren't we all friends now?" Trey says.
"Let's take a selfie to remember this by! Everyone say cheese!" Cater gets everyone together for a photo. A photo Riddle fondly sets as his phone background.
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lgcxnoeul · 19 days
It still didn’t feel real that he had been chosen to be part of a debut lineup. He had conflicting feelings about the announcement, but nonetheless, there was a level of excitement bubbling inside of him. He wanted to block out the rest and focus solely on living in the moment, especially when the chosen trainees were expected to shoot content. It shouldn’t be too difficult to showcase a genuine representation of himself. 
“Between dancing, singing, rapping, producing and lyrics writing, which skill do you want to be recognized for?” 
“None.” He blurts out, interlocking his fingers over his knee. He tilts his head, glancing at nothing in particular over the camera. “I’m not trying to be difficult… Why should I pick one over the other?” He straightens his posture, corner of his lips lifting upwards into a smirk. “I like to think of myself as a blank canvas. I’m still a work in progress. I don’t want to box myself into someone that colors within the lines. I suppose that I could draw over the first reiteration and the next—“ He pauses, realizing that he was rambling instead of answering the question. “I’ve never aspired to be someone that was good at one skill. If I could do it all—No, if I want to do it all, I will and you can hold me accountable. I’ve grown a lot since I first became a trainee. I’d like to think my skills are on par with each other and the rest are a work in progress. I don’t like to see myself as only a dancer, or only a rapper. For now, I have to accept that those would be the labels given to me as a rookie artist, but in the future, I’m confident I will stand in front of you as a multifaceted artist.” 
“Which role would you ideally like to have in the final lineup?”
“I don’t want to limit myself. Are roles necessary?” He questions with a soft laugh, making direct eye contact with the camera. “I should be bold, right? I don’t think anyone expects anything different from me. I want to have the center position.” He proclaims with a firm nod, smile lingering on his lips. “Typically, the role goes to a vocalist, but I’ve never limited myself to what’s the norm. I want to shake the industry, not participate in the game everyone else plays.” He unlocks his fingers, lifting his arms in a shrugging motion. “For the past two years, I’ve actively been seizing all the opportunities that have been presented to the trainees as opposed to being satisfied with sitting on the sidelines. I’ve proven to not only be a dependable performer on and off stage, but I will never be satisfied by my performance. I have always strived to be better than my last performance.” He bites on the inside of his cheek, exhaling softly soon after to continue answering the question. “It’s not a position of vanity for me. It’s a delicate balance of displaying consistency, grasping the concept of the song, and still prioritizing teamwork. At the end of the day, we’re still a team and no position is more important than the other, but I’d like if it all my hard work would amount to something, y’know?”  Before the next question is presented, he interjects: “I would like to throw my bid for leader too.” He blurts out, stifling a laugh. “I have not always been a rule follower. I tend to bend them if there is any leeway, but isn’t that the fault of the rule maker rather than the rule breaker?” Was he making any sense? He could see the amusement in the staff member’s face. “I have matured a lot since I joined as a trainee. I know when to listen and when to speak up. I believe a group with powerful personalities requires a type of leader that isn’t passive in nature, but rather someone that can adapt, deliver results, and be willing to think of the overall harmony of the team.” 
“On which other youtube show would you like to appear?”
“All of them?” He responds, adjusting his posture and beaming a smile at the camera. “I’ve been a host of two shows so far. It’s not easy…” It wasn’t a brag. He still felt like he was lacking as a host. He had avoided looking at the comments for a reason. For him, he was willing to learn by doing and observing, which he felt like it was a more valuable way of learning. “I’m really interested to see how other shows work behind the scenes and each host is so unique...” He trails off for a moment, resting his hand on his thigh. “There is a lot to learn! That’s how I see it. I believe it’ll be fun to showcase our group dynamic around someone else and of course, see the members personality shine too. If I had to list the shows, I would say that I would love to be on Idol Human Theater, K-Star Next Door, Workman, MMTG, and Halmyungsoo.”
“What’s your ideal concept?”
“My ideal concept would entail music that has a strong DNA of all of our members. Ideally, I would love for each member to shape the music we perform whether that is through producing, composing, or choreographing. Although, I know that not everyone is interested in contributing that way, but if we’re able to have a say that would be ideal for me. I think that’s the distinction between an artist and an idol.” He wasn’t mincing his words. Perhaps, he should have been more careful, knowing his words could be twisted into a different meaning, but he wanted to be honest. He didn’t want to be a performer that only performed other people’s music or vision, which he would still respect if any else felt fulfilled by it. “I want our music to connect with the audience, and for us to leave a lasting impression. I find all of the current members to be quite charming, full of wit, and some are more chaotic than others, but I think our synergy will be really fun and our music should showcase that too. I want to prove that our group can do it all… Maybe, I’m being too ambitious, but I believe in the members that we can strive to be a group that is more than capable of forging our own path. I want us to be bold.” 
“Is there a concept that wouldn’t suit you?”
“I’d like to think of myself as versatile. I don’t think there is a concept that I wouldn’t be able to present, but in terms of enjoying it…” He softly laughs, slightly shaking his head while figuring out how to be careful with the rest of his response. “It would have to cute and fresh, right? I don’t think anyone wants to see me doing aegyo. I feel like if we had to a concept like that it would have to be quirky, or the cuter members would have to be at the front. That’s me being a team player!” 
“As an idol, what do you want to achieve?”
“World domination?” He snorts, crossing his arms over his chest. “Instead of thinking like an idol, I want to see it from a perspective of someone whose first love is music. Awards and nominations are important… I’ll be grateful and honored to receive them, but I don’t want that to be the measurement of our success. I want to always feel proud by the end of every day, which might be difficult to do.” Lately, he had been feeling like he was running of time, chasing after an impossible dream. He was a bit closer than he was last year, but why did the starting line seemed so far away? “I don’t want to ever fall out of love with music. I want to connect with our fans whether we have a million or one. If I’m allowed to dream, I want to have a defining song in my career, but I think that will be far in the future. If you still want a direct answer, I want a stadium tour and I want to become a full member of KOMCA.” 
“Is there anything you would like your group to be known for?”
“I meant it when I said I want us to be bold— with our music and the way we carry ourselves. I want us to always be unapologetically ourselves on stage and off stage.” He adjusts his posture, sitting up straighter with a smile brightening his features. “I want everyone to expect the unexpected from us. I would love for all our members to be able to branch out and promote our group with our heads held high. Technically, I think it would be fun to be seen as a self-produce group known for our variety skills and shocking stage presence, and high-intensity choreography. ‘Everything but the kitchen sink’ kind of deal?” He releases a soft laugh, playing with the sleeve of his sweater. “I believe we will succeed in fulfilling our dreams. I hope that you can follow along and enjoy the bumpy ride along the way.” 
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hi lauren 😊 what radiohead albums/songs are your favs/do you recommend :)? i dont know any of their stuff at all except for creep & i started trying listening to pablo honey but i keep going back between songs to put creep on on loop lol. sending love to you btw ❤️❤️💕💞
hello anon! while i usually like to start chronologically when listening to a new artist, radiohead is one case where i wouldn’t recommend that. pablo honey is a rather mediocre debut that doesn’t have very many good songs (i like blow out and prove yourself, though) and doesn’t really feel like radiohead. i usually tell everyone to start with ok computer by default, but if you really like creep, i would suggest starting with their second album, the bends. the bends carries over the parts that worked from pablo honey and adds another layer of sophistication, and gives you the first true taste of the ‘radiohead’ sound. you may have heard the songs high and dry & fake plastic trees before and not realized they were radiohead songs—those were the two massive hits from this album, but several other tracks (my iron lung, just, street spirit, the bends, planet telex) got a lot of airplay in the nineties! my personal favorite track from the bends is black star.
after the bends, i would suggest listening to the rest of their albums in chronological order (ok computer -> kid a -> amnesiac -> hail to the thief -> in rainbows -> the king of limbs -> a moon shaped pool). i really think it’s the best way to listen to radiohead; you get to evolve with their music. just from this ask i’m assuming you’re into alt rock, so the transition from alt rock to electronic to a mix of both is more natural when you listen to the albums in order.
if you’re not much of an album person and would like to just warm up with a few songs before diving in, i would recommend some tracks off of the bends and ok computer to start out, as well as a handful from in rainbows to give you a taste of what’s to come. my personal suggestions are paranoid android, the bends, just, weird fishes/arpeggi, jigsaw falling into place, and 2+2=5. i think those are some good songs to start with if you prefer rock!
if you’re interested, i can tell you the exact tracks that got me into radiohead. i played creep on rockband and went “wow that’s a bummer. good song though!” and looked up the mv on youtube to familiarize myself with it more. then, i saw a song in my recommendations with very pretty album art called weird fishes/arpeggi, went “woah i like fish i have one :D,” listened to it, and my life was immediately changed. i had never heard something so vivid, so rich… i was on a bit of a weird fishes lockdown after that, but soon i clicked another song in my recommended because it had an interesting title: jigsaw falling into place. to this day, that is my favorite song of all time. i decided to search up radiohead on Wikipedia and realized that i recognized some of their album titles and cover art, but had never listened to them. i read about the hype around ok computer and decided to give it a listen, which i did the next day and again had my mind blown. but before that, on the same night when i had listened to the previously mentioned songs, i searched up paranoid android and listened to it because i had seen it mentioned on wikipedia as a standout track. what a standout it is! this was my personal radiohead pipeline, but yours may look different.
thank you so much for the kind words, and i am so incredibly touched that you would ask me this! i’ve gotten a few anons about how i’ve gotten them into radiohead and it always makes me tear up a little. sending much love back to you, and keep me updated on what you think about radiohead! 🥰🧡🥰😊🧡
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liliuastrawberry · 10 months
Charlotte Hills ✿
✿ Hating on Charlotte is a red flag to me
*Disclaimer: if any Milo fans see this, I do not hate Milo. Moving on!*
I’ve been a huge fan of Dashie and Wolfgirl since I was a little girl getting into baby alive dolls in 2018. I’m on the older side of the fandom, loving her more lore based videos with convoluted backstories. I’ve been a fan of Charlotte Hills since as long as I can remember - I think this is such a beautifully crafted series and I’m not just saying that because Wolfie is my friend. I think really deeply about things and I made this tumblr because I’m too embarrassed to actually post and share my theories on other platforms where Wolfie can actually see them. With that being said, I think that makes me qualified for some really deep commentary ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ so let’s get into it! I am a strong believer that hating on Charlotte is genuinely one of the biggest red flags ever and I’m staying six feet away from you if you genuinely dislike her. I think in order to really understand this, we need to go deep into Charlotte’s character and answer some questions. What is the problem? Should Charlotte forgive Milo?
The story of Charlotte Hills follows Milo as he gathers up pieces as to what may have happened to Charlotte, the young girl who lived next door. Charlotte is (presumed to be?) a young girl, next door neighbor to the Dashie and Wolfgirl characters. She used to play outside all the time until she stopped playing one day and seemed to have disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to her and it was said that her parents might have moved away after the whole ordeal as well. The characters seem to treat it as if it’s a ghost story and make up about a million different versions about what actually happened to the poor girl. Mercy and Milo decide to get to the bottom of what *really* happened to Charlotte, so they go over to her house in the woods and Mercy gathers the conclusion that Charlotte went missing because of a forest siren. The forest siren is described to be one of the most dangerous creatures known to the magic realm, and it plays a sweet song that reminds me to the melody of into the unknown in Frozen (lol). Mercy recruits Es and they, as well as Milo (and then later Lee), continue on the venture of finding out what really happened to Charlotte.
✿ What is the problem?
Skipping down to part 8, they found Charlotte the day prior. Charlotte is settling in her new home and she’s okay *physically*, nothing is mentioned about how she feels mentally. After hearing all the commotion with Lee’s disappearance and seeing the people around her reacting incredibly negatively with Charlotte being found because that meant that they lost someone else, Charlotte too begins to feel a little loss. She doesn’t remember half of her life nor how she ended up in the Wolfie household in the first place, but she does recognize some of the people living there - that being Shiloh and Milo. Shiloh seems to be really really miss her, however Charlotte has no sense of time being stuck in the woods for way too long, so she doesn’t miss Shiloh as much as Shiloh misses her. It feels like just another day, WHICH IS IMPORTANT. If you were a long term Dashie and Wolfgirl fan, then you are well aware with Milo’s past and how VILE he used to be. Honestly vile is genuinely an understatement because he was HORRIBLE. We as viewers have seen him grow and change significantly, so we know he’s a good person now, but since Charlotte was stuck in time - she has not. Charlotte is waking up and experiencing and going through all the old traumas. She has not had the time to process and grieve. There was no time to unpack that past trauma and having it all come at once can be very overwhelming. Milo mentioned it himself ( BabyAlive - Charlotte Hills: I messed up (part 9 of 13) ), and I quote, “Since she went missing years ago and she only knew me years ago, so she only knew the old me when I was…how do I put this nicely? horrifyingly evil.” and because of this, Charlotte doesn’t not react as positively to seeing Milo as she did with Shiloh. She’s very shaken up, she seems uncomfortable, and Charlotte leaves almost instantly. Milo continues “The thing is, I can’t apologize and tell her I changed because I used to play that card to do more evil things, so I’m kind of stuck. Tess and I bullied her *relentlessly* and when we were given another chance, we just kept doing it, but each time we were forgiven we just went on her worse.” That is genuinely so disheartening. A lot of people refuse to put themselves in Charlotte’s shoes because Milo is their favorite and as a result get angry at her because she won’t forgive their favorite. In reality Milo has already been forgiven and given chances PLENTY OF TIMES. Charlotte is just no longer given him any chances because she doesn’t want to go through everything again. MILO and TESS (because she’s as much to blame, but she’s not a fan favorite so no a lot of people seem to care a lot about her) stabbed her in the back again and again, tore her family apart, buttttt she’s the bad person for no longer enabling? She’s definitely very stubborn in the way that she won’t hear anyone out and won’t believe anything nice that has to do with Milo, but honestly good for her. In part 10 when she called Milo awful and so many people were incredibly angry about that, IT WAS DESERVED and Milo acknowledges that. To add on to Milo’s old vicious behavior, Milo also says “You can’t run away from your problems forever, huh? You see..Charlotte..has a brother..or had..I don’t know, but one day Tess and I just decided to..eliminate him. We thought it worked. I’m having my doubts about it because we were really really little, all of us, so..I don’t know how much damage we could have done, but just the thought that we tried is enough to send me on edge.” HE TRIED TO KILL HER BROTHER??? when I tell you that when I HEARD that I was like
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OUUUUUHHHH ain’t no way. So you’re telling me the whole fandom is ganging up on this little girl because she won’t forgive the fan favorite for BULLYING HER and then TRYING TO KILL HER BROTHER?? Not on my watch. Ya’ll are nut cases 。・゚゚*(>д <)*゚゚・。 all the comments are like “Poor little Milo (。╯︵╰。)” aightttt…….
When she finally remembers everything oh my godddddd it was genuinely so sad. I don’t understand how anyone could hate her knowing what she went through. She’s so clearly traumatized by it all and she’s reacting rashly because of it.
✿ Should Charlotte forgive Milo?
I know a lot of people are waiting to hear yes!! Milo should be forgiven!! But honestly..nooo!! I’d be surprised if she did to be honest??? Forgiving someone is such a beautiful thing because when you forgive someone it doesn’t mean that you’re excusing their actions and the pain that you went through doesn’t matter, but it just means that you’re moving on because you don’t want this painful void to control you for the rest of your life. You’re choosing to understand that what you went through was incredibly difficult, but you don’t deserve to be shackled to that for the rest of your life. It’s clear that Milo is no longer a bad person and he feels remorse over what he did, HOWEVER how does one move on from this??? Putting myself in her shoes I would feel such overwhelming sadness and honestly you wouldn’t even be able to put me in the same room as someone who tried to hurt me and my family. I genuinely do not think him feeling bad makes this situation and forgiving him easier when he quite literally tried to PUT AN END to her brother and he has already been forgiven so many times. I do feel a little remorse for Milo because he has grown as a person since then, but contrary to popular belief- Charlotte doesn’t owe Milo a spot in her life just because he changed and she’s definitely allowed to feel the way that she does in my opinion.
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greatqueenanna · 1 year
GreatQueenAnna Tid-Bits # 6
What I Want for Frozen 3
So many fans have already started to theorize about the next installment and even put down what they would like to see. Of course, I personally try to humble myself because I'm just happy that we're even getting a sequel - I just want to have fun rather than go into F3 with a checklist.
However, it's still fun to sit down and think about what I would like (or not like) to see happen. However, I'm very confident that if Lee and Buck are returning, they will deliver an amazing sequel regardless. I also recognize that some of these ideas could contradict each other, however, I would also be ok if these ideas would present themselves in shorts leading up to the third film or a t.v. series as well - not everything needs to absolutely be in the third film.
With that being said, here are some of my ideas and wants.
More Northuldra
I would love to see Honeymaren and Ryder incorporated more into the story with bigger supporting roles.
Having Elsa and Anna reflect more on what it means to them to be half-Northuldran.
Having opportunities for more Northulrdan culture and lore to be expressed, making them feel more alive within the story.
Delving into the differences between the Northuldra and the Ice Harvesters, building a foundation for more exploration of different Sámi cultures.
No More Sisters Fighting
I think Anna and Elsa have pretty much settled their differences at this point. They fought and disagreed in two films now, so I think it's finally time for them to work together without any internal obstacles.
I would much rather see Anna and Elsa help each other with their respective strengths and come to solutions without feeling like they have to defend or shelter the other. They should have complete trust in each other now, so let's see this newfound trust in action.
Just please, no more "I'm trying to protect you!" blah blah blah. Let's move on, please.
Kristoff's Backstory
As said above, it would be good to explore the differences between the Northuldra and the Ice Harvesters, which would be a perfect playing field for a Kristoff backstory. Also, now that he's going to be King eventually (I can already hear the It's Prince Consort! People, and I don't care lol), it would also be a perfect opportunity to explore what Arendelle means to him, if he's ready to rule beside Anna, and if he's willing to be with Anna if it means he has to be a King. Kristoff said that his love isn't fragile, so let's put that to the test.
A Proper Villain
Listen, I know that Frozen is meant to be a story about how themes are villains. However, considering that both films still had villainous characters it doesn't hurt to try and incorporate a well-written villain that can still uphold the main themes. It would be an exciting change of pace and a great callback to older Disney films. Also, I really want a villain song. Considering that Let it Go was originally meant to be one, I can only imagine what kind of villain song the Lopezes are capable of writing.
No Other Snow Queens or Fire Wielders
Coming off of the villain hype train, one thing I really don't want to see in a villain or any other type of character is someone else having ice magic or fire powers. Elsa is meant to be unique and is supposed to be the only one of her kind in the world of Frozen - changing the lore behind this or adding in an adversary for Elsa will be really cheesy and downplay Iduna's sacrifice.
The Sisters Having Equal Screentime
I know many Anna-centric and Elsa-centric fans love to argue about which sister should have more screentime in the next film; some argue that one or the other sister is always hated or pushed aside by the writers and blah blah blah. My opinion is always this - Frozen was Anna's story, and Frozen 2 was Elsa's. Thus, it only makes sense that the third film focuses on both sisters equally.
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turtleations · 1 year
Interview with PATA (summarized)
Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008
Note: The same thing as for the interview with Toshi applies here: This is not a translation but a summary of what I learned from an interview that was too long and too difficult for my limited Japanese skills to fully translate. Read at your own risk, knowing that I may have interpreted things incorrectly. I left out things I was too unsure about to post them here in any kind of good conscience.
Again: If anyone who understand Japanese and knows this interview reads this and recognized something I am totally wrong about, please let me know so I can fix it!
Things Pata tells us:
- When Pata returned to Tokyo Dome, it all felt very nostalgic and familiar. He continues to talk about baseball.
- He first saw the hide-hologram during the rehearsal and recognized the guitar solo of Art of Life from the movement of his fingers, even though there was no sound. He points out that during a performance he doesn't actually see hide, because he's standing next to him.
- Pata first met hide when he re-joined the band in 1987. They needed another guitarist, so they asked him to come back and Yoshiki introduced them when they met for rehearsal.
- His first impression of hide was "Guy who wears a hat and leather pants". He also seemed like a kind older brother type.
- Pata doesn't remember what songs they played during rehearsal, but since there were lives soon after, it was probably songs from that set list.
- They had to go the same way on the train, which was when they started talking a lot, though he doesn't remember what about.
- Since they were both guitarists, the talked about what to do with this, how to handle that etc.
- Pata had only done recordings with X when he helped them out as a guest before, so his first live with hide was his first live with X as well. He thinks it was probably at the live house Kagurazaka EXPLOSION. [Note: This appears to be referring to a place that was called Rock House EXPLOSION at the time, had several name changes, and finally settled on Kagurazaka EXPLOSION in 2008.]
- They had three shows in Tokyo and then immediately moved on to Osaka.
- At this time, PATA used his job at the video store to copy the music video X had made for their promotion. He asked for permission from the store owner to use the equipment, but the cost of it was deducted from his pay.
- Toshi was in charge of their finances and they would give him the money for studio fees etc.
- PATA had no money left to buy things at this point. It took him a while to financially recover. So making the video actually did cost money.
- They distributed the videos for free. Every band was giving out free cassette tapes or song sheets at that time, so they wanted to do something different. There was a refrigerator involved somehow.
- At this time, PATA often drank with HIDE. Because he lived nearby, hide would come and stay at his place and then sleep under the Kotetsu. [Note: A kotetsu is a heated blanket attached to the (low) table, creating a warm space underneath.] The kotestu was the only form of home heating PATA’s place had to offer in winter. He didn’t mind himself since he slept in bed, but HIDE would complain that while his body was warm, his ears were cold, and because his ears were cold, they hurt. Then he would accept that there was “nothing to be done about it, since it was the home of a poor person”.
- This was around the time of the album “Vanishing Vision”. Pata was still working at the video store.
- During their tour, they went directly from the Material Arts Stadium to an event in Kyoto. All of their hair was styled upwards and caught on the ceiling of their car. They slept on the lawn. There was no time for a full styling before the next performance, so they changed clothes but left their hair as it was, deciding to merely fix what needed fixing when they got there.
- Pata doesn’t actually remember if hide was the one who created his mohawk hairstyle.
- Nori of the Tokyo Yankees used to cut and dye Pata’s hair. He was a kohei of Pata’s from Chiba and used to go to beauty school, though Pata doesn’t think he graduated.
- hide used to style Pata’s hair before performances and got it vertical. For Yoshiki, George used to do it.
-  Pata accepted having to do his hair this way to go with the style of the band.
- One afternoon, the back of their van opened and spilled their newly made promotional stickers as well as hide’s luggage onto the highway. The doors were probably not closed properly and opened from the vibration. They did not notice immediately. Pata’s luggage barely escaped doom.
- While they were collecting the stickers, a highway police man yelled at them “Do you want to die?!” But since they were poor, the stickers had to be rescued, even though there was a high risk of being run over – a fate that hide’s luggage did in fact suffer.
- Shit like that happened to X all the time.
- During the recording of Vanishing Vision, which took place in Roppongi, Pata was so broke he had to borrow money from the band’s manager to get back home. He then had enough left for some food and a bit of beer. His power had been turned off but since he only returned home around 5 a.m. when it was already light outside, that wasn’t much of a problem. He still had water and heating, so he could at least shower. He lived like that for about 3 – 4 weeks, until recording was over.
- Also during the recording of Vanishing Vision, hide developed tenosynovitis in his right hand. Pata can’t tell if it was caused by playing too much – he himself has had it in both hands, and since it happened so much, at some point it would just start hurting for whatever reason.
- Pata didn’t really have anything to do with Extasy Records, which existed since before he and hide joined the band.
- They would often go to Mother Farm in Chiba on a whim. It was a location that always came to their minds since four (later three) of their five members were from Chiba.
- hide and Pata went to the Sea of Trees at Mount Fuji at least twice. [Note: The Sea of Trees in this case means the forest of Aokigahara, which is known as a popular suicide location and also a place where criminals like to hide bodies. It is said to be one of the most haunted places in Japan.] One time was during the Rose and Blood tour. Hide’s playful mood was in full swing and he would just drag them anywhere.
- They stayed at the holiday home of a friend of hide’s.
- Once they stayed in Karuizawa to go see a live of ZI:Kill in Kanazawa from there, but they arrived too late because hide, whose sense of geography was shit, thought Karuizawa was close to Kanezawa, which it is not.
- They took the guys from ZI:Kill to Aokigahara later, after grabbing them unannounced after they finished another life in Tokyo. It was early in the morning when they arrived and all the shops were closed, so they ate bentos from the convenience store. Also, it was cold.
- They had come in two cars. Afterwards, Pata’s car went straight home, but hide took ZI:Kill to Yokosuka. They took a commemorative photo there, which always looked weird to Pata until he realized it was because ZI:Kill had been abducted straight after the live show, so they were still wearing their make-up. (They did have time to remove it, apparently. They just didn’t.)
- When hide and Pata had been to the Sea of Trees before, Taiji was with them. They stayed in Kawaguchiko [Note: A town at the foot of Mt. Fuji.] and the guy at the inn let them borrow his van to go deeper into the forest. Before long, the car suddenly stopped and died on them, and they all freaked out. Turns out, they had just run out of gas, so they pushed the car up a hill and then rode gravity back to town.
- At some point, they went into the forest with flashlights, promptly lost sight of the car and the street and got lost. After freaking out a little they found the car again and were happy.
- Pata knew Kyo (D’erlanger, VO) from Chiba since long before X, and at some point wondered why he hadn’t seen him around in a while. Turned out that Kyo had joined hide’s band Saver Tiger in Yokosuka, so he was rarely around anymore.
- hide and Pata were seen as a unit because they were neighbours and therefore hung out a lot. hide was usually the one with the stupid ideas and Pata the one to be dragged along.
- In a magazine that came out around the time of X’s professional debut, hide wrote “Playing with Pata” under both “Hobbies” and “Thinks I like”.
- hide was the type to annoy people without mercy when he was in the mood, but if he wasn’t, wouldn’t call at all. [Note: Alternatively: If Pata wasn’t in the mood, he wouldn’t pick up the phone. I have been unable to figure out who was supposed to be the subject of this sentence.]
- Contrary to popular belief, Pata did not move to Asagaya because hide called him there but because the people from Sony wanted everyone to live nearby. Pata did not like any of the places on offer, but he picked one anyway because he didn’t want to cause trouble. But then hide, who had paid better attention to the environment, let him know that there was a much bigger apartment above the one Pata had given his okay to, so Pata decided to take that one instead.
- By this time hide had already found a good place for himself.
- hide called a bunch of people to the neighbourhood.
- Kyo lived just on the other side of the station. They were all involved in the incident where he broke his hip. [Note: Read more about that in this interview at Nopperabou.net.] At first, they took him to hide’s place, but because he was in so much pain, they soon had to take him to the hospital, where he was hospitalized at once. It happened just before a live performance of Kyo’s band, but with willpower and a corset he was able to participate anyway.
- hide was generally the one who asked Pata to hand out. Pata usually only called first if he already had people over.
- When they were drinking together, they didn’t talk much, since Pata wasn’t the talking type. Usually, there were other people around for hide to talk to and bring life to the party.
- In L.A., Pata was the only one who did not live in the same apartment building as everyone else because he thought it would be too much to be around them all the time. Later, hide moved to an apartment that was walking distance (about two blocks) from Pata’s place.
- On the topic of memories of L.A.: A story about how Pata was abducted by hide and Co. to a theme park where he felt super sick after the first roller coaster because he had just gotten up after a night of drinking and was hungover. Things like that happened to him a lot. [Note: More about that particular adventure at the blog of bunnychuu45: Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4]
- One time during one of hide’s solo tours, Pata tried to escape from the hotel in Hiroshima because hide had this no-drinking-rule the day before a performance. Pata’s plan was to have a taxi take him to the nearest bar, but security, led by Ito-san, was in on him and managed to prevent his clever escape.
- On what hide meant to him: He was the only one Pata ever considered his partner in music, even though he used to perform as a pair with just one other guy. At the point of the interview, Pata had spent half of his musician’s life with hide. Out of the members of X, hide was the one Pata had spent most time with, and outside of X as well, probably.
- Pata felt that hide was far ahead of him, even though he was only one year older. He wished for hide to sleep well, knowing that Pata will do his best to make sure his rest remains peaceful.
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Five Years Later
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Thanks for visiting this page.
The sudden passing of our friend April is something that shattered the lives of everyone who knew her, and an introduction to the concept of what loss of innocence truly means.
The Mostly Mutts Zeldathon is something I started hosting all the way back in 2018 to honor April—her obituary requested donations to their organization in lieu of flowers, and in the wake of existential devastation, it was a spot of hope for myself and everyone else as a means of catharsis, to remember her, and preserve the legacy of someone inexplicably taken from us far before her time.
April was a shining star of joy and compassion in our hometown, beloved by everyone who knew her, a girl next door with a barking, infectious laugh who loved dogs more than anyone else in the world.
She was someone we grew up with, experienced so many ups and downs of life with, someone we went to college with, someone I and so many others regularly laughed or cried all night with, and ultimately, someone who was snatched away from the people who love her by a devastatingly, unfairly cruel universe that still doesn't make sense five years later.
She was a kind, funny, creative person who loved cosplay, creating art, playing piano, sushi, attending conventions and concerts, playing video games, and so much more. She could be friends with anyone.
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She used to volunteer at Mostly Mutts and would visit other rescues and pet stores in the area just to play with puppies and love on them. She had the gentlest giant of a Bernese Mountain Dog named Lacy, and was beloved by her roommate's Husky Nova and boyfriend's Black Lab Coco. She was goofy as hell and always found something to laugh about. She loved spontaneous games of You Laugh, You Lose and always had a meme ready to send you.
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There wasn't a mean bone in her body, and even when someone was cruel to her, she laughed it off. She was someone I and many others thought would always be around, someone to joke with when we inevitably ended up in the same nursing home together in fifty years, still barking that TAH-HAH-HAH laugh you'd recognize anywhere.
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The Legend of Zelda was also her favorite video game series. It was something we bonded over, and it became a sort of interest-glue that kept us and so many of our friends in touch through the years. Growing up, we used to stay over at each other's houses with our friend Liz marathoning the games together—her favorite was Twilight Princess, Liz's was Wind Waker, and mine was Ocarina and Majora. She had a Triforce purse, Triforce lamp, tons of stuff from Etsy, official stuff, she cosplayed, she went to Symphony of the Goddesses several times. She even had a replica of the Ocarina of Time she learned to play. The Song of Storms was the first song she learned to play on it. Supposedly, it started raining when she did it one time. I believe it, she had the spirit for it.
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It means so much to be that so many people turned up to the first stream and to subsequent streams to help Mostly Mutts. Life as we all know it has changed in ways I’m sure none of us thought were ever possible.
Thank you for being supportive friends, supportive strangers, and supportive human beings. The loss of a best friend and the emptiness it leaves in your heart is truly indescribably. I’m glad we as a community can make an effort to do some positive in the aftermath of her passing. We will never forget her and the joy and friendship she brought not only to my life, but to so many others’ too. 
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Everyone grieves differently and I hope everyone is doing the best they can five years later. I have more to say on grief in other posts—it's something that isn't talked about enough in any aspect of life.
As I've gotten older and learned more, I wanted to make a serious effort to archive and preserve her legacy and continue helping it grow with all of you. Let's make another wonderful years of memories together.
From the bottom of her family's, her friends', and my hearts, thank you so much for being here.
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tealincubusspeckles · 2 years
Throwback: Pumpkin Headcannon 1
Halloween Doll Radio
❣ This idea was created back in 2021 for the Halloween Prompt of Elving on Seduce Me The Otome amino, but edited for Tumblr.
In your room as you are listening to your regular station on YouTube, Spotify, or any audio you have. You start to hear an overlapping sound that stops if you pause the audio. If you restart or refresh, the sound seems to come back in much sooner than before. When you start to focus on the sound, you will recognize a familiar but distorted melody of Ring Around A Rosie. The longer you listen to the melody the more the song seems to become clearer, faster, and louder. Suddenly the melody is cut off and the sound of a person counting down from 5 is heard followed by a soft singular clap.
"All synced! Ok! Hello everyone! Welcome to the Poisoned Teacup's Show, a scripted radio interference where the only thing YOU know is what you hear! For those of you who want to catch every little detail of our shows please don't look for us! We will look for you! And YOU can't run!... We will make sure of that."
Suddenly terrified screams of begging and crying could be heard in the background. Then the sounds stop with the soft ring of a doorbell
"Oh haha! Today's special is called Toxic Doll House and it seems that our guests have just arrived!"
The sound of white noise from a TV, a giggle, a Good Guy Doll jingle, and a hushed inaudible whispering can be heard for a few minutes
"Well Listeners, let's thank our friends on the other side for gathering our favorite Halloween doll idols of this season! I can't wait to introduce them to you! Since they are getting antsy that they can't speak at the moment."
A soft beep intercepts the program for a second plunging the audio into Debussy's Claire de Lune in a minor key. The piano is suddenly cut followed by a quickly whispered message.
"The following audio program is haunted and holds no canon value to any of the dolls participating today. Thank you."
This is followed by the startling sound of a Western Electric Model 500 rotary phone ringing and then harshly being slammed onto its switch hook.
"Annndd welcome back! Sorry I almost lost you all. Anyway where are my manners! For those who are new to the Poisoned Teacup's Show, my name is Leif, your host who talks too much shit when their opinion was never asked! Ah...Yeah! So! As I briefly mentioned before I had asked our friends from the other side to gather a special bunch of toys for you all. Some of you might know them really well. Others....well... we will attempt to get to know today! Let me introduce our guests! The first doll we have is the mascot of the Saw franchise, a cruel killing game with many sequels, Billy The Puppet! Next, we a famous doll possessed by the soul of a killer from the classic movie Child's Play, Chucky. Third, we have a doll whose appearance on screen is different than in person and is a ragdoll vessel to the underworld, Annabell! Our last guest is an oddly cute, weird-looking, toy squirrel named Simon Tabby from a reverse harem dating game called Seduce Me The Otome!.. Now that introductions are out of the way let's ask some questions to our lovely show stoppers. So, first question! What's your weapon of choice?"
Two knives can be heard slamming into the wood roughly. Followed by the voice of Billy the Puppet giving a long monologue explaining how a new trap is going to work. Once Billy has finished the sounds of harsh backward speech, a howling wind, and white noise is heard could. After the distortion, a small thud could be heard hitting the floor.
"Annabell...I would appreciate it if you don't make any more crosses fall off the walls. I completely understand that you don't like them, but I am human and not taking chances! Thank you. Uh, I do find it funny how Chucky and Simon both displayed knives. Although, I must admit both of them are pretty disastrous pranksters. To my understanding, Simon just uses knives to make threats or annoy. Whereas, Chucky is a serial killer. I guess Billy would be considered a serial killer as well if he was autonomous, but he is controlled by others. Annabell is...well a gateway and medium to the other side. Clearly. So I should wrap things up. If you were given a torture room what would you want to be installed, and would the participants be given rules? I will take you off the mute so all of you can speak"
Chucky: "Easy! Make each room have multiple passages where we could pass through that way we can pin the victims right where we wanted. Torment them as they attempt something."
Billy: "Have a riddle and secret item in each room and give the player a time limit to solve the puzzle or attempt parkour. At least they face consequences of pain or worse."
Annabell: "Lure the children to a false sense of security and have them tell the adults the wrong answers to the puzzles."
Simon: "If a puzzle is unsolved or incorrect make them face the penalty of getting stabbed in the legs. Any deep cuts just cover with glitter. Everything looks better with glitter!"
Chucky: "Simon I like the way you think...I just hate the glitter idea"
Simon: "I know!"
Suddenly the sounds of a school bell ringing heralding the end of the day can be heard for a moment
"Would you look at the time! Seems the sun is coming up and I should let these little horrors get ready for a new hunt. Thank you listeners for not stopping or pausing your audio! Please look forward to Poisoned Teacup's Show next week, where we plan to seek out some devils and get a bit of a review from Hell! You'll be hearing from us soon!"
White noise takes over and then a child's voice saying Bloody Mary backward 3 times is heard. Followed by the distant sound of breaking glass before your previous audio starts playing. It seems as if no time has passed despite the odd show you just heard. Although, you can't shake the feeling of something watching you.
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yelyahnaloj · 1 month
Thinking of How Memory Works: I have a very selective memory
I can memorize full names from sight, even with unique or complicated spellings. In my mind the spelling is barely separable from the name itself, so jaden, jaadyn, etc. are basically separate names to me.
This doesn´t always translate to regular words though (I almost spelled ¨regular¨, ¨reglar¨ for example. There have been times when I was very tired that I would end up writing ¨ove¨ instead of ¨of¨)
I once reminded my mom what the maiden name of her childhood best friend was because I saw it on the backs of old photographs
I used to have my library card number memorized. I can learn how to memorize strings of numbers by their ¨rhythm¨. Kind of like when you hear a familiar song and your brain has to finish what comes next.
If I don´t quite have a number memorized, I can try and figure it out by the pattern. To give a non-number example, ¨ferret¨ is symmetrical to me, like a mirror image. There are two ¨r¨s in the middle, an ¨e¨ to either end, and a long letter capping either side. For another example, (with the numbers changed of course, but keeping the pattern), my own phone number: 271-888-7811. 2 is a non-repeated number, but 7 and 1 are. Of course the middle is just three 8s which is easy, but for the last four digits it almost repeats 71 but instead takes an 8 from the middle after the 7 and repeats the last number twice. The first three numbers are the hardest for me to learn because my old phone number had a different but similar area code, 723 lets say, so my brain keeps trying to flip the first two numbers.
I hate rote memorizing things and I am not very good at on-the-spot recall. Once I was in a play, besides rehearsals I did not try memorizing my lines. So when it was performance time, I barely remembered anything about my lines, it was all blank. However, they would come to me through context clues. How much time had passed, where I was standing, what people were saying. The same would happen in choir, where before performance, I would doubt whether I remembered my lines, but as soon as the music played it was as if it possessed me. (I remember watching The Music Never Stopped, and there are real life examples too, where even people with amnesia can gain back memories through listening to music)
I learned that I have object permanence issues. If, for some reason, a roommate took a dirty dish of mine that they saw and washed it and put it away, I might not be able to find or recognize it out of context unless it is very distinctive looking. This may also contribute to who I tend to prefer distinctive looking people (alt styles, people with distinct features, etc.).
Once while riding in a van to a field trip, I found out that the person I was sitting next to was not only my classmate for the last two quarters, but was in my first class when I started college. They gushed about me, and how thoughtful I was in class. As far as I knew, I was basically in a van full of strangers. I didn´t know any of their names or have any association with seeing them before.
However, I don´t have face-blindness, I can actually be excellent in pattern recognition. I have recognized classmates from high school totally out of context: Once 8 years later while cashiering and the person was wearing a mask, they didn´t even recognize me; once in a Starbucks in a big city out of context of the small town I met them at; once in a grocery store, the person had totally transed their gender since I last saw them, grew facial hair an everything. I totally won this real life ¨where´s Waldo?¨ without even trying.
There have been times in middle school where I would consistently get 100% on my science homework even though I didn´t finish my homework or completely recognize the material on the quiz, it would be a surprise every time. I just needed to be exposed to the topic´s ideas just enough to reason it out.
My memory often feels like a void that pulls things out when I need them, the more connections I have to the subject the better. I often need to understand knowledge in order to use it
I am not very good with procedural knowledge. One of the reasons I can only tie my shoes the ¨bunny ears¨ way, even though I have been shown the other way multiple times throughout my life. I don´t really learn recipes, but I can learn how ingredients are supposed to fit together, I can improvise a cookie like or soup like thing or cook noodles in different ways (like in a microwave using V8 as water), or figure out substitutions (living with a mother with allergies is what I can thank for that).
Sometimes I easily forget what I did earlier in a day, or yesterday, or what my last meal was. I notice that the degree to which I remember a day doesn´t totally correspond to how much happened but how much I processed it. I am a fairly slow processor so a leisurely paced day might be more vivid to me. Or if a lot of things happened I may need time to reflect to remember it.
For example, I could spend a month abroad, but as soon as I come back I start losing memories because they are not applicable to every day life. But over time I could remember it in some ways more than I did when I first came back if things happen in my life that reminds me of it (having a professor who does research in Borneo, a classmate that knows some Indonesian, etc.)
Sometimes I notice changes, but I don´t remember what they looked like before. Like I can recognize if someone got a haircut, but my memory instantly updated so I actually don´t remember what the old hair cut looked like. Same if a room changed (furnature, walls painted, etc.).
I have a poor sense of smell, so descriptions I have heard before about smells triggering memories doesn´t resonate very well with me. The strongest examples are the smell of baked potatoes reminding me of an old friend and cigarette smoke reminds me of hugging my dad.
My sense of direction is again more of an instinctive process of cues than a deliberate process. So sometimes I have a very poor sense of direction, like not remembering where my classes are after a whole quarter. Or I may know how to get somewhere, but I don´t know how I know. This works better in forests than in streets, where the cues and orientation are more unconscious, and I end up finding out where I am through wandering and process of elimination as I make connections of where things are in relation to each other.
Ergo, my memory is very relational, and relies on pattern recognition and understanding underlying processes. For example, I remember more the personalities of people or characters than what they actually look like. In my mind they are more of a ¨presence¨ than an actual physically person at times. When I was a kid, I drew my best friend with red hair not because she had red hair but because that was her favorite color, so in my mind that ¨was¨ her. When she changed her favorite color, I felt like I didn´t know her anymore.
My mind doesn´t make a strong distinguishment between my memories and other people´s. If friends or family tell me memories from before I met them, it is almost like I was actually there and knew them at that point in time. A passing trans man told me memories of his family and childhood, over time there was a preteen to teenage girl´s presence in my head that created her face and voice who would talk to me. I didn´t want that association, but I had an overlap of two images for the same person, one not even being a version of them that I met. In some ways, I feel like I almost learn more from other people´s experiences than my own (ex. stories about teenage drinking would discourage me from teen drinking or even having the curiosity to try, I tend to make mistakes other people have not accounted for because I don´t have a frame of reference to know ¨why not?¨ if no one i know has experienced it)
I used to recognize family members by their footsteps, breath, and even their cough without even seeing them.
At least twice I have predicted things friends would say, like once I somehow already prepared a conversation the year before of how to respond if my guy friend asked ¨what it is like to have breasts?¨, because he seemed like the kind of person who would ask something weird like that. Another time I wrote a whole story about a high school friend using a tree to crawl into my bedroom window, and later the first thing she mentioned visiting my room is that they could climb that tree to get to the second story
I have often remembered very oddly specific details of how I met a close friend. Once example being that years before I met a middle school best friend, I looked at a list of students and noticed there was one person in my grade that I never met and who never came in, and I asked the teacher why (her parents taught them mostly at home even though she were enrolled into the alternative school).
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
So all of us we hate you Stefan for what you were doing there and what you're singing in the song and start seeing it and your people getting killed and you're the dumbest person we've seen ever and we start collecting all their money we don't let you have any of the stuff or money or cars or anything we take it all.
-there's other things happening and now they're out there at the parks and we have to keep reminding that a****** is not next door and they're at the parks and they are fighting to get their stuff out but fighting bugs and yeah it's a waste of time the bugs don't have anything you didn't have to fight people and 50% of the stuff out across the world all the parks everywhere that's true in the midwest here it's 60%, it's going to go up to 70% tonight or more and they are losing huge huge portions of their army last numbers in the past few days they lost in the Parks war globally about 10% of their own forces but with including all the other battles 25% tonight that will go up to about 35% and tomorrow and if the South engages and it's similar in other areas different times and they're probably lose another 15% to 20% because those are packed full of them and New Zealand is under attack so it might be more a total of 55% perhaps from tonight into tomorrow and the next day it's going to be more The edge of Tomorrow will be underway and they will lose probably another 20% and they're starting to get small already and these armies are very big but they're not really huge and they don't recognize it they're also getting creamed by a lot of people so these numbers might go up higher and because of the Christmas card thing and a lot of people are sending Christmas cards to their friends and family and they're noticing these idiots there blocking it and they're going after them a lot harder and it's perfect and they're saying this this is what it is he knew about it and he did it on purpose and my son says I knew about it and my wife had me do it because I forgot about the function and she's the one who holds on to him and because I get very angry and tired and they said God bless your wife and I think that's great and same back to you and don't forget you can have him and turkey and Thanksgiving and Christmas and they said that's terrific I think we're going to do that and a lot of people hear it and it's good you get a little bit of salt and it clears you up and people think it's nice. And globally but it's Kwanzaa and this other holidays and they happen here and everybody can have fun giving each other gifts and stuff at a different time so don't forget your friend it's from a foreign country to give them a gift according to their religious calendar or it doesn't matter when actually you can send it anytime and people like that too and it's going to happen so that's going to be nice
-we hear that the racism is intense but really he's oppressed these people might be doing it because they're stupid and don't know what to do and he says that quite a bit and boy are they stupid and Trump tries to prove he's smart and her son says you're trying to do something and you're f****** it up already so he says they're trying to get in there we can't you know he tried and you're f****** it up already and you should be defending at all as a unit you're going to lose it those monsters will come out and attract the big folks they'll be pushed out and he says oh that's not good and it started to try and do stuff and he figured out you're right so if you come in with suits and use extreme force Brian is going to turn around and do stuff instead of you having a piece of pie you'll have nothing can you do get it the first statement but you know who's keeping who the hell is keeping points back there she has a smile and said I'm playing Dave so you're homo and Dave was a homo but you're a massive homo I don't like massive hormones and I'm not gay your son says hello. The smiles and says that's terrific and he's Johan and that's the name from the dragon Ball z people so he's trying to figure out if he's Johan too and Mr Satan is going around and around and they dragged that out a little. So he goes to Brian he'll be a perfect opportunity I mean the other one for the small super speed boats that can submerge for a little so he designed his stupid speed boats and they're going like 800 mph sometimes s*** they come in and they slow down they're going to water and it works pretty good Stefan takes the design s to use all the stuff and it works and get there in the same what do we do now and they ended up aligning a little and they're fighting monsters and they're fighting the pseudo empire and pseudo empire kind of alliance and they start fighting the empire which is true
Couple more things are happening
-there's a huge number of people who notice that our son doesn't like these guys and they're giving him the creeps and they won't stop doing it and they want to stop them and informing coalitions to do so all over the world and they're going after trumpsters and taking the stuff and using the right thing as an excuse twice two different things
-there's other things happening but these trumpsters are ridiculous he's been indicted like four times and there's three more indictments coming and 10 more in the works and he's ridiculous if he's indicted 20 times and still runs we're going to fire his ass no matter what
-the guy is way outside the lines with everybody it's just a very humiliating experience being near him and degrading he's a bum and his people are bums.
-a few more things are going on and they're starting up the ships up north seem to be revving up and we stay there in the final cycle all the time and we think it might be or the second to last we don't know they've been doing it for a while and adjusting the motors changing motors and doing for quite a while and they didn't have problems so we do understand that we're going to have to monitor them more closely they seem to be just sitting there digging around and they're going to ruin themselves and it's just awful their fleet is getting chased around in space and there are 30 million chips and it is a firefall of 300 million but the empire is going after them for the ships and the pseudo empire and some warlock who get wasted pretty quick out of the 300 million left 100 million are engaging right now with Tommy f and have attracted the pseudo empire and there engaging and they're not doing too good and subtracting the empire actually right now the empire is moving and they're going to take them down most of the fleet will probably be destroyed underground they're forcing their way up there the more locker fighting Max forces and they're fighting stand and Biden and they're destroying each other and not going anywhere and it's going on right now it's going to go on for a while and this hefty death up there and the numbers are staggering the more luck are dwindling and will be out we said that for a while but they like us to
-several more wars are erupting there's news about the moon and mega AI of Will and Bill and it possibly being on hoth and hoth is a planetoid off Saturn and the second version is Uranus it's too far away and it's too cold and they could not get in there fast enough and it's true they don't have the ship for it they think will and Bill could figure it out that they say they didn't in the atmosphere is too thick and you'd see the beam on the dark side you would see a hole because the water would be not melted and it's true but Europa is what they're after and I think it's there just like someone had on Titan which was actually ghwb there's a lot of force going on to try and get there the movie is starting up 2010 space Odyssey and 2001 space Odyssey and it is beginning now they're going to be fighting each other very hard all over the world and it will be Jason and others and it will turn into a classified with the spaceships above cities and Independence Day 1 will begin tonight is a preamble to space Odyssey 2010 and it's going to start shortly there are other things starting up the islands off South of Florida are embroiled and A few Good Men will begin the movie with the Jets is going to start the Jets were pushed off late Sunday and to the islands and they're not held at mayport because the idiots would be there and they are idiots and out at the islands they have a few on each island and it's not many it's just a pain in the ass and they roped Tom Cruise is doing it and they tried to shoot him and they don't show what happened and they keep doing that to him and it's very stressful there's a lot of people rooting for our son and we hope that things change we think they will there's a lot of people getting up to stop people from stopping Christmas cards and cars for Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and other holidays around this time and they're sending tons of cards and they now see what he's saying is a good time for people to talk to each other and it's moving. The card people love him and it says I could use a card. So you trying to knock the competition out by sending me a card with a gift card in it so so they're starting to laugh and say this really of a few big ones it says oh yeah. So the smiles all around but it's not really fun thing and he's learning from this idiot next door. It's going to happen that Tom Cruise will be trying his drug dealing and we know why he needs devices to stop them out here and he is going to be trying a lot of stuff to do it threatening our son and he's a hooky a****** now it's too small and squished and he's stupid and it's going on like that he gets caught he gets put into this class and they go out and say they're grabbing Obama or something and people think it might be and if something's it might be too A lot of people think it is and start some sort of conflict out there for cerebus which is another way of saying a different configuration of the light computer and the max are trying to start these things and they're really stupid and slow and don't do anything and they're just trying to grab it you'll see them there in the background doing practically nothing and the mission goes off and it looks like they have something with them and they fly around they get arrested they bring it back with the ships they move something to a sub the sub is disabled destroyed almost. The item is actually in one of the missiles and they did fire a few off no and the sub is salvaged and they go down and pull some stuff out that's another movie and it is very important because it is Obama and he might get put in the museum I know that's where he came from so stay tuned
Thor Freya
This is great news I mean people stop passing our dead relatives around your just disgusting people
Gross. And isn't that illegal
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asian-fiction · 6 months
Blooming Days 岁岁青莲
Episodes: 36 Runtime: 45 minutes.
Someone said it's like New Life Begins--it's not. New Life Begins is warm and fuzzy and has women working together for a common goal. This is more like Ruyi's palace.
The basic plot is that the King's concubine died giving birth to her son, and he's lusted over having another concubine like her for THIRTY YEARS in his harem. But Qinglian doesn't want to be in the royal harem and is trying to constantly escape it with her love. (Yi gege)
The main male lead, honestly, the character is an AH. He schemes to have Qinglian for himself, (which on some level is creepy because she resembles his mother?) instead of his father. And thus tries to claim her to be his concubine.
So through machinations, she's trying to escape being a concubine at any cost, but to do that, she has to survive the harem of women the princes have and their plots against her.
Through episode 4, I have no desire for the ML and FL to be together. I want her to win and escape the palace.
The clothes look loosely like Ming? I keep flipping between Song and Ming. Some of the hairstyles sometimes look like Qing, but I think they are supposed to be Han (people) descended.
Production values:
Likely dubbed, probably own voices. (i.e. I don't recognize the voices).
Visually it's purposefully composed, their some thoughtful cinematography in terms of composition and color.
Feminism tests because I'm asked…
Mako Mori: Woman wants something other than a man? Through episode 4, fail. While she doesn't want to get married into the royal family, she still wants a man, Yi. Mostly to run away with him.
Bechdel Test: Marginal pass. See, the Mako Mori fail is strong, so most of the dialogue is about men even when it's about women in an odd way. So talking about the person that resembles her? It's really about how the King loved his wife, which usually isn't that far behind.
Sexy Lamp test
The character makes a decision Yes, lots of own decisions.
Which affects other characters Yes. Several characters by episode 4.
Such that they learn something positive or negative such that the lesson learned is applied subsequently to the next step. (This can fail for about 3-4 times or they learn the wrong lesson)
This one is shaky. She doesn't seem to apply what she's learned from the previous steps, which makes her decisions hasty, and often she's led to do them under pressure, rather than take a step back, assess and then move forward. (Slightly different problem from Longest Disappointment)
Such that the events change direction based on those decisions/lessons
Nothing changes direction for her, rather since she has hasty action without solid plans, despite them saying she's clever, she's not really coming off clever. She doesn't think about step 2 and the plot moves too fast for her to prove her cleverness at any point.
Preferably more than one time.
Fail on 3 and 4, the fail on 3, is understandable. The fail on 4 is odd. Thus 5 also fails.
If you liked Ooku (really old Japanese taiga drama, not the gender switch one), Ruyi… then this is of that flavor. Lots of machinations, drama plotlines about women back stabbing each other, a woman trying to survive in a harem, it's that type.
Writing-wise, I think as of episode 4, it's a 5/10-maybe 6/10. Sometimes there are points where I think the writer could have paused and trusted the characters more rather than insert a new event to interrupt it. (The court scene, for example, could have played out better). In this way, it's more event-based than character illustrations. It's a list of bad or good things that need to happen, instead of letting the events play to their natural conclusions. Some people like this, but others, especially for politically heavy dramas like it to play out more.
If you want warm and fuzzy women cooperating--wrong drama, go somewhere else. This is mostly women fighting for a man and one woman trying to escape.
BTW, I still hate the male lead. He knew she wanted to escape with her man. He likely knew who plotted against her, etc. But then he also plotted to trap her. I'm so hoping she figures a way out.
Notes: The drama often relies on saying the main female character is clever without letter her *be* clever. And there is a huge difference in those things. The writer should give more time for the female character to be clever and have a result.
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