#peter pearce
aeonfvx · 6 months
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Peter Weyland + David 8 / Alien: Covenant (2017) / Director Ridley Scott
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0therw1zard · 16 days
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“Hey Lois, remember the time I was controversial neofolk artist Douglas P. of the band Death in June?”
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meluisart · 5 months
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"Something wonderful that was never said."
What started as a small homage to Harry and Ruth, turned into a full on digital greyscale drawing - one that I couldn't be more pleased with even if I tried. I could go on and continue to fiddle with this piece for hours but it's at the stage where it's actually perfect. As making this took several days, it's also become a bit of a homage to every HR fic writer that has kept me company with their stories these last few days. Especially @rahleeyah , @andallthatmishigas and @sigmacreations. Thank you all for the happy endings that canon never gave us.
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marylairre · 1 month
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Harry and Ruth's Tête-à-Tête getting interrupted in series 5 episode 5 is top tier, imo
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agentnico · 3 months
The Gentlemen - season 1 (2024) review
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Alright, alright, alright….. wait, McConaughey is not in this one? Oh, well that’s not alright, alright, alright…
Plot: When aristocratic Eddie inherits the family estate, he discovers that it's home to an enormous weed empire, and its proprietors aren't going anywhere.
Guy Ritchie is honestly great. Since way back when he made Lock, Stock and Snatch, he’s consistently churned out top quality entertainment, except maybe the Aladdin remake. I mean I totally get he probably got a superb pay check out of it, but honestly what in the heavens did Guy Ritchie have to do with blue genies I will never know. Regardless, where the man really excels at is when it comes to the British gangster genre. The guy can make swearing sound so poetic and melodic - it’s honestly mad how something so otherwise rude can come off utterly beautiful and delightful like a song. Especially in his 2019 film The Gentlemen, the writing in that movie was so good!! Naturally Netflix caught onto this too as we now how a spin-off series.
Going into the show I was looking forward to it but also cautious, as I was aware this new show was missing the star power of the original film. I mean can you blame me? The movie had the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant to name a few. That’s a solid load of A-listers huddled together. As for the show, the names like Theo James or Kaya Scodelario didn’t instil heavy excitement, especially with James as honestly, I always thought he was a bit of a prick. Granted this may be due to when he played the dickhead in The Inbetweeners movie, and gosh do I feel old with that reference, but he just has that face of a guy that’s so full up his own arse. Again, I’ve never met the chap, he’s probably a lovely human being, but I’ve made this prejudgment in my head and as such when I found out he was the lead of this series I naturally rolled my eyes. That being said I give Netflix props as they hired the original film director Guy Ritchie to create this spin-off and even direct some of the episodes and do a lot of the writing, so of course I was going to check this show out.
Never doubt the Guy should be a new cinematic rule. I’m proud to report that the new The Gentlemen series is a fantastic watch. It’s not the most original show, yet it plays out more-so like a Guy Ritchie’s greatest hits, as it’s got his visual flare and style, with the super cool and smooth fashion choices - honestly Scodelario has a wardrobe change every other scene and each time it felt like she was walking out of a Tom Ford fashion exhibit, and then also all the men wearing their gentlemanly suits dripping with swagger and smoking their cigars and drinking their whiskeys - the whole thing is simply infused with that signature upper-class British gangster feel. Ritchie’s signature syllable-heavy dialogue that just rolls of the tongue is also more than ever present here, and whoever decided to cast Giancarlo Esposito in this show deserves a pay rise, as Esposito’s soft-spoken melodic tone proclaiming the colourful lines of Ritchie’s rich exposition was music to the ears.
The cast here too are super game. Theo James was actually solid as the lead young duke, as he had that manly prowess and was very believable as someone who gets shit done. Kaya Scodelario I thought at first was trying too hard to mimic Michelle Dockery from the original movie, but eventually she made the role her own, and she gave enough mystery to her performance to make us feel uncertain of her true motivations. Daniel Ings as the duke loser-cocaine-addicted-brother Freddy was a lot of fun, however I would say his character became a bit overbearing and annoying in the end, as he constantly made so many mistakes throughout that I honestly kind of wanted him to get killed. It’s as if whenever the show needed an excuse for something bad to happen, they’d just get Freddy to fuck up again. Apologies for my language, I don’t usually swear in my reviews, but also this is a Guy Ritchie project we’re talking about, and he uses the F word every other sentence. So fuck it. In regards to other notable cast members, Pearce Quigley as Gospel John, a leader of a religious gang was oddly creepy yet entertaining, especially when he’d randomly scream certain lines for absolutely no reason. Pure psycho. Peter Serafinowicz and Guz Khan have amusing turns. Lastly we have two British gangster alumni Vinnie Jones and Ray Winstone. These two of course were on a different level to everyone else. Of course Vinnie Jones can be quite cheesy when it comes to acting. One can fondly remember his delivery of the line “I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!”. But when it comes to Guy Ritchie, Jones and him have always been a great pairing. Here as the duke estates’ caretaker, Vinnie is super reserved yet again super cool. I think cool is a word that can be used and abused when it comes to this show. It’s all so cool! Then Ray Winstone as the leader of the crime family… I mean it’s Ray Winstone as the leader of the crime family! He got that Godfather-level gravitas, only more Cockney, and it was great watching him do his thing.
When it comes to the story, this show is standalone to the original film. You can definitely see the inspiration though with certain narrative beats and story choices being very reflective/similar to what occurred in the film, and then the hidden weed farm under the estate looked like exactly the same set as from the film. But overall this is completely its own thing, and each episode brings more fun crime shenanigans for the characters to deal and navigate through, and it was consistently entertaining. My only complaint is that I’d say the finale a tad anti-climactic. I think with all the roughness and toughness that the characters go through, the ending tied everything up a bit too conveniently and neatly. I get I’m not to expect the most realistic thing as this is Guy Ritchie’s world, but I did want things to get a bit more messy, especially due to the build up. That being said this is a major win for Netflix, and I’m expecting a season 2 to be green-lit soon, as this is a winning package.
Overall score: 7/10
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Spooks (MI-5) - Season 1
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ceridwyn2 · 6 months
Harry & Ruth
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savycon63 · 6 days
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jackbatchelor3 · 9 months
Lexi: Dad, do I have to grow up? Ben: Not particularly Sweetheart, no. Fancy building a pillow fort?
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mariocki · 1 year
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Man in a Suitcase: Somebody Loses, Somebody... Wins? (1.19, ITC, 1968)
"Mr. McGill, I was told that you do dangerous work for money. I offer you dangerous work - and I offer you money in proportion."
"What proportion?"
"Name your price."
"Ok. I get a legitimate visa. I travel under my own name, using my own passport. I'll obey every law in the book. And if I smell the slightest aroma of trouble, baby, I'm heading home. And if I locate your brother, it's gonna cost you twenty thousand dollars, plus expenses. And if I don't locate your brother... it'll cost you twenty thousand dollars, plus expenses."
"Those are difficult terms."
"Do me a favour, turn me down."
#man in a suitcase#somebody loses‚ somebody... wins?#itc#1968#jan read#john glen#richard bradford#jacqueline pearce#godfrey quigley#carl duering#philip madoc#gordon sterne#paul hansard#carl bernard#peter hager#derek prentice#wendy hall#david scheuer#bettina jonic#maria warburg#gerda koeppler#for me‚ not just the pinnacle of MiaS‚ but one of the best individual episodes of tv that ITC ever produced. and an unlikely success too:#this was the final episode of the first production block‚ with Bradford and crew growing tired and in need of a break. it was also John#Glen's directorial debut (having worked as an editor and a.d.) and went over schedule‚ to his horror (he thought he'd blown his chance)#plus on set accidents and bts arguments.. but no‚ the final product is absolutely wonderful (ymmv ig). Jan Read had ended up writing for#show through pure coincidence (his Spanish wife did some language work on 1.16 The Man Who Stood Still) but his script is the show at its#sharpest‚ wittiest‚ darkest and most cutting. Jac Pearce‚ having forged a genuine friendship with Bradford on 1.7‚ returned in a bigger#role as a former love of McGill's who may or may not have defected. cue a bitterly nihilistic study of the collateral victims of the cold#war‚ as a job in East Berlin gets murkier and more complicated. it's beautifully written‚ but wonderfully played too; the pair have genuine#chemistry‚ and you really feel like in another world they could have made it work together. sobs. maybe next time round.
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wolfdrum · 11 months
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Sketch Harry
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meluisart · 1 month
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Series 4 episode 10 is my genuine favourite. Favourite character centric, favourite director/writer and the cherry on top: the glorious scene at the near-end with Ruth and Harry. So... I must sketch.
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marylairre · 5 months
Spooks soundtrack - Track 16. Ruth's Farewell
Composed by Paul Leonard-Morgan Series 5, Episode 5 'The Message' Interestingly enough the track itself is about a minute shorter than the actual scene. It cuts off when Ruth gets onto the boat, up until then the track syncs up perfectly with the episode. One might argue the episode was originally supposed to finish there. For the departure of the boat, the track was looped around and has a rather awkward cut-off as a result. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite smooth that out. Several beats of the latter half of the track make their return on several occassions throughout the later seasons and form the leitmotif that could be considered Harry and Ruth's theme.
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bonniehooper · 1 year
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Top Picks of 2022
My Top 20 Favorite TV Shows - #16: Mare of Easttown
Show Premiered: April 18th, 2021
Show Ended: May 30th, 2021
Started Watching: December 2021
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nobody7102 · 2 years
Thank you for the Tag @fanboygarcia 💜💜
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Peter Parker (Spider-Man(Tobey))
Roman Pearce (Fast and Furious)
Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia (TG: Maverick)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Rhett Abbott (Outer Range)
Sidney Prescott (Scream)
Sarah Bailey (The Craft)
Robby Keene (Cobra Kai)
Eleanor ‘Nellie’ Crain (The Haunting of Hill House)
Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
No pressure tags! @rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist @jungle-angel @bradshawsbaby @bradshawswife @mothdruid @beachbabey @thedaredevilsgirl @weakling-grace @glodessa
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