#petrova doppelgangers
readingandrelaxing · 29 days
Katherine Pierce: The Fan-Favourite Villian
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Katherine is badass.
We all know this by now.
But one of the main reasons why people like her, is the fact that she is different and even better from the rest of the female characters on the show.
While the rest of the characters allow themselves to be used and abused for the benefit of others, Katherine always prioritises herself above everyone else. That's one of the main reasons why she has lived for so long even when the Original Hybrid was hunting her.
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Also, if we see her dynamic with the Salvatore brothers, it is drastically different from their dynamic with Elena. As I've mentioned in my previous post about Elena when Katherine was with the Salvatore brothers, it was always her who was in control. Albeit, she was the vampire in that case and the Salvatores were humans, and her relationship with them is also toxic. But we must also never forget that Katherine did love them. She just prioritised her own life over her love for them.
Which brings me to my next point. This decision of hers makes her drastically different from not just Elena, but even the rest of the female characters on the show. Characters like Bonnie, Caroline etc, they're all very similar to each other in terms of their decisions. Sure, they are strong, independent women who can defend themselves but the moment their loved ones are threatened, everyone is ready to jump on the bandwagon as a meatshield to protect their loved ones.
Katherine is not like that. She is selfish, cunning and cruel, but she's also passionate, fierce and authentic. She knows how to love, she loves a few special people around her, but she's also smart enough to not put her own life in danger just to save someone else's. This provides a unique authenticity and complexity to her character, making her likeable and relatable.
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Katherine is not the main character in the story. She's the character who comes and goes occasionally, yet, viewers look forward to her presence. And, she's not even a 'good' character. She's cruel and heartless. At least that's what the show wants us to think.
I won't try to defend her by saying that she wasn't cruel. Yes, she was. She has done horrible things in her life, and it is arguable whether she can be redeemed. But it is her cruelty and brutality which adds authenticity to her character. There is no other character like her, who is cruel and brutal and yet can feel qualities like love and care.
The love she had for Stefan and Damon was real. Some might argue that it wasn't, and these arguments make her an interesting character. She's debatable, her actions make someone think twice to form an opinion about her. Her character is complex and it has always divided fans.
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Her complex character makes her unpredictable. With most other females on the show, it is almost guaranteed that the audience will guess what their reaction to the situation might be.
With Bonnie, everyone knows that she'll jump into the line of fire just to save her friends. Even when being obviously overpowered, she has the least importance which is honestly a sad thing to see. But that's a story for another day.
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And then there's Caroline, who's usually ignored despite being willing to become a meatshield for her friends. She's ignored because she's 'less important' than Elena. Although, she's far more liked by fans than Elena but yet again, that's not for today.
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And then there's our protagonist, Elena Gilbert. I already have one post about her, you can check it out here.
But what makes Katherine special, and better than these ladies is her unpredictability. When she was first introduced, many believed her to be a heartless b- but as the show went on, we got to the humane, more natural and mundane side of her. Her choices were varied, they weren't always selfish. They weren't always selfless either.
Her reactions to things were always different. You never know what Katherine is thinking.
And that makes her endearing, attractive and interesting.
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Another notable aspect of Katherine is that exceptionally intelligent. She is a survivor in its true sense, being self-sufficient and perpetually vigilant. She knows how to take care of herself, she knows how to stay alive by herself. She doesn't rely on anybody, she knows what she wants and what she needs.
Though the main characters in the show are also intelligent, they're always in a group. They're a group of friends, looking out for each other and trying to keep each other alive. There is no one with Katherine. She has to do everything alone, and people find it easier to relate to that. Not everyone has a group of friends who'd take a bullet for you.
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There's another important thing I'd like to address. Many would argue with me based on this since it is a controversial topic. But we have to acknowledge this.
Katherine knew that Stefan is the man you choose in life.
Not Damon.
Though Katherine loved both of them, she still chose Stefan over his brother. With good reason.
We have seen how explosive, mostly irrational, and hot-tempered Damon is. Unapologetically so. He doesn't care about right or wrong for the benefit of himself as well as the people he loves. Ironically, his behaviour is similar to Katherine's, while Elena and Stefan are of similar characteristics.
But that does not mean that Damon is the man you choose. Damon is the kind of man you friend zone, not fall in love with. He's controlling, up to the extent that he fed his own blood to Elena forcefully just to make sure that she wouldn't die while Klaus broke the curse. He was uncaring of the fact that she did not want to become a vampire and that she'd rather die. He had also snapped Jeremy's neck twice because Elena rejected him. Is this the kind of man women want to end up with?
Stefan is also protective, ferocious and ruthless to his enemies. But when it came down to it, he allowed Elena the dignity of her own choice. He respected her decisions, even when they'd land her in trouble. He helped her become her own independent person, and their relationship didn't reek of power imbalance despite one of them being an immortal vampire.
It might be a tough pill to swallow for most fans of the show, but we all must admit that Stefan is the better brother.
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In conclusion, Katherine is an amazing, astounding character, but she has her own flaws and cons. She's headstrong, ruthless and manipulative, but also has a kind, loving, humane side to herself which makes her remarkable and unforgettable.
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Thanks for reading!
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livlepretre · 4 months
Hi, me again! I just published the video. The link to my YouTube channel is https://youtube.com/@Vita771?si=nUKgPtjxGdZW1TRs. I have many more edits and will be publishing them too! Thank you for your kind response!
oh wow neat!
everyone, go watch and support!
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louisahalewrites · 2 years
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Chapter 4 Up...things get crazy...
idk how I feel about it. To mystical too soon? I mean (spoiler) Hades and Persephone show up, I think I've lost it? lol
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jennifersminds · 2 months
me when i’m left unsupervised
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sothisisablog · 24 days
Eddie pulling a Stefan Salvatore is so fucking funny to me. Imagine Kim finding a photo of Shannon like Elena found that photo of Katherine.
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maresidereum · 24 days
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"When they drank the immortality elixir, they violated the natural law that all living things must die, so Nature found a balance by creating mortal shadow selves. Doppelgängers."
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allrelativefiction · 2 months
sorry for the elena gilbert spam I've been rewatching tvd and I am remembering just how much she is my babygirl, angel, pookie bear etc
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elejahmybeloved · 6 months
Rebekah's doppelganger
Rebekah Mikaelson x Petrova Doppelgänger
Rebekah watched the doppelgänger twirl on stage and curled her lips in disgust. God she was spitting image of Katerina, and how Bekah had despised that retched wench. She had warned her brothers of her duplicitous nature, but they had dismissed her. Nik had underestimated her cunning, and Elijah had overestimated her feelings for him; and none of them had listened to their sister, as always. Katerina had been cruel to Rebekah, even before knowing about the sacrifice. She was all honeyed words and fluttering eyelashes around her brothers, and cutting barbs when it was just them girls. Now Rebekah didn’t consider herself a particularly nice person, but she wasn’t nearly as cruel as the doppelgänger had been. She had deeply hated her the day she made her cry. No one had made Rebekah cry in over two centuries, but that bitch had, and she couldn’t eve, retaliate because Nik needed her alive. So all she had done was cry herself to sleep like the pathetic human she most decidedly was not. And to add insult to injury, Katerina was the reason Rebekah lost Elijah for a full century. That was literally the worst century of her life. Worse than the 11th century when they all had to grapple with Finn’s suicidal tendencies, worse than the 12th one when Nik killed The Five and spent half of it suffering under the Hunter’s Curse, worse even than the 14th one when Kol had angered a coven of witches enough for them to summon Mikael on them.
First Nik had taken his fury out on Elijah by delivering him to a pack of werewolves. She could never forget Elijah’s screams and hallucinations from all that venom coursing through his veins. Then he had daggered Elijah and spelled his coffin away so Rebekah wouldn’t free him without his permission. Then he had awoken Kol, which had afforded her a decade of reprieve while the two of them partied like there was no tomorrow, though she did resent being excluded from their little boys’ club, again. But then Kol had pulled his disappearing act, as always, the little weasel. One minute he was sharing a drink and a redhead with Nik, the next he was gone in the wind. That was when Nik’s abandonment issues had reared their ugly head. Rebekah couldn’t take a step without her brother shadowing her, snarling at anyone who got too close to her. And while she loved her brother deeply, it had gotten too frustrating too fast. And when her temper had risen, she found herself daggered for a couple years. And they repeated that cycle for almost a century before Kol almost got himself killed in Spain and Nik finally undaggered Elijah so he could help them fight off Mikael and take off with Kol’s body secured in a coffin.
Rebekah glowered at the face responsible for all her sorrows. She looked down at the program and scoffed. The illustration looked nothing like the dancer; it made her look plain, tame, boring. The doppelgänger was something else entirely. She had the same doe eyes as the others, the same thick wavy hair that was struggling to escape the strict bun that contained it, the same tall and dainty silhouette. She had more grace than the others though, jumping from pirouette to pirouette, never missing a beat, twirling a dizzy around the other dancers. She shone so bright even the spotlight looked pale in comparison. By the time the show was over, the entire theatre was standing up to lavish her with applause and flowers.
Rebekah ignored the wave of spectators leaving and slipped backstage instead. Nik had already lost his chance once. If she brought him his second chance, she was sure she could convince him to give up her dagger to her. And all it would take would be to snatch the human doppelgänger and run back to Italy with her. Easy. She sneaked around the makeup stations and changing rooms, looking for a glimpse of her.
“Look girls, we have an admirer,” said a deep sultry voice on her left and Rebekah turned to see dancers part, letting the object of her search come into view.
They were the same height. And this close, Rebekah could count each of her long lashes. She could see the blush on her olive skin, starting on her cheeks and spreading down her long neck. She could smell her sweet jasmine perfume mixed with tangy sweat from a demanding performance transforming into a unique scent that was all hers. She had already freed her hair and it cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face and her heaving glistening cleavage. Her pink lips were pulled in a pouty smirk. Rebekah’s reply got stuck in her throat.
“Have we made you tongue-tied?” she chuckled. Even her raspy laugh was sensual.
Rebekah bit her tongue to keep herself from acquiescing. She was 700 years old for god’s sake, she didn’t get flustered anymore. She forcefully pushed her shoulders back and lifted her chin.
“What’s your name?” she asked her in her most imperious tone.
“Nastya,” she answered and it irritated Rebekah to no end how everything she said held a slightly amused tone, as if the entire world were a joke only she knew about. “What’s yours?”
“Well, Bekah,” the way she wrapped her mouth around her name should be forbidden, “you’ve come just in time.”
“In time for what?”
“We have this tradition…”
“– calling it a tradition doesn’t make it fancy –“ another dancer interrupted.
“– we do it every day, that makes it a tradition –“
“– it makes it alcoholism –“
“– will you let me speak? God!”
Rebekah watched the exchange with a deep fascination, the way irritation bled into her tone and made her sound younger, the way she rolled her eyes at her friend before turning back to her, the way she tried to make her voice breathier when she addressed the vampire. Rebekah thought herself the only one affected; she could sigh from relief seeing it wasn’t the case
“Anyway, there’s this ladies club we go to after our performance. The owner always has the best table put aside for us, and the champagne is to die for.”
“For god's sake, Anastasya, be honest! The champagne tastes like piss but it does the job,” her friend cut her off again and the other dancers’ laugh echoed around them.
“Do you always lie so much?” Rebekah scoffed.
“Only when I want to impress pretty girls,” Nastya teased back despite the blush spreading from her chest to her neck. “Is it working?”
“Not in the slightest,” Rebekah replied haughtily.
Her answer was quickly proven wrong though when they spent the next three days joined at the hips, then at the lips, then at the hips and lips. Nastya’s fellow dancers had to literally drag her out of bed for their next performance.
Pretty soon, Rebekah found herself travelling with the ballerinas from city to city. She spent her days touring the towns and sceneries with Nastya. She spent her evenings admiring her lover entrance everyone with her stage presence. She spent her nights showing her exactly just how much of an effect she had on her.
When one of her spies brought her news of Nik’s and Elijah’s visit, she was grateful for her centuries old paranoia. Rebekah stormed Nastya’s changing room and knocked the comb from her hands.
“I need you listen to me very carefully,” she put her hands around her face and bored her eyes into hers, “I need you to pack as light a bag as you can, and get out of this town as fast as you can.”
“What?” Nastya laughed and gently removed Bekah’s hands. “Sweetheart, I have to dance for my supper.”
“I’ll give you all the money you need but you need to leave.”
Nastya got up and steeled her face. “If I wanted to be a kept woman, I would have accepted any of those fools’ propositions over the years. I enjoy your company Bekah, but do not make me choose between dancing and you.”
“That’s not what I… ugh,” Rebekah pulled her hair at the roots. “You are in grave danger. I am not exaggerating when I say that your mortal enemy will be in attendance tonight and you cannot let him get even a glimpse of you.”
Nastya’s jaw hung open. “My mortal enemy?” she scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself? I’m not some tragic heroine in a story, for god’s sake. My life is utterly boring and the biggest antagonist in my story is the humidity that destroys my coiffures.”
“I am dead serious.”
Hesitation washed over Nastya’s face. “You truly believe that, don’t you?” Her eyes roamed Rebekah’s face and whatever she saw made her pale. She sat back down and braced her head on her hands. “Oh my god, what is wrong with me? The first woman I fall in love with, and she’s completely crazy?”
Rebekah froze. She listened to Nastya’s heartbeat, but it didn’t betray any lie on her part. She approached her slowly, and crouched in front of her. She slowly pried her hands from her face and looked her in the eyes.
“I love you, more than I ever thought I could love anyone in my life.” More than my own freedom, she thought, you have no idea what this conversation could cost me. “I am not trying to destroy your life; I am trying to save it.” She took a fortifying breath. “I hope what you’re about to see won’t change your feelings for me.” Rebekah closed her eyes and let her fangs fall down. When she opened them, she knew there would be red irises surrounded by black and purple veins. She expected fear, even disgust. She didn’t expect Nastya’s fingers to reach for her fangs and trace them reverently. Her thumb snagged on one, and a drop of blood bubbled on the skin. Rebekah’s eyes were transfixed on the perfect pearl of red. She guided it to her tongue, and her eyes closed at the contact. A low moan escapes her. When she opened her eyes again, Nastya’s were just as heavy lidded as hers felt. She swirled her tongue around the finger one last time, and Nastya’s breath hitched.
Rebekah reached a hand and cupped her face. “There are things in this world I can’t explain, not right now, not in this short time. But I want to the chance to do that. And for that, you need to leave. Go East, and then South, to Khabarovsk Village. Look for Lubov, she’s a witch I trust. Tell her I sent you and I need her to cloak you. Then keep going east. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going.  Hide your face. I will find you.”
“A witch, wait a minute…” Nastya’s eyes fluttered, her hand that was still trapped in Rebekah’s shaking.
“I wish I could break this to you softer, my love, I truly do. But time is not on our side. You need to leave and follow my instructions to the letter. I will do everything to protect you on my side.”
“I don’t understand. Why won’t you come with me?”
Bekah shook her head. “They know I’m here. If I disappear they’ll come looking for us, and they’ll find you and I can’t let that happen. You go. I’ll stay here and lose them. And once it’s safe, I will find you.” She repeats it like a mantra, a prayer to any existing deity that might be listening.
“Is that a promise?” Nastya grabbed Bekah’s wrist.
“It’s a vow.” She sealed with a searing kiss. She pushed her away before either of them was ready to break it but time was of the essence.
While Nastya made her escape, Rebekah compelled everyone who had ever seen her face to forget it. She couldn’t bring herself to make them forget her existence, but she could make them forget just what her face looked like exactly. She then compelled them to believe she had run off with some random officer. Even the hypothetical idea made her blood boil with jealousy. Then came the hardest part. She chose one of the dancers, Irina, who had similar build and colouring to her Nastya, and compelled her to believe she had been the one having a months long affair with Bekah. She then compelled the others to corroborate her story.
Once she was done, she joined her brothers for dinner. Elijah was in a good mood, he always liked Russia. Niklaus was on edge. He didn’t like being separated from her for too long. In fact, the three months she just spent away from her siblings were a record. Sometimes, she resented Kol for his ability to disappear for decades on end without anyone caring. She knew he resented her for holding so much of Nik’s love, but he had no idea how suffocating that could be. After dinner, they went to her usual seat to watch the ballet, as Nik already knew she did from his own spies.
Rebekah only relaxed when the show started and Nastya’s understudy showed up on stage. On her right, Elijah was just as enraptured as she had been the first time. On her left, Nik got bored after five minutes. He held the program in his hands and casually thumbed through it.
“That’s not Anastasiya, is it?”
Rebekah froze. “What?”
He showed her the second page of the program where an illustration of Nastya ate up most of the space, he needlessly pointed at the face she knew far too well. “Anastasiya, isn’t she supposed to be the big star? This dancer looks nothing like her.” Indeed the short blonde understudy looked nothing like devastating brunette the illustration depicted.
Elijah reached over Rebekah to look at it and hummed. “No, she does not, does she? I must say, that is a disappointment. I had heard so much about the lovely Anastasiya. Her replacement leaves much to be desired.”
“Bekah, you’ve been shacking up with the troop,” Nik teased. “You must have all the scoops. Tell us every sordid detail,” he nudged her shoulder with his. “Did her understudy break her leg in a bid to win the spotlight?”
“It’s all very boring I’m afraid,” Rebekah drawled, “yet another dancer running away with a lowly officer. I heard there might be a pregnancy involved, though that could just be a nasty rumour. Either way, it’s a shame. She could have become something.”
“And what about your dancer?” asked Nik, his program forgotten. “What was her name again?”
“Irina,” she ground out. “What of her?”
“I’m just curious. Should I worry about you turning her without my permission? You do get attached so easily.”
“Niklaus,” Elijah admonished, “let our sister be happy.”
“Are you happy, sister dear?”
Rebekah looked at him and schooled her face. The more enthusiasm Nik could see, the more ammunition he had to use against her.
“I’m having fun, Nik,” she drawled. “Is that allowed in your book?”
He flashed his dimples at her.
“Just don’t have too much fun. I’d rather not have to kill an entire troop of dancers. Or, better yet, come home with us, where I can keep a better eye on you.”
“I’m not bored yet,” she shrugged. “When I am, trust I’ll be on the first ride out of here.”
Nik huffed in displeasure but he didn’t argue. He picked up the program again.
“Elijah,” he called, ignoring the displeased tsks of the other spectators. “Does she remind you of anyone?” he thrust the program over Rebekah’s lap and into Elijah’s hands.
Elijah examined Nastya’s face, and Rebekah held her breath. She always thought that illustration didn’t do her justice, but she couldn’t underestimate her brothers’ obsession with the doppelgänger’s face.
“Perhaps around the eyes,” he mused.
Nik reached over Rebekah to snatch the program back and she finally lost her temper and slapped his arm away.
“Will you stop embarrassing me and let me enjoy the show?” she hissed.
He ignored her and examined the illustration again.
“Could she be..?”
“No,” Elijah answered, his voice leaving no room for argument. “I thought so too at first, those eyes are uncanny. But no, she isn’t. I would recognize her anywhere.”
“Yes, you would, wouldn’t you?” Nik sneered and Elijah pursed his lips.
Rebekah exhaled discreetly and focused back on the unfortunate understudy. She really was lacklustre.
Her brothers stayed in town for a full month, trying to coax her into joining them in Italy. She managed to convince them to give her a few weeks to say goodbye.
As soon as they left, she went in search of Nastya. She travelled East, and then South. She looked for her everywhere. Her witch contact had disappeared. She hired witches to put a location spell on both the witch and Nastya, to no avail. She spent six months looking for her. It was already double the time they spent together and she couldn’t even find a trace of her. She curved her body into a ball on her bed and cried every tear in her body. Then she just stayed there. She fell into a deep depression that left her stuck in bed for weeks that soon bled into months. She couldn’t eat, or sleep. She didn’t even feed. By the time her brothers found her, she had started desiccating. Nik sighed as he crouched to look at her and gently brushed her dirty hair away from her gaunt face.
“What is it this time?” he asked, his voice soft.
“She left me,” she croaked. Her words scratched at her dehydrated vocal cords like sandpaper.
“I will kill her and everyone she’s ever met,” Nik promised. “Tell me who she is.”
She couldn’t talk anymore, her throat was paralyzed. Nik bit into his wrist and brought it up to her mouth but she ignored him. His blood ran down her chin and stained the already dirty sheets. Not even the smell of it made her react. Her survival instincts were gone. Nik stormed out, instructing Elijah to stay by her side. He came back two days later with tales of how he flayed Irina open and slaughtered the entire dancing troop. Rebekah didn’t react. She couldn’t find it in her to feel neither guilt nor pity.
She heard Nik and Elijah confer with each other in hushed tones. Nik sounded scared, Elijah worried. She didn’t care about either. Elijah tried to coax her into a sitting position, to no avail. Nik brought her soup mixed with warm blood; she let it get cold on the nightstand. They spent days trying to bring her back to life. Elijah with his kind words and gentle touches, Nik with his taunts and temptations, none of them succeeded. If she could feel anything, she might have felt pity for them, or sorrow for herself, or anger at Nastya, or guilt for the lives fallen on her behalf, or even shame for her weakness. She felt nothing. They conferred again and this time, they sounded like they agreed.
Elijah held her face and kissed her forehead. “I am sorry, Rebekah,” he whispered, “I wish I could spare you this pain.”
Nik held the dagger to her chest. For the first time, he looked apologetic while he did. “You’ve left me no choice, sister. It’s for your own good.” He pushed the dagger and she finally went to sleep.
They woke her again weeks later, after they had finished making arrangements for their move to New Orleans. The weather, the food, and the music there were so different from Russia it seemed to bring her back to life. She let the southern sun warm her frozen heart and the Mississippi drown out thoughts of Nastya. And months later, she even found herself wishing her the best, wherever she was. She hoped she’d never see her again, for both of their sakes.
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Round 1 - Day 1
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brunettemarionette · 2 years
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The vampire hadn't planned on being sweet on you, but she couldn't help it after meeting you. The only thing was she was pretending to be annoying plain old Elena Gilbert.
Bringing a cherry up to her mouth with a sigh, she was about to bite into it until you walked through the door looking beautiful, but then she thought you looked gorgeous every day.
This time, however, you left her almost speechless "Wow, you look hot," She gasps, wondering how you were able to render her into a spluttering mess. 
"Oh, um, thanks, Lena..." Your eyebrow knitted together, trying to figure out if your best friend was hitting on you or not. Elena had never shown any romantic tendencies towards you before.
"Huh? Oh, right, I'm Elena." Katherine whispered to herself as she brushed her hair behind her ear, already annoyed at the action. "What I was trying to say is that dress looks totally amazing. I need to borrow it sometime."
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thingsistan · 1 year
Hello Everyone! I madea drawing of the most iconic vampire to ever exist: Katherine Pierce
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I Hope you like it 🩸
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petrovanity · 2 years
¹ . tag drop. 〝 relationships. 〞 09 2022
⁰¹²³ with ﹠ and ‚ ¹ . tag. 〝 quote. 〞
³ . damon. 〝 you knew everything‚ every step of the way. 〞
³ . stefan. 〝 for one fleeting moment‚ your feelings were real. 〞
³ . nadia. 〝 i went back for you. 〞
³ . elena. 〝 i was you before you even existed. 〞
³ . bonnie. 〝 the vampire-hating bennett witch. 〞
³ . caroline. 〝 we're gonna have so much fun together. 〞
³ . mikaelsons. 〝 you’re meant to catch me. 〞
³ . doppelgangers. 〝 fated to live the same life. 〞
³ . lovers. 〝 how will i ever choose? 〞
³ . friends. 〝 she sold them out without blinking. 〞
³ . family. 〝 you have the petrova fire. 〞
³ . mystic falls. 〝 there's no world without her. 〞
³ . katerina. 〝 the sweet peasant girl. 〞
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livlepretre · 4 months
Hello! So, basically, I love everything you write. I got into TVD fanfiction without watching the series themselves. I learned the plot of it through fanfics. I think your first fic I read was "(The Stars Were Brightly Shining)". I immediately fell in love with it. Now when I reread it, I already know what the next sentence is about. Then I read "Fairytale Ending". It was long and, unlike many long books, completely justified its length. I loved it so much; I came back to reread the whole fic a year after and after rereading it (and also reading your posts here on Tumblr!) I realized I wanted to actually watch the series. And I did. (It did not disappoint me.) I felt inspired enough to start making edits, and right now I'm putting them out on YouTube. The thing is, I got really interested about how alike goppelgangers are. I remember you talking about the doppelganger nature in SWBS (she's a doppelganger, she must kill all her reflections.) and, needless to say, about possible similarities between Katherine and Elena. So now I'm asking for your permission to say in the annotation of my edit about Katherine & Elena that you were my inspiration. (Without you I would have never thought about this.) Thank you for writing so beautiful fics!
Oh, what a kind note to receive on a Sunday morning!
If you'd like to cite me, then by all means, please go ahead! But you don't have to if you don't want, although it is very thoughtful!
And can you please send a link to your edits so I and others can find them? I would love to see your work!
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 months
summary - games were always katherine’s intentions, and as the prized possession and girlfriend of her nemesis and doppelgänger elena gilbert, she just had to have you (2.7k)
warnings - 18+ smut minors dni, fingering, cheating, swearing, slight degradation, mentions of katherine’s past
katherine pierce works other tvd works masterlist
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There was one that hated your girlfriend with a deadly intent; her name was Katherine Pierce, she was a destructive vampire, who had taken much a toll on people's lives. It was her life goal to make people sufficiently miserable, for she felt the same, she had been chased for her bloodline for hundreds of years by one of the most powerful families. Her ignited hatred was directed towards Elena Gilbert, the woman that you were dating. Elena was a spark of joy in the darkness that often gloomed over Mystic Falls, she was a symbol of eternal mortality that often had your body intertwined in comfort, however there was something in regard to Katerina Petrova that made your heart rapidly beat, and your palms grow sweaty. They shared the same appearance so perhaps that could have been why you were so drawn to her, but you knew that wasn't it all alone; the aura that she carried was addictive like a drug, it was understandable how both Salvatore brothers had fallen for the promiscuous vampire, claiming to love her at times. And whilst your feelings were not that strong towards the strong immortal, lust encased you each and every time that you thought of her, even if you were in the company of your own girlfriend, of whom you were currently with.
Her locks were straight as she combed her hands through the brunette strands, she was seated by the window in her bedroom, a familiar book beholden in between her fingers as she scrawled on the pages with ink that dispersed from the black pen that she was using. Her journal. It was filled with many secrets and first hand experiences of the dangerous encounters that she faced, and most people would be driven by the darkness inside of their souls to look inside, but you were not, you assumed it was because when it boiled down to it you had your own secrets that you had no intentions to share with Elena, and that you understood that on a personal note that there were some things that people preferred to keep private. And thus, you respected the space that she needed to release her thoughts as you lay on her bed, removing your gaze so that it was aimed up at the ceiling, and allowed your mind to drift away to your own secrets. It went back to Katherine, as though she were a sickness that you just couldn't shake, and that was a rather accurate way to describe it. Admittedly you felt quite an arise of guilt as you were splayed upon your partner's bed thinking of another woman, it wasn't right nor fair.
A part of you wished that you could tell Elena the truth about how you felt, you loved her and you had no goals to hurt her in the way that expressing your dark attraction towards her doppelganger would do. She continuously compared herself to her vampire counterpart, and you didn't need to make her feel any more insecure about their relation and indifferent outer appearances than she already did, and so you sat up, dragging your eyes over to Elena again. The way that she was so invested and lost in recounting her experience was beautiful, it was as though everything, but her body had abandoned this timeline, and that she was becoming a part of the past all over again. It caused a content smile to appear on your face; she was all that you needed, and thus you stood from the bed and began to walk towards her, catching her attention. Her opal brown eyes focused on you, lifting up from the paper she had scribbled upon as she put it on the side beside her. "It's getting rather late, I think I should head out." You told her to which she stood, enclosing the space between the pair of you, unaware of why you were really leaving. The guilt was still eating away at you, and until you awoke in the morning, it would remain there, tomorrow was going to be a fresh start, you planned not to think about Katherine whatsoever.
A small crush never hurt anybody, but this was deeper than that, and would be to Elena also. The best thing to do would be shake all remnants of emotion out of the truth, and prioritise the relationship that you were currently in. Elena wound her arms around your neck, pressing your bodies closer together, and if it were in her fashion you were sure she would have pouted, but that was definitely more of a Katherine thing. "Okay." She spoke with a smile, not suspicious in the slightest which was a major relief. "I'll miss you, and I'll see you tomorrow morning at cheer practice." To put an all-consuming finale to her words, she conjoined your lips, and that was how Katerina Petrova left your mind and was diverted elsewhere in your brain. Your hand weaved into the back of her perfectly styled hair, inherently pulling her closer to rouse more passion into the kiss, ensuring that she knew that you loved her although the pair of you hadn't said those words yet. It wasn't that you didn't feel anything for her, but you forbade yourself from saying such a meaningful sentiment until she was the only one that made your stomach churn and your heart coil from impact of ravenous beats.
Finally, the pair of you split apart, your lips dragging along one another's one last time until that was it. "Bye babe." Your fingers caressed her arm as you retraced your steps out from her room, descending down the stairs and out of the house, to where you saw Jeremy talking to Alaric by his truck. You sent them a wave on your way off the drive as you walked through the streets of Mystic Falls all by your lonesome; it'd have been a stupid thing for just anyone to do, however you knew of the dangers that lurked when the sun set, and to be accurate whilst it was still in the sky. Vampires had the tactical advantage of daylight rings which therefore allowed them to perform their stalking of prey whenever they wished, and they would not disintegrate to ash for it. There was a feeling tugging at your gut when you got closer to your home that you were being followed, you whipped your head around but to no avail saw anything. Either it was all in your head or whatever had an idea to pick you up for dinner knew what they were doing, you had a suspicion of the latter and thus picked up your pace, wanting to get inside to avoid a run in with a bloodsucker.
However you should have known that it would have realised that you had caught onto its almost invisible advances, and one you were about to head down the last turning to reach your home, a hand grabbed you, tugging you into the area between two houses. A tired sigh fell from your lips; you'd recognise that intoxicating perfume any day, you'd spent hours trying to get this particular vampire out of your head and when you had finally managed to do so, she chooses to track you down. "What do you want Katherine?" The brunette cocked her head at you, snickering lightly at your question, as though she were amused by interlocking two brothers to be in love with her, which she had done before. And now you were her target, she would strip you down to your very core until you were a withering servant to her heart, and make you forget all about her doppelganger. She was far more interesting anyways, and exciting and could show you far more than the small town girl that you had committed yourself to.
But you loved Elena, she was the one that you knew logically you could have a future with, rather than being on the run with for the rest of your sorry life. "I thought it was obvious," she carried a sprawled and prideful smile upon her features, as her chocolate eyes probed at you for a selfish purpose, and you felt adequately drawn into her sultry trap. And the worst thing was, you couldn't find it in yourself to be swallowing guilt, she had captured you and intermingled your essence into her deviousness, even after all of the horrid games that she had played. You should of resented everything of her entire being, considering her satire feud against your partner and friends, however her very personality beneath her traumatic past made you evoke pity for the woman.
Sighing heavily, you kept your eyes fixed, forcing them not to roll at the suspension that she purposely left you with. "You aren't getting anything from me Katherine, so knock off the act. Leave me and Elena alone, maybe occupy yourself with Damon and Stefan as you once had; you've already ruined their lives, so allow the rest of us to get on with our own." But despite your words, that wasn't what you'd ever admit that you wanted, you loved the adrenaline that you experienced when you were in her resented company, it was dangerous and exciting, and you hated that you felt addicted to it - to her. She cocked a fragrant smile once again, her irises illuminating with deviancy, which was nothing estranged from Katherine's usual self.
"I don't care about little, precious Elena," she blankly and openly stated, daring to inch closer to your personal space which you had previously accounted to be forbidden. "However I am quite enamoured with you, perhaps you'd enjoy 'spending time' with somebody who is more exhilarating than Elena." Katherine Pierce was a confident woman, and she enjoyed putting Elena in where she thought to be her place, however you couldn't cave without a dire purpose, you did love Elena... but the sweet pungency of her perfume hit your nostrils, making your brain delirious and no doubt your actions swayed by her vixen like seduction. "Come on y/n/n, live a little. I'd be pleased to be her upgraded replacement, after all, I always get what I want."
"And you want me?" You pretended to sound astounded, an aghast facade of shock exhibiting across your face as your brows drew wearingly together. But you weren't nervous about Katherine's actions, you wanted to have control over your own, to be stubborn against her effective persuasion. Too many had fallen victim to her cunning sexual appeal, and whilst you couldn't fault them to the magnetising tug that she pulled them in with as you were conditioned with the same plague, you couldn't do that out of not only the respect that you held towards those you cared for, but yourself as well. But your body fought aggressively against your rationalising mind, desiring to be dangerously closer to the immortal woman before you.
"I haven't been vacant about that fact," she once again moved closer, her face directly before yours, "and I can't blame myself. I've always loved the chase after a beautiful woman, but the time is up and the game is finally over, because Elena or no Elena, I will take what I want, just like she did with the Salvatores." She was using the mention of Damon and Stefan to bait you, you remembered watching them pine after your girlfriend and it awoke a fuse within your human soul. Jealousy, you shared the feeling of which the vampire in your eye line held for your relationship with her soft natured doppelgänger, and it brewed a heavy weight in your chest. She had you exactly where she had intended, and she took it as her vast opportunity to whisk her face significantly closer, brushing her poisonous lips against your own.
"Then prove it Katherine." The sin washed over you, and before you knew it your body was against the uncomfortable brick wall behind you, her mouth practically devouring your own. And you hated to pursue such a cheat, but Katherine always had a point, no matter how cruel and satire it was to be. Your heart patted in your vulnerable body like a blood induced marathon, and the monster in disguise could hear every beat, and it only aroused her slyness farther. It would be sensible and a control of your morals to stop kissing her, but the way her hands massaged your hips had you squirming in conjunction to pressing your thighs together that were trapped from a sexual relief.
It was her intention to prove everything to you, and your muse of a body, she could sense through all of her versatile abilities that she was driving you stirringly insane. "I told you I get exactly what I want." She hissed from the barricade of your clashing teeth, her hands creeping inwards and creeping up to the button of your jeans, expertly zipping down its metallic fly. You were already wet, and although she knew already knew due to her stern direction of scent, it held no comparison to feeling your wetness drizzle wantonly down her fingers that had discovered the inside of your underwear.
She twirled her experienced digits around your folds, before drifting upwards to your sensitive clit, that yearned for attention every time that the enemy that shared an appearance with your girlfriend was near. "Fuck." You whimpered, throwing your head back and resting it on the neighbourhood architecture, pouting when she decided to neglect your rosey bud of pleasure, however she had no discern to uphold the desperate contact that she shared with you. Instead she travelled further between your spasming thighs, drifting the length of her finger through your wet entrance, and it easily glided inside.
"I doubt Elena has ever had you like this, holding pretty tears in your eyes." She taunted you, smirking wickedly when she added another within your walls, picking up the pace in which she fucked you with them. You wanted to bite back, yell or scream a phrase of argument, but your current predicament proved otherwise. You grew closer to the overwhelming edge, your head growing delirious, and you realised that you had never been pushed towards an orgasm so fast in such little time. "Cum for me y/n, you know you want to." It was impossible to do anything but obey the dominant brunette, and thus you followed suit of her words, your cunt clenching tightly around her two fingers as you reached your blissful landing upon your orgasm.
A few minutes passed before she retracted her fingers from within you, your mind continuing to be hazy for a long and silent moment, and you missed witnessing Katherine feeding herself from your juices that had spilled over her fingers. As you opened your eyes despite the dreary wash of endorphins that stunned your mind, reality came crashing down, and you ushered a distance from Katerina Petrova, your hands grasping at the realisation that appeared to be in your hair follicles. "Shit! Elena..." You were a cheater, as bad as Katherine back when she toyed with the brothers that had been poised as her puppets, and you had fallen as her prey.
"It's okay, it can be our little secret. And so can next time." She agonisingly attempted to comfort you, reaching her hand up to grab at your face, however this time you didn't hesitate to slap it away, overcome with guilt that should have stopped you from swaying along with her ploy of getting in your pants, and intently your heart. "No." You ushered back at her, imposing a state of redress upon yourself as you recoiled with disgust at yourself. "It shouldn't have happened, and it won't ever happen again." But the traitorous villain before you had the feeling that you were telling a lie, as she had told many in the span of over 500 long and disturbed years whilst she ran away from those that wished to hunt her. They were bigger predators, Originals, but you were merely a human, and the target of a spiteful vampire that would take everything she wanted.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"So, tell me, witch Gilbert. How did you know that I wasn't your safe, predictable, and special snowflake of human frailty, sister?" Katherine asked as she and Y/N stared at each other, the Petrova doppelganger giving him a small smirk.
"Well, for one thing. Elena doesn't dress like a hooker vampire. And the shoes you're wearing are a pretty big giveaway. Elena would never wear something like that."
"Ugh, God! Why is it that everyone apparently knows Elena's choice in footwear? Seriously, do you guys go with her when she goes shoe shopping?"
"You're asking the guy who's dating a male vampire if he goes shoe shopping with his sister? Yes, I know what shoes she likes."
"I'll remember that for next time." Katherine told him.
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crsedblood · 7 months
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⸻ born on June 5 as Katerina Petrova in bulgaria, part of the doppelganger bloodline, after becoming a vampire, she was on the run for 500 years, selfish, controlling, heartless badass bitch
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