ordo-scriptus · 2 years
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This took a lot longer, and a lot more botched attempts than I expected. Finally got the miniature I had in my mind posed up properly in front of me. Convict serial 1012, callsign "Hromtel", special weapons operator, S Platoon, 9th Savlar Chem-Dogs. #nogodsland40k #savlarchemdogs #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #kitbash #wargaming #blanchitsu #inq28 #inquisimunda #horusheresy #imperialismilitia #astramilitarum #imperialguard #plasmagun #specialweaponsquad #warpcults #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday278 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYmBL8oyM2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kompactkitty · 6 months
mini of the month time!
this month's mini was a sternguard veteran, but you know me, I can't stick to a brief to save my life...
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so here is a plasmagun toting, heavy bolter wielding veteran techmarine... thing!
I even tried my hand at a touch of OSL, and I don't think it was too awful!
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 4 months
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i said i was gonna build a ton of termies and a ton of termies i did build! along with celestine this morning but i already posted better photos of her and the gals
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i didnt actually build the tartaros termies today, i just hadnt built their missiles for them yet, but im happy with how they look. i can think of nothing worse than a squad of these deepstriking into your command post to deposit several payloads of krak missiles into your thin skinned command and support vehicles
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a squad of termies all equipped with powerfists, with the seargeant consulting his old friend yorick for advice
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a squad of close range focused termies, bringing with them a multimelta - courtesy of a sororitas paragon warsuit - and a combimelta for the sergeant
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an assault squad made without any bits from a kit for an assault squad! each one rocking a smoke grenade launcher, which, given the size of termies, you would think would just be standard kit, since they lumber and such. They come with all maner of weapons from a great frost axe to a great halberd or caliban to power swords to even combat knives, yet still mainting some ranged firepower with the sergeant bringing his trusty combi-flamer and his corporal bringing a power fist mounted grav-pistol
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and the final squad are recon sepcialists, for as much as termies can be, using a suit mounted auspex to to aid them in recovering relics from fallen comrades to eliminating high priority targets. To ply their deadly trade, to augment the usual termie arsenal with a relic heavy flamer, heavy bulter, and combi-plasmagun
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larissa-the-scribe · 1 month
Terrarium Lights, Pt. 3.7
Previously on Terrarium Lights: so they know who the ghost is. What now?
Gail considered heading back to the lighthouse the next day, but, despite her seeming abundance of free time, she did, in fact, have duties to attend to.
She waffled about it over breakfast before deciding that Jonathon knew where to find her. Presumably, he wouldn’t have trouble coming here, since he had been here before and overall seemed in a decent state to travel.
It still all felt like a bit much, a dream where inexplicably you know all the answers but don't know why, and you’re stuck moving in accordance with it all until you wake up and go “what on earth?” She felt that she was moving like she should in this dream, as much as she knew how, but it was all rather disorienting. Maybe a day of cleaning and gardening and being in her own home would help her feel more grounded.
"I suppose other worlds are a little grander, beyond my thoughts," she said to the Lord as she prepared to sweep the house from top to bottom. "I don't quite know as I understand all that was told me yesterday, but, then again, I don't see as that I fully have to."
Half-way through sweeping the second floor, she leaned on her broom and chuckled to herself. "I suppose it is odd that I'd be right fine with the concept of a ghost, showing up in my own garden at that, but then balk at the idea of somewhere I didn't know of. Why, most of this world is a place I don't know, and I can't say that I properly know my own tiny little corner of it. You made all of the knowns and unknowns, and You know, and I'd say that's what matters in the end."
That satisfied her, mostly.
By the end of the day, she felt much better. More awake, and more content with the answers belonging to a dream. Sometimes you just had to accept things as they were. Perhaps she might know more some day, but that day hadn’t come yet. She’d just have to wait for it and keep her eyes open.
For now, she was helping a ghost that God had sent her, one who needed to get back into his body after he'd been lost in another world. Simple enough, in a way.
She didn't know how much she was truly helping, but Samuel—Jonathon, now—did seem to appreciate being able to talk to someone. At the very least, she was involved in the goings on, if only for emotional support.
At the end of the day, she was more tired than she anticipated being. Scrapping her plans of baking that evening, she contented herself with a simple egg sandwich, and once again headed to bed early.
She was awoken by insistent, though faint, knocking at her bedroom door.
It took her brain several seconds to realize, through a haze of sleep, what she was hearing, and that it wasn't any of her children—seeing as they had all grown up and moved out—and her husband wasn't there.
Gail sat bolt upright and reached for the double-barreled plasmagun Michael kept loaded and primed for her.
"Hello?" She asked, sleepiness blunting the tough edge she'd been going for.
"Um, hi," said Jonathon's voice from the other side. "I'm sorry if I startled you. Are you… um… awake?"
Gail shook her head to clear some of the cobwebs from them. Wrapping a shawl about her, she tumbled her way to the door. "Well, I am now," she mumbled, tugging the door open.
As her senses caught up with her and she could better see the windows in the stairwell, she could tell that it wouldn't be long before dawn broke.
"Ah… I… I may be a bit early," Jonathon said apologetically, gesturing in a vague manner with his hands. "It’s occurring to me now that I… don't really remember what sleep schedules are."
"Well, I usually sleep longer than dawn," she said, "but I suppose I'm awake now. How can I help you?"
"Oh, um. Well. I didn't want to go into your bedroom, so I wasn't really sure if you were awake. I… can come back later?"
Gail could feel aches in her bone, and a gust of cold threatening her from beyond her blanket. "I believe we may have to set some boundaries in the future," she said with a sigh. "But, as I said, I am awake now. I would have been in an hour or so, anyway. So, what's been eating at you?"
Jonathon looked down at the floorboards, shoulders pulled up to his ears. "Well… I found Samuel."
There was a haggard look in his eyes. Gail guessed that he may have been out searching for the past two nights. Ghosts—or Jonathons, at least— apparently didn’t need sleep, but whatever he’d been doing had taken a toll on him. She drummed her fingers against the edge of the doorframe. "Go sit down in the dining area, and I'll be dressed and down there in a tad."
Perhaps Gail should have been thinking more about the situation, but she was still foggy from sleep. Automatically, she dressed herself and washed her face and arranged her hair, pulling her shawl tighter around her shoulders to ward off the early morning chill.
She found Jonathon sitting on the table, his legs dangling and swaying ever so slightly as he stared into nothingness, shoulders hunched over.
It occurred to her that his eyes had been staying consistently colored lately. Hopefully that was a good thing.
Gail came down and half-sat, half-leaned on the table beside him.
"It's… um… it wasn’t a very nice sight." He said quietly.
"I see." Gail pulled her shawl closer.
"He's about half-way between here and the lighthouse," he said, “if you go along the coast. I found him this morning."
"How do you know it was him?" Gail asked.
"He was still there."
His shoulders hunched further into themselves. "I… I didn't know what to do. I ran away before he saw me. But… I think I heard him calling after me. And then I found myself here again. So I went to see if you were awake, and then…." He trailed off.
Gail chuckled. "And then, here we are."
"Sorry. I didn't know what else to do."
"It's fine," Gail patted his knee as best she could. "My children have often woken me far earlier with far less reason."
He gave a half-smile response that was more attempt than success.
"So, now that you've found him, what would you like to do?"
"I don't know." Jonathon buried his face in his hands. "I don't know if I can face him. I don't remember hardly anything, and I left him for several weeks, and I don't even know what our relationship ended up being like. What if I did something bad, and now he hates me, and I have no idea? If… if he's still here, is it because of that? Is he… is he dead, because of me?"
"You have only had positive things to say and remember about him," Gail pointed out. "Besides, consistently you’ve grasped ideas and feelings behind your memories, even if you don’t know the actual memories themselves. Hypothetically, that would indicate you would have far more negative feelings associated with your friend if something had gone wrong. So if you don't have any solid reason to assume something horrible happened, I'd say your fears are just working against you right now."
“That’s true,” he admitted glumly. “But also, there’s just… I don’t know. Even that aside, even knowing where he is… that should be a good thing. But it’s… not? It still is, but it doesn’t make me feel better. Which is a selfish way of looking at it, but… I don’t know. I can’t face him. I can’t go talk to him.
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wadbot · 3 months
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B-SWIRL.WAD: M-SWIRL (Micro-Swirl) MAP01 (-1008, 792, 40) Author: Michael "migru" Grube Date: 1996-04-14 Description: Fighting arena with crossing channels, surrounding rooms containing safe startpositions, 4-fold- symmetric layout, perfectly aligned textures. Only one weapon at the start, later you find the Chaingun. Pick one out of four maps, the only difference is the weaponry. D-SWIRL: Double-Shotgun + Bluesphere + Green Armor R-SWIRL: Rocketlauncher + Megasphere B-SWIRL: BfG + Megasphere P-SWIRL: Plasmagun + Bluesphere Due to the fact that the original SWIRL was to big for fast paced deathmatch, I created this series of smaller maps. The frag quotas (frag/min) are much higher now. Obviously the Plasmagun is most effective, Bfg shortly behind (>3.2). DSG is in the midfield (2.6) while the Rocketlauncher is a bit unsuitable for this layout (1.6). These scores are for 2 player deathmatch. Maybe more than two players will have other results.
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weatherman667 · 1 year
The only thing from Boltgun that differs from canon is that you are allowed to use a shotgun while being a full battle brother that’s not from the Deathwatch.
Which we can 100% forgive them.
He seems to be doing semi-charged shots with the Plasmagun . Still 7 strength, but with a small AoE, (can can hit you).  This maximizes his punch without having to worry about the thing blowing up in his hands.
One of his taunts has him say “I will finish what Captain Titus started!”  He says it with reverence.  He says it as if the best he could achieve is being as good as Captain Titus.
The House of Mouse instead keeps trying to make the old character look as bad as possible to make the new character look good, and this is terrible.  It just pisses off the fans.
But, acknowledging what a previous character accomplished, while trying to be as good as them is a completely different issue.
Note:  Space Marine 2 is non-canon to Space Marine 1.  Boltgun is a better sequel.
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epireancrusade · 1 year
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I was able to go and take my Kissians to a game. I played against a nice young lad with Death guard army. It was a good game with more than enough exitement for us both. I lost all my tanks and most of my infantry, but not before being able to rain down some emperor’s wrath. The command squad with good ol’ Nork was able to hold out the central objective and fought off a bunch of terminators who then got wiped out by glorious bug cavalry attack. I think the thing that finally won the came were the 3 big squads of Tempestus scions with their command unit parachuting to the back field and then laying down an absolute hell of las-fire. They marched throught the battlefield under the Finial of Nemrodesh 3rd, wiping away everything within 24 inches range, suffering only one casualty during the whole game, which was an unlucky plasmagun operator who blew himself up.
All in all, good times and we both had a ton of fun. Things like this are a nice change for this episode of tired depression.
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redsweatshirtgentfish · 5 months
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dawfydd · 1 year
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And that’s a second squad of Kasrkin built. More of a straight build, whereas my first squad includes the specialists intended for Killteam, this lot is pure gunnery with 2 Plasmaguns and 2 Grenade Launchers. I’ve ideas for a list that makes use of three squads of these, so need to have a think about that loadout… (at Lyneham, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaScxytKV7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamesrolandjones · 2 years
Former SpaceX engineer, James Roland Jones has built a working Plasma Gun
In Hermosa Beach, CA, 33 year old James Roland Jones has built a working plasma gun, which he intends to sell on his web site.  The former SpaceX engineer, and employee of Elon Musk, has put his ingenuity to the test to see if he can accomplish something that has never been done.  The first prototypes are complete, and the site is live and accepting orders, but what sparked such a unique idea?
Where did you come up with this idea? In 2018, I ended up getting one of Elon Musk’s flamethrowers for the Boring Company.  The flamethrower was certainly a fun toy, and whenever friends would visit, we would inevitably get out the flamethrower.  After a while, I got tired of playing with the flamethrower, and wanted to make something even cooler.  I had seen people on YouTube make “plasma guns” online, but all their guns looked like they had been made from a home improvement store.  I knew I could make something better.
How long did it take you to make the first version? It took me a while to find the right supplies and materials to handle the temperatures the gun produced.  Unlike the flamethrower, I wasn’t just modifying a roofing torch, I was starting from scratch.  I tried to use existing products at first, but nothing really looked right, and could handle the heat of the MAP gas.  I melted a few designs at first, but after about 3 months I had something that worked.  It needed a lot of refinement, and still did not have the sleek style I was going for.  Then I discovered 3D printing, and this changed the game for me.  I started designing custom sections, and eventually I redesigned the whole thing.  I took some of my experience at SpaceX and simplified the design as best as I could.  I also optimized the top portion to get the loudest bang and best plasma ball expelled out the front.
Is the plasma gun available to buy now? I have a working prototype that I am selling as I get orders. I set up a website; realplasmagun.com, and people can order from there.  The current design works well, but I need to lower my cost on the current design, I’m selling it for a minimal profit now.  I hope to scale up the idea and get it so I can sell a lot more than I can now.  
The project was a lot of fun, and great to put my engineering skills to good use.  The plasma gun is certainly more fun than the flamethrower, and people are always shocked to see it in action.  It’s visually stunning, and very loud!  I’m happy with my final product, and it will be tough to make something cooler than this.
As a former SpaceX engineer, James Roland Jones knows it takes a lot to launch a successful product.  Working for one of the top engineering titans in the world, Elon Musk, James Roland Jones was able to absorb some of the methodologies that make SpaceX successful.  Many of the design decisions were the same approach to design that SpaceX uses today.  It may not be rocket science but making plasma guns is certainly a blast!
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ordo-scriptus · 2 years
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A splash of paint tonight, in the very small amount of time not entirely consumed by Across the Obelisk. Not often that a video game grabs me so hard. I'm in deep. #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #cadianshocktroops #savlarchemdogs #warhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #kitbash #wargaming #blanchitsu #inq28 #inquisimunda #horusheresy #imperialismilitia #astramilitarum #imperialguard #plasmagun #specialweaponsquad #warpcults #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday280 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChdsBa-ogXB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qosmiq · 3 years
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dodgethistrinity · 3 years
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go-ichimonji · 4 years
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ORIGINAL MECHA CHARACTER | LANDING #originalcharacter #soldier #army #mecha #mechasuit #darkdesign #rifle #plasmagun #desert #rocks #exoskeleton #armor #oc #characterdesign #conceptart #scifi #cyberpunk #war #exploration #traditionalart #pencilsketch #traditionalpencil #sketchbook https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pkpEtIpkk/?igshid=5lh51sv0morn
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hank-strange · 5 years
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📢 Leave Your Questions For Larry Zanoff Here: We’re Coming Back From Our Hiatus For One Night LIVE Podcast with Special Guest 🎙Larry Zanoff 👈 Of ISS & Hollywood Weapons 🔫 Tomorrow 7pm Eastern To 9 WMMF Podcast Episode 304 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 💥💥💥🔫 320 Watt Pulse Rifle Modified AK-47 Guerrilla Plasma Gun from Terminator: Genisys Movie 🎥 thanks to @issprops & @issprops.weapons.gear ・・・ ・・・ #ak47 #plasmagun #terminatorgenisys #larryzanoff #movieguns #iss #brownells #moviepropguns #issprops #hankstrange #wmmfpodcast #podcast #gunsdaily #gunsofinstagram #specialforces #idf #hollywood #kalash #kalashnikov #kalashlife #modifiedguns #gun #guns #ak #ak74 #hollywoodweapons (at Strange World) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br4KxPcHBZ2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pqa6gl89i1yy
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weatherman667 · 1 year
40k: Boltgun Strength / Toughness
In the OTT, every character has a Strength and Toughness.  Their Strength is used for melee attacks, while each ranged weapon has it’s own Strength, (some melee weapons increase strength).
Everything in 9e is based off a D6.  6 is always success, 1 is always failure.  For Strength and Toughness:
Strength double (or more) Toughness:  2+ wounds
Strength > Toughness:  3+ wounds
Strength = Toughness:  4+ wounds
Strength < Toughness: 5+ wounds
Strength half (of less) Toughness:  6+ wounds
Boltgun uses the exact same Strengths from the OTT, it instead scales the damage.
Strength double (or more) Toughness:  2x
Strength > Toughness:  1.5x
Strength = Toughness:  Normal
Strength < Toughness: .75x
Strength half (of less) Toughness:  .5x
For the record:
Imperial Guardsman 3/3
Astartes 4/4
Lasgun S:3
Boltgun S:4
Heavy Bolter: S:5
Plasmagun: S:7 (no overcharge; he seems to use a semi-overcharge where he turns it into an AoE attack without risking becoming an overcharge martyr).
New Weapons:
Shotgun:  S:3.  In the OTT, only Scouts and Deathwatch can use shotguns, (because.... Codex?), and the ones used by Scouts have an STR of 4.  This game adds a knockback to their attack, and makes them powerful enough that it’s still effective against Chaos Marines, at least at point blank rage.
VENGEANCE LAUNCHER: S: 3.  In Space Marine it was balanced for multiplayer, which... kind of worked.  Here it does lower damage than a frag grenade in AoE, but deals a lot more damage with the initial strike.  This makes them fantastic for T:3 scum, like Cultists and Nurglings, while also making them still effective against Chaos Marines.  There is no secondary fire, so he does it on it’s own after a second or two.  Malum Cadeo is not trying to come up with brilliant strategies, but flow in an out of combat, mowing down the legions of demons and renegades..
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