#power stroke
lovebeatriceplz · 1 month
My toxic trait is confidently believing that i can sing all the parts in non - stop, simultaneously, by myself.
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amphibianaday · 1 year
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day 1302
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femmealicent · 12 days
i don’t understand the argument that alicent seeking out rhaenyra is “not feminist” or the question “why can’t alicent just be a strong independent woman >:(” in what world is alicent completely transgressing the expectations of a mother, queen dowager, and supposed enemy of team black not a radical act? how is her conscious choice to seek out peace and potentially love in the face of insurmountable odds not exercising agency? tell me how a woman who acts on her true desires lacks “independence?” the push and pull between rhaenyra and alicent is a narrative tool used to illustrate the deep connection between women and solidarity in a shared experience despite repellent extrinsic forces. accordingly, alicent’s merit as a representation of women is not diminished by her passion for rhaenyra but strengthened; her persistent love for rhaenyra is her connection to freedom, self-determination, and liberation. rhaenyra and alicent are not “codependent,” and their shared love does not minimize their independent worth. two women seeking comfort together among the cannon fire and clanging steal of a war begun by men is not "inconsistent writing" or "bad feminism;" they are each other's connection to hope and true autonomy. when you expect alicent to be unfeeling and self-serving and disregard love (free love, not love imposed by duty), you're inadvertently expecting her to act like a man; you're not delivering her from the shackles of oppression, now you're the one "making a window in the wall of her prison."
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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Me too Miles me too 🤣🤣
Tlsp used to be my girl @ øyafestival 2016
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Nothing has really changed between 2005 and 2016 🫶🏽🥹❤️(Miles watching Alex in 2005 when the little flames were the monkeys support act vs Miles watching Alex in 2016 when they are co frontmen of their own supergroup)
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Osheaga Festival
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Coachella; Alex’s little twirl 🥺 and the absolute fondness in Miles’ eyes he’s like yup that’s my idiot and I love him very much
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limesquares · 3 months
I need oroborous carnally and would gladly run away giggling and tripping over my own feet on purpose :(
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audiblehush · 2 months
Listen, Polin has been my Roman Empire for months now, but this fandom is WILDIN’.
Chunks of this fandom who claim to be Polin fans seem to hate either Colin or Penelope and I’m just like… why are you here, then, if you refuse to empathize or even TRY to understand either critical half of the pairing?
“Colin can’t see what’s in front of him and he insulted her in front of his peers!! GROVEL; I hope Pen moves onto Debling!!!”
First of all, you’re not a Polin fan if you hate Colin so much you want her to move on to someone else. Second of all: yeah, no. Yes,Colin put his foot in his mouth, arguably in a big way because of status, but plenty of people in real life have experienced saying something that came off poorly to a group of people. Everything we know about Colin’s character tells us he is going to feel horrible about it; he’ll apologize, MEAN IT, and she’ll forgive him. She has her own apologies to make.
Believe it or, it is NORMAL for people to grow into romantic feelings slowly. Stop punishing Colin for discovering who he is by experiencing his own character arc with his own mistakes. He’s allowed to have flaws; he’s allowed to work through his insecurities!
Tbh, most of the criticisms I see of Colin are pretty surface-level and petty, so I don’t give them much real estate in my brain because they’re just… bad, lol.
On the flip side -
“Penelope feels entitled to Colin’s feelings; she’s selfish and the fucking worst!!”
S3 Penelope: *overhears Colin say he would never court her; BELIEVES him - decides she’s going to stop wasting her time, move on, and look for a serious suitor and marriage prospect a) as is expected of her in this era and b) so that she has security, especially considering her family’s dire financial straits.*
“Oh my GOD, this is so anti-Polin, how could she POSSIBLY even THINK about accepting a proposal from anyone but Colin?! GTFO”
SIGH, 1) we have NO IDEA how this plot line is going to pan out: Lord Debling may or may not be serious about her, we don’t know what that even looks like, or for how long. The show synopsis historically likes to play with the fandom expectations a lot. He may possibly propose… and if he does, it would clearly exist as a sort of parallel to S1…. but 2) GOD FORBID Penelope entertain the idea, despite very real fears and evidence that would lead her thinking it would likely be her ONLY proposal… or that even if Colin proposed post heavy-petting session, how on EARTH could she think that he would be doing it out of honor-bound obligation and not love. 🙄 Her potentially considering a proposal isn’t anti-Polin; it’s a realistic response and consideration to two (and likely an additional half) seasons worth of external and internal stressors that are tying into her character development.
Penelope’s heart is fragile for a multitude of reasons due to her home life, her prior experiences with Colin and Eloise AND the rest of the ton - it’s incredibly frustrating for people to ignore why she would potentially not believe Colin even if he DID confess / give her a marriage proposal, just like it’s frustrating when people don’t try to understand why Colin might struggle with his own feelings.
Some of y’all really don’t understand people like Penelope who have been told their entire lives that they are not enough, are terrified of putting themselves out there by being emotionally vulnerable and potentially rejected for the fundamental aspects of who they are… even though some of y’all claim to identify with Colin when he has his OWN STRUGGLES WITH SOME OF THESE SAME FEARS. And it’s almost worse because Pen is painfully SHY: You don’t just magically become confident one day because you decided to be; it is a constant battle against negativity that eventually becomes heavily internalized… it takes years of work unlearn those thought patterns, especially when you’re surrounded by people insulting and rejecting your to your face (her family) or behind your back (the way the ton talks about her family… it’s likely Pen heard gossip about herself, whether individually or as an extension of her family PLENTY)… with an added dose of also being ignored when not actively insulted.
It would not shock me at ALL if Penelope genuinely considers a Debling proposal. All of Colin’s actions in S1 and S2 have ultimately taught her that he is never going to return her feelings; she is likely going to be pretty oblivious to his own romantic realizations this season because why would she look for or entertain those hopes again? Some of y’all complain that she is selfish about Colin’s romantic feelings (which lol, I disagree strongly, but sure hypothetically, I’ll allow it) … so then when she tries to move on by listening to him and his actions she’s suddenly… punishing him and undeserving of him?? When she would have every reason to be skeptical of these feelings coming from seemingly nowhere when he starts of the season trying to find her a husband? NAH fam, she’s doing what anyone with any sense of emotional self-preservation would do: move on and try to be content, even if she knows she’ll always love Colin in her heart.
AND even if Penelope develops potentially fond feelings for Debling… do you really think it’s unrealistic for a 19 year old young woman who has done nothing but pine over a man who is oblivious to it (or worse, finds a romantic relationship with you laughable… in her eyes), who has not had ANYONE be romantically interested her… to maybe get a little fluttery around someone who is reasonably nice looking and shows her genuine interest right off the bat? Spoiler Alert: that is probably exactly what would happen because it’s a heady feeling!!!
This entire plotline is either a parallel to the Marina situation, or a reference to the book line that basically has Colin going “Oh shit, what if I had never realized Pen is the love of my life?? What if someone else had seen how amazing she was and snatched her up??” - Maybe it’s even both! Deep breath: it’s a just plot device for Polin to realize they’re made for each other.
Colin and Pen are going to be on their own journeys this season that fly in the face of what the other is going through. Colin is grappling with newfound romantic feelings for Penelope (while likely struggling to trust them because he thought he loved Marina but lol no he didn’t, so how is he supposed to know???) while also battling against former (and potentially current) impulsive actions… and Penelope is fighting for her LIFE trying to bury her feelings and move on because she’s trying to protect her heart because Colin literally said out loud he’d never want her AND she’s likely thinking of her security. They are both grappling with internal conflicts that oppose the other and THAT is what is going to make the tension and development so good… and that’s without even addressing all the LW stuff that needs to get worked through!
I need y’all to flex that empathy muscle a little and realize that this isn’t about fucking fan-service, or you projecting your own experiences onto these characters (or even the weird self-insert “I am/want to be this character” or “I want to fuck this character”) - you can relate to these characters but ultimately it’s about the STORY - it’s about exploring these characters realistically in how they would react to their own traumas and lived experiences, and how what they think they want/need comes into conflicts with their counterparts.
This is a romantic DRAMA, and these characters are going to have their ups and downs… and it’s a Shondaland drama for better or worse, so you KNOW it’s going to get messy (good lord just look at S2 and how far that “love” triangle went… I’m hopeful for the new show runner because she’s a fan).
Polin will be canon because they unreservedly CHOOSE the other and it will be glorious, so everybody chill the fuck out and stop shitting on my imperfect, emotionally fragile yet beautifully relatable, evolving lovers. They are the BEST fucking ship, but most of this fandom doesn’t deserve them tbh. They’re both messes in their own ways, and honestly? If they were real, neither Colin nor Penelope would tolerate this slander y’all are throwing at the other.
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bluetiefling · 2 years
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That is why I will never be at your side.
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
💙 【那夏天的我們】 a stroke of fate by puddingcatbeans
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💙 【那夏天的我們】 a stroke of fate
by puddingcatbeans (@puddingcatbeans)
G, 59k, Wangxian
Summary: After an unhappy confrontation with his agency, renowned guqin player and accomplished composer Hanguang-jun makes a sudden retreat from the public eye. Lan Wangji moves to a tiny village barely on the maps for the summer. He's there for seclusion, to cool down, to reflect on his behaviour - but he finds so much more than he even knew he was looking for. That summer - cicada song. bamboo groves. fresh peaches. ink smudges and guqin strings. Our summer. [ russian translation | spanish translation ] Kay's comments: Big love to this story! If you've ever enjoyed watching a li ziqi video on YouTube, then this story is for you, because that's what Wei Ying does. The soft Youtube-AU everyone needs in their life tbh. In which Lan Zhan flees his busy city life where he's a famous composer and spends a summer in the countryside with Wei Ying and the Wens. It's soft, it's comforting and there's also some secrets to be discovered along the way. Excerpt: “What’s a city slicker like you doing in the boonies?” Lan Wangji frowns. “Are you not also someone who moved here from the city?” He receives a surprised blink for that. Then the man laughs, and the sound is so much more vibrant outside of a screen. “I see you know who I am, huh. Are you a fan? Did you come all the way here for an autograph?” “No,” Lan Wangji blurts out. He takes back all his previous thoughts. This man might be breathtaking to look at but he’s quite annoying once he opens his mouth. “I have seen your videos. But I am here purely for a break from my... work.” “Right.” The man studies him with sharp eyes, but Lan Wangji just stares back stoically. He’s been looked at like he’s a puzzle, but Lan Wangji isn’t sure what the man is seeing. He’s not sure what he wants the man to see.
pov lan wangji, modern setting, modern no powers, youtube, youtuber wei wuxian, slice of life, falling in love, summer, barakamon, farmer wei wuxian, fluff, domestic fluff, developing relationship, getting together, musician lan wangji
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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Every Moment There Is a Smile on Wang YiBo’s Face, This Timeline is Incrementally Healed
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Wang YiBo x Tencent Allstar Night 2023
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fruitdaze · 29 days
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i've been rereading the trilogy and this parallel is making me go crazy just a little bit. that's a romance arc, baby (A RESTLESS TRUTH, chapter 10 / A POWER UNBOUND, chapter 26)
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wikitpowers · 1 month
okay all fun and games when ty kisses kit’s freckle but imagine tessa kissing it when she wants to comfort kit after a panic attack or something
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duu-kiwi · 1 year
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I finished rereading the 1863 arc and did this in an hour
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zizbombs · 8 months
Wish Taylor got to hang out with more people. Just shoot the shit with some friends. Like that one time Taylor took Aisha and Alec on a walk and put maggots in Valefor's eyes but instead of violence they were just walking around Brockton fucking around. Doubly so if it was people she had no business hanging out with. Taylor in an arcade playing pinball with Faultline and the rest of her crew are also there. Parian and Foil dressing up Taylor up in fancy dresses that she would have no business wearing unless they insisted. Like I realize Taylor would absolutely hate her but her shooting the shit fucking Bakuda would be utterly amazing. 2x for String Theory.
Basically, Worm slice of life AU.
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geoz-n · 23 days
It took me over 10 rewatches but I just realized an electrical event starts both of the mysteries in each season of dghda.
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chandralia · 1 year
being a bkdk means fighting for my life everyday shsjfldhsjd
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eleanorenchanted · 11 months
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I never cared about things like medals before.
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But this time, I want to go all out and win one.
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I want to win a medal…with you.
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