#prayer circle my dad falls down some stairs one of these days
riverdalepolycule · 11 months
reminiscing about when I came out to my dad and he outed my mom to me, basically alleging I have a biological dyke predisposition on my maternal side. Men will say anything
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Comfort Blanket
Summary: It is up to Tommy and Y/N Shelby to keep the family together after their Mother’s death. They discover along the way that sometimes a comfort blanket is an object and other times it’s a feeling...
Word Count: 1891
Prompt: “There’s no place for us to sleep at night.” (part of @smallheathgangsters​ 1k followers party 💜)
A/N: This ended up being way more festive than I anticipated but, hey ho, it’s less than 3 month til Christmas now! I’ve also definitely taken some liberties with the whole pre-series story and ages and stuff but oh well. I’ve wanted to write a piece based on the blanket in this gif for a while now, so this prompt just worked perfectly for it! 
Congratulations again, Leah, on the 1k milestone - it’s so well deserved, and here's to 1k more 🥳 I hope you and everyone else enjoys my little contribution to the celebration ❤️
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(gif by @nofckingfighting​)
The Shelby clan had never known darker times than the months following their mother's death.
Their father was more absent than ever before. Arthur Shelby Junior was still hopelessly trailing around after him. John had fled to Martha's house, seeking comfort in her arms. Ada was distraught, and everyone had given up trying to guess what her next move would be, for entering her teenage years had made her even more unpredictable than ever anyway. Between looking after Finn and working as much as her brother would allow, Polly was permanently exhausted.
Tommy felt like he was drowning alongside his mother, burdened with the responsibility of trying to look after his family as best he could whilst grieving.
That left Y/N. Born just a year after Tommy, she was the one he turned to when he needed a break. Whether it was to cry and mourn the loss of his beloved mother, or taking charge when all Tommy wanted to do was sleep after a long day's work, Y/N was always there. She picked up the pieces for all of her siblings, and was the oil that kept the cogs of the machine turning.
One night, Tommy and Y/N found themselves alone in the parlour, relishing in the moments of quiet that had fallen after the rest of the family had gone to bed. It was at these times that the pair confided in each other, whether it was their own news or that of their siblings.
Tonight, so far, they had sat in silence. But Y/N knew that Tommy would tell her something soon, and also knew that Tommy would be able to sense that she had something to tell him. It was all a matter of who would speak first.
"I don't know what to do, Y/N/N." Tommy had taken the leap this time.
"Don't know what to do about what?" Her brother's confession had surprised Y/N: Tommy always had a plan for everything.
"I'm doing everything I can to provide for us all and it's still not enough, even though I've taken every fucking job I can find. The lock on the door is still broken from when Dad came home drunk the other night, and the window next to Finn's nursery hasn't been mended yet from when John accidentally smashed it with his ball. Polly's had to take all of the spare blankets for him so that he doesn't get sick. We can't afford to buy any more. There's no place for us to sleep at night. Not somewhere that's safe and warm, anyway."
Y/N sighed. "First of all, Tom, and this is important, so you'd better fucking pay attention to me." Y/N was pleased to see that he let out a slight laugh at that. "You're doing an amazing job at all of this. We're all so grateful for everything you're doing, even if I'm the only one that will actually say it out loud. We couldn't ask any more of you, Tommy.
"Secondly, I may be able to help you – now, don't get mad!" Y/N added this last part hurriedly, having seen Tommy's eyebrows quickly shoot up. Taking a deep breath, Y/N broke the news. "Harry has given me a job...as a barmaid in the Garrison."
"What?!" Tommy jumped out of his seat, looking down at Y/N in disbelief. "Are you out of your mind? If you think I'm going to let you work there with all those drunk idiots every night, then you'd better think again."
"If you think you can tell me what I can and can't do, then you'd fucking better think again, Thomas," Y/N retorted, as her brother began to pace up and down the room. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm an adult now and can make my own decisions. Anyway, I've worked everything out and I have a plan to put to you."
Tommy sat down again, not taking his eyes off his younger sister.  
"You're working yourself into the ground, Tommy, and quite frankly we can't afford for you to be ill, so you need to get some more rest." The man in question opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off immediately by Y/N. "I want you to give up a couple of your jobs – some of them only pay a pittance, whilst my wage alone would cover that and a little more. I want you to put more time and energy into building up our Dad's business. I've got this feeling that it could become so much more, and you're the one that will make it happen, Tommy, I just know it!"
The second eldest Shelby brother sighed, his head falling heavily into his hands. He had to admit, Y/N's plan sounded incredibly tempting. But still, doubts invaded his thoughts, namely his concerns over his sister working in the Garrison of all places and the question of what if it all failed? What if they ended up in a worse position than they were in now?  
With two words from Y/N, however, he was convinced: "Trust me."
"Fine. We'll give it a go on one condition – if any of those fuckers at the pub ever, and I mean ever, give you any bother whatsoever, you tell me straight away. Alright?"
Y/N smiled softly at her brother, pleased with the outcome of their conversation. "Alright," she whispered in agreement, reaching over to grab his hand.
"Thank you, Y/N." Tommy's voice broke through the silence, his sincerity as clear as day.
"We're going to be alright, Tom. One day, we won't have to worry about everyone being safe and warm in their beds. It might take some time, but we'll get there eventually."
Tommy nodded, almost imperceptibly, before slowly getting up to make his way to his own bed, only stopping to place a gentle kiss to his sister's forehead.
All they could do now was pray that Y/N would be right once again.
About a year later, their prayers were beginning to be answered.
Business at the betting shop was flourishing, and the Shelby's were gaining more respect by the day. It was all illegal, of course, but all that mattered to Tommy and Y/N was that enough money was rolling in to look after the family.
As Christmas drew nearer, their house was beginning to feel more like a home again for the first time since their mother passed. Fires roared in the hearth at night, they had finally been able to make the repairs that the house so desperately needed, and the family seemed to be happy.  
The future looked brighter for the Shelby clan, and it was a sight that Y/N was overjoyed to have before her. Her plan had worked, the dark circles beneath Tommy's eyes were melting away and her Christmas present for him was finally ready.
Despite Tommy's arguments that she didn't need to stay on at the Garrison anymore, Y/N had decided to keep her job there. Surprisingly, she'd discovered that she was rather good at bar work and had been immensely satisfied when her brothers had entered the pub on one of their 'check-ups' on her to witness her chucking a couple of drunks out onto the street by the scruffs of their neck. Y/N liked earning her own money, rather than relying on Tommy, and it meant that no questions were asked about how she was spending it.
Most of her wages had gone towards Tommy's present, and Y/N could only hope that he liked it. The closer and closer that it got to the big day, the more Y/N began to doubt it. But she'd put too much work into it to turn back now.
She had decided against leaving it under the tree, not wanting anyone to be ridiculed for it, and instead kept it a secret in her room. So, on the night of the 25th, Y/N padded down the stairs to meet Tommy alone in the parlour.
"I thought you'd be in bed by now." Tommy was smiling up at her from his seat on the sofa.
"You know I'm always too excited at Christmas to get much sleep." Her brother rolled his eyes fondly at Y/N's reminder. "Anyway, I have one more present to give out."
Tommy's brows furrowed in confusion. "But we all opened your presents earlier, Y/N/N?"
"Yes, yes, I know – you don't need to make this any more embarrassing for me than it already is!."
The man in question chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender.
Y/N sat down next to her brother, and handed him the carefully wrapped package. "Happy Christmas, Tommy," she said, gently. As he began to open it, Y/N's nervous rambling automatically began. "Now, if you don't like it, just tell me. I won't be offended! I can find something else to do with it. It's not really your colours, now I think about it, and - "
"Y/N do you want me to open this or not?" Tommy snapped, but his eyes were full of fondness for his younger sister.
"Yes," Y/N replied, meekly.
Tommy pulled away the last of the wrapping to find a thick patchwork blanket, which was clearly handmade. Speechless at the thought and care put into the gift, he asked the only question that was running through his head:  "Why?"
"I wanted to give you something special to say thank you for everything you've done for us since Mum died. Also, I'm not stupid, you know." At Tommy's confused expression, Y/N elaborated. "Nearly every morning before we got the house fixed up, I used to wake up with double the amount of blankets on top of me compared to how many I went to bed with. Your blankets, Tommy, when we barely had enough to share between us all in the first place. So I wanted to make you one myself that is yours and yours alone.
"You said to me once that we had nowhere to sleep at night that was safe and warm, but you created that place for us, for me. I know we've got plenty of blankets in the house now, but I just wanted to try and give you that same feeling of comfort that you gave to me." She stopped talking at that, suddenly aware of how long she had been going on for.
Tommy held the warm fabric in his hands, his thumb tracing the messy stitching which held each patch together, trying to blink away the tears glazing his eyes. "I love it, sweetheart. Thank you."
A relieved smile lit Y/N's face, but it was quickly replaced by a loud yawn. She gently rested her head on Tommy's shoulder as she curled her legs up on the sofa, and he wrapped his arm around her.
"Happy Christmas, Tom," Y/N mumbled sleepily.
"Happy Christmas, Y/N/N," Tommy replied with a smile.
Moments later, Y/N's breathing had evened out and she had fallen into a deep slumber. Tommy's eyes flitted between her sleeping form and the beautiful blanket on his knee.
Maybe he could share his blanket with his sister just one more time...
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peakyxtommy · 3 years
Baby’s First Christmas
Summary: Enjoying Baby’s First Christmas with Bonnie, John, & Isaiah. 
A/N: Request by @peakyrogers  , hope you enjoy! Happy New Year! Wishing you the best this year!
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Bonnie: 6m (Son)
It was the big day in the Gold household. It was Aiden's first Christmas. You and Bonnie loved the holiday and always decorated your home accordingly. It was even more fun now that you had your son with you both. You took photos at the beginning of the month and made homemade Christmas cards for your family and friends. You were putting the last sock on your son’s foot before you heard the doorbell ring and loud shouts coming from the door. 
You watch as your son’s eyes jump open even wider at the noises. 
“I think our family is here to visit Aiden.” You laugh at him before bringing him into your arms, kissing the top of his head.
“If it isn’t the spitting image of my son or what?” Aberama throws his hands toward you as you come down the stairs. You hand your son over to his grandfather, going to stand next to Bonnie. 
“I think so more and more everyday” You respond but with looking Bonnie straight in his eyes as he gives you a warm smile. You give him a chaste kiss enjoying the feeling of his lips on yours. 
“Eww, enough you two. You already have one here for the party, wait until we leave to start cracking at number two.” His sister speaks, taking your son out his grandfather’s arms moving to sit on the couch next to the tree. 
“Let’s open some presents.”  Aberama speaks. 
You take a seat on the floor by the tree and help Bonnie pass out presents one by one. Everyone takes turns opening them and you sit your son down and help him open a few presents but he enjoyed the paper more. 
“At least he’s having fun love.” Bonnie speaks as your son squeals in delight at the paper he’s playing with. As the day progressed with dinner, sweets, and hot chocolate. The baby went to bed on time but you and Bonnie went to bed way past your bedtime too busy talking off the sugar rush from the day. 
John: 9m (Daughter)
“Miss Emerson, I think you’re almost ready!” John cheers as your nine month old daughter is standing up holding on to the table in front of her bounce on her small feet, as he sits behind her encouraging her movements. 
“John, let the poor girl rest. You’ve been at it all week, yeah. Can’t tire her out before presents and on the night before her first Christmas at that hun.” You bend down to give him a kiss, feeling the cool metal of his rings brush against your skin as he tries to deepen it. 
“You better behave or you won’t get your present from Santa.” You playfully smack his chest as he licks his lips. 
“I called and talked to Santa today personally myself. Do you want to know what he said?” He says in a cocky tone with the smirk to match.
“What did Santa tell you Mr.Shelby?” You humor him right back, enjoying teasing each other.
“He told me you were on the naughty list and I was free to punish you.” His warm breath whispers into the shell of your ear. 
“Well, if that’s true. I’ll be ready at a more suitable hour and I'll accept whatever punishment there is to offer. But for now we have a bedtime story and cookies that need to be laid out. So I need you to wrangle the crew for hot chocolate and remind Katie to bring the book down.” 
“That’s a lot of things to do.” 
“Well I'm sure you can make due.” You kiss him quick before going off to the kitchen to start the first batch of hot chocolate, while John took Emerson and went upstairs to get the rest of the children who were playing together. 
 Soon enough you were dropping Emerson in her crib and John was handling the other three. You went back downstairs to find your husband sipping on Santa’s whiskey and eating the first of quite a few cookies on the plate.
“We have some quick cleaning to do and then we can enjoy the rest of our evening alone Father Christmas.” You speak pouring your own small glass of whiskey and enjoy a cookie as John stared at you with total lust. It wasn’t long before you tangled in his arms as the moonlight glistened through the windows.
It felt like it wasn’t much longer until the sun was peeking through the windows and the thumps of footsteps and loud whispers were heard as the door was creaking open with your rambunctious children.
“Merry Christmas.” You hear your son Avery speak as your eyes meet his and help lift him onto the bed as Katie and John do the same until the whole crew is in your bed which wasn’t an uncommon occurrence in your home. 
“Can we open our presents?” Robert, your second son asks John as he sits in between you two as Emerson is sitting on John’s chest. 
“Yes, but everyone needs to make sure they brush their teeth and wash their face first. Then go downstairs and we’ll be down in a couple of minutes.” He speaks with a soft but serious tone as the children cheer rushing off to do as they were told. 
“Merry Christmas Dad.” You kiss John’s cheek. “Happy first Christmas to my sweet girl.” You say to Emerson who was babbling to herself as she sat on the bed between you and John. 
“Merry Christmas doll. Let's get ready for the day, got loads to do today.” He takes Emerson getting up and grabbing his robe off the chair. You follow suit getting yourself freshened up as John takes care of Emerson’s needs. You make it down stairs before them and watch as your kids chat among themselves about what Santa might have gotten them. John and Emerson come two minutes later and he lets the kids begin opening their presents as you go to heat Emerson a bottle to eat while her siblings open presents. 
She eats content on the couch as John helps the children. When she’s done eating, you sit her on the floor by the tree next to John who helps her open her presents. It’s the cutest sight really, watching the man you love interact with all your children. He had his own love and devotion toward them, but he would always have a face of softness reserved for them only.
Once breakfast is finished and the kids are content in the living room playing with their toys as a Christmas movie plays in the background, John was back in his usual spot with Emerson trying to get her to walk yet again.  
“Love I think she finally has it. Switch spots with me.” He speaks with excitement in his voice.
“Come on Emery. Come to daddy.” He cheers, clapping his hands and holding them open for her as you begin helping her walk the small length until she takes off on her own for just a few steps before falling into John’s lap.
“See, I knew you could do it! I told your mummy so!” He lifts her into the air kissing her cheeks as she laughs from the attention. You couldn’t be any happier on Christmas day than to be surrounded by your big beautiful family. 
Isaiah: 11ms (twins girl and boy)
  “Love we have to get going or we’re going to be late to mass and my dad will have our heads.” Your husband of five years stresses to you as you finish putting on your heeled boots.
“Alright, I’m almost ready. Get the kids in their car seats and I’ll help you bring them to the car okay?” You look up at him to see him give you a small smile knowing that you weren’t the cause of his stress but his father who asked him to give the opening and closing prayer to the service. He simply leaves the room to go back to your fraternal twins. You check your purse to make sure you have everything and the diaper bag as well. You zip up your coat and grab the bags making your way down stairs to see your husband at the door with both babies in their car seats wide awake. 
“The doors on the car are open but be careful it’s a little slippery out.” He gives you your son, Leon, to take to the passenger side of the backseat while he takes your daughter, pearl, to the other half. Once everyone was strapped in, he began the short drive to the church. You would arrive just in time to grab your seats and for Isaiah to see his dad who looked like he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you all walk through the door. 
The service goes by pretty quickly with the songs, message, children play, and then lighting of the candles. You find yourselves talking with the congregation and Jeremiah to remind what time to come for presents and breakfast in the morning. You were headed back home because it was way past the kids bedtime. When you get in, you change them and place them down for the night. You and Isaiah took a quick shower together and made love in bed before falling asleep.
The next morning you found yourself at the tree with Isaiah and your twins in a circle at the tree as Jeremiah watched from the couch with a huge smile on his face. You watched as the twins took turns opening their presents to the best of their abilities and getting excited at the mess the wrapping paper was creating. Shoving every little toy in your face as it was revealed to them so they knew that you saw it. 
“I have a special gift for you!” Isaiah hands you a box and you open it to see two tickets and a new silk dress. 
“This is too much Isaiah. You’re too good to me.”
“That’s not all and we’ll be spending a three day weekend in London too, just the two of us. Dad’s going to watch the twins.” He winks at you as you feel the butterflies in your stomach grow even after all this time together. 
“That sounds lovely, thank you.” You smile at him and his father. Once you clean up the wrapping papers you settle down for brunch with Isaiah and his father. Once it’s over, you put the twins down for a nap and the two of you decide to take a nap as well. That when he asks you a serious question.
“Do you want to have another baby soon?”
“Yes, we can. Right after the twin’s first birthday. Now let’s sleep.” You kiss his lips confirming the decision. You rest your head on his rest as his arms tight around your waist. You both fall asleep together.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
December 19, 2021
Hello! I’m done with this chapter just in time! It took me all day cause I get distracted easily lol Enjoying my countdown for Christmas with this domestic family? Then catch up with the masterpost here!
Summary: Welcome to the flashback episode where we get the story of how Dean and Cas got together. I think it’s dumb but cute :) 
Word Count:  2358 (yeah...this one could have been longer but I had to chill)
Cas was humming in the kitchen, his playlist playing loudly through the house, while he prepared Dean’s lunch. He stirred the soup once before grabbing a spoon to taste for seasoning. Adding a bit more white pepper before dropping the chopped kale into the hot pot of chicken rice soup.
“Dad?” Jack appeared on Cas’s left. “What time is Dad coming home?”
Claire appeared on Cas’s right. “And what the hell are you listening to?”
He turned towards Jack first, who was mesmerized by the stirring of the soup. “You’re Dad will get off from work at 5, so by 5:30 he should be home.” Then he turned his attention to Claire who was snacking on the homemade croutons. Her eyes met his and she smiled, small and crooked with warm eyes. “And I’m listening to a playlist Sam made me. I believe this is Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Oh, scratch that it’s playing Heaven Help Me by Lizzo now.”
Her eyes widened before she threw her head back to laugh. A hand landing hard on his shoulder while he smiled fondly at his daughter. Jack was already humming the song while reaching for some croutons for himself. Making a face when he bits down on a real burnt one.
“Does Dean listen to this teenage girl stuff?” Claire asked, leaning against the counter. 
Jack copied her movement but it didn’t look as casual as Claire made it seem. Cas moved around them to get a tall thermos to fill with enough soup for a second or third bowl. Dean’s lunchbox was already filled with everything he needed to keep himself warm and full until he came home for dinner. He even added a loaf of apple cinnamon bread to his lunch so Dean could share with his coworkers. A smaller thermos was filled with coffee and he was bringing an extra reusable water bottle, covered in stickers Jack picked out, just in case.
“Sometimes. If he’s in a good enough mood.” Cas admits as he finishes filling up the thermos and zipping up the lunch box. 
“You know, you never really told me when you two finally got together.” Claire pushed herself off the counter to grab his arm, looking at him with bright rounding eyes that matched his eye color. “I think I deserve to hear how my Dads got together!”
“It’s a great story.” Jack agrees as he decided that copying his sister wasn’t fun anymore but he was gonna rummage through the fridge. “Dad Dean doesn’t really like talking about it much.”
“What? Why?” Claire furrowed her eyebrows together while looking up at Cas for answers. “You two are so happy-old-married-couple that it’s sickeningly cute. Was he embarrassed or something?”
“Thank you?” Cas raises an eyebrow back at her as he swings the lunchbox into his shoulder. “And he was embarrassed but I think it’s a story we should tell in front of your father.”
“Cause it would be funny.” Cas tells her with a wink while Jack hummed in agreement, a big smile on his face.
As Cas drove slowly through the icy road, he was smiling, fighting back a laugh, unable to stop remembering the day he returned to Earth. Returned to Dean.
It was a few days of Earth time after Chuck was defeated that Cas escaped with his brothers and sisters, along with a few demons that tagged along. He made sure Ruby stayed asleep and behind, not wanting her to bother Sam or Eileen. He never did find Crowley or Meg, even spending some time calling out for both of them when he realized so many were woken up. 
Jack found him and helped him up to heaven to try to fix whatever they could. He didn’t ask about Dean or Sam but Jack reassured him that they were fine. 
“Let me make you stronger, Cas.” Jack reached for him but Cas stopped him, shaking his head.
“I don’t plan on being an angel for long, Jack. So let me use whatever is left to help you.”
And he did. Two Earth months passed before everything was sort of decided upstairs. Raphael wasn’t the biggest fan of the new dynamic but he followed orders, happy it wasn’t under Chuck and he could actually interact with whoever was in charge. 
Cas could feel more of his grace slip away from him when he was with Bobby, reassuring him that his boys were the hero’s he believed them to be, and most importantly they were happy. 
“Are you going back to them?” Bobby asked as he sipped at his beer, Cas sat beside him drinking one of his own. Tasted just like the first one Dean has ever given him. 
Cas hummed into the bottle. “I am.”
“But they think you’re six feet under?”
“They do.” He looked down at his bottle, peeling away the label with his thumbs. “Sometimes I believe that Dean doesn’t think so.”
“Why is that?”
“He prays to me constantly.” Cas smiles, listening to Dean’s prayer right now. “Right now he’s complaining about the crowd at the grocery store.” He chuckles. “And he’s right. I do hate waiting in those long lines.”
Bobby doesn’t say much but the way he says, “Just take care of my boy.” Felt like the blessing he needed, the push, to finally go back to Dean.
Jack was coming down to Earth with him. It may take a while longer to figure out the spell to conceal and hold Jack’s God powers but they would figure it out. Amara promises to find them a way to help him and will contact them soon, giving Jack a final squeeze before she disappears. 
Cas gave Gabriel one last hug, Adam even gave him one even though he was sure Michael wasn’t the hugging type before Jack flew them back to Earth. Appearing in the middle of the bunker’s library. 
Jack ran off with a small smile on his lips, it was constantly strained and never reached his eyes as his powers overwhelmed him, to go look for the brothers. Cas was feeling dizzy from the flight so he shut his eyes, taking a hold of the back of the chair to steady himself. 
Then he looked up when he heard a bottle break. There was a figure laying on top of the map table. 
Cas took out his blade and made his wobbly legs steady before making his way over. Kicking empty beer bottles as he went. Then two bottles of bourbon by the steps. Then he saw the broken bottle of tequila that now laid on the floor by the table.
His eyes traveled up to the map table to see Dean sat blinking over at him. Head tilted and mouth slightly parted. As if he still couldn’t put a name to his face.
Cas put his blade down and made his way over to the drunk hunter. “Be careful there is glass everywhere.”
When he made it to the broken bottle he pushed it into a neat pile with his shoe. 
“How about you go to bed and I’ll clean this up?” Cas leaned down to pick up the bigger pieces but he was quick to cut himself. “Fuck.” Cas hissed as he realized he couldn’t find any grace to even heal himself enough to stop the bleeding.
Dean gently reaches down to take Cas’s bleeding hand. “The last time I saw you, the real you, the same hand was bleeding.” Dean held on to his hand and tears started to fall into Cas’s hand. “I wish I could have at least helped you patch it up. I wish I could have at least done one goddamn thing for you.”
“Dean.” Cas reached to touch Dean’s face with the tips of his fingers but Dean pushed his face into his palm. His heart raced as he cradled Dean’s face in his good hand while his other hand was being held so gently. 
“I miss you, Cas.” His eyes closed as Cas’s thumb started to make circles around his cheek all on its own. Feeling the stubble that was growing too long for Dean’s liking. “I miss you so damn much and I just...I don’t-I don’t think you’re coming back this time.”
“I’m back, Dean.” Cas tells him with urgency. Taking his bleeding hand back to grab Dean’s face, wanting to make him look at him. When Dean blinks up at him again his eyes start to water. “I’m back! I’m here. I’m here, Dean. As long as you want me.”
“Cas?” Dean finally seems to look at him, actually see him. “You’re here?”
“I’m here.”
“You’re back?” Dean covers Cas’s bloody hand with his own while the other one reaches to grip the trench coat. 
“Yes, dumbass.” Cas chuckles through his tears. 
Dean tugs at Cas’s coat and pulls him into a hug. His arms wrapped around his shoulders into a tight embrace, his nose nuzzled into Cas’s neck. His breath tickling him and his breath...horrendous. 
“You stink, Dean.” Cas hugs him back as he hides his face into Dean’s shoulder.
“I love you.” Dean says as he pulls himself closer. 
“I know. I heard your prayers.” Cas chuckles into Dean’s skin. “I love you too.”
Dean pulls back so suddenly that it scares Cas. Thinking maybe he said something wrong but then Dean made another sudden move.
“Marry me!”
Cas choked on his breath when he couldn’t even find his next words.
“Cas, marry me!” His eyes were wide, eyes dilated and a flushed face. Clearly drunk out of his mind. “You’re back so we can get married now! I mean...I think you need to ask Sam for my hand but fuck him for ditching me for Eileen today. Let’s get married before he gets home.”
Dean started to pull him towards the stairs, both of them stumbling over their feet for two different reasons. 
“Can I come too?” Jack finally made his way towards them. “I can be a flower boy!”
“Jack, we’re not getting married.” Cas tells him, his head spinning. “I just…Dean, you’re drunk!”
“Am not!” Dean argued back, his brows furrowed together. Cas’s shoulders relaxed as he looked at how cute his grumpy expression was. “Say you’ll marry me, Cas!”
“Fine, I’ll marry you!” Cas smiles back at him and the grin that shined through Dean’s eyes made his heart race. Fuck, he really missed him. “But not tonight. Tonight we sleep off the alcohol.”
Dean Winchester was pouting at him and his heart ached. He reached to grip at his own shirt, right over his heart. “Dean, please.”
“But I love you.”
“Aww,” Jack pouted back at him. “Dad, he loves you!”
“Jack, you are not helping.” Cas glared at him and then before he looked back at Dean he had a pair of hot lips pressed against his own. Dean was kissing him.
Before he could even enjoy the kiss or even register it completely, Dean was throwing up on his shoes.
Back in the garage, Cas was grinning when he stepped into the warm office. Dean was in the front office when he walked in, the phone between his shoulder and ear as he typed away in the computer. His eyes widened when he saw Cas but then a smile spread across his lips.
“Yes, we’ll send someone right over to tow your car right over. It shouldn’t take more than two to look at. Of course. It’ll be ready by tomorrow. No worries. Okay, have a nice day.” He hung up the phone and quickly rushed to pull Cas into a quick kiss and a tight hug. “Babe, what are you doing here? I said the roads were still too icy to drive in.”
“And yet you put snow chains on my tiers this morning.” Cas hands him his lunch that his boyfriend takes with a grin.
“It’s cause I know you wouldn't listen.” He kisses Cas’s cheek. “Thanks, Babe. You have time to eat lunch with me?”
“I always have time for you, Dean.”
When lunch was over Cas walked back to his truck, Dean fixing the beanie over his head once again. Giving him a quick kiss before saying, “Get home safely.”
“You too, sweetheart.” Cas waves at him when he quickly rushes to the warmth of his truck. Then before he gets into the car he looks back at Dean, who of course was still looking back at him, “Oh, by the way, Claire wants to hear the story of how we got together.”
Dean stood there for a few seconds as his face dropped, cute grumpy. “No.”
“I promised to tell her over dinner!”
“Love you!”
“Cas, babe, no!”
“Love you! Bye!”
“Love you too but no! Cas!”
That drunk proposal felt like years ago instead of months. 
Of course, the best part of the night was the following morning.
Cas woke up with Dean staring down at him, eyes red and filled with tears but a soft smile on his lips. Fingers running through his hair in a gentle caress. Never feeling more at home than he did that morning in Dean’s bed.
“I thought it was creepy to watch people sleep.” Cas mumbles as he reaches over to rub his eyes with the palm of his hands. 
“It is but you’re, um...you’re cute when you sleep.” Dean admitted while Cas froze his face warming up under his hands. “Are you really here, Cas?”
He finally pulled his hands down to stare back at Dean. “I am.”
“And you’re here to stay? Human?”
“I am.” Cas stood still under Dean’s intense stare. “If you’ll have me.”
Dean didn’t answer. Instead, he leaned down to kiss him breathless.
Cas, as well as Jack, was made to promise not to talk about the proposal. Especially the throwing up part or the Jack carrying a passed out Dean to his bed. Cleaning both of them up before he went back to his own room. 
Still, he loved to tease him every chance he got. And he knew their daughter will do the same.
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waywardnerd67 · 5 years
A Balanced Life: Chap. 5 - Hot for Teacher
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Summary: Dean and (Y/N) have secretly been dating for a while and it is getting harder to keep it secret. (Y/N) spends the night with Dean and they get caught by Sammi who has harsh reaction to the whole situation. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Sammi Winchester (OFC), Reader Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: Fluff/Slight Angst/Lite Smut Word Count: 2292 A/N: As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
Catch Up Here: A Balanced Life Masterlist
Four months. It had been four months since Dean and (Y/N)’s first lunch date. That lunch turned into dinner a couple nights a week then overnight stays at her house on the weekends. The only two people to know about their relationship was Sam and Castiel, who both disapproved of it. For the first time since he loss Lisa, he felt like he had someone who can handle the life he led.
Dean nervously paced in the library waiting for his phone to chime with a text. Sam came walking out with Sammi carrying a weekend bag for her. “Dad are you okay?”
He looked down at her smiling, “Yeah sweetheart, I’m fine. You know how I am when you’re not in the Bunker. I get lonely especially since Sam and Cas will not be here either.”
Sammi laughed softly before wrapping her arms around his waist, “I’ll be home on Sunday after hanging out with Miss (Y/L/N). You can text me if you want.”
The fact that she even offered that to him filled his heart with joy, “Thank you, I appreciate that.” He hugged her tightly, “Have fun this weekend and I will see you on Sunday.”
He looked up to his brother seeing the disapproving scowl on his face. Sammi pulled on his arm, “Come on Uncle Sam or I’m going to be late.”
Dean watched as they walked up the stairs and out the Bunker door. Castiel was doing some angel thing while Sam was going to go to Sioux Falls for the weekend. Leaving him alone in the Bunker in order to invite (Y/N) over. Tonight, he was going to do the one thing he had vow never to do again after Lisa. He was going to tell her who he really was.
Making sure one of the wooden tables was set for dinner and their food was warming in the oven. He began pacing again awaiting her text. Dean jumped slightly when his phone chimed, and he quickly pulled it from his pocket.
“Okay, I’m here… I think lol.” Her text said.
Dean leaped up the stairs two at a time making his way out the heavy Bunker door. Taking a deep breath before opening the exterior door he found (Y/N) shuffling from foot to foot on the other side of it. “Welcome to my humble abode.” He said opening the door wider.
“Not going to lie Winchester, I’m a little freaked right now.” She confessed making him chuckle nervously.
She walked in looking around the dimly lit corridor waiting for him to lead the way. “I promise, it’s much nicer on the inside.” He was going to make a joke about their dungeon but decided against it.
Once he opened the door leading into the main room of the Bunker, (Y/N)’s face lit up. She stood at the railing overlooking the war room and part of the library smiling in awe. “Ho-ly crap…” she whispered looking up at him.
“Come on I will give you the grand tour.” He said as she followed him down the stairs.
He took her around all the main parts of the Bunker leaving out the dungeon and armory. When they circled back around towards the kitchen she helped him bring in dinner which was Chinese from her favorite place in town. They sat chit chatting about their week and how much she loved the library.
“Okay, so tell me how you came to live here.” She said as he cleared their dishes and brought in a bottle of wine.
Dean knew this was the moment. The moment that had his stomach in knots and palms constantly rubbing against his thighs to dry off. He poured her another glass filling it with a little more than before and then grabbed himself a glass of whiskey.
“My grandfather, Henry, was apart of a secret organization called the Men of Letters. They were scholars who studied supernatural related phenomena. Our father was in line to also be a Man of Letters, but my grandfather disappeared before he could.” Dean decided to skip over the time traveling bit and save it for another time if there was one.
(Y/N) took a drink of her wine listening intently to him as he continued, “We were left this Bunker because we are legacies. Sam and I did not have a traditional childhood nor does Sammi. I do my best to give her as much as a normal childhood as possible, but my job kind of messes with that.”
He downed his whiskey pouring another glass. “What do you mean by that?” (Y/N) asked genuinely curious.
Dean threw up a small prayer to whoever would listen and began telling (Y/N) all about his day job and his life. Seeing her facial reactions had his stomach clenching in fear that at any moment she would start running for the door. When he finished telling her everything she sat there in silence staring at him.
“You hunt monsters?” she asked just like everyone else did when they found out what he and his brother did.
“Yes. We have saved this world more times than I can count.” He answered leaning forward slightly on the table.
(Y/N) nodded slowly letting out a long breath, “Wow.” Was all she said.
“Look, after Sammi’s mom passed, I swore I would never tell another woman who I really was. The fact that you’re even inside this Bunker, hearing this is a small miracle in my book.” Dean nervously ran his hand over the back of his neck.
“I’m a pretty open-minded person, but this is a lot to take in. I knew something tragic happened to Sammi’s mom because she writes about it all the time in class. I knew your family was special but this… this is completely…” she drifted off with her mouth slightly opened.
“Nuts?” he asked as she chuckled nodding, “Yeah I know it is, but this is our life. I would completely understand if you do not want to see me anymore, but I care about you enough to be honest. I would just appreciate if you did not call child services on us. As you can see, Sammi has perfect attendance, well fed and clothed.”
(Y/N) smiled getting up making Dean’s heart stop briefly until she sat across his lap wrapping her arms around his neck. “Dean, it will take more than a weird job to scare me away. Especially since you ‘care’ about me so much.”
She ran her fingers through his hair as he chuckled, “So, you think you can handle dating a hunter who goes out and kills vampires, werewolves and demons?”
He looked up into her (Y/C/E) eyes as she leaned down kissing him, “What woman could pass up on the chance of dating a real-life superhero.”
Dean watched as she drew her bottom lip between her teeth and could not keep from kissing her deeply. (Y/N)’s hands went up into his hair as he kissed down her neck, “D-Dean…” she said breathlessly.
He stood up carrying her down the hallway towards his room. He set her feet on the floor kicking the door shut as he pulled her shirt over her head. Their lips crashing together as she ran her hands up his stomach and chest tossing his shirt to the side. Within in minutes, they were both bare and falling into bed together.
The whimpers and cries tumbling from her lips spurring feelings deep down he thought he would never have again. Watching as she sank down onto him throwing her head back pressing her breasts further into his calloused hands. When the moment came they reached their release it was the way his name came off her lips sending him over the edge.
That night laying with her curled up beside him, Dean felt it in his heart that he wanted this all the time. He need her in his life to balance out all the horrors he witness. For the first time in his entire life, he fell asleep with no dreams or nightmares haunting him. He slept peacefully and deeply knowing he was safe with her by his side.
Dean slowly opened his eyes to see (Y/N) smiling down at him. She was covered by one of his flannel shirts only and her panties. Her hair was beautifully cascading down over her shoulders and her hand was drifting further and further down his body.
“Good morning gorgeous.” He said as her fingers toyed with the edge of the sheet covering his lower half.
She bit her lip, “Mornin’ handsome…” he sing-song tone having a mischievous hint to it. She brushed her fingers over him and that was all it took for him to roll her onto her back and have his way with her.
After their morning love making, (Y/N) decided she wanted to get up and make him breakfast. He watched as she slipped his shirt back on along with her panties heading out his door. “Oh!” he heard her call out.
Dean quickly slipped on his boxers heading right behind her. His eyes wide in shock seeing Sammi in the hallway staring at (Y/N) barely covered by his flannel. “Sammi, w-what are you doing home?” he asked.
“My friend got sick and Uncle Cas brought me home late last night. What is Miss (Y/L/N) doing here?” she asked placing her hands on her hips.
(Y/N) slipped behind him, “I’m going to get dress now.” Dean nodded as Sammi began walking away.
He grabbed his jeans and a t-shirt hastily putting them on as he followed his daughter down the hallway to the library. Castiel was sitting at one of the large tables looking up curiously as Sammi stomped into the room.
“Sammi, stop and let me explain to you.” Dean called out as his daughter whipped around facing him. She looked so much like Lisa that his heart ached.
Her lips pursed into a thin line before speaking, “Are you dating my teacher? Is that the only reason why she allows me to hang out on the weekends? To get in your pants!”
“Whoa! Hold up a second, that is uncalled for. (Y/N) and I have been seeing each other for a few months. After the fact that she wanted to be a positive role model in your life.” Sammi threw her hands up in the air before crossing them over her chest.
“Oh my god, for months! I thought we had no secrets dad! This could ruin my life if things go south and how did you even explain our ‘home’ to her?” she yelled.
Dean stepped closer to her holding out his hands to her, “I’m sorry I kept it from you. I wanted to tell her about our lives to make sure she wanted to even be apart of it. I didn’t want to get your hopes up.”
“Get my hopes up? Dad, I never wanted you to DATE MY TEACHER! Do you know how weird this is for me?” Sammi’s eyes snapped up to his, “Wait… Miss (Y/L/N) knows about our family?”
Dean nodded as her jaw dropped, “Everything?” she asked as he nodded again. “Oh my god, now she knows how much of a freak I am…”
“Sammi, she doesn’t think that at all. Please just calm down and hear us out. Let’s all go out for breakfast and talk about this.” He suggested as she shook her head.
“I-I need some time to think. I’m going to go to my spot for a little while.” She said walking back towards her room.
Dean stepped in front of her gently taking a hold of her shoulders, “Sammi, I think it would be best if you stay here and heard us out.”
She shook out of his grasp, “Right now, I can’t even face her or you. I need my space and you promise whenever I needed it you would respect that. That is why I have my spot.”
Dean stepped back defeatedly watching his daughter take off down the hallway. He looked over to Castiel who was giving him a sympathetic look. He slumped down into a chair running his hands over his face. That is when he felt (Y/N)’s hands come over his shoulders.
“I think I should go ahead and leave.” She whispered as he looked up at her with tear filled eyes.
Dean encircle her waist bringing her down onto his lap and burying his head into the crook of her neck. “Please stay… I need you to stay.” He whispered.
He felt her rest her cheek on his head and ran her hand down his back soothingly. Castiel got up after several minutes saying he was going to check on Sammi. Dean nodded looking up at (Y/N) as he walked away.
“There is a spot on the roof of the building that Sam and I built for her. It is a spot for her to listen to music loud and have privacy whenever she needed to be alone.” Dean explained as (Y/N) slipped off his lap and into the chair next to him.
(Y/N) gave him a soft smile, “That is a great idea. Kids need space sometimes in order to process things. You really are a great father, Dean.”
Her reassurance made hope rise in his chest as he smiled at her, “Thanks because right now I feel like I’m failing. Epically.”
Castiel came running in from the garage entrance out of breath and Dean’s body went rigid, “Cas what is it?”
Castiel blue eyes were wide with panic sending a chill down his body, “Sammi, she’s gone. She’s not in her spot or anywhere in a five-mile perimeter of the Bunker. Dean, s-she’s missing.”
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @ladywinchester1967 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @1967-essentialghoul @dean-winchesters-bacon @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @thisismysecrethappyplace @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis @bella-ca @drakelover78 @imascio08 @pisces-cutie @dwgrl1903 @mannls @the-salty-asian @winchesterprincessbride @xostephanie @imnotsure15 @superromijn @witch-of-letters @screechingartisancashbailiff @myinconnelly1 @sister-winchesters99 @thekatherinewinchester @babykalika2001 @maddiepants @tumbler-tidbits @sandlee44 @time-travel-bouqet @carryonmywaywardcaptain
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khrsecretvalentine · 7 years
Happy Halloween !
I hope you have a delightful day full of treats and that my gift suits you ♥ Ghost story - Hibari
A yellow anorak tightly tied around his form, shoes squeaking on the pavement still damp from the downpours that drenched Namimori episodically that day, a little boy with deep raven hair was walking with a firm step on the streets. It became a habit, that each day after school on his way home, Hibari followed the same path: turning right after the broken lamp, left after the house with the old shaggy dog, then left again to walk through the park and catch the road which leaded to the calm suburb. He didn’t remember how many time people crouched down to his level to help him «find his parents», something upsetting and annoying at the same time as he answered them, politely but with a frown, that he wasn’t lost at all. And every single day was the same, mom and dad weren’t able to pick him up so he had to cross half of the city to regain his comfy home, slaloming between legs to go through waves of hurried people. But Kyoya didn’t mind, at all, clearing his mind with a bowl of fresh air after math problems was the best solution, plus,his grand’pa was trusting him as he knew he was totally capable of that simple task; and the first time he went back home, he rewarded him with a wonderful pocket watch similar to his own so he could keep in mind the track of time and not be late for dinner.
When he finally reached the park, he took place on the more secluded bench as always, away from the scream of kids and the laugh of mothers, except the fact that no one was around today, the cold breath of Autumn had made them run away. He pulled an apple out of his bag, chewing with a soft sound as he watched from under his hood the ripple caused by the wind on the patches of puddle adorning the ground. His eyes stopped on the fences in front of him, few meters away rose a dilapidated house, ruins of a life he knew nothing about and would probably never know. It always fascinated him, the way she was still fighting to stay up despite the time, because, as far as he remembered, he always saw her that way. He tried, once, to asked for her story, but his grand father answered with a serious face that she was haunted, before laughing hard as an expression he couldn’t define stroke his own form. Oh, he knew that he was just joking even if a part of him would have wish it was, sending those wonderful chilling of excitment and terror run on his tiny back. With a sigh too big for his lungs, he lifted his head toward the sky still covered with threatening dark cloud. He took the watch out of his pocket and squinted at the needles. He still had some time as his mind wondered around the several options to occupy  himself. A hand crashed on his, snatching the jewel out of his fingers redden by the cold, he rose from his sit, glaring as hard as he could in the direction of the three pre-teens in front of him, they were few feet taller than his figure, he wasn’t afraid and he will not go back home without his precious gift, even if it costs him several bruises and scratches. After few not-funny-jokes, the ugliest of the three cast a glanced toward the boy, arms up trying to catch the shining piece in his hand, with a devious smirk, he said «If you go to the haunted house and come back in one piece, we will give it back. Of course, you have to reach the highest window and wave from there or it doesn’t count!» He studied Hibari’s unreadable face, his smirk going wider as he added: «Unless you’re a cry baby of course..» Those words made him snap, or was it the fact he felt so helpless facing those bullies. Fists clenched, he walked toward the big black gap where a door probably used to be, when the darkness of the lobby engulfed him completely, he realized that, maybe, it wasn’t the best idea he could have had. Frowning to himself, he took a step forward, repeating endlessly that ghosts didn’t exist but tyrants did, and he had to get stronger to avoid this situation again, he passed the first two rooms without giving a thought of the furniture covered in dust and the remains of moldy tapestries between the dim light appearing behind torn curtains. He came back to reality when he finally reached the stairs, squinting his eyes to judge the solidity of the moth-eaten wood, when the tip of his sneakers brush against the ground, a deep creaking noise echoed through the whole house, followed by the slamming sound of the wind against the spare boards of the walls. He held back a squeak, rushing to the first floor practically flying above the steps, his heart racing to the point he was persuaded that it could bore a hole into his chest, he ran into the dark corridor, cluttered by shelves on which appeared dirty jars filled with strange little stuff. He entered an open room lit by the pale grey of the sky and if the door was still hooked on his hinges, he would have banged it and never left it ever again. His mind began to wander toward the dark alleys of his imagination, exploring deepest primal fears nailing him on the dusty floor as he fell on his knees. He would have sworn to have seen someone behind the door, hearing them walking slowly to come and take him god knows where, a silent thud came from behind his form and he froze, cold beads of sweat running on his nape as he felt like he was going to faint. The silky lock of his hair stopped moving as well, stuck to a now drenched forehead, not moving an inch as he held his breath for what seemed like hours. His eyes closed shut, his hands on both side of his head, minutes passed as he waited for the next move of the monster who were circling him, what would happen, would he be attacked, taken to jail or worse, eaten in one bite, but nothing came. When his throat stung too much and he couldn’t hold it anymore, Hibari cracked an eye open, facing two big green eyes, his mouth opened for a last prayer, then closed in an utter silence. «Mrew ?» The, abominable monster wasn’t that big, nor that terrible, even less when he blinked and nuzzled against him while purring softly. He rolled on his back, trying to hate that fur ball already cuddling under his windbreaker, but he couldn’t resolved himself to do it, he patted its back, eyes scrutinizing the ceiling waiting for his heart to calm down.He finally woke up, walking slowly toward the window, searching for the bench he used to sit on, the night was falling on Namimori and the street lamps were already warming the empty park, of course, the idiots weren’t there anymore, and as he gave it a second thought, they probably send him there and left making fun of him as soon as he entered the house. This night he came back home, angry, ashamed, tired and dirty promising to his frail and young self that no one would trick him that way anymore.
Fifteen years later, Hibari yawned, stretching like a feline on the grass, his eyes opened on the now dark sky, how long had he slept? Two, Three hours maybe? The ruckus that woke him up reached his ears once again, and with a growl, he pushed himself up, dusting his pants before walking past groups of noisy children, Ô, he hated the bother they caused to his Dear city so much, sharp hues keen like knives were enough to make everyone stepped away from his path and rise whispers behind him. He crossed the main street, turned to the right in front of the now brand new lamp, to left after the house were the old shaggy dog stopped barking years ago, then to the left again.. He entered the park, eyes closed, walking in his realm, following a path he knew by heart, he looked around the empty swings, eyeing from afar the lovers sitting on his favorite bench, he decided to finish his round by the Not-so-haunted-house, still there, stopping to pat a descendant of his old furry friend before heading home.
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I’m sorry for the quality, Aesthetics Here
From @in-the-name-of-the-holy-reborn to @our-flame-never-goes-out
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revjonbanks-blog · 4 years
A little about me
When I was in my early twenty’s I had a friend who was the daughter of a Church of God pastor in my hometown. The Church of God (Anderson, IN) had a statewide Camp Meeting outside my hometown every year. They would have something going on every day for a week. Every evening a preacher chosen for that specific year would preach. That year my friend persuaded me to go.
It was the last sermon on the last night of the week. I was sitting about three rows from the very back. When the invocation was given I wanted to go forward to the altar, but I just stood frozen. In my mind I said, ‘Jesus, I can’t walk up there. If you want me, you’ll have to come and get me.’ Immediately, a hand was on my left arm and leading me to the altar. As I started to kneel, I looked to my left to see who had led me down that long isle. It was Jesus, the Son of the living God. As soon as He let go of my arm He walked around the end of the altar and knelt right in front of me. The pastor, my friend’s father, knelt to my right and the gentleman who had preached the sermon knelt in front of him. They both began talking to me, but it seemed like their words were coming from light years away; I was so overwhelmed by the Presence of Jesus that I couldn’t understand a thing they were saying. And that night, kneeling in front of the Son of God, I became a Christian at a camp meeting in the country.
From that night on I felt the Presence of Jesus every day for one to two months. His Presence was especially prevalent in the mornings when I would awake. I would fall to my knees as soon as my feet hit the floor in total awe of what I was experiencing. I didn’t see Him during these times, but I knew exactly where He was standing each morning, and the entire room was filled with His glory. (The Holy Spirit witnesses to my heart right now as to how precious and how real these experiences were and how, to this day, the Lord uses them to help me from time to time.)
A few years later an elderly lady invited several people to her house after church one Sunday morning for some snacks and cold drinks. My wife and I attended. At one point this lady asked us to come into her kitchen. Another couple heard her invite us and they came, also. The lady then addressed me and said that she was the nurse on duty when I was born. She said that when she entered the delivery room Jesus was standing in a corner. She explained His Presence as being almost overwhelming. She went on to say that Jesus was also in the room my mom and I were placed in after my birth. She would pause each time she came in to check on us because His Presence was so glorious it was hard for her to bear. He stayed in our room until we were released from the hospital. It was so humbling to know that Jesus was present at both my natural birth and my spiritual birth.
About six months after my wife and I were married, we moved to Houston, TX where I would attend Gulf Coast Bible College (which later became Mid-America Christian University in Oklahoma City, OK). We both worked for a year before I started school. A man I worked with that year happened to be a student at the college. He invited me to a prayer meeting at a house in the Houston Heights that several young men from the college had rented. The house was built like a mansion. Just inside the front door there was a huge foyer and two stairwells, one to the right of the door and one to the left of the door, both leading to an open hallway upstairs that formed a half circle overlooking the downstairs foyer.
There were approximately twenty people present. Most of them were standing in the upstairs hallway. A few were on the stairs. I took a seat about four or five steps up the stairwell to the right, hugging the wall, in case someone might want to get by me. There were two or three men sitting several steps behind me, but none below me. This was in the evening and there were a couple of lamps left on in the foyer and also rays of light from a street light shining through some windows with sheer curtains on the front wall parallel to the stairs.
At a point in the prayer meeting, I think near the end, there came a period of complete silence. During that silence, someone put his hands on my shoulders. I sat frozen, not knowing what was happening. I then heard a voice say, “I ordain you to preach my gospel”. When the person removed His hands I opened my eyes and saw that it was Jesus who had ordained me. He then started up the stairs. I leaned back and, with my right hand, I reached out and touched the hem of His garment. I saw His garment move when I touched it. He stopped, looked back, and smiled at me. He then walked to the top of the stairs and disappeared. A man who was standing in the upstairs hallway was made aware that the Lord had dealt with me that night. The Lord actually let him see the same thing I saw after my ordination, an unclean spirit that was pursuing one of the students present in the prayer meeting. Twenty-four years later a church presented me with an ordination certificate. There was no ceremony. Jesus is the only Person that has laid hands on me.
My ordination is not from man, nor through the agency of man, but through the laying on of the hands of Jesus. I did not choose Him; He chose me. I now belong to Jesus and my allegiance is to Him and the Father alone.
Several months after that night, I started Bible College. A few weeks into my second semester my wife got a phone call from my biological father’s wife. (I had met them when I was sixteen and my dad had a bad heart condition. My wife and I went to see him the day we left for Houston. He was still working and doing okay.) His wife said that he had recently been forced to take a medical retirement from his work. The doctors weren’t giving him much time to live. He wanted us to move back to Oklahoma before he died. When my wife told me about this, I thought, ‘I can’t just drop out of college. It’s a four year college.’ However, after a week or two, I began to feel that God might really want me to leave school and move back to Oklahoma.
I prayed about it for several days and the feeling wouldn’t leave. I asked the Lord to please let me know for certain if He wanted me to do this. I then put a cotton work glove on the grass outside our apartment and, with my finger, I drew a twelve to fifteen inch circle around the glove. I prayed and asked the Lord to let there be dew on the ground but not on the glove, nor within the circle, if He wanted me to leave school and move back. I checked the following morning and the dew was on the ground, but not on the glove, nor was it in the circle.  I then asked that He do the opposite the next day, let there be dew on the glove and within the circle, but not on the ground. That next morning I overslept and was almost late for school. I rushed outside and quickly checked the ground, and it was dry. I crawled to the glove and it was wet with dew, as was the circle around it. We began packing our belongings and within days we were on our way back to Oklahoma.
After driving over eight hours we stopped and spent the night with my wife’s family. My dad lived approximately thirty-five miles north of them. The following day we visited with her mother most of the morning, then drove to my dad’s house. We arrived around noon. He and his wife were so surprised to see us. They had no idea we were coming. We never thought about letting them know. I had just asked the Lord what He wanted me to do, and then did it. They weren’t prepared for company so my wife and his wife immediately left for town to get some food to prepare for lunch.
My dad and I were standing outside talking when they left. They hadn’t been gone one minute and my dad had a heart attack. I helped him inside the house and laid him down on a cot by the wall just inside the door. In approximately one and a half minutes more, he passed away. I just stood there beside him, looking into his open eyes that were so still and so quiet, not knowing what to do. We had no cell phones back then so I couldn’t contact my wife. He lived a few miles from the nearest town so I didn’t bother calling an ambulance. I soon went outside.
My dad wasn’t a Christian when he died. I began asking the Lord to give him another chance. I sat on a porch step and prayed and prayed and prayed. Every once in a while I would stand up and pace back and forth on the patio and then sit back down. Twice I went back in the house and checked to see if my dad had come back to life. After what seemed like an eternity of sitting and pacing, sitting and pacing (it was actually about twenty-five to thirty minutes), I sat down for the last time and heard the words, “I have heard and I have answered; I have given you the desires of your heart”. I rushed inside and he was still dead. I went back outside for a few more minutes, and then went back in, and again, he was still dead.  I thought, ‘Maybe I have to tell him to wake up,' but, before I could speak, the last Adam, Jesus --- the life-giving Spirit --- breathed into him and he awoke from sleep. His first words were, "I was dead!” He said it three times and then began to praise Jesus.
As he was praising the Lord our wives returned. His wife went into a panic and started screaming, “What happened. He’s never looked this bad before.” I assured her he was okay and that he only needed a bath (he had passed his bowels and urine). After this day my dad still had a bad heart but he had renewed energy and vigor. He and his two brothers began going from one Church of God to another in Oklahoma, each giving their testimonies. My dad always worked into his testimony a statement saying, “People say that when you’ve been dead as long as I was, your brain will be affected, and I can attest to its truth – my brain was affected drastically -- I was a sinner, now I’m a saint; I was dead, now I’m alive.”
Several years after this experience, I was at a prayer meeting in North Carolina that was being held in the loft of a barn. There were about twelve to fifteen people present. I was sitting in a chair beside a middle aisle that ran down the middle of the loft. As we were praying in silence, I was suddenly filled with faith that what was beginning there would spread to the north, south, east, and west. I stood and began to speak but was cut short before I could complete a sentence. In the blink of an eye, I was standing beside Jesus in a place far above the earth. I don’t know where we were, whether in heaven, or on top of one of the highest clouds. God knows.
Jesus was standing to my left, facing me; Peter and John were to my right. I saw someone coming up from behind us and turned to look, and it was James. When I saw him, I glanced down and saw my body lying on the floor in the loft. Jesus began telling me I had been born before my time, and that the knowledge I had received would be usable, but I must wait until God completed a work in His people. He didn’t tell me what that work was. While Jesus was talking to me, Paul appeared, walking from my right to my left, several feet in front of me.  He was looking straight at me. I had the feeling that he knew me. Jesus then told me about my call and I returned to my body. My physical body ached for almost three weeks after this experience.
These have been just a few experiences that I’ve I held in my heart for nearly fifty years. Recently I shared them with two different people in two different places at two different times and both of them felt that I should share them with others. So I now believe the Lord wants me to share them. I have written them for the sole purpose of exalting Jesus and the Father, who love us beyond our ability to comprehend.
If you would pass me on the street you wouldn’t even notice me. I’m just another nobody from nowhere. There’s nothing good in me except that which Jesus has worked in me. I realize this may sound like a cliché, but it’s the absolute truth.
Rev. Jon David Banks, God’s most unworthy servant
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circle-of-six-mages · 5 years
It’s, uh, very late, and I missed last week, but here it is. Enjoy!\
Chapter 1- Aplla Village
Two girls sat in a tree. One of them, with snow-white hair, had a scrunched-up face like she was concentrating very hard. She had a piece of paper on a hard tablet propped on her knees, on which she was scribbling furiously.
The other had hair that was midnight black. A smile played at her lips and she appeared to be reading a book. However, her eyes never left the paper of the girl sitting below her in the branches.
“Hey, Ria!” She called.
The girl with white hair stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth, concentrating hard. “Hmmm?”
“Whatcha drawing?”
Aria froze up for a second in shock before draping her body over the paper. “N-none of your business, Ly!” Her cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Lyla sat back, smirking a bit. “Really? Because it looked like Jelin.”
Aria’s face got even redder. “N-no it wasn’t! Lyla, you know I don’t like it when you look at my drawings.” She lifted herself up, crumpling the paper and throwing it to the forest floor. “This one’s no good, anyway.”
Lyla leaned back.”No changing the subject. You like ver, Aria. I see the way you look at ver.”
Aria cast her eyes down. “Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. You know that just as well as I do.”
Lyla arched an eyebrow. “How so? Even if the Demons control everything else, the thing they don’t control is our love lives. As long as we follow their rules, we get to live and be happy with whoever we want.”
Aria looked up now. “So you haven’t heard. I’m surprised, they announced it over a week ago. Normally you’re telling me about the Demons’ new rules.”
Lyla looked down suspiciously. “What is it.”
“Starting with this year’s batch of sixteen- year- olds, after the testing ceremony, all those who have failed the Test will be assigned a husband or wife. They’ll come from the Sister Village, so I would get a husband from your village, and go to live there with him. They think that if they mix the descendants of Light and Dark Mages, they’ll get less of each. Apparently there’s been a spike in the numbers recently.”
Lyla sat in solemn silence. “So now they’re even taking this from us.”
Trying to hide her sadness, Aria turned away to wipe a tear away. “With the test only a couple days away, it would be pointless to confess now. Even if we both fail, it would literally be impossible for us to be together.”
Seeing her opportunity, Lyla seized it. “So you admit you like ver.”
She shrugged. “Just trying to lighten the mood.” She dropped down to Aria’s branch. “Look, there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s plenty of good guys in my village. I know they’re not Jelin, but they’ll treat you well if you do the same.”
Aria smiled. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She chuckled a bit. “I can’t believe they think that they can make you get married.” She tried to wipe all the emotion off her face. “I’m Lyla, and I feel nothing. No pain. What, a husband? No way. I’ll just be emotionless till he goes away.” By the end, she and Lyla were laughing, trying not to fall out of the tree.
“Well, sorry that I keep my emotions guarded so Demons can’t use them!” Lyla laughed.
They laughed together, teasing each other until the Suns went down. First Renda, then Roodae sunk below the horizon. Only Rhysha hung in the sky, turning it red and orange and pink.
“I guess we better go home, huh?” Aria said quietly. Her hair was turned a soft pinkish orange by Rhysha.
Lyla sighed. “Only three days until The Test.” She looked down at Aria, looking frightened. “What if we pass?”
Aria, at the thought, looked just as scared. “I don't know. I think I'd run. Or try to, anyway. But… I really don't want to think about that. What are the odds of us passing, anyway? And we don't even have time to talk about that now. We can do that tomorrow, but for now, we better get home before curfew.”
They hopped down from the tree, and Aria looked for the paper she’d tossed down before. It was nowhere to be found. Lyla told her that they’d find it tomorrow; they had to go or they would be late and locked out of their hometowns overnight, fair game to the Demons. Aria nodded and they hugged. When they broke apart, they walked in opposite directions. Aria walked toward Aplla Village, a tiny town in what used to be the Kingdom of Light. Lyla walked toward Pilke Village, a town that used to be on the very border of the Kingdom of Darkness.
Just as Aria walked through the gate to town, a bell rang and the gates closed. The clock struck six.
She'd just barely made curfew.
Aria entered the house, offering a half-hearted “I'm home!” The smell of an unusual dinner filled her nose: steak and mashed potatoes. Her parents had kept that much beef and potato? That could've earned them some decent money on the shopping district.
Disputes her qualms, Aria was excited for dinner and quite hungry. She walked up to her room and pulled a random book off the shelf, one of the three her parents had managed to get her for a holiday or her birthday.  The shelf only came up to her waist, and was so old it was practically rotting, but it had apparently been her great great great grandmother’s or something. The shelf held other small trinkets; a feather from her favorite goose that had died when she was a child, a lone earring made from a fake ruby that she had found in the road, and her mother’s mother’s wedding painting. She tore her eyes away from her grandmother’s smiling face and forced them to look at the book. It was her favorite, she realized.
The front cover read The Legend of the Circle of Six Mages in shiny emboss script. Flopping on the bed, Aria cracked it open to the page where it told of the each of the members and their weapons.
The Mages kept their names well-hidden to shield themselves from surprise attack or betrayal. Not even the best historians can find their names, she read.
She sighed, skipping the next half page. It was the introduction, where the author of the story rambled about how great the Circle was, pussyfooting around the actual information, doubling the length that the intro probably should have been.
Her eyes finally landed on the known physical attributes and roles of the Circle. Though she could practically recite this part by heart, she read it anyway.
Water Mage: 5’5”
Long-range weapon: bow and arrow
Melee weapon: Dussak
Fire Mage: 5’6”
Weapons specialist
Long-range weapon: atlatl
Melee weapon: urumi
Wind Mage: 4’9”
Communications specialist
Long-range weapon: chakram
Melee weapon: tessen
Earth Mage: 5’1”
Long-range weapon: slingshot
Melee weapon: cestus
Light Mage: 6’0”
Throwing spear
Melee weapon: katar
Aria, usually teased mercilessly by boys for her height, still took great pride in the fact that she was exactly as tall as the Light Mage from the legend. It wasn't much, but still.
Dark Mage
Training Leader
Long-range weapon: kusarigama
Melee weapon: tekko-kagi claws (or tekagi claws)
After reading the table, Aria skipped the rest of the intro. She continued to the beginning of the story, where the author told about how the Circle came to be.
For all his rambling in the introduction, he was a fantastic storyteller. It never ceased to amaze Aria how he could weave the words together and make the images unfold in her mind, like she was watching a play or even the real event rather than just reading. It was no wonder he was known as the Spinner of Tales.
Aria read for a good hour before her mother called her to the table for dinner. The put her worn and battered book back on the shelf, when a paper fell out. She picked it up and started to open the folded sheet, but her mother called her again.
Shrugging, she put it on top of her books and ran down the stairs. She nearly ran headlong into her mother.
“Sorry, mom. You okay?”
It was easy to see who Aria took after. They had the same shiny, soft white hair, the same sparkling blue eyes, the same pale skin tone. And when her mother gave her a reassuring smile and nod, one could see they shared that, too.
Aria sat at the table, to her father’s left. He sat at the table’s head, and her mother at the other end. Her twin five year old brothers sat on the opposite side.
In front of everyone sat a sizable steak and a pile of creamy mashed potatoes with gravy in a makeshift well in the center. Aria’s mouth watered, but she held off until after the prayer.
“Oh great goddess Amasuru, please bless our food and protect is in these coming days. Especially watch our daughter as she prepared for her Test, and becomes a woman.” Aria blushed as her father prayed, not expecting to be watched over specifically. Nearly everyone prayed to the gods, but to ask to have someone watched over was special and highly intimate; reserved for families, close friends, and lovers. To pray for oneself was taboo, unless they were in an immediately life- threatening situation, like a fight.
The boys poked at their food, but it was clear that they were more curious and apprehensive than hungry. They had picked up on the worried atmosphere of the table, and the significance of their fathers’ prayer was not lost on them, either.
“Daddy?” Omnis, one of Aria’s twins, spoke up as he began to cut off a small piece of steak.
“What is The Test?”
“Not sure you're old enough for that, son.”
“Them when is he old enough, dad? He needs to know at some point.” Aria interjected.
Her father looked at Omnis and Potis, chewing his lip. “Alright.” He consented with a sigh. “The Test is a once yearly test across the Demonic Kingdom. A group of Demons comes to even the smallest of villages. They test every person who had turned sixteen in the past year.”
“Test them for what? Math?” Potis asked. “I hope not. I'm terrible at it.” Omnis nodded in agreement.
“No, sons. They test for magic.”
As they got closer to what Aria knew the boys would ask, she felt herself growing more and more afraid. She stared at her potatoes.
“And if you have it?” Omnis asked.
Aria answered for her father, her voice shaking. “They kill you.”
Omnis and Potis looked shocked. “Why?!” They chorused.
This time, her mother answered. “That dog of a Human-Type Demon scum and his little master are afraid the Circle of Six Mages will return,” she said, sarcasm dripping from the word master.
At her words, Aria’s father’s face whitened. “Don't mention that group, the Demons will hear you.” He tried to cover his fear with a smile. “Let's enjoy your sister’s birthday dinner, eh?”
Aria smiled sunnily. “I almost forgot it was tomorrow. I really wish it wasn't.”
“Oh, hush now, when you fail that test, you can get a license and study the beasts of the Lakroni region.”
Aria smiled, thinking of the one region Demons couldn't set foot in, but was strictly guarded by its inhabitants. One could only enter for study or work, for within it lurked many fantastic beasts. There were unicorns and Yin Dragons, just to name a couple.
She stabbed her meat dreamily. “And then I can get a degree in zoology.”  
“I wanna go to the Lakroni region!” Omnis piped up.
“Me too!” Agreed Potis. Aria chuckled.
“When you fail your tests, you can come study zoology with me.” She assured them.
“Anyway,” her father said, clearing his throat, “I have something for you, Aria.” He produced a medium- sized package from his coat. It was wrapped in brown paper and a white ribbon perched on top. “Happy birthday.” He said.
Tearing up, Aria took it. “Thanks, guys.” She tore it open.
Inside were two books. One was a book on plants and animals: which ones were poisonous, which you could eat, how to kill animals and cook them. She opened the front cover, and a map of all of Rashivio fell out. The paper was ancient and worn, and Aria was afraid that holding it would disintegrate it. The borders were marked under one crown, rather than the six Kingdoms and the Capital housing the High King, so it had come after the Demon takeover. But by the look of the map, it was as old as his reign.
She knew exactly what this was for: if she had magic after all, and had to run. In case she actually made it out of the city alive.
The other was a guidebook on weapons, not unlike the one Lyla had been reading earlier. She opened this one, and a fifty Yuunash bill fell out.
“Mom… Dad…” She began, tears spilling down her face. “This is a lot of money. Are you sure?”
They both nodded solemnly. “Now,” her mother said hastily, wiping away a tear. “Let's finish dinner before it gets cold.”
Silverware clinked against stoneware, and their glasses filled were with fine wine (except for Omnis and Potis; they got fresh milk from one of the cows her parents raised). Aria found that her mother even saved some of their homemade ice cream, which Aria tried to refuse and make her mother sell.
Her refusal denied, Aria found herself enjoying her ice cream and her dinner. Worries of her Test looming on three days disappeared from her mind. When her father got out his old and dusty violin, she just danced and even took over playing at one point.
Laughter filled the house until almost one in the morning, when they decided they better go to bed.
Aria climbed the creaky stairs to her bedroom, exhaustion hitting her like a ton of bricks. She yawned and opened the door to her room, where her oil lamp was still lit, its flame dancing merrily.
Aria opened up the window to let the warm summer breeze in. She let it blow on her face, and tried not to think of the upcoming Test. Which, of course, failed.
Gazing out the window, she wished she could fly on the breeze like the Wind Mage. Or melt into shadow and darkness like the Dark Mage. Or ride beams of sunlight like they were real and tangible, like the Light Mage. Anything to get out of this place. Anything to get away from the Demons.
After a couple minutes of this, Aria chuckled at her foolishness. “Even if I did have magic,” she said to herself, “they'd kill me within an hour of me finding out.” And with that, she closed the window and changed into a ratty nightgown. She climbed into bed and reached over to extinguish her lamp.
Suddenly, the light flew toward her palm. The flame still burned on the wick, still gave off heat, but the light sat in Aria’s palm. She stared at it in shock and terror. She flapped her hand in panic, like an artist trying to shake a hand cramp, and the little ball of light flew back to the candle and went back into the fire, as if nothing had happened.
Aria but her lip and put out the flame. She rolled over on her bed, gripping her thin blanket anxiously.
Was that magic? The terrifying thought ran around endlessly in her head. She tossed and turned for a good hour.
Finally, she thought, it was probably just a hallucination. I don't have magic. That has to be it. She tried to comfort herself with this thought, and finally fell into a restless sleep.
A crumpled piece of paper hovered by her window, a terrible darkness blooming from it. It smiled wickedly, several rows of white teeth glimmering in the low lighting despite its obviously demonic appearance.
It smiled because she belonged to it.
And it couldn’t wait to devour her.
First- Prologue
Previous- Prologue
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