#probably one of the coolest things i've ever drawn???
abrielarnold · 3 months
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watched trigun stampede last weekend, and ooooooooh it exceeded all my expectations. (vash really is the character of all time)
(song yoinked from the intro. also, the intro is so pretty?? i couldn't skip it on any of the episodes)
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little-cereal-draws · 6 months
A ramble abt Dr. Blitzmeyer's clothes (pt 3)
Hello, I'm back on my bullshit >:) as if I was ever off
There is no point that I'm trying to make with this, I've just been staring at pictures of her for so long I thought of this
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These are all different outfits but I'm grouping them together. This is concept art by Aidan Sugano from the art book. These were for the idea where Blitzmeyer worked at the Silver Society, a secret organization of scientists and other magical creatures who were against the Institute. In this idea, she also had a bunch of tattoos that glowed when she used magic. I think this idea is sick as fuck. Literally the coolest thing in the world. But in terms of her clothes, it's very asymmetrical and mimics a lot of Nimona's motifs. The hems in the clothes are on the organic grid that Nimona uses instead of the rigid, geometric grid of the Institute (they talk abt this earlier in the art book) and because her bottom half, whether it's a skirt or pants, is so baggy, it gives her that pear shape that Nimona has. She literally has the same highlights on her goggles as Nimona has in her eyes. They are using her clothes to characterize her as someone against the Institute, someone who has magical qualities, someone on Nimona's side. (Side note that's not abt clothes: Blitzmeyer also uses the organic S-curves that Nimona does instead of the Institute's geometric shapes - Ballister's a rectangle, Ambrosius' a triangle, and the Director's a diamond.)
In the second, third, and fifth sketches here, she's wearing harem pants. I think that these are too baggy for her experiments and would be a safety hazard so she probably wouldn't wear them to the lab; she takes her work too seriously for that. The designs on the fabric of the first two sketches reminded me of the patterns in African and Japanese textiles. (The first image below is a Zulu pattern from South Africa and the second image is from a Japanese kimono.) The pattern on the pants in the third sketch reminded me for the geometric patterns in Islamic art (third image below). The sash on the right in the fifth sketch, reminds me of ancient petroglyphs. (Forth image below, from the United States; it's so old, I couldn't find a specific culture to go with it.)
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Drawn by Minkyu Lee. These are probably the most comic accurate outfits in the art book. Out of the two of them, I prefer the one on the right because the one on the left's hair reminds me of ice cream lol
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Drawn by Minkyu Lee. I think besides the tattoo idea, these are my favorites. It still incorporates the punk-ness that would associate her with Nimona as well as staying true to the eccentric but smart nature of her comic character. I think these designs also do a good job of making something new but still being based in her comic outfit. Her lab coat here has the same collar and baggy sleeves as her casual outfit in the comic as well as the same black undershirt. The one on the right is a bit baggy for lab work but the one on the left is good. But I think the most important thing about this design is the goggles. The other designs have been missing it, I think bc it's hard to make her expressive that way, but it works so well here. It's an integral part of her comic design and you can't really have her character without them. I would love if they went with this design because I think it has everything it needs to read as her while still being new. Also I love how her hair looks here.
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Drawn by Minkyu Lee. This one seems evil, cunning, and not science-y at all. It's giving Lady McBeth vibes lol
part one part two
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
'Ello, I just wanted to come on here to say how much I LOVE your brush-work (is that a word lol?)
Crayon or Pencil-like lines that aren't always opaque all the way and are a little more sketchy sometimes are probably some of my favourite :D
Also, your style is just really cool and nice anyway, but I wanted to give a shout out specifically to your based brush choice!
yessss i love traditional textures in digital art, thank you :> i use kyle t webster's brushes for photoshop and I've never found brushes that better emulate certain real-life textures. man's a wizard, i dunno how he does it. i use his tiltiriffic 2015 brush for basically everything short of merch and anything i want to have really thick lines, it's a delightful brush and it feels so natural to work with.
i heard advice somewhere that people tend to resonate more with art that looks like it was hand drawn, you want small imperfections in your coloring and lineart, you don't want everything to be perfect. i really resonate with that, i think there's a certain element to sketchy pencil lines and messy paint and kraft paper textures that you could call, appropriately... cozy :)c
anyway if anyone would like to know what brushes i use and what i use them for they are under the cut with examples 👍
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hopefully this image can be blown up if you click on it :') the only brushes that aren't featured are the ones i got from the free sample pack from true grit texture supply, i use their craft paper textures for most things as well and one of their building grain shader brushes for like, noise gradients. if any of y'all have a photoshop subscription you can download his brushes for free, i highly recommend checking them out! they are THE coolest brushes i've ever used (And boy I've gone through a lot of brushes in my time). if your drawing tablet does not have pressure or tilt sensitivity though your mileage will vary, tilteriffic did not work on my brothers tablet because it couldn't pick up what angle my stylus was at.
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duhragonball · 6 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga Ch.100
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Yes, Cheelai, we have finally reached the end of the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog, but in particular, we've also finally reached the end of the seemingly endless manga adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie.
And yeah, this seems like an anticlimactic place to close out the year, but that's kind of how this entire liveblog has been, when you get down to it. I've had fun going through all this stuff, but there's a reason I'm referring to it all as "apocryphal". The Tournament of Power is a lot of fun, and the two DBS feature films are instant classics, but none of it really feels essential to Dragon Ball. From the OAVs to GT to Super, the main theme here is "Hey, remember Dragon Ball? Let's make more of that!" Everything ends up being a sequel or a callback or an easter-eggy kind of deal. And that's not the worst thing that can happen to a franchise, but it's probably fitting that we're closing out on the final chapter of a comic book adaptation of a movie that serves as a sequel to the Android arc that was a continuation of the Red Ribbon Army arc.
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Chapter 100 just retells the last several minutes of the Super Hero movie, and I already went over the film, so let's just concentrate on how the manga depicts it differently. We'll start with Gohan's right arm, which got some heat a few days ago when the previews came out.
I refuse to dogpile on Toyotaro, since he's a far better artist than I'll ever be, and I've genuinely enjoyed his art through this entire read-through, even when the writing has been bad. That said... yeah, Gohan's arm looks kind of weird. Maybe while Gohan was teaching himself the Special Beam Cannon, he learned how to do Piccolo's stretchy arm thing too.
I do think it's pretty dumb how chuds on Twitter will nitpick Toyotaro's art as though the original Dragon Ball manga was some kind of showcase of photorealistic anatomy. I've been a fan of this thing for a quarter-century now, and the key to loving Dragon Ball is to make peace with the fact that it's fundamentally goofy and stupid. Sometimes a guy's arm gets drawn longer than his other arm. Sometimes characters scream so loud that their jaws unhinge like when a snake swallows an egg whole. Bulma wasted a wish on the Dragon Balls to make her ass look hotter, because if she didn't, then Frieza would come back and use the wish to make himself taller. Goku grew his tail back by having a guy tug on his ass with a pair of pliers. This show was always a hot mess, so don't blame Toyotaro. It was like this when he got here.
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Anyway, Cell Max tries to block the Special Beam Cannon like he did in the movie, but Gohan has a harder time punching through, so in this version Goten and Trunks jump in to distract Cell and give Gohan a boost. In the movie, they were still Gotenks until after the fight ended, but in this version the battle must have taken a little longer, since they de-fused a little earlier.
Of course, this is just a way for Toyotaro to show off the Great Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 costumes one more time. It's kind of pointless, because all of the added Goten and Trunks scenes in this arc have been pointless. Also, Trunks' pose looks really awkward here. He looks like he got sawed in half, and both halves are still kind of flying forward in the same direction, but he's no longer connected.
I will say that I'm grateful for this final appearance of X-1 and X-2, because it gives me a chance to critique their outfits one last time. I hate the superhero undies they wear over their tights. They look baggy and puffy for some reason, which make it look like Goten and Trunks are wearing diapers. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite of what the boys were going for.
I mean, the outfits aren't that bad, but what irritates me is how Toyotaro keeps showing them off like this is the coolest thing going on in this story. The designs are presented like they somehow connect all these different things. Goten and Trunks were inspired by Cleangod, and they named their personas after Great Siayaman, and then Dr. Hedo saw them and supposedly based the Gammas' costumes off their look. Except X-1 and X-2 don't actually look anything like Great Saiyaman, or Cleangod, or the Gammas. It's just frustrating.
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Anyway, we get the same bit about cosmetic skin alteration from the movie, except Gotenks has already separated in this version, so Bulma can address Goten and Trunks separately.
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I also like this part after Pan shows off her flying ability. This segued into the credits of the movie, but here we see Gohan calling out for her to stay closer to the ground. It's pretty cute, since it kind of calls back to when Gohan was a timid child way back in the early days of DBZ. Now he's older and braver, but I bet when he sees Pan up so high in the air he thinks about how scared he was whenever he was up really high.
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Meanwhile, some Red Ribbon goons have survived the battle and appear to be slowly getting away. This is nice because I noticed these guys escorting Carmine to safety in one of the previous chapters, and I've always wondered if any of the Red Ribbon guys made it out of the base alive. Pan knocked Carmine out, so it seemed reasonable to assume that he was vaporized during the Cell Max battle. Actually, in the movie, it looked like the entire crater was flattened, but here it looks like the destruction stayed confined to that area.
Anyway, the implication is that Carmine will return to Red Pharmaceutical and try to figure out his next move, but it seems unlikely that he could be much of a threat. Magenta's dead, the base is destroyed, and a bunch of their soldiers either died or deserted in this battle. Remember, even with the base and all those soldiers, Magenta still wasn't ready to make a big move. Dr. Hedo's androids were supposed to be his game-changing weapon, and now Hedo's turned against the Red Ribbon, so what can Carmine possibly do from here?
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We get some additional material of the Goku/Vegeta fight in the movie. In the post-credits scene, they were practically moving in slow-motion and we only got to see the final blow. Here, we see Goku and Vegeta each land one last punch before the one that ends it all. These boys look all rowdy and badass and it's great.
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When Whis finally responds to Bulma's messages, we get this cute shot of everyone sleeping in the back of her aircraft. Gohan talks about taking her to the amusement park, which seems kind of random, but it occurred to me that this might be setting up some filler story for Chapter 101. Like Gohan and Pan go to the amusement park for the day, and Carmine tries to kill them or something to avenge the Red Ribbon Army. That probably wouldn't be a bad idea, although I really don't want that to happen, because it sounds similar to the "Hedo vs. Goten and Trunks" stuff we had in Chapters 88-90. Everyone thinks Toyotaro has been champing at the bit to get done with this arc so he can return to his Black Frieza business, but for all we know he's been enjoying this whole bit, and he'll blow the next six months on filler stories with Goten and Trunks goofing around with Sgt. Nutz.
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Anyway, this is the last page and this was the last little bit of the movie too, so Toyotaro has definitely run out of movie to adapt. Also, Bulma looks really cute on this page, so I wanted to add that to the record.
So that pretty much wraps things up, except for one minor detail. Where's the big twist?
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I ran across this last month when I was checking to see if Chapter 99 would wrap up the arc or not. CBR.com did an article entitled "Dragon Ball Super Chapter 100's 'Unbelievable' Twist to Lead to "'Crazy Developments'" The story stems from comments made by V-Jump editor Victory Uchida, who was hyping DBS chapters 99 and 100 while appearing in an unboxing video for some reason.
The video is in Japanese, so I can't just pull out direct quotes from the man, so maybe this was all some big misunderstanding. Maybe it was a mistranslation, maybe Uchida got confused and was referring to material that wouldn't see print until Chapter 101. Or maybe he was just doing a standard hype job for his publication without thinking about what was actually in the magazine. After all, how can Chapter 100 have an "unbelievable twist" when it's doing a shot-for-shot repeat of a year-old movie?
So I assumed this meant there would be some sort of epilogue scene in the final pages, designed to set up the next arc. Sort of like how the last chapter of the Tournament of Power arc had the scene where the Galactic Patrol kidnaps Majin Buu. But Chapter 100 had no such thing. No Black Frieza, no Cell Max suddenly turning the tables on Gohan to win the movie, no mysterious appearance from Purple Turles or Red Bojack. Not even a lousy cameo from Platinum Cooler.
Does this make Victory Uchida an unreliable source of information? Or has he simply been misunderstood? I feel like his ridiculous yellow wig/hat thing kind of holds the answer to that question.
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Anyway, the ultimate fate of Dragon Ball Super lies in Chapter 101 and beyond, but those stories will be printed in 2024, which means they fall outside the scope of this liveblog. So unless Toei or Shueisha has a new movie or anime coming out in the next eleven days, I'm done. This has been the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog. Good night, everybody!
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chaoskirin · 9 months
I've been creating some assets for @palearaptor's Twitch streams. From time to time she has daily dino segments so I made some arts for them. <3 Here's the ones released so far.
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Not a dinosaur, but a really cool Triassic lizard with hockey-stick-shaped spines. They were almost certainly used for display. This reptile used to be drawn with a dual row of these spines, and it was theorized it might have used them for gliding, but there is no evidence of this.
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Permian animals are weird and wonderful, and this guy is no exception. No, I didn't make a mistake and draw his head to small... it really was just that tiny. Probably not the brightest crayon in the box, but we love him anyway.
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One of the first dinosaurs, found in the Triassic. It was likely omnivorous, and there's still debate as to where it fits on the evolutionary tree. It is likely a sauropodomarph, meaning this tiny king gave rise to the largest animals on the planet.
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Described just this year (2023), Venetoraptor is not a dinosaur, but a lagerpetid: A common ancestor of both dinosaurs and pterosaurs. It had interesting forelimbs with long IV digits, which would have led to the long "pinky" finger of pterosaurs.
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One of the coolest thing about this dinosaur is we've found a "mummified" foot, so we know its middle three digits were fused into a hoof-like structure. Edmontosaurus was one of the last non-avian dinosaurs to ever exist. They likely witnessed the Chicxulub meteor as it fell to earth.
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eridude · 8 months
for ship ask thing erisol arafef and (hear me out) erisolkat
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IM A HUGE ERISOL FAN. IM SORRY. I KNOW. THEY'RE JUST SO FUCKING RRRAGHHHDHEH. i like my ships absolutely pathetic failboy disaster hellpiles and eridan is the King of Being The Worst so Unfortunately i love him and yet i also hate him and also he is my brand ??? eridude or whatever... AND sollux. is my Favorite troll in the comic. im absolutely fanatical about him. and they hate each other so much and are so miserable all the time and yet they are constantly drawn right back to one another do they REALLY hate each other ??? do they??? yes but also no but also YES. they are absolutely obsessed with each other in the best way and the worst way and is it healthy maybe not but it COULD BE HEALTHY?? and maybe that's the hook??? they are such an absolute fucking mess together and i know canonically it probably would not work out but in my Mind i have invented a universe where they absolutely would work out and they're dating and it's so fucking funny ahhahaha laughs evilly and manically. kings of quadrant flipping??? kings of being Maybe Nonbinary??? eridan looks at sollux hunched over with the worst posture known to man in his fucking gamer chair and sollux looks over at eridan in the worlds gaudiest outfit being a terrible person and they are both have thoughts of "oh fuck this should not be attractive at all and YET???"
i just really like them hee hee :3
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rubs my hands together deviously. i love arafef so much guys. THEY HAVE SOME OF . THE SILLIEST PARADOX SPACE CONTENT. its so small and its still got me absolutely giggling and kicking my feet.
basically these two girls are so WEIRD and kind of terrifying and both so wonderful. it is actually heartbreaking we Don't ever get to see them really interact in main comic (the only interaction we get i believe is when aradia is a ghost and that's not even like a head on convo i think it's just aradia kind of commenting on something feferi says in alterniabound. sign. feel free to correct me if im wrong tho!!)
i love them and i think they could get up to so many shenanigans together- silly girls going on adventures together, aradia shows feferi all her cool dead stuff and feferi is like "380 !! 38) <3", watching scary movies together(these two would be so fucking into horror!!!) if sollux and eridan are lame nerds these two are the COOLEST NERDS IN EXISTENCE. like this is a couple that you would meet and be like oh my god they're awesome..and maybe they even hold hands? kiss a little? kiss a LOT even?? fall asleep in a pile together?? PERHAPS THEY SNUGGLE???
anyways i think about them a normal amount. also i love them in arasolfef (sollux deserves TWO scary girlfriends.) and arafefnep? catfishbones maybe?? nepeta has such a cute relationship with both of these girls so methinks they deserve to all kiss :3.
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BACK TO ERISOL. BUT THIS TIME. KARKAT. so obviously all of the erisol stuff still holds true for this but somehow adding karkat to the mix makes it all so much more domestic? i think maybe it's because karkat has the NEED to take care of his friends and these two both need a lot of attention. it just all balances out so perfectly imo. and all of these characters have such interesting relationships with each other and it is all genuinely so sweet. and yet they're all such gripe-y whiney assholes so it's baffling that it SHOULD be as sweet as it is.
maybe im biased cause some of my favorite fluff fanfics i've read for hs were erisolkat. but heyyyy. anyways i love these horrible creatures and i think all of them holding hands is a Fantastic fucking idea.
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mysticstormflyete · 4 months
tortles 👁👁
Is there any story you feel like sharing about them? Their personalities/vibes/relationships with eachother? (Btw I absolutely love the designs, they are so pretty :))
sorry i haven't answered this earlier,, i've been thinking abt this v hard and saved it,, tysm for the question(s) <3 i will be including april in these (i've actually drawn her but i haven't posted her. oops)
i wrote,, a lot. i am so sorry but i had much to say. so. it'll be below the cut <3
Personalities -
Donnie - He's very quiet (selectively mute). He only speaks when he really wants to. It's even rarer for him to do so w/ strangers. Probably speaks the most w/ April?
He cares about his family a lot, emotions are just ,, hard. And showing them is harder. He actually doesn't really mind physical touch? It's just. normal. to him. even though often times hes not the one who initiates it. He tends to just stand by and listen to what others want him to do. He protects, and he listens. Thats what he does best (which has led to a lot of self-dehumanization !)
Leo - She always appears calm and put together, but shes always up to do something fun. In general, shes very charismatic. People love her charm. She bounces around a lot; shes not often in one place.
She loves dressing up (something she shares w/ Mikey)! She also loves ballet and gymnastics. Wanna blow something up? Shes up for it. Wanna go watch someone do something stupid? Always. Shes the "face" of the group, one of the most social, and the most charming. She uses it to her advantage . obvs :)
Mikey - Everyone loves Mikey. Hes the favorite. The sweetest, the kindest, the most loving. Hes actually a menace, but. yknow. its easy to not realize that when he looks how he does.
hes so sweet !! (he pushed someone into a ditch) So kind !! (he is pointing his middle fingers at u behind your back). He gets away w/ EVERYTHIIING. splinter insists hes not the favorite but that is a LIE. he does actually care abt his family (and his friends) ! and he is actually genuinely kind at times ! but. he is a troublemaker at heart (he gives raph heart attacks every other day).
Raph - he is a very tired teenage mom. very tired. he gets fed up quickly, and he has a habit of jumping to conclusions.
Hes impatient, grumbly, and snappy, but he gets very anxious very quickly (w/ mikey it is 10x worse). he tends to catastrophize, and he is Very protective and overbearing at times. he doesnt even realize hes doing it sometimes. Hes trying his best to be there and keep them safe, but his best isnt enough even if he wants it to be.
April - Shes fun and energetic !! she loves to join in on Adventures and bring trouble where she goes <3 she cares so. SO. much abt the turtles. theyre everything to her (lowkey she cares abt them more than her own family).
she can be a voice of reason, but most of the time she is Not. shes carefree and she loves to do anything and everything!! ... around the turtles, that is. Around her family, shes quiet. withdrawn. she has a very complicated relationship w/ her family, and thats caused many many issues w/herself. She sees the turtles as a chance to be free, but even then she uses a facade. Girlie is going through things.
Vibes -
Donnie - Chillest guy ever. can be intimidating due to,, lack of emotion and How Fucking Tall he is, but hes quiet and like. never aggressive. just a guy u can depend on tbh.
Leo - Shes like. So cool. Calm, charismatic, charming,, she attracts people like flies. shes got v good vibes :] coolest older sister ever.
Mikey - BABY. BABY BOY. he could not do anything wrong ever (ignore everything wrong hes done ever. heehee hoohoo). little sibling vibes to the max LITTLEST GUY...
Raph - have i mentioned Teenage Mom. hes so tired man. mikey keeps pulling on his leash :( (he had to put a harness on him).
April - the gifted child syndrome and the eldest sibling syndrome are strong in this one. oh ! but dont worry, shes very good at repressing it. yknow, for other peoples sake :)
Relationships -
Donnie - Close w/ Leo, eldest siblings (though leo is v close in age w/ raph). He lets mikey come into his room and do whatever as long as he doesnt touch anything super dangerous. He respects raph a lot for everything he does. Besties w/ April :) he loves her a lot. shes family
Leo - She admires Donnie a lot just for,,, who he is. hes dependable and she appreciates it. Mikey is her little brother !! she loves him!! she loves doing things w/ him - like clothes shopping. theyre v close! She makes fun of raph but she doesnt rlly mean it, she just thinks hes fun to annoy LOL. April is also her bestie!! she always loves being w/ april and she talks abt her (april) all the time (and later they become gfs)
Mikey - He rlly loves watching donnie work. its fascinating to him. Watches Donnie a Lot and admires him. he loves leo so much!! shes his big sister! she gave him her bow and goes shopping w/ him, and she taught him how to make bracelets :) thinks shes literally the best. so sweet w/ her. Hes the closest w/ raph, though. theyre almost always w/ each other. hes usually dragging raph to places (by force, typically). he is a menace when around raph bc 1. he knows raph hates it 2. he knows no one will believe raph >:)
Raph - Mutually respects Donnie. they understand each other. leo he bickers w/ a lot, since they have such different mindsets. he finds her annoying, but shes still someone he can trust when it really comes down to it. mikey is A MENACE and he HATES HIM. (its a lie. he loves mikey very much. and he cares for mikey so so much). mikey always gives him trouble everyday. no one else seems to understand how much trouble mikey causes, to his disdain. hes always w/ mikey because hes paranoid and afraid of letting smth happen to mikey. April is someone he tends to talk to a lot, and they exchange information a lot abt their siblings. They understand what its like to have younger siblings and have to worry about them.
April - Donnie is HER BESTIEEE. she tells him everything !! she trusts him more than anyone (a title shared w/ Leo). shes almost always hanging around him if not w/ leo, and shes learned a lot abt donnies expressions and his characteristics. she knows a lot abt him. Leo !! leo is the best! theyre just girls who love each other a lot,,, platonically, of course, hahahaha. unless ... ? :) She tends to be similar to how Leo acts around mikey-- hes literally perfect 2 her. shes most calm w/ raph, and she knows he appreciates it. they sip tea together and talk abt everyday things
anyway yeah. thats it. i did say that i had a lot to say. hope yall liked it bc this took a While :')
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capricorndevil15 · 10 months
🍂☕ Scarlet Hollow ask game ☕🍂
I really wanted to do this ask game, so I've done it! Scarlet Hollow is one of my favorite games right now (second only to Deltarune). And I just wanted to have some fun, so here we go! Original was made by @juleshollow (thank you!!).
Your "canon" trait combination? I have a couple different runs, and I haven't decided yet which is my "canon" playthrough, if there ever will be one. Regardless, I'm Powerful Build/Hot and Powerful Build/Keen Eye! (Will shorten Powerful Build to PB from now on. 🥜🧈)
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? Tbh I haven't messed with hardcore mode yet. It's not too appealing for me (I am just not the type of gamer this mode is made for) because I feel like the consequences don't match the "crime". Conversely, I'm one of those dirty hackers who goes into the game files and changes the rules so that I can play with all 7 traits unlocked with no drawbacks. I've done this for a couple of playthroughs, but there's no combination that I super-like yet (though I will admit Mystic is a nice add-on to any existing combo). Once the game is all finished, I want to do a playthrough where I have all 7 traits and save the town. Not the hero Scarlet Hollow wants, but the hero we need. B) I will fix everything, goddamn.
What trait are you least drawn to? Probably Talk to Animals (TTA)? There are just other traits that I like more. If this game had more snakes in it, though, I'd certainly feel a different way. 🐍💕 Also, I was wary of Hot before I tried it, and still have some gripes with certain writing choices, but it's become one of my go-to traits.
Coolest trait? Fuckin PB, dude!! The one thing you always wish you could do in a horror movie, right? Be strong enough to punch the monsters in the face, beat the killers up, and it actually works! You really are strong enough, you really can protect! Maybe this says something about my psyche, or maybe I am just small and frail in real life, but dude I love to be the strong friend in this game. Also, I'm often drawn to the "regular" characters in horror/fantasy settings. Like, how does the guy without supernatural powers hold their own? What are they doing here? That's impressive and compelling.
Who are you romancing? Reese. Once he starts talking about horror movies, it becomes impossible to not kiss him.
What romance are you least interested in? I dunno? I'm probably not gonna do a Stella playthrough because I'm gettin Stabby back together if it kills me (if it kills me!). I like all the characters and think their romantic lives are interesting (I also really like Kaneeka/Reese. They are so nigthmare before christmas.)
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Probably Reese again LMFAO. On the real, maybe Winnie? Or Janey?
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Tabitha. :(
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? So, my MC is basically a fancharacter w/ his own personality distinct from mine. That's probably assumed, but I wanted to clarify for this question. I think w/ how things are currently going, he'll either choose to stay in The Holler after the week is through, or make some arrangement where he frequently visits. Him and Tabby are very close, so they will keep contact somehow. (And if you're thinking "lol, Tabby will probably be dead by the end of the game" well, my phrasing still stands, because he will visit Tabitha's grave every month with two cans of cream soda for them to share!! So who is laughing now!!!)
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps 4 sure.
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samethstarr · 6 months
1 year as a Sonic artist :)
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I wasn't going to share this because I find it painfully embarrassing, but a friend told me someone else might find it inspiring so here we go, I guess. Today it has been exactly 1 year since I started making Sonic fanart.
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The first was a simple Sonic Frontiers picture, I believe a friend of mine had recently finished their play-through so we were constantly geeking out over the game. As a result of posting art into the fandom, I was starting to peek into the community a little more and I noticed that the IDW comic fans were freaking the heck out. Issue #55 had come out and I kept seeing these panels from it:
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I had seen Starline a few times before and was mildly curious about him, but my first impression of him was that he was a comic relief character. I thought people liked him because he was comically extra. But people were talking about how messed up he was and I was intrigued because he had clearly died at some point and left some sort of mess for everyone, serious enough that the heroes and villains were teaming up to deal with it.
The art for this issue is amazing and combined with the realization that Starline was actually a kind of serious villain, I just HAD to know more. Once I started seriously reading the comic there was no more hope for me, I was hooked. I did some fanart of Starline in January and people loved it, which made me even more interested in the community. I like positive attention and Starline fans are really really really nice to people who feed them. Shoutout to Starline fans for being so awesome to newcomers.
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It was a bit of a one off for me skill wise, but I put a LOT more effort into it than I had put into anything else for a long time. The attention I got motivated the heck out of me. I felt appreciated.
I ended up joining several communities, I've made friends, I've done 4 Bumblekast thumbs, I got accepted into 2 zines, one of which I completed a 5 page comic for and the other one is probably one of the coolest things I have ever drawn in my life and I can't even share it here T.T
But the biggest thing starting Sonic fanart did for me is it got me practicing and studying. Not just drawing pictures and improving after each one; I was drawing with the intent to build skill, not to create a final result. I seriously wanted to work to improve.
My main goal for this year ended up being figuring out an effective method for learning how to draw characters and objects on model in general. Not just Sonic characters, any character I want.
I improved a lot with technique and my eye for color has improved a little too. I've got a knack for technical drawing, so I pick up things like perspective really quickly, but I have a difficult time making things look organic and I still struggle with that, but I am getting better.
What I'm gonna need to focus on for the next year is looking like general composition, dynamic poses, and expressions. With the amount of improvement I've seen this last year, I'm curious what kind of skills I'll have this time next year.
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
@pacificseaotter I DID receive your ask, but tumblr is being dumb so I'm gonna post the answer here instead to your questions:
1, How many OCs do I have?
Too many to count.
2. The backstory of one of my ocs
Okay, I'm going to talk about an OC I made as sort of a ready made self-insert for any fandom: Her name is Eva, she has a healing ability that allows her to heal any physical wound on both herself and others. 
Her parents were very rich but their jobs included a lot of travel, so they weren't around a lot. They sent her money and gifts, hired the best help they could find, and called regularly, but that never really replaced the missing time she lost with them. 
When she was... about 6 or 7, she accidentally lit her house on fire when she shoved a lamp off her desk onto her paper covered floor, giving her both extreme claustrophobia and pyrophobia. She was unable to make it out in time and ended up completely and severely burned from head to toe. But because of her abilities, by the time the firemen pulled her out of the rubble, she was, physically at least, completely fine. Her parents, thinking that she got lucky, didn't bother with a therapist because she never expressed an interest in one. 
Despite this, however, she is actually doing pretty well mentally. These days, she has a roommate (who would vary depending on what fandom I put her in), she's actually seeing a therapist, and works as a streamer who mostly does art and plays games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Minecraft, and so on. 
3. Who has the coolest design?
That would have to be my girl Tesha. I just love spider characters so much, they're so cool. Although I will admit it is hard to fit all of her eyes onto her face. The only time I've ever drawn her, I ended up only giving her six eyes, because I couldn't add the last pair without it looking weird. So I just ended up saying it's kept under the bandana and serves the same purpose as a regular pirate's eyepatch, which is to help her adjust to the lower light levels below deck. 
4. Tesha and Mythical Sausage have an... interesting dynamic. It's actually pretty comedic, when you think about it. Sausage wants to help this teenager who washed up on his shore, having clearly gone through something horribly traumatic. But all Tesha wants to do is get back out there and start sailing again, which is, presumably, the thing that nearly killed her. What can she say, she has places to be and a captain to get back to. 
Of course there's the language barrier, which is annoying, because it makes every conversation between the two of them revert to a game of charades. 
Sausage: Oh no! This poor girl nearly died sailing! She'll probably never want to look at a boat again!
Meanwhile, Tesha: *Frantically waving and pointing at any boat she sees, constantly trying to sneak out and get back on the ocean, has drawn several pictures of herself on a pirate ship, is growing increasingly frustrated that Sausage won't let her go with him on his sea voyages*
Another layer of comedy is added when you remember that Eversea is right next to Sanctuary, so Tesha's captain is literally right next door. Their reunion of course would be suitably touching, since Tesha fell overboard a month before Joey did. 
Also: Tesha enjoys hanging out with Hermes. She's never been in the position of a big sister before, but she has got lots of examples to draw from. She sometimes acts as babysitter when both Bubbles and Sausage are busy. 
She's started teaching Hermes how to wield a knife, unbeknownst to his fathers, because that was one of the first things Joey taught her how to do. 
I mean, she is a pirate. 
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 3 years
I have a venom x reader x Eddie fanfic request! The readers an artist who draws digitally and they draw a LOT of venom who finds the drawings, I’d love to see what you could come up with for his n Eddies reaction I’m such a damn venom simp (I also definitely haven’t been doing this myself 💀)
Dude ur good if you've been drawing a lot of Venom. I don't have the guts to draw the two bc I suck at drawing round objects. But, yeah, I'm willing to accept your challenge. (tbh I've been waiting for another request to come in) (credit to the original artists bc there's a lot of pics I don't know the creators of)
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✨~Venom x Eddie x Digital Artist!Reader~✨
Y/N stretched in their chair after setting their stylus down. This was about the 25th time they've drawn Venom, but they can't help it, he's the coolest thing ever to Y/N. Y/N always love comics as a kid and meeting Eddie and Venom fueled their desire to become an amazing artist even more. Y/N sighed in relief as they stood up. "I should probably get some fresh air... Or at least something to eat..." They said as they walked away not caring about leaving their drawing tablet unattended. "Y/N, do you know where the- Huh, they're not here..." Eddie says to himself looking around. 'Eddie. There's a small tablet on the desk.' Venom says in Eddie's mind. "Well, duh, that's their drawing tablet. I've rarely seen them any day without trying to draw something." Eddie says out loud. 'Let's look at their art, Eddie.' Venom says as he appears out of Eddie's shoulder. "Uhhh, I don't know about this, V, they could come back any minute..." Eddie says nervously as Venom forces him to sit down. "Well, a minute is long enough to look at atleast 4, maybe 6." Venom says as he turns it on. Eddie sighs in defeat and looks at Venom. "I guess a couple of drawings would be okay to look at..." Eddie says as he goes into the tablet's photo gallery.
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Eddie snorted at the sight of tiny Venom while Venom frowns. "Is this really how they think we are?" Venom says unamused at the sight of tiny him. "Well, it's kinda cute wouldn't ya think?" Eddie says as he playfully nudges Venom. Venom looks at it again and blushes slightly. "...You really mean it?" He asks as Eddie chuckles at him. "Of course, you dork!"
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"We like this one, Eddie. It perfectly depicts our symbiotic relationship." Venom says in delight. Eddie blushes and scoffs. "I told you, V, saying it like that makes it sound weird..." "But, aren't we not a part of this relationship too?" Venom asks, tilting his head like a confused dog. Eddie looks at him and shrugs. "I guess, but don't be surprised if I say otherwise, Love."
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Eddie and Venom both seemed to be wide eyed and blushing at this specific piece. Eddie was absolutely amazed with how perfect the anatomy was and the cool color palette, but Venom was just amazed with how handsome Y/N makes Eddie look. Eddie awkwardly clears his throat, trying to break the tension but that only seems to deepen the tension until... "Oh god, you weren't supposed to see that!" Y/N yells in panic as they slam their drawing tablet closed. Eddie and Venom flinch at Y/N's sudden entrance and Eddie awkwardly chuckles. "Sorry, Sweetheart... V got curious over you leaving your drawing tablet, so we..." "We looked at your art, you make Eddie look hotter than he really is!" Venom admits. Eddie rolls his eyes. "Geez, way to rub it in my face ,Para-" "Hey, hey, hey!!! Don't start anything you two. I just cleaned glass up from your last fight..." Y/N says as they pick up their drawing tablet as a blushing mess. "I should've came prepared, hehe... I was waiting to show you, but I've been so busy with deadlines and-!!!" Y/N gets cut off by Eddie simply kissing their lips to shut them up. (not in a mean way) Y/N tenses at the action, but soon melts into the kiss. They both pull away as Venom looks at the both of them, pouting from the lack of attention. "Aww, sorry, V, I forgot you were there for a second." Y/N says chuckling as they pat Venom's head. V purrs at the contact and lightly licks Y/N like a dog. (that's his way of showing affection) "You really have some skills, Babe, you could work for a comic company or make your own tv show with your skills!" Eddie says enthusiastically. Y/N chuckles and lightly blushes. "Thanks, Eddie, I'm still working on that." They say as they hug their two lovers in a warm embrace. "We think we're starting to like this human, Eddie." Venom says, still purring. Eddie chuckles. "Oh shut up, V."
Hi, I had to take a shower in the middle of this so I lost some ideas in the process. But, anyways!!! I hope you enjoyed this, Anon!
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 2 years
omg psykarion has the coolest name, PLEASE tell me about them
!!! :D Psykarion is one of my ttrpg characters; the game is Werewolf: the Apocalypse, but in a historical setting (specifically centered in Roman-occupied Britannia during the Hadrian era 130 CE). Psykarion is a mokolé, which is basically a were-lizard/dragon. The mokole are basically living cloud servers because they have access to Mnesis, which is a combination of the memories of every other mokole that ever lived, as well as the "memory" of old places with high spiritual impact, which is how he is a 20 year old that also basically lived through the sacking of Carthage. Lots of emotional issues from that and other things, haha
His name means "little breath" or "little soul" in Greek. He has several aliases though, and spends a lot of time crossdressing and changing identities while traveling from place to place. One of the (now-dead) npcs called him a word that basically meant gender-witch lmao, and he loved it, much to her dismay
I've posted art of him before in my draws tag but fuck it here's a comp of Game Doodles i did ages ago
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I can't go into too much detail about his past because some of the other players might see his Backstory Secrets but: he is a freedman who used to be an actor, and believes he might be the last were-dragon left in the world after the Wars of Rage (basically the werewolves attempted genocide of all the other shapeshifters and succeeded at wiping out a few, like were-bats)
So he's been searching for others like him to confirm whether or not that's true; for a while he would shift into his suchid form (which is a long-extinct Greek monitor lizard, abt 3 ft long, unlike his 20ft archid "were-dragon" form which is actually still smallish for a mokolé) and hide in semi-hibernation amid boat cargo to avoid paying for transport, but he got discovered after leaving Gaul while in Lizard Torpor and was captured by these dudes who thought he was a land crocodile and tried to sell him as a cure for blindness (he went along with this because hey free travel and food, even if it's just raw rats and eggs or whatever, and he could go unnoticed by other turnskins...though that does mean he had his eyes gouged out a few times, he healed, which just cemented their belief in his value and got him better food for a while...which he decided was worth it, oof). So yeah. This was fine until he found out these new people who were buying him outright were werewolves planning to burn him alive in the hopes of restoring sight to a metis werewolf baby (that was born blind) for Sacrificial Curse reasons
Which means he was already plotting his escape when he overheard the other player characters investigating, and recognized the voice of someone he knew from his acting days (another actor named Pallas)...then escaped and went to find him and beg him for help before the horrible british winter killed his cold-blooded and mediterranean-born ass lmao
Which he got, after an interrogation by their kindly pack-totem, Mammoth (and oh how he wept for joy at that meeting!! Both of these creatures who have witnessed ages long past, now alone in a world moving on without them, but trying to endure all the same...!!!) Then he ended up going with these werewolves and their were-raven packmate (that he affectionately refers to as sun-sister) to stop the curse... and also to escape all the other werewolves who decided they were honor-bound to kill and dissect him lol. They managed to save the metis baby (though it still probably won't have a good end) and escaped to Cyrenaica because he was able to help their totem make a moon-bridge there via mnesis.
He and Pallas had a sort of weird mutual obsession at the time they met, and it turns out they still do, though their relationship is pretty fraught now since he found out Pallas is a Fancy Boy werewolf (high-purebreed silver fang, though he rejected his heritage and got cut the fuck up as a result)
Every other pic ive drawn of them together is a violation of tumblr tos so:
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He's also short and full of rage, which means he fits right in with the werewolves for the most part, and that galls him a little. Still, they saved his life, and he theirs, and despite everything he sorta loves them all...
Alas he's going to say goodbye soon, and live basically a hermit life in what remains of the garden of the hesperides (which in our game is an ancient mokole wallow), and sometimes work with a small pack of sympathetic werewolves and a were-lion in Cyrene...also probably trying to hunt down kinfolk to breed more mokole with lol
Gonna just end this with more old shitpost doodles:
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I love a him
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ratsalad · 2 years
AHHHHH you get me !! 🖤💚👻 (my response might not be the most coherent atm due to my sleepiness, but PLS feel free to hop in my DMs to chat more if ya want!! I need more ppl to rock out with 🤘)
Funny enough, I hadn’t gotten into Ghost until late 2019, when I came upon Prequelle for the 1st time.., much less the music being so good, I thought the theatrics were the coolest, & ‘fuck yea! The plague!! Creepy history of plague doctors & miasma & ✨aesthetic✨...little did I know agjsksk. So basically, Ghost accidentally became a coping mechanism of mine for 2020 quarantine 😂 the lore, the look, much less Tobias being an angel in interviews was a perfect distraction. Every album hit better than the next. I got lucky enough to get to go drive to see them in Texas last month & they are MAGICAL live ahsjgahajsh
Idk how I stumbled onto my 1st Type O song, but I think it was ‘Be My Druidess,’ & tmi, but it wound up on a femdom playlist of mine, & I oop 🤭👀
I think I actually got further into Type O bc of some Ghost fan blogs!! Like I saw some of the gifs/photo sets/snips of interviews & thought “who are these funny fuckers & who is that Vampire Gigachad in the back?”. That gigachad turned out to be the charming Peter Steele, & the rest is history 😂💕💚🖤
How’d you get into these bands? 💚🖤👻
Also literally all of this:
“YES YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!! it's the eroticism, the tongue-in-cheek, how if it's supposed to frighten you it also excites you (which is always, ALWAYS my favorite thing about horror and things that are horror-leaning)”
YOU PUT IT INTO WORDS!!! Mmph yes! Like horror isn’t just fear, it’s fun!! It can be fucking fun, lmao, it can not take itself seriously while still so dedicated to making gorgeous art & music 🖤 (don’t get me started on the eroticism or we’ll be here all night)
i'm so happy that you got to see ghost live!!!! i agree, before this pre-imperatour the prequelle theatrics were to die for.
i just finished rambling about how i got into ghost in this post here, but i have fewer memories of how i got into type o. it was definitely around the same time - spring/summer of 2018, i have strong memories of christian woman playing ON REPEAT ALL THE TIME, but before that i listened to the their cover of black sabbath (from the satanic perspective), which is the song that got me into them. i'm quite sure i listened to it only because @verdigrisvolva was talking about it, either on her blog or somewhere in the replies of a post, but i could be misremembering! but the cover was just. so slow and dark and sensual, like a drowsy summer afternoon with the blinds drawn closed, and, idk man i think it awakened something in me 😳
i'll be honest, bloody kisses is the only type o record i've listened to - i've heard a couple songs off their other albums, but never gotten around to checking them out. despite this i got quite attached to the band in 2018, to the point where when one of my friends went to new york i asked her to send me pics of pete's memorial if she ever went to prospect park lol; i've been meaning to listen to more of their stuff and i probably will soon!
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thepolicequeen · 4 years
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Probably one of the coolest things I've ever drawn.
Palatte from @selestial-palettes titled Jack 'O Lanturn Candles
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seventimetraveler · 2 years
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One of the coolest things I've ever drawn and probably ever will
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