#progessive rock
mellosakicc · 1 year
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progressive metal tees
for anon. featured bands in preview, what you asked for and some others.
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torson · 11 months
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zincbot · 2 months
been playing dredge! i really love it
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Some terrible and oddly specific headcanons for CoD MW 2 (reboot):
Captain Price is lactose intolerant but refuses to believe it. It's not that he thinks lactose intolerance is made up, it's more of a matter of pride. Intervention is required to stop him from making terrible decisions regarding dairy-based products.
Soap tried to go vegetarian once, lasted a week and caved when he stumbled past a Greggs on a fateful night, craving the flesh of the innocent and pastry.
Ghost's sneezes can be measured on the Richter Scale. His sneezes give everyone a heart attack; they're just so sudden and so loud. His sneezes are also so powerful, he puts his whole body into them.
Gaz always smells nice. No one knows why but that man just smells phenomenal day in and day out. Even when they're on the job, he somehow is rocking some magnificent aftershave. He's got a reputation for smelling amazing and not telling anyone his secret.
Alejandro has done the thing where you're laughing, only to start crying... and then progessing to sobbing. Like Claire from Fleabag.
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Rudy was in the car when this happened. He made a really bad joke that just unravelled Vargas.
Laswell listens to Janelle Monae. Her favourite song is "We Were Rock & Roll." Kate has passionately lipsynced to it on several occasions.
Graves also listens to Janelle Monae but his favourite song is "Make Me Feel." It's his go-to song to get him up in the morning.
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its-ticsticstics · 2 years
My Favourite TS/Tics Facts from my Textbooks
((pdf links to the full text-books at end)) 
-The repertoire, frequency, and intensity of tics typically fluctuates over time. This helps distinguish between Stereotypies (Stimming; hand-flapping, rocking, etc) which are more stable in quality, time duration, and interference with motor behaviour. -Typically, tics correspond to parts of learned automatic routines; clapping, blinking, exclaimations, shrugging, etc.,.  -Simple tics typically appear first, slowly progessing into Complex tics 
-Tics tend to have a cranio (head) - caudal (tail) spread over-time. Often times tics first involve the cranial (head/face) and cervical (neck-shoulders) musculature first; occular (eye) movements, shoulder shrugging, neck jerking, etc.,. Later including involuntary movements in the truncal and limb areas. 
-The most common sensory phenonmena in TS/Tics is Premonitory Urges. Premonitory urges are defined as unpleasant somatic (bodily) sensations that typically build up just before a tic, and are relieved after a tic is completed. 
-Premonitory Urges are often described by patients as more distressing than the tics themselves, and are more commonly described by adult patients. 
-Predominant sites for Premonitory Urgers are: palms, throat, shoulders, and midline abdomen. 
-Some patients experience what is called the ‘Just Right’ phenomena. It is another form of sensory phenomena that is defined by the need to compulsively repeat sensory experiences until they feel ‘just right’. 
-Patients with Echophenomenon (Echolalia, Echopraxia, Palilalia, Palapraxia, Coprolalia, Copropraxia) have a higher association with an increased tic severity. 
-Coprolalia and complex tics seem to be a prominent features of Tourettes patients, suggesting that these are typical features of Tourettes Syndrome. 
-Coprolalia may be up to as 3x as likely as copropraxia, typically onsetting around age 11 years. 
-Some patients display NOSIBs (Non-Obscene Socially Innapropriate Behaviours) such as commenting on someones height, weight, appearence, etc.,. 
-Many patients report that their tics are partly, or wholly, voluntary in character, and are performed in response to an irresistible urge to make the movement/sound.
-Tic severity tends to peak at 10-12 years old. Adolescents and early adulthood can lead to a decline in the severity of tics. 
-There is evidence to support subtle structural changes in the Basal Ganglia and Corpus Callosum in the brain. It is hypothesised that this leads to changes in brain function, specifically within the corticostriatothalamocortical circuits.  -Frequently, tics are less pronounced at school compared to at home, albeit at the cost of reduced attention and increased irritability.
Textbooks: Advances in the Neurochemistry and Neuropharmacology of Tourettes Syndrome  and Canadian Guidelines for the Evidence Based Treatment of Tourette Syndrome
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scytheral · 1 year
Heya prince! So I've started a new MOGAI blog (specifically for people bodily 18+), though I'm unfamiliar with Tumblr or the culture. I was wondering if you had any advice on maintaining a MOGAI themed blog that could help me or any newcomers out! ~ Malt
.. The Prince recommends Finding && Trying stuff out On tumblr Itself first. && Reading some Long posts on How to Use the Platform too , && Obey their ( General ) rules. Towards The MOGAI Community : Just be Yourself , have Confidence , Remain calm && Try your Best ! On maintaining a Blog , it ' s Important to Notice wether You do or Don ' t feel Comfortable in That space or How much you Enjoy staying In that Place. No one Will force You to Stay if you Don ' t feel Okay with Us , but If you Desire , you Could stay && Have alot of Fun ! .. Now , His Majesty isn ' t The best at Advice .. But he can Guaranteed some Hints of Carrying rocks For your Path.
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01 : Explore a Bit more About tumblr Itself , it Won ' t be 100% Necessary .. But will Truly remove Some rocks at a Certain path.
02 : Be prepared. Stepping into Fire when You haven ' t Explored its Flames && General ability And confidence to Do such , won ' t Lead to a Bright sight.
03 : You have Your own Blog. You own That , no one Else. You decide What goes In or Out , never let Anyboo else Decide such.
04 : Make your Blog pleasing To view. that ' s a Nice step of This whole Path. Don ' t make it Too-overcomplicated Nor too Eyestraining , exaggerated or Plain.
05 : No pressure On yourself. That won ' t Help you nor Anyboo else. It ' ll only Slowen your Progess and Worsen your Abilities.
06 : See if you Feel comfortable Within that Area.
07 : If you Desire your Mogai blog to Be 18+ , be Careful of Who you follow && Who follows You.
08 : Warn your Visitors && Assert boundaries.
09 : Add information. Althought you Don ' t need Extended carrds / rentries About your Whole personality && More , it ' ll Be nice to See some General rules && Astablish what ' s Considered important For you.
10 : Just be Yourself ! Anyboo who ' ll Tell you Otherside && Try to Break your Barrier of Obsidian , wields An wood Pickaxe with an Bored , Sad mind. Just ignore , or Fire back with Calm .. Actual fights Will end in Nothing. Just be Your truly Self , be Confident && Move forwards !! ~~ 🤍
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.. Those are All The fairytale Vampire could Think of. Apologies if dolls Help wasn ' t with Such grand as Expected. But hope You ' ll feel Relieved with Cher response !! 🐑🤍
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papaya-inspiration · 2 years
Last night in one of my play-by-post D&D games, one character asked the rest of us what our favorite colors were. And that got me thinking... what about the rest of my characters?
I love little character-building activities like this. I often start sessions I DM with questions like "What if your character's favorite pizza toppings", because a) it's fun and b) I think it helps people get in the headspace of RPing more well rounded characters with fun little quirks they can play off of. And who knows, maybe those details will come around again later!
And perfect excuse for a monologue about my OCs that nobody asked for! Without further ado, here is everyone's favorite colors:
Ariel Carterson (fire genasi sword mage from my long running 4e campaign) - Being the most self-inserty of all my characters, her favorite color is blue, particularly those that tend towards turquoise-y hues.
Anwyn Shorekeeper (triton druid ambassador and mom-friend) - Bright, sunny yellows. Second favorite color is pink. She's always liked tropical corals and fish and it totally blew her mind the first couple times she saw the same colors above water and realized how different they look without all the redlight filtered out by the water column.
Alabama Janes (tiefling swashbuckler relic thief archeologist) - Purple, obviously. She's purple, and she's the best color.
Zivanka Vitu (undead warlock from an in-progess Curse of Strahd campaign) - Hasn't thought about favorite colors in a long time. Isn't this kind of childish? But, fine… dark red, I guess.
Bibiki (rambunctious squirrel-child) - Blue! Also shiny things.
SallyJon von Joe (grandma gnome bard from a comedic Sonic-themed oneshot) - She likes bright, noxious purple. She likes neon orange. She like lime green. She likes them all mixed together and splashed across unapologetically clashing grandma clothes.
Haviv ben'Hillbrook (halfling druid from a halloween oneshot) - Midnight blue. He finds it a calming color.
Four Stars by North (elfin hippie stoner monk, my first character) - Listen, man, I saw this lichen the other day and you wouldn't believe it, it was like this... pinkish-yellowish-grayish-green, you know? But not like, boring colors, it like made you think about how the plants and the rocks and the sun are, like, all connected... you know like symbiosis. Yeah. So pretty.
Dr. Titus Birrdano Amontadillo, Ph.D., M. Ed., M.Sp., Ph.D, E.Tc. (anthropologist, probably also a fraud) - Green, my good friend! A healthy color for the psyche and the soul!
Gorthan Frim (quadruple agent/ex-con forced into overseeing a historical records project from a Lexicon game I'm DMing) - Their favorite color is whatever you want their favorite color to be. Or whatever it will help them get approved for parole sooner.
Speed round for some one shot characters: Kaneq likes lavendar, Ellie Camwlyn likes silver, Weebles doesn't like to stand out so favors greys and blacks, Haviv ben'Hillbrook finds midnight blue a calming color.
Yay that was fun! I hope I didn't leave anyone out. Kinda fun to see all my lil' character creations hanging out in one post together :3
Feel free to chime in and tell me all of your characters' favorite colors!
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cannebady · 2 years
I'm already in progess on an OFMD fic but
I want to write a musician AU so bad. Imagine it with me; Ed's a concert pianist-turned guitarist in a band he kind of hates a little bit. He's desperate for something new to give them a new sound; perhaps they're a grunge rock group but Ed secretly covets an indie sound. Enter Stede, a newcomer who took up lessons after his divorce and is now quite a good bassist with a lovely voice that just so happens to perfectly complement Ed's.
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chez-mimich · 1 year
Il numero di novembre del mensile “Musica Jazz” ha regalato ai suoi lettori il cd firmato Jonathan Coe & Artchipel Orchestra, diretta da Ferdinando Faraò. E’ piuttosto singolare che in una jazz band sia ospite (quasi) fisso uno scrittore ed è ,ancora più singolare, che i pezzi di un disco jazz siano composti da uno scrittore. Un connubio che, oltre ad essere singolare ed originale, offre risultati musicali di primissimo piano. Certamente gran parte del merito di questa operazione è del poliedrico direttore dell’Artchipel Orchestra, Ferdinando Faraò appunto e dei suoi musicisti ovvero Marco Fior alla tromba, Alberto Bolettieri al trombone, Rudi Manzoli al sax soprano, Andrea Ciceri al sax alto, Germano Zenga al sax tenore, Rosarita Crisafi al sax baritono, Alberto Zappalà clarinetto basso, Carlo Nicita al faluto, Paola Tezzon al violino, Jonathan Coe alle tastiere, Luca Pedeferri alla fisarmonica Luca Gusella al vibrafono, Giuseppe Gallucci alla chitarra, Gianluca Alberti al basso elettrico, Stefano Lecchi alla batteria, Lorenzo Gasperoni alle percussioni, Naima Faraò e Francesca Sabatino, voci. Uno scrittore che abbia nello studio un pianoforte, non è poi così strano, più strano è, invece, che lo scrittore il piano non solo lo suoni, ma ci componga pure dei brani. Visto dal vivo (ricordiamo che questa è una registrazione effettuata nel 2021 presso il Teatro dell’Arte di Milano nell’ambito di JazzMi), Jonathan Coe, ha l’aspetto di un compassato signore, tutto “British Style”, sempre concentrato sullo strumento, quasi incurante di ciò che accade attorno; e quello che accade attorno è tutt’altro che insignificante. Ma, mano mano che la musica inizia a farsi trascinante, Coe si lascia coinvolgere dal vigore e dal vitalismo delle sue stesse composizioni. Dove collocare la musica dello spumeggiante ensemble di Ferdinando Faraò? Bisognerebbe, in realtà, porsi una domanda preliminare: è proprio sempre necessario “collocare” un disco o un autore in una precisa casella? Non lo è, ma spesso è opportuno farlo, non tanto nel momento dell’ascolto, ma piuttosto nel momento in cui si tenta di tradurre un’arte a-semantica come la musica, in una espressione concettuale, come può essere una recensione o un commento scritto. E allora, non per “furia catalogatoria”, ma solo per far intendere a chi legge di cosa stiamo parlando, le composizioni di questo disco potrebbero tranquillamente navigare nel “mare magnum” del jazz contemporaneo, ma con moltissime escursioni nei mari interni del “progessive rock” della scena di Canterbury degli anni Ottanta e Novanta, qualche puntata nei mari tempestosi della ricerca “in purezza” (come nel caso dell’attacco di “Erbalunga”) o anche, al contrario nelle tranquille baie della “folk music” nella prosecuzione della già citata “Erbalunga”, con la presenza di una fisarmonica che richiama alle nostalgie popolari. Ma nella navigazione c’è posto anche per la “etno-music”, come nella intro di “I would if I could”, che poi prosegue tra malinconici paesaggi disegnati dalla tromba e vibranti dosi energetiche di sax o di clarinetto. Insomma è molto difficile parlare o scrivere della musica di Jonathan Coe e della Artchipel Orchestra; ma tanto è difficile scriverne o parlarne, tanto è facile e piacevole da ascoltare. Di Coe scrittore mi piace ricordare “The Rotter’s Club”, tipico romanzo inglese degli anni Ottanta, che racconta di un band di compagni di college, ma che contemporaneamente dipinge anche la nascita del punk in Uk, nel periodo di Margaret “lady di ferro” Thatcher, le violente azioni dell’IRA, le lotte del Labour Party e molto altro. La “strana coppia” Coe-Faraò, è ormai un punto fermo nel panorama musicale della musica di qualità (ecco, questa è una definizione che mi piace) e il riconoscimento della prestigiosa rivista “Musica Jazz” ne è la conferma.
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morklagt · 2 years
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Artist: Porcupine Tree Album: In Absentia Released: 2002 Country: United Kingdom Genre: Progressive rock
1. Blackest Eyes 2. Trains 3. Lips of Ashes 4. The Sound of Muzak 5. Gravity Eyelids 6. Wedding Nails 7. Prodigal 8. .3 9. The Creator Has a Mastertape 10. Heartattack in a Layby 11. Strip the Soul 12. Collapse the Light Into Earth
According to frontman and guitarist Steven Wilson, In Absentia is loosely based around the idea of serial killers, abusers, and other similarly despicable people-- and the question of why they lack any empathy and become the way they are. As one can imagine, the lyrics are quite disturbing at times (trigger warning for heavily implied rape on the first track). However despite the dark subject matter, from a musical standpoint this album is surprisingly accessible, with an interesting blend of dreamy, melodic guitars and catchy hooks as well as heavier riffs paying clear homage to Blackwater Park era Opeth. This album is often considered Porcupine Tree's best work for a reason, and every time I listen to it I appreciate something new.
Favorite tracks: Gravity Eyelids, Wedding Nails, Strip the Soul
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guerrilla-operator · 4 years
Peter Gabriel // Modern Love
I don't know why they leave me in the lurch
To carry on the search
It's driving me up the wall
Pity when I have so much passion
Romance is out of fashion
Can't handle modern love at all
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rainingmusic · 5 years
Say Never - Giving Up  My friends band in real life, give them a listen please, they are amazing!!! and follow them on youtube! ~~~Raining music
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chrisgoesrock · 5 years
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Le Orme - Ad Gloriam (Superb 1st Psychedlic from Italy 1969)
Italian psychedelic music is to be found here, and for me, this is a good find. Le Orme's debut is not rambunctious or pretentious- it consists of feathery rock songs with bright melodies in major keys. Nothing fancy, but this is a solid first effort and there are quite a few imaginative moments. This is highly recommended to fans of the earliest works of rock bands, such as early Yes or Pink Floyd. "Introduzione" Right from the start, the listener is treated to a funky psychedelic piece, with warbling guitar all over a call-and-response bass and organ. Quite possibly this could have been the introduction for a TV sitcom at that time.
"Ad Gloriam" Following a brief vocal bit, pleasantly light rock music ensues. A repeated melody hangs out in the background, as though in its own world. This is a great song, and I was pleasantly surprised the first time I heard it.
"Oggi Verrà" Light cymbals and percussion with a thudding bass and whimsical flute accompany fragile yet pleasant vocals.
"Milano 1968" Bright organ and trebly bass engage in a psychedelic dance before spoken word and light singing take over.
"I Miei Sogni" Slide guitar fed through dozens of effects introduces heavy tom work before further light rock of the 1960s comes through.
"Mita Mita" Le Orme demonstrates great use of exotic instrumentation in this light and buoyant song.
"Fumo" Juxtaposing quieter vocal passages with heavy organ-driven sections, this piece has some bizarre belching effects in places, and all of the instruments seem to be doing their own thing, yet it all comes together nicely.
"Senti L'Estate Che Torna" This is quite an enjoyable song that is typical of oldies music both in composition and in sound.
"Fiori Di Giglio" Following a somewhat exotic introduction, more pastoral textures ride in, over which is spoken word from what sounds like a very young girl.
"Non So Restare Solo" Plinking quarter notes with a whistling organ underneath work with the relatively dynamic rhythm section to support the straightforward vocals. With the backup singing on the chorus, the music really does sound like a pop song from the golden oldies period of music. The instrumental segment involves gritty guitar and soon after, a drum solo.
"Conclusione" This final ditty involves the strumming of an acoustic guitar, honky-tonk piano, and some lazy vocals, like a country tune drunkenly sang at a saloon.
01. Introduzione (1:45) 02. Ad Gloriam (5:31) 03. Oggi Verrà (2:32) 04. Milano 1968 (3:12) 05. I Miei Sogni (3:00) 06. Mita Mita (2:53) 07. Fumo (3:39) 08. Senti L'Estate Che Torna (2:47) 09. Fiori Di Giglio (3:07) 10. Non So Restare Solo (5:28) 11. Conclusione (1:42) 12. Tutto Passera [Bonus] - 2.53 13. Era Un Anno Fa [Bonus] - 3.05 14. Era Un Anno Fa [Bonus] - 3.05
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nashmusicguide · 2 years
Epic New Single From San Diego Based Artist Sluka “Happy in Your World”
Epic New Single From San Diego Based Artist Sluka “Happy in Your World”
I am hooked on this latest single by the band Sluka. Progressive and alternative rock is a huge part of the Nashville scene. Though many think of Nashville TN as the land of country music it is actually about all things music, hence Music City USA. This artist would find a solid footing in our star-studded southern city. This single is smooth as butter and has a bite like a shot of Jack Daniels…
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bebagerie · 2 years
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all the impulse lovin’ tonight
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carlosgabrx · 3 years
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"HIGH HOPES" (1994) Pink Floyd + Storm Thorgerson
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