#prongsfoot critical
Because Lily was James' wife in canon, that's why it's Lily. Because the source material gives us Lily. No other reason. No hate or whatever. That's just it. It gives a wonderful backstory. A guy is pining for years for a girl, then he marries said school crush and in his 30s he discovers he's in love with his best friend, who is a man. This has so much potential for spicing up the cheating trope and midlife crisis. add the homophobia people had to deal with in the 70s and 80s. Also having a family for years and then finding. Marriage to fit in the social standards, denying who you really are, bc you don't want to hurt anybody or bc you're disgusted with yourself, internalized homophobia... discovering you also like men when you already settled and have a happy family you love, actually happens. It's just so much you can work with to make up an interesting story, instead of a romance as in movies, too perfect to be true. Writing about a murderer doesn't make you a murderer. Morally questionable behaviour is interesting to discover. You could also question giving characters several personality disorders. That can be very questionable as well.
Also people saying that James would cheat on Lily only with Sirius, is just a way to emphasise James' and Sirius' bond. You also have to think about that not everything related to that is always meant dead serious necessarily. So many mutuals talking bullshit for fun and post it on tumblr and people read hate and mysogyny into it.
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groundzero-v · 2 months
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goodfornothingstar · 7 months
I have a guilty pleasure of reading Jegulus fics. Despite I shouldn't because of reasons-
#1 They are repetitive in their characterization. James is never shown as canon James that is cruel, arrogant and intelligent. Regulus is changed to diluted version of Sirius but with some self preservation because the dude went to Slytherin.
#2 I am majorly into Prongsfoot (obviously into romantic James and sirius for all those requiring clarification). So I feel like I am cheating on my babies for reading this fic where james is with sirius's brother.
# I hate wolfstar and Lupin with a passion. And if you had read a Jegulus fic, you will know that that pairing doesn't comes without wolfstar. Like ever. Ever. So, even though I have to suffer through this painful thing, I read it.
Because of the drama available there. Obviously. You get fluff. You get black brothers, you get strong women characters, you get different tropes and what's ifs, you get an ending where first war has better result as compared to canon.
But I hate it too because -
#1 James will never even look towards Regulus when he has the better black brother sirius right in front of him 24*7
#2 Sirius will never give a damm about remus when James is right in front of him for 24*7
#3 These fics forget that besides from the Wizarding war being about blood purity, it was also about dark wizards fighting for their rights. And Regulus black was a dark wizard. So okay maybe he does not want to be killing people for their status but if he also didn't want to be a dark wizard then you are making him sound like a very disfigured imitation of sirius but only more coward version who is a spineless, worthless follower.
I mean let the dude be a person who does not give a damm about whether other people are killed for their blood as long as he and his people are safe. Let him practice dark magic because he is a proud dark wizard unlike sirius who is a closeted dark wizard and has to hide his affinity to that part of magic just to fit with his friends.
#4 Every single Jegulus fic shows walburga and orion as physically and emotionally abusive parents. When I think it was never the case. I believe that with war on the horizon and with strong personalities, sirius and walburga clashed all the time because of their belief system. Walburga distanced herself when she felt that sirius was lost case and started focusing on Regulus who up until the point was not paid much attention.
Regulus was too happy to make his parents pay him attention, became even more malleable to their belief system in search of that affection while sirius thought that nothing he could do would be any better than Regulus so why try. He was jealous of his own brother. Like any normal child he resented his brother for getting his parents love. It was crystal clear in ootp if people dared to pay attention. {No but we were all busy paying attention to that brotherly hug in poa to have any brain cell remaining to pay attention to other books. Lol}
Why the reasons for sirius running away need to be exaggerated. Look around yourself. Have seen some parent child relationship in which there is no abuse involved, but still miscommunication, expectation, circumstances and belief were the reason of their estrangement.
#5 That point where you are reading form Regulus's pov and he has these abandonment issues because of sirius leaving him alone and not taking him away too and you feel for the guy because he is laying his heart out for his audience to see how much he suffered. He blames sirius and James. I feel that bullshit. First of all I think that Regulus was supper happy that he got to be having the sole attention of his parents. Again my version of his parents were not abusive people just two people who didnt know a thing about parenting. The guy was Slytherin, he liked winning. But he was also hurt by his parents still not being as concerned about him like they are of sirius, even when he is disowned. He hated his brother for having that concern in his parents' mind even now. He wanted to be better. He wanted to make them forget that sirius ever existed. He overcompensates by joining DE, he was not forced. He wanted to be make them pleasantly surprised when walburga never wanted that of her sons. She just wanted them to be bigots like her.
She absolutely despised the idea of her youngest bowing to someone. When Blacks are supposed to be the topmost. Practical royalty.
Regulus when he found out that his parents are in fact not happy with his decision, felt betrayed first and then lost. When he got the actual reality of death eating business, it was too late and he felt that he had no one in his corner. His only friends were all DE and quite happy in it. His parents were silently disappointed.
So when he found out about horcrux. He thought that he can make it upto his parents. But also he did not want to seek their help in his embarrassment. So he seeked to do it by himself and met his tragic end. Also I head canon that he could have fought to survive but his will to survive was lost because he felt adrift with no one to confide the complexities of his life, he felt alone. And he accepted death quite quickly with a relief because he was lonely in the world full of opinionated people.
So the bottom line is that I read Jegulus and then I hate myself for reading it. Because it is bullshit. But it has drama. And fanfics are their to entertain us even if it makes me pull my hair out and gauge own eyes.
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mycupofrum · 5 months
Practice makes perfect
Pairing: James/Sirius
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sirius is not happy when James confesses to him what happened the night before. In fact, he's going to show James exactly how much of a better job he can do than his brother.
A/N: I was inspired by this post by @plecotusauritus and the tags provided by @roalinda and had to get this story out of my system. This is just lighthearted fun and smut.
Note: If you're a fan of Regulus, then this fic is probably not for you. James and Sirius don't talk very nicely about him.
On that Thursday, the ceiling of the Great Hall was covered by a veil of grey clouds. James was unusually quiet at breakfast, but Sirius thought he was just sporting a headache from last night's party since Gryffindor had beaten Slytherin in a Quidditch match. By afternoon his morbid silence started to bother Sirius; James only grunted in response to anything Sirius said to him.
"What's going on, mate?" Sirius finally asked, stopping in the middle of the corridor after their Charms class. Remus and Peter merely gave them a sidelong glance, and Sirius waived them on their way. He needed to get to the bottom of this.
"What do you mean?" James was trying to act nonchalant, but Sirius knew better.
"Come on." He yanked James's arm and dragged him into an empty classroom.
"Sirius, please," James muttered, rolling his eyes. "Why are you making this a thing? I'm just tired and my head hurts."
"Something's bothering you. You're never this grumpy after winning a match." Sirius closed the door behind them.
"Nothing's going on." James averted his gaze, focusing on his own fidgety hands instead.
"Did something happen yesterday?" Sirius had got so drunk he'd passed out on the couch for thirty minutes, which made him slightly embarrassed, but he'd awoken eventually when James poked him and walked with him to the boys' dormitory.
"It's so stupid," James finally muttered.
Sirius remained silent, allowing James to collect his thoughts.
"You fell asleep for a while, so maybe you didn't hear it when the girls, Mary and Marlene, dared me to do something."
"What was it?"
James sighed. "They dared me to kiss the first Slytherin I saw."
Sirius became completely still, barely daring to breathe. James had kissed someone. Someone not Sirius. Then again, why was that so hard to believe? It's not like James would ever want to kiss Sirius.
"Who did you kiss?" He kept his tone light and even forced himself to smirk as his heart rate increased.
"It was late, so I had to walk all the way to the dungeons in the hopes of finding someone. Mary and Marlene came with me to be witnesses. But you know, it was past curfew, so everyone was in their houses already. Eventually we decided to give up and change the dare to a truth instead, and so we turned around. But I needed to use the loo on the way back, so I told the girls to go ahead. And uh, that's when I finally came across a Slytherin. In the boys' bathroom. And, um...then I decided to just, er, go for the dare, after all, which in hindsight was really stupid, because nobody knew I'd changed my mind," James stammered, scratching his neck.
"Who was it, Prongs?" Sirius spoke softly.
James heaved a sigh, shame written in his features. "Regulus."
Read more on AO3.
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acewitch-writes · 5 months
I took a break from fandom for 4 months and let me tell you I was devastated to see that Jegulus is still a thing
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James Potter & Sirius Black
tiktok: @caboom4
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shadow-waterglow · 1 year
no warning no reason just throwback to my harry potter fan phase
I was never too in love with Deathly Hallows as a book, much less movies. And over-the-top melodrama the latter had in droves was one of the reasons. Snape’s memories made me facepalm a little when they moved for the overkill and did this
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On top of general wtf (as far as movies had shown they were pre-teen friends at best and no contact as adults, she’s dead and her son is crying under superdramatic blue lightnings... #icanteven), Snape has no business to be at Godric's Hollow exept to hammer viewer over the head with the fact that he loved her so much (Yates hams up a lot).
But today I was delving into james/sirius rarepair as one does and you know? Now I’m sad for real, because - 100% book canon support that this right there is a reimagining of Sirius Black cradling James’ dead body to his chest and falling apart. Inseparable at Hogwarts, Sirius' welcome and home after he ran away from his pureblood-focused family, together in Order, secret-keeper s w i t c h ...
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[art by viria13]
Maradeurs era is fucking tragic, and honestly, after that night I don’t know how Sirius did not lost his mind for good. 
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seriousbrat · 1 month
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This is so insidious. "Be aware of your language because you might unknowingly be spreading Evil ideology!!" basically just means "don't talk about this at all because it bothers me". It's so so transparent. If I'm constantly having to be careful about what I say about female characters (regardless of my actual intended meaning) because this Supreme Arbiter of Truth might randomly decide it's Terf Rhetoric Actually how can I ever have any sort of meaningful discussion at all? Notice how it's framed as "unknowingly"– if I have no possible way of knowing HOW I'm using Evil Language, how can I possibly avoid it? By shutting up is the answer.
It's based on NOTHING. It's a strawman. There is not a single Lily fan that thinks that Lily is just a mother and nothing else. Seeing Lily as more than a mother and recognising motherhood is important to her story are not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, in what world is pointing out that women are sidelined in fandom terf rhetoric? This person is just deliberately conflating discussions about misogyny in fandom with hate groups because they know that's an easy way to get people riled. They're pretending the main argument against Lily's exclusion in fandom is about motherhood (it's not) and then doing a further mental backflip to stir up moral outrage about people defending female characters.
Be absolutely clear about this- this person KNOWS, deep down, that there is a reason why they only engage with male characters, and this bothers them. Instead of being honest with themselves about it they are inventing a bullshit faux progressive reason to silence any and all criticism and convince their own conscience that they're in the right.
There are no laws, obviously, saying you can't change lily's story or make her a side character if you want. I myself once made her a side character in a prongsfoot fic. The problem is when this is an overwhelming tendency in fandom, which IS significant and IS, in my opinion at least, worth pointing out. When arguably the most important character in the Marauders Era is routinely sidelined in favour of male characters who are literally irrelevant, that does actually say something about what sorts of characters fandom likes to engage with and why. When she's routinely bashed and hated for not really doing anything wrong while male characters who range from bullies to murderers are excused and idealised, that does say something.
It's never pleasant to have to critically examine your own interactions with fiction and accept that your preferences might be rooted in deeper-held beliefs about the world. But it is important, and one way to do this is to facilitate open conversations between different points of view. One way to NOT do this is claiming that everyone else but you is "accidentally" "unknowingly" using evil language so they might as well shut up about their opinions and about women in general.
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This blog is like my therapy lol I really open it up and read it like morning newspaper every day!
I have to join the new Prongsfoot shippers discussion that's happening these days cause it's so timely. I'm a Jily shipper and all these years I was convinced that there was no problem between these camps, cause let me tell you, Jily shippers adore Sirius, like every single one of them loves him and treats his character well. For many of us he's actually the most favorite character in the books, we just aren't interested in exploring his romantic life. So I believed it was similar case the other way around, after all these 3 have canonically best bond and every variation of pairing makes sense and there's no need for bashing. But these last couple of months I ventured to some blogs and the things I saw some of the blogs say (and HUGE emphasis on SOME, because there were others who were lovely too) about Lily or Jily, and I don't even mean cheating hcs cause I haven't even encountered those, but I mean like meta and canon character analysis (arguably worse place to do this in than in fics) of Lily or Jily had me so "OH that's not-" and quickly backing away. It was in the realm of what Snape fans and shippers used to say about them. And honestly I was pretty taken aback and kinda hurt by this, cause as I mentioned Jily fandom never does this and loves Sirius, so it made me feel alone as a fandom and like, damn, everyone has a bone to pick with a woman, huh?
Many thanks on love for blog. Blog loves you back.
Emphasis on some is correct. You are not alone in noticing this. It is not found in fic. Found in meta, found in asks, found in tags, found in posts. Select blogs proposing thinly veiled misogyny. It is OOC for James or Sirius to dislike Lily.
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groundzero-v · 2 months
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prongsfootfest · 6 months
Ambush on All Sides
Author: GroundZero_V
Tumblr: @groundzero-v 
Word Count: 15,308
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings/Tags: James Returns AU, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Remus' unrequited pining for Sirius, First Kiss, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, James Potter defending Sirius against the Order, Remus Lupin Critical, Albus Dumbledore Critical, James Potter is a Little Shit, in the best way possible
Characters: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter
Summary: There have been talks.
Sirius and Remus seem so close, surely there must be something going on? Except then James Potter comes back.
And suddenly everyone is starting to doubt their earlier assumptions when they see him and Sirius interact. Maybe the way Sirius acted before wasn't anything special? It surely doesn’t seem so, compared to this.
Meanwhile James only knows that everyone believes Sirius and Remus are both smitten with each other. Misunderstandings ensue, until James sees the way Remus treats Sirius and decides he will not stand for that.
Prompt 38 for the Prongsfoot fest (2023)!
Link to work
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goodfornothingstar · 5 months
One thing I am sad about in Prongsfoot fics is that Lily gets so much attention as someone who has james's affection.
Like I know that canon wouldn't have happened if this person hadn't birthed HP but shouldn't this ship more about these two than about her.
I mean a few fics to have show us that aspect is understandable but for most of them to acknowledge Sirius to be either pinning for years that it feels pathetic or for Lily to know that her husband has a affair but still not taking action or for James to be cruel and hurt both S and L or for Lily to be ignoring the feelings these two have for each other and just wanting James for herself or for James to chose Sirius the second option when Lily is dead or for Lily being the bright mind who has to spell out what they already feel or for Jilypad to come into existence just so poor Lily isn't left out.
Why she gets to have such a strong angle when we fans are coming to read about just Prongs and Padfoot.
I am all for angst but why does the seed of the problems have to be in the name of her.
Canon didn't give her enough characterisation for all we know she could be anything.
Even in fics like Jegulus the main source of angst is the two sides of war.... When Lily is still an important part of those stories too....
I mean I haven't read any other ship where a third person is the reason two lovers are not getting together as much as in this particular ship and I really don't want to hate her. I just don't want to give her that much credit to being able to come between these two boys who are as good as soulmates. I don't want her to have that much power.
In the world where all the Prongsfoot fandom have nothing but love and respect for Lily as a character, I know it is practically a crime to feel this way.
But we all book readers, especially romance readers, know that you can't control the way you feel...
So much so that now I want a pallette cleanser where James is the one who is pinning because I have had an overload of sad pathetic Sirius and oblivious or cruel and selfish James.
Please come tell me if you also feel the same and I am not the only crazy odd one out.....
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arianwyn-art · 11 months
okay here’s my opinion on marauders ships DO NOT COME AFTER ME FOR THIS THESE ARE MY PERSONAL OPINIONS
mlm / poly containing men / non-women loving men
starting with jegulus- okay i love jegulus. like so much. I had a hard time liking it at first bc I think my idea of james was a very canon compliant jily atyd (love atyd though) version but i’ve matured and i love jeguluss
wolfstar - wolfstar is my everything okay. they feel safe and secure and homey. there are certain versions i don’t like but my version is amazing i don’t take criticism
rosekiller - pls i love them so much they’re my current obsession and we absolutely need more esp exploring evan’s characterization
bartylus - it���s okay but in my mind it’s always bartylus —> rosekiller + jegulus
prongsfoot (james x sirius) - okay i like the idea of them figuring out they were queer w each other but as more than that nah
jegulily - yes yes oml yes the only thing i don’t like is i hc reg being gay so me personally i think it’s more like reg and lily are more platonic / very close but not fully romantic
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padfootastic · 9 months
hi! i've no idea how i came to your page but i realised i'd read two of your one-shots in ao3 before and had adored them (you'll probably get comments from me in future, btw) and i just wanted to say thank you for your writing and thank you for your prongsfoot<3
i've been very critical of this sort of new, cool and aloof and martyred version of remus lupin for quite a while now (honestly, where did all those traits come from?!) and gosh, you're so eloquent when talking about him!!!
i was wondering what your thoughts were on regulus black? because i think he's getting the same sort of royalty treatment as remus does by making him sort of-- er, perfect? i mean. i've seen so much recently of him basically saving the world single-handedly and i-- ugh. and james is always just there, like a useless idiot? it makes me irrationally angry, and this is coming from someone who enjoys jegulus quite a bit. my problem is that i don't know if this rejection i feel against those two comes from a place of genuine dislike of them or from a place of wishing sirius and james were not done so dirty.
anyway, again, thank you for your writing. it's truly beautiful. hope you have a great day!
omg hello 🥺 i’ve periodically opened tumblr, giggling like a loon, and logging off multiple times just to see this ask,,,,thank u sm , ur way too kind <3 and ur comment on ao3!!! i was just,,,,yeah,,,no words. thank u.
ooooooh i remember being asked something similar a while ago and i took the safe route and basically went ‘remus lupin-ification of regulus’ iirc. that still stands. but but. i’ve also got another answer here! all hail tumblr’s search system today!
i still basically stand by all of it, but adding onto the jegulus + sirius bits of it:
annoys tf outta me when regulus is turned into a victim and like sirius damned him to hell when he left . i have thoughts about the way both of them were treated (which,,,another time,,,this post is already getting too long lol) but i imagine the day sirius left to be a Good One for reg bc he thinks he’ll have his parents undivided attention now. i also think regulus is severely defanged in a lot of characterisations, as if he wasn’t a baby DE, as if he wasn’t a slytherin from the house of black, as if he wasn’t walmart sirius black. like man i’m almost offended on his behalf. i’m sure his shaking his lil fist up at us from wherever he is.
with jegulus…okay, i’ve only read a couple oneshots but that doesn’t mean i haven’t tried. i genuinely went thru so many fics trying to get something, anything to stick and i think the problem is me. fully. completely. without doubt. i just can’t deal with a situation where j&s aren’t each others no.1, or at the very least, equivalent to that. that’s where my issues w wolfstar started, same w this. jegulus also has the added horror of ‘james and reg sneaking behind sirius’ back’ which is just,,,,gosh,,,,i have So Many Thoughts ab that. all personal opinions, but still. they’re strong. it fucks me up just thinking about it. i also think the ship tries wayyyy too hard to fit the ‘best friend’s brother’ trope and ends up sacrificing characterisation for it. which,,,again,,,that’s fine but it’s all the ‘oh this is how it was!’ that gets to me. and then james :/// he gives off such weird energy lol. jegulus gives me drarry vibes, and james is treated almost exactly as harry is in a lot of those. reg also gets the saviour treatment, like draco, and both of their fuckery is toned down until they’re almost normal, like they never did any reprehensible shit. j&r, and d&h are placed on the same moral equivalence and it’s just a bit. hmm. okay. (my issue with this is how it leaks into the writing and suddenly i’m made to sympathise with draco bc harry slashed him w sectumsempra, but we conveniently forget he was gonna use an unforgivable, ykno?) so overall it just feels…pushing reg up and pulling james down to get them on equal footing. very similar to wolfstar lbr.
anyway. that’s a ramble and a half lmao.
also!! ‘a place of genuine dislike of them or from a place of wishing sirius and james were not done so dirty’ in my mind, both of these occupy a similar plane of existence. so very valid. for me, personally, hating remrem started as the latter and i eventually realised it’s also the former lol i was just mad a how sirius is bastardised to justify his ~deification and it eventually moved on to ‘wow i just. do not like him’. damn.
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jmagnabo92 · 6 months
PM - 115 - June 23 - Influence
Sirius hates that the Blacks influence drags him back, but James gives him an out.
If there was one thing that Sirius was tired of hearing, it’s that the Black’s influence was the reason that he has the things he has, especially when you consider that he’d been disowned and then spent years in prison when the Blacks COULD have used their influence to at least give him a trial.  
Yet, they didn’t.
And now, the Order … sitting in his house – the Black’s house – criticizing him and his Black influence… is just too much.  
It’s so unfair.  
All he ever tried to do was get away from their influence, and now he was here… again.
Unfortunately, he was still ingrained with manners, so he politely excuses himself from the room as soon as he can and disappears into the room with Buckbeak.  
He’s unsurprised when James follows minutes later.  His return had been the only bright spot on his life since being held in captivity in his own house, but it’s not enough.  Not when the Order’s still giving him hell.  
After bowing to Buckbeak, James sits beside Sirius and says, “You know that you can kick them out anytime, right?”
“Don’t tempt me,” Sirius retorts.  He’d been considering it since the day that they all moved into this damned house.  “I might just do it.”
“Maybe you should,” James states, sincerely.  “Given their behavior with our kid and you… honestly, the three of us should kick them out and take off.”
“You’d actually be okay with that?”
“Of course.  I died, Si,” James says.  “You went to prison, Harry had his own, and they’ve done nothing for either of you that makes me want to help them.  So, yeah.  Wanna go?  Let’s go.”
Sirius grins.  “Let’s go.”
“Hell yeah!”
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