#puebla temple
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Dawn in Cuetzalan.
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supercool-here · 1 year
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This year's Easter vigil service at my hometown parish. I did not take the pictures but I did edit them. Happy Easter everybody!
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Also, a picture of the Easter vigil service at the Cathedral (taken from Facebook)
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footloosellama · 2 years
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San Gabriel church and friary, established in 1529 by the #Franciscans on top of the destroyed temple of #Quetzalcoatl.
#Cholula #Puebla
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verneandprince · 7 months
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It was way too hot to be wearing a suit, but since it was the only clothing he had left, he wasn't about to discard it.
May was the beginning of the rainy season in Puebla, Mexico, and also the hottest month of the year. It made for a muggy combination. The week prior it had rained every day, but today unbridled sunshine and a swelling heat wave broke the land open into sticky humidity. The sun dangled in the sky, slowly easing its way toward the horizon, but was still high enough to bathe the ground with the brutal heat of late afternoon.
In multiple layers, it was unbearable. Nick felt sweat drip across his forehead, down his temples, and along the length of his spine. Under his unbuttoned charcoal jacket, white undershirt, and dark slacks, he was absolutely soaked, stains evident under his arms if his jacket was removed. His dark maroon tie hung around his neck, pulled loose so he could unbutton his collar for a modicum of relief. His previously polished black loafers, now dusty and scuffed, had never been so uncomfortable; inside, his feet were aching and blistered from what had to be hours of walking.
When he dressed this morning, he had adorned himself with his pale gold wedding band and a silver watch he'd received as a Christmas gift a few years ago, both of which were missing now. He was also missing his cell phone, his wallet, and his passport. In fact, his pockets were completely empty, and the rest of his meager belongings were back at his hotel room, God knows how far away.
His head throbbed where he'd been struck into submission and his left eye emanated constant complaint, swollen and bruised. Sharp pain from a brutal kick to the stomach slowed his gait to a defeated shuffle along the endless stretch of road where he'd been unceremoniously dumped after the muggers had taken all that they wanted.
For some, this indignation might inspire a fiery desire for revenge, but for Nick it was just his luck, another step down the staircase of his life from relative success into abject failure. His left ring finger had a distinct tan line where his faithfully worn wedding band had been removed, but he'd been wearing it as a flimsy ploy to project normalcy to his friends, his coworkers, and himself. In truth, he and Jeanine were a month into the long process of their divorce, and at thirty-one he was living in a small, hardly furnished one bedroom apartment instead of their shared home. He did everything alone and with an air of desperate sadness. He may as well get stranded outside of Puebla after a random mugging and walk until he died of thirst or heat exhaustion.
And that was looking increasingly likely. The sun beat down so oppressively that his hair was hot to the touch. Everywhere his skin was exposed had turned pink from its brilliant rays, most of all his clean-shaven face, which he now kept angled down in an effort to avoid further sunburn so that his neck took the brunt of it. He was filthy, dirt embedded in one side of his ruined suit and caked in his sweaty hair from where he'd been tossed onto the road. His mouth was so dry he couldn't spit; he wondered how he was still hydrated enough to be sweating.
Nick was a mid-level manager with no outdoors experience. He spent all of his time behind a desk or in a conference room. He didn't know how to use the sun to divine cardinal direction, and furthermore didn't know the landmarks well enough to be sure where he was in relation to Puebla. The mountains towered in front of him, and he knew they ran roughly along the center of Mexico, but from here was Puebla toward them or away from them?
It didn't fucking matter, he thought bitterly, face stolid and cadence uninterrupted. It didn't matter at all. In all his time walking, he'd seen just five cars pass, and he was way too afraid to hitchhike in a country where he couldn't speak a word of the language. For now, the only thing he could do was walk, and that's what he was going to do.
A distant rumble approached, at first so quiet Nick didn't register it. It crescendoed as a vintage yellow Volkswagen bus rose into view, cresting the meager hill far in front of him, headed his way. It split through the vast thickness of the forest, a harmonious but vibrant splash of gold along an endless stretch of insurmountable green. Americana music bellowed from its open windows underneath mixed laughter and chatter—in distant but identifiable English.
Emotion reared up in Nick's chest, urgent and taut, but it wasn't relief; it was a potent cocktail of uncertainty and dread. After a day like the one he'd had, his hackles were permanently raised. He had no idea what to expect from any strange occurrence—and this was strange—but his instinct was defensiveness.
He tracked the bus as it grew nearer, expressionless, without stopping. The voices quieted the closer it came, and, to his surprise and mounting alarm, it began to slow. Through the windshield, he could see that the driver was a distinctly white woman with an untamed mane of dark curly hair and large heart-shaped sunglasses. Beside her in the passenger seat was a man, local judging by his golden brown skin and feathered black hair, in mirrored aviator sunglasses. The bus passed him, and as it did at least three more people came into view through the back windows, framed in loose white curtains and string lights.
Nick's heart sank. Sure, he didn't trust anyone out here, and sure, he didn't want a suspicious bus full of strangers to accost him in the Mexican countryside, but he had to admit it was like watching an oasis drive away, slowly shrinking until it blinked out of reality.
But, after a long moment, the bus made a wide U-turn in the middle of the empty stretch of road, and with it Nick's hope and trepidation leaped back up through him, the back and forth almost nauseating. It pulled up alongside him to match his slow pace.
The man in the passenger seat leaned through his open window, his elbow hanging out over the edge. This close, the dark scruff on his face was clear, a short dark beard and mustache framing his full pink lips and strong jawline. His yellow t-shirt was plain and unremarkable, but the eclectic mix of jewelry that adorned his chest and knuckles along with the cigarette dangling from two fingers added a sense of bohemian flair to his lean but muscular frame.
God, he was fucking hot, Nick noted, powerless against it. But it didn't matter. He was likely a serial killer who specifically targeted doomed hitchhikers. He probably ate guys like Nick for breakfast. At the very least, he was far out of Nick’s league. He straightened his spine and focused on the man with as much strength and composure as he could muster, though he was sure he looked like a ragged stray dog.
Unfazed by Nick’s glowering, the man pushed his sunglasses up onto his head to reveal large honey brown eyes, earnest and concerned. "Señor," he greeted, his voice rich and warm, accented in the local dialect. "¿Necesita ayuda?"
Nick sighed a soft, subdued breath, and cursed himself another hundred times for not picking up a Spanish textbook in two decades. "No hablo Español," he muttered, his own accent clunky and American despite having uttered this exact same sentence a dozen times over the last few days.
The driver's eyebrows raised high on her forehead. As she leaned over the Latino man and gripped his window ledge, he leaned back to make room. 
In a decidedly Californian accent, she asked, "Hey, are you American?"
Nick’s gaze snapped to her and a fizzle of relief shot through him—not enough to upend his melancholy, but a pleasant change of pace. Oh, God, he might actually get some help.
"Yeah," he replied, voice hoarse and dry, and finally let his path meander closer to the bus for easier conversation. "Yeah. Are you?"
She grinned, wide and warm. "Yeah!" she cried. "Yeah, we're Americans! Except Lex here." She patted the passenger's chest affectionately but returned her hand to the door. "I'm Holly. We're heading out to the mountains tonight but there's a..." She looked at Lex. "There's a village out there, right?'
Lex nodded. "Yes, there is a village." His English was thick with a Mexican accent, unfamiliar and stilted in his mouth.
Holly looked at Nick and lifted her sunglasses to her head, pushing back the unruly curls that framed her face. Her bright hazel eyes came into focus, warm and friendly.
"We can take you if you want,” she offered. "You can use our phones, too." She reached down and lifted an iPhone from the cupholder beside her. "You wanna hop in?"
Lex watched Nick, his dark eyes curious and interested as they scanned his form. He lifted a water bottle from the cupholder and held it out to him.
Nick widened his eyes. The iPhone was promising, but refreshment glittered like heaven-sent perfection.
"Oh my God, gracias," he breathed as he hastily accepted it and unscrewed the top. He took a long drink and closed his eyes at the sheer ecstasy of it. It was cool and so refreshing, and it helped clear dirt and the faint taste of copper from his mouth.
After he'd downed about half the bottle, he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve, took a deep breath, and looked from Lex to Holly again. "Yeah, I'll come," his mouth said, and he was immediately shocked by it. He was so risk-averse that he almost reconsidered right there, but a quick glance at his circumstances showed that, in the interest of self-preservation, this was by far the most logical move. Besides, even if they wanted to rob him, he had nothing to give but his life, and that wasn't worth a ton at the moment.
Nick looked at the bus and scanned the other visible passengers with fleeting scrutiny. They looked like hippies, kinda, but none of them seemed clearly bloodthirsty. And he didn't think they were headed where he wanted to go, but maybe he could use their phones to contact the police or something in Puebla to get back.
Honestly, any port in a storm, he thought dryly.
The bleakness of his options came into sudden focus: he didn't have his manager's contact information memorized, and he had no money for a taxi. He didn’t speak the language, and he’d already learned the hard way that not every local was interested in his well-being. His body was bruised and aching, his spirit crushed. His heart sank back into despair.
He kept it off of his face as best he could. Even though he was being picked up by an eclectic group of bohemian strangers, it was still an improvement.
"Thank you," he murmured and let his shuffling walk come to a stop.
Holly grinned and stopped the bus beside him. "Sweet!" She sat back in the driver's seat, clicked the locks, and gestured. "Come on in!"
(All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2023 by Ramona Verne and Gisele Prince, original authors of Mariposa: An M/M Romance)
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patfster · 9 months
Puebla, Cholula, Atlixco
August 6, 2023
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The Argueta´s invited us and the Deavers to go with them to <puebla, Chalula, and Atlixco. What a lovely day we had we them. The Argueta are the age of our older children. He retired at 40 so they could serve missions for the next 20 years, this is their second mission. They have been very blessed. He did BYU-IDAO online and got his welding license. He got the contract from the church to put the roofs on many of the church buildings, and the iron fences around the church and also had a contract with milk companies that had him build large walk-in refrigerators. They lived in Texas for 10 years for their children to learn English. He would commute back and forth on the weekends. She got her MBA so they could stay in the US on the student visa. They are incredible people.
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The Puebla temple is a beautiful structure, I love the dome on the top, reminiscent of the Mexican architecture. They were supposed to have an open house before Christmas, but the government shut down construction on the temple for 6 weeks, so now the open house will be after Christmas. The Stake House nearby has an amazing receiving area for families to come to attend the temple.
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I had been to Chalula before with some missionaries from the CCM, but Tracy had not. The Chalula pyramid is a temple that traditionally has been viewed as having been dedicated to the god Quezalcoatl.  It is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid (temple) in the New World, as well as the largest pyramid by volume known to exist in the world today.
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Atlixco Pueblo Magico
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We have loved visiting the Pueblo Magicos. There is such a flavor of old Mexico. The city is best known for its cultivation of ornamental plants, flowers and fruit trees. All of its potted plant production is sold in Mexico, with eighty percent of the cut flowers sent abroad, mostly to the United States.
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leanstooneside · 1 year
◊ compulsive form of quiza
◊ briefness of human
◊ mark of antiquity
◊ fall of Jericho
◊ Cronica Mexicana of Tezozomoc
◊ sweet voices of melodious birds
◊ King of Mexico
◊ rainbow; lit. mist of water
◊ name of Quetzalcoatl
◊ ohuicaloyan place of difficulty
◊ ancient cyclus of Quetzalcoatl
◊ place of shards
◊ lord of Tizatlan
◊ power of music
◊ term of contempt
◊ Rev. of cui
◊ display of prowess
◊ Governor of Azcapotzalco
◊ parts of ancient Mexico
◊ Mother of our
◊ Master of Life
◊ figure of speech
◊ reduplication of teuctli
◊ temple of his
◊ grandeur of Montezuma
◊ expression of admiration
◊ arrival of Cortes
◊ intrinsic evidence of antiquity
◊ other condition of existence
◊ causative form of itta
◊ place of counting
◊ place of wolves
◊ shores of New
◊ word of difficult analysis
◊ reality of earthly pains
◊ sense of location
◊ combination of yolnonotza
◊ bird of brilliant plumage
◊ idea of unity
◊ pride of their
◊ state of Puebla
◊ compound of otli
◊ destruction of Tollan
◊ occasion of his
◊ small bodies of troops
◊ The departure of Quetzalcoatl
◊ warriors of Montezuma
◊ isthmus of Tehuantepec
◊ uncertainty of life
◊ divine spirit of song
◊ exhaustion of his
◊ vanity of fame
◊ attack of Nezahualpilli
◊ popularity of their
◊ absence of interjections
◊ form of ihuintia
◊ part of ancient Huexotzinco
◊ incense of sweet copal
◊ compositions of Tetlapan
◊ natives of Huexotzinco
◊ odor of decaying
◊ place of sweetsinging
◊ line of syllables
◊ loss of Tulan
◊ lost songs of Nezahualcoyotl
◊ tincture of European
◊ place of departed
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laguaridadelnagual · 1 year
Morena y las lecciones de 2023: malos candidatos no arrasan
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Álvaro Ramírez Velasco | @Alvaro_Rmz_V   El resultado de las elecciones en el Estado de México y Coahuila debieran ser reflexión, acicate y preocupación para la dirigencia nacional de Morena y también para Palacio Nacional. No puede haber un festejo desbocado, porque en los dos procesos el lopezobradorismo perdió, por encima del triunfo mexiquense, aritmética y políticamente. Me explico: en el Edomex ganó su candidata Delfina Gómez Álvarez. Sin embargo, lo hizo por apenas nueve puntos de diferencia, de acuerdo con las estimaciones oficiales. En tanto, en Coahuila la derrota era esperada, pero no por la paliza de 35 puntos que les propinó la alianza opositora a los morenistas. En ese estado norteño prevalecerá la sospecha de que fue concertada la derrota, para que la plaza se quedará todavía en manos del priismo, aunque el triunfo lo consigue en coalición con PAN y PRD. Vamos primero al Estado de México. Efectivamente, se acaba una casi centenaria hegemonía del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) y un muy largo dominio del Grupo Atlacomulco. Gana el Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), pero el margen de 9 puntos de ventaja es muy malo, porque la abanderada comenzó la contienda con 25 puntos arriba. La candidata del tricolor, Paulina Alejandra del Moral Vela, ganó mucho terreno y exhibió las deficiencias de Delfina como personaje, como política y, por supuesto, como abanderada. La fuerza del grupo morenista en el oriente de la entidad es la que ha valido para el triunfo, pero la aprobación de más de 65 por ciento que tiene el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador no se reflejó en las urnas. No hubo transferencia de popularidad ni de seguidores, porque no gustó la candidata. A pesar del triunfo, el Edomex reclama todavía mucho trabajo social y político, para alcanzar en 2024 una mejor votación, en el estado que tiene el mayor número de votantes del país: 12.7 millones de personas en posibilidad de sufragar, de acuerdo con su lista nominal. Para el triunfo en la elección presidencial esa entidad es decisiva. Si, como ha dicho el Presidente de la República, se pretende ganar el próximo año con 66 por ciento de los votos, en todo el país, el resultado que dio Delfina no solamente es decepcionante, sino que enciende las alarmas. En Coahuila, el resultado arroja un experimento a la inversa: si se pretendía perder, al dividir a la alianza lopezobradorista y mandar, cada partido, en este caso el PT y el PVEM, a sus propios abanderados, quienes terminaron atacándose entre sí, algo pasó que se salió por completo el control. Y es que se puede perder con cálculo, si es que, como muchos pensamos, se planeó así. Pero el candidato de la alianza opositora (PRI, PAN y PRD), Manuel Jiménez Salinas, le dio una paliza al sistema, con 35 puntos de diferencia. Ni sumados, los porcentajes que obtuvieron los abanderados de Morena y los partidos del Trabajo (PT) y Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM), le hubieran ganado. Las declinaciones de esos institutos, pero no de los candidatos, de última hora, tampoco sirvieron. Coahuila fue un desastre para el sistema. No puede ir el lopezobradorismo a la elección presidencial, de nueve gubernaturas y de miles de cargos más en 2024, con candidatos malos. Si el régimen se empeña en caprichos y compadrazgos, para sus postulaciones, el fracaso se asoma muy claramente. En entrevista en Puebla, la presidenciable Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo nos dijo este sábado, qué tipo de abanderados se requieren: “Honestidad por encima de todo, mucha convicción. Proyecto en el sentido de continuar con la construcción de un México con justicia que erradique la pobreza, que siempre piense en los grandes derechos del pueblo de México: la educación, la salud, la cultura, la vivienda, el salario digno, el trabajo digno. Se requiere también temple y experiencia para poder sortear las dificultades que puedan llegar siempre en un puesto tan importante. ¿Populares, necesariamente populares? Yo no diría popular, sino con aceptación popular, que es distinto. Con la aceptación del pueblo de México, eso está por encima de todo. Hasta aquí la cita y la advertencia. Read the full article
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abeacontotheworld · 5 years
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thegoodmexican · 5 years
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templetuesday · 6 years
BREAKING: President Nelson announces 12 new Temples, “pioneer-era” Temple renovations
In his closing remarks at the end of the Sunday Afternoon Session of General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson announced that twelve new temples will be constructed in the following locations:
• Mendoza, Argentina 🇦🇷
• Salvador, Brazil 🇧🇷
• Yuba City, California 🇺🇸
• Phnom Penh, Cambodia 🇰🇭
• Praia, Cape Verde 🇨🇻
• Yigo, Guam 🇬🇺
• Puebla, Mexico 🇲🇽
• Auckland, New Zealand 🇳🇿
• Lagos, Nigeria 🇳🇬
• Davao, Philippines 🇵🇭
• San Juan, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
• Washington County, Utah 🇺🇸
The temples in Cambodia and Cape Verde will be those countries’ first temples, and the temples in Guam and Puerto Rico will be the first temples in those US territories.
Today’s announcement was the largest single-day announcement of new temples in Church history. The previous record was nine temples, on 1 April 1981. It also brings the total number of temples announced this year to 19. There are now 201 temples operating, announced, or under construction.
In addition to the announcement of new temples, President Nelson also announced that the Salt Lake Temple, as well as other “pioneer-era” temples, will be undergoing renovations and updates in the upcoming months and years.
More details on all of these temple announcements will be posted as they become available.
Source: newsroom.lds.org
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tretorosal · 6 years
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Templo de la Compañía de Jesús, Puebla, drone aerial view #mexico #puebla #templodelacompañia #elcarolino #drone @djiglobal @djimexicooficial #mavicpro #church #architecture #temple (à Puebla, Mexico)
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giuseppemartinengo · 5 years
Groundbreaking Completed for the Puebla Mexico Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints
Groundbreaking Completed for the Puebla Mexico Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints
Ground has been broken for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Puebla Mexico Temple, signifying the beginning of construction.
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Rendering of the Puebla Mexico Temple.2019 BY INTELLECTUAL RESERVE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Elder Arnulfo Valenzuela, Mexico Area president, presided at the event and offered the dedicatory prayer on Saturday, November 30, 2019. Elder Rafael E.…
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amatesura · 3 years
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Santo Niño Cieguito or The Holy Blind Child: Folk Saint of Puebla, Mexico
Santo Niño Cieguito started his life as an ordinary Niño Dios (albeit one with emerald eyes) in the arms of a statue of the Virgen las Misericordias (Virgin of Mercy) at a convent of the same name in Valladolid, Morelia. On August 10, 1744, a man attended mass and hid in the church after it closed in order to rob it. Around midnight, he began his work. But when he approached the statue of Mary to steal her jewelry, "the evildoer heard deep in his conscience the cry of a child that seemed to come from the image of the child Jesus."
The man covered the child's mouth to stop its cries but, still feeling its gaze, he threw it into his sack. He fled to a mountain hideaway, but the child continued to cry. When he tried to remove the Niño's emerald eyes, it shed tears of blood.
When the church fathers realized the robbery had taken place, they called the authorities, who were able to track down the thief and recover the stolen goods. The perpetrator made a full confession, and reported the miracle he had witnessed. When the Niño was returned to the temple, the father superior sent him to the Capuchin Convent in Puebla for restoration and protection.
The abbess of this convent decided not to replace the eyes, but to leave his eye sockets empty in respect for the miracle of the crying of the blood. The statue was given the name Santo Niño Cieguito, The Holy Blind Child, and adorned with the symbols of the passion of Christ, hair, a crown of thorns, a cross, and a tray with two eyes commemorating his desecration and the outrages to which he had been subjected.
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relupin-blog1 · 5 years
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⛪️ Puebla Cathedral ⛪️ It was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. It has the prerogative of being the first sumptuous temple that under good designs was made in America (not the US, but the continent!). . . . . . #puebla #pueblamexico #pueblacity #pueblagram #pueblatravel #explorapuebla #vivemexico #mexico #mexicomaravilloso #mexicomagico #mexico_maravilloso #mexico_magico #ig_mexico_ #aroundtheworld #temple #worship #gopro #goprohero7 #colonia #colonial #church #travelphotography #globetrotter #travelblogger #travelgram #yourdailyimage (at Puebla City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwznJQ2Bw0Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oc8zp8kj0xax
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mikehgo · 5 years
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Torre/campanario único de la Parroquia del Señor San José. #parroquia #sanjose #iglesia #church #templo #temple #puebla #colonial #mexico #tower #bell #visitpuebla #patrimonioculturaldelahumanidad #pueblavieja #pueblacolonial #pueblaantigua https://www.instagram.com/p/BwOd1vbAtK7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1841ihvmb8qx9
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