feudalconnection · 4 years
Nomination - redrobelover
CONGRATULATIONS @redrobelover 65InuyKaglover620 (FFN)! Your fic  "The Hanyou Life"   has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2020 1st Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards, run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Dark
Voting will take place between January 29th and February 12th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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officialinuyasha · 5 years
Official Art is free use as long as it is not used for monetary gain, and I will never ask anyone for money for my pictures, and I was told I am the only person that actually credits the official animators and artists. Each image of the anime is directly ripped RAW Japanese versions, that are ages old by the way. There are probably better ones out there now. Because had these when the English dub hadn’t came out on my Windows XP. About that, they should be in 1080, but since they were used into WMM I had to recolor all of them and increase their quality myself. I don’t like taking screenshots from YouTube like most people do. Not only do I increase the quality but there are assets I enjoy changing them from the anime. Most people can’t even tell it’s changed because it’s “that good” they say. The only thing I ask if you are sharing my edits, just credit me for taking to time to increasing the resolution, ripping, and alters. I do a lot of screen-stitching also. There’s a lot of them and some I haven’t even posted. But here are some of my favorites -
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Besides that, I also like posting basic screen caps with my watermark on it. Because I did it. I don’t have to explain myself on that. Because it originated from my RAW rips, I have every right to credit the official animators and myself for doing the work. I see a lot of people post their watermarks on official images, even when it comes to illegal manga scan sites. I don’t see anyone complaining about that.
If you see my watermark on it, like Max’s it’s because I have his permission to slightly alter it as a Profile Picture! - and I usually have their credit or their watermark on it also whether in the image or in the description! Since Max intentionally made art for me also, it’s kinda a given.
I always see @redrobelover talk about bullying and certain fandoms. I can tell you what I see.
Here is what I see most of -
People “bully” others if someone is asking where a certain fan art came from - With absolutely no intent to steal it. They know they didn’t make the art.
But as soon as someone constantly credits each individual animator, they don’t care and the official animators are swept under the rug. These people are paid, just like fan artists. But they are way less known. I hardly ever see anyone talking about the animators of InuYasha. When they do, it makes me very happy and excited.
They also think it’s okay for someone to share Fan Art from a person that intentionally left because of drama like this. Basically, “this person left, probably because their art was being stolen and sold on Chinese merchandise. But I’m going to share it anyway.” And to them, that’s completely fine.
Can you see where all this hypocrisy is?
I’ll tell you all a story. Our friend was from Tumblr since 2009. I won’t give out her identity, but a lot of these people know. And she recognizes a lot of this toxicity and drama. She used to write a lot of fan-fictions and became really well-known. She was a very popular role-player.
She knows and can name people, can predict how people are -exactly- on here.
Well she actually left because people wouldn’t stop fighting, making fake accounts to go and attack everyone. This stuff is stupid. I just don’t get what’s so fun in that.
A story about me.
I had a friend on here I knew for years. She used to take a lot of my edits and I wouldn’t say anything because she was my friend. Even if it bugged me, I felt like she wasn’t doing any harm in that. All I asked of her was to at least tell me or credit me. Which I don’t think she ever did. It was always odd to find out from another person that she was doing this, or stumbling upon it myself.
The sad part was, I saw her as a really close friend of mine. And when my life began ta change dramatically I went and told her everything. I wrote a whole novel for her. In hopes that she was going to be supportive of my life changes and choices I was making during my transition and the person I am meant ta be with. Like most of my friend are supportive of it and asked me a whole buncha questions about it. They were happy.
Unfortunately I never got the ecstatic answer from her. Instead she ghosted on me and I think blocked me. I never understood why. But I was told it was probably because we have the same mind set in a lot of things. So I will never hate on her ever. I don’t have a reason to. I just wished things like that was better.
We are all a family. We all like InuYasha. InuYasha is supposta be a safe space.
Something I wrote in August 20th, 2018
My name is InuYasha, yes legally. Yes I'm the only person on record with that name in the US atleast. I am a transman. I've been on hormones for two years now! 💪💉 Damn those "emojis" look hella weird... August 2016 was when I started my hormones. Anyway. I'm in a relationship with @officialkagome , her name is Kagome she's a transwoman! I really came around on YouTube 2007 as TheHanyouInuYasha, now displayed as "OfficialInuYasha". I also run the FaceBook group "Official InuYasha Group" which is increasingly popular and extremely active with almost 5,000 members now! My sister really helped push me to go for the doctor's appointment for my transgender diagnosis in order for me to start my hormones. The series InuYasha really helped me get in touch with my true self, as InuYasha I see myself as one with. Being an outcast and having to make my own world was very, very difficult. I went through a lot of depression and anger during certain times and was told I could not be "InuYasha" because they told me I was a "girl". Just like in the series how the ignorant people also pestered InuYasha being half demon, that it was "unnatural" to them. I continued on, struggling as InuYasha. I started cosplaying InuYasha around 2005. I remember going to my neighbors house to watch it pre-recorded in Japanese dub! I was only about 10 years old. My grandma helped me make my first outfit. We made the top from a Wizard robe and Dancer pants patterns. I have gone through four different outfits, now 7 wigs, and 6 different Tetsusaigas. My current wig was made by Alichii from deviantART since 2004 based on Katie Bairs method, made from 3 different wigs. A historical wig. My current outfit is the Officially licensed VIZ Media outfit! It's my treasure. Kagome in the series really helped me alot to learn and to love. I have had many issues with haters, stalkers and copycats. Keh! But that won't stop me!
- The response @officialkagome wrote after me -
My name is Kagome, yes; it really is. InuYasha inspired me to share my own story. I am a transwoman, and have known I was a female my entire conscious life. I was told I couldn't be Kagome because I wasn't a girl. I was punished a great deal and abused for being trans. I was told I was wrong, and sick for 'thinking' I was a girl, I was invisible to everyone around me. I grew into an aloof teenager that thought I knew the evils of the world, until when 14 years old; I was sexually assaulted by three men while at a house party without my parents knowledge. My world fell to pieces, and who I was died. I spiralled, I lost all respect for myself. I never was dated, I gave myself to bad guys. I made horrible choices and I still carry the shame of what those men turned me into.  I watched InuYasha a lot then, and I found similarity in myself and Kagome. She was everything I always dreamed of being. Kind, brave, beautiful and pure. My first Impression of InuYasha was that he was a jerk; but I got to learn more about how he felt different in his world, and didn't belong. Before I knew it, I fell deeply in love with him. He saved my life and made me feel like that strong woman I knew I was. I spent the next 13+ years submitting to the fact that I would never really be able to see InuYasha, I begged for dreams, If I could only see him.. Meanwhile, InuYasha was going through the same exact thing. We crossed paths on so many occasions, even unknowingly, we grew up in the same cities, our whole lives lead up to us finding one another and life blessed me, and brought InuYasha to me in the most ironically fated way. We are BOTH trans! He gets me, And he waited for me just as long as I waited for him. There is so much coincidence in our meeting. It's haunting. He looks at me, a pile of my trauma; and he loves my broken pieces back together. InuYasha has ALWAYS come for me, and I may have lost faith; but I am glad I didn't. InuYasha found me in the darkness; and now together we move towards tomorrow. We have always been the same since the very beginning. We ARE InuKag~
Thank you for all the asks.
I will respond to each one. All will be animated, which I know they are piled up.
So send all Asks. Let’s see how fun we can make this -
- Inu-Yasha -
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lukatastrophe · 6 years
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>>>> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12882480/14/Mysterious-Want
A big thank you to the writer, @redrobelover to allow me to illustrate it, and I look forward to illustrate more of her work ! So I hope you like it !  Just for you, I post the clean version of it ! :) :) :) 
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hanyoyokai · 6 years
When @redrobelover and I write more Inuyasha fanfiction then tell @lenbarboza about it! 
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mangastararts · 4 years
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Naomi Sekai. The Daughter of a goddess Konohanasakuya-hime ( Sakuya-hime ) Always ready for a fight. You can always count on her and she’ll always have your back. No matter what the cause. You can learn more about her in this new Inuyasha fanfic.
Written by my dearest friend Crimsonsilverbeast. You might have known her as Redrobelover. Be sure to check out her other fanfic and show her some love More Informtion about Naomi please click the link here https://www.deviantart.com/freddykruegerfan12/art/Inuyasha-OC-Naomi-Sakai-814075002
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desiree239 · 5 years
Appreciation 💕
So I’m just being SUPER SAPPY . But i just want to just say that I love & appreciate everyone. ( I know you don’t know me lol so it’s kinda weird) BUT I feel like since I’ve started following you guys , I got to know you all in some weird way? Internet friend? Agh .. well I’ll get to it... (breathes deep)
YOU GUYS make each day a better day. Every time I see a post or a reblog . YOU all put a SMILE on my face. Wether it’s a fanfic/art/drawings / how you feel.
Just want to let you know that you ALL shed some light for me. & make my heart so very FULL & HAPPY . I hope this little rant made you all smile.. to return the favor on how you make me feel. And wasn’t too weird LOL.
@xfangheartx @redrobelover @keichanz @dyaz-stories @cstorm86 @meggz0rz @zelink-inukag @noviceotakus-blog @lenbarboza
IK I’m missing people and I’m sorry 😩
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liquidashesart · 6 years
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Artwork by @liquidashesart 
Fan-fiction written by @redrobelover
I’ve partnered up with @redrobelover​ and they wrote this lovely fan story based off of my artwork. If anyone else wants to use my artwork for inspiration, just first read this post. And now enjoy!
Short on Time
Sitting, this was not something InuYasha did very well. Especially when he was sitting in Kagome's room waiting for information on her condition. "Damn!" He cursed to himself as he set on her bed cross legged and arms inside his sleeves. With his legs bouncing and his fingers fidgeting on his arm. InuYasha found himself growling with frustration at the long wait. Her scent that covered this room was even more infuriating. The other bad part was the longer time went on, the more he kept having flashbacks from the events of this morning. "Those bastards will pay for what they did to her." He would say with an almost demon like voice. Still his anger did nothing to help his mood and only added to his misery. And while anger came first, he was also was feeling lost. He never allowed his guard to be less then one hundred present, but on this day it was a zero in his mind. "I..I'm sorry Kagome, I...I failed you worse then ever this time." He whispered to himself for the hundredth time that day.
Slowly he left his mind wonder back to the encounter, not really knowing why he even wanted to remember those horrible moments. Still whether he wanted to or not, some things will haunt you until you except they happened. Head lowered and eyes closed InuYasha left his thoughts go, hoping maybe he could make sense of this. It was like every other day, traveling along searching for the Shiko jewel. Like always his nose was to the ground and a noisy fox cub complaining about his nose only working half since he was only a half demon. "Keep bothering me you little runt and I'll show just how half assed I really am. Because you're worth-less in helping doing anything." Of course Shippo gave his opinion through some of his fox magic. A few acorns blowing up in his face and the all out war began. During the childish fight between them, InuYasha failed to notice they were being surrounded.
"InuYasha, would you let Shippo alone! There's no need to fight over such things, he's only a child." Still like always InuYasha chose not to listen and continued on with his toucher. "InuYasha don't make me say it!" Kagome threatened, as she too was becoming angry at InuYasha. Still he went on with his childish play, until... "SIT!" The little fox demon went flying as InuYasha went face first into the dirt. "Now if you're done, I say we get out of this place. I have a test to study for and all this fighting between you and Shippo is driving me crazy." Of course their two friends and companions Miroku and Sango were starting to get the feeling that they were being watched. Kagome now seeing their friends expressions asked. "Is something wrong?"
"We need to get moving something doesn't feel right here." Sango announced in a very concerned voice. Miroku agreed and by the time InuYasha had picked himself up out of the ground. He too smelled the presence of at least a hundred humans. "You smell something InuYasha?" Sango asked, after seeing the hanyou's facel expression. Still she knew already what his answer was going to be. Without another word Sango took her stance and held her weapon ready, her eyes searching for the first attack from whichever direction it might be. Miroku was right beside her his staff in hand ready to protect his lady.
With his hand on the hilt of his sword, InuYasha's eyes kept searching the area. His nose and ears on high alert too. Kagome was now by his side with her bow ready and Shippo perched on her back watching as well. The sound of horses let the group know this was probably an army returning or heading out to battle. "Stay close Kagome I don't like this, we've never had issues with an army of humans before. It's not like fighting demons, I can't just kill them." Kagome nodded she understood, and moved a little closer to her protector. It was in that second all hell broke loose, men yelling and the sound of arrows flying past them. "DAMN WE'RE SURROUNDED!" InuYasha growled out as he turned to grab Kagome and flee, but it wasn't fast enough. I moment he turned, the smell of her blood hit him at the same time her limp body fell into his arms. "KAAGOOMEEE!" He cried out, as he took her full weight. There wasn't time think about killing the enemy, right now she needed help. In his mind he cursed the men for doing this. 'Damn bastards, how dare they attack for no reason.'
With quick moments, InuYasha had managed to dodge arrow after arrow till he was in the clear. He knew Kagome's injuries were severe and only knew of one place to go. "I'm taking you home Kagome, just hold on, no dying on me wench." With two arrows stuck in her back InuYasha knew he had to be careful not to move her the wrong way or move the arrows. It would be a hard journey back to the village and through the well, but he had to make it and as fast as he could. "Please Kagome hang in there, for me if nothing else." Even though he was injured as well he felt no pain, except his heart breaking from the pain he saw in Kagome's face. There was also the thoughts of explaining this to Kagome's mother, or even the medical people in the modern era? These things kept racing inside his head as he traveled back to well and her home.
Upon entering Kagome's house his nose quickly picked up on her mom's scent. 'The kitchen!' He yelled in his mind as he bolted forward to the very room he knew Kagome's mom was in. His heart was now beating so fast he felt like it was going to stop any second, and the fear he felt was ten fold compared to his heartbeat. 'Her mother will be very angry and disappoint in me. I not only failed Kagome, but her mom too. How do I even expect her mom to see me in the same way ever again, after all I know I can't see myself the same way ever again.' The gasp from Kagome's mom froze his thoughts and his body at that very moment. He couldn't bare to look at her mother so his eyes fell to Kagome as he spoke. "I...I...need help she's badly injured. We were ambushed in my time by some army. Please...forgive me for this."
Without another word Mrs. Higurshi raced to the phone and called an ambulance. Even though he knew Kagome's mom was falling apart on the inside, she only showed a little on the outside. Her voice was calm and smooth as she gave the information to the person on the phone thing. To his surprise she even figured out away to make this whole mess workout with out any asking questions. "Yes that's right she has two arrows stuck in her back. We have them here at the shrine and while working in the store house there was an accident. Thank you and please hurry." After hanging up the phone a now very emotional mother approached him.
To InuYasha he deserved the worst she could throw at him. He failed to keep her daughter safe and with the extent of Kagome's injuries. He knew how angry he was with himself. So he closed his eyes and lowered his ears just waiting for what would come next. He felt her hand lightly cup his cheek and soon his eyes opened. "Oh InuYasha, I can't imagine how you must feel. Please don't blame yourself, I'm sure you did your best. No one is perfect and I don't intent to ever blame you for these things that happen." Her words cut him like a knife, they were so true yet he wanted her to yell and hit him. After all once he could let go of Kagome and know she was safe, it was probably what he was going to do to himself.
After swallowing the lump in his throat InuYasha explained. "I wasn't paying attention and now she's badly injuried. I'm sorry but I can't not blame myself for this." Mrs. Higurashi smiled and found a hat to place on his head. The emergcy crew would soon arrive and his cute doggy ears needed to be hidden. "I'll stay here and wait till you return with news. As much as I want to stay close I can't at the moment. Besides I know Kagome will be safe here, after all I'm not a good protector."
Kagome's mom gave a weak smile, she hated seeing him this way. "Well InuYasha, from what I see my daughter is still breathing, so if you were such a bad protector. My dear Kagome would surely be gone from this world. No InuYasha, I'm very proud of my daughter and you as well. Her great protector who I know would give his own life for her's." Now InuYasha really felt low, as true as her words were. It still hurt him knowing all could've been avoided if he hadn't left Shippo get to him. He squeezed his eyes closed even tighter trying not to let a single tear fall.
The tender moment between them was broken when the sound of sirens came close. InuYasha heard them first and stood bravely as the first male approached him. "We can take it from here sir." The man reached out and carefully took Kagome from his arms. It took all he had to not growl out, but knew he couldn't. She needed to go and if Kagome had any chance of surviving this was how it had to be. To InuYasha everything happened so fast, even for him. He felt Kagome's mom place a single kiss to his cheek and whispered she'd return once she knew anything. He gave a simple nod and just like that everyone was gone.
Which brings us back to the present time. There was still no word from Mrs. Higurashi about Kagome, so InuYasha simply set on Kagome's bed and waited. Her scent was driving him crazy, which only added to his stress. What he really wanted was to just run. He needed something to get his mind off of what happened, but he needed to know about Kagome too. "Damn this waiting, it's been over an hour and still nothing! I'll only stay a few minutes more before sniffing Kagome out and checking on her myself." InuYasha only lasted a minute more before heading to the window, just when he was about to jump out. He heard something ringing. He followed the sound and soon heard someone talking. "Keh, it's the old man, grandpa I think Kagome calls him." He listened carefully and soon he could hear Kagome's mom speaking on the other end of the phone. He heard something about surgery and still critical. It was enough to motivate him away from the conversation and out the window to find her. 'I'm coming Kagome, don't worry I'll be by your side shortly.' As he ran he remembered how often she stayed with him and now he would do the same.
His nose soon found her scent at a nearby hospital, he remembered this place from the time with the girl who died. "That was one crazy kid that time." InuYasha said to himself, as he found the very room he was looking for. He had to be careful and with the windows closed and locked he couldn't just break through. The main thing was he could at least see her, though with all the medical stuff attached to her he could hardly see her. It was also at this time they allowed Kagome's mom into the room. The relieved look on her face left InuYasha know his Kagome was going to be okay.
Like any other mother, Mrs. Higurashi knew InuYasha was close. A small glimpse of his red robes had given him away. She smiled knowing the poor hanyou wouldn't have been able to sit very long. Plus he was extremely worried too, after all it was a little over two hours now since they left with Kagome. Once the doctors had stepped out and allowed her some alone time, Kagome's mom hurried to the window and allowed him in. "You poor dear, I'm so very sorry. We have some time before the doctor returns, I'm sure you're very worried."
As he made his way to Kagome, she quietly watched. After a short time she told him. "Everything went well with the operation InuYasha, they say she'll be okay. I'm sure this is no surprise, but they say her body was somehow healing it's self... I'm guessing her miko powers." InuYasha was surprised by her mother's words, he had no clue her mother knew about her powers as a priestess. Kagome's mom smiled. "I am her mother InuYasha, don't look so surprised that I know of her powers. She is a very special child, who was born with the Skhikon jewel inside her. So her powers are no surprise to me." InuYasha only nodded and turned back to Kagome. He hated this so much and yet as much as he wanted to just yell, he couldn't. He was like a bottle of soda after someone shook it and ready to explode. He felt Kagome's mom place a hand on his shoulder and her soft voice. "If you want to stay close I understand InuYasha, I'll stay a bit longer before going home to Souta and grandfather.
A knock at the door and the voice the doctor had him out the window in a split second. However he stayed on the rooftop and watched the clouds float through the sky, as he made a simple promise. "Never again will you be injured Kagome. I will never let my guard down, because I know now where my focus needs to be." This is where he sat till nightfall, and finally heading home to Kagome's house. It was three weeks later that Kagome returned home. Which she was of course greeted by a super overprotective InuYasha. Who actually greeted her with a loving smile, which made her smile in return. They would return to his era after she was ready and he felt she was ready as well.
The end
Keep us going with a cup of coffee? • Written by @redrobelover. Send a cup!  • Artwork by @liquidashesart​.  Send a cup!
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keichanz · 5 years
Hi! Could you help me find a one shot? It was about Inuyasha being a security guard at a bank and Kagome was the new bank teller. It was really cute, but I didn’t get to read most of it because my app crashed and I can’t find it since. Thank you!
Hey there!! After doing a little digging, I believe what you’re looking for is All I Want For X-mas by @redrobelover. ^_^ And after reading the first few sentences, now I must read it! Lol. 
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xeme-sweetiex · 6 years
new story? ideas and concepts
Hello, everyone how are you today? I hope you’re doing well, 
Anyway I’ve been thinking as you guys probably know I have an police detective au of Inuyasha big shout &thanks to @redrobelover for letting me post it on her fanfiction.net account along with helping me <3 love ya twinny Anyway, this story will be not au or tied to any fandoms but will still have a similar story in some aspects. I can’t wait to show you guys the ideas and concept artwork i’ll be posting soon 
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feudalconnection · 4 years
Quarter 1 2020 Winners!!
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As always, us mods here at FeudalConnection want to give a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the 2020 first quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards!1 Your participation and support for this fandom is simply amazing!
And now, without further delay, here we are!
Winners for the Quarter 1 2020 Inuyasha Fandom Awards, hosted by FeudalConnection!
Best Action Fiction: “Shards of the Sea” by @noviceotakus-blog Best Alternate Universe/Reality Fiction: “Silver Boy with Golden Eyes” by KittyKatz (FFN) Best Canon Fiction: “Growth” by @echobows / Michiru Shiroku (FFN) Best Angst Fiction: “Enchanted” by @akitokihojo Best Dark Fiction: “The Hanyou Life” by @redrobelover Best Drama Fiction: “Forget-Me-Not” by @witchygirl99 Best Humor/Parody Fiction: “The Dutiful Wind” by @dreamer-of-the-wandering-suns Best NSFW Fiction: “Soul Doll” by @dangerouspompadour / dawnrider Best Oneshot Fiction: “In A Hopeless Place (We Found Love)” by @dyaz-stories Best Character Portrayal: “Brother” (Souta) by @keichanz Best Romance Fiction: “Enchanted” by @akitokihojo Best Serial Fiction: “The Delinquent Boyfriend” by @artistefish Best Ficlet: “Forever” by @gypsin Best Friendship Portrayal: “Of Monsters and Men” (Miroku & Inuyasha) by @noyourenotreal Best Completed Fiction: “Beautiful Stranger” by SplendentGoddess (FFN) Best Action Artwork: “Inuyasha” by @kawacy Best Alternate Universe/Reality Artwork: “InuMermaid” by @kaorimizunya Best Canon Artwork: “A Feudal Fairy Tale” by @thunderpot Best Angst Artwork: “Short on Time” by @liquidashesart Best Dark Artwork: “Eternal Crush - Bloody Mouth” by @imaridraws Best Humor/Parody Artwork: “DAMMIT PENPEN” by @clearwillow Best Kiss Artwork: “My Miko (3)” by @kriscynical Best Character Artwork: “Bitch in a Tree” by @vosveti Best Duo/Pairing Artwork: “Butterfly” by La-sera (DA) Best NSFW Artwork: “Inuyasha x Kagome” by @sakimichan Best Romance Artwork: “Ear Rubs are Part of Their Love Language” by @artistefish Best M/M & F/F Artwork: “Two Bodies, One Soul” by @muffinmonstah-art​ Best Group Depiction Artwork: “Untitled” by @chanteligence​ Best Doujinshi Artwork: “The Last Days” by @liquidashesart Best Overall Artwork: “A Feudal Fairy Tale” by @thunderpot​
Congratulations to all the winners!! We will be sending you your awards as soon as they’re available! In the meantime, if you’re able to send one of the mods your preferred email address, that would be great! :)
As this quarter comes to a close, FeudalConnection will be taking a short hiatus. This time is always spent reviewing the process and seeing what can be revamped for the next quarter. 
We will officially be back in full swing starting April 1st! We will still be around in case you have questions or concerns, but please take this time to read new fanfiction and find new fanart. We strongly encourage for everyone to nominate different writers and artists for the next quarter, so to spread the love of this fandom around. 
As the day gets closer for the start of the second quarter of 2020, we will be keeping everyone in the loop when it comes to changes and updates. Thank you all again for making this an amazing experience! See you soon!
- FeudalConnection
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officialinuyasha · 5 years
Please be aware there is a user named Chloe Disney I've been suspicious of her acts for awhile and noticed she's "white lying" around other people. First off this person added me saying
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They literally added me to ask me to buy them a cosplay. Then when I didn't they removed me and blocked me.
They unblocked me acting like nothing happened and made an excuse after they found out I was the admin of the big InuYasha group. So I figured it was just some little girl being innocent and upset about a costume. No big deal right?
But it doesn't stop there ;
Chloe posted about how she DESIGNED the InuYasha shirts from Hot Topic. Which I told her is incorrect. I said no G.E. did alot of the InuYasha shirts. They are located in California. We went at it back in forth, I muted her temporarily. She apologized. Moving on. She wrote sappy good things about me trying to gain my respect.
Then, after I posted about reviewing my InuYasha sake bottle. She "suddenly" did as well claiming her bottle was broken in moving. Yet she posted a stock photo from Google. Weird. Then deleted her own post.
She posted another time saying she got back from her trip from Japan saying she got some InuYasha shirt that was CLEARLY from AliExpress. That corny dye sublimated shirt that's really thin that is orange on the outside and white on the inside. Yeah. Okay I figured maybe she has a mental disability. She deleted her post herself anyway. She did this nearly each time she made a post.
My friend RedRobeLover told me that Chloe "made" her an icon. It was actually stolen from my alternate YouTube channel. I have the original images with dates created as well. She took my icon, said she made it and slapped a watermark over it to give it to someone. Dang.
Then. She posted about a Kagome plush saying she made it to sell to make money for her mom who has cancer which she deleted shortly after. I found out that months later was lying about that because I stumbled on this from a shop app -
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Yeah. That's not her doll. She did NOT make it.
And now she went so far as to try to claim @ayuuniiart as her OWN design and to not "steal" it.
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She obviously used the innocent tattoo text post as bait to not be automatically banned from pending post with STOLEN artwork.
Mod Danielle even spoke up about her experience with this girl YEARS ago stating Chloe wanted her InuYasha wig for $50 dollars. A wig Danielle used multiple wefts and hand crafted herself asking while shorting herself for all the time spent as $150. And trying to guilt Danielle into selling it to her for $50 saying "I have cancer". She's used that excuse to try to get people to GIVE her things. Saying her house burned down or she has cancer.
As prior to rules stand this was her final warning and she is now banned. I do hope any other groups she is in does the same.
Please don't fall for her tricks or guilt.
- Inu-Yasha -
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lukatastrophe · 6 years
SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT !  Here’s my illustration for @redrobelover ‘s Mysterious ant Chapter 15 ! I hope you like it ! 
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LINK TO THE FIC  >> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12882480/15/Mysterious-Want
and as promised, here is my little treat for the wait. A little wip <3 
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hanyoyokai · 4 years
Len would like to make a public announcement on Tumblr and has reached out to pass on her message below. Please REBLOG so people understand that Len’s URL is being used by someone else and is NOT Len. If you have questions let me know. 
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@keichanz @theroseangel321 @xfangheartx @umacaking @hnnwnchstr @redrobelover @imaridraws @artistefish​
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dragonflyrin · 6 years
This video! It kills me! Afkhghhajwha! Have any of you guys seen this?!? ❤️❤️ My favorite Inuyasha and kagome!
@keichanz @lenbarboza @redrobelover
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lukatastrophe · 6 years
HI PEOPLE !  @redrobelover ‘s Mysterious want is updated, though there’s a few things I will need to fix on the illustration I made, I hope to post it tomorrow 
I wanted to fix it and post it today, but sadly I had a REALLY TOUGH and long week end, I feel like I’m about to pass out so I will just rest. Always listen to your body ! Don’t overdo yourself
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 Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry !  I’ll make it up to you and I’ll try to add a little surprise to apologize for the late post ! 
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lukatastrophe · 4 years
Welcome home.
This is my entry for the Inukag secret santa organized by @iyfss​. 
My gift is for @thenoammonster​, and the prompt I was given is Modern AU. I’m sorry it went last minute, but I really hope you’ll like it !
Also, I want to thank my dear dear friend @chattheblackcat​ for reading, correcting, and helped me through this story ! (Check out her inukag stories on her other account @redrobelover​, she’s doing some amazing work !)
Kagome was sitting on her bed, her mind was still contemplating about a certain guy. Again! They used to be friends, and would hang out together with their other best friends too. She remembered the way they started hanging out with the rest of their friends... It was many years ago, while on a school trip to a national park. They were there to study trees, rocks and wildlife. Once they arrived Kagome was trying to find her best friend, just like he was looking for his friend. Even though Kagome and him didn't get along, their friends were a couple. It was while everyone else in the school group attended the orientation exercise. That it became obvious to both him and Kagome that their friends were not there, and probably wandered off for alone time. Leaving Kagome with him… ‘How dare they leave me behind like this.’ She angrily said in her thoughts. ‘They know we don’t get along, he’s a rough, insulting and careless guy.’ It was onc  the orientation was over, Kagome decided to find their missing friends. Of course he was looking for his friend too. Kagome and him kept their distance from each other as they walked. It was when a small cave came in view that she heard him start to complain. He even made a stupid statement saying. “I bet they went in there to bang in the cave.” With a sign Kagome covered her face with her hand. She couldn't believe how much of an idiot he was. And to make matters worse when they went into the cave, he carelessly started yelling to find their friends. Talk about a big mouth, his yelling was so loud that rocks started shaking. There was the sound of falling rocks and soon a landslide that blocked the path they just took to get there. Now they were really stuck together. In the end it took 6 hours till they finally found their way back from the cave. During that time in each other's presence, they slowly started to talk and learned about each other. Her eyes wandered around her room, this had been her room since she was a small child. Her eyes than looked down at her phone. Kagome softly chuckled at those memories, and how he totally missed the signs that were planted around the road to that cave. And the crazy thing was she just followed him. ‘Maybe I should send him a message.’ She thought, still looking at the phone. But they hadn't talked in so long...No.. She could not just go back to him like nothing ever happened. Get up from the bed, Kagome turned around and left the room to take a walk. She remembered the last time they talked, it was three years ago. They hadn't talked in days and she had a feeling it was because he was mad at her. She remembered knocking on his door and feeling so nervous. Sure she wasn't his best friend, but they were definitely close. Weren't they? She heard his voice complaining from the other side of the door. "Miroku I swear if you dragged your drunk ass here again, I…” He stopped when his eyes locked with hers. He Looked a bit surprised. But not even slightly happy to see her. And it moved something in her. "Good evening Inuyasha." Kagome said, with little enthusiasm. Inuyasha brought his wristwatch in sight to check the time. 6pm."Yeah, Hi." He replied, staying in the doorway. “I.. I won't be long. And sorry if I’m bother you, but you haven't answered my texts in 3 days. And there was something I wanted to tell you myself." No answers came from him. Not that it was that weird from him. "My mother has to go back to Europe, and I-" "And you're leaving us to go there too, I know." Inuyasha's wristwatch was clicking much louder than a few seconds ago. Inuyasha sighed and ran a hand through his black hair. ‘His hair.’ Kagome thought, as she watched his movements. She had looked at his hair thousands of times. It was long for a boy, but wasn't long enough to touch his shoulders. There was also tension in the movement he just made that stabbed her heart slightly. "Yeah.. I’m leaving tomorrow." "Oh...Okay. Good trip then." She was astonished. How could he speak to her like that. She saw the door closing before her, and she put her foot between the frame and the door and pushed back the door open to come inside, frowning. This sudden move made him step back."Hey !" “Is that it ? 'Good trip' ?" She responded angrily. “What do you want me to say? I've known for days that you were leaving and you didn't even bother telling me, or Miroku face to face. Sango was the one who told us!" Kagome sighed. Sango learned about it, but not from her, she ran into her mother in town. Kagome looked at him, her frown relaxing. You could see a glimpse of pain in her eyes. She faked a little smile. "Okay than.. Sorry you had to learn about it this way. I'll be going now." And so she left. And they never talked again. She hesitated to delete his number and the few messages on her phone. As much as she wanted to get things straight between them, she still hesitated to call him. Kagome still lacked the courage to speak to him. As these memories slowly start coming back to her, she felt the sadness growing in her. Her mother walked up to her. "Are you done packing?" She asked softly. "Almost.." She answered absentmindedly. "Don't forget the box under your bed sweetheart." Kagome turned around to look at her mother as she winked to her. She completely forgot about it. She ran up to her room and slid her arm under her bed to grab a shoe box, which she had put some little things dear to her. Little objects friends and family gave her. There was a picture of her grandfather, a little pendant Sango and Miroku bought her for her birthday, and a few other things. But none of those mattered to her right now. She grabbed the little fabric bag and opened it. She turned it over to take the bracelet out of it. Inuyasha used to wear a necklace of black pearls and white teeth shaped pearls here and there. During the cave incident Kagome admitted it was a really nice necklace. Two years later, during her birthday. Kagome noticed he didn't have it anymore around his neck, instead she found out why when he handed her something. "I took it off and decided to make it into two separate bracelets. It's no big deal.." InuYasha told her, slightly looking away. Kagome smiled so much at this memory. The memory of the moment she realized how much he meant to her. He had these moments.. of pure kindness. They were never close enough for her to ever admit it was love or anything. But there was something there. Definitely, he was something else. She looked down at the bracelet as she put it on. Her eyes drifted to a bunch of photographs inside the box. She went through it. It was mostly Kagome and Sango. Some pictures included Miroku, or the whole gang. There was just this one picture that Sango gave her. They were once in a park, Kagome debang with Inuyasha over a trivial thing she couldn't even recall anymore. But Sango took a photo of it. Kagome was wearing a beige dress and a white transparent haori, her dark hair in a ponytail. And Inuyasha frowning, his black hair down, slightly touching his shoulders. Kagome always thought it was cute. He was wearing a red shirt on that day, holding his fist out between them. Her eyes lingered on that photograph for a few minutes. She smiled and put everything back in the box, than continued to finish packing. She was really going back to Japan. Kagome had grown up here in Europe, but due to her father's job Kagome's family moved to Japan during her highschool years. And never had she felt so at home while living in Japan.  After her highschool years, the family had to move out again. And it broke her heart having to leave Japan. 
While on her way to the airport, that would take her back to Japan. Kagome decided to send Sango a message, she couldn't stand it any longer.  The message to Sango was to set up a meeting at the airport. She was going home. Without her family. She had just finished college and now she was ready to start a life in her real home. This night however felt like the longest ever. She was so happy to come back. To be able to see Sango and Miroku. She was planning on going to Inuyasha's place to surprise and talk to him. Or.. something like that ? She had no idea yet. But she needed to talk to him. Maybe it would be easier face to face, maybe.
Her first steps in Japan were like taking a new breath of fresh air. She walked slowly to the luggage pick up. Her little pink suitcase carrying barely a few clothes, was instead full of memories. She knew her mother would send her everything she felt behind little by little. So she took along what really mattered to her. As soon as she got out in the arrival area, she looked around for Sango. And she saw her from afar. She looked pissed off, talking to a guy in front of her. Kagome looked at the stranger's back, he was wearing a red leather jacket, and a high white ponytail, falling to the bottom of his back. He was laying back against a set of bench. He was tall, and had broad shoulders, his hands were in his pockets. She heard a loud voice coming from them. A deep voice. "You could at least have come by yourself, why did I have to come with you ?!" "Because I don't have my license, dumbass!" Sango answered. Kagome smiled and called out to Sango who turned to her with a big smile. "Ah! There she is!" The guy got up and turned around, his stern face changing as he saw Kagome. Kagome stopped walking and looked at the guy. She knew this face but it took her a second to finally understand. She felt tears coming up in her eyes and she opened her mouth slightly. "I.. Inu.." Inuyasha mumbled to Sango."I thought.. I thought it was your cousin we came to pick up..." "Surprise.." Sango whispered before pushing his back a bit. Multiple emotions passed through his face. Confusion, a lot of tension too at some point, a bit of annoyance. But his face relaxed. "Screw it.." He took a few steps towards her, letting her to run to him, leaving her suitcase in place. She jumped into his arms, and without any hesitation. He caught her, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her close to him.
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Kagome never thought it would happen like this. But now that her arms were around his neck, she never wanted to let go. After an endless moment, he let her go down. Her body slowly running down his, until her feet touched the ground. Her face turned upward to him, her hands laying on his forearms. "I'm back.." She whispered.
"What took you so long, idiot.." He answered, his voice pitching between annoyance and ... relief? That made her chuckle. A few tears were running down her cheek. The only certainty she had at that moment, was that he was here, where she was too. And it's all she ever needed. He wiped her tears away with one hand, annoyed. His other laying under her forearm."Dammit wench, don't you cry on me!" She laughed again and wiped her last tears roughly with her hand. Inuyasha looked at her wrist and smiled. "I knew you would miss me!" He said proudly. She looked at her bracelet."Oh shut up !" She said, laughing a bit.. soon, a little detail as her hand moved to hold his. A bracelet. The twin of hers. She smiled as she saw it and Inuyasha brushed it off. "Hey guys... Can I give Kagome a hug too ?!" Sango's voice rang in their ears in a laughter. Kagome let go of InuYasha to run to her friends and hug her close, while the man she just left went to grab her suitcase. Finally she was home.
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