#rhylee rambles
chxrry-chris · 1 year
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Lee Know - Los Angeles Bank of California Stadium Waiting Room. Reporter Lee Seung-hoon and Min Kyung-bin (Dispatch).
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phantom-tiger · 6 years
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(tumblr ate the quality)
had a scare a couple of weeks ago where my computer died and I thought I lost all my art work. Made me realize how much stuff I had and how much I wanted to post here - hence the art dump.
I may upload some by themselves if I think they’re good enough or whatever but yeah (or by request <3)
Click for captions for more about what’s what.
Some of this stuff is as old as three years ago if not more ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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official-weasley · 3 years
heeeey, just wanted to ask questions about FFWF, i have a bunch of questions.
1. how did you come up with nova's name?
2. Any Headcanons for Rylee and Charlie as parents?
3. how did you start writing nova's story ? Was the way you ended it they way you originally wanted it to end? would you change the end now, if you could ? (for both endings)
Heey! Omg, such good questions! (I can't promise this is going to be short)
1. I knew 2 things before I named Nova. One - it's has to do something with space because I knew that her hair color is going to be blue. Two - I want it to stand out and not completely fit in the world. So I did some research and first wanted to name her after one of Jupiter's moons but it just didn't seem fit. Then I decided I wanted it to have a connection to her hair and for some reason a supernova came to mind and then I did some research about them and there was this article with a picture of a supernova exploding and it was blue and I knew then that she can't simply have a different name than Nova. 💙
2. That is a hard question because when I ended the story and started thinking about their life together, at first, I didn't picture them having a family at all. Rhylee lost the baby she was supposed to have with Nick and that fear of it repeating never really went away. Charlie wanted to have a family but maybe only one or max two kids (because he still wanted to work with dragons as much as possible) and he was very traumatized from the War and the loss of his brother hit him hard. They both went to therapy for years (Rhylee needed a whole month to convince Charlie to give it a go) and after they could both leave the past in the past they didn't feel like thinking about having a family but rather just enjoy life together.
They did talk about it but it was always a very short conversation both kind of avoiding the topic. It wasn't until Victoire's 5th birthday that something sparked in Charlie. Victoire wanted to know when she is getting a cousin and she told Charlie that he would be a great dad because he is the best uncle and that made him think about it more.
That night he talked it over with Rhylee and she told him that she has been thinking about it a lot lately but she is afraid that something bad would happen again and Charlie calmed her down and suggested that they could go and visit a doctor. In the next week, they visited Rhylee's best friend Lyla and since she had a little girl Rhylee asked her for advice. Lyla recommended her the doctor she had when she was pregnant and they made an appointment. The doctor calmed them both down and told Rhylee that everything should be fine but that she should try and be under as little stress as possible and that lifted her mood because she was nothing but happy with Charlie.
After that, they started trying and welcomed their baby boy a year after that. They named him Arthur after Charlie's dad but everybody called him Artie.
3. This is SUCH a good question, I am shaking from excitement!
So I was rereading the HP books and when I finished, my obsession with the dragon boy began and one night I couldn't sleep and I started getting these scenes in my mind (I am a very visual person) - it was like a movie. It was the scene at the Sanctuary when they get attacked and Nova dies. I know it's weird to say that that sparked something in me but I found it interesting that I was daring enough to try and kill off the protagonist. At the same time, I wanted to write a story about Charlie and kind of my version of why I think he never married and since he was mentioned so little in the books I wanted to write about his time at Hogwarts as a student and I connected one and one together.
The scene where Nova dies was the first one I've written down and then I started to write a plotline from their first year and everything that would lead to that moment.
When I wrote down the summaries of each chapter (that's usually my writing process before I start writing individual chapters) I knew there would be 8 parts but the last chapter was originally supposed to be Charlie telling Molly about his decision to stay alone. But once I wrote it, it didn't feel like an ending. I felt too heartbroken and I couldn't leave Char as it was. It was already killing me that he didn't have a happy ending but I couldn't leave it like that. I needed about a week to come up with Char getting hit and seeing Nova again so I wrote the additional chapter Charlie's Goodbye. It was bittersweet but at least I gave him closure and he could tell Nova that he loves her.
I was happy with that ending and I was so so so certain I was going to keep it. I cried so many times writing Part 8 and writing all the heartbreaking scenes but I knew it was the "right" thing to do because that was my original plan. It wasn't until I started posting the story and rereading it and coming to the inevitable Part 8 that I couldn't be strong anymore. It was the chapter before Nova sacrifices herself for Char - Planning the Future - when they talk about having a family that an alternative ending came to mind for the first time. I wanted to fight it and I did - like in an epic battle but when I reread the chapter Now, Then and Forever and cried yet again when Char talked to Molly and I knew what the next chapter had in store and I knew I got too attached to him and to Nova (who I already missed like crazy and wanted to write more about her) so despite fighting and despite writing the longest A/N that I won't change my mind about killing Nova I gave in and wrote an Alternative Ending (which is now going to be my base for HCs and one-shots about Nova and Char because I am weak and they have too big of a space in my heart and I have to write some more about them!).
So, basically to conclude my rambling I changed the ending 2 times and based my decisions solely on making Charlie as happy as I possibly could, and in conclusion, I am one weak and soft baboon who can't bear to break a fictional character's heart! 😂
Now that the story is done and I have two endings, I wouldn't change it. I thought I was going to regret writing and posting the Alternative Ending but I really don't. I am actually quite proud of it and am really really happy I made the decision that I did. I would never erase my original idea of me killing my OC but the fact that with one chapter I brought her back to life and gave her a happy ending too, I am content with how I ended things. If I only stuck with one ending I know I would never have a peaceful mind, however. Somehow, it seems fitting that the story concludes with 2 endings.
I knew I won't be able to keep this short! 😂
Ecaterina, your questions were just too good! 🤭
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paradox-index-blog · 6 years
Name: Hollis Adeline Bray
Nicknames: Holli
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birth Date: August 14th
Birth Place: Maplewood, New York
Currently Living In: New York City
Species: Human
Ethnicity / Race: Finnish Caucasian
Religion / Beliefs: Agnostic
Astrology Sign: Leo
Chinese Animal / Zodiac Year: Snake
Blood Type: AB-
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Height: 5 ft 6 ins
Weight: 112 lbs
Frame / Build: Slender
Hair length: Thigh length
Hair color: Ash blonde
Eye shape: Almond
Eye color: Amber
Complexion: Fair
Face size: Slim
Voice type: Alto
Foot size: Women’s size 7
Scar(s): Faded gashes on her lower back and self harm scars on her inner wrists
Any other identifying mark(s): Dark circles under eyes
Politicial Affiliation: Democrat
Economic Class: Lower middle class
Social Class: Commoner
Occupation: Magical Girl
Income: Low wage
Residence: Small apartment complex
Transportation: Walking or subway
Favorite Food: Apple pie
Favorite Sport: Gymnastics
Favorite Book: Milk and Honey, The Collected Works of William Shakespeare, The Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, Ars Poetica, The Complete Stories and Poems Collection of Edgar Allen Poe, Heart of Darkness, War and Peace, The Picture of Dorian Gray, To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite Show: Black Mirror
Favorite Music: Alternative Rock
Favorite Color: Orange
Clothing Style: Flannels with ripped jeans
Hobbies: Creative writing, reciting poetry, reading classic literature, musical theatre, and talking nature walks
Role Model: Edgar Allen Poe
Likes: Poetry, Literature, Storytelling, Iambic Pentameter, Romanticism, Theatre, Classical Paintings, Psychological Horror, Nature, Autumn, Black Coffee, Apple Pie, Flannels, Obscure Indie Music, Dark Humor, and Rhylee
Dislikes: Mathematics, Intellectualism, Young Adult Novels, Starbucks Coffee, Pecans, Witches, Herself
Positive Traits: Creative, Loyal, Selfless, Dedicated, Imaginative, Empathetic, Understanding, Compassionate, Loving
Negative Traits: Pessimistic, Cynical, Low Self Esteem, Reckless, Self Destructive, Masochistic, Impulsive, Unstable, Suicidal
Strengths: Incredible Writer, Quick Thinker, Thorough Analyst, Agile Fighter
Weaknesses: Easily Blind sighted, Careless, Overly Reactive
Habits / Idiosyncrasies / Quirks: Twirls her hair, bites her lip, hides her smiles with her hand, rambles in prose, rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet
Phobia / Fears: Scopophobia
Myers Briggs Personality Type: INFP
Early Childhood: She lived happily in Maplewood with her overworked parents and 11 siblings. She admired her eldest sister, Heather, and began to idolize her.
Adolescent: She made a wish to save herself from a horrible blizzard and became a magical girl. Shortly after, her family is attacked by a witch, and her eldest sister dies. She blames herself for her sister’s death and runs away to live on her own. She develops a horrible guilt complex, distorts her self image and makes her feel worthless. She becomes plagued by constant paranoia and delusions of her sister’s eyes the moment she was shot, tormenting her fractured mind and leading to her developing severe scopophobia. The memory of her sisters death haunts her day and night, invading her dreams and corrupting them into nightmares. Her nightmares became so frequent that she ended up developing chronic insomnia, paranoia and anxiety preventing her from getting a healthy amount of sleep. Often she wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and goes on a self destructive rampage, trashing her apartment room and slicing open her palms and wrists with the bayonet of her gun. Luckily she can remedy the physical damages, but the emotional damage worsens each time it happens. She also self harms by fighting recklessly and purposefully endangering herself in her battles with witches, seeing how much physical pain she can endure before she passes out. She has survived multiple suicide attempts, as she does not realize the only way she can really die is if her soul gem is destroyed or tainted. She is able to stave of her despair event horizon by using copious amounts of grief seeds that she has obtained from her numerous witch battles.
Aliases: Sunbeam
Team affiliations: The Warriors of the Soul
Powers / special abilities: The ability to manipulate sunlight and heat
Other skills: Firing a gun with magical bullets made of light
Weaknesses / Kryptonite: Illusory Magic
Character theme songs: Hollow by Cloudeater, Born to Die by Lana del Ray, Bleak Weak by Dandelion Hands, Self Fulfilling Prophecy by Maria Mena
Notes: She’s my precious daughter and I love her with all of my heart
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
Hii hi! I felt like making a lil tag game ☺️ I really like doing these.
Rules: google your favourite season + your favourite colour + aesthetic grab three or four photos and make a lil moodboard!
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Tags: @feral4lix @zoe8stay @amagumorii @marked-unknown @comet-falls @svintsandghosts @pinkskitty @justhere4kpop & anyone that wants to join! ☺️
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
*.☽ I thought I’d make a lil introduction to my blog! So, Hi! I’m Rhylee ☺️ I’m Australian and a 96’ baby. I post mostly about Stray Kids and Ateez ♡
minors do not to interact because I post/reblog 18+ content. And ya’ll don’t need to see that.
*.☽ I go by she/her. My asks are always open! Feel free to introduce yourself ☺️ i love chatting with people so please don’t be shy! ♡
Twitter - here
Urstyle - here
Wattpad - here
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
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Hwang Hyunjin - Los Angeles Bank of California Stadium Waiting Room. Reporter Lee Seung-hoon and Min Kyung-bin (Dispatch).
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
Tw: mentions of death & mental health issues…
So there’s been a death in my family recently. I’m not really dealing with it that well, I get pretty rough situational depression so that doesn’t help so imma dip for a bit & just leave my queue going, see ya’ll in awhile 🫰🏻🤍
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
(adding a lil tw, I swear a lot and mentions of a medical procedure)
Okay so, I needed some time to get myself together (I’m a sappy bitch sometimes). But, 2022 has come and gone in the blink of an eye. It wasn’t my best year, and that’s okay.
Some good things happened of course.. I got a job that I really enjoy, added some new tattoos to my collection, found out I had a tumour - you might be thinking.. what?! How is this a good thing!? But, finding it lead to surgery, even just a few hours after the operation I felt more myself than I had in years. I didn’t realise how sick that lil fucker was making me.
I found Stray Kids and Ateez, and subsequently found you 🥹.
I’ve had this blog for awhile (still dunno how to use it lol). The greatest thing is that I’ve felt so welcomed here by those I’ve interacted with. Sometimes I’m a lurker, in a non-creepy way, but when I work up the courage, there’s no shutting me up! trust me, if I could talk under water, I would.
Anyways, I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful 2023. Ya’ll are special as heck to me and I value our friendship so much. - sometimes I find it hard to put thoughts into words, and I hope this lil letter lets you know how much you mean to me.
Love, Rhylee 🤍
@feral4lix @atinystraykid @comet-falls @svintsandghosts @pinkhaech (honestly, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t fck this up some how, i’m so sorry i forgot to tag you)
@gloomglamour - i know our fandoms have changed over the years, but i love you so much.
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
@atinystraykid tagged me in a get to know me type game. Thankyou!! I love getting tagged in stuff like this ☺️
*.☽ name: rhylee
*.☽ sign: leo
*.☽ height: 5ft3 (160cms) 🥲
*.☽ time: 10:35 pm
*.☽ birthday: 19th august
*.☽ fav band/artist: you can’t make me pick just one favourite!!
*.☽ last movie: the batman
*.☽ last show: buffy the vampire slayer
*.☽ when I created this blog: 2020 (ish?)
*.☽ what I post: stray kids! with a sprinkle of ateez. when I first made this blog i posted about harry styles & tom holland.
*.☽ other blogs? nope!
*.☽ do I get asks? sometimes! i love getting them
*.☽ followers: around 150 ☺️
*.☽ average hours of sleep: 5-6 ? not great.. i know
*.☽ instruments: i can play a bit of guitar
*.☽ what I'm wearing: comfy af pyjamas
*.☽ dream trip: europe, specifically france, uk, ireland, sweden & iceland!
*.☽ fav songs right now: ゚☆ maknae on top - stray kids. ゚☆ 3racha - bangchan, changbin & han. ゚☆ black mamba - aespa ゚☆ guerilla - ateez ゚☆ cyberpunk - ateez ゚☆ love shot - exo ゚☆ jikjin - treasure
Tagging: @feral4lix @svintsandghosts @gloomglamour @realbangchan @jisungs @lixiessgirlie @killer-quokka @perfect4taehyung @sweetsungie
No pressure to participate though! My asks are always open if anyone wants to introduce themselves or have a chat ☺️🤍
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
I’m finally getting around to editing & organising the Chan fic i’ve written. I’ll probably be posting the first chapter either tonight or tomorrow (boy am I nervous)
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
Tag game! Receiptify ☺️
Thankyou @svintsandghosts for tagging me! Use this link to find out what yours is! ☺️ (and no i still dunno how to put in links properly 😂 someone pls teach me)
Tagging: @gloomglamour @feral4lix @comet-falls @cosmic-railwayxo @atinystaywerewolf @hyunsuksswife & anyone else that sees this!
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
Changbin’s singing ability is criminally underrated
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
My favourite part of Battle Ground is when Lee Know, Han & Seungmin sing “kawaranai” i’ve repeated those sections specifically for that one word ahahah
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
I finally caved and got bubble 🫣 watch my delulu sky rocket..
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chxrry-chris · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about Han Jisung 🥹
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