#river to the sea
ritueldelagneau · 2 months
Pray for the people of Palestine.
You. Yes, you. Call out to Lucifer, the light-bringer, the morning star, and pray for something far beyond yourself. Beyond your flesh and blood, beyond your own needs and desires.
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O, Lucifer, bear your clarifying torch before the people of Palestine. Show them your light, empower them in their time of need.
Liberate the people from all threats, reunite families and cease the witless carnage.
I pray for the safety of those in danger, and for the freedom of each Palestinian person facing cruelty in the sullied name of the 'holy land.'
For you, Lucifer, my lord, I offer my devotion, full and true. I offer my time, my trust, and a place within my home.
Use my offerings, and use them well. I extend my soul to you.
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** Note: Remember! Prayer is not the only way to help. Sign petitions, donate where you can, and boycott any pro-Israel business you can live without. Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
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especially now that stranger things is getting higher popularity because of season 5 sneak peaks, please remember that noah schnapp and brett gelman both said horribly racist + islamophobic things abt the genocide
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The thing is, even if every single bad thing said about palestinians were true ("They are all antisemitic! They hate gay people! Hamas kills babies and uses human shields! They are incapable of building a functioning society!").... Palestine STILL deserves its freedom. Zionism would STILL be wrong. All forms of colonialism are bad, including settler colonialism. A nation doesn't earn its right to self determination by being good. They are owed self determination due to the fact they are human beings.
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honeyandelixir · 5 months
القدسُ وعكّا نحنُ إلى يافا
We are Jerusalem, Acre and Jaffa
في غزّةَ نحنُ وقلبِ جِنين
We are Gaza and our heart, Jenin
الواحدُ منّا يُزهرُ آلافا
Each of us blooms to a thousands
لن تَذبُل فينا ورقةُ تين
We won't let a single fig leaf wither
ما هان الحقُّ عليكِ ولا خافَ
Never give up on justice and remain unafraid
عودتُنا إيمانٌ ويقين
Our return (to our land) is our faith & our certainty
لن نسكتَ لن نستسلمَ لا
We will not be silenced
We will not surrender
لا لا لا
No, no, no
نفديكِ لنحيا يا فلسطين
We will sacrifice ourselves for you, Palestine!
فلسطين بلادي
Palestine, my motherland!
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seashellcheeks · 1 month
Made this animation for Palestine back in November
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eepysleepies · 2 months
I’m so done with everyone at my school.
I was talking to a boy at my school today and he brought up the topic of war. I got really uncomfortable and upset when he said “Thankfully, Palestine is losing”. (This same boy has also made lots of s3xu@l jokes to me when I am, in fact, asexual.)
The world is fucked up all around, but in some places more than others. 🍉 🫂 Please try to help in any way you can.
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weirdoshutin · 2 months
Los soldados del IDF son genocidas irredimibles, pero no son monstruos de fantasía.
Creer que lo son puede sentirse reconfortante, pues nos permite creer que hay algo particularmente diabólico en ellos y que ninguna persona -normal- podría unirse tan bajo y cometer esos mismos crimenes. Pero esta es una creencia peligrosa.
Al igual que otros genocidas anteriores a ellos (nazis, rodesianos, etc.) la realidad de su maldad es -banal-.
No es que coman carne humana. Simple y sencillamente ven un posible beneficio para sí mismos y son, completa y absolutamente, egoístas.
Eso es todo lo que toma para participar en un genocidio: la oportunidad y ser lo suficientemente egoísta.
Generar la oportunidad tampoco es difícil.
Un método confiable es la deshumanización:
Los soldados israelíes que vemos hoy grabandoce a sí mismos cometiendo los peores crimenes de guerra imaginables, mientras ríen y hacen bromas, son el resultado de convencer a generaciones de ellos de que los Palestinos son menos que ellos, menos que humanos.
Una vez que estableces que otra persona o grupo es inferior a ti, sólo es cuestión de que valga lo suficiente la pena, y entonces cualquier crimen que quieras cometer contra ellos puede ser justificado.
Esto tiene un nombre, se llama deshumanización o "lenguaje deshumanizante", es uno de los primeros pasos hacia el genocidio, y es más común de lo que nos gustaría pensar. (Escuchen como la gente de nuestros propios países hablan sobre los migrantes, o las personas trans, por ejemplo.)
Ni siquiera importa si verdaderamente "creen" en esa retórica o no. (Muchos nazis de bajo rango consideraban las ideas del rasismo científico y el ubermench como tonterías.) La realidad de la retórica genocidas es que su función puede ser cumplida sin que nadie crea en ella. Su objetivo solamente es crear la oportunidad para llevar acabo el genocidio, una vez que la oportunidad existe, aquellos dispuestos a verdaderamente cometer esos crimenes gravitaran hasta ella.
La maldad es banal.
Los genocidios son cometidos por personas normales que simplemente son lo suficientemente egoístas y que tuvieron la oportunidad.
La forma de detenerlos es: como individuos ser generosos, y como sociedad no darles nunca la oportunidad.
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ratsin0rbit · 2 months
Hello there! My large Gaza family is filled with love and warmth, and losing them is a tremendous loss. I appreciate your efforts and time in reading my plea. I never expected to find myself in this situation.It is incredibly challenging to navigate these circumstances as an independent woman proud of her financial independence, finding herself in this dire situation.I understand the value of every donation and the effort behind it. I assure you that all funds will be strictly used for the evacuation of my sisters and my parents. I will personally bear any additional expenses incurred.Your support will make a significant difference in alleviating the suffering of my family and ensuring that my sisters and my parents receive the care they urgently need. As time ticking away translates to lives lost in Gaza I'm here and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Don't hesitate to reach out and connect with me
an quick amendment to this ask
the person here is a scammer, as I have been informed by the comments of this post of this fact. despite this being a scam, DON'T let this detour from promoting and donating ACTUAL fundraisers.
if you want proof, please read through @kyra45 's blog
please be vigilant and make sure you don't promote people who are profiting from genocide
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alan-p-49 · 2 months
hey guys, remind me why we're boycotting coke and pepsi? i know its against israel but i can't find sources and the BDS movement isn't listing it (im sure it did at some point but i can't find it) and i want to educate my family. thanks
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gentl3manly · 1 month
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lasttarrasque · 3 months
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witchywitchy · 3 months
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Keep talking about Palestine!
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nothazellevesque · 2 months
a man self immolated in front of the israeli embassy in washington dc yesterday. not just any man. an active member of the us air force. he live streamed his death, and said that he refused to be complicit in a genocide any longer. he said that compared to what palestinians were facing every day, setting himself alight was nothing.
let me reiterate. an active duty air force member burned himself alive because he was so disgusted by what the us government was openly supporting. he live-streamed his own suicide, so the whole world could bear witness as a man in his military uniform set himself on fire to protest his government’s complicity in the horrors that we have all been forced to watch happen in real time. he became a new horror. footage of the immolation blurs him out the moment the fire catches, but you can hear him. it is over in seconds, really, but you can hear him screaming. he shouts “free palestine” until his body physically cannot make any sounds other than guttural screams of agony. and then he falls silent. a police officer arrives and points a gun at his still burning body, shouting at him to get down on the ground. and it is over.
his name was Aaron Bushnell. he was twenty five years old. and he isn’t here anymore because the political ruling class has decided that genocide is perfectly fine as long as it preserves imperialism. in the coming days, people will try to discredit him. to say that he was mentally unstable. they will try to bury his actions to save face and defend israel’s propaganda. do not let them. aaron knew what he was doing. he knew what he was doing when he put on his military uniform, set up his twitch stream, and made his final walk up to the embassy. he knew what would happen to him when he flicked that lighter. do not let them forget. aaron’s blood is on the hands of the political ruling class.
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bibyebae · 3 months
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the--anarchists · 3 months
One of the things that pisses me off most about this genocide and overall occupation is how many people say it's so complicated and there's so much nuance and there isn't one easy solution. This is one of the simplest things I have ever seen. Zionists invaded palestine in 1947-48. They have occupied it for 76 years while taking more and more land. They kidnap and torture and massacre Palestinians day in day out for those 76 years. They control every aspect of Palestinian life, including their water and medical care. And now they are committing another genocide against them. Where is the complication? What is hard to understand? "Well, Jewish people need a place where they won't be discriminated against" I absolutely agree. So make every country in the world safe for Jewish people. Fight against anti Semitism across the world. Don't commit a genocide and set up an ethnostate.
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iamheretemporarly · 2 months
Ramadan is coming up and I can’t stress enough how much Palestinians have never got the chance to experience one normal Ramadan for 75years
You may not have been subjected to this, but as a person from an Arabic country, every Ramadan from every year there’s always headlines of Israeli iof soldiers or Israeli extremist settlers attacking Palestinians during Ramadan, especially Palestinian worshipers trying to pray in the al aqsa mosque
It’s happens almost every single year
Ramadan is suppoused to be Muslim people’s month of worship, of Baraka and it is very important to Muslim people
But Palestinians never ever experienced a normal Ramadan because Israel attacks them Viciously
And I will dare and say that Israel does it on purpose, it does it every Ramadan on purpose
And now, this year, with Ramadan being only a few weeks away, I doubt that they’ll have a normal Ramadan, not in the West Bank, and not in Gaza
All what I have to say here is that Israel will still follow this trend, something bad is gonna happen this Ramadan, keep an eye on Palestine during Ramadan
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