#russia Ukraine
maaarine · 3 months
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20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, 2023)
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 3 months
A video clip from the late Russian dissident, Alexei Navalny, condemning the war in Ukraine while in prison and calling on Russians to continually oppose it. The title says, Navalny on the criminal war in Ukraine.
In it, while quoting Tolstoy, Navalny made the important point that despots need war. And war fuels and maintains despotism. Fabricating a "national enemy" and "foreign threats" is a well-worn tactic of dictators, used to distract and fool the population and justify maintaining authoritarian control.
The answer to why Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago is simple: to preserve his dictatorship. His convoluted excuses about Russia's historical claims (which have no legal validity once Ukraine has declared independence), Western threats from NATO, and his deliberate exaggeration of neo-Nazism in Ukraine, were all concocted to mask this central reason.
Therefore Russia is being bankrupted both financially and morally in order to keep Putin in power. As Zelenskyy correctly said, 'Putin doesn't care who dies, as long as he retains his position.'
Foreign wars also provide dictators with a cover for continuing and enhancing their terrorist deeds at home. Both Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov were murdered in the middle of a Russian war; Nemtsov, during the time that Russia was sending mercenaries into eastern Ukraine to stir up provocation and steal more territory.
Two years into Russia's illegal war against Ukraine, the world must ensure that Putin's delusions of impunity come to an end. He and his terrorist regime have violated all morality, and they have been allowed to get away with it for too long. How many times have foreign powers promised punishment against the Russian terror state, and delivered nothing?
Every failure to punish Putin and his regime enables him to continue fortifying his terrorist state, from murdering political dissidents, to stealing more and more Ukrainian territory. Avdiivka has now fallen to Russian occupiers, and the amount of Ukrainian territory stolen by Russia totals between 16-18%. Once such territory has been stolen, it is then filled with munitions and booby traps, which explains why the Ukrainian counter-offensive last year failed. The plain truth is that it is and will be extremely difficult to reverse Russian occupation.
Punishment of Putin's regime, which should be maintained regardless of what happens in Ukraine, is the key to restoring peace and security abroad, as well as holding him accountable for all of his domestic crimes. Total non-recognition of Putin as a "leader", multiple cases against Russia in international courts, a permanent international arrest warrant on Putin (irrespective of whether Ukrainian children are recovered from Russia or not), and enhanced sanctions that last beyond the war are desperately needed now to isolate and undermine the Kremlin.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
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[Photo Source]
🇷🇺🇺🇦 OPINION: The Russian Federation at the beginning of the Special Military Operation were likely losing more tanks and armored vehicles than it was producing at the time.
But today, the Russians are producing considerably more tanks and armored vehicles than they are losing in battle.
Meanwhile, Ukraine cannot replace or even quickly repair its own tanks and armored vehicles to which they are dependent on the West for, that were hammered during the Ukrainian "Greatest Counteroffensive."
So what we are seeing today is that Russian Forces are shifting to an offensive footing at a time they are producing record numbers of tanks, drones and armored vehicles.
Unlike Ukrainian Forces, the Russians can easily replace their destroyed vehicles and continue on an offensive footing indefinitely.
This is a recipe for disaster for the Ukrainians who are not going to be getting enough replacements for their armored vehicles to ever go on the offensive again. At least not during this stage of the conflict.
And this doesn't even take into account the inability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to replace its competent, experienced and well-trained soldiers lost by the tens of thousands in the offensive, with any kind of high quality conscripts.
Short of NATO directly intervening in the war, there is no other way this ends than an eventual collapse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
And at this point, it is likely far too late for a negotiated end to the conflict, as the Russians have already hinted at, without a change in leadership in Ukraine, and maybe even in the United States as well.
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jloisse · 9 months
« Vous avez une chance de rester en vie : vous rendre! »
Une campagne d’information privée russe a atteint les combattants ukrainiens dont les noms n’ont pas encore été inscrits sur les pierres tombales.
La courte vidéo montre clairement la vie d’une famille ukrainienne moyenne en difficulté à cause de la soif de sang du régime ukrainien.
Traduction Vpoutine (Telegram) : sous-titres.
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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Germany, 1945.
Russia, 2023.
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garudabluffs · 7 months
who's keeping score of whose war(s) ?
Why protests now? Letter by P. Greenwald "In March, 1945, the United States firebombed Tokyo and killed 100,000 civilians. In February, 1945, British and American bombing of Dresden, Germany killed 25,000 civilians. READ MORE https://www.gazettenet.com/Letter-to-the-editor-52796440 Dr. Jesse Ferris provides Israeli perspective on Israel-Hamas conflict: ‘This is not a genocide’ November 6, 2023 “A member of the audience raised a question about the usage of the term “genocide” to refer to the current situation in Gaza, to which Ferris replied with examples of historic massacres. “If you think of World War II, when American and British forces bombed Dresden for two days, it left 25,000 civilians dead. Consider the firebombing of Tokyo in March 1945, in one single night 100,000 people died. None of those were attempts at a genocide.”I can’t even begin to imagine the scale of suffering under those bombings in Gaza, but calling it a genocide? That’s a completely different ballpark,” Jesse Ferris said. "…the West Bank is now home to over 400,000 Israelis. Additionally, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s pledge to advance 10,000 new settler housing units earlier this year has contributed to the ongoing expansion of settlements in the region." +"Following the event, as part of a discussion with some audience members, Ferris was asked whether he thinks there should be a ceasefire. In response, he stated, “No, not yet.” He elaborated, “A ceasefire from the Israeli perspective would leave both sides seriously bloody but only determined to fight another day.” READ MORE https://dailycollegian.com/2023/11/dr-jesse-ferris-provides-israeli-perspective-on-israel-hamas-conflict-this-is-not-a-genocide/ Golda Meir for having said, “You cannot negotiate peace with somebody who has come to kill you.” https://www.gazettenet.com/Columnist-Susan-Wozniak-52794389
A courageous stand at UMass against tide of anti-Israel protests https://www.gazettenet.com/Guest-columnist-Porter-52953396 I agree with journalist Carolina Landsmann, who wrote an op-ed titled, “If Israel must be more brutal than Hamas to win the war, it’s not worth it.” "… the quote attributed to Golda Meir: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. But we can never forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.” https://www.gazettenet.com/Sarena-Neyman-Dangerous-binary-in-Israel-Hamas-war-52939045 The ‘River to the Sea’ Rorschach test by Robert Wright Nov 10, 2023 "But then I remembered a conversation I had a few years ago with a psychologist at Boston College named Liane Young. She and some colleagues had done research on how Palestinians and Israelis view their conflict and found that the two groups have something in common: Both believe that people on their side of the fight are motivated more by love for one another than by hatred of people on the other side, but that on the other side it’s the other way around: there, people are motivated more by hatred of the enemy than by love of one another. Maybe Ahlam was evincing this bias, seeing the love on her side of the conflict but not the love on the other side. And, maybe, so was Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir when she said, half a century ago, “We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” And if Israel gave the vote to Palestinians not only in the West Bank but also in Gaza, then the number of Palestinian voters (including those who live in Israel proper and already have the vote) would roughly equal the number of Jewish voters."
READ MORE https://open.substack.com/pub/nonzero/p/the-river-to-the-sea-rorschach-test?r=2cx3l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Dr. Ahmad Samih Khalidi provides a Palestinian voice on the Israel-Gaza conflict https://dailycollegian.com/2023/10/dr-ahmad-samih-khalidi-discusses-the-israel-gaza-conflict/ LISTEN 3:31 https://www.wvpe.org/wvpe-news/2023-11-06/notre-dame-expert-says-u-s-is-complicit-in-israels-genocide-of-palestinian-civilians
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If you were wondering how Russia’s unofficial war in Ukraine is going…
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oxomn · 2 years
Korea fires big guns into ocean as South Korea and U.S. vow participation
North Korea fires big guns into ocean as South Korea and U.S. vow participation.
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North Korea terminated various rockets into the ocean on Thursday, including a potential bombed intercontinental long range rocket.
The South given an admonition correspondence toward the North over the terminating, the South Korean Service of Protection said in a proclamation.
North Korea terminated around 80 ordnance adjusts into an oceanic line zone for the time being, South Korea said on Friday, as protection pastors from Seoul and Washington promised to exhibit assurance despite rocket tests by the North.
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laineystein · 2 years
This is a joke, right?
You spelled Hamas**** wrong, Shamnesty.
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maaarine · 1 year
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"Of course we all want to see a different Vladimir here... in The Hague.
The one who deserves to be sentenced for these criminal actions right here in the capital of the international law.
And I'm sure we will see that happen when we win, and we will win."
Times Radio: 'We all want to see Putin here in The Hague' | Zelensky speech
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As many already suspected, evidence is coming out that suggests a Russian sabotage group planted explosives at the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine, triggering serious ecological damage.
Ukraine's security service posted a segment of an audio conversation online that they said was intercepted, but further information is not available.
If true, the motivate stated on the audio clip was to scare people, in order to deflect any potential Ukrainian counteroffensive. The BBC states this in their own report on Ukraine's counter-offensive:
It seems highly likely that Russian forces, which controlled the dam, decided to blow it up, taking one of Kyiv's military operations off the table.
Ukrainian forces may be starting a counteroffensive in the south, as Vladimir Putin mentioned this in an audio clip on Telegram.
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workersolidarity · 6 months
A man escapes “voluntary mobilization” in Ukraine.
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jloisse · 9 months
Le centre-ville de Donetsk est attaqué par des armes fournies par l'Occident, les forces ukrainiennes tirant des obus de 155 mm à cinq minutes d'intervalle. Les explosions continuent de secouer la ville.
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ivovynckier · 10 months
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Which building exactly got hit by a drone? Russian ministeries in Moscow or the X-Twitter headquarters in San Francisco?
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garudabluffs · 2 years
Its a real bitch when you have to decide whether to go hungry and be warm or be well fed but cold as hell. Reply
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aliasanew · 2 years
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Publicado desde el domingo 11-IX-2022
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