#same old argument blah blah blah
rottin6 · 5 months
you’re a misogynist who likes jegulus?
literally where did i say that? don’t say shit and then hide behind the anon switch. i’m not calling you homophobic for not enjoying jegulus because it’s not homophobic. equally, i’m not a misogynist for not liking jily because it’s not misogynistic. i fucking love women, not my fault i love these two boys a lil more. i hate snape, can’t stand him, but no one’s calling me a man hater for hating him. you jily warriors just love throwing the word misogynist around and i’m getting sick of it.
blackinnon used to be a huge ship in this fandom until wolfstar got popular, then people put marlene with dorcas, and guess what? no one called it misogynistic. it just happened and people moved on. you wanna read jily? be my guest, but don’t hate on people that would rather see james with a man.
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mystsee · 8 months
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✦ about: you and simon were lovers, but simon´s duty drifted apart your relationship. 2 years later simon comes back after a long mission and reunites with his friends again, what he didn´t expect was seeing you again.
✦ content: afab reader, anxiety, blood mentions, graphic descriptions of violence, stalker ex, protective simon, pining, reunited love, civilian life, no mask, panick attack, eventual smut, psycho, no mentions of y/n
✦ a.n: an idea of the outfit i had in mind :]
STANDING before your mirror, cold winter air strokes your hair, you keep trying your best to conceal your puffy eyes with all the possible makeup you have. you couldn’t keep your thoughts in control, spiraling to the worst case scenario.
ever since you broke up with the crazy man, paranoia is all over you, triple checking your locks, telling your best friend where you’re going, until today.
lily bursts inside your flat “what the actual fuck is wrong with him?” you thought the same, not believing what you heard on the call “i don’t know if i should call the police, will they believe me? i have no actual proof of him calling me, the number was blocked” you said frowning, surprised how the situation escalated so quickly.
when you broke up with him it was crazy to say the least, he was becoming this crazy jealous boyfriend every time you travelled because of work. working for the government as a translator caused you to travel a lot. but every time you came back, he started making arguments out of nowhere, making you confused as into why he was so mad everytime you came back, slowly realizing he didn’t trust you.
he was following you everywhere on his phone, always texting you, practically exploding with anger if you didn’t answer in less than 5 minutes. god forbid if you were at a meeting with your phone on silence, hell would come when you came back to your flat.
when the breakup came, he started throwing all these false accusations of you, cheater, you don’t care about me, blah blah blah and threats, it took you a call to the police to get the bastard out of your flat. but that didn’t calm your nerves. his words on the phone call today resonating on your head:
“don’t think i forgot about you, ill get you back again” his sick voice making you feel ill, but you won’t let a man control you.
you agreed coming to the pub because if he dares to come close to you and do something, you would be in public, and there would be proof. what you never expected was seeing him again.
as soon as you walked inside, the cozy ambient put you at ease, it was a small pub, lightly decorated of christmas. it was saturday, so of course it would be full today. you saw lily approaching you, with a big mischevious smile on his face, finding it odd
"hey you!" you said to lily hugging her close "you won’t believe it! chris brought someone new today! said he’s an old friend from the military” said lily raising her eyebrows at you, making you laugh, you weren’t really interested to seeing someone new right now.
simon saw the interaction at far, wondering who was behind lily, she was covering her entire frame “got eyes on someone?” chris asked suddenly “what? no, just curious who’s behind her” the moment he said that, lily moved, making simon’s heart freeze.
he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. you. all dolled up, beautiful as ever, a long black coat not hiding your curves under the skin tight black dress at all, the all black outfit complementing your absolutely beautiful face, those black tights making your legs look lovely in those high knee boots, to say he was in a trance was the least, he didn’t even realize you were in front on him, a very deep blush covering your cheeks, your scarf not helping you at all.
“simon?” he missed your voice, your soft angelic voice that brought him comfort after the hell he endured in a long mission, your voice that assured him everyday that he was loved.
you heard him say your name, making your heart stop for a second, it’s been a while 2 years since you heard his deep voice. you just kept staring at him, a bit wide eyed.
he felt his voice thick with emotion, aching to touch you again and feel your soft hands on him “so you are the old friend huh” you said after simon didn’t moved at all he was shocked
what a small world you thought “you know him?” asked lily to you in a small voice “uhm, yeah! long time ago though”
you just parted ways and never contacted each other again you were scared you would bother him if you called to see how he was simon went to a long mission, kept small contact with you, but he could see the distance that was growing between you both. he understood the breakup, quite healthy actually, but that didn’t mean you didn’t love each other anymore, it was hard dealing with the distance.
2 years passed, simon thinking of you practically 24/7, wondering where you were, thinking if he should call you to see how you were, and 2 years of you trying to move on, never forgetting him, matter of fact, you kept thinking of the breakup over and over again, thinking maybe you made a wrong choice.
after a while you thought maybe dating again would help, but you accidentally picked a very wrong guy a psycho to catch feelings for.
you could feel his stare on you as you moved to sit next to him, the only seat left, even though the table was big, simon chose to sit on the side where he had no chairs beside him on both sides, so he could spread comfortably.
but now he had your knees on his left side, you bumped into them a little, muttering a small sorry, simon feeling warm inside after finally feeling you again
he was checking you out, similar to what you were doing, you noticed his arms got bigger, bulging from his hoodie, making your mind go to another complete direction, you hoped your scarf covered your cheeks.
as the night passed, simon saw the way you slowly passed from tipsy, to funny drunk, your scarf long forgotten, making simon eyes wander to your chest, he remembered that of you, everytime you drank, you literally became the embodiment of a comedian.
right now you were way too deep in a debate about cats, the wine making your head go back to what you usually debate when your drunk, cats plotting against humanity.
“i swear everytime those fur balls purr they get inside our minds” you slurred, confidently laying back on the chair nodding your head, “as soon as suzy makes that cute as hell sound, i’m on my knees for her, which is weird you guys! they are contrlling us!" grabbing your glass of vodka again, until you felt a hand on top of you
"okay okay! you know what?" chris's laugh was way too contagious, making you laugh with him as well "i think its enough for today, why don't we move this to your flat?"
after many failed attempts of trying to open your door, and laughing manically, you finally made it, inviting all in, you knew this was a good idea, chris and lily helped you plan all this, the closer they are with you, the less he could come close to you.
as simon passed in front of you, you made eye contact with him, all the memories came flooding back to you. you felt simon touch briefly your hand, making you feel warm inside.
everyone accommodated to your 2 big sofas in your living room, you had your small desk behind the sofas where you worked, and the kitchen on the right side, it was an open kitchen.
you, not wanting the party over, went directly to the kitchen to grab some wine “anyone wants a glass of wine?” they all said yes. the only ones missing were 2 of chris’ friends, they went to buy some beer.
after serving the glasses of wine, you remembered a talk you had with simon a while ago
“doll, you really need to make this posters, i bet people would buy them, they are way too original” said simon looking to you, locking his arms around you, you were on his lap finishing a design, and simon kept distracting you with his small kisses here and there, on your neck mostly
“maybe in the future i will print them” you said with a small smile, nervous to show your works.
you nudged simon on his arms with a small smile and moved your head to your left side, where your room was “i want to show you something” simon was up in an instant.
as you opened the door to your room, you heard simon inhale deeply behind you, the alcohol making you forget what you two did inside this room simon literally rearranging your guts every night, you grabbed his big hand and moved him to sit on the bed, simon was very confused, because why on earth is he in your room.
you went behind your bookcase, and grabbed a big poster on your hand “look, i finally did it” simon was at loss of words, it was a design you both made one night, it had a special meaning for you both.
you went to sit next to him “i print it to remember us” you said slurring a little, the alcohol was sure as hell making you very open to him. as you slowly put your head on his shoulder, simon freezed to the spot.
“i remember when we made it” his gruff voice said, giving you shivers down your spine, you were so close to him, feeling his heartbeat on you, wondering if he felt how fast was yours beating.
you moved your head up to look at him, and he could feel your eyes on him, not daring to move his eyes because he would definitely kiss you right there. you just looked so beautiful tonight. “i still do them on my free time, but this is the one i love the most”
your hand moved to his thigh unconsciously, you used to put your hand on his thigh anytime, you liked it. but you forgot you are in the present right now, and simon with his thigh tense “oh! sorry sorry! i think i drank a bit too much” you said laughing, standing up with the poster on his hand. “i-i need to go to the bath-bathroom, wanna join?” you said laughing and slurring way too much. when you moved to the door, your eyes widened, slapping your hand on your forehead “wait n-no, that’s when i shower, hah, for-forget my invitashion” you said nervously speed walking to your bathroom, leaving simon alone in your room, he laughed, he really missed you.
you grabbed your glass of wine after going to the bathroom, sitting next to simon on the sofa, he was really close to you, you could move just an inch and be on his lap, you really miss sitting there, your favorite spot, but your mind still has a bit of self control, so you just kept nudging him with your knee laughing, making simon feel warm inside for the 500th time tonight.
chris was telling a joke when you heard the doorbell ring, remembering the friends of chris went to buy beer, so, you stood up to go to the door alone, big mistake, you opened the door with a big smile on your face, until you saw him, on your door, with a deathly smile to you. any trace of alcohol in your body vanished, as well as your smile. you felt your heart stop for a second, fear coming all the way up to your throat.
your door had a small hallway, so your friends couldn’t see who was on your door, you just closed the door with any force you could “go away!” you muttered with a small voice, anxiety was making you not breathe well constricting your voice. simon heard that, making his breath stop for a moment.
you tried closing the door on him but he opened with a lot of force, almost breaking it. he started walking towards you.
“go away!” you screamed, trying to push him out of your apartment, but he had way too much strength. simon heard the scream and immediately stood up. in less than a second he saw your small frame pushed to the plant behind you making you hit your head. he saw this psycho push you even harder to the wall, making you whimper, and he went mad.
chris got there faster than simon, the sofa he was in was closer to the hallway, and tried pushing him out of you, but the psycho had more force than him, he just pushed him away to the floor.
you were on the floor, your nose bleeding, making you worried, even though your eyes were spiraling all over the room. you had your back to him making it hard to see his next move, a big punch on your left hip, making you scream.
the bastard stomped on your hip, a small crack was heard. your screams made simon see red. the man almost got on top on you, until simon grabbed him with all his force and moved him away from you, chris grabbed him and punched him in the face repeatedly, dragging him out of the apartment.
by then, you were crying hard, you couldn’t feel your leg anymore, there was blood on the floor, when did this happen? you felt the panick attack creeping up on you “simon?” you said in between breaths, lily was calling 911 near you. “i’m here doll, hey look at me, i’m right here” you tried finding him but you were seeing small spots on your eyes making you dizzy “fucking hell, lily we need to take her to the hospital” simon was panicked, you were about to go unconscious. who the hell was that guy?
“hey, doll, come on, look at me, yes just like that” you tried your hardest looking at him, but your leg hurted too much “my leg hurts! i can’t move it” you said between whimpers. simon tried to stand you up, but you just couldn’t “baby, you’ll be okay, try not to think of your leg okay?” you felt simon arms slowly carry you to the door, you were staining his shirt with your nose bleed, but he didn’t care, he just needed to get you to the hospital.
he managed to get you out of the door, until you started to see black all around you, the last thing you heard was your name from simon’s panicked voice.
hiiii, so! how was part 1? i just finished writing this, but i’ll start tomorrow writing part 2, there’ll be little to no angst in this story i get way too anxious with that xd im a sucker for fluff so there will be quite a lot of fluff in here hehe
as you can see, i like adding a pic of the outfit jiji, but! feel free to imagine it as your own! :P
i had this story in my mind for like 3 months i kept daydreaming about it and thought huh 🤔 why don’t i make it a story , i finally wrote it down! yay #proud! anyways idk how many parts this will be, i’ll write the plot as it goes, but it will be most likely centered between reader x simon so! hope you liked it!!!
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sgiandubh · 20 days
Five minutes of Instagram fame
The Brazilian fan is back with more attention-grabbing content, one week after she had thousands of eyes on her London shenanigans. Which I am not going to discuss, simply because I do believe there is no need to give the anecdote more space than it deserves. Enough is enough, and the apparent collective loss of all sense of measure is a sure sign that pause is needed, in that department.
What I am going to discuss, however, is the chutzpah of a 23 year old Nobody, who just wishes to keep those five minutes of fame rolling on and on and on.
Yesterday, she felt compelled to publish another batch of Instagram stories, in which she delivers her Toxic Shipping 101 lecture:
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In the process, she basically just rephrases the main Anti Bible arguments, calls thousands of people 'insane', quotes two influential shipper blogs (slàinte mhath, @bat-cat-reader!) that didn't even come close to what I wrote about her, brings on board her mother and grandmother just to explain how upset she was about 'older American women picking up on her'. And ends with a rather pathetic plea for all of us, shippers, to 'seek immediate medical attention'. Same unnerving sotaque Paulista (São Paulo accent), with a posh and very fake tinge of British English. Same incoherent, amateur and immature discourse, endlessly seeking to bring attention to herself, mildly trying to victimize herself. Blah, blah.
I would have given her grace, were it not for this particular argument, in response to a X user asking a rather uncomfortable question, as she definitely has the constitutional right to do:
'OH God, not her again 23 yr old Brazilian trying to be a reporter in London, complete fail. but in BIG OL LONDON, 'JUST HAPPENED' TO Spot Sam, how dumb do you think we all are?'
Answer is the real dumb part of the story, if you ask me, especially coming from a very young woman: 'Forbidden to be a journalist and meet a celebrity in the street. Forbidden to go for a walk as a journalist, paging all my colleagues, ok? I had no clue I could be as scheming as they say I am.'
Ok, buttercup: it is my honest understanding that you want to be taken seriously and treated as a professional, right? Did I miss something, here?
Right. As the daughter of a journalist and a former Government expert in media policies (specifically dealing with media content broadcasting), I am going to do exactly this and honestly ask you, Mrs. Silva:
Do you consider, in all good faith, that you acted like a professional journalist, in this very circumstance?
Do you consider to have kept your impartiality and have you at least checked all the relevant facts and POVs, before slandering all those people on your social media account? Or did you content yourself to report the hearsay shared with you by other bloggers, and just conveniently quoted four random bloggers and commenters?
Have you the slightest idea that one of the commenters who reached out to you on Instagram, questioning your version of the facts, is not even a shipper (and actually, very violently far from being one)?
During the week separating your first post and this reaction to people's feedback, have you or have you not respected your due diligence obligation to contact and engage with the people you so easily treat as a bit less than the scum of the Earth?
Did you or did you not ask for permission to quote their published content on your social media account, especially in a polemic context?
Unlike you, I have diligently perused both your website and your Linked In account. Maybe it is time to tell all those people you have insulted the truth about who you are, professionally, at this very moment:
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Marketing student, 3rd semester.
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Let me count: 3 internships (correct me if I am wrong), in various junior positions for 1 local media outlet, 1 international corporation and 1 website, 4 different jobs - or should I say 'stints' (3 with your current employer, 1 as a freelancer for a local media outlet).
Still learning. There is absolutely nothing bad about it. But you have still a LONG way to go until you could pretend to be a real voice. And there is nothing in what you posted that could grab my professional attention and make me hire you. Quite the contrary and, believe it or not, I am awfully sorry to say so.
My three free and totally unsolicited pieces of advice:
Always check your facts, always get in touch with the people you plan to write about. In fact, your anger and ego got the best of your professional self and you lost a great opportunity for a paper you could have even titled ' Viagem na Shipperlândia' (A Trip to Shipperland). I would have read that. But you haven't. You preferred to act just like all the other 23 year old girls and make a belly-button story about yourself.
Never bring your family forward in questionable contexts. You expose people who have nothing to do with the irrelevant insanity of a fandom war, to which you contributed your own, perhaps involuntary, dose of chaos and unnecessary drama.
Never lie on your Linked In resume. Potential employers might and will read it. Never write things like:
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.. when you also fail to accurately describe your former job position, denoting poor spelling:
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Especially when words are your craft, bread and butter. The devil is always in the details:
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As I mentioned in a previous post, you could have been my daughter. I have been that 23 year old girl myself, desperate to list every single internship and tempted to inflate language proficiency, in the hope it would land me the job of my dreams. And I have learned the hard way that being a true professional is cancelling your ego.
You'll learn. Until then, stop bitching on things you have no idea about and act like an adult, not an attention hungry teenager. This comes from a place of tough love: sometimes, the most effective life lessons are given by complete strangers.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 month
Ray I'm having so much fucking fun you have no idea
So, like, a couple of days ago, before the new JJK leaks came out, I commented on a JJK tiktok vid on how I ship SukuIta, and the leaks came out something like later that same day? I posted the comment in the morning and by the end of the day (in my timezone) there were people talking about the leaks
This, of course, has brought a couple of people to answer to my comment with how disgusting it is to ship SukuIta, which, for the record, I still ship despite what we found out in the newest chapter (not saying to avoid spoilers)
And I kept replying to these people because it's funny to see them get so worked up about some fictional people getting shipped together and I needed to get a laugh, and just now I got one that was like "go to a therapist blah blah blah" classic stuff, you know? And I was like, "why don't you go touch grass instead of getting mad about fictional people" and their reply was like, "ah so if I ship an 80 y/o with a baby born 5 minutes ago it's ok if it's fictional" and I don't know why but it made me howl with laughter
Like! How do you even go there with your mind! Lmao they're so damn funny, I'm not even doing anything (just mild answers like, "Idk bro if it's fictional and it's not hurting anyone then whatever floats your boat Ig") and they're just riling themselves up constantly, it's so fucking funny to me
Oh god those same old arguments, I know them well. And yeah antis can be absolutely fucking wild with how dedicated they are to being upset over some shit that doesn't actually impact anyone.
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hearing any defense of the huskerdust age gap (as if it needs one) that doesn't start and end with “Angel is, by every metric under the sun, an adult who can make his own decisions” is fucking insane to me. You do not need to pull out a timeline. No math required. He is in his thirties. Fuck, I am younger than him by a considerable amount, and if I could be bothered to get out of my pyjamas and go cruise at the local septuagenarian biker bar, all things made equal, I would be fucking fine. Me and this hypothetical grandpa trick would be equally consenting adults.
It is just a bit frustrating to see this line of argument in EITHER direction, from people who think that a ~thirty years old cannot possibly want GILF pussy or that think you need to corkboard mathletes a way around the age gap by saying “well actually they're around the same age if you [blah blah blah]”. There are things that are actually fucked up about them that we COULD be talking about instead of putting Seattle on blast with this “how could a seventy year old man ethically start a relationship with another fully grown adult, both of whom are trying to make meaningful connections in their lives, beyond their work?”
Please keep in mind, none of this is that serious. This is, at the end of the day, a very silly discourse, and this is, at the end of the day, a very silly reaction. I wish the septuagenarian biker bar thing was serious, but alas. I live in a boring area.
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moonstrider9904 · 1 year
People legitimately angry that Tech or Din are apparently getting romantic subplots?
Even fanfic writers?
Gee, how dare the writers of this media we're consuming take a character they created and ship them with whoever they wanted? The audacity!!!
Seriously, and no offense, but getting mad because the character you simp for has a love interest is childish as f. No, scratch that. A twelve year old girl on Wattpad handles it better; she just continues writing what she wants to her heart's content because she knows better than some adults that canon and fanon are separate. It is not difficult.
"But it screws up my fanfic plans" no it doesn't lol fanfic writers evade canon and unkill characters and make alternate universes all the time, you should try it.
"But X character was just so much more interesting without a love interest" if you're the person to think people are worth less when they fall in love then screw you, deal with your issues and stop judging others. Like if you link being in love to weakness you're bitter and people don't really care to let you ruin things for them
"But X female character doesn't need a love interest" no woman needs a love interest, but it is also not unfeminist to be in love as a woman. Quit degrading women over their love interests.
"But I don't like the character X was paired with" I got good news for you, no one is telling you to. You literally do not have to like them. Also, you not liking someone doesn't mean you get to "break them up" because you'd prefer it that way lol the entitlement!! Would you try it irl?
"But the ship is problematic" some ships are but I think as adults we're so over having to walk around with the disclaimer in our foreheads of this ship is problematic i do not support it please don't cancel me i'm a good person blah blah blah I mean, you all know I'm particularly done with that shit. You're an adult with enough criteria to distinguish when something is problematic and when it's not and I expect you to also be able to recognize that when someone defends romance, they're not defending abuse.
It all comes down to the same argument prominent in fandom - no need to get your pitchforks out over fiction.
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The fact is, no Gwynriel or Elucien or Quinlar shipper will EVER “win” an internet debate with an Elriel or Bryceriel shipper.
You see, because their arguments are not based in any kind of reality; they can literally keep making them up forever. They will never run out of steam, will always have infinite clap backs.
When you don’t care about canon, anything goes! Once you’re willing to just absolutely make things up out of thin air, your arguments are whatever you want them to be and you’ll never run out. Azriel is Elain’s “true” mate, or the Cauldron *would* have chosen him if only he hadn’t been injured. Bryce smelled bread and roses and that means Azriel and Elain are living happily ever after at the townhouse. A prophesy from another planet linking their weapons proves Azriel is Bryce’s endgame at the last minute. Something, something the Orion myth, Hades/Persephone, no: Bridgerton! Blah, blah, blah…
They can go on like this forever making up any bullshit comes to them, and all we can say in response is “there’s no evidence in the book for that.” And they’ll eventually go “I’m entitled to my opinion! You’re not SJM so you don’t KNOW! Lots of people agree with me!!! Stop being so rude!”
We who care about reality are just stuck with the canon evidence that SJM has given us. And there hasn’t been anything new of that in almost 2 years. We can repeat our arguments ad nauseum on every post, on every platform. We’ll just be the same old broken records with our screenshots of the book and they’ll have an endless string of nonsense to throw at us.
What a fun game this is.
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brujitaadinbo · 6 days
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I find it funny how there are people who still say; that in Star Wars love is not present in the work. Oh my god, what a stupid argument. A galactic opera that reflects what is most inexplicable but at the same time so present in the universe; love.
I had the opportunity to see other works by George Lucas. When I had first seen this movie, I was a girl, too young. A few days ago I was able to enjoy "Willow" from 1988. Directed by R. Howard
A story that totally shows the essence of G. Lucas in all its senses (as well as his good aspects, also his bad aspects) We see how he always talks about something very important; the vindication of characters who are not villains or antiheroes, forgiveness and redemption.
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Despite the little time on screen and the short interaction of the characters who are in a process of improving and redeeming themselves (typical essence of SW and G. Lucas)
They manage to connect with the public and enrich the bond, showing us that second chances exist and can be for something better.
Where do i want to go with this?
I have seen how there are people who continue to destroy season 3 of The Mandalorian; with criticism, ridicule and arguments straight out of the trash.
They talk about Bo Katan not having the right to make up for his mistakes and correct his path. They talk about Din being lost as the protagonist and blah blah…..
Din was always there, he was so enriched by Grogu, his path was to develop and be a better person; Filoni and Jon mention it since season 1.
Bo has every right to redeem himself; because the same creed allows it… these are words that Din mentions to the Armorer in this season 3 chapter 1 "Redemption is part of the creed and my right is to claim it, bathe in the living waters and return to the undercover"
I love that Din was so wise this season. And the armorer had no choice but to remain silent and accept the truth of Din's words.
The essence of redemption and change to be better have always been in SW. To deny it is to lie.
As well as love and the very used but very useful resource that also manages to enrich the characters who suffer from it if you know how to use it. Enemies then lovers.
Call it cliché garbage or whatever you want, but this resource is infallible if you don't overexploit it and give depth to the interaction of the characters who are going to experience this process. And believe me in SW, in Willow, in the Mandalorian this resource resists, it shows itself, it is pleasant, it attracts and it works.
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Since season 2, the strong attraction between Din and Bo was noticed, even if they want to deny it, all this is observed from many elements, both visual and the process of the story itself and how it makes them see both characters as if they were magnets and that despite their differences, they manage to live together and forgive each other, old wounds or quarrels.
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I love it because in Willow, everything happens so fast but you can understand this; An evil queen has control of a magical place, where only a little girl will manage to destroy her and bring peace again. You understand this perfectly. Here the characters are added who do not want to do bad things but are forced to do so, such as "Sorsha", the princess daughter of the evil queen who is the antihero of this story. As he struggles to survive against his mother's cruel reign, following her stern orders, his heart is divided between right and wrong.
It sounds to me like a young Bo Katan, confused and involved in the conflicts of her planet, her family, not knowing what is right but acting out of duty because that's how it "has to be."
And then another of the fallen heroes arrives who is in the process of vindication, a man who lets himself be carried away more by material things or the gain he can get from people or the situation, but who coincidentally meets the girl who will bring hope. to this land, he begins to have faith in this assignment and in himself, he begins to feel that it is time to be a better person.
Madmartigan changes sides and goes with the good guys, that's when Din Djarin also feels this way; cruel and feared bounty hunter, meets a green boy who will bring change and hope to everyone. This is when Din starts to improve because he believes it is right.
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The interesting thing is how Sorsha and Madmartigan come to cross paths, everything in common about that girl who will bring hope and who makes both characters in the end coexist and vindicate themselves. It is the love that gets into this relationship and begins to make them interact in a sentimental way, even though it all started with "broken heart dust"
LOL irony? could be? But thanks to that sex, a beautiful couple developed within this movie, so much so that the actors got married for a time in real life and had children.
That little baby manages to unite these characters, allowing them to bond as if they were a family, at the end of the movie. Regardless of rank, lineage, or power, Sorsha manages to rule with order and peace alongside Madmartigan. They save the little baby and keep hope for everyone, along with Willow obviously.
I love that they show that aspect FAMILY, whether or not it is blood, if they are the healthy ties that keep you strong and well. Don't lose them.
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I love it because despite the dark overtones in Willow, it makes us keep faith in positive things. Family can sometimes be a burden or a great blessing but when it can be a support, you are in the right place. And it is also good to be able to choose who is part of your family. Just as they show it in The Mandalorian; a new family, a new bond, a clan, people who have gone through similar things, who understand and protect you and who you are willing to care for and protect.
This is the way.
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This might be a weird question, but do you know what the “Archie and Lilibet were born from a surrogate” conspiracy theory came from or what’s that even about? I get people don’t like the Sussex’s, but that seems like a strange thing to make up about them.
Someone made it up. Other people repeated it. How any conspiracy theory starts. I don't follow or pay any attention to specific people who would support an argument like that so I couldn't tell you who. But it doesn't really matter because conspiracies about women tricking people into thinking they've given birth to a child is a tactic as old as time. We live in a patriarchal society which places women's status as mothers above anything else - you have more worth if you're a mother, and violating the status or expectations of motherhood in any way is seen as the ultimate act of evil a woman can commit. That conspiracy theory means that you can not only devalue a woman by implying she isn't "good enough" to produce a biological child, it's also a way of trying to suggest that she is so cold and cruel and sociopathic she would lie about something as sacred as motherhood blah blah blah.
They did it to Kate - in a particularly deranged version they claimed that George was swapped for another baby who was part of a set of secret twins born in the same hospital to Ben Fogle's sister Tamara. There was a conspiracy theory on here about Tatiana Santo Domingo, that she had faked her pregnancy in 2012 and her baby was a doll. But it's nothing new. See the famous rumour from all the way back in 1688 when James II's wife Mary had a long awaited son which her husband's opponents claimed was smuggled in in a warming pan to replace a stillborn and prevent a succession crisis. That doesn't make it ok, but they didn't invent this as a conspiracy theory out of nowhere. People have been recycling the same nonsense to attack women for centuries.
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alovelyburn · 1 year
This has nothing to do with anything, but after having several arguments with AI  chatbots about this (don’t ask), it occurs to me that one of my biggest pet peeves with the evil (human) Griffith crowd is the rampant hypocrisy. 
Uh, just ranting about Griffith again, it’s been building up in the like 1.5 months I’ve been semi-MIA. Nothing to see here.
I’ve said before that when I read their descriptions of Griffith’s actions and crimes I feel like they’re sitting around going, “Oh hey tripped and fell on a guy one time, let’s call that assault and battery kekekekekekekeke.” And it really does feel like that, but it also feels like another pet peeve i have just in general which is an absolute refusal to consider contextual norms. And in this case that applies when judging him and only him.
For example, one thing that has come up is this idea that Griffith has child soldiers with the examples being Casca (because she was young when they met), Rickert, Sonia, etc. 
But ok first of all Griffith is the same age as Casca and she volunteered so that’s stupid. I’m not saying 14-year-olds or however old she was should be considered of sound mind to volunteer for war, I’m just saying if she can’t be considered responsible for her decision to join because she was a child then he shouldn’t be considered responsible for having the questionable judgment to accept her, because he’s exactly the same age as her.  
But more to the point, whatever historical period the Berserk timeline primarily adheres to, it isn’t “the modern one,” right? Whether you assume its moral standards are more in line with the middle ages or the renaissance or anything in between, it was still common for 12 and 13 year olds to be soldiers, so it’s a little weird to villify him for doing what everyone did, which is also evident in the fact that Guts was on the field as a literal 10-year-old and no one was surprised.
...also Rickert’s 20 years old now - if the Eclipse was 3-4 years in the past, then he was 16-17 back then, he’s not THAT young, he’s just short.
Similarly, if you’re going to get on him for being “brutal” and “using violence to attain his goals” then you ought to be getting on literally every major character and most of the minor ones. Everyone in the Band of the Hawk was a soldier - they’ve all killed dozens or hundreds of people. Griffith was a war leader - every single general or leader of men you see in Berserk makes the same kinds of choices he had to make. Serpico burned his own mother (”but he felt bad about it” Yeah, and Griffith did too?). They all use violence to achieve their goals - if anything, Griffith was a bit of a marshmallow for being so upset about it but he still did what he had to do. Guts has the highest body count in the manga, and is so unbothered that he never even thinks about it.
One conversation I had involved a statement of the effect of, “he’s not all bad or anything, but it's important to remember that he is brutal and destructive and willing to use violence to achieve his goals and blah blah, and I was just kind of like... I’m not here to pretend that he’s never been brutal, but where are the people saying “Yeah Guts has a good heart and mostly good intentions, BUT it’s also important to remember he has the highest body count in the manga and doesn’t care about it, he assaulted Casca, he was the actual one who committed all the assassinations and he wasn’t even bothered by it, he considers killing innocents a decent crowd-management technique, he routinely kills people literally just for not moving when he’s trying to get past them, and he’s been known to use children as monster bait.”
You hear a lot about how Griffith “used” Guts to commit those assassinations but that’s out of touch with reality. What actually happened in the first one is that he asked Guts to do it, Guts didn’t care and even made a quip about how Griffith shouldn’t have bothered making it a request and should’ve just made it an order, and then he went and did it and wouldn’t have been bothered if he hadn’t accidentally killed Adonis, which Griffith didn’t even tell him to do. And what actually happened in the second one was that they were co-conspirators, not some master manipulator and his puppet, and in the end Griffith felt bad about it and Guts didn’t.
What I’m saying is, not only do I on principle object to judging characters by standards that are wholly inapplicable to them in the context of their story and world, I also think it’s weird that it only applies to Griffith. It’s like everyone else in the series gets a “well that's just part of the world” pass, and then with Griffith it’s like let's list out everything he’s ever done that a 21st century western person would find objectionable, frame them all in as hyperbolic a way as possible, and then use them as examples of why he’s an awful person.
“He’s motivated by power, money and glory.” He never mentions money except in the context of needing it to supply his men, he specifically notes that he doesn’t really like the nobles and such fawning over him and as for power, I mean I guess wanting power is inherent to ambition but the only things we really know about his motivation directly is that he wants to see how far he can go, and the only thing we know about what he does when he has power is that he tries to move toward egalitarianism, like even Neo does that and Griffith certainly did. 
Someone once told me that he’s narcissistic because he’s preoccupied with his looks, but like... no he isn’t. It’s everyone else that’s preoccupied with his looks.
It’s just a bunch of unsupportable assumptions based on vibes, I don’t know how else to frame it. If you can’t back it up, don’t say it. Especially not to me, l-lol. 
...I should probably delete this, lmao. 
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samijami · 1 year
Sigh… you assholes will never learn that wishing death on people you hate is absolutely stupid. No matter how much you say that you wish her misery and angst, JKR will always be known to all the world as an amazing woman who stood up for the rights of both genders, all races, all sexualities, and the validity of biological sex 🥰 You’ll never shut up about your shit opinion of her and you’ll harass her amazing supporters and HP fans. Bye bye you’re invalid 😘
I'm sorry I posted reblog bait about a lego and that it so dearly offended you,
But it is not my problem that you feel that way.
I never wished death upon her, I'd never wish death on anyone. I'm not like some people, or entire political groups. I'm just a teenager on the internet.
And also, by your 'statement' here, you are pretending that: biological sexes are disregarded and majorly viewed upon as invalid and I was saying that, there are only two genders (use of 'both genders'), biological sexes are the minority and not transgender people, JK Rowling is not being openly misogynistic and sexist by being a TERF who states that transgender woman are more stronger than 'regular' woman and cannot participate in woman's sports because, by the fact that her biological sex was a man, she is stronger and therfore better in sports than a biologically born woman. JK is also, to you, clearly a human rights advocate who's such a Goddess to mankind! And totally not denying the basic human rights we, as transgendered peoples, deserve as much as cisgendered peoples.
Now, as you decide to shove words into my mouth and make very based assumptions on the small statement 'Everytime this gets reblogged, JK Rowling steps on a lego', you give me my opportunity to actually be serious. Thanks for turning a joke into both a political and basic human rights violation argument.
From a 15 year old.
I've never harassed anyone, for one, I made a joke. Some people laughed at it; so sorry you can't handle the internet.
And she's not known as an 'amazing woman who stood up for' blah blah B U L L S H I T. She's denying basic human rights and campaigning against them. She wants trans people to be obsolete; gone.
How'd she feel if she was the minority? Which she is NOT.
Also, I never said anything about Harry Potter fans, but allow me to get into that!
Supporting Harry Potter = supporting JK.
JK stated that an enemy in Harry Potter (I don't remember who the group was), who murdered people and 'hid their true selves for a long while' or whatever, and were really bad people in the story; and murderers for that matter, were direct representations of transgender people. She said transgender people are all just murderers trying to shove their identities on cis people, when in truth, we just want y'all to let us have human rights and to stop fucking killing us.
The amount of dehumanization of transgender people and even just neglect of LGBTQIA+ in general that is presented in HP is enough to say, I don't like nor support HP fans.
I will not harass anyone, and I will not argue with anyone for simply liking the series. But when they spout this shit is when I know, all of you HP fans are the same. Praising your Goddess JK Rowling and claiming transphobic statements-acting as if you're completely in the right for your own shitty opinions and calling ours shitty. Being hand in hand with those wishing death and conducting genocide on minorities, then telling the minority that is what they are doing to you. Being the first to harass the other and claiming they're harassing you.
Just being a bitch and trying to use your own gaslighiting to make the minority look as if they're in the wrong.
Is that what you all do?
That's rhetorical. I don't need an answer. I already know.
Stop hiding behind your anon.
And please block me if you share this shitty opinion of yours. Please fucking block me.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Look I’m not trying to pick arguments but the whole man has to provide and how the man has to be more successful and blah blah blah feels very misogynistic and very old fashioned.. I love tomdaya tumblr because sometimes Twitter can be very annoying… however the one thing I’ve noticed is everyone on here is very much traditional gender roles, and how the man has to be the “dominant” one and whatever… maybe I’m reading to deep into this and that’s fine I just wanted to express my opinion 🙂
It's not that the man HAS to provide, but more so that men THEMSELVES feel that they need to.
And wth? Nobody said anything about being "dominant". 🥴 I think you're putting words in my mouth.
The bottom line is: Men are just different in a lot of respects. That's just one thing I've noticed and experienced. I think once women really understand this, they will understand men better. 😊
While for me as a woman my work or career doesn't really define me, for men on the other hand, they don't even feel USEFUL to a woman if they are out of a job, or can't provide for her. Call it "old-fashioned" if you want, but most self-respecting men don't feel comfortable letting their woman being the sole breadwinner in the relationship.
Remember, most men LOVE to protect, profess, and provide for the woman they love. That's actually inspiring to them.
This isn't misogynistic.... It's just facts and basically respecting the way men feel. 🤷🏾‍♀️ We have to respect how men feel too, and not just expect them to think the exact same way that women do.
We can't always look at a man through a woman's lens. I think sometimes women think that the way men think is the way WE as women think, but a lot of times that couldn't be further from the truth lol. 😅
I'll also add too that for most women, it's HARD to respect a man who isn't pulling his own weight in the relationship. Love is one thing, but respect is another. I think men inherently know this too, and one reason why they also have a deep desire to be autonomous.
That's why women think that their careers and accomplishments are what will attract a man to them (because that's what women find attractive in a man), but the reality is, a man doesn't really care about your job, career, or accomplishments like that lol. 😅
That's not what gets him interested in you lol.
Anyway, let me stop before someone else gets offended by what I'm saying lol.
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
Unpopular opinion of the ROR fandom, I don't like that they pair gods with humans, don't get me wrong, I don't hate people who pair them but I don't really see the point. ☠️
An example is with TetonPosy (my favorite 🥰), I don't like Poseidon x Kojiro, seriously, I don't like it, unfortunately for me the fandom in Spanish (I don't know if the same thing happens in the English one), almost always (if not always) they pair it with Kojiro. And Poseidon never showed interest in Kojiro, instead he detested him, damn it, at which point Poseidon showed that he felt attached to the human that he considered inferior.
Also the fact that my favorite tenton died at the hands of the Japanese, and that he is old:( (all the other humans, even over 100 years old, look young and Kojiro doesn't, he looks like an old man; and he is (ignoring that the gods are greater than them). I don't like him per se, and Kojiro's appearance doesn't improve overall. For me (fucked personal opinion), seeing a couple where one looks young person with that appearance and being with someone with an elderly appearance is ... strange (sorry if it sounds controversial, but that's how I think
The people pairing Qin and Hades is another example, saying that they are kings of both worlds among other things, yes I admit that Hades recognized Qin but as far as I remember it was because it reminded him of Poseidon. They even dared to steal the phrase quoted by Poseidon and put it to Qin .😡
It's that of: a perfect god, blah blah, I don't remember what else was about the phrase (I forgot it)
They pair Shiva too much with Raiden when it has been shown that they have partners (Shiva) and canonical love interest (Raiden if I remember correctly)
Adam and Zeus, seriously, I have to explain this. (If there are people who match them)
Buddha and Zengoku (was that the boy's name?) I see them as a relationship like brothers in general, I see relationships with Buddha as a friend-brother, not romantically except with Bruhilde although we all know that she doesn't even fight Buddha)
I won't bother getting into incestuous pairings (cough cough HadesPose) because they are Greek, (reference to incest in Greek mythology)
I would talk more but I got tired of typing so much, so I'll leave it here. And another additional thing, it doesn't bother me that it's bl or gl, what bothers me is that I can't find where they come from to match them and the other one is a fighting manga/anime and in their fandom the only thing which pairing is more popular.
Man, it's an anime about fighting to literally survive mass extinction in humans (reminds me of the end of shingeki in the rumble) and the only thing I find when I look for them is two guys fucking or other things (sorry for the vulgarity )
And The same thing happens in another fandom that I was previously in, which was Bungou Stray Dogs, If you have the opportunity I recommend it to you, it's good (you can ignore my stupid suggestion), that happens with two characters Chuuya and Dazai that the fandom ALWAYS pairs them up, literally whenever they have the chance.
And that's annoying, your fandom with the soukoku , and their ships are toxic, if you talk about something bad about soukoku they hate you.
lLiterally, one is a former mafia executive with serious problems that he takes lightly and the other is a gangster, where do you see how tender it is for a A relationship. And then they become stupid (x2 sorry for my criticisms without argument) that they loved each other in the port, blablabla.
lI'm sorry for complaining without solid arguments to support me and adding another fandom to something that has nothing to do with it, but I seriously hate that in fandom the first thing they ask you is: What pairings do you like? (It has happened to me with ror in face groups :( when romance is not the central thing in ror
i don't ship anyone in ror tbh, ror is one of the manga/animes where i dont ship anyone cuz im just so focused on the future fight matchups. but im pretty sure ppl are shipping the gods with their human opponents because they interacted with each other the most, which makes for good shipping material.
but not all characters in a ship need to have interacted with each other in canon.
one thing you gotta know about shipping, is that it doesn't need to make a point. it doesn't need to make sense. people pretty much just ship what they want. it's just a fun lil thing, we're basically little girls playing with our barbie dolls and making them kiss each other 🤷‍♀️ it doesn't matter if character a canonically hates character b's guts and would never romantically like them, or if character c and character d never interacted.
literally one person just needs to take a look at these characters and go "hmmm i think they would go well together" and bam, a ship is born. there doesn't need to be a reason or a point to it
but i get what you mean about how shippers annoy you. lately jjk shippers are starting to annoy me too (they doxx and bully ppl who like over ships they dont personally like, and accuse boy x girl shippers of homophobia because of it 💀 ppl really need to stop acting as if their gay ship is a form of activism, its not). i haven't seen any toxicity in the ror fandom over their ships yet and that's probably because the fans aren't from america (which is where the majority of those crazy toxic shippers are from)
when an anime/manga's fandom gets too toxic for me, i honestly just stay away. i focus more on reading theories and analyses rather than admire fanarts featuring a ship and stuff like that, which helps in twitter cuz my timeline changes
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sparatus · 3 months
choose violence ask game:
2, 16, and 19
choose violence🔥
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
blah blah blah top/bottom is reductive and real people don't fit into such strict yadda yadda rehash of ye olde seme/uke discourse from the naughts anime fandom. anyway saren is a bottom who pretends to be a top for his own sanity because he's already so small and fragile he's regularly mistaken for a child and his friends are feral fucking animals. he's the ringleader of the trio he has to maintain dominance somehow. unfortunately for him both of his fellow coyotes love scrapping for dominance and both of them discover he's really into getting knocked down and made to beg and he's never allowed to live it down ever
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
why do you all want to put garrus and/or shepard in the council seats. or primarch garrus along the same lines. putting any of the squadmates in high authority actually. none of them is suited to politics and the vast majority of them directly state "i hate politics i do not want to be in charge i want to go home and retire and not be bothered for 50 years" especially garrus since i specified him. yeah ik putting shepard there is usually a "lol fuck the council imma wreck shit" thing because for a fandom of mostly 25+yos everyone here is incredibly childish but there also is just a lot of people who seem to genuinely think garrus/shepard/tali/kaidan/etc are the actual best choice for being in charge. none of you know anything about civics and that is why your xenopolitics takes are all completely rancid prelude to war speedruns
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i have no shame i like what i like, this is already niche central already fuck it no gods no masters.
if i MUST say something. i suppose given [gestures vaguely to entire internet presence] there's probably something to be said for how i also enjoy dabbling in aus or simply "yeah teia's chill with sharing as long as she's still top dog" screwing around with pairing sparky with other characters, specifically his fellow old turians in authority. sparatus/quentius is a perennial favorite and is sneaking its way into a spirian + quentilea (ierian/teia + quentius/nautilea) platonic polypile with benefits all 4 of them just because i love sparky and quenty's dynamic with each other as boss and dragon flipping to besties outside work. sparatus/corinthus i also sometimes entertain. and ofc sparatus/desolas which i still have an ask for somewhere in the hellscape of my unanswered ask backlog and lives rent-free in my head. i just think sparky has potential to have some fun and interesting dynamics with a lot of his fellow Old Turians In Authority it's not a crime to have a canon/oc ship but also dabble on the side
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apersonwholikeslotus · 10 months
Ok so GerAmeLietIta really intrigued me. I'd love to get a better feel for them, can you give us some headcanons or scenarios?
So anyway, in an rp I have as a side plot (yes you heard me this isn’t even the main plot of the story), but i think it can be kinda universially applied to how they got together.
we had AmeLiet and GerIta, Al and Tolys are married and I don’t even remember Ludwig and Feli’s relationship status but they were together.
anyway; along the way Alfred is like “haha yeah, I had a crush on Ludwig way back in the day” and someone (cough France cough) is like “used to??? USED TO???” bc apparently Al’s crush on Lutz is evident to this day. blah blah blah argument where Al is basically like “I can’t have a crush on someone else, I’m married and I adore the person I’m married too!!” And François goes “PLEASE I’ve been betting on you being polyam for YEARS”
it gets dropped for a few months until; Alfred holds his Christmas party everyone is more than a few drinks in and François can’t help but tell Ludwig about Alfred’s crush.
Alfred spends a few weeks freaking out, and even getting to the point where he tells Tolys about his century old crush. followed by a spurt of “maybe Ludwig was too drunk to remember what François said, maybe it’s fine”
another months or so passes: Ludwig was not too drunk to remember what was said. He just uh, well, he didn’t know what to say. Especially considering he was dealing with the same situation…
eventually Al and Lutz end up on a phone call, for four hours. Talking about the elephant in the room.
After talking to Tolys and Feliciano about it they end up on a date of sorts, all four of them. It's cordial and awkward, until Tolys gets tired of dancing around it leans over to Feliciano and they have this exchange "I hear your husband has a crush on mine" "oh! I heard the same about yours!" Al and Ludwig immediatly go beet red, they were not expecting that, it was so funny to rp.
Anywho, some conversation goes by somehow just stating it made everything go from cordial and awkward to casual and not-so-awkward. We find out there was some miscommuntion and uh, well, Feliciano somehow got the idea that they were entering a swingers arangment and was slightly disappointed to find out otherwise :(
skipping random convos; they're walking back to Alfred's house and Feli decides to make a joke about how he was excited to sleep with someone other than Ludwig; while Lutz is busy being (jokingly) offended Tolys gives Alfred a Look(TM) and they have this whisper convo
A: Are you serious?
L: I won't unless you're okay with it.
A: I guess I don't care?
L: you have to straight out say it's okay or I won't do anything.
A: Yes, it's fine. I really don't mind.
L: you sound hesitant
A: I'm not! I'm surprised! who are you and what have you done with my timid husband???
(heads I am not going through every single convo even if it is technically important)
So, Feliciano and Tolys end up, y'know. Alfred and Ludwig however end up sitting in the living room with their romantic tension, they talk and at some point play chess. It’s lovely.
so anyway, after that the dynamic goes AmeLiet and GerIta are in their original marriages still, Ludwig & Al are dating, Ludwig, And Feli are Tolys’ friends with benefits. (Side note that the running joke is Alfred is super ace and kinda aware of it but doesn’t call himself ace solely cause “I don’t have time for more self discovery rn”)
anyway, they all end up in a relationship with the confessions not even being confessions :\ Ludwig accidentally introduces Tolys as his bf once and is just never corrected. Alfred and Feli just simultaneously start referencing each other as being “my partner” (Feliciano is actually enby no I don’t make the rules). The only actual confession (disregarding GerAme) is LietIta :\\\ it’s very dramatic and comedic they’re standing by a pond under moonlight Feli is like “I have fallen for you, our love shall endure the ages, people will sing of it” “what about Alfred and Ludwig?” “Fuck I forgot about them”
anyway they’re goofy I love them, their favorite movie is 50 first dates they watch it together all the time :)
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vwbugggie · 7 months
I have given the DR plot some careful consideration, I might rewrite it.
But in my mind so far, I want to script that Sam and I have an on-again off-again relationship, that happened just before he went to college. I just think that type of dynamic would be kinda exciting. He broke it off the first time because he found Jess and she completed him. (Obviously I love Sam but I could never be jealous of Jess, she was too perfect) but sadly azazel killed her so…
Then months later Sam and I ✨rekindle.✨
But before madison comes into the picture, Sam and I have an argument, break things off BLAH BLAH BLAH. And I obviously help him through his grieving process because GODDAMN, he needs a hug, that episode was ROUGH to watch, nevermind actually living it.
Then when Becky brainwashes Sam I’ll just say she brainwashes me too, because we love a bisexual queen <333 because hopefully Sam and I will be married by that point anyways <333
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to drop ‘em 🥰
Tbh I rewrote a lot of the plot too tbh, I omitted like everything past season 11 pretty much
Oooo that dynamic tho????
The drama?????
We stan lol
If it were me in Becky situation since I’m ✨dramatic✨ I’d say that we were married, but he still goes off and disappears. And he texts us to meet at the same place. I’d be composed during the ceremony but after, we’d have the most dramatic fight of our lives lmao. He’d try to convince me he loves her and I’d be like wtf????? I’m sure the old on and off again dynamic would be mentioned, but ultimately I’d let him go, cuz I’d know something wasn’t right. Then after he’s cured there’d be the typical heart to heart lol. But I mean I can’t really be mad cuz he’s a victim so we’d make up
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