#saturn replies
saturn-valleys · 1 year
can you imagine if trent wasn't on the gay solidarity agenda and went to the museum instead and ran into ted who was under the impression he was high.... i need access to that alternate universe
I'll be honest with you, I legitimately thought Trent WAS going to go to the museum alone, it just seemed like something he would like to do. Heck I even thought he'd take Colin after their conversation and have a montage of them looking at the paintings in a subtle sentimental way(I need them to bond more now omg I love them).
Now going back to Trent seeing Ted at the museum, YES. Maybe it happens after Ted tells the museum attendant about Kansas' state flower. The attendant walks away and guess who behind him? Trent Crimm.
They chat, talk about their evening. Trent can tell something is off and asks what's going on and Ted just goes "I'm pretty sure I'm high ngl"(obviously not in those words but you get what I mean dbdb)
Maybe Ted invites Trent to the American restaurant and tells him about American basketball and onions rings ect. Trent is obviously confused but won't say anything cause Ted's having a...good time(?) I guess.
Ted still has his weird hallucinations and Trent is starting to assume that yes. The coach might be high.
-bonus but I did think for a hot sec the imaginary voice was going to talk about how some triangles were used to identify homosexuals but obviously that couldn't fit cause obviously not fnfn.
I'm at work so the thoughts aren't thoughting right now BUT it definitely ends with Ted completing his triangle strategy and looking up at Trent with the biggest smile and calling him a genius even he didn't do anything and maybe he grabs his face and hugs him or kisses him your pick and it's *chef's kiss* amazing.
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sleepisaturn · 2 years
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thank u nana ♡(> ਊ <)♡
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plutoswrath · 2 years
Hey Luca, how's it going? I'm really not if you've ever done this before a long time ago but now I want to know your observations on the red flags in composite. Specifically romantically, like case in point 'forget commitment, could this possibly lead to heartbreak or a tragedy full of regrets'? Just to keep in mind of them since I know we each have to give our inputs in a relationship :D
𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙
Hello! I've written a post about 'key placements' in synastry and composite and what to look out for, you can look at it here, maybe it'll help you too! x
A reminder, that your natal chart and synastry will play a huge role in how you'll personally experience and deal with these aspects and placements! And yes it's true, regardless of certain aspects and placements in composite you can still have a succesfull and loving connection! I can confirm, the people that are basically my soulmates and the loves of my life that stuck with me through thick and thin share stereotypical 'horrible' composite with me lmao not even our synastry is that great but we lead very healthy and loving friendships <333
Disclaimer: I will focus on the WORST outcome of these aspects, if you are easily triggered by these hypothetical possibilities I'll advice you to NOT read this post! Thank you x
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✦ First of all, I want to talk about Pluto in the Composite: critcal placements of and aspects to Pluto can create power struggles, mind games, secrets, paranoia, insecurities and at worst (I repeat, this is only the worst case scenario!!) forms of abuse due to that in a connection. I would say every harsh aspect to Pluto and the personal planets or the angles can feel deeply uncomfortable over time, but I will focus on a few aspecs that I want to highlight since I think they can be especially precarious in a composite chart.
✦ Moon square/Inconjunct Pluto: Will start out with this banger aspect and just straight up say that especially if Neptune and Mercury are also critcally aspected and you have 8th and 12th house placements ON TOP of that then there's going to be lots of build up emotions, trust issues, fear if re-living old trauma, assumptions, and power struggles due to that. Attachement issues. One person might be more visbly emotionally distressed due to the paranoia and feel unsafe in the relationship, the other person might withhold information/feelings and will grow the resentment quietly, but both parts will try to control the situation on their own. The advice here is to be open and upfront with feelings, to talk about worries and especially to be open with any sort of trust issues/past bad experiences you fear of resurfacing! No power plays, both partners need to be willing to be honest and be completely vulnerable. Emotions should be validated, heard and the worries of the other handled with care and grace. This aspect can harvest a lot dark and negative emotions quickly, watch out for it to not become a self fulfilling prophecy.
TW ✦ Mars square/inconjunct (would even say conjunction has the potential too) Pluto, especially if it's in a water house: The build up to the explosion might take a while, but both can probably easily feel the underlying tension. Both want to have it their way, and here, values and deep rooted fears and intenalized beliefs play a role in it. We deal here with the instinctive flight, fight or fright response, only in this case chances are high that this will be pure fight (in the passive way Pluto plots its revenge though). It can be an aggressive aspect and in my opinion way nastier than harsh aspects between Mars and Sun, because at worst (!), this can be about emotionally, mentally and physically controlling and therefore abusing the other. While Mars and Sun in negative aspects can be equally frustrating, this aspect can point and reveal to painful truths, fears and insecurities about the people involved. Lovers to enemies trope, seeing each other as a thread. I think water houses make it worse because these houses deal with our psyche and emotions, our uttermost vulnerable parts, great damage can be done here. For example if you'd have this aspect in the 4th house, your home could be a psychological battelgound. The fighting could happen at home, behind close doors, etc. END TW
✦ Sun square/inconjunct/opposite/conjunct Pluto: The theme of power and power struggles can become the core themes of the connection. Therefore this can be rally exhausting over time, both people feel like they are constantly trying each other (even if the other didn't do so) and that they can't catch a break when they're together. It's like there's always something waiting around the corner they have to tackle. One or both can be too demanding of another. If feelings fade, both might be afraid that the relationship loses its meaning and becomes too dull. This is were the constant emotional highs and intensity will show their addictive side and cause fear of the mundane, the healthy.
✦ Pluto can be tricky in every house, but I'll say in the composite I'd say the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th house can be the most complicated ones, but it's really dependent on other aspects and influences. The 12th house especially can point to the relationship ending by some bitter truths being revealed, leading to a painful end.
✦ Neptune square/inconjunct the personal planets: Do I have to say it? You called it, it's mainly about the dellusion aspect and yes, it's necessary to acknowledge that both parties can chase a dream that might not be really found in reality. It can lead to deceiving behaviour, idealization, lying, strong disappointment and even resentment when finding out the other person/relationship is not living up to your dreams. It can also talk about trying to make the relationship work, when outer circumstances are working against it! Here, I want to mention Uranus. While Uranus in harsh aspects to the personal planets can point to on-off behaviour and feelings, I think more often it can also lead to outer circumstances forcing you to be physically apart. Due to sudden events, you might spend lots of times apart, having to rely other forms of communication and socializing to keep the connection alive.
✦ Generational planets conjunct/in close harsh aspects to Saturn: Can feel like outer circumstances breaking your foundation apart. It's not like you can't work this out, but can feel like your world is falling apart in one minute, with Saturn being nvolved the two people can feel way top defeated and pessimistic to try again or fight against outer circumstances and individual shortcomings to try again and make the connection work.
✦ Personal planets conjunct/in harsh aspect to Chiron:This doesn't have to be a dealbreaker, but given the nature of Chiron, definitely worth a mention. Especially when Moon and Venus are involved, loving each other is working through pain and healing together, Being vulnerable and intimate with each other can bring the biggest pain, but also the biggest reward. Love that feels heavy and dutiful, love that requires high amount of maturity (!). Both need to be responsible for their own pain. Being together might feel bittersweet. Similar feelings can arise with Chiron in the 8th, 7th, 12th, 1st.
✦ Black Moon Lilith being strongly present in the composite chart: I'm talking close aspects, contacts to the personal planets, the angles, NN/SN. BML can point to self destructive behavior. Two people acting out on their desires too much, indulging fully in chaotic energy without caring about the consequences. This pair might have to undergo a lot of judgement and stares from the public, which can tear them apart too. One part tries to controle the Lilith nature of the other. In general, in order to benefit from srong Lilith energy in composite and synastry both people have to respect the other and have to align their individuals powers! Disputes due to different values and ownership can occure as well with Lilith being prominent in this chart.
✦ This is not an aspect, but look at aspect patterns in your chart and potential apex planets in order to identify re-occuring themes and problems in your relationship!
✦ People often are often afraid about (personal) planets in the 12th/8th house or stelliums there, since they can indicate secrets or hiding the partner/relationship from the public, but I would digress and say that these placements grand two people extreme intimacy, the only thing I'd suggest is to always communicate, be transparent and give each other the emotional space and time to open up and grow together in a very natural and authentic way.
✦ Sun in conflicting aspects to Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn, more so when multiple of these planets form tight, critical aspects with the Sun: Can indicate that there are just certain parts 'missing' in the connection that would lead to emotional and physical fulfillment that you need to address and work on. Again, Mars and Sun can talk about a clash of egos and pulling towards different directions, too much egocentrism, no team player mentality, lack of direction, Saturn often hints towards outer circumstances making it harder for two people to be together, both can be very pessimistic and have a hard time continuing to invest into the relationship.
✦ Having a very prominent, very afflicted Jupiter: Jupiter is the point in composite were our (shared) hopes, desires and talents come together, were we collaborate in order to create our own luck and strive for it, it's the soul of the relationship. Having Jupiter in a critical position can lead to a lack of fulfillment, we feel like our soul can't grow and expand in the relationship, uninspired to make the best out of life.
Credit: plutoswrath on tumblr, 2022. Please don't copy and repost my work.
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disquietiswhatitis · 4 months
Kara Danvers
52% Lena Luthor (Supercorp.) By now, if you know, you know... *I apparently had A LOT of thoughts about the rest of Kara's ships so read under the cut at your own risk*
16% Diana Prince (an inferior ship claimed Superwonder long ago so I don't know what their ship name is.) This works for me in Dark Knights of Steel or primarily in a world where Kara is as old or older than she was on the Supergirl series. They compliment each other very well. Diana is more graceful, whereas Kara is more nerdy. Diana is more knowledgeable about art and history whereas Kara is better with math and science. They both have frustrations with the way humans are on Earth compared to the homes they came from but still believe in them and believe in protecting them. They both have pains associated with them leaving their homes and are fiercely loyal to their new homes and loved ones. They both believe in hope, help and compassion. They're two people who could be immortal and find solace with one another as time goes on. They're also both beautiful and could crush a sequoia between their thighs. If you're not sold on Kara/Diana, please give them a shot and read this...it's so lovely.
12% Sam Arias (Superreign.) For starters, let me address what I believe to be a misconception among Supergirl fans. When Lena stayed with Sam during 3x05 and was seen wearing a National City University sweatshirt, I believe that sweatshirt was Sam's and not Kara's. Lena went to MIT and even though Kara visited Lena at Sam's place, it made more sense to me that Sam provided Lena with one of her sweatshirts than Kara bringing one of Kara's sweatshirts from her own apartment for Lena. Thus the natural conclusion would be that Sam ALSO went to National City University. Do I think this lore implication brought about the sweater was an unintentional byproduct of the production crew having to be conservative with their budget (or maybe just lazy)? Perhaps, but it's what I believe nonetheless. Thus, we could've had Kara and Sam as college classmates, possibly even college girlfriends. I like that idea, especially since Kara and Sam would both go on to have a relationship with Lena, respectively, which would make for that messy, "queer women in a friend group all dating each other/a lot of the same women" rep that was missing from the show. I don't care for it when DC emphasizes Kryptonians having to be with other strong beings as if that hasn't been an issue for Clark and Lois in their many decades together...but if they're gonna do it, why not do it with a "friends to lovers to enemies but only when your evil alter ego takes control of your body?" The CW really rushed the development of their friendship (the way they rushed a lot of things) but the chemistry was there and I think it could've been enhanced later on with them bonding over them both being from Krypton. I think the Reign storyline could've been better and more impactful had Kara dated Sam and was actively trying to save her in a way that the Kara-Rhea-M*n El storyline fell flat. I also really like the two of them together in AU's where Lena is with Alex, it just fits. But most importantly and to put it very simply: they're both very pretty, super strong women that should've boned and maybe leveled a mountain in the process. If you want to give them a chance, admittedly I have some bias in recommending this but I think this is an excellent Kara/Sam fic (warning: contents are spicy), and this short follow up is just neat.
10% Andrea (Superrojas.) Andrea was the perfect amount of snide and bossy towards Kara yet thirsty for her and Supergirl. Kara was the right amount of wanting to believe the best in Andrea even when she challenged and irritated her while also looking at her like she wanted to do unspeakable things to Andrea in her office. It's what I imagine Superc*ts felt about Cat Grant except Andrea was actually hot and they had actual, spicy chemistry. 2% Imra Adreen (Supersaturn.) Listen...I hate the Legion of Superheroes. A few of its members are cool, but I've never liked the Legion as a whole. If DC is going to keep insisting on pairing Kara with one of its members in various media, I'd rather they give Kara a Legionnaire girlfriend. My hatred for M*n El I've made abundantly clear over the years so I'm not going to delve into that again right now. As for Brainy, I have absolutely nothing against the character. However, twice now I've had to watch Kara abandon Clark and the present to go live in the future with a boy she just met and in both instances, it never sat well with me and the episode/movie was terrible overall. More importantly, if we're going to be doing the whole "Kara's cousin falls in love with a family member of a big Superman villain who's nothing like them" trope, Supercorp is far and away the superior option. I love Brainy on the Supergirl show but he and Kara only ever gave off bro vibes on that and he's so much better with Nia than any Brainiac ever was with Kara that I never want to see him paired with anyone else. Back to why I like Imra though. In the comics universe, she's a cool character that I feel isn't used well or enough. I don't think a relationship with Kara would solve all of Imra's underutilization issues but it wouldn't hurt either. I don't have a problem with Kara going to the future; it's her staying there that bothers me. It wouldn't be an endgame but Imra would be one of the better matches for a first relationship for Kara. On the show, she's a cool character, she's very pretty and like most pretty women on the show, she looked at Kara like she wanted to be eaten up by her had good chemistry with Kara. The idea of Kara allowing a telepathic character into her mind during an intimate moment also appeals to me (while some DC media puts an unnecessary, weird amount of emphasis on Kryptonians having to be careful with their sex lives, a telepath being able to reassure Kara's anxieties and tell her "it's okay, you can let go" is a spicy good moment I'd like to read more of. Bonus: M*n El getting Mako-ed in a Korrasami situation (he dates two women who end up dating each other) would've been less than a quarter of what he deserved (no disrespect to Mako.)
2% Kate Kane (Kanvers I believe it's called.) Look...I've never been a fan of Ruby Rose. However, Kara was so freaking gay every time she interacted with Kate. Similar to how Lena should've gotten to bang the hot bartender Peggy in Ireland Newfoundland, Kara should've hooked up with the lesbian superhero she was totally flirting with, whether it was a one night stand during Elseworlds or them seeking a moment of relief among all the grief that was Crisis. If they'd let Kara be bisexual, then maybe she wouldn't have gone the last four seasons of the show without so much as a single kiss. Regardless, I just mentally picture Wallis Day instead of the other actress and it's a fun little ship.
2% Nia Nal (Superdreamer.) This one isn't necessarily about the show, though I do I think they could've been cute on the show IF Nia hadn't started out as Kara's protégé. Mentor-mentee relationships are so not my jam. However, a pairing between two variants of them where they weren't mentor-mentee could've been cool. Their comic book versions both having zipper jackets as part of their outfits also once struck me as an idea for a spicy fic that I'll never write.
2% Sara Lance (Supercanary.) The Danvers/Lance hook up that should've been. 1% Jimmy Olsen (Karolsen.) I do vastly prefer Kara with women but they still deserved better. They weren't my OTP in the first season but they were cute and I had hoped that with more time and development, they would get better the way Barry & Iris did on The Flash. (Important to note: I NEVER shipped Snowbarry (ew), I always liked Iris, I just don't think they had worked out what to do with her and her chemistry with Barry in that first season...it improved so much as time went on.) Unfortunately for Karolsen, that never happened and the show was so much worse for it.
1% Siobahn Smythe (Superbanshee.) Fun for some frenemies with benefits in Season 1 or "they were roommates" in the comics. Honorable mention: Lucy Lane. "Hell, I want to date her" was a biconic moment for Kara but I really liked Kara's other ships more and I prefer Lucy with Alex.
Send me ANY character and I'll tell you who I ship them with!
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jeffbiblesupremacy · 9 months
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Jeff via twitter (12/08/2023)
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Translation: Can we make a stage for you and keep it for you to run and play? You seem to enjoy it every time 🥹
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What is your favourite rocket?
Ohhh man. I’m admittedly a little biased but the Saturn V. When I went to space camp, they have one of the actual rockets there and it’s huge and fantastic to look at and beautiful. It’s still one of the most powerful rockets ever built.
But yeah. I love the Apollo missions and that rocket is incredible in my opinion. Your phone has more computers than it and it still took us to the moon.
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rocketfourever · 1 month
Sugar daddy moment??
Call it whatever you like. I suppose I simply have an affection for sad blue haired men. Besides, I needed to split up the money somehow.
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lonicera-edulis · 2 months
would you consider posting your celestial au works without the text? I would love to set the Bilbo&thorin piece as my background! Also, any deets about the au? 😍
I can just give you it through the link to download:
And for this AU I only have these arts, nothing else. I didn't plan to develop the story around it (aside that I wanted to draw Bombur as Saturn-like planet xD). I am open for ideas for arts if anyone wants something more for this AU.
I like your blog's name, icon and header by the way.
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saturn-valleys · 1 year
We've never interacted before but your oc [super cool btw genuinely] saying "do you know how hard it is to keep people off goatman's bridge?" brought me back YEARS to my BFUS [?] phase and all I could think was
Look goatman, I'm dancing on your bridge! My bridge now!
Dhdhdh as someone who also had/has a BFU phase I'm so glad somebody caught that. Unsolved was actually an inspiration for Saturn! I mean a show about conspiracies? How could I not make an OC who's into cryptids and the supernatural? It was bound to happen!
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that-fruitier-emo · 20 days
Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart, and if you get five back, you must be pretty awesome.
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wishingyouback · 11 months
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hello 🥹
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plutoswrath · 1 year
Hi, could you please do saturn in Taurus culture please?
Saturn in Taurus: The Dream of a Good Life
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🥀 (not proof read, please excuse any typos or grammatical mistakes!) So we have Saturn sitting in a Venus ruled sign, a fixed sign that is too, so we do talk about restrictions when it comes to a general sense of feeling good and what we desire to accumulate. Obviously we will have to talk about material possessions, but don’t worry this won’t be the only thing I’ll focus on (there’s more to it).
🥀Financial/material trauma gang rise!!! this is the Saturn sign that has people obsessed with material and financial (in)stability because often times (financial) security wasn’t given to them. They could’ve grown up in an environment were they experienced (some sort of) poverty, financial trauma, etc.
🥀Realized early on what it means to work for money and what it means to invest it, as well as the consequences of spending it without any second thought. ‘Luxury’ or a well off lifestyle could’ve been something they work towards or that wasn’t achievable in their early years.
🥀Potentially might have bad spending habits and therefore experience
🥀Instability and irresponsibility is a major trigger; this Saturn placement can make you bound to set routines and believes that are rooted in fear of loss. I don’t think this placements makes you money obsessed as in wanting to be rich, I think at best it can teach you gratitude and especially living and enjoying the moment BUT Saturn in taurus can make you a scaredy cat of the future because of this immense fear of loss and not having enough, especially if other placements and aspects play into it
🥀That being said, there can be a general affinity to finally have what others seem to achieve and accumulate easily. It’s not o my about the pretty clothes and going out for dinner once per week but also about an inner sense of acceptance and peace. Saturn in taurus makes you very strict with yourself.
🥀Taurus is known for the potential to endear, be patient and work thorough and long term. Once their mind is set in something they work towards it. Saturn in Taurus teaches the native endurance as well, but not because they want to but because they had to. Often said endurance was paired with material and societal limitations, it’s a feeling of having no other choice, therefore a feeling of discomfort/depression can grow within these people. These people can feel more so exhausted than people who have taurus placements in less afflicted positions or in malefic planets. Here, the endurance can come close to silent suffering while working away one’s youth and potential. These people can work very hard and are comfortable doing stuff on their own. There's trouble asking for help and taking it easy on yourself.
🥀What really is prevelant here, is that thes epeople can have a difficulty really enjoying the outcomes of their hard work. Enjoying things just because is even a more foreign concept for them. There's always a fear of loss and a feeling of having to wait in order to enjoy things involved. One example could be saving food for 'special moments' just for it to be rotten when you grab it out of the corner of your fridge. Waiting for the sake of waiting. Being fed up and then overindulging, just to fall back into abstinence. A vicious cycle of punishment.
🥀Again, there can be a set belief that one doesn't deserve good things, or at least, that good things don't come easy in life. Honestly, this Saturn placement can make one very depressed and create the mindset that one is supposed to stay small and miserable in a way. Saturn Taurus is loyal and devoted at best, blinded by their beliefs at worst, so the concept of letting go and that it is oaky to change your mind in order to fit your desired way of living is empathized in this placement.
🥀Since Taurus is Venus ruled, I also want to mention that interpersonal relationships can be hit by Saturns influence too. Just because taurus is earth ruled doesn’t mean it’s disconnected from the social side of Venus, a lack of security or permanence in relationships can be prominent here, therefore they search for people who are committed and know what they want and if they want something long term (platonic, romantic, etc.)
🥀Persistence is key here and knowing what you want! Especially when the native grew up with a 'lack of', they can subconsciously try to make up for it in superficial, meaningless ways. What they want and work towards will crystalize over the years. It's important to define the value system because taurean energy works heavily with a set value system. That's how they are able to prioritize and make the best and most use of the fixed energy.
🥀Earth sign energy has the tendency to age like fine wine, especially if it's paired with Saturn. With age these people will learn that they deserve good things in life and that hard work actually will pay off when it's done for the right reasons: the things they want to accumulate! The house of the Saturn placement will give more details what exactly will be highlighted when it comes to these difficulties.
🥀With the 6th and 2nd house it can be the job, or how you manage your everyday life and physical health. Spending money on self care, searching for an apropriate work environment, etc. With the 9th it can be higher education, what you decide to study, your religious path. With the 7th house it can be partnerships and with the 8th it can be intimate connections and finances. With the 12th house it can be mental health, finally deciding to actually invest money in your own healing. You get the idea.
🥀Anyways Saturn in Taurus people will learn how to finally enjoy life, think of the 9 of pentacles . You'll be able to sit in your own, blossoming garden one day and won't feel as cynical and depressed looking at it. You just really have to have a clear image of what it is you really want and allow yourself to have it. Once you embrace that you are allowed to have good things in life, seeing and feling that will become easier because you're more open for it (if you're mentally ill like me that's not as easy done as said but still a good thought to keep in mind lol).Instead of seeing the cup as half empty, it's half full in that sense (or at least you'll see it for what it is: just a glass of water, not too little, not too much).
credit: plutoswrath, 2023.
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nooradeservedbetter · 11 months
I know you write bl but please do not defend Emma. She is known in our fandom as a transphobic asshole. She has been openly transphobic to harries and larries because they think Harry MIGHT be trans. She is also homophobic with how she as a cis het white woman thinks she has more say in how a gay fandom needs to operate. There are years worth of receipts of this. She harassed my friend because they tagged Harry as a princess on their own blog and tried to call them homophobic for doing so. Im mutuals with authors who had to drop out of the bl fest for personal reasons, and then Emma and her friends started harassing them for joining a non bl fest months later. You should see how former blouie authors are treated by her after they dont write exclusively bl fics anymore. The reason BLP is not well liked in fandom is because of her. There is literally a top Harry fic fest run by an actual trans person and much more supported by larries. Louis bottoming isn't the issue. For years blouies have made that their only personality and harassed and sent so many larries death threats (me included) because we blog on our own blogs about Harry wanting to be pregnant or singing about sucking dick or anything that doesn't make him "a top". Blouies have ruined themselves for their entire fandom and that anon is a perfect example of how they are.
Whew anon.
Okay, thank you for the ask and the respectful tone, I will try to maintain a respectful tone right back.
I don't exclusively write bl, I like to think I write fics where Louis gets taken care of one way or another. By bottoming, by subbing, by being cuddled; rn I have 2 smut fics, both of them sub Louis, one of them is them being vers (i.e. penetrating each other), the other *can* be considered bl, I did tag it as such, but the only penetration that happens is two lines of cockwarming. My current unpublished fics and ideas are:
The a/b/o fic fest that is Omega Louis/bl but has references to bh;
Exploring the idea of topping from the bottom: i have a petplay sub Harry fic that's half-written, currently plotting a vaguely Dom transrry fic. First one will be Dom!bl, second one Dom!bh. Might have a third one, but I still haven't decided;
The blff, I mean that's the name of;
The 1d fantasy fic fest that will be both vers and switch but it's darkfic so I don't think that's a great example to have here tbh lmao.
Okay, that said.
I did have run-ins with Emma back in the day; idk if you were there in 2015/16, but I have a whole tag where I actively fought people on Harry's possible gender identity, together with Angela and Jay (godspeed to both of them, they're much happier now believe me). It's been 8 years, I don't know what Emma is doing right now, besides managing the blff, and I don't know how she changed in eight years; eight years ago I was a staunch anarchist, and look at me now. You can come off anon and send me anything you might see fit, that would actually be great, and it would give me something to operate on. And on that point, I don't--think? That telling someone "hey yo instead of sending anon hate go and support the people who write/rec the fics you wanna read" is defending anyone? But it's understandable that if she's currently harassing people, that's a knee-jerk reaction.
Then to address your points about Louis bottoming... Again, I'm not sure, like. Feels a bit like you're barking at the wrong tree? One of my favourite smut authors is devilinmybrain (oh my god that 5+1 gross-hot fic nnnn) and I read, and to some extent write, quite happily everything as long as it's good. Like, both of them canonically have a prostate. It's a shame if they never use it. And Harry being feminine has nothing to do with Harry bottoming (or topping ;) of course), but this is something that needs its own post to be expanded.
With that long-ass rant in that post I wanted to make another point, and that point was directed to some of the reblogs, and that point was: stop wokeifying the gay community, because you--general you--will have a stroke if you ever go to a gay bar one day.
I won't reiterate the stuff I said there, but that should have been the main takeaway, not that I prefer writing bl or bh. I don't consider myself a blouie, by virtue of the fact that not only I read and write whatever, but also because I genuinely don't agree with a lot of the, like, ideological stances. On smut. I could talk about what hardcore bl/sh do and say probably all day, and Raf/Niv know what I'm talking about because they're usually the ones I fill with audios, but this post is already really long.
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the same 5 spotify sponsored podcast ads that started running in 2020: On this episode of science climate heavy reply... we talk to a doctor about whether the covid vaccine is REALLY on the way... and how this pandemic might affect the economy... and climate as a whole! Listen now on spotify
me in 2023: ok
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satorubi · 1 year
the plug keeps edging me and he better stop playin w me before i turn his ass tf in.
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rocketfourever · 24 days
Gio don't date apollo that'll make that cyrus your brother in-law and nobody wants that
Unfortunately, he's already my son in law in my world. He's dating my daughter's boyfriend.
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