#send me your spotify
nodssalementriche · 10 months
i wish more people were abnormal about music playlists
or i wish i was more in those communities
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Fang’s Spotify!!!
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triona-tribblescore · 9 months
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They watch Fiona and Cake your honour
was listening to this while doodling :') its them frfr
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monarchisms · 4 months
for the theater mode enjoyers: unfortunately, the entire series was taken down from rooster teeth’s website around a week ago:
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as explained by chelsea, all of the episodes had to be taken down because rt lost the rights to the films that were used in the show. on the bright side, excluding the aux episodes, every other episode has been backed up to the internet archive. it’s separated by group: achievement hunter, funhaus, and cow chop.
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 months
♡You Love Me To♡
A/N: The song below inspired the fic for me
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" I Care About you to"
Those five words rang through the vampire spawns head over and over. They really like me. Astarion was sitting alone in his tent thinking about it. Of course the events that happened after struck something he didn't think was possible... but was it.... Love... from such a simple moment between them such a simple hold.
It wasn't forced but gentle. It didn't have strings attached- wanting something in return... no it was a genuine feeling of love and care that came with that simple gesture of affection. He enjoyed it he wanted to feel more of that.
After 200 years of abuse from Cazador, locking him in the dark with nothing, feeding on rats and bugs he forced him to eat, trying to break his mind, using his looks and his body to bring him poor helpless souls to his lair. Like lambs for the slaughter. And he was the cause of it all. He had many lovers or rather flings but at this moment the only person who stayed on his mind was You. You were special in ways he couldn't understand and that probably is what led to his original plan of using you to fail miserably.
He realized while skimming through the same page in his book that more than anything he wanted to see you smile more because of him. Its probably what led to this sudden idea to walk towards the tent that occupied the "blade of frontiers".
'This is a stupid idea' the pale elf thought while approaching the man cradling a goblet of wine looking up. Astarion cleared his throat to catch the mans attention. "Oh? Astarion a rare occurrence to be visiting me at such an hour what do you need?"
Astarion also found wyll more annoying then he care to admit out loud but right now he was the only one he could... Trust with this little idea. "I...I need a favor I'll gladly pay you back later but i need your help can you help me?" Astarion says this with a vague motion and a simple wave of his hand.
Wyll ever the "hero" agrees "sure but what does this favor intel?" Astarion suddenly found the dirt on the ground more interesting avoiding eye contact. "Astarion?" Wyll asked softly but a hint of curiosity.
"Can you teach me... ugh can you teach me how to, well, dance" that was all Astarion said nothing more nothing less and certainly not sharing his reasons for this request. Wyll was surprised "Astarion you don't know how to dance?"
The vampire glares at the man suddenly "i wouldn't have ask for the damn favor if i did" seeing Wyll frown made him pause and look away with a huff. "I- never really got around to it.. can you teach me?" He sounded more calmer slight hints of plea.
Wyll nods smiling "sure a man shouldn't miss the opportunity to show off not only his skills with the blade but also with movements of his body" Astarion grimaced at this before rolling his eyes. "We can practice at nights while everyone is asleep" he said before walking away quickly. Wyll blinks before chuckling low and retiring for the night.
Astarion was surprisingly a quick learner he watched each move just like he watched his prey before feeding. There was one problem... the man wanted to learn something a little but more romantic and rather closer.
"Ah as much as i like to prance around all day i was hoping for something a little more on the intimate side of things" Wyll gives him a knowing smile "fancy wooing someone in particular?"
Astarion plays ignorant "oh please i simply want to learn because it is a good skill that's all" he crossed his arms and tilts his head up towards the night sky eyes closed. Wyll hums low "well i suppose i don't need to show you because i taught you the good skills already"
Astarion was quick to change his tone "alright, alright it is to flatter someone I suppose" "anyone I know of?" Wyll asked enjoying this to much. The Pale elf rolled his eyes with a huff he mumbles out a soft maybe.
"Its Y/n isn't it?" Wyll said matter-of-fact and it annoyed Astarion to no end. He doesn't meet his gaze but Wyll knew he was right. "They will like you no matter if you dance or not Astarion i see the way they look at you with adoration not many hold such a gaze to anyone they didn't care about."
Astarion sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. "I am aware my looks draws-" Wyll cuts him off "its more than that Astarion even Halsin knows this" Wyll pressed and Astarion red eyes flicked between wylls devil eyes and the small fire they made far from the camp.
"Just teach me...." he stares at the man before him for a moment "please"
Luckily Astarion had fed the night before so he was happy and was able to be useful for the team consiting Himself, You, Gale and Halsin. Every time you wasn't paying attention behind you it was fine because the sound of a fast ice, fire or lightning arrow whizzed through the air landing strong damage on them.
Back at the camp Gale and Halsin made it their mission to make sure everyone else especially Scratch stayed occupied to give Astarion a moment alone with You which meant going far from the camp and taking a wine bottle and some simple food to snack on but most importantly the fancy music box he stoled from that pompous man when he wasn't looking.
Gentle laughter filled the air as Astarion mentioned how he stoled the music box giving a fake story of "how can you blame me I'm a victim to" and how gullible they were. Astarion smiles at you. A real one enjoying your laughter and company all the same. Its when he stood up walking to the tree truck with the misic box opened and ready. He gave the dial behind it a few twist and it started to hum to life.
You blush deeply when Astarion holds his hand out to you "may i have this dance" You stood up grinning like an idiot and nod taking his hand in yours "well i suppose you can" you teased playfully before you both slowly began to dance to the soft tune.
It was perfect you thought to yourself looking up at him getting lost in those crimson eyes of his. His smile was sharp and while he doesn't like when you mention the crease of his smile to him, it always made you admire him more. What he assumed was imperfect meant so much to you.
He twirls you slowly and then dips you smiling lightly "your full of surprises my love" you said softly smiling up at him then giggle before moving in closer and kissing him passionately.
"I love you very much" he said softly before leaning his head on top of yours when you rest your head against his shoulder. The music a soft background to the moment you both are sharing.
Narrator: hidden behind the trees and bushes silently observing the intimate scene before them was their loyal companions all supportive of their friends successful moment
As always i hope you like it, thanks for your support and requests are open for Astarion from BG3 😁❤️
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loopsisloops · 7 months
I've had way too much sugar tonight and this playlist is making me feel all warm and fuzzyyyyy
all i can think of if THIS DORK
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justleaveyourmark · 4 months
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Welcome to the playground
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Daily Wilbur #1000
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mihai-florescu · 1 month
hi ive recently become attached to looking into cultural rock for undead (arab (saudi) rock for adonis for obvi reasons & argentinian rock for koga for hc reasons) Do you have romanian rock suggestions … or romanian music in general every time youd post a vidoe w romanian music behind an enst mv id be enraptured
I have a few band recs for you sure! ^_^ Vama/ Vama Veche, Robin and the Backstabbers, Firma are some i listen to more frequently. Then there's Alternosfera, Phoenix, Cargo that i think you might like... oh I also very specifically hc koga would like Sex pula pistol and E-an-na for what it's worth if you're curious:))
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omgitsren · 2 months
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souvenirmp3 · 6 months
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i've been tagged by lovely @dykehayleywilliams and @userparamore to share my favourite albums of 2023 💙
tagging: @stardustnoodle @greenbabushka @lolalovesu @parrrty-poison @orzamara and any mutuals that wanna do it <3
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cauterizedpod · 1 year
Welcome to the year 3000,
A lot's changed and they live underwater, but I hear your great, great, great granddaughters aren't doing fine 💔
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A new science-fiction/horror/survival audio-drama about the things we leave behind and things we've yet to discover: Cauterized
Some MP3 players hold up surprisingly well after 2000 years!
More info to come soon! Produced currently by one very passionate mom
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gothimp · 7 months
blah blah ‘no one cares about your spotify wrapped’ I DO. i want to know. tell me. show me. i like seeing people’s interests. when did it become so commonplace to be so dismissive of others? what, we cant talk about music?? MUSIC???
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phasesofamoonchild · 1 month
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autistme · 1 month
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spllwys · 1 month
i think i can feel that SOMEWHEREE (1:24) deep in my soul
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