#seth gecko character study
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purplepurrgil · 2 years
Fuck it. Richie Gecko/Kate Fuller Fic Recs.
In honor of From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series being pulled from American Netflix, here's some of my favorite Richie/Kate fics. I have no excuse, take me to fiction crimes court. These are all on AO3, mind the tags listed there. I'll try to add additional content warnings where I can, but assume everything is baseline canon typical fuckedupness, which is very fucked up! Also there is multishipping in a lot of these. Unfortunately there are not any here that let Kisa get fully in on that multishipping potential so that's a bummer. Guess I'll have to write that myself because I see the vision in Kisa/Kate even if no one else does.
Also since in Season One Kate is seventeen and Richie is, at least according to the wiki, anywhere from twenty-two (unlikely) to twenty-seven (more likely) tack on Underage as an Archive Warning to basically all of these unless they are extremely AU. And not a single one of these in anywhere in the neighborhood of fluff, it's PWP and angst all the way down. Enjoy!
El Rey By The Dashboard Light by sharkygal (Rated: E, Words: 7,452, Chapters: 1/1) - Season One AU. What if Richie caught up with Kate after their kiss?
Myth Maker by grayglube, hasitsclaws (Rated: M, Words: 11,182, Chapters: 1/1) - Season One AU. Tanner sacrifices Kate in the labyrinth. Deliciously fucked up undead body horror ensues <3.
The Long Con Series by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 12,165, Works: 2/2) - The Geckos are gods, Kate is kidnapped as a virgin sacrifice for Richie. Serious dubcon warning on this one
Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything by Gaya (Rated: T+, Words: 2329, Chapters: 2/2) - Character study-ish of Richie after Kate's "death" in the interim between seasons two and three. As someone who was sort of raised both Catholic (by family) and Baptist (spent a couple of deeply traumatizing years in an evangelical elementary school that was rightfully shut down, but that's a another really long story) this has a scene that really tracked with that extremely specific life experience so I have to give it a special shoutout.
A different kind of undead by sassylorastyrell (Rated: T+, Words: 6,911, Chapters: 4/4) - Zombie apocalypse AU! Honestly mostly a jealous SethKate fic from Seth's perspective but that's what just does it for me I guess!
Kinesia by venus woman and giant saurian (grayglube) (Rated: M, Words: 1019, Chapters 1/1) - Kate gets a lap dance.
The World is a Snake Pit by venus woman and giant saurian (grayglube) (Rated: E, Words: 2238, Chapters 1/1) - set nebulously post season 3, now with joint murder and fingering.
Quarrel with the sky by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 6379, Chapters 1/1) - Post Season 3, Kate/Seth/Richie in every possible combination. This is my headcanon end to the series. I also really love Scott in this and him being completely rightfully disgusted and annoyed with the Geckos at all times. Content warning for some references to anti-Asian racism (and in Seth's case outright racism) that is framed as bad and tracks with the canon portrayal of Scott's banter with the brothers but could still be upsetting to readers.
take your time with me to make you feel alive by meditationonbaaal (Rated: E, Words: 51,905, Chapters 8/?) - honestly so iconic of this author to drop this masterpiece, one other work in this fandom, and then thirteen Riverdale fics.
And You Were Still Hungry by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 4081, Chapters: 1/1) - Post Season 3, Kate is not doing well. Richie tries to help. Does he? Up to you.
Final Liturgy by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 7573, Chapters: 1/1) - Post Season 1 AU. Kate becomes the new Santanico but with a very Christian twist and it's the set up for more great problematic porn with religious overtones
Voodoo Cowboy (Bid My Blood redux) by larkingstock - RECENTLY UPDATED (Rated: E, Words: 28,592, Chapters: 6/?) - sex pollen oneshot redone into some multichapter wild Richie whump with hallucinations of every major character written very in character as they tell him whatever it takes sink him into even deeper angst. I love it.
Holy Diver by grayglube (Rated: E, Words: 9481, Chapters: 1/1)- gratuitous loss of virginity, god bless. bittersweet. More Seth, Richie, Kate in all possible combinations.
Kansas City Shuffle by grayglube, hasitsclaws (Rated: E, Words: 54.909, Chapters: 6/?) - Season 2 AU, Kate is turned into a culebra at the blood well. Body horror, murder, sex, all that good stuff.
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theboost · 10 months
I’m continuing to watch the from dusk till dawn tv show because I’m a masochist and I hate myself
and like. aside from the fact that it looks ugly and aside from the fact that it’s a cast full of nobodies except for robert patrick and somehow jake busey the thing is it’s a television adaptation of a movie that takes place over the course of like two days. So to make it into an even ten episode tv show it has to be slowed down a lot. Episodes tend to take place in a single location for each group of characters and usually consist of one long conversation. So it’s a character study except for the fact that the characters are kind of boring and generally terribly acted and in some cases, are so terribly watered down from the original it’s crazy.
Like the gecko brothers are not good people in the slightest in either medium but because you have to sympathize with them for a longer period of time their bad traits are removed or at least reduced. Though in some cases it’s literally just the racism. I do think the point of the original is that these guys Suck and are generally despicable people but then they get put in a situation where the other people suck more (literally) and it puts you in the situation of well do you root for them to survive or do they maybe deserve to die. Whatever it’s not the point
It’s just kind of dull! The new characters add almost nothing to the story. And you know they can be taken out because the story works just fine without them. Does Kate need a boyfriend who gets killed by vampires in one episode? What does he add to the story? Do we need to see Seth’s ex wife who was mentioned in literally one line? Presumably she’s only here to further the cop storyline and to be frank I don’t give a shit about the cop either! The vampire lore is stupid also and completely unnecessary but this show is completely unnecessary I don’t know why I keep watching it
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justjstuff · 3 years
My first contribution to the SethKate fandom! A quick oneshot during the break between s2 and s3, ending in post-Amaru territory.
Summary:  Kate wasn’t laughing now.  
There were silent tears streaming down her cheeks, her mascara smudged beneath her eyes and her brows knitted unhappily. Seth drank in the sight of her, something coming loose inside his chest at the same time that his heart dropped somewhere near his feet. 
“You’re not real,” he whispered.
A short story about Seth dealing with his grief.
Read it on AO3 or below the cut :)
Seth didn’t know exactly how he found himself in that unfamiliar office in the middle of the day. Richie had taken to Jed’s like he was born for it and Seth had stayed quietly in the background—a place he had never been comfortable being, that had always been Richie—but he found himself being unable to do anything else. He gave orders, kept Richie’s feet firmly on the ground while his brother played boss, but kept to himself otherwise.
  It felt good, in a way, to see his brother look so sure of himself, to see Richie feeling comfortable in his own skin for the first time in ever. Still, it was hard to miss that there was sadness and regret buried deep beneath his brother’s Hugh-Hefner-robe-wearing exterior. In the week that they had taken over Jacknife Jed’s, Seth had time to see the cracks in his brother’s armor and to feel his own shock wearing off. That morning seemed to have been his breaking point.
  It was something simple, really, that managed to bring him to his knees. Something that he had never expected could take his breath away and send him to the kind of panic attack he hadn’t had since he was a teenager. 
  Mornings at Jed’s were like the middle of the night everywhere else. There was a certain kind of quiet that took over the compound, like everything was still and Seth could take a few moments to himself. He started making a point to have breakfast by himself in the kitchen while everyone else was asleep. 
  They still didn’t have much in their kitchen. Malvado hadn’t actually stayed where they chose to operate from and the employees had only deemed necessary to keep a coffee maker there, but they’ve been slowly building it up instead of using the bar’s kitchen which was frankly annoying to do when they had to cross the parking lot from their bedrooms to get a beer. The fridge and stove were the first to arrive and now they actually had plates and fucking cutlery, it was starting to feel not exactly like home but definitely more like they weren’t staying in an old warehouse for a couple of days. They had the option of using Malvado’s underground facilities at Jed’s but had ultimately agreed that they would feel safer working from the warehouse behind it instead. 
  Then he saw the toaster. 
  It was this ugly bright red, which probably meant Richard had been the one to get it; a clunky piece of metal right in the middle of the stainless steel countertop that had already been there before them. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make Seth’s carefully constructed defences crumble like they had never been there in the first place. 
  He had tried so hard, just so fucking hard to not think about her ever since that night. He had gone back to the blood well with Richie and Scott but there had been no body, only a bloodstained white sheet stuck to the wooden boards. The sight of that blood, Kate’s blood, had sent him straight to the nearest bottle of whiskey and his brother had been right there with him. The next day, there had been no more mention of her and Seth had pushed everything deep down.
  And then the godamn fucking toaster.
  The tilt of her jaw and the amused little smile as she said, “Not funny.”
  Her hand in his after a nightmare.
  The way her hair caught the sunlight after a dip in a shitty motel pool.
  The quiet sigh she always let out before forcing herself to get out of bed.
  The hurt, the anger, the guilt of it all but also the reluctant almost shy happiness he hadn’t allowed himself to feel, but was undeniable all the same. The partnership they had, the heartache.
  The fucking heartache.
  Quite literally, his chest felt so constricted Seth had to remind himself that he could actually breathe and that Kate hadn’t taken away his ability of doing so when she left. No, this time she hadn’t left. She was taken. 
  Seth stumbled back to his office. It wasn’t exactly an office yet but there were two desks and a kind of decently stocked bar and that’s all Richie and him needed. Seth didn’t think twice about uncapping the whiskey and downing a few desperate gulps before coming back for air. His throat burned but he wasn’t sure it was really from the booze and as he blinked at the bare wall in front of him he didn’t even have enough strength to pretend he wasn’t blinking away tears. 
  He didn’t know exactly how long he stood there, drinking himself stupid, but by the time the bottle was almost gone it had gotten a little easier to breathe without the fear of having his chest explode with the pain of it all. It wasn’t enough, though. 
  Looking at the bottle reminded him of the few times he had shared a drink with her , the way she would giggle and wipe away a drop of whiskey from the corner of her mouth. It was almost like she was right there with him—it felt so real for a moment that he could hear her small laugh, could smell her in the air like the afterscent she left on his pillow from spending the night there after a particularly horrible nightmare. Seth put the bottle down. 
  In a mindless haze, he reached for the small key in his pocket and unlocked the bottom drawer of his desk with clumsy fingers. Inside there were only two things: Kate’s cross—the one Richie had seen Scott take and then throw as far as he could in a fit of rage, and then had gone to collect—and his drug kit. 
  It seemed almost sacrilegious to put those two items side by side but Seth didn’t care. After Richie had silently passed the necklace to him when they’d been drunk that first night, it had taken residence in Seth’s drawer, which Richie had adamantly kept away from. Besides, it felt like a sick sort of comparison to Kate herself. She was everything good, his moral compass, a godamn fucking angel with soft hands and bright eyes, but she also had darkness inside of her and she hadn’t been one to shy away from it. 
  The kit wasn’t the same one he had during Mexico, which Sonja had thrown out the first chance she had. No, this one was new, Seth had bought it just a few nights ago. At the time he didn’t exactly understand why he had done it, despite the craving for it going away and then coming back every once in a while, he had been absolutely certain he never wanted to go through withdrawal again. Maybe a part of him had known he would need it, maybe his subconscious knew it was only a matter of time before Kate’s death became too much. 
  Seth went through the motions of prepping the hit without thinking about it. All he felt, all he could concentrate on was how much everything hurt and how much he didn’t want to feel anymore. It wasn’t his body craving the chemicals, it was his mind craving the silent bliss of not feeling. 
  Seth tapped his arm, a familiar routine of trying to find a vein, but either because of the booze or because he had grown unused to it, he couldn’t. He put the needle down, the sound of it smacking against the bottle echoing as he fumbled for the tourniquet to wrap around his bicep.
  He could hear her crying.
  It was, to his greatest regret, a sound he had been familiar with and it made him reach for the needle faster than his alcohol drenched brain could process. Seth pressed it to a bulging vein but only held it there for a few long moments as Kate cried. The tip scratched his skin before he dropped the needle. His hands were shaking too much and he couldn’t help but think that usually… usually she would be the one to pick up the needle and help him finish the job. 
  When he looked back up, Kate was there. 
  She was exactly as he remembered her on one of their good days. The white sundress she had only worn once falling to the top of her thighs, the red bikini peeking through its spaghetti straps. She had bought it all in a cheap gas station one morning and forced him to stop at the first motel she saw that had a pool to spend the afternoon there. He had been twitchy about being so close to the border but they had spent the previous couple of days stuck in the Corvette so he let her waste the day by the pool until he had come across an American family at a small restaurant he had stopped for food. Seth had booked it back to the motel to find Kate floating on her back. 
  He hadn’t let her stop for anything, just pulled her arm until she got out of the pool and guided her back to the car with his hand fighting to find purchase on her wet shoulder. He had expected her to snap at him while they sped down dusty backroads but Kate had only laughed. She had given him shit for everything later and insisted he owed her for making her leave behind the first dress she had worn in forever but she hadn’t been mad. Hearing her laugh had made that day be one of the first that felt light after the Twister. 
  She wasn’t laughing now. 
  There were silent tears streaming down her cheeks, her mascara smudged beneath her eyes and her brows knitted unhappily. Seth drank in the sight of her, something coming loose inside his chest at the same time that his heart dropped somewhere near his feet. 
  “You’re not real,” he whispered. 
  Kate didn’t reply, didn’t even react in any way other than the tears that continued to come. But still, her green eyes stared right into his, and she didn’t go away. Seth wished she would. He wished she never left. 
  The sudden rage that overcame him wasn’t entirely unfamiliar, but it still took his breath away, consumed his body in the flames that he sometimes wished had taken him. It wasn’t exactly anger, or rather, it was more than that. It was grief , swallowing him whole and drowning everything that made Seth Seth. He threw the whiskey bottle at her, the sound of it breaking on the wall behind his desk not quite covering the sound of his knees crashing on the floor. 
  Seth cried. 
  He wept like a fucking baby, like he hadn’t done ever since his mother had left him. He cried until his head hurt, until he couldn’t really smell the spilled whiskey and couldn’t see the blank wall where Kate’s ghost had stood. And that’s how Richie found him.
  Seth had no idea how long his brother had called for him, only realizing Richie was there with him when he felt a hand on the back of his neck guiding his head to rest on a fluffy robe. Richie didn’t say anything and neither did Seth despite all the words he had clogging up his throat.
  I miss her, he wanted to say.
  I wish it had been me instead, he couldn’t help but think.
  Yet he stayed silent. Until maybe a few minutes later, when he muttered, “‘m gonna throw up.”
  His brother never mentioned that night with him. Ever. Even when Seth pulled him aside the day after to reassure him that he had thrown the smack away, Richie only replied with a quiet, “Okay,” and a stiff nod while he avoided his eyes. They didn’t talk about it and the urge to shoot up never came again. 
  He still saw her from time to time, mostly when he was close to blackout drunk and never as clearly as he had seen her that first night. Kate was always wearing something from one of their good days and she was never crying. She only watched him quietly as he fought with himself to keep her in the corner of his eyes instead of staring at what everyone else would think was nothing. 
  Six months later when he was in Santanico’s fighting ring, he saw her again. For a few beats he thought it was another hallucination, and it was enough time for the other guy to knock him down, but she was still there when he looked up. 
  Seth knew almost immediately that it was her. The unfamiliar red hair, the heavy makeup she had never used, the clothes that he had never associated with a happy time. It wasn’t a hallucination. Seth knew that despite how surreal it sounded, the person who stood in the crowd was Kate Fuller. 
  Everything after that was a fucked up nightmare. 
  Six months of grieving Kate had taken a toll on him. Seth worked hard to keep things going, he took care of business when Richie was too busy posturing as the Boss and he kept a tight ship running. He kept swinging, even when he felt like he didn’t have much strength, because he had learned many things growing up but giving up wasn’t one of them. So he pushed everything down and kept going, but by the time all of the Amaru bullshit had to be dealt with he just didn’t have anything else to give.
  Standing there at the gates of hell, Seth was done. His brother was gone but he still had Kate, at least for a little while. He had wrestled her out of death himself by force, he had refused to accept she was going to die in that church. His hands didn’t shake this time when he found a vein with the needle.
  Letting Kate walk through those gates was the hardest thing he had ever done. His brother was gone and if he lost Kate too he would have absolutely fucking nothing to keep him going, he would have done anything to keep her safe. But then she had said it.
  In the eyes of the people I love. 
  Seth knew that in that moment she was acknowledging him as part of her family, he knew that he couldn’t take her choice away, not when she was looking at him with that look on her face. Time to let go, partner. Seth did. He let her go. But only because he knew he was right behind her; if there was one thing Seth was certain it was that he was going to Hell when he died and he didn’t plan on staying a second longer without his family. There wasn’t much of a plan, really—try to save her brother as he went down swinging, then try his best to find her and Richie on the other side. 
  Only he didn’t die.
  Not only that, but Richie and Kate came back and Seth’s luck finally seemed to have turned around because in the end they were all alive and there. That Kate went with them when it was all over was another kind of miracle. 
  Months later and Seth still didn’t know how his life had turned out this particular brand of okay. 
  He wasn’t doing any more mid level-boss work since the Lords had all died, and despite the fact that sometimes the work was mind numbingly boring, he still spent a lot of his time doing what he really loved—planning for a job and then driving off into the sunset with the two people he cared the most about. 
  He had taught her some things back in Mexico but it shouldn’t have been enough to make her so smooth during their jobs. The kid was a fucking natural, and Seth caught himself sometimes being distracted in the middle of a bank robbery, looking at her in her semi-formal wear. No matter what type of clothes she wore to fit in between the two suits, they were always white. He didn’t ask about it, just like he didn’t ask about the gloves she wore sometimes even when they weren’t on a job. 
  Kate was far from healed from her ordeal, but as the months passed she got closer to okay and then okay sometimes turned into happy. And that’s all Seth ever wanted for her. 
  It had been a nice day. They had robbed a bank south of Austin and had made it out before the cops even realized what had happened, making it almost all the way down to Port O’Connor where Malvado’s operation had a nice safehouse by the beach. They spent the rest of the day counting their loot, checking the news and lounging around the house drinking and talking and laughing like they usually did.
  By sunset, Seth’s not-so-happy thoughts had returned in full force.
  He was leaning on the doorway to their back porch with a beer in hand, watching Kate as she slowly made her way down the steps so she could bury her toes in the sand. She had changed out of her white jumpsuit from that morning into the tiniest cutoffs Seth had ever seen her wear and a green tank top. Her red hair was moving with the breeze coming from the ocean and it almost reached the waistband of her shorts with the way her head was tilted up towards the last rays of sunshine. 
  She was heartbreakingly beautiful. Kate had always been pretty and the sweetness of her eyes and face had always drawn his attention in a way but now there was a certain kind of sadness to the angle of her eyebrows and the look in her eyes that somehow managed to capture his attention even further. There was confidence in the tilt of her chin, strength in the way her shoulders were never hunched and sharpness in her unbridled laugh but there was also sadness. Seth loved every single part of her. 
  He would never dare say it out loud to fucking anyone, but he couldn’t keep lying to himself. The truth was he couldn’t even tell when he had fallen in love with this girl. 
  The thing that scared him the most, though, wasn’t exactly telling her any of it—he was very content living in her shadow, with her as his partner and his brother by his side. Seth didn’t need her to love him in a way other than platonic . What scared him in moments like these was the thought of losing her. Again. If anything happened to her, if she left because she was fed up with them or, God fucking damn it, if she died , he now knew that these moments were the ones that would haunt him, her tiny shorts and the faded green tank top, keeping him company in the corner of his eye.
  Kate sighed and Seth shook himself from his depressing thoughts. She had moved back up the steps but hadn’t stepped any closer to him, her arms around herself and goosebumps on her arms.
  “You should head inside,” Seth said, his voice so rough he had to clear his throat before continuing. “It’s getting colder, at least grab a jacket, Princess.”
  Kate didn’t acknowledge his words, only stared up at him deep in thought, her green eyes catching the last light as the sun disappeared below the horizon. Seth sighed and stepped forward, leaving his beer on the railing so he could close his warmer hands over her biceps. He rubbed her arms and raised an eyebrow at her in expectation. 
  “You looked so sad,” she whispered and he stopped his motions immediately. 
  Seth cursed himself for not being more careful, but only sighed in response, squeezing her shoulders once before stepping back and reaching for his beer. She snatched it before he could, taking a long pull from it with her eyebrow raised as if to say, “If you won’t answer me, then I’ll drink it all.”
  Seth rolled his eyes and moved past her, shedding his shoes and socks as he went. He was just buzzed enough that he didn’t question the sudden urge to feel the sand beneath his feet. He had changed into more comfortable jeans and a t-shirt, and the hems of his pants were getting dirty from the sand, but he didn’t mind. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the last bit of sun on his face before Kate spoke again.
  “You know, the first time I saw your feet I blushed so hard I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to put some cold water on my cheeks,” she said suddenly. 
  “ What? ” Seth turned around so fast he thought he might have pulled a muscle. Kate had sat down on the top step, she was hugging her knees to her chest and looking at him like she deeply regretted saying anything, but she didn’t back down, even when he blinked dumbly at her.
  “Not like that , you moron!” she said with a frown, though her cheeks were getting pinker by the second. Seth couldn’t help but laugh as she exclaimed, “Shut up!”
  “No, I’m sorry, go on about my feet, sweetheart,” Seth said, stepping closer to her so he could take his beer back. He took a sip and handed the rest of it to her, something unwinding in his chest at the sound of her embarrassed giggles. Kate took a long gulp of the cool beer before letting it drop on the step next to her. 
  “I just mean that it felt… intimate, I guess.” She shrugged one shoulder, somehow managing to look both shy and confident. “Like I was seeing you be vulnerable or something.”
  Seth propped one leg on the step beneath her, bracing his elbow on the railing so he could lean down closer to her. There was a soft smile on his face that he couldn’t hide no matter how hard he tried and his only consolation was that Kate’s cheeks were darkening still. 
  “I get it,” he let her off the hook, snorting a bit. “I had that same “oh shit” moment when I walked in on you only wearing a towel a few days in.”
  “Don’t be creepy,” she whispered teasingly and Seth rolled his eyes.
  “Not like that ,” he threw her words back at her, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips briefly. “It’s just that I’ve never realized how… ready you were at all times. It’s like you carried yourself like a goddamn soldier on the battlefield, ready for anything thrown your way, you know? Confident and sure of yourself, always. But that day I caught you off-guard and… I guess I just realized how tiny you looked. Made me think of how much I needed to take care of you, to protect you.”
  There was a beat where they just stayed quiet, neither of them knowing what to say after their small confessions and Seth letting his eyes look anywhere but at hers while feeling her gaze heavy on him. 
  “What were you thinking?” Kate asked in a small voice. “Before?”
  “Kate,” Seth sighed again, met her eyes for a brief second before bracing himself to push off the railing so he could put some space between them. Kate stopped him with a hand on the loose fabric of his jeans on his shin.
  “What were you thinking, Seth?”
  Goddamn it, he couldn’t deny her. Not when she was looking up at him with that beautiful, sad face of hers, not when her voice felt so fucking quiet and intimate, especially not with the way he could kind of look down her shirt from where he was standing above her. 
  Without meaning to, Seth started rambling on like a fucking amateur.
  “When you died,” he started and had to take a deep breath after saying that dreaded word, “I was in a really bad place. I kept… I had these visions of you. I mean-” and now he was full-on babbling, “I had a vision of you once, but that was because of the heroin and after that one time I never did it again but…” Seth let out a harsh breath and looked up at the darkening night sky so he wouldn’t have to look at her. “Every time I saw you, you were wearing something from a day during our time in Mexico where things were good. Or at least not as bad as usual. The days where I could get you to smile. And now… Now sometimes I think during these happy days that if you’re gone again, I’ll be seeing you in these clothes.”
  Kate didn’t immediately say anything, the only sound between them the waves crashing behind him and the rush of his heart beating in his ears. So Seth kept going, as if he hadn’t made a fool of himself enough.
  “I don’t think I can take losing you again.” He muttered it so quietly that it felt like a confession, whispered at the feet of her altar. 
  Kate stood up slowly, swaying slightly because they were both tipsy by that point, but standing tall and sure, towering slightly above him because of her higher ground. She slowly reached for his hand and pulled him forward until he had to change his position to stand a few steps beneath her. Her hands were cold in his but she wasn’t wearing her gloves and Seth could only feel grateful for the feel of her skin. She held his hand between two of hers like he was the one who needed warming up, but Seth didn’t mind. He squeezed her back.
  “We’re both going to die, Seth.” She said it so bluntly Seth’s eyes snapped back to hers but she didn’t stop long enough for him to say anything. “If we have it our way at least, we’re both going to die and that’s the only certainty we have. The only certainty anyone has ever had, Seth. This is the way things have always been.”
  “I know, but,” Seth tried to interrupt but Kate wouldn’t have it.
  “You don’t need to protect me, okay? We’re partners , that means we have each other’s backs. I have your back and you have mine.” She squeezed his hand tightly and there was something in her eyes that made Seth almost forget to breathe. Kate gave him a tiny smile, one that held so many things Seth didn’t know what to make of it, only that it made his heart speed up and, combined with the lack of breathing, left him feeling a little dizzy. “We can’t change the end but we can make sure these happy days are as happy as they can be, right?”
  Seth was nodding before his brain caught up with him. Fuck, he loved her so much. He would agree with anything she said as long as she kept looking at him like that, kept holding on to his hand like she was.
  “Yeah, honey, alright,” he managed to say, his voice kind of hoarse. He felt his ears warm when she giggled a bit, like he was a goddamn kid again with his very first crush. He didn’t even know it was still possible to feel those fucking butterflies. 
  “Good,” Kate said, her voice final as she smiled slightly at him. “Because I’m going to kiss you now.”
  “What?” Seth’s whole world stopped. It felt like she had pulled out the steps from beneath his feet and taken his breath and any cognitive function along with her. Kate only nodded, her cheeks darkening again, her eyes never wavering from his. 
  “Yep,” she said. “It’s okay if you don’t want it to mean anything, you know? I mean, I do, but it doesn’t matter because a kiss is never a bad thing, right? I guess there are some situations where it could be but not like this, okay? I’m just making this happy day happier and I really do want to kiss you, have wanted for quite a while to be completely honest, and if you want to forget about—”
  Seth could see how she was going from confident to uncertain and embarrassed the longer he stood there with his dumb mouth hanging open like a goddamn fish and his eyebrows trying to see if they could merge with his hairline. He snapped out of it suddenly, and without even realizing what was going on, he was reaching forward to kiss her. 
  Seth didn’t kiss Kate like he wanted to, taking his time, being gentle and careful. He kissed her like he knew she wanted to be kissed, like he wasn’t afraid to break her, like he knew she was the strongest fucking person on this earth. And she was.
  He buried his hands in her hair on the back of her skull, his thumbs tilting her jaw down so he could kiss her better with her standing above him. Seth didn’t know who exactly deepened the kiss, maybe it had been him, but it didn’t fucking matter because now he knew how Kate Fuller tasted and he could die right there and die the happiest man on fucking earth. He slid his hands down until they found their way to her back pockets so he could pull her closer to him, their chests touching as he went up one step.
  Kate’s arms were around his neck then, holding him close, as if he would ever willingly part from her ever fucking again. Richie would just have to deal with the fact that their next jobs would have to be handled with Kate hanging off his neck like that. She pulled away slightly, taking a few gasping breaths but he pulled her closer without even opening his eyes, kissing her once more and then another one after just because he could because she really wanted to kiss him. Had for a while now.
  When Seth finally managed to break the kiss again before either of them passed out, he was standing on the same step as her, her tiny feet on top of his as he held most of her weight up so he could keep kissing her.
  “Oh,” Kate gasped slightly, her eyes shining bright even as her pupils were dilated. 
  Yeah, Seth agreed with that sentiment. He huffed a laugh which she echoed, then breathed her in before diving back in to taste her smile. Truth was, it didn’t really matter how it would all end. He had already gotten the happily ever after he wanted, this was fucking El Rey. 
  His brother safe and happy, Kate’s arms around him and the sound of the crashing waves welcoming the dusk and waking them up at dawn. 
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yossariandawn · 3 years
tagged by @astarkey 💖💖💖 and @alwaysupatnight 💖💖💖 Y'all are the best, thank you for thinking of me once again!
Favorite color? Blue.
Currently reading? Picked up some new books today, but I haven't started them yet. Last thing I read was @lilmissuncreative's newest chapter of Married at First Sight, and @tiesthatbind1899's first chapter to Religion in El Rey. I am informally reccing both of them now, because I still need to get my brain together enough to comment on them, but highly recommend!!!
Last song you listened to? I've been listening to my Mexican Honeymoon playlist, for feelings purposes, and the last song it played for me was Vacant by Echoes. Kate being angry while still caring about people deeply (often angry because she cares deeply) is one of my favorite things, so this is a great song for how she was feeling watching Seth run headfirst at rock bottom. you've been running from yourself for a while // waiting for the whole thing to catch fire // you think that if you burn down you'll be fine // and maybe i'd forget all the time you lied
Last series? The last new show I finished was probably Squid Games? I guess technically the last show I've seen was Riverdale, which my niece will watch sometimes while I stare on in complete bewilderment as to what is happening. That's also how I "watched" Vampire Diaries. It's a wild way to watch tv shows that are that, um... intense, only seeing one or two episodes every half a season. I do get detailed recaps for what I've missed! It doesn't help much. And why are fictional small towns such wildly dangerous places to go to high school/throw any social events?!
Last movie? Arthur's Christmas, which was even cuter than I remembered. It really makes the most of it's premise, and I love all the tiny details and worldbuilding they put into it.
Savory, sweet or spicy? Spicy!
Currently working on? Hahaha so many, many things. I want to finish all of them, but I just keep jumping around frantically every time I have a chance to work on anything. Last thing I made progress on was my Seth Gecko + unhealthy coping mechanism character study vid though.
tagging (with no pressure as always!) @skywalkrers, @artthurshelby, @yllkaa, @captain-k-jones, @scarychristmas, @scrumptiousperfectionwizard, @aquamancienne, @astriferias, @tiesthatbind1899 and anyone else who sees this and wants to play!
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sandalaris · 3 years
send your a character impression asks: Seth and Kate if you don't have those already, and Jeff Winger and Annie Edison! ❤❤❤
Seth Gecko
First impression: I think I loved him right off the bat. He’s snarky and quick witted and those are usually the characters I like first. 
Impression now: Not much has changed. I suppose I have more of an understanding for how he handled his demons now compared to my initial reaction to his heroin use. And I definitely think he’s at his healthiest in season three. 
Favorite moment: Oh jeeze, he has so many good ones! I suppose I rather like him in Shady Glen. Just like his whole taking charge of the group and his awkwardly trying to smooth things over when he and Richie busted in guns drawn on that woman and her son. Reminded me of the convo between him and the Dew Drop Inn clerk.
Idea for a story: Nothing new, but I’ve got anther tUA-inspired AU snippet brewing that touches more on Seth’s Bad Ass Normal superpower though.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know that it’s all that unpopular, but I’m not convinced Seth used again after season two. I’m not convinced he didn’t either, but it’s never been a personal headcanon or something that I’ve felt was a given or anything. I mostly feel that he went back to popping prescription pain pills and probably mixing them with alcohol (not smart) when he was feeling particularly shitty.
Favorite relationship: Probably him and Richie (although he and Kate are a close second.) Their relationship is pretty much the heart of the show and I don’t think I would’ve loved it nearly so much had it not been.
Favorite headcanon: It’s a tie between Seth getting a cross tattoo to represent Kate after season three, and that Seth started questioning his faith after the blood-transfusion-that-shouldn’t’ve-worked. And as a tie into the second one, that he and Kate do not have compatible blood types, something Seth learned after the fact.
Kate Fuller
First impression: That she was a typical, albeit a bit on the mature side, teenage girl, lol. At least for most of season one. I think I probably stereotyped her a bit, because I remember not realizing just how quickly Kate grew unafraid/immune to the Gecko Brothers until my first rewatch.
Impression now: She is so much a “there’s bravery in remaining soft”/”world’s nicest badass”/”do not mistake my kindness for ignorance” character. She has this quiet strength and is unwavering in who she is at her core.  
Favorite moment: Pretty much anytime Kate meets someone new and they inevitably get attached and decide to go to the ends of the earth for her (or they’re evil and decide they want to possess her *cough*Malvado,Tanner,Oculto*cough*)
Idea for a story: I’ve been wanting to write a fairytale!AU, particularly with my favorite fairytale, but it doesn’t fit SethKate all that well. Maybe I’ll just expand on that crack!ficlet I wrote...? Idk. I’ve got too many wips anyway.
Unpopular opinion: I can’t think of one I haven’t named before. I suppose with the increase in purity culture here on Tumblr the fact that I really don’t mind the age gap between Seth and Kate nor do I think it makes any difference if Kate’s underage or legally an adult would count.
Favorite relationship: In show it’s probably her and the Gecko Brothers, but in those inbetween moments I really love her and Scott.
Favorite headcanon: Currently I’m think about how I headcanon that Kate has some lingering muscle memory about swordsmanship from Amaru. Its nothing too exciting, especially since Amaru’s pre-Earth memories -and therefore her memories of learning to use a sword- are fuzzy at best, but her body practiced with one enough during those six months that it falls into place easy enough when she picks up a blade.
Jeff Winger
First impression: Like Seth, he’s that brand of snarky and quick witted that I immediately like. 
Impression now: I don’t know that it’s changed much. I love how the show let Jeff grow but also let him slip back into old habits. People don’t change overnight, and while Jeff didn’t need each lesson hammered over his head repeatedly, he did need to learn not to fall back into his default mode whenever he could.  
Favorite moment: Anytime Jeff shows genuine excitement to hang out with the study group. Like when he showed up early to the apartment for the wedding.
Idea for a story: I’ve had this idea for a while where Jeff never got caught and is an even worse version of himself than he was circa the pilot. And he somehow meets a few (maybe all?) of the study group only they don’t make him a better person so much as he manipulates them into being part of his life as he unwantingly grows attached to each of them. It’s kind of dark for a Community fic, not counting some of the darkest timeline fics, but the idea entered my head one day and has been living rent free there ever sense.
Unpopular opinion: Its mostly unpopular among Jeff/Annie shippers, but I rather like how the Jeff/Britta storyline played out. It makes sense to me that they became friends with benefits and that the sexual tension between them faded as they got to know each other on a deeper level since they were incompatible. Plus, I really like their friendship.
Favorite relationship: I really loved his and Abed’s dynamic at the beginning of the series, but for the bulk of the show it’s a tie between him and Annie (romantic) and him and Britta (platonic)
Favorite headcanon: I fully believe Jeff is demiromantic. Its why he doesn’t think romantic love is real, he so rarely experiences it and only after getting close to someone, something he actively avoids doing, and why he figured that having a friend he gets along with and is sexually attracted to is all that was needed for a romantic relationship.
Annie Edison
First impression: Mainly I just remember not liking her crush on Troy in the first season, lol. I’ve never been that into ships where one side is super obvious and kind of desperate while the other is oblivious and/or sees them as just friends. I was really proud of her when she decided to not let Troy use her grandmother’s blanket (which is coincidentally also the episode I started to ship her and Jeff, albeit mildly at the time) and their friendship later on was wonderful.
Impression now: She’s one of my favorite characters on the show, although on Community I love them all so that’s not saying much, lol. Troy says it best when he says that Annie expects everyone to be better than they are and for herself to be better than everyone.
Favorite moment: I can’t just pick one moment, grr. Fine, the first thing that popped into my head was Annie saying the line about “a C? Why don’t I just get pregnant at a gas station?!” or something like that. Just her absolute insistence that anything less than perfection in herself is some kind of a epic failure in life is just amusing to me.
Idea for a story: I don’t think I really have any off the top of my head that aren’t Community as a whole fics. I’d love to write an AU for the show someday, it lends itself to the concept so well that just about any sort of AU would do. An I still have the FDtD crossover fic that is sitting all messy in my wip folder.
Unpopular opinion: I don’t really care where they went with her character in seasons five and six (I particularly don’t like how it was played for laughs that she started taking pills again between seasons 4 and 5). Her storylines are mostly fine, but I prefer the way her character went in the seasons that came before.
Favorite relationship: I was trying to think of someone besides Jeff, but even not looking at them as a ship I really did love their dynamic throughout the show. 
Favorite headcanon: Annie’s parents where the ones who got her hooked on Adderall, telling her what to say to her doctor to get a prescription or maybe bringing home a bottle themselves, so that she could keep up her perfect grades and do all the right afterschool activities to get into an Ivy League school and make them proud. They were mostly embarrassed that Annie “couldn’t handle it” and tried to quit, saying she needed to try harder and “really, Annie, stop being so dramatic” when she OD’d.
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
Since you sent me an a bonus two, I am taking that as a greenlight to send even more! How about Kate Fuller and looking through your tags: Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist) 💖
omg this took forever!! lmaooo Thanks for all the characters though!! :D
Kate Fuller
Why I like them: My love!! I went into FDTD already a fan of Madie’s but Kate quickly became one my fave characters!! I love that she’s so small and cute but will absolute wreck you if you mess with her or someone she cares about!! lmfao She’s so fierce when she needs to be and doesn’t take shit from anyone, but she’s also so nurturing and forgiving and I think we all need a little of that in our lives. Absolute sunshine, not to be taken for granted.
Why I don’t: Sometimes she goes a little too far tbh. She doesn’t know when or how to say no. It’s not that I don’t like that about her, but it absolutely gets her into situations that could otherwise be avoided.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Again season 2 episode 1!! I love how she sasses Seth in that episode. lol
Favorite season/movie: Hmm... maybe season 1.
Favorite line: “...So you’re gonna put this car into drive, and you’re gonna step on that pedal, or I’m gonna Bible-thump your ass all the way back to Kansas! NOW!” LMFAOOO
Favorite outfit: I think her black American Eagle jacket and jeans with the black boots outfit has become so attributable to her character in my mind. When I think of Kate she’s wearing either that outfit or the one she wears at the end of s1. I think those are my faves. Also Amaru’s outfit looked totally amazing on Madie!!
OTP: Sethkate obvs
Brotp: I’m gonna go with Kate and Rafa. He was too good!! I totally would ship them romantically too ngl. They were precious together!!
Head Canon: Ugh again with the head canons... lmao I kinda always believed she’d wanna study engineering of some kind if given the chance to go to back and finish school. Everyone always wants to make her a nurse or a teacher or something, and I can totally see that. But I like the idea that she’s interested in how things work. I totally wanna write a mechanic Kate au one of these days.
Unpopular opinion: idk that I have any unpopular opinions about her... She made some questionable decisions in season2, but I forgive her for making me suffer.
A wish: That she hadn’t mf DIED!! BECAUSE I SUFFERED OKAY. WORRYING FOR MONTHS THAT IT HAPPENED TO ME YET AGAIN AND THAT MY FAVE WAS DEAD. Also that she had gotten more screentime in season 3. She barely had a few minutes. It wasn’t fair. And I wish that Richie had owned up to his part in her death.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Romantic tres geckos. No thanks!!
5 words to best describe them: Too good for this world
My nickname for them: Seth’s badass beautiful young wife. That’s my tag name for her. :P Also Kate Gecko.
Joel Hammond
Why I like them: OMFG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! lmao I love that he’s so dedicated to his family. And he LOVES Sheila more than anything, even though she’s become a zombie and her entire personality changes on him and eats people now, but he stays with her and never gives up on her. Even though he’s highkey stressed 100% of the time. :P
Why I don’t: I don’t think there’s anything I don’t like about him tbh??
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Ughhh idk I loved all the episodes tbh. But one of my favorite scenes was in season 3 after he and Eric do the zombie killing training and Eric says “Joel touched me” XD
Favorite season/movie: IDK. Maybe a tie between s1 and s3.
Favorite line: haha idk I can’t remember any in particular except “You’re killing it!” when he finds out Abby soaked his iron skillet in the sink :P
Favorite outfit: I don’t think I have one? I never really paid attention tbh.
OTP: Joel and Sheila!! They belong together!!
Brotp: Joel and Eric!! forever dying at those two. I love their relationship so much!!
Head Canon: I never thought about it tbh...
Unpopular opinion: Don’t have any!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that his personality would be really different from his original one after turning into a zombie
5 words to best describe them: Best husband in the world
My nickname for them: don’t have one!!
Edward Elric
Why I like them: I really loved his relationship with Alphonse!! They meant everything to each other!! I haven’t seen FMA anything in a long time, or I’m sure I would remember more things I liked. :P
Why I don’t: Okay I found the Brotherhood anime Edward pretty goddamn annoying sometimes with all the screaming and cartoony reactions to things...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): idkkkkk
Favorite season/movie: I definitely preferred the 2003 anime... Brotherhood might be canon but idgaf!! I still haven’t read the manga. :P
Favorite line: “You’ve got a good, strong pair of legs, Rose. You should get up and use ‘em.” haha idk I haven’t seen either anime in so long but that one comes to mind... there’s so many different versions of it. :P
Favorite outfit: He literally always wears the same thing. lol
OTP: ehh... I mean everyone ships him with Winry but I didn’t really ship him with anyone? I know he and Winry are canon. idgaf though. I hated that she was always fucking hitting him in Brotherhood and though I did think they were really cute in the 2003 series it didn’t really go there?
Brotp: Ed and Al forever!! Their relationship is my favorite thing about the series!! omfg I cried when I watched the Shamballa movie when Al says “brother” in his sleep, stuck in the other world. T_T I know it’s not “canon” but the brothers’ relationship is developed soooooo much better in the 2003 series and movie.
Head Canon: don’t got any!!
Unpopular opinion: NGL I loved the 2003 anime soooo much more than Brotherhood because they didn’t cut every potentially emotional scene off at the knees with some comedic BS to lighten the mood. The 2003 series really gave the story and characters time it needed, and it really allowed us to get to know the brothers and grow an attachment to those characters. That series just had wayyyy better character development imo and I really grew to love Ed and Al so much because of it!! I haven’t actually read the manga still after all this time. lol I’ve been meaning to.
A wish: idk... I haven’t been in that fandom for ages...
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I can’t think of anything...?
5 words to best describe them: haha I hate this question
My nickname for them: don’t have one :P
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chronic-ghost · 5 years
do you have any fave readings that inspire your writing i’ve always been curious :)
Hi! I really had to think about this, but these are just some of fanfics I keep coming back to either for the plot or the prose or a combination of both!
these roads will take you into your own country - (American Gods) combines everything about a good fanfiction: totally fits within canon, absolutely brilliant plot, and enough tension I want to scream.
lady lazarus - (American Gods) the moment i read the epithets, i knew this was a treasure.
the mighty - (FDTD) excellent character study of one of my favorite characters, Seth Gecko. All character studies should be as good as this one.
Forms - (Star Wars) expertly plotted and paced. Better than canon, I dare say.
These are just some of my favorites. All of these are so good, they make me to want to be as good. Additionally, some more traditionally published authors include Maureen Johnson, Libba Bray, and Angela Carter. 
There are a ton more but those are the ones I feel like I return to the most. Hope this helps!
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ambrosiaswhispers · 6 years
A Bit About...
Day 4 for September Scribbles a little more background on this AU FDTD/HP mini-story series.
So let’s talk about some practicality and background for these crazies and this crazy world. Now the world itself I had to make some adjustments to it obviously and the characters themselves. First of all, the age gap is not as much. Mostly because I needed it tighter to make this work practically – not sure how practicality and magick goes together, but this is where they are living.
Our beautiful Hogwarts is set-up as follows: Students attend in the elementary/primer school age as strictly students up until high school level and graduation. After graduation – students have the option to continue with advanced studies to go further in magick or they have to basically commit to part-time teacher roles with younger students while still taking some classes. This keeps you in school until you’re about 24-ish depending on your skill level and how far you want to go.
Now as far as going back and forth to the other side – this is a little more fluid or rigid depending on your family and skill – this will be a little clearer with someone of the Gecko backstory – but we’ll get there.
Seth is appearing as 22yrs old in this story (why I choose to deal with him at this age is beyond me) And despite his talents, he’s not a fan of extra studies- which leaves him part-time teaching….oh god!!!!! He’s shaping young minds.
Richie appearing as just 21yrs – obviously he’s going through the advanced studies. He keeps to himself a bit and he’d be further along – but there was an incident last year, that’ll come up. He just wants to know everything and try what hasn’t been attempted…I’m sure nothing will go wrong here.
Kate is appearing as just shy of 18yrs when we start – she’s finishing her senior year, but since she actually got ahead studying on her own, she’s in some fairly advance classes. She’s just so happy to be in the environment that she’s got an almost permanent smile on her face.
Now as far as characters from the Harry Potter World showing up…that may happen. But understand that I’m not following any of the timelines from the books – so the characters will be themselves, but that’s about it. Also if this happens – it would be very limited to some extent.
Clooney – now where he comes from is sorta explained in that first little story. He’s an unusually large Crup – mostly these guys are the size and coloring of a Jack Russel terrier. Clooney is a different story. He’s mostly black with a few wisps of white on his paws and the tip of his tail and he’d the size of a small German Shepard with ears that stand straight up – trust me if you see his reflective blue eyes in a dark hall without a Gecko (or apparently now Kate) with him you are NOT going to have a good time.
Azil – now this pale grey Jarvey is bit of a mischief maker. He’s almost always with Richie, hiding in a pocket, resting on the back of Richie’s neck while he studies, or sleeping nearby. His language is about what you’d expect it to be living with those two knuckleheads. Azil showed up not too long after the Gecko’s mother disappeared…but that’s another story.
Well that’s it for now. If you have questions or thoughts on things for this please let me know. I’ve gotten so many nice asks on this. It’s totally making me smile. Oh and before I forget, I wasn’t going to post this AO3 – but would you guys like me too?????
Thank you for reading and as always: Love to My Loves!!
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culebral · 7 years
Tumblr media
SHIPPING INFO   /  answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.    
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?:  richie gecko x his rice milk. richie gecko x rc cola. richie gecko x his ‘sky’s not the limit’ ambition, richie gecko x that mad cash flow, y’know? in short, i actually don’t ship anything in the from dusk till dawn show; it’s how i work. i do like the shit that went down between rich and monica garza in season one, episode three but i really wouldn’t go so far as to call it ‘shipping’.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: literally anything. but please note that richard fucking gecko isn’t a romantic in any way, shape or form. he’s got his subtle, little ways to show he might care a little…sure but he’s not the type to golden lab slobber your muses’ ass and wanna be around her all the time, so don’t expect garbage like fluff from his end and unless the planets are all perfectly aligned and unless you made like, twenty plus blood sacrifices to the gods; he might give your cheek a caress sometime.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: doesn’t matter older ladies-wise. he dated kisa who was five plus centuries, lmao but yeah, anything over 29 ( his age right now ) is perfectly fine. few times he’s been attracted to gals, they always tend to be older than him. giving me the semblance that yes, he has a strong fixation towards goddess status chicks. he doesn’t like younger than him. at all, lmao. and when he does, it’s rare as fuck. anyone 22 under has a non-existent chance of worming her way into his heart. 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: exceedingly selective. and it isn’t even out of character, lmao. probably went into depth about this one but richard’s emotionally detached and people like that, though invested in a person one minute; they could totally discard you the next without a blink. this character literally invented complex and with his mind going over 9000 miles a min, he could realize that maybe you weren’t so great. that you’re in his way of improving himself and then just pulls a fucking houdini on you one day and rip relationship. if your muse can get past the first test just fine and reel richard in and crap and pass the test of time, you should be golden lmao 
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: i tag the mildest shit nsfw cause i’ve got underage followers, people who view tumbles on work and/or school and i don’t want this shit popping out on ‘em lmao. even if it’s just a musing with any sort of nude implications, #nsfw. gotta be courteous to our followers, y’know
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: i blame @bitchculebra for making me ship richard with kisa when i didn’t, lmao. opened my eyes to see our favorite snake goddess’ perspective of it which was pretty fucking neat and it all made sense with what fdtd ‘s canon brought to the table at the time? it was really fucking nice. got a nice assorted bag with @red-hemlock with our endless au’s, lmao which might i add took a hell of a long time to get to where they are ! talk about being #dedicated af. definitely one of my favorites is the on and off, love / hate relationship rich has with @dissolvedshadows. her character is legit the hardest nut to crack and it’s great af cause they’re always fucking fighting lmao . my favorite kind of ship honestly. that, and the one i have with  @bringerofruin which started off as a no strings attached type of deal but is slowly starting to switch to something bordering a crush buisiness partnership? got a few more but i’ve listed enough for now.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: when it happens, lol. sure.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: seth gecko x 20 mil. kisa/santanico pandemonium x freedom. scott fuller x his ninja blades. aiden tanner x cultural studies. carlos madrigal x cherry lime, idk man lmao
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?:  wait. if richard miraculously starts warming up to your muse after a year or two, cool if not and you’re here to only pursue a romantic relationship with this guy? not sorry for pissing on your parade, man lmao
TAGGING:  naaaah TAGGED BY: @red-hemlock .
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meeedeee · 5 years
Kate Fuller : Blood In the Cut - music video
Fandoms: From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Kate Fuller/Seth Gecko
Kate Fuller & Richard Gecko
Kate Fuller & Scott Fuller
Kate Fuller & Freddie Gonzalez
Kate Fuller
Seth Gecko
Richard Gecko
Scott Fuller
Freddie Gonzalez
Character Study
music video
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/20632259
0 notes
sandalaris · 4 years
DVD Commentary: Lesson in Navigation for B! (I know you said you had some Seth POV you might do too, and I'd love to see that so much, so if you wanted to put some out there now! If not I can wait for it) and C. Uncle Eddie raising the boys headcanon please! And I still thinking about a good A, just to warn you 🤣
XD Thanks!
I’m gonna start with C so I can put B under a cut.
C. Send me the name of any fanfic I’ve written and I’ll give you my headcanons or a drabble about another character in that universe.
Uncle Eddie raising the boys!
He regrets not pushing them to stay in school longer. He all but assumed they were going into the same business as him and Ray, teaching them everything he knew and giving them to tools they needed not to get caught at an early age, and it wasn’t until an already dropped out Seth showed interest in possibly doing something else that he realized he should have made them both graduate, so they’d at least have options. (Richie may have shown other interests as well, but since it was stated in the first season that Richie’s the one who got Seth into being a career criminal and they seemed to have started fairly young, I’m mostly convinced Seth was the only one who wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted to do with his life.) It’s not a major regret or anything, and it all worked out in the end, but he does look back and think that he shouldn’t have let them close the door on other options until they were both sure.
Uncle Eddie never knew just how big of a bastard Ray was to his kids. Why would he? The guy was his partner, his brother in everything but blood, and they lived in different states. Sure, he knew the guy drank too much after his wife ran out on him and left him raising two boys alone, but he never saw any suspicious bruises during the few times he’d visit in person or heard him make any kind of real threat. He didn’t know, and he never learned. Maybe if he had he wouldn’t have filled the boys heads’ with stories about the Great Ray Gecko. Wouldn’t have told them repeatedly how much their old man was a legend and that they should be proud to be his sons. He thought he was doing right by his partner, right by the boys, giving them stories of the dad they loved and lost and painting their dad into this legend to be proud of.
Eddie mostly stopped pulling cons himself when the boys moved in with him. Its not that he couldn’t, they were old enough they didn’t need him constantly hovering, but he couldn’t shake the thought that if something went wrong there wouldn’t be anyone else to take them in, and if he’s honest with himself he’d always preferred the planning over the executing anyway. He still pulled the occasional score, he was just more selective in which ones he took on himself. He’d always been a planner, the mastermind behind the scenes, and it wasn’t uncommon for people to come to him to help hook them up with a crew or job. But before Seth and Richie, it was a part time gig, most of his plans made for him and his over offering them to others for a cut of the profit. The boys’ arrival changed that, although they never did learn how they were the turning point for him going into semi-retirement.
Seth was sort of desperate to prove himself worthy of being taken in by Eddie, (which had its own ups and downs) but Richie was fairly distant when they first moved in, not convinced that Uncle Eddie wasn’t just another version of their dad. It was Uncle Eddie that first started calling Richie a genius (Seth always said Richie was smart, but that was different, because Seth was his brother and they looked out for each other and sometimes they didn’t see the other clearly), who took in his ticks and eccentricities in stride and still praised his “big ass brain.” He found problems for Richie to solve to stave off boredom, and got him a library card and bought him books on whatever obscure topics caught his attention. He’ll never know it, but in his own small way Uncle Eddie undid so much of the damage Ray left behind, allowing Richie to open up and connect with people other than Seth.
B. Send me the name of any fanfic I’ve written and I’ll give you a drabble from the other half of the pair’s point of view.
This may or may not be edited by the time it gets posted.
Seth and Sonja talk in the hotel room after he catches her and Kate outside.
“You have a plan for after this?” she asks as he closes the door, perching on the edge of one of the beds (Kate’s bed) and leaning back on one hand.
“I-” he stops, because he doesn’t have an answer. Hadn’t really thought past each moment of next. “Something like that, yeah,” he answers finally on a sigh.
“You’re going to need one,” she says plainly, tilting her head and studying him in a way that doesn’t feel invasive, like she can peel back a layer of his skin and get a glimpse of what lies beneath. Not like Richie, not like Kate.  
“You sound like you’ve done this before,” he says, looking away.
“Something like that, yeah,” she echoes, even though it wasn’t a question. Not really. “Enough to know that someone doesn’t get to where you were without a reason. Want to know my guess?”
“Enlighten me.”
“I think it’s about what happened between you and your brother."
The familiar anger flares up, mixing and masking that deep well of pain that likes to catch him off guard. The anger is easier, clenching his jaw and stealing his words, but not his breath. Doesn’t carve its way through his chest and twist his stomach.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“We split,” he all but snaps out.  
“Never thought I’d see the day,” she says, not noticing or ignoring his reaction. “When the infamous Gecko Brothers would be no more.”
“Is there a point to this line of questioning?”
She rolls her eyes, but lets it go, allowing the silence to stretch and twist between them for a short moment.
“So,” she beings carefully, “I met your little friend.”  
For a split second, Seth pictures the gunman, heart pounding in remembered fear renewing itself.  
“You mean Kate?” he clarifies, relief warm in chest as his brain catches up with the facts.  
“Yeah. Kate.” She says the name with a hard edge, nearly clipping the first syllable. Seth frowns, flashes of Kate’s crossed arms and hard jaw outside the door playing through his memory. “After the way you talked about her, I was expecting someone... older.” She says the words almost carefully, pushing forward until she rests her elbows on her knees, watching him steadily.
“Oh?” His arms cross over his chest, body going loose and tense all at once.  
“I thought you were fucking her,” she says bluntly.  
He stares, waiting a too long beat before saying blandly, “That’d be illegal.”
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sandalaris · 4 years
WIP Title Game
Tagged by @youbecool @alwaysupatnight and @fortysevenswrites Thank you all so much! I
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Some are repeats because of how I do my writing, but here we go! (under a cut because there’s a lot of them)
1A - the document I use to edit the latest chapter of multi-fics I am working on, currently A Lesson in Navigation’s next chapter
A Lesson in Navigation - holds all future chapters/scenes/snippets/notes for my WIP
A SethKate Community - fusion fic! the FDtD characters are now a study group at a community college… also has some scenes for the reverse
ALiN Alternate Scene - deleted scenes for A Lesson in Navigation
ALiN Pieces to reignite - I got writers block a while back and so just started randomly writing whatever came to mind for SethKate
ALiN Seth’s POV - what is says on the title
All The Little Pieces notes - because that sucker got complicated and I kept forgetting where people were at
Andy x Lauren - an in-pieces drabble/fic for the show Gifted exploring Andy and Lauren’s mental connection and what all it means. Kinda shippy
Baby, We’re a Cliche part 2 - sequel to a Sterek AU fic
Biscuit Teacher - from the kdrama Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy. I really wanted Bo Ri to find out that Hyun Woo lied about Tae In wanting her there and then have them break up sooner, probably won’t ever be finished but I’m glad I wrote it
Chapter something - I’m shortening this list because I technically have Chapter 26, Chapter 27 and Chapter 29 and this vaugly named Chapter something all as separate document for All the Little Pieces (the main document was getting too long)
Document1 - creatively named. SethKate, inspired by the tumblr post about someone’s grandparents meeting with their grandpa tried to rob their grandma
Document2 - a rough scene from a Community fic
Document3 - has two scenes from two different FDtD fics that I need to put back where they go
DW - a Doctor Who AU where nothing is alien and everything is fae
FDtD Fire Us - post-apocalypse SethKate fic based strongly on the Fire-Us series (or rather the set up for that world and the disease that killed almost everyone). Seth and Richie find a set of siblings squatting in one of their safe houses… except they shouldn’t exist.
FDtD Seth Kate Richie - probably Gen fic where Seth and Richie are Kate’s imaginary friends… until they aren’t
FDtD Touching With Intention - a post-series Kate-centric fic about her taking her healing into her own hands, background SethKate
FDtD - a shit ton of random snippets and fic ideas that are all firmly on the backburner until I either get the overwhelming urge to finish them, delete them, or post them as chapters in my never to be finished fic (mostly SethKate). Including scenes from: Zombie AU, dark Amaru/Brasa (+Kate) fic on those six months between season 2 and 3, cursed!Kate is stuck in an alternate reality dreamstate and the Gecko brothers have to go in to get her out, and superpowered S1 AU (featuring precog!Richie, Scott can “do the math,” Kate can make people tell the truth, Freddie’s not sayin what he can do… yet, and Seth the badass normal one)
 Good Bad Kinda Fairytale - FDtD inspired by the Kinda Fairytale series where people are born either Good or Bad. SethKate featuring oblivious!Kate and pissed off!Seth.
Leverage!Life With Derek - Derek/Casey fic where the McDonalds and the Venturis are each a crime family that decide to start helping people with their skills
Lydia and Peter - an exploration of the connection between Peter and Lydia from Teen Wolf
MacGyver weirdness - what it says on the title, :P
Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU - actually just lightly inspired by the movie. SethKate. After a year of marriage, Seth, a semi-retired master theif who never told his wife how he got the money, begins to suspect that Kate is also some kind of wanted criminal… she’s not, but he’s not the only one to make that mistake and now people are shooting at them.
Murdered by Pirates is Good - a Richie/Kisa Princess Bride inspired fic where Kisa is telling Scott and Kate her story
Murdered by Pirates is Good 2- the SethKate sequel or possible alongside fic
(another set of multidocuments that are technically all the same) Nano 2, Nano Edit Numero Uno, Nano - all various edited stages of the Community/FDtD crossover where Jeff is Seth’s lawyer
Random Rumbelle - what it says in the title, lol.
Rene x Trevor - probably another fic I won’t finish, but Rene’s reaction to finding out that “Trevor” is actually a traveler in her boyfriend’s dead body
SethKate - my attempt to write smut for the first time, post-season one with kinda-a-werewolf-but-not-really!Seth
Shin x ET - The Lonley God kdrama fic where Shin struggles with not kissing his newly found bride
Spark Stiles - a semi-dark Sterek fic where Stiles climbs his way out of hell to get revenge for Scott’s murder
Sterek - two Stiles/Derek fic ideas that are on the backburner for now
Sterek SS inspired Part Two- the sequel to Intervening Process (We’ve Got This)
Stolen Kisses of an Ill-Begotten Age - Jeff/Annie post-Debate fic where Jeff gets to finally talk to someone about how Annie knocked him on his ass with one kiss
The Salt of Man - Life with Derek, Derek/Casey post-apocalypitic fic
Tumblr - the SethKate sequel to the drabble of Kate finding a drunk and high Seth and running her fingers through his hair…. that’s actually pretty much done, I should post it
Untitled tumblr drabble - a Richie/Dakota kissing prompt from @alwaysupatnight
Untitled tumblr drabble 2 - a SethKate kissing prompt from @yossariandawn
Waiting - a Criminal Minds fic involving none of the main characters, lol
What the Hell - a Big Bang Theory AU where Penny ends up Sheldon’s roommate and Leonard moves across the hall
wtf - a collection of The Umbrella Academy scenes involving Five dealing with second puberty, Diego and Vanya bonding during their teen years, and a slight AU where when they jump back to 2019 with ghost!Ben something to goes wrong, or right, and now Ben’s alive!…. and in his fourteen year old body
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sandalaris · 4 years
For the ship ask Kate and Seth ?
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping them: Somewhere around the beginning of season two is when I started shipping them, but it wasn't until season three that they became an OTP for me. Not sure when exactly because I got into the fandom pretty late, season three had aired and season four was still assumed to be a go, and binge watched the whole thing over a matter of weeks. I was vaguely aware that most people shipped Kate with one or both Gecko brothers going in, which pretty much set me up to notice things through a shipper lens from the beginning.
my thoughts: Not sure what all this wants. They are my OTP of the FDtD fandom, which pretty much says everything about my thoughts on them as a ship.
What makes me happy about them: ... Everything? They have a wonderful journey on screen and end up just how I'd want them to by the end of the series.
What makes me sad about them: Their father/father figure never got to meet. Jacob and Eddie would have been a wonderful combo that we were robbed of *sobs*
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I feel like there's so much and yet so little that annoy me in fics all at once. Probably because I feel that just about any fic concept/trope/whatever can be done at least reasonably well if someone's willing to put in the effort, so there's not much I'd discount as long as it's done well. I guess from that standpoint it would be when a fic is completely set to another book/movie/show and they take line by line and action by action verbatim in its entirety. A little is absolutely understandable, there are plenty of moments where two different characters would say the exact same thing in the exact same way, and I know there are people who have a preference for it so to each their own, but for me I'd rather the majority of lines be rewritten, actions reconfigured, and plot tweaked to fit the character saying/doing/living through it. (This is for fics only; fanvids, gifs, incorrect quotes, etc all have their reasons for why it doesn't annoy me there.)
things I look for in fanfic: I have a soft spot for FDtD AUs, but really I'll read just about anything as long as I like the writing.
Who'd I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I'm not sure there is anyone. I don't usually have others I like with my OTPs, lol. I suppose in show, Kate getting to date a new character for a bit would have been something I could have gotten behind, but that's probably about as far as I would have wanted. And I wouldn't have wanted it to be a permanent thing.
My happily ever after for them: The years go by and they're still doing their thing, sometimes pulling scores sometimes dealing with the latest culebra crisis because their histories and brothers have given them permanent ties to that world. Eventually Seth decides he doesn't want to be a "faded old con looking for one last score" and they start to slow down. Kate's enjoyed their run, but it was always more Seth's dream than hers and she's ready to put down her gloves and Rayburns. They don't go traditional, Seth can't stand to be doing the same job for more than a few months and Kate no longer wants the traditional (she's not sure she's ever wanted it if she's honest, or if she just thought she did because it was expected of her.) They have kids eventually, when Seth's down to one score every couple of years with Richie, and Kate's studying anything and everything that catches her attention. She can do that now, when they have so much disposable income they don't know what to do with it and she's managed to convince the Geckos that feast to famine and back again isn't a way to handle finances. Half-settled down in a warehouse-turned-living quarters in the desert, surrounded by thieves and bloodsuckers, and on the road a couple months out of the year because home is people, not places, and their people wander just as much as they do.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Seth's the big spoon. Kate's more often to not be in the "spooning" position, lying on her back or side, facing him sometimes and others not. Seth's a very tactile person and its not uncommon for Kate to crawl into bed while he's sleeping only for him to wake up just enough to throw an arm over her and pull her close with a sleepy mumble.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Its less about the activity and more about getting to spend time together. For the two of them, so much of their life has been running from or towards one traumatic event after the next that sometimes just getting to sit and be for a moment is very much appreciated. Whether they're watching a movie, Seth interrupting to point out some all-important part or complain about some little tidbit, or sharing a quiet moment where Kate can share the thoughts in her head, the fact that the can do it together is more than what they are actually doing.
Thanks so much for asking!
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yossariandawn · 4 years
1, 6, 15, 18, & 25!! :D
Thanks for the many asks! 💖 I think that’s a record, even for me 😂I love it.
1: Top 3 heroes/protagonists:
Kate Fuller: From Dusk Till Dawn - She will go down as one of my all time favorites, I already know it. I doubt I need to rant incoherently once again, but if anyone ever wants to talk all things Kate Fuller you know where to find me lol.
Seth Gecko:  From Dusk Till Dawn - I never expected to love this guy so much, and maybe part of the reason he is in my top three is due to the fact he’s so completely taken over my brain the last year, but I don’t care in the slightest. And I know I don’t have to tell you how amazing and interesting he is 😉
Nick Miller : New Girl - Grumpy, cynical, all heart and just enough self awareness to know he’s in over his head, I will forever love you Nick. And just like you, I also feel like I’m really growing into my personality.
6: Top 3 friendships between characters:
Two of these are friend groups, because I can’t just can’t break them up into smaller duos. I’ll allow it.
Shawn and Gus: Psych - I see myself and my best friend in them so much: we are childhood friends who grew up together, and while we may be polar opposites in some ways, sometimes that balances us out (and more often winds us up right into trouble lol) I wouldn’t change it for the world though, and seeing Shawn and Gus’s friendship treated so epically warms my heart. Also, they are hilarious together, and did I mention how epic their friendship is?
The Study Group (all versions, because I also love both Professor Hickey and Elroy and Frankie too): Community - The Study group is one of the best examples of community that I’ve ever seen, hands down. Sometimes love interests, rivals, or roomates (but always friends) seeing these characters bounce off each other is always interesting and compelling and sweet.
The Loft Roomates (including CeeCee and Ally): New Girl - Friendship can be so messy as an adult, and I really love the way the show explores both childhood friends and new additions with so much drama and love and forgiveness.
15: Top 3 character backstories:
These characters all have backstories that I think enrich the characters and our ability to truly understand them in vital ways.
The Gecko Brothers: From Dusk Till Dawn - Since their backstory is so entwined, I’m cheating here a bit and counting them as one. They could easily have been the villains of a different show, (and to some characters they kinda still are) but man does that childhood explain a whole lot. My only wish is that we saw more of who they were, both together and separate pre season 1.
Sarah Connor: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles - Sarah Connor has one of the most iconic backstories of all time, and I really love this version the most. Getting a slower exploration of what who she is now, and seeing glimpses of how she can to be is the best part of the show for me, hands down.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Phineas and Ferb - The master of the backstory himself! Dr Doofenshmirtz may be just a villian in a kids tv show (with all that entails) but EVER SINGLE EPISODE gives you an amazing, funny, and sometimes tragic backstory for the exact circumstances that drove him to his lastest scheme to take over the Tri State Area. Bonus: here is a compilation of every backstory he had in chronological order if you have 14 minutes to kill. God, I love youtube so much.
18: Top 3 fictional worlds/universes 
From Dusk Till Dawn: Again, I know it’s a shiny new love for me, but I just love the mythology so freaking much. I also really love how the universe works, exploring fate and destiny while letting free will and personal choice be the deciding factor.
Grimm: I loved fairy tales as a child, and to get to see them explored on tv with their proper Grimmness was such a treat for me. Would love to see a spin off of this world in the future.
Community: The universe I would most like to live in, Greendale Community college is a place where all genres can shine in new and hilarious and heartwarming ways. 
25: Top 3 series/movies/books from my childhood 
Aladdin: First love for me. this was the disney movie that most imprinted on my tiny heart.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000: I didn’t watch a ton of tv or movies as a kid, to be honest. But this show was so weird and funny, and it most definitely shaped the way I look at stories (especially visual storytelling) Even badly executed things have value! Storytelling is hard and filled with so many moving parts! Mistakes are tranformative and worth exploring! 
Ray Bradbury's Short Stories (”R is for Rocket” and “S is for Space” in particular: Officially kicked off my appreciation of science fiction, older stories, and my lifelong love and appreciation of words, and how the turn of a phrase can inspire feelings and ideas you’ve never had before.
I’m doing yours next @sandalaris, but since I’ve already answered two of yours here if you want to send in replacements feel free!
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Kate Fuller : Blood In the Cut - music video
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZYTTE6
by YossarianDawn
Words: 7, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kate Fuller, Seth Gecko, Richard Gecko, Scott Fuller, Freddie Gonzalez
Relationships: Kate Fuller/Seth Gecko, Kate Fuller & Richard Gecko, Kate Fuller & Scott Fuller, Kate Fuller & Freddie Gonzalez
Additional Tags: Character Study
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZYTTE6
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