#seventh ward
goodpix2021 · 2 years
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Second Line. New Orleans.
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pixel-alchemy · 1 year
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W.E.B. Du Bois, Mural, Philadelphia, PA
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anneapocalypse · 8 months
On the Scions and Sacrifice
(I am still mid-Stormblood, so no spoilers please. ❤)
Master Louisoix looms so large over all the Scions, and I feel like it's really given nearly all of them a complex where they feel like they have to be willing to sacrifice themselves should the need arise--and they're all just waiting for that moment that happened to Louisoix, that realization that there is no other choice. It might be death, it might be something else, but they're all so ready to take the bullet, literal or figurative.
We see it with Moenbryda, who says that she finally understands the choice he made seconds before she gives her life to defeat an Ascian. We see it with Yda and Papalymo, Thancred and Y'shtola, and finally Minfilia as one by one they stay behind, urging the others to go on, until only the Warrior of Light is left. We see it again with Papalymo when he gives his life to contain the primal summoned by the Griffon. We see it with Minfilia's willingness not only to hand herself over to Hydaelyn to be her voice, but to travel to a far-off star, maybe never to return, to help save a world she has never seen. We see it in Urianger acting alone to spare his friends the burden he carries for what he believes to be necessary actions. Even Alphinaud basically doesn't allow himself to be just a teenage boy and over and over keeps trying to take the world on his shoulders because he believes it's what he's supposed to do as Louisoix's grandson. Lyse in Stormblood is so ready and eager for revolution but over and over again we see the true cost of war and of resistance to overwhelming imperial power, and we are confronted with the question of what level of sacrifice is fair to ask of people who have already suffered so much and are just trying to survive.
And yes, sacrifice is noble and valiant and all that, but at the end of the day I don't think the effect is a net positive. Louisoix did what he did when there was very definitively, apocalyptically, no other choice. He probably wasn't wrong. But that doesn't mean that it's good or useful for all of his followers to be waiting on a knife's edge for the same. It makes them perhaps too ready to throw themselves to the fire, too quick to assume that a heroic sacrifice is the only choice. Because what if they assume there are other options left, and they're wrong? What if they fail to act at the critical moment? The Calamity scarred Eorzea, scarred everyone in ways both obvious and subtle, and I think this particular scar on the Scions is an ultimately negative impulse that I hope we see them find their way out of. Alisaie, notably, is not about that shit, and I look forward to her seeing what kind of influence she has upon the others.
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wildstar25 · 1 year
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MiqoMarch Day 31 - Hero
Being called "hero" was never something Arsay had expected nor planned for when she had left her home in search of adventure. She only ever did what she thought was the right thing to do; to be someone that could be remembered fondly: To always offer help with a smile. To stay brave in the face of adversity and provide hope that all will be fine. To strive for the strength needed to protect others. Though the title comes with many pressures and numerous challenges; if that is the cost for keeping her new found family and friends safe, so be it. Whatever or wherever fate brings her, Arsay will pick up her arms and fight. For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.
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gaviicreates · 2 months
Blanket of the Seventh Dawn - 11
Note: This post may contain spoilers up to FFXIV Endwalker.
Introduction: What is this project? Or, for the tl;dr - one colorway per Scion = Big Blanket. #blanket of the seventh dawn to follow along.
Minfilia Warde
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Yarn: Arcane Fibre Works, "Serene Oasis" in DK
"Please. you must go on! You are the Warrior of Light. You are hope - for the Scions, and for all the realm! As long as your flame continues to burn, the light of the dawn may ever be relit!"
For Minfilia, as much as l love burgundy, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to lean into the pink and purple of her top as a way to pull together the reds and the blues, connect them, and soften them, just as she does in story as the Antecedent. So much of our story as the Warrior of Light hinges on Minfilia's dream, and she helps form the bond with all of the Scions.
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ben-barnes-world · 9 months
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notchainedtotrauma · 5 months
"Du Bois feared that "armies of black prostitutes" and "undetected prostitutes" passing for regular women were overtaking the race, such women figured prominently in his anxieties about the future."
from Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman
It was the only part of their conversation that the sociologist heard, but the look in the girl's eyes betrayed her. The sharp edge of lust cut him like a knife. He looked at the gaudy shoes in disgust and turned back toward the two young women, searching their profiles for the telltale characteristics of the prostitute evident by the indecency of their words.
from Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman
Perhaps dear Du Bois, her friend and colleague, might have suspected. He was experienced in this arena, having had several extramarital affairs, although it was all very discreet and without scandal. His formality and alofness provided the perfect mask for the adulterer.
from Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman
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thebookwormlife · 2 years
In this house we stan #34:
Ben Barnes
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saintmerva · 6 months
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pray return to the waking sands.
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celestialhighwind · 2 years
Saw this on Twitter.
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sileniadream · 9 months
A tool in the right hands
“Jub ner lbh?”
The thought travelled through the blue, infinite and shining so much. A flicker. Something trembled, a wave, answering softly in a motherly voice. Standing in the middle of a glyph, the warmth of the voice was quite different from the cold atmosphere around her. Her eyes hurt so much, the light isn’t so kind, but she stands, listening.
-I am Hydaelyn, who others call the Mother Crystal.
The immense crystal came from nowhere, or was maybe there since the beginning. Lyreis couldn’t tell. Everything seemed so alien to her, and the name that she heard in some prayer at the Stillglade Fane still didn’t make sense. Closing her eyes, shielding from the light, she thought once again, unable to form words.
“Jub nz V?”
-You are a spark of hope. You are a light that will guide my children. You are a flame that will bring the Sun in its right course. I gave you my Benediction and awoke a power within you, so you can build the road they’ll take to find me.
“Gur fha? ... Fha... Nz V bayl n Zbba gura....?”
The wave again. Was it kind? Was it amused? Her voice finally came out of her mouth, and Lyreis asked : 
-Am I only a reflection to the real light you seek?
Now fully awake, Lyreis watched the decor in front of her eyes. Stones, metal, a soft fabric under her hands while she waited for a sound, a feel that never came. She rose from her bedsheets, unable to understand the dream she had. Already part of it was disappearing from her mind, like a haze dissolving as the sun arose. The word ticked in her head, but she shrugged and got out of her bed, walking slowly to the sink in her room, washing her face. The last shred of her dream went with the water, and she stopped caring. She was staying in Ul’dah for a few days now, following a mission given to her by Kan-E-Senna, then by the adventurer’s guild. Everything felt too busy, too noisy, too bright. Limsa Lominsa somehow felt a bit more like “home”, but she had to leave for a missive to be given, a warning about an Empire on the move. Lyreis wasn’t sure about the implication of it all, and in what circumstances it would be of any interest to her, but she did as she was asked, and gave the missive to the Admiral and to the Sultana. 
Today was a day off, something she didn’t understand. No missions, no work, only some time for herself to do anything she wanted. Lyreis got out of her inn room into the Quicksand, thinking about what she was supposed to do. Walking aimlessly seemed the only right choice for someone like her, and she soon found her foot bringing her into the most crowded place, the Sapphire Avenue. Many merchants were haranguing customers for their fine fabrics and jewels, or the newest book from Sharlayan, spices and food from Thavnair, lands she had never heard of before. Looking around, she only felt out of place, but it soon didn’t matter and she just walked her path, slowly but surely, unknowing of some of the eyes watching her every more. While she was a curiosity in Gridania, she didn’t stick out like a sore thumb in Ul’dah, where many came from anywhere in Eorzea. An adventurer within many of them, a simple customer in the eye of the merchants. A boon for the beggars and cutpurses, but somehow, none of them got close to Lyreis, as if someone was making sure they wouldn’t trouble her.
-My lady, can I help you? You seem lost!
That someone seemed to try to catch her attention now, but she wasn’t even looking at him at that moment. The voice tried again, this time touching her arm softly to warn of his presence. Lyreis stopped in her tracks and looked at the man standing now close to her, a cheeky smile on his lips.
-You were lost, but maybe more in your thoughts than in this place.
-Do you need something of me?
Taken aback by that blunt question, the man suddenly laughed and shook his head. He heard about her personality, Papalymo warned him that she would be difficult to talk with, but he didn’t mind the challenge. He was, after all, a charming rogue that couldn’t count how many women he swept off their feet. In a good mood, he asked once more : 
-I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, but I wished to talk to you, if you do not mind?
-I don’t have anything to do, why not.
He smiled for himself, then bowed and told her to follow him. Going back to the Quicksand, he found a table and showed her to a chair before he signed for a drink to Momodi. Sitting, he watched as Lyreis was just waiting for him to talk. She didn’t say a word, her green eyes set on him.
-I should introduce myself first. My name’s Thancred Waters. I’m a friend of Yda and Papalymo, who you met in Gridania a few moons ago.
-Then you already know who I am. But call me Lyreis anyway.
The stoic type, then. He wasn’t too phased by it, having already met women like her before. Papalymo really was too worried about anything. That lady would soon give up all her secrets to him. A waiter brought two drinks and put them in front of Thancred and Lyreis before leaving the two alone to speak. The rogue took his glass and turned the liquid inside for a bit before talking again. She didn’t touch her drink.
-I’ve been interested in you since they talked about your meetings. The fact you’ve been chosen, an outsider, by the Oracle to serve as an ambassador with the two other nations of Eorzea is a sign that you are quite special. You gain the trust of many, even spirits of the Black Shroud seem to like you.
-I did what I was asked, I think they just accepted my presence.
-Still it wouldn’t explain why Lady Kan-E-Senna gave you that mission.
-As I said : I only did what was asked of me. I am… “reliable”. 
-Is that all there is? My lady, I would say you are a capable woman, strong enough to make a difference, and of great beauty if I may.
Lyreis tilted her head a bit, her face not showing any more emotions than that. Confusion, maybe, but clearly she didn’t understand how her so-called beauty had to do anything with the reasons why people trusted her. Or maybe it was. People tend to speak with good looking people and trust them more than with something ugly or unsettling : that was one of the reasons she had to act less like a mammet after all. Maybe then he was right. She straightened her neck again and shrugged a bit.
-I suppose those are good reasons then. Is that why you wanted to talk to me?
-I was intrigued. And still am ! Why not drink at our first meeting, and then dinner, just you and me ?
She took her glass, waiting in front of her, and as he was ready to toast, she didn’t wait and drank it all in one go. Thancred watched her, amazed by this display of uncaringness, then took a sip of his own drink, suddenly feeling a bit down. What had just happened? Did he lose his touch? Or was she really, really hard to talk with, like Papalymo said? The worst was that she was just looking at him, waiting again. She then turned her head around and saw troubles coming her way, once more. Rising from her chair, she took her staff and used it to knock out her assailant before he could do anything, disarming him.Thancred didn’t even have the time to rise up and get his weapon, and stood astonished at how Lyreis didn’t even bat an eye while doing this. Another man was waiting behind and told her to come out as their chief had to settle a score with her. She shook her head, then turned to Thancred : 
-You will have to buy me food another time, it seems. See you.
And off she went, the poor hyur watching as she crossed the roegadyn lying on the ground, still trying to understand what happened to him, and got outside of the Quicksand. They were four or five waiting outside, with a man particularly angry at her sight. Thancred caught a glimpse of his two friends and decided it was better to leave it at it for the moment, conceding his defeat for today. Yda would maybe be better to bring Lyreis to the Waking Sands, and Papalymo would explain everything on the way there. Too bad for him though.
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Lyreis stretched her arms, still holding her staff, watching the henchmen waiting for her. She didn’t remember who they were, but somehow she made something to make them mad at her, and she had to take care of it without bringing trouble around her. After all, Momodi and the people of the Quicksand were kind with her, and she was still acting as a gridanian ambassador, she thought. It would make things harder to deal with if she made a mess of this situation. She was reminded by a small voice in her head that she was supposed to heal people, not hurt them, but clearly those in front of her didn’t really care about her career : she had to defend herself. She could always mend them after the fight, if they didn’t flee first…
It didn’t take long for the ruffians to be taken down, and the Brass Blades to come and disperse the people around, while Lyreis watched her newfound enemies running away. She was returning to the Quicksand to apologise to Momodi for the troubles she did inside but was stopped in her tracks by Yda who was waving at her from the other side of the street. She knew it was for her, as she was clearly calling her name in a cheerful voice. Lyreis walked to her, and saw Papalymo, a bit behind, looking as serious as usual. The lalafell looked at her and asked Yda to calm down a bit now that their acquaintance was here. He waited for things to settle a bit in the street to start talking.
-Lyreis, I suppose everything is alright?
-I don’t know why they wanted to fight, but I don't think they’ll come back anytime.
-That’s for the best, we wanted to speak with you and if we’re not interrupted, it would be great.
Yda was smiling and cheering silently at Lyreis, who waited for Papalymo to go on.
-As you may have understood, we have been watching you lately. It’s because you have a power within you that we are seeking. You’re not the only one to have it, as our chief also possesses that power, but we want you to join us, so you can learn more about it, and help us as we help you.
-A power, you say. I’m not sure I follow.
-Haven’t you had visions of the past, of people you only met, things that happened not so long ago? Don’t you sometimes see things when fighting that makes it easier to evade your enemies’ attacks? Can you understand other races, like the beastribes, when they clearly don’t speak the same language?
-Is that not normal?
-No, it isn’t. That power is called the Echo. We can teach you more about it, if you want. Our chief wants to see you first, before recruiting you, so you can make your choice then.
They were walking while talking, leaving Ul’dah for a more secluded place, not too far from the city but enough to not be heard or followed without noticing. Yda was clearly keeping an eye on their surroundings behind that mask of hers, making sure everything was alright for Papalymo to keep explaining. The day was slowly coming to an end, the sun setting its course behind the hills, and the temperatures were being nicer now. Lyreis was thinking at the same time about this Echo. A power that not anyone had. Visions from the past, or a few seconds in the future during a fight : she experienced them, and was sometimes left with a headache. If they could teach her about it, maybe train her, she could stop the pain from having them, control the visions. Maybe she could…
-Anyway, if you’re interested, you can find her in Vesper Bay, we have a small place of operation there called the Waking Sands. It’s near the docks, you’ll find a lalafell named Tataru Taru. Ask her and she’ll send you to us.
-It would be great to see you there, Lyreis! I’m sure the others will be happy to meet you and talk to you.
-Yda, this is not a simple meeting! Remember why we came here!
-Oh, right! But you will explain everything to our friend once she’s there, right Papalymo?
-I’m sure Minfilia will do the job better than I. So, what do you say, Lyreis?
The hyur was stopped once again while trying to put the pieces of the puzzle into their places. They needed her help, and didn’t seem to be bad people. They asked her nicely and explained things to her. They even offer to teach her about the Echo and everything else. Why would she refuse?
-Alright. I don’t see why I shouldn’t come. I’ll follow you.
-What, right now? Don’t you want to prepare your stuff first? Or maybe finish everything you have to do?
-I don’t have a mission right now. And I have everything on me. I’m ready.
-Al..alright then. Well you won’t need to bother Tataru then. Follow us, it’s not too far from here. Yda will go first to make sure everyone is ready.
-I’m on my way!
The young woman made a quick movement of agreement, and after waving to Papalymo and Lyreis, went quickly on a jog, going in the direction of Horizon. Lyreis remembered the place because she was sent there not too long ago, but she never went farther in this part of the Thanalan, so she had to follow Papalymo’s directions. The mage didn’t say much during their travel, maybe too focused on their travel, or maybe wondering what was hidden behind that mask Lyreis was constantly wearing. A face devoid of emotions, not linked to anything or anyone, having few opinions or will… He tried to have a background check on her, but even Thancred couldn’t find a thing about their soon to be new ally. She was blank, on everything, and that made him worry. What if it was all a trap or something? Maybe she was a spy sent by their enemies, or something akin to this? Thus was he thinking while they crossed Horizon and continued their way to Vesper Bay. But, if she wasn’t an enemy, and really had the power of the Echo, the power to counter the Primals… then he would be happy to use her, so his friends would stay safe.
Arriving at Vesper Bay, Yda was waiting for them on the docks in front of a house. She waved and waited for them to come closer.
-You didn’t take too much time, that’s great. I was afraid Papalymo and you would get lost somehow!
-Come on Yda, I’m not a child, I know the way pretty well. And our friend here would have protected me anyway. 
Nodding along the way, Lyreis followed the duo inside, after they greeted a pink lalafell who happened to be Tataru. She curtsy to Lyreis before opening the way to the real Waking Sands, hidden under the house. She was told to wait outside the office for a few minutes, just enough time for the people inside to get ready. Then, a feminine voice called her name, and she was greeted by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, all waiting for her. She did not recognize most of them, only Yda, Papalymo, and Thancred she just met before. The blond woman in the middle welcomed her with a smile.
-Welcome, adventurer. I am Minfilia, the leader of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. I was waiting for you. Don’t worry, you’re surrounded by friends here.
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driftward · 2 years
Title: FFXIV Write 2022 - 9.1 Yawn Characters: Minfilia Warde, Tataru Taru, Scions of the Seventh Dawn Rating: Teen Summary: The difficulties of being antecedent Notes: Not quite a repost - this was initially published in an unfinished form earlier. This still hasn't gone through an editing pass however.
Mornings started early for Minfilia.
Being the Antecedent for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn brought with it many responsibilities. Part of it was in her title - as antecedent, she was one of the first to walk the Path of the Twelve, one of the earliest who were blessed with the Echo in the current age. As such, it fell to her to provide guidance to all who came to her with Hydaelyn's blessing, to provide them an example to follow.
In short, to lead, and that led to the other parts of it. Ever since the Calamity, she had to step in and step up, to fill in Louisoix's shoes as the Circle of Knowing combined their knowledge and acumen with that of the Path of the Twelve. While both organizations had tended to be somewhat secretive, such secrets as what they had could not be held for long, and nowadays she found herself fielding dignitaries and other leaders from all across Eorzea, petitioning the Scions for aid, for knowledge, or for martial assistance against the ever present threat of primal summonings.
And so she got up early this morning with a big yawn and a large stretch, the same as every morning, early enough to forestall any visitors, that she may enjoy a few hours to herself before she had to take to the day's tasks.
Tataru had been the first visitor of the day, shuffling in with tea and the day's agenda as she always did. Minfilia was grateful, as always, for the Lalafell's presence, and they spent a pleasant half bell talking about nothing in particular.
The next half bell was unfortunately rather more business oriented, as Tataru went over the numbers for the next month with Minfilia. She had frowned over expense reports and donation summaries, set priorities for the upcoming sennights, and answered no few of Tataru's questions. Once they were both satisfied that the Scions would remain solvent for the foreseeable future, Tataru had curtsied and headed back out to perform her usual duties, and Minfilia braced herself for the rest of the day.
Urianger was next, often being an early riser himself, and today was eager to catch Minfilia before the day had really had a chance to dig into her. They talked over some new books he had managed to acquire, and spoke of the direction of his future research. He was polite and pleasant as always, and she was happy to help him out before sending him on his way.
The next visitor was less pleasant.
Tataru had an expression of polite disgust when she showed the next visitor in. Polite enough that those who weren't familiar with her would disregard it. Disgust enough that Minfilia immediately shifted to a sterness she usually kept in reserve.
"May I present Melala Mela, a representative from Sunsilk Tapestries. She has rather insisted on the opportunity to speak with you, Antecedent."
Tataru's inflection was also subtle, almost impossible to notice unless you knew her well, and Minfilia's mood darkened further.
"What can I do for you, Miss Mela?" asked Minfilia.
If she had noticed the frigidity in Minfilia's voice, she did not betray it when she responded. "Greetings, Antecedent, and might I say what an honor it is to be allowed to speak to the head of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. I was merely having a disagreement with your secretary that I believe could be worked out between us, one to one," and Melala turned to look at Tataru with a look of barely-veiled disgust that Minfilia did not need the Echo to read further into. Tataru, for her part, was now standing politely off to one side, hands clasped in front of her, and seemed to be admiring the far wall. Close enough to be called upon immediately if needed, but distant enough that Melala at least could pretend she wasn't in the room.
Minfilia did feel the whispers of the Echo, however. She could sense a smugness about Melala, and what was an utterly unearned confidence. Melala had a greasiness about her that Minfilia could fair well feel, and she gave fully into her feelings of annoyance now, and frowned at the woman.
"Trust me, I believe our secretary has the best interests of my organization in mind as she acts, and she acts with my authority. However, whatsoever could your complaint be that you did not feel you could resolve it with her?"
"Well, it is regarding the matter of donations! Sunsilk Tapestries, of course, relies on the smooth operation of travel and free trade inside Thanalan's borders - both of which can be disrupted oh so easily by those beastly tribes and their actions against our citizens. Given that your organization has taken on much of the burden of keeping tabs on their doings and so oft provides priceless advice and support to our merchants - and to others, of course, to others! - we felt it was in our best interests, nay, it was fair well our civil duty to of course support your honorable mission with the maximum donation you have deemed permissible. Sensible, of course, of course, one does not wish to appear to be greedy, I understand. But an enterprise of your scope surely must needs every gil it can get! So I must say, I am confused by your secretary's insistence on returning a rather sizable proportion of what we have so generously offered over the next season."
Minfilia was no longer surprised by the ability of certain individuals to somehow exceed how much sheer smugness they could saturate the Echo with, though in this case, she barely needed it. This Melala was a woman of practiced theatrics, but it was practiced nonetheless. A pretense of transparency, so that she could work behind the cloud of just enough opaque plausible deniability, and she was offering Minfilia a chance to dance along with the mummery.
Well, Minfilia hated this song and dance, but it was necessary that she perform, whether for or against it, it was necessary that she perform. And so she went ahead and asked Tataru questions she already knew well the answer to, if for no other reason than to finish out her part.
"Very well. Tataru, if you will, what is the reason you have given Melala here for returning her organization's generosity?"
Tataru turned to Minfilia, and gave a curtsy as she answered. "Well, as I have explained to Misstress Mela, ma'am, at length," and here Melala gave her a sneer "- though Sunsilk Tapestries itself has not exceeded our limits on charitable donations, the groups with which it shares organizational ties as a whole have. That is to say, between Sunsilk Tapestries, Eshtaime's Aesthetics, and the East Aldenard Trading Company, to say nothing of the minor subsidiaries, Lord Lolorito's contributions are in excess of our limits by a factor of two-and-a-half."
Melala waved a hand away. "And as I told your secretary, Misstress Minfilia, it must merely be some sort of oversight on the part of our respective accountants! Why, we are separate organizations, after all, and we do not always take the care to check in with one another as we pursue our own objectives independently. Why, to be sure, it is all in Lord Lolorito's best interests, of course, but we each have our own agendas. That we are all owned by one person is merely a technicality, and one which I am certain you'll agree should be overlooked. Certainly, I think the coin is money well spent, and if it would soothe your troubled mind, why, I am sure we can come to an agreement to simply allow this oversight to be overlooked this one time, and during the next season's contributions, we can make the correction then."
And then we can have this self-same argument again, and again, every season, until it is a de facto fact that we are practically in Lord Lolorito's pocket, thought Minfilia.
Out loud, she said, "While I appreciate the generosity of your organization, and of course that of your Lord Lolorito, I am afraid we simply cannot agree to such. While it is true that we are ever in need of support, our mission can only succeed if we hold ourselves impartial, not only in word but in deed. To seem to be giving or accepting favoritism from anyone, no matter how well intentioned, would put our mission at risk. I am sorry, Misstress Mela, but there is no further discussion to be had on this matter, and Tataru has the right of it. We shall be returning the excess funds immediately, and I pray that you have the good grace to accept them. Otherwise we shall be forced to turn them over to the treasury of Ul'dah, and allow the Sultana to determine how to make sure the money returns to your coffers."
Melala blanched at that, and Minfilia allowed herself a small smile. "Now, if there is nothing further...." she said, nodding to Tataru, and Tataru walked up to Melala, and gestured to the door with a smile.
"Well - while - ah - yes, I... suppose you have the right of it. But please! Be sure to reconsider your donations policy for future seasons! Sunsilk Tapestries would be -very- pleased to help you and yours in the future!"
"And we will be pleased to accept your help in the future, as per our current agreements, rules, and regulations. Good day, Mistress Mela."
Melala Mela looked between Tataru's large but not at all friendly smile, and Minfilia's stern expression, and sighed, letting her arms go limp at her sides, before nodding and allowing herself to be escorted out. As the door shut, Minfilia allowed herself to slump in her chair, and she frowned as she took her knuckles to her forehead and rubbed away the beginnings of a headache.
"...and that's how the situation currently stands in the Shroud," finished Papalymo.
Minfilia cupped a hand and brought it to her chin.
"You mentioned you had possibly found someone else blessed?" asked Minfilia.
"Undoubtedly," said Papalymo. "The vision she described matches what you yourself and others have described on countless occasions. A welcoming voice, and a large crystal, floating in an aetheric sea. Though I must admit, she seemed a bit rougher around the edges then who we usually find."
Minfilia nodded, and looked to Yda. "And what did you think?"
Yda put her hands on her hips as she looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully.
"Well, she's a big woman, strong. Used to be a pirate of some sort, I'm sure, from the way she handled that lance. So Papalymo's not wrong, but I think she's a good sort. We asked around about her, after all, and everyone had such nice things to say about her. She looks after others, and they all said she is very eager to help. She didn't have to step in to help us when she did, and really, she may've been smarter to have run away, but she did help! And she listened to us carefully even when Papalymo was being all smarter-than-you at her about it."
Papalymo crossed his arms, looked away, and huffed at that. "That was more at -you- than it was at -her-, you scatterbrained miscreant."
Yda stomped her foot at Papalymo. "She was plenty nice is what I'm trying to say, Papalymo, you just didn't like how much she swore."
"Well, she certainly had a mouth on her when she thought we weren't paying attention, that's for certain! But, I must confess, I think Yda has the right of it. Her heart seemed to be in the right place."
Minfilia couldn't help but smile at the bickering. "Well, alright. I got a report from the Wood Wailers that they think the Ixal may be planning something. I want you both out of here bright and early to head back there and help them out in case that turns out to be anything. And see if you can find this woman again. I'd like to speak with her."
"You got it, Minfilia!" "Of course, Antecedent."
Yda stood up and touched her hand lightly to her chest, while Papalymo offered a deep bow, and then they both turned to leave together. As they went, Minfilia could hear the beginnings of another argument starting between them as Yda chose to needle Papalymo about how his 'smarter-than-thou' attitude was going to lose them a recruit one day, and Papalymo getting huffy right back.
She smiled and shook her head.
She was sitting down and looking through paperwork when she heard a knock at the doors. She glanced up and smiled softly at Thancred as he walked in and took a seat.
"You wanted to see me, Minfilia?" he asked.
She nodded, putting aside her quill and clasping her hands in front of her.
"I've heard some interesting rumors in Thanalan that may be in our interests," she said.
"Oh? Do tell," he said.
"No few guardsman have told tale of an interesting Miqo'te woman, black as night, one eye dark and the other light. And half her face painted in white warpaint around the dark eye, and dressed in armor that appears to be magitek. Apparently, she has a keen interest in crystals."
Thancred rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "One of Ifrit's tempered on the loose, you think?"
Minfilia shook her head. "No. Just the opposite, in fact. She has been noted to be often helpful, stepping in to stop bandits and performing menial tasks in exchange for the information she seeks. Whatever her activities, however, the rumors all universally point out the strangeness of her behavior. She stares to the point of making people uncomfortable, it would seem, and her manner of speech has been described as distant and strange. Now, I need not tell you that those of us who have received Hydaelyn's blessing are frequently seen as queer by our fellows. She does not quite fit the pattern, but that she is so odd to make such an impression on so many speaks to the possibility. It might be nothing, and she could just be another adventurer from abroad that the locals don't know what to make of."
"Or she could be weird enough that Hydaelyn's picked her to be one of her own, and what people are ascribing to her as weirdness is simply the effects of hearing words one way, and understanding them through the Echo another."
"Just so," said Minfilia. "I know you are busy, but would you mind looking into it?"
Thancred flashed her one of those winning smiles he was so fond of. "For you, milady? Anything." She rolled her eyes and allowed herself a small laugh at him. She had known him for practically her entire life, after all, and for all of his charm, she saw him as an older brother more than anything.
It didn't make him any less charming, mind, it just meant they didn't work on her. He knew it as well, however, and so it was a bit of a game they played.
However, she saw his expression sober as he sat forward in his chair. "Speaking of busy, you've really been at it lately, Minfilia. You must needs let us take up rather more than we do, and stop carrying it all yourself. When was the last time you took your full rest?"
"I could say the same to you," said Minfilia evenly. "I rest enough, and you well know that there are certain tasks that only I am suited to." She did not need to tell him that the Echo was both blessing and curse, and that in the performance of her duty, that there were certain things she alone could do. The others could not hear Hydaelyn's voice, and could only know of her will through secondary study, not first hand experience.
Thancred sighed exaggeratedly and shook his head as he stood up. "Well. Can't say I didn't try."
She smiled at him. "Try not to worry so much, Thancred. We find more of the Blessed each day. Truly, this is a new age for all of us, and we shall see the star through it, with Her guidance, and with one another."
Thancred smiled ruefully. "I know. I just... worry, sometimes. I'd hate for us to lose our way because our dear leader had exhausted herself and fallen to some otherwise easily avoidable fate."
"You need not worry about me," she said, smiling at him in return. "Though if it puts your mind at ease, Tataru has many of the same concerns, and also tries to parent me to better take care of myself."
Thancred laughed. "Well, I would hate for her to think I am attempting to do her job, then. Alright. I'll look into your mysterious person on the morrow. Anything else?"
"No, that is all. Thank you, Thancred."
He gave her a jaunty two-fingered salute off the brow and a wink as he turned and left, and Minfilia returned to her paperwork. He worried too much, but she felt better, knowing that he still cared, and was still trying to look after her after all these years.
It was late, and Minfilia stifled a yawn as she read over the last bit of her paperwork. She blinked her eyes, blearily. It was a report from Y'shtola, who would be in the next day and would want to talk over it, so it was important that she finish reading it tonight so that she could talk intelligently to it tomorrow.
She felt a gentle nudge at her elbow, and looked over to see Tataru standing there, with a teacup and saucer in one hand and a teapot in the other.
"A bit of herbal to help your humours?" she offered.
"Please," said Minfilia, and she finished reading the report as Tataru set the cup and saucer on her desk, and poured her a cup of tea. She snorted to herself, and murmured, "Of course she would," as she reached for the tea.
"Ma'am?" asked Tataru.
"Oh, just this latest from Y'shtola," she said. "She says she's found another potential. Someone else who may have been touched by Hydaelyn."
"We are getting rather lucky finding them these days," mused Tataru.
"True. And time will tell whether that is the blessing I believe it to be, or if it is merely a calm before a storm that She is attempting to guide us through."
Tataru nodded. "And what does Y'shtola have to say about this one?"
"Oh, you know how she is. Normally she is scant with her praise, and that is how she has been with many that she has sent our way. However, you can tell when she is actually impressed with one of them. Why, I can almost imagine her fair glowing with this latest one."
"Then whatsoever is the problem? You sounded a bit put out a moment ago."
Minfilia sighed as she sat back in her chair. "The ones she's lukewarm on, she says little of, though oft suggests keeping them near La Noscea as possible where she can keep an eye on them."
"That seems sensible," said Tataru, looking thoughtful.
"It might be, except the ones she is very fond of - well, it's only happened twice, but each time, she suggests sending them off. This one she goes on for many sentences about how capable they were in helping her find some missing sailors, and praises the acumen of their mind, and the strength she thinks she can see in their heart. And then in the very next section, she recommends that they get sent off with Papalymo and Yda to the Twelveswood."
"Whysoever would she suggest that, I wonder?" asked Tataru.
Minfilia sighed, taking another sip of the tea. "...too much like her master, possibly. Pushing people away before she has a chance to possibly get attached."
"Oh," said Tataru. "...well, what are you going to do?"
"Follow her recommendation, of course," said Minfilia, putting the report away. "It's just idle gossip and a hunch on my part, and I won't gainsay her experience or perspective. I just wish that she'd ... well. Nevermind."
Tataru nodded. "Anyroad, It's pretty late, Antecedent. Perhaps you should be turning in?"
"...perhaps," said Minfilia, considering the drawer in which she had just put the report. "In fact, I think I will. Tataru, do me a favor, and try to catch Papalymo, Yda, and Thancred before they go out the door in the morning. I think this new potential might have real promise, going by what Y'shtola had to say, and I should think I would like them to meet all the archons before sending them back out if at all possible."
"Of course, Minfilia. Anything else?"
"No, thank you, Tataru. That will be all."
Tataru gathered up everything she had brought in for tea, and gave Minfilia a curtsy before she headed out. Minfilia watched her go, and sat back in her chair, turning in it to look to the shattered pieces of Tupsimati that hung on the wall behind her. She rubbed her eyes, and at long last, allowed herself a yawn, before standing up, stretching, and heading to bed.
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what-the-whump · 2 years
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Whumptober 2022 - No.06 - The Way You Shake and Shiver
Shaking Hands
- Seventh Son:
"Tom? You're shaking..."
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rebe-p-arts · 2 years
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Ash nicknamed all of the Scions because he’s an overly familiar little shit
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yamijay · 1 year
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Less than 40 mins to vote!
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doriangray-lover · 2 years
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So excitedddd
even if i’m never gonna meet them :(
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