#she's laying on her lab floor kicking her legs like a teenage girl going all “hehe!!! dear diary today i vivisected a man! it was so fun :P
scorittanius · 7 months
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the-magic-lava-lamp · 4 years
Caught Up In You
Chapter 2 -  Sick of movies?
Summary: A story revolving around a group of teenage friends, their mishaps, their relationships and their coming of age.
Watch as they navigate through the highs & lows of high school relationships and learn to grow up as most of them are approaching the end of their Senior year.
Ships: SamBucky, ThorBruce, Stony, ValJane…(More ships & characters to come)
Word Count: 6,497
{Tuesday Afternoon} 
On half-days of school, it seemed that a silent agreement went into motion that each grade would go somewhere different & specific to celebrate. 
Freshman were designated the crummy little McDonald's where they could comfortably cause a scene yet miraculously not be kicked out. 
Sophomores got the Sub-Sandwich joint that was quite the walk away from the school and got your order right most of the time. 
Juniors were at the warm pizza shop with the most delicious slices a person could ever ask for. 
Seniors were basically living in the BBQ restaurant. It was the staple of their crummy little town and deservedly so. 
And Sam and Bucky were laying side by side on Sam’s rickety twin-sized bed, happily skipping the tradition. Bucky was propped up by his forearm which was gradually falling deeply into sleep and his spare was hanging in the air while his fingers curled and uncurled around Sam’s. The sun was coming in through the window and leaving the tiniest sun-spot against the wall behind them and from where Sam was sitting, it dusted Bucky’s face with a golden blush. He scooted over slightly to give his partner some more room but only succeeded in causing another loud shriek of protest from the bed springs. 
Bucky let his head fall back with a sigh. “God, your bed is so fucking loud.” His hair shook out of his eyes with the sudden movement. “It’s gonna give your parents the wrong idea, you know?” He spoke softly and pushed Sam’s palm back against the pillows. “And they already don’t like me.” 
Sam rolled his eyes and smacked Bucky’s hand. “My parents love you, man.” 
His partners eyebrow shot up with doubt but Sam only continued. 
“They talk about you all the time. Why do you think I invited you for lunch today-?”
“Easy, you love my company.” His voice was teasing and soft as he dragged his fingers down from Sam’s now open palm to his elbow. 
“They think you’re good people.” Sam dipped his chin down to emphasize that he really meant it and Bucky blinked his eyes away like he always did when things got serious. So Sam took the initiative and grabbed for Bucky’s left arm when he made the move to bring his fingers back up. “Hey, I’m serious. They are psyched that I’m dating such a stand-up guy.” He let go of Bucky’s arm and softly pressed his finger under his chin to lift it. 
Bucky hummed quietly and curled his fingers around Sam’s wrist. “Even though I spilled your dad’s soup all over your kitchen table last time I ate here?” 
Sam laughed loudly at the memory. “They thought that was cute.” 
“Cute?” Bucky frowned. “I ruined that tablecloth.” 
“Yeah but I told them it was because you were trying to play footsie with me and accidentally kicked the table leg.” Sam rolled his lips together to try and conceal his laughter when Bucky’s cheeks flushed with a real pink blush. 
“Hey! That was supposed to stay between us!” Bucky playfully started attempting to roll his body over Sam’s. “That’s so fucking embarrassing Sam!” He kicked his left leg over him and crawled on top, the twin bed’s springs squeaking over and over. 
Sam couldn’t stop laughing long enough to remind Bucky of the noise but he didn’t much mind with all the wrestling. That was until he started hearing the sound of his mothers footsteps coming up the stairs. There wasn’t enough time to do more than just shove Bucky off of him...sending him to the carpet with a soft thud just as his bedroom door creaked open.
“Hey boys, lunch is downstairs when you’re ready.” She smiled, stringing a dish towel through her fingers while she spoke. “And remember to keep this door open a few inches, huh?” She smirked as her eyes fell upon a dizzy looking Bucky on the floor. 
Sam smacked his hands over his face as soon as his mother left and groaned with embarrassment. 
“You’re lucky you have carpet, Sam. I smacked my head pretty hard.” Bucky teased, crawling over and kneeling in front of where Sam sat on the bed. Slowly he grabbed at his partners wrists and pulled his palms from his eyes. 
“That was your own fault.” 
“Eh, well.” Bucky shrugged. “That may be true but you owe me cause you’re the one who threw me off the bed instead of warning me like a decent person would.” He playfully shook Sam’s wrists and his friend scrunched up his nose. 
“I panicked. I didn’t have enough time.” He shrugged and rolled his eyes. “But I’ll get you lunch on my card tomorrow if it makes you happy.” He grinned and wiggled out of his grip so he could start getting up.
Bucky only shoved his way between Sam’s legs and grinned. “You’re so good to me, sweetheart.” 
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Sam closed his legs around him as tight as he could, figuring it was ok because his mother had mostly shut the door. Bucky rested his forearms atop Sam’s thighs and shrugged. “Now can we please go eat?” 
Bucky nodded but then grabbed at Sam’s hands again, pulling at his long sleeves. “Wait, say it again, would ya?” 
Sam paused before he put together what Bucky was gettin’ at and his face fell into it’s happiest smile. He sighed dramatically like it was a hassle instead of the the epitome of how he felt. “I love you, dumb-ass.” 
Bucky happily let his hands free and broke from Sam’s legs. “Love you too.” 
There was something about traipsing around his home with his bare-feet pressing against the cold hardwood floor that Tony loved. The long fabric of his over-sized sweatshirt hit his skin just around the middle of his thighs and the cup of coffee curled in his hand was steaming. 
He’d figured he could get away without sleeping the previous night because he’d only be at school half the time, he’d just take a nap when he got home. But of course, he never actually takes these naps that he uses to excuse this kind of behavior. 
So Tony went right back to work as soon as he came home and made himself comfortable. Pulling some of his equipment that he’d left in other rooms of the house, he strolled into what he referred to as his ‘Lab’ though it wasn’t completely up to his standards yet. 
Three desks occupied most of the space with an overflowing amount of papers and equipment that he’d saved his own money up for. 
Tony twirled about the room and opened drawers to dig for whatever it was that he wanted. They were left hung open and really hammered in the idea that he needed more space. 
The drawer that housed most of his old gaming systems (which were for more leisurely experiments that were just for him where he could borrow some pieces from) was hanging dangerously too far down. It would have crashed if not for one Howard Stark who had somehow come home early from work and into the lab without Tony even noticing. 
“Ever heard of knocking, dad?” Tony mumbled but did not turn around to greet his old man. Instead, he continued fumbling around with his work. 
“The door was open.” 
Tony rolled his eyes and finally turned to where his father was standing. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his dress pants and he sported his usual dry expression. 
“Was there a reason why you came in?” Tony fiddled with some of the papers on his desk and plopped down into the soft wheely chair nearby. His legs habitually laid atop the desk and occupied most of the space. 
Howard crossed his arms and looked painfully awkward which was not something that happened too often. “What are you working on?” 
“I know that’s not what you came for but I’ll humor you for a minute.” Tony thumped his pen down and rolled his eyes like he wasn’t secretly a little eager to share his work. “Just some model airplane kinda deal. But it’s actually a bit more than that...” 
Tony hopped up to get his project and ignored his fathers watchful eyes. “A kind of delivery system for medical aid.” he shrugged and held out his model. “I modified the program of this old gaming system, boosted the output-and here’s the clever part-linked it to a communications satellite so I can fly the thing halfway around the world on 1 battery charge.” He finished his little speech and shoved the pen behind his ear.  
Howard examined the model carefully before nodding his head. “That is impressive.” 
“You’re holding back, why are you holding back? You never do that.” Tony sat up.
Howard only shrugged. “I’d make some changes, is all. But listen, Tony, I just came here to talk to you-” 
Tony scowled and leaned back in his chair. “There it is. Whatever you wanna talk about, I don’t. I have work to do. So...” Tony waved his hands towards the door but Howard remained stoic. 
“I’ll remind you in case you’ve forgotten, I am your father, young man. You need to treat me with respect. I will have none of these childish games that you so smugly think you’re good at playing.” Howard stood tall, hands out of pocket and Tony frowned. “Your mother asked me to speak with you because she’s been worried.” 
“God forbid you show me that you care.” His eyes rolled again and he stood from his chair. “What do you want to talk about, dad? What’s so important?” 
“Your behavior. The parties, the drinking, staying out past curfew-” 
“What else?” 
Howard rolled his eyes. “We’re back on this? I’m the bad guy because I don’t want you hanging out with...some boys. Be a respectable man and keep that part of your life private.”
Tony wiped his hand down his face to his chin and sighed. 
“What happened to the thing you had going with my assistant Annabel’s daughter...? Cecilia?” 
“Cissy was a great girl but severely not my type, dad.” He never thought in a million years that his father would ever play dumb about something. But alas, he was the great Howard Stark proving Tony wrong again for the millionth time.
Howard sighed deeply and the worry lines on his face were deeply exposed. “And you’re absolutely sure about that?” 
Tony widened his eyes for a few seconds before they grew too dry and he had to blink. “What like...have I experimented enough to prove my hypothesis?” He smacked his pen against his open palm and waited for his dad’s response. “Cause, gotta say dad, I’ve done a lot of experimenting to come up with my conclusion.” 
Tony was good at saying shit to make his dad pissed. 
“Never-mind. I can’t have this discussion with you because you obviously want to behave like a child.” Howard waved his hand in that ‘Holier-than-thou’ attitude and started to walk off. 
“No! Say what you really want to say, dad! Come on. Be a respectable man and tell your own damn son how you really feel!” He was suddenly desperate to hear what his father thought. He’d spent so long assuming it or being denied of it. 
“How I really feel, huh?” His father spun on him so fast that it knocked the wind out of Tony. He’d never seen his dad express so much anger. He usually opted for subtlety and cold looks. “You are an ungrateful brat. You stay out all night and worry your mother til she’s practically sick. And I come to find out that it’s because you’re sleeping around with guys?-” 
“I was just exaggerating, I haven’t actually slept with-” 
“I don’t care, son. It’s the fact that your Goddamn embarrassing this household. My co-workers have kids at these little high-school parties and I don’t need the talk to be about my son and some boys.” 
Tony swallowed and found that his throat was painfully dry. 
“Are you proud of that? Give me an answer and maybe prove yourself to be an honest man, at the very least.” 
Tony didn’t want to appear nervous but his heart was pounding. “Fuck off. I’m leaving.” Was about all he could muster before he took a pre-packed bag that was sitting on a desk for such occasions like this. 
He pushed past his lovely father and stormed about the house and slammed the door behind him. 
He stepped out into the street, feeling the brisk air which signaled their school year was coming up on it’s end very soon. Another block in the road towards acquiring the attention of one Steve Rogers. Suddenly the pressure of it all was getting to him. He swallowed a thick ball of mucus and enjoyed the way the low-hanging sun bled warm light onto his moist neck. 
The lighting was just that special kind of muted orange. Which reminded Tony of days he’d spent playing games at the park with the old gang. But those thoughts only lingered before the nostalgia was swallowed and adulthood was spat out onto the dirty sidewalk of a park which no more than a parking lot now. 
He rolled his lips together and looked at that empty lot, picturing the old swing sets and shit, when deliberately quiet footsteps fell next to him. 
“Missing our young, dumb days, huh Tony?” The smirk was clear in her voice. 
“Hey, Nat.” Tony chuckled and started walking his path again. 
Natasha smiled and decided to join him...apparently. She strolled on at the same pace and remained completely quiet in that eerie way of hers. 
“Was on my way to Bruce’s house actually.” Tony clicked his tongue. 
Nat shook her head. “Nah, he’s at that barbecue place with Thor, Loki and his weird friend-” 
"The witch?”
Nat smiled. “Wanda.” She corrected. “What’s with the two of them lately anyway? Never thought they were all that close, even when we were kids.” She pursed her lips and Tony smirked, having knowing something that Nat didn’t was always a rush. 
“Thor took Bruce out on a date to the theater on Monday night.” He bumped their arms together. “Not that Bruce wanted me to know about it, got my work days messed up. He seemed apprehensive.” 
“Holy shit.” She paused. “Guess I was too busy with you & Steve’s game of ‘Will-they-won’t-they’ to notice.” She returned the bump and happily sped up a bit. 
{Wednesday Morning}
“I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.” Jane Foster puffed out her chest and crossed her arms as she stood at the head of the science lab. “I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die.” She stepped forward strongly and stared dead forward for a few moments before giggling. 
From the bar tables, Thor and Valkyrie clapped next to the bunsen burner and sink. Loki set his chin on his palm and pursed his lips even though he wasn’t actually asked to be a judge. 
“I’m not trying to get a dramatics award, Loki.” She rolled her eyes. “Just trying to pass a History skit, ok?” She walked over and nudged him lightly before taking a seat next to Valkyrie. “Also last I checked, you didn’t like hanging around Thor’s friends.” She tipped her chin.
Loki smirked. “I have a free period and Wanda is in AP English. So I thought I’d spend what little time I have with you three-” Thor smiled at that. “It’s proving to be very boring.” 
“Would it still be boring if I shoved this beaker up your nose?” Valkyrie happily waved one of the skinnier looking beakers and leaned over Thor. Jane couldn’t help but smile with a touch of admiration and amusement. 
Loki didn’t seem bothered at all, just waved his hands up like he was better than that. “I’ll just wander the halls, shall I?” He winked and pushed the door open with his back and twirled out. 
“I think he’s opening up.” Thor smiled and merely shrugged when the girls gave him questioning looks. “He let me talk about Bruce with him.” He gestured his hand out. 
“More like at him.” Valkyrie added, glancing back at Jane with a grin as she squished closer. 
“All he ever has to add is those annoying little quips that sound all elegant but are really insulting.” Jane continued for her with hand-twitching gestures and beamed when Valkyrie smiled. 
Thor paused, realizing that he may be intruding on something without knowing. He wasn’t even sure they knew how close they were being. He did that little closed mouth grin and slapped the table. “I’ll just go tell Darcy about my date with Bruce.”
“Alright, moody.” Valkyrie teased, with a gentle smile. 
Thor stopped trying to stand and fell back on his stool. “SO.” He began and the girls happily listened. 
Tony stood on his tip-toes as he shoved his books into his locker. His shirt riding up as he stretched his arms and an approaching Steve found himself paying too much attention to the small peek of skin just above his hipbone.
Tony flattened his feet and twirled to face Steve who put on a grin, hugging some books to his chest. "Can you put these in your locker? Mine's too far from my next classes." He smiled a little and Tony raised his brow.
“Is it just me or is that an odd request, Steve?” Tony chuckled though he was actually panicking, overthinking already. But he reached out nonetheless to grab the tiny stack. 
Steve watched him with oddly interested eyes as Tony twisted them upright and got ready to shove them into the mess that was his locker...but-
Tony rolled his lips together and tried not to blush as he lowered the paperback of ‘The Great Gatsby’ with the napkin tapped to the cover. More specifically, a napkin from his theater with a little doodle of Steve on it. And above him, a bubble which read; “Sick of movies? how about coffee on Saturday?”
Tony glanced over at the blonde jock who looked as if he deserved someone beyond better and tried to hide his shock. “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.” He quoted straight from the book & glanced up again with a smirk as he flicked his fingers against the cover. 
Steve grinned. “Pursing.” He pointed his thumb into his chest and Tony felt his stomach flip. 
He clicked his tongue and shut the locker with ease. “I’m not generally the pursued, Steve.” He gestured to himself and pushed past him as if he wasn’t hopelessly developing even stronger feelings for him as the days passed. “The busy and tired? More like it.” 
Steve watched him go off in dramatics for a few seconds before strolling after him with a small smile & a glint in his eyes. “Determined. Unbelievably smart. Charming ego. Better than any guy or gal in this school.” 
Tony internally rolled his eyes at the cliche teen romantics of it all. 
“C’mon, Tony. I think you have feelings for me too. How did this end up in me begging you endlessly for one date?” He smirked and was happy to see that Tony returned it with joy. 
“Maybe it’s my charming ego.” He shrugged and sped off to his next class but not before flipping Steve a peace sign and a wink. 
Bruce Banner managed to get through his first three classes with no lasting effects other than the growing bags under his eyes and a load of homework he was already planning on finishing soon.
However, he did end up avoiding Thor which was just plain rude... 
Each time unsettled Bruce more but he kept finding himself waiting for the next almost-encounter with some kind of mixture of eagerness for seeing the blonde but disdain for himself. He brushed it off for a few minutes as he trudged down the hall.
His favorite part of school days was the time he spent lingering at his locker. He’d discovered the idea of bringing himself a snack to stash inside his locker at the beginning of the day would feed him for at least the rest of the day. It was a minimal joy to have amidst the passing days of agonizing work and annoying people. It had been Tony’s tradition originally but Bruce decided to copy it almost instantly upon hearing it all the way back to Freshman year. 
It helped him to have something to look forward too, which was lame but did help his grumpiness. Which, if that continued to grow, he’d become irritable and maybe have what some called his ‘anger issues’. It wasn’t if not having a snack in the middle of the day cause him to rage out. But, Bruce found he could easily get worked up to an angry state if pushed too hard. 
Bruce reached his hand in his locker for another handful of his snack for the day, those weird Pretzel Rods. He’d been told they were a boring snack but he actually liked them...Hell, he liked having something salty in the middle of the day-
“Hey Bruce.”
“Shit!” Bruce must have jumped eight feet into the air from pure shock. He banged his head on the edge of his locker and let out a few choice swears as he choked down the last crunch he took and turned behind him.
Thor leaned down a little to rub at Bruce’s sore spot for him, which made the smaller man a little flustered. “It’s fine, Thor. Just a bump.” He chuckled and ushered the much larger hand away. 
Thor nodded, backing up a little. “I was just...” He chuckled, awkwardly. “You know we haven’t talked since our date-if you’re still comfortable calling it that, of course-and I-”
Bruce shook his head. “That’s completely on me-”
“Well, yeah. I did try to reach out-” Thor paused and shook his head. “Sorry, sorry. That was rude. Go on.” He smiled in that special little pure way of his that Bruce found it hard to take any offense. 
“I just...” Bruce swallowed, not sure how to explain to Thor just how terrifying it was for him to express interest in a man who just shouldn’t even be interested in him in the first place. It was just physically impossible. “I-uh...honestly don’t know how to act and I’ve never been with a guy let alone....” he gave Thor a once over. “It’s uncomfortable for me to talk about, sorry.” Bruce nodded, accepting that it was as far as he could go. He held out a Pretzel Rod like that might help. 
Thor gently took the snack and thumped it against his palm with a smile. “Man, I really like you, Bruce.” He turned the rod over with an amused expression but quickly looked up. “I hope you know that. But if you think you’d be more comfortable as friends...” Thor flicked the pretzel through his fingers. “I’d be ok with that. I just hope it’s not because I accidentally dumped my coke on your lap.” He chuckled shyly.
Bruce brightened. “Definitely not. That was...very endearing, actually.” He blushed. The bell rang over their heads and Bruce frowned. “I’d really like to talk this out with you Thor, ok? Really. Let’s meet after school on Friday...get some tutoring done too?” he asked, feeling very open and vulnerable. But Thor made it all melt away in an instant by happily biting his pretzel rod and nodding. 
“I’ll be there.” He raised the bitten half in a ‘cheers’ sort of gesture...
Bruce strolled off with an amused and confused smile. 
Fourth Period for the twins was Gym class. 
Which meant Pietro was having the time of his life, running around the track for the mile was probably the highlight of his school year. Wanda watched him turn a corner and felt the corner of her mouth pop up. 
They’d been a lot closer when they were younger but being teenagers seemed to change their relationship immensely. Growing into their very different personalities proved hard for them to match each other, thus made getting along difficult. 
He had his friends and she had hers...she swung the small grip she had on Loki’s palm and continued to walk the track instead of running. “He’s wearing the running shoes I got him for Hanukkah last year.” She mused as Pietro finished...first place. “Wish I was as good at something as he is with...this.” She gestured to the track with a frown.
Loki smiled. “You are.” he swung their grip that time before strolling a little ahead and walking backwards. "Look at you, the mighty Wanda Maximoff, with all your strength in the science of magic...” He trailed off and smirked when she rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Wanda. You’re one serious witch.” 
Wanda grinned. “Nobody takes that seriously except you, Loki.”
Her friend slowed down and strolled next to her again. “You’re smart, Wanda. Who cares of the physical strength it takes to run laps?” He teased her brother. “We’re going to college together, leaving our thick-headed brothers behind, and you’re going to study metaphysics.”
Wanda reached for his hand again and was happy, at least for the moment. Knowing both of them were actually proud of their brothers. 
“So, Thor’s after that Banner guy, you said?” She asked as they turned the fourth corner on their second lap. 
Loki scowled. “Yeah. Seems rather hung up on the whole idea of Bruce.” He shrugged. “They used to hang out a lot when we were younger. But mostly just at school. At home...” Loki shook his entire body and Wanda chuckled. “He’d have all those sleepovers with those testosterone filled jerks and that Sif girl.” 
Loki hated remembering all the times he’d tried to join those sleepovers as a mere child and been mercilessly teased out by Thor’s friends. Sure, he understood the classic younger sibling is ‘lame’ family trope but...it was Hell when added on to the fact that Thor was Odin’s favorite. 
Wanda nodded. “Growing up makes us all jerks sometimes.” She spoke in her ominous tone and looked off in the distance before Pietro jogged past them; she instinctively held her hand out for a quick high-five. 
The sound of their hands slapping made Loki smirk. “You’re right. Siblings are a torture but they are...” He looked off in Pietro’s path. “fun to have around.” 
The two of them grinned and continued to slack off. 
: :
“Pietro is driving some of his friends home so he doesn’t care if I go home with you guys.” Wanda spoke as she walked back over to where Loki was leaning on the brick wall of the school building. Her eyes squinted from the glare of the sun but she smiled at the heat. 
“Tell your parents you’re sleeping over, I wanna try out some new stuff with my make-up and I-....” Loki paused and watch the oddball twirl about his pointer finger, which was dripping with subtle blood. He smirked. “What are you doing weirdo?”
She held out the cut for him to examine. “I cut it on Pietro’s watch-” She waved it around for a second before raising it up to her chin. 
Loki rolled his eyes, disgruntled at the sight. “I thought you stopped doing that, it’s so...uncivilized.” he watched the girl pop her finger into her mouth and suck the blood like it was no big deal. She shrugged and smiled around the finger, held still by her teeth now. 
From over her shoulder, Loki spotted a carefree looking Thor bounding over. He was making quick goodbyes to his little group, winking at Valkyrie as she and Jane fled school grounds. 
He stopped short of the pair and smiled brightly. Wanda tried to return the gesture but once she pulled her finger outta her mouth, lines of blood covered her teeth. Loki laughed at her but Thor just continued to grin at her. 
“Shut-up.” She pinched Loki’s arm as they followed Thor to the car and began swiping her tongue across her teeth. 
{Wednesday Night} 
“Your body heat is making me uncomfortable.” 
Sam tried to look up at Bucky while he spoke but the man’s chin was resting on the top of his head which made it rather difficult and though it was a touch too warm, Sam felt quite relaxed. 
They were curled up on the small bed that conquered most of the room in Sam’s room, his elbow probably poking into Bucky’s ribs. It wasn’t often that Bucky spent the night, due to the fact that Sam’s parents were wise to their relationship. But, they made an exception as long as Bucky slept in the guestroom once it was time for sleep...that and the door stayed open a few inches. It was no paradise but...they liked to be together. 
Bucky pulled slightly back and allowed Sam to scoot off his lap and plant himself firmly next to him on the couch. “The problem is that you’re always freezing.” He threw his arm around the man once more as if that previous complaint meant nothing to him which was something Sam often did. 
“Sam, you almost always feel like you’ve been out in the sun for a week.” Bucky scrunched up his nose, wondering just how it was that Sam could feel feverish so often. He reached his hand up and gently rested it on the side of his face, feeling for the heat, and then brushed it down across his chin to the other cheek. He could tell that the other man really loved when he did things like that. 
“Maybe it’s all the working-out.” Sam smirked, tilting his head to the side and meaning a lot more with that comment than he usually would. Bucky pursed his lips and pulled away slightly, the fabric of the couch rolling under his pants. 
“I only said you worked out too much cause I didn’t want you to keep hugging me when you were dripping with sweat.” Bucky said strongly before realizing how bad that made him sound. But Sam only started to laugh and soon enough, Bucky joined him. 
That was something he really loved about them being an ‘us’. He’d found their relationship was constantly full of playful bickering that was special just to them. Nobody else got it. Sam was just so...easy-going. It naturally rubbed off on himself that way. They found the perfect harmony as a couple.  
“It’s not that bad.” Bucky giggled and Sam happily shoved him a little.
“You’re always so sweet to me.” He playfully held Bucky’s hands to his his chest and then let them fall from his own grip but the boy only reached for Bucky’s hands again and absentmindedly played with them. 
Bucky looked at Sam with all the love in his soul and cuddle closer on the damn tiny bed. “Aren’t I, Doll?” He mumbled softly into Sam’s ear. 
“Can’t believe we hated each other at first.” Sam shook his head and chuckled.
“Did we really though?” Bucky bumped their arms together and nuzzled his nose along the line of Sam’s neck. 
“Maybe not, I mean...you told me you loved me within the first two weeks of dating, Buck. I think that says a lot about our ‘hatred’" Sam turned and bumped their noses together and chuckled lightly when Bucky blushed with embarrassment. “And what’d I say back, Buck?” He asked smoothly. 
Bucky looked thoughtful and bashful in the way only Sam saw. “That you loved me too.” He scooted closer. “And that we were probably dumb kids for meaning it so early.” 
{Wednesday Night}
The laundry basket that should have been on it’s way to the dryer, sat on the floor just in front of the small window in the living-room. The sunlight that poured through the open window highlighted the array of flying dust and bathed the pile of moist clothes in the kind of heat that would surely begin a blooming sunburn on any person who dared to sit there for that long. 
The basket had been sitting there for just about a half-hour without Steve managing to notice he’d forgotten all about it. 
He whistled softly to himself as he crossed the hardwood floor and set some magazine down on his coffee table. While he made the move to sit down, he noticed the plastic white basket out of the corner of his eye and hesitated. He wasn’t usually the kind of person who huffed about simple chores but it just served as a reminder that his regular routine of things had been newly shaken by his Fathers longer work hours.  
The joints in his legs cracked as if he was an old man when he heaved himself back up from the sitting position and over to the damn thing. He looked at it as if it had personally attacked him for a few seconds before kneeling down next to it, hand digging into it. He debated on whether or not it was necessary to rush this dryer journey and unfortunately, he would be needing these clothes soon. 
Hiking the basket up, he walked towards his door and heard the pleasing sound of the static television playing some family-friendly show from the living room. The lights above him flickered eerily and really set the mood for how creepy the Roger’s laundry room really was. 
He dug through the damp clothes to really examine what he’d shoved inside the basket and glanced at the TV every once in a while by peeking round the corner. It was some show he didn’t recognize but he pegged that to his distance from television lately. 
Through the wiggling static that made up the TV display, Steve made out some father figure on the show talking sternly to his daughter. Something about boys. “It’s always the funny ones that ya gotta watch out for. They can make you laugh, they can charm ya into anything. I don’t trust this guy-” 
Steve bit the inside of his lip and shook his head. He remembered hearing some line that was quite similar to that one on some show he’d watched as a kid. It never sat well with him, even as a little boy who sat way too close to the TV. He wasn’t a very funny guy himself. At least he never thought so. He’d been told on a few occasions that he could really be a hit with jokes but he didn’t think of it as stand-out or especially good. ‘Course, he didn’t think anything about himself was. But he always sorta wished it was a better talent of his. He’d seen a few pals of his get women that way and maybe it’d work just the same for him but it was a method he never practiced on purpose....-
‘Not that it mattered’ He smiled at the thought of one Tony Stark, who always made Steve laugh. He was just one of those funny guys which saved Steve from the problem all together. 
For the first time in his life, Steve found himself on the other end of the...’usual relationship arrangement?’. ‘Not that it was a problem’. But he’d been used to asking a lady out and sure-he’d been the one to ask out Tony but...man oh man...Tony had Steve completely wrapped around his finger like no other gal did. 
Their night was about to begin; The palettes that Loki had purchased were sitting in the middle of the carpet next to Wanda’s lit up mirror (which she’d continued to forget at the Odinson household for a solid two months) & Wanda was wrapping a Scooby-Doo band-aid around her finger. 
All was settled until Thor busted (gently walked if you asked Wanda) into Loki’s room with a hopeful expression. “I don’t wan to interrupt but I was wondering if you’d like me to drive you guys for ice-cream?” He smiled and took a seat on the carpet with them. 
“Something’s troubling you brother.” Loki chuckled. “But if your misery works in my benefit, I’ll allow it.” He shrugged but shot Thor a tiny yet meaningful smile. 
“Loki’s gonna do our make-up first.” Wanda smiled. 
Loki bit into his cheek and felt a sharp sense of nerves go through his body. It wasn’t as if Thor didn’t support him or even cared at all if he wore make-up but he’d never...done himself up with him in the room. 
“Can I watch?” Thor asked, happily. 
Loki shrugged. “Sure. I’m going to start with Wanda, who likes a lot of red shadows...so I’ll just get those ready before we start with her base...” He hummed as his finger waved around the palettes.  
He carefully began his work on Wanda and tried to pretend he wasn’t nervous under Thor’s eyes. “So how are things with Banner?” He glanced over. 
Thor rolled his lips together and shrugged. “We had a nice time on our...” He paused. “date. But he wants to talk things out on Friday.” 
Loki hummed and urged Wanda to close her eyes. “Bruce was always the oddest of your old little group.” He shrugged. “He’s not one for attention or...” Loki waved around a brush before trailing off. “I’m sure he likes you Thor. There’ll just be some things you’ll have to understand about him before you two actually get together, you know?” 
Thor perked up a little. “You are wise on these subjects, brother.” Loki shrugged, with fake modesty. 
: : : : : : : Wanda was glossing her lips as Loki swiped a perfect winged eyeliner down the slope of his eyes, mirror in hand. He tried to keep the proud look off his face as Thor actually seemed impressed with his work. 
It was a more subtle take on the look he’d been testing out but as he pulled back for a full view, he grinned. 
“I love it!” Thor smiled. 
Loki shoved down the literal pride he felt. Odin, his own father, was always ashamed to see these looks. But his Mother would always cheer and look amazed. And Thor...He just always seemed so naturally pleased and astounded by the talent it took. 
He never once made Loki feel weird about it. 
“Of course you do.” Loki put on a half-false confidence and picked up a lingering mascara tube. “Ruby Red...” 
He flicked the tube towards Wanda, who took her Que to really show off her glittering red look. 
“And...” Loki pointed back to himself. “Emerald City.” He gestured to the shimmery greens and smirked over at his best friend, who was now getting ready to get the ice-cream promised. 
“Now let’s go. You’re paying.” Loki smacked Thor’s arm as the younger two darted out the bedroom door. 
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split-n-splice · 5 years
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Sometimes those who are bad do good while those who are good do bad with good intentions. A kidnapping and a brief encounter between villain wannabe and a hero-to-be.
Pre-Team Go. Just thinking about origins and adjusting to new powers. I fancy the idea that Drakken and Shego go “way back.”
Chapters: 3 Words: 12k Warnings: violence, language (Updated with revised version Feb, 2020!)
[Chapter Guide]
Chapter 1
Save for the rhythm of her own breath and the hum of a fluorescent she’d grown deaf to, her chambers had been dead silent for hours on end until the lull was broken by the long-awaited click of the lock and the quiet swish of the door opening.
“Subject B?” came the wavering call of an uncertain man.
The teenager’s lip almost quirked into a smirk. Almost. Fresh meat, she thought wryly.
Her arms were bent uncomfortably over her head, shielding her eyes from the infinite light above as she lay on her cot. For quite some time now, she’d had nothing better to do other than sleep until she ached and then some. If only sleep was easy to come by.
The footsteps neared. “I’m your, uhm. Psychiatrist.” He waited. She’d leave him hanging, she decided. “Hello? Are you awake?” Another moment passed. The footsteps began to retreat, and she heard him mutter impatiently to himself, “I must be in the wrong sector.”
The girl sat upright then with great exertion, lifting a heavy cast over her head. She slumped forward and glowered down to her hands secured and bound together in the slipshod plaster cocoon before squinting up against the searing white light as a man in a crisp blue suit came into focus.
“M’name’s not Subject B,” she rasped, voice hoarse from thirst and lack of use. A far more interesting glass of water on the homey little nightstand beside her cot drew her attention away from the stranger, reminding her how parched she was. She’d been encouraged to break her strike for a while now – she’d lost count of the days she’d been on it, honestly – and though she was presently hooked to an IV to treat dehydration, she was still holding fast to her conditions: let her go or she’d find a way to self-destruct. So far the tactic wasn’t working.
Her visitor said something she didn’t catch – the damn water had her fixated. She could have – should have – knocked it over hours ago, or maybe days ago, but what if another glass never came—?
The girl shook her head and tore her eyes away from the tempting glass. She scrunched her nose as if smelling something foul as she studied the spectacled man again. “You look too young to be a psychiatrist,” she deadpanned. “Mommy still do your laundry? Looks like she dresses you too.”
Something she said must have struck a nerve. “Listen, you snot-nosed little brat—” the man began, but she lurched to her feet. The wobble of her knees couldn’t have been threatening but her glare must have done something. She liked to think so anyway.
“This snot-nosed little brat left yesterday’s psychiatrist’s face looking like a Picasso,” she hissed venomously, and raised her trapped hands a little as evidence before dropping them. “So watch your mouth.” She couldn’t do much to him in her present state, but he seemed on edge just enough for threats alone to be sufficient.
When she took a step forward, IV stand scooting along with her, the man took a step back. Her eyes darted to the floor. She almost smiled, but he was talking again. “Is that what that is about?” He gestured with his clipboard to her bound hands. “Why?”
The girl arched her brow at the perplexed inquiry. There wasn’t an inkling of sarcasm. She looked down to the plaster keeping her primary means of defense at bay. She was sure she could burn the cast off, but not without burning herself again in the process. Her skin was already raw and blistered from earlier attempts to burn her way to freedom. Having a go at her last doctor had been the last straw. They’d said the improvised cast was only a temporary quick fix. They’d said it was to keep her from hurting herself, like a cone on a dog – but that had been a load. The burns lacing her palms and knuckles might have gotten the attention they needed if she weren’t so obstinate, but she’d hardly let anyone near enough to check on her in days.
She’d been a lab rat under observation for months – ever since the organization holding her in custody had caught wind of something extraterrestrial practically leveling her neighborhood. She hadn’t been compliant with their studies.
The snapping of fingers made her blink. An almost concerned look crossed the man’s face. He was stupid enough to take a step closer. He opened his mouth to repeat the question but she cut him off.
“If you’d read my file, you would know what it’s for.” She narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion as he scrambled to flip through the scant pages on his clipboard. “There was even a hazard sign posted outside the door, last I saw.”
“I – uh – I’m just making small talk. Of course, I’ve read your file,” he said, a tentative smile quivering.
The girl glanced to the floor again, to the painted red caution line marking the boundary behind him, and a second marking a boundary through the center of the barren room between them, her own personal invisible fence. If he was a stuttering idiot because he was scared, he would have taken the proper precautions when confronting her. She did the math. Something didn’t add up right. “Then you wouldn’t have crossed the line,” she stated in a quiet mutter, eyes fixating on the particular warning line three steps behind him. Personnel without guards were unauthorized to cross it, and as of yet, no doctor had even risked seeing her alone.
Dragging the IV stand behind her, she approached the center of the room, the invisible barrier clear only to her. The tingle of a thick mechanical collar around her throat became noticeable, heating up in warning.
“Line?” uttered the young man, face scrunching as he looked down and all around. By the time he’d noticed them, the warning lines, the sound of her hacking something made his spectacled eyes snap back to her.
She really didn’t want to encourage being muzzled too, but she was in a bad mood. Without pausing to think twice, she spat what could only be described as a plasma loogie his way. The man leapt back with a startled yelp, both disgusted and frightened as the green flame bubbled and burned itself out in a tiny pit in the linoleum. Her throat burned like she’d swallowed a hot coal and she choked on the aftertaste, but it had been worth it for the look on the stranger’s face.
Her eyes watered. The glass of water had never been more tempting. “How’s that for snot-nosed, huh?” she coughed, caught between laughter and choking. She smiled wider than she had in days, or maybe weeks. How long had she been here? Long enough for her hair to grow back long enough to tickle her ears again. She didn’t want to think about it.
She focused her heated glare back on the livid man, who now stood a safe distance out of her spitting range marked clearly in the floor by a dozen other divots and of course the red paint. “Why, you little!” he seethed, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.
“You’re not the shrink they sent to get inside my head,” she decided, making her way back to her cot. “So who are you?” Talking was getting to be too exhausting, but she could use some relief from the monotony of this hell of solitary confinement. They’d tried to give her a television and other enrichment, but that had been one of the things she’d fired at that had gotten her hands bound up. They kept telling her to behave and cooperate like Subjects A and C and they’d let her go in no time – but she had her doubts and had become increasingly volatile since this had all started a month or two or three or more ago. She didn’t even know if her brothers had really been released or if something worse had befallen them. She hadn’t seen them since they were put into custody for observation.
The man said something else she didn’t catch as she flopped down in her cot and instantly regretted doing so a little bit, the jolt making her body ache ever more and the IV tug in her arm. She leaned awkwardly on her elbows to study the glass at eye level, resting her chin on the nightstand. She had the worst case of heartburn right now. Her eyes stung.
She expected the man to be done with this session and leave to tattle on her for spitting acid at him. To at least take some notes if he was, in fact, her new psychiatrist. Something.
But after a moment and a thoughtful hum, his footsteps neared instead, crossing the warning line again.
The girl twisted around to glare back incredulously at him. He held the clipboard under his arm and was fidgeting with something with an antenna in his palm. “Why don’t we take a little walk, Subject B?” he suggested.
She thought she recognized what he held but she wasn’t sure, maybe it was just a radio or—
“No thanks, I’m good,” she said quickly, scrambling to her knees and pressing herself into the farthest corner, folding her legs up to her chest. Her heart started to pound.
What was this sketchy doctor playing at? He must realize he was playing with fire. Was he brave or just stupid?
She tried to swallow as he approached but she was too parched. She couldn’t even draw upon the green alien fire to spit in defense this time.
In the back of her mind, the state of her dress became a concern and she squeezed her legs tighter to her chest. A dress – that was all they gave her – a dress and nothing else, no shoes, no underwear, just the bare necessity to keep her decent. Suddenly the dress didn’t concern her anymore. Pants never warded off grubby hands much anyway, she supposed.
Flight wasn’t an option. Fight kicked in.
The man had a lot of gall to reach down for her, but she kicked out at him, targeting his groin but her heel making contact with his stomach instead. It knocked the wind out of him at least, and for a split second she fancied the thought of cracking the cast open like a coconut on his stupid head – but he was recovering too soon, and frankly she was too exhausted from malnutrition to fight a grown man, even a sort of scrawny one like him.
He glared hard down at her and held up the device to wiggle mockingly. She blanched. It was exactly what she’d thought it was – it went to the damned obedience collar locked around her neck to keep her under control for those special occasions she went batshit. It even kept her behind the invisible barrier. He must have seen the fear flicker in her eyes because he grinned maliciously.
Her stomach turned.
“You know, it’s funny,” he ground out, not particularly amused as he stood back and held the device out of reach when she lunged for it, forgetting for a second that she couldn’t grab at things in this state. His hand on her head was enough to hold her at bay. She could have bitten him. She wanted to. She scowled instead and threw herself back against the wall, legs tucked tight again. “When I stole it, I thought this was the remote to the inexhaustible nuclear weapon I heard rumor of Global Justice obtaining. It goes to something alright, but I’m not sure about the weapon being inexhaustible. Or nuclear. Hm.”
He studied the remote as if it determining the ripeness of a piece of fruit in a produce aisle, and then looked back down at her. “Oh well,” he sang, idly spinning a knob of settings like some sort of wheel of misfortune that made her heart thunder. “I suppose it still functions for the intended purpose, but I wasn’t expecting the weapon to be some kid.”
The sick bastard was just plain taunting her now. “I’m a freshman,” she snapped. Or at least she was supposed to be.
She didn’t have time to argue about it, bracing herself again to thrash when the questionable doctor stooped over her a second time.
The man was wrestling her for her arms now. “Don’t be a pill! I’m as displeased about this as you are,” the man assured her unsympathetically.
She tried screaming, even though she knew her chances of getting any help were slim to none. She’d already cried wolf countless hours before – so any guards in the area were desensitized to her screams and whoever was on monitor duty must be napping on the clock or there would have been an intervention by now.
“What are you doing?” she squawked, writhing and kicking, but her weak legs were useless in prying off her assailant.
“You don’t need this where we’re going. Just – ow! Stop that!”
A headbutt only dealt her more harm than him. She was dazed just long enough for him to get a grip on her, and she nearly resumed her thrashing again until she realized his target was the IV in her arm. She went rigid then. She wasn’t keen on having it simply ripped out. She hadn’t eaten in days but she felt like puking when she finally surrendered, if only for the moment. Pressing her face to the wall, she squeezed her eyes shut against the sight. It didn’t help knowing he was holding the remote carelessly between his teeth now as he worked to remove the catheter – she didn’t want to think about the voltage burns that could be inflicted by the accidental press of a button.
The vinegar breath and entire weight of his presence backed off suddenly, the foreign object dislodged from her flesh as well. She stared at the little piece of gauze taped over the site, a dot of blood blooming already.
“Now,” said the man with an exhausted huff of frustration as he stood back from her. He tried to smooth his hair back into place and pointed the remote at the door. “How about that walk?” His eyes narrowed at her bare feet as the cautious girl put them on the floor. “I don’t suppose you have any shoes—?”
“Huh. You know, you’d really think they’d be more hospitable than that,” he uttered, stupefied for a second. She didn’t have a chance to ask him to clarify who they were. The man shook his head then and shuffled away, fidgeting with the controller and then aiming it back at her.
The girl tensed when she saw his thumb hover over the control pad and heard the tiny beep.
She waited.
There was no electric shock, no heat, no choking – nothing they’d used against her to get her under control when typical civilized methods failed.
There was, however, the sudden absence of a barely-perceivable vibration she’d grown numb to.
She started to reach for her throat, blinking in surprise, but remembered about her plaster-bound hands and dropped them. She stretched her jaw instead and tried to swallow, readjusting to the missing sensation. “Would feel better if it was off,” she rasped.
The sketchy doctor was leaned out the door, peeking into the hall. He scoffed as he looked back at her incredulously. “I don’t think so.”
“Can’t blame me for trying,” she sighed.
“Let’s go, Subject B.”
“I have a name.”
He sighed impatiently and rolled his wrist at her in encouragement. “Then what is it?” he demanded in a hiss.
No question about it. Her eyes narrowed at the phony doctor’s back as she followed two steps behind him down the blinding white halls. “Are you kidding me?” she balked. “It’s on my paperwork.” She knew that much, even if she hadn’t been called by name in months. And in any case, phony or not, he should have at least known what he was targeting.
“Yes, well, I didn’t read them, so—”
The girl rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t. You’re not a real doctor.”
“Am too.”
“Are not.”
“You little sh— shush!” he snipped under his breath, whirling on her. He might have poked her in the chest with a sharp finger if she was standing any closer, but instead he jabbed at the air. “I demand you behave yourself and act natural. Don’t make me use the, the uh—” He waved the device menacingly. “This.”
“Obedience collar,” she supplied. The young man glowered, nostrils flaring, holding his tongue. She sighed, shoulders sagging. “Whatever. I’ll play along.” It should be pretty fun when he got busted and it sure beat sitting around doing nothing for another day, she decided.
“Thank you,” he said, spinning back around.
A couple minutes passed as she followed the man through twisting corridors and security doors that took a mere sweep of a card to open. It was soon clear he’d lost his sense of direction by his frown. “You don’t know what you’re doing, do you?” she whispered behind him, making him jump. “You didn’t think this through at all.”
“I – I did too,” he hissed back. His hands flailed in the air, gesturing at her in frustration. “I just wasn’t expecting – augh!” He bit back a curse and skulked ahead, hands still flapping. “You were supposed to be a thing. Like a gun or something.”
“Sorry I’m inconvenient.” She rolled her eyes. “What do you plan to do with me?”
The man glared over his shoulder and swiped his pass card again. “Keep moving.”
She wasn’t one to be rushed, and certainly not by a bumbling idiot. He looked about ready to throw her over his shoulder to speed things up, but she doubted he had the muscle to do so. Then again, she’d lost quite a bit of weight recently. She was probably as light as an armful of kindling by now. She certainly felt like a walking stick anyway.
Following the stupid black mop ahead of her became the only thing keeping her legs moving, like following the white rabbit down the rabbit hole. She was zoning out again, the man’s complaints never quite reaching her ears. Every once in a while, the sketchy young doctor looked back to frown at her or wave the remote in threat, and his grip wrapped around her arm at one point to all but drag her along when she paused to rest.
They passed legitimate personnel, typical doctors and science geeks in white lab coats, in the hall at one point, and she was vaguely aware of the intruder beside her straightening up and fixing his pokerface. Act natural. Whatever that meant. She walked along, feet dragging on the cold linoleum, like the prisoner she was, on her way to whatever destination her phony doctor had prescribed for her.
And then they were outside. The hot air hit her like a wall, every fiber of her being soaking up the evening sunlight. She had to stop to enjoy the moment, even if the blacktop was searing hot underfoot. It was nothing compared to the fire she’d been burdened with.
She was being manhandled again, shoved into a car and pushed down to the floorboard. “Hide there until I give the all-clear,” the phony doctor instructed, throwing his jacket down at her face. She got the hint. She was being smuggled out. She had her doubts how well it would work, and almost voiced her criticism from beneath the cover when she heard a spoken exchange above.
She held her breath. Crouching beneath a glovebox like some sort of lumpy painfully-obvious frog had to be one of the stupidest things she’d done, but it was too late to suggest the trunk as a better hiding place.
Moments after the brief chat with the gatekeeper, there was a light rap against her head and she climbed out of the cranny, collapsing back into the passenger seat and heaving a sigh from all the exertion.
“So what flavor of hell does my new captor have for me?” she wondered idly, head lolling to study the man. “Rape, murder, desecration – the standard procedure? Wow me already. Say something. Cripes you’re boring. You’re not very good at kidnapping.”
He pushed his glasses back up his button nose, grimaced, and shook his head. He was chewing on something he didn’t want to say.
As they hit the highway, he almost commanded she put on her seatbelt, but she held up her bound hands before he could finish the word, and he groaned, reaching over to fumble for it himself to stretch over her awkwardly.
“Thanks,” she said dryly.
He only grunted in reply.
She slumped uncomfortably against the window, the vibration of the wheels covering ground soon lulling her effortlessly to dreamland.
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.8.
“Your first tournament is next week.” The entire classroom collectively choked on their drink. “Wait what?!” yelled back Ricardo. The AHA Combat Team had been training for a few months now, and Reverse had been running them hard. And it was beginning to have results. Ricardo could accurately shoot and move like a gunslinger of old. Riley could move faster than ever, with a punch backing up her speed as well. Emily could now move beyond her usual ‘kicking those below me’ style and for some reason had stopped bullying during her usual hours. Jade chalked it up to being too tired to hate. John has been getting better at moving faster and hitting more often, becoming a mosquito almost. Jade came to find out that quiet girl’s name was Grace, who had an quirk to cause fucking paralysis. Jade had to fix her ‘judging the book by their cover’ style fast, as she was certain it would backfire in the future. 
“Yes, a tournament. In order to keep this club running we have to actually fight other schools. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it's going to be really tough for you guys. While you all have been improving your abilities and skills, these people have been in the Combat Sport for years. And none of you, save for very specific circumstances, have actually fought someone. So we’re going to fix that today.” Reverse walked to the door and opened it. In came the school nurse pushing a trolley of suit bags. Reverse gave the nurse a handshake before turning to the group. 
“These will be your uniforms for the competitions. They were each made to your measurements you all sent me when I had you sign the waivers. Now, unlike other countries,  the US Combat Sports Association does not allow for specific suit modifications to match a quirk power unless it is to allow body quirks. As such, they are just body suits. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make them look cool.” He picked up one of the suit bags and opened them up. As he was taking out the suit he gave a small chuckle. “You see, even I have to get a suit, as the club sponsors have to fight each other before the competition to get the first pick of opponents.” Reverse unveils the suit, and it is as best as bodysuit can look. They were accented with blue and gold chevrons along the sleeves and legs, with a white body as a whole. The chevrons all connected to a bright red AHA on the chest. “These suits are made to be breathable and shit like that, but it looks cool too. I based it off of my favorite hero’s uniform. Now, you all will still be required to wear underwear and shit but -” The nurse cleared his throat.
“Oh right. You will be putting these on today for practice. We are going to fight each other, to get you used to how other humans think. Do not worry about getting hurt, my good friend here will put you right back together.” The nurse took a step forward and gave a friendly wave. “Hello hello! I recently bought 70 heads of lettuce, so I believe I can help you all get back to health easily enough!” The students did not know what to make of that statement. Reverse started grabbing his suit and gloves and walking out the door. The students took the cue and rushed to the cart to grab their suit and ran to the bathroom to change.
When they met at the gym, it was obvious to find those who were more comfortable with their body and those who were not.  There were the majority of  students who were trying to cover up parts of them because they were shy, and then there was Riley, who was standing there like a greek statue. The nurse was there with a camera and a giant shopping cart of lettuce head. He had also changed clothes, out his white lab coat and dress shirt and pants to what looks like a red Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. He had also donned a pair of sunglasses and brought a lawn chair. He seems to be getting ready for a good show, Jade thought.
Soon after Reverse walked in, and aside from Riley was the one who rocked the suit the most. His suit allowed for small cosmetic modifications, so had it all cut up into separate sleeves, leggings, and the initial torso covering. He also had a helmet over his head, which made him look like a huge buff biker. Jade was drawn away from looking at him when she heard something to the right of her. It was the short shy girl named Grace. She was muttering something under her breath, and had a twinkle in her eye. Her gaze was landing right on Reverse. Gross...thought Jade. Reverse flipped the visor and spoke, “I am going to assign you to pairs of two. You are going to fight each other, one at a time. Emily, Jade, you're up first.” 
It was like Reverse had poured a bucket of ice down her back. Wait, us up first? Right off the bat? Emily seemed to have lost any semblance of the shame she was wearing earlier, her arms dropping to her sides.  And while moments ago she was awash with a sheepish energy, what now radiates from her body was something akin to bloodlust. 
“Eh..Reverse?A word?” “No.” Jade would have to talk to him about that later. The two girls walked away from the group and stepped into a painted ring. The ring was fairly large, about the size of a basketball court. Inside the ring lay several crates that in some areas pile up to create cover within the ring. Reverse leaped from where he stood and landed on the tallest of the piles. 
“Alright, so I'm going to lay out the rules. Follow them or risk disqualification. They are as follows: Do not use lethal force.  That's it.” That's it?!?!?! Jade’s minds bellows. She was already uncomfortable in a suit that seemed to form to her body in a way that makes her very exposed, she has to fight her bully who has beaten her for YEARS without any warning...wait a second.
This could prove to be in my favor.
Reverse jumped away from the crate pile and next to the nurse. Jade looks across the ring straight into Emily’s eyes. “I'm not going to hold back. I'm going to get back at you,” Jade says to Emily, putting as much authority into her voice as she can. “I sincerely doubt it.” Emily put her arms above her head and did a lazy stretch, never breaking eye contact with jade.“This is routine for me, and I’ll treat it as such.” Emily’s reply is delivered with as much nonchalance as one could imagine.”Truth be told, I was afraid i’d be fighting anyone else. But when I heard it was you? I knew I could finally have fun again. It's been so long since we’ve had a moment.”
Reverse picks up a previously hidden bell and punches it. As it rings out across the ring and courtyard, he yells.”FIGHT!”
Immediately, Jade loses sight of Emily. It was almost too fast how she moved. Jade walked forward into the piles of crates and was looking around and up, scared. Around her she hears rustling everywhere, and is spinning in circles.”Stop running! Face me!” Jade calls out. She was not used to this, Emily would always do head-on beatings, she never would…
A crash is heard behind Jade and she turns around to see a crate flying at her. Jade leaps to the side and looks up to see Emily. She was floating in the air, standing on several towers of crates. Her hair seems to have grown exponentially somehow, looking like several spider-legs writhing around her head. A leg shoots forward and nearly misses Jade’s head. Emily starts floating forward, her hair moving like an insect crawling along a wall and pulling her with it. Jade scrambles to her feet and starts charging Emily. Emily’s face was a bit surprised at this, although she did not stop her advance. Jade’s arms started to begin their flame, the gasoline dropping to the floor, when she was clotheslined. A line of hair raised up to head level, near invisible, caused Jade to fly onto her back and knock her head. She looked up from the floor, vision hazy, and saw Emily quite literally lording over her. Emily had a look of complete sadism in her eyes, and was seen trying to stifle a laugh with her hand. “Oh Jade, you can’t ever compete with me. That little stunt you pulled earlier was hilariously funny, but not unexpected.” Tendrils of hair shoot down and restrain Jade in place, and Emily spits on her face. “You’ll never be better than me. Let this serve as a reminder to Know.Your.Place!” Her last word was said with malice, as a bundle of hair turned into a large fist and came rushing to her face and -
Jade woke up once again in the nurse’s office. She had an exploding pain in her head. But it was nothing compared to the pain she felt in her soul. She had lost. Not only lost, she lost to her bully yet again. After all those months of working out, those long nights of learning to control her quirk, those special sessions with Reverse… all for nothing. Why did I even think I could compare to her.. She’s always held herself over me. Jade swings her legs off the bed and stands up, stretching. I’ve been trying to make myself bigger than I am..I thought I could take on my father’s killer. I should have known better. I’m just a teenager. It's probably best to just leave it to Reverse.. Jade goes to the curtain surrounding her bed and pulls it back, expecting to see Reverse again.
But that is not what she sees. She sees Emily, lying unconscious on a bed with several bandages around her head. Her..bald head. Jade looked at her head and saw burn marks around her scalp, where the bandages cover her up. “What the hell!?” Jade audibly says. “You sleep for so long.” Jade turns around and sees Reverse drinking out of smoothie, sitting on the bed adjacent to Emily’s. “An hour shorter than last time, but still. I want to go home y’know?” 
“What the hell happened?!” Jade was scared, but not as much as she was bewildered. 
Reverse spends the next minute draining his smoothie. After a very satisfied burp, he puts his cup down. “Well, it went something like this..”
As the first fell towards Jade’s face, something happened. The courtyard, the whole city, was filled with bright light never really seen to that extent. The air was filled with heat felt before though, as this was Georgia. Emily, momentarily distracted by the sudden flare of light, soon found herself with something very alarming to take care of. She was struck with a bolt of light, pure white and bright light, to the back of her head. And in that strike, the entirety of her hair was lit on fire. And burning to ashes too. The tendrils of her hair began to fall off akin to leaves in a fire, burning away completely in the wind. Reverse shot from his spot next to the nurse and dashed into the air, catching Emily before she hit the ground. The impact of Reverse catching her, in addition to her flaming head, caused her to go unconscious. However, when Reverse was catching her in the air, he hit a crate on accident which fell right on top of..
“You dropped a crate on my head?!” “I don’t think you’re paying attention to the important part of this story.” Reverse stood up and walked to Jade, putting his hand on her shoulder.
“Jade, you summoned the power of the sun. You used your dad’s quirk.”
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Where’s My Love - Stiles Stilinski
listen to the song here ( I REALLY RECOMMEND THIS ONE GUYZ )
Cold bones
Yeah that’s my love
She hides away like a ghost
“You can’t catch me! You can’t catch me!” You sing songed, running all over the Stilinski’s back yard.
Your families were neighbors, and both you and Stiles were six, so you played together every day.  It was a fast and easy friendship to make.
“No fair! You’re faster than me!” The boy with messy hair panted.  You giggled, spinning around, your pigtails flying.  
“Come on Mitchy!”
“I said I wanna be Stiles!” You shook your head, running over to him and jumping onto his back.  He caught you with ease, and began running around again.  It was amazing how much energy kids could have.
“Well everyone else can call you Stiles, because I’m the only one who gets to know your real name” You said cheekily.
“Okay! It’ll be a special thing.  I’ll call you… uh… y/n/n!” You giggled at the silliness and nodded.
“Okay deal!” You agreed.
Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same?
Don’t wanna cry but I break that way
“It’s an emergency Stiles!” You whined through your bedroom door.  He stood in the hall on the other side.
“Is it? Because last time you told me something was an emergency, you were distracting me and you took my best pokemon card and my Mets hat!” he said back.  
“Please” You begged.
“Ugh” You heard him stomp his foot on the floor.  “Fine.  But only because somehow your puppy eyes work through the door” He said, and opened it.  “I don’t know how you-” Stiles stopped when he saw you, jaw dropping open at the sight.
Tonight was your first school dance, you were seventh graders.  It was low key, but still a milestone.  And… you’d never dressed up before.  Not even a skirt.  SO when Stiles saw you in a cream colored dress with a simple brown belt, his eyes had noticeably widened.
“Oh my god is it that bad?” Tears welled in your eyes and Stiles quickly shook his head, crossing his room to you.
“No no, it’s great, it’s um, it’s pretty” He’d never said anything that made him feel so awkward.  But he was telling the truth.  In fact he wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful, but he didn’t want to cross a line.  You looked down at your outfit unsurely, a few tears slipping from your eyes.  “No don’t cry y/n, don’t cry” He walked behind you, and zipped up the last two  inches, because you couldn’t reach it and gave up.  “I mean it you look really pretty, like, princess pretty”
“Thanks Mitchy” You mumbled, finally glancing up and taking in his button down and nice pants.  He even had a tie.  You smiled and grabbed onto his hand.  “Come on, be my prince charming for the night”
God his heart was like thunder in his chest.
Cold sheets, but where’s my love?
I am searching high, I’m searching low
In the night ooh
He was lying in bed, trying not to cry, if he was being honest.  But every time he looked over, there was that picture frame of him and y/n at the carnival.  A selfie he’d taken when they got to the top of the ferris wheel.  She had her arms wrapped loosely around his neck.  Her cheek was resting on his shoulder, his Mets cap on her head and his scarf tied around her neck.  She was smiling big at the camera.  He knew that she had the same frame next to her bed as well, but he also knew she wasn’t looking at it right now.
No, at this moment she was out on a date with Jackson Whittemore.  Yeah.  Jackass Whittemore of all people.  Stiles had been trying to come to terms of it, they were halfway through sophomore year and he’d asked her out the third week of school.  Stiles was there, and he just sat and watched her giddy answer of a yes.
He groaned, rolling over in bed, and slamming his pillow on top of the back of his head.  He begged for suffocation.
Five minutes later there was knocking on his door.
“Go away Dad, I’m not in the mood” More knocks.  Stiles groaned and got up, crossing the room and whipping it open.  “Dad I said-” He froze upon seeing you.  Quickly he wiped his face to hide that he’d been crying earlier.  Not very manly to cry.
“Your Dad let me in” You whispered.  He stepped aside, and you slowly walked into his room.
“I thought that uh.. I thought tonight you-”
“Jackson was fucking with Makayla” You said bluntly, but quietly as you pretended to admire the little things on his desk.  Though you’d been there millions of times before.  Stiles sat on the end of his bed, your back to him.
“He did?” He all but growled out.
“Don’t go picking a fight” You scolded immediately.  “But yep” You popped the p.  “Screwing her since we’ve been dating, probably still is” You shrugged, and walked around to the other side of the room.  Your eyes landed on his bedside table.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head, picking up the familiar picture frame.  You smiled at it, letting your fingers run over the glass gently.  You missed those days.  Stiles flopped back on the bed, and you walked back towards the door, turning off the lights and shutting the door..  “Are you going home?” Stiles asked.  You shrugged your jacket off, shaking your head again.  You kicked off your shoes, and made a pile of them and your coat by the door.  He watched as you crawled into his bed.
“I wanna stay here” You said, and your voice cracked.  Stiles reached out for you instantly, pulling you against him and cradling you.
“I’m so sorry y/n” He whispered as you cried silently into his shirt.
“I thought I loved him” You admitted, and a pang of hurt tapped into his heart.  “I guess I really am that typical teenage girl” You whispered.
“No… no y/n you’re so much more than that” He told you.  “You’re beautiful, and smart, and you’re going to achieve so much in your life, and Jackson will whither away with his herpes and probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere- not that Scott and I will have anything to do with that” You laughed quietly into his shirt, and it made Stiles smile.
“Well… maybe Scott can use some werewolf powers and give him a little scare…” You said, and Stiles laughed.  A few minutes of silence passed.  Stiles hand both arms wound around you, and you had your hands pressed against his chest, head resting on top of them.
“y/n I care so much about you… more than you know” He told you.  You didn’t respond.  “y/n?” No response.  The softest of snores left your lips, and Stiles bit the inside of his cheek.
Maybe the universe was telling him that you weren’t meant to know the truth.
I’ve got a fear
Oh in my blood
She was carried up
Into the clouds
High above ooh
You were giggling when your arms shot out for the small trash bucket, and you began hacking into it.
“Shh… Shh” He cooed, rubbing your back, and readjusting the blanket he had previously wrapped around you.
“I’m sorry I’m not much fun for movie night tonight” You sniffled.
So far your junior year was going alright.  It had just started, and there was no supernatural dilemma, and you and Stiles were back to being strong again.  Maybe… maybe too strong? Lately every time the boy looked at you or touched you, your heart would flutter and you knew what that meant.  But it confused you.  Stiles was your best friend, you couldn’t fall for him.  
Could you?
“It’s okay, we don’t have to watch anything y/n you’ve been sick all week maybe you should lay down”
“No I don’t want to get in your bed then you’ll get sick”
“Trust me you’ve already gotten me sick I’m sure” He replied, turning on the space heater and dragging it over to where you sat on the floor. He’d moved all the furniture in the living room out of the way so you could just be under a mountain of blankets and watched movies.  It had gone great for the first fifteen minutes, but then you puked into the popcorn bowl.
“I’m sorry Stiles, I’m ruining your night” You frowned, and warmed your freezing hands up by the heater.  He shook his head, smiling softly and taking your hands between his, rubbing them together to generate more heat.
“Don’t be sorry, I’m just glad you’re here” You buried yourself more in the blanket so he couldn’t see your blush.  “And you’re not dying.  That’s what would ruin movie night.  But it’s just the flu” Stiles chuckled. “You want something to drink maybe? Orange juice? Hot chocolate?”
“Hot chocolate sounds nice” You said with a big sweet smile that asked him silently to go make it for you.  He nodded, and stood up, ruffling your hair before heading into the kitchen.  The second h was gone, you whipped out your phone.
To y/n: shit i knew you were in love with him.  Alli owes me twenty and Kye owes me ten
If you bleed I’ll bleed the same
If you’re scared, I’m on my way
A shit storm of pain had come to you in a hurricane of long tan legs, and eight years experience of being a coyote.
It had been two months since you lost Allison, a girl you’d grown to become quite close with, almost as close as Lydia.  Lydia being your closest girl friend.  So when she died, you mourned just as much as the rest of them.  Stiles had seen you cry, but never that much.  He’d comforted you every second of the day for a solid three weeks.  You often spent the night wrapped up in his arms and blankets, sobbing as he cooed soft things to you and stroked your hair.
And it was time.  You knew it was time.  It was time for you to take control of your feelings, and tell him how you really felt.  That every second you’re around him, you want it to last forever.  That every time he spoke, you wanted to reach across the table and kiss him.  That when you rode next to him in the Jeep, you wanted to take his hand and intertwine your fingers together.  That every time he touched you, sparks ignited and danced along your skin.  That every time he looked at you, you just wanted to scream I love you.
You’d never power walked so quickly through the school hall.  As soon as Scott told you that he’d seen Stiles go into the chem lab, you’d spun around and made your way to the classroom.  It was the end of the day, every other student in the building was walking out towards the parking lot, eager to get home.  But not you.
You were a girl on a mission.  You neared the door, and quickly pulled out your phone to check your makeup.  Flawless, you heard Lydia say in your head.  Hell, you were even so confident that you winked at your reflection.  This.  Was.  It.
You smiled big and opened the door.
If you could go back in time, and change one thing, this would be it.  Because walking in on Stiles and Malia making out in the empty classroom, crushed everything you had left in you.  It took your happiness, your confidence, your dignity.  You felt utterly stupid.
Just as Stiles had caught your eye, you turned away and legitimately ran through the halls, suddenly you felt like you couldn’t get away fast enough.
Mission aborted.
Did you run away, did you run away
I don’t need to know
But if you ran away
If you ran away come back home
“Hey y/n, it’s Stiles again.  I’m not really sure if you’re ignoring me or not, I’ve called you twelve times now, but if you are please call me back I want to fix it… uh… I’ll see you later and I hope you’re alright” You closed your eyes tight, not wanting to hear these voicemails anymore.
You shut off your phone, tossing it onto your bed.
Two days ago, you walked in on Malia kissing the fuck out of Stiles.  She had her hands in his hair, hell, you could see her tongue.
Your eyes closed again, and you rubbed away your tears with the palms of your hands.  You hadn’t been back to school since it happened.  How could you? Show your face after complete shame? Not to mention how devastated you felt.  Even a little betrayed.  Lydia had pushed you to confess to Stiles, she’d told you that she saw the way he looked at you, that friends didn’t look at each other like that.
I guess I was too late, you thought to yourself.  You were always too late.
You woke up to your doorbell ringing, followed by pounding on your front door.  You groaned, knowing you were the only person in the house to answer.  The rain was dumping outside, and it was actually helping you get to sleep.  Which was now ruined thanks to whoever your visitor was.  You pulled on a jacket over your tee shirt and jeans, and padded down the stairs.  You checked the clock on the way.
“Who’s coming here at eleven o’clock on a Thursday night?” You mumbled to yourself.  Then opened the door.
“Tell me why you’re ignoring” You almost gasped aloud when Stiles spoke the second the door opened.
“I don’t know wha-”
“Don’t bullshit me y/n tell me right now why you’re ignoring me” His hair was so soaked it hung over his face.  His clothes stuck to him, and you could see his pained expression.  He’d been crying.
“Stiles I-I can’t”
“You have a mouth and you’re clearly able to speak, so you very well can, tell me”
“No Stiles, I can’t”
“Why the hell not? What happened y/n? Why do you hate me?”
“Hate you!?” You screamed, and shoved him on his shoulders, taking him by surprise, as he stumbled backwards.  You stepped outside towards him.  “You think I’m ignoring you because I hate you!?” You punched the sides of your fists against his chest.  “You fucking idiot I’m ignoring you because I fucking love you and there’s not a goddamn thing I can do about it!” You continued to attack him.  “Lydia told me oh no y/n, the way he looks at you and blah blah all that shit! And so after weeks I muster the courage to go tell you and what do I find Stiels!? You! Making out with- with Malia!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, getting soaked under the downpour.  He snatchde your wrists so you’d stop hitting him.
“Oh so you think it’s that fucking easy!?” Stiles yelled back, and you silenced yourself.  “I didn’t even have the slightest amount of bravery to just waltz up to you and tell you I was fucking in love with you! You know what happened that day y/n? In the lab!?” you didn’t say anything, just stood staring at him, silent tears rushing down your pink cheeks.  “Malia kissed me, and I pushed her off because I was in love with you”
“Key word was” You muttered under your breath.  Stiles grabbed your chin roughly between his forefinger and chin.  Forcing you too look up at him.  His eyes were so intense, you wanted to look away but you couldn’t.
“Am” He emphasized.  “I am in love with you, and you don’t get to say shit because I have been since we were six” Your chest rose and fell quickly, desperate to catch a full breath.  It was silent for a good four seconds.  Four seconds of starting at each other with such passion that it was too much.
How do you fix unresolved passion?
You both jumped forward, your lips colliding in a kiss that made you see stars behind your eyes.  Stiles’ hands were cupped around your cheeks, and yours ran up into his wet hair.  Everything was wet and you wanted to cry tears of joy, tears of relief.
“I love you” He breathed.
“I love you too” You responded, and wrapped your arms around his neck.  You hugged each other tight, standing outside in the rain, but not caring to move.
“I’ve always wanted to kiss you in the rain” Stiles mumbled.  “Kinda romantic”
“I was thinking sexy” You mused.  He hummed.
“Well then let’s go inside”
And when you nodded, it was the first time Stiles was ever faster than you.
Just come home
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